I have not written any specific instructions at this point. But here's a basic guide that might work for you.
Use the Windows install as a base download
Made sure to have at least Node 12 loaded and SQLite 3 from IBM Open Source packages.
Current version of Node is V22.x.
Manually download the latet WikiJS app file. I used the Windows package and it worked fine since it's Node based
Upload tar file to the /tmp off the root of IFS
Another option to get the file quickly is to run the wget command from an SSH terminal
wget https://github.com/Requarks/wiki/releases/latest/download/wiki-js-windows.tar.gz -P /tmp
Run this from bash shell, qp2term or possibly strqsh
mkdir /wikijs
mkdir /wikijs/database
mkdir /wikijs/backups
cd /tmp
tar xzf wiki-js-windows.tar.gz -C /wikijs
(After tar completes change to wikijs dir)
cd /wikijs
Ran this to rebuild SQLite3 driver binary I am using on IBM i (Only worked for node 12)
npm rebuild sqlite3
❗You will need to use postgres for your database. The above npm rebuild fails for sqllite3 on V7R5. Postgres seems to work fine.
Copy sample config file to actual config file
cp /wikijs/config.sample.yml /wikijs/config.yml
Edit config.yml file via your favorite PC file editor or WRKLNK I suppose.
type: sqlite
storage: /wikijs/database/database.sqlite
Run WikiJs
node server
Hit site via browser and config
Use the rest of the basic WikiJS site instructions