diff --git a/exercicios/para-casa/README.md b/exercicios/para-casa/README.md
index 21d9a50..2e90755 100644
--- a/exercicios/para-casa/README.md
+++ b/exercicios/para-casa/README.md
@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@ Formato do notebook
● Carregue o dataset em um DataFrame Pandas e mostre as primeiras 3 linhas.
● Aplique técnicas de processamento de dados (tente ir além dos exemplos utilizados em sala de aula), crie uma função de pré-processamento e disponibilize o DataFrame final limpo em um arquivo .csv
Requerimentos para função:
- ○ mostrar head do DF
- ○ deleção de colunas
- ○ sort de valores
- ○ remoção de nulos
- ○ lista de colunas
- ○ uma cópia do dataframe inicial
- ● reset de index
- ● apresentar dois insights gerados a partir de dataset
- ● BÔNUS: traduzir colunas do dataset Titanic do inglês para o português
+ ○ mostrar head do DF ✅
+ ○ deleção de colunas ✅
+ ○ sort de valores✅
+ ○ remoção de nulos✅
+ ○ lista de colunas✅
+ ○ uma cópia do dataframe inicial✅
+ ● reset de index✅
+ ● apresentar dois insights gerados a partir de dataset✅
+ ● BÔNUS: traduzir colunas do dataset Titanic do inglês para o português✅
diff --git a/exercicios/para-casa/emojis.csv b/exercicios/para-casa/emojis.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea9ddc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exercicios/para-casa/emojis.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,1550 @@
+p HexId,Rank,Emoji,Year,Category,Subcategory,Name
+\x{1F602},1,😂,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-smiling,face with tears of joy
+\x{2764 FE0F},2,❤️,2010,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,red heart
+\x{1F923},3,🤣,2016,Smileys & Emotion,face-smiling,rolling on the floor laughing
+\x{1F44D},4,👍,2010,People & Body,hand-fingers-closed,thumbs up
+\x{1F62D},5,😭,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,loudly crying face
+\x{1F64F},6,🙏,2010,People & Body,hands,folded hands
+\x{1F618},7,😘,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-affection,face blowing a kiss
+\x{1F970},8,🥰,2018,Smileys & Emotion,face-affection,smiling face with hearts
+\x{1F60D},9,😍,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-affection,smiling face with heart-eyes
+\x{1F60A},10,😊,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-smiling,smiling face with smiling eyes
+\x{1F389},11,🎉,2010,Activities,event,party popper
+\x{1F601},12,😁,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-smiling,beaming face with smiling eyes
+\x{1F495},13,💕,2010,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,two hearts
+\x{1F97A},14,🥺,2018,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,pleading face
+\x{1F605},15,😅,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-smiling,grinning face with sweat
+\x{1F525},16,🔥,2010,Travel & Places,sky & weather,fire
+\x{263A FE0F},17,☺️,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-affection,smiling face
+\x{1F926},18,🤦,2016,People & Body,person-gesture,person facepalming
+\x{2665 FE0F},19,♥️,2010,Activities,game,heart suit
+\x{1F937},20,🤷,2016,People & Body,person-gesture,person shrugging
+\x{1F644},21,🙄,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-neutral-skeptical,face with rolling eyes
+\x{1F606},22,😆,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-smiling,grinning squinting face
+\x{1F917},23,🤗,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-hand,hugging face
+\x{1F609},24,😉,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-smiling,winking face
+\x{1F382},25,🎂,2010,Food & Drink,food-sweet,birthday cake
+\x{1F914},26,🤔,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-hand,thinking face
+\x{1F44F},27,👏,2010,People & Body,hands,clapping hands
+\x{1F642},28,🙂,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-smiling,slightly smiling face
+\x{1F633},29,😳,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,flushed face
+\x{1F973},30,🥳,2018,Smileys & Emotion,face-hat,partying face
+\x{1F60E},31,😎,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-glasses,smiling face with sunglasses
+\x{1F44C},32,👌,2010,People & Body,hand-fingers-partial,OK hand
+\x{1F49C},33,💜,2010,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,purple heart
+\x{1F614},34,😔,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-sleepy,pensive face
+\x{1F4AA},35,💪,2010,People & Body,body-parts,flexed biceps
+\x{1F496},37,💖,2010,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,sparkling heart
+\x{1F440},38,👀,2010,People & Body,body-parts,eyes
+\x{1F60B},39,😋,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-tongue,face savoring food
+\x{1F60F},40,😏,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-neutral-skeptical,smirking face
+\x{1F622},41,😢,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,crying face
+\x{1F449},42,👉,2010,People & Body,hand-single-finger,backhand index pointing right
+\x{1F497},43,💗,2010,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,growing heart
+\x{1F629},44,😩,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,weary face
+\x{1F4AF},45,💯,2010,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,hundred points
+\x{1F339},46,🌹,2010,Animals & Nature,plant-flower,rose
+\x{1F49E},47,💞,2010,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,revolving hearts
+\x{1F499},49,💙,2010,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,blue heart
+\x{1F603},50,😃,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-smiling,grinning face with big eyes
+\x{1F621},51,😡,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-negative,pouting face
+\x{1F490},52,💐,2010,Animals & Nature,plant-flower,bouquet
+\x{1F61C},53,😜,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-tongue,winking face with tongue
+\x{1F648},54,🙈,2010,Smileys & Emotion,monkey-face,see-no-evil monkey
+\x{1F91E},55,🤞,2016,People & Body,hand-fingers-partial,crossed fingers
+\x{1F604},56,😄,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-smiling,grinning face with smiling eyes
+\x{1F924},57,🤤,2016,Smileys & Emotion,face-sleepy,drooling face
+\x{1F64C},58,🙌,2010,People & Body,hands,raising hands
+\x{1F92A},59,🤪,2017,Smileys & Emotion,face-tongue,zany face
+\x{2763 FE0F},60,❣️,2015,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,heart exclamation
+\x{1F600},61,😀,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-smiling,grinning face
+\x{1F48B},62,💋,2010,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,kiss mark
+\x{1F480},63,💀,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-negative,skull
+\x{1F447},64,👇,2010,People & Body,hand-single-finger,backhand index pointing down
+\x{1F494},65,💔,2010,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,broken heart
+\x{1F60C},66,😌,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-sleepy,relieved face
+\x{1F493},67,💓,2010,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,beating heart
+\x{1F929},68,🤩,2017,Smileys & Emotion,face-affection,star-struck
+\x{1F643},69,🙃,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-smiling,upside-down face
+\x{1F62C},70,😬,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-neutral-skeptical,grimacing face
+\x{1F631},71,😱,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,face screaming in fear
+\x{1F634},72,😴,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-sleepy,sleeping face
+\x{1F92D},73,🤭,2017,Smileys & Emotion,face-hand,face with hand over mouth
+\x{1F610},74,😐,2014,Smileys & Emotion,face-neutral-skeptical,neutral face
+\x{1F31E},75,🌞,2015,Travel & Places,sky & weather,sun with face
+\x{1F612},76,😒,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-neutral-skeptical,unamused face
+\x{1F607},77,😇,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-smiling,smiling face with halo
+\x{1F338},78,🌸,2010,Animals & Nature,plant-flower,cherry blossom
+\x{1F608},79,😈,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-negative,smiling face with horns
+\x{1F3B6},80,🎶,2010,Objects,music,musical notes
+\x{270C FE0F},81,✌️,2010,People & Body,hand-fingers-partial,victory hand
+\x{1F38A},82,🎊,2010,Activities,event,confetti ball
+\x{1F975},83,🥵,2018,Smileys & Emotion,face-unwell,hot face
+\x{1F61E},84,😞,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,disappointed face
+\x{1F49A},85,💚,2010,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,green heart
+\x{2600 FE0F},86,☀️,2010,Travel & Places,sky & weather,sun
+\x{1F5A4},87,🖤,2016,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,black heart
+\x{1F4B0},88,💰,2010,Objects,money,money bag
+\x{1F61A},89,😚,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-affection,kissing face with closed eyes
+\x{1F381},91,🎁,2010,Activities,event,wrapped gift
+\x{1F4A5},92,💥,2010,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,collision
+\x{1F64B},93,🙋,2010,People & Body,person-gesture,person raising hand
+\x{2639 FE0F},94,☹️,2014,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,frowning face
+\x{1F611},95,😑,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-neutral-skeptical,expressionless face
+\x{1F974},96,🥴,2018,Smileys & Emotion,face-unwell,woozy face
+\x{1F448},97,👈,2010,People & Body,hand-single-finger,backhand index pointing left
+\x{1F4A9},98,💩,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-costume,pile of poo
+\x{2705},99,✅,2010,Symbols,other-symbol,check mark button
+\x{1F44B},100,👋,2010,People & Body,hand-fingers-open,waving hand
+\x{1F92E},101,🤮,2017,Smileys & Emotion,face-unwell,face vomiting
+\x{1F624},102,😤,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-negative,face with steam from nose
+\x{1F922},103,🤢,2016,Smileys & Emotion,face-unwell,nauseated face
+\x{1F31F},104,🌟,2010,Travel & Places,sky & weather,glowing star
+\x{2757},105,❗,2010,Symbols,punctuation,red exclamation mark
+\x{1F625},106,😥,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,sad but relieved face
+\x{1F308},107,🌈,2010,Travel & Places,sky & weather,rainbow
+\x{1F49B},108,💛,2010,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,yellow heart
+\x{1F61D},109,😝,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-tongue,squinting face with tongue
+\x{1F62B},110,😫,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,tired face
+\x{1F632},111,😲,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,astonished face
+\x{1F595},112,🖕,2015,People & Body,hand-single-finger,middle finger
+\x{203C FE0F},113,‼️,2010,Symbols,punctuation,double exclamation mark
+\x{1F534},114,🔴,2010,Symbols,geometric,red circle
+\x{1F33B},115,🌻,2010,Animals & Nature,plant-flower,sunflower
+\x{1F92F},116,🤯,2017,Smileys & Emotion,face-unwell,exploding head
+\x{1F483},117,💃,2010,People & Body,person-activity,woman dancing
+\x{1F44A},118,👊,2010,People & Body,hand-fingers-closed,oncoming fist
+\x{1F92C},119,🤬,2017,Smileys & Emotion,face-negative,face with symbols on mouth
+\x{1F3C3},120,🏃,2010,People & Body,person-activity,person running
+\x{1F615},121,😕,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,confused face
+\x{1F441 FE0F},122,👁️,2014,People & Body,body-parts,eye
+\x{26A1},123,⚡,2010,Travel & Places,sky & weather,high voltage
+\x{2615},124,☕,2010,Food & Drink,drink,hot beverage
+\x{1F340},125,🍀,2010,Animals & Nature,plant-other,four leaf clover
+\x{1F4A6},126,💦,2010,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,sweat droplets
+\x{2B50},127,⭐,2010,Travel & Places,sky & weather,star
+\x{1F98B},128,🦋,2016,Animals & Nature,animal-bug,butterfly
+\x{1F928},129,🤨,2017,Smileys & Emotion,face-neutral-skeptical,face with raised eyebrow
+\x{1F33A},130,🌺,2010,Animals & Nature,plant-flower,hibiscus
+\x{1F639},131,😹,2010,Smileys & Emotion,cat-face,cat with tears of joy
+\x{1F918},132,🤘,2015,People & Body,hand-fingers-partial,sign of the horns
+\x{1F337},133,🌷,2010,Animals & Nature,plant-flower,tulip
+\x{1F49D},134,💝,2010,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,heart with ribbon
+\x{1F4A4},135,💤,2010,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,zzz
+\x{1F91D},136,🤝,2016,People & Body,hands,handshake
+\x{1F430},137,🐰,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,rabbit face
+\x{1F613},138,😓,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,downcast face with sweat
+\x{1F498},139,💘,2010,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,heart with arrow
+\x{1F37B},140,🍻,2010,Food & Drink,drink,clinking beer mugs
+\x{1F61F},141,😟,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,worried face
+\x{1F623},142,😣,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,persevering face
+\x{1F9D0},143,🧐,2017,Smileys & Emotion,face-glasses,face with monocle
+\x{1F620},144,😠,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-negative,angry face
+\x{1F920},145,🤠,2016,Smileys & Emotion,face-hat,cowboy hat face
+\x{1F63B},146,😻,2010,Smileys & Emotion,cat-face,smiling cat with heart-eyes
+\x{1F319},147,🌙,2010,Travel & Places,sky & weather,crescent moon
+\x{1F61B},148,😛,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-tongue,face with tongue
+\x{1F919},149,🤙,2016,People & Body,hand-fingers-partial,call me hand
+\x{1F64A},150,🙊,2010,Smileys & Emotion,monkey-face,speak-no-evil monkey
+\x{1F9E1},151,🧡,2017,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,orange heart
+\x{1F921},152,🤡,2016,Smileys & Emotion,face-costume,clown face
+\x{1F92B},153,🤫,2017,Smileys & Emotion,face-hand,shushing face
+\x{1F33C},154,🌼,2010,Animals & Nature,plant-flower,blossom
+\x{1F942},155,🥂,2016,Food & Drink,drink,clinking glasses
+\x{1F637},156,😷,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-unwell,face with medical mask
+\x{1F913},157,🤓,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-glasses,nerd face
+\x{2620 FE0F},158,☠️,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-negative,skull and crossbones
+\x{1F976},159,🥶,2018,Smileys & Emotion,face-unwell,cold face
+\x{1F636},160,😶,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-neutral-skeptical,face without mouth
+\x{1F616},161,😖,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,confounded face
+\x{1F3B5},162,🎵,2010,Objects,music,musical note
+\x{1F6B6},163,🚶,2010,People & Body,person-activity,person walking
+\x{1F619},164,😙,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-affection,kissing face with smiling eyes
+\x{1F346},165,🍆,2010,Food & Drink,food-vegetable,eggplant
+\x{1F911},166,🤑,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-tongue,money-mouth face
+\x{1F485},167,💅,2010,People & Body,hand-prop,nail polish
+\x{1F617},168,😗,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-affection,kissing face
+\x{1F436},169,🐶,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,dog face
+\x{1F353},170,🍓,2010,Food & Drink,food-fruit,strawberry
+\x{270B},171,✋,2010,People & Body,hand-fingers-open,raised hand
+\x{1F445},172,👅,2010,People & Body,body-parts,tongue
+\x{1F444},173,👄,2010,People & Body,body-parts,mouth
+\x{1F33F},174,🌿,2010,Animals & Nature,plant-other,herb
+\x{1F6A8},175,🚨,2010,Travel & Places,transport-ground,police car light
+\x{27A1 FE0F},176,➡️,2010,Symbols,arrow,right arrow
+\x{1F91F},178,🤟,2017,People & Body,hand-fingers-partial,love-you gesture
+\x{1F351},179,🍑,2010,Food & Drink,food-fruit,peach
+\x{1F343},180,🍃,2010,Animals & Nature,plant-other,leaf fluttering in wind
+\x{1F62E},181,😮,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,face with open mouth
+\x{1F48E},182,💎,2010,Objects,clothing,gem stone
+\x{1F331},184,🌱,2010,Animals & Nature,plant-other,seedling
+\x{26A0 FE0F},185,⚠️,2010,Symbols,warning,warning
+\x{1F641},186,🙁,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,slightly frowning face
+\x{1F377},187,🍷,2010,Food & Drink,drink,wine glass
+\x{1F62A},188,😪,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-sleepy,sleepy face
+\x{1F31A},189,🌚,2015,Travel & Places,sky & weather,new moon face
+\x{1F352},191,🍒,2010,Food & Drink,food-fruit,cherries
+\x{2714 FE0F},192,✔️,2010,Symbols,other-symbol,check mark
+\x{274C},194,❌,2010,Symbols,other-symbol,cross mark
+\x{1F4A2},195,💢,2010,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,anger symbol
+\x{1F6D2},196,🛒,2016,Objects,household,shopping cart
+\x{1F638},197,😸,2010,Smileys & Emotion,cat-face,grinning cat with smiling eyes
+\x{1F43E},198,🐾,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,paw prints
+\x{1F44E},199,👎,2010,People & Body,hand-fingers-closed,thumbs down
+\x{1F680},200,🚀,2010,Travel & Places,transport-air,rocket
+\x{261D FE0F},202,☝️,2010,People & Body,hand-single-finger,index pointing up
+\x{1F37A},203,🍺,2010,Food & Drink,drink,beer mug
+\x{1F4F7},205,📷,2010,Objects,light & video,camera
+\x{1F647},206,🙇,2010,People & Body,person-gesture,person bowing
+\x{1F4A8},207,💨,2010,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,dashing away
+\x{1F355},208,🍕,2010,Food & Drink,food-prepared,pizza
+\x{1F3E0},209,🏠,2010,Travel & Places,place-building,house
+\x{1F4F8},210,📸,2015,Objects,light & video,camera with flash
+\x{1F407},211,🐇,2015,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,rabbit
+\x{1F6A9},212,🚩,2010,Flags,flag,triangular flag
+\x{1F630},213,😰,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,anxious face with sweat
+\x{1F476},214,👶,2010,People & Body,person,baby
+\x{1F30A},215,🌊,2010,Travel & Places,sky & weather,water wave
+\x{1F415},216,🐕,2014,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,dog
+\x{1F4AB},217,💫,2010,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,dizzy
+\x{1F635},218,😵,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-unwell,knocked-out face
+\x{1F3E1},220,🏡,2010,Travel & Places,place-building,house with garden
+\x{1F940},221,🥀,2016,Animals & Nature,plant-flower,wilted flower
+\x{1F927},222,🤧,2016,Smileys & Emotion,face-unwell,sneezing face
+\x{1F37E},223,🍾,2015,Food & Drink,drink,bottle with popping cork
+\x{1F370},224,🍰,2010,Food & Drink,food-sweet,shortcake
+\x{1F341},225,🍁,2010,Animals & Nature,plant-other,maple leaf
+\x{1F932},226,🤲,2017,People & Body,hands,palms up together
+\x{2B07 FE0F},227,⬇️,2010,Symbols,arrow,down arrow
+\x{1F446},228,👆,2010,People & Body,hand-single-finger,backhand index pointing up
+\x{1F62F},229,😯,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,hushed face
+\x{270A},230,✊,2010,People & Body,hand-fingers-closed,raised fist
+\x{1F48C},231,💌,2010,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,love letter
+\x{2744 FE0F},232,❄️,2010,Travel & Places,sky & weather,snowflake
+\x{1F4B8},233,💸,2010,Objects,money,money with wings
+\x{1F9C1},234,🧁,2018,Food & Drink,food-sweet,cupcake
+\x{26BD},235,⚽,2010,Activities,sport,soccer ball
+\x{1F1FA 1F1F8},236,🇺🇸,2010,Flags,country-flag,flag: United States
+\x{2753},237,❓,2010,Symbols,punctuation,red question mark
+\x{1F57A},238,🕺,2016,People & Body,person-activity,man dancing
+\x{2049 FE0F},239,⁉️,2010,Symbols,punctuation,exclamation question mark
+\x{1F63A},240,😺,2010,Smileys & Emotion,cat-face,grinning cat
+\x{1F4A7},241,💧,2010,Travel & Places,sky & weather,droplet
+\x{1F4A3},242,💣,2010,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,bomb
+\x{1F910},243,🤐,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-neutral-skeptical,zipper-mouth face
+\x{1F34E},244,🍎,2010,Food & Drink,food-fruit,red apple
+\x{1F437},245,🐷,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,pig face
+\x{1F425},246,🐥,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,front-facing baby chick
+\x{1F481},247,💁,2010,People & Body,person-gesture,person tipping hand
+\x{1F4CD},248,📍,2010,Objects,office,round pushpin
+\x{1F645},250,🙅,2010,People & Body,person-gesture,person gesturing NO
+\x{1F947},251,🥇,2016,Activities,award-medal,1st place medal
+\x{1F31D},252,🌝,2015,Travel & Places,sky & weather,full moon face
+\x{1F52B},253,🔫,2010,Objects,tool,water pistol
+\x{260E FE0F},254,☎️,2010,Objects,phone,telephone
+\x{1F431},255,🐱,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,cat face
+\x{1F423},256,🐣,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,hatching chick
+\x{271D FE0F},257,✝️,2014,Symbols,religion,latin cross
+\x{1F49F},259,💟,2010,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,heart decoration
+\x{1F479},260,👹,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-costume,ogre
+\x{1F37C},262,🍼,2015,Food & Drink,drink,baby bottle
+\x{1F590 FE0F},263,🖐️,2014,People & Body,hand-fingers-open,hand with fingers splayed
+\x{1F4A1},264,💡,2010,Objects,light & video,light bulb
+\x{1F63D},265,😽,2010,Smileys & Emotion,cat-face,kissing cat
+\x{1F34A},266,🍊,2010,Food & Drink,food-fruit,tangerine
+\x{1F628},267,😨,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,fearful face
+\x{1F36B},268,🍫,2010,Food & Drink,food-sweet,chocolate bar
+\x{1F9E2},269,🧢,2017,Objects,clothing,billed cap
+\x{1F915},270,🤕,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-unwell,face with head-bandage
+\x{2618 FE0F},271,☘️,2015,Animals & Nature,plant-other,shamrock
+\x{1F3BC},273,🎼,2010,Objects,music,musical score
+\x{1F43B},274,🐻,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,bear
+\x{1F4F2},275,📲,2010,Objects,phone,mobile phone with arrow
+\x{1F47B},276,👻,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-costume,ghost
+\x{1F5E3 FE0F},277,🗣️,2014,People & Body,person-symbol,speaking head
+\x{1F47F},278,👿,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-negative,angry face with horns
+\x{1F9DA},279,🧚,2017,People & Body,person-fantasy,fairy
+\x{1F32E},280,🌮,2015,Food & Drink,food-prepared,taco
+\x{1F36D},281,🍭,2010,Food & Drink,food-sweet,lollipop
+\x{1F41F},282,🐟,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-marine,fish
+\x{1F438},283,🐸,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-amphibian,frog
+\x{1F41D},284,🐝,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-bug,honeybee
+\x{1F408},285,🐈,2014,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,cat
+\x{1F535},286,🔵,2010,Symbols,geometric,blue circle
+\x{1F327 FE0F},287,🌧️,2014,Travel & Places,sky & weather,cloud with rain
+\x{1F52A},288,🔪,2010,Food & Drink,dishware,kitchen knife
+\x{1F627},289,😧,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,anguished face
+\x{1F304},290,🌄,2010,Travel & Places,place-other,sunrise over mountains
+\x{1F63E},291,😾,2010,Smileys & Emotion,cat-face,pouting cat
+\x{2708 FE0F},292,✈️,2010,Travel & Places,transport-air,airplane
+\x{1F938},293,🤸,2016,People & Body,person-sport,person cartwheeling
+\x{1F4F1},294,📱,2010,Objects,phone,mobile phone
+\x{1F347},295,🍇,2010,Food & Drink,food-fruit,grapes
+\x{1F334},296,🌴,2010,Animals & Nature,plant-other,palm tree
+\x{1F422},297,🐢,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-reptile,turtle
+\x{1F303},298,🌃,2010,Travel & Places,place-other,night with stars
+\x{1F47D},299,👽,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-costume,alien
+\x{1F34C},300,🍌,2010,Food & Drink,food-fruit,banana
+\x{1F4FA},301,📺,2010,Objects,light & video,television
+\x{1F450},302,👐,2010,People & Body,hands,open hands
+\x{23F0},303,⏰,2010,Travel & Places,time,alarm clock
+\x{1F305},305,🌅,2010,Travel & Places,place-other,sunrise
+\x{1F984},306,🦄,2015,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,unicorn
+\x{2B55},307,⭕,2010,Symbols,other-symbol,hollow red circle
+\x{1F3A5},308,🎥,2010,Objects,light & video,movie camera
+\x{25B6 FE0F},309,▶️,2010,Symbols,av-symbol,play button
+\x{1F34B},310,🍋,2015,Food & Drink,food-fruit,lemon
+\x{1F95A},311,🥚,2016,Food & Drink,food-prepared,egg
+\x{1F4B2},312,💲,2010,Symbols,currency,heavy dollar sign
+\x{1F414},314,🐔,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,chicken
+\x{1F943},316,🥃,2016,Food & Drink,drink,tumbler glass
+\x{1F63F},317,😿,2010,Smileys & Emotion,cat-face,crying cat
+\x{1F697},318,🚗,2010,Travel & Places,transport-ground,automobile
+\x{1F30E},319,🌎,2014,Travel & Places,place-map,globe showing Americas
+\x{1F54A FE0F},320,🕊️,2014,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,dove
+\x{1F50A},321,🔊,2010,Objects,sound,speaker high volume
+\x{1F985},322,🦅,2016,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,eagle
+\x{1F986},324,🦆,2016,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,duck
+\x{1F349},325,🍉,2010,Food & Drink,food-fruit,watermelon
+\x{1F36C},326,🍬,2010,Food & Drink,food-sweet,candy
+\x{1F9F8},327,🧸,2018,Activities,game,teddy bear
+\x{270D FE0F},328,✍️,2014,People & Body,hand-prop,writing hand
+\x{1F368},329,🍨,2010,Food & Drink,food-sweet,ice cream
+\x{1F91A},331,🤚,2016,People & Body,hand-fingers-open,raised back of hand
+\x{1F4E9},332,📩,2010,Objects,mail,envelope with arrow
+\x{1F4B5},333,💵,2010,Objects,money,dollar banknote
+\x{1F47C},334,👼,2010,People & Body,person-fantasy,baby angel
+\x{1F4AD},335,💭,2015,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,thought balloon
+\x{1F30D},336,🌍,2014,Travel & Places,place-map,globe showing Europe-Africa
+\x{2B05 FE0F},337,⬅️,2010,Symbols,arrow,left arrow
+\x{26AB},338,⚫,2010,Symbols,geometric,black circle
+\x{1F467},339,👧,2010,People & Body,person,girl
+\x{1F3F5 FE0F},340,🏵️,2014,Animals & Nature,plant-flower,rosette
+\x{1F91C},341,🤜,2016,People & Body,hand-fingers-closed,right-facing fist
+\x{1F37F},342,🍿,2015,Food & Drink,food-prepared,popcorn
+\x{1F9FF},343,🧿,2018,Activities,game,nazar amulet
+\x{1F34F},345,🍏,2010,Food & Drink,food-fruit,green apple
+\x{1F333},346,🌳,2015,Animals & Nature,plant-other,deciduous tree
+\x{1F649},347,🙉,2010,Smileys & Emotion,monkey-face,hear-no-evil monkey
+\x{1F626},348,😦,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,frowning face with open mouth
+\x{1F930},350,🤰,2016,People & Body,person-role,pregnant woman
+\x{1F379},351,🍹,2010,Food & Drink,drink,tropical drink
+\x{1F366},352,🍦,2010,Food & Drink,food-sweet,soft ice cream
+\x{1F6D1},353,🛑,2016,Travel & Places,transport-ground,stop sign
+\x{1F9D8},354,🧘,2017,People & Body,person-resting,person in lotus position
+\x{1F354},355,🍔,2010,Food & Drink,food-prepared,hamburger
+\x{1F3D6 FE0F},356,🏖️,2014,Travel & Places,place-geographic,beach with umbrella
+\x{1F342},357,🍂,2010,Animals & Nature,plant-other,fallen leaf
+\x{1F412},358,🐒,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,monkey
+\x{1F36A},359,🍪,2010,Food & Drink,food-sweet,cookie
+\x{1F640},360,🙀,2010,Smileys & Emotion,cat-face,weary cat
+\x{1F357},361,🍗,2010,Food & Drink,food-prepared,poultry leg
+\x{1F320},362,🌠,2010,Travel & Places,sky & weather,shooting star
+\x{1F3AC},363,🎬,2010,Objects,light & video,clapper board
+\x{1F335},364,🌵,2010,Animals & Nature,plant-other,cactus
+\x{1F344},365,🍄,2010,Food & Drink,food-vegetable,mushroom
+\x{1F410},366,🐐,2015,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,goat
+\x{1F369},367,🍩,2010,Food & Drink,food-sweet,doughnut
+\x{1F981},368,🦁,2015,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,lion
+\x{1F646},369,🙆,2010,People & Body,person-gesture,person gesturing OK
+\x{1F4DE},370,📞,2010,Objects,phone,telephone receiver
+\x{1F478},371,👸,2010,People & Body,person-role,princess
+\x{1F345},372,🍅,2010,Food & Drink,food-fruit,tomato
+\x{1F40D},373,🐍,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-reptile,snake
+\x{1F466},374,👦,2010,People & Body,person,boy
+\x{1F4AC},375,💬,2010,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,speech balloon
+\x{1F964},376,🥤,2017,Food & Drink,drink,cup with straw
+\x{1F3F3 FE0F 200D 1F308},377,🏳️🌈,2016,Flags,flag,rainbow flag
+\x{1F63C},378,😼,2010,Smileys & Emotion,cat-face,cat with wry smile
+\x{1F33E},379,🌾,2010,Animals & Nature,plant-other,sheaf of rice
+\x{1F9C0},380,🧀,2015,Food & Drink,food-prepared,cheese wedge
+\x{2601 FE0F},381,☁️,2010,Travel & Places,sky & weather,cloud
+\x{1F3AE},382,🎮,2010,Activities,game,video game
+\x{1F9E0},383,🧠,2017,People & Body,body-parts,brain
+\x{2614},384,☔,2010,Travel & Places,sky & weather,umbrella with rain drops
+\x{1F30F},385,🌏,2010,Travel & Places,place-map,globe showing Asia-Australia
+\x{1F6CC},386,🛌,2015,People & Body,person-resting,person in bed
+\x{1F51D},387,🔝,2010,Symbols,arrow,TOP arrow
+\x{1F309},388,🌉,2010,Travel & Places,place-other,bridge at night
+\x{1F91B},389,🤛,2016,People & Body,hand-fingers-closed,left-facing fist
+\x{1F912},390,🤒,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-unwell,face with thermometer
+\x{26AA},392,⚪,2010,Symbols,geometric,white circle
+\x{1F332},393,🌲,2015,Animals & Nature,plant-other,evergreen tree
+\x{2611 FE0F},394,☑️,2010,Symbols,other-symbol,check box with check
+\x{1F35C},395,🍜,2010,Food & Drink,food-asian,steaming bowl
+\x{1F426},396,🐦,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,bird
+\x{1F36F},397,🍯,2010,Food & Drink,food-sweet,honey pot
+\x{1F46E},398,👮,2010,People & Body,person-role,police officer
+\x{1F3C5},399,🏅,2015,Activities,award-medal,sports medal
+\x{1F43C},400,🐼,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,panda
+\x{1F47A},402,👺,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-costume,goblin
+\x{1F51E},403,🔞,2010,Symbols,warning,no one under eighteen
+\x{1F3A8},405,🎨,2010,Activities,arts & crafts,artist palette
+\x{1F1E7 1F1F7},406,🇧🇷,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Brazil
+\x{1F35E},407,🍞,2010,Food & Drink,food-prepared,bread
+\x{1F99C},409,🦜,2018,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,parrot
+\x{1F411},410,🐑,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,ewe
+\x{1F419},411,🐙,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-marine,octopus
+\x{1F98D},412,🦍,2016,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,gorilla
+\x{1F1FA 1F1F2},413,🇺🇲,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: U.S. Outlying Islands
+\x{1F4D6},415,📖,2010,Objects,book-paper,open book
+\x{267B FE0F},416,♻️,2010,Symbols,other-symbol,recycling symbol
+\x{1F539},417,🔹,2010,Symbols,geometric,small blue diamond
+\x{1F953},418,🥓,2016,Food & Drink,food-prepared,bacon
+\x{1F952},419,🥒,2016,Food & Drink,food-vegetable,cucumber
+\x{1F378},420,🍸,2010,Food & Drink,drink,cocktail glass
+\x{1F967},421,🥧,2017,Food & Drink,food-sweet,pie
+\x{2668 FE0F},422,♨️,2010,Travel & Places,place-other,hot springs
+\x{1F416},424,🐖,2015,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,pig
+\x{2694 FE0F},425,⚔️,2015,Objects,tool,crossed swords
+\x{1F4C8},426,📈,2010,Objects,office,chart increasing
+\x{26F1 FE0F},427,⛱️,2014,Travel & Places,sky & weather,umbrella on ground
+\x{1F469},429,👩,2010,People & Body,person,woman
+\x{1F300},430,🌀,2010,Travel & Places,sky & weather,cyclone
+\x{1F486},431,💆,2010,People & Body,person-activity,person getting massage
+\x{1F969},432,🥩,2017,Food & Drink,food-prepared,cut of meat
+\x{1F384},433,🎄,2010,Activities,event,Christmas tree
+\x{1F33D},434,🌽,2010,Food & Drink,food-vegetable,ear of corn
+\x{1F925},435,🤥,2016,Smileys & Emotion,face-neutral-skeptical,lying face
+\x{1F3D8 FE0F},436,🏘️,2014,Travel & Places,place-building,houses
+\x{1F40E},437,🐎,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,horse
+\x{1F198},438,🆘,2010,Symbols,alphanum,SOS button
+\x{1F1EE 1F1F3},439,🇮🇳,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: India
+\x{31 FE0F 20E3},440,1️⃣,2010,Symbols,keycap,keycap: 1
+\x{1F56F FE0F},441,🕯️,2014,Objects,light & video,candle
+\x{1F1E8 1F1E6},442,🇨🇦,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Canada
+\x{1F48F},443,💏,2010,People & Body,family,kiss
+\x{1F955},444,🥕,2016,Food & Drink,food-vegetable,carrot
+\x{1F5D1 FE0F},445,🗑️,2014,Objects,office,wastebasket
+\x{1F52E},446,🔮,2010,Activities,game,crystal ball
+\x{1F980},447,🦀,2015,Food & Drink,food-marine,crab
+\x{1F420},448,🐠,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-marine,tropical fish
+\x{1F31B},449,🌛,2010,Travel & Places,sky & weather,first quarter moon face
+\x{1F460},450,👠,2010,Objects,clothing,high-heeled shoe
+\x{262E FE0F},451,☮️,2015,Symbols,religion,peace symbol
+\x{1F413},452,🐓,2015,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,rooster
+\x{1F94A},453,🥊,2016,Activities,sport,boxing glove
+\x{1F1F9 1F1F7},454,🇹🇷,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Turkey
+\x{1F6D0},455,🛐,2015,Symbols,religion,place of worship
+\x{1F530},457,🔰,2010,Symbols,other-symbol,Japanese symbol for beginner
+\x{1F31C},458,🌜,2014,Travel & Places,sky & weather,last quarter moon face
+\x{1F374},459,🍴,2010,Food & Drink,dishware,fork and knife
+\x{1F954},460,🥔,2016,Food & Drink,food-vegetable,potato
+\x{1F393},461,🎓,2010,Objects,clothing,graduation cap
+\x{1F951},464,🥑,2016,Food & Drink,food-vegetable,avocado
+\x{1F46F},465,👯,2010,People & Body,person-activity,people with bunny ears
+\x{1F34D},466,🍍,2010,Food & Drink,food-fruit,pineapple
+\x{26FD},467,⛽,2010,Travel & Places,transport-ground,fuel pump
+\x{1F3C1},468,🏁,2010,Flags,flag,chequered flag
+\x{1F442},469,👂,2010,People & Body,body-parts,ear
+\x{1F98A},470,🦊,2016,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,fox
+\x{1F443},471,👃,2010,People & Body,body-parts,nose
+\x{1F996},472,🦖,2017,Animals & Nature,animal-reptile,T-Rex
+\x{1F434},473,🐴,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,horse face
+\x{2709 FE0F},474,✉️,2010,Objects,mail,envelope
+\x{1F336 FE0F},476,🌶️,2014,Food & Drink,food-vegetable,hot pepper
+\x{1F9A0},477,🦠,2018,Animals & Nature,animal-bug,microbe
+\x{1F315},478,🌕,2010,Travel & Places,sky & weather,full moon
+\x{1F30C},480,🌌,2010,Travel & Places,sky & weather,milky way
+\x{26F3},481,⛳,2010,Activities,sport,flag in hole
+\x{1F367},482,🍧,2010,Food & Drink,food-sweet,shaved ice
+\x{1F35F},483,🍟,2010,Food & Drink,food-prepared,french fries
+\x{26B0 FE0F},484,⚰️,2015,Objects,other-object,coffin
+\x{1F3B9},485,🎹,2010,Objects,musical-instrument,musical keyboard
+\x{1F43F FE0F},486,🐿️,2014,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,chipmunk
+\x{1F1F2 1F1FD},487,🇲🇽,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Mexico
+\x{1F95E},488,🥞,2016,Food & Drink,food-prepared,pancakes
+\x{32 FE0F 20E3},489,2️⃣,2010,Symbols,keycap,keycap: 2
+\x{1F463},490,👣,2010,People & Body,person-symbol,footprints
+\x{1F37D FE0F},491,🍽️,2014,Food & Drink,dishware,fork and knife with plate
+\x{1F95C},492,🥜,2016,Food & Drink,food-vegetable,peanuts
+\x{1F573 FE0F},493,🕳️,2014,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,hole
+\x{1F361},494,🍡,2010,Food & Drink,food-asian,dango
+\x{2935 FE0F},495,⤵️,2010,Symbols,arrow,right arrow curving down
+\x{1F9B7},496,🦷,2018,People & Body,body-parts,tooth
+\x{1F6B4},497,🚴,2015,People & Body,person-sport,person biking
+\x{1F35D},498,🍝,2010,Food & Drink,food-asian,spaghetti
+\x{1F40A},500,🐊,2015,Animals & Nature,animal-reptile,crocodile
+\x{1F356},501,🍖,2010,Food & Drink,food-prepared,meat on bone
+\x{1F43A},502,🐺,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,wolf
+\x{1F43D},503,🐽,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,pig nose
+\x{1F6AE},504,🚮,2015,Symbols,transport-sign,litter in bin sign
+\x{1F375},505,🍵,2010,Food & Drink,drink,teacup without handle
+\x{1F32D},506,🌭,2015,Food & Drink,food-prepared,hot dog
+\x{1F404},507,🐄,2015,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,cow
+\x{2B06 FE0F},508,⬆️,2010,Symbols,arrow,up arrow
+\x{1F373},510,🍳,2010,Food & Drink,food-prepared,cooking
+\x{1F46B},511,👫,2010,People & Body,family,woman and man holding hands
+\x{231A},512,⌚,2010,Travel & Places,time,watch
+\x{2666 FE0F},513,♦️,2010,Activities,game,diamond suit
+\x{1F506},514,🔆,2015,Symbols,av-symbol,bright button
+\x{1F433},515,🐳,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-marine,spouting whale
+\x{1F32F},516,🌯,2015,Food & Drink,food-prepared,burrito
+\x{1F9B4},517,🦴,2018,People & Body,body-parts,bone
+\x{1F96A},518,🥪,2017,Food & Drink,food-prepared,sandwich
+\x{1F983},519,🦃,2015,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,turkey
+\x{1F3A3},520,🎣,2010,Activities,sport,fishing pole
+\x{1F53B},521,🔻,2010,Symbols,geometric,red triangle pointed down
+\x{1F400},522,🐀,2015,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,rat
+\x{1F42C},523,🐬,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-marine,dolphin
+\x{1F35A},524,🍚,2010,Food & Drink,food-asian,cooked rice
+\x{1F916},525,🤖,2015,Smileys & Emotion,face-costume,robot
+\x{1F427},526,🐧,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,penguin
+\x{1F988},527,🦈,2016,Animals & Nature,animal-marine,shark
+\x{1F3C4},528,🏄,2010,People & Body,person-sport,person surfing
+\x{1F3CB FE0F},529,🏋️,2014,People & Body,person-sport,person lifting weights
+\x{1F3C8},530,🏈,2010,Activities,sport,american football
+\x{1F310},532,🌐,2015,Travel & Places,place-map,globe with meridians
+\x{1F50D},533,🔍,2010,Objects,light & video,magnifying glass tilted left
+\x{2604 FE0F},534,☄️,2015,Travel & Places,sky & weather,comet
+\x{1F4F4},535,📴,2010,Symbols,av-symbol,mobile phone off
+\x{1F966},536,🥦,2017,Food & Drink,food-vegetable,broccoli
+\x{1F42F},537,🐯,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,tiger face
+\x{1F170 FE0F},538,🅰️,2010,Symbols,alphanum,A button (blood type)
+\x{267E FE0F},539,♾️,2018,Symbols,math,infinity
+\x{1F95B},541,🥛,2016,Food & Drink,drink,glass of milk
+\x{1F96D},542,🥭,2018,Food & Drink,food-fruit,mango
+\x{1F596},543,🖖,2015,People & Body,hand-fingers-open,vulcan salute
+\x{1F41B},544,🐛,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-bug,bug
+\x{1F99E},545,🦞,2018,Food & Drink,food-marine,lobster
+\x{1F1EE 1F1F9},546,🇮🇹,2010,Flags,country-flag,flag: Italy
+\x{1F424},547,🐤,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,baby chick
+\x{1F9DF},548,🧟,2017,People & Body,person-fantasy,zombie
+\x{1F364},549,🍤,2010,Food & Drink,food-asian,fried shrimp
+\x{1F990},550,🦐,2016,Food & Drink,food-marine,shrimp
+\x{1F3AD},551,🎭,2010,Activities,arts & crafts,performing arts
+\x{1F41E},552,🐞,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-bug,lady beetle
+\x{1F435},553,🐵,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,monkey face
+\x{1F363},554,🍣,2010,Food & Drink,food-asian,sushi
+\x{1F957},555,🥗,2016,Food & Drink,food-prepared,green salad
+\x{2702 FE0F},556,✂️,2010,Objects,office,scissors
+\x{1F194},557,🆔,2010,Symbols,alphanum,ID button
+\x{1F474},559,👴,2010,People & Body,person,old man
+\x{1F934},560,🤴,2016,People & Body,person-role,prince
+\x{1F5E1 FE0F},561,🗡️,2014,Objects,tool,dagger
+\x{1F475},562,👵,2010,People & Body,person,old woman
+\x{1F933},563,🤳,2016,People & Body,hand-prop,selfie
+\x{2B1B},565,⬛,2010,Symbols,geometric,black large square
+\x{1F464},566,👤,2010,People & Body,person-symbol,bust in silhouette
+\x{1F3A9},567,🎩,2010,Objects,clothing,top hat
+\x{1F519},568,🔙,2010,Symbols,arrow,BACK arrow
+\x{1F96B},569,🥫,2017,Food & Drink,food-prepared,canned food
+\x{1F3DE FE0F},570,🏞️,2014,Travel & Places,place-geographic,national park
+\x{1F195},571,🆕,2010,Symbols,alphanum,NEW button
+\x{1F950},572,🥐,2016,Food & Drink,food-prepared,croissant
+\x{1F470},573,👰,2010,People & Body,person-role,person with veil
+\x{2660 FE0F},574,♠️,2010,Activities,game,spade suit
+\x{1F32C FE0F},575,🌬️,2014,Travel & Places,sky & weather,wind face
+\x{1F4B3},576,💳,2010,Objects,money,credit card
+\x{1F328 FE0F},577,🌨️,2014,Travel & Places,sky & weather,cloud with snow
+\x{1F577 FE0F},578,🕷️,2014,Animals & Nature,animal-bug,spider
+\x{1F1EF 1F1F5},579,🇯🇵,2010,Flags,country-flag,flag: Japan
+\x{1F41A},580,🐚,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-marine,spiral shell
+\x{1F306},581,🌆,2010,Travel & Places,place-other,cityscape at dusk
+\x{2693},582,⚓,2010,Travel & Places,transport-water,anchor
+\x{1F197},583,🆗,2010,Symbols,alphanum,OK button
+\x{1F1EC 1F1E7},584,🇬🇧,2010,Flags,country-flag,flag: United Kingdom
+\x{1F931},585,🤱,2017,People & Body,person-role,breast-feeding
+\x{1F46D},586,👭,2015,People & Body,family,women holding hands
+\x{1F987},587,🦇,2016,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,bat
+\x{2716 FE0F},588,✖️,2010,Symbols,math,multiply
+\x{1F468},589,👨,2010,People & Body,person,man
+\x{1F575 FE0F},590,🕵️,2014,People & Body,person-role,detective
+\x{1F997},591,🦗,2017,Animals & Nature,animal-bug,cricket
+"\x{1F469 200D 2764 FE0F 200D 1F48B 200D 1F468},592,👩❤️💋👨,2015,People & Body,family,""kiss: woman, man"""
+\x{1F995},593,🦕,2017,Animals & Nature,animal-reptile,sauropod
+\x{1F3F9},594,🏹,2015,Objects,tool,bow and arrow
+\x{1F42E},595,🐮,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,cow face
+\x{1F6B2},596,🚲,2010,Travel & Places,transport-ground,bicycle
+\x{1F491},597,💑,2010,People & Body,family,couple with heart
+\x{1F6CF FE0F},598,🛏️,2014,Objects,household,bed
+\x{1F3CC FE0F},599,🏌️,2014,People & Body,person-sport,person golfing
+\x{1F692},600,🚒,2010,Travel & Places,transport-ground,fire engine
+\x{1F98E},601,🦎,2016,Animals & Nature,animal-reptile,lizard
+\x{1F989},602,🦉,2016,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,owl
+\x{1F402},603,🐂,2015,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,ox
+\x{1F348},604,🍈,2010,Food & Drink,food-fruit,melon
+\x{1F6AD},605,🚭,2010,Symbols,warning,no smoking
+\x{1F418},606,🐘,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,elephant
+\x{1F699},607,🚙,2010,Travel & Places,transport-ground,sport utility vehicle
+\x{270F FE0F},609,✏️,2010,Objects,writing,pencil
+\x{23E9},610,⏩,2010,Symbols,av-symbol,fast-forward button
+\x{1F399 FE0F},611,🎙️,2014,Objects,music,studio microphone
+\x{1F4C4},612,📄,2010,Objects,book-paper,page facing up
+\x{1F171 FE0F},615,🅱️,2010,Symbols,alphanum,B button (blood type)
+\x{1F3B1},616,🎱,2010,Activities,game,pool 8 ball
+\x{33 FE0F 20E3},617,3️⃣,2010,Symbols,keycap,keycap: 3
+\x{1F32A FE0F},618,🌪️,2014,Travel & Places,sky & weather,tornado
+\x{1F9B5},619,🦵,2018,People & Body,body-parts,leg
+\x{1F3CA},620,🏊,2010,People & Body,person-sport,person swimming
+\x{1F6F5},621,🛵,2016,Travel & Places,transport-ground,motor scooter
+\x{1F576 FE0F},622,🕶️,2014,Objects,clothing,sunglasses
+\x{1F50E},623,🔎,2010,Objects,light & video,magnifying glass tilted right
+\x{1F45F},624,👟,2010,Objects,clothing,running shoe
+\x{1F192},625,🆒,2010,Symbols,alphanum,COOL button
+\x{3030 FE0F},626,〰️,2010,Symbols,punctuation,wavy dash
+\x{1F531},627,🔱,2010,Symbols,other-symbol,trident emblem
+\x{1F98C},628,🦌,2016,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,deer
+\x{1F948},629,🥈,2016,Activities,award-medal,2nd place medal
+\x{1F69A},630,🚚,2010,Travel & Places,transport-ground,delivery truck
+\x{1F41C},632,🐜,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-bug,ant
+\x{1F3B2},633,🎲,2010,Activities,game,game die
+\x{1F4A0},634,💠,2010,Symbols,geometric,diamond with a dot
+\x{1F95D},635,🥝,2016,Food & Drink,food-fruit,kiwi fruit
+\x{1F9B6},636,🦶,2018,People & Body,body-parts,foot
+\x{1F47E},637,👾,2010,Smileys & Emotion,face-costume,alien monster
+\x{1F4AE},638,💮,2010,Animals & Nature,plant-flower,white flower
+\x{1F991},639,🦑,2016,Food & Drink,food-marine,squid
+\x{1F53A},640,🔺,2010,Symbols,geometric,red triangle pointed up
+\x{1F401},641,🐁,2015,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,mouse
+\x{26C8 FE0F},642,⛈️,2014,Travel & Places,sky & weather,cloud with lightning and rain
+\x{1F40C},643,🐌,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-bug,snail
+\x{1F537},644,🔷,2010,Symbols,geometric,large blue diamond
+\x{1F6CD FE0F},646,🛍️,2014,Objects,clothing,shopping bags
+\x{1F492},647,💒,2010,Travel & Places,place-building,wedding
+\x{1F409},648,🐉,2015,Animals & Nature,animal-reptile,dragon
+\x{1F38D},649,🎍,2010,Activities,event,pine decoration
+\x{1F5DD FE0F},650,🗝️,2014,Objects,lock,old key
+\x{1F365},653,🍥,2010,Food & Drink,food-asian,fish cake with swirl
+\x{1F350},654,🍐,2015,Food & Drink,food-fruit,pear
+\x{1F3EB},655,🏫,2010,Travel & Places,place-building,school
+\x{1F682},656,🚂,2015,Travel & Places,transport-ground,locomotive
+\x{1F510},657,🔐,2010,Objects,lock,locked with key
+\x{26C4},658,⛄,2010,Travel & Places,sky & weather,snowman without snow
+\x{2603 FE0F},659,☃️,2014,Travel & Places,sky & weather,snowman
+\x{2602 FE0F},660,☂️,2014,Travel & Places,sky & weather,umbrella
+\x{23F3},661,⏳,2010,Travel & Places,time,hourglass not done
+\x{26C5},662,⛅,2010,Travel & Places,sky & weather,sun behind cloud
+\x{1F51C},663,🔜,2010,Symbols,arrow,SOON arrow
+\x{1F963},664,🥣,2017,Food & Drink,food-prepared,bowl with spoon
+\x{1F38B},665,🎋,2010,Activities,event,tanabata tree
+\x{1F536},666,🔶,2010,Symbols,geometric,large orange diamond
+\x{1F538},667,🔸,2010,Symbols,geometric,small orange diamond
+\x{26D4},668,⛔,2010,Symbols,warning,no entry
+\x{30 FE0F 20E3},669,0️⃣,2010,Symbols,keycap,keycap: 0
+\x{1F9B8},670,🦸,2018,People & Body,person-fantasy,superhero
+\x{1F1E6 1F1F7},672,🇦🇷,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Argentina
+\x{1F949},674,🥉,2016,Activities,award-medal,3rd place medal
+\x{1F405},675,🐅,2015,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,tiger
+\x{1F4CA},676,📊,2010,Objects,office,bar chart
+\x{1F99D},677,🦝,2018,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,raccoon
+\x{1F698},679,🚘,2014,Travel & Places,transport-ground,oncoming automobile
+\x{1F471},680,👱,2010,People & Body,person,person: blond hair
+\x{2663 FE0F},681,♣️,2010,Activities,game,club suit
+\x{1F321 FE0F},682,🌡️,2014,Travel & Places,sky & weather,thermometer
+\x{1F9DC},683,🧜,2017,People & Body,person-fantasy,merperson
+\x{1F3E5},684,🏥,2010,Travel & Places,place-building,hospital
+\x{26F5},685,⛵,2010,Travel & Places,transport-water,sailboat
+\x{1F54B},686,🕋,2015,Travel & Places,place-religious,kaaba
+\x{1F487},688,💇,2010,People & Body,person-activity,person getting haircut
+\x{1F1E9 1F1EA},689,🇩🇪,2010,Flags,country-flag,flag: Germany
+\x{1F96C},690,🥬,2018,Food & Drink,food-vegetable,leafy green
+\x{1F428},691,🐨,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,koala
+\x{1F465},693,👥,2015,People & Body,person-symbol,busts in silhouette
+\x{1F1F0 1F1F7},694,🇰🇷,2010,Flags,country-flag,flag: South Korea
+\x{2B1C},695,⬜,2010,Symbols,geometric,white large square
+\x{1F4C6},696,📆,2010,Objects,office,tear-off calendar
+\x{1F956},697,🥖,2016,Food & Drink,food-prepared,baguette bread
+\x{1F429},698,🐩,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,poodle
+\x{1F93A},699,🤺,2016,People & Body,person-sport,person fencing
+\x{231B},701,⌛,2010,Travel & Places,time,hourglass done
+\x{1F53D},702,🔽,2010,Symbols,av-symbol,downwards button
+\x{1F549 FE0F},703,🕉️,2014,Symbols,religion,om
+\x{1F372},704,🍲,2010,Food & Drink,food-prepared,pot of food
+\x{1F998},705,🦘,2018,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,kangaroo
+\x{1F965},706,🥥,2017,Food & Drink,food-fruit,coconut
+\x{1F6C0},707,🛀,2010,People & Body,person-resting,person taking bath
+\x{1F3CD FE0F},708,🏍️,2014,Travel & Places,transport-ground,motorcycle
+\x{1F5BC FE0F},709,🖼️,2014,Activities,arts & crafts,framed picture
+\x{1F4FF},711,📿,2015,Objects,clothing,prayer beads
+\x{1F55B},712,🕛,2010,Travel & Places,time,twelve o’clock
+\x{25AA FE0F},713,▪️,2010,Symbols,geometric,black small square
+\x{1F311},714,🌑,2010,Travel & Places,sky & weather,new moon
+\x{1F69B},715,🚛,2015,Travel & Places,transport-ground,articulated lorry
+\x{1F3CE FE0F},717,🏎️,2014,Travel & Places,transport-ground,racing car
+\x{1F4E1},718,📡,2010,Objects,science,satellite antenna
+\x{1F42D},719,🐭,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,mouse face
+\x{1F5FD},720,🗽,2010,Travel & Places,place-building,Statue of Liberty
+\x{1F193},721,🆓,2010,Symbols,alphanum,FREE button
+\x{1F1EB 1F1F7},723,🇫🇷,2010,Flags,country-flag,flag: France
+\x{1F19A},726,🆚,2010,Symbols,alphanum,VS button
+\x{1F30B},727,🌋,2010,Travel & Places,place-geographic,volcano
+\x{1F4C9},728,📉,2010,Objects,office,chart decreasing
+"\x{1F469 200D 2764 FE0F 200D 1F468},729,👩❤️👨,2015,People & Body,family,""couple with heart: woman, man"""
+\x{1F3D2},730,🏒,2015,Activities,sport,ice hockey
+\x{1F3D4 FE0F},731,🏔️,2014,Travel & Places,place-geographic,snow-capped mountain
+\x{1F550},732,🕐,2010,Travel & Places,time,one o’clock
+\x{1F999},733,🦙,2018,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,llama
+\x{1F9D9},734,🧙,2017,People & Body,person-fantasy,mage
+\x{1F99F},735,🦟,2018,Animals & Nature,animal-bug,mosquito
+\x{1F6A2},737,🚢,2010,Travel & Places,transport-water,ship
+\x{1F64D},738,🙍,2010,People & Body,person-gesture,person frowning
+\x{1F4D5},739,📕,2010,Objects,book-paper,closed book
+\x{1F46C},740,👬,2015,People & Body,family,men holding hands
+\x{1F406},741,🐆,2015,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,leopard
+\x{1F51B},742,🔛,2010,Symbols,arrow,ON! arrow
+\x{2755},743,❕,2010,Symbols,punctuation,white exclamation mark
+\x{1F452},744,👒,2010,Objects,clothing,woman’s hat
+\x{1F42A},745,🐪,2015,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,camel
+\x{1F95F},746,🥟,2017,Food & Drink,food-asian,dumpling
+\x{2696 FE0F},747,⚖️,2015,Objects,tool,balance scale
+\x{1F376},749,🍶,2010,Food & Drink,drink,sake
+\x{1F1E8 1F1F4},750,🇨🇴,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Colombia
+\x{2197 FE0F},751,↗️,2010,Symbols,arrow,up-right arrow
+\x{1F3AA},752,🎪,2010,Travel & Places,place-other,circus tent
+\x{1F1E8 1F1F3},754,🇨🇳,2010,Flags,country-flag,flag: China
+\x{34 FE0F 20E3},755,4️⃣,2010,Symbols,keycap,keycap: 4
+\x{1F99A},757,🦚,2018,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,peacock
+\x{1F360},758,🍠,2010,Food & Drink,food-asian,roasted sweet potato
+\x{1F968},759,🥨,2017,Food & Drink,food-prepared,pretzel
+\x{269C FE0F},760,⚜️,2015,Symbols,other-symbol,fleur-de-lis
+\x{1F36E},761,🍮,2010,Food & Drink,food-sweet,custard
+\x{1F397 FE0F},762,🎗️,2014,Activities,event,reminder ribbon
+\x{1F3E9},763,🏩,2010,Travel & Places,place-building,love hotel
+\x{1F403},764,🐃,2015,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,water buffalo
+\x{1F505},765,🔅,2015,Symbols,av-symbol,dim button
+\x{1F1EA 1F1F8},766,🇪🇸,2010,Flags,country-flag,flag: Spain
+\x{1F3F0},767,🏰,2010,Travel & Places,place-building,castle
+\x{35 FE0F 20E3},768,5️⃣,2010,Symbols,keycap,keycap: 5
+\x{1F4EC},769,📬,2014,Objects,mail,open mailbox with raised flag
+\x{1F58C FE0F},771,🖌️,2014,Objects,writing,paintbrush
+\x{1F6E1 FE0F},772,🛡️,2014,Objects,tool,shield
+"\x{1F469 200D 2764 FE0F 200D 1F48B 200D 1F469},773,👩❤️💋👩,2015,People & Body,family,""kiss: woman, woman"""
+\x{1F4DB},774,📛,2010,Symbols,other-symbol,name badge
+\x{1F40F},775,🐏,2015,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,ram
+\x{1F54C},777,🕌,2015,Travel & Places,place-religious,mosque
+\x{1F40B},778,🐋,2015,Animals & Nature,animal-marine,whale
+\x{1F94B},779,🥋,2016,Activities,sport,martial arts uniform
+\x{1F432},780,🐲,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-reptile,dragon face
+\x{274E},781,❎,2010,Symbols,other-symbol,cross mark button
+\x{1F4E8},783,📨,2010,Objects,mail,incoming envelope
+\x{26EA},784,⛪,2010,Travel & Places,place-religious,church
+\x{1F992},785,🦒,2017,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,giraffe
+\x{1F3A1},786,🎡,2010,Travel & Places,place-other,ferris wheel
+\x{1F9F1},787,🧱,2018,Travel & Places,place-building,brick
+\x{1F691},789,🚑,2010,Travel & Places,transport-ground,ambulance
+\x{1F3DD FE0F},790,🏝️,2014,Travel & Places,place-geographic,desert island
+\x{1F693},791,🚓,2010,Travel & Places,transport-ground,police car
+\x{1F683},792,🚃,2010,Travel & Places,transport-ground,railway car
+\x{1F3C7},793,🏇,2015,People & Body,person-sport,horse racing
+\x{1F307},794,🌇,2010,Travel & Places,place-other,sunset
+\x{1F64E},795,🙎,2010,People & Body,person-gesture,person pouting
+\x{1F68C},796,🚌,2010,Travel & Places,transport-ground,bus
+\x{1F4B6},797,💶,2015,Objects,money,euro banknote
+\x{1F69C},798,🚜,2015,Travel & Places,transport-ground,tractor
+\x{1F330},799,🌰,2010,Food & Drink,food-vegetable,chestnut
+\x{1F35B},800,🍛,2010,Food & Drink,food-asian,curry rice
+\x{1F4B4},801,💴,2010,Objects,money,yen banknote
+\x{1F9D3},803,🧓,2017,People & Body,person,older person
+\x{1F97E},804,🥾,2018,Objects,clothing,hiking boot
+\x{1F42B},805,🐫,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,two-hump camel
+\x{1F962},806,🥢,2017,Food & Drink,dishware,chopsticks
+\x{1F694},808,🚔,2014,Travel & Places,transport-ground,oncoming police car
+\x{1F3B0},809,🎰,2010,Activities,game,slot machine
+\x{1F9D4},810,🧔,2017,People & Body,person,person: beard
+\x{1F96F},811,🥯,2018,Food & Drink,food-prepared,bagel
+\x{1F439},813,🐹,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,hamster
+\x{1F4FD FE0F},814,📽️,2014,Objects,light & video,film projector
+\x{1F982},815,🦂,2015,Animals & Nature,animal-bug,scorpion
+\x{1F518},816,🔘,2010,Symbols,geometric,radio button
+\x{1F504},817,🔄,2015,Symbols,arrow,counterclockwise arrows button
+\x{1F4E5},818,📥,2010,Objects,mail,inbox tray
+\x{1F4F9},819,📹,2010,Objects,light & video,video camera
+\x{1F6EB},820,🛫,2015,Travel & Places,transport-air,airplane departure
+\x{1F4CF},821,📏,2010,Objects,office,straight ruler
+\x{1F1EE 1F1F1},822,🇮🇱,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Israel
+\x{1F3A0},823,🎠,2010,Travel & Places,place-other,carousel horse
+\x{1F199},824,🆙,2010,Symbols,alphanum,UP! button
+\x{1F488},825,💈,2010,Travel & Places,place-other,barber pole
+\x{1F1E6 1F1FA},827,🇦🇺,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Australia
+\x{1F1EA 1F1EC},828,🇪🇬,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Egypt
+\x{1F371},829,🍱,2010,Food & Drink,food-asian,bento box
+\x{1F55C},830,🕜,2014,Travel & Places,time,one-thirty
+\x{1F3D5 FE0F},831,🏕️,2014,Travel & Places,place-geographic,camping
+\x{1F362},832,🍢,2010,Food & Drink,food-asian,oden
+\x{1F3E2},833,🏢,2010,Travel & Places,place-building,office building
+\x{1F50C},834,🔌,2010,Objects,computer,electric plug
+\x{1F994},835,🦔,2017,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,hedgehog
+\x{1F3F4 200D 2620 FE0F},836,🏴☠️,2018,Flags,flag,pirate flag
+\x{1F6F8},837,🛸,2017,Travel & Places,transport-air,flying saucer
+\x{1F574 FE0F},838,🕴️,2014,People & Body,person-activity,person in suit levitating
+\x{1F935},839,🤵,2016,People & Body,person-role,person in tuxedo
+\x{1F45E},840,👞,2010,Objects,clothing,man’s shoe
+\x{1F3DC FE0F},842,🏜️,2014,Travel & Places,place-geographic,desert
+\x{26D3 FE0F},843,⛓️,2014,Objects,tool,chains
+\x{26CF FE0F},844,⛏️,2014,Objects,tool,pick
+\x{1F1E6 1F1EA},845,🇦🇪,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: United Arab Emirates
+\x{1F1E8 1F1F1},846,🇨🇱,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Chile
+\x{25FE},847,◾,2010,Symbols,geometric,black medium-small square
+\x{23EF FE0F},848,⏯️,2015,Symbols,av-symbol,play or pause button
+\x{1F1F5 1F1F0},850,🇵🇰,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Pakistan
+\x{1F1FB 1F1EA},851,🇻🇪,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Venezuela
+\x{1F5D3 FE0F},852,🗓️,2014,Objects,office,spiral calendar
+\x{1F6A7},853,🚧,2010,Travel & Places,transport-ground,construction
+\x{1F3EE},855,🏮,2010,Objects,light & video,red paper lantern
+\x{1F421},856,🐡,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-marine,blowfish
+\x{1F6F9},858,🛹,2018,Travel & Places,transport-ground,skateboard
+\x{1F1F5 1F1F8},859,🇵🇸,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Palestinian Territories
+\x{1F6A6},861,🚦,2015,Travel & Places,transport-ground,vertical traffic light
+\x{1F9E9},862,🧩,2018,Activities,game,puzzle piece
+\x{1F6BA},863,🚺,2010,Symbols,transport-sign,women’s room
+\x{1F944},864,🥄,2016,Food & Drink,dishware,spoon
+\x{1F9DB},865,🧛,2017,People & Body,person-fantasy,vampire
+\x{1F5FB},866,🗻,2010,Travel & Places,place-geographic,mount fuji
+\x{1F9B9},868,🦹,2018,People & Body,person-fantasy,supervillain
+\x{1F1F5 1F1ED},869,🇵🇭,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Philippines
+\x{2734 FE0F},870,✴️,2010,Symbols,other-symbol,eight-pointed star
+\x{1F3E8},871,🏨,2010,Travel & Places,place-building,hotel
+\x{2747 FE0F},872,❇️,2010,Symbols,other-symbol,sparkle
+\x{1F3C9},873,🏉,2015,Activities,sport,rugby football
+\x{1F99B},874,🦛,2018,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,hippopotamus
+\x{1F6E3 FE0F},875,🛣️,2014,Travel & Places,transport-ground,motorway
+\x{1F578 FE0F},876,🕸️,2014,Animals & Nature,animal-bug,spider web
+\x{1F39F FE0F},877,🎟️,2014,Activities,event,admission tickets
+\x{1F6F4},879,🛴,2016,Travel & Places,transport-ground,kick scooter
+\x{1F4D8},880,📘,2010,Objects,book-paper,blue book
+\x{1F958},882,🥘,2016,Food & Drink,food-prepared,shallow pan of food
+\x{1F1F5 1F1F7},883,🇵🇷,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Puerto Rico
+\x{1F939},884,🤹,2016,People & Body,person-sport,person juggling
+\x{1F324 FE0F},886,🌤️,2014,Travel & Places,sky & weather,sun behind small cloud
+\x{1F681},887,🚁,2015,Travel & Places,transport-air,helicopter
+\x{1F3F4},889,🏴,2015,Flags,flag,black flag
+\x{1F4BF},890,💿,2010,Objects,computer,optical disk
+\x{1F993},891,🦓,2017,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,zebra
+\x{1F477},893,👷,2010,People & Body,person-role,construction worker
+\x{1F1F8 1F1E6},894,🇸🇦,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Saudi Arabia
+\x{26F9 FE0F},895,⛹️,2014,People & Body,person-sport,person bouncing ball
+\x{1F6A3},896,🚣,2015,People & Body,person-sport,person rowing boat
+\x{1F469 200D 1F4BB},897,👩💻,2016,People & Body,person-role,woman technologist
+\x{2199 FE0F},898,↙️,2010,Symbols,arrow,down-left arrow
+\x{26F7 FE0F},899,⛷️,2014,People & Body,person-sport,skier
+\x{1F9D6},900,🧖,2017,People & Body,person-activity,person in steamy room
+\x{1F473},901,👳,2010,People & Body,person-role,person wearing turban
+\x{1F38E},902,🎎,2010,Activities,event,Japanese dolls
+\x{3297 FE0F},903,㊗️,2010,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “congratulations” button
+\x{1F6B9},904,🚹,2010,Symbols,transport-sign,men’s room
+\x{3299 FE0F},905,㊙️,2010,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “secret” button
+\x{1F469 200D 1F373},906,👩🍳,2016,People & Body,person-role,woman cook
+\x{26FA},907,⛺,2010,Travel & Places,place-other,tent
+\x{2198 FE0F},908,↘️,2010,Symbols,arrow,down-right arrow
+\x{1F5DE FE0F},909,🗞️,2014,Objects,book-paper,rolled-up newspaper
+\x{1F17E FE0F},910,🅾️,2010,Symbols,alphanum,O button (blood type)
+\x{1F385},911,🎅,2010,People & Body,person-fantasy,Santa Claus
+\x{1F9C2},912,🧂,2018,Food & Drink,food-prepared,salt
+\x{37 FE0F 20E3},913,7️⃣,2010,Symbols,keycap,keycap: 7
+\x{1F1F5 1F1EA},914,🇵🇪,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Peru
+\x{1F690},915,🚐,2015,Travel & Places,transport-ground,minibus
+\x{1F1EE 1F1E9},916,🇮🇩,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Indonesia
+\x{1F5A5 FE0F},917,🖥️,2014,Objects,computer,desktop computer
+\x{2692 FE0F},918,⚒️,2015,Objects,tool,hammer and pick
+\x{1F3CF},919,🏏,2015,Activities,sport,cricket game
+\x{1F390},921,🎐,2010,Activities,event,wind chime
+\x{1F9A2},922,🦢,2018,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,swan
+\x{1F314},923,🌔,2010,Travel & Places,sky & weather,waxing gibbous moon
+\x{36 FE0F 20E3},924,6️⃣,2010,Symbols,keycap,keycap: 6
+\x{1F1E6 1F1F9},925,🇦🇹,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Austria
+\x{1F5FC},926,🗼,2010,Travel & Places,place-building,Tokyo tower
+\x{262F FE0F},927,☯️,2014,Symbols,religion,yin yang
+\x{1F312},928,🌒,2015,Travel & Places,sky & weather,waxing crescent moon
+\x{1F9DE},929,🧞,2017,People & Body,person-fantasy,genie
+\x{1F552},930,🕒,2010,Travel & Places,time,three o’clock
+\x{1F3A2},932,🎢,2010,Travel & Places,place-other,roller coaster
+\x{1F51F},933,🔟,2010,Symbols,keycap,keycap: 10
+\x{2194 FE0F},934,↔️,2010,Symbols,arrow,left-right arrow
+\x{1F468 200D 1F373},935,👨🍳,2016,People & Body,person-role,man cook
+\x{23EC},936,⏬,2010,Symbols,av-symbol,fast down button
+\x{1F9F5},937,🧵,2018,Activities,arts & crafts,thread
+\x{1F6B5},938,🚵,2015,People & Body,person-sport,person mountain biking
+\x{1F9D2},939,🧒,2017,People & Body,person,child
+\x{24C2 FE0F},940,Ⓜ️,2010,Symbols,alphanum,circled M
+\x{1F469 200D 1F393},942,👩🎓,2016,People & Body,person-role,woman student
+\x{1F9EA},943,🧪,2018,Objects,science,test tube
+\x{1F695},944,🚕,2010,Travel & Places,transport-ground,taxi
+\x{1F3F3 FE0F},945,🏳️,2014,Flags,flag,white flag
+\x{1F1F9 1F1ED},946,🇹🇭,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Thailand
+\x{1F1FF 1F1E6},947,🇿🇦,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: South Africa
+\x{2733 FE0F},948,✳️,2010,Symbols,other-symbol,eight-spoked asterisk
+"\x{1F468 200D 2764 FE0F 200D 1F48B 200D 1F468},950,👨❤️💋👨,2015,People & Body,family,""kiss: man, man"""
+\x{26F2},951,⛲,2010,Travel & Places,place-other,fountain
+\x{1F3E6},952,🏦,2010,Travel & Places,place-building,bank
+\x{1F1F8 1F1EA},953,🇸🇪,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Sweden
+\x{2622 FE0F},954,☢️,2015,Symbols,warning,radioactive
+\x{1F45A},955,👚,2010,Objects,clothing,woman’s clothes
+\x{1F329 FE0F},957,🌩️,2014,Travel & Places,sky & weather,cloud with lightning
+\x{1F318},959,🌘,2015,Travel & Places,sky & weather,waning crescent moon
+\x{1F417},960,🐗,2010,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,boar
+\x{1F4E0},961,📠,2010,Objects,phone,fax machine
+\x{1F5F3 FE0F},962,🗳️,2014,Objects,mail,ballot box with ballot
+\x{1F93C},963,🤼,2016,People & Body,person-sport,people wrestling
+\x{303D FE0F},964,〽️,2010,Symbols,other-symbol,part alternation mark
+\x{1F469 200D 2695 FE0F},965,👩⚕️,2016,People & Body,person-role,woman health worker
+\x{1F1F7 1F1FA},966,🇷🇺,2010,Flags,country-flag,flag: Russia
+\x{26F0 FE0F},968,⛰️,2014,Travel & Places,place-geographic,mountain
+\x{1F9F3},969,🧳,2018,Travel & Places,hotel,luggage
+\x{1F9F6},970,🧶,2018,Activities,arts & crafts,yarn
+\x{1F3C2},972,🏂,2010,People & Body,person-sport,snowboarder
+\x{1F1F5 1F1F9},973,🇵🇹,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Portugal
+\x{1F462},974,👢,2010,Objects,clothing,woman’s boot
+\x{1F945},975,🥅,2016,Activities,sport,goal net
+\x{1F359},976,🍙,2010,Food & Drink,food-asian,rice ball
+\x{1F17F FE0F},977,🅿️,2010,Symbols,alphanum,P button
+\x{1F52F},979,🔯,2010,Symbols,religion,dotted six-pointed star
+"\x{1F469 200D 2764 FE0F 200D 1F469},980,👩❤️👩,2015,People & Body,family,""couple with heart: woman, woman"""
+\x{1F93E},981,🤾,2016,People & Body,person-sport,person playing handball
+\x{1F6CB FE0F},982,🛋️,2014,Objects,household,couch and lamp
+\x{1F1F3 1F1EC},983,🇳🇬,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Nigeria
+\x{1F1F5 1F1F1},985,🇵🇱,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Poland
+\x{1F4EF},986,📯,2015,Objects,sound,postal horn
+\x{25C0 FE0F},987,◀️,2010,Symbols,av-symbol,reverse button
+\x{1F1E9 1F1FF},988,🇩🇿,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Algeria
+\x{1F313},989,🌓,2010,Travel & Places,sky & weather,first quarter moon
+\x{1F9FB},990,🧻,2018,Objects,household,roll of paper
+\x{1F1EE 1F1EA},991,🇮🇪,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Ireland
+\x{1F501},992,🔁,2015,Symbols,av-symbol,repeat button
+\x{39 FE0F 20E3},993,9️⃣,2010,Symbols,keycap,keycap: 9
+\x{1F3BD},994,🎽,2010,Activities,sport,running shirt
+\x{1F468 200D 1F4BB},996,👨💻,2016,People & Body,person-role,man technologist
+\x{1F9D7},997,🧗,2017,People & Body,person-activity,person climbing
+\x{1F3B4},998,🎴,2010,Activities,game,flower playing cards
+\x{1F1F2 1F1E6},999,🇲🇦,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Morocco
+\x{1F4D7},1001,📗,2010,Objects,book-paper,green book
+\x{262A FE0F},1002,☪️,2014,Symbols,religion,star and crescent
+\x{2712 FE0F},1003,✒️,2010,Objects,writing,black nib
+\x{1F46A},1004,👪,2010,People & Body,family,family
+\x{2754},1005,❔,2010,Symbols,punctuation,white question mark
+\x{1F51A},1006,🔚,2010,Symbols,arrow,END arrow
+\x{38 FE0F 20E3},1007,8️⃣,2010,Symbols,keycap,keycap: 8
+\x{1F4D9},1008,📙,2010,Objects,book-paper,orange book
+\x{2721 FE0F},1009,✡️,2014,Symbols,religion,star of David
+\x{1F9D5},1010,🧕,2017,People & Body,person-role,woman with headscarf
+\x{1F3D3},1011,🏓,2015,Activities,sport,ping pong
+\x{25AB FE0F},1012,▫️,2010,Symbols,geometric,white small square
+\x{2934 FE0F},1013,⤴️,2010,Symbols,arrow,right arrow curving up
+\x{2699 FE0F},1014,⚙️,2015,Objects,tool,gear
+\x{1F4B9},1016,💹,2010,Objects,money,chart increasing with yen
+\x{1F4B7},1017,💷,2015,Objects,money,pound banknote
+\x{25FD},1018,◽,2010,Symbols,geometric,white medium-small square
+\x{1F4C3},1019,📃,2010,Objects,book-paper,page with curl
+\x{1F3E7},1020,🏧,2010,Symbols,transport-sign,ATM sign
+\x{1F1F1 1F1F7},1021,🇱🇷,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Liberia
+\x{1F959},1022,🥙,2016,Food & Drink,food-prepared,stuffed flatbread
+\x{27B0},1023,➰,2010,Symbols,other-symbol,curly loop
+\x{1F316},1024,🌖,2015,Travel & Places,sky & weather,waning gibbous moon
+\x{1F317},1025,🌗,2015,Travel & Places,sky & weather,last quarter moon
+\x{2139 FE0F},1026,ℹ️,2010,Symbols,alphanum,information
+\x{1F302},1027,🌂,2010,Travel & Places,sky & weather,closed umbrella
+\x{1F587 FE0F},1028,🖇️,2014,Objects,office,linked paperclips
+\x{1F3DF FE0F},1029,🏟️,2014,Travel & Places,place-building,stadium
+\x{1F509},1030,🔉,2015,Objects,sound,speaker medium volume
+\x{1F38C},1031,🎌,2010,Flags,flag,crossed flags
+\x{1F1EA 1F1E8},1032,🇪🇨,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Ecuador
+\x{1F4E4},1033,📤,2010,Objects,mail,outbox tray
+\x{1F39E FE0F},1034,🎞️,2014,Objects,light & video,film frames
+\x{1F004},1035,🀄,2010,Activities,game,mahjong red dragon
+\x{1F326 FE0F},1036,🌦️,2014,Travel & Places,sky & weather,sun behind rain cloud
+\x{1F6B0},1038,🚰,2015,Symbols,transport-sign,potable water
+\x{1F9D1},1039,🧑,2017,People & Body,person,person
+\x{1F1EE 1F1F6},1041,🇮🇶,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Iraq
+\x{1F32B FE0F},1042,🌫️,2014,Travel & Places,sky & weather,fog
+\x{1F9E7},1043,🧧,2018,Activities,event,red envelope
+\x{1F98F},1044,🦏,2016,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,rhinoceros
+\x{267F},1045,♿,2010,Symbols,transport-sign,wheelchair symbol
+\x{1F469 200D 1F3EB},1047,👩🏫,2016,People & Body,person-role,woman teacher
+\x{1F358},1048,🍘,2010,Food & Drink,food-asian,rice cracker
+\x{1F1EF 1F1F2},1049,🇯🇲,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Jamaica
+\x{23F1 FE0F},1050,⏱️,2015,Travel & Places,time,stopwatch
+\x{1F1F3 1F1F1},1051,🇳🇱,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Netherlands
+\x{1F396 FE0F},1052,🎖️,2014,Activities,award-medal,military medal
+\x{1F3EF},1053,🏯,2010,Travel & Places,place-building,Japanese castle
+\x{1F1EC 1F1F7},1054,🇬🇷,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Greece
+\x{1F532},1055,🔲,2010,Symbols,geometric,black square button
+\x{1F551},1056,🕑,2010,Travel & Places,time,two o’clock
+\x{1F1FE 1F1EA},1057,🇾🇪,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Yemen
+\x{1F961},1058,🥡,2017,Food & Drink,food-asian,takeout box
+"\x{1F468 200D 2764 FE0F 200D 1F468},1059,👨❤️👨,2015,People & Body,family,""couple with heart: man, man"""
+\x{1F469 200D 1F9B0},1060,👩🦰,2018,People & Body,person,woman: red hair
+\x{1F4BA},1061,💺,2010,Travel & Places,transport-air,seat
+\x{1F1EA 1F1FA},1062,🇪🇺,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: European Union
+\x{1F508},1063,🔈,2014,Objects,sound,speaker low volume
+\x{1F9F4},1065,🧴,2018,Objects,household,lotion bottle
+\x{1F96E},1066,🥮,2018,Food & Drink,food-asian,moon cake
+\x{25FC FE0F},1068,◼️,2010,Symbols,geometric,black medium square
+\x{1F6EC},1069,🛬,2015,Travel & Places,transport-air,airplane arrival
+\x{1F5E8 FE0F},1070,🗨️,2015,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,left speech bubble
+\x{1F391},1071,🎑,2010,Activities,event,moon viewing ceremony
+\x{1F3F4 E0067 E0062 E0073 E0063 E0074 E007F},1072,🏴,2017,Flags,subdivision-flag,flag: Scotland
+\x{1F6A4},1073,🚤,2010,Travel & Places,transport-water,speedboat
+\x{1F4D0},1074,📐,2010,Objects,office,triangular ruler
+\x{1F39A FE0F},1075,🎚️,2014,Objects,music,level slider
+\x{1F1E7 1F1EA},1077,🇧🇪,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Belgium
+\x{1F1FA 1F1E6},1078,🇺🇦,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Ukraine
+\x{1F38F},1079,🎏,2010,Activities,event,carp streamer
+\x{1F3F7 FE0F},1080,🏷️,2014,Objects,book-paper,label
+\x{1F3D9 FE0F},1081,🏙️,2014,Travel & Places,place-other,cityscape
+\x{23EA},1082,⏪,2010,Symbols,av-symbol,fast reverse button
+\x{1F3EA},1083,🏪,2010,Travel & Places,place-building,convenience store
+\x{1F58D FE0F},1084,🖍️,2014,Objects,writing,crayon
+\x{2623 FE0F},1085,☣️,2015,Symbols,warning,biohazard
+\x{1F9DD},1086,🧝,2017,People & Body,person-fantasy,elf
+\x{1F1E8 1F1FA},1087,🇨🇺,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Cuba
+\x{1F686},1088,🚆,2015,Travel & Places,transport-ground,train
+\x{1F482},1089,💂,2010,People & Body,person-role,guard
+\x{26D1 FE0F},1091,⛑️,2014,Objects,clothing,rescue worker’s helmet
+\x{1F6F6},1092,🛶,2016,Travel & Places,transport-water,canoe
+\x{1F515},1093,🔕,2015,Objects,sound,bell with slash
+\x{1F3F4 E0067 E0062 E0065 E006E E0067 E007F},1094,🏴,2017,Flags,subdivision-flag,flag: England
+\x{1F6F0 FE0F},1095,🛰️,2014,Travel & Places,transport-air,satellite
+\x{1F4FC},1096,📼,2010,Objects,light & video,videocassette
+\x{1F507},1097,🔇,2015,Objects,sound,muted speaker
+\x{1F58A FE0F},1099,🖊️,2014,Objects,writing,pen
+\x{1F4BD},1100,💽,2010,Objects,computer,computer disk
+\x{1F1EC 1F1ED},1101,🇬🇭,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Ghana
+\x{1F9A1},1102,🦡,2018,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,badger
+\x{1F301},1103,🌁,2010,Travel & Places,place-other,foggy
+\x{1F4D4},1104,📔,2010,Objects,book-paper,notebook with decorative cover
+\x{1F58B FE0F},1105,🖋️,2014,Objects,writing,fountain pen
+\x{1F684},1106,🚄,2010,Travel & Places,transport-ground,high-speed train
+\x{1F468 200D 2695 FE0F},1107,👨⚕️,2016,People & Body,person-role,man health worker
+\x{1F4F6},1108,📶,2010,Symbols,av-symbol,antenna bars
+\x{1F6BC},1109,🚼,2010,Symbols,transport-sign,baby symbol
+\x{1F526},1110,🔦,2010,Objects,light & video,flashlight
+\x{1F685},1111,🚅,2010,Travel & Places,transport-ground,bullet train
+\x{1F251},1112,🉑,2010,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “acceptable” button
+\x{1F6E9 FE0F},1113,🛩️,2014,Travel & Places,transport-air,small airplane
+\x{1F469 200D 1F3A4},1115,👩🎤,2016,People & Body,person-role,woman singer
+\x{1F1E8 1F1ED},1116,🇨🇭,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Switzerland
+\x{1F6E2 FE0F},1117,🛢️,2014,Travel & Places,transport-ground,oil drum
+\x{26E9 FE0F},1118,⛩️,2014,Travel & Places,place-religious,shinto shrine
+\x{1F9ED},1119,🧭,2018,Travel & Places,place-map,compass
+\x{1F553},1120,🕓,2010,Travel & Places,time,four o’clock
+\x{1F696},1121,🚖,2015,Travel & Places,transport-ground,oncoming taxi
+\x{1F4D1},1123,📑,2010,Objects,book-paper,bookmark tabs
+\x{1F468 200D 1F393},1124,👨🎓,2016,People & Body,person-role,man student
+\x{1F559},1125,🕙,2010,Travel & Places,time,ten o’clock
+\x{1F93D},1126,🤽,2016,People & Body,person-sport,person playing water polo
+"\x{1F468 200D 1F469 200D 1F467 200D 1F466},1127,👨👩👧👦,2015,People & Body,family,""family: man, woman, girl, boy"""
+\x{1F469 200D 1F33E},1128,👩🌾,2016,People & Body,person-role,woman farmer
+\x{1F6B8},1130,🚸,2015,Symbols,warning,children crossing
+\x{265F FE0F},1131,♟️,2018,Activities,game,chess pawn
+\x{1F468 200D 1F3EB},1133,👨🏫,2016,People & Body,person-role,man teacher
+\x{1F1F1 1F1E7},1134,🇱🇧,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Lebanon
+\x{1F5FE},1135,🗾,2010,Travel & Places,place-map,map of Japan
+\x{1F53C},1136,🔼,2010,Symbols,av-symbol,upwards button
+\x{1F558},1137,🕘,2010,Travel & Places,time,nine o’clock
+\x{1F1E6 1F1F2},1138,🇦🇲,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Armenia
+\x{1F1E9 1F1F4},1139,🇩🇴,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Dominican Republic
+\x{1F461},1140,👡,2010,Objects,clothing,woman’s sandal
+\x{1F4C1},1141,📁,2010,Objects,office,file folder
+\x{1F325 FE0F},1142,🌥️,2014,Travel & Places,sky & weather,sun behind large cloud
+\x{1F68D},1143,🚍,2014,Travel & Places,transport-ground,oncoming bus
+\x{1F1F2 1F1FE},1144,🇲🇾,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Malaysia
+\x{23ED FE0F},1145,⏭️,2014,Symbols,av-symbol,next track button
+\x{1F960},1146,🥠,2017,Food & Drink,food-asian,fortune cookie
+\x{2196 FE0F},1147,↖️,2010,Symbols,arrow,up-left arrow
+\x{1F6A5},1148,🚥,2010,Travel & Places,transport-ground,horizontal traffic light
+\x{1F3EC},1149,🏬,2010,Travel & Places,place-building,department store
+\x{1F1EA 1F1E6},1150,🇪🇦,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Ceuta & Melilla
+\x{1F235},1152,🈵,2010,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “no vacancy” button
+\x{25FB FE0F},1153,◻️,2010,Symbols,geometric,white medium square
+\x{1F1E8 1F1F5},1154,🇨🇵,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Clipperton Island
+\x{1F1FA 1F1FE},1155,🇺🇾,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Uruguay
+\x{1F55D},1156,🕝,2014,Travel & Places,time,two-thirty
+\x{1F522},1157,🔢,2010,Symbols,alphanum,input numbers
+\x{1F9EB},1158,🧫,2018,Objects,science,petri dish
+\x{1F3F4 E0067 E0062 E0077 E006C E0073 E007F},1159,🏴,2017,Flags,subdivision-flag,flag: Wales
+\x{1F6E5 FE0F},1160,🛥️,2014,Travel & Places,transport-water,motor boat
+\x{1F196},1161,🆖,2010,Symbols,alphanum,NG button
+\x{1F1E8 1F1EE},1162,🇨🇮,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Côte d’Ivoire
+\x{1F5A8 FE0F},1164,🖨️,2014,Objects,computer,printer
+\x{1F6E0 FE0F},1165,🛠️,2014,Objects,tool,hammer and wrench
+\x{1F1E6 1F1F1},1166,🇦🇱,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Albania
+\x{1F469 200D 1F9B2},1167,👩🦲,2018,People & Body,person,woman: bald
+\x{1F97C},1168,🥼,2018,Objects,clothing,lab coat
+\x{2695 FE0F},1169,⚕️,2016,Symbols,other-symbol,medical symbol
+\x{27BF},1170,➿,2015,Symbols,other-symbol,double curly loop
+\x{1F1E7 1F1EC},1171,🇧🇬,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Bulgaria
+\x{1F936},1172,🤶,2016,People & Body,person-fantasy,Mrs. Claus
+\x{1F555},1173,🕕,2010,Travel & Places,time,six o’clock
+\x{1F3D1},1174,🏑,2015,Activities,sport,field hockey
+"\x{1F468 200D 1F469 200D 1F466},1175,👨👩👦,2015,People & Body,family,""family: man, woman, boy"""
+\x{1F503},1176,🔃,2010,Symbols,arrow,clockwise vertical arrows
+\x{1F4F5},1177,📵,2015,Symbols,warning,no mobile phones
+\x{1F236},1178,🈶,2010,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “not free of charge” button
+\x{1F94F},1179,🥏,2018,Activities,sport,flying disc
+\x{26F4 FE0F},1180,⛴️,2014,Travel & Places,transport-water,ferry
+\x{1F468 200D 1F33E},1181,👨🌾,2016,People & Body,person-role,man farmer
+\x{1F1E6 1F1FF},1182,🇦🇿,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Azerbaijan
+\x{1F4F3},1183,📳,2010,Symbols,av-symbol,vibration mode
+\x{23 FE0F 20E3},1184,#️⃣,2010,Symbols,keycap,keycap: #
+\x{1F191},1185,🆑,2010,Symbols,alphanum,CL button
+\x{26F8 FE0F},1186,⛸️,2014,Activities,sport,ice skate
+\x{1F4EB},1187,📫,2010,Objects,mail,closed mailbox with raised flag
+\x{1F556},1188,🕖,2010,Travel & Places,time,seven o’clock
+\x{1F1F8 1F1FB},1189,🇸🇻,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: El Salvador
+\x{1F1F1 1F1FE},1190,🇱🇾,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Libya
+\x{1F1EB 1F1EE},1191,🇫🇮,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Finland
+\x{1F68B},1192,🚋,2015,Travel & Places,transport-ground,tram car
+\x{2626 FE0F},1193,☦️,2015,Symbols,religion,orthodox cross
+\x{1F1F5 1F1FE},1194,🇵🇾,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Paraguay
+\x{1F529},1195,🔩,2010,Objects,tool,nut and bolt
+\x{269B FE0F},1196,⚛️,2015,Symbols,religion,atom symbol
+\x{1F557},1197,🕗,2010,Travel & Places,time,eight o’clock
+\x{1F4C2},1198,📂,2010,Objects,office,open file folder
+\x{1F687},1199,🚇,2010,Travel & Places,transport-ground,metro
+\x{1F94C},1200,🥌,2017,Activities,sport,curling stone
+\x{1F469 200D 1F3A8},1201,👩🎨,2016,People & Body,person-role,woman artist
+\x{21AA FE0F},1202,↪️,2010,Symbols,arrow,left arrow curving right
+\x{1F1FB 1F1F3},1203,🇻🇳,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Vietnam
+\x{1F1E9 1F1F0},1204,🇩🇰,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Denmark
+\x{1F3DA FE0F},1206,🏚️,2014,Travel & Places,place-building,derelict house
+\x{2328 FE0F},1207,⌨️,2015,Objects,computer,keyboard
+\x{1F55A},1208,🕚,2010,Travel & Places,time,eleven o’clock
+\x{1F68F},1209,🚏,2010,Travel & Places,transport-ground,bus stop
+\x{1F9EF},1210,🧯,2018,Objects,household,fire extinguisher
+\x{1F1F9 1F1FC},1211,🇹🇼,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Taiwan
+\x{1F50F},1212,🔏,2010,Objects,lock,locked with pen
+"\x{1F468 200D 1F469 200D 1F467},1213,👨👩👧,2015,People & Body,family,""family: man, woman, girl"""
+\x{1F9F7},1214,🧷,2018,Objects,household,safety pin
+\x{1F469 200D 1F52C},1215,👩🔬,2016,People & Body,person-role,woman scientist
+\x{1F1ED 1F1FA},1216,🇭🇺,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Hungary
+\x{1F1F3 1F1EE},1217,🇳🇮,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Nicaragua
+\x{1F6B7},1218,🚷,2015,Symbols,warning,no pedestrians
+\x{1F39B FE0F},1219,🎛️,2014,Objects,music,control knobs
+\x{1F68E},1220,🚎,2015,Travel & Places,transport-ground,trolleybus
+\x{1F689},1221,🚉,2010,Travel & Places,transport-ground,station
+\x{1F1E7 1F1F4},1222,🇧🇴,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Bolivia
+\x{1F1F2 1F1E8},1223,🇲🇨,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Monaco
+\x{1F18E},1224,🆎,2010,Symbols,alphanum,AB button (blood type)
+\x{1F472},1225,👲,2010,People & Body,person-role,person with skullcap
+\x{1F554},1226,🕔,2010,Travel & Places,time,five o’clock
+\x{1F468 200D 1F9B3},1227,👨🦳,2018,People & Body,person,man: white hair
+\x{26B1 FE0F},1228,⚱️,2015,Objects,other-object,funeral urn
+\x{2A FE0F 20E3},1229,*️⃣,2015,Symbols,keycap,keycap: *
+\x{1F1F0 1F1FC},1230,🇰🇼,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Kuwait
+\x{1F4BE},1231,💾,2010,Objects,computer,floppy disk
+\x{1F1F6 1F1E6},1232,🇶🇦,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Qatar
+\x{1F5FA FE0F},1234,🗺️,2014,Travel & Places,place-map,world map
+\x{1F3FA},1235,🏺,2015,Food & Drink,dishware,amphora
+\x{1F469 200D 1F9B1},1237,👩🦱,2018,People & Body,person,woman: curly hair
+\x{1F1EC 1F1F9},1238,🇬🇹,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Guatemala
+"\x{1F469 200D 1F467},1239,👩👧,2016,People & Body,family,""family: woman, girl"""
+\x{1F1F3 1F1F4},1240,🇳🇴,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Norway
+\x{1F4B1},1241,💱,2010,Symbols,currency,currency exchange
+\x{1F6B3},1242,🚳,2015,Symbols,warning,no bicycles
+\x{1F1EC 1F1EA},1243,🇬🇪,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Georgia
+\x{1F579 FE0F},1244,🕹️,2014,Activities,game,joystick
+\x{1F6F3 FE0F},1245,🛳️,2014,Travel & Places,transport-water,passenger ship
+\x{1F469 200D 1F9B3},1246,👩🦳,2018,People & Body,person,woman: white hair
+\x{1F1E7 1F1ED},1248,🇧🇭,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Bahrain
+\x{1F250},1250,🉐,2010,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “bargain” button
+\x{1F1E8 1F1F2},1251,🇨🇲,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Cameroon
+\x{1F239},1252,🈹,2010,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “discount” button
+\x{1F1E8 1F1E9},1253,🇨🇩,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Congo - Kinshasa
+\x{1F1ED 1F1F9},1254,🇭🇹,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Haiti
+\x{1F97F},1255,🥿,2018,Objects,clothing,flat shoe
+\x{1F1ED 1F1F3},1256,🇭🇳,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Honduras
+\x{1F565},1257,🕥,2014,Travel & Places,time,ten-thirty
+\x{1F1F8 1F1EC},1258,🇸🇬,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Singapore
+\x{1F468 200D 1F3A4},1259,👨🎤,2016,People & Body,person-role,man singer
+\x{1F1F5 1F1E6},1260,🇵🇦,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Panama
+\x{1F1E8 1F1F7},1261,🇨🇷,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Costa Rica
+\x{23EB},1262,⏫,2010,Symbols,av-symbol,fast up button
+\x{1F1F0 1F1EA},1263,🇰🇪,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Kenya
+\x{2638 FE0F},1264,☸️,2014,Symbols,religion,wheel of dharma
+\x{1F1EF 1F1F4},1265,🇯🇴,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Jordan
+\x{1F469 200D 1F4BC},1266,👩💼,2016,People & Body,person-role,woman office worker
+\x{1F469 200D 1F680},1267,👩🚀,2016,People & Body,person-role,woman astronaut
+\x{1F533},1268,🔳,2010,Symbols,geometric,white square button
+\x{1F55E},1269,🕞,2014,Travel & Places,time,three-thirty
+\x{1F1F9 1F1F3},1270,🇹🇳,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Tunisia
+\x{1F1E6 1F1EB},1271,🇦🇫,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Afghanistan
+\x{1F502},1272,🔂,2015,Symbols,av-symbol,repeat single button
+\x{1F469 200D 1F692},1273,👩🚒,2016,People & Body,person-role,woman firefighter
+\x{1F6A0},1274,🚠,2015,Travel & Places,transport-air,mountain cableway
+\x{23FA FE0F},1275,⏺️,2014,Symbols,av-symbol,record button
+\x{1F3E3},1276,🏣,2010,Travel & Places,place-building,Japanese post office
+\x{1F45D},1277,👝,2010,Objects,clothing,clutch bag
+\x{1F1E7 1F1E9},1278,🇧🇩,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Bangladesh
+\x{1F1F3 1F1FF},1279,🇳🇿,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: New Zealand
+\x{1F468 200D 1F680},1280,👨🚀,2016,People & Body,person-role,man astronaut
+\x{1F468 200D 2708 FE0F},1281,👨✈️,2016,People & Body,person-role,man pilot
+\x{21A9 FE0F},1282,↩️,2010,Symbols,arrow,right arrow curving left
+\x{1F68A},1283,🚊,2015,Travel & Places,transport-ground,tram
+\x{1F3ED},1284,🏭,2010,Travel & Places,place-building,factory
+\x{1F1F3 1F1F5},1285,🇳🇵,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Nepal
+\x{1F6CE FE0F},1286,🛎️,2014,Travel & Places,hotel,bellhop bell
+\x{1F1ED 1F1F0},1288,🇭🇰,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Hong Kong SAR China
+\x{1F1F9 1F1F9},1289,🇹🇹,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Trinidad & Tobago
+\x{1F3D7 FE0F},1290,🏗️,2014,Travel & Places,place-building,building construction
+\x{1F1EE 1F1F7},1291,🇮🇷,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Iran
+\x{1F688},1292,🚈,2015,Travel & Places,transport-ground,light rail
+\x{1F500},1293,🔀,2015,Symbols,av-symbol,shuffle tracks button
+\x{2697 FE0F},1294,⚗️,2015,Objects,science,alembic
+\x{1F6BE},1295,🚾,2010,Symbols,transport-sign,water closet
+\x{1F1E8 1F1FF},1296,🇨🇿,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Czechia
+\x{1F5EF FE0F},1297,🗯️,2014,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,right anger bubble
+\x{1F1F8 1F1FE},1298,🇸🇾,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Syria
+\x{1F469 200D 1F527},1299,👩🔧,2016,People & Body,person-role,woman mechanic
+\x{1F1FF 1F1FC},1300,🇿🇼,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Zimbabwe
+\x{1F69D},1301,🚝,2015,Travel & Places,transport-ground,monorail
+\x{1F1F3 1F1EA},1302,🇳🇪,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Niger
+\x{23F2 FE0F},1303,⏲️,2015,Travel & Places,time,timer clock
+\x{1F1ED 1F1F7},1304,🇭🇷,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Croatia
+\x{1F1FA 1F1EC},1305,🇺🇬,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Uganda
+\x{1F1F8 1F1E9},1306,🇸🇩,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Sudan
+\x{1F1F7 1F1F8},1307,🇷🇸,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Serbia
+\x{1F5B1 FE0F},1308,🖱️,2014,Objects,computer,computer mouse
+\x{1F1E6 1F1F4},1309,🇦🇴,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Angola
+\x{1F54D},1310,🕍,2015,Travel & Places,place-religious,synagogue
+\x{1F234},1311,🈴,2010,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “passing grade” button
+\x{1F3DB FE0F},1312,🏛️,2014,Travel & Places,place-building,classical building
+\x{1F69F},1313,🚟,2015,Travel & Places,transport-air,suspension railway
+\x{23EE FE0F},1314,⏮️,2014,Symbols,av-symbol,last track button
+\x{1F570 FE0F},1315,🕰️,2014,Travel & Places,time,mantelpiece clock
+\x{1F22F},1316,🈯,2010,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “reserved” button
+\x{1F6AF},1317,🚯,2015,Symbols,warning,no littering
+\x{1F468 200D 1F692},1318,👨🚒,2016,People & Body,person-role,man firefighter
+\x{1F468 200D 1F4BC},1319,👨💼,2016,People & Body,person-role,man office worker
+\x{1F468 200D 1F9B2},1320,👨🦲,2018,People & Body,person,man: bald
+\x{1F1F8 1F1F3},1321,🇸🇳,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Senegal
+\x{1F468 200D 1F9B1},1322,👨🦱,2018,People & Body,person,man: curly hair
+\x{1F468 200D 1F3A8},1323,👨🎨,2016,People & Body,person-role,man artist
+\x{1F524},1324,🔤,2010,Symbols,alphanum,input latin letters
+\x{1F6C2},1325,🛂,2015,Symbols,transport-sign,passport control
+\x{23F8 FE0F},1326,⏸️,2014,Symbols,av-symbol,pause button
+\x{1F1EA 1F1EA},1327,🇪🇪,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Estonia
+\x{1F1E7 1F1E6},1328,🇧🇦,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Bosnia & Herzegovina
+\x{1F4EA},1329,📪,2010,Objects,mail,closed mailbox with lowered flag
+\x{1F469 200D 2696 FE0F},1330,👩⚖️,2016,People & Body,person-role,woman judge
+\x{1F1EC 1F1F3},1331,🇬🇳,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Guinea
+\x{1F468 200D 1F52C},1332,👨🔬,2016,People & Body,person-role,man scientist
+"\x{1F468 200D 1F469 200D 1F467 200D 1F467},1333,👨👩👧👧,2015,People & Body,family,""family: man, woman, girl, girl"""
+\x{1F6A1},1334,🚡,2015,Travel & Places,transport-air,aerial tramway
+\x{1F3E4},1335,🏤,2015,Travel & Places,place-building,post office
+\x{1F1FF 1F1F2},1336,🇿🇲,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Zambia
+\x{1F1E7 1F1EF},1337,🇧🇯,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Benin
+\x{1F1FB 1F1EE},1338,🇻🇮,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: U.S. Virgin Islands
+\x{1F6E4 FE0F},1339,🛤️,2014,Travel & Places,transport-ground,railway track
+\x{1F69E},1340,🚞,2015,Travel & Places,transport-ground,mountain railway
+\x{1F468 200D 1F9B0},1341,👨🦰,2018,People & Body,person,man: red hair
+\x{1F1E6 1F1E9},1342,🇦🇩,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Andorra
+\x{1F1F7 1F1F4},1343,🇷🇴,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Romania
+\x{1F5D2 FE0F},1344,🗒️,2014,Objects,office,spiral notepad
+\x{1F23A},1345,🈺,2010,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “open for business” button
+"\x{1F468 200D 1F466},1346,👨👦,2016,People & Body,family,""family: man, boy"""
+\x{1F1FA 1F1F3},1347,🇺🇳,2016,Flags,country-flag,flag: United Nations
+"\x{1F468 200D 1F469 200D 1F466 200D 1F466},1348,👨👩👦👦,2015,People & Body,family,""family: man, woman, boy, boy"""
+\x{1F1E7 1F1E7},1349,🇧🇧,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Barbados
+\x{1F469 200D 2708 FE0F},1350,👩✈️,2016,People & Body,person-role,woman pilot
+\x{1F1E7 1F1F3},1351,🇧🇳,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Brunei
+\x{1F4ED},1352,📭,2014,Objects,mail,open mailbox with lowered flag
+"\x{1F469 200D 1F466},1353,👩👦,2016,People & Body,family,""family: woman, boy"""
+\x{1F1F8 1F1F4},1354,🇸🇴,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Somalia
+\x{1F1E7 1F1FC},1355,🇧🇼,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Botswana
+\x{1F5C4 FE0F},1356,🗄️,2014,Objects,office,file cabinet
+\x{1F441 FE0F 200D 1F5E8 FE0F},1357,👁️🗨️,2015,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,eye in speech bubble
+\x{1F1EA 1F1F9},1358,🇪🇹,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Ethiopia
+\x{1F1F9 1F1FF},1359,🇹🇿,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Tanzania
+\x{1F1F1 1F1FB},1360,🇱🇻,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Latvia
+\x{1F468 200D 1F527},1361,👨🔧,2016,People & Body,person-role,man mechanic
+\x{1F1EE 1F1F8},1362,🇮🇸,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Iceland
+\x{1F561},1363,🕡,2014,Travel & Places,time,six-thirty
+\x{1F468 200D 2696 FE0F},1364,👨⚖️,2016,People & Body,person-role,man judge
+\x{1F1F1 1F1FA},1365,🇱🇺,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Luxembourg
+\x{1F6C4},1366,🛄,2015,Symbols,transport-sign,baggage claim
+\x{2195 FE0F},1367,↕️,2010,Symbols,arrow,up-down arrow
+\x{1F1E6 1F1E8},1368,🇦🇨,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Ascension Island
+\x{1F1FC 1F1F8},1369,🇼🇸,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Samoa
+\x{1F566},1370,🕦,2014,Travel & Places,time,eleven-thirty
+\x{1F6B1},1371,🚱,2015,Symbols,warning,non-potable water
+\x{1F563},1372,🕣,2014,Travel & Places,time,eight-thirty
+\x{1F1F2 1F1F0},1373,🇲🇰,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: North Macedonia
+\x{1F469 200D 1F3ED},1374,👩🏭,2016,People & Body,person-role,woman factory worker
+\x{1F1F0 1F1FF},1375,🇰🇿,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Kazakhstan
+\x{1F21A},1376,🈚,2010,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “free of charge” button
+\x{1F232},1377,🈲,2010,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “prohibited” button
+\x{1F520},1378,🔠,2010,Symbols,alphanum,input latin uppercase
+\x{1F1E7 1F1FE},1380,🇧🇾,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Belarus
+\x{1F1F1 1F1E6},1381,🇱🇦,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Laos
+\x{1F1F4 1F1F2},1382,🇴🇲,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Oman
+\x{1F1E6 1F1F6},1383,🇦🇶,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Antarctica
+\x{1F4C7},1384,📇,2010,Objects,office,card index
+\x{1F5B2 FE0F},1385,🖲️,2014,Objects,computer,trackball
+\x{1F1F9 1F1EC},1386,🇹🇬,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Togo
+\x{1F1EC 1F1FE},1387,🇬🇾,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Guyana
+\x{1F564},1388,🕤,2014,Travel & Places,time,nine-thirty
+\x{1F1F2 1F1F1},1389,🇲🇱,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Mali
+\x{1F1FB 1F1E8},1390,🇻🇨,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: St. Vincent & Grenadines
+\x{1F1E6 1F1FD},1391,🇦🇽,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Åland Islands
+\x{1F567},1392,🕧,2014,Travel & Places,time,twelve-thirty
+\x{1F1FA 1F1FF},1393,🇺🇿,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Uzbekistan
+\x{1F5C3 FE0F},1394,🗃️,2014,Objects,office,card file box
+\x{1F238},1395,🈸,2010,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “application” button
+\x{1F1EC 1F1F1},1396,🇬🇱,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Greenland
+\x{1F1E6 1F1EE},1397,🇦🇮,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Anguilla
+"\x{1F469 200D 1F467 200D 1F466},1398,👩👧👦,2016,People & Body,family,""family: woman, girl, boy"""
+\x{1F233},1399,🈳,2010,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “vacancy” button
+\x{1F5DC FE0F},1400,🗜️,2014,Objects,tool,clamp
+\x{1F562},1401,🕢,2014,Travel & Places,time,seven-thirty
+\x{1F560},1402,🕠,2014,Travel & Places,time,five-thirty
+\x{1F1E6 1F1F8},1403,🇦🇸,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: American Samoa
+\x{1F1E6 1F1EC},1404,🇦🇬,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Antigua & Barbuda
+\x{1F1E7 1F1EB},1405,🇧🇫,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Burkina Faso
+\x{1F1FB 1F1E6},1406,🇻🇦,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Vatican City
+\x{1F1F1 1F1F0},1407,🇱🇰,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Sri Lanka
+\x{1F55F},1408,🕟,2014,Travel & Places,time,four-thirty
+\x{1F1E7 1F1FB},1409,🇧🇻,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Bouvet Island
+\x{1F1E6 1F1FC},1410,🇦🇼,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Aruba
+\x{1F1F2 1F1EB},1411,🇲🇫,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: St. Martin
+\x{1F1E7 1F1F8},1412,🇧🇸,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Bahamas
+\x{1F1F1 1F1F9},1413,🇱🇹,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Lithuania
+\x{1F1E7 1F1EE},1414,🇧🇮,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Burundi
+\x{1F1ED 1F1F2},1415,🇭🇲,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Heard & McDonald Islands
+\x{1F1F0 1F1F5},1416,🇰🇵,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: North Korea
+\x{1F1EA 1F1F7},1417,🇪🇷,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Eritrea
+\x{1F1F9 1F1F4},1418,🇹🇴,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Tonga
+\x{1F1F8 1F1F0},1419,🇸🇰,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Slovakia
+\x{1F1FB 1F1FA},1420,🇻🇺,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Vanuatu
+\x{1F1F0 1F1ED},1421,🇰🇭,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Cambodia
+\x{1F1F9 1F1F2},1422,🇹🇲,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Turkmenistan
+\x{23F9 FE0F},1423,⏹️,2014,Symbols,av-symbol,stop button
+\x{1F1F8 1F1F1},1424,🇸🇱,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Sierra Leone
+\x{1F1F9 1F1E9},1425,🇹🇩,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Chad
+"\x{1F468 200D 1F467},1426,👨👧,2016,People & Body,family,""family: man, girl"""
+\x{1F1FB 1F1EC},1427,🇻🇬,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: British Virgin Islands
+\x{1F1F9 1F1FB},1428,🇹🇻,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Tuvalu
+\x{1F1EE 1F1E8},1429,🇮🇨,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Canary Islands
+\x{1F1F9 1F1EF},1430,🇹🇯,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Tajikistan
+"\x{1F469 200D 1F467 200D 1F467},1431,👩👧👧,2016,People & Body,family,""family: woman, girl, girl"""
+"\x{1F468 200D 1F468 200D 1F467},1432,👨👨👧,2015,People & Body,family,""family: man, man, girl"""
+\x{1F1F0 1F1EC},1433,🇰🇬,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Kyrgyzstan
+\x{1F1E8 1F1EC},1434,🇨🇬,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Congo - Brazzaville
+\x{1F1EC 1F1E6},1435,🇬🇦,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Gabon
+\x{1F1F2 1F1F4},1436,🇲🇴,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Macao SAR China
+\x{1F1F2 1F1FA},1437,🇲🇺,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Mauritius
+\x{1F1FD 1F1F0},1438,🇽🇰,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Kosovo
+\x{1F1F8 1F1EE},1439,🇸🇮,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Slovenia
+\x{1F1F2 1F1F2},1440,🇲🇲,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Myanmar (Burma)
+\x{1F1E8 1F1FE},1441,🇨🇾,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Cyprus
+\x{1F1E7 1F1F9},1443,🇧🇹,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Bhutan
+\x{1F1E7 1F1F2},1444,🇧🇲,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Bermuda
+"\x{1F468 200D 1F466 200D 1F466},1445,👨👦👦,2016,People & Body,family,""family: man, boy, boy"""
+\x{1F1EA 1F1ED},1446,🇪🇭,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Western Sahara
+\x{1F237 FE0F},1447,🈷️,2010,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “monthly amount” button
+\x{1F1F2 1F1EA},1448,🇲🇪,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Montenegro
+\x{1F1F8 1F1F8},1449,🇸🇸,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: South Sudan
+\x{1F1F7 1F1FC},1450,🇷🇼,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Rwanda
+\x{1F1F2 1F1F7},1451,🇲🇷,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Mauritania
+\x{1F1F2 1F1F9},1452,🇲🇹,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Malta
+\x{1F1E8 1F1E8},1453,🇨🇨,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Cocos (Keeling) Islands
+\x{1F1F8 1F1F7},1454,🇸🇷,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Suriname
+"\x{1F468 200D 1F468 200D 1F466 200D 1F466},1455,👨👨👦👦,2015,People & Body,family,""family: man, man, boy, boy"""
+\x{1F6C5},1456,🛅,2015,Symbols,transport-sign,left luggage
+\x{1F1F2 1F1F3},1457,🇲🇳,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Mongolia
+"\x{1F468 200D 1F468 200D 1F466},1458,👨👨👦,2015,People & Body,family,""family: man, man, boy"""
+\x{1F1F2 1F1EC},1459,🇲🇬,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Madagascar
+\x{1F521},1460,🔡,2010,Symbols,alphanum,input latin lowercase
+\x{1F1F1 1F1F8},1461,🇱🇸,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Lesotho
+"\x{1F469 200D 1F466 200D 1F466},1462,👩👦👦,2016,People & Body,family,""family: woman, boy, boy"""
+\x{1F1FE 1F1F9},1463,🇾🇹,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Mayotte
+\x{1F1F8 1F1EF},1464,🇸🇯,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Svalbard & Jan Mayen
+\x{1F1F9 1F1F1},1465,🇹🇱,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Timor-Leste
+\x{1F1F2 1F1E9},1466,🇲🇩,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Moldova
+\x{1F1E8 1F1FB},1467,🇨🇻,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Cape Verde
+\x{1F1F2 1F1FF},1468,🇲🇿,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Mozambique
+\x{1F5C2 FE0F},1469,🗂️,2014,Objects,office,card index dividers
+\x{1F1EE 1F1F4},1470,🇮🇴,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: British Indian Ocean Territory
+\x{1F1F9 1F1E8},1471,🇹🇨,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Turks & Caicos Islands
+\x{1F1F3 1F1E6},1472,🇳🇦,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Namibia
+\x{1F1EC 1F1FC},1473,🇬🇼,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Guinea-Bissau
+\x{1F1F2 1F1FB},1474,🇲🇻,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Maldives
+\x{1F468 200D 1F3ED},1475,👨🏭,2016,People & Body,person-role,man factory worker
+\x{1F1EC 1F1FA},1476,🇬🇺,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Guam
+\x{1F1F9 1F1E6},1477,🇹🇦,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Tristan da Cunha
+"\x{1F469 200D 1F469 200D 1F467 200D 1F467},1478,👩👩👧👧,2015,People & Body,family,""family: woman, woman, girl, girl"""
+\x{1F1E7 1F1F1},1479,🇧🇱,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: St. Barthélemy
+\x{1F1F3 1F1EB},1480,🇳🇫,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Norfolk Island
+\x{1F202 FE0F},1481,🈂️,2010,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “service charge” button
+\x{1F523},1482,🔣,2010,Symbols,alphanum,input symbols
+\x{1F1F7 1F1EA},1483,🇷🇪,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Réunion
+\x{1F1F0 1F1F2},1484,🇰🇲,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Comoros
+"\x{1F469 200D 1F469 200D 1F466},1485,👩👩👦,2015,People & Body,family,""family: woman, woman, boy"""
+\x{1F1F1 1F1E8},1486,🇱🇨,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: St. Lucia
+\x{1F1EC 1F1F2},1487,🇬🇲,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Gambia
+\x{1F1FC 1F1EB},1488,🇼🇫,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Wallis & Futuna
+\x{1F1E7 1F1F6},1489,🇧🇶,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Caribbean Netherlands
+\x{1F1EE 1F1F2},1490,🇮🇲,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Isle of Man
+\x{1F1E8 1F1F0},1491,🇨🇰,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Cook Islands
+\x{1F1E7 1F1FF},1492,🇧🇿,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Belize
+"\x{1F468 200D 1F467 200D 1F466},1493,👨👧👦,2016,People & Body,family,""family: man, girl, boy"""
+\x{1F1F8 1F1FF},1494,🇸🇿,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Eswatini
+\x{1F1F8 1F1F9},1495,🇸🇹,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: São Tomé & Príncipe
+\x{1F1E9 1F1EF},1496,🇩🇯,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Djibouti
+"\x{1F469 200D 1F469 200D 1F467 200D 1F466},1497,👩👩👧👦,2015,People & Body,family,""family: woman, woman, girl, boy"""
+"\x{1F468 200D 1F468 200D 1F467 200D 1F466},1498,👨👨👧👦,2015,People & Body,family,""family: man, man, girl, boy"""
+\x{1F1E9 1F1F2},1499,🇩🇲,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Dominica
+"\x{1F469 200D 1F469 200D 1F467},1500,👩👩👧,2015,People & Body,family,""family: woman, woman, girl"""
+\x{1F1EC 1F1E9},1501,🇬🇩,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Grenada
+\x{1F1EB 1F1F2},1502,🇫🇲,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Micronesia
+\x{1F1E8 1F1EB},1503,🇨🇫,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Central African Republic
+\x{1F1F8 1F1F2},1504,🇸🇲,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: San Marino
+\x{1F1EB 1F1EF},1505,🇫🇯,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Fiji
+\x{1F1F9 1F1F0},1506,🇹🇰,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Tokelau
+\x{1F1EC 1F1EC},1507,🇬🇬,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Guernsey
+\x{1F1F0 1F1F3},1508,🇰🇳,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: St. Kitts & Nevis
+\x{1F1F8 1F1E8},1509,🇸🇨,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Seychelles
+\x{1F9B0},1510,🦰,2018,Component,hair-style,red hair
+\x{1F1F8 1F1E7},1511,🇸🇧,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Solomon Islands
+\x{23CF FE0F},1512,⏏️,2015,Symbols,av-symbol,eject button
+\x{1F1EB 1F1F0},1513,🇫🇰,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Falkland Islands
+\x{1F201},1514,🈁,2010,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “here” button
+\x{1F1F0 1F1EE},1515,🇰🇮,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Kiribati
+\x{1F1F5 1F1EC},1516,🇵🇬,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Papua New Guinea
+\x{1F1F8 1F1FD},1517,🇸🇽,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Sint Maarten
+\x{1F1F9 1F1EB},1518,🇹🇫,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: French Southern Territories
+\x{1F1EB 1F1F4},1519,🇫🇴,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Faroe Islands
+"\x{1F468 200D 1F468 200D 1F467 200D 1F467},1520,👨👨👧👧,2015,People & Body,family,""family: man, man, girl, girl"""
+\x{1F1EC 1F1F6},1521,🇬🇶,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Equatorial Guinea
+\x{1F1EF 1F1EA},1522,🇯🇪,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Jersey
+\x{1F1EC 1F1EE},1523,🇬🇮,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Gibraltar
+\x{1F1EC 1F1F8},1524,🇬🇸,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands
+"\x{1F469 200D 1F469 200D 1F466 200D 1F466},1525,👩👩👦👦,2015,People & Body,family,""family: woman, woman, boy, boy"""
+\x{1F1E8 1F1FC},1526,🇨🇼,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Curaçao
+\x{1F1F2 1F1FC},1527,🇲🇼,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Malawi
+\x{1F1F5 1F1FC},1528,🇵🇼,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Palau
+\x{1F1F2 1F1F8},1529,🇲🇸,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Montserrat
+\x{1F1F1 1F1EE},1530,🇱🇮,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Liechtenstein
+\x{1F1F2 1F1ED},1531,🇲🇭,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Marshall Islands
+\x{1F1EC 1F1EB},1532,🇬🇫,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: French Guiana
+\x{1F1F8 1F1ED},1533,🇸🇭,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: St. Helena
+\x{1F1E8 1F1FD},1534,🇨🇽,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Christmas Island
+\x{1F1F5 1F1F3},1535,🇵🇳,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Pitcairn Islands
+\x{1F1E9 1F1EC},1536,🇩🇬,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Diego Garcia
+\x{1F1F3 1F1FA},1537,🇳🇺,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Niue
+\x{1F1F3 1F1E8},1538,🇳🇨,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: New Caledonia
+\x{1F1F5 1F1EB},1539,🇵🇫,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: French Polynesia
+\x{1F1F0 1F1FE},1540,🇰🇾,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Cayman Islands
+\x{1F9B1},1541,🦱,2018,Component,hair-style,curly hair
+"\x{1F468 200D 1F467 200D 1F467},1542,👨👧👧,2016,People & Body,family,""family: man, girl, girl"""
+\x{1F1F5 1F1F2},1543,🇵🇲,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: St. Pierre & Miquelon
+\x{1F1F2 1F1F5},1544,🇲🇵,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Northern Mariana Islands
+\x{1F1F3 1F1F7},1545,🇳🇷,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Nauru
+\x{1F1F2 1F1F6},1546,🇲🇶,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Martinique
+\x{1F1EC 1F1F5},1547,🇬🇵,2015,Flags,country-flag,flag: Guadeloupe
+\x{1F9B3},1549,🦳,2018,Component,hair-style,white hair
diff --git a/exercicios/para-casa/emojis_dani.ipynb b/exercicios/para-casa/emojis_dani.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdbe679
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exercicios/para-casa/emojis_dani.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,1880 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "#Base de dados\n",
+ "\n",
+ "'''O banco de dados escolhido apresenta o ranking dos emojis mais utilizados em 2021,\n",
+ "mostrando o número de publicações de cada emoji,sua categoria e subcategoria.\n",
+ "A escolha dos emojis foi feita de maneira um pouco aleatória, mas o programa utilizado\n",
+ "oferece recursos importantes para organizar e coletar dados que serão úteis posteriormente.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Esse banco de dados pode ajudar a entender as tendências digitais e o comportamento dos usuários em 2021.\n",
+ "Apesar da escolha aleatória dos emojis, o banco de dados oferece informações valiosas sobre a comunicação digital.\n",
+ "Ele não apenas mostra os emojis mais utilizados, mas também categoriza esses emojis em diferentes\n",
+ "categorias e subcategorias,oferecendo uma visão mais detalhada sobre como as pessoas se expressam online.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Quando compartilhei essa informação na sala de aula com os alunos, eles ficaram empolgados. \n",
+ "Queriam saber qual emoji foi o mais utilizado e o menos utilizado, além de querer descobrir\n",
+ "se seus emojis favoritos estavam na lista. Foi uma experiência bacana, pois não apenas \n",
+ "proporcionou uma discussão animada sobre os emojis, mas também incentivou os alunos a refletirem\n",
+ "sobre como eles próprios se comunicam digitalmente.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "O banco de dados pode ser fofo e engraçado, mas também é uma ferramenta poderosa para analisar\n",
+ "padrões de comunicação e comportamento online. É ótimo ver como algo tão simples como emojis \n",
+ "pode gerar tanto interesse e engajamento entre os alunos. Certamente, essa iniciativa não apenas os diverte,\n",
+ "mas também os faz pensar sobre como eles se comunicam no mundo digital.\n",
+ "\n",
+ "O banco apresenta as seguintes colunas:\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Hex : São as caraterísticas gráficas usadas no contexto de codificação de caracteres,\n",
+ "emojis são representados por códigos Unicode, que são números hexadecimais únicos atribuídos a cada caractere;\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Rank: Numeração de mais utilizado até o menos utilizado;\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Emoji: A representação de cada emoji;\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Year: Ano de publicação de cada emoji;\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Category: Categoria principal do emoji;\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Subcategory: Uma subcategoria representada do emoji;\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Name: Significado de cada emoji '''"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 10,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " p HexId | \n",
+ " Rank | \n",
+ " Emoji | \n",
+ " Year | \n",
+ " Category | \n",
+ " Subcategory | \n",
+ " Name | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " \\x{1F602} | \n",
+ " 1.0 | \n",
+ " 😂 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-smiling | \n",
+ " face with tears of joy | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " \\x{2764 FE0F} | \n",
+ " 2.0 | \n",
+ " ❤️ | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " emotion | \n",
+ " red heart | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " \\x{1F923} | \n",
+ " 3.0 | \n",
+ " 🤣 | \n",
+ " 2016.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-smiling | \n",
+ " rolling on the floor laughing | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " \\x{1F44D} | \n",
+ " 4.0 | \n",
+ " 👍 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " People & Body | \n",
+ " hand-fingers-closed | \n",
+ " thumbs up | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " \\x{1F62D} | \n",
+ " 5.0 | \n",
+ " 😭 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-concerned | \n",
+ " loudly crying face | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1544 | \n",
+ " \\x{1F1F3 1F1F7} | \n",
+ " 1545.0 | \n",
+ " 🇳🇷 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Nauru | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1545 | \n",
+ " \\x{1F1F2 1F1F6} | \n",
+ " 1546.0 | \n",
+ " 🇲🇶 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Martinique | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1546 | \n",
+ " \\x{1F1EC 1F1F5} | \n",
+ " 1547.0 | \n",
+ " 🇬🇵 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Guadeloupe | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1547 | \n",
+ " \\x{1F9B2} | \n",
+ " 1548.0 | \n",
+ " 🦲 | \n",
+ " 2018.0 | \n",
+ " Component | \n",
+ " hair-style | \n",
+ " bald | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1548 | \n",
+ " \\x{1F9B3} | \n",
+ " 1549.0 | \n",
+ " 🦳 | \n",
+ " 2018.0 | \n",
+ " Component | \n",
+ " hair-style | \n",
+ " white hair | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
1549 rows × 7 columns
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " p HexId Rank Emoji Year Category \\\n",
+ "0 \\x{1F602} 1.0 😂 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion \n",
+ "1 \\x{2764 FE0F} 2.0 ❤️ 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion \n",
+ "2 \\x{1F923} 3.0 🤣 2016.0 Smileys & Emotion \n",
+ "3 \\x{1F44D} 4.0 👍 2010.0 People & Body \n",
+ "4 \\x{1F62D} 5.0 😭 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion \n",
+ "... ... ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "1544 \\x{1F1F3 1F1F7} 1545.0 🇳🇷 2015.0 Flags \n",
+ "1545 \\x{1F1F2 1F1F6} 1546.0 🇲🇶 2015.0 Flags \n",
+ "1546 \\x{1F1EC 1F1F5} 1547.0 🇬🇵 2015.0 Flags \n",
+ "1547 \\x{1F9B2} 1548.0 🦲 2018.0 Component \n",
+ "1548 \\x{1F9B3} 1549.0 🦳 2018.0 Component \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Subcategory Name \n",
+ "0 face-smiling face with tears of joy \n",
+ "1 emotion red heart \n",
+ "2 face-smiling rolling on the floor laughing \n",
+ "3 hand-fingers-closed thumbs up \n",
+ "4 face-concerned loudly crying face \n",
+ "... ... ... \n",
+ "1544 country-flag flag: Nauru \n",
+ "1545 country-flag flag: Martinique \n",
+ "1546 country-flag flag: Guadeloupe \n",
+ "1547 hair-style bald \n",
+ "1548 hair-style white hair \n",
+ "\n",
+ "[1549 rows x 7 columns]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 10,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "import pandas as pd\n",
+ "import numpy as np\n",
+ "\n",
+ "df = pd.read_csv(\"emojis.csv\")\n",
+ "df\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 11,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " Hex | \n",
+ " Rank | \n",
+ " Emoji | \n",
+ " Year | \n",
+ " Category | \n",
+ " Subcategory | \n",
+ " Name | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " \\x{1F602} | \n",
+ " 1.0 | \n",
+ " 😂 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-smiling | \n",
+ " face with tears of joy | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " \\x{2764 FE0F} | \n",
+ " 2.0 | \n",
+ " ❤️ | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " emotion | \n",
+ " red heart | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " \\x{1F923} | \n",
+ " 3.0 | \n",
+ " 🤣 | \n",
+ " 2016.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-smiling | \n",
+ " rolling on the floor laughing | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " \\x{1F44D} | \n",
+ " 4.0 | \n",
+ " 👍 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " People & Body | \n",
+ " hand-fingers-closed | \n",
+ " thumbs up | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " \\x{1F62D} | \n",
+ " 5.0 | \n",
+ " 😭 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-concerned | \n",
+ " loudly crying face | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1544 | \n",
+ " \\x{1F1F3 1F1F7} | \n",
+ " 1545.0 | \n",
+ " 🇳🇷 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Nauru | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1545 | \n",
+ " \\x{1F1F2 1F1F6} | \n",
+ " 1546.0 | \n",
+ " 🇲🇶 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Martinique | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1546 | \n",
+ " \\x{1F1EC 1F1F5} | \n",
+ " 1547.0 | \n",
+ " 🇬🇵 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Guadeloupe | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1547 | \n",
+ " \\x{1F9B2} | \n",
+ " 1548.0 | \n",
+ " 🦲 | \n",
+ " 2018.0 | \n",
+ " Component | \n",
+ " hair-style | \n",
+ " bald | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1548 | \n",
+ " \\x{1F9B3} | \n",
+ " 1549.0 | \n",
+ " 🦳 | \n",
+ " 2018.0 | \n",
+ " Component | \n",
+ " hair-style | \n",
+ " white hair | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
1549 rows × 7 columns
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " Hex Rank Emoji Year Category \\\n",
+ "0 \\x{1F602} 1.0 😂 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion \n",
+ "1 \\x{2764 FE0F} 2.0 ❤️ 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion \n",
+ "2 \\x{1F923} 3.0 🤣 2016.0 Smileys & Emotion \n",
+ "3 \\x{1F44D} 4.0 👍 2010.0 People & Body \n",
+ "4 \\x{1F62D} 5.0 😭 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion \n",
+ "... ... ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "1544 \\x{1F1F3 1F1F7} 1545.0 🇳🇷 2015.0 Flags \n",
+ "1545 \\x{1F1F2 1F1F6} 1546.0 🇲🇶 2015.0 Flags \n",
+ "1546 \\x{1F1EC 1F1F5} 1547.0 🇬🇵 2015.0 Flags \n",
+ "1547 \\x{1F9B2} 1548.0 🦲 2018.0 Component \n",
+ "1548 \\x{1F9B3} 1549.0 🦳 2018.0 Component \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Subcategory Name \n",
+ "0 face-smiling face with tears of joy \n",
+ "1 emotion red heart \n",
+ "2 face-smiling rolling on the floor laughing \n",
+ "3 hand-fingers-closed thumbs up \n",
+ "4 face-concerned loudly crying face \n",
+ "... ... ... \n",
+ "1544 country-flag flag: Nauru \n",
+ "1545 country-flag flag: Martinique \n",
+ "1546 country-flag flag: Guadeloupe \n",
+ "1547 hair-style bald \n",
+ "1548 hair-style white hair \n",
+ "\n",
+ "[1549 rows x 7 columns]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 11,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "#Mudando nome de Coluna\n",
+ "mapeamento_colunas = {\n",
+ " 'p HexId': 'Hex'\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "df.rename(columns=mapeamento_colunas, inplace=True)\n",
+ "df"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 12,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " Rank | \n",
+ " Emoji | \n",
+ " Year | \n",
+ " Category | \n",
+ " Subcategory | \n",
+ " Name | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1.0 | \n",
+ " 😂 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-smiling | \n",
+ " face with tears of joy | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2.0 | \n",
+ " ❤️ | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " emotion | \n",
+ " red heart | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 3.0 | \n",
+ " 🤣 | \n",
+ " 2016.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-smiling | \n",
+ " rolling on the floor laughing | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 4.0 | \n",
+ " 👍 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " People & Body | \n",
+ " hand-fingers-closed | \n",
+ " thumbs up | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 5.0 | \n",
+ " 😭 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-concerned | \n",
+ " loudly crying face | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1544 | \n",
+ " 1545.0 | \n",
+ " 🇳🇷 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Nauru | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1545 | \n",
+ " 1546.0 | \n",
+ " 🇲🇶 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Martinique | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1546 | \n",
+ " 1547.0 | \n",
+ " 🇬🇵 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Guadeloupe | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1547 | \n",
+ " 1548.0 | \n",
+ " 🦲 | \n",
+ " 2018.0 | \n",
+ " Component | \n",
+ " hair-style | \n",
+ " bald | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1548 | \n",
+ " 1549.0 | \n",
+ " 🦳 | \n",
+ " 2018.0 | \n",
+ " Component | \n",
+ " hair-style | \n",
+ " white hair | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
1549 rows × 6 columns
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " Rank Emoji Year Category Subcategory \\\n",
+ "0 1.0 😂 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion face-smiling \n",
+ "1 2.0 ❤️ 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion emotion \n",
+ "2 3.0 🤣 2016.0 Smileys & Emotion face-smiling \n",
+ "3 4.0 👍 2010.0 People & Body hand-fingers-closed \n",
+ "4 5.0 😭 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion face-concerned \n",
+ "... ... ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "1544 1545.0 🇳🇷 2015.0 Flags country-flag \n",
+ "1545 1546.0 🇲🇶 2015.0 Flags country-flag \n",
+ "1546 1547.0 🇬🇵 2015.0 Flags country-flag \n",
+ "1547 1548.0 🦲 2018.0 Component hair-style \n",
+ "1548 1549.0 🦳 2018.0 Component hair-style \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Name \n",
+ "0 face with tears of joy \n",
+ "1 red heart \n",
+ "2 rolling on the floor laughing \n",
+ "3 thumbs up \n",
+ "4 loudly crying face \n",
+ "... ... \n",
+ "1544 flag: Nauru \n",
+ "1545 flag: Martinique \n",
+ "1546 flag: Guadeloupe \n",
+ "1547 bald \n",
+ "1548 white hair \n",
+ "\n",
+ "[1549 rows x 6 columns]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 12,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "#Excluindo coluna\n",
+ "df.drop('Hex', axis=1, inplace=True)\n",
+ "df"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 13,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "Rank float64\n",
+ "Emoji object\n",
+ "Year float64\n",
+ "Category object\n",
+ "Subcategory object\n",
+ "Name object\n",
+ "dtype: object"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 13,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "df.dtypes\n",
+ "#Mostrar tipo de dados na coluna"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 14,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "Index(['Rank', 'Emoji', 'Year', 'Category', 'Subcategory', 'Name'], dtype='object')"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 14,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "df.columns\n",
+ "#Descrição das colunas "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 15,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Valores nulos por coluna do dataframe:\n",
+ "Rank 31\n",
+ "Emoji 31\n",
+ "Year 31\n",
+ "Category 31\n",
+ "Subcategory 31\n",
+ "Name 31\n",
+ "dtype: int64\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "#Mostrando valores nulos por colunas\n",
+ "print(\"Valores nulos por coluna do dataframe:\")\n",
+ "print(df.isnull().sum())"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 16,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "(1518, 6)"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 16,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "# Remove entradas (linhas) contendo valores nulos em colunas específicas\n",
+ "df = df.dropna(subset=['Rank', 'Emoji','Year','Category','Subcategory','Name'])\n",
+ "df.shape"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 17,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " Rank | \n",
+ " Emoji | \n",
+ " Year | \n",
+ " Category | \n",
+ " Subcategory | \n",
+ " Name | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1.0 | \n",
+ " 😂 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-smiling | \n",
+ " face with tears of joy | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2.0 | \n",
+ " ❤️ | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " emotion | \n",
+ " red heart | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 3.0 | \n",
+ " 🤣 | \n",
+ " 2016.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-smiling | \n",
+ " rolling on the floor laughing | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 4.0 | \n",
+ " 👍 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " People & Body | \n",
+ " hand-fingers-closed | \n",
+ " thumbs up | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 5.0 | \n",
+ " 😭 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-concerned | \n",
+ " loudly crying face | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1544 | \n",
+ " 1545.0 | \n",
+ " 🇳🇷 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Nauru | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1545 | \n",
+ " 1546.0 | \n",
+ " 🇲🇶 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Martinique | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1546 | \n",
+ " 1547.0 | \n",
+ " 🇬🇵 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Guadeloupe | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1547 | \n",
+ " 1548.0 | \n",
+ " 🦲 | \n",
+ " 2018.0 | \n",
+ " Component | \n",
+ " hair-style | \n",
+ " bald | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1548 | \n",
+ " 1549.0 | \n",
+ " 🦳 | \n",
+ " 2018.0 | \n",
+ " Component | \n",
+ " hair-style | \n",
+ " white hair | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
1518 rows × 6 columns
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " Rank Emoji Year Category Subcategory \\\n",
+ "0 1.0 😂 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion face-smiling \n",
+ "1 2.0 ❤️ 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion emotion \n",
+ "2 3.0 🤣 2016.0 Smileys & Emotion face-smiling \n",
+ "3 4.0 👍 2010.0 People & Body hand-fingers-closed \n",
+ "4 5.0 😭 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion face-concerned \n",
+ "... ... ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "1544 1545.0 🇳🇷 2015.0 Flags country-flag \n",
+ "1545 1546.0 🇲🇶 2015.0 Flags country-flag \n",
+ "1546 1547.0 🇬🇵 2015.0 Flags country-flag \n",
+ "1547 1548.0 🦲 2018.0 Component hair-style \n",
+ "1548 1549.0 🦳 2018.0 Component hair-style \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Name \n",
+ "0 face with tears of joy \n",
+ "1 red heart \n",
+ "2 rolling on the floor laughing \n",
+ "3 thumbs up \n",
+ "4 loudly crying face \n",
+ "... ... \n",
+ "1544 flag: Nauru \n",
+ "1545 flag: Martinique \n",
+ "1546 flag: Guadeloupe \n",
+ "1547 bald \n",
+ "1548 white hair \n",
+ "\n",
+ "[1518 rows x 6 columns]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 17,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "df"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 18,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " Rank | \n",
+ " Emoji | \n",
+ " Year | \n",
+ " Category | \n",
+ " Subcategory | \n",
+ " Name | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 1548 | \n",
+ " 1549.0 | \n",
+ " 🦳 | \n",
+ " 2018.0 | \n",
+ " Component | \n",
+ " hair-style | \n",
+ " white hair | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1547 | \n",
+ " 1548.0 | \n",
+ " 🦲 | \n",
+ " 2018.0 | \n",
+ " Component | \n",
+ " hair-style | \n",
+ " bald | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1546 | \n",
+ " 1547.0 | \n",
+ " 🇬🇵 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Guadeloupe | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1545 | \n",
+ " 1546.0 | \n",
+ " 🇲🇶 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Martinique | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1544 | \n",
+ " 1545.0 | \n",
+ " 🇳🇷 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Nauru | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 5.0 | \n",
+ " 😭 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-concerned | \n",
+ " loudly crying face | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 4.0 | \n",
+ " 👍 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " People & Body | \n",
+ " hand-fingers-closed | \n",
+ " thumbs up | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 3.0 | \n",
+ " 🤣 | \n",
+ " 2016.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-smiling | \n",
+ " rolling on the floor laughing | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2.0 | \n",
+ " ❤️ | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " emotion | \n",
+ " red heart | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1.0 | \n",
+ " 😂 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-smiling | \n",
+ " face with tears of joy | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
1518 rows × 6 columns
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " Rank Emoji Year Category Subcategory \\\n",
+ "1548 1549.0 🦳 2018.0 Component hair-style \n",
+ "1547 1548.0 🦲 2018.0 Component hair-style \n",
+ "1546 1547.0 🇬🇵 2015.0 Flags country-flag \n",
+ "1545 1546.0 🇲🇶 2015.0 Flags country-flag \n",
+ "1544 1545.0 🇳🇷 2015.0 Flags country-flag \n",
+ "... ... ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "4 5.0 😭 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion face-concerned \n",
+ "3 4.0 👍 2010.0 People & Body hand-fingers-closed \n",
+ "2 3.0 🤣 2016.0 Smileys & Emotion face-smiling \n",
+ "1 2.0 ❤️ 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion emotion \n",
+ "0 1.0 😂 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion face-smiling \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Name \n",
+ "1548 white hair \n",
+ "1547 bald \n",
+ "1546 flag: Guadeloupe \n",
+ "1545 flag: Martinique \n",
+ "1544 flag: Nauru \n",
+ "... ... \n",
+ "4 loudly crying face \n",
+ "3 thumbs up \n",
+ "2 rolling on the floor laughing \n",
+ "1 red heart \n",
+ "0 face with tears of joy \n",
+ "\n",
+ "[1518 rows x 6 columns]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 18,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "nome_da_coluna = 'Rank'\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Ordenando o DataFrame com base na coluna em ordem decrescente\n",
+ "df = df.sort_values(by=nome_da_coluna, ascending=False)\n",
+ "df"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 19,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " Rank | \n",
+ " Emoji | \n",
+ " Year | \n",
+ " Category | \n",
+ " Subcategory | \n",
+ " Name | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1.0 | \n",
+ " 😂 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-smiling | \n",
+ " face with tears of joy | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2.0 | \n",
+ " ❤️ | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " emotion | \n",
+ " red heart | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 3.0 | \n",
+ " 🤣 | \n",
+ " 2016.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-smiling | \n",
+ " rolling on the floor laughing | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 4.0 | \n",
+ " 👍 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " People & Body | \n",
+ " hand-fingers-closed | \n",
+ " thumbs up | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 5.0 | \n",
+ " 😭 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-concerned | \n",
+ " loudly crying face | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1544 | \n",
+ " 1545.0 | \n",
+ " 🇳🇷 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Nauru | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1545 | \n",
+ " 1546.0 | \n",
+ " 🇲🇶 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Martinique | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1546 | \n",
+ " 1547.0 | \n",
+ " 🇬🇵 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Guadeloupe | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1547 | \n",
+ " 1548.0 | \n",
+ " 🦲 | \n",
+ " 2018.0 | \n",
+ " Component | \n",
+ " hair-style | \n",
+ " bald | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1548 | \n",
+ " 1549.0 | \n",
+ " 🦳 | \n",
+ " 2018.0 | \n",
+ " Component | \n",
+ " hair-style | \n",
+ " white hair | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
1518 rows × 6 columns
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " Rank Emoji Year Category Subcategory \\\n",
+ "0 1.0 😂 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion face-smiling \n",
+ "1 2.0 ❤️ 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion emotion \n",
+ "2 3.0 🤣 2016.0 Smileys & Emotion face-smiling \n",
+ "3 4.0 👍 2010.0 People & Body hand-fingers-closed \n",
+ "4 5.0 😭 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion face-concerned \n",
+ "... ... ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "1544 1545.0 🇳🇷 2015.0 Flags country-flag \n",
+ "1545 1546.0 🇲🇶 2015.0 Flags country-flag \n",
+ "1546 1547.0 🇬🇵 2015.0 Flags country-flag \n",
+ "1547 1548.0 🦲 2018.0 Component hair-style \n",
+ "1548 1549.0 🦳 2018.0 Component hair-style \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Name \n",
+ "0 face with tears of joy \n",
+ "1 red heart \n",
+ "2 rolling on the floor laughing \n",
+ "3 thumbs up \n",
+ "4 loudly crying face \n",
+ "... ... \n",
+ "1544 flag: Nauru \n",
+ "1545 flag: Martinique \n",
+ "1546 flag: Guadeloupe \n",
+ "1547 bald \n",
+ "1548 white hair \n",
+ "\n",
+ "[1518 rows x 6 columns]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 19,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "nome_da_coluna = 'Rank'\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# Ordenando a coluna especificada em ordem crescente\n",
+ "df = df.sort_values(by=nome_da_coluna)\n",
+ "df"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 20,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " Rank | \n",
+ " Emoji | \n",
+ " Year | \n",
+ " Category | \n",
+ " Subcategory | \n",
+ " Name | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1.0 | \n",
+ " 😂 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-smiling | \n",
+ " face with tears of joy | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2.0 | \n",
+ " ❤️ | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " emotion | \n",
+ " red heart | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 3.0 | \n",
+ " 🤣 | \n",
+ " 2016.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-smiling | \n",
+ " rolling on the floor laughing | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 4.0 | \n",
+ " 👍 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " People & Body | \n",
+ " hand-fingers-closed | \n",
+ " thumbs up | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 5.0 | \n",
+ " 😭 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-concerned | \n",
+ " loudly crying face | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1544 | \n",
+ " 1545.0 | \n",
+ " 🇳🇷 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Nauru | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1545 | \n",
+ " 1546.0 | \n",
+ " 🇲🇶 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Martinique | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1546 | \n",
+ " 1547.0 | \n",
+ " 🇬🇵 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Guadeloupe | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1547 | \n",
+ " 1548.0 | \n",
+ " 🦲 | \n",
+ " 2018.0 | \n",
+ " Component | \n",
+ " hair-style | \n",
+ " bald | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1548 | \n",
+ " 1549.0 | \n",
+ " 🦳 | \n",
+ " 2018.0 | \n",
+ " Component | \n",
+ " hair-style | \n",
+ " white hair | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
1518 rows × 6 columns
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " Rank Emoji Year Category Subcategory \\\n",
+ "0 1.0 😂 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion face-smiling \n",
+ "1 2.0 ❤️ 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion emotion \n",
+ "2 3.0 🤣 2016.0 Smileys & Emotion face-smiling \n",
+ "3 4.0 👍 2010.0 People & Body hand-fingers-closed \n",
+ "4 5.0 😭 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion face-concerned \n",
+ "... ... ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "1544 1545.0 🇳🇷 2015.0 Flags country-flag \n",
+ "1545 1546.0 🇲🇶 2015.0 Flags country-flag \n",
+ "1546 1547.0 🇬🇵 2015.0 Flags country-flag \n",
+ "1547 1548.0 🦲 2018.0 Component hair-style \n",
+ "1548 1549.0 🦳 2018.0 Component hair-style \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Name \n",
+ "0 face with tears of joy \n",
+ "1 red heart \n",
+ "2 rolling on the floor laughing \n",
+ "3 thumbs up \n",
+ "4 loudly crying face \n",
+ "... ... \n",
+ "1544 flag: Nauru \n",
+ "1545 flag: Martinique \n",
+ "1546 flag: Guadeloupe \n",
+ "1547 bald \n",
+ "1548 white hair \n",
+ "\n",
+ "[1518 rows x 6 columns]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 20,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "df_copia = df.copy()\n",
+ "df_copia\n",
+ "#Cópia do datafame inicial"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 21,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " Rank | \n",
+ " Emoji | \n",
+ " Year | \n",
+ " Category | \n",
+ " Subcategory | \n",
+ " Name | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1.0 | \n",
+ " 😂 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-smiling | \n",
+ " face with tears of joy | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2.0 | \n",
+ " ❤️ | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " emotion | \n",
+ " red heart | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 3.0 | \n",
+ " 🤣 | \n",
+ " 2016.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-smiling | \n",
+ " rolling on the floor laughing | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 4.0 | \n",
+ " 👍 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " People & Body | \n",
+ " hand-fingers-closed | \n",
+ " thumbs up | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 5.0 | \n",
+ " 😭 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-concerned | \n",
+ " loudly crying face | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1544 | \n",
+ " 1545.0 | \n",
+ " 🇳🇷 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Nauru | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1545 | \n",
+ " 1546.0 | \n",
+ " 🇲🇶 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Martinique | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1546 | \n",
+ " 1547.0 | \n",
+ " 🇬🇵 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Guadeloupe | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1547 | \n",
+ " 1548.0 | \n",
+ " 🦲 | \n",
+ " 2018.0 | \n",
+ " Component | \n",
+ " hair-style | \n",
+ " bald | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1548 | \n",
+ " 1549.0 | \n",
+ " 🦳 | \n",
+ " 2018.0 | \n",
+ " Component | \n",
+ " hair-style | \n",
+ " white hair | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
1518 rows × 6 columns
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " Rank Emoji Year Category Subcategory \\\n",
+ "0 1.0 😂 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion face-smiling \n",
+ "1 2.0 ❤️ 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion emotion \n",
+ "2 3.0 🤣 2016.0 Smileys & Emotion face-smiling \n",
+ "3 4.0 👍 2010.0 People & Body hand-fingers-closed \n",
+ "4 5.0 😭 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion face-concerned \n",
+ "... ... ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "1544 1545.0 🇳🇷 2015.0 Flags country-flag \n",
+ "1545 1546.0 🇲🇶 2015.0 Flags country-flag \n",
+ "1546 1547.0 🇬🇵 2015.0 Flags country-flag \n",
+ "1547 1548.0 🦲 2018.0 Component hair-style \n",
+ "1548 1549.0 🦳 2018.0 Component hair-style \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Name \n",
+ "0 face with tears of joy \n",
+ "1 red heart \n",
+ "2 rolling on the floor laughing \n",
+ "3 thumbs up \n",
+ "4 loudly crying face \n",
+ "... ... \n",
+ "1544 flag: Nauru \n",
+ "1545 flag: Martinique \n",
+ "1546 flag: Guadeloupe \n",
+ "1547 bald \n",
+ "1548 white hair \n",
+ "\n",
+ "[1518 rows x 6 columns]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 21,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "df_copia"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 22,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "0 False\n",
+ "1 False\n",
+ "2 False\n",
+ "3 False\n",
+ "4 False\n",
+ " ... \n",
+ "1544 False\n",
+ "1545 False\n",
+ "1546 False\n",
+ "1547 False\n",
+ "1548 False\n",
+ "Length: 1518, dtype: bool"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 22,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "df_copia.duplicated()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 23,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " Rank | \n",
+ " Emoji | \n",
+ " Year | \n",
+ " Category | \n",
+ " Subcategory | \n",
+ " Name | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1.0 | \n",
+ " 😂 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-smiling | \n",
+ " face with tears of joy | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2.0 | \n",
+ " ❤️ | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " emotion | \n",
+ " red heart | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 3.0 | \n",
+ " 🤣 | \n",
+ " 2016.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-smiling | \n",
+ " rolling on the floor laughing | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 4.0 | \n",
+ " 👍 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " People & Body | \n",
+ " hand-fingers-closed | \n",
+ " thumbs up | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 5.0 | \n",
+ " 😭 | \n",
+ " 2010.0 | \n",
+ " Smileys & Emotion | \n",
+ " face-concerned | \n",
+ " loudly crying face | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1544 | \n",
+ " 1545.0 | \n",
+ " 🇳🇷 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Nauru | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1545 | \n",
+ " 1546.0 | \n",
+ " 🇲🇶 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Martinique | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1546 | \n",
+ " 1547.0 | \n",
+ " 🇬🇵 | \n",
+ " 2015.0 | \n",
+ " Flags | \n",
+ " country-flag | \n",
+ " flag: Guadeloupe | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1547 | \n",
+ " 1548.0 | \n",
+ " 🦲 | \n",
+ " 2018.0 | \n",
+ " Component | \n",
+ " hair-style | \n",
+ " bald | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1548 | \n",
+ " 1549.0 | \n",
+ " 🦳 | \n",
+ " 2018.0 | \n",
+ " Component | \n",
+ " hair-style | \n",
+ " white hair | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
1518 rows × 6 columns
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " Rank Emoji Year Category Subcategory \\\n",
+ "0 1.0 😂 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion face-smiling \n",
+ "1 2.0 ❤️ 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion emotion \n",
+ "2 3.0 🤣 2016.0 Smileys & Emotion face-smiling \n",
+ "3 4.0 👍 2010.0 People & Body hand-fingers-closed \n",
+ "4 5.0 😭 2010.0 Smileys & Emotion face-concerned \n",
+ "... ... ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "1544 1545.0 🇳🇷 2015.0 Flags country-flag \n",
+ "1545 1546.0 🇲🇶 2015.0 Flags country-flag \n",
+ "1546 1547.0 🇬🇵 2015.0 Flags country-flag \n",
+ "1547 1548.0 🦲 2018.0 Component hair-style \n",
+ "1548 1549.0 🦳 2018.0 Component hair-style \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Name \n",
+ "0 face with tears of joy \n",
+ "1 red heart \n",
+ "2 rolling on the floor laughing \n",
+ "3 thumbs up \n",
+ "4 loudly crying face \n",
+ "... ... \n",
+ "1544 flag: Nauru \n",
+ "1545 flag: Martinique \n",
+ "1546 flag: Guadeloupe \n",
+ "1547 bald \n",
+ "1548 white hair \n",
+ "\n",
+ "[1518 rows x 6 columns]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 23,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "df_copia.reset_index(drop=True)\n",
+ "df_copia"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 24,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "novo_emojis = 'novo_emojis_dani.csv'\n",
+ "\n",
+ "df_copia.to_csv(novo_emojis, index=False)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "#insights\n",
+ "#1 - Possível indentificar o ano mais recente e mais antigo da criação dos Emojis;\n",
+ "#2 - Possível alternar o emoji menos utilizado e o mais utilizado;\n",
+ "#3 - Otimizar retirando uma coluna de símoblos (Hex) que no momento não foi tão funcional.\n",
+ "#4 - Criar um novo arquivo csv otimizado (novo_emojis_dani.csv)\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": []
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": "Python 3",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
+ "language_info": {
+ "codemirror_mode": {
+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
+ "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
+ "version": "3.11.4"
+ }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 2
diff --git a/exercicios/para-casa/novo_emojis_dani.csv b/exercicios/para-casa/novo_emojis_dani.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e16c20e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exercicios/para-casa/novo_emojis_dani.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,1519 @@
+1.0,😂,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-smiling,face with tears of joy
+2.0,❤️,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,red heart
+3.0,🤣,2016.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-smiling,rolling on the floor laughing
+4.0,👍,2010.0,People & Body,hand-fingers-closed,thumbs up
+5.0,😭,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,loudly crying face
+6.0,🙏,2010.0,People & Body,hands,folded hands
+7.0,😘,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-affection,face blowing a kiss
+8.0,🥰,2018.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-affection,smiling face with hearts
+9.0,😍,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-affection,smiling face with heart-eyes
+10.0,😊,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-smiling,smiling face with smiling eyes
+11.0,🎉,2010.0,Activities,event,party popper
+12.0,😁,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-smiling,beaming face with smiling eyes
+13.0,💕,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,two hearts
+14.0,🥺,2018.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,pleading face
+15.0,😅,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-smiling,grinning face with sweat
+16.0,🔥,2010.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,fire
+17.0,☺️,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-affection,smiling face
+18.0,🤦,2016.0,People & Body,person-gesture,person facepalming
+19.0,♥️,2010.0,Activities,game,heart suit
+20.0,🤷,2016.0,People & Body,person-gesture,person shrugging
+21.0,🙄,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-neutral-skeptical,face with rolling eyes
+22.0,😆,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-smiling,grinning squinting face
+23.0,🤗,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-hand,hugging face
+24.0,😉,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-smiling,winking face
+25.0,🎂,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-sweet,birthday cake
+26.0,🤔,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-hand,thinking face
+27.0,👏,2010.0,People & Body,hands,clapping hands
+28.0,🙂,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-smiling,slightly smiling face
+29.0,😳,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,flushed face
+30.0,🥳,2018.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-hat,partying face
+31.0,😎,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-glasses,smiling face with sunglasses
+32.0,👌,2010.0,People & Body,hand-fingers-partial,OK hand
+33.0,💜,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,purple heart
+34.0,😔,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-sleepy,pensive face
+35.0,💪,2010.0,People & Body,body-parts,flexed biceps
+37.0,💖,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,sparkling heart
+38.0,👀,2010.0,People & Body,body-parts,eyes
+39.0,😋,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-tongue,face savoring food
+40.0,😏,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-neutral-skeptical,smirking face
+41.0,😢,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,crying face
+42.0,👉,2010.0,People & Body,hand-single-finger,backhand index pointing right
+43.0,💗,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,growing heart
+44.0,😩,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,weary face
+45.0,💯,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,hundred points
+46.0,🌹,2010.0,Animals & Nature,plant-flower,rose
+47.0,💞,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,revolving hearts
+49.0,💙,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,blue heart
+50.0,😃,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-smiling,grinning face with big eyes
+51.0,😡,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-negative,pouting face
+52.0,💐,2010.0,Animals & Nature,plant-flower,bouquet
+53.0,😜,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-tongue,winking face with tongue
+54.0,🙈,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,monkey-face,see-no-evil monkey
+55.0,🤞,2016.0,People & Body,hand-fingers-partial,crossed fingers
+56.0,😄,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-smiling,grinning face with smiling eyes
+57.0,🤤,2016.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-sleepy,drooling face
+58.0,🙌,2010.0,People & Body,hands,raising hands
+59.0,🤪,2017.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-tongue,zany face
+60.0,❣️,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,heart exclamation
+61.0,😀,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-smiling,grinning face
+62.0,💋,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,kiss mark
+63.0,💀,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-negative,skull
+64.0,👇,2010.0,People & Body,hand-single-finger,backhand index pointing down
+65.0,💔,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,broken heart
+66.0,😌,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-sleepy,relieved face
+67.0,💓,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,beating heart
+68.0,🤩,2017.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-affection,star-struck
+69.0,🙃,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-smiling,upside-down face
+70.0,😬,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-neutral-skeptical,grimacing face
+71.0,😱,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,face screaming in fear
+72.0,😴,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-sleepy,sleeping face
+73.0,🤭,2017.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-hand,face with hand over mouth
+74.0,😐,2014.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-neutral-skeptical,neutral face
+75.0,🌞,2015.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,sun with face
+76.0,😒,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-neutral-skeptical,unamused face
+77.0,😇,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-smiling,smiling face with halo
+78.0,🌸,2010.0,Animals & Nature,plant-flower,cherry blossom
+79.0,😈,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-negative,smiling face with horns
+80.0,🎶,2010.0,Objects,music,musical notes
+81.0,✌️,2010.0,People & Body,hand-fingers-partial,victory hand
+82.0,🎊,2010.0,Activities,event,confetti ball
+83.0,🥵,2018.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-unwell,hot face
+84.0,😞,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,disappointed face
+85.0,💚,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,green heart
+86.0,☀️,2010.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,sun
+87.0,🖤,2016.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,black heart
+88.0,💰,2010.0,Objects,money,money bag
+89.0,😚,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-affection,kissing face with closed eyes
+91.0,🎁,2010.0,Activities,event,wrapped gift
+92.0,💥,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,collision
+93.0,🙋,2010.0,People & Body,person-gesture,person raising hand
+94.0,☹️,2014.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,frowning face
+95.0,😑,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-neutral-skeptical,expressionless face
+96.0,🥴,2018.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-unwell,woozy face
+97.0,👈,2010.0,People & Body,hand-single-finger,backhand index pointing left
+98.0,💩,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-costume,pile of poo
+99.0,✅,2010.0,Symbols,other-symbol,check mark button
+100.0,👋,2010.0,People & Body,hand-fingers-open,waving hand
+101.0,🤮,2017.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-unwell,face vomiting
+102.0,😤,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-negative,face with steam from nose
+103.0,🤢,2016.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-unwell,nauseated face
+104.0,🌟,2010.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,glowing star
+105.0,❗,2010.0,Symbols,punctuation,red exclamation mark
+106.0,😥,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,sad but relieved face
+107.0,🌈,2010.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,rainbow
+108.0,💛,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,yellow heart
+109.0,😝,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-tongue,squinting face with tongue
+110.0,😫,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,tired face
+111.0,😲,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,astonished face
+112.0,🖕,2015.0,People & Body,hand-single-finger,middle finger
+113.0,‼️,2010.0,Symbols,punctuation,double exclamation mark
+114.0,🔴,2010.0,Symbols,geometric,red circle
+115.0,🌻,2010.0,Animals & Nature,plant-flower,sunflower
+116.0,🤯,2017.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-unwell,exploding head
+117.0,💃,2010.0,People & Body,person-activity,woman dancing
+118.0,👊,2010.0,People & Body,hand-fingers-closed,oncoming fist
+119.0,🤬,2017.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-negative,face with symbols on mouth
+120.0,🏃,2010.0,People & Body,person-activity,person running
+121.0,😕,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,confused face
+122.0,👁️,2014.0,People & Body,body-parts,eye
+123.0,⚡,2010.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,high voltage
+124.0,☕,2010.0,Food & Drink,drink,hot beverage
+125.0,🍀,2010.0,Animals & Nature,plant-other,four leaf clover
+126.0,💦,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,sweat droplets
+127.0,⭐,2010.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,star
+128.0,🦋,2016.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bug,butterfly
+129.0,🤨,2017.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-neutral-skeptical,face with raised eyebrow
+130.0,🌺,2010.0,Animals & Nature,plant-flower,hibiscus
+131.0,😹,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,cat-face,cat with tears of joy
+132.0,🤘,2015.0,People & Body,hand-fingers-partial,sign of the horns
+133.0,🌷,2010.0,Animals & Nature,plant-flower,tulip
+134.0,💝,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,heart with ribbon
+135.0,💤,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,zzz
+136.0,🤝,2016.0,People & Body,hands,handshake
+137.0,🐰,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,rabbit face
+138.0,😓,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,downcast face with sweat
+139.0,💘,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,heart with arrow
+140.0,🍻,2010.0,Food & Drink,drink,clinking beer mugs
+141.0,😟,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,worried face
+142.0,😣,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,persevering face
+143.0,🧐,2017.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-glasses,face with monocle
+144.0,😠,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-negative,angry face
+145.0,🤠,2016.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-hat,cowboy hat face
+146.0,😻,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,cat-face,smiling cat with heart-eyes
+147.0,🌙,2010.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,crescent moon
+148.0,😛,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-tongue,face with tongue
+149.0,🤙,2016.0,People & Body,hand-fingers-partial,call me hand
+150.0,🙊,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,monkey-face,speak-no-evil monkey
+151.0,🧡,2017.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,orange heart
+152.0,🤡,2016.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-costume,clown face
+153.0,🤫,2017.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-hand,shushing face
+154.0,🌼,2010.0,Animals & Nature,plant-flower,blossom
+155.0,🥂,2016.0,Food & Drink,drink,clinking glasses
+156.0,😷,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-unwell,face with medical mask
+157.0,🤓,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-glasses,nerd face
+158.0,☠️,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-negative,skull and crossbones
+159.0,🥶,2018.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-unwell,cold face
+160.0,😶,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-neutral-skeptical,face without mouth
+161.0,😖,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,confounded face
+162.0,🎵,2010.0,Objects,music,musical note
+163.0,🚶,2010.0,People & Body,person-activity,person walking
+164.0,😙,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-affection,kissing face with smiling eyes
+165.0,🍆,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-vegetable,eggplant
+166.0,🤑,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-tongue,money-mouth face
+167.0,💅,2010.0,People & Body,hand-prop,nail polish
+168.0,😗,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-affection,kissing face
+169.0,🐶,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,dog face
+170.0,🍓,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-fruit,strawberry
+171.0,✋,2010.0,People & Body,hand-fingers-open,raised hand
+172.0,👅,2010.0,People & Body,body-parts,tongue
+173.0,👄,2010.0,People & Body,body-parts,mouth
+174.0,🌿,2010.0,Animals & Nature,plant-other,herb
+175.0,🚨,2010.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,police car light
+176.0,➡️,2010.0,Symbols,arrow,right arrow
+178.0,🤟,2017.0,People & Body,hand-fingers-partial,love-you gesture
+179.0,🍑,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-fruit,peach
+180.0,🍃,2010.0,Animals & Nature,plant-other,leaf fluttering in wind
+181.0,😮,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,face with open mouth
+182.0,💎,2010.0,Objects,clothing,gem stone
+184.0,🌱,2010.0,Animals & Nature,plant-other,seedling
+186.0,🙁,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,slightly frowning face
+187.0,🍷,2010.0,Food & Drink,drink,wine glass
+188.0,😪,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-sleepy,sleepy face
+189.0,🌚,2015.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,new moon face
+191.0,🍒,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-fruit,cherries
+192.0,✔️,2010.0,Symbols,other-symbol,check mark
+194.0,❌,2010.0,Symbols,other-symbol,cross mark
+195.0,💢,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,anger symbol
+196.0,🛒,2016.0,Objects,household,shopping cart
+197.0,😸,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,cat-face,grinning cat with smiling eyes
+198.0,🐾,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,paw prints
+199.0,👎,2010.0,People & Body,hand-fingers-closed,thumbs down
+200.0,🚀,2010.0,Travel & Places,transport-air,rocket
+202.0,☝️,2010.0,People & Body,hand-single-finger,index pointing up
+203.0,🍺,2010.0,Food & Drink,drink,beer mug
+205.0,📷,2010.0,Objects,light & video,camera
+206.0,🙇,2010.0,People & Body,person-gesture,person bowing
+207.0,💨,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,dashing away
+208.0,🍕,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,pizza
+209.0,🏠,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-building,house
+210.0,📸,2015.0,Objects,light & video,camera with flash
+211.0,🐇,2015.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,rabbit
+212.0,🚩,2010.0,Flags,flag,triangular flag
+213.0,😰,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,anxious face with sweat
+214.0,👶,2010.0,People & Body,person,baby
+215.0,🌊,2010.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,water wave
+216.0,🐕,2014.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,dog
+217.0,💫,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,dizzy
+218.0,😵,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-unwell,knocked-out face
+220.0,🏡,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-building,house with garden
+221.0,🥀,2016.0,Animals & Nature,plant-flower,wilted flower
+222.0,🤧,2016.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-unwell,sneezing face
+223.0,🍾,2015.0,Food & Drink,drink,bottle with popping cork
+224.0,🍰,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-sweet,shortcake
+225.0,🍁,2010.0,Animals & Nature,plant-other,maple leaf
+226.0,🤲,2017.0,People & Body,hands,palms up together
+227.0,⬇️,2010.0,Symbols,arrow,down arrow
+228.0,👆,2010.0,People & Body,hand-single-finger,backhand index pointing up
+229.0,😯,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,hushed face
+230.0,✊,2010.0,People & Body,hand-fingers-closed,raised fist
+231.0,💌,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,love letter
+232.0,❄️,2010.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,snowflake
+233.0,💸,2010.0,Objects,money,money with wings
+234.0,🧁,2018.0,Food & Drink,food-sweet,cupcake
+235.0,⚽,2010.0,Activities,sport,soccer ball
+236.0,🇺🇸,2010.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: United States
+237.0,❓,2010.0,Symbols,punctuation,red question mark
+238.0,🕺,2016.0,People & Body,person-activity,man dancing
+239.0,⁉️,2010.0,Symbols,punctuation,exclamation question mark
+240.0,😺,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,cat-face,grinning cat
+241.0,💧,2010.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,droplet
+242.0,💣,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,bomb
+243.0,🤐,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-neutral-skeptical,zipper-mouth face
+244.0,🍎,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-fruit,red apple
+245.0,🐷,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,pig face
+246.0,🐥,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,front-facing baby chick
+247.0,💁,2010.0,People & Body,person-gesture,person tipping hand
+248.0,📍,2010.0,Objects,office,round pushpin
+250.0,🙅,2010.0,People & Body,person-gesture,person gesturing NO
+251.0,🥇,2016.0,Activities,award-medal,1st place medal
+252.0,🌝,2015.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,full moon face
+253.0,🔫,2010.0,Objects,tool,water pistol
+255.0,🐱,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,cat face
+256.0,🐣,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,hatching chick
+257.0,✝️,2014.0,Symbols,religion,latin cross
+259.0,💟,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,heart decoration
+260.0,👹,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-costume,ogre
+262.0,🍼,2015.0,Food & Drink,drink,baby bottle
+263.0,🖐️,2014.0,People & Body,hand-fingers-open,hand with fingers splayed
+264.0,💡,2010.0,Objects,light & video,light bulb
+265.0,😽,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,cat-face,kissing cat
+266.0,🍊,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-fruit,tangerine
+267.0,😨,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,fearful face
+268.0,🍫,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-sweet,chocolate bar
+269.0,🧢,2017.0,Objects,clothing,billed cap
+270.0,🤕,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-unwell,face with head-bandage
+271.0,☘️,2015.0,Animals & Nature,plant-other,shamrock
+273.0,🎼,2010.0,Objects,music,musical score
+274.0,🐻,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,bear
+275.0,📲,2010.0,Objects,phone,mobile phone with arrow
+276.0,👻,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-costume,ghost
+277.0,🗣️,2014.0,People & Body,person-symbol,speaking head
+278.0,👿,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-negative,angry face with horns
+279.0,🧚,2017.0,People & Body,person-fantasy,fairy
+280.0,🌮,2015.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,taco
+281.0,🍭,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-sweet,lollipop
+282.0,🐟,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-marine,fish
+283.0,🐸,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-amphibian,frog
+284.0,🐝,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bug,honeybee
+285.0,🐈,2014.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,cat
+286.0,🔵,2010.0,Symbols,geometric,blue circle
+287.0,🌧️,2014.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,cloud with rain
+288.0,🔪,2010.0,Food & Drink,dishware,kitchen knife
+289.0,😧,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,anguished face
+290.0,🌄,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-other,sunrise over mountains
+291.0,😾,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,cat-face,pouting cat
+292.0,✈️,2010.0,Travel & Places,transport-air,airplane
+293.0,🤸,2016.0,People & Body,person-sport,person cartwheeling
+294.0,📱,2010.0,Objects,phone,mobile phone
+295.0,🍇,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-fruit,grapes
+296.0,🌴,2010.0,Animals & Nature,plant-other,palm tree
+297.0,🐢,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-reptile,turtle
+298.0,🌃,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-other,night with stars
+299.0,👽,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-costume,alien
+300.0,🍌,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-fruit,banana
+301.0,📺,2010.0,Objects,light & video,television
+302.0,👐,2010.0,People & Body,hands,open hands
+303.0,⏰,2010.0,Travel & Places,time,alarm clock
+305.0,🌅,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-other,sunrise
+306.0,🦄,2015.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,unicorn
+307.0,⭕,2010.0,Symbols,other-symbol,hollow red circle
+308.0,🎥,2010.0,Objects,light & video,movie camera
+309.0,▶️,2010.0,Symbols,av-symbol,play button
+310.0,🍋,2015.0,Food & Drink,food-fruit,lemon
+311.0,🥚,2016.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,egg
+312.0,💲,2010.0,Symbols,currency,heavy dollar sign
+314.0,🐔,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,chicken
+316.0,🥃,2016.0,Food & Drink,drink,tumbler glass
+317.0,😿,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,cat-face,crying cat
+318.0,🚗,2010.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,automobile
+319.0,🌎,2014.0,Travel & Places,place-map,globe showing Americas
+320.0,🕊️,2014.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,dove
+321.0,🔊,2010.0,Objects,sound,speaker high volume
+322.0,🦅,2016.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,eagle
+324.0,🦆,2016.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,duck
+325.0,🍉,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-fruit,watermelon
+326.0,🍬,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-sweet,candy
+327.0,🧸,2018.0,Activities,game,teddy bear
+328.0,✍️,2014.0,People & Body,hand-prop,writing hand
+329.0,🍨,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-sweet,ice cream
+331.0,🤚,2016.0,People & Body,hand-fingers-open,raised back of hand
+332.0,📩,2010.0,Objects,mail,envelope with arrow
+333.0,💵,2010.0,Objects,money,dollar banknote
+334.0,👼,2010.0,People & Body,person-fantasy,baby angel
+335.0,💭,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,thought balloon
+336.0,🌍,2014.0,Travel & Places,place-map,globe showing Europe-Africa
+337.0,⬅️,2010.0,Symbols,arrow,left arrow
+338.0,⚫,2010.0,Symbols,geometric,black circle
+339.0,👧,2010.0,People & Body,person,girl
+340.0,🏵️,2014.0,Animals & Nature,plant-flower,rosette
+341.0,🤜,2016.0,People & Body,hand-fingers-closed,right-facing fist
+342.0,🍿,2015.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,popcorn
+343.0,🧿,2018.0,Activities,game,nazar amulet
+345.0,🍏,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-fruit,green apple
+346.0,🌳,2015.0,Animals & Nature,plant-other,deciduous tree
+347.0,🙉,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,monkey-face,hear-no-evil monkey
+348.0,😦,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-concerned,frowning face with open mouth
+350.0,🤰,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,pregnant woman
+351.0,🍹,2010.0,Food & Drink,drink,tropical drink
+352.0,🍦,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-sweet,soft ice cream
+353.0,🛑,2016.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,stop sign
+354.0,🧘,2017.0,People & Body,person-resting,person in lotus position
+355.0,🍔,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,hamburger
+356.0,🏖️,2014.0,Travel & Places,place-geographic,beach with umbrella
+357.0,🍂,2010.0,Animals & Nature,plant-other,fallen leaf
+358.0,🐒,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,monkey
+359.0,🍪,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-sweet,cookie
+360.0,🙀,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,cat-face,weary cat
+361.0,🍗,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,poultry leg
+362.0,🌠,2010.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,shooting star
+363.0,🎬,2010.0,Objects,light & video,clapper board
+364.0,🌵,2010.0,Animals & Nature,plant-other,cactus
+365.0,🍄,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-vegetable,mushroom
+366.0,🐐,2015.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,goat
+367.0,🍩,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-sweet,doughnut
+368.0,🦁,2015.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,lion
+369.0,🙆,2010.0,People & Body,person-gesture,person gesturing OK
+370.0,📞,2010.0,Objects,phone,telephone receiver
+371.0,👸,2010.0,People & Body,person-role,princess
+372.0,🍅,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-fruit,tomato
+373.0,🐍,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-reptile,snake
+374.0,👦,2010.0,People & Body,person,boy
+375.0,💬,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,speech balloon
+376.0,🥤,2017.0,Food & Drink,drink,cup with straw
+377.0,🏳️🌈,2016.0,Flags,flag,rainbow flag
+378.0,😼,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,cat-face,cat with wry smile
+379.0,🌾,2010.0,Animals & Nature,plant-other,sheaf of rice
+380.0,🧀,2015.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,cheese wedge
+381.0,☁️,2010.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,cloud
+382.0,🎮,2010.0,Activities,game,video game
+383.0,🧠,2017.0,People & Body,body-parts,brain
+384.0,☔,2010.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,umbrella with rain drops
+385.0,🌏,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-map,globe showing Asia-Australia
+386.0,🛌,2015.0,People & Body,person-resting,person in bed
+387.0,🔝,2010.0,Symbols,arrow,TOP arrow
+388.0,🌉,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-other,bridge at night
+389.0,🤛,2016.0,People & Body,hand-fingers-closed,left-facing fist
+390.0,🤒,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-unwell,face with thermometer
+392.0,⚪,2010.0,Symbols,geometric,white circle
+393.0,🌲,2015.0,Animals & Nature,plant-other,evergreen tree
+394.0,☑️,2010.0,Symbols,other-symbol,check box with check
+395.0,🍜,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-asian,steaming bowl
+396.0,🐦,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,bird
+397.0,🍯,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-sweet,honey pot
+398.0,👮,2010.0,People & Body,person-role,police officer
+399.0,🏅,2015.0,Activities,award-medal,sports medal
+400.0,🐼,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,panda
+402.0,👺,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-costume,goblin
+403.0,🔞,2010.0,Symbols,warning,no one under eighteen
+405.0,🎨,2010.0,Activities,arts & crafts,artist palette
+406.0,🇧🇷,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Brazil
+407.0,🍞,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,bread
+409.0,🦜,2018.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,parrot
+410.0,🐑,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,ewe
+411.0,🐙,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-marine,octopus
+412.0,🦍,2016.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,gorilla
+413.0,🇺🇲,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: U.S. Outlying Islands
+415.0,📖,2010.0,Objects,book-paper,open book
+416.0,♻️,2010.0,Symbols,other-symbol,recycling symbol
+417.0,🔹,2010.0,Symbols,geometric,small blue diamond
+418.0,🥓,2016.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,bacon
+419.0,🥒,2016.0,Food & Drink,food-vegetable,cucumber
+420.0,🍸,2010.0,Food & Drink,drink,cocktail glass
+421.0,🥧,2017.0,Food & Drink,food-sweet,pie
+422.0,♨️,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-other,hot springs
+424.0,🐖,2015.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,pig
+425.0,⚔️,2015.0,Objects,tool,crossed swords
+426.0,📈,2010.0,Objects,office,chart increasing
+427.0,⛱️,2014.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,umbrella on ground
+429.0,👩,2010.0,People & Body,person,woman
+430.0,🌀,2010.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,cyclone
+431.0,💆,2010.0,People & Body,person-activity,person getting massage
+432.0,🥩,2017.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,cut of meat
+433.0,🎄,2010.0,Activities,event,Christmas tree
+434.0,🌽,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-vegetable,ear of corn
+435.0,🤥,2016.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-neutral-skeptical,lying face
+436.0,🏘️,2014.0,Travel & Places,place-building,houses
+437.0,🐎,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,horse
+438.0,🆘,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,SOS button
+439.0,🇮🇳,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: India
+440.0,1️⃣,2010.0,Symbols,keycap,keycap: 1
+441.0,🕯️,2014.0,Objects,light & video,candle
+442.0,🇨🇦,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Canada
+443.0,💏,2010.0,People & Body,family,kiss
+444.0,🥕,2016.0,Food & Drink,food-vegetable,carrot
+446.0,🔮,2010.0,Activities,game,crystal ball
+447.0,🦀,2015.0,Food & Drink,food-marine,crab
+448.0,🐠,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-marine,tropical fish
+449.0,🌛,2010.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,first quarter moon face
+450.0,👠,2010.0,Objects,clothing,high-heeled shoe
+451.0,☮️,2015.0,Symbols,religion,peace symbol
+452.0,🐓,2015.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,rooster
+453.0,🥊,2016.0,Activities,sport,boxing glove
+454.0,🇹🇷,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Turkey
+455.0,🛐,2015.0,Symbols,religion,place of worship
+457.0,🔰,2010.0,Symbols,other-symbol,Japanese symbol for beginner
+458.0,🌜,2014.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,last quarter moon face
+459.0,🍴,2010.0,Food & Drink,dishware,fork and knife
+460.0,🥔,2016.0,Food & Drink,food-vegetable,potato
+461.0,🎓,2010.0,Objects,clothing,graduation cap
+464.0,🥑,2016.0,Food & Drink,food-vegetable,avocado
+465.0,👯,2010.0,People & Body,person-activity,people with bunny ears
+466.0,🍍,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-fruit,pineapple
+467.0,⛽,2010.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,fuel pump
+468.0,🏁,2010.0,Flags,flag,chequered flag
+469.0,👂,2010.0,People & Body,body-parts,ear
+470.0,🦊,2016.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,fox
+471.0,👃,2010.0,People & Body,body-parts,nose
+472.0,🦖,2017.0,Animals & Nature,animal-reptile,T-Rex
+473.0,🐴,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,horse face
+476.0,🌶️,2014.0,Food & Drink,food-vegetable,hot pepper
+477.0,🦠,2018.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bug,microbe
+478.0,🌕,2010.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,full moon
+480.0,🌌,2010.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,milky way
+481.0,⛳,2010.0,Activities,sport,flag in hole
+482.0,🍧,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-sweet,shaved ice
+483.0,🍟,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,french fries
+485.0,🎹,2010.0,Objects,musical-instrument,musical keyboard
+486.0,🐿️,2014.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,chipmunk
+487.0,🇲🇽,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Mexico
+488.0,🥞,2016.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,pancakes
+489.0,2️⃣,2010.0,Symbols,keycap,keycap: 2
+490.0,👣,2010.0,People & Body,person-symbol,footprints
+491.0,🍽️,2014.0,Food & Drink,dishware,fork and knife with plate
+492.0,🥜,2016.0,Food & Drink,food-vegetable,peanuts
+493.0,🕳️,2014.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,hole
+494.0,🍡,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-asian,dango
+495.0,⤵️,2010.0,Symbols,arrow,right arrow curving down
+496.0,🦷,2018.0,People & Body,body-parts,tooth
+497.0,🚴,2015.0,People & Body,person-sport,person biking
+498.0,🍝,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-asian,spaghetti
+500.0,🐊,2015.0,Animals & Nature,animal-reptile,crocodile
+501.0,🍖,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,meat on bone
+502.0,🐺,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,wolf
+503.0,🐽,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,pig nose
+504.0,🚮,2015.0,Symbols,transport-sign,litter in bin sign
+505.0,🍵,2010.0,Food & Drink,drink,teacup without handle
+506.0,🌭,2015.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,hot dog
+507.0,🐄,2015.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,cow
+508.0,⬆️,2010.0,Symbols,arrow,up arrow
+510.0,🍳,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,cooking
+511.0,👫,2010.0,People & Body,family,woman and man holding hands
+512.0,⌚,2010.0,Travel & Places,time,watch
+513.0,♦️,2010.0,Activities,game,diamond suit
+514.0,🔆,2015.0,Symbols,av-symbol,bright button
+515.0,🐳,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-marine,spouting whale
+516.0,🌯,2015.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,burrito
+517.0,🦴,2018.0,People & Body,body-parts,bone
+518.0,🥪,2017.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,sandwich
+519.0,🦃,2015.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,turkey
+520.0,🎣,2010.0,Activities,sport,fishing pole
+521.0,🔻,2010.0,Symbols,geometric,red triangle pointed down
+522.0,🐀,2015.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,rat
+523.0,🐬,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-marine,dolphin
+524.0,🍚,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-asian,cooked rice
+525.0,🤖,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-costume,robot
+526.0,🐧,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,penguin
+527.0,🦈,2016.0,Animals & Nature,animal-marine,shark
+528.0,🏄,2010.0,People & Body,person-sport,person surfing
+529.0,🏋️,2014.0,People & Body,person-sport,person lifting weights
+530.0,🏈,2010.0,Activities,sport,american football
+532.0,🌐,2015.0,Travel & Places,place-map,globe with meridians
+533.0,🔍,2010.0,Objects,light & video,magnifying glass tilted left
+534.0,☄️,2015.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,comet
+535.0,📴,2010.0,Symbols,av-symbol,mobile phone off
+536.0,🥦,2017.0,Food & Drink,food-vegetable,broccoli
+537.0,🐯,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,tiger face
+538.0,🅰️,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,A button (blood type)
+541.0,🥛,2016.0,Food & Drink,drink,glass of milk
+542.0,🥭,2018.0,Food & Drink,food-fruit,mango
+543.0,🖖,2015.0,People & Body,hand-fingers-open,vulcan salute
+544.0,🐛,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bug,bug
+545.0,🦞,2018.0,Food & Drink,food-marine,lobster
+546.0,🇮🇹,2010.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Italy
+547.0,🐤,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,baby chick
+548.0,🧟,2017.0,People & Body,person-fantasy,zombie
+549.0,🍤,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-asian,fried shrimp
+550.0,🦐,2016.0,Food & Drink,food-marine,shrimp
+551.0,🎭,2010.0,Activities,arts & crafts,performing arts
+552.0,🐞,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bug,lady beetle
+553.0,🐵,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,monkey face
+554.0,🍣,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-asian,sushi
+555.0,🥗,2016.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,green salad
+557.0,🆔,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,ID button
+559.0,👴,2010.0,People & Body,person,old man
+560.0,🤴,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,prince
+562.0,👵,2010.0,People & Body,person,old woman
+563.0,🤳,2016.0,People & Body,hand-prop,selfie
+565.0,⬛,2010.0,Symbols,geometric,black large square
+566.0,👤,2010.0,People & Body,person-symbol,bust in silhouette
+567.0,🎩,2010.0,Objects,clothing,top hat
+568.0,🔙,2010.0,Symbols,arrow,BACK arrow
+569.0,🥫,2017.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,canned food
+570.0,🏞️,2014.0,Travel & Places,place-geographic,national park
+571.0,🆕,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,NEW button
+572.0,🥐,2016.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,croissant
+573.0,👰,2010.0,People & Body,person-role,person with veil
+574.0,♠️,2010.0,Activities,game,spade suit
+575.0,🌬️,2014.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,wind face
+576.0,💳,2010.0,Objects,money,credit card
+577.0,🌨️,2014.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,cloud with snow
+578.0,🕷️,2014.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bug,spider
+579.0,🇯🇵,2010.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Japan
+580.0,🐚,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-marine,spiral shell
+581.0,🌆,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-other,cityscape at dusk
+582.0,⚓,2010.0,Travel & Places,transport-water,anchor
+583.0,🆗,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,OK button
+584.0,🇬🇧,2010.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: United Kingdom
+585.0,🤱,2017.0,People & Body,person-role,breast-feeding
+586.0,👭,2015.0,People & Body,family,women holding hands
+587.0,🦇,2016.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,bat
+589.0,👨,2010.0,People & Body,person,man
+590.0,🕵️,2014.0,People & Body,person-role,detective
+591.0,🦗,2017.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bug,cricket
+593.0,🦕,2017.0,Animals & Nature,animal-reptile,sauropod
+594.0,🏹,2015.0,Objects,tool,bow and arrow
+595.0,🐮,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,cow face
+596.0,🚲,2010.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,bicycle
+597.0,💑,2010.0,People & Body,family,couple with heart
+599.0,🏌️,2014.0,People & Body,person-sport,person golfing
+600.0,🚒,2010.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,fire engine
+601.0,🦎,2016.0,Animals & Nature,animal-reptile,lizard
+602.0,🦉,2016.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,owl
+603.0,🐂,2015.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,ox
+604.0,🍈,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-fruit,melon
+605.0,🚭,2010.0,Symbols,warning,no smoking
+606.0,🐘,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,elephant
+607.0,🚙,2010.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,sport utility vehicle
+610.0,⏩,2010.0,Symbols,av-symbol,fast-forward button
+611.0,🎙️,2014.0,Objects,music,studio microphone
+612.0,📄,2010.0,Objects,book-paper,page facing up
+615.0,🅱️,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,B button (blood type)
+616.0,🎱,2010.0,Activities,game,pool 8 ball
+617.0,3️⃣,2010.0,Symbols,keycap,keycap: 3
+618.0,🌪️,2014.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,tornado
+619.0,🦵,2018.0,People & Body,body-parts,leg
+620.0,🏊,2010.0,People & Body,person-sport,person swimming
+621.0,🛵,2016.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,motor scooter
+623.0,🔎,2010.0,Objects,light & video,magnifying glass tilted right
+624.0,👟,2010.0,Objects,clothing,running shoe
+625.0,🆒,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,COOL button
+626.0,〰️,2010.0,Symbols,punctuation,wavy dash
+627.0,🔱,2010.0,Symbols,other-symbol,trident emblem
+628.0,🦌,2016.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,deer
+629.0,🥈,2016.0,Activities,award-medal,2nd place medal
+630.0,🚚,2010.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,delivery truck
+632.0,🐜,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bug,ant
+633.0,🎲,2010.0,Activities,game,game die
+634.0,💠,2010.0,Symbols,geometric,diamond with a dot
+635.0,🥝,2016.0,Food & Drink,food-fruit,kiwi fruit
+636.0,🦶,2018.0,People & Body,body-parts,foot
+637.0,👾,2010.0,Smileys & Emotion,face-costume,alien monster
+638.0,💮,2010.0,Animals & Nature,plant-flower,white flower
+639.0,🦑,2016.0,Food & Drink,food-marine,squid
+640.0,🔺,2010.0,Symbols,geometric,red triangle pointed up
+641.0,🐁,2015.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,mouse
+642.0,⛈️,2014.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,cloud with lightning and rain
+643.0,🐌,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bug,snail
+644.0,🔷,2010.0,Symbols,geometric,large blue diamond
+646.0,🛍️,2014.0,Objects,clothing,shopping bags
+647.0,💒,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-building,wedding
+648.0,🐉,2015.0,Animals & Nature,animal-reptile,dragon
+649.0,🎍,2010.0,Activities,event,pine decoration
+650.0,🗝️,2014.0,Objects,lock,old key
+653.0,🍥,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-asian,fish cake with swirl
+654.0,🍐,2015.0,Food & Drink,food-fruit,pear
+655.0,🏫,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-building,school
+656.0,🚂,2015.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,locomotive
+657.0,🔐,2010.0,Objects,lock,locked with key
+658.0,⛄,2010.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,snowman without snow
+659.0,☃️,2014.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,snowman
+660.0,☂️,2014.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,umbrella
+661.0,⏳,2010.0,Travel & Places,time,hourglass not done
+662.0,⛅,2010.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,sun behind cloud
+663.0,🔜,2010.0,Symbols,arrow,SOON arrow
+664.0,🥣,2017.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,bowl with spoon
+665.0,🎋,2010.0,Activities,event,tanabata tree
+666.0,🔶,2010.0,Symbols,geometric,large orange diamond
+667.0,🔸,2010.0,Symbols,geometric,small orange diamond
+668.0,⛔,2010.0,Symbols,warning,no entry
+669.0,0️⃣,2010.0,Symbols,keycap,keycap: 0
+670.0,🦸,2018.0,People & Body,person-fantasy,superhero
+672.0,🇦🇷,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Argentina
+674.0,🥉,2016.0,Activities,award-medal,3rd place medal
+675.0,🐅,2015.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,tiger
+676.0,📊,2010.0,Objects,office,bar chart
+677.0,🦝,2018.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,raccoon
+679.0,🚘,2014.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,oncoming automobile
+680.0,👱,2010.0,People & Body,person,person: blond hair
+681.0,♣️,2010.0,Activities,game,club suit
+682.0,🌡️,2014.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,thermometer
+683.0,🧜,2017.0,People & Body,person-fantasy,merperson
+684.0,🏥,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-building,hospital
+685.0,⛵,2010.0,Travel & Places,transport-water,sailboat
+686.0,🕋,2015.0,Travel & Places,place-religious,kaaba
+688.0,💇,2010.0,People & Body,person-activity,person getting haircut
+689.0,🇩🇪,2010.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Germany
+690.0,🥬,2018.0,Food & Drink,food-vegetable,leafy green
+691.0,🐨,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,koala
+693.0,👥,2015.0,People & Body,person-symbol,busts in silhouette
+694.0,🇰🇷,2010.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: South Korea
+695.0,⬜,2010.0,Symbols,geometric,white large square
+696.0,📆,2010.0,Objects,office,tear-off calendar
+697.0,🥖,2016.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,baguette bread
+698.0,🐩,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,poodle
+699.0,🤺,2016.0,People & Body,person-sport,person fencing
+701.0,⌛,2010.0,Travel & Places,time,hourglass done
+702.0,🔽,2010.0,Symbols,av-symbol,downwards button
+704.0,🍲,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,pot of food
+705.0,🦘,2018.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,kangaroo
+706.0,🥥,2017.0,Food & Drink,food-fruit,coconut
+707.0,🛀,2010.0,People & Body,person-resting,person taking bath
+708.0,🏍️,2014.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,motorcycle
+709.0,🖼️,2014.0,Activities,arts & crafts,framed picture
+711.0,📿,2015.0,Objects,clothing,prayer beads
+712.0,🕛,2010.0,Travel & Places,time,twelve o’clock
+713.0,▪️,2010.0,Symbols,geometric,black small square
+714.0,🌑,2010.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,new moon
+715.0,🚛,2015.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,articulated lorry
+717.0,🏎️,2014.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,racing car
+718.0,📡,2010.0,Objects,science,satellite antenna
+719.0,🐭,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,mouse face
+720.0,🗽,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-building,Statue of Liberty
+721.0,🆓,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,FREE button
+723.0,🇫🇷,2010.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: France
+726.0,🆚,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,VS button
+727.0,🌋,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-geographic,volcano
+728.0,📉,2010.0,Objects,office,chart decreasing
+730.0,🏒,2015.0,Activities,sport,ice hockey
+731.0,🏔️,2014.0,Travel & Places,place-geographic,snow-capped mountain
+732.0,🕐,2010.0,Travel & Places,time,one o’clock
+733.0,🦙,2018.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,llama
+734.0,🧙,2017.0,People & Body,person-fantasy,mage
+735.0,🦟,2018.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bug,mosquito
+737.0,🚢,2010.0,Travel & Places,transport-water,ship
+738.0,🙍,2010.0,People & Body,person-gesture,person frowning
+739.0,📕,2010.0,Objects,book-paper,closed book
+740.0,👬,2015.0,People & Body,family,men holding hands
+741.0,🐆,2015.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,leopard
+742.0,🔛,2010.0,Symbols,arrow,ON! arrow
+743.0,❕,2010.0,Symbols,punctuation,white exclamation mark
+744.0,👒,2010.0,Objects,clothing,woman’s hat
+745.0,🐪,2015.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,camel
+746.0,🥟,2017.0,Food & Drink,food-asian,dumpling
+747.0,⚖️,2015.0,Objects,tool,balance scale
+749.0,🍶,2010.0,Food & Drink,drink,sake
+750.0,🇨🇴,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Colombia
+751.0,↗️,2010.0,Symbols,arrow,up-right arrow
+752.0,🎪,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-other,circus tent
+754.0,🇨🇳,2010.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: China
+755.0,4️⃣,2010.0,Symbols,keycap,keycap: 4
+757.0,🦚,2018.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,peacock
+758.0,🍠,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-asian,roasted sweet potato
+759.0,🥨,2017.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,pretzel
+761.0,🍮,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-sweet,custard
+762.0,🎗️,2014.0,Activities,event,reminder ribbon
+763.0,🏩,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-building,love hotel
+764.0,🐃,2015.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,water buffalo
+765.0,🔅,2015.0,Symbols,av-symbol,dim button
+766.0,🇪🇸,2010.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Spain
+767.0,🏰,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-building,castle
+768.0,5️⃣,2010.0,Symbols,keycap,keycap: 5
+769.0,📬,2014.0,Objects,mail,open mailbox with raised flag
+774.0,📛,2010.0,Symbols,other-symbol,name badge
+775.0,🐏,2015.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,ram
+777.0,🕌,2015.0,Travel & Places,place-religious,mosque
+778.0,🐋,2015.0,Animals & Nature,animal-marine,whale
+779.0,🥋,2016.0,Activities,sport,martial arts uniform
+780.0,🐲,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-reptile,dragon face
+781.0,❎,2010.0,Symbols,other-symbol,cross mark button
+783.0,📨,2010.0,Objects,mail,incoming envelope
+784.0,⛪,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-religious,church
+785.0,🦒,2017.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,giraffe
+786.0,🎡,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-other,ferris wheel
+787.0,🧱,2018.0,Travel & Places,place-building,brick
+789.0,🚑,2010.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,ambulance
+790.0,🏝️,2014.0,Travel & Places,place-geographic,desert island
+791.0,🚓,2010.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,police car
+792.0,🚃,2010.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,railway car
+793.0,🏇,2015.0,People & Body,person-sport,horse racing
+794.0,🌇,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-other,sunset
+795.0,🙎,2010.0,People & Body,person-gesture,person pouting
+796.0,🚌,2010.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,bus
+797.0,💶,2015.0,Objects,money,euro banknote
+798.0,🚜,2015.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,tractor
+799.0,🌰,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-vegetable,chestnut
+800.0,🍛,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-asian,curry rice
+801.0,💴,2010.0,Objects,money,yen banknote
+803.0,🧓,2017.0,People & Body,person,older person
+804.0,🥾,2018.0,Objects,clothing,hiking boot
+805.0,🐫,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,two-hump camel
+806.0,🥢,2017.0,Food & Drink,dishware,chopsticks
+808.0,🚔,2014.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,oncoming police car
+809.0,🎰,2010.0,Activities,game,slot machine
+810.0,🧔,2017.0,People & Body,person,person: beard
+811.0,🥯,2018.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,bagel
+813.0,🐹,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,hamster
+814.0,📽️,2014.0,Objects,light & video,film projector
+815.0,🦂,2015.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bug,scorpion
+816.0,🔘,2010.0,Symbols,geometric,radio button
+817.0,🔄,2015.0,Symbols,arrow,counterclockwise arrows button
+818.0,📥,2010.0,Objects,mail,inbox tray
+819.0,📹,2010.0,Objects,light & video,video camera
+820.0,🛫,2015.0,Travel & Places,transport-air,airplane departure
+821.0,📏,2010.0,Objects,office,straight ruler
+822.0,🇮🇱,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Israel
+823.0,🎠,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-other,carousel horse
+824.0,🆙,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,UP! button
+825.0,💈,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-other,barber pole
+827.0,🇦🇺,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Australia
+828.0,🇪🇬,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Egypt
+829.0,🍱,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-asian,bento box
+830.0,🕜,2014.0,Travel & Places,time,one-thirty
+831.0,🏕️,2014.0,Travel & Places,place-geographic,camping
+832.0,🍢,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-asian,oden
+833.0,🏢,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-building,office building
+834.0,🔌,2010.0,Objects,computer,electric plug
+835.0,🦔,2017.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,hedgehog
+836.0,🏴☠️,2018.0,Flags,flag,pirate flag
+837.0,🛸,2017.0,Travel & Places,transport-air,flying saucer
+838.0,🕴️,2014.0,People & Body,person-activity,person in suit levitating
+839.0,🤵,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,person in tuxedo
+840.0,👞,2010.0,Objects,clothing,man’s shoe
+842.0,🏜️,2014.0,Travel & Places,place-geographic,desert
+845.0,🇦🇪,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: United Arab Emirates
+846.0,🇨🇱,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Chile
+847.0,◾,2010.0,Symbols,geometric,black medium-small square
+848.0,⏯️,2015.0,Symbols,av-symbol,play or pause button
+850.0,🇵🇰,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Pakistan
+851.0,🇻🇪,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Venezuela
+852.0,🗓️,2014.0,Objects,office,spiral calendar
+853.0,🚧,2010.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,construction
+855.0,🏮,2010.0,Objects,light & video,red paper lantern
+856.0,🐡,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-marine,blowfish
+858.0,🛹,2018.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,skateboard
+859.0,🇵🇸,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Palestinian Territories
+861.0,🚦,2015.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,vertical traffic light
+862.0,🧩,2018.0,Activities,game,puzzle piece
+863.0,🚺,2010.0,Symbols,transport-sign,women’s room
+864.0,🥄,2016.0,Food & Drink,dishware,spoon
+865.0,🧛,2017.0,People & Body,person-fantasy,vampire
+866.0,🗻,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-geographic,mount fuji
+868.0,🦹,2018.0,People & Body,person-fantasy,supervillain
+869.0,🇵🇭,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Philippines
+870.0,✴️,2010.0,Symbols,other-symbol,eight-pointed star
+871.0,🏨,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-building,hotel
+873.0,🏉,2015.0,Activities,sport,rugby football
+874.0,🦛,2018.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,hippopotamus
+875.0,🛣️,2014.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,motorway
+876.0,🕸️,2014.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bug,spider web
+877.0,🎟️,2014.0,Activities,event,admission tickets
+879.0,🛴,2016.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,kick scooter
+880.0,📘,2010.0,Objects,book-paper,blue book
+882.0,🥘,2016.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,shallow pan of food
+883.0,🇵🇷,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Puerto Rico
+884.0,🤹,2016.0,People & Body,person-sport,person juggling
+886.0,🌤️,2014.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,sun behind small cloud
+887.0,🚁,2015.0,Travel & Places,transport-air,helicopter
+889.0,🏴,2015.0,Flags,flag,black flag
+890.0,💿,2010.0,Objects,computer,optical disk
+891.0,🦓,2017.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,zebra
+893.0,👷,2010.0,People & Body,person-role,construction worker
+894.0,🇸🇦,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Saudi Arabia
+895.0,⛹️,2014.0,People & Body,person-sport,person bouncing ball
+896.0,🚣,2015.0,People & Body,person-sport,person rowing boat
+897.0,👩💻,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,woman technologist
+898.0,↙️,2010.0,Symbols,arrow,down-left arrow
+899.0,⛷️,2014.0,People & Body,person-sport,skier
+900.0,🧖,2017.0,People & Body,person-activity,person in steamy room
+901.0,👳,2010.0,People & Body,person-role,person wearing turban
+902.0,🎎,2010.0,Activities,event,Japanese dolls
+903.0,㊗️,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “congratulations” button
+904.0,🚹,2010.0,Symbols,transport-sign,men’s room
+905.0,㊙️,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “secret” button
+906.0,👩🍳,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,woman cook
+907.0,⛺,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-other,tent
+908.0,↘️,2010.0,Symbols,arrow,down-right arrow
+909.0,🗞️,2014.0,Objects,book-paper,rolled-up newspaper
+910.0,🅾️,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,O button (blood type)
+911.0,🎅,2010.0,People & Body,person-fantasy,Santa Claus
+912.0,🧂,2018.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,salt
+913.0,7️⃣,2010.0,Symbols,keycap,keycap: 7
+914.0,🇵🇪,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Peru
+915.0,🚐,2015.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,minibus
+916.0,🇮🇩,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Indonesia
+917.0,🖥️,2014.0,Objects,computer,desktop computer
+918.0,⚒️,2015.0,Objects,tool,hammer and pick
+919.0,🏏,2015.0,Activities,sport,cricket game
+921.0,🎐,2010.0,Activities,event,wind chime
+922.0,🦢,2018.0,Animals & Nature,animal-bird,swan
+923.0,🌔,2010.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,waxing gibbous moon
+924.0,6️⃣,2010.0,Symbols,keycap,keycap: 6
+925.0,🇦🇹,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Austria
+926.0,🗼,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-building,Tokyo tower
+927.0,☯️,2014.0,Symbols,religion,yin yang
+928.0,🌒,2015.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,waxing crescent moon
+929.0,🧞,2017.0,People & Body,person-fantasy,genie
+930.0,🕒,2010.0,Travel & Places,time,three o’clock
+932.0,🎢,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-other,roller coaster
+933.0,🔟,2010.0,Symbols,keycap,keycap: 10
+934.0,↔️,2010.0,Symbols,arrow,left-right arrow
+935.0,👨🍳,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,man cook
+936.0,⏬,2010.0,Symbols,av-symbol,fast down button
+937.0,🧵,2018.0,Activities,arts & crafts,thread
+938.0,🚵,2015.0,People & Body,person-sport,person mountain biking
+939.0,🧒,2017.0,People & Body,person,child
+940.0,Ⓜ️,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,circled M
+942.0,👩🎓,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,woman student
+943.0,🧪,2018.0,Objects,science,test tube
+944.0,🚕,2010.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,taxi
+945.0,🏳️,2014.0,Flags,flag,white flag
+946.0,🇹🇭,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Thailand
+947.0,🇿🇦,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: South Africa
+948.0,✳️,2010.0,Symbols,other-symbol,eight-spoked asterisk
+951.0,⛲,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-other,fountain
+952.0,🏦,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-building,bank
+953.0,🇸🇪,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Sweden
+955.0,👚,2010.0,Objects,clothing,woman’s clothes
+957.0,🌩️,2014.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,cloud with lightning
+959.0,🌘,2015.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,waning crescent moon
+960.0,🐗,2010.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,boar
+961.0,📠,2010.0,Objects,phone,fax machine
+962.0,🗳️,2014.0,Objects,mail,ballot box with ballot
+963.0,🤼,2016.0,People & Body,person-sport,people wrestling
+964.0,〽️,2010.0,Symbols,other-symbol,part alternation mark
+965.0,👩⚕️,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,woman health worker
+966.0,🇷🇺,2010.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Russia
+968.0,⛰️,2014.0,Travel & Places,place-geographic,mountain
+969.0,🧳,2018.0,Travel & Places,hotel,luggage
+970.0,🧶,2018.0,Activities,arts & crafts,yarn
+972.0,🏂,2010.0,People & Body,person-sport,snowboarder
+973.0,🇵🇹,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Portugal
+974.0,👢,2010.0,Objects,clothing,woman’s boot
+975.0,🥅,2016.0,Activities,sport,goal net
+976.0,🍙,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-asian,rice ball
+977.0,🅿️,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,P button
+979.0,🔯,2010.0,Symbols,religion,dotted six-pointed star
+981.0,🤾,2016.0,People & Body,person-sport,person playing handball
+982.0,🛋️,2014.0,Objects,household,couch and lamp
+983.0,🇳🇬,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Nigeria
+985.0,🇵🇱,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Poland
+986.0,📯,2015.0,Objects,sound,postal horn
+987.0,◀️,2010.0,Symbols,av-symbol,reverse button
+988.0,🇩🇿,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Algeria
+989.0,🌓,2010.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,first quarter moon
+990.0,🧻,2018.0,Objects,household,roll of paper
+991.0,🇮🇪,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Ireland
+992.0,🔁,2015.0,Symbols,av-symbol,repeat button
+993.0,9️⃣,2010.0,Symbols,keycap,keycap: 9
+994.0,🎽,2010.0,Activities,sport,running shirt
+996.0,👨💻,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,man technologist
+997.0,🧗,2017.0,People & Body,person-activity,person climbing
+998.0,🎴,2010.0,Activities,game,flower playing cards
+999.0,🇲🇦,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Morocco
+1001.0,📗,2010.0,Objects,book-paper,green book
+1002.0,☪️,2014.0,Symbols,religion,star and crescent
+1003.0,✒️,2010.0,Objects,writing,black nib
+1004.0,👪,2010.0,People & Body,family,family
+1005.0,❔,2010.0,Symbols,punctuation,white question mark
+1006.0,🔚,2010.0,Symbols,arrow,END arrow
+1007.0,8️⃣,2010.0,Symbols,keycap,keycap: 8
+1008.0,📙,2010.0,Objects,book-paper,orange book
+1009.0,✡️,2014.0,Symbols,religion,star of David
+1010.0,🧕,2017.0,People & Body,person-role,woman with headscarf
+1011.0,🏓,2015.0,Activities,sport,ping pong
+1012.0,▫️,2010.0,Symbols,geometric,white small square
+1013.0,⤴️,2010.0,Symbols,arrow,right arrow curving up
+1016.0,💹,2010.0,Objects,money,chart increasing with yen
+1017.0,💷,2015.0,Objects,money,pound banknote
+1018.0,◽,2010.0,Symbols,geometric,white medium-small square
+1019.0,📃,2010.0,Objects,book-paper,page with curl
+1020.0,🏧,2010.0,Symbols,transport-sign,ATM sign
+1021.0,🇱🇷,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Liberia
+1022.0,🥙,2016.0,Food & Drink,food-prepared,stuffed flatbread
+1023.0,➰,2010.0,Symbols,other-symbol,curly loop
+1024.0,🌖,2015.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,waning gibbous moon
+1025.0,🌗,2015.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,last quarter moon
+1027.0,🌂,2010.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,closed umbrella
+1028.0,🖇️,2014.0,Objects,office,linked paperclips
+1029.0,🏟️,2014.0,Travel & Places,place-building,stadium
+1030.0,🔉,2015.0,Objects,sound,speaker medium volume
+1031.0,🎌,2010.0,Flags,flag,crossed flags
+1032.0,🇪🇨,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Ecuador
+1033.0,📤,2010.0,Objects,mail,outbox tray
+1034.0,🎞️,2014.0,Objects,light & video,film frames
+1035.0,🀄,2010.0,Activities,game,mahjong red dragon
+1036.0,🌦️,2014.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,sun behind rain cloud
+1038.0,🚰,2015.0,Symbols,transport-sign,potable water
+1039.0,🧑,2017.0,People & Body,person,person
+1041.0,🇮🇶,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Iraq
+1042.0,🌫️,2014.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,fog
+1043.0,🧧,2018.0,Activities,event,red envelope
+1044.0,🦏,2016.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,rhinoceros
+1045.0,♿,2010.0,Symbols,transport-sign,wheelchair symbol
+1047.0,👩🏫,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,woman teacher
+1048.0,🍘,2010.0,Food & Drink,food-asian,rice cracker
+1049.0,🇯🇲,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Jamaica
+1050.0,⏱️,2015.0,Travel & Places,time,stopwatch
+1051.0,🇳🇱,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Netherlands
+1052.0,🎖️,2014.0,Activities,award-medal,military medal
+1053.0,🏯,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-building,Japanese castle
+1054.0,🇬🇷,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Greece
+1055.0,🔲,2010.0,Symbols,geometric,black square button
+1056.0,🕑,2010.0,Travel & Places,time,two o’clock
+1057.0,🇾🇪,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Yemen
+1058.0,🥡,2017.0,Food & Drink,food-asian,takeout box
+1060.0,👩🦰,2018.0,People & Body,person,woman: red hair
+1061.0,💺,2010.0,Travel & Places,transport-air,seat
+1062.0,🇪🇺,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: European Union
+1063.0,🔈,2014.0,Objects,sound,speaker low volume
+1065.0,🧴,2018.0,Objects,household,lotion bottle
+1066.0,🥮,2018.0,Food & Drink,food-asian,moon cake
+1068.0,◼️,2010.0,Symbols,geometric,black medium square
+1069.0,🛬,2015.0,Travel & Places,transport-air,airplane arrival
+1070.0,🗨️,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,left speech bubble
+1071.0,🎑,2010.0,Activities,event,moon viewing ceremony
+1072.0,🏴,2017.0,Flags,subdivision-flag,flag: Scotland
+1073.0,🚤,2010.0,Travel & Places,transport-water,speedboat
+1074.0,📐,2010.0,Objects,office,triangular ruler
+1075.0,🎚️,2014.0,Objects,music,level slider
+1077.0,🇧🇪,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Belgium
+1078.0,🇺🇦,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Ukraine
+1079.0,🎏,2010.0,Activities,event,carp streamer
+1081.0,🏙️,2014.0,Travel & Places,place-other,cityscape
+1082.0,⏪,2010.0,Symbols,av-symbol,fast reverse button
+1083.0,🏪,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-building,convenience store
+1086.0,🧝,2017.0,People & Body,person-fantasy,elf
+1087.0,🇨🇺,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Cuba
+1088.0,🚆,2015.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,train
+1089.0,💂,2010.0,People & Body,person-role,guard
+1091.0,⛑️,2014.0,Objects,clothing,rescue worker’s helmet
+1092.0,🛶,2016.0,Travel & Places,transport-water,canoe
+1093.0,🔕,2015.0,Objects,sound,bell with slash
+1094.0,🏴,2017.0,Flags,subdivision-flag,flag: England
+1095.0,🛰️,2014.0,Travel & Places,transport-air,satellite
+1096.0,📼,2010.0,Objects,light & video,videocassette
+1097.0,🔇,2015.0,Objects,sound,muted speaker
+1100.0,💽,2010.0,Objects,computer,computer disk
+1101.0,🇬🇭,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Ghana
+1102.0,🦡,2018.0,Animals & Nature,animal-mammal,badger
+1103.0,🌁,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-other,foggy
+1104.0,📔,2010.0,Objects,book-paper,notebook with decorative cover
+1105.0,🖋️,2014.0,Objects,writing,fountain pen
+1106.0,🚄,2010.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,high-speed train
+1107.0,👨⚕️,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,man health worker
+1108.0,📶,2010.0,Symbols,av-symbol,antenna bars
+1109.0,🚼,2010.0,Symbols,transport-sign,baby symbol
+1110.0,🔦,2010.0,Objects,light & video,flashlight
+1111.0,🚅,2010.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,bullet train
+1112.0,🉑,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “acceptable” button
+1113.0,🛩️,2014.0,Travel & Places,transport-air,small airplane
+1115.0,👩🎤,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,woman singer
+1116.0,🇨🇭,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Switzerland
+1117.0,🛢️,2014.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,oil drum
+1118.0,⛩️,2014.0,Travel & Places,place-religious,shinto shrine
+1119.0,🧭,2018.0,Travel & Places,place-map,compass
+1120.0,🕓,2010.0,Travel & Places,time,four o’clock
+1121.0,🚖,2015.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,oncoming taxi
+1123.0,📑,2010.0,Objects,book-paper,bookmark tabs
+1124.0,👨🎓,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,man student
+1125.0,🕙,2010.0,Travel & Places,time,ten o’clock
+1126.0,🤽,2016.0,People & Body,person-sport,person playing water polo
+1128.0,👩🌾,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,woman farmer
+1130.0,🚸,2015.0,Symbols,warning,children crossing
+1131.0,♟️,2018.0,Activities,game,chess pawn
+1133.0,👨🏫,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,man teacher
+1134.0,🇱🇧,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Lebanon
+1135.0,🗾,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-map,map of Japan
+1136.0,🔼,2010.0,Symbols,av-symbol,upwards button
+1137.0,🕘,2010.0,Travel & Places,time,nine o’clock
+1138.0,🇦🇲,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Armenia
+1139.0,🇩🇴,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Dominican Republic
+1140.0,👡,2010.0,Objects,clothing,woman’s sandal
+1141.0,📁,2010.0,Objects,office,file folder
+1142.0,🌥️,2014.0,Travel & Places,sky & weather,sun behind large cloud
+1143.0,🚍,2014.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,oncoming bus
+1144.0,🇲🇾,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Malaysia
+1145.0,⏭️,2014.0,Symbols,av-symbol,next track button
+1146.0,🥠,2017.0,Food & Drink,food-asian,fortune cookie
+1147.0,↖️,2010.0,Symbols,arrow,up-left arrow
+1148.0,🚥,2010.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,horizontal traffic light
+1149.0,🏬,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-building,department store
+1150.0,🇪🇦,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Ceuta & Melilla
+1152.0,🈵,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “no vacancy” button
+1153.0,◻️,2010.0,Symbols,geometric,white medium square
+1154.0,🇨🇵,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Clipperton Island
+1155.0,🇺🇾,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Uruguay
+1156.0,🕝,2014.0,Travel & Places,time,two-thirty
+1157.0,🔢,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,input numbers
+1158.0,🧫,2018.0,Objects,science,petri dish
+1159.0,🏴,2017.0,Flags,subdivision-flag,flag: Wales
+1160.0,🛥️,2014.0,Travel & Places,transport-water,motor boat
+1161.0,🆖,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,NG button
+1162.0,🇨🇮,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Côte d’Ivoire
+1165.0,🛠️,2014.0,Objects,tool,hammer and wrench
+1166.0,🇦🇱,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Albania
+1167.0,👩🦲,2018.0,People & Body,person,woman: bald
+1168.0,🥼,2018.0,Objects,clothing,lab coat
+1169.0,⚕️,2016.0,Symbols,other-symbol,medical symbol
+1170.0,➿,2015.0,Symbols,other-symbol,double curly loop
+1171.0,🇧🇬,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Bulgaria
+1172.0,🤶,2016.0,People & Body,person-fantasy,Mrs. Claus
+1173.0,🕕,2010.0,Travel & Places,time,six o’clock
+1174.0,🏑,2015.0,Activities,sport,field hockey
+1176.0,🔃,2010.0,Symbols,arrow,clockwise vertical arrows
+1177.0,📵,2015.0,Symbols,warning,no mobile phones
+1178.0,🈶,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “not free of charge” button
+1179.0,🥏,2018.0,Activities,sport,flying disc
+1180.0,⛴️,2014.0,Travel & Places,transport-water,ferry
+1181.0,👨🌾,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,man farmer
+1182.0,🇦🇿,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Azerbaijan
+1183.0,📳,2010.0,Symbols,av-symbol,vibration mode
+1184.0,#️⃣,2010.0,Symbols,keycap,keycap: #
+1185.0,🆑,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,CL button
+1186.0,⛸️,2014.0,Activities,sport,ice skate
+1187.0,📫,2010.0,Objects,mail,closed mailbox with raised flag
+1188.0,🕖,2010.0,Travel & Places,time,seven o’clock
+1189.0,🇸🇻,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: El Salvador
+1190.0,🇱🇾,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Libya
+1191.0,🇫🇮,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Finland
+1192.0,🚋,2015.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,tram car
+1193.0,☦️,2015.0,Symbols,religion,orthodox cross
+1194.0,🇵🇾,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Paraguay
+1195.0,🔩,2010.0,Objects,tool,nut and bolt
+1196.0,⚛️,2015.0,Symbols,religion,atom symbol
+1197.0,🕗,2010.0,Travel & Places,time,eight o’clock
+1198.0,📂,2010.0,Objects,office,open file folder
+1199.0,🚇,2010.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,metro
+1200.0,🥌,2017.0,Activities,sport,curling stone
+1201.0,👩🎨,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,woman artist
+1202.0,↪️,2010.0,Symbols,arrow,left arrow curving right
+1203.0,🇻🇳,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Vietnam
+1204.0,🇩🇰,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Denmark
+1206.0,🏚️,2014.0,Travel & Places,place-building,derelict house
+1208.0,🕚,2010.0,Travel & Places,time,eleven o’clock
+1209.0,🚏,2010.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,bus stop
+1210.0,🧯,2018.0,Objects,household,fire extinguisher
+1211.0,🇹🇼,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Taiwan
+1212.0,🔏,2010.0,Objects,lock,locked with pen
+1214.0,🧷,2018.0,Objects,household,safety pin
+1215.0,👩🔬,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,woman scientist
+1216.0,🇭🇺,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Hungary
+1217.0,🇳🇮,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Nicaragua
+1218.0,🚷,2015.0,Symbols,warning,no pedestrians
+1219.0,🎛️,2014.0,Objects,music,control knobs
+1220.0,🚎,2015.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,trolleybus
+1221.0,🚉,2010.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,station
+1222.0,🇧🇴,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Bolivia
+1223.0,🇲🇨,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Monaco
+1224.0,🆎,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,AB button (blood type)
+1225.0,👲,2010.0,People & Body,person-role,person with skullcap
+1226.0,🕔,2010.0,Travel & Places,time,five o’clock
+1227.0,👨🦳,2018.0,People & Body,person,man: white hair
+1228.0,⚱️,2015.0,Objects,other-object,funeral urn
+1229.0,*️⃣,2015.0,Symbols,keycap,keycap: *
+1230.0,🇰🇼,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Kuwait
+1231.0,💾,2010.0,Objects,computer,floppy disk
+1232.0,🇶🇦,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Qatar
+1234.0,🗺️,2014.0,Travel & Places,place-map,world map
+1235.0,🏺,2015.0,Food & Drink,dishware,amphora
+1237.0,👩🦱,2018.0,People & Body,person,woman: curly hair
+1238.0,🇬🇹,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Guatemala
+1240.0,🇳🇴,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Norway
+1241.0,💱,2010.0,Symbols,currency,currency exchange
+1242.0,🚳,2015.0,Symbols,warning,no bicycles
+1243.0,🇬🇪,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Georgia
+1245.0,🛳️,2014.0,Travel & Places,transport-water,passenger ship
+1246.0,👩🦳,2018.0,People & Body,person,woman: white hair
+1248.0,🇧🇭,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Bahrain
+1250.0,🉐,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “bargain” button
+1251.0,🇨🇲,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Cameroon
+1252.0,🈹,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “discount” button
+1253.0,🇨🇩,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Congo - Kinshasa
+1254.0,🇭🇹,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Haiti
+1255.0,🥿,2018.0,Objects,clothing,flat shoe
+1256.0,🇭🇳,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Honduras
+1257.0,🕥,2014.0,Travel & Places,time,ten-thirty
+1258.0,🇸🇬,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Singapore
+1259.0,👨🎤,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,man singer
+1260.0,🇵🇦,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Panama
+1261.0,🇨🇷,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Costa Rica
+1262.0,⏫,2010.0,Symbols,av-symbol,fast up button
+1263.0,🇰🇪,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Kenya
+1264.0,☸️,2014.0,Symbols,religion,wheel of dharma
+1265.0,🇯🇴,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Jordan
+1266.0,👩💼,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,woman office worker
+1267.0,👩🚀,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,woman astronaut
+1268.0,🔳,2010.0,Symbols,geometric,white square button
+1269.0,🕞,2014.0,Travel & Places,time,three-thirty
+1270.0,🇹🇳,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Tunisia
+1271.0,🇦🇫,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Afghanistan
+1272.0,🔂,2015.0,Symbols,av-symbol,repeat single button
+1273.0,👩🚒,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,woman firefighter
+1274.0,🚠,2015.0,Travel & Places,transport-air,mountain cableway
+1275.0,⏺️,2014.0,Symbols,av-symbol,record button
+1276.0,🏣,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-building,Japanese post office
+1277.0,👝,2010.0,Objects,clothing,clutch bag
+1278.0,🇧🇩,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Bangladesh
+1279.0,🇳🇿,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: New Zealand
+1280.0,👨🚀,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,man astronaut
+1281.0,👨✈️,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,man pilot
+1282.0,↩️,2010.0,Symbols,arrow,right arrow curving left
+1283.0,🚊,2015.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,tram
+1284.0,🏭,2010.0,Travel & Places,place-building,factory
+1285.0,🇳🇵,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Nepal
+1286.0,🛎️,2014.0,Travel & Places,hotel,bellhop bell
+1288.0,🇭🇰,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Hong Kong SAR China
+1289.0,🇹🇹,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Trinidad & Tobago
+1290.0,🏗️,2014.0,Travel & Places,place-building,building construction
+1291.0,🇮🇷,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Iran
+1292.0,🚈,2015.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,light rail
+1293.0,🔀,2015.0,Symbols,av-symbol,shuffle tracks button
+1295.0,🚾,2010.0,Symbols,transport-sign,water closet
+1296.0,🇨🇿,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Czechia
+1297.0,🗯️,2014.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,right anger bubble
+1298.0,🇸🇾,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Syria
+1299.0,👩🔧,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,woman mechanic
+1300.0,🇿🇼,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Zimbabwe
+1301.0,🚝,2015.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,monorail
+1302.0,🇳🇪,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Niger
+1303.0,⏲️,2015.0,Travel & Places,time,timer clock
+1304.0,🇭🇷,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Croatia
+1305.0,🇺🇬,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Uganda
+1306.0,🇸🇩,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Sudan
+1307.0,🇷🇸,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Serbia
+1308.0,🖱️,2014.0,Objects,computer,computer mouse
+1309.0,🇦🇴,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Angola
+1310.0,🕍,2015.0,Travel & Places,place-religious,synagogue
+1311.0,🈴,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “passing grade” button
+1312.0,🏛️,2014.0,Travel & Places,place-building,classical building
+1313.0,🚟,2015.0,Travel & Places,transport-air,suspension railway
+1314.0,⏮️,2014.0,Symbols,av-symbol,last track button
+1315.0,🕰️,2014.0,Travel & Places,time,mantelpiece clock
+1316.0,🈯,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “reserved” button
+1317.0,🚯,2015.0,Symbols,warning,no littering
+1318.0,👨🚒,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,man firefighter
+1319.0,👨💼,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,man office worker
+1320.0,👨🦲,2018.0,People & Body,person,man: bald
+1321.0,🇸🇳,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Senegal
+1322.0,👨🦱,2018.0,People & Body,person,man: curly hair
+1323.0,👨🎨,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,man artist
+1324.0,🔤,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,input latin letters
+1325.0,🛂,2015.0,Symbols,transport-sign,passport control
+1326.0,⏸️,2014.0,Symbols,av-symbol,pause button
+1327.0,🇪🇪,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Estonia
+1328.0,🇧🇦,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Bosnia & Herzegovina
+1329.0,📪,2010.0,Objects,mail,closed mailbox with lowered flag
+1330.0,👩⚖️,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,woman judge
+1331.0,🇬🇳,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Guinea
+1332.0,👨🔬,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,man scientist
+1334.0,🚡,2015.0,Travel & Places,transport-air,aerial tramway
+1335.0,🏤,2015.0,Travel & Places,place-building,post office
+1336.0,🇿🇲,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Zambia
+1337.0,🇧🇯,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Benin
+1338.0,🇻🇮,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: U.S. Virgin Islands
+1339.0,🛤️,2014.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,railway track
+1340.0,🚞,2015.0,Travel & Places,transport-ground,mountain railway
+1341.0,👨🦰,2018.0,People & Body,person,man: red hair
+1342.0,🇦🇩,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Andorra
+1343.0,🇷🇴,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Romania
+1344.0,🗒️,2014.0,Objects,office,spiral notepad
+1345.0,🈺,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “open for business” button
+1347.0,🇺🇳,2016.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: United Nations
+1349.0,🇧🇧,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Barbados
+1350.0,👩✈️,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,woman pilot
+1351.0,🇧🇳,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Brunei
+1352.0,📭,2014.0,Objects,mail,open mailbox with lowered flag
+1354.0,🇸🇴,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Somalia
+1355.0,🇧🇼,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Botswana
+1356.0,🗄️,2014.0,Objects,office,file cabinet
+1357.0,👁️🗨️,2015.0,Smileys & Emotion,emotion,eye in speech bubble
+1358.0,🇪🇹,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Ethiopia
+1359.0,🇹🇿,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Tanzania
+1360.0,🇱🇻,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Latvia
+1361.0,👨🔧,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,man mechanic
+1362.0,🇮🇸,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Iceland
+1363.0,🕡,2014.0,Travel & Places,time,six-thirty
+1364.0,👨⚖️,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,man judge
+1365.0,🇱🇺,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Luxembourg
+1366.0,🛄,2015.0,Symbols,transport-sign,baggage claim
+1367.0,↕️,2010.0,Symbols,arrow,up-down arrow
+1368.0,🇦🇨,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Ascension Island
+1369.0,🇼🇸,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Samoa
+1370.0,🕦,2014.0,Travel & Places,time,eleven-thirty
+1371.0,🚱,2015.0,Symbols,warning,non-potable water
+1372.0,🕣,2014.0,Travel & Places,time,eight-thirty
+1373.0,🇲🇰,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: North Macedonia
+1374.0,👩🏭,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,woman factory worker
+1375.0,🇰🇿,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Kazakhstan
+1376.0,🈚,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “free of charge” button
+1377.0,🈲,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “prohibited” button
+1378.0,🔠,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,input latin uppercase
+1380.0,🇧🇾,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Belarus
+1381.0,🇱🇦,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Laos
+1382.0,🇴🇲,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Oman
+1383.0,🇦🇶,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Antarctica
+1384.0,📇,2010.0,Objects,office,card index
+1386.0,🇹🇬,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Togo
+1387.0,🇬🇾,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Guyana
+1388.0,🕤,2014.0,Travel & Places,time,nine-thirty
+1389.0,🇲🇱,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Mali
+1390.0,🇻🇨,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: St. Vincent & Grenadines
+1391.0,🇦🇽,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Åland Islands
+1392.0,🕧,2014.0,Travel & Places,time,twelve-thirty
+1393.0,🇺🇿,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Uzbekistan
+1394.0,🗃️,2014.0,Objects,office,card file box
+1395.0,🈸,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “application” button
+1396.0,🇬🇱,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Greenland
+1397.0,🇦🇮,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Anguilla
+1399.0,🈳,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “vacancy” button
+1401.0,🕢,2014.0,Travel & Places,time,seven-thirty
+1402.0,🕠,2014.0,Travel & Places,time,five-thirty
+1403.0,🇦🇸,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: American Samoa
+1404.0,🇦🇬,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Antigua & Barbuda
+1405.0,🇧🇫,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Burkina Faso
+1406.0,🇻🇦,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Vatican City
+1407.0,🇱🇰,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Sri Lanka
+1408.0,🕟,2014.0,Travel & Places,time,four-thirty
+1409.0,🇧🇻,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Bouvet Island
+1410.0,🇦🇼,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Aruba
+1411.0,🇲🇫,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: St. Martin
+1412.0,🇧🇸,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Bahamas
+1413.0,🇱🇹,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Lithuania
+1414.0,🇧🇮,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Burundi
+1415.0,🇭🇲,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Heard & McDonald Islands
+1416.0,🇰🇵,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: North Korea
+1417.0,🇪🇷,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Eritrea
+1418.0,🇹🇴,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Tonga
+1419.0,🇸🇰,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Slovakia
+1420.0,🇻🇺,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Vanuatu
+1421.0,🇰🇭,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Cambodia
+1422.0,🇹🇲,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Turkmenistan
+1423.0,⏹️,2014.0,Symbols,av-symbol,stop button
+1424.0,🇸🇱,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Sierra Leone
+1425.0,🇹🇩,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Chad
+1427.0,🇻🇬,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: British Virgin Islands
+1428.0,🇹🇻,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Tuvalu
+1429.0,🇮🇨,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Canary Islands
+1430.0,🇹🇯,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Tajikistan
+1433.0,🇰🇬,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Kyrgyzstan
+1434.0,🇨🇬,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Congo - Brazzaville
+1435.0,🇬🇦,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Gabon
+1436.0,🇲🇴,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Macao SAR China
+1437.0,🇲🇺,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Mauritius
+1438.0,🇽🇰,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Kosovo
+1439.0,🇸🇮,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Slovenia
+1440.0,🇲🇲,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Myanmar (Burma)
+1441.0,🇨🇾,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Cyprus
+1443.0,🇧🇹,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Bhutan
+1444.0,🇧🇲,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Bermuda
+1446.0,🇪🇭,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Western Sahara
+1447.0,🈷️,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “monthly amount” button
+1448.0,🇲🇪,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Montenegro
+1449.0,🇸🇸,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: South Sudan
+1450.0,🇷🇼,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Rwanda
+1451.0,🇲🇷,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Mauritania
+1452.0,🇲🇹,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Malta
+1453.0,🇨🇨,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Cocos (Keeling) Islands
+1454.0,🇸🇷,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Suriname
+1456.0,🛅,2015.0,Symbols,transport-sign,left luggage
+1457.0,🇲🇳,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Mongolia
+1459.0,🇲🇬,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Madagascar
+1460.0,🔡,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,input latin lowercase
+1461.0,🇱🇸,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Lesotho
+1463.0,🇾🇹,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Mayotte
+1464.0,🇸🇯,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Svalbard & Jan Mayen
+1465.0,🇹🇱,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Timor-Leste
+1466.0,🇲🇩,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Moldova
+1467.0,🇨🇻,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Cape Verde
+1468.0,🇲🇿,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Mozambique
+1469.0,🗂️,2014.0,Objects,office,card index dividers
+1470.0,🇮🇴,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: British Indian Ocean Territory
+1471.0,🇹🇨,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Turks & Caicos Islands
+1472.0,🇳🇦,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Namibia
+1473.0,🇬🇼,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Guinea-Bissau
+1474.0,🇲🇻,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Maldives
+1475.0,👨🏭,2016.0,People & Body,person-role,man factory worker
+1476.0,🇬🇺,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Guam
+1477.0,🇹🇦,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Tristan da Cunha
+1479.0,🇧🇱,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: St. Barthélemy
+1480.0,🇳🇫,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Norfolk Island
+1481.0,🈂️,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “service charge” button
+1482.0,🔣,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,input symbols
+1483.0,🇷🇪,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Réunion
+1484.0,🇰🇲,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Comoros
+1486.0,🇱🇨,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: St. Lucia
+1487.0,🇬🇲,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Gambia
+1488.0,🇼🇫,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Wallis & Futuna
+1489.0,🇧🇶,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Caribbean Netherlands
+1490.0,🇮🇲,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Isle of Man
+1491.0,🇨🇰,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Cook Islands
+1492.0,🇧🇿,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Belize
+1494.0,🇸🇿,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Eswatini
+1495.0,🇸🇹,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: São Tomé & Príncipe
+1496.0,🇩🇯,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Djibouti
+1499.0,🇩🇲,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Dominica
+1501.0,🇬🇩,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Grenada
+1502.0,🇫🇲,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Micronesia
+1503.0,🇨🇫,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Central African Republic
+1504.0,🇸🇲,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: San Marino
+1505.0,🇫🇯,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Fiji
+1506.0,🇹🇰,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Tokelau
+1507.0,🇬🇬,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Guernsey
+1508.0,🇰🇳,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: St. Kitts & Nevis
+1509.0,🇸🇨,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Seychelles
+1510.0,🦰,2018.0,Component,hair-style,red hair
+1511.0,🇸🇧,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Solomon Islands
+1512.0,⏏️,2015.0,Symbols,av-symbol,eject button
+1513.0,🇫🇰,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Falkland Islands
+1514.0,🈁,2010.0,Symbols,alphanum,Japanese “here” button
+1515.0,🇰🇮,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Kiribati
+1516.0,🇵🇬,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Papua New Guinea
+1517.0,🇸🇽,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Sint Maarten
+1518.0,🇹🇫,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: French Southern Territories
+1519.0,🇫🇴,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Faroe Islands
+1521.0,🇬🇶,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Equatorial Guinea
+1522.0,🇯🇪,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Jersey
+1523.0,🇬🇮,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Gibraltar
+1524.0,🇬🇸,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands
+1526.0,🇨🇼,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Curaçao
+1527.0,🇲🇼,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Malawi
+1528.0,🇵🇼,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Palau
+1529.0,🇲🇸,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Montserrat
+1530.0,🇱🇮,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Liechtenstein
+1531.0,🇲🇭,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Marshall Islands
+1532.0,🇬🇫,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: French Guiana
+1533.0,🇸🇭,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: St. Helena
+1534.0,🇨🇽,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Christmas Island
+1535.0,🇵🇳,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Pitcairn Islands
+1536.0,🇩🇬,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Diego Garcia
+1537.0,🇳🇺,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Niue
+1538.0,🇳🇨,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: New Caledonia
+1539.0,🇵🇫,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: French Polynesia
+1540.0,🇰🇾,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Cayman Islands
+1541.0,🦱,2018.0,Component,hair-style,curly hair
+1543.0,🇵🇲,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: St. Pierre & Miquelon
+1544.0,🇲🇵,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Northern Mariana Islands
+1545.0,🇳🇷,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Nauru
+1546.0,🇲🇶,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Martinique
+1547.0,🇬🇵,2015.0,Flags,country-flag,flag: Guadeloupe
+1549.0,🦳,2018.0,Component,hair-style,white hair
diff --git a/exercicios/para-casa/novo_titanic_pt.csv b/exercicios/para-casa/novo_titanic_pt.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31c6d99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exercicios/para-casa/novo_titanic_pt.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,892 @@
+Passageiro,Sobreviveu,Classe,Nome,Sexo,Idade,Irmão ou Esposa/Marido abordo, Pais e filhos abordo,Bilhete,Tarifa,Cabine,Embarcado
+1,0,3,"Braund, Mr. Owen Harris",male,22.0,1,0,A/5 21171,7.25,,S
+2,1,1,"Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Thayer)",female,38.0,1,0,PC 17599,71.2833,C85,C
+3,1,3,"Heikkinen, Miss. Laina",female,26.0,0,0,STON/O2. 3101282,7.925,,S
+4,1,1,"Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel)",female,35.0,1,0,113803,53.1,C123,S
+5,0,3,"Allen, Mr. William Henry",male,35.0,0,0,373450,8.05,,S
+6,0,3,"Moran, Mr. James",male,,0,0,330877,8.4583,,Q
+7,0,1,"McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J",male,54.0,0,0,17463,51.8625,E46,S
+8,0,3,"Palsson, Master. Gosta Leonard",male,2.0,3,1,349909,21.075,,S
+9,1,3,"Johnson, Mrs. Oscar W (Elisabeth Vilhelmina Berg)",female,27.0,0,2,347742,11.1333,,S
+10,1,2,"Nasser, Mrs. Nicholas (Adele Achem)",female,14.0,1,0,237736,30.0708,,C
+11,1,3,"Sandstrom, Miss. Marguerite Rut",female,4.0,1,1,PP 9549,16.7,G6,S
+12,1,1,"Bonnell, Miss. Elizabeth",female,58.0,0,0,113783,26.55,C103,S
+13,0,3,"Saundercock, Mr. William Henry",male,20.0,0,0,A/5. 2151,8.05,,S
+14,0,3,"Andersson, Mr. Anders Johan",male,39.0,1,5,347082,31.275,,S
+15,0,3,"Vestrom, Miss. Hulda Amanda Adolfina",female,14.0,0,0,350406,7.8542,,S
+16,1,2,"Hewlett, Mrs. (Mary D Kingcome) ",female,55.0,0,0,248706,16.0,,S
+17,0,3,"Rice, Master. Eugene",male,2.0,4,1,382652,29.125,,Q
+18,1,2,"Williams, Mr. Charles Eugene",male,,0,0,244373,13.0,,S
+19,0,3,"Vander Planke, Mrs. Julius (Emelia Maria Vandemoortele)",female,31.0,1,0,345763,18.0,,S
+20,1,3,"Masselmani, Mrs. Fatima",female,,0,0,2649,7.225,,C
+21,0,2,"Fynney, Mr. Joseph J",male,35.0,0,0,239865,26.0,,S
+22,1,2,"Beesley, Mr. Lawrence",male,34.0,0,0,248698,13.0,D56,S
+23,1,3,"McGowan, Miss. Anna ""Annie""",female,15.0,0,0,330923,8.0292,,Q
+24,1,1,"Sloper, Mr. William Thompson",male,28.0,0,0,113788,35.5,A6,S
+25,0,3,"Palsson, Miss. Torborg Danira",female,8.0,3,1,349909,21.075,,S
+26,1,3,"Asplund, Mrs. Carl Oscar (Selma Augusta Emilia Johansson)",female,38.0,1,5,347077,31.3875,,S
+27,0,3,"Emir, Mr. Farred Chehab",male,,0,0,2631,7.225,,C
+28,0,1,"Fortune, Mr. Charles Alexander",male,19.0,3,2,19950,263.0,C23 C25 C27,S
+29,1,3,"O'Dwyer, Miss. Ellen ""Nellie""",female,,0,0,330959,7.8792,,Q
+30,0,3,"Todoroff, Mr. Lalio",male,,0,0,349216,7.8958,,S
+31,0,1,"Uruchurtu, Don. Manuel E",male,40.0,0,0,PC 17601,27.7208,,C
+32,1,1,"Spencer, Mrs. William Augustus (Marie Eugenie)",female,,1,0,PC 17569,146.5208,B78,C
+33,1,3,"Glynn, Miss. Mary Agatha",female,,0,0,335677,7.75,,Q
+34,0,2,"Wheadon, Mr. Edward H",male,66.0,0,0,C.A. 24579,10.5,,S
+35,0,1,"Meyer, Mr. Edgar Joseph",male,28.0,1,0,PC 17604,82.1708,,C
+36,0,1,"Holverson, Mr. Alexander Oskar",male,42.0,1,0,113789,52.0,,S
+37,1,3,"Mamee, Mr. Hanna",male,,0,0,2677,7.2292,,C
+38,0,3,"Cann, Mr. Ernest Charles",male,21.0,0,0,A./5. 2152,8.05,,S
+39,0,3,"Vander Planke, Miss. Augusta Maria",female,18.0,2,0,345764,18.0,,S
+40,1,3,"Nicola-Yarred, Miss. Jamila",female,14.0,1,0,2651,11.2417,,C
+41,0,3,"Ahlin, Mrs. Johan (Johanna Persdotter Larsson)",female,40.0,1,0,7546,9.475,,S
+42,0,2,"Turpin, Mrs. William John Robert (Dorothy Ann Wonnacott)",female,27.0,1,0,11668,21.0,,S
+43,0,3,"Kraeff, Mr. Theodor",male,,0,0,349253,7.8958,,C
+44,1,2,"Laroche, Miss. Simonne Marie Anne Andree",female,3.0,1,2,SC/Paris 2123,41.5792,,C
+45,1,3,"Devaney, Miss. Margaret Delia",female,19.0,0,0,330958,7.8792,,Q
+46,0,3,"Rogers, Mr. William John",male,,0,0,S.C./A.4. 23567,8.05,,S
+47,0,3,"Lennon, Mr. Denis",male,,1,0,370371,15.5,,Q
+48,1,3,"O'Driscoll, Miss. Bridget",female,,0,0,14311,7.75,,Q
+49,0,3,"Samaan, Mr. Youssef",male,,2,0,2662,21.6792,,C
+50,0,3,"Arnold-Franchi, Mrs. Josef (Josefine Franchi)",female,18.0,1,0,349237,17.8,,S
+51,0,3,"Panula, Master. Juha Niilo",male,7.0,4,1,3101295,39.6875,,S
+52,0,3,"Nosworthy, Mr. Richard Cater",male,21.0,0,0,A/4. 39886,7.8,,S
+53,1,1,"Harper, Mrs. Henry Sleeper (Myna Haxtun)",female,49.0,1,0,PC 17572,76.7292,D33,C
+54,1,2,"Faunthorpe, Mrs. Lizzie (Elizabeth Anne Wilkinson)",female,29.0,1,0,2926,26.0,,S
+55,0,1,"Ostby, Mr. Engelhart Cornelius",male,65.0,0,1,113509,61.9792,B30,C
+56,1,1,"Woolner, Mr. Hugh",male,,0,0,19947,35.5,C52,S
+57,1,2,"Rugg, Miss. Emily",female,21.0,0,0,C.A. 31026,10.5,,S
+58,0,3,"Novel, Mr. Mansouer",male,28.5,0,0,2697,7.2292,,C
+59,1,2,"West, Miss. Constance Mirium",female,5.0,1,2,C.A. 34651,27.75,,S
+60,0,3,"Goodwin, Master. William Frederick",male,11.0,5,2,CA 2144,46.9,,S
+61,0,3,"Sirayanian, Mr. Orsen",male,22.0,0,0,2669,7.2292,,C
+62,1,1,"Icard, Miss. Amelie",female,38.0,0,0,113572,80.0,B28,
+63,0,1,"Harris, Mr. Henry Birkhardt",male,45.0,1,0,36973,83.475,C83,S
+64,0,3,"Skoog, Master. Harald",male,4.0,3,2,347088,27.9,,S
+65,0,1,"Stewart, Mr. Albert A",male,,0,0,PC 17605,27.7208,,C
+66,1,3,"Moubarek, Master. Gerios",male,,1,1,2661,15.2458,,C
+67,1,2,"Nye, Mrs. (Elizabeth Ramell)",female,29.0,0,0,C.A. 29395,10.5,F33,S
+68,0,3,"Crease, Mr. Ernest James",male,19.0,0,0,S.P. 3464,8.1583,,S
+69,1,3,"Andersson, Miss. Erna Alexandra",female,17.0,4,2,3101281,7.925,,S
+70,0,3,"Kink, Mr. Vincenz",male,26.0,2,0,315151,8.6625,,S
+71,0,2,"Jenkin, Mr. Stephen Curnow",male,32.0,0,0,C.A. 33111,10.5,,S
+72,0,3,"Goodwin, Miss. Lillian Amy",female,16.0,5,2,CA 2144,46.9,,S
+73,0,2,"Hood, Mr. Ambrose Jr",male,21.0,0,0,S.O.C. 14879,73.5,,S
+74,0,3,"Chronopoulos, Mr. Apostolos",male,26.0,1,0,2680,14.4542,,C
+75,1,3,"Bing, Mr. Lee",male,32.0,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
+76,0,3,"Moen, Mr. Sigurd Hansen",male,25.0,0,0,348123,7.65,F G73,S
+77,0,3,"Staneff, Mr. Ivan",male,,0,0,349208,7.8958,,S
+78,0,3,"Moutal, Mr. Rahamin Haim",male,,0,0,374746,8.05,,S
+79,1,2,"Caldwell, Master. Alden Gates",male,0.83,0,2,248738,29.0,,S
+80,1,3,"Dowdell, Miss. Elizabeth",female,30.0,0,0,364516,12.475,,S
+81,0,3,"Waelens, Mr. Achille",male,22.0,0,0,345767,9.0,,S
+82,1,3,"Sheerlinck, Mr. Jan Baptist",male,29.0,0,0,345779,9.5,,S
+83,1,3,"McDermott, Miss. Brigdet Delia",female,,0,0,330932,7.7875,,Q
+84,0,1,"Carrau, Mr. Francisco M",male,28.0,0,0,113059,47.1,,S
+85,1,2,"Ilett, Miss. Bertha",female,17.0,0,0,SO/C 14885,10.5,,S
+86,1,3,"Backstrom, Mrs. Karl Alfred (Maria Mathilda Gustafsson)",female,33.0,3,0,3101278,15.85,,S
+87,0,3,"Ford, Mr. William Neal",male,16.0,1,3,W./C. 6608,34.375,,S
+88,0,3,"Slocovski, Mr. Selman Francis",male,,0,0,SOTON/OQ 392086,8.05,,S
+89,1,1,"Fortune, Miss. Mabel Helen",female,23.0,3,2,19950,263.0,C23 C25 C27,S
+90,0,3,"Celotti, Mr. Francesco",male,24.0,0,0,343275,8.05,,S
+91,0,3,"Christmann, Mr. Emil",male,29.0,0,0,343276,8.05,,S
+92,0,3,"Andreasson, Mr. Paul Edvin",male,20.0,0,0,347466,7.8542,,S
+93,0,1,"Chaffee, Mr. Herbert Fuller",male,46.0,1,0,W.E.P. 5734,61.175,E31,S
+94,0,3,"Dean, Mr. Bertram Frank",male,26.0,1,2,C.A. 2315,20.575,,S
+95,0,3,"Coxon, Mr. Daniel",male,59.0,0,0,364500,7.25,,S
+96,0,3,"Shorney, Mr. Charles Joseph",male,,0,0,374910,8.05,,S
+97,0,1,"Goldschmidt, Mr. George B",male,71.0,0,0,PC 17754,34.6542,A5,C
+98,1,1,"Greenfield, Mr. William Bertram",male,23.0,0,1,PC 17759,63.3583,D10 D12,C
+99,1,2,"Doling, Mrs. John T (Ada Julia Bone)",female,34.0,0,1,231919,23.0,,S
+100,0,2,"Kantor, Mr. Sinai",male,34.0,1,0,244367,26.0,,S
+101,0,3,"Petranec, Miss. Matilda",female,28.0,0,0,349245,7.8958,,S
+102,0,3,"Petroff, Mr. Pastcho (""Pentcho"")",male,,0,0,349215,7.8958,,S
+103,0,1,"White, Mr. Richard Frasar",male,21.0,0,1,35281,77.2875,D26,S
+104,0,3,"Johansson, Mr. Gustaf Joel",male,33.0,0,0,7540,8.6542,,S
+105,0,3,"Gustafsson, Mr. Anders Vilhelm",male,37.0,2,0,3101276,7.925,,S
+106,0,3,"Mionoff, Mr. Stoytcho",male,28.0,0,0,349207,7.8958,,S
+107,1,3,"Salkjelsvik, Miss. Anna Kristine",female,21.0,0,0,343120,7.65,,S
+108,1,3,"Moss, Mr. Albert Johan",male,,0,0,312991,7.775,,S
+109,0,3,"Rekic, Mr. Tido",male,38.0,0,0,349249,7.8958,,S
+110,1,3,"Moran, Miss. Bertha",female,,1,0,371110,24.15,,Q
+111,0,1,"Porter, Mr. Walter Chamberlain",male,47.0,0,0,110465,52.0,C110,S
+112,0,3,"Zabour, Miss. Hileni",female,14.5,1,0,2665,14.4542,,C
+113,0,3,"Barton, Mr. David John",male,22.0,0,0,324669,8.05,,S
+114,0,3,"Jussila, Miss. Katriina",female,20.0,1,0,4136,9.825,,S
+115,0,3,"Attalah, Miss. Malake",female,17.0,0,0,2627,14.4583,,C
+116,0,3,"Pekoniemi, Mr. Edvard",male,21.0,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101294,7.925,,S
+117,0,3,"Connors, Mr. Patrick",male,70.5,0,0,370369,7.75,,Q
+118,0,2,"Turpin, Mr. William John Robert",male,29.0,1,0,11668,21.0,,S
+119,0,1,"Baxter, Mr. Quigg Edmond",male,24.0,0,1,PC 17558,247.5208,B58 B60,C
+120,0,3,"Andersson, Miss. Ellis Anna Maria",female,2.0,4,2,347082,31.275,,S
+121,0,2,"Hickman, Mr. Stanley George",male,21.0,2,0,S.O.C. 14879,73.5,,S
+122,0,3,"Moore, Mr. Leonard Charles",male,,0,0,A4. 54510,8.05,,S
+123,0,2,"Nasser, Mr. Nicholas",male,32.5,1,0,237736,30.0708,,C
+124,1,2,"Webber, Miss. Susan",female,32.5,0,0,27267,13.0,E101,S
+125,0,1,"White, Mr. Percival Wayland",male,54.0,0,1,35281,77.2875,D26,S
+126,1,3,"Nicola-Yarred, Master. Elias",male,12.0,1,0,2651,11.2417,,C
+127,0,3,"McMahon, Mr. Martin",male,,0,0,370372,7.75,,Q
+128,1,3,"Madsen, Mr. Fridtjof Arne",male,24.0,0,0,C 17369,7.1417,,S
+129,1,3,"Peter, Miss. Anna",female,,1,1,2668,22.3583,F E69,C
+130,0,3,"Ekstrom, Mr. Johan",male,45.0,0,0,347061,6.975,,S
+131,0,3,"Drazenoic, Mr. Jozef",male,33.0,0,0,349241,7.8958,,C
+132,0,3,"Coelho, Mr. Domingos Fernandeo",male,20.0,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101307,7.05,,S
+133,0,3,"Robins, Mrs. Alexander A (Grace Charity Laury)",female,47.0,1,0,A/5. 3337,14.5,,S
+134,1,2,"Weisz, Mrs. Leopold (Mathilde Francoise Pede)",female,29.0,1,0,228414,26.0,,S
+135,0,2,"Sobey, Mr. Samuel James Hayden",male,25.0,0,0,C.A. 29178,13.0,,S
+136,0,2,"Richard, Mr. Emile",male,23.0,0,0,SC/PARIS 2133,15.0458,,C
+137,1,1,"Newsom, Miss. Helen Monypeny",female,19.0,0,2,11752,26.2833,D47,S
+138,0,1,"Futrelle, Mr. Jacques Heath",male,37.0,1,0,113803,53.1,C123,S
+139,0,3,"Osen, Mr. Olaf Elon",male,16.0,0,0,7534,9.2167,,S
+140,0,1,"Giglio, Mr. Victor",male,24.0,0,0,PC 17593,79.2,B86,C
+141,0,3,"Boulos, Mrs. Joseph (Sultana)",female,,0,2,2678,15.2458,,C
+142,1,3,"Nysten, Miss. Anna Sofia",female,22.0,0,0,347081,7.75,,S
+143,1,3,"Hakkarainen, Mrs. Pekka Pietari (Elin Matilda Dolck)",female,24.0,1,0,STON/O2. 3101279,15.85,,S
+144,0,3,"Burke, Mr. Jeremiah",male,19.0,0,0,365222,6.75,,Q
+145,0,2,"Andrew, Mr. Edgardo Samuel",male,18.0,0,0,231945,11.5,,S
+146,0,2,"Nicholls, Mr. Joseph Charles",male,19.0,1,1,C.A. 33112,36.75,,S
+147,1,3,"Andersson, Mr. August Edvard (""Wennerstrom"")",male,27.0,0,0,350043,7.7958,,S
+148,0,3,"Ford, Miss. Robina Maggie ""Ruby""",female,9.0,2,2,W./C. 6608,34.375,,S
+149,0,2,"Navratil, Mr. Michel (""Louis M Hoffman"")",male,36.5,0,2,230080,26.0,F2,S
+150,0,2,"Byles, Rev. Thomas Roussel Davids",male,42.0,0,0,244310,13.0,,S
+151,0,2,"Bateman, Rev. Robert James",male,51.0,0,0,S.O.P. 1166,12.525,,S
+152,1,1,"Pears, Mrs. Thomas (Edith Wearne)",female,22.0,1,0,113776,66.6,C2,S
+153,0,3,"Meo, Mr. Alfonzo",male,55.5,0,0,A.5. 11206,8.05,,S
+154,0,3,"van Billiard, Mr. Austin Blyler",male,40.5,0,2,A/5. 851,14.5,,S
+155,0,3,"Olsen, Mr. Ole Martin",male,,0,0,Fa 265302,7.3125,,S
+156,0,1,"Williams, Mr. Charles Duane",male,51.0,0,1,PC 17597,61.3792,,C
+157,1,3,"Gilnagh, Miss. Katherine ""Katie""",female,16.0,0,0,35851,7.7333,,Q
+158,0,3,"Corn, Mr. Harry",male,30.0,0,0,SOTON/OQ 392090,8.05,,S
+159,0,3,"Smiljanic, Mr. Mile",male,,0,0,315037,8.6625,,S
+160,0,3,"Sage, Master. Thomas Henry",male,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
+161,0,3,"Cribb, Mr. John Hatfield",male,44.0,0,1,371362,16.1,,S
+162,1,2,"Watt, Mrs. James (Elizabeth ""Bessie"" Inglis Milne)",female,40.0,0,0,C.A. 33595,15.75,,S
+163,0,3,"Bengtsson, Mr. John Viktor",male,26.0,0,0,347068,7.775,,S
+164,0,3,"Calic, Mr. Jovo",male,17.0,0,0,315093,8.6625,,S
+165,0,3,"Panula, Master. Eino Viljami",male,1.0,4,1,3101295,39.6875,,S
+166,1,3,"Goldsmith, Master. Frank John William ""Frankie""",male,9.0,0,2,363291,20.525,,S
+167,1,1,"Chibnall, Mrs. (Edith Martha Bowerman)",female,,0,1,113505,55.0,E33,S
+168,0,3,"Skoog, Mrs. William (Anna Bernhardina Karlsson)",female,45.0,1,4,347088,27.9,,S
+169,0,1,"Baumann, Mr. John D",male,,0,0,PC 17318,25.925,,S
+170,0,3,"Ling, Mr. Lee",male,28.0,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
+171,0,1,"Van der hoef, Mr. Wyckoff",male,61.0,0,0,111240,33.5,B19,S
+172,0,3,"Rice, Master. Arthur",male,4.0,4,1,382652,29.125,,Q
+173,1,3,"Johnson, Miss. Eleanor Ileen",female,1.0,1,1,347742,11.1333,,S
+174,0,3,"Sivola, Mr. Antti Wilhelm",male,21.0,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101280,7.925,,S
+175,0,1,"Smith, Mr. James Clinch",male,56.0,0,0,17764,30.6958,A7,C
+176,0,3,"Klasen, Mr. Klas Albin",male,18.0,1,1,350404,7.8542,,S
+177,0,3,"Lefebre, Master. Henry Forbes",male,,3,1,4133,25.4667,,S
+178,0,1,"Isham, Miss. Ann Elizabeth",female,50.0,0,0,PC 17595,28.7125,C49,C
+179,0,2,"Hale, Mr. Reginald",male,30.0,0,0,250653,13.0,,S
+180,0,3,"Leonard, Mr. Lionel",male,36.0,0,0,LINE,0.0,,S
+181,0,3,"Sage, Miss. Constance Gladys",female,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
+182,0,2,"Pernot, Mr. Rene",male,,0,0,SC/PARIS 2131,15.05,,C
+183,0,3,"Asplund, Master. Clarence Gustaf Hugo",male,9.0,4,2,347077,31.3875,,S
+184,1,2,"Becker, Master. Richard F",male,1.0,2,1,230136,39.0,F4,S
+185,1,3,"Kink-Heilmann, Miss. Luise Gretchen",female,4.0,0,2,315153,22.025,,S
+186,0,1,"Rood, Mr. Hugh Roscoe",male,,0,0,113767,50.0,A32,S
+187,1,3,"O'Brien, Mrs. Thomas (Johanna ""Hannah"" Godfrey)",female,,1,0,370365,15.5,,Q
+188,1,1,"Romaine, Mr. Charles Hallace (""Mr C Rolmane"")",male,45.0,0,0,111428,26.55,,S
+189,0,3,"Bourke, Mr. John",male,40.0,1,1,364849,15.5,,Q
+190,0,3,"Turcin, Mr. Stjepan",male,36.0,0,0,349247,7.8958,,S
+191,1,2,"Pinsky, Mrs. (Rosa)",female,32.0,0,0,234604,13.0,,S
+192,0,2,"Carbines, Mr. William",male,19.0,0,0,28424,13.0,,S
+193,1,3,"Andersen-Jensen, Miss. Carla Christine Nielsine",female,19.0,1,0,350046,7.8542,,S
+194,1,2,"Navratil, Master. Michel M",male,3.0,1,1,230080,26.0,F2,S
+195,1,1,"Brown, Mrs. James Joseph (Margaret Tobin)",female,44.0,0,0,PC 17610,27.7208,B4,C
+196,1,1,"Lurette, Miss. Elise",female,58.0,0,0,PC 17569,146.5208,B80,C
+197,0,3,"Mernagh, Mr. Robert",male,,0,0,368703,7.75,,Q
+198,0,3,"Olsen, Mr. Karl Siegwart Andreas",male,42.0,0,1,4579,8.4042,,S
+199,1,3,"Madigan, Miss. Margaret ""Maggie""",female,,0,0,370370,7.75,,Q
+200,0,2,"Yrois, Miss. Henriette (""Mrs Harbeck"")",female,24.0,0,0,248747,13.0,,S
+201,0,3,"Vande Walle, Mr. Nestor Cyriel",male,28.0,0,0,345770,9.5,,S
+202,0,3,"Sage, Mr. Frederick",male,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
+203,0,3,"Johanson, Mr. Jakob Alfred",male,34.0,0,0,3101264,6.4958,,S
+204,0,3,"Youseff, Mr. Gerious",male,45.5,0,0,2628,7.225,,C
+205,1,3,"Cohen, Mr. Gurshon ""Gus""",male,18.0,0,0,A/5 3540,8.05,,S
+206,0,3,"Strom, Miss. Telma Matilda",female,2.0,0,1,347054,10.4625,G6,S
+207,0,3,"Backstrom, Mr. Karl Alfred",male,32.0,1,0,3101278,15.85,,S
+208,1,3,"Albimona, Mr. Nassef Cassem",male,26.0,0,0,2699,18.7875,,C
+209,1,3,"Carr, Miss. Helen ""Ellen""",female,16.0,0,0,367231,7.75,,Q
+210,1,1,"Blank, Mr. Henry",male,40.0,0,0,112277,31.0,A31,C
+211,0,3,"Ali, Mr. Ahmed",male,24.0,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101311,7.05,,S
+212,1,2,"Cameron, Miss. Clear Annie",female,35.0,0,0,F.C.C. 13528,21.0,,S
+213,0,3,"Perkin, Mr. John Henry",male,22.0,0,0,A/5 21174,7.25,,S
+214,0,2,"Givard, Mr. Hans Kristensen",male,30.0,0,0,250646,13.0,,S
+215,0,3,"Kiernan, Mr. Philip",male,,1,0,367229,7.75,,Q
+216,1,1,"Newell, Miss. Madeleine",female,31.0,1,0,35273,113.275,D36,C
+217,1,3,"Honkanen, Miss. Eliina",female,27.0,0,0,STON/O2. 3101283,7.925,,S
+218,0,2,"Jacobsohn, Mr. Sidney Samuel",male,42.0,1,0,243847,27.0,,S
+219,1,1,"Bazzani, Miss. Albina",female,32.0,0,0,11813,76.2917,D15,C
+220,0,2,"Harris, Mr. Walter",male,30.0,0,0,W/C 14208,10.5,,S
+221,1,3,"Sunderland, Mr. Victor Francis",male,16.0,0,0,SOTON/OQ 392089,8.05,,S
+222,0,2,"Bracken, Mr. James H",male,27.0,0,0,220367,13.0,,S
+223,0,3,"Green, Mr. George Henry",male,51.0,0,0,21440,8.05,,S
+224,0,3,"Nenkoff, Mr. Christo",male,,0,0,349234,7.8958,,S
+225,1,1,"Hoyt, Mr. Frederick Maxfield",male,38.0,1,0,19943,90.0,C93,S
+226,0,3,"Berglund, Mr. Karl Ivar Sven",male,22.0,0,0,PP 4348,9.35,,S
+227,1,2,"Mellors, Mr. William John",male,19.0,0,0,SW/PP 751,10.5,,S
+228,0,3,"Lovell, Mr. John Hall (""Henry"")",male,20.5,0,0,A/5 21173,7.25,,S
+229,0,2,"Fahlstrom, Mr. Arne Jonas",male,18.0,0,0,236171,13.0,,S
+230,0,3,"Lefebre, Miss. Mathilde",female,,3,1,4133,25.4667,,S
+231,1,1,"Harris, Mrs. Henry Birkhardt (Irene Wallach)",female,35.0,1,0,36973,83.475,C83,S
+232,0,3,"Larsson, Mr. Bengt Edvin",male,29.0,0,0,347067,7.775,,S
+233,0,2,"Sjostedt, Mr. Ernst Adolf",male,59.0,0,0,237442,13.5,,S
+234,1,3,"Asplund, Miss. Lillian Gertrud",female,5.0,4,2,347077,31.3875,,S
+235,0,2,"Leyson, Mr. Robert William Norman",male,24.0,0,0,C.A. 29566,10.5,,S
+236,0,3,"Harknett, Miss. Alice Phoebe",female,,0,0,W./C. 6609,7.55,,S
+237,0,2,"Hold, Mr. Stephen",male,44.0,1,0,26707,26.0,,S
+238,1,2,"Collyer, Miss. Marjorie ""Lottie""",female,8.0,0,2,C.A. 31921,26.25,,S
+239,0,2,"Pengelly, Mr. Frederick William",male,19.0,0,0,28665,10.5,,S
+240,0,2,"Hunt, Mr. George Henry",male,33.0,0,0,SCO/W 1585,12.275,,S
+241,0,3,"Zabour, Miss. Thamine",female,,1,0,2665,14.4542,,C
+242,1,3,"Murphy, Miss. Katherine ""Kate""",female,,1,0,367230,15.5,,Q
+243,0,2,"Coleridge, Mr. Reginald Charles",male,29.0,0,0,W./C. 14263,10.5,,S
+244,0,3,"Maenpaa, Mr. Matti Alexanteri",male,22.0,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101275,7.125,,S
+245,0,3,"Attalah, Mr. Sleiman",male,30.0,0,0,2694,7.225,,C
+246,0,1,"Minahan, Dr. William Edward",male,44.0,2,0,19928,90.0,C78,Q
+247,0,3,"Lindahl, Miss. Agda Thorilda Viktoria",female,25.0,0,0,347071,7.775,,S
+248,1,2,"Hamalainen, Mrs. William (Anna)",female,24.0,0,2,250649,14.5,,S
+249,1,1,"Beckwith, Mr. Richard Leonard",male,37.0,1,1,11751,52.5542,D35,S
+250,0,2,"Carter, Rev. Ernest Courtenay",male,54.0,1,0,244252,26.0,,S
+251,0,3,"Reed, Mr. James George",male,,0,0,362316,7.25,,S
+252,0,3,"Strom, Mrs. Wilhelm (Elna Matilda Persson)",female,29.0,1,1,347054,10.4625,G6,S
+253,0,1,"Stead, Mr. William Thomas",male,62.0,0,0,113514,26.55,C87,S
+254,0,3,"Lobb, Mr. William Arthur",male,30.0,1,0,A/5. 3336,16.1,,S
+255,0,3,"Rosblom, Mrs. Viktor (Helena Wilhelmina)",female,41.0,0,2,370129,20.2125,,S
+256,1,3,"Touma, Mrs. Darwis (Hanne Youssef Razi)",female,29.0,0,2,2650,15.2458,,C
+257,1,1,"Thorne, Mrs. Gertrude Maybelle",female,,0,0,PC 17585,79.2,,C
+258,1,1,"Cherry, Miss. Gladys",female,30.0,0,0,110152,86.5,B77,S
+259,1,1,"Ward, Miss. Anna",female,35.0,0,0,PC 17755,512.3292,,C
+260,1,2,"Parrish, Mrs. (Lutie Davis)",female,50.0,0,1,230433,26.0,,S
+261,0,3,"Smith, Mr. Thomas",male,,0,0,384461,7.75,,Q
+262,1,3,"Asplund, Master. Edvin Rojj Felix",male,3.0,4,2,347077,31.3875,,S
+263,0,1,"Taussig, Mr. Emil",male,52.0,1,1,110413,79.65,E67,S
+264,0,1,"Harrison, Mr. William",male,40.0,0,0,112059,0.0,B94,S
+265,0,3,"Henry, Miss. Delia",female,,0,0,382649,7.75,,Q
+266,0,2,"Reeves, Mr. David",male,36.0,0,0,C.A. 17248,10.5,,S
+267,0,3,"Panula, Mr. Ernesti Arvid",male,16.0,4,1,3101295,39.6875,,S
+268,1,3,"Persson, Mr. Ernst Ulrik",male,25.0,1,0,347083,7.775,,S
+269,1,1,"Graham, Mrs. William Thompson (Edith Junkins)",female,58.0,0,1,PC 17582,153.4625,C125,S
+270,1,1,"Bissette, Miss. Amelia",female,35.0,0,0,PC 17760,135.6333,C99,S
+271,0,1,"Cairns, Mr. Alexander",male,,0,0,113798,31.0,,S
+272,1,3,"Tornquist, Mr. William Henry",male,25.0,0,0,LINE,0.0,,S
+273,1,2,"Mellinger, Mrs. (Elizabeth Anne Maidment)",female,41.0,0,1,250644,19.5,,S
+274,0,1,"Natsch, Mr. Charles H",male,37.0,0,1,PC 17596,29.7,C118,C
+275,1,3,"Healy, Miss. Hanora ""Nora""",female,,0,0,370375,7.75,,Q
+276,1,1,"Andrews, Miss. Kornelia Theodosia",female,63.0,1,0,13502,77.9583,D7,S
+277,0,3,"Lindblom, Miss. Augusta Charlotta",female,45.0,0,0,347073,7.75,,S
+278,0,2,"Parkes, Mr. Francis ""Frank""",male,,0,0,239853,0.0,,S
+279,0,3,"Rice, Master. Eric",male,7.0,4,1,382652,29.125,,Q
+280,1,3,"Abbott, Mrs. Stanton (Rosa Hunt)",female,35.0,1,1,C.A. 2673,20.25,,S
+281,0,3,"Duane, Mr. Frank",male,65.0,0,0,336439,7.75,,Q
+282,0,3,"Olsson, Mr. Nils Johan Goransson",male,28.0,0,0,347464,7.8542,,S
+283,0,3,"de Pelsmaeker, Mr. Alfons",male,16.0,0,0,345778,9.5,,S
+284,1,3,"Dorking, Mr. Edward Arthur",male,19.0,0,0,A/5. 10482,8.05,,S
+285,0,1,"Smith, Mr. Richard William",male,,0,0,113056,26.0,A19,S
+286,0,3,"Stankovic, Mr. Ivan",male,33.0,0,0,349239,8.6625,,C
+287,1,3,"de Mulder, Mr. Theodore",male,30.0,0,0,345774,9.5,,S
+288,0,3,"Naidenoff, Mr. Penko",male,22.0,0,0,349206,7.8958,,S
+289,1,2,"Hosono, Mr. Masabumi",male,42.0,0,0,237798,13.0,,S
+290,1,3,"Connolly, Miss. Kate",female,22.0,0,0,370373,7.75,,Q
+291,1,1,"Barber, Miss. Ellen ""Nellie""",female,26.0,0,0,19877,78.85,,S
+292,1,1,"Bishop, Mrs. Dickinson H (Helen Walton)",female,19.0,1,0,11967,91.0792,B49,C
+293,0,2,"Levy, Mr. Rene Jacques",male,36.0,0,0,SC/Paris 2163,12.875,D,C
+294,0,3,"Haas, Miss. Aloisia",female,24.0,0,0,349236,8.85,,S
+295,0,3,"Mineff, Mr. Ivan",male,24.0,0,0,349233,7.8958,,S
+296,0,1,"Lewy, Mr. Ervin G",male,,0,0,PC 17612,27.7208,,C
+297,0,3,"Hanna, Mr. Mansour",male,23.5,0,0,2693,7.2292,,C
+298,0,1,"Allison, Miss. Helen Loraine",female,2.0,1,2,113781,151.55,C22 C26,S
+299,1,1,"Saalfeld, Mr. Adolphe",male,,0,0,19988,30.5,C106,S
+300,1,1,"Baxter, Mrs. James (Helene DeLaudeniere Chaput)",female,50.0,0,1,PC 17558,247.5208,B58 B60,C
+301,1,3,"Kelly, Miss. Anna Katherine ""Annie Kate""",female,,0,0,9234,7.75,,Q
+302,1,3,"McCoy, Mr. Bernard",male,,2,0,367226,23.25,,Q
+303,0,3,"Johnson, Mr. William Cahoone Jr",male,19.0,0,0,LINE,0.0,,S
+304,1,2,"Keane, Miss. Nora A",female,,0,0,226593,12.35,E101,Q
+305,0,3,"Williams, Mr. Howard Hugh ""Harry""",male,,0,0,A/5 2466,8.05,,S
+306,1,1,"Allison, Master. Hudson Trevor",male,0.92,1,2,113781,151.55,C22 C26,S
+307,1,1,"Fleming, Miss. Margaret",female,,0,0,17421,110.8833,,C
+308,1,1,"Penasco y Castellana, Mrs. Victor de Satode (Maria Josefa Perez de Soto y Vallejo)",female,17.0,1,0,PC 17758,108.9,C65,C
+309,0,2,"Abelson, Mr. Samuel",male,30.0,1,0,P/PP 3381,24.0,,C
+310,1,1,"Francatelli, Miss. Laura Mabel",female,30.0,0,0,PC 17485,56.9292,E36,C
+311,1,1,"Hays, Miss. Margaret Bechstein",female,24.0,0,0,11767,83.1583,C54,C
+312,1,1,"Ryerson, Miss. Emily Borie",female,18.0,2,2,PC 17608,262.375,B57 B59 B63 B66,C
+313,0,2,"Lahtinen, Mrs. William (Anna Sylfven)",female,26.0,1,1,250651,26.0,,S
+314,0,3,"Hendekovic, Mr. Ignjac",male,28.0,0,0,349243,7.8958,,S
+315,0,2,"Hart, Mr. Benjamin",male,43.0,1,1,F.C.C. 13529,26.25,,S
+316,1,3,"Nilsson, Miss. Helmina Josefina",female,26.0,0,0,347470,7.8542,,S
+317,1,2,"Kantor, Mrs. Sinai (Miriam Sternin)",female,24.0,1,0,244367,26.0,,S
+318,0,2,"Moraweck, Dr. Ernest",male,54.0,0,0,29011,14.0,,S
+319,1,1,"Wick, Miss. Mary Natalie",female,31.0,0,2,36928,164.8667,C7,S
+320,1,1,"Spedden, Mrs. Frederic Oakley (Margaretta Corning Stone)",female,40.0,1,1,16966,134.5,E34,C
+321,0,3,"Dennis, Mr. Samuel",male,22.0,0,0,A/5 21172,7.25,,S
+322,0,3,"Danoff, Mr. Yoto",male,27.0,0,0,349219,7.8958,,S
+323,1,2,"Slayter, Miss. Hilda Mary",female,30.0,0,0,234818,12.35,,Q
+324,1,2,"Caldwell, Mrs. Albert Francis (Sylvia Mae Harbaugh)",female,22.0,1,1,248738,29.0,,S
+325,0,3,"Sage, Mr. George John Jr",male,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
+326,1,1,"Young, Miss. Marie Grice",female,36.0,0,0,PC 17760,135.6333,C32,C
+327,0,3,"Nysveen, Mr. Johan Hansen",male,61.0,0,0,345364,6.2375,,S
+328,1,2,"Ball, Mrs. (Ada E Hall)",female,36.0,0,0,28551,13.0,D,S
+329,1,3,"Goldsmith, Mrs. Frank John (Emily Alice Brown)",female,31.0,1,1,363291,20.525,,S
+330,1,1,"Hippach, Miss. Jean Gertrude",female,16.0,0,1,111361,57.9792,B18,C
+331,1,3,"McCoy, Miss. Agnes",female,,2,0,367226,23.25,,Q
+332,0,1,"Partner, Mr. Austen",male,45.5,0,0,113043,28.5,C124,S
+333,0,1,"Graham, Mr. George Edward",male,38.0,0,1,PC 17582,153.4625,C91,S
+334,0,3,"Vander Planke, Mr. Leo Edmondus",male,16.0,2,0,345764,18.0,,S
+335,1,1,"Frauenthal, Mrs. Henry William (Clara Heinsheimer)",female,,1,0,PC 17611,133.65,,S
+336,0,3,"Denkoff, Mr. Mitto",male,,0,0,349225,7.8958,,S
+337,0,1,"Pears, Mr. Thomas Clinton",male,29.0,1,0,113776,66.6,C2,S
+338,1,1,"Burns, Miss. Elizabeth Margaret",female,41.0,0,0,16966,134.5,E40,C
+339,1,3,"Dahl, Mr. Karl Edwart",male,45.0,0,0,7598,8.05,,S
+340,0,1,"Blackwell, Mr. Stephen Weart",male,45.0,0,0,113784,35.5,T,S
+341,1,2,"Navratil, Master. Edmond Roger",male,2.0,1,1,230080,26.0,F2,S
+342,1,1,"Fortune, Miss. Alice Elizabeth",female,24.0,3,2,19950,263.0,C23 C25 C27,S
+343,0,2,"Collander, Mr. Erik Gustaf",male,28.0,0,0,248740,13.0,,S
+344,0,2,"Sedgwick, Mr. Charles Frederick Waddington",male,25.0,0,0,244361,13.0,,S
+345,0,2,"Fox, Mr. Stanley Hubert",male,36.0,0,0,229236,13.0,,S
+346,1,2,"Brown, Miss. Amelia ""Mildred""",female,24.0,0,0,248733,13.0,F33,S
+347,1,2,"Smith, Miss. Marion Elsie",female,40.0,0,0,31418,13.0,,S
+348,1,3,"Davison, Mrs. Thomas Henry (Mary E Finck)",female,,1,0,386525,16.1,,S
+349,1,3,"Coutts, Master. William Loch ""William""",male,3.0,1,1,C.A. 37671,15.9,,S
+350,0,3,"Dimic, Mr. Jovan",male,42.0,0,0,315088,8.6625,,S
+351,0,3,"Odahl, Mr. Nils Martin",male,23.0,0,0,7267,9.225,,S
+352,0,1,"Williams-Lambert, Mr. Fletcher Fellows",male,,0,0,113510,35.0,C128,S
+353,0,3,"Elias, Mr. Tannous",male,15.0,1,1,2695,7.2292,,C
+354,0,3,"Arnold-Franchi, Mr. Josef",male,25.0,1,0,349237,17.8,,S
+355,0,3,"Yousif, Mr. Wazli",male,,0,0,2647,7.225,,C
+356,0,3,"Vanden Steen, Mr. Leo Peter",male,28.0,0,0,345783,9.5,,S
+357,1,1,"Bowerman, Miss. Elsie Edith",female,22.0,0,1,113505,55.0,E33,S
+358,0,2,"Funk, Miss. Annie Clemmer",female,38.0,0,0,237671,13.0,,S
+359,1,3,"McGovern, Miss. Mary",female,,0,0,330931,7.8792,,Q
+360,1,3,"Mockler, Miss. Helen Mary ""Ellie""",female,,0,0,330980,7.8792,,Q
+361,0,3,"Skoog, Mr. Wilhelm",male,40.0,1,4,347088,27.9,,S
+362,0,2,"del Carlo, Mr. Sebastiano",male,29.0,1,0,SC/PARIS 2167,27.7208,,C
+363,0,3,"Barbara, Mrs. (Catherine David)",female,45.0,0,1,2691,14.4542,,C
+364,0,3,"Asim, Mr. Adola",male,35.0,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101310,7.05,,S
+365,0,3,"O'Brien, Mr. Thomas",male,,1,0,370365,15.5,,Q
+366,0,3,"Adahl, Mr. Mauritz Nils Martin",male,30.0,0,0,C 7076,7.25,,S
+367,1,1,"Warren, Mrs. Frank Manley (Anna Sophia Atkinson)",female,60.0,1,0,110813,75.25,D37,C
+368,1,3,"Moussa, Mrs. (Mantoura Boulos)",female,,0,0,2626,7.2292,,C
+369,1,3,"Jermyn, Miss. Annie",female,,0,0,14313,7.75,,Q
+370,1,1,"Aubart, Mme. Leontine Pauline",female,24.0,0,0,PC 17477,69.3,B35,C
+371,1,1,"Harder, Mr. George Achilles",male,25.0,1,0,11765,55.4417,E50,C
+372,0,3,"Wiklund, Mr. Jakob Alfred",male,18.0,1,0,3101267,6.4958,,S
+373,0,3,"Beavan, Mr. William Thomas",male,19.0,0,0,323951,8.05,,S
+374,0,1,"Ringhini, Mr. Sante",male,22.0,0,0,PC 17760,135.6333,,C
+375,0,3,"Palsson, Miss. Stina Viola",female,3.0,3,1,349909,21.075,,S
+376,1,1,"Meyer, Mrs. Edgar Joseph (Leila Saks)",female,,1,0,PC 17604,82.1708,,C
+377,1,3,"Landergren, Miss. Aurora Adelia",female,22.0,0,0,C 7077,7.25,,S
+378,0,1,"Widener, Mr. Harry Elkins",male,27.0,0,2,113503,211.5,C82,C
+379,0,3,"Betros, Mr. Tannous",male,20.0,0,0,2648,4.0125,,C
+380,0,3,"Gustafsson, Mr. Karl Gideon",male,19.0,0,0,347069,7.775,,S
+381,1,1,"Bidois, Miss. Rosalie",female,42.0,0,0,PC 17757,227.525,,C
+382,1,3,"Nakid, Miss. Maria (""Mary"")",female,1.0,0,2,2653,15.7417,,C
+383,0,3,"Tikkanen, Mr. Juho",male,32.0,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101293,7.925,,S
+384,1,1,"Holverson, Mrs. Alexander Oskar (Mary Aline Towner)",female,35.0,1,0,113789,52.0,,S
+385,0,3,"Plotcharsky, Mr. Vasil",male,,0,0,349227,7.8958,,S
+386,0,2,"Davies, Mr. Charles Henry",male,18.0,0,0,S.O.C. 14879,73.5,,S
+387,0,3,"Goodwin, Master. Sidney Leonard",male,1.0,5,2,CA 2144,46.9,,S
+388,1,2,"Buss, Miss. Kate",female,36.0,0,0,27849,13.0,,S
+389,0,3,"Sadlier, Mr. Matthew",male,,0,0,367655,7.7292,,Q
+390,1,2,"Lehmann, Miss. Bertha",female,17.0,0,0,SC 1748,12.0,,C
+391,1,1,"Carter, Mr. William Ernest",male,36.0,1,2,113760,120.0,B96 B98,S
+392,1,3,"Jansson, Mr. Carl Olof",male,21.0,0,0,350034,7.7958,,S
+393,0,3,"Gustafsson, Mr. Johan Birger",male,28.0,2,0,3101277,7.925,,S
+394,1,1,"Newell, Miss. Marjorie",female,23.0,1,0,35273,113.275,D36,C
+395,1,3,"Sandstrom, Mrs. Hjalmar (Agnes Charlotta Bengtsson)",female,24.0,0,2,PP 9549,16.7,G6,S
+396,0,3,"Johansson, Mr. Erik",male,22.0,0,0,350052,7.7958,,S
+397,0,3,"Olsson, Miss. Elina",female,31.0,0,0,350407,7.8542,,S
+398,0,2,"McKane, Mr. Peter David",male,46.0,0,0,28403,26.0,,S
+399,0,2,"Pain, Dr. Alfred",male,23.0,0,0,244278,10.5,,S
+400,1,2,"Trout, Mrs. William H (Jessie L)",female,28.0,0,0,240929,12.65,,S
+401,1,3,"Niskanen, Mr. Juha",male,39.0,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101289,7.925,,S
+402,0,3,"Adams, Mr. John",male,26.0,0,0,341826,8.05,,S
+403,0,3,"Jussila, Miss. Mari Aina",female,21.0,1,0,4137,9.825,,S
+404,0,3,"Hakkarainen, Mr. Pekka Pietari",male,28.0,1,0,STON/O2. 3101279,15.85,,S
+405,0,3,"Oreskovic, Miss. Marija",female,20.0,0,0,315096,8.6625,,S
+406,0,2,"Gale, Mr. Shadrach",male,34.0,1,0,28664,21.0,,S
+407,0,3,"Widegren, Mr. Carl/Charles Peter",male,51.0,0,0,347064,7.75,,S
+408,1,2,"Richards, Master. William Rowe",male,3.0,1,1,29106,18.75,,S
+409,0,3,"Birkeland, Mr. Hans Martin Monsen",male,21.0,0,0,312992,7.775,,S
+410,0,3,"Lefebre, Miss. Ida",female,,3,1,4133,25.4667,,S
+411,0,3,"Sdycoff, Mr. Todor",male,,0,0,349222,7.8958,,S
+412,0,3,"Hart, Mr. Henry",male,,0,0,394140,6.8583,,Q
+413,1,1,"Minahan, Miss. Daisy E",female,33.0,1,0,19928,90.0,C78,Q
+414,0,2,"Cunningham, Mr. Alfred Fleming",male,,0,0,239853,0.0,,S
+415,1,3,"Sundman, Mr. Johan Julian",male,44.0,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101269,7.925,,S
+416,0,3,"Meek, Mrs. Thomas (Annie Louise Rowley)",female,,0,0,343095,8.05,,S
+417,1,2,"Drew, Mrs. James Vivian (Lulu Thorne Christian)",female,34.0,1,1,28220,32.5,,S
+418,1,2,"Silven, Miss. Lyyli Karoliina",female,18.0,0,2,250652,13.0,,S
+419,0,2,"Matthews, Mr. William John",male,30.0,0,0,28228,13.0,,S
+420,0,3,"Van Impe, Miss. Catharina",female,10.0,0,2,345773,24.15,,S
+421,0,3,"Gheorgheff, Mr. Stanio",male,,0,0,349254,7.8958,,C
+422,0,3,"Charters, Mr. David",male,21.0,0,0,A/5. 13032,7.7333,,Q
+423,0,3,"Zimmerman, Mr. Leo",male,29.0,0,0,315082,7.875,,S
+424,0,3,"Danbom, Mrs. Ernst Gilbert (Anna Sigrid Maria Brogren)",female,28.0,1,1,347080,14.4,,S
+425,0,3,"Rosblom, Mr. Viktor Richard",male,18.0,1,1,370129,20.2125,,S
+426,0,3,"Wiseman, Mr. Phillippe",male,,0,0,A/4. 34244,7.25,,S
+427,1,2,"Clarke, Mrs. Charles V (Ada Maria Winfield)",female,28.0,1,0,2003,26.0,,S
+428,1,2,"Phillips, Miss. Kate Florence (""Mrs Kate Louise Phillips Marshall"")",female,19.0,0,0,250655,26.0,,S
+429,0,3,"Flynn, Mr. James",male,,0,0,364851,7.75,,Q
+430,1,3,"Pickard, Mr. Berk (Berk Trembisky)",male,32.0,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 392078,8.05,E10,S
+431,1,1,"Bjornstrom-Steffansson, Mr. Mauritz Hakan",male,28.0,0,0,110564,26.55,C52,S
+432,1,3,"Thorneycroft, Mrs. Percival (Florence Kate White)",female,,1,0,376564,16.1,,S
+433,1,2,"Louch, Mrs. Charles Alexander (Alice Adelaide Slow)",female,42.0,1,0,SC/AH 3085,26.0,,S
+434,0,3,"Kallio, Mr. Nikolai Erland",male,17.0,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101274,7.125,,S
+435,0,1,"Silvey, Mr. William Baird",male,50.0,1,0,13507,55.9,E44,S
+436,1,1,"Carter, Miss. Lucile Polk",female,14.0,1,2,113760,120.0,B96 B98,S
+437,0,3,"Ford, Miss. Doolina Margaret ""Daisy""",female,21.0,2,2,W./C. 6608,34.375,,S
+438,1,2,"Richards, Mrs. Sidney (Emily Hocking)",female,24.0,2,3,29106,18.75,,S
+439,0,1,"Fortune, Mr. Mark",male,64.0,1,4,19950,263.0,C23 C25 C27,S
+440,0,2,"Kvillner, Mr. Johan Henrik Johannesson",male,31.0,0,0,C.A. 18723,10.5,,S
+441,1,2,"Hart, Mrs. Benjamin (Esther Ada Bloomfield)",female,45.0,1,1,F.C.C. 13529,26.25,,S
+442,0,3,"Hampe, Mr. Leon",male,20.0,0,0,345769,9.5,,S
+443,0,3,"Petterson, Mr. Johan Emil",male,25.0,1,0,347076,7.775,,S
+444,1,2,"Reynaldo, Ms. Encarnacion",female,28.0,0,0,230434,13.0,,S
+445,1,3,"Johannesen-Bratthammer, Mr. Bernt",male,,0,0,65306,8.1125,,S
+446,1,1,"Dodge, Master. Washington",male,4.0,0,2,33638,81.8583,A34,S
+447,1,2,"Mellinger, Miss. Madeleine Violet",female,13.0,0,1,250644,19.5,,S
+448,1,1,"Seward, Mr. Frederic Kimber",male,34.0,0,0,113794,26.55,,S
+449,1,3,"Baclini, Miss. Marie Catherine",female,5.0,2,1,2666,19.2583,,C
+450,1,1,"Peuchen, Major. Arthur Godfrey",male,52.0,0,0,113786,30.5,C104,S
+451,0,2,"West, Mr. Edwy Arthur",male,36.0,1,2,C.A. 34651,27.75,,S
+452,0,3,"Hagland, Mr. Ingvald Olai Olsen",male,,1,0,65303,19.9667,,S
+453,0,1,"Foreman, Mr. Benjamin Laventall",male,30.0,0,0,113051,27.75,C111,C
+454,1,1,"Goldenberg, Mr. Samuel L",male,49.0,1,0,17453,89.1042,C92,C
+455,0,3,"Peduzzi, Mr. Joseph",male,,0,0,A/5 2817,8.05,,S
+456,1,3,"Jalsevac, Mr. Ivan",male,29.0,0,0,349240,7.8958,,C
+457,0,1,"Millet, Mr. Francis Davis",male,65.0,0,0,13509,26.55,E38,S
+458,1,1,"Kenyon, Mrs. Frederick R (Marion)",female,,1,0,17464,51.8625,D21,S
+459,1,2,"Toomey, Miss. Ellen",female,50.0,0,0,F.C.C. 13531,10.5,,S
+460,0,3,"O'Connor, Mr. Maurice",male,,0,0,371060,7.75,,Q
+461,1,1,"Anderson, Mr. Harry",male,48.0,0,0,19952,26.55,E12,S
+462,0,3,"Morley, Mr. William",male,34.0,0,0,364506,8.05,,S
+463,0,1,"Gee, Mr. Arthur H",male,47.0,0,0,111320,38.5,E63,S
+464,0,2,"Milling, Mr. Jacob Christian",male,48.0,0,0,234360,13.0,,S
+465,0,3,"Maisner, Mr. Simon",male,,0,0,A/S 2816,8.05,,S
+466,0,3,"Goncalves, Mr. Manuel Estanslas",male,38.0,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101306,7.05,,S
+467,0,2,"Campbell, Mr. William",male,,0,0,239853,0.0,,S
+468,0,1,"Smart, Mr. John Montgomery",male,56.0,0,0,113792,26.55,,S
+469,0,3,"Scanlan, Mr. James",male,,0,0,36209,7.725,,Q
+470,1,3,"Baclini, Miss. Helene Barbara",female,0.75,2,1,2666,19.2583,,C
+471,0,3,"Keefe, Mr. Arthur",male,,0,0,323592,7.25,,S
+472,0,3,"Cacic, Mr. Luka",male,38.0,0,0,315089,8.6625,,S
+473,1,2,"West, Mrs. Edwy Arthur (Ada Mary Worth)",female,33.0,1,2,C.A. 34651,27.75,,S
+474,1,2,"Jerwan, Mrs. Amin S (Marie Marthe Thuillard)",female,23.0,0,0,SC/AH Basle 541,13.7917,D,C
+475,0,3,"Strandberg, Miss. Ida Sofia",female,22.0,0,0,7553,9.8375,,S
+476,0,1,"Clifford, Mr. George Quincy",male,,0,0,110465,52.0,A14,S
+477,0,2,"Renouf, Mr. Peter Henry",male,34.0,1,0,31027,21.0,,S
+478,0,3,"Braund, Mr. Lewis Richard",male,29.0,1,0,3460,7.0458,,S
+479,0,3,"Karlsson, Mr. Nils August",male,22.0,0,0,350060,7.5208,,S
+480,1,3,"Hirvonen, Miss. Hildur E",female,2.0,0,1,3101298,12.2875,,S
+481,0,3,"Goodwin, Master. Harold Victor",male,9.0,5,2,CA 2144,46.9,,S
+482,0,2,"Frost, Mr. Anthony Wood ""Archie""",male,,0,0,239854,0.0,,S
+483,0,3,"Rouse, Mr. Richard Henry",male,50.0,0,0,A/5 3594,8.05,,S
+484,1,3,"Turkula, Mrs. (Hedwig)",female,63.0,0,0,4134,9.5875,,S
+485,1,1,"Bishop, Mr. Dickinson H",male,25.0,1,0,11967,91.0792,B49,C
+486,0,3,"Lefebre, Miss. Jeannie",female,,3,1,4133,25.4667,,S
+487,1,1,"Hoyt, Mrs. Frederick Maxfield (Jane Anne Forby)",female,35.0,1,0,19943,90.0,C93,S
+488,0,1,"Kent, Mr. Edward Austin",male,58.0,0,0,11771,29.7,B37,C
+489,0,3,"Somerton, Mr. Francis William",male,30.0,0,0,A.5. 18509,8.05,,S
+490,1,3,"Coutts, Master. Eden Leslie ""Neville""",male,9.0,1,1,C.A. 37671,15.9,,S
+491,0,3,"Hagland, Mr. Konrad Mathias Reiersen",male,,1,0,65304,19.9667,,S
+492,0,3,"Windelov, Mr. Einar",male,21.0,0,0,SOTON/OQ 3101317,7.25,,S
+493,0,1,"Molson, Mr. Harry Markland",male,55.0,0,0,113787,30.5,C30,S
+494,0,1,"Artagaveytia, Mr. Ramon",male,71.0,0,0,PC 17609,49.5042,,C
+495,0,3,"Stanley, Mr. Edward Roland",male,21.0,0,0,A/4 45380,8.05,,S
+496,0,3,"Yousseff, Mr. Gerious",male,,0,0,2627,14.4583,,C
+497,1,1,"Eustis, Miss. Elizabeth Mussey",female,54.0,1,0,36947,78.2667,D20,C
+498,0,3,"Shellard, Mr. Frederick William",male,,0,0,C.A. 6212,15.1,,S
+499,0,1,"Allison, Mrs. Hudson J C (Bessie Waldo Daniels)",female,25.0,1,2,113781,151.55,C22 C26,S
+500,0,3,"Svensson, Mr. Olof",male,24.0,0,0,350035,7.7958,,S
+501,0,3,"Calic, Mr. Petar",male,17.0,0,0,315086,8.6625,,S
+502,0,3,"Canavan, Miss. Mary",female,21.0,0,0,364846,7.75,,Q
+503,0,3,"O'Sullivan, Miss. Bridget Mary",female,,0,0,330909,7.6292,,Q
+504,0,3,"Laitinen, Miss. Kristina Sofia",female,37.0,0,0,4135,9.5875,,S
+505,1,1,"Maioni, Miss. Roberta",female,16.0,0,0,110152,86.5,B79,S
+506,0,1,"Penasco y Castellana, Mr. Victor de Satode",male,18.0,1,0,PC 17758,108.9,C65,C
+507,1,2,"Quick, Mrs. Frederick Charles (Jane Richards)",female,33.0,0,2,26360,26.0,,S
+508,1,1,"Bradley, Mr. George (""George Arthur Brayton"")",male,,0,0,111427,26.55,,S
+509,0,3,"Olsen, Mr. Henry Margido",male,28.0,0,0,C 4001,22.525,,S
+510,1,3,"Lang, Mr. Fang",male,26.0,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
+511,1,3,"Daly, Mr. Eugene Patrick",male,29.0,0,0,382651,7.75,,Q
+512,0,3,"Webber, Mr. James",male,,0,0,SOTON/OQ 3101316,8.05,,S
+513,1,1,"McGough, Mr. James Robert",male,36.0,0,0,PC 17473,26.2875,E25,S
+514,1,1,"Rothschild, Mrs. Martin (Elizabeth L. Barrett)",female,54.0,1,0,PC 17603,59.4,,C
+515,0,3,"Coleff, Mr. Satio",male,24.0,0,0,349209,7.4958,,S
+516,0,1,"Walker, Mr. William Anderson",male,47.0,0,0,36967,34.0208,D46,S
+517,1,2,"Lemore, Mrs. (Amelia Milley)",female,34.0,0,0,C.A. 34260,10.5,F33,S
+518,0,3,"Ryan, Mr. Patrick",male,,0,0,371110,24.15,,Q
+519,1,2,"Angle, Mrs. William A (Florence ""Mary"" Agnes Hughes)",female,36.0,1,0,226875,26.0,,S
+520,0,3,"Pavlovic, Mr. Stefo",male,32.0,0,0,349242,7.8958,,S
+521,1,1,"Perreault, Miss. Anne",female,30.0,0,0,12749,93.5,B73,S
+522,0,3,"Vovk, Mr. Janko",male,22.0,0,0,349252,7.8958,,S
+523,0,3,"Lahoud, Mr. Sarkis",male,,0,0,2624,7.225,,C
+524,1,1,"Hippach, Mrs. Louis Albert (Ida Sophia Fischer)",female,44.0,0,1,111361,57.9792,B18,C
+525,0,3,"Kassem, Mr. Fared",male,,0,0,2700,7.2292,,C
+526,0,3,"Farrell, Mr. James",male,40.5,0,0,367232,7.75,,Q
+527,1,2,"Ridsdale, Miss. Lucy",female,50.0,0,0,W./C. 14258,10.5,,S
+528,0,1,"Farthing, Mr. John",male,,0,0,PC 17483,221.7792,C95,S
+529,0,3,"Salonen, Mr. Johan Werner",male,39.0,0,0,3101296,7.925,,S
+530,0,2,"Hocking, Mr. Richard George",male,23.0,2,1,29104,11.5,,S
+531,1,2,"Quick, Miss. Phyllis May",female,2.0,1,1,26360,26.0,,S
+532,0,3,"Toufik, Mr. Nakli",male,,0,0,2641,7.2292,,C
+533,0,3,"Elias, Mr. Joseph Jr",male,17.0,1,1,2690,7.2292,,C
+534,1,3,"Peter, Mrs. Catherine (Catherine Rizk)",female,,0,2,2668,22.3583,,C
+535,0,3,"Cacic, Miss. Marija",female,30.0,0,0,315084,8.6625,,S
+536,1,2,"Hart, Miss. Eva Miriam",female,7.0,0,2,F.C.C. 13529,26.25,,S
+537,0,1,"Butt, Major. Archibald Willingham",male,45.0,0,0,113050,26.55,B38,S
+538,1,1,"LeRoy, Miss. Bertha",female,30.0,0,0,PC 17761,106.425,,C
+539,0,3,"Risien, Mr. Samuel Beard",male,,0,0,364498,14.5,,S
+540,1,1,"Frolicher, Miss. Hedwig Margaritha",female,22.0,0,2,13568,49.5,B39,C
+541,1,1,"Crosby, Miss. Harriet R",female,36.0,0,2,WE/P 5735,71.0,B22,S
+542,0,3,"Andersson, Miss. Ingeborg Constanzia",female,9.0,4,2,347082,31.275,,S
+543,0,3,"Andersson, Miss. Sigrid Elisabeth",female,11.0,4,2,347082,31.275,,S
+544,1,2,"Beane, Mr. Edward",male,32.0,1,0,2908,26.0,,S
+545,0,1,"Douglas, Mr. Walter Donald",male,50.0,1,0,PC 17761,106.425,C86,C
+546,0,1,"Nicholson, Mr. Arthur Ernest",male,64.0,0,0,693,26.0,,S
+547,1,2,"Beane, Mrs. Edward (Ethel Clarke)",female,19.0,1,0,2908,26.0,,S
+548,1,2,"Padro y Manent, Mr. Julian",male,,0,0,SC/PARIS 2146,13.8625,,C
+549,0,3,"Goldsmith, Mr. Frank John",male,33.0,1,1,363291,20.525,,S
+550,1,2,"Davies, Master. John Morgan Jr",male,8.0,1,1,C.A. 33112,36.75,,S
+551,1,1,"Thayer, Mr. John Borland Jr",male,17.0,0,2,17421,110.8833,C70,C
+552,0,2,"Sharp, Mr. Percival James R",male,27.0,0,0,244358,26.0,,S
+553,0,3,"O'Brien, Mr. Timothy",male,,0,0,330979,7.8292,,Q
+554,1,3,"Leeni, Mr. Fahim (""Philip Zenni"")",male,22.0,0,0,2620,7.225,,C
+555,1,3,"Ohman, Miss. Velin",female,22.0,0,0,347085,7.775,,S
+556,0,1,"Wright, Mr. George",male,62.0,0,0,113807,26.55,,S
+557,1,1,"Duff Gordon, Lady. (Lucille Christiana Sutherland) (""Mrs Morgan"")",female,48.0,1,0,11755,39.6,A16,C
+558,0,1,"Robbins, Mr. Victor",male,,0,0,PC 17757,227.525,,C
+559,1,1,"Taussig, Mrs. Emil (Tillie Mandelbaum)",female,39.0,1,1,110413,79.65,E67,S
+560,1,3,"de Messemaeker, Mrs. Guillaume Joseph (Emma)",female,36.0,1,0,345572,17.4,,S
+561,0,3,"Morrow, Mr. Thomas Rowan",male,,0,0,372622,7.75,,Q
+562,0,3,"Sivic, Mr. Husein",male,40.0,0,0,349251,7.8958,,S
+563,0,2,"Norman, Mr. Robert Douglas",male,28.0,0,0,218629,13.5,,S
+564,0,3,"Simmons, Mr. John",male,,0,0,SOTON/OQ 392082,8.05,,S
+565,0,3,"Meanwell, Miss. (Marion Ogden)",female,,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 392087,8.05,,S
+566,0,3,"Davies, Mr. Alfred J",male,24.0,2,0,A/4 48871,24.15,,S
+567,0,3,"Stoytcheff, Mr. Ilia",male,19.0,0,0,349205,7.8958,,S
+568,0,3,"Palsson, Mrs. Nils (Alma Cornelia Berglund)",female,29.0,0,4,349909,21.075,,S
+569,0,3,"Doharr, Mr. Tannous",male,,0,0,2686,7.2292,,C
+570,1,3,"Jonsson, Mr. Carl",male,32.0,0,0,350417,7.8542,,S
+571,1,2,"Harris, Mr. George",male,62.0,0,0,S.W./PP 752,10.5,,S
+572,1,1,"Appleton, Mrs. Edward Dale (Charlotte Lamson)",female,53.0,2,0,11769,51.4792,C101,S
+573,1,1,"Flynn, Mr. John Irwin (""Irving"")",male,36.0,0,0,PC 17474,26.3875,E25,S
+574,1,3,"Kelly, Miss. Mary",female,,0,0,14312,7.75,,Q
+575,0,3,"Rush, Mr. Alfred George John",male,16.0,0,0,A/4. 20589,8.05,,S
+576,0,3,"Patchett, Mr. George",male,19.0,0,0,358585,14.5,,S
+577,1,2,"Garside, Miss. Ethel",female,34.0,0,0,243880,13.0,,S
+578,1,1,"Silvey, Mrs. William Baird (Alice Munger)",female,39.0,1,0,13507,55.9,E44,S
+579,0,3,"Caram, Mrs. Joseph (Maria Elias)",female,,1,0,2689,14.4583,,C
+580,1,3,"Jussila, Mr. Eiriik",male,32.0,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101286,7.925,,S
+581,1,2,"Christy, Miss. Julie Rachel",female,25.0,1,1,237789,30.0,,S
+582,1,1,"Thayer, Mrs. John Borland (Marian Longstreth Morris)",female,39.0,1,1,17421,110.8833,C68,C
+583,0,2,"Downton, Mr. William James",male,54.0,0,0,28403,26.0,,S
+584,0,1,"Ross, Mr. John Hugo",male,36.0,0,0,13049,40.125,A10,C
+585,0,3,"Paulner, Mr. Uscher",male,,0,0,3411,8.7125,,C
+586,1,1,"Taussig, Miss. Ruth",female,18.0,0,2,110413,79.65,E68,S
+587,0,2,"Jarvis, Mr. John Denzil",male,47.0,0,0,237565,15.0,,S
+588,1,1,"Frolicher-Stehli, Mr. Maxmillian",male,60.0,1,1,13567,79.2,B41,C
+589,0,3,"Gilinski, Mr. Eliezer",male,22.0,0,0,14973,8.05,,S
+590,0,3,"Murdlin, Mr. Joseph",male,,0,0,A./5. 3235,8.05,,S
+591,0,3,"Rintamaki, Mr. Matti",male,35.0,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101273,7.125,,S
+592,1,1,"Stephenson, Mrs. Walter Bertram (Martha Eustis)",female,52.0,1,0,36947,78.2667,D20,C
+593,0,3,"Elsbury, Mr. William James",male,47.0,0,0,A/5 3902,7.25,,S
+594,0,3,"Bourke, Miss. Mary",female,,0,2,364848,7.75,,Q
+595,0,2,"Chapman, Mr. John Henry",male,37.0,1,0,SC/AH 29037,26.0,,S
+596,0,3,"Van Impe, Mr. Jean Baptiste",male,36.0,1,1,345773,24.15,,S
+597,1,2,"Leitch, Miss. Jessie Wills",female,,0,0,248727,33.0,,S
+598,0,3,"Johnson, Mr. Alfred",male,49.0,0,0,LINE,0.0,,S
+599,0,3,"Boulos, Mr. Hanna",male,,0,0,2664,7.225,,C
+600,1,1,"Duff Gordon, Sir. Cosmo Edmund (""Mr Morgan"")",male,49.0,1,0,PC 17485,56.9292,A20,C
+601,1,2,"Jacobsohn, Mrs. Sidney Samuel (Amy Frances Christy)",female,24.0,2,1,243847,27.0,,S
+602,0,3,"Slabenoff, Mr. Petco",male,,0,0,349214,7.8958,,S
+603,0,1,"Harrington, Mr. Charles H",male,,0,0,113796,42.4,,S
+604,0,3,"Torber, Mr. Ernst William",male,44.0,0,0,364511,8.05,,S
+605,1,1,"Homer, Mr. Harry (""Mr E Haven"")",male,35.0,0,0,111426,26.55,,C
+606,0,3,"Lindell, Mr. Edvard Bengtsson",male,36.0,1,0,349910,15.55,,S
+607,0,3,"Karaic, Mr. Milan",male,30.0,0,0,349246,7.8958,,S
+608,1,1,"Daniel, Mr. Robert Williams",male,27.0,0,0,113804,30.5,,S
+609,1,2,"Laroche, Mrs. Joseph (Juliette Marie Louise Lafargue)",female,22.0,1,2,SC/Paris 2123,41.5792,,C
+610,1,1,"Shutes, Miss. Elizabeth W",female,40.0,0,0,PC 17582,153.4625,C125,S
+611,0,3,"Andersson, Mrs. Anders Johan (Alfrida Konstantia Brogren)",female,39.0,1,5,347082,31.275,,S
+612,0,3,"Jardin, Mr. Jose Neto",male,,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101305,7.05,,S
+613,1,3,"Murphy, Miss. Margaret Jane",female,,1,0,367230,15.5,,Q
+614,0,3,"Horgan, Mr. John",male,,0,0,370377,7.75,,Q
+615,0,3,"Brocklebank, Mr. William Alfred",male,35.0,0,0,364512,8.05,,S
+616,1,2,"Herman, Miss. Alice",female,24.0,1,2,220845,65.0,,S
+617,0,3,"Danbom, Mr. Ernst Gilbert",male,34.0,1,1,347080,14.4,,S
+618,0,3,"Lobb, Mrs. William Arthur (Cordelia K Stanlick)",female,26.0,1,0,A/5. 3336,16.1,,S
+619,1,2,"Becker, Miss. Marion Louise",female,4.0,2,1,230136,39.0,F4,S
+620,0,2,"Gavey, Mr. Lawrence",male,26.0,0,0,31028,10.5,,S
+621,0,3,"Yasbeck, Mr. Antoni",male,27.0,1,0,2659,14.4542,,C
+622,1,1,"Kimball, Mr. Edwin Nelson Jr",male,42.0,1,0,11753,52.5542,D19,S
+623,1,3,"Nakid, Mr. Sahid",male,20.0,1,1,2653,15.7417,,C
+624,0,3,"Hansen, Mr. Henry Damsgaard",male,21.0,0,0,350029,7.8542,,S
+625,0,3,"Bowen, Mr. David John ""Dai""",male,21.0,0,0,54636,16.1,,S
+626,0,1,"Sutton, Mr. Frederick",male,61.0,0,0,36963,32.3208,D50,S
+627,0,2,"Kirkland, Rev. Charles Leonard",male,57.0,0,0,219533,12.35,,Q
+628,1,1,"Longley, Miss. Gretchen Fiske",female,21.0,0,0,13502,77.9583,D9,S
+629,0,3,"Bostandyeff, Mr. Guentcho",male,26.0,0,0,349224,7.8958,,S
+630,0,3,"O'Connell, Mr. Patrick D",male,,0,0,334912,7.7333,,Q
+631,1,1,"Barkworth, Mr. Algernon Henry Wilson",male,80.0,0,0,27042,30.0,A23,S
+632,0,3,"Lundahl, Mr. Johan Svensson",male,51.0,0,0,347743,7.0542,,S
+633,1,1,"Stahelin-Maeglin, Dr. Max",male,32.0,0,0,13214,30.5,B50,C
+634,0,1,"Parr, Mr. William Henry Marsh",male,,0,0,112052,0.0,,S
+635,0,3,"Skoog, Miss. Mabel",female,9.0,3,2,347088,27.9,,S
+636,1,2,"Davis, Miss. Mary",female,28.0,0,0,237668,13.0,,S
+637,0,3,"Leinonen, Mr. Antti Gustaf",male,32.0,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101292,7.925,,S
+638,0,2,"Collyer, Mr. Harvey",male,31.0,1,1,C.A. 31921,26.25,,S
+639,0,3,"Panula, Mrs. Juha (Maria Emilia Ojala)",female,41.0,0,5,3101295,39.6875,,S
+640,0,3,"Thorneycroft, Mr. Percival",male,,1,0,376564,16.1,,S
+641,0,3,"Jensen, Mr. Hans Peder",male,20.0,0,0,350050,7.8542,,S
+642,1,1,"Sagesser, Mlle. Emma",female,24.0,0,0,PC 17477,69.3,B35,C
+643,0,3,"Skoog, Miss. Margit Elizabeth",female,2.0,3,2,347088,27.9,,S
+644,1,3,"Foo, Mr. Choong",male,,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
+645,1,3,"Baclini, Miss. Eugenie",female,0.75,2,1,2666,19.2583,,C
+646,1,1,"Harper, Mr. Henry Sleeper",male,48.0,1,0,PC 17572,76.7292,D33,C
+647,0,3,"Cor, Mr. Liudevit",male,19.0,0,0,349231,7.8958,,S
+648,1,1,"Simonius-Blumer, Col. Oberst Alfons",male,56.0,0,0,13213,35.5,A26,C
+649,0,3,"Willey, Mr. Edward",male,,0,0,S.O./P.P. 751,7.55,,S
+650,1,3,"Stanley, Miss. Amy Zillah Elsie",female,23.0,0,0,CA. 2314,7.55,,S
+651,0,3,"Mitkoff, Mr. Mito",male,,0,0,349221,7.8958,,S
+652,1,2,"Doling, Miss. Elsie",female,18.0,0,1,231919,23.0,,S
+653,0,3,"Kalvik, Mr. Johannes Halvorsen",male,21.0,0,0,8475,8.4333,,S
+654,1,3,"O'Leary, Miss. Hanora ""Norah""",female,,0,0,330919,7.8292,,Q
+655,0,3,"Hegarty, Miss. Hanora ""Nora""",female,18.0,0,0,365226,6.75,,Q
+656,0,2,"Hickman, Mr. Leonard Mark",male,24.0,2,0,S.O.C. 14879,73.5,,S
+657,0,3,"Radeff, Mr. Alexander",male,,0,0,349223,7.8958,,S
+658,0,3,"Bourke, Mrs. John (Catherine)",female,32.0,1,1,364849,15.5,,Q
+659,0,2,"Eitemiller, Mr. George Floyd",male,23.0,0,0,29751,13.0,,S
+660,0,1,"Newell, Mr. Arthur Webster",male,58.0,0,2,35273,113.275,D48,C
+661,1,1,"Frauenthal, Dr. Henry William",male,50.0,2,0,PC 17611,133.65,,S
+662,0,3,"Badt, Mr. Mohamed",male,40.0,0,0,2623,7.225,,C
+663,0,1,"Colley, Mr. Edward Pomeroy",male,47.0,0,0,5727,25.5875,E58,S
+664,0,3,"Coleff, Mr. Peju",male,36.0,0,0,349210,7.4958,,S
+665,1,3,"Lindqvist, Mr. Eino William",male,20.0,1,0,STON/O 2. 3101285,7.925,,S
+666,0,2,"Hickman, Mr. Lewis",male,32.0,2,0,S.O.C. 14879,73.5,,S
+667,0,2,"Butler, Mr. Reginald Fenton",male,25.0,0,0,234686,13.0,,S
+668,0,3,"Rommetvedt, Mr. Knud Paust",male,,0,0,312993,7.775,,S
+669,0,3,"Cook, Mr. Jacob",male,43.0,0,0,A/5 3536,8.05,,S
+670,1,1,"Taylor, Mrs. Elmer Zebley (Juliet Cummins Wright)",female,,1,0,19996,52.0,C126,S
+671,1,2,"Brown, Mrs. Thomas William Solomon (Elizabeth Catherine Ford)",female,40.0,1,1,29750,39.0,,S
+672,0,1,"Davidson, Mr. Thornton",male,31.0,1,0,F.C. 12750,52.0,B71,S
+673,0,2,"Mitchell, Mr. Henry Michael",male,70.0,0,0,C.A. 24580,10.5,,S
+674,1,2,"Wilhelms, Mr. Charles",male,31.0,0,0,244270,13.0,,S
+675,0,2,"Watson, Mr. Ennis Hastings",male,,0,0,239856,0.0,,S
+676,0,3,"Edvardsson, Mr. Gustaf Hjalmar",male,18.0,0,0,349912,7.775,,S
+677,0,3,"Sawyer, Mr. Frederick Charles",male,24.5,0,0,342826,8.05,,S
+678,1,3,"Turja, Miss. Anna Sofia",female,18.0,0,0,4138,9.8417,,S
+679,0,3,"Goodwin, Mrs. Frederick (Augusta Tyler)",female,43.0,1,6,CA 2144,46.9,,S
+680,1,1,"Cardeza, Mr. Thomas Drake Martinez",male,36.0,0,1,PC 17755,512.3292,B51 B53 B55,C
+681,0,3,"Peters, Miss. Katie",female,,0,0,330935,8.1375,,Q
+682,1,1,"Hassab, Mr. Hammad",male,27.0,0,0,PC 17572,76.7292,D49,C
+683,0,3,"Olsvigen, Mr. Thor Anderson",male,20.0,0,0,6563,9.225,,S
+684,0,3,"Goodwin, Mr. Charles Edward",male,14.0,5,2,CA 2144,46.9,,S
+685,0,2,"Brown, Mr. Thomas William Solomon",male,60.0,1,1,29750,39.0,,S
+686,0,2,"Laroche, Mr. Joseph Philippe Lemercier",male,25.0,1,2,SC/Paris 2123,41.5792,,C
+687,0,3,"Panula, Mr. Jaako Arnold",male,14.0,4,1,3101295,39.6875,,S
+688,0,3,"Dakic, Mr. Branko",male,19.0,0,0,349228,10.1708,,S
+689,0,3,"Fischer, Mr. Eberhard Thelander",male,18.0,0,0,350036,7.7958,,S
+690,1,1,"Madill, Miss. Georgette Alexandra",female,15.0,0,1,24160,211.3375,B5,S
+691,1,1,"Dick, Mr. Albert Adrian",male,31.0,1,0,17474,57.0,B20,S
+692,1,3,"Karun, Miss. Manca",female,4.0,0,1,349256,13.4167,,C
+693,1,3,"Lam, Mr. Ali",male,,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
+694,0,3,"Saad, Mr. Khalil",male,25.0,0,0,2672,7.225,,C
+695,0,1,"Weir, Col. John",male,60.0,0,0,113800,26.55,,S
+696,0,2,"Chapman, Mr. Charles Henry",male,52.0,0,0,248731,13.5,,S
+697,0,3,"Kelly, Mr. James",male,44.0,0,0,363592,8.05,,S
+698,1,3,"Mullens, Miss. Katherine ""Katie""",female,,0,0,35852,7.7333,,Q
+699,0,1,"Thayer, Mr. John Borland",male,49.0,1,1,17421,110.8833,C68,C
+700,0,3,"Humblen, Mr. Adolf Mathias Nicolai Olsen",male,42.0,0,0,348121,7.65,F G63,S
+701,1,1,"Astor, Mrs. John Jacob (Madeleine Talmadge Force)",female,18.0,1,0,PC 17757,227.525,C62 C64,C
+702,1,1,"Silverthorne, Mr. Spencer Victor",male,35.0,0,0,PC 17475,26.2875,E24,S
+703,0,3,"Barbara, Miss. Saiide",female,18.0,0,1,2691,14.4542,,C
+704,0,3,"Gallagher, Mr. Martin",male,25.0,0,0,36864,7.7417,,Q
+705,0,3,"Hansen, Mr. Henrik Juul",male,26.0,1,0,350025,7.8542,,S
+706,0,2,"Morley, Mr. Henry Samuel (""Mr Henry Marshall"")",male,39.0,0,0,250655,26.0,,S
+707,1,2,"Kelly, Mrs. Florence ""Fannie""",female,45.0,0,0,223596,13.5,,S
+708,1,1,"Calderhead, Mr. Edward Pennington",male,42.0,0,0,PC 17476,26.2875,E24,S
+709,1,1,"Cleaver, Miss. Alice",female,22.0,0,0,113781,151.55,,S
+710,1,3,"Moubarek, Master. Halim Gonios (""William George"")",male,,1,1,2661,15.2458,,C
+711,1,1,"Mayne, Mlle. Berthe Antonine (""Mrs de Villiers"")",female,24.0,0,0,PC 17482,49.5042,C90,C
+712,0,1,"Klaber, Mr. Herman",male,,0,0,113028,26.55,C124,S
+713,1,1,"Taylor, Mr. Elmer Zebley",male,48.0,1,0,19996,52.0,C126,S
+714,0,3,"Larsson, Mr. August Viktor",male,29.0,0,0,7545,9.4833,,S
+715,0,2,"Greenberg, Mr. Samuel",male,52.0,0,0,250647,13.0,,S
+716,0,3,"Soholt, Mr. Peter Andreas Lauritz Andersen",male,19.0,0,0,348124,7.65,F G73,S
+717,1,1,"Endres, Miss. Caroline Louise",female,38.0,0,0,PC 17757,227.525,C45,C
+718,1,2,"Troutt, Miss. Edwina Celia ""Winnie""",female,27.0,0,0,34218,10.5,E101,S
+719,0,3,"McEvoy, Mr. Michael",male,,0,0,36568,15.5,,Q
+720,0,3,"Johnson, Mr. Malkolm Joackim",male,33.0,0,0,347062,7.775,,S
+721,1,2,"Harper, Miss. Annie Jessie ""Nina""",female,6.0,0,1,248727,33.0,,S
+722,0,3,"Jensen, Mr. Svend Lauritz",male,17.0,1,0,350048,7.0542,,S
+723,0,2,"Gillespie, Mr. William Henry",male,34.0,0,0,12233,13.0,,S
+724,0,2,"Hodges, Mr. Henry Price",male,50.0,0,0,250643,13.0,,S
+725,1,1,"Chambers, Mr. Norman Campbell",male,27.0,1,0,113806,53.1,E8,S
+726,0,3,"Oreskovic, Mr. Luka",male,20.0,0,0,315094,8.6625,,S
+727,1,2,"Renouf, Mrs. Peter Henry (Lillian Jefferys)",female,30.0,3,0,31027,21.0,,S
+728,1,3,"Mannion, Miss. Margareth",female,,0,0,36866,7.7375,,Q
+729,0,2,"Bryhl, Mr. Kurt Arnold Gottfrid",male,25.0,1,0,236853,26.0,,S
+730,0,3,"Ilmakangas, Miss. Pieta Sofia",female,25.0,1,0,STON/O2. 3101271,7.925,,S
+731,1,1,"Allen, Miss. Elisabeth Walton",female,29.0,0,0,24160,211.3375,B5,S
+732,0,3,"Hassan, Mr. Houssein G N",male,11.0,0,0,2699,18.7875,,C
+733,0,2,"Knight, Mr. Robert J",male,,0,0,239855,0.0,,S
+734,0,2,"Berriman, Mr. William John",male,23.0,0,0,28425,13.0,,S
+735,0,2,"Troupiansky, Mr. Moses Aaron",male,23.0,0,0,233639,13.0,,S
+736,0,3,"Williams, Mr. Leslie",male,28.5,0,0,54636,16.1,,S
+737,0,3,"Ford, Mrs. Edward (Margaret Ann Watson)",female,48.0,1,3,W./C. 6608,34.375,,S
+738,1,1,"Lesurer, Mr. Gustave J",male,35.0,0,0,PC 17755,512.3292,B101,C
+739,0,3,"Ivanoff, Mr. Kanio",male,,0,0,349201,7.8958,,S
+740,0,3,"Nankoff, Mr. Minko",male,,0,0,349218,7.8958,,S
+741,1,1,"Hawksford, Mr. Walter James",male,,0,0,16988,30.0,D45,S
+742,0,1,"Cavendish, Mr. Tyrell William",male,36.0,1,0,19877,78.85,C46,S
+743,1,1,"Ryerson, Miss. Susan Parker ""Suzette""",female,21.0,2,2,PC 17608,262.375,B57 B59 B63 B66,C
+744,0,3,"McNamee, Mr. Neal",male,24.0,1,0,376566,16.1,,S
+745,1,3,"Stranden, Mr. Juho",male,31.0,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101288,7.925,,S
+746,0,1,"Crosby, Capt. Edward Gifford",male,70.0,1,1,WE/P 5735,71.0,B22,S
+747,0,3,"Abbott, Mr. Rossmore Edward",male,16.0,1,1,C.A. 2673,20.25,,S
+748,1,2,"Sinkkonen, Miss. Anna",female,30.0,0,0,250648,13.0,,S
+749,0,1,"Marvin, Mr. Daniel Warner",male,19.0,1,0,113773,53.1,D30,S
+750,0,3,"Connaghton, Mr. Michael",male,31.0,0,0,335097,7.75,,Q
+751,1,2,"Wells, Miss. Joan",female,4.0,1,1,29103,23.0,,S
+752,1,3,"Moor, Master. Meier",male,6.0,0,1,392096,12.475,E121,S
+753,0,3,"Vande Velde, Mr. Johannes Joseph",male,33.0,0,0,345780,9.5,,S
+754,0,3,"Jonkoff, Mr. Lalio",male,23.0,0,0,349204,7.8958,,S
+755,1,2,"Herman, Mrs. Samuel (Jane Laver)",female,48.0,1,2,220845,65.0,,S
+756,1,2,"Hamalainen, Master. Viljo",male,0.67,1,1,250649,14.5,,S
+757,0,3,"Carlsson, Mr. August Sigfrid",male,28.0,0,0,350042,7.7958,,S
+758,0,2,"Bailey, Mr. Percy Andrew",male,18.0,0,0,29108,11.5,,S
+759,0,3,"Theobald, Mr. Thomas Leonard",male,34.0,0,0,363294,8.05,,S
+760,1,1,"Rothes, the Countess. of (Lucy Noel Martha Dyer-Edwards)",female,33.0,0,0,110152,86.5,B77,S
+761,0,3,"Garfirth, Mr. John",male,,0,0,358585,14.5,,S
+762,0,3,"Nirva, Mr. Iisakki Antino Aijo",male,41.0,0,0,SOTON/O2 3101272,7.125,,S
+763,1,3,"Barah, Mr. Hanna Assi",male,20.0,0,0,2663,7.2292,,C
+764,1,1,"Carter, Mrs. William Ernest (Lucile Polk)",female,36.0,1,2,113760,120.0,B96 B98,S
+765,0,3,"Eklund, Mr. Hans Linus",male,16.0,0,0,347074,7.775,,S
+766,1,1,"Hogeboom, Mrs. John C (Anna Andrews)",female,51.0,1,0,13502,77.9583,D11,S
+767,0,1,"Brewe, Dr. Arthur Jackson",male,,0,0,112379,39.6,,C
+768,0,3,"Mangan, Miss. Mary",female,30.5,0,0,364850,7.75,,Q
+769,0,3,"Moran, Mr. Daniel J",male,,1,0,371110,24.15,,Q
+770,0,3,"Gronnestad, Mr. Daniel Danielsen",male,32.0,0,0,8471,8.3625,,S
+771,0,3,"Lievens, Mr. Rene Aime",male,24.0,0,0,345781,9.5,,S
+772,0,3,"Jensen, Mr. Niels Peder",male,48.0,0,0,350047,7.8542,,S
+773,0,2,"Mack, Mrs. (Mary)",female,57.0,0,0,S.O./P.P. 3,10.5,E77,S
+774,0,3,"Elias, Mr. Dibo",male,,0,0,2674,7.225,,C
+775,1,2,"Hocking, Mrs. Elizabeth (Eliza Needs)",female,54.0,1,3,29105,23.0,,S
+776,0,3,"Myhrman, Mr. Pehr Fabian Oliver Malkolm",male,18.0,0,0,347078,7.75,,S
+777,0,3,"Tobin, Mr. Roger",male,,0,0,383121,7.75,F38,Q
+778,1,3,"Emanuel, Miss. Virginia Ethel",female,5.0,0,0,364516,12.475,,S
+779,0,3,"Kilgannon, Mr. Thomas J",male,,0,0,36865,7.7375,,Q
+780,1,1,"Robert, Mrs. Edward Scott (Elisabeth Walton McMillan)",female,43.0,0,1,24160,211.3375,B3,S
+781,1,3,"Ayoub, Miss. Banoura",female,13.0,0,0,2687,7.2292,,C
+782,1,1,"Dick, Mrs. Albert Adrian (Vera Gillespie)",female,17.0,1,0,17474,57.0,B20,S
+783,0,1,"Long, Mr. Milton Clyde",male,29.0,0,0,113501,30.0,D6,S
+784,0,3,"Johnston, Mr. Andrew G",male,,1,2,W./C. 6607,23.45,,S
+785,0,3,"Ali, Mr. William",male,25.0,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101312,7.05,,S
+786,0,3,"Harmer, Mr. Abraham (David Lishin)",male,25.0,0,0,374887,7.25,,S
+787,1,3,"Sjoblom, Miss. Anna Sofia",female,18.0,0,0,3101265,7.4958,,S
+788,0,3,"Rice, Master. George Hugh",male,8.0,4,1,382652,29.125,,Q
+789,1,3,"Dean, Master. Bertram Vere",male,1.0,1,2,C.A. 2315,20.575,,S
+790,0,1,"Guggenheim, Mr. Benjamin",male,46.0,0,0,PC 17593,79.2,B82 B84,C
+791,0,3,"Keane, Mr. Andrew ""Andy""",male,,0,0,12460,7.75,,Q
+792,0,2,"Gaskell, Mr. Alfred",male,16.0,0,0,239865,26.0,,S
+793,0,3,"Sage, Miss. Stella Anna",female,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
+794,0,1,"Hoyt, Mr. William Fisher",male,,0,0,PC 17600,30.6958,,C
+795,0,3,"Dantcheff, Mr. Ristiu",male,25.0,0,0,349203,7.8958,,S
+796,0,2,"Otter, Mr. Richard",male,39.0,0,0,28213,13.0,,S
+797,1,1,"Leader, Dr. Alice (Farnham)",female,49.0,0,0,17465,25.9292,D17,S
+798,1,3,"Osman, Mrs. Mara",female,31.0,0,0,349244,8.6833,,S
+799,0,3,"Ibrahim Shawah, Mr. Yousseff",male,30.0,0,0,2685,7.2292,,C
+800,0,3,"Van Impe, Mrs. Jean Baptiste (Rosalie Paula Govaert)",female,30.0,1,1,345773,24.15,,S
+801,0,2,"Ponesell, Mr. Martin",male,34.0,0,0,250647,13.0,,S
+802,1,2,"Collyer, Mrs. Harvey (Charlotte Annie Tate)",female,31.0,1,1,C.A. 31921,26.25,,S
+803,1,1,"Carter, Master. William Thornton II",male,11.0,1,2,113760,120.0,B96 B98,S
+804,1,3,"Thomas, Master. Assad Alexander",male,0.42,0,1,2625,8.5167,,C
+805,1,3,"Hedman, Mr. Oskar Arvid",male,27.0,0,0,347089,6.975,,S
+806,0,3,"Johansson, Mr. Karl Johan",male,31.0,0,0,347063,7.775,,S
+807,0,1,"Andrews, Mr. Thomas Jr",male,39.0,0,0,112050,0.0,A36,S
+808,0,3,"Pettersson, Miss. Ellen Natalia",female,18.0,0,0,347087,7.775,,S
+809,0,2,"Meyer, Mr. August",male,39.0,0,0,248723,13.0,,S
+810,1,1,"Chambers, Mrs. Norman Campbell (Bertha Griggs)",female,33.0,1,0,113806,53.1,E8,S
+811,0,3,"Alexander, Mr. William",male,26.0,0,0,3474,7.8875,,S
+812,0,3,"Lester, Mr. James",male,39.0,0,0,A/4 48871,24.15,,S
+813,0,2,"Slemen, Mr. Richard James",male,35.0,0,0,28206,10.5,,S
+814,0,3,"Andersson, Miss. Ebba Iris Alfrida",female,6.0,4,2,347082,31.275,,S
+815,0,3,"Tomlin, Mr. Ernest Portage",male,30.5,0,0,364499,8.05,,S
+816,0,1,"Fry, Mr. Richard",male,,0,0,112058,0.0,B102,S
+817,0,3,"Heininen, Miss. Wendla Maria",female,23.0,0,0,STON/O2. 3101290,7.925,,S
+818,0,2,"Mallet, Mr. Albert",male,31.0,1,1,S.C./PARIS 2079,37.0042,,C
+819,0,3,"Holm, Mr. John Fredrik Alexander",male,43.0,0,0,C 7075,6.45,,S
+820,0,3,"Skoog, Master. Karl Thorsten",male,10.0,3,2,347088,27.9,,S
+821,1,1,"Hays, Mrs. Charles Melville (Clara Jennings Gregg)",female,52.0,1,1,12749,93.5,B69,S
+822,1,3,"Lulic, Mr. Nikola",male,27.0,0,0,315098,8.6625,,S
+823,0,1,"Reuchlin, Jonkheer. John George",male,38.0,0,0,19972,0.0,,S
+824,1,3,"Moor, Mrs. (Beila)",female,27.0,0,1,392096,12.475,E121,S
+825,0,3,"Panula, Master. Urho Abraham",male,2.0,4,1,3101295,39.6875,,S
+826,0,3,"Flynn, Mr. John",male,,0,0,368323,6.95,,Q
+827,0,3,"Lam, Mr. Len",male,,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
+828,1,2,"Mallet, Master. Andre",male,1.0,0,2,S.C./PARIS 2079,37.0042,,C
+829,1,3,"McCormack, Mr. Thomas Joseph",male,,0,0,367228,7.75,,Q
+830,1,1,"Stone, Mrs. George Nelson (Martha Evelyn)",female,62.0,0,0,113572,80.0,B28,
+831,1,3,"Yasbeck, Mrs. Antoni (Selini Alexander)",female,15.0,1,0,2659,14.4542,,C
+832,1,2,"Richards, Master. George Sibley",male,0.83,1,1,29106,18.75,,S
+833,0,3,"Saad, Mr. Amin",male,,0,0,2671,7.2292,,C
+834,0,3,"Augustsson, Mr. Albert",male,23.0,0,0,347468,7.8542,,S
+835,0,3,"Allum, Mr. Owen George",male,18.0,0,0,2223,8.3,,S
+836,1,1,"Compton, Miss. Sara Rebecca",female,39.0,1,1,PC 17756,83.1583,E49,C
+837,0,3,"Pasic, Mr. Jakob",male,21.0,0,0,315097,8.6625,,S
+838,0,3,"Sirota, Mr. Maurice",male,,0,0,392092,8.05,,S
+839,1,3,"Chip, Mr. Chang",male,32.0,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
+840,1,1,"Marechal, Mr. Pierre",male,,0,0,11774,29.7,C47,C
+841,0,3,"Alhomaki, Mr. Ilmari Rudolf",male,20.0,0,0,SOTON/O2 3101287,7.925,,S
+842,0,2,"Mudd, Mr. Thomas Charles",male,16.0,0,0,S.O./P.P. 3,10.5,,S
+843,1,1,"Serepeca, Miss. Augusta",female,30.0,0,0,113798,31.0,,C
+844,0,3,"Lemberopolous, Mr. Peter L",male,34.5,0,0,2683,6.4375,,C
+845,0,3,"Culumovic, Mr. Jeso",male,17.0,0,0,315090,8.6625,,S
+846,0,3,"Abbing, Mr. Anthony",male,42.0,0,0,C.A. 5547,7.55,,S
+847,0,3,"Sage, Mr. Douglas Bullen",male,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
+848,0,3,"Markoff, Mr. Marin",male,35.0,0,0,349213,7.8958,,C
+849,0,2,"Harper, Rev. John",male,28.0,0,1,248727,33.0,,S
+850,1,1,"Goldenberg, Mrs. Samuel L (Edwiga Grabowska)",female,,1,0,17453,89.1042,C92,C
+851,0,3,"Andersson, Master. Sigvard Harald Elias",male,4.0,4,2,347082,31.275,,S
+852,0,3,"Svensson, Mr. Johan",male,74.0,0,0,347060,7.775,,S
+853,0,3,"Boulos, Miss. Nourelain",female,9.0,1,1,2678,15.2458,,C
+854,1,1,"Lines, Miss. Mary Conover",female,16.0,0,1,PC 17592,39.4,D28,S
+855,0,2,"Carter, Mrs. Ernest Courtenay (Lilian Hughes)",female,44.0,1,0,244252,26.0,,S
+856,1,3,"Aks, Mrs. Sam (Leah Rosen)",female,18.0,0,1,392091,9.35,,S
+857,1,1,"Wick, Mrs. George Dennick (Mary Hitchcock)",female,45.0,1,1,36928,164.8667,,S
+858,1,1,"Daly, Mr. Peter Denis ",male,51.0,0,0,113055,26.55,E17,S
+859,1,3,"Baclini, Mrs. Solomon (Latifa Qurban)",female,24.0,0,3,2666,19.2583,,C
+860,0,3,"Razi, Mr. Raihed",male,,0,0,2629,7.2292,,C
+861,0,3,"Hansen, Mr. Claus Peter",male,41.0,2,0,350026,14.1083,,S
+862,0,2,"Giles, Mr. Frederick Edward",male,21.0,1,0,28134,11.5,,S
+863,1,1,"Swift, Mrs. Frederick Joel (Margaret Welles Barron)",female,48.0,0,0,17466,25.9292,D17,S
+864,0,3,"Sage, Miss. Dorothy Edith ""Dolly""",female,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
+865,0,2,"Gill, Mr. John William",male,24.0,0,0,233866,13.0,,S
+866,1,2,"Bystrom, Mrs. (Karolina)",female,42.0,0,0,236852,13.0,,S
+867,1,2,"Duran y More, Miss. Asuncion",female,27.0,1,0,SC/PARIS 2149,13.8583,,C
+868,0,1,"Roebling, Mr. Washington Augustus II",male,31.0,0,0,PC 17590,50.4958,A24,S
+869,0,3,"van Melkebeke, Mr. Philemon",male,,0,0,345777,9.5,,S
+870,1,3,"Johnson, Master. Harold Theodor",male,4.0,1,1,347742,11.1333,,S
+871,0,3,"Balkic, Mr. Cerin",male,26.0,0,0,349248,7.8958,,S
+872,1,1,"Beckwith, Mrs. Richard Leonard (Sallie Monypeny)",female,47.0,1,1,11751,52.5542,D35,S
+873,0,1,"Carlsson, Mr. Frans Olof",male,33.0,0,0,695,5.0,B51 B53 B55,S
+874,0,3,"Vander Cruyssen, Mr. Victor",male,47.0,0,0,345765,9.0,,S
+875,1,2,"Abelson, Mrs. Samuel (Hannah Wizosky)",female,28.0,1,0,P/PP 3381,24.0,,C
+876,1,3,"Najib, Miss. Adele Kiamie ""Jane""",female,15.0,0,0,2667,7.225,,C
+877,0,3,"Gustafsson, Mr. Alfred Ossian",male,20.0,0,0,7534,9.8458,,S
+878,0,3,"Petroff, Mr. Nedelio",male,19.0,0,0,349212,7.8958,,S
+879,0,3,"Laleff, Mr. Kristo",male,,0,0,349217,7.8958,,S
+880,1,1,"Potter, Mrs. Thomas Jr (Lily Alexenia Wilson)",female,56.0,0,1,11767,83.1583,C50,C
+881,1,2,"Shelley, Mrs. William (Imanita Parrish Hall)",female,25.0,0,1,230433,26.0,,S
+882,0,3,"Markun, Mr. Johann",male,33.0,0,0,349257,7.8958,,S
+883,0,3,"Dahlberg, Miss. Gerda Ulrika",female,22.0,0,0,7552,10.5167,,S
+884,0,2,"Banfield, Mr. Frederick James",male,28.0,0,0,C.A./SOTON 34068,10.5,,S
+885,0,3,"Sutehall, Mr. Henry Jr",male,25.0,0,0,SOTON/OQ 392076,7.05,,S
+886,0,3,"Rice, Mrs. William (Margaret Norton)",female,39.0,0,5,382652,29.125,,Q
+887,0,2,"Montvila, Rev. Juozas",male,27.0,0,0,211536,13.0,,S
+888,1,1,"Graham, Miss. Margaret Edith",female,19.0,0,0,112053,30.0,B42,S
+889,0,3,"Johnston, Miss. Catherine Helen ""Carrie""",female,,1,2,W./C. 6607,23.45,,S
+890,1,1,"Behr, Mr. Karl Howell",male,26.0,0,0,111369,30.0,C148,C
+891,0,3,"Dooley, Mr. Patrick",male,32.0,0,0,370376,7.75,,Q
diff --git a/exercicios/para-casa/titanic.csv b/exercicios/para-casa/titanic.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cc466e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exercicios/para-casa/titanic.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,892 @@
+1,0,3,"Braund, Mr. Owen Harris",male,22,1,0,A/5 21171,7.25,,S
+2,1,1,"Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Thayer)",female,38,1,0,PC 17599,71.2833,C85,C
+3,1,3,"Heikkinen, Miss. Laina",female,26,0,0,STON/O2. 3101282,7.925,,S
+4,1,1,"Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel)",female,35,1,0,113803,53.1,C123,S
+5,0,3,"Allen, Mr. William Henry",male,35,0,0,373450,8.05,,S
+6,0,3,"Moran, Mr. James",male,,0,0,330877,8.4583,,Q
+7,0,1,"McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J",male,54,0,0,17463,51.8625,E46,S
+8,0,3,"Palsson, Master. Gosta Leonard",male,2,3,1,349909,21.075,,S
+9,1,3,"Johnson, Mrs. Oscar W (Elisabeth Vilhelmina Berg)",female,27,0,2,347742,11.1333,,S
+10,1,2,"Nasser, Mrs. Nicholas (Adele Achem)",female,14,1,0,237736,30.0708,,C
+11,1,3,"Sandstrom, Miss. Marguerite Rut",female,4,1,1,PP 9549,16.7,G6,S
+12,1,1,"Bonnell, Miss. Elizabeth",female,58,0,0,113783,26.55,C103,S
+13,0,3,"Saundercock, Mr. William Henry",male,20,0,0,A/5. 2151,8.05,,S
+14,0,3,"Andersson, Mr. Anders Johan",male,39,1,5,347082,31.275,,S
+15,0,3,"Vestrom, Miss. Hulda Amanda Adolfina",female,14,0,0,350406,7.8542,,S
+16,1,2,"Hewlett, Mrs. (Mary D Kingcome) ",female,55,0,0,248706,16,,S
+17,0,3,"Rice, Master. Eugene",male,2,4,1,382652,29.125,,Q
+18,1,2,"Williams, Mr. Charles Eugene",male,,0,0,244373,13,,S
+19,0,3,"Vander Planke, Mrs. Julius (Emelia Maria Vandemoortele)",female,31,1,0,345763,18,,S
+20,1,3,"Masselmani, Mrs. Fatima",female,,0,0,2649,7.225,,C
+21,0,2,"Fynney, Mr. Joseph J",male,35,0,0,239865,26,,S
+22,1,2,"Beesley, Mr. Lawrence",male,34,0,0,248698,13,D56,S
+23,1,3,"McGowan, Miss. Anna ""Annie""",female,15,0,0,330923,8.0292,,Q
+24,1,1,"Sloper, Mr. William Thompson",male,28,0,0,113788,35.5,A6,S
+25,0,3,"Palsson, Miss. Torborg Danira",female,8,3,1,349909,21.075,,S
+26,1,3,"Asplund, Mrs. Carl Oscar (Selma Augusta Emilia Johansson)",female,38,1,5,347077,31.3875,,S
+27,0,3,"Emir, Mr. Farred Chehab",male,,0,0,2631,7.225,,C
+28,0,1,"Fortune, Mr. Charles Alexander",male,19,3,2,19950,263,C23 C25 C27,S
+29,1,3,"O'Dwyer, Miss. Ellen ""Nellie""",female,,0,0,330959,7.8792,,Q
+30,0,3,"Todoroff, Mr. Lalio",male,,0,0,349216,7.8958,,S
+31,0,1,"Uruchurtu, Don. Manuel E",male,40,0,0,PC 17601,27.7208,,C
+32,1,1,"Spencer, Mrs. William Augustus (Marie Eugenie)",female,,1,0,PC 17569,146.5208,B78,C
+33,1,3,"Glynn, Miss. Mary Agatha",female,,0,0,335677,7.75,,Q
+34,0,2,"Wheadon, Mr. Edward H",male,66,0,0,C.A. 24579,10.5,,S
+35,0,1,"Meyer, Mr. Edgar Joseph",male,28,1,0,PC 17604,82.1708,,C
+36,0,1,"Holverson, Mr. Alexander Oskar",male,42,1,0,113789,52,,S
+37,1,3,"Mamee, Mr. Hanna",male,,0,0,2677,7.2292,,C
+38,0,3,"Cann, Mr. Ernest Charles",male,21,0,0,A./5. 2152,8.05,,S
+39,0,3,"Vander Planke, Miss. Augusta Maria",female,18,2,0,345764,18,,S
+40,1,3,"Nicola-Yarred, Miss. Jamila",female,14,1,0,2651,11.2417,,C
+41,0,3,"Ahlin, Mrs. Johan (Johanna Persdotter Larsson)",female,40,1,0,7546,9.475,,S
+42,0,2,"Turpin, Mrs. William John Robert (Dorothy Ann Wonnacott)",female,27,1,0,11668,21,,S
+43,0,3,"Kraeff, Mr. Theodor",male,,0,0,349253,7.8958,,C
+44,1,2,"Laroche, Miss. Simonne Marie Anne Andree",female,3,1,2,SC/Paris 2123,41.5792,,C
+45,1,3,"Devaney, Miss. Margaret Delia",female,19,0,0,330958,7.8792,,Q
+46,0,3,"Rogers, Mr. William John",male,,0,0,S.C./A.4. 23567,8.05,,S
+47,0,3,"Lennon, Mr. Denis",male,,1,0,370371,15.5,,Q
+48,1,3,"O'Driscoll, Miss. Bridget",female,,0,0,14311,7.75,,Q
+49,0,3,"Samaan, Mr. Youssef",male,,2,0,2662,21.6792,,C
+50,0,3,"Arnold-Franchi, Mrs. Josef (Josefine Franchi)",female,18,1,0,349237,17.8,,S
+51,0,3,"Panula, Master. Juha Niilo",male,7,4,1,3101295,39.6875,,S
+52,0,3,"Nosworthy, Mr. Richard Cater",male,21,0,0,A/4. 39886,7.8,,S
+53,1,1,"Harper, Mrs. Henry Sleeper (Myna Haxtun)",female,49,1,0,PC 17572,76.7292,D33,C
+54,1,2,"Faunthorpe, Mrs. Lizzie (Elizabeth Anne Wilkinson)",female,29,1,0,2926,26,,S
+55,0,1,"Ostby, Mr. Engelhart Cornelius",male,65,0,1,113509,61.9792,B30,C
+56,1,1,"Woolner, Mr. Hugh",male,,0,0,19947,35.5,C52,S
+57,1,2,"Rugg, Miss. Emily",female,21,0,0,C.A. 31026,10.5,,S
+58,0,3,"Novel, Mr. Mansouer",male,28.5,0,0,2697,7.2292,,C
+59,1,2,"West, Miss. Constance Mirium",female,5,1,2,C.A. 34651,27.75,,S
+60,0,3,"Goodwin, Master. William Frederick",male,11,5,2,CA 2144,46.9,,S
+61,0,3,"Sirayanian, Mr. Orsen",male,22,0,0,2669,7.2292,,C
+62,1,1,"Icard, Miss. Amelie",female,38,0,0,113572,80,B28,
+63,0,1,"Harris, Mr. Henry Birkhardt",male,45,1,0,36973,83.475,C83,S
+64,0,3,"Skoog, Master. Harald",male,4,3,2,347088,27.9,,S
+65,0,1,"Stewart, Mr. Albert A",male,,0,0,PC 17605,27.7208,,C
+66,1,3,"Moubarek, Master. Gerios",male,,1,1,2661,15.2458,,C
+67,1,2,"Nye, Mrs. (Elizabeth Ramell)",female,29,0,0,C.A. 29395,10.5,F33,S
+68,0,3,"Crease, Mr. Ernest James",male,19,0,0,S.P. 3464,8.1583,,S
+69,1,3,"Andersson, Miss. Erna Alexandra",female,17,4,2,3101281,7.925,,S
+70,0,3,"Kink, Mr. Vincenz",male,26,2,0,315151,8.6625,,S
+71,0,2,"Jenkin, Mr. Stephen Curnow",male,32,0,0,C.A. 33111,10.5,,S
+72,0,3,"Goodwin, Miss. Lillian Amy",female,16,5,2,CA 2144,46.9,,S
+73,0,2,"Hood, Mr. Ambrose Jr",male,21,0,0,S.O.C. 14879,73.5,,S
+74,0,3,"Chronopoulos, Mr. Apostolos",male,26,1,0,2680,14.4542,,C
+75,1,3,"Bing, Mr. Lee",male,32,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
+76,0,3,"Moen, Mr. Sigurd Hansen",male,25,0,0,348123,7.65,F G73,S
+77,0,3,"Staneff, Mr. Ivan",male,,0,0,349208,7.8958,,S
+78,0,3,"Moutal, Mr. Rahamin Haim",male,,0,0,374746,8.05,,S
+79,1,2,"Caldwell, Master. Alden Gates",male,0.83,0,2,248738,29,,S
+80,1,3,"Dowdell, Miss. Elizabeth",female,30,0,0,364516,12.475,,S
+81,0,3,"Waelens, Mr. Achille",male,22,0,0,345767,9,,S
+82,1,3,"Sheerlinck, Mr. Jan Baptist",male,29,0,0,345779,9.5,,S
+83,1,3,"McDermott, Miss. Brigdet Delia",female,,0,0,330932,7.7875,,Q
+84,0,1,"Carrau, Mr. Francisco M",male,28,0,0,113059,47.1,,S
+85,1,2,"Ilett, Miss. Bertha",female,17,0,0,SO/C 14885,10.5,,S
+86,1,3,"Backstrom, Mrs. Karl Alfred (Maria Mathilda Gustafsson)",female,33,3,0,3101278,15.85,,S
+87,0,3,"Ford, Mr. William Neal",male,16,1,3,W./C. 6608,34.375,,S
+88,0,3,"Slocovski, Mr. Selman Francis",male,,0,0,SOTON/OQ 392086,8.05,,S
+89,1,1,"Fortune, Miss. Mabel Helen",female,23,3,2,19950,263,C23 C25 C27,S
+90,0,3,"Celotti, Mr. Francesco",male,24,0,0,343275,8.05,,S
+91,0,3,"Christmann, Mr. Emil",male,29,0,0,343276,8.05,,S
+92,0,3,"Andreasson, Mr. Paul Edvin",male,20,0,0,347466,7.8542,,S
+93,0,1,"Chaffee, Mr. Herbert Fuller",male,46,1,0,W.E.P. 5734,61.175,E31,S
+94,0,3,"Dean, Mr. Bertram Frank",male,26,1,2,C.A. 2315,20.575,,S
+95,0,3,"Coxon, Mr. Daniel",male,59,0,0,364500,7.25,,S
+96,0,3,"Shorney, Mr. Charles Joseph",male,,0,0,374910,8.05,,S
+97,0,1,"Goldschmidt, Mr. George B",male,71,0,0,PC 17754,34.6542,A5,C
+98,1,1,"Greenfield, Mr. William Bertram",male,23,0,1,PC 17759,63.3583,D10 D12,C
+99,1,2,"Doling, Mrs. John T (Ada Julia Bone)",female,34,0,1,231919,23,,S
+100,0,2,"Kantor, Mr. Sinai",male,34,1,0,244367,26,,S
+101,0,3,"Petranec, Miss. Matilda",female,28,0,0,349245,7.8958,,S
+102,0,3,"Petroff, Mr. Pastcho (""Pentcho"")",male,,0,0,349215,7.8958,,S
+103,0,1,"White, Mr. Richard Frasar",male,21,0,1,35281,77.2875,D26,S
+104,0,3,"Johansson, Mr. Gustaf Joel",male,33,0,0,7540,8.6542,,S
+105,0,3,"Gustafsson, Mr. Anders Vilhelm",male,37,2,0,3101276,7.925,,S
+106,0,3,"Mionoff, Mr. Stoytcho",male,28,0,0,349207,7.8958,,S
+107,1,3,"Salkjelsvik, Miss. Anna Kristine",female,21,0,0,343120,7.65,,S
+108,1,3,"Moss, Mr. Albert Johan",male,,0,0,312991,7.775,,S
+109,0,3,"Rekic, Mr. Tido",male,38,0,0,349249,7.8958,,S
+110,1,3,"Moran, Miss. Bertha",female,,1,0,371110,24.15,,Q
+111,0,1,"Porter, Mr. Walter Chamberlain",male,47,0,0,110465,52,C110,S
+112,0,3,"Zabour, Miss. Hileni",female,14.5,1,0,2665,14.4542,,C
+113,0,3,"Barton, Mr. David John",male,22,0,0,324669,8.05,,S
+114,0,3,"Jussila, Miss. Katriina",female,20,1,0,4136,9.825,,S
+115,0,3,"Attalah, Miss. Malake",female,17,0,0,2627,14.4583,,C
+116,0,3,"Pekoniemi, Mr. Edvard",male,21,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101294,7.925,,S
+117,0,3,"Connors, Mr. Patrick",male,70.5,0,0,370369,7.75,,Q
+118,0,2,"Turpin, Mr. William John Robert",male,29,1,0,11668,21,,S
+119,0,1,"Baxter, Mr. Quigg Edmond",male,24,0,1,PC 17558,247.5208,B58 B60,C
+120,0,3,"Andersson, Miss. Ellis Anna Maria",female,2,4,2,347082,31.275,,S
+121,0,2,"Hickman, Mr. Stanley George",male,21,2,0,S.O.C. 14879,73.5,,S
+122,0,3,"Moore, Mr. Leonard Charles",male,,0,0,A4. 54510,8.05,,S
+123,0,2,"Nasser, Mr. Nicholas",male,32.5,1,0,237736,30.0708,,C
+124,1,2,"Webber, Miss. Susan",female,32.5,0,0,27267,13,E101,S
+125,0,1,"White, Mr. Percival Wayland",male,54,0,1,35281,77.2875,D26,S
+126,1,3,"Nicola-Yarred, Master. Elias",male,12,1,0,2651,11.2417,,C
+127,0,3,"McMahon, Mr. Martin",male,,0,0,370372,7.75,,Q
+128,1,3,"Madsen, Mr. Fridtjof Arne",male,24,0,0,C 17369,7.1417,,S
+129,1,3,"Peter, Miss. Anna",female,,1,1,2668,22.3583,F E69,C
+130,0,3,"Ekstrom, Mr. Johan",male,45,0,0,347061,6.975,,S
+131,0,3,"Drazenoic, Mr. Jozef",male,33,0,0,349241,7.8958,,C
+132,0,3,"Coelho, Mr. Domingos Fernandeo",male,20,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101307,7.05,,S
+133,0,3,"Robins, Mrs. Alexander A (Grace Charity Laury)",female,47,1,0,A/5. 3337,14.5,,S
+134,1,2,"Weisz, Mrs. Leopold (Mathilde Francoise Pede)",female,29,1,0,228414,26,,S
+135,0,2,"Sobey, Mr. Samuel James Hayden",male,25,0,0,C.A. 29178,13,,S
+136,0,2,"Richard, Mr. Emile",male,23,0,0,SC/PARIS 2133,15.0458,,C
+137,1,1,"Newsom, Miss. Helen Monypeny",female,19,0,2,11752,26.2833,D47,S
+138,0,1,"Futrelle, Mr. Jacques Heath",male,37,1,0,113803,53.1,C123,S
+139,0,3,"Osen, Mr. Olaf Elon",male,16,0,0,7534,9.2167,,S
+140,0,1,"Giglio, Mr. Victor",male,24,0,0,PC 17593,79.2,B86,C
+141,0,3,"Boulos, Mrs. Joseph (Sultana)",female,,0,2,2678,15.2458,,C
+142,1,3,"Nysten, Miss. Anna Sofia",female,22,0,0,347081,7.75,,S
+143,1,3,"Hakkarainen, Mrs. Pekka Pietari (Elin Matilda Dolck)",female,24,1,0,STON/O2. 3101279,15.85,,S
+144,0,3,"Burke, Mr. Jeremiah",male,19,0,0,365222,6.75,,Q
+145,0,2,"Andrew, Mr. Edgardo Samuel",male,18,0,0,231945,11.5,,S
+146,0,2,"Nicholls, Mr. Joseph Charles",male,19,1,1,C.A. 33112,36.75,,S
+147,1,3,"Andersson, Mr. August Edvard (""Wennerstrom"")",male,27,0,0,350043,7.7958,,S
+148,0,3,"Ford, Miss. Robina Maggie ""Ruby""",female,9,2,2,W./C. 6608,34.375,,S
+149,0,2,"Navratil, Mr. Michel (""Louis M Hoffman"")",male,36.5,0,2,230080,26,F2,S
+150,0,2,"Byles, Rev. Thomas Roussel Davids",male,42,0,0,244310,13,,S
+151,0,2,"Bateman, Rev. Robert James",male,51,0,0,S.O.P. 1166,12.525,,S
+152,1,1,"Pears, Mrs. Thomas (Edith Wearne)",female,22,1,0,113776,66.6,C2,S
+153,0,3,"Meo, Mr. Alfonzo",male,55.5,0,0,A.5. 11206,8.05,,S
+154,0,3,"van Billiard, Mr. Austin Blyler",male,40.5,0,2,A/5. 851,14.5,,S
+155,0,3,"Olsen, Mr. Ole Martin",male,,0,0,Fa 265302,7.3125,,S
+156,0,1,"Williams, Mr. Charles Duane",male,51,0,1,PC 17597,61.3792,,C
+157,1,3,"Gilnagh, Miss. Katherine ""Katie""",female,16,0,0,35851,7.7333,,Q
+158,0,3,"Corn, Mr. Harry",male,30,0,0,SOTON/OQ 392090,8.05,,S
+159,0,3,"Smiljanic, Mr. Mile",male,,0,0,315037,8.6625,,S
+160,0,3,"Sage, Master. Thomas Henry",male,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
+161,0,3,"Cribb, Mr. John Hatfield",male,44,0,1,371362,16.1,,S
+162,1,2,"Watt, Mrs. James (Elizabeth ""Bessie"" Inglis Milne)",female,40,0,0,C.A. 33595,15.75,,S
+163,0,3,"Bengtsson, Mr. John Viktor",male,26,0,0,347068,7.775,,S
+164,0,3,"Calic, Mr. Jovo",male,17,0,0,315093,8.6625,,S
+165,0,3,"Panula, Master. Eino Viljami",male,1,4,1,3101295,39.6875,,S
+166,1,3,"Goldsmith, Master. Frank John William ""Frankie""",male,9,0,2,363291,20.525,,S
+167,1,1,"Chibnall, Mrs. (Edith Martha Bowerman)",female,,0,1,113505,55,E33,S
+168,0,3,"Skoog, Mrs. William (Anna Bernhardina Karlsson)",female,45,1,4,347088,27.9,,S
+169,0,1,"Baumann, Mr. John D",male,,0,0,PC 17318,25.925,,S
+170,0,3,"Ling, Mr. Lee",male,28,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
+171,0,1,"Van der hoef, Mr. Wyckoff",male,61,0,0,111240,33.5,B19,S
+172,0,3,"Rice, Master. Arthur",male,4,4,1,382652,29.125,,Q
+173,1,3,"Johnson, Miss. Eleanor Ileen",female,1,1,1,347742,11.1333,,S
+174,0,3,"Sivola, Mr. Antti Wilhelm",male,21,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101280,7.925,,S
+175,0,1,"Smith, Mr. James Clinch",male,56,0,0,17764,30.6958,A7,C
+176,0,3,"Klasen, Mr. Klas Albin",male,18,1,1,350404,7.8542,,S
+177,0,3,"Lefebre, Master. Henry Forbes",male,,3,1,4133,25.4667,,S
+178,0,1,"Isham, Miss. Ann Elizabeth",female,50,0,0,PC 17595,28.7125,C49,C
+179,0,2,"Hale, Mr. Reginald",male,30,0,0,250653,13,,S
+180,0,3,"Leonard, Mr. Lionel",male,36,0,0,LINE,0,,S
+181,0,3,"Sage, Miss. Constance Gladys",female,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
+182,0,2,"Pernot, Mr. Rene",male,,0,0,SC/PARIS 2131,15.05,,C
+183,0,3,"Asplund, Master. Clarence Gustaf Hugo",male,9,4,2,347077,31.3875,,S
+184,1,2,"Becker, Master. Richard F",male,1,2,1,230136,39,F4,S
+185,1,3,"Kink-Heilmann, Miss. Luise Gretchen",female,4,0,2,315153,22.025,,S
+186,0,1,"Rood, Mr. Hugh Roscoe",male,,0,0,113767,50,A32,S
+187,1,3,"O'Brien, Mrs. Thomas (Johanna ""Hannah"" Godfrey)",female,,1,0,370365,15.5,,Q
+188,1,1,"Romaine, Mr. Charles Hallace (""Mr C Rolmane"")",male,45,0,0,111428,26.55,,S
+189,0,3,"Bourke, Mr. John",male,40,1,1,364849,15.5,,Q
+190,0,3,"Turcin, Mr. Stjepan",male,36,0,0,349247,7.8958,,S
+191,1,2,"Pinsky, Mrs. (Rosa)",female,32,0,0,234604,13,,S
+192,0,2,"Carbines, Mr. William",male,19,0,0,28424,13,,S
+193,1,3,"Andersen-Jensen, Miss. Carla Christine Nielsine",female,19,1,0,350046,7.8542,,S
+194,1,2,"Navratil, Master. Michel M",male,3,1,1,230080,26,F2,S
+195,1,1,"Brown, Mrs. James Joseph (Margaret Tobin)",female,44,0,0,PC 17610,27.7208,B4,C
+196,1,1,"Lurette, Miss. Elise",female,58,0,0,PC 17569,146.5208,B80,C
+197,0,3,"Mernagh, Mr. Robert",male,,0,0,368703,7.75,,Q
+198,0,3,"Olsen, Mr. Karl Siegwart Andreas",male,42,0,1,4579,8.4042,,S
+199,1,3,"Madigan, Miss. Margaret ""Maggie""",female,,0,0,370370,7.75,,Q
+200,0,2,"Yrois, Miss. Henriette (""Mrs Harbeck"")",female,24,0,0,248747,13,,S
+201,0,3,"Vande Walle, Mr. Nestor Cyriel",male,28,0,0,345770,9.5,,S
+202,0,3,"Sage, Mr. Frederick",male,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
+203,0,3,"Johanson, Mr. Jakob Alfred",male,34,0,0,3101264,6.4958,,S
+204,0,3,"Youseff, Mr. Gerious",male,45.5,0,0,2628,7.225,,C
+205,1,3,"Cohen, Mr. Gurshon ""Gus""",male,18,0,0,A/5 3540,8.05,,S
+206,0,3,"Strom, Miss. Telma Matilda",female,2,0,1,347054,10.4625,G6,S
+207,0,3,"Backstrom, Mr. Karl Alfred",male,32,1,0,3101278,15.85,,S
+208,1,3,"Albimona, Mr. Nassef Cassem",male,26,0,0,2699,18.7875,,C
+209,1,3,"Carr, Miss. Helen ""Ellen""",female,16,0,0,367231,7.75,,Q
+210,1,1,"Blank, Mr. Henry",male,40,0,0,112277,31,A31,C
+211,0,3,"Ali, Mr. Ahmed",male,24,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101311,7.05,,S
+212,1,2,"Cameron, Miss. Clear Annie",female,35,0,0,F.C.C. 13528,21,,S
+213,0,3,"Perkin, Mr. John Henry",male,22,0,0,A/5 21174,7.25,,S
+214,0,2,"Givard, Mr. Hans Kristensen",male,30,0,0,250646,13,,S
+215,0,3,"Kiernan, Mr. Philip",male,,1,0,367229,7.75,,Q
+216,1,1,"Newell, Miss. Madeleine",female,31,1,0,35273,113.275,D36,C
+217,1,3,"Honkanen, Miss. Eliina",female,27,0,0,STON/O2. 3101283,7.925,,S
+218,0,2,"Jacobsohn, Mr. Sidney Samuel",male,42,1,0,243847,27,,S
+219,1,1,"Bazzani, Miss. Albina",female,32,0,0,11813,76.2917,D15,C
+220,0,2,"Harris, Mr. Walter",male,30,0,0,W/C 14208,10.5,,S
+221,1,3,"Sunderland, Mr. Victor Francis",male,16,0,0,SOTON/OQ 392089,8.05,,S
+222,0,2,"Bracken, Mr. James H",male,27,0,0,220367,13,,S
+223,0,3,"Green, Mr. George Henry",male,51,0,0,21440,8.05,,S
+224,0,3,"Nenkoff, Mr. Christo",male,,0,0,349234,7.8958,,S
+225,1,1,"Hoyt, Mr. Frederick Maxfield",male,38,1,0,19943,90,C93,S
+226,0,3,"Berglund, Mr. Karl Ivar Sven",male,22,0,0,PP 4348,9.35,,S
+227,1,2,"Mellors, Mr. William John",male,19,0,0,SW/PP 751,10.5,,S
+228,0,3,"Lovell, Mr. John Hall (""Henry"")",male,20.5,0,0,A/5 21173,7.25,,S
+229,0,2,"Fahlstrom, Mr. Arne Jonas",male,18,0,0,236171,13,,S
+230,0,3,"Lefebre, Miss. Mathilde",female,,3,1,4133,25.4667,,S
+231,1,1,"Harris, Mrs. Henry Birkhardt (Irene Wallach)",female,35,1,0,36973,83.475,C83,S
+232,0,3,"Larsson, Mr. Bengt Edvin",male,29,0,0,347067,7.775,,S
+233,0,2,"Sjostedt, Mr. Ernst Adolf",male,59,0,0,237442,13.5,,S
+234,1,3,"Asplund, Miss. Lillian Gertrud",female,5,4,2,347077,31.3875,,S
+235,0,2,"Leyson, Mr. Robert William Norman",male,24,0,0,C.A. 29566,10.5,,S
+236,0,3,"Harknett, Miss. Alice Phoebe",female,,0,0,W./C. 6609,7.55,,S
+237,0,2,"Hold, Mr. Stephen",male,44,1,0,26707,26,,S
+238,1,2,"Collyer, Miss. Marjorie ""Lottie""",female,8,0,2,C.A. 31921,26.25,,S
+239,0,2,"Pengelly, Mr. Frederick William",male,19,0,0,28665,10.5,,S
+240,0,2,"Hunt, Mr. George Henry",male,33,0,0,SCO/W 1585,12.275,,S
+241,0,3,"Zabour, Miss. Thamine",female,,1,0,2665,14.4542,,C
+242,1,3,"Murphy, Miss. Katherine ""Kate""",female,,1,0,367230,15.5,,Q
+243,0,2,"Coleridge, Mr. Reginald Charles",male,29,0,0,W./C. 14263,10.5,,S
+244,0,3,"Maenpaa, Mr. Matti Alexanteri",male,22,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101275,7.125,,S
+245,0,3,"Attalah, Mr. Sleiman",male,30,0,0,2694,7.225,,C
+246,0,1,"Minahan, Dr. William Edward",male,44,2,0,19928,90,C78,Q
+247,0,3,"Lindahl, Miss. Agda Thorilda Viktoria",female,25,0,0,347071,7.775,,S
+248,1,2,"Hamalainen, Mrs. William (Anna)",female,24,0,2,250649,14.5,,S
+249,1,1,"Beckwith, Mr. Richard Leonard",male,37,1,1,11751,52.5542,D35,S
+250,0,2,"Carter, Rev. Ernest Courtenay",male,54,1,0,244252,26,,S
+251,0,3,"Reed, Mr. James George",male,,0,0,362316,7.25,,S
+252,0,3,"Strom, Mrs. Wilhelm (Elna Matilda Persson)",female,29,1,1,347054,10.4625,G6,S
+253,0,1,"Stead, Mr. William Thomas",male,62,0,0,113514,26.55,C87,S
+254,0,3,"Lobb, Mr. William Arthur",male,30,1,0,A/5. 3336,16.1,,S
+255,0,3,"Rosblom, Mrs. Viktor (Helena Wilhelmina)",female,41,0,2,370129,20.2125,,S
+256,1,3,"Touma, Mrs. Darwis (Hanne Youssef Razi)",female,29,0,2,2650,15.2458,,C
+257,1,1,"Thorne, Mrs. Gertrude Maybelle",female,,0,0,PC 17585,79.2,,C
+258,1,1,"Cherry, Miss. Gladys",female,30,0,0,110152,86.5,B77,S
+259,1,1,"Ward, Miss. Anna",female,35,0,0,PC 17755,512.3292,,C
+260,1,2,"Parrish, Mrs. (Lutie Davis)",female,50,0,1,230433,26,,S
+261,0,3,"Smith, Mr. Thomas",male,,0,0,384461,7.75,,Q
+262,1,3,"Asplund, Master. Edvin Rojj Felix",male,3,4,2,347077,31.3875,,S
+263,0,1,"Taussig, Mr. Emil",male,52,1,1,110413,79.65,E67,S
+264,0,1,"Harrison, Mr. William",male,40,0,0,112059,0,B94,S
+265,0,3,"Henry, Miss. Delia",female,,0,0,382649,7.75,,Q
+266,0,2,"Reeves, Mr. David",male,36,0,0,C.A. 17248,10.5,,S
+267,0,3,"Panula, Mr. Ernesti Arvid",male,16,4,1,3101295,39.6875,,S
+268,1,3,"Persson, Mr. Ernst Ulrik",male,25,1,0,347083,7.775,,S
+269,1,1,"Graham, Mrs. William Thompson (Edith Junkins)",female,58,0,1,PC 17582,153.4625,C125,S
+270,1,1,"Bissette, Miss. Amelia",female,35,0,0,PC 17760,135.6333,C99,S
+271,0,1,"Cairns, Mr. Alexander",male,,0,0,113798,31,,S
+272,1,3,"Tornquist, Mr. William Henry",male,25,0,0,LINE,0,,S
+273,1,2,"Mellinger, Mrs. (Elizabeth Anne Maidment)",female,41,0,1,250644,19.5,,S
+274,0,1,"Natsch, Mr. Charles H",male,37,0,1,PC 17596,29.7,C118,C
+275,1,3,"Healy, Miss. Hanora ""Nora""",female,,0,0,370375,7.75,,Q
+276,1,1,"Andrews, Miss. Kornelia Theodosia",female,63,1,0,13502,77.9583,D7,S
+277,0,3,"Lindblom, Miss. Augusta Charlotta",female,45,0,0,347073,7.75,,S
+278,0,2,"Parkes, Mr. Francis ""Frank""",male,,0,0,239853,0,,S
+279,0,3,"Rice, Master. Eric",male,7,4,1,382652,29.125,,Q
+280,1,3,"Abbott, Mrs. Stanton (Rosa Hunt)",female,35,1,1,C.A. 2673,20.25,,S
+281,0,3,"Duane, Mr. Frank",male,65,0,0,336439,7.75,,Q
+282,0,3,"Olsson, Mr. Nils Johan Goransson",male,28,0,0,347464,7.8542,,S
+283,0,3,"de Pelsmaeker, Mr. Alfons",male,16,0,0,345778,9.5,,S
+284,1,3,"Dorking, Mr. Edward Arthur",male,19,0,0,A/5. 10482,8.05,,S
+285,0,1,"Smith, Mr. Richard William",male,,0,0,113056,26,A19,S
+286,0,3,"Stankovic, Mr. Ivan",male,33,0,0,349239,8.6625,,C
+287,1,3,"de Mulder, Mr. Theodore",male,30,0,0,345774,9.5,,S
+288,0,3,"Naidenoff, Mr. Penko",male,22,0,0,349206,7.8958,,S
+289,1,2,"Hosono, Mr. Masabumi",male,42,0,0,237798,13,,S
+290,1,3,"Connolly, Miss. Kate",female,22,0,0,370373,7.75,,Q
+291,1,1,"Barber, Miss. Ellen ""Nellie""",female,26,0,0,19877,78.85,,S
+292,1,1,"Bishop, Mrs. Dickinson H (Helen Walton)",female,19,1,0,11967,91.0792,B49,C
+293,0,2,"Levy, Mr. Rene Jacques",male,36,0,0,SC/Paris 2163,12.875,D,C
+294,0,3,"Haas, Miss. Aloisia",female,24,0,0,349236,8.85,,S
+295,0,3,"Mineff, Mr. Ivan",male,24,0,0,349233,7.8958,,S
+296,0,1,"Lewy, Mr. Ervin G",male,,0,0,PC 17612,27.7208,,C
+297,0,3,"Hanna, Mr. Mansour",male,23.5,0,0,2693,7.2292,,C
+298,0,1,"Allison, Miss. Helen Loraine",female,2,1,2,113781,151.55,C22 C26,S
+299,1,1,"Saalfeld, Mr. Adolphe",male,,0,0,19988,30.5,C106,S
+300,1,1,"Baxter, Mrs. James (Helene DeLaudeniere Chaput)",female,50,0,1,PC 17558,247.5208,B58 B60,C
+301,1,3,"Kelly, Miss. Anna Katherine ""Annie Kate""",female,,0,0,9234,7.75,,Q
+302,1,3,"McCoy, Mr. Bernard",male,,2,0,367226,23.25,,Q
+303,0,3,"Johnson, Mr. William Cahoone Jr",male,19,0,0,LINE,0,,S
+304,1,2,"Keane, Miss. Nora A",female,,0,0,226593,12.35,E101,Q
+305,0,3,"Williams, Mr. Howard Hugh ""Harry""",male,,0,0,A/5 2466,8.05,,S
+306,1,1,"Allison, Master. Hudson Trevor",male,0.92,1,2,113781,151.55,C22 C26,S
+307,1,1,"Fleming, Miss. Margaret",female,,0,0,17421,110.8833,,C
+308,1,1,"Penasco y Castellana, Mrs. Victor de Satode (Maria Josefa Perez de Soto y Vallejo)",female,17,1,0,PC 17758,108.9,C65,C
+309,0,2,"Abelson, Mr. Samuel",male,30,1,0,P/PP 3381,24,,C
+310,1,1,"Francatelli, Miss. Laura Mabel",female,30,0,0,PC 17485,56.9292,E36,C
+311,1,1,"Hays, Miss. Margaret Bechstein",female,24,0,0,11767,83.1583,C54,C
+312,1,1,"Ryerson, Miss. Emily Borie",female,18,2,2,PC 17608,262.375,B57 B59 B63 B66,C
+313,0,2,"Lahtinen, Mrs. William (Anna Sylfven)",female,26,1,1,250651,26,,S
+314,0,3,"Hendekovic, Mr. Ignjac",male,28,0,0,349243,7.8958,,S
+315,0,2,"Hart, Mr. Benjamin",male,43,1,1,F.C.C. 13529,26.25,,S
+316,1,3,"Nilsson, Miss. Helmina Josefina",female,26,0,0,347470,7.8542,,S
+317,1,2,"Kantor, Mrs. Sinai (Miriam Sternin)",female,24,1,0,244367,26,,S
+318,0,2,"Moraweck, Dr. Ernest",male,54,0,0,29011,14,,S
+319,1,1,"Wick, Miss. Mary Natalie",female,31,0,2,36928,164.8667,C7,S
+320,1,1,"Spedden, Mrs. Frederic Oakley (Margaretta Corning Stone)",female,40,1,1,16966,134.5,E34,C
+321,0,3,"Dennis, Mr. Samuel",male,22,0,0,A/5 21172,7.25,,S
+322,0,3,"Danoff, Mr. Yoto",male,27,0,0,349219,7.8958,,S
+323,1,2,"Slayter, Miss. Hilda Mary",female,30,0,0,234818,12.35,,Q
+324,1,2,"Caldwell, Mrs. Albert Francis (Sylvia Mae Harbaugh)",female,22,1,1,248738,29,,S
+325,0,3,"Sage, Mr. George John Jr",male,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
+326,1,1,"Young, Miss. Marie Grice",female,36,0,0,PC 17760,135.6333,C32,C
+327,0,3,"Nysveen, Mr. Johan Hansen",male,61,0,0,345364,6.2375,,S
+328,1,2,"Ball, Mrs. (Ada E Hall)",female,36,0,0,28551,13,D,S
+329,1,3,"Goldsmith, Mrs. Frank John (Emily Alice Brown)",female,31,1,1,363291,20.525,,S
+330,1,1,"Hippach, Miss. Jean Gertrude",female,16,0,1,111361,57.9792,B18,C
+331,1,3,"McCoy, Miss. Agnes",female,,2,0,367226,23.25,,Q
+332,0,1,"Partner, Mr. Austen",male,45.5,0,0,113043,28.5,C124,S
+333,0,1,"Graham, Mr. George Edward",male,38,0,1,PC 17582,153.4625,C91,S
+334,0,3,"Vander Planke, Mr. Leo Edmondus",male,16,2,0,345764,18,,S
+335,1,1,"Frauenthal, Mrs. Henry William (Clara Heinsheimer)",female,,1,0,PC 17611,133.65,,S
+336,0,3,"Denkoff, Mr. Mitto",male,,0,0,349225,7.8958,,S
+337,0,1,"Pears, Mr. Thomas Clinton",male,29,1,0,113776,66.6,C2,S
+338,1,1,"Burns, Miss. Elizabeth Margaret",female,41,0,0,16966,134.5,E40,C
+339,1,3,"Dahl, Mr. Karl Edwart",male,45,0,0,7598,8.05,,S
+340,0,1,"Blackwell, Mr. Stephen Weart",male,45,0,0,113784,35.5,T,S
+341,1,2,"Navratil, Master. Edmond Roger",male,2,1,1,230080,26,F2,S
+342,1,1,"Fortune, Miss. Alice Elizabeth",female,24,3,2,19950,263,C23 C25 C27,S
+343,0,2,"Collander, Mr. Erik Gustaf",male,28,0,0,248740,13,,S
+344,0,2,"Sedgwick, Mr. Charles Frederick Waddington",male,25,0,0,244361,13,,S
+345,0,2,"Fox, Mr. Stanley Hubert",male,36,0,0,229236,13,,S
+346,1,2,"Brown, Miss. Amelia ""Mildred""",female,24,0,0,248733,13,F33,S
+347,1,2,"Smith, Miss. Marion Elsie",female,40,0,0,31418,13,,S
+348,1,3,"Davison, Mrs. Thomas Henry (Mary E Finck)",female,,1,0,386525,16.1,,S
+349,1,3,"Coutts, Master. William Loch ""William""",male,3,1,1,C.A. 37671,15.9,,S
+350,0,3,"Dimic, Mr. Jovan",male,42,0,0,315088,8.6625,,S
+351,0,3,"Odahl, Mr. Nils Martin",male,23,0,0,7267,9.225,,S
+352,0,1,"Williams-Lambert, Mr. Fletcher Fellows",male,,0,0,113510,35,C128,S
+353,0,3,"Elias, Mr. Tannous",male,15,1,1,2695,7.2292,,C
+354,0,3,"Arnold-Franchi, Mr. Josef",male,25,1,0,349237,17.8,,S
+355,0,3,"Yousif, Mr. Wazli",male,,0,0,2647,7.225,,C
+356,0,3,"Vanden Steen, Mr. Leo Peter",male,28,0,0,345783,9.5,,S
+357,1,1,"Bowerman, Miss. Elsie Edith",female,22,0,1,113505,55,E33,S
+358,0,2,"Funk, Miss. Annie Clemmer",female,38,0,0,237671,13,,S
+359,1,3,"McGovern, Miss. Mary",female,,0,0,330931,7.8792,,Q
+360,1,3,"Mockler, Miss. Helen Mary ""Ellie""",female,,0,0,330980,7.8792,,Q
+361,0,3,"Skoog, Mr. Wilhelm",male,40,1,4,347088,27.9,,S
+362,0,2,"del Carlo, Mr. Sebastiano",male,29,1,0,SC/PARIS 2167,27.7208,,C
+363,0,3,"Barbara, Mrs. (Catherine David)",female,45,0,1,2691,14.4542,,C
+364,0,3,"Asim, Mr. Adola",male,35,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101310,7.05,,S
+365,0,3,"O'Brien, Mr. Thomas",male,,1,0,370365,15.5,,Q
+366,0,3,"Adahl, Mr. Mauritz Nils Martin",male,30,0,0,C 7076,7.25,,S
+367,1,1,"Warren, Mrs. Frank Manley (Anna Sophia Atkinson)",female,60,1,0,110813,75.25,D37,C
+368,1,3,"Moussa, Mrs. (Mantoura Boulos)",female,,0,0,2626,7.2292,,C
+369,1,3,"Jermyn, Miss. Annie",female,,0,0,14313,7.75,,Q
+370,1,1,"Aubart, Mme. Leontine Pauline",female,24,0,0,PC 17477,69.3,B35,C
+371,1,1,"Harder, Mr. George Achilles",male,25,1,0,11765,55.4417,E50,C
+372,0,3,"Wiklund, Mr. Jakob Alfred",male,18,1,0,3101267,6.4958,,S
+373,0,3,"Beavan, Mr. William Thomas",male,19,0,0,323951,8.05,,S
+374,0,1,"Ringhini, Mr. Sante",male,22,0,0,PC 17760,135.6333,,C
+375,0,3,"Palsson, Miss. Stina Viola",female,3,3,1,349909,21.075,,S
+376,1,1,"Meyer, Mrs. Edgar Joseph (Leila Saks)",female,,1,0,PC 17604,82.1708,,C
+377,1,3,"Landergren, Miss. Aurora Adelia",female,22,0,0,C 7077,7.25,,S
+378,0,1,"Widener, Mr. Harry Elkins",male,27,0,2,113503,211.5,C82,C
+379,0,3,"Betros, Mr. Tannous",male,20,0,0,2648,4.0125,,C
+380,0,3,"Gustafsson, Mr. Karl Gideon",male,19,0,0,347069,7.775,,S
+381,1,1,"Bidois, Miss. Rosalie",female,42,0,0,PC 17757,227.525,,C
+382,1,3,"Nakid, Miss. Maria (""Mary"")",female,1,0,2,2653,15.7417,,C
+383,0,3,"Tikkanen, Mr. Juho",male,32,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101293,7.925,,S
+384,1,1,"Holverson, Mrs. Alexander Oskar (Mary Aline Towner)",female,35,1,0,113789,52,,S
+385,0,3,"Plotcharsky, Mr. Vasil",male,,0,0,349227,7.8958,,S
+386,0,2,"Davies, Mr. Charles Henry",male,18,0,0,S.O.C. 14879,73.5,,S
+387,0,3,"Goodwin, Master. Sidney Leonard",male,1,5,2,CA 2144,46.9,,S
+388,1,2,"Buss, Miss. Kate",female,36,0,0,27849,13,,S
+389,0,3,"Sadlier, Mr. Matthew",male,,0,0,367655,7.7292,,Q
+390,1,2,"Lehmann, Miss. Bertha",female,17,0,0,SC 1748,12,,C
+391,1,1,"Carter, Mr. William Ernest",male,36,1,2,113760,120,B96 B98,S
+392,1,3,"Jansson, Mr. Carl Olof",male,21,0,0,350034,7.7958,,S
+393,0,3,"Gustafsson, Mr. Johan Birger",male,28,2,0,3101277,7.925,,S
+394,1,1,"Newell, Miss. Marjorie",female,23,1,0,35273,113.275,D36,C
+395,1,3,"Sandstrom, Mrs. Hjalmar (Agnes Charlotta Bengtsson)",female,24,0,2,PP 9549,16.7,G6,S
+396,0,3,"Johansson, Mr. Erik",male,22,0,0,350052,7.7958,,S
+397,0,3,"Olsson, Miss. Elina",female,31,0,0,350407,7.8542,,S
+398,0,2,"McKane, Mr. Peter David",male,46,0,0,28403,26,,S
+399,0,2,"Pain, Dr. Alfred",male,23,0,0,244278,10.5,,S
+400,1,2,"Trout, Mrs. William H (Jessie L)",female,28,0,0,240929,12.65,,S
+401,1,3,"Niskanen, Mr. Juha",male,39,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101289,7.925,,S
+402,0,3,"Adams, Mr. John",male,26,0,0,341826,8.05,,S
+403,0,3,"Jussila, Miss. Mari Aina",female,21,1,0,4137,9.825,,S
+404,0,3,"Hakkarainen, Mr. Pekka Pietari",male,28,1,0,STON/O2. 3101279,15.85,,S
+405,0,3,"Oreskovic, Miss. Marija",female,20,0,0,315096,8.6625,,S
+406,0,2,"Gale, Mr. Shadrach",male,34,1,0,28664,21,,S
+407,0,3,"Widegren, Mr. Carl/Charles Peter",male,51,0,0,347064,7.75,,S
+408,1,2,"Richards, Master. William Rowe",male,3,1,1,29106,18.75,,S
+409,0,3,"Birkeland, Mr. Hans Martin Monsen",male,21,0,0,312992,7.775,,S
+410,0,3,"Lefebre, Miss. Ida",female,,3,1,4133,25.4667,,S
+411,0,3,"Sdycoff, Mr. Todor",male,,0,0,349222,7.8958,,S
+412,0,3,"Hart, Mr. Henry",male,,0,0,394140,6.8583,,Q
+413,1,1,"Minahan, Miss. Daisy E",female,33,1,0,19928,90,C78,Q
+414,0,2,"Cunningham, Mr. Alfred Fleming",male,,0,0,239853,0,,S
+415,1,3,"Sundman, Mr. Johan Julian",male,44,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101269,7.925,,S
+416,0,3,"Meek, Mrs. Thomas (Annie Louise Rowley)",female,,0,0,343095,8.05,,S
+417,1,2,"Drew, Mrs. James Vivian (Lulu Thorne Christian)",female,34,1,1,28220,32.5,,S
+418,1,2,"Silven, Miss. Lyyli Karoliina",female,18,0,2,250652,13,,S
+419,0,2,"Matthews, Mr. William John",male,30,0,0,28228,13,,S
+420,0,3,"Van Impe, Miss. Catharina",female,10,0,2,345773,24.15,,S
+421,0,3,"Gheorgheff, Mr. Stanio",male,,0,0,349254,7.8958,,C
+422,0,3,"Charters, Mr. David",male,21,0,0,A/5. 13032,7.7333,,Q
+423,0,3,"Zimmerman, Mr. Leo",male,29,0,0,315082,7.875,,S
+424,0,3,"Danbom, Mrs. Ernst Gilbert (Anna Sigrid Maria Brogren)",female,28,1,1,347080,14.4,,S
+425,0,3,"Rosblom, Mr. Viktor Richard",male,18,1,1,370129,20.2125,,S
+426,0,3,"Wiseman, Mr. Phillippe",male,,0,0,A/4. 34244,7.25,,S
+427,1,2,"Clarke, Mrs. Charles V (Ada Maria Winfield)",female,28,1,0,2003,26,,S
+428,1,2,"Phillips, Miss. Kate Florence (""Mrs Kate Louise Phillips Marshall"")",female,19,0,0,250655,26,,S
+429,0,3,"Flynn, Mr. James",male,,0,0,364851,7.75,,Q
+430,1,3,"Pickard, Mr. Berk (Berk Trembisky)",male,32,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 392078,8.05,E10,S
+431,1,1,"Bjornstrom-Steffansson, Mr. Mauritz Hakan",male,28,0,0,110564,26.55,C52,S
+432,1,3,"Thorneycroft, Mrs. Percival (Florence Kate White)",female,,1,0,376564,16.1,,S
+433,1,2,"Louch, Mrs. Charles Alexander (Alice Adelaide Slow)",female,42,1,0,SC/AH 3085,26,,S
+434,0,3,"Kallio, Mr. Nikolai Erland",male,17,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101274,7.125,,S
+435,0,1,"Silvey, Mr. William Baird",male,50,1,0,13507,55.9,E44,S
+436,1,1,"Carter, Miss. Lucile Polk",female,14,1,2,113760,120,B96 B98,S
+437,0,3,"Ford, Miss. Doolina Margaret ""Daisy""",female,21,2,2,W./C. 6608,34.375,,S
+438,1,2,"Richards, Mrs. Sidney (Emily Hocking)",female,24,2,3,29106,18.75,,S
+439,0,1,"Fortune, Mr. Mark",male,64,1,4,19950,263,C23 C25 C27,S
+440,0,2,"Kvillner, Mr. Johan Henrik Johannesson",male,31,0,0,C.A. 18723,10.5,,S
+441,1,2,"Hart, Mrs. Benjamin (Esther Ada Bloomfield)",female,45,1,1,F.C.C. 13529,26.25,,S
+442,0,3,"Hampe, Mr. Leon",male,20,0,0,345769,9.5,,S
+443,0,3,"Petterson, Mr. Johan Emil",male,25,1,0,347076,7.775,,S
+444,1,2,"Reynaldo, Ms. Encarnacion",female,28,0,0,230434,13,,S
+445,1,3,"Johannesen-Bratthammer, Mr. Bernt",male,,0,0,65306,8.1125,,S
+446,1,1,"Dodge, Master. Washington",male,4,0,2,33638,81.8583,A34,S
+447,1,2,"Mellinger, Miss. Madeleine Violet",female,13,0,1,250644,19.5,,S
+448,1,1,"Seward, Mr. Frederic Kimber",male,34,0,0,113794,26.55,,S
+449,1,3,"Baclini, Miss. Marie Catherine",female,5,2,1,2666,19.2583,,C
+450,1,1,"Peuchen, Major. Arthur Godfrey",male,52,0,0,113786,30.5,C104,S
+451,0,2,"West, Mr. Edwy Arthur",male,36,1,2,C.A. 34651,27.75,,S
+452,0,3,"Hagland, Mr. Ingvald Olai Olsen",male,,1,0,65303,19.9667,,S
+453,0,1,"Foreman, Mr. Benjamin Laventall",male,30,0,0,113051,27.75,C111,C
+454,1,1,"Goldenberg, Mr. Samuel L",male,49,1,0,17453,89.1042,C92,C
+455,0,3,"Peduzzi, Mr. Joseph",male,,0,0,A/5 2817,8.05,,S
+456,1,3,"Jalsevac, Mr. Ivan",male,29,0,0,349240,7.8958,,C
+457,0,1,"Millet, Mr. Francis Davis",male,65,0,0,13509,26.55,E38,S
+458,1,1,"Kenyon, Mrs. Frederick R (Marion)",female,,1,0,17464,51.8625,D21,S
+459,1,2,"Toomey, Miss. Ellen",female,50,0,0,F.C.C. 13531,10.5,,S
+460,0,3,"O'Connor, Mr. Maurice",male,,0,0,371060,7.75,,Q
+461,1,1,"Anderson, Mr. Harry",male,48,0,0,19952,26.55,E12,S
+462,0,3,"Morley, Mr. William",male,34,0,0,364506,8.05,,S
+463,0,1,"Gee, Mr. Arthur H",male,47,0,0,111320,38.5,E63,S
+464,0,2,"Milling, Mr. Jacob Christian",male,48,0,0,234360,13,,S
+465,0,3,"Maisner, Mr. Simon",male,,0,0,A/S 2816,8.05,,S
+466,0,3,"Goncalves, Mr. Manuel Estanslas",male,38,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101306,7.05,,S
+467,0,2,"Campbell, Mr. William",male,,0,0,239853,0,,S
+468,0,1,"Smart, Mr. John Montgomery",male,56,0,0,113792,26.55,,S
+469,0,3,"Scanlan, Mr. James",male,,0,0,36209,7.725,,Q
+470,1,3,"Baclini, Miss. Helene Barbara",female,0.75,2,1,2666,19.2583,,C
+471,0,3,"Keefe, Mr. Arthur",male,,0,0,323592,7.25,,S
+472,0,3,"Cacic, Mr. Luka",male,38,0,0,315089,8.6625,,S
+473,1,2,"West, Mrs. Edwy Arthur (Ada Mary Worth)",female,33,1,2,C.A. 34651,27.75,,S
+474,1,2,"Jerwan, Mrs. Amin S (Marie Marthe Thuillard)",female,23,0,0,SC/AH Basle 541,13.7917,D,C
+475,0,3,"Strandberg, Miss. Ida Sofia",female,22,0,0,7553,9.8375,,S
+476,0,1,"Clifford, Mr. George Quincy",male,,0,0,110465,52,A14,S
+477,0,2,"Renouf, Mr. Peter Henry",male,34,1,0,31027,21,,S
+478,0,3,"Braund, Mr. Lewis Richard",male,29,1,0,3460,7.0458,,S
+479,0,3,"Karlsson, Mr. Nils August",male,22,0,0,350060,7.5208,,S
+480,1,3,"Hirvonen, Miss. Hildur E",female,2,0,1,3101298,12.2875,,S
+481,0,3,"Goodwin, Master. Harold Victor",male,9,5,2,CA 2144,46.9,,S
+482,0,2,"Frost, Mr. Anthony Wood ""Archie""",male,,0,0,239854,0,,S
+483,0,3,"Rouse, Mr. Richard Henry",male,50,0,0,A/5 3594,8.05,,S
+484,1,3,"Turkula, Mrs. (Hedwig)",female,63,0,0,4134,9.5875,,S
+485,1,1,"Bishop, Mr. Dickinson H",male,25,1,0,11967,91.0792,B49,C
+486,0,3,"Lefebre, Miss. Jeannie",female,,3,1,4133,25.4667,,S
+487,1,1,"Hoyt, Mrs. Frederick Maxfield (Jane Anne Forby)",female,35,1,0,19943,90,C93,S
+488,0,1,"Kent, Mr. Edward Austin",male,58,0,0,11771,29.7,B37,C
+489,0,3,"Somerton, Mr. Francis William",male,30,0,0,A.5. 18509,8.05,,S
+490,1,3,"Coutts, Master. Eden Leslie ""Neville""",male,9,1,1,C.A. 37671,15.9,,S
+491,0,3,"Hagland, Mr. Konrad Mathias Reiersen",male,,1,0,65304,19.9667,,S
+492,0,3,"Windelov, Mr. Einar",male,21,0,0,SOTON/OQ 3101317,7.25,,S
+493,0,1,"Molson, Mr. Harry Markland",male,55,0,0,113787,30.5,C30,S
+494,0,1,"Artagaveytia, Mr. Ramon",male,71,0,0,PC 17609,49.5042,,C
+495,0,3,"Stanley, Mr. Edward Roland",male,21,0,0,A/4 45380,8.05,,S
+496,0,3,"Yousseff, Mr. Gerious",male,,0,0,2627,14.4583,,C
+497,1,1,"Eustis, Miss. Elizabeth Mussey",female,54,1,0,36947,78.2667,D20,C
+498,0,3,"Shellard, Mr. Frederick William",male,,0,0,C.A. 6212,15.1,,S
+499,0,1,"Allison, Mrs. Hudson J C (Bessie Waldo Daniels)",female,25,1,2,113781,151.55,C22 C26,S
+500,0,3,"Svensson, Mr. Olof",male,24,0,0,350035,7.7958,,S
+501,0,3,"Calic, Mr. Petar",male,17,0,0,315086,8.6625,,S
+502,0,3,"Canavan, Miss. Mary",female,21,0,0,364846,7.75,,Q
+503,0,3,"O'Sullivan, Miss. Bridget Mary",female,,0,0,330909,7.6292,,Q
+504,0,3,"Laitinen, Miss. Kristina Sofia",female,37,0,0,4135,9.5875,,S
+505,1,1,"Maioni, Miss. Roberta",female,16,0,0,110152,86.5,B79,S
+506,0,1,"Penasco y Castellana, Mr. Victor de Satode",male,18,1,0,PC 17758,108.9,C65,C
+507,1,2,"Quick, Mrs. Frederick Charles (Jane Richards)",female,33,0,2,26360,26,,S
+508,1,1,"Bradley, Mr. George (""George Arthur Brayton"")",male,,0,0,111427,26.55,,S
+509,0,3,"Olsen, Mr. Henry Margido",male,28,0,0,C 4001,22.525,,S
+510,1,3,"Lang, Mr. Fang",male,26,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
+511,1,3,"Daly, Mr. Eugene Patrick",male,29,0,0,382651,7.75,,Q
+512,0,3,"Webber, Mr. James",male,,0,0,SOTON/OQ 3101316,8.05,,S
+513,1,1,"McGough, Mr. James Robert",male,36,0,0,PC 17473,26.2875,E25,S
+514,1,1,"Rothschild, Mrs. Martin (Elizabeth L. Barrett)",female,54,1,0,PC 17603,59.4,,C
+515,0,3,"Coleff, Mr. Satio",male,24,0,0,349209,7.4958,,S
+516,0,1,"Walker, Mr. William Anderson",male,47,0,0,36967,34.0208,D46,S
+517,1,2,"Lemore, Mrs. (Amelia Milley)",female,34,0,0,C.A. 34260,10.5,F33,S
+518,0,3,"Ryan, Mr. Patrick",male,,0,0,371110,24.15,,Q
+519,1,2,"Angle, Mrs. William A (Florence ""Mary"" Agnes Hughes)",female,36,1,0,226875,26,,S
+520,0,3,"Pavlovic, Mr. Stefo",male,32,0,0,349242,7.8958,,S
+521,1,1,"Perreault, Miss. Anne",female,30,0,0,12749,93.5,B73,S
+522,0,3,"Vovk, Mr. Janko",male,22,0,0,349252,7.8958,,S
+523,0,3,"Lahoud, Mr. Sarkis",male,,0,0,2624,7.225,,C
+524,1,1,"Hippach, Mrs. Louis Albert (Ida Sophia Fischer)",female,44,0,1,111361,57.9792,B18,C
+525,0,3,"Kassem, Mr. Fared",male,,0,0,2700,7.2292,,C
+526,0,3,"Farrell, Mr. James",male,40.5,0,0,367232,7.75,,Q
+527,1,2,"Ridsdale, Miss. Lucy",female,50,0,0,W./C. 14258,10.5,,S
+528,0,1,"Farthing, Mr. John",male,,0,0,PC 17483,221.7792,C95,S
+529,0,3,"Salonen, Mr. Johan Werner",male,39,0,0,3101296,7.925,,S
+530,0,2,"Hocking, Mr. Richard George",male,23,2,1,29104,11.5,,S
+531,1,2,"Quick, Miss. Phyllis May",female,2,1,1,26360,26,,S
+532,0,3,"Toufik, Mr. Nakli",male,,0,0,2641,7.2292,,C
+533,0,3,"Elias, Mr. Joseph Jr",male,17,1,1,2690,7.2292,,C
+534,1,3,"Peter, Mrs. Catherine (Catherine Rizk)",female,,0,2,2668,22.3583,,C
+535,0,3,"Cacic, Miss. Marija",female,30,0,0,315084,8.6625,,S
+536,1,2,"Hart, Miss. Eva Miriam",female,7,0,2,F.C.C. 13529,26.25,,S
+537,0,1,"Butt, Major. Archibald Willingham",male,45,0,0,113050,26.55,B38,S
+538,1,1,"LeRoy, Miss. Bertha",female,30,0,0,PC 17761,106.425,,C
+539,0,3,"Risien, Mr. Samuel Beard",male,,0,0,364498,14.5,,S
+540,1,1,"Frolicher, Miss. Hedwig Margaritha",female,22,0,2,13568,49.5,B39,C
+541,1,1,"Crosby, Miss. Harriet R",female,36,0,2,WE/P 5735,71,B22,S
+542,0,3,"Andersson, Miss. Ingeborg Constanzia",female,9,4,2,347082,31.275,,S
+543,0,3,"Andersson, Miss. Sigrid Elisabeth",female,11,4,2,347082,31.275,,S
+544,1,2,"Beane, Mr. Edward",male,32,1,0,2908,26,,S
+545,0,1,"Douglas, Mr. Walter Donald",male,50,1,0,PC 17761,106.425,C86,C
+546,0,1,"Nicholson, Mr. Arthur Ernest",male,64,0,0,693,26,,S
+547,1,2,"Beane, Mrs. Edward (Ethel Clarke)",female,19,1,0,2908,26,,S
+548,1,2,"Padro y Manent, Mr. Julian",male,,0,0,SC/PARIS 2146,13.8625,,C
+549,0,3,"Goldsmith, Mr. Frank John",male,33,1,1,363291,20.525,,S
+550,1,2,"Davies, Master. John Morgan Jr",male,8,1,1,C.A. 33112,36.75,,S
+551,1,1,"Thayer, Mr. John Borland Jr",male,17,0,2,17421,110.8833,C70,C
+552,0,2,"Sharp, Mr. Percival James R",male,27,0,0,244358,26,,S
+553,0,3,"O'Brien, Mr. Timothy",male,,0,0,330979,7.8292,,Q
+554,1,3,"Leeni, Mr. Fahim (""Philip Zenni"")",male,22,0,0,2620,7.225,,C
+555,1,3,"Ohman, Miss. Velin",female,22,0,0,347085,7.775,,S
+556,0,1,"Wright, Mr. George",male,62,0,0,113807,26.55,,S
+557,1,1,"Duff Gordon, Lady. (Lucille Christiana Sutherland) (""Mrs Morgan"")",female,48,1,0,11755,39.6,A16,C
+558,0,1,"Robbins, Mr. Victor",male,,0,0,PC 17757,227.525,,C
+559,1,1,"Taussig, Mrs. Emil (Tillie Mandelbaum)",female,39,1,1,110413,79.65,E67,S
+560,1,3,"de Messemaeker, Mrs. Guillaume Joseph (Emma)",female,36,1,0,345572,17.4,,S
+561,0,3,"Morrow, Mr. Thomas Rowan",male,,0,0,372622,7.75,,Q
+562,0,3,"Sivic, Mr. Husein",male,40,0,0,349251,7.8958,,S
+563,0,2,"Norman, Mr. Robert Douglas",male,28,0,0,218629,13.5,,S
+564,0,3,"Simmons, Mr. John",male,,0,0,SOTON/OQ 392082,8.05,,S
+565,0,3,"Meanwell, Miss. (Marion Ogden)",female,,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 392087,8.05,,S
+566,0,3,"Davies, Mr. Alfred J",male,24,2,0,A/4 48871,24.15,,S
+567,0,3,"Stoytcheff, Mr. Ilia",male,19,0,0,349205,7.8958,,S
+568,0,3,"Palsson, Mrs. Nils (Alma Cornelia Berglund)",female,29,0,4,349909,21.075,,S
+569,0,3,"Doharr, Mr. Tannous",male,,0,0,2686,7.2292,,C
+570,1,3,"Jonsson, Mr. Carl",male,32,0,0,350417,7.8542,,S
+571,1,2,"Harris, Mr. George",male,62,0,0,S.W./PP 752,10.5,,S
+572,1,1,"Appleton, Mrs. Edward Dale (Charlotte Lamson)",female,53,2,0,11769,51.4792,C101,S
+573,1,1,"Flynn, Mr. John Irwin (""Irving"")",male,36,0,0,PC 17474,26.3875,E25,S
+574,1,3,"Kelly, Miss. Mary",female,,0,0,14312,7.75,,Q
+575,0,3,"Rush, Mr. Alfred George John",male,16,0,0,A/4. 20589,8.05,,S
+576,0,3,"Patchett, Mr. George",male,19,0,0,358585,14.5,,S
+577,1,2,"Garside, Miss. Ethel",female,34,0,0,243880,13,,S
+578,1,1,"Silvey, Mrs. William Baird (Alice Munger)",female,39,1,0,13507,55.9,E44,S
+579,0,3,"Caram, Mrs. Joseph (Maria Elias)",female,,1,0,2689,14.4583,,C
+580,1,3,"Jussila, Mr. Eiriik",male,32,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101286,7.925,,S
+581,1,2,"Christy, Miss. Julie Rachel",female,25,1,1,237789,30,,S
+582,1,1,"Thayer, Mrs. John Borland (Marian Longstreth Morris)",female,39,1,1,17421,110.8833,C68,C
+583,0,2,"Downton, Mr. William James",male,54,0,0,28403,26,,S
+584,0,1,"Ross, Mr. John Hugo",male,36,0,0,13049,40.125,A10,C
+585,0,3,"Paulner, Mr. Uscher",male,,0,0,3411,8.7125,,C
+586,1,1,"Taussig, Miss. Ruth",female,18,0,2,110413,79.65,E68,S
+587,0,2,"Jarvis, Mr. John Denzil",male,47,0,0,237565,15,,S
+588,1,1,"Frolicher-Stehli, Mr. Maxmillian",male,60,1,1,13567,79.2,B41,C
+589,0,3,"Gilinski, Mr. Eliezer",male,22,0,0,14973,8.05,,S
+590,0,3,"Murdlin, Mr. Joseph",male,,0,0,A./5. 3235,8.05,,S
+591,0,3,"Rintamaki, Mr. Matti",male,35,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101273,7.125,,S
+592,1,1,"Stephenson, Mrs. Walter Bertram (Martha Eustis)",female,52,1,0,36947,78.2667,D20,C
+593,0,3,"Elsbury, Mr. William James",male,47,0,0,A/5 3902,7.25,,S
+594,0,3,"Bourke, Miss. Mary",female,,0,2,364848,7.75,,Q
+595,0,2,"Chapman, Mr. John Henry",male,37,1,0,SC/AH 29037,26,,S
+596,0,3,"Van Impe, Mr. Jean Baptiste",male,36,1,1,345773,24.15,,S
+597,1,2,"Leitch, Miss. Jessie Wills",female,,0,0,248727,33,,S
+598,0,3,"Johnson, Mr. Alfred",male,49,0,0,LINE,0,,S
+599,0,3,"Boulos, Mr. Hanna",male,,0,0,2664,7.225,,C
+600,1,1,"Duff Gordon, Sir. Cosmo Edmund (""Mr Morgan"")",male,49,1,0,PC 17485,56.9292,A20,C
+601,1,2,"Jacobsohn, Mrs. Sidney Samuel (Amy Frances Christy)",female,24,2,1,243847,27,,S
+602,0,3,"Slabenoff, Mr. Petco",male,,0,0,349214,7.8958,,S
+603,0,1,"Harrington, Mr. Charles H",male,,0,0,113796,42.4,,S
+604,0,3,"Torber, Mr. Ernst William",male,44,0,0,364511,8.05,,S
+605,1,1,"Homer, Mr. Harry (""Mr E Haven"")",male,35,0,0,111426,26.55,,C
+606,0,3,"Lindell, Mr. Edvard Bengtsson",male,36,1,0,349910,15.55,,S
+607,0,3,"Karaic, Mr. Milan",male,30,0,0,349246,7.8958,,S
+608,1,1,"Daniel, Mr. Robert Williams",male,27,0,0,113804,30.5,,S
+609,1,2,"Laroche, Mrs. Joseph (Juliette Marie Louise Lafargue)",female,22,1,2,SC/Paris 2123,41.5792,,C
+610,1,1,"Shutes, Miss. Elizabeth W",female,40,0,0,PC 17582,153.4625,C125,S
+611,0,3,"Andersson, Mrs. Anders Johan (Alfrida Konstantia Brogren)",female,39,1,5,347082,31.275,,S
+612,0,3,"Jardin, Mr. Jose Neto",male,,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101305,7.05,,S
+613,1,3,"Murphy, Miss. Margaret Jane",female,,1,0,367230,15.5,,Q
+614,0,3,"Horgan, Mr. John",male,,0,0,370377,7.75,,Q
+615,0,3,"Brocklebank, Mr. William Alfred",male,35,0,0,364512,8.05,,S
+616,1,2,"Herman, Miss. Alice",female,24,1,2,220845,65,,S
+617,0,3,"Danbom, Mr. Ernst Gilbert",male,34,1,1,347080,14.4,,S
+618,0,3,"Lobb, Mrs. William Arthur (Cordelia K Stanlick)",female,26,1,0,A/5. 3336,16.1,,S
+619,1,2,"Becker, Miss. Marion Louise",female,4,2,1,230136,39,F4,S
+620,0,2,"Gavey, Mr. Lawrence",male,26,0,0,31028,10.5,,S
+621,0,3,"Yasbeck, Mr. Antoni",male,27,1,0,2659,14.4542,,C
+622,1,1,"Kimball, Mr. Edwin Nelson Jr",male,42,1,0,11753,52.5542,D19,S
+623,1,3,"Nakid, Mr. Sahid",male,20,1,1,2653,15.7417,,C
+624,0,3,"Hansen, Mr. Henry Damsgaard",male,21,0,0,350029,7.8542,,S
+625,0,3,"Bowen, Mr. David John ""Dai""",male,21,0,0,54636,16.1,,S
+626,0,1,"Sutton, Mr. Frederick",male,61,0,0,36963,32.3208,D50,S
+627,0,2,"Kirkland, Rev. Charles Leonard",male,57,0,0,219533,12.35,,Q
+628,1,1,"Longley, Miss. Gretchen Fiske",female,21,0,0,13502,77.9583,D9,S
+629,0,3,"Bostandyeff, Mr. Guentcho",male,26,0,0,349224,7.8958,,S
+630,0,3,"O'Connell, Mr. Patrick D",male,,0,0,334912,7.7333,,Q
+631,1,1,"Barkworth, Mr. Algernon Henry Wilson",male,80,0,0,27042,30,A23,S
+632,0,3,"Lundahl, Mr. Johan Svensson",male,51,0,0,347743,7.0542,,S
+633,1,1,"Stahelin-Maeglin, Dr. Max",male,32,0,0,13214,30.5,B50,C
+634,0,1,"Parr, Mr. William Henry Marsh",male,,0,0,112052,0,,S
+635,0,3,"Skoog, Miss. Mabel",female,9,3,2,347088,27.9,,S
+636,1,2,"Davis, Miss. Mary",female,28,0,0,237668,13,,S
+637,0,3,"Leinonen, Mr. Antti Gustaf",male,32,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101292,7.925,,S
+638,0,2,"Collyer, Mr. Harvey",male,31,1,1,C.A. 31921,26.25,,S
+639,0,3,"Panula, Mrs. Juha (Maria Emilia Ojala)",female,41,0,5,3101295,39.6875,,S
+640,0,3,"Thorneycroft, Mr. Percival",male,,1,0,376564,16.1,,S
+641,0,3,"Jensen, Mr. Hans Peder",male,20,0,0,350050,7.8542,,S
+642,1,1,"Sagesser, Mlle. Emma",female,24,0,0,PC 17477,69.3,B35,C
+643,0,3,"Skoog, Miss. Margit Elizabeth",female,2,3,2,347088,27.9,,S
+644,1,3,"Foo, Mr. Choong",male,,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
+645,1,3,"Baclini, Miss. Eugenie",female,0.75,2,1,2666,19.2583,,C
+646,1,1,"Harper, Mr. Henry Sleeper",male,48,1,0,PC 17572,76.7292,D33,C
+647,0,3,"Cor, Mr. Liudevit",male,19,0,0,349231,7.8958,,S
+648,1,1,"Simonius-Blumer, Col. Oberst Alfons",male,56,0,0,13213,35.5,A26,C
+649,0,3,"Willey, Mr. Edward",male,,0,0,S.O./P.P. 751,7.55,,S
+650,1,3,"Stanley, Miss. Amy Zillah Elsie",female,23,0,0,CA. 2314,7.55,,S
+651,0,3,"Mitkoff, Mr. Mito",male,,0,0,349221,7.8958,,S
+652,1,2,"Doling, Miss. Elsie",female,18,0,1,231919,23,,S
+653,0,3,"Kalvik, Mr. Johannes Halvorsen",male,21,0,0,8475,8.4333,,S
+654,1,3,"O'Leary, Miss. Hanora ""Norah""",female,,0,0,330919,7.8292,,Q
+655,0,3,"Hegarty, Miss. Hanora ""Nora""",female,18,0,0,365226,6.75,,Q
+656,0,2,"Hickman, Mr. Leonard Mark",male,24,2,0,S.O.C. 14879,73.5,,S
+657,0,3,"Radeff, Mr. Alexander",male,,0,0,349223,7.8958,,S
+658,0,3,"Bourke, Mrs. John (Catherine)",female,32,1,1,364849,15.5,,Q
+659,0,2,"Eitemiller, Mr. George Floyd",male,23,0,0,29751,13,,S
+660,0,1,"Newell, Mr. Arthur Webster",male,58,0,2,35273,113.275,D48,C
+661,1,1,"Frauenthal, Dr. Henry William",male,50,2,0,PC 17611,133.65,,S
+662,0,3,"Badt, Mr. Mohamed",male,40,0,0,2623,7.225,,C
+663,0,1,"Colley, Mr. Edward Pomeroy",male,47,0,0,5727,25.5875,E58,S
+664,0,3,"Coleff, Mr. Peju",male,36,0,0,349210,7.4958,,S
+665,1,3,"Lindqvist, Mr. Eino William",male,20,1,0,STON/O 2. 3101285,7.925,,S
+666,0,2,"Hickman, Mr. Lewis",male,32,2,0,S.O.C. 14879,73.5,,S
+667,0,2,"Butler, Mr. Reginald Fenton",male,25,0,0,234686,13,,S
+668,0,3,"Rommetvedt, Mr. Knud Paust",male,,0,0,312993,7.775,,S
+669,0,3,"Cook, Mr. Jacob",male,43,0,0,A/5 3536,8.05,,S
+670,1,1,"Taylor, Mrs. Elmer Zebley (Juliet Cummins Wright)",female,,1,0,19996,52,C126,S
+671,1,2,"Brown, Mrs. Thomas William Solomon (Elizabeth Catherine Ford)",female,40,1,1,29750,39,,S
+672,0,1,"Davidson, Mr. Thornton",male,31,1,0,F.C. 12750,52,B71,S
+673,0,2,"Mitchell, Mr. Henry Michael",male,70,0,0,C.A. 24580,10.5,,S
+674,1,2,"Wilhelms, Mr. Charles",male,31,0,0,244270,13,,S
+675,0,2,"Watson, Mr. Ennis Hastings",male,,0,0,239856,0,,S
+676,0,3,"Edvardsson, Mr. Gustaf Hjalmar",male,18,0,0,349912,7.775,,S
+677,0,3,"Sawyer, Mr. Frederick Charles",male,24.5,0,0,342826,8.05,,S
+678,1,3,"Turja, Miss. Anna Sofia",female,18,0,0,4138,9.8417,,S
+679,0,3,"Goodwin, Mrs. Frederick (Augusta Tyler)",female,43,1,6,CA 2144,46.9,,S
+680,1,1,"Cardeza, Mr. Thomas Drake Martinez",male,36,0,1,PC 17755,512.3292,B51 B53 B55,C
+681,0,3,"Peters, Miss. Katie",female,,0,0,330935,8.1375,,Q
+682,1,1,"Hassab, Mr. Hammad",male,27,0,0,PC 17572,76.7292,D49,C
+683,0,3,"Olsvigen, Mr. Thor Anderson",male,20,0,0,6563,9.225,,S
+684,0,3,"Goodwin, Mr. Charles Edward",male,14,5,2,CA 2144,46.9,,S
+685,0,2,"Brown, Mr. Thomas William Solomon",male,60,1,1,29750,39,,S
+686,0,2,"Laroche, Mr. Joseph Philippe Lemercier",male,25,1,2,SC/Paris 2123,41.5792,,C
+687,0,3,"Panula, Mr. Jaako Arnold",male,14,4,1,3101295,39.6875,,S
+688,0,3,"Dakic, Mr. Branko",male,19,0,0,349228,10.1708,,S
+689,0,3,"Fischer, Mr. Eberhard Thelander",male,18,0,0,350036,7.7958,,S
+690,1,1,"Madill, Miss. Georgette Alexandra",female,15,0,1,24160,211.3375,B5,S
+691,1,1,"Dick, Mr. Albert Adrian",male,31,1,0,17474,57,B20,S
+692,1,3,"Karun, Miss. Manca",female,4,0,1,349256,13.4167,,C
+693,1,3,"Lam, Mr. Ali",male,,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
+694,0,3,"Saad, Mr. Khalil",male,25,0,0,2672,7.225,,C
+695,0,1,"Weir, Col. John",male,60,0,0,113800,26.55,,S
+696,0,2,"Chapman, Mr. Charles Henry",male,52,0,0,248731,13.5,,S
+697,0,3,"Kelly, Mr. James",male,44,0,0,363592,8.05,,S
+698,1,3,"Mullens, Miss. Katherine ""Katie""",female,,0,0,35852,7.7333,,Q
+699,0,1,"Thayer, Mr. John Borland",male,49,1,1,17421,110.8833,C68,C
+700,0,3,"Humblen, Mr. Adolf Mathias Nicolai Olsen",male,42,0,0,348121,7.65,F G63,S
+701,1,1,"Astor, Mrs. John Jacob (Madeleine Talmadge Force)",female,18,1,0,PC 17757,227.525,C62 C64,C
+702,1,1,"Silverthorne, Mr. Spencer Victor",male,35,0,0,PC 17475,26.2875,E24,S
+703,0,3,"Barbara, Miss. Saiide",female,18,0,1,2691,14.4542,,C
+704,0,3,"Gallagher, Mr. Martin",male,25,0,0,36864,7.7417,,Q
+705,0,3,"Hansen, Mr. Henrik Juul",male,26,1,0,350025,7.8542,,S
+706,0,2,"Morley, Mr. Henry Samuel (""Mr Henry Marshall"")",male,39,0,0,250655,26,,S
+707,1,2,"Kelly, Mrs. Florence ""Fannie""",female,45,0,0,223596,13.5,,S
+708,1,1,"Calderhead, Mr. Edward Pennington",male,42,0,0,PC 17476,26.2875,E24,S
+709,1,1,"Cleaver, Miss. Alice",female,22,0,0,113781,151.55,,S
+710,1,3,"Moubarek, Master. Halim Gonios (""William George"")",male,,1,1,2661,15.2458,,C
+711,1,1,"Mayne, Mlle. Berthe Antonine (""Mrs de Villiers"")",female,24,0,0,PC 17482,49.5042,C90,C
+712,0,1,"Klaber, Mr. Herman",male,,0,0,113028,26.55,C124,S
+713,1,1,"Taylor, Mr. Elmer Zebley",male,48,1,0,19996,52,C126,S
+714,0,3,"Larsson, Mr. August Viktor",male,29,0,0,7545,9.4833,,S
+715,0,2,"Greenberg, Mr. Samuel",male,52,0,0,250647,13,,S
+716,0,3,"Soholt, Mr. Peter Andreas Lauritz Andersen",male,19,0,0,348124,7.65,F G73,S
+717,1,1,"Endres, Miss. Caroline Louise",female,38,0,0,PC 17757,227.525,C45,C
+718,1,2,"Troutt, Miss. Edwina Celia ""Winnie""",female,27,0,0,34218,10.5,E101,S
+719,0,3,"McEvoy, Mr. Michael",male,,0,0,36568,15.5,,Q
+720,0,3,"Johnson, Mr. Malkolm Joackim",male,33,0,0,347062,7.775,,S
+721,1,2,"Harper, Miss. Annie Jessie ""Nina""",female,6,0,1,248727,33,,S
+722,0,3,"Jensen, Mr. Svend Lauritz",male,17,1,0,350048,7.0542,,S
+723,0,2,"Gillespie, Mr. William Henry",male,34,0,0,12233,13,,S
+724,0,2,"Hodges, Mr. Henry Price",male,50,0,0,250643,13,,S
+725,1,1,"Chambers, Mr. Norman Campbell",male,27,1,0,113806,53.1,E8,S
+726,0,3,"Oreskovic, Mr. Luka",male,20,0,0,315094,8.6625,,S
+727,1,2,"Renouf, Mrs. Peter Henry (Lillian Jefferys)",female,30,3,0,31027,21,,S
+728,1,3,"Mannion, Miss. Margareth",female,,0,0,36866,7.7375,,Q
+729,0,2,"Bryhl, Mr. Kurt Arnold Gottfrid",male,25,1,0,236853,26,,S
+730,0,3,"Ilmakangas, Miss. Pieta Sofia",female,25,1,0,STON/O2. 3101271,7.925,,S
+731,1,1,"Allen, Miss. Elisabeth Walton",female,29,0,0,24160,211.3375,B5,S
+732,0,3,"Hassan, Mr. Houssein G N",male,11,0,0,2699,18.7875,,C
+733,0,2,"Knight, Mr. Robert J",male,,0,0,239855,0,,S
+734,0,2,"Berriman, Mr. William John",male,23,0,0,28425,13,,S
+735,0,2,"Troupiansky, Mr. Moses Aaron",male,23,0,0,233639,13,,S
+736,0,3,"Williams, Mr. Leslie",male,28.5,0,0,54636,16.1,,S
+737,0,3,"Ford, Mrs. Edward (Margaret Ann Watson)",female,48,1,3,W./C. 6608,34.375,,S
+738,1,1,"Lesurer, Mr. Gustave J",male,35,0,0,PC 17755,512.3292,B101,C
+739,0,3,"Ivanoff, Mr. Kanio",male,,0,0,349201,7.8958,,S
+740,0,3,"Nankoff, Mr. Minko",male,,0,0,349218,7.8958,,S
+741,1,1,"Hawksford, Mr. Walter James",male,,0,0,16988,30,D45,S
+742,0,1,"Cavendish, Mr. Tyrell William",male,36,1,0,19877,78.85,C46,S
+743,1,1,"Ryerson, Miss. Susan Parker ""Suzette""",female,21,2,2,PC 17608,262.375,B57 B59 B63 B66,C
+744,0,3,"McNamee, Mr. Neal",male,24,1,0,376566,16.1,,S
+745,1,3,"Stranden, Mr. Juho",male,31,0,0,STON/O 2. 3101288,7.925,,S
+746,0,1,"Crosby, Capt. Edward Gifford",male,70,1,1,WE/P 5735,71,B22,S
+747,0,3,"Abbott, Mr. Rossmore Edward",male,16,1,1,C.A. 2673,20.25,,S
+748,1,2,"Sinkkonen, Miss. Anna",female,30,0,0,250648,13,,S
+749,0,1,"Marvin, Mr. Daniel Warner",male,19,1,0,113773,53.1,D30,S
+750,0,3,"Connaghton, Mr. Michael",male,31,0,0,335097,7.75,,Q
+751,1,2,"Wells, Miss. Joan",female,4,1,1,29103,23,,S
+752,1,3,"Moor, Master. Meier",male,6,0,1,392096,12.475,E121,S
+753,0,3,"Vande Velde, Mr. Johannes Joseph",male,33,0,0,345780,9.5,,S
+754,0,3,"Jonkoff, Mr. Lalio",male,23,0,0,349204,7.8958,,S
+755,1,2,"Herman, Mrs. Samuel (Jane Laver)",female,48,1,2,220845,65,,S
+756,1,2,"Hamalainen, Master. Viljo",male,0.67,1,1,250649,14.5,,S
+757,0,3,"Carlsson, Mr. August Sigfrid",male,28,0,0,350042,7.7958,,S
+758,0,2,"Bailey, Mr. Percy Andrew",male,18,0,0,29108,11.5,,S
+759,0,3,"Theobald, Mr. Thomas Leonard",male,34,0,0,363294,8.05,,S
+760,1,1,"Rothes, the Countess. of (Lucy Noel Martha Dyer-Edwards)",female,33,0,0,110152,86.5,B77,S
+761,0,3,"Garfirth, Mr. John",male,,0,0,358585,14.5,,S
+762,0,3,"Nirva, Mr. Iisakki Antino Aijo",male,41,0,0,SOTON/O2 3101272,7.125,,S
+763,1,3,"Barah, Mr. Hanna Assi",male,20,0,0,2663,7.2292,,C
+764,1,1,"Carter, Mrs. William Ernest (Lucile Polk)",female,36,1,2,113760,120,B96 B98,S
+765,0,3,"Eklund, Mr. Hans Linus",male,16,0,0,347074,7.775,,S
+766,1,1,"Hogeboom, Mrs. John C (Anna Andrews)",female,51,1,0,13502,77.9583,D11,S
+767,0,1,"Brewe, Dr. Arthur Jackson",male,,0,0,112379,39.6,,C
+768,0,3,"Mangan, Miss. Mary",female,30.5,0,0,364850,7.75,,Q
+769,0,3,"Moran, Mr. Daniel J",male,,1,0,371110,24.15,,Q
+770,0,3,"Gronnestad, Mr. Daniel Danielsen",male,32,0,0,8471,8.3625,,S
+771,0,3,"Lievens, Mr. Rene Aime",male,24,0,0,345781,9.5,,S
+772,0,3,"Jensen, Mr. Niels Peder",male,48,0,0,350047,7.8542,,S
+773,0,2,"Mack, Mrs. (Mary)",female,57,0,0,S.O./P.P. 3,10.5,E77,S
+774,0,3,"Elias, Mr. Dibo",male,,0,0,2674,7.225,,C
+775,1,2,"Hocking, Mrs. Elizabeth (Eliza Needs)",female,54,1,3,29105,23,,S
+776,0,3,"Myhrman, Mr. Pehr Fabian Oliver Malkolm",male,18,0,0,347078,7.75,,S
+777,0,3,"Tobin, Mr. Roger",male,,0,0,383121,7.75,F38,Q
+778,1,3,"Emanuel, Miss. Virginia Ethel",female,5,0,0,364516,12.475,,S
+779,0,3,"Kilgannon, Mr. Thomas J",male,,0,0,36865,7.7375,,Q
+780,1,1,"Robert, Mrs. Edward Scott (Elisabeth Walton McMillan)",female,43,0,1,24160,211.3375,B3,S
+781,1,3,"Ayoub, Miss. Banoura",female,13,0,0,2687,7.2292,,C
+782,1,1,"Dick, Mrs. Albert Adrian (Vera Gillespie)",female,17,1,0,17474,57,B20,S
+783,0,1,"Long, Mr. Milton Clyde",male,29,0,0,113501,30,D6,S
+784,0,3,"Johnston, Mr. Andrew G",male,,1,2,W./C. 6607,23.45,,S
+785,0,3,"Ali, Mr. William",male,25,0,0,SOTON/O.Q. 3101312,7.05,,S
+786,0,3,"Harmer, Mr. Abraham (David Lishin)",male,25,0,0,374887,7.25,,S
+787,1,3,"Sjoblom, Miss. Anna Sofia",female,18,0,0,3101265,7.4958,,S
+788,0,3,"Rice, Master. George Hugh",male,8,4,1,382652,29.125,,Q
+789,1,3,"Dean, Master. Bertram Vere",male,1,1,2,C.A. 2315,20.575,,S
+790,0,1,"Guggenheim, Mr. Benjamin",male,46,0,0,PC 17593,79.2,B82 B84,C
+791,0,3,"Keane, Mr. Andrew ""Andy""",male,,0,0,12460,7.75,,Q
+792,0,2,"Gaskell, Mr. Alfred",male,16,0,0,239865,26,,S
+793,0,3,"Sage, Miss. Stella Anna",female,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
+794,0,1,"Hoyt, Mr. William Fisher",male,,0,0,PC 17600,30.6958,,C
+795,0,3,"Dantcheff, Mr. Ristiu",male,25,0,0,349203,7.8958,,S
+796,0,2,"Otter, Mr. Richard",male,39,0,0,28213,13,,S
+797,1,1,"Leader, Dr. Alice (Farnham)",female,49,0,0,17465,25.9292,D17,S
+798,1,3,"Osman, Mrs. Mara",female,31,0,0,349244,8.6833,,S
+799,0,3,"Ibrahim Shawah, Mr. Yousseff",male,30,0,0,2685,7.2292,,C
+800,0,3,"Van Impe, Mrs. Jean Baptiste (Rosalie Paula Govaert)",female,30,1,1,345773,24.15,,S
+801,0,2,"Ponesell, Mr. Martin",male,34,0,0,250647,13,,S
+802,1,2,"Collyer, Mrs. Harvey (Charlotte Annie Tate)",female,31,1,1,C.A. 31921,26.25,,S
+803,1,1,"Carter, Master. William Thornton II",male,11,1,2,113760,120,B96 B98,S
+804,1,3,"Thomas, Master. Assad Alexander",male,0.42,0,1,2625,8.5167,,C
+805,1,3,"Hedman, Mr. Oskar Arvid",male,27,0,0,347089,6.975,,S
+806,0,3,"Johansson, Mr. Karl Johan",male,31,0,0,347063,7.775,,S
+807,0,1,"Andrews, Mr. Thomas Jr",male,39,0,0,112050,0,A36,S
+808,0,3,"Pettersson, Miss. Ellen Natalia",female,18,0,0,347087,7.775,,S
+809,0,2,"Meyer, Mr. August",male,39,0,0,248723,13,,S
+810,1,1,"Chambers, Mrs. Norman Campbell (Bertha Griggs)",female,33,1,0,113806,53.1,E8,S
+811,0,3,"Alexander, Mr. William",male,26,0,0,3474,7.8875,,S
+812,0,3,"Lester, Mr. James",male,39,0,0,A/4 48871,24.15,,S
+813,0,2,"Slemen, Mr. Richard James",male,35,0,0,28206,10.5,,S
+814,0,3,"Andersson, Miss. Ebba Iris Alfrida",female,6,4,2,347082,31.275,,S
+815,0,3,"Tomlin, Mr. Ernest Portage",male,30.5,0,0,364499,8.05,,S
+816,0,1,"Fry, Mr. Richard",male,,0,0,112058,0,B102,S
+817,0,3,"Heininen, Miss. Wendla Maria",female,23,0,0,STON/O2. 3101290,7.925,,S
+818,0,2,"Mallet, Mr. Albert",male,31,1,1,S.C./PARIS 2079,37.0042,,C
+819,0,3,"Holm, Mr. John Fredrik Alexander",male,43,0,0,C 7075,6.45,,S
+820,0,3,"Skoog, Master. Karl Thorsten",male,10,3,2,347088,27.9,,S
+821,1,1,"Hays, Mrs. Charles Melville (Clara Jennings Gregg)",female,52,1,1,12749,93.5,B69,S
+822,1,3,"Lulic, Mr. Nikola",male,27,0,0,315098,8.6625,,S
+823,0,1,"Reuchlin, Jonkheer. John George",male,38,0,0,19972,0,,S
+824,1,3,"Moor, Mrs. (Beila)",female,27,0,1,392096,12.475,E121,S
+825,0,3,"Panula, Master. Urho Abraham",male,2,4,1,3101295,39.6875,,S
+826,0,3,"Flynn, Mr. John",male,,0,0,368323,6.95,,Q
+827,0,3,"Lam, Mr. Len",male,,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
+828,1,2,"Mallet, Master. Andre",male,1,0,2,S.C./PARIS 2079,37.0042,,C
+829,1,3,"McCormack, Mr. Thomas Joseph",male,,0,0,367228,7.75,,Q
+830,1,1,"Stone, Mrs. George Nelson (Martha Evelyn)",female,62,0,0,113572,80,B28,
+831,1,3,"Yasbeck, Mrs. Antoni (Selini Alexander)",female,15,1,0,2659,14.4542,,C
+832,1,2,"Richards, Master. George Sibley",male,0.83,1,1,29106,18.75,,S
+833,0,3,"Saad, Mr. Amin",male,,0,0,2671,7.2292,,C
+834,0,3,"Augustsson, Mr. Albert",male,23,0,0,347468,7.8542,,S
+835,0,3,"Allum, Mr. Owen George",male,18,0,0,2223,8.3,,S
+836,1,1,"Compton, Miss. Sara Rebecca",female,39,1,1,PC 17756,83.1583,E49,C
+837,0,3,"Pasic, Mr. Jakob",male,21,0,0,315097,8.6625,,S
+838,0,3,"Sirota, Mr. Maurice",male,,0,0,392092,8.05,,S
+839,1,3,"Chip, Mr. Chang",male,32,0,0,1601,56.4958,,S
+840,1,1,"Marechal, Mr. Pierre",male,,0,0,11774,29.7,C47,C
+841,0,3,"Alhomaki, Mr. Ilmari Rudolf",male,20,0,0,SOTON/O2 3101287,7.925,,S
+842,0,2,"Mudd, Mr. Thomas Charles",male,16,0,0,S.O./P.P. 3,10.5,,S
+843,1,1,"Serepeca, Miss. Augusta",female,30,0,0,113798,31,,C
+844,0,3,"Lemberopolous, Mr. Peter L",male,34.5,0,0,2683,6.4375,,C
+845,0,3,"Culumovic, Mr. Jeso",male,17,0,0,315090,8.6625,,S
+846,0,3,"Abbing, Mr. Anthony",male,42,0,0,C.A. 5547,7.55,,S
+847,0,3,"Sage, Mr. Douglas Bullen",male,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
+848,0,3,"Markoff, Mr. Marin",male,35,0,0,349213,7.8958,,C
+849,0,2,"Harper, Rev. John",male,28,0,1,248727,33,,S
+850,1,1,"Goldenberg, Mrs. Samuel L (Edwiga Grabowska)",female,,1,0,17453,89.1042,C92,C
+851,0,3,"Andersson, Master. Sigvard Harald Elias",male,4,4,2,347082,31.275,,S
+852,0,3,"Svensson, Mr. Johan",male,74,0,0,347060,7.775,,S
+853,0,3,"Boulos, Miss. Nourelain",female,9,1,1,2678,15.2458,,C
+854,1,1,"Lines, Miss. Mary Conover",female,16,0,1,PC 17592,39.4,D28,S
+855,0,2,"Carter, Mrs. Ernest Courtenay (Lilian Hughes)",female,44,1,0,244252,26,,S
+856,1,3,"Aks, Mrs. Sam (Leah Rosen)",female,18,0,1,392091,9.35,,S
+857,1,1,"Wick, Mrs. George Dennick (Mary Hitchcock)",female,45,1,1,36928,164.8667,,S
+858,1,1,"Daly, Mr. Peter Denis ",male,51,0,0,113055,26.55,E17,S
+859,1,3,"Baclini, Mrs. Solomon (Latifa Qurban)",female,24,0,3,2666,19.2583,,C
+860,0,3,"Razi, Mr. Raihed",male,,0,0,2629,7.2292,,C
+861,0,3,"Hansen, Mr. Claus Peter",male,41,2,0,350026,14.1083,,S
+862,0,2,"Giles, Mr. Frederick Edward",male,21,1,0,28134,11.5,,S
+863,1,1,"Swift, Mrs. Frederick Joel (Margaret Welles Barron)",female,48,0,0,17466,25.9292,D17,S
+864,0,3,"Sage, Miss. Dorothy Edith ""Dolly""",female,,8,2,CA. 2343,69.55,,S
+865,0,2,"Gill, Mr. John William",male,24,0,0,233866,13,,S
+866,1,2,"Bystrom, Mrs. (Karolina)",female,42,0,0,236852,13,,S
+867,1,2,"Duran y More, Miss. Asuncion",female,27,1,0,SC/PARIS 2149,13.8583,,C
+868,0,1,"Roebling, Mr. Washington Augustus II",male,31,0,0,PC 17590,50.4958,A24,S
+869,0,3,"van Melkebeke, Mr. Philemon",male,,0,0,345777,9.5,,S
+870,1,3,"Johnson, Master. Harold Theodor",male,4,1,1,347742,11.1333,,S
+871,0,3,"Balkic, Mr. Cerin",male,26,0,0,349248,7.8958,,S
+872,1,1,"Beckwith, Mrs. Richard Leonard (Sallie Monypeny)",female,47,1,1,11751,52.5542,D35,S
+873,0,1,"Carlsson, Mr. Frans Olof",male,33,0,0,695,5,B51 B53 B55,S
+874,0,3,"Vander Cruyssen, Mr. Victor",male,47,0,0,345765,9,,S
+875,1,2,"Abelson, Mrs. Samuel (Hannah Wizosky)",female,28,1,0,P/PP 3381,24,,C
+876,1,3,"Najib, Miss. Adele Kiamie ""Jane""",female,15,0,0,2667,7.225,,C
+877,0,3,"Gustafsson, Mr. Alfred Ossian",male,20,0,0,7534,9.8458,,S
+878,0,3,"Petroff, Mr. Nedelio",male,19,0,0,349212,7.8958,,S
+879,0,3,"Laleff, Mr. Kristo",male,,0,0,349217,7.8958,,S
+880,1,1,"Potter, Mrs. Thomas Jr (Lily Alexenia Wilson)",female,56,0,1,11767,83.1583,C50,C
+881,1,2,"Shelley, Mrs. William (Imanita Parrish Hall)",female,25,0,1,230433,26,,S
+882,0,3,"Markun, Mr. Johann",male,33,0,0,349257,7.8958,,S
+883,0,3,"Dahlberg, Miss. Gerda Ulrika",female,22,0,0,7552,10.5167,,S
+884,0,2,"Banfield, Mr. Frederick James",male,28,0,0,C.A./SOTON 34068,10.5,,S
+885,0,3,"Sutehall, Mr. Henry Jr",male,25,0,0,SOTON/OQ 392076,7.05,,S
+886,0,3,"Rice, Mrs. William (Margaret Norton)",female,39,0,5,382652,29.125,,Q
+887,0,2,"Montvila, Rev. Juozas",male,27,0,0,211536,13,,S
+888,1,1,"Graham, Miss. Margaret Edith",female,19,0,0,112053,30,B42,S
+889,0,3,"Johnston, Miss. Catherine Helen ""Carrie""",female,,1,2,W./C. 6607,23.45,,S
+890,1,1,"Behr, Mr. Karl Howell",male,26,0,0,111369,30,C148,C
+891,0,3,"Dooley, Mr. Patrick",male,32,0,0,370376,7.75,,Q
diff --git a/exercicios/para-casa/titanic_pt.ipynb b/exercicios/para-casa/titanic_pt.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2dce7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exercicios/para-casa/titanic_pt.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 5,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " PassengerId | \n",
+ " Survived | \n",
+ " Pclass | \n",
+ " Name | \n",
+ " Sex | \n",
+ " Age | \n",
+ " SibSp | \n",
+ " Parch | \n",
+ " Ticket | \n",
+ " Fare | \n",
+ " Cabin | \n",
+ " Embarked | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Braund, Mr. Owen Harris | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 22.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " A/5 21171 | \n",
+ " 7.2500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th... | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 38.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " PC 17599 | \n",
+ " 71.2833 | \n",
+ " C85 | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Heikkinen, Miss. Laina | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 26.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " STON/O2. 3101282 | \n",
+ " 7.9250 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 35.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 113803 | \n",
+ " 53.1000 | \n",
+ " C123 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 5 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Allen, Mr. William Henry | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 35.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 373450 | \n",
+ " 8.0500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 886 | \n",
+ " 887 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " Montvila, Rev. Juozas | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 27.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 211536 | \n",
+ " 13.0000 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 887 | \n",
+ " 888 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Graham, Miss. Margaret Edith | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 19.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 112053 | \n",
+ " 30.0000 | \n",
+ " B42 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 888 | \n",
+ " 889 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Johnston, Miss. Catherine Helen \"Carrie\" | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " W./C. 6607 | \n",
+ " 23.4500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 889 | \n",
+ " 890 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Behr, Mr. Karl Howell | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 26.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 111369 | \n",
+ " 30.0000 | \n",
+ " C148 | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 890 | \n",
+ " 891 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Dooley, Mr. Patrick | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 32.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 370376 | \n",
+ " 7.7500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " Q | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
891 rows × 12 columns
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " PassengerId Survived Pclass \\\n",
+ "0 1 0 3 \n",
+ "1 2 1 1 \n",
+ "2 3 1 3 \n",
+ "3 4 1 1 \n",
+ "4 5 0 3 \n",
+ ".. ... ... ... \n",
+ "886 887 0 2 \n",
+ "887 888 1 1 \n",
+ "888 889 0 3 \n",
+ "889 890 1 1 \n",
+ "890 891 0 3 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Name Sex Age SibSp \\\n",
+ "0 Braund, Mr. Owen Harris male 22.0 1 \n",
+ "1 Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th... female 38.0 1 \n",
+ "2 Heikkinen, Miss. Laina female 26.0 0 \n",
+ "3 Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) female 35.0 1 \n",
+ "4 Allen, Mr. William Henry male 35.0 0 \n",
+ ".. ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "886 Montvila, Rev. Juozas male 27.0 0 \n",
+ "887 Graham, Miss. Margaret Edith female 19.0 0 \n",
+ "888 Johnston, Miss. Catherine Helen \"Carrie\" female NaN 1 \n",
+ "889 Behr, Mr. Karl Howell male 26.0 0 \n",
+ "890 Dooley, Mr. Patrick male 32.0 0 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Parch Ticket Fare Cabin Embarked \n",
+ "0 0 A/5 21171 7.2500 NaN S \n",
+ "1 0 PC 17599 71.2833 C85 C \n",
+ "2 0 STON/O2. 3101282 7.9250 NaN S \n",
+ "3 0 113803 53.1000 C123 S \n",
+ "4 0 373450 8.0500 NaN S \n",
+ ".. ... ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "886 0 211536 13.0000 NaN S \n",
+ "887 0 112053 30.0000 B42 S \n",
+ "888 2 W./C. 6607 23.4500 NaN S \n",
+ "889 0 111369 30.0000 C148 C \n",
+ "890 0 370376 7.7500 NaN Q \n",
+ "\n",
+ "[891 rows x 12 columns]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 5,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "import pandas as pd\n",
+ "\n",
+ "df_pt = pd.read_csv(\"titanic.csv\")\n",
+ "df_pt "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 3,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "Index(['PassengerId', 'Survived', 'Pclass', 'Name', 'Sex', 'Age', 'SibSp',\n",
+ " 'Parch', 'Ticket', 'Fare', 'Cabin', 'Embarked'],\n",
+ " dtype='object')"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 3,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "df_pt.columns"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 6,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " Passageiro | \n",
+ " Sobreviveu | \n",
+ " Classe | \n",
+ " Nome | \n",
+ " Sexo | \n",
+ " Idade | \n",
+ " Irmão ou Esposa/Marido abordo | \n",
+ " Pais e filhos abordo | \n",
+ " Bilhete | \n",
+ " Tarifa | \n",
+ " Cabine | \n",
+ " Embarcado | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Braund, Mr. Owen Harris | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 22.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " A/5 21171 | \n",
+ " 7.2500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th... | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 38.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " PC 17599 | \n",
+ " 71.2833 | \n",
+ " C85 | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Heikkinen, Miss. Laina | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 26.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " STON/O2. 3101282 | \n",
+ " 7.9250 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 35.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 113803 | \n",
+ " 53.1000 | \n",
+ " C123 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 5 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Allen, Mr. William Henry | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 35.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 373450 | \n",
+ " 8.0500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 886 | \n",
+ " 887 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " Montvila, Rev. Juozas | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 27.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 211536 | \n",
+ " 13.0000 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 887 | \n",
+ " 888 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Graham, Miss. Margaret Edith | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 19.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 112053 | \n",
+ " 30.0000 | \n",
+ " B42 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 888 | \n",
+ " 889 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Johnston, Miss. Catherine Helen \"Carrie\" | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " W./C. 6607 | \n",
+ " 23.4500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 889 | \n",
+ " 890 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Behr, Mr. Karl Howell | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 26.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 111369 | \n",
+ " 30.0000 | \n",
+ " C148 | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 890 | \n",
+ " 891 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Dooley, Mr. Patrick | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 32.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 370376 | \n",
+ " 7.7500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " Q | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
891 rows × 12 columns
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " Passageiro Sobreviveu Classe \\\n",
+ "0 1 0 3 \n",
+ "1 2 1 1 \n",
+ "2 3 1 3 \n",
+ "3 4 1 1 \n",
+ "4 5 0 3 \n",
+ ".. ... ... ... \n",
+ "886 887 0 2 \n",
+ "887 888 1 1 \n",
+ "888 889 0 3 \n",
+ "889 890 1 1 \n",
+ "890 891 0 3 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Nome Sexo Idade \\\n",
+ "0 Braund, Mr. Owen Harris male 22.0 \n",
+ "1 Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th... female 38.0 \n",
+ "2 Heikkinen, Miss. Laina female 26.0 \n",
+ "3 Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) female 35.0 \n",
+ "4 Allen, Mr. William Henry male 35.0 \n",
+ ".. ... ... ... \n",
+ "886 Montvila, Rev. Juozas male 27.0 \n",
+ "887 Graham, Miss. Margaret Edith female 19.0 \n",
+ "888 Johnston, Miss. Catherine Helen \"Carrie\" female NaN \n",
+ "889 Behr, Mr. Karl Howell male 26.0 \n",
+ "890 Dooley, Mr. Patrick male 32.0 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Irmão ou Esposa/Marido abordo Pais e filhos abordo Bilhete \\\n",
+ "0 1 0 A/5 21171 \n",
+ "1 1 0 PC 17599 \n",
+ "2 0 0 STON/O2. 3101282 \n",
+ "3 1 0 113803 \n",
+ "4 0 0 373450 \n",
+ ".. ... ... ... \n",
+ "886 0 0 211536 \n",
+ "887 0 0 112053 \n",
+ "888 1 2 W./C. 6607 \n",
+ "889 0 0 111369 \n",
+ "890 0 0 370376 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Tarifa Cabine Embarcado \n",
+ "0 7.2500 NaN S \n",
+ "1 71.2833 C85 C \n",
+ "2 7.9250 NaN S \n",
+ "3 53.1000 C123 S \n",
+ "4 8.0500 NaN S \n",
+ ".. ... ... ... \n",
+ "886 13.0000 NaN S \n",
+ "887 30.0000 B42 S \n",
+ "888 23.4500 NaN S \n",
+ "889 30.0000 C148 C \n",
+ "890 7.7500 NaN Q \n",
+ "\n",
+ "[891 rows x 12 columns]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 6,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "#Mudando nome de Coluna\n",
+ "mapeamento_colunas = {\n",
+ " 'PassengerId' : 'Passageiro',\n",
+ " 'Survived' : 'Sobreviveu',\n",
+ " 'Pclass' : 'Classe',\n",
+ " 'Name' : 'Nome',\n",
+ " 'Sex' : 'Sexo',\n",
+ " 'Age':'Idade',\n",
+ " 'SibSp':'Irmão ou Esposa/Marido abordo',\n",
+ " 'Parch':' Pais e filhos abordo',\n",
+ " 'Ticket':'Bilhete',\n",
+ " 'Fare': 'Tarifa',\n",
+ " 'Cabin':'Cabine',\n",
+ " 'Embarked':'Embarcado'\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "df_pt.rename(columns=mapeamento_colunas, inplace=True)\n",
+ "df_pt"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "\n",
+ "novo_arquivo = 'novo_titanic_pt.csv'\n",
+ "\n",
+ "df_pt.to_csv(novo_arquivo, index=False)"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": "Python 3",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
+ "language_info": {
+ "codemirror_mode": {
+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
+ "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
+ "version": "3.11.4"
+ }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 2
diff --git a/material/aula_s11.ipynb b/material/aula_s11.ipynb
index 8193734..40ff220 100644
--- a/material/aula_s11.ipynb
+++ b/material/aula_s11.ipynb
@@ -9,6 +9,327 @@
"Pandas é uma biblioteca Python de análise e manipulação de dados que otimiza o trabalho com dados relacionais, tornando-se uma ferramenta essencial dentro da área de Ciências de Dados pois permite limpeza e tratamento de dados, análise exploratória de dados (EDA), suporte em atividades de Machine Learning, consultas e queries em bancos de dados relacionais, visualização de dados, webscraping, etc."
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": []
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 1,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Collecting pandas\n",
+ " Downloading pandas-2.1.1-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl (10.6 MB)\n",
+ " 0.0/10.6 MB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " 0.2/10.6 MB 4.1 MB/s eta 0:00:03\n",
+ " -- 0.5/10.6 MB 5.7 MB/s eta 0:00:02\n",
+ " -- 0.7/10.6 MB 5.8 MB/s eta 0:00:02\n",
+ " --- 0.8/10.6 MB 4.6 MB/s eta 0:00:03\n",
+ " --- 0.8/10.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:03\n",
+ " --- 0.8/10.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:03\n",
+ " --- 0.8/10.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:03\n",
+ " ----- 1.5/10.6 MB 4.1 MB/s eta 0:00:03\n",
+ " ------ 1.6/10.6 MB 4.0 MB/s eta 0:00:03\n",
+ " ------ 1.6/10.6 MB 4.0 MB/s eta 0:00:03\n",
+ " -------- 2.2/10.6 MB 4.6 MB/s eta 0:00:02\n",
+ " --------- 2.6/10.6 MB 4.9 MB/s eta 0:00:02\n",
+ " ----------- 3.0/10.6 MB 5.1 MB/s eta 0:00:02\n",
+ " ------------- 3.5/10.6 MB 5.3 MB/s eta 0:00:02\n",
+ " -------------- 3.9/10.6 MB 5.6 MB/s eta 0:00:02\n",
+ " ---------------- 4.3/10.6 MB 5.7 MB/s eta 0:00:02\n",
+ " ---------------- 4.5/10.6 MB 5.9 MB/s eta 0:00:02\n",
+ " ----------------- 4.7/10.6 MB 5.7 MB/s eta 0:00:02\n",
+ " ------------------- 5.1/10.6 MB 5.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " -------------------- 5.6/10.6 MB 6.0 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ---------------------- 6.0/10.6 MB 6.1 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------ 6.5/10.6 MB 6.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " -------------------------- 7.0/10.6 MB 6.4 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " -------------------------- 7.0/10.6 MB 6.4 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " -------------------------- 7.1/10.6 MB 6.0 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " -------------------------- 7.1/10.6 MB 5.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------- 7.4/10.6 MB 6.0 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------- 7.4/10.6 MB 6.0 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ---------------------------- 7.6/10.6 MB 5.7 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ----------------------------- 7.8/10.6 MB 5.6 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ----------------------------- 7.8/10.6 MB 5.6 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ----------------------------- 7.9/10.6 MB 5.4 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ----------------------------- 7.9/10.6 MB 5.4 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ----------------------------- 7.9/10.6 MB 5.4 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ----------------------------- 7.9/10.6 MB 5.4 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ----------------------------- 7.9/10.6 MB 5.4 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ----------------------------- 7.9/10.6 MB 5.4 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ----------------------------- 7.9/10.6 MB 5.4 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------- 8.9/10.6 MB 5.0 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ---------------------------------- 9.1/10.6 MB 4.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ---------------------------------- 9.2/10.6 MB 4.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ---------------------------------- 9.3/10.6 MB 4.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ----------------------------------- 9.4/10.6 MB 4.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 9.6/10.6 MB 4.7 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 9.7/10.6 MB 4.7 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 9.8/10.6 MB 4.6 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 10.0/10.6 MB 4.6 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 10.0/10.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " -------------------------------------- 10.1/10.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " -------------------------------------- 10.2/10.6 MB 4.4 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " -------------------------------------- 10.3/10.6 MB 4.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.5/10.6 MB 4.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ---------------------------------------- 10.6/10.6 MB 1.3 MB/s eta 0:00:00\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.23.2 in c:\\users\\dani negrão\\appdata\\local\\programs\\python\\python311\\lib\\site-packages (from pandas) (1.26.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.8.2 in c:\\users\\dani negrão\\appdata\\roaming\\python\\python311\\site-packages (from pandas) (2.8.2)\n",
+ "Collecting pytz>=2020.1 (from pandas)\n",
+ " Downloading pytz-2023.3.post1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (502 kB)\n",
+ " 0.0/502.5 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " ------- 92.2/502.5 kB 2.6 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " -------------- 194.6/502.5 kB 2.4 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------- 286.7/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------ 409.6/502.5 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 501.8/502.5 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 502.5/502.5 kB 188.6 kB/s eta 0:00:00\n",
+ "Collecting tzdata>=2022.1 (from pandas)\n",
+ " Downloading tzdata-2023.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (341 kB)\n",
+ " 0.0/341.8 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " --------- 81.9/341.8 kB 1.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " -------------------- 184.3/341.8 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ----------------------------------- 317.4/341.8 kB 2.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 337.9/341.8 kB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 341.8/341.8 kB 122.7 kB/s eta 0:00:00\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in c:\\users\\dani negrão\\appdata\\roaming\\python\\python311\\site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.8.2->pandas) (1.16.0)\n",
+ "Installing collected packages: pytz, tzdata, pandas\n",
+ "Successfully installed pandas-2.1.1 pytz-2023.3.post1 tzdata-2023.3\n",
+ "Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "\n",
+ "[notice] A new release of pip is available: 23.1.2 -> 23.2.1\n",
+ "[notice] To update, run: python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "%pip install pandas"
+ ]
+ },
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
@@ -26,7 +347,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 2,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
@@ -55,7 +376,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
@@ -63,7 +384,30 @@
"id": "2AqXNR4HyYPi",
"outputId": "8d969379-0cb2-41eb-f281-87d8f26a075a"
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "0 Patrícia\n",
+ "1 Camila\n",
+ "2 Gabi\n",
+ "3 Anna\n",
+ "4 Tamires\n",
+ "dtype: object\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "pandas.core.series.Series"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 3,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
"lista = [\"Patrícia\", \"Camila\", \"Gabi\", \"Anna\", \"Tamires\"]\n",
@@ -74,7 +418,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
@@ -82,7 +426,30 @@
"id": "MZ6CTY79ycKR",
"outputId": "518d60e5-e35d-4e97-aea9-2c677c75766a"
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "a Patrícia\n",
+ "b Camila\n",
+ "c Gabi\n",
+ "d Anna\n",
+ "e Tamires\n",
+ "dtype: object\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "pandas.core.series.Series"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 4,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
"dicionario = {\"a\": \"Patrícia\", \"b\": \"Camila\", \"c\": \"Gabi\", \"d\": \"Anna\", \"e\": \"Tamires\"}\n",
@@ -93,7 +460,49 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 7,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import numpy as np"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 6,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\\users\\dani negrão\\appdata\\local\\programs\\python\\python311\\lib\\site-packages (1.26.0)Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "\n",
+ "[notice] A new release of pip is available: 23.1.2 -> 23.2.1\n",
+ "[notice] To update, run: python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "%pip install numpy"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 8,
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
@@ -101,7 +510,25 @@
"id": "x_I2XcYCycMU",
"outputId": "7ea30b52-93a3-4787-b461-1f09448dc340"
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "[22 15 18 17 24]\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "pandas.core.series.Series"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 8,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
"array_numpy = np.random.randint(5, 25, size=5)\n",
@@ -123,7 +550,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 9,
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
@@ -132,14 +559,33 @@
"id": "nrAyRyd32H8S",
"outputId": "14540136-0b05-44e8-80d8-07f4803af26e"
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "C:\\Users\\Dani Negrão\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ipykernel_14536\\3066844099.py:1: FutureWarning: Series.__getitem__ treating keys as positions is deprecated. In a future version, integer keys will always be treated as labels (consistent with DataFrame behavior). To access a value by position, use `ser.iloc[pos]`\n",
+ " serie_do_dicionario[0]\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "'Patrícia'"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 9,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 10,
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
@@ -148,11 +594,280 @@
"id": "I91ASKbz2H-s",
"outputId": "7e5f4fc8-19e0-481e-bfac-da9340dc87b3"
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "'Anna'"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 10,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 12,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Collecting matplotlibNote: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "\n",
+ "[notice] A new release of pip is available: 23.1.2 -> 23.2.1\n",
+ "[notice] To update, run: python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "\n",
+ " Downloading matplotlib-3.8.0-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl (7.6 MB)\n",
+ " 0.0/7.6 MB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " 0.0/7.6 MB 991.0 kB/s eta 0:00:08\n",
+ " 0.1/7.6 MB 1.8 MB/s eta 0:00:05\n",
+ " - 0.4/7.6 MB 3.2 MB/s eta 0:00:03\n",
+ " --- 0.7/7.6 MB 4.4 MB/s eta 0:00:02\n",
+ " --- 0.8/7.6 MB 4.3 MB/s eta 0:00:02\n",
+ " ------- 1.3/7.6 MB 5.3 MB/s eta 0:00:02\n",
+ " ------- 1.5/7.6 MB 5.4 MB/s eta 0:00:02\n",
+ " ------- 1.5/7.6 MB 5.4 MB/s eta 0:00:02\n",
+ " ------------ 2.4/7.6 MB 5.7 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " -------------- 2.8/7.6 MB 6.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ---------------- 3.1/7.6 MB 6.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 3.5/7.6 MB 6.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " -------------------- 3.8/7.6 MB 6.4 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ---------------------- 4.3/7.6 MB 6.6 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------ 4.8/7.6 MB 6.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " -------------------------- 5.1/7.6 MB 6.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ---------------------------- 5.5/7.6 MB 6.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------- 6.0/7.6 MB 7.1 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " -------------------------------- 6.2/7.6 MB 7.1 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " -------------------------------- 6.2/7.6 MB 7.1 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------- 6.4/7.6 MB 6.6 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ---------------------------------- 6.6/7.6 MB 6.4 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ----------------------------------- 6.8/7.6 MB 6.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ----------------------------------- 6.8/7.6 MB 6.3 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 6.9/7.6 MB 5.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 6.9/7.6 MB 5.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 6.9/7.6 MB 5.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 6.9/7.6 MB 5.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 6.9/7.6 MB 5.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 6.9/7.6 MB 5.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 6.9/7.6 MB 5.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 6.9/7.6 MB 5.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 6.9/7.6 MB 5.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 6.9/7.6 MB 5.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 6.9/7.6 MB 5.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 6.9/7.6 MB 5.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ---------------------------------------- 7.6/7.6 MB 2.3 MB/s eta 0:00:00\n",
+ "Collecting contourpy>=1.0.1 (from matplotlib)\n",
+ " Downloading contourpy-1.1.1-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl (480 kB)\n",
+ " 0.0/480.5 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " --------------- 194.6/480.5 kB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ----------------------------- 368.6/480.5 kB 4.6 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 471.0/480.5 kB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 471.0/480.5 kB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 471.0/480.5 kB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 471.0/480.5 kB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 471.0/480.5 kB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 471.0/480.5 kB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 471.0/480.5 kB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 471.0/480.5 kB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 471.0/480.5 kB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 471.0/480.5 kB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 471.0/480.5 kB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 480.5/480.5 kB 793.1 kB/s eta 0:00:00\n",
+ "Collecting cycler>=0.10 (from matplotlib)\n",
+ " Downloading cycler-0.12.1-py3-none-any.whl (8.3 kB)\n",
+ "Collecting fonttools>=4.22.0 (from matplotlib)\n",
+ " Downloading fonttools-4.43.1-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl (2.1 MB)\n",
+ " 0.0/2.1 MB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " -- 0.1/2.1 MB 3.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ----- 0.3/2.1 MB 3.4 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " -------- 0.5/2.1 MB 4.0 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ----------- 0.6/2.1 MB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " -------------- 0.8/2.1 MB 3.7 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.0/2.1 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------- 1.2/2.1 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------ 1.3/2.1 MB 3.7 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------- 1.5/2.1 MB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------ 1.7/2.1 MB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ---------------------------------- 1.9/2.1 MB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " -------------------------------------- 2.0/2.1 MB 3.7 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.1/2.1 MB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.1/2.1 MB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.1/2.1 MB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.1/2.1 MB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.1/2.1 MB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.1/2.1 MB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.1/2.1 MB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.1/2.1 MB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.1/2.1 MB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.1/2.1 MB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.1/2.1 MB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.1/2.1 MB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.1/2.1 MB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.1/2.1 MB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.1/2.1 MB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.1/2.1 MB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.1/2.1 MB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.1/2.1 MB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.1/2.1 MB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.1/2.1 MB 3.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ---------------------------------------- 2.1/2.1 MB 1.5 MB/s eta 0:00:00\n",
+ "Collecting kiwisolver>=1.0.1 (from matplotlib)\n",
+ " Downloading kiwisolver-1.4.5-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl (56 kB)\n",
+ " 0.0/56.1 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 51.2/56.1 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 51.2/56.1 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 51.2/56.1 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 51.2/56.1 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 51.2/56.1 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 51.2/56.1 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 51.2/56.1 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 51.2/56.1 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 51.2/56.1 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 51.2/56.1 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 51.2/56.1 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 51.2/56.1 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 51.2/56.1 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 51.2/56.1 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 51.2/56.1 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 51.2/56.1 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 51.2/56.1 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 51.2/56.1 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 51.2/56.1 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 51.2/56.1 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 51.2/56.1 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 51.2/56.1 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 56.1/56.1 kB 43.8 kB/s eta 0:00:00\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: numpy<2,>=1.21 in c:\\users\\dani negrão\\appdata\\local\\programs\\python\\python311\\lib\\site-packages (from matplotlib) (1.26.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=20.0 in c:\\users\\dani negrão\\appdata\\roaming\\python\\python311\\site-packages (from matplotlib) (23.2)\n",
+ "Collecting pillow>=6.2.0 (from matplotlib)\n",
+ " Downloading Pillow-10.0.1-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl (2.5 MB)\n",
+ " 0.0/2.5 MB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " --- 0.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------ 0.4/2.5 MB 4.0 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------- 0.6/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------ 0.8/2.5 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------- 1.0/2.5 MB 4.2 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------ 1.2/2.5 MB 3.9 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ----------------------------------- 2.3/2.5 MB 1.4 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.5/2.5 MB 1.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.5/2.5 MB 1.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.5/2.5 MB 1.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.5/2.5 MB 1.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.5/2.5 MB 1.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.5/2.5 MB 1.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.5/2.5 MB 1.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.5/2.5 MB 1.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.5/2.5 MB 1.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.5/2.5 MB 1.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.5/2.5 MB 1.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.5/2.5 MB 1.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.5/2.5 MB 1.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.5/2.5 MB 1.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " --------------------------------------- 2.5/2.5 MB 1.5 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ---------------------------------------- 2.5/2.5 MB 1.1 MB/s eta 0:00:00\n",
+ "Collecting pyparsing>=2.3.1 (from matplotlib)\n",
+ " Downloading pyparsing-3.1.1-py3-none-any.whl (103 kB)\n",
+ " 0.0/103.1 kB ? eta -:--:--\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 102.4/103.1 kB 5.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 102.4/103.1 kB 5.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 102.4/103.1 kB 5.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 102.4/103.1 kB 5.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 102.4/103.1 kB 5.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 102.4/103.1 kB 5.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 102.4/103.1 kB 5.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 102.4/103.1 kB 5.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 102.4/103.1 kB 5.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------- 102.4/103.1 kB 5.8 MB/s eta 0:00:01\n",
+ " ------------------------------------ 103.1/103.1 kB 205.1 kB/s eta 0:00:00\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.7 in c:\\users\\dani negrão\\appdata\\roaming\\python\\python311\\site-packages (from matplotlib) (2.8.2)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in c:\\users\\dani negrão\\appdata\\roaming\\python\\python311\\site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.7->matplotlib) (1.16.0)\n",
+ "Installing collected packages: pyparsing, pillow, kiwisolver, fonttools, cycler, contourpy, matplotlib\n",
+ "Successfully installed contourpy-1.1.1 cycler-0.12.1 fonttools-4.43.1 kiwisolver-1.4.5 matplotlib-3.8.0 pillow-10.0.1 pyparsing-3.1.1\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "%pip install matplotlib"
+ ]
+ },
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
@@ -190,49 +905,683 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 13,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
- "import pandas as pd\n",
+ "#import pandas as pd\n",
"df = pd.read_csv(\"titanic.csv\")"
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 14,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " PassengerId | \n",
+ " Survived | \n",
+ " Pclass | \n",
+ " Name | \n",
+ " Sex | \n",
+ " Age | \n",
+ " SibSp | \n",
+ " Parch | \n",
+ " Ticket | \n",
+ " Fare | \n",
+ " Cabin | \n",
+ " Embarked | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Braund, Mr. Owen Harris | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 22.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " A/5 21171 | \n",
+ " 7.2500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th... | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 38.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " PC 17599 | \n",
+ " 71.2833 | \n",
+ " C85 | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Heikkinen, Miss. Laina | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 26.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " STON/O2. 3101282 | \n",
+ " 7.9250 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 35.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 113803 | \n",
+ " 53.1000 | \n",
+ " C123 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 5 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Allen, Mr. William Henry | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 35.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 373450 | \n",
+ " 8.0500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 886 | \n",
+ " 887 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " Montvila, Rev. Juozas | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 27.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 211536 | \n",
+ " 13.0000 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 887 | \n",
+ " 888 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Graham, Miss. Margaret Edith | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 19.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 112053 | \n",
+ " 30.0000 | \n",
+ " B42 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 888 | \n",
+ " 889 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Johnston, Miss. Catherine Helen \"Carrie\" | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " W./C. 6607 | \n",
+ " 23.4500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 889 | \n",
+ " 890 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Behr, Mr. Karl Howell | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 26.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 111369 | \n",
+ " 30.0000 | \n",
+ " C148 | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 890 | \n",
+ " 891 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Dooley, Mr. Patrick | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 32.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 370376 | \n",
+ " 7.7500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " Q | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
891 rows × 12 columns
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " PassengerId Survived Pclass \\\n",
+ "0 1 0 3 \n",
+ "1 2 1 1 \n",
+ "2 3 1 3 \n",
+ "3 4 1 1 \n",
+ "4 5 0 3 \n",
+ ".. ... ... ... \n",
+ "886 887 0 2 \n",
+ "887 888 1 1 \n",
+ "888 889 0 3 \n",
+ "889 890 1 1 \n",
+ "890 891 0 3 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Name Sex Age SibSp \\\n",
+ "0 Braund, Mr. Owen Harris male 22.0 1 \n",
+ "1 Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th... female 38.0 1 \n",
+ "2 Heikkinen, Miss. Laina female 26.0 0 \n",
+ "3 Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) female 35.0 1 \n",
+ "4 Allen, Mr. William Henry male 35.0 0 \n",
+ ".. ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "886 Montvila, Rev. Juozas male 27.0 0 \n",
+ "887 Graham, Miss. Margaret Edith female 19.0 0 \n",
+ "888 Johnston, Miss. Catherine Helen \"Carrie\" female NaN 1 \n",
+ "889 Behr, Mr. Karl Howell male 26.0 0 \n",
+ "890 Dooley, Mr. Patrick male 32.0 0 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Parch Ticket Fare Cabin Embarked \n",
+ "0 0 A/5 21171 7.2500 NaN S \n",
+ "1 0 PC 17599 71.2833 C85 C \n",
+ "2 0 STON/O2. 3101282 7.9250 NaN S \n",
+ "3 0 113803 53.1000 C123 S \n",
+ "4 0 373450 8.0500 NaN S \n",
+ ".. ... ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "886 0 211536 13.0000 NaN S \n",
+ "887 0 112053 30.0000 B42 S \n",
+ "888 2 W./C. 6607 23.4500 NaN S \n",
+ "889 0 111369 30.0000 C148 C \n",
+ "890 0 370376 7.7500 NaN Q \n",
+ "\n",
+ "[891 rows x 12 columns]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 14,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 17,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " PassengerId | \n",
+ " Survived | \n",
+ " Pclass | \n",
+ " Name | \n",
+ " Sex | \n",
+ " Age | \n",
+ " SibSp | \n",
+ " Parch | \n",
+ " Ticket | \n",
+ " Fare | \n",
+ " Cabin | \n",
+ " Embarked | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Braund, Mr. Owen Harris | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 22.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " A/5 21171 | \n",
+ " 7.2500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th... | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 38.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " PC 17599 | \n",
+ " 71.2833 | \n",
+ " C85 | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Heikkinen, Miss. Laina | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 26.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " STON/O2. 3101282 | \n",
+ " 7.9250 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 35.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 113803 | \n",
+ " 53.1000 | \n",
+ " C123 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 5 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Allen, Mr. William Henry | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 35.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 373450 | \n",
+ " 8.0500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 5 | \n",
+ " 6 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Moran, Mr. James | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 330877 | \n",
+ " 8.4583 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " Q | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 6 | \n",
+ " 7 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 54.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 17463 | \n",
+ " 51.8625 | \n",
+ " E46 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 7 | \n",
+ " 8 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Palsson, Master. Gosta Leonard | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 2.0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 349909 | \n",
+ " 21.0750 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 8 | \n",
+ " 9 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Johnson, Mrs. Oscar W (Elisabeth Vilhelmina Berg) | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 27.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 347742 | \n",
+ " 11.1333 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 9 | \n",
+ " 10 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " Nasser, Mrs. Nicholas (Adele Achem) | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 14.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 237736 | \n",
+ " 30.0708 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " PassengerId Survived Pclass \\\n",
+ "0 1 0 3 \n",
+ "1 2 1 1 \n",
+ "2 3 1 3 \n",
+ "3 4 1 1 \n",
+ "4 5 0 3 \n",
+ "5 6 0 3 \n",
+ "6 7 0 1 \n",
+ "7 8 0 3 \n",
+ "8 9 1 3 \n",
+ "9 10 1 2 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Name Sex Age SibSp \\\n",
+ "0 Braund, Mr. Owen Harris male 22.0 1 \n",
+ "1 Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th... female 38.0 1 \n",
+ "2 Heikkinen, Miss. Laina female 26.0 0 \n",
+ "3 Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) female 35.0 1 \n",
+ "4 Allen, Mr. William Henry male 35.0 0 \n",
+ "5 Moran, Mr. James male NaN 0 \n",
+ "6 McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J male 54.0 0 \n",
+ "7 Palsson, Master. Gosta Leonard male 2.0 3 \n",
+ "8 Johnson, Mrs. Oscar W (Elisabeth Vilhelmina Berg) female 27.0 0 \n",
+ "9 Nasser, Mrs. Nicholas (Adele Achem) female 14.0 1 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Parch Ticket Fare Cabin Embarked \n",
+ "0 0 A/5 21171 7.2500 NaN S \n",
+ "1 0 PC 17599 71.2833 C85 C \n",
+ "2 0 STON/O2. 3101282 7.9250 NaN S \n",
+ "3 0 113803 53.1000 C123 S \n",
+ "4 0 373450 8.0500 NaN S \n",
+ "5 0 330877 8.4583 NaN Q \n",
+ "6 0 17463 51.8625 E46 S \n",
+ "7 1 349909 21.0750 NaN S \n",
+ "8 2 347742 11.1333 NaN S \n",
+ "9 0 237736 30.0708 NaN C "
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 17,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
"#função head() \n",
- "df.head()"
+ "df.head(10)"
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 18,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " PassengerId | \n",
+ " Survived | \n",
+ " Pclass | \n",
+ " Name | \n",
+ " Sex | \n",
+ " Age | \n",
+ " SibSp | \n",
+ " Parch | \n",
+ " Ticket | \n",
+ " Fare | \n",
+ " Cabin | \n",
+ " Embarked | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 886 | \n",
+ " 887 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " Montvila, Rev. Juozas | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 27.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 211536 | \n",
+ " 13.00 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 887 | \n",
+ " 888 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Graham, Miss. Margaret Edith | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 19.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 112053 | \n",
+ " 30.00 | \n",
+ " B42 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 888 | \n",
+ " 889 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Johnston, Miss. Catherine Helen \"Carrie\" | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " W./C. 6607 | \n",
+ " 23.45 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 889 | \n",
+ " 890 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Behr, Mr. Karl Howell | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 26.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 111369 | \n",
+ " 30.00 | \n",
+ " C148 | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 890 | \n",
+ " 891 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Dooley, Mr. Patrick | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 32.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 370376 | \n",
+ " 7.75 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " Q | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " PassengerId Survived Pclass Name \\\n",
+ "886 887 0 2 Montvila, Rev. Juozas \n",
+ "887 888 1 1 Graham, Miss. Margaret Edith \n",
+ "888 889 0 3 Johnston, Miss. Catherine Helen \"Carrie\" \n",
+ "889 890 1 1 Behr, Mr. Karl Howell \n",
+ "890 891 0 3 Dooley, Mr. Patrick \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Sex Age SibSp Parch Ticket Fare Cabin Embarked \n",
+ "886 male 27.0 0 0 211536 13.00 NaN S \n",
+ "887 female 19.0 0 0 112053 30.00 B42 S \n",
+ "888 female NaN 1 2 W./C. 6607 23.45 NaN S \n",
+ "889 male 26.0 0 0 111369 30.00 C148 C \n",
+ "890 male 32.0 0 0 370376 7.75 NaN Q "
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 18,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
"# função tail\n",
- "df.tail()"
+ "df.tail(5)"
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 19,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "(891, 12)"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 19,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
"# Qual o tamanho do dataframe?\n",
@@ -240,9 +1589,151 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 22,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " PassengerId | \n",
+ " Survived | \n",
+ " Pclass | \n",
+ " Age | \n",
+ " SibSp | \n",
+ " Parch | \n",
+ " Fare | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " count | \n",
+ " 891.000000 | \n",
+ " 891.000000 | \n",
+ " 891.000000 | \n",
+ " 714.000000 | \n",
+ " 891.000000 | \n",
+ " 891.000000 | \n",
+ " 891.000000 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " mean | \n",
+ " 446.000000 | \n",
+ " 0.383838 | \n",
+ " 2.308642 | \n",
+ " 29.699118 | \n",
+ " 0.523008 | \n",
+ " 0.381594 | \n",
+ " 32.204208 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " std | \n",
+ " 257.353842 | \n",
+ " 0.486592 | \n",
+ " 0.836071 | \n",
+ " 14.526497 | \n",
+ " 1.102743 | \n",
+ " 0.806057 | \n",
+ " 49.693429 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " min | \n",
+ " 1.000000 | \n",
+ " 0.000000 | \n",
+ " 1.000000 | \n",
+ " 0.420000 | \n",
+ " 0.000000 | \n",
+ " 0.000000 | \n",
+ " 0.000000 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 25% | \n",
+ " 223.500000 | \n",
+ " 0.000000 | \n",
+ " 2.000000 | \n",
+ " 20.125000 | \n",
+ " 0.000000 | \n",
+ " 0.000000 | \n",
+ " 7.910400 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 50% | \n",
+ " 446.000000 | \n",
+ " 0.000000 | \n",
+ " 3.000000 | \n",
+ " 28.000000 | \n",
+ " 0.000000 | \n",
+ " 0.000000 | \n",
+ " 14.454200 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 75% | \n",
+ " 668.500000 | \n",
+ " 1.000000 | \n",
+ " 3.000000 | \n",
+ " 38.000000 | \n",
+ " 1.000000 | \n",
+ " 0.000000 | \n",
+ " 31.000000 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " max | \n",
+ " 891.000000 | \n",
+ " 1.000000 | \n",
+ " 3.000000 | \n",
+ " 80.000000 | \n",
+ " 8.000000 | \n",
+ " 6.000000 | \n",
+ " 512.329200 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " PassengerId Survived Pclass Age SibSp \\\n",
+ "count 891.000000 891.000000 891.000000 714.000000 891.000000 \n",
+ "mean 446.000000 0.383838 2.308642 29.699118 0.523008 \n",
+ "std 257.353842 0.486592 0.836071 14.526497 1.102743 \n",
+ "min 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.420000 0.000000 \n",
+ "25% 223.500000 0.000000 2.000000 20.125000 0.000000 \n",
+ "50% 446.000000 0.000000 3.000000 28.000000 0.000000 \n",
+ "75% 668.500000 1.000000 3.000000 38.000000 1.000000 \n",
+ "max 891.000000 1.000000 3.000000 80.000000 8.000000 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Parch Fare \n",
+ "count 891.000000 891.000000 \n",
+ "mean 0.381594 32.204208 \n",
+ "std 0.806057 49.693429 \n",
+ "min 0.000000 0.000000 \n",
+ "25% 0.000000 7.910400 \n",
+ "50% 0.000000 14.454200 \n",
+ "75% 0.000000 31.000000 \n",
+ "max 6.000000 512.329200 "
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 22,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
"# resumo estatístico dos dados\n",
@@ -250,9 +1741,32 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 23,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "PassengerId int64\n",
+ "Survived int64\n",
+ "Pclass int64\n",
+ "Name object\n",
+ "Sex object\n",
+ "Age float64\n",
+ "SibSp int64\n",
+ "Parch int64\n",
+ "Ticket object\n",
+ "Fare float64\n",
+ "Cabin object\n",
+ "Embarked object\n",
+ "dtype: object"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 23,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
"# Quais os tipos dos dados?\n",
@@ -260,9 +1774,250 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 30,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " PassengerId | \n",
+ " Survived | \n",
+ " Pclass | \n",
+ " Name | \n",
+ " Sex | \n",
+ " Age | \n",
+ " SibSp | \n",
+ " Parch | \n",
+ " Ticket | \n",
+ " Fare | \n",
+ " Cabin | \n",
+ " Embarked | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 558 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Robbins, Mr. Victor | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " PC 17757 | \n",
+ " 227.5250 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 284 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Dorking, Mr. Edward Arthur | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 19.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " A/5. 10482 | \n",
+ " 8.0500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 440 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " Kvillner, Mr. Johan Henrik Johannesson | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 31.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " C.A. 18723 | \n",
+ " 10.5000 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 879 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Laleff, Mr. Kristo | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 349217 | \n",
+ " 7.8958 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 394 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Newell, Miss. Marjorie | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 23.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 35273 | \n",
+ " 113.2750 | \n",
+ " D36 | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 245 | \n",
+ " 828 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " Mallet, Master. Andre | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 1.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " S.C./PARIS 2079 | \n",
+ " 37.0042 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 246 | \n",
+ " 396 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Johansson, Mr. Erik | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 22.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 350052 | \n",
+ " 7.7958 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 247 | \n",
+ " 788 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Rice, Master. George Hugh | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 8.0 | \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 382652 | \n",
+ " 29.1250 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " Q | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 248 | \n",
+ " 307 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Fleming, Miss. Margaret | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 17421 | \n",
+ " 110.8833 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 249 | \n",
+ " 412 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Hart, Mr. Henry | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 394140 | \n",
+ " 6.8583 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " Q | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
250 rows × 12 columns
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " PassengerId Survived Pclass Name \\\n",
+ "0 558 0 1 Robbins, Mr. Victor \n",
+ "1 284 1 3 Dorking, Mr. Edward Arthur \n",
+ "2 440 0 2 Kvillner, Mr. Johan Henrik Johannesson \n",
+ "3 879 0 3 Laleff, Mr. Kristo \n",
+ "4 394 1 1 Newell, Miss. Marjorie \n",
+ ".. ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "245 828 1 2 Mallet, Master. Andre \n",
+ "246 396 0 3 Johansson, Mr. Erik \n",
+ "247 788 0 3 Rice, Master. George Hugh \n",
+ "248 307 1 1 Fleming, Miss. Margaret \n",
+ "249 412 0 3 Hart, Mr. Henry \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Sex Age SibSp Parch Ticket Fare Cabin Embarked \n",
+ "0 male NaN 0 0 PC 17757 227.5250 NaN C \n",
+ "1 male 19.0 0 0 A/5. 10482 8.0500 NaN S \n",
+ "2 male 31.0 0 0 C.A. 18723 10.5000 NaN S \n",
+ "3 male NaN 0 0 349217 7.8958 NaN S \n",
+ "4 female 23.0 1 0 35273 113.2750 D36 C \n",
+ ".. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "245 male 1.0 0 2 S.C./PARIS 2079 37.0042 NaN C \n",
+ "246 male 22.0 0 0 350052 7.7958 NaN S \n",
+ "247 male 8.0 4 1 382652 29.1250 NaN Q \n",
+ "248 female NaN 0 0 17421 110.8833 NaN C \n",
+ "249 male NaN 0 0 394140 6.8583 NaN Q \n",
+ "\n",
+ "[250 rows x 12 columns]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 30,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
"# Caso queiremos reduzir o número de amostras, podemos usar a função sample\n",
"df_menor = df.sample(250)\n",
@@ -275,29 +2030,472 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 32,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " PassengerId | \n",
+ " Survived | \n",
+ " Pclass | \n",
+ " Name | \n",
+ " Sex | \n",
+ " Age | \n",
+ " SibSp | \n",
+ " Parch | \n",
+ " Ticket | \n",
+ " Fare | \n",
+ " Cabin | \n",
+ " Embarked | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Braund, Mr. Owen Harris | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 22.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " A/5 21171 | \n",
+ " 7.2500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th... | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 38.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " PC 17599 | \n",
+ " 71.2833 | \n",
+ " C85 | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Heikkinen, Miss. Laina | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 26.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " STON/O2. 3101282 | \n",
+ " 7.9250 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 35.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 113803 | \n",
+ " 53.1000 | \n",
+ " C123 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 5 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Allen, Mr. William Henry | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 35.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 373450 | \n",
+ " 8.0500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 5 | \n",
+ " 6 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Moran, Mr. James | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 330877 | \n",
+ " 8.4583 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " Q | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 6 | \n",
+ " 7 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 54.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 17463 | \n",
+ " 51.8625 | \n",
+ " E46 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 7 | \n",
+ " 8 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Palsson, Master. Gosta Leonard | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 2.0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 349909 | \n",
+ " 21.0750 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 8 | \n",
+ " 9 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Johnson, Mrs. Oscar W (Elisabeth Vilhelmina Berg) | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 27.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 347742 | \n",
+ " 11.1333 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 9 | \n",
+ " 10 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " Nasser, Mrs. Nicholas (Adele Achem) | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 14.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 237736 | \n",
+ " 30.0708 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " PassengerId Survived Pclass \\\n",
+ "0 1 0 3 \n",
+ "1 2 1 1 \n",
+ "2 3 1 3 \n",
+ "3 4 1 1 \n",
+ "4 5 0 3 \n",
+ "5 6 0 3 \n",
+ "6 7 0 1 \n",
+ "7 8 0 3 \n",
+ "8 9 1 3 \n",
+ "9 10 1 2 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Name Sex Age SibSp \\\n",
+ "0 Braund, Mr. Owen Harris male 22.0 1 \n",
+ "1 Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th... female 38.0 1 \n",
+ "2 Heikkinen, Miss. Laina female 26.0 0 \n",
+ "3 Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) female 35.0 1 \n",
+ "4 Allen, Mr. William Henry male 35.0 0 \n",
+ "5 Moran, Mr. James male NaN 0 \n",
+ "6 McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J male 54.0 0 \n",
+ "7 Palsson, Master. Gosta Leonard male 2.0 3 \n",
+ "8 Johnson, Mrs. Oscar W (Elisabeth Vilhelmina Berg) female 27.0 0 \n",
+ "9 Nasser, Mrs. Nicholas (Adele Achem) female 14.0 1 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Parch Ticket Fare Cabin Embarked \n",
+ "0 0 A/5 21171 7.2500 NaN S \n",
+ "1 0 PC 17599 71.2833 C85 C \n",
+ "2 0 STON/O2. 3101282 7.9250 NaN S \n",
+ "3 0 113803 53.1000 C123 S \n",
+ "4 0 373450 8.0500 NaN S \n",
+ "5 0 330877 8.4583 NaN Q \n",
+ "6 0 17463 51.8625 E46 S \n",
+ "7 1 349909 21.0750 NaN S \n",
+ "8 2 347742 11.1333 NaN S \n",
+ "9 0 237736 30.0708 NaN C "
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 32,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
"# Slicing: obter apenas uma parte do dataset\n",
- "df[:5]"
+ "df[:10]"
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 35,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " PassengerId | \n",
+ " Survived | \n",
+ " Pclass | \n",
+ " Name | \n",
+ " Sex | \n",
+ " Age | \n",
+ " SibSp | \n",
+ " Parch | \n",
+ " Ticket | \n",
+ " Fare | \n",
+ " Cabin | \n",
+ " Embarked | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Heikkinen, Miss. Laina | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 26.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " STON/O2. 3101282 | \n",
+ " 7.9250 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 35.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 113803 | \n",
+ " 53.1000 | \n",
+ " C123 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 5 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Allen, Mr. William Henry | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 35.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 373450 | \n",
+ " 8.0500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 5 | \n",
+ " 6 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Moran, Mr. James | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 330877 | \n",
+ " 8.4583 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " Q | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 6 | \n",
+ " 7 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 54.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 17463 | \n",
+ " 51.8625 | \n",
+ " E46 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 7 | \n",
+ " 8 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Palsson, Master. Gosta Leonard | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 2.0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 349909 | \n",
+ " 21.0750 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 8 | \n",
+ " 9 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Johnson, Mrs. Oscar W (Elisabeth Vilhelmina Berg) | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 27.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 347742 | \n",
+ " 11.1333 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 9 | \n",
+ " 10 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " Nasser, Mrs. Nicholas (Adele Achem) | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 14.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 237736 | \n",
+ " 30.0708 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " PassengerId Survived Pclass \\\n",
+ "2 3 1 3 \n",
+ "3 4 1 1 \n",
+ "4 5 0 3 \n",
+ "5 6 0 3 \n",
+ "6 7 0 1 \n",
+ "7 8 0 3 \n",
+ "8 9 1 3 \n",
+ "9 10 1 2 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Name Sex Age SibSp \\\n",
+ "2 Heikkinen, Miss. Laina female 26.0 0 \n",
+ "3 Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) female 35.0 1 \n",
+ "4 Allen, Mr. William Henry male 35.0 0 \n",
+ "5 Moran, Mr. James male NaN 0 \n",
+ "6 McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J male 54.0 0 \n",
+ "7 Palsson, Master. Gosta Leonard male 2.0 3 \n",
+ "8 Johnson, Mrs. Oscar W (Elisabeth Vilhelmina Berg) female 27.0 0 \n",
+ "9 Nasser, Mrs. Nicholas (Adele Achem) female 14.0 1 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Parch Ticket Fare Cabin Embarked \n",
+ "2 0 STON/O2. 3101282 7.9250 NaN S \n",
+ "3 0 113803 53.1000 C123 S \n",
+ "4 0 373450 8.0500 NaN S \n",
+ "5 0 330877 8.4583 NaN Q \n",
+ "6 0 17463 51.8625 E46 S \n",
+ "7 1 349909 21.0750 NaN S \n",
+ "8 2 347742 11.1333 NaN S \n",
+ "9 0 237736 30.0708 NaN C "
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 35,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
- "mini_df = df[:10]\n",
+ "mini_df = df[2:10]\n",
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 34,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "Index(['PassengerId', 'Survived', 'Pclass', 'Name', 'Sex', 'Age', 'SibSp',\n",
+ " 'Parch', 'Ticket', 'Fare', 'Cabin', 'Embarked'],\n",
+ " dtype='object')"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 34,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
"# Como obter as colunas do dataframe:\n",
@@ -324,9 +2522,30 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 36,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Valores nulos por coluna do dataframe:\n",
+ "PassengerId 0\n",
+ "Survived 0\n",
+ "Pclass 0\n",
+ "Name 0\n",
+ "Sex 0\n",
+ "Age 177\n",
+ "SibSp 0\n",
+ "Parch 0\n",
+ "Ticket 0\n",
+ "Fare 0\n",
+ "Cabin 687\n",
+ "Embarked 2\n",
+ "dtype: int64\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
"# Checar valores nulos no dataset\n",
"print(\"Valores nulos por coluna do dataframe:\")\n",
@@ -335,9 +2554,20 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 37,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "(712, 12)"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 37,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
"# Remove entradas (linhas) contendo valores nulos em colunas específicas\n",
"df = df.dropna(subset=['Age', 'Embarked'])\n",
@@ -346,21 +2576,277 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 43,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "C:\\Users\\Dani Negrão\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ipykernel_14536\\3221542120.py:2: SettingWithCopyWarning: \n",
+ "A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.\n",
+ "Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead\n",
+ "\n",
+ "See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy\n",
+ " df['Sex'] = df['Sex'].replace({'M': 'Masculino', 'F': 'Feminino'})\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " PassengerId | \n",
+ " Survived | \n",
+ " Pclass | \n",
+ " Name | \n",
+ " Sex | \n",
+ " Age | \n",
+ " SibSp | \n",
+ " Parch | \n",
+ " Ticket | \n",
+ " Fare | \n",
+ " Cabin | \n",
+ " Embarked | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Braund, Mr. Owen Harris | \n",
+ " Masculino | \n",
+ " 22.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " A/5 21171 | \n",
+ " 7.2500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th... | \n",
+ " Feminino | \n",
+ " 38.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " PC 17599 | \n",
+ " 71.2833 | \n",
+ " C85 | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Heikkinen, Miss. Laina | \n",
+ " Feminino | \n",
+ " 26.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " STON/O2. 3101282 | \n",
+ " 7.9250 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) | \n",
+ " Feminino | \n",
+ " 35.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 113803 | \n",
+ " 53.1000 | \n",
+ " C123 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 5 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Allen, Mr. William Henry | \n",
+ " Masculino | \n",
+ " 35.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 373450 | \n",
+ " 8.0500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 6 | \n",
+ " 7 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J | \n",
+ " Masculino | \n",
+ " 54.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 17463 | \n",
+ " 51.8625 | \n",
+ " E46 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 7 | \n",
+ " 8 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Palsson, Master. Gosta Leonard | \n",
+ " Masculino | \n",
+ " 2.0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 349909 | \n",
+ " 21.0750 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 8 | \n",
+ " 9 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Johnson, Mrs. Oscar W (Elisabeth Vilhelmina Berg) | \n",
+ " Feminino | \n",
+ " 27.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 347742 | \n",
+ " 11.1333 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 9 | \n",
+ " 10 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " Nasser, Mrs. Nicholas (Adele Achem) | \n",
+ " Feminino | \n",
+ " 14.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 237736 | \n",
+ " 30.0708 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 10 | \n",
+ " 11 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Sandstrom, Miss. Marguerite Rut | \n",
+ " Feminino | \n",
+ " 4.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " PP 9549 | \n",
+ " 16.7000 | \n",
+ " G6 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " PassengerId Survived Pclass \\\n",
+ "0 1 0 3 \n",
+ "1 2 1 1 \n",
+ "2 3 1 3 \n",
+ "3 4 1 1 \n",
+ "4 5 0 3 \n",
+ "6 7 0 1 \n",
+ "7 8 0 3 \n",
+ "8 9 1 3 \n",
+ "9 10 1 2 \n",
+ "10 11 1 3 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Name Sex Age SibSp \\\n",
+ "0 Braund, Mr. Owen Harris Masculino 22.0 1 \n",
+ "1 Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th... Feminino 38.0 1 \n",
+ "2 Heikkinen, Miss. Laina Feminino 26.0 0 \n",
+ "3 Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) Feminino 35.0 1 \n",
+ "4 Allen, Mr. William Henry Masculino 35.0 0 \n",
+ "6 McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J Masculino 54.0 0 \n",
+ "7 Palsson, Master. Gosta Leonard Masculino 2.0 3 \n",
+ "8 Johnson, Mrs. Oscar W (Elisabeth Vilhelmina Berg) Feminino 27.0 0 \n",
+ "9 Nasser, Mrs. Nicholas (Adele Achem) Feminino 14.0 1 \n",
+ "10 Sandstrom, Miss. Marguerite Rut Feminino 4.0 1 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Parch Ticket Fare Cabin Embarked \n",
+ "0 0 A/5 21171 7.2500 NaN S \n",
+ "1 0 PC 17599 71.2833 C85 C \n",
+ "2 0 STON/O2. 3101282 7.9250 NaN S \n",
+ "3 0 113803 53.1000 C123 S \n",
+ "4 0 373450 8.0500 NaN S \n",
+ "6 0 17463 51.8625 E46 S \n",
+ "7 1 349909 21.0750 NaN S \n",
+ "8 2 347742 11.1333 NaN S \n",
+ "9 0 237736 30.0708 NaN C \n",
+ "10 1 PP 9549 16.7000 G6 S "
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 43,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
"# Vamos substituir os valores contidos na coluna 'Sex' por 'F' e 'M'\n",
- "df['Sex'] = df['Sex'].replace({'male': 'M', 'female': 'F'})\n",
+ "df['Sex'] = df['Sex'].replace({'M': 'Masculino', 'F': 'Feminino'})\n",
"df.head(10) # alterando o número de entradas no retorno da função"
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 44,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "(712, 12)"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 44,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
"# Removendo entradas duplicadas\n",
"df = df.drop_duplicates()\n",
@@ -384,9 +2870,263 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 45,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " PassengerId | \n",
+ " Survived | \n",
+ " Pclass | \n",
+ " Name | \n",
+ " Sex | \n",
+ " Age | \n",
+ " SibSp | \n",
+ " Parch | \n",
+ " Ticket | \n",
+ " Fare | \n",
+ " Cabin | \n",
+ " Embarked | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Braund, Mr. Owen Harris | \n",
+ " Masculino | \n",
+ " 0.271174 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " A/5 21171 | \n",
+ " 0.014151 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th... | \n",
+ " Feminino | \n",
+ " 0.472229 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " PC 17599 | \n",
+ " 0.139136 | \n",
+ " C85 | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Heikkinen, Miss. Laina | \n",
+ " Feminino | \n",
+ " 0.321438 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " STON/O2. 3101282 | \n",
+ " 0.015469 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) | \n",
+ " Feminino | \n",
+ " 0.434531 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 113803 | \n",
+ " 0.103644 | \n",
+ " C123 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 5 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Allen, Mr. William Henry | \n",
+ " Masculino | \n",
+ " 0.434531 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 373450 | \n",
+ " 0.015713 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 885 | \n",
+ " 886 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Rice, Mrs. William (Margaret Norton) | \n",
+ " Feminino | \n",
+ " 0.484795 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 5 | \n",
+ " 382652 | \n",
+ " 0.056848 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " Q | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 886 | \n",
+ " 887 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " Montvila, Rev. Juozas | \n",
+ " Masculino | \n",
+ " 0.334004 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 211536 | \n",
+ " 0.025374 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 887 | \n",
+ " 888 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Graham, Miss. Margaret Edith | \n",
+ " Feminino | \n",
+ " 0.233476 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 112053 | \n",
+ " 0.058556 | \n",
+ " B42 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 889 | \n",
+ " 890 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Behr, Mr. Karl Howell | \n",
+ " Masculino | \n",
+ " 0.321438 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 111369 | \n",
+ " 0.058556 | \n",
+ " C148 | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 890 | \n",
+ " 891 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Dooley, Mr. Patrick | \n",
+ " Masculino | \n",
+ " 0.396833 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 370376 | \n",
+ " 0.015127 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " Q | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
712 rows × 12 columns
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " PassengerId Survived Pclass \\\n",
+ "0 1 0 3 \n",
+ "1 2 1 1 \n",
+ "2 3 1 3 \n",
+ "3 4 1 1 \n",
+ "4 5 0 3 \n",
+ ".. ... ... ... \n",
+ "885 886 0 3 \n",
+ "886 887 0 2 \n",
+ "887 888 1 1 \n",
+ "889 890 1 1 \n",
+ "890 891 0 3 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Name Sex Age \\\n",
+ "0 Braund, Mr. Owen Harris Masculino 0.271174 \n",
+ "1 Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th... Feminino 0.472229 \n",
+ "2 Heikkinen, Miss. Laina Feminino 0.321438 \n",
+ "3 Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) Feminino 0.434531 \n",
+ "4 Allen, Mr. William Henry Masculino 0.434531 \n",
+ ".. ... ... ... \n",
+ "885 Rice, Mrs. William (Margaret Norton) Feminino 0.484795 \n",
+ "886 Montvila, Rev. Juozas Masculino 0.334004 \n",
+ "887 Graham, Miss. Margaret Edith Feminino 0.233476 \n",
+ "889 Behr, Mr. Karl Howell Masculino 0.321438 \n",
+ "890 Dooley, Mr. Patrick Masculino 0.396833 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " SibSp Parch Ticket Fare Cabin Embarked \n",
+ "0 1 0 A/5 21171 0.014151 NaN S \n",
+ "1 1 0 PC 17599 0.139136 C85 C \n",
+ "2 0 0 STON/O2. 3101282 0.015469 NaN S \n",
+ "3 1 0 113803 0.103644 C123 S \n",
+ "4 0 0 373450 0.015713 NaN S \n",
+ ".. ... ... ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "885 0 5 382652 0.056848 NaN Q \n",
+ "886 0 0 211536 0.025374 NaN S \n",
+ "887 0 0 112053 0.058556 B42 S \n",
+ "889 0 0 111369 0.058556 C148 C \n",
+ "890 0 0 370376 0.015127 NaN Q \n",
+ "\n",
+ "[712 rows x 12 columns]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 45,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
"source": [
"# Normalização de colunas numéricas \n",
@@ -402,7 +3142,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 71,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
@@ -432,17 +3172,1558 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 63,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": []
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " PassengerId | \n",
+ " Survived | \n",
+ " Pclass | \n",
+ " Name | \n",
+ " Sex | \n",
+ " Age | \n",
+ " SibSp | \n",
+ " Parch | \n",
+ " Ticket | \n",
+ " Fare | \n",
+ " Cabin | \n",
+ " Embarked | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Braund, Mr. Owen Harris | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 22.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " A/5 21171 | \n",
+ " 7.2500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th... | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 38.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " PC 17599 | \n",
+ " 71.2833 | \n",
+ " C85 | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Heikkinen, Miss. Laina | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 26.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " STON/O2. 3101282 | \n",
+ " 7.9250 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 35.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 113803 | \n",
+ " 53.1000 | \n",
+ " C123 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 5 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Allen, Mr. William Henry | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 35.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 373450 | \n",
+ " 8.0500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 886 | \n",
+ " 887 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " Montvila, Rev. Juozas | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 27.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 211536 | \n",
+ " 13.0000 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 887 | \n",
+ " 888 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Graham, Miss. Margaret Edith | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 19.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 112053 | \n",
+ " 30.0000 | \n",
+ " B42 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 888 | \n",
+ " 889 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Johnston, Miss. Catherine Helen \"Carrie\" | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " W./C. 6607 | \n",
+ " 23.4500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 889 | \n",
+ " 890 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Behr, Mr. Karl Howell | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 26.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 111369 | \n",
+ " 30.0000 | \n",
+ " C148 | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 890 | \n",
+ " 891 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Dooley, Mr. Patrick | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 32.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 370376 | \n",
+ " 7.7500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " Q | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
891 rows × 12 columns
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " PassengerId Survived Pclass \\\n",
+ "0 1 0 3 \n",
+ "1 2 1 1 \n",
+ "2 3 1 3 \n",
+ "3 4 1 1 \n",
+ "4 5 0 3 \n",
+ ".. ... ... ... \n",
+ "886 887 0 2 \n",
+ "887 888 1 1 \n",
+ "888 889 0 3 \n",
+ "889 890 1 1 \n",
+ "890 891 0 3 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Name Sex Age SibSp \\\n",
+ "0 Braund, Mr. Owen Harris male 22.0 1 \n",
+ "1 Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th... female 38.0 1 \n",
+ "2 Heikkinen, Miss. Laina female 26.0 0 \n",
+ "3 Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) female 35.0 1 \n",
+ "4 Allen, Mr. William Henry male 35.0 0 \n",
+ ".. ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "886 Montvila, Rev. Juozas male 27.0 0 \n",
+ "887 Graham, Miss. Margaret Edith female 19.0 0 \n",
+ "888 Johnston, Miss. Catherine Helen \"Carrie\" female NaN 1 \n",
+ "889 Behr, Mr. Karl Howell male 26.0 0 \n",
+ "890 Dooley, Mr. Patrick male 32.0 0 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Parch Ticket Fare Cabin Embarked \n",
+ "0 0 A/5 21171 7.2500 NaN S \n",
+ "1 0 PC 17599 71.2833 C85 C \n",
+ "2 0 STON/O2. 3101282 7.9250 NaN S \n",
+ "3 0 113803 53.1000 C123 S \n",
+ "4 0 373450 8.0500 NaN S \n",
+ ".. ... ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "886 0 211536 13.0000 NaN S \n",
+ "887 0 112053 30.0000 B42 S \n",
+ "888 2 W./C. 6607 23.4500 NaN S \n",
+ "889 0 111369 30.0000 C148 C \n",
+ "890 0 370376 7.7500 NaN Q \n",
+ "\n",
+ "[891 rows x 12 columns]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 63,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "df_exercicio = pd.read_csv('titanic.csv')\n",
+ "df_exercicio"
+ ]
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
+ "execution_count": 68,
"metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": []
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " PassengerId | \n",
+ " Survived | \n",
+ " Pclass | \n",
+ " Name | \n",
+ " Sex | \n",
+ " Age | \n",
+ " SibSp | \n",
+ " Parch | \n",
+ " Ticket | \n",
+ " Fare | \n",
+ " Cabin | \n",
+ " Embarked | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Braund, Mr. Owen Harris | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 22.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " A/5 21171 | \n",
+ " 7.2500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th... | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 38.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " PC 17599 | \n",
+ " 71.2833 | \n",
+ " C85 | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Heikkinen, Miss. Laina | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 26.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " STON/O2. 3101282 | \n",
+ " 7.9250 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 35.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 113803 | \n",
+ " 53.1000 | \n",
+ " C123 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 5 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Allen, Mr. William Henry | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 35.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 373450 | \n",
+ " 8.0500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 5 | \n",
+ " 6 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Moran, Mr. James | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 330877 | \n",
+ " 8.4583 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " Q | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 6 | \n",
+ " 7 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 54.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 17463 | \n",
+ " 51.8625 | \n",
+ " E46 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 7 | \n",
+ " 8 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Palsson, Master. Gosta Leonard | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 2.0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 349909 | \n",
+ " 21.0750 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 8 | \n",
+ " 9 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Johnson, Mrs. Oscar W (Elisabeth Vilhelmina Berg) | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 27.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 347742 | \n",
+ " 11.1333 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 9 | \n",
+ " 10 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " Nasser, Mrs. Nicholas (Adele Achem) | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 14.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 237736 | \n",
+ " 30.0708 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 10 | \n",
+ " 11 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Sandstrom, Miss. Marguerite Rut | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 4.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " PP 9549 | \n",
+ " 16.7000 | \n",
+ " G6 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 11 | \n",
+ " 12 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Bonnell, Miss. Elizabeth | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 58.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 113783 | \n",
+ " 26.5500 | \n",
+ " C103 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 12 | \n",
+ " 13 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Saundercock, Mr. William Henry | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 20.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " A/5. 2151 | \n",
+ " 8.0500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 13 | \n",
+ " 14 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Andersson, Mr. Anders Johan | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 39.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 5 | \n",
+ " 347082 | \n",
+ " 31.2750 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 14 | \n",
+ " 15 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Vestrom, Miss. Hulda Amanda Adolfina | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 14.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 350406 | \n",
+ " 7.8542 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 15 | \n",
+ " 16 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " Hewlett, Mrs. (Mary D Kingcome) | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 55.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 248706 | \n",
+ " 16.0000 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 16 | \n",
+ " 17 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Rice, Master. Eugene | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 2.0 | \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 382652 | \n",
+ " 29.1250 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " Q | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 17 | \n",
+ " 18 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " Williams, Mr. Charles Eugene | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 244373 | \n",
+ " 13.0000 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 18 | \n",
+ " 19 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Vander Planke, Mrs. Julius (Emelia Maria Vande... | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 31.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 345763 | \n",
+ " 18.0000 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 19 | \n",
+ " 20 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Masselmani, Mrs. Fatima | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 2649 | \n",
+ " 7.2250 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 20 | \n",
+ " 21 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " Fynney, Mr. Joseph J | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 35.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 239865 | \n",
+ " 26.0000 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 21 | \n",
+ " 22 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " Beesley, Mr. Lawrence | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 34.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 248698 | \n",
+ " 13.0000 | \n",
+ " D56 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 22 | \n",
+ " 23 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " McGowan, Miss. Anna \"Annie\" | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 15.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 330923 | \n",
+ " 8.0292 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " Q | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 23 | \n",
+ " 24 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Sloper, Mr. William Thompson | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 28.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 113788 | \n",
+ " 35.5000 | \n",
+ " A6 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 24 | \n",
+ " 25 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Palsson, Miss. Torborg Danira | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 8.0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 349909 | \n",
+ " 21.0750 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 25 | \n",
+ " 26 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Asplund, Mrs. Carl Oscar (Selma Augusta Emilia... | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 38.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 5 | \n",
+ " 347077 | \n",
+ " 31.3875 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 26 | \n",
+ " 27 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Emir, Mr. Farred Chehab | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 2631 | \n",
+ " 7.2250 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 27 | \n",
+ " 28 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Fortune, Mr. Charles Alexander | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 19.0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 19950 | \n",
+ " 263.0000 | \n",
+ " C23 C25 C27 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 28 | \n",
+ " 29 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " O'Dwyer, Miss. Ellen \"Nellie\" | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 330959 | \n",
+ " 7.8792 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " Q | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 29 | \n",
+ " 30 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Todoroff, Mr. Lalio | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 349216 | \n",
+ " 7.8958 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 30 | \n",
+ " 31 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Uruchurtu, Don. Manuel E | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 40.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " PC 17601 | \n",
+ " 27.7208 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 31 | \n",
+ " 32 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Spencer, Mrs. William Augustus (Marie Eugenie) | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " PC 17569 | \n",
+ " 146.5208 | \n",
+ " B78 | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 32 | \n",
+ " 33 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Glynn, Miss. Mary Agatha | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 335677 | \n",
+ " 7.7500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " Q | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 33 | \n",
+ " 34 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " Wheadon, Mr. Edward H | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 66.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " C.A. 24579 | \n",
+ " 10.5000 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 34 | \n",
+ " 35 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Meyer, Mr. Edgar Joseph | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 28.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " PC 17604 | \n",
+ " 82.1708 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 35 | \n",
+ " 36 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Holverson, Mr. Alexander Oskar | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 42.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 113789 | \n",
+ " 52.0000 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 36 | \n",
+ " 37 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Mamee, Mr. Hanna | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 2677 | \n",
+ " 7.2292 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 37 | \n",
+ " 38 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Cann, Mr. Ernest Charles | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 21.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " A./5. 2152 | \n",
+ " 8.0500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 38 | \n",
+ " 39 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Vander Planke, Miss. Augusta Maria | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 18.0 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 345764 | \n",
+ " 18.0000 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 39 | \n",
+ " 40 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Nicola-Yarred, Miss. Jamila | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 14.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 2651 | \n",
+ " 11.2417 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 40 | \n",
+ " 41 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Ahlin, Mrs. Johan (Johanna Persdotter Larsson) | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 40.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 7546 | \n",
+ " 9.4750 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 41 | \n",
+ " 42 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " Turpin, Mrs. William John Robert (Dorothy Ann ... | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 27.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 11668 | \n",
+ " 21.0000 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 42 | \n",
+ " 43 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Kraeff, Mr. Theodor | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 349253 | \n",
+ " 7.8958 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 43 | \n",
+ " 44 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " Laroche, Miss. Simonne Marie Anne Andree | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 3.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " SC/Paris 2123 | \n",
+ " 41.5792 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 44 | \n",
+ " 45 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Devaney, Miss. Margaret Delia | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 19.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 330958 | \n",
+ " 7.8792 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " Q | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 45 | \n",
+ " 46 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Rogers, Mr. William John | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " S.C./A.4. 23567 | \n",
+ " 8.0500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 46 | \n",
+ " 47 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Lennon, Mr. Denis | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 370371 | \n",
+ " 15.5000 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " Q | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 47 | \n",
+ " 48 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " O'Driscoll, Miss. Bridget | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 14311 | \n",
+ " 7.7500 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " Q | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 48 | \n",
+ " 49 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Samaan, Mr. Youssef | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 2662 | \n",
+ " 21.6792 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 49 | \n",
+ " 50 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Arnold-Franchi, Mrs. Josef (Josefine Franchi) | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 18.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 349237 | \n",
+ " 17.8000 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " PassengerId Survived Pclass \\\n",
+ "0 1 0 3 \n",
+ "1 2 1 1 \n",
+ "2 3 1 3 \n",
+ "3 4 1 1 \n",
+ "4 5 0 3 \n",
+ "5 6 0 3 \n",
+ "6 7 0 1 \n",
+ "7 8 0 3 \n",
+ "8 9 1 3 \n",
+ "9 10 1 2 \n",
+ "10 11 1 3 \n",
+ "11 12 1 1 \n",
+ "12 13 0 3 \n",
+ "13 14 0 3 \n",
+ "14 15 0 3 \n",
+ "15 16 1 2 \n",
+ "16 17 0 3 \n",
+ "17 18 1 2 \n",
+ "18 19 0 3 \n",
+ "19 20 1 3 \n",
+ "20 21 0 2 \n",
+ "21 22 1 2 \n",
+ "22 23 1 3 \n",
+ "23 24 1 1 \n",
+ "24 25 0 3 \n",
+ "25 26 1 3 \n",
+ "26 27 0 3 \n",
+ "27 28 0 1 \n",
+ "28 29 1 3 \n",
+ "29 30 0 3 \n",
+ "30 31 0 1 \n",
+ "31 32 1 1 \n",
+ "32 33 1 3 \n",
+ "33 34 0 2 \n",
+ "34 35 0 1 \n",
+ "35 36 0 1 \n",
+ "36 37 1 3 \n",
+ "37 38 0 3 \n",
+ "38 39 0 3 \n",
+ "39 40 1 3 \n",
+ "40 41 0 3 \n",
+ "41 42 0 2 \n",
+ "42 43 0 3 \n",
+ "43 44 1 2 \n",
+ "44 45 1 3 \n",
+ "45 46 0 3 \n",
+ "46 47 0 3 \n",
+ "47 48 1 3 \n",
+ "48 49 0 3 \n",
+ "49 50 0 3 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Name Sex Age SibSp \\\n",
+ "0 Braund, Mr. Owen Harris male 22.0 1 \n",
+ "1 Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th... female 38.0 1 \n",
+ "2 Heikkinen, Miss. Laina female 26.0 0 \n",
+ "3 Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) female 35.0 1 \n",
+ "4 Allen, Mr. William Henry male 35.0 0 \n",
+ "5 Moran, Mr. James male NaN 0 \n",
+ "6 McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J male 54.0 0 \n",
+ "7 Palsson, Master. Gosta Leonard male 2.0 3 \n",
+ "8 Johnson, Mrs. Oscar W (Elisabeth Vilhelmina Berg) female 27.0 0 \n",
+ "9 Nasser, Mrs. Nicholas (Adele Achem) female 14.0 1 \n",
+ "10 Sandstrom, Miss. Marguerite Rut female 4.0 1 \n",
+ "11 Bonnell, Miss. Elizabeth female 58.0 0 \n",
+ "12 Saundercock, Mr. William Henry male 20.0 0 \n",
+ "13 Andersson, Mr. Anders Johan male 39.0 1 \n",
+ "14 Vestrom, Miss. Hulda Amanda Adolfina female 14.0 0 \n",
+ "15 Hewlett, Mrs. (Mary D Kingcome) female 55.0 0 \n",
+ "16 Rice, Master. Eugene male 2.0 4 \n",
+ "17 Williams, Mr. Charles Eugene male NaN 0 \n",
+ "18 Vander Planke, Mrs. Julius (Emelia Maria Vande... female 31.0 1 \n",
+ "19 Masselmani, Mrs. Fatima female NaN 0 \n",
+ "20 Fynney, Mr. Joseph J male 35.0 0 \n",
+ "21 Beesley, Mr. Lawrence male 34.0 0 \n",
+ "22 McGowan, Miss. Anna \"Annie\" female 15.0 0 \n",
+ "23 Sloper, Mr. William Thompson male 28.0 0 \n",
+ "24 Palsson, Miss. Torborg Danira female 8.0 3 \n",
+ "25 Asplund, Mrs. Carl Oscar (Selma Augusta Emilia... female 38.0 1 \n",
+ "26 Emir, Mr. Farred Chehab male NaN 0 \n",
+ "27 Fortune, Mr. Charles Alexander male 19.0 3 \n",
+ "28 O'Dwyer, Miss. Ellen \"Nellie\" female NaN 0 \n",
+ "29 Todoroff, Mr. Lalio male NaN 0 \n",
+ "30 Uruchurtu, Don. Manuel E male 40.0 0 \n",
+ "31 Spencer, Mrs. William Augustus (Marie Eugenie) female NaN 1 \n",
+ "32 Glynn, Miss. Mary Agatha female NaN 0 \n",
+ "33 Wheadon, Mr. Edward H male 66.0 0 \n",
+ "34 Meyer, Mr. Edgar Joseph male 28.0 1 \n",
+ "35 Holverson, Mr. Alexander Oskar male 42.0 1 \n",
+ "36 Mamee, Mr. Hanna male NaN 0 \n",
+ "37 Cann, Mr. Ernest Charles male 21.0 0 \n",
+ "38 Vander Planke, Miss. Augusta Maria female 18.0 2 \n",
+ "39 Nicola-Yarred, Miss. Jamila female 14.0 1 \n",
+ "40 Ahlin, Mrs. Johan (Johanna Persdotter Larsson) female 40.0 1 \n",
+ "41 Turpin, Mrs. William John Robert (Dorothy Ann ... female 27.0 1 \n",
+ "42 Kraeff, Mr. Theodor male NaN 0 \n",
+ "43 Laroche, Miss. Simonne Marie Anne Andree female 3.0 1 \n",
+ "44 Devaney, Miss. Margaret Delia female 19.0 0 \n",
+ "45 Rogers, Mr. William John male NaN 0 \n",
+ "46 Lennon, Mr. Denis male NaN 1 \n",
+ "47 O'Driscoll, Miss. Bridget female NaN 0 \n",
+ "48 Samaan, Mr. Youssef male NaN 2 \n",
+ "49 Arnold-Franchi, Mrs. Josef (Josefine Franchi) female 18.0 1 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Parch Ticket Fare Cabin Embarked \n",
+ "0 0 A/5 21171 7.2500 NaN S \n",
+ "1 0 PC 17599 71.2833 C85 C \n",
+ "2 0 STON/O2. 3101282 7.9250 NaN S \n",
+ "3 0 113803 53.1000 C123 S \n",
+ "4 0 373450 8.0500 NaN S \n",
+ "5 0 330877 8.4583 NaN Q \n",
+ "6 0 17463 51.8625 E46 S \n",
+ "7 1 349909 21.0750 NaN S \n",
+ "8 2 347742 11.1333 NaN S \n",
+ "9 0 237736 30.0708 NaN C \n",
+ "10 1 PP 9549 16.7000 G6 S \n",
+ "11 0 113783 26.5500 C103 S \n",
+ "12 0 A/5. 2151 8.0500 NaN S \n",
+ "13 5 347082 31.2750 NaN S \n",
+ "14 0 350406 7.8542 NaN S \n",
+ "15 0 248706 16.0000 NaN S \n",
+ "16 1 382652 29.1250 NaN Q \n",
+ "17 0 244373 13.0000 NaN S \n",
+ "18 0 345763 18.0000 NaN S \n",
+ "19 0 2649 7.2250 NaN C \n",
+ "20 0 239865 26.0000 NaN S \n",
+ "21 0 248698 13.0000 D56 S \n",
+ "22 0 330923 8.0292 NaN Q \n",
+ "23 0 113788 35.5000 A6 S \n",
+ "24 1 349909 21.0750 NaN S \n",
+ "25 5 347077 31.3875 NaN S \n",
+ "26 0 2631 7.2250 NaN C \n",
+ "27 2 19950 263.0000 C23 C25 C27 S \n",
+ "28 0 330959 7.8792 NaN Q \n",
+ "29 0 349216 7.8958 NaN S \n",
+ "30 0 PC 17601 27.7208 NaN C \n",
+ "31 0 PC 17569 146.5208 B78 C \n",
+ "32 0 335677 7.7500 NaN Q \n",
+ "33 0 C.A. 24579 10.5000 NaN S \n",
+ "34 0 PC 17604 82.1708 NaN C \n",
+ "35 0 113789 52.0000 NaN S \n",
+ "36 0 2677 7.2292 NaN C \n",
+ "37 0 A./5. 2152 8.0500 NaN S \n",
+ "38 0 345764 18.0000 NaN S \n",
+ "39 0 2651 11.2417 NaN C \n",
+ "40 0 7546 9.4750 NaN S \n",
+ "41 0 11668 21.0000 NaN S \n",
+ "42 0 349253 7.8958 NaN C \n",
+ "43 2 SC/Paris 2123 41.5792 NaN C \n",
+ "44 0 330958 7.8792 NaN Q \n",
+ "45 0 S.C./A.4. 23567 8.0500 NaN S \n",
+ "46 0 370371 15.5000 NaN Q \n",
+ "47 0 14311 7.7500 NaN Q \n",
+ "48 0 2662 21.6792 NaN C \n",
+ "49 0 349237 17.8000 NaN S "
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 68,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "# Slicing: obter apenas uma parte do dataset\n",
+ "df_exercicio[:50]"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 69,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Valores nulos por coluna do dataframe:\n",
+ "PassengerId 0\n",
+ "Survived 0\n",
+ "Pclass 0\n",
+ "Name 0\n",
+ "Sex 0\n",
+ "Age 177\n",
+ "SibSp 0\n",
+ "Parch 0\n",
+ "Ticket 0\n",
+ "Fare 0\n",
+ "Cabin 687\n",
+ "Embarked 2\n",
+ "dtype: int64\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "print(\"Valores nulos por coluna do dataframe:\")\n",
+ "print(df_exercicio.isnull().sum())"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 70,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "(204, 12)"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 70,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "df_exercicio = df_exercicio.dropna(subset=['Cabin'])\n",
+ "df_exercicio.shape"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 78,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "C:\\Users\\Dani Negrão\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ipykernel_14536\\2682674111.py:1: SettingWithCopyWarning: \n",
+ "A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.\n",
+ "Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead\n",
+ "\n",
+ "See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy\n",
+ " df_exercicio['Age'] = df_exercicio['Age'].fillna(10)\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " PassengerId | \n",
+ " Survived | \n",
+ " Pclass | \n",
+ " Name | \n",
+ " Sex | \n",
+ " Age | \n",
+ " SibSp | \n",
+ " Parch | \n",
+ " Ticket | \n",
+ " Fare | \n",
+ " Cabin | \n",
+ " Embarked | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th... | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 38.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " PC 17599 | \n",
+ " 71.2833 | \n",
+ " C85 | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 35.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 113803 | \n",
+ " 53.1000 | \n",
+ " C123 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 6 | \n",
+ " 7 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 54.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 17463 | \n",
+ " 51.8625 | \n",
+ " E46 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 10 | \n",
+ " 11 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Sandstrom, Miss. Marguerite Rut | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 4.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " PP 9549 | \n",
+ " 16.7000 | \n",
+ " G6 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 11 | \n",
+ " 12 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Bonnell, Miss. Elizabeth | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 58.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 113783 | \n",
+ " 26.5500 | \n",
+ " C103 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 871 | \n",
+ " 872 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Beckwith, Mrs. Richard Leonard (Sallie Monypeny) | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 47.0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 11751 | \n",
+ " 52.5542 | \n",
+ " D35 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 872 | \n",
+ " 873 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Carlsson, Mr. Frans Olof | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 33.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 695 | \n",
+ " 5.0000 | \n",
+ " B51 B53 B55 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 879 | \n",
+ " 880 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Potter, Mrs. Thomas Jr (Lily Alexenia Wilson) | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 56.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 11767 | \n",
+ " 83.1583 | \n",
+ " C50 | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 887 | \n",
+ " 888 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Graham, Miss. Margaret Edith | \n",
+ " female | \n",
+ " 19.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 112053 | \n",
+ " 30.0000 | \n",
+ " B42 | \n",
+ " S | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 889 | \n",
+ " 890 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Behr, Mr. Karl Howell | \n",
+ " male | \n",
+ " 26.0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " 111369 | \n",
+ " 30.0000 | \n",
+ " C148 | \n",
+ " C | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
204 rows × 12 columns
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " PassengerId Survived Pclass \\\n",
+ "1 2 1 1 \n",
+ "3 4 1 1 \n",
+ "6 7 0 1 \n",
+ "10 11 1 3 \n",
+ "11 12 1 1 \n",
+ ".. ... ... ... \n",
+ "871 872 1 1 \n",
+ "872 873 0 1 \n",
+ "879 880 1 1 \n",
+ "887 888 1 1 \n",
+ "889 890 1 1 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Name Sex Age SibSp \\\n",
+ "1 Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th... female 38.0 1 \n",
+ "3 Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) female 35.0 1 \n",
+ "6 McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J male 54.0 0 \n",
+ "10 Sandstrom, Miss. Marguerite Rut female 4.0 1 \n",
+ "11 Bonnell, Miss. Elizabeth female 58.0 0 \n",
+ ".. ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "871 Beckwith, Mrs. Richard Leonard (Sallie Monypeny) female 47.0 1 \n",
+ "872 Carlsson, Mr. Frans Olof male 33.0 0 \n",
+ "879 Potter, Mrs. Thomas Jr (Lily Alexenia Wilson) female 56.0 0 \n",
+ "887 Graham, Miss. Margaret Edith female 19.0 0 \n",
+ "889 Behr, Mr. Karl Howell male 26.0 0 \n",
+ "\n",
+ " Parch Ticket Fare Cabin Embarked \n",
+ "1 0 PC 17599 71.2833 C85 C \n",
+ "3 0 113803 53.1000 C123 S \n",
+ "6 0 17463 51.8625 E46 S \n",
+ "10 1 PP 9549 16.7000 G6 S \n",
+ "11 0 113783 26.5500 C103 S \n",
+ ".. ... ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "871 1 11751 52.5542 D35 S \n",
+ "872 0 695 5.0000 B51 B53 B55 S \n",
+ "879 1 11767 83.1583 C50 C \n",
+ "887 0 112053 30.0000 B42 S \n",
+ "889 0 111369 30.0000 C148 C \n",
+ "\n",
+ "[204 rows x 12 columns]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 78,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "df_exercicio['Age'] = df_exercicio['Age'].fillna(10)\n",
+ "df_exercicio\n"
+ ]
"metadata": {
@@ -464,7 +4745,7 @@
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
- "version": "3.10.9"
+ "version": "3.11.4"
"nbformat": 4,