- Set up group repo
- Set up group kanban
- Set up basic project structure, with HTML and CSS
- Worked on wireframe
- Finished Github module
- Set up basic CSS styles for overall look
- Color scheme is very WIP
- Set up basic structure of HTML page
- This is open to drastic change depending on API / design used
- Created script file, added some menu toggling functionality
- Removed menu toggling
- Making progress on wireframe
- Potentially rehauling the CSS/HTML
- API connection established
- Working mostly on displaying data from API
- Finished wireframe
- Settled (mostly) on color scheme
- Tried 2937810298 ways to display data, cried a little
- Finally figured out how to loop through the data
- Making some headway on creating the needed elements
- Blocker: objects within objects within objects within objects
- finished the javascript thank god
- working on making the site look pretty