Custom policy to monitor LLM model token usage using APIcast
Everything is included in a policy, no custom image is needed.
Simply add the custom policy as described in the Readme.
Configuration parameters:
- SSE support: checked to enable token counts for Streaming responses.
- Increment:
- Left:
- Left-type: Liquid
- Right:
- Right-type: Plain text
- op:
- Metric to increment:
In the same policy, add the same rules for prompt_tokens
and completion_tokens
This policy does a few things:
- Expose AI model token usage via Prometheus metrics
- Support sending custom metrics to 3scale
- Handle Server Send Event (SSE) response
Not supported:
- Gzip payload
Once the policy is added to the product, it will display the following 3 metrics:
Each metric is implemented as a counter and scoped by Product by default. The metrics will have the following format.
name: prompt_tokens labels(application_id, application_name, service_id, service_name) value=prompt_tokens
name: completion_tokens labels(application_id, application_name, service_id, service_name) value=completion_tokens
name: total_tokens labels(application_id, application_name, service_id, service_name) value=total_tokens
For example:
$ curl <APICast_IP>:9421/metrics
# HELP llm_completion_tokens_count Token count for a completion
# TYPE llm_completion_tokens_count counter
llm_completion_tokens_count{service_id="1",service_system_name="",application_id="1",application_system_name="test"} 16
# HELP llm_prompt_tokens_count Token count for a prompt
# TYPE llm_prompt_tokens_count counter
llm_prompt_tokens_count{service_id="1",service_system_name="",application_id="1",application_system_name="test"} 24
# HELP llm_total_token_count Total token count
# TYPE llm_total_token_count counter
llm_total_token_count{service_id="1",service_system_name="",application_id="1",application_system_name="test"} 40
Note that to extract usage, the response is fully buffered into memory and then decoded to a LUA object. So increase the memory request/limit if you start seeing performance issues.
To avoid patching the existing Custom Metrics policy, in is included this LLM policy. The functionality and usage is identical to the built-in Custom Metrics policy, but there are a few additional fields exposed in the request context:
- Token usage
- Application details
NOTE: Metrics need to be created in the Admin Portal before the policy will push the metric values.
For example: the following configuration will set up a metric call total_tokens with increment based on the total_tokens used.
"name": "apicast.policy.llm",
"configuration": {
"rules": [{
"condition": {
"operations": [
{"op": "==", "left": "{{status}}", "left_type": "liquid", "right": "200"}
"combine_op": "and"
"metric": "total_tokens",
"increment": "{{ llm_usage.total_tokens }}"
Streaming is a mode where a client can specify "stream": true in their request, and the LLM server will stream each piece of the response (usually token-by-token) as a server-sent event (SSE).
We need to do three things here:
- Parse the incoming request and check whether stream: true is set
- Detect the stream response based on the header text/event-stream
- Parse the events and detect the usage token
SSE support is off by default, toggle the SSE support checkbox to enable
NOTE: Streamed responses will not be buffered, instead being streamed back to the client.