== CARuins, GreatWall and WalledCity Generator 0.1.9 ==
- Fixed crashes when using vines in templates
- Fixed 'preserve' rule not always applying in walls generation
- Added base_layer_mode option for wall templates ** used to defined how bottom layers are added under walls ** 0 for no added layers ** 1 for default layer making (bottom of first layer, or 'layer:base') ** 2 for bottom of each layer ** 3 in 'layer:base', where each line is linked to each layer
== CARuins, GreatWall and WalledCity Generator 0.1.8 ==
- Minor fixes and optimizations
- Improved build command
- Better biome support
== CARuins, GreatWall and WalledCity Generator 0.1.7 ==
- Fixed few crashes with building/tower generation
- Added support for json data in chest items
- Added chest handling when using template scanner
== CARuins, GreatWall and WalledCity Generator 0.1.6 ==
- Changed mob spawner handling to support modded mobs
- Changed chest content definition to support user-defined chest types
- Moved log file into logs folder
- Changed templates and read-me file to reflect other changes
== CARuins, GreatWall and WalledCity Generator 0.1.5 ==
- Changed templates
- Changed "special block" rules
- Cities as official village to vanilla villagers, allowing golem "natural" spawn
- Changed chest content option to use item names
- Added read-me file in templates download
- Allowed block names in template rules
- Added template scanner (/scantml)
- Fixed rotations for GreatWalls and CAruins
- Templates fixes by Igfig (MinecraftForums)
== CARuins, GreatWall and WalledCity Generator 0.1.4 ==
- Fixed MCPC+ crash (re add awesome lags)
- Fixed biome support in Ruins
- Re-worked settings (invisible to end user)
== CARuins, GreatWall and WalledCity Generator 0.1.3 ==
- Fixed dimension picking issue
- Merged logs into generatormods_log.txt
- Added save and dimension-dependent city location files
- Fixed surface cities being saved 4 times
== CARuins, GreatWall and WalledCity Generator 0.1.2 ==
- Fixed issue with ruins
- Fixed stair placement
- Fixed a crashing error in chunk loading
== CARuins, GreatWall and WalledCity Generator 0.1.1 ==
- Added more friendly Forge Chunk loading with ticket system
- Added more safety to address MCPC+ server issue
- Added underground city and (optional) dimension id to /build command
- /build command now notifies admin
- Removed dead code
== CARuins, GreatWall and WalledCity Generator 0.1.0 ==
- Reworked generation, should fix a lot of issue and lag, step toward "infinite city" behavior
- Version b should fix most issues with custom blocks
- Version b add combined chunk explorer, for faster and clever generation
== CARuins, GreatWall and WalledCity Generator 0.0.8 ==
- Obfuscated "version-independent"
- Removed "missing texture" blocks
- Removed dead code
- Finished custom block support
- Changed lag message to be more user friendly
== CARuins, GreatWall and WalledCity Generator 0.0.7 ==
- Added custom dimensions setting
- Added safety and debug system for MCPC+ reported crash
- Little code improvement
- Fixes for stairs metadata
== CARuins, GreatWall and WalledCity Generator 0.0.6 ==
- Updated to 1.5.1 (and repackage)
- Fixed spawner method (due to changes in Mojang code)
- Support new vanilla blocks (quartz, rail, dropper...)
- Re-implemented chat messages for cities spawning (indicating city spawning point and direction to players (CityChatMessage option disabled by default)
- Changed int parameters (1,0) in config to boolean (true,false), easier for common user
- Stopped spawn if structures are disabled on world creation
- Re-added spawn in custom dimensions (except The End), as there is biome support to disable if needed
- Added more support for custom blocks (stairs, doors, ores, flowers, leaves...)
- Fixed metadata issues ?
- Implemented lag warning and player detection before spawning a structure
- Lag warning and player detection message set by ChatMessage option
- Fixed city message feature
- Fixed Cities spawning in upside Nether
- Some invisible code improvements
== CARuins, GreatWall and WalledCity Generator 0.0.1 to 0.0.5 ==
- Added Wither(Boss)[id=343], Bat[id=344], and Witch[id=345] spawners support.
- Added log option in all setting file (default to 0, meaning minimum log)
- Slightly improved "build" command,now :build
- Fixed world leaking issue ?
- Custom biome support
- Added command spawn: build
- WalledCity log now print world name of spawned cities
- Added mod info file
- Code fixes for rare crashing errors
- Began implementing new functions to support modded biomes,items and blocks (not functionnal)
- Began implementing command features (not functionnal)
- Moved citylocations to walledcitylog
- Fixed structures not spawning far from player spawn point
- Attempt at BiomesOPlenty support
- Added TriesPerChunk variable in config for WalledCity generator
- Fixed Walled City unable to support high BlockID for Blocks spawning in world from other mods
- Fixed structures only generating near coordinates (0,0,0)
- Fixed mod forcing people to install on client if they connect to modded server
- Sandstone city template weight downgraded
- Attempt at ExtraBiomesXL support
- Attempt at dimension-adding mod support
- Chest loots added in every structure
- Settings and templates stored in config folder