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to build project jar file- Dockerfile example
FROM azul/zulu-openjdk-alpine:21.0.1
COPY target/*.jar app.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "app.jar"]
Instal fly cli: pwsh -Command "iwr https://fly.io/install.ps1 -useb | iex"
Fly cli commands
- fly auth
- fly launch (it will generate fly.toml file)
- fly secrets set key=value
- fly deploy
Launch linking github repository available, however it doesn't allow deploy in sub folders inside repo (in this case i have backend and frontend sub folders and want to deploy only the backend)
docker login -u [your-username]
docker build -t [your-username]/[your-app]:latest .
(Test locally)
docker run -p 8080:8080 [your-app]
- Set environment variables
-e key=value
- Set environment variables
docker tag [your-tag] [your-username]/[your-app]:latest
docker push [your-username]/[your-app]:latest
In koyeb create a new service, user docker and image will be [your-username]/[your-app]
Add all your environments variables
Note that exposed port, ex: 8080 should be the same in health check
- Create application-dev.properties and application-prod.properties to set different secrets for each environment (db_url, username, password ..)
- For Dev (localhost) add VM option in configuration
- For Prod set environment variable
- Cant store any secrets in frontend side, this is a mechanism to changed which backend URL use depending on the profile
- Create .env.development and .env.production and set the URL
- Use this variable