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Rico: Todo List Sample Application

This example contains a todo list that can be shared between several clients. The sample is based on the remoting modules of rico. The remoting API can be used to synchronize data between client and server.


The application provides several clients for the todo app that are all connected to the same server instance. Whenever a todo item is added by one client it will automatically be shown by all other clients.


How is the sync between clients implemented?

This sample is based on top of the rico remoting modules. The remoting modules implements the remote presentation model pattern that provides a automatically synchronization between client and server. Thus, you don’t need to think about any specific endpoints or requests.


Based on this, the remoting layer defines server side controllers that contain all the controller logic for a specific view. The lifecycle of these controllers is automatically synchronized with the view lifecycle. With this approach you have a MVC group for each client view with a synchronized model and a managed controller.

To share data between different clients the remoting event bus is used. This event bus can be used to notify controllers. A controller can simply subscribe itself to any topic and will be notified once an event for that topic is fired.

event bus

In this sample each controller simply calls a service once an item is added in the view. This service will fire an event to the event bus and since all controllers are subscribed to the event the new item will be shown on each client.


You need to have the following things installed:

  • an Java SDK (tested with Java 8 and 11.0.7 (AdoptOpenJDK) )

  • Maven

How to run

First, you need to have everthing compiled, so please run mvn install in the root directory of this samples project.

Before starting any client at least 1 server must be started. Since the spring and the JavaEE server both use the same port you can not start both servers in parallel.

Start a Server


Go to the 'server-spring' subfolder and use maven to start the server:

mvn spring-boot:run

Java EE

To start the JavaEE server simply run mvn wildfly:run from the server-javaee folder.

Next to this the server can be deployed to any JavaEE 6 application server. To do so run mvn verify from the server-javaee folder. The created todo-app.war in the target folder can be deployed as JavaEE web application. In that case the application must be reachable under http://localhost:8080/todo-app.

Start a client


To start the JavaFX client simply run mvn jfx:run from the client-javafx folder. Next to this the client can be started by the dev.rico.samples.todo.client.ToDoClient class.

AngularJS and Angular

Jetty-Maven-Plugin is preconfigured to serve the client, just start

mvn jetty:run

After this, you can access the sample via http://localhost:8081 (AngularJS) respectively http://localhost:8083 (Angular).


Jetty-Maven-Plugin is preconfigured to serve the client, just start

mvn jetty:run

After this, you can access the sample via http://localhost:8082