React PowerPlug is a set of pluggable renderless components and helpers that provides different types of state and logics so you can use with your dumb components. It creates a state and pass down the logic to the children, so you can handle your data. Read about Render Props pattern.
- 👌 Dependency free
- 🔌 Plug and play
- 🔮 Tree shaking friendly (ESM, no side effects)
- 📦 Super tiny (~3kb)
- 📚 Well documented
- 🍻 Bunch of awesome utilities
See quick examples
import { State, Toggle } from 'react-powerplug'
import { Pagination, Tabs, Checkbox } from './MyDumbComponents'
<State initial={{ offset: 0, limit: 10, totalCount: 200 }}>
{({ state, setState }) => (
<Pagination {...state} onChange={(offset) => setState({ offset })} />
<Toggle initial={true}>
{({ on, toggle }) => (
<Checkbox checked={on} onChange={toggle} />
// You can also use a `render` prop instead
render={({ on, toggle }) => (
<Checkbox checked={on} onChange={toggle} />
This branch is unstable and is in active development.
For the latest stable version go to 0.1-stable branch
Note This is a kind of a cheat sheet for fast search.
If you want a more detailed API Reference and examples for each component see full docs
Component | Component Props | Render Props | |
<State> | { initial, onChange } |
{ state, setState } |
👇 📚 |
<Toggle> | { initial, onChange } |
{ on, toggle, set } |
👇 📚 |
<Counter> | { initial, onChange } |
{ count, inc, dec, incBy, decBy, set } |
👇 📚 |
<Value> | { initial, onChange } |
{ value, setValue, set } |
👇 📚 |
<Map> | { initial, onChange } |
{ set, get, over, values } |
👇 📚 |
<Set> | { initial, onChange } |
{ values, add, clear, remove, has } |
👇 📚 |
<List> | { initial, onChange } |
{ list, first, last, push, pull, sort, set } |
👇 📚 |
<Hover> | { onChange } |
{ hovered, bind } |
👇 📚 |
<Active> | { onChange } |
{ active, bind } |
👇 📚 |
<Focus> | { onChange } |
{ focused, bind } |
👇 📚 |
<Touch> | { onChange } |
{ touched, bind } |
👇 📚 |
<FocusManager> | { onChange } |
{ focused, blur, bind } |
👇 📚 |
<Input> | { initial, onChange } |
{ set, value, bind } |
👇 📚 |
<Form> | { initial, onChange } |
{ input, values } |
👇 📚 |
<Interval> | { delay } |
{ stop, start, toggle } |
👇 📚 |
<Compose> | { components } |
depends on components prop | 👇 📚 |
Name | |
compose(...components) | 📚 |
composeEvents(...objOfEvents) | 📚 |
<State initial={{ loading: false, data: null }}>
{({ state, setState }) => (
onStart={() => setState({ loading: true })}
onFinish={data => setState({ data, loading: false })}
<Toggle initial={true}>
{({ on, toggle }) => <Checkbox checked={on} onChange={toggle} />}
<Counter initial={0}>
{({ count, inc, dec }) => (
productName="Lorem ipsum"
<Value initial="React">
{({ value, setValue }) => (
label="Choose one"
options={['React', 'Angular', 'Vue']}
<Map initial={{ sounds: true, graphics: 'medium' }}>
{({ set, get }) => (
<ToggleCheck checked={get('sounds')} onChange={c => set('sounds', c)}>
Game Sounds
options={['low', 'medium', 'high']}
onSelect={value => set('graphics', value)}
<Set initial={['react', 'babel']}>
{({ values, remove, add }) => (
<FormInput onSubmit={add} />
{ => (
<Tag onRemove={() => remove(tag)}>{tag}</Tag>
<List initial={['Buy new shoes']}>
{({ list, pull, push }) => (
<TodoFormInput onSubmit={push} />
{ => (
<TodoItem onDelete={() => pull(i => i === todo)}>
{({ hovered, bind }) => (
<div {...bind}>
You are {hovered ? 'hovering' : 'not hovering'} this div.
{({ active, bind }) => (
<div {...bind}>
You are {active ? 'clicking' : 'not clicking'} this div.
{({ touched, bind }) => (
<div {...bind}>
You are {touched ? 'touching' : 'not touching'} this div.
{({ focused, bind }) => (
<input {...bind} placeholder="Focus me" />
<div>You are {focused ? 'focusing' : 'not focusing'} input.</div>
<Input initial="hello world">
{({ bind, value }) => (
<ControlledInput {...bind} />
<div>You typed {value}</div>
<Form initial={{ subject: '', message: '' }}>
{({ input, values }) => (
onSubmit={e => {
<ControlledInput placeholder="Subject" {...input('subject').bind} />
<ControlledTextArea placeholder="Message" {...input('message').bind} />
<Interval delay={1000}>
{({ stop, start }) => (
<div>The time is now {new Date().toLocaleTimeString()}</div>
<button onClick={() => stop()}>Stop interval</button>
<button onClick={() => start()}>Start interval</button>
If you want to avoid 'render props hell' you can compose two or more components in a single one.
📚 For complete guide, see docs
import { Compose } from 'react-powerplug'
<Compose components={[Toggle, Counter]}>
{(toggle, counter) => (/* ... */)}
import { compose } from 'react-powerplug'
const ToggleCounter = compose(
<Counter initial={5} />,
<Toggle initial={false} />
{(toggle, counter) => (
<ProductCard {...} />
yarn add react-powerplug
npm i react-powerplug
<script src=""></script>
exposed as ReactPowerPlug
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Renato Ribeiro 💻 🎨 📖 |
Bogdan Chadkin 💻 📖 |
Travis Arnold 💻 📖 🐛 |
Max Graey 💻 |
Mateusz Burzyński 🐛 |
Andy Edwards 💻 |
Andrea Vanini 🐛 |
Ivan Starkov 🐛 |
Sean Roberts 📖 |
Braden Kelley 🐛 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
You can help improving this project sending PRs and helping with issues.
Also you can ping me at Twitter