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macOS 簡易安裝教程

Henry Chan edited this page Oct 26, 2021 · 7 revisions

安裝須知 Caution

以下教程適合全新安裝「Rime 粵語拼音方案」嘅使用者。

This tutorial only applies to fresh installations.

安裝步驟 Installation Steps

  1. 下載並執行 mac-2021.05.16-installer.pkg。呢個 package 會自動安裝鼠鬚管同埋「粵語拼音」輸入法。

    Download and run mac-2021.05.16-installer.pkg. This package will automatically install the Rime squirrel frontend and the Jyutping input method.

    你可能會被 macOS 話個檔案係來自未識別開發者:

    During installation, the system may warn you that the file is from an unidentified developer.


    Press OK.

  2. 撳「蘋果」選單 >「系統偏好設定⋯」

    Click Apple menu > System Preferences.

  3. 撳「保安與私隱」。

    Click Security & Privacy.

  4. mac-2021.05.16-installer.pkg 隔離度撳「強制開啓」。

    Click Open anyway next to the mac-2021.05.16-installer.pkg.

  5. 喺彈出嚟嘅警示窗口撳「開啓」。

    Click Open in the warning dialog.

  6. 根據指示完成安裝。

    Follow the instructions on the installer to complete the installation.

  7. 安裝時需要輸入密碼。

    You will be prompted to enter your password for install.

  8. 安裝完成後需要登出再登入先生效。

    After installation you need to log out then log in again for the software to be activated.

使用須知 Usage Notes

  1. 確認喺右上方揀咗「鼠鬚管」後即可使用。

    Make sure that you have selected "Squirrel" to use Rime Cantonese.

  2. Shift 鍵來回切換中文同英文模式:

    Press the Shift button to switch between Chinese or English input mode.

    喺中文模式下,撳 Enter 可以將原先輸入嘅英文字符直接輸出。

    Press Enter to skip character compositing and directly output the characters as they were typed.

  3. control + ` (鍵盤上排第一粒掣,喺個1字隔籬嗰粒)可以切換其他輸入方案,例如倉頡同速成。

    Press control + ` (the first button on the first row of the main area of the keyboard, next to the 1 button) to swap to alternative input modes such as Cangjie and Sucheng.