0) {\n if(p < this.DB && (d = this[i]>>p) > 0) { m = true; r = int2char(d); }\n while(i >= 0) {\n if(p < k) {\n d = (this[i]&((1<>(p+=this.DB-k);\n }\n else {\n d = (this[i]>>(p-=k))&km;\n if(p <= 0) { p += this.DB; --i; }\n }\n if(d > 0) m = true;\n if(m) r += int2char(d);\n }\n }\n return m?r:\"0\";\n}\n\n// (public) -this\nfunction bnNegate() { var r = nbi(); BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) |this|\nfunction bnAbs() { return (this.s<0)?this.negate():this; }\n\n// (public) return + if this > a, - if this < a, 0 if equal\nfunction bnCompareTo(a) {\n var r = this.s-a.s;\n if(r != 0) return r;\n var i = this.t;\n r = i-a.t;\n if(r != 0) return (this.s<0)?-r:r;\n while(--i >= 0) if((r=this[i]-a[i]) != 0) return r;\n return 0;\n}\n\n// returns bit length of the integer x\nfunction nbits(x) {\n var r = 1, t;\n if((t=x>>>16) != 0) { x = t; r += 16; }\n if((t=x>>8) != 0) { x = t; r += 8; }\n if((t=x>>4) != 0) { x = t; r += 4; }\n if((t=x>>2) != 0) { x = t; r += 2; }\n if((t=x>>1) != 0) { x = t; r += 1; }\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) return the number of bits in \"this\"\nfunction bnBitLength() {\n if(this.t <= 0) return 0;\n return this.DB*(this.t-1)+nbits(this[this.t-1]^(this.s&this.DM));\n}\n\n// (protected) r = this << n*DB\nfunction bnpDLShiftTo(n,r) {\n var i;\n for(i = this.t-1; i >= 0; --i) r[i+n] = this[i];\n for(i = n-1; i >= 0; --i) r[i] = 0;\n r.t = this.t+n;\n r.s = this.s;\n}\n\n// (protected) r = this >> n*DB\nfunction bnpDRShiftTo(n,r) {\n for(var i = n; i < this.t; ++i) r[i-n] = this[i];\n r.t = Math.max(this.t-n,0);\n r.s = this.s;\n}\n\n// (protected) r = this << n\nfunction bnpLShiftTo(n,r) {\n var bs = n%this.DB;\n var cbs = this.DB-bs;\n var bm = (1<= 0; --i) {\n r[i+ds+1] = (this[i]>>cbs)|c;\n c = (this[i]&bm)<= 0; --i) r[i] = 0;\n r[ds] = c;\n r.t = this.t+ds+1;\n r.s = this.s;\n r.clamp();\n}\n\n// (protected) r = this >> n\nfunction bnpRShiftTo(n,r) {\n r.s = this.s;\n var ds = Math.floor(n/this.DB);\n if(ds >= this.t) { r.t = 0; return; }\n var bs = n%this.DB;\n var cbs = this.DB-bs;\n var bm = (1<>bs;\n for(var i = ds+1; i < this.t; ++i) {\n r[i-ds-1] |= (this[i]&bm)<>bs;\n }\n if(bs > 0) r[this.t-ds-1] |= (this.s&bm)<>= this.DB;\n }\n if(a.t < this.t) {\n c -= a.s;\n while(i < this.t) {\n c += this[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c += this.s;\n }\n else {\n c += this.s;\n while(i < a.t) {\n c -= a[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c -= a.s;\n }\n r.s = (c<0)?-1:0;\n if(c < -1) r[i++] = this.DV+c;\n else if(c > 0) r[i++] = c;\n r.t = i;\n r.clamp();\n}\n\n// (protected) r = this * a, r != this,a (HAC 14.12)\n// \"this\" should be the larger one if appropriate.\nfunction bnpMultiplyTo(a,r) {\n var x = this.abs(), y = a.abs();\n var i = x.t;\n r.t = i+y.t;\n while(--i >= 0) r[i] = 0;\n for(i = 0; i < y.t; ++i) r[i+x.t] = x.am(0,y[i],r,i,0,x.t);\n r.s = 0;\n r.clamp();\n if(this.s != a.s) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(r,r);\n}\n\n// (protected) r = this^2, r != this (HAC 14.16)\nfunction bnpSquareTo(r) {\n var x = this.abs();\n var i = r.t = 2*x.t;\n while(--i >= 0) r[i] = 0;\n for(i = 0; i < x.t-1; ++i) {\n var c = x.am(i,x[i],r,2*i,0,1);\n if((r[i+x.t]+=x.am(i+1,2*x[i],r,2*i+1,c,x.t-i-1)) >= x.DV) {\n r[i+x.t] -= x.DV;\n r[i+x.t+1] = 1;\n }\n }\n if(r.t > 0) r[r.t-1] += x.am(i,x[i],r,2*i,0,1);\n r.s = 0;\n r.clamp();\n}\n\n// (protected) divide this by m, quotient and remainder to q, r (HAC 14.20)\n// r != q, this != m. q or r may be null.\nfunction bnpDivRemTo(m,q,r) {\n var pm = m.abs();\n if(pm.t <= 0) return;\n var pt = this.abs();\n if(pt.t < pm.t) {\n if(q != null) q.fromInt(0);\n if(r != null) this.copyTo(r);\n return;\n }\n if(r == null) r = nbi();\n var y = nbi(), ts = this.s, ms = m.s;\n var nsh = this.DB-nbits(pm[pm.t-1]);\t// normalize modulus\n if(nsh > 0) { pm.lShiftTo(nsh,y); pt.lShiftTo(nsh,r); }\n else { pm.copyTo(y); pt.copyTo(r); }\n var ys = y.t;\n var y0 = y[ys-1];\n if(y0 == 0) return;\n var yt = y0*(1<1)?y[ys-2]>>this.F2:0);\n var d1 = this.FV/yt, d2 = (1<= 0) {\n r[r.t++] = 1;\n r.subTo(t,r);\n }\n BigInteger.ONE.dlShiftTo(ys,t);\n t.subTo(y,y);\t// \"negative\" y so we can replace sub with am later\n while(y.t < ys) y[y.t++] = 0;\n while(--j >= 0) {\n // Estimate quotient digit\n var qd = (r[--i]==y0)?this.DM:Math.floor(r[i]*d1+(r[i-1]+e)*d2);\n if((r[i]+=y.am(0,qd,r,j,0,ys)) < qd) {\t// Try it out\n y.dlShiftTo(j,t);\n r.subTo(t,r);\n while(r[i] < --qd) r.subTo(t,r);\n }\n }\n if(q != null) {\n r.drShiftTo(ys,q);\n if(ts != ms) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(q,q);\n }\n r.t = ys;\n r.clamp();\n if(nsh > 0) r.rShiftTo(nsh,r);\t// Denormalize remainder\n if(ts < 0) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(r,r);\n}\n\n// (public) this mod a\nfunction bnMod(a) {\n var r = nbi();\n this.abs().divRemTo(a,null,r);\n if(this.s < 0 && r.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) a.subTo(r,r);\n return r;\n}\n\n// Modular reduction using \"classic\" algorithm\nfunction Classic(m) { this.m = m; }\nfunction cConvert(x) {\n if(x.s < 0 || x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) return x.mod(this.m);\n else return x;\n}\nfunction cRevert(x) { return x; }\nfunction cReduce(x) { x.divRemTo(this.m,null,x); }\nfunction cMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }\nfunction cSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }\n\nClassic.prototype.convert = cConvert;\nClassic.prototype.revert = cRevert;\nClassic.prototype.reduce = cReduce;\nClassic.prototype.mulTo = cMulTo;\nClassic.prototype.sqrTo = cSqrTo;\n\n// (protected) return \"-1/this % 2^DB\"; useful for Mont. reduction\n// justification:\n// xy == 1 (mod m)\n// xy = 1+km\n// xy(2-xy) = (1+km)(1-km)\n// x[y(2-xy)] = 1-k^2m^2\n// x[y(2-xy)] == 1 (mod m^2)\n// if y is 1/x mod m, then y(2-xy) is 1/x mod m^2\n// should reduce x and y(2-xy) by m^2 at each step to keep size bounded.\n// JS multiply \"overflows\" differently from C/C++, so care is needed here.\nfunction bnpInvDigit() {\n if(this.t < 1) return 0;\n var x = this[0];\n if((x&1) == 0) return 0;\n var y = x&3;\t\t// y == 1/x mod 2^2\n y = (y*(2-(x&0xf)*y))&0xf;\t// y == 1/x mod 2^4\n y = (y*(2-(x&0xff)*y))&0xff;\t// y == 1/x mod 2^8\n y = (y*(2-(((x&0xffff)*y)&0xffff)))&0xffff;\t// y == 1/x mod 2^16\n // last step - calculate inverse mod DV directly;\n // assumes 16 < DB <= 32 and assumes ability to handle 48-bit ints\n y = (y*(2-x*y%this.DV))%this.DV;\t\t// y == 1/x mod 2^dbits\n // we really want the negative inverse, and -DV < y < DV\n return (y>0)?this.DV-y:-y;\n}\n\n// Montgomery reduction\nfunction Montgomery(m) {\n this.m = m;\n this.mp = m.invDigit();\n this.mpl = this.mp&0x7fff;\n this.mph = this.mp>>15;\n this.um = (1<<(m.DB-15))-1;\n this.mt2 = 2*m.t;\n}\n\n// xR mod m\nfunction montConvert(x) {\n var r = nbi();\n x.abs().dlShiftTo(this.m.t,r);\n r.divRemTo(this.m,null,r);\n if(x.s < 0 && r.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) this.m.subTo(r,r);\n return r;\n}\n\n// x/R mod m\nfunction montRevert(x) {\n var r = nbi();\n x.copyTo(r);\n this.reduce(r);\n return r;\n}\n\n// x = x/R mod m (HAC 14.32)\nfunction montReduce(x) {\n while(x.t <= this.mt2)\t// pad x so am has enough room later\n x[x.t++] = 0;\n for(var i = 0; i < this.m.t; ++i) {\n // faster way of calculating u0 = x[i]*mp mod DV\n var j = x[i]&0x7fff;\n var u0 = (j*this.mpl+(((j*this.mph+(x[i]>>15)*this.mpl)&this.um)<<15))&x.DM;\n // use am to combine the multiply-shift-add into one call\n j = i+this.m.t;\n x[j] += this.m.am(0,u0,x,i,0,this.m.t);\n // propagate carry\n while(x[j] >= x.DV) { x[j] -= x.DV; x[++j]++; }\n }\n x.clamp();\n x.drShiftTo(this.m.t,x);\n if(x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) x.subTo(this.m,x);\n}\n\n// r = \"x^2/R mod m\"; x != r\nfunction montSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n// r = \"xy/R mod m\"; x,y != r\nfunction montMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }\n\nMontgomery.prototype.convert = montConvert;\nMontgomery.prototype.revert = montRevert;\nMontgomery.prototype.reduce = montReduce;\nMontgomery.prototype.mulTo = montMulTo;\nMontgomery.prototype.sqrTo = montSqrTo;\n\n// (protected) true iff this is even\nfunction bnpIsEven() { return ((this.t>0)?(this[0]&1):this.s) == 0; }\n\n// (protected) this^e, e < 2^32, doing sqr and mul with \"r\" (HAC 14.79)\nfunction bnpExp(e,z) {\n if(e > 0xffffffff || e < 1) return BigInteger.ONE;\n var r = nbi(), r2 = nbi(), g = z.convert(this), i = nbits(e)-1;\n g.copyTo(r);\n while(--i >= 0) {\n z.sqrTo(r,r2);\n if((e&(1< 0) z.mulTo(r2,g,r);\n else { var t = r; r = r2; r2 = t; }\n }\n return z.revert(r);\n}\n\n// (public) this^e % m, 0 <= e < 2^32\nfunction bnModPowInt(e,m) {\n var z;\n if(e < 256 || m.isEven()) z = new Classic(m); else z = new Montgomery(m);\n return this.exp(e,z);\n}\n\n// (public)\nfunction bnClone() { var r = nbi(); this.copyTo(r); return r; }\n\n// (public) return value as integer\nfunction bnIntValue() {\n if(this.s < 0) {\n if(this.t == 1) return this[0]-this.DV;\n else if(this.t == 0) return -1;\n }\n else if(this.t == 1) return this[0];\n else if(this.t == 0) return 0;\n // assumes 16 < DB < 32\n return ((this[1]&((1<<(32-this.DB))-1))<>24; }\n\n// (public) return value as short (assumes DB>=16)\nfunction bnShortValue() { return (this.t==0)?this.s:(this[0]<<16)>>16; }\n\n// (protected) return x s.t. r^x < DV\nfunction bnpChunkSize(r) { return Math.floor(Math.LN2*this.DB/Math.log(r)); }\n\n// (public) 0 if this == 0, 1 if this > 0\nfunction bnSigNum() {\n if(this.s < 0) return -1;\n else if(this.t <= 0 || (this.t == 1 && this[0] <= 0)) return 0;\n else return 1;\n}\n\n// (protected) convert to radix string\nfunction bnpToRadix(b) {\n if(b == null) b = 10;\n if(this.signum() == 0 || b < 2 || b > 36) return \"0\";\n var cs = this.chunkSize(b);\n var a = Math.pow(b,cs);\n var d = nbv(a), y = nbi(), z = nbi(), r = \"\";\n this.divRemTo(d,y,z);\n while(y.signum() > 0) {\n r = (a+z.intValue()).toString(b).substr(1) + r;\n y.divRemTo(d,y,z);\n }\n return z.intValue().toString(b) + r;\n}\n\n// (protected) convert from radix string\nfunction bnpFromRadix(s,b) {\n this.fromInt(0);\n if(b == null) b = 10;\n var cs = this.chunkSize(b);\n var d = Math.pow(b,cs), mi = false, j = 0, w = 0;\n for(var i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) {\n var x = intAt(s,i);\n if(x < 0) {\n if(s.charAt(i) == \"-\" && this.signum() == 0) mi = true;\n continue;\n }\n w = b*w+x;\n if(++j >= cs) {\n this.dMultiply(d);\n this.dAddOffset(w,0);\n j = 0;\n w = 0;\n }\n }\n if(j > 0) {\n this.dMultiply(Math.pow(b,j));\n this.dAddOffset(w,0);\n }\n if(mi) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this,this);\n}\n\n// (protected) alternate constructor\nfunction bnpFromNumber(a,b,c) {\n if(\"number\" == typeof b) {\n // new BigInteger(int,int,RNG)\n if(a < 2) this.fromInt(1);\n else {\n this.fromNumber(a,c);\n if(!this.testBit(a-1))\t// force MSB set\n this.bitwiseTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a-1),op_or,this);\n if(this.isEven()) this.dAddOffset(1,0); // force odd\n while(!this.isProbablePrime(b)) {\n this.dAddOffset(2,0);\n if(this.bitLength() > a) this.subTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a-1),this);\n }\n }\n }\n else {\n // new BigInteger(int,RNG)\n var x = new Array(), t = a&7;\n x.length = (a>>3)+1;\n b.nextBytes(x);\n if(t > 0) x[0] &= ((1< 0) {\n if(p < this.DB && (d = this[i]>>p) != (this.s&this.DM)>>p)\n r[k++] = d|(this.s<<(this.DB-p));\n while(i >= 0) {\n if(p < 8) {\n d = (this[i]&((1<>(p+=this.DB-8);\n }\n else {\n d = (this[i]>>(p-=8))&0xff;\n if(p <= 0) { p += this.DB; --i; }\n }\n if((d&0x80) != 0) d |= -256;\n if(k == 0 && (this.s&0x80) != (d&0x80)) ++k;\n if(k > 0 || d != this.s) r[k++] = d;\n }\n }\n return r;\n}\n\nfunction bnEquals(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)==0); }\nfunction bnMin(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)<0)?this:a; }\nfunction bnMax(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)>0)?this:a; }\n\n// (protected) r = this op a (bitwise)\nfunction bnpBitwiseTo(a,op,r) {\n var i, f, m = Math.min(a.t,this.t);\n for(i = 0; i < m; ++i) r[i] = op(this[i],a[i]);\n if(a.t < this.t) {\n f = a.s&this.DM;\n for(i = m; i < this.t; ++i) r[i] = op(this[i],f);\n r.t = this.t;\n }\n else {\n f = this.s&this.DM;\n for(i = m; i < a.t; ++i) r[i] = op(f,a[i]);\n r.t = a.t;\n }\n r.s = op(this.s,a.s);\n r.clamp();\n}\n\n// (public) this & a\nfunction op_and(x,y) { return x&y; }\nfunction bnAnd(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_and,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this | a\nfunction op_or(x,y) { return x|y; }\nfunction bnOr(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_or,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this ^ a\nfunction op_xor(x,y) { return x^y; }\nfunction bnXor(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_xor,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this & ~a\nfunction op_andnot(x,y) { return x&~y; }\nfunction bnAndNot(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_andnot,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) ~this\nfunction bnNot() {\n var r = nbi();\n for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i) r[i] = this.DM&~this[i];\n r.t = this.t;\n r.s = ~this.s;\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) this << n\nfunction bnShiftLeft(n) {\n var r = nbi();\n if(n < 0) this.rShiftTo(-n,r); else this.lShiftTo(n,r);\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) this >> n\nfunction bnShiftRight(n) {\n var r = nbi();\n if(n < 0) this.lShiftTo(-n,r); else this.rShiftTo(n,r);\n return r;\n}\n\n// return index of lowest 1-bit in x, x < 2^31\nfunction lbit(x) {\n if(x == 0) return -1;\n var r = 0;\n if((x&0xffff) == 0) { x >>= 16; r += 16; }\n if((x&0xff) == 0) { x >>= 8; r += 8; }\n if((x&0xf) == 0) { x >>= 4; r += 4; }\n if((x&3) == 0) { x >>= 2; r += 2; }\n if((x&1) == 0) ++r;\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) returns index of lowest 1-bit (or -1 if none)\nfunction bnGetLowestSetBit() {\n for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i)\n if(this[i] != 0) return i*this.DB+lbit(this[i]);\n if(this.s < 0) return this.t*this.DB;\n return -1;\n}\n\n// return number of 1 bits in x\nfunction cbit(x) {\n var r = 0;\n while(x != 0) { x &= x-1; ++r; }\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) return number of set bits\nfunction bnBitCount() {\n var r = 0, x = this.s&this.DM;\n for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i) r += cbit(this[i]^x);\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) true iff nth bit is set\nfunction bnTestBit(n) {\n var j = Math.floor(n/this.DB);\n if(j >= this.t) return(this.s!=0);\n return((this[j]&(1<<(n%this.DB)))!=0);\n}\n\n// (protected) this op (1<>= this.DB;\n }\n if(a.t < this.t) {\n c += a.s;\n while(i < this.t) {\n c += this[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c += this.s;\n }\n else {\n c += this.s;\n while(i < a.t) {\n c += a[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c += a.s;\n }\n r.s = (c<0)?-1:0;\n if(c > 0) r[i++] = c;\n else if(c < -1) r[i++] = this.DV+c;\n r.t = i;\n r.clamp();\n}\n\n// (public) this + a\nfunction bnAdd(a) { var r = nbi(); this.addTo(a,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this - a\nfunction bnSubtract(a) { var r = nbi(); this.subTo(a,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this * a\nfunction bnMultiply(a) { var r = nbi(); this.multiplyTo(a,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this^2\nfunction bnSquare() { var r = nbi(); this.squareTo(r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this / a\nfunction bnDivide(a) { var r = nbi(); this.divRemTo(a,r,null); return r; }\n\n// (public) this % a\nfunction bnRemainder(a) { var r = nbi(); this.divRemTo(a,null,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) [this/a,this%a]\nfunction bnDivideAndRemainder(a) {\n var q = nbi(), r = nbi();\n this.divRemTo(a,q,r);\n return new Array(q,r);\n}\n\n// (protected) this *= n, this >= 0, 1 < n < DV\nfunction bnpDMultiply(n) {\n this[this.t] = this.am(0,n-1,this,0,0,this.t);\n ++this.t;\n this.clamp();\n}\n\n// (protected) this += n << w words, this >= 0\nfunction bnpDAddOffset(n,w) {\n if(n == 0) return;\n while(this.t <= w) this[this.t++] = 0;\n this[w] += n;\n while(this[w] >= this.DV) {\n this[w] -= this.DV;\n if(++w >= this.t) this[this.t++] = 0;\n ++this[w];\n }\n}\n\n// A \"null\" reducer\nfunction NullExp() {}\nfunction nNop(x) { return x; }\nfunction nMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); }\nfunction nSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); }\n\nNullExp.prototype.convert = nNop;\nNullExp.prototype.revert = nNop;\nNullExp.prototype.mulTo = nMulTo;\nNullExp.prototype.sqrTo = nSqrTo;\n\n// (public) this^e\nfunction bnPow(e) { return this.exp(e,new NullExp()); }\n\n// (protected) r = lower n words of \"this * a\", a.t <= n\n// \"this\" should be the larger one if appropriate.\nfunction bnpMultiplyLowerTo(a,n,r) {\n var i = Math.min(this.t+a.t,n);\n r.s = 0; // assumes a,this >= 0\n r.t = i;\n while(i > 0) r[--i] = 0;\n var j;\n for(j = r.t-this.t; i < j; ++i) r[i+this.t] = this.am(0,a[i],r,i,0,this.t);\n for(j = Math.min(a.t,n); i < j; ++i) this.am(0,a[i],r,i,0,n-i);\n r.clamp();\n}\n\n// (protected) r = \"this * a\" without lower n words, n > 0\n// \"this\" should be the larger one if appropriate.\nfunction bnpMultiplyUpperTo(a,n,r) {\n --n;\n var i = r.t = this.t+a.t-n;\n r.s = 0; // assumes a,this >= 0\n while(--i >= 0) r[i] = 0;\n for(i = Math.max(n-this.t,0); i < a.t; ++i)\n r[this.t+i-n] = this.am(n-i,a[i],r,0,0,this.t+i-n);\n r.clamp();\n r.drShiftTo(1,r);\n}\n\n// Barrett modular reduction\nfunction Barrett(m) {\n // setup Barrett\n this.r2 = nbi();\n this.q3 = nbi();\n BigInteger.ONE.dlShiftTo(2*m.t,this.r2);\n this.mu = this.r2.divide(m);\n this.m = m;\n}\n\nfunction barrettConvert(x) {\n if(x.s < 0 || x.t > 2*this.m.t) return x.mod(this.m);\n else if(x.compareTo(this.m) < 0) return x;\n else { var r = nbi(); x.copyTo(r); this.reduce(r); return r; }\n}\n\nfunction barrettRevert(x) { return x; }\n\n// x = x mod m (HAC 14.42)\nfunction barrettReduce(x) {\n x.drShiftTo(this.m.t-1,this.r2);\n if(x.t > this.m.t+1) { x.t = this.m.t+1; x.clamp(); }\n this.mu.multiplyUpperTo(this.r2,this.m.t+1,this.q3);\n this.m.multiplyLowerTo(this.q3,this.m.t+1,this.r2);\n while(x.compareTo(this.r2) < 0) x.dAddOffset(1,this.m.t+1);\n x.subTo(this.r2,x);\n while(x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) x.subTo(this.m,x);\n}\n\n// r = x^2 mod m; x != r\nfunction barrettSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n// r = x*y mod m; x,y != r\nfunction barrettMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }\n\nBarrett.prototype.convert = barrettConvert;\nBarrett.prototype.revert = barrettRevert;\nBarrett.prototype.reduce = barrettReduce;\nBarrett.prototype.mulTo = barrettMulTo;\nBarrett.prototype.sqrTo = barrettSqrTo;\n\n// (public) this^e % m (HAC 14.85)\nfunction bnModPow(e,m) {\n var i = e.bitLength(), k, r = nbv(1), z;\n if(i <= 0) return r;\n else if(i < 18) k = 1;\n else if(i < 48) k = 3;\n else if(i < 144) k = 4;\n else if(i < 768) k = 5;\n else k = 6;\n if(i < 8)\n z = new Classic(m);\n else if(m.isEven())\n z = new Barrett(m);\n else\n z = new Montgomery(m);\n\n // precomputation\n var g = new Array(), n = 3, k1 = k-1, km = (1< 1) {\n var g2 = nbi();\n z.sqrTo(g[1],g2);\n while(n <= km) {\n g[n] = nbi();\n z.mulTo(g2,g[n-2],g[n]);\n n += 2;\n }\n }\n\n var j = e.t-1, w, is1 = true, r2 = nbi(), t;\n i = nbits(e[j])-1;\n while(j >= 0) {\n if(i >= k1) w = (e[j]>>(i-k1))&km;\n else {\n w = (e[j]&((1<<(i+1))-1))<<(k1-i);\n if(j > 0) w |= e[j-1]>>(this.DB+i-k1);\n }\n\n n = k;\n while((w&1) == 0) { w >>= 1; --n; }\n if((i -= n) < 0) { i += this.DB; --j; }\n if(is1) {\t// ret == 1, don't bother squaring or multiplying it\n g[w].copyTo(r);\n is1 = false;\n }\n else {\n while(n > 1) { z.sqrTo(r,r2); z.sqrTo(r2,r); n -= 2; }\n if(n > 0) z.sqrTo(r,r2); else { t = r; r = r2; r2 = t; }\n z.mulTo(r2,g[w],r);\n }\n\n while(j >= 0 && (e[j]&(1< 0) {\n x.rShiftTo(g,x);\n y.rShiftTo(g,y);\n }\n while(x.signum() > 0) {\n if((i = x.getLowestSetBit()) > 0) x.rShiftTo(i,x);\n if((i = y.getLowestSetBit()) > 0) y.rShiftTo(i,y);\n if(x.compareTo(y) >= 0) {\n x.subTo(y,x);\n x.rShiftTo(1,x);\n }\n else {\n y.subTo(x,y);\n y.rShiftTo(1,y);\n }\n }\n if(g > 0) y.lShiftTo(g,y);\n return y;\n}\n\n// (protected) this % n, n < 2^26\nfunction bnpModInt(n) {\n if(n <= 0) return 0;\n var d = this.DV%n, r = (this.s<0)?n-1:0;\n if(this.t > 0)\n if(d == 0) r = this[0]%n;\n else for(var i = this.t-1; i >= 0; --i) r = (d*r+this[i])%n;\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) 1/this % m (HAC 14.61)\nfunction bnModInverse(m) {\n var ac = m.isEven();\n if((this.isEven() && ac) || m.signum() == 0) return BigInteger.ZERO;\n var u = m.clone(), v = this.clone();\n var a = nbv(1), b = nbv(0), c = nbv(0), d = nbv(1);\n while(u.signum() != 0) {\n while(u.isEven()) {\n u.rShiftTo(1,u);\n if(ac) {\n if(!a.isEven() || !b.isEven()) { a.addTo(this,a); b.subTo(m,b); }\n a.rShiftTo(1,a);\n }\n else if(!b.isEven()) b.subTo(m,b);\n b.rShiftTo(1,b);\n }\n while(v.isEven()) {\n v.rShiftTo(1,v);\n if(ac) {\n if(!c.isEven() || !d.isEven()) { c.addTo(this,c); d.subTo(m,d); }\n c.rShiftTo(1,c);\n }\n else if(!d.isEven()) d.subTo(m,d);\n d.rShiftTo(1,d);\n }\n if(u.compareTo(v) >= 0) {\n u.subTo(v,u);\n if(ac) a.subTo(c,a);\n b.subTo(d,b);\n }\n else {\n v.subTo(u,v);\n if(ac) c.subTo(a,c);\n d.subTo(b,d);\n }\n }\n if(v.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) != 0) return BigInteger.ZERO;\n if(d.compareTo(m) >= 0) return d.subtract(m);\n if(d.signum() < 0) d.addTo(m,d); else return d;\n if(d.signum() < 0) return d.add(m); else return d;\n}\n\nvar lowprimes = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97,101,103,107,109,113,127,131,137,139,149,151,157,163,167,173,179,181,191,193,197,199,211,223,227,229,233,239,241,251,257,263,269,271,277,281,283,293,307,311,313,317,331,337,347,349,353,359,367,373,379,383,389,397,401,409,419,421,431,433,439,443,449,457,461,463,467,479,487,491,499,503,509,521,523,541,547,557,563,569,571,577,587,593,599,601,607,613,617,619,631,641,643,647,653,659,661,673,677,683,691,701,709,719,727,733,739,743,751,757,761,769,773,787,797,809,811,821,823,827,829,839,853,857,859,863,877,881,883,887,907,911,919,929,937,941,947,953,967,971,977,983,991,997];\nvar lplim = (1<<26)/lowprimes[lowprimes.length-1];\n\n// (public) test primality with certainty >= 1-.5^t\nfunction bnIsProbablePrime(t) {\n var i, x = this.abs();\n if(x.t == 1 && x[0] <= lowprimes[lowprimes.length-1]) {\n for(i = 0; i < lowprimes.length; ++i)\n if(x[0] == lowprimes[i]) return true;\n return false;\n }\n if(x.isEven()) return false;\n i = 1;\n while(i < lowprimes.length) {\n var m = lowprimes[i], j = i+1;\n while(j < lowprimes.length && m < lplim) m *= lowprimes[j++];\n m = x.modInt(m);\n while(i < j) if(m%lowprimes[i++] == 0) return false;\n }\n return x.millerRabin(t);\n}\n\n// (protected) true if probably prime (HAC 4.24, Miller-Rabin)\nfunction bnpMillerRabin(t) {\n var n1 = this.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);\n var k = n1.getLowestSetBit();\n if(k <= 0) return false;\n var r = n1.shiftRight(k);\n t = (t+1)>>1;\n if(t > lowprimes.length) t = lowprimes.length;\n var a = nbi();\n for(var i = 0; i < t; ++i) {\n //Pick bases at random, instead of starting at 2\n a.fromInt(lowprimes[Math.floor(Math.random()*lowprimes.length)]);\n var y = a.modPow(r,this);\n if(y.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) != 0 && y.compareTo(n1) != 0) {\n var j = 1;\n while(j++ < k && y.compareTo(n1) != 0) {\n y = y.modPowInt(2,this);\n if(y.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) == 0) return false;\n }\n if(y.compareTo(n1) != 0) return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n\n// protected\nBigInteger.prototype.chunkSize = bnpChunkSize;\nBigInteger.prototype.toRadix = bnpToRadix;\nBigInteger.prototype.fromRadix = bnpFromRadix;\nBigInteger.prototype.fromNumber = bnpFromNumber;\nBigInteger.prototype.bitwiseTo = bnpBitwiseTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.changeBit = bnpChangeBit;\nBigInteger.prototype.addTo = bnpAddTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.dMultiply = bnpDMultiply;\nBigInteger.prototype.dAddOffset = bnpDAddOffset;\nBigInteger.prototype.multiplyLowerTo = bnpMultiplyLowerTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.multiplyUpperTo = bnpMultiplyUpperTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.modInt = bnpModInt;\nBigInteger.prototype.millerRabin = bnpMillerRabin;\n\n// public\nBigInteger.prototype.clone = bnClone;\nBigInteger.prototype.intValue = bnIntValue;\nBigInteger.prototype.byteValue = bnByteValue;\nBigInteger.prototype.shortValue = bnShortValue;\nBigInteger.prototype.signum = bnSigNum;\nBigInteger.prototype.toByteArray = bnToByteArray;\nBigInteger.prototype.equals = bnEquals;\nBigInteger.prototype.min = bnMin;\nBigInteger.prototype.max = bnMax;\nBigInteger.prototype.and = bnAnd;\nBigInteger.prototype.or = bnOr;\nBigInteger.prototype.xor = bnXor;\nBigInteger.prototype.andNot = bnAndNot;\nBigInteger.prototype.not = bnNot;\nBigInteger.prototype.shiftLeft = bnShiftLeft;\nBigInteger.prototype.shiftRight = bnShiftRight;\nBigInteger.prototype.getLowestSetBit = bnGetLowestSetBit;\nBigInteger.prototype.bitCount = bnBitCount;\nBigInteger.prototype.testBit = bnTestBit;\nBigInteger.prototype.setBit = bnSetBit;\nBigInteger.prototype.clearBit = bnClearBit;\nBigInteger.prototype.flipBit = bnFlipBit;\nBigInteger.prototype.add = bnAdd;\nBigInteger.prototype.subtract = bnSubtract;\nBigInteger.prototype.multiply = bnMultiply;\nBigInteger.prototype.divide = bnDivide;\nBigInteger.prototype.remainder = bnRemainder;\nBigInteger.prototype.divideAndRemainder = bnDivideAndRemainder;\nBigInteger.prototype.modPow = bnModPow;\nBigInteger.prototype.modInverse = bnModInverse;\nBigInteger.prototype.pow = bnPow;\nBigInteger.prototype.gcd = bnGCD;\nBigInteger.prototype.isProbablePrime = bnIsProbablePrime;\n\n// JSBN-specific extension\nBigInteger.prototype.square = bnSquare;\n\n// BigInteger interfaces not implemented in jsbn:\n\n// BigInteger(int signum, byte[] magnitude)\n// double doubleValue()\n// float floatValue()\n// int hashCode()\n// long longValue()\n// static BigInteger valueOf(long val)\n// protected\nBigInteger.prototype.copyTo = bnpCopyTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.fromInt = bnpFromInt;\nBigInteger.prototype.fromString = bnpFromString;\nBigInteger.prototype.clamp = bnpClamp;\nBigInteger.prototype.dlShiftTo = bnpDLShiftTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.drShiftTo = bnpDRShiftTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.lShiftTo = bnpLShiftTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.rShiftTo = bnpRShiftTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.subTo = bnpSubTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.multiplyTo = bnpMultiplyTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.squareTo = bnpSquareTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.divRemTo = bnpDivRemTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.invDigit = bnpInvDigit;\nBigInteger.prototype.isEven = bnpIsEven;\nBigInteger.prototype.exp = bnpExp;\n\n// public\nBigInteger.prototype.toString = bnToString;\nBigInteger.prototype.negate = bnNegate;\nBigInteger.prototype.abs = bnAbs;\nBigInteger.prototype.compareTo = bnCompareTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.bitLength = bnBitLength;\nBigInteger.prototype.mod = bnMod;\nBigInteger.prototype.modPowInt = bnModPowInt;\n\n// \"constants\"\nBigInteger.ZERO = nbv(0);\nBigInteger.ONE = nbv(1);\n\nexports.nbi\t = nbi;\nexports.BigInteger = BigInteger;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 7\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/jsbn.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/jsbn.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 8:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("var ST = require(22);\n\nvar REQUIRED = exports.REQUIRED = 0,\n OPTIONAL = exports.OPTIONAL = 1,\n DEFAULT = exports.DEFAULT = 2;\n\nST.Int16.id = 1;\nST.Int32.id = 2;\nST.Int64.id = 3;\nST.Hash128.id = 4;\nST.Hash256.id = 5;\nST.Amount.id = 6;\nST.VariableLength.id = 7;\nST.Account.id = 8;\nST.Object.id = 14;\nST.Array.id = 15;\nST.Int8.id = 16;\nST.Hash160.id = 17;\nST.PathSet.id = 18;\nST.Vector256.id = 19;\n\nvar base = [\n [ 'TransactionType' , REQUIRED, 2, ST.Int16 ],\n [ 'Flags' , OPTIONAL, 2, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'SourceTag' , OPTIONAL, 3, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'Account' , REQUIRED, 1, ST.Account ],\n [ 'Sequence' , REQUIRED, 4, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'Fee' , REQUIRED, 8, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'OperationLimit' , OPTIONAL, 29, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'SigningPubKey' , REQUIRED, 3, ST.VariableLength ],\n [ 'TxnSignature' , OPTIONAL, 4, ST.VariableLength ]\n];\n\nexports.tx = {\n AccountSet: [3].concat(base, [\n [ 'EmailHash' , OPTIONAL, 1, ST.Hash128 ],\n [ 'WalletLocator' , OPTIONAL, 7, ST.Hash256 ],\n [ 'WalletSize' , OPTIONAL, 12, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'MessageKey' , OPTIONAL, 2, ST.VariableLength ],\n [ 'Domain' , OPTIONAL, 7, ST.VariableLength ],\n [ 'TransferRate' , OPTIONAL, 11, ST.Int32 ]\n ]),\n TrustSet: [20].concat(base, [\n [ 'LimitAmount' , OPTIONAL, 3, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'QualityIn' , OPTIONAL, 20, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'QualityOut' , OPTIONAL, 21, ST.Int32 ]\n ]),\n OfferCreate: [7].concat(base, [\n [ 'TakerPays' , REQUIRED, 4, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'TakerGets' , REQUIRED, 5, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'Expiration' , OPTIONAL, 10, ST.Int32 ]\n ]),\n OfferCancel: [8].concat(base, [\n [ 'OfferSequence' , REQUIRED, 25, ST.Int32 ]\n ]),\n SetRegularKey: [5].concat(base, [\n [ 'RegularKey' , REQUIRED, 8, ST.Account ]\n ]),\n Payment: [0].concat(base, [\n [ 'Destination' , REQUIRED, 3, ST.Account ],\n [ 'Amount' , REQUIRED, 1, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'SendMax' , OPTIONAL, 9, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'Paths' , DEFAULT , 1, ST.PathSet ],\n [ 'InvoiceID' , OPTIONAL, 17, ST.Hash256 ],\n [ 'DestinationTag' , OPTIONAL, 14, ST.Int32 ]\n ]),\n Contract: [9].concat(base, [\n [ 'Expiration' , REQUIRED, 10, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'BondAmount' , REQUIRED, 23, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'StampEscrow' , REQUIRED, 22, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'RippleEscrow' , REQUIRED, 17, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'CreateCode' , OPTIONAL, 11, ST.VariableLength ],\n [ 'FundCode' , OPTIONAL, 8, ST.VariableLength ],\n [ 'RemoveCode' , OPTIONAL, 9, ST.VariableLength ],\n [ 'ExpireCode' , OPTIONAL, 10, ST.VariableLength ]\n ]),\n RemoveContract: [10].concat(base, [\n [ 'Target' , REQUIRED, 7, ST.Account ]\n ]),\n EnableFeature: [100].concat(base, [\n [ 'Feature' , REQUIRED, 19, ST.Hash256 ]\n ]),\n SetFee: [101].concat(base, [\n [ 'Features' , REQUIRED, 9, ST.Array ],\n [ 'BaseFee' , REQUIRED, 5, ST.Int64 ],\n [ 'ReferenceFeeUnits' , REQUIRED, 30, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'ReserveBase' , REQUIRED, 31, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'ReserveIncrement' , REQUIRED, 32, ST.Int32 ]\n ])\n};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 8\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/binformat.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/binformat.js");
+ eval("// This object serves as a singleton to store config options\n\nvar extend = require(2);\n\nvar config = module.exports = {\n load: function (newOpts) {\n extend(config, newOpts);\n return config;\n }\n};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 8\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/config.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/config.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 9:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("var exports = module.exports = require(13);\n\n// We override this function for browsers, because they print objects nicer\n// natively than JSON.stringify can.\nexports.logObject = function (msg, obj) {\n if (/MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {\n console.log(msg, JSON.stringify(obj));\n } else {\n console.log(msg, \"\", obj);\n }\n};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 9\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/utils.web.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/utils.web.js");
+ eval("var sjcl = require(1);\nvar utils = require(4);\nvar config = require(8);\nvar jsbn = require(7);\nvar extend = require(2);\n\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\nvar nbi = jsbn.nbi;\n\nvar UInt = require(15).UInt;\nvar Base = require(10).Base;\n\n//\n// UInt160 support\n//\n\nvar UInt160 = extend(function () {\n // Internal form: NaN or BigInteger\n this._value = NaN;\n}, UInt);\n\nUInt160.width = 20;\nUInt160.prototype = extend({}, UInt.prototype);\nUInt160.prototype.constructor = UInt160;\n\nvar ACCOUNT_ZERO = UInt160.ACCOUNT_ZERO = 'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhoLvTp';\nvar ACCOUNT_ONE = UInt160.ACCOUNT_ONE = 'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrBZbvji';\nvar HEX_ZERO = UInt160.HEX_ZERO = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';\nvar HEX_ONE = UInt160.HEX_ONE = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000001';\nvar STR_ZERO = UInt160.STR_ZERO = utils.hexToString(HEX_ZERO);\nvar STR_ONE = UInt160.STR_ONE = utils.hexToString(HEX_ONE);\n\n// value = NaN on error.\nUInt160.prototype.parse_json = function (j) {\n // Canonicalize and validate\n if (config.accounts && j in config.accounts) {\n j = config.accounts[j].account;\n }\n\n if (typeof j === 'number' && !isNaN(j)) {\n this._value = new BigInteger(String(j));\n } else if (typeof j !== 'string') {\n this._value = NaN;\n } else if (j[0] === 'r') {\n this._value = Base.decode_check(Base.VER_ACCOUNT_ID, j);\n } else {\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// XXX Json form should allow 0 and 1, C++ doesn't currently allow it.\nUInt160.prototype.to_json = function (opts) {\n var opts = opts || {};\n var output = NaN;\n\n if (this._value instanceof BigInteger) {\n output = Base.encode_check(Base.VER_ACCOUNT_ID, this.to_bytes());\n if (opts.gateways && output in opts.gateways) {\n output = opts.gateways[output];\n }\n }\n \n return output;\n};\n\nexports.UInt160 = UInt160;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 9\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/uint160.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/uint160.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 10:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("var EventEmitter = require(27).EventEmitter;\nvar util = require(28);\nvar utils = require(9);\n\n/**\n * @constructor Server\n * @param remote The Remote object\n * @param opts Configuration parameters.\n *\n * Keys for cfg:\n * url\n */ \n\nfunction Server(remote, opts) {\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n if (typeof opts !== 'object') {\n throw new Error('Invalid server configuration.');\n }\n\n var self = this;\n\n this._remote = remote;\n this._opts = opts;\n this._host = opts.host;\n this._port = opts.port;\n this._secure = typeof opts.secure === 'boolean' ? opts.secure : true;\n this._ws = void(0);\n this._connected = false;\n this._should_connect = false;\n this._state = void(0);\n this._id = 0;\n this._retry = 0;\n this._requests = { };\n\n this._opts.url = (opts.secure ? 'wss://' : 'ws://') + opts.host + ':' + opts.port;\n\n this.on('message', function(message) {\n self._handle_message(message);\n });\n\n this.on('response_subscribe', function(message) {\n self._handle_response_subscribe(message);\n });\n}\n\nutil.inherits(Server, EventEmitter);\n\n/**\n * Server states that we will treat as the server being online.\n *\n * Our requirements are that the server can process transactions and notify\n * us of changes.\n */\nServer.online_states = [\n 'syncing'\n , 'tracking'\n , 'proposing'\n , 'validating'\n , 'full'\n];\n\nServer.prototype._is_online = function (status) {\n return Server.online_states.indexOf(status) !== -1;\n};\n\nServer.prototype._set_state = function (state) {\n if (state !== this._state) {\n this._state = state;\n\n this.emit('state', state);\n\n switch (state) {\n case 'online':\n this._connected = true;\n this.emit('connect');\n break;\n case 'offline':\n this._connected = false;\n this.emit('disconnect');\n break;\n }\n }\n};\n\nServer.prototype._trace = function() {\n if (this._remote.trace) {\n utils.logObject.apply(utils, arguments);\n }\n};\n\nServer.prototype._remote_address = function() {\n try { var address = this._ws._socket.remoteAddress; } catch (e) { }\n return address;\n};\n\n// This is the final interface between client code and a socket connection to a\n// `rippled` server. As such, this is a decent hook point to allow a WebSocket\n// interface conforming object to be used as a basis to mock rippled. This\n// avoids the need to bind a websocket server to a port and allows a more\n// synchronous style of code to represent a client <-> server message sequence.\n// We can also use this to log a message sequence to a buffer.\nServer.prototype.websocket_constructor = function () {\n return require(26);\n};\n\nServer.prototype.connect = function () {\n var self = this;\n\n // We don't connect if we believe we're already connected. This means we have\n // recently received a message from the server and the WebSocket has not\n // reported any issues either. If we do fail to ping or the connection drops,\n // we will automatically reconnect.\n if (this._connected) {\n return;\n }\n\n this._trace('server: connect: %s', this._opts.url);\n\n // Ensure any existing socket is given the command to close first.\n if (this._ws) {\n this._ws.close();\n }\n\n // We require this late, because websocket shims may be loaded after\n // ripple-lib.\n var WebSocket = this.websocket_constructor();\n var ws = this._ws = new WebSocket(this._opts.url);\n\n this._should_connect = true;\n\n self.emit('connecting');\n\n ws.onopen = function () {\n // If we are no longer the active socket, simply ignore any event\n if (ws === self._ws) {\n self.emit('socket_open');\n // Subscribe to events\n var request = self._remote._server_prepare_subscribe();\n self.request(request);\n }\n };\n\n ws.onerror = function (e) {\n // If we are no longer the active socket, simply ignore any event\n if (ws === self._ws) {\n self._trace('server: onerror: %s', e.data || e);\n\n // Most connection errors for WebSockets are conveyed as 'close' events with\n // code 1006. This is done for security purposes and therefore unlikely to\n // ever change.\n\n // This means that this handler is hardly ever called in practice. If it is,\n // it probably means the server's WebSocket implementation is corrupt, or\n // the connection is somehow producing corrupt data.\n\n // Most WebSocket applications simply log and ignore this error. Once we\n // support for multiple servers, we may consider doing something like\n // lowering this server's quality score.\n\n // However, in Node.js this event may be triggered instead of the close\n // event, so we need to handle it.\n handleConnectionClose();\n }\n };\n\n // Failure to open.\n ws.onclose = function () {\n // If we are no longer the active socket, simply ignore any event\n if (ws === self._ws) {\n self._trace('server: onclose: %s', ws.readyState);\n handleConnectionClose();\n }\n };\n\n function handleConnectionClose() {\n self.emit('socket_close');\n self._set_state('offline');\n\n // Prevent additional events from this socket\n ws.onopen = ws.onerror = ws.onclose = ws.onmessage = function () {};\n\n // Should we be connected?\n if (!self._should_connect) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Delay and retry.\n self._retry += 1;\n self._retry_timer = setTimeout(function () {\n self._trace('server: retry');\n if (!self._should_connect) {\n return;\n }\n self.connect();\n }, self._retry < 40\n ? 1000/20 // First, for 2 seconds: 20 times per second\n : self._retry < 40+60\n ? 1000 // Then, for 1 minute: once per second\n : self._retry < 40+60+60\n ? 10*1000 // Then, for 10 minutes: once every 10 seconds\n : 30*1000); // Then: once every 30 seconds\n }\n\n ws.onmessage = function (msg) {\n self.emit('message', msg.data);\n };\n};\n\nServer.prototype.disconnect = function () {\n this._should_connect = false;\n this._set_state('offline');\n if (this._ws) {\n this._ws.close();\n }\n};\n\nServer.prototype.send_message = function (message) {\n if (this._ws) {\n this._ws.send(JSON.stringify(message));\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Submit a Request object to this server.\n */\nServer.prototype.request = function (request) {\n var self = this;\n\n // Only bother if we are still connected.\n if (this._ws) {\n request.server = this;\n request.message.id = this._id;\n\n this._requests[request.message.id] = request;\n\n // Advance message ID\n this._id++;\n\n var is_connected = this._connected || (request.message.command === 'subscribe' && this._ws.readyState === 1);\n \n if (is_connected) {\n this._trace('server: request: %s', request.message);\n this.send_message(request.message);\n } else {\n // XXX There are many ways to make this smarter.\n function server_reconnected() {\n self._trace('server: request: %s', request.message);\n self.send_message(request.message);\n }\n this.once('connect', server_reconnected);\n }\n } else {\n this._trace('server: request: DROPPING: %s', request.message);\n }\n};\n\nServer.prototype._handle_message = function (message) {\n var self = this;\n\n try { message = JSON.parse(message); } catch(e) { }\n\n var unexpected = typeof message !== 'object' || typeof message.type !== 'string';\n\n if (unexpected) {\n return; \n }\n\n switch (message.type) {\n case 'response':\n // A response to a request.\n var request = self._requests[message.id];\n delete self._requests[message.id];\n\n if (!request) {\n this._trace('server: UNEXPECTED: %s', message);\n } else if ('success' === message.status) {\n this._trace('server: response: %s', message);\n\n request.emit('success', message.result);\n\n [ self, self._remote ].forEach(function(emitter) {\n emitter.emit('response_' + request.message.command, message.result, request, message);\n });\n } else if (message.error) {\n this._trace('server: error: %s', message);\n\n request.emit('error', {\n error : 'remoteError',\n error_message : 'Remote reported an error.',\n remote : message\n });\n }\n break;\n\n case 'path_find':\n if (self._remote.trace) utils.logObject('server: path_find: %s', message);\n break;\n\n case 'serverStatus':\n // This message is only received when online. As we are connected, it is the definative final state.\n this._set_state(this._is_online(message.server_status) ? 'online' : 'offline');\n break;\n }\n}\n\nServer.prototype._handle_response_subscribe = function (message) {\n this._server_status = message.server_status;\n if (this._is_online(message.server_status)) {\n this._set_state('online');\n }\n}\n\nexports.Server = Server;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 10\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/server.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/server.js");
+ eval("\nvar sjcl = require(1);\nvar utils = require(4);\nvar jsbn = require(7);\nvar extend = require(2);\n\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\nvar nbi = jsbn.nbi;\n\nvar Base = {};\n\nvar alphabets\t= Base.alphabets = {\n 'ripple' : \"rpshnaf39wBUDNEGHJKLM4PQRST7VWXYZ2bcdeCg65jkm8oFqi1tuvAxyz\",\n 'tipple' : \"RPShNAF39wBUDnEGHJKLM4pQrsT7VWXYZ2bcdeCg65jkm8ofqi1tuvaxyz\",\n 'bitcoin' : \"123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz\"\n};\n\nextend(Base, {\n 'VER_NONE' : 1,\n 'VER_NODE_PUBLIC' : 28,\n 'VER_NODE_PRIVATE' : 32,\n 'VER_ACCOUNT_ID' : 0,\n 'VER_ACCOUNT_PUBLIC' : 35,\n 'VER_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE' : 34,\n 'VER_FAMILY_GENERATOR' : 41,\n 'VER_FAMILY_SEED' : 33\n});\n\nvar sha256 = function (bytes) {\n return sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits(sjcl.hash.sha256.hash(sjcl.codec.bytes.toBits(bytes)));\n};\n\nvar sha256hash = function (bytes) {\n return sha256(sha256(bytes));\n};\n\n// --> input: big-endian array of bytes.\n// <-- string at least as long as input.\nBase.encode = function (input, alpha) {\n var alphabet\t= alphabets[alpha || 'ripple'];\n var bi_base\t= new BigInteger(String(alphabet.length));\n var bi_q\t= nbi();\n var bi_r\t= nbi();\n var bi_value\t= new BigInteger(input);\n var buffer\t= [];\n\n while (bi_value.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0)\n {\n bi_value.divRemTo(bi_base, bi_q, bi_r);\n bi_q.copyTo(bi_value);\n\n buffer.push(alphabet[bi_r.intValue()]);\n }\n\n var i;\n\n for (i = 0; i != input.length && !input[i]; i += 1) {\n buffer.push(alphabet[0]);\n }\n\n return buffer.reverse().join(\"\");\n};\n\n// --> input: String\n// <-- array of bytes or undefined.\nBase.decode = function (input, alpha) {\n if (\"string\" !== typeof input) return undefined;\n\n var alphabet\t= alphabets[alpha || 'ripple'];\n var bi_base\t= new BigInteger(String(alphabet.length));\n var bi_value\t= nbi();\n var i;\n\n for (i = 0; i != input.length && input[i] === alphabet[0]; i += 1)\n ;\n\n for (; i != input.length; i += 1) {\n var\tv = alphabet.indexOf(input[i]);\n\n if (v < 0)\n return undefined;\n\n var r = nbi();\n\n r.fromInt(v);\n\n bi_value = bi_value.multiply(bi_base).add(r);\n }\n\n // toByteArray:\n // - Returns leading zeros!\n // - Returns signed bytes!\n var bytes = bi_value.toByteArray().map(function (b) { return b ? b < 0 ? 256+b : b : 0; });\n var extra = 0;\n\n while (extra != bytes.length && !bytes[extra])\n extra += 1;\n\n if (extra)\n bytes = bytes.slice(extra);\n\n var zeros = 0;\n\n while (zeros !== input.length && input[zeros] === alphabet[0])\n zeros += 1;\n\n return [].concat(utils.arraySet(zeros, 0), bytes);\n};\n\nBase.verify_checksum = function (bytes) {\n var computed\t= sha256hash(bytes.slice(0, -4)).slice(0, 4);\n var checksum\t= bytes.slice(-4);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)\n if (computed[i] !== checksum[i])\n return false;\n\n return true;\n};\n\n// --> input: Array\n// <-- String\nBase.encode_check = function (version, input, alphabet) {\n var buffer = [].concat(version, input);\n var check = sha256(sha256(buffer)).slice(0, 4);\n\n return Base.encode([].concat(buffer, check), alphabet);\n}\n\n// --> input : String\n// <-- NaN || BigInteger\nBase.decode_check = function (version, input, alphabet) {\n var buffer = Base.decode(input, alphabet);\n\n if (!buffer || buffer.length < 5)\n return NaN;\n\n // Single valid version\n if (\"number\" === typeof version && buffer[0] !== version)\n return NaN;\n\n // Multiple allowed versions\n if (\"object\" === typeof version && Array.isArray(version)) {\n var match = false;\n for (var i = 0, l = version.length; i < l; i++) {\n match |= version[i] === buffer[0];\n }\n if (!match) return NaN;\n }\n\n if (!Base.verify_checksum(buffer))\n return NaN;\n\n // We'll use the version byte to add a leading zero, this ensures JSBN doesn't\n // intrepret the value as a negative number\n buffer[0] = 0;\n\n return new BigInteger(buffer.slice(0, -4), 256);\n}\n\nexports.Base = Base;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 10\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/base.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/base.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 11:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(require, module) {/** @fileOverview Javascript cryptography implementation.\n *\n * Crush to remove comments, shorten variable names and\n * generally reduce transmission size.\n *\n * @author Emily Stark\n * @author Mike Hamburg\n * @author Dan Boneh\n */\n\n\"use strict\";\n/*jslint indent: 2, bitwise: false, nomen: false, plusplus: false, white: false, regexp: false */\n/*global document, window, escape, unescape */\n\n/** @namespace The Stanford Javascript Crypto Library, top-level namespace. */\nvar sjcl = {\n /** @namespace Symmetric ciphers. */\n cipher: {},\n\n /** @namespace Hash functions. Right now only SHA256 is implemented. */\n hash: {},\n\n /** @namespace Key exchange functions. Right now only SRP is implemented. */\n keyexchange: {},\n \n /** @namespace Block cipher modes of operation. */\n mode: {},\n\n /** @namespace Miscellaneous. HMAC and PBKDF2. */\n misc: {},\n \n /**\n * @namespace Bit array encoders and decoders.\n *\n * @description\n * The members of this namespace are functions which translate between\n * SJCL's bitArrays and other objects (usually strings). Because it\n * isn't always clear which direction is encoding and which is decoding,\n * the method names are \"fromBits\" and \"toBits\".\n */\n codec: {},\n \n /** @namespace Exceptions. */\n exception: {\n /** @constructor Ciphertext is corrupt. */\n corrupt: function(message) {\n this.toString = function() { return \"CORRUPT: \"+this.message; };\n this.message = message;\n },\n \n /** @constructor Invalid parameter. */\n invalid: function(message) {\n this.toString = function() { return \"INVALID: \"+this.message; };\n this.message = message;\n },\n \n /** @constructor Bug or missing feature in SJCL. @constructor */\n bug: function(message) {\n this.toString = function() { return \"BUG: \"+this.message; };\n this.message = message;\n },\n\n /** @constructor Something isn't ready. */\n notReady: function(message) {\n this.toString = function() { return \"NOT READY: \"+this.message; };\n this.message = message;\n }\n }\n};\n\nif(typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports){\n module.exports = sjcl;\n}\n\n/** @fileOverview Low-level AES implementation.\n *\n * This file contains a low-level implementation of AES, optimized for\n * size and for efficiency on several browsers. It is based on\n * OpenSSL's aes_core.c, a public-domain implementation by Vincent\n * Rijmen, Antoon Bosselaers and Paulo Barreto.\n *\n * An older version of this implementation is available in the public\n * domain, but this one is (c) Emily Stark, Mike Hamburg, Dan Boneh,\n * Stanford University 2008-2010 and BSD-licensed for liability\n * reasons.\n *\n * @author Emily Stark\n * @author Mike Hamburg\n * @author Dan Boneh\n */\n\n/**\n * Schedule out an AES key for both encryption and decryption. This\n * is a low-level class. Use a cipher mode to do bulk encryption.\n *\n * @constructor\n * @param {Array} key The key as an array of 4, 6 or 8 words.\n *\n * @class Advanced Encryption Standard (low-level interface)\n */\nsjcl.cipher.aes = function (key) {\n if (!this._tables[0][0][0]) {\n this._precompute();\n }\n \n var i, j, tmp,\n encKey, decKey,\n sbox = this._tables[0][4], decTable = this._tables[1],\n keyLen = key.length, rcon = 1;\n \n if (keyLen !== 4 && keyLen !== 6 && keyLen !== 8) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"invalid aes key size\");\n }\n \n this._key = [encKey = key.slice(0), decKey = []];\n \n // schedule encryption keys\n for (i = keyLen; i < 4 * keyLen + 28; i++) {\n tmp = encKey[i-1];\n \n // apply sbox\n if (i%keyLen === 0 || (keyLen === 8 && i%keyLen === 4)) {\n tmp = sbox[tmp>>>24]<<24 ^ sbox[tmp>>16&255]<<16 ^ sbox[tmp>>8&255]<<8 ^ sbox[tmp&255];\n \n // shift rows and add rcon\n if (i%keyLen === 0) {\n tmp = tmp<<8 ^ tmp>>>24 ^ rcon<<24;\n rcon = rcon<<1 ^ (rcon>>7)*283;\n }\n }\n \n encKey[i] = encKey[i-keyLen] ^ tmp;\n }\n \n // schedule decryption keys\n for (j = 0; i; j++, i--) {\n tmp = encKey[j&3 ? i : i - 4];\n if (i<=4 || j<4) {\n decKey[j] = tmp;\n } else {\n decKey[j] = decTable[0][sbox[tmp>>>24 ]] ^\n decTable[1][sbox[tmp>>16 & 255]] ^\n decTable[2][sbox[tmp>>8 & 255]] ^\n decTable[3][sbox[tmp & 255]];\n }\n }\n};\n\nsjcl.cipher.aes.prototype = {\n // public\n /* Something like this might appear here eventually\n name: \"AES\",\n blockSize: 4,\n keySizes: [4,6,8],\n */\n \n /**\n * Encrypt an array of 4 big-endian words.\n * @param {Array} data The plaintext.\n * @return {Array} The ciphertext.\n */\n encrypt:function (data) { return this._crypt(data,0); },\n \n /**\n * Decrypt an array of 4 big-endian words.\n * @param {Array} data The ciphertext.\n * @return {Array} The plaintext.\n */\n decrypt:function (data) { return this._crypt(data,1); },\n \n /**\n * The expanded S-box and inverse S-box tables. These will be computed\n * on the client so that we don't have to send them down the wire.\n *\n * There are two tables, _tables[0] is for encryption and\n * _tables[1] is for decryption.\n *\n * The first 4 sub-tables are the expanded S-box with MixColumns. The\n * last (_tables[01][4]) is the S-box itself.\n *\n * @private\n */\n _tables: [[[],[],[],[],[]],[[],[],[],[],[]]],\n\n /**\n * Expand the S-box tables.\n *\n * @private\n */\n _precompute: function () {\n var encTable = this._tables[0], decTable = this._tables[1],\n sbox = encTable[4], sboxInv = decTable[4],\n i, x, xInv, d=[], th=[], x2, x4, x8, s, tEnc, tDec;\n\n // Compute double and third tables\n for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {\n th[( d[i] = i<<1 ^ (i>>7)*283 )^i]=i;\n }\n \n for (x = xInv = 0; !sbox[x]; x ^= x2 || 1, xInv = th[xInv] || 1) {\n // Compute sbox\n s = xInv ^ xInv<<1 ^ xInv<<2 ^ xInv<<3 ^ xInv<<4;\n s = s>>8 ^ s&255 ^ 99;\n sbox[x] = s;\n sboxInv[s] = x;\n \n // Compute MixColumns\n x8 = d[x4 = d[x2 = d[x]]];\n tDec = x8*0x1010101 ^ x4*0x10001 ^ x2*0x101 ^ x*0x1010100;\n tEnc = d[s]*0x101 ^ s*0x1010100;\n \n for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n encTable[i][x] = tEnc = tEnc<<24 ^ tEnc>>>8;\n decTable[i][s] = tDec = tDec<<24 ^ tDec>>>8;\n }\n }\n \n // Compactify. Considerable speedup on Firefox.\n for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {\n encTable[i] = encTable[i].slice(0);\n decTable[i] = decTable[i].slice(0);\n }\n },\n \n /**\n * Encryption and decryption core.\n * @param {Array} input Four words to be encrypted or decrypted.\n * @param dir The direction, 0 for encrypt and 1 for decrypt.\n * @return {Array} The four encrypted or decrypted words.\n * @private\n */\n _crypt:function (input, dir) {\n if (input.length !== 4) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"invalid aes block size\");\n }\n \n var key = this._key[dir],\n // state variables a,b,c,d are loaded with pre-whitened data\n a = input[0] ^ key[0],\n b = input[dir ? 3 : 1] ^ key[1],\n c = input[2] ^ key[2],\n d = input[dir ? 1 : 3] ^ key[3],\n a2, b2, c2,\n \n nInnerRounds = key.length/4 - 2,\n i,\n kIndex = 4,\n out = [0,0,0,0],\n table = this._tables[dir],\n \n // load up the tables\n t0 = table[0],\n t1 = table[1],\n t2 = table[2],\n t3 = table[3],\n sbox = table[4];\n \n // Inner rounds. Cribbed from OpenSSL.\n for (i = 0; i < nInnerRounds; i++) {\n a2 = t0[a>>>24] ^ t1[b>>16 & 255] ^ t2[c>>8 & 255] ^ t3[d & 255] ^ key[kIndex];\n b2 = t0[b>>>24] ^ t1[c>>16 & 255] ^ t2[d>>8 & 255] ^ t3[a & 255] ^ key[kIndex + 1];\n c2 = t0[c>>>24] ^ t1[d>>16 & 255] ^ t2[a>>8 & 255] ^ t3[b & 255] ^ key[kIndex + 2];\n d = t0[d>>>24] ^ t1[a>>16 & 255] ^ t2[b>>8 & 255] ^ t3[c & 255] ^ key[kIndex + 3];\n kIndex += 4;\n a=a2; b=b2; c=c2;\n }\n \n // Last round.\n for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n out[dir ? 3&-i : i] =\n sbox[a>>>24 ]<<24 ^ \n sbox[b>>16 & 255]<<16 ^\n sbox[c>>8 & 255]<<8 ^\n sbox[d & 255] ^\n key[kIndex++];\n a2=a; a=b; b=c; c=d; d=a2;\n }\n \n return out;\n }\n};\n\n\n/** @fileOverview Arrays of bits, encoded as arrays of Numbers.\n *\n * @author Emily Stark\n * @author Mike Hamburg\n * @author Dan Boneh\n */\n\n/** @namespace Arrays of bits, encoded as arrays of Numbers.\n *\n * @description\n * \n * These objects are the currency accepted by SJCL's crypto functions.\n *
\n *\n * \n * Most of our crypto primitives operate on arrays of 4-byte words internally,\n * but many of them can take arguments that are not a multiple of 4 bytes.\n * This library encodes arrays of bits (whose size need not be a multiple of 8\n * bits) as arrays of 32-bit words. The bits are packed, big-endian, into an\n * array of words, 32 bits at a time. Since the words are double-precision\n * floating point numbers, they fit some extra data. We use this (in a private,\n * possibly-changing manner) to encode the number of bits actually present\n * in the last word of the array.\n *
\n *\n * \n * Because bitwise ops clear this out-of-band data, these arrays can be passed\n * to ciphers like AES which want arrays of words.\n *
\n */\nsjcl.bitArray = {\n /**\n * Array slices in units of bits.\n * @param {bitArray} a The array to slice.\n * @param {Number} bstart The offset to the start of the slice, in bits.\n * @param {Number} bend The offset to the end of the slice, in bits. If this is undefined,\n * slice until the end of the array.\n * @return {bitArray} The requested slice.\n */\n bitSlice: function (a, bstart, bend) {\n a = sjcl.bitArray._shiftRight(a.slice(bstart/32), 32 - (bstart & 31)).slice(1);\n return (bend === undefined) ? a : sjcl.bitArray.clamp(a, bend-bstart);\n },\n\n /**\n * Extract a number packed into a bit array.\n * @param {bitArray} a The array to slice.\n * @param {Number} bstart The offset to the start of the slice, in bits.\n * @param {Number} length The length of the number to extract.\n * @return {Number} The requested slice.\n */\n extract: function(a, bstart, blength) {\n // FIXME: this Math.floor is not necessary at all, but for some reason\n // seems to suppress a bug in the Chromium JIT.\n var x, sh = Math.floor((-bstart-blength) & 31);\n if ((bstart + blength - 1 ^ bstart) & -32) {\n // it crosses a boundary\n x = (a[bstart/32|0] << (32 - sh)) ^ (a[bstart/32+1|0] >>> sh);\n } else {\n // within a single word\n x = a[bstart/32|0] >>> sh;\n }\n return x & ((1< 0 && len) {\n a[l-1] = sjcl.bitArray.partial(len, a[l-1] & 0x80000000 >> (len-1), 1);\n }\n return a;\n },\n\n /**\n * Make a partial word for a bit array.\n * @param {Number} len The number of bits in the word.\n * @param {Number} x The bits.\n * @param {Number} [0] _end Pass 1 if x has already been shifted to the high side.\n * @return {Number} The partial word.\n */\n partial: function (len, x, _end) {\n if (len === 32) { return x; }\n return (_end ? x|0 : x << (32-len)) + len * 0x10000000000;\n },\n\n /**\n * Get the number of bits used by a partial word.\n * @param {Number} x The partial word.\n * @return {Number} The number of bits used by the partial word.\n */\n getPartial: function (x) {\n return Math.round(x/0x10000000000) || 32;\n },\n\n /**\n * Compare two arrays for equality in a predictable amount of time.\n * @param {bitArray} a The first array.\n * @param {bitArray} b The second array.\n * @return {boolean} true if a == b; false otherwise.\n */\n equal: function (a, b) {\n if (sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(a) !== sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(b)) {\n return false;\n }\n var x = 0, i;\n for (i=0; i= 32; shift -= 32) {\n out.push(carry);\n carry = 0;\n }\n if (shift === 0) {\n return out.concat(a);\n }\n \n for (i=0; i>>shift);\n carry = a[i] << (32-shift);\n }\n last2 = a.length ? a[a.length-1] : 0;\n shift2 = sjcl.bitArray.getPartial(last2);\n out.push(sjcl.bitArray.partial(shift+shift2 & 31, (shift + shift2 > 32) ? carry : out.pop(),1));\n return out;\n },\n \n /** xor a block of 4 words together.\n * @private\n */\n _xor4: function(x,y) {\n return [x[0]^y[0],x[1]^y[1],x[2]^y[2],x[3]^y[3]];\n }\n};\n\n/** @fileOverview Bit array codec implementations.\n *\n * @author Emily Stark\n * @author Mike Hamburg\n * @author Dan Boneh\n */\n \n/** @namespace UTF-8 strings */\nsjcl.codec.utf8String = {\n /** Convert from a bitArray to a UTF-8 string. */\n fromBits: function (arr) {\n var out = \"\", bl = sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(arr), i, tmp;\n for (i=0; i>> 24);\n tmp <<= 8;\n }\n return decodeURIComponent(escape(out));\n },\n \n /** Convert from a UTF-8 string to a bitArray. */\n toBits: function (str) {\n str = unescape(encodeURIComponent(str));\n var out = [], i, tmp=0;\n for (i=0; i>>bits) >>> 26);\n if (bits < 6) {\n ta = arr[i] << (6-bits);\n bits += 26;\n i++;\n } else {\n ta <<= 6;\n bits -= 6;\n }\n }\n while ((out.length & 3) && !_noEquals) { out += \"=\"; }\n return out;\n },\n \n /** Convert from a base64 string to a bitArray */\n toBits: function(str, _url) {\n str = str.replace(/\\s|=/g,'');\n var out = [], i, bits=0, c = sjcl.codec.base64._chars, ta=0, x;\n if (_url) c = c.substr(0,62) + '-_';\n for (i=0; i 26) {\n bits -= 26;\n out.push(ta ^ x>>>bits);\n ta = x << (32-bits);\n } else {\n bits += 6;\n ta ^= x << (32-bits);\n }\n }\n if (bits&56) {\n out.push(sjcl.bitArray.partial(bits&56, ta, 1));\n }\n return out;\n }\n};\n\nsjcl.codec.base64url = {\n fromBits: function (arr) { return sjcl.codec.base64.fromBits(arr,1,1); },\n toBits: function (str) { return sjcl.codec.base64.toBits(str,1); }\n};\n\n/** @fileOverview Bit array codec implementations.\n *\n * @author Emily Stark\n * @author Mike Hamburg\n * @author Dan Boneh\n */\n\n/** @namespace Arrays of bytes */\nsjcl.codec.bytes = {\n /** Convert from a bitArray to an array of bytes. */\n fromBits: function (arr) {\n var out = [], bl = sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(arr), i, tmp;\n for (i=0; i>> 24);\n tmp <<= 8;\n }\n return out;\n },\n /** Convert from an array of bytes to a bitArray. */\n toBits: function (bytes) {\n var out = [], i, tmp=0;\n for (i=0; i>>7 ^ a>>>18 ^ a>>>3 ^ a<<25 ^ a<<14) + \n (b>>>17 ^ b>>>19 ^ b>>>10 ^ b<<15 ^ b<<13) +\n w[i&15] + w[(i+9) & 15]) | 0;\n }\n \n tmp = (tmp + h7 + (h4>>>6 ^ h4>>>11 ^ h4>>>25 ^ h4<<26 ^ h4<<21 ^ h4<<7) + (h6 ^ h4&(h5^h6)) + k[i]); // | 0;\n \n // shift register\n h7 = h6; h6 = h5; h5 = h4;\n h4 = h3 + tmp | 0;\n h3 = h2; h2 = h1; h1 = h0;\n\n h0 = (tmp + ((h1&h2) ^ (h3&(h1^h2))) + (h1>>>2 ^ h1>>>13 ^ h1>>>22 ^ h1<<30 ^ h1<<19 ^ h1<<10)) | 0;\n }\n\n h[0] = h[0]+h0 | 0;\n h[1] = h[1]+h1 | 0;\n h[2] = h[2]+h2 | 0;\n h[3] = h[3]+h3 | 0;\n h[4] = h[4]+h4 | 0;\n h[5] = h[5]+h5 | 0;\n h[6] = h[6]+h6 | 0;\n h[7] = h[7]+h7 | 0;\n }\n};\n\n\n\n/** @fileOverview Javascript SHA-512 implementation.\n *\n * This implementation was written for CryptoJS by Jeff Mott and adapted for\n * SJCL by Stefan Thomas.\n *\n * CryptoJS (c) 2009–2012 by Jeff Mott. All rights reserved.\n * Released with New BSD License\n *\n * @author Emily Stark\n * @author Mike Hamburg\n * @author Dan Boneh\n * @author Jeff Mott\n * @author Stefan Thomas\n */\n\n/**\n * Context for a SHA-512 operation in progress.\n * @constructor\n * @class Secure Hash Algorithm, 512 bits.\n */\nsjcl.hash.sha512 = function (hash) {\n if (!this._key[0]) { this._precompute(); }\n if (hash) {\n this._h = hash._h.slice(0);\n this._buffer = hash._buffer.slice(0);\n this._length = hash._length;\n } else {\n this.reset();\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Hash a string or an array of words.\n * @static\n * @param {bitArray|String} data the data to hash.\n * @return {bitArray} The hash value, an array of 16 big-endian words.\n */\nsjcl.hash.sha512.hash = function (data) {\n return (new sjcl.hash.sha512()).update(data).finalize();\n};\n\nsjcl.hash.sha512.prototype = {\n /**\n * The hash's block size, in bits.\n * @constant\n */\n blockSize: 1024,\n \n /**\n * Reset the hash state.\n * @return this\n */\n reset:function () {\n this._h = this._init.slice(0);\n this._buffer = [];\n this._length = 0;\n return this;\n },\n \n /**\n * Input several words to the hash.\n * @param {bitArray|String} data the data to hash.\n * @return this\n */\n update: function (data) {\n if (typeof data === \"string\") {\n data = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(data);\n }\n var i, b = this._buffer = sjcl.bitArray.concat(this._buffer, data),\n ol = this._length,\n nl = this._length = ol + sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(data);\n for (i = 1024+ol & -1024; i <= nl; i+= 1024) {\n this._block(b.splice(0,32));\n }\n return this;\n },\n \n /**\n * Complete hashing and output the hash value.\n * @return {bitArray} The hash value, an array of 16 big-endian words.\n */\n finalize:function () {\n var i, b = this._buffer, h = this._h;\n\n // Round out and push the buffer\n b = sjcl.bitArray.concat(b, [sjcl.bitArray.partial(1,1)]);\n\n // Round out the buffer to a multiple of 32 words, less the 4 length words.\n for (i = b.length + 4; i & 31; i++) {\n b.push(0);\n }\n\n // append the length\n b.push(0);\n b.push(0);\n b.push(Math.floor(this._length / 0x100000000));\n b.push(this._length | 0);\n\n while (b.length) {\n this._block(b.splice(0,32));\n }\n\n this.reset();\n return h;\n },\n\n /**\n * The SHA-512 initialization vector, to be precomputed.\n * @private\n */\n _init:[],\n\n /**\n * Least significant 24 bits of SHA512 initialization values.\n *\n * Javascript only has 53 bits of precision, so we compute the 40 most\n * significant bits and add the remaining 24 bits as constants.\n *\n * @private\n */\n _initr: [ 0xbcc908, 0xcaa73b, 0x94f82b, 0x1d36f1, 0xe682d1, 0x3e6c1f, 0x41bd6b, 0x7e2179 ],\n\n /*\n _init:\n [0x6a09e667, 0xf3bcc908, 0xbb67ae85, 0x84caa73b, 0x3c6ef372, 0xfe94f82b, 0xa54ff53a, 0x5f1d36f1,\n 0x510e527f, 0xade682d1, 0x9b05688c, 0x2b3e6c1f, 0x1f83d9ab, 0xfb41bd6b, 0x5be0cd19, 0x137e2179],\n */\n\n /**\n * The SHA-512 hash key, to be precomputed.\n * @private\n */\n _key:[],\n\n /**\n * Least significant 24 bits of SHA512 key values.\n * @private\n */\n _keyr:\n [0x28ae22, 0xef65cd, 0x4d3b2f, 0x89dbbc, 0x48b538, 0x05d019, 0x194f9b, 0x6d8118,\n 0x030242, 0x706fbe, 0xe4b28c, 0xffb4e2, 0x7b896f, 0x1696b1, 0xc71235, 0x692694,\n 0xf14ad2, 0x4f25e3, 0x8cd5b5, 0xac9c65, 0x2b0275, 0xa6e483, 0x41fbd4, 0x1153b5,\n 0x66dfab, 0xb43210, 0xfb213f, 0xef0ee4, 0xa88fc2, 0x0aa725, 0x03826f, 0x0e6e70,\n 0xd22ffc, 0x26c926, 0xc42aed, 0x95b3df, 0xaf63de, 0x77b2a8, 0xedaee6, 0x82353b,\n 0xf10364, 0x423001, 0xf89791, 0x54be30, 0xef5218, 0x65a910, 0x71202a, 0xbbd1b8,\n 0xd2d0c8, 0x41ab53, 0x8eeb99, 0x9b48a8, 0xc95a63, 0x418acb, 0x63e373, 0xb2b8a3,\n 0xefb2fc, 0x172f60, 0xf0ab72, 0x6439ec, 0x631e28, 0x82bde9, 0xc67915, 0x72532b,\n 0x26619c, 0xc0c207, 0xe0eb1e, 0x6ed178, 0x176fba, 0xc898a6, 0xf90dae, 0x1c471b,\n 0x047d84, 0xc72493, 0xc9bebc, 0x100d4c, 0x3e42b6, 0x657e2a, 0xd6faec, 0x475817],\n\n /*\n _key:\n [0x428a2f98, 0xd728ae22, 0x71374491, 0x23ef65cd, 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xec4d3b2f, 0xe9b5dba5, 0x8189dbbc,\n 0x3956c25b, 0xf348b538, 0x59f111f1, 0xb605d019, 0x923f82a4, 0xaf194f9b, 0xab1c5ed5, 0xda6d8118,\n 0xd807aa98, 0xa3030242, 0x12835b01, 0x45706fbe, 0x243185be, 0x4ee4b28c, 0x550c7dc3, 0xd5ffb4e2,\n 0x72be5d74, 0xf27b896f, 0x80deb1fe, 0x3b1696b1, 0x9bdc06a7, 0x25c71235, 0xc19bf174, 0xcf692694,\n 0xe49b69c1, 0x9ef14ad2, 0xefbe4786, 0x384f25e3, 0x0fc19dc6, 0x8b8cd5b5, 0x240ca1cc, 0x77ac9c65,\n 0x2de92c6f, 0x592b0275, 0x4a7484aa, 0x6ea6e483, 0x5cb0a9dc, 0xbd41fbd4, 0x76f988da, 0x831153b5,\n 0x983e5152, 0xee66dfab, 0xa831c66d, 0x2db43210, 0xb00327c8, 0x98fb213f, 0xbf597fc7, 0xbeef0ee4,\n 0xc6e00bf3, 0x3da88fc2, 0xd5a79147, 0x930aa725, 0x06ca6351, 0xe003826f, 0x14292967, 0x0a0e6e70,\n 0x27b70a85, 0x46d22ffc, 0x2e1b2138, 0x5c26c926, 0x4d2c6dfc, 0x5ac42aed, 0x53380d13, 0x9d95b3df,\n 0x650a7354, 0x8baf63de, 0x766a0abb, 0x3c77b2a8, 0x81c2c92e, 0x47edaee6, 0x92722c85, 0x1482353b,\n 0xa2bfe8a1, 0x4cf10364, 0xa81a664b, 0xbc423001, 0xc24b8b70, 0xd0f89791, 0xc76c51a3, 0x0654be30,\n 0xd192e819, 0xd6ef5218, 0xd6990624, 0x5565a910, 0xf40e3585, 0x5771202a, 0x106aa070, 0x32bbd1b8,\n 0x19a4c116, 0xb8d2d0c8, 0x1e376c08, 0x5141ab53, 0x2748774c, 0xdf8eeb99, 0x34b0bcb5, 0xe19b48a8,\n 0x391c0cb3, 0xc5c95a63, 0x4ed8aa4a, 0xe3418acb, 0x5b9cca4f, 0x7763e373, 0x682e6ff3, 0xd6b2b8a3,\n 0x748f82ee, 0x5defb2fc, 0x78a5636f, 0x43172f60, 0x84c87814, 0xa1f0ab72, 0x8cc70208, 0x1a6439ec,\n 0x90befffa, 0x23631e28, 0xa4506ceb, 0xde82bde9, 0xbef9a3f7, 0xb2c67915, 0xc67178f2, 0xe372532b,\n 0xca273ece, 0xea26619c, 0xd186b8c7, 0x21c0c207, 0xeada7dd6, 0xcde0eb1e, 0xf57d4f7f, 0xee6ed178,\n 0x06f067aa, 0x72176fba, 0x0a637dc5, 0xa2c898a6, 0x113f9804, 0xbef90dae, 0x1b710b35, 0x131c471b,\n 0x28db77f5, 0x23047d84, 0x32caab7b, 0x40c72493, 0x3c9ebe0a, 0x15c9bebc, 0x431d67c4, 0x9c100d4c,\n 0x4cc5d4be, 0xcb3e42b6, 0x597f299c, 0xfc657e2a, 0x5fcb6fab, 0x3ad6faec, 0x6c44198c, 0x4a475817],\n */\n\n /**\n * Function to precompute _init and _key.\n * @private\n */\n _precompute: function () {\n // XXX: This code is for precomputing the SHA256 constants, change for\n // SHA512 and re-enable.\n var i = 0, prime = 2, factor;\n\n function frac(x) { return (x-Math.floor(x)) * 0x100000000 | 0; }\n function frac2(x) { return (x-Math.floor(x)) * 0x10000000000 & 0xff; }\n\n outer: for (; i<80; prime++) {\n for (factor=2; factor*factor <= prime; factor++) {\n if (prime % factor === 0) {\n // not a prime\n continue outer;\n }\n }\n\n if (i<8) {\n this._init[i*2] = frac(Math.pow(prime, 1/2));\n this._init[i*2+1] = (frac2(Math.pow(prime, 1/2)) << 24) | this._initr[i];\n }\n this._key[i*2] = frac(Math.pow(prime, 1/3));\n this._key[i*2+1] = (frac2(Math.pow(prime, 1/3)) << 24) | this._keyr[i];\n i++;\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Perform one cycle of SHA-512.\n * @param {bitArray} words one block of words.\n * @private\n */\n _block:function (words) {\n var i, wrh, wrl,\n w = words.slice(0),\n h = this._h,\n k = this._key,\n h0h = h[ 0], h0l = h[ 1], h1h = h[ 2], h1l = h[ 3],\n h2h = h[ 4], h2l = h[ 5], h3h = h[ 6], h3l = h[ 7],\n h4h = h[ 8], h4l = h[ 9], h5h = h[10], h5l = h[11],\n h6h = h[12], h6l = h[13], h7h = h[14], h7l = h[15];\n\n // Working variables\n var ah = h0h, al = h0l, bh = h1h, bl = h1l,\n ch = h2h, cl = h2l, dh = h3h, dl = h3l,\n eh = h4h, el = h4l, fh = h5h, fl = h5l,\n gh = h6h, gl = h6l, hh = h7h, hl = h7l;\n\n for (i=0; i<80; i++) {\n // load up the input word for this round\n if (i<16) {\n wrh = w[i * 2];\n wrl = w[i * 2 + 1];\n } else {\n // Gamma0\n var gamma0xh = w[(i-15) * 2];\n var gamma0xl = w[(i-15) * 2 + 1];\n var gamma0h =\n ((gamma0xl << 31) | (gamma0xh >>> 1)) ^\n ((gamma0xl << 24) | (gamma0xh >>> 8)) ^\n (gamma0xh >>> 7);\n var gamma0l =\n ((gamma0xh << 31) | (gamma0xl >>> 1)) ^\n ((gamma0xh << 24) | (gamma0xl >>> 8)) ^\n ((gamma0xh << 25) | (gamma0xl >>> 7));\n\n // Gamma1\n var gamma1xh = w[(i-2) * 2];\n var gamma1xl = w[(i-2) * 2 + 1];\n var gamma1h =\n ((gamma1xl << 13) | (gamma1xh >>> 19)) ^\n ((gamma1xh << 3) | (gamma1xl >>> 29)) ^\n (gamma1xh >>> 6);\n var gamma1l =\n ((gamma1xh << 13) | (gamma1xl >>> 19)) ^\n ((gamma1xl << 3) | (gamma1xh >>> 29)) ^\n ((gamma1xh << 26) | (gamma1xl >>> 6));\n\n // Shortcuts\n var wr7h = w[(i-7) * 2];\n var wr7l = w[(i-7) * 2 + 1];\n\n var wr16h = w[(i-16) * 2];\n var wr16l = w[(i-16) * 2 + 1];\n\n // W(round) = gamma0 + W(round - 7) + gamma1 + W(round - 16)\n wrl = gamma0l + wr7l;\n wrh = gamma0h + wr7h + ((wrl >>> 0) < (gamma0l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);\n wrl += gamma1l;\n wrh += gamma1h + ((wrl >>> 0) < (gamma1l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);\n wrl += wr16l;\n wrh += wr16h + ((wrl >>> 0) < (wr16l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);\n }\n\n w[i*2] = wrh |= 0;\n w[i*2 + 1] = wrl |= 0;\n\n // Ch\n var chh = (eh & fh) ^ (~eh & gh);\n var chl = (el & fl) ^ (~el & gl);\n\n // Maj\n var majh = (ah & bh) ^ (ah & ch) ^ (bh & ch);\n var majl = (al & bl) ^ (al & cl) ^ (bl & cl);\n\n // Sigma0\n var sigma0h = ((al << 4) | (ah >>> 28)) ^ ((ah << 30) | (al >>> 2)) ^ ((ah << 25) | (al >>> 7));\n var sigma0l = ((ah << 4) | (al >>> 28)) ^ ((al << 30) | (ah >>> 2)) ^ ((al << 25) | (ah >>> 7));\n\n // Sigma1\n var sigma1h = ((el << 18) | (eh >>> 14)) ^ ((el << 14) | (eh >>> 18)) ^ ((eh << 23) | (el >>> 9));\n var sigma1l = ((eh << 18) | (el >>> 14)) ^ ((eh << 14) | (el >>> 18)) ^ ((el << 23) | (eh >>> 9));\n\n // K(round)\n var krh = k[i*2];\n var krl = k[i*2+1];\n\n // t1 = h + sigma1 + ch + K(round) + W(round)\n var t1l = hl + sigma1l;\n var t1h = hh + sigma1h + ((t1l >>> 0) < (hl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);\n t1l += chl;\n t1h += chh + ((t1l >>> 0) < (chl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);\n t1l += krl;\n t1h += krh + ((t1l >>> 0) < (krl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);\n t1l += wrl;\n t1h += wrh + ((t1l >>> 0) < (wrl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);\n\n // t2 = sigma0 + maj\n var t2l = sigma0l + majl;\n var t2h = sigma0h + majh + ((t2l >>> 0) < (sigma0l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);\n\n // Update working variables\n hh = gh;\n hl = gl;\n gh = fh;\n gl = fl;\n fh = eh;\n fl = el;\n el = (dl + t1l) | 0;\n eh = (dh + t1h + ((el >>> 0) < (dl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n dh = ch;\n dl = cl;\n ch = bh;\n cl = bl;\n bh = ah;\n bl = al;\n al = (t1l + t2l) | 0;\n ah = (t1h + t2h + ((al >>> 0) < (t1l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n }\n\n // Intermediate hash\n h0l = h[1] = (h0l + al) | 0;\n h[0] = (h0h + ah + ((h0l >>> 0) < (al >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n h1l = h[3] = (h1l + bl) | 0;\n h[2] = (h1h + bh + ((h1l >>> 0) < (bl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n h2l = h[5] = (h2l + cl) | 0;\n h[4] = (h2h + ch + ((h2l >>> 0) < (cl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n h3l = h[7] = (h3l + dl) | 0;\n h[6] = (h3h + dh + ((h3l >>> 0) < (dl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n h4l = h[9] = (h4l + el) | 0;\n h[8] = (h4h + eh + ((h4l >>> 0) < (el >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n h5l = h[11] = (h5l + fl) | 0;\n h[10] = (h5h + fh + ((h5l >>> 0) < (fl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n h6l = h[13] = (h6l + gl) | 0;\n h[12] = (h6h + gh + ((h6l >>> 0) < (gl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n h7l = h[15] = (h7l + hl) | 0;\n h[14] = (h7h + hh + ((h7l >>> 0) < (hl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n }\n};\n\n\n\n/** @fileOverview Javascript SHA-1 implementation.\n *\n * Based on the implementation in RFC 3174, method 1, and on the SJCL\n * SHA-256 implementation.\n *\n * @author Quinn Slack\n */\n\n/**\n * Context for a SHA-1 operation in progress.\n * @constructor\n * @class Secure Hash Algorithm, 160 bits.\n */\nsjcl.hash.sha1 = function (hash) {\n if (hash) {\n this._h = hash._h.slice(0);\n this._buffer = hash._buffer.slice(0);\n this._length = hash._length;\n } else {\n this.reset();\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Hash a string or an array of words.\n * @static\n * @param {bitArray|String} data the data to hash.\n * @return {bitArray} The hash value, an array of 5 big-endian words.\n */\nsjcl.hash.sha1.hash = function (data) {\n return (new sjcl.hash.sha1()).update(data).finalize();\n};\n\nsjcl.hash.sha1.prototype = {\n /**\n * The hash's block size, in bits.\n * @constant\n */\n blockSize: 512,\n \n /**\n * Reset the hash state.\n * @return this\n */\n reset:function () {\n this._h = this._init.slice(0);\n this._buffer = [];\n this._length = 0;\n return this;\n },\n \n /**\n * Input several words to the hash.\n * @param {bitArray|String} data the data to hash.\n * @return this\n */\n update: function (data) {\n if (typeof data === \"string\") {\n data = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(data);\n }\n var i, b = this._buffer = sjcl.bitArray.concat(this._buffer, data),\n ol = this._length,\n nl = this._length = ol + sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(data);\n for (i = this.blockSize+ol & -this.blockSize; i <= nl;\n i+= this.blockSize) {\n this._block(b.splice(0,16));\n }\n return this;\n },\n \n /**\n * Complete hashing and output the hash value.\n * @return {bitArray} The hash value, an array of 5 big-endian words. TODO\n */\n finalize:function () {\n var i, b = this._buffer, h = this._h;\n\n // Round out and push the buffer\n b = sjcl.bitArray.concat(b, [sjcl.bitArray.partial(1,1)]);\n // Round out the buffer to a multiple of 16 words, less the 2 length words.\n for (i = b.length + 2; i & 15; i++) {\n b.push(0);\n }\n\n // append the length\n b.push(Math.floor(this._length / 0x100000000));\n b.push(this._length | 0);\n\n while (b.length) {\n this._block(b.splice(0,16));\n }\n\n this.reset();\n return h;\n },\n\n /**\n * The SHA-1 initialization vector.\n * @private\n */\n _init:[0x67452301, 0xEFCDAB89, 0x98BADCFE, 0x10325476, 0xC3D2E1F0],\n\n /**\n * The SHA-1 hash key.\n * @private\n */\n _key:[0x5A827999, 0x6ED9EBA1, 0x8F1BBCDC, 0xCA62C1D6],\n\n /**\n * The SHA-1 logical functions f(0), f(1), ..., f(79).\n * @private\n */\n _f:function(t, b, c, d) {\n if (t <= 19) {\n return (b & c) | (~b & d);\n } else if (t <= 39) {\n return b ^ c ^ d;\n } else if (t <= 59) {\n return (b & c) | (b & d) | (c & d);\n } else if (t <= 79) {\n return b ^ c ^ d;\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Circular left-shift operator.\n * @private\n */\n _S:function(n, x) {\n return (x << n) | (x >>> 32-n);\n },\n \n /**\n * Perform one cycle of SHA-1.\n * @param {bitArray} words one block of words.\n * @private\n */\n _block:function (words) { \n var t, tmp, a, b, c, d, e,\n w = words.slice(0),\n h = this._h,\n k = this._key;\n \n a = h[0]; b = h[1]; c = h[2]; d = h[3]; e = h[4]; \n\n for (t=0; t<=79; t++) {\n if (t >= 16) {\n w[t] = this._S(1, w[t-3] ^ w[t-8] ^ w[t-14] ^ w[t-16]);\n }\n tmp = (this._S(5, a) + this._f(t, b, c, d) + e + w[t] +\n this._key[Math.floor(t/20)]) | 0;\n e = d;\n d = c;\n c = this._S(30, b);\n b = a;\n a = tmp;\n }\n\n h[0] = (h[0]+a) |0;\n h[1] = (h[1]+b) |0;\n h[2] = (h[2]+c) |0;\n h[3] = (h[3]+d) |0;\n h[4] = (h[4]+e) |0;\n }\n};\n\n/** @fileOverview CCM mode implementation.\n *\n * Special thanks to Roy Nicholson for pointing out a bug in our\n * implementation.\n *\n * @author Emily Stark\n * @author Mike Hamburg\n * @author Dan Boneh\n */\n\n/** @namespace CTR mode with CBC MAC. */\nsjcl.mode.ccm = {\n /** The name of the mode.\n * @constant\n */\n name: \"ccm\",\n \n /** Encrypt in CCM mode.\n * @static\n * @param {Object} prf The pseudorandom function. It must have a block size of 16 bytes.\n * @param {bitArray} plaintext The plaintext data.\n * @param {bitArray} iv The initialization value.\n * @param {bitArray} [adata=[]] The authenticated data.\n * @param {Number} [tlen=64] the desired tag length, in bits.\n * @return {bitArray} The encrypted data, an array of bytes.\n */\n encrypt: function(prf, plaintext, iv, adata, tlen) {\n var L, i, out = plaintext.slice(0), tag, w=sjcl.bitArray, ivl = w.bitLength(iv) / 8, ol = w.bitLength(out) / 8;\n tlen = tlen || 64;\n adata = adata || [];\n \n if (ivl < 7) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"ccm: iv must be at least 7 bytes\");\n }\n \n // compute the length of the length\n for (L=2; L<4 && ol >>> 8*L; L++) {}\n if (L < 15 - ivl) { L = 15-ivl; }\n iv = w.clamp(iv,8*(15-L));\n \n // compute the tag\n tag = sjcl.mode.ccm._computeTag(prf, plaintext, iv, adata, tlen, L);\n \n // encrypt\n out = sjcl.mode.ccm._ctrMode(prf, out, iv, tag, tlen, L);\n \n return w.concat(out.data, out.tag);\n },\n \n /** Decrypt in CCM mode.\n * @static\n * @param {Object} prf The pseudorandom function. It must have a block size of 16 bytes.\n * @param {bitArray} ciphertext The ciphertext data.\n * @param {bitArray} iv The initialization value.\n * @param {bitArray} [[]] adata The authenticated data.\n * @param {Number} [64] tlen the desired tag length, in bits.\n * @return {bitArray} The decrypted data.\n */\n decrypt: function(prf, ciphertext, iv, adata, tlen) {\n tlen = tlen || 64;\n adata = adata || [];\n var L, i, \n w=sjcl.bitArray,\n ivl = w.bitLength(iv) / 8,\n ol = w.bitLength(ciphertext), \n out = w.clamp(ciphertext, ol - tlen),\n tag = w.bitSlice(ciphertext, ol - tlen), tag2;\n \n\n ol = (ol - tlen) / 8;\n \n if (ivl < 7) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"ccm: iv must be at least 7 bytes\");\n }\n \n // compute the length of the length\n for (L=2; L<4 && ol >>> 8*L; L++) {}\n if (L < 15 - ivl) { L = 15-ivl; }\n iv = w.clamp(iv,8*(15-L));\n \n // decrypt\n out = sjcl.mode.ccm._ctrMode(prf, out, iv, tag, tlen, L);\n \n // check the tag\n tag2 = sjcl.mode.ccm._computeTag(prf, out.data, iv, adata, tlen, L);\n if (!w.equal(out.tag, tag2)) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.corrupt(\"ccm: tag doesn't match\");\n }\n \n return out.data;\n },\n\n /* Compute the (unencrypted) authentication tag, according to the CCM specification\n * @param {Object} prf The pseudorandom function.\n * @param {bitArray} plaintext The plaintext data.\n * @param {bitArray} iv The initialization value.\n * @param {bitArray} adata The authenticated data.\n * @param {Number} tlen the desired tag length, in bits.\n * @return {bitArray} The tag, but not yet encrypted.\n * @private\n */\n _computeTag: function(prf, plaintext, iv, adata, tlen, L) {\n // compute B[0]\n var q, mac, field = 0, offset = 24, tmp, i, macData = [], w=sjcl.bitArray, xor = w._xor4;\n\n tlen /= 8;\n \n // check tag length and message length\n if (tlen % 2 || tlen < 4 || tlen > 16) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"ccm: invalid tag length\");\n }\n \n if (adata.length > 0xFFFFFFFF || plaintext.length > 0xFFFFFFFF) {\n // I don't want to deal with extracting high words from doubles.\n throw new sjcl.exception.bug(\"ccm: can't deal with 4GiB or more data\");\n }\n\n // mac the flags\n mac = [w.partial(8, (adata.length ? 1<<6 : 0) | (tlen-2) << 2 | L-1)];\n\n // mac the iv and length\n mac = w.concat(mac, iv);\n mac[3] |= w.bitLength(plaintext)/8;\n mac = prf.encrypt(mac);\n \n \n if (adata.length) {\n // mac the associated data. start with its length...\n tmp = w.bitLength(adata)/8;\n if (tmp <= 0xFEFF) {\n macData = [w.partial(16, tmp)];\n } else if (tmp <= 0xFFFFFFFF) {\n macData = w.concat([w.partial(16,0xFFFE)], [tmp]);\n } // else ...\n \n // mac the data itself\n macData = w.concat(macData, adata);\n for (i=0; i bs) {\n key = Hash.hash(key);\n }\n \n for (i=0; i\n * This random number generator is a derivative of Ferguson and Schneier's\n * generator Fortuna. It collects entropy from various events into several\n * pools, implemented by streaming SHA-256 instances. It differs from\n * ordinary Fortuna in a few ways, though.\n *
\n *\n * \n * Most importantly, it has an entropy estimator. This is present because\n * there is a strong conflict here between making the generator available\n * as soon as possible, and making sure that it doesn't \"run on empty\".\n * In Fortuna, there is a saved state file, and the system is likely to have\n * time to warm up.\n *
\n *\n * \n * Second, because users are unlikely to stay on the page for very long,\n * and to speed startup time, the number of pools increases logarithmically:\n * a new pool is created when the previous one is actually used for a reseed.\n * This gives the same asymptotic guarantees as Fortuna, but gives more\n * entropy to early reseeds.\n *
\n *\n * \n * The entire mechanism here feels pretty klunky. Furthermore, there are\n * several improvements that should be made, including support for\n * dedicated cryptographic functions that may be present in some browsers;\n * state files in local storage; cookies containing randomness; etc. So\n * look for improvements in future versions.\n *
\n */\nsjcl.prng = function(defaultParanoia) {\n \n /* private */\n this._pools = [new sjcl.hash.sha256()];\n this._poolEntropy = [0];\n this._reseedCount = 0;\n this._robins = {};\n this._eventId = 0;\n \n this._collectorIds = {};\n this._collectorIdNext = 0;\n \n this._strength = 0;\n this._poolStrength = 0;\n this._nextReseed = 0;\n this._key = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];\n this._counter = [0,0,0,0];\n this._cipher = undefined;\n this._defaultParanoia = defaultParanoia;\n \n /* event listener stuff */\n this._collectorsStarted = false;\n this._callbacks = {progress: {}, seeded: {}};\n this._callbackI = 0;\n \n /* constants */\n this._NOT_READY = 0;\n this._READY = 1;\n this._REQUIRES_RESEED = 2;\n\n this._MAX_WORDS_PER_BURST = 65536;\n this._PARANOIA_LEVELS = [0,48,64,96,128,192,256,384,512,768,1024];\n this._MILLISECONDS_PER_RESEED = 30000;\n this._BITS_PER_RESEED = 80;\n}\n \nsjcl.prng.prototype = {\n /** Generate several random words, and return them in an array\n * @param {Number} nwords The number of words to generate.\n */\n randomWords: function (nwords, paranoia) {\n var out = [], i, readiness = this.isReady(paranoia), g;\n \n if (readiness === this._NOT_READY) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.notReady(\"generator isn't seeded\");\n } else if (readiness & this._REQUIRES_RESEED) {\n this._reseedFromPools(!(readiness & this._READY));\n }\n \n for (i=0; i0) {\n estimatedEntropy++;\n tmp = tmp >>> 1;\n }\n }\n }\n this._pools[robin].update([id,this._eventId++,2,estimatedEntropy,t,data.length].concat(data));\n }\n break;\n \n case \"string\":\n if (estimatedEntropy === undefined) {\n /* English text has just over 1 bit per character of entropy.\n * But this might be HTML or something, and have far less\n * entropy than English... Oh well, let's just say one bit.\n */\n estimatedEntropy = data.length;\n }\n this._pools[robin].update([id,this._eventId++,3,estimatedEntropy,t,data.length]);\n this._pools[robin].update(data);\n break;\n \n default:\n err=1;\n }\n if (err) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.bug(\"random: addEntropy only supports number, array of numbers or string\");\n }\n \n /* record the new strength */\n this._poolEntropy[robin] += estimatedEntropy;\n this._poolStrength += estimatedEntropy;\n \n /* fire off events */\n if (oldReady === this._NOT_READY) {\n if (this.isReady() !== this._NOT_READY) {\n this._fireEvent(\"seeded\", Math.max(this._strength, this._poolStrength));\n }\n this._fireEvent(\"progress\", this.getProgress());\n }\n },\n \n /** Is the generator ready? */\n isReady: function (paranoia) {\n var entropyRequired = this._PARANOIA_LEVELS[ (paranoia !== undefined) ? paranoia : this._defaultParanoia ];\n \n if (this._strength && this._strength >= entropyRequired) {\n return (this._poolEntropy[0] > this._BITS_PER_RESEED && (new Date()).valueOf() > this._nextReseed) ?\n this._REQUIRES_RESEED | this._READY :\n this._READY;\n } else {\n return (this._poolStrength >= entropyRequired) ?\n this._REQUIRES_RESEED | this._NOT_READY :\n this._NOT_READY;\n }\n },\n \n /** Get the generator's progress toward readiness, as a fraction */\n getProgress: function (paranoia) {\n var entropyRequired = this._PARANOIA_LEVELS[ paranoia ? paranoia : this._defaultParanoia ];\n \n if (this._strength >= entropyRequired) {\n return 1.0;\n } else {\n return (this._poolStrength > entropyRequired) ?\n 1.0 :\n this._poolStrength / entropyRequired;\n }\n },\n \n /** start the built-in entropy collectors */\n startCollectors: function () {\n if (this._collectorsStarted) { return; }\n \n if (window.addEventListener) {\n window.addEventListener(\"load\", this._loadTimeCollector, false);\n window.addEventListener(\"mousemove\", this._mouseCollector, false);\n } else if (document.attachEvent) {\n document.attachEvent(\"onload\", this._loadTimeCollector);\n document.attachEvent(\"onmousemove\", this._mouseCollector);\n }\n else {\n throw new sjcl.exception.bug(\"can't attach event\");\n }\n \n this._collectorsStarted = true;\n },\n \n /** stop the built-in entropy collectors */\n stopCollectors: function () {\n if (!this._collectorsStarted) { return; }\n \n if (window.removeEventListener) {\n window.removeEventListener(\"load\", this._loadTimeCollector, false);\n window.removeEventListener(\"mousemove\", this._mouseCollector, false);\n } else if (window.detachEvent) {\n window.detachEvent(\"onload\", this._loadTimeCollector);\n window.detachEvent(\"onmousemove\", this._mouseCollector);\n }\n this._collectorsStarted = false;\n },\n \n /* use a cookie to store entropy.\n useCookie: function (all_cookies) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.bug(\"random: useCookie is unimplemented\");\n },*/\n \n /** add an event listener for progress or seeded-ness. */\n addEventListener: function (name, callback) {\n this._callbacks[name][this._callbackI++] = callback;\n },\n \n /** remove an event listener for progress or seeded-ness */\n removeEventListener: function (name, cb) {\n var i, j, cbs=this._callbacks[name], jsTemp=[];\n \n /* I'm not sure if this is necessary; in C++, iterating over a\n * collection and modifying it at the same time is a no-no.\n */\n \n for (j in cbs) {\n\tif (cbs.hasOwnProperty(j) && cbs[j] === cb) {\n jsTemp.push(j);\n }\n }\n \n for (i=0; i= 1 << this._pools.length) {\n this._pools.push(new sjcl.hash.sha256());\n this._poolEntropy.push(0);\n }\n \n /* how strong was this reseed? */\n this._poolStrength -= strength;\n if (strength > this._strength) {\n this._strength = strength;\n }\n \n this._reseedCount ++;\n this._reseed(reseedData);\n },\n \n _mouseCollector: function (ev) {\n var x = ev.x || ev.clientX || ev.offsetX || 0, y = ev.y || ev.clientY || ev.offsetY || 0;\n sjcl.random.addEntropy([x,y], 2, \"mouse\");\n },\n \n _loadTimeCollector: function (ev) {\n sjcl.random.addEntropy((new Date()).valueOf(), 2, \"loadtime\");\n },\n \n _fireEvent: function (name, arg) {\n var j, cbs=sjcl.random._callbacks[name], cbsTemp=[];\n /* TODO: there is a race condition between removing collectors and firing them */ \n\n /* I'm not sure if this is necessary; in C++, iterating over a\n * collection and modifying it at the same time is a no-no.\n */\n \n for (j in cbs) {\n if (cbs.hasOwnProperty(j)) {\n cbsTemp.push(cbs[j]);\n }\n }\n \n for (j=0; j 4)) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"json encrypt: invalid parameters\");\n }\n \n if (typeof password === \"string\") {\n tmp = sjcl.misc.cachedPbkdf2(password, p);\n password = tmp.key.slice(0,p.ks/32);\n p.salt = tmp.salt;\n } else if (sjcl.ecc && password instanceof sjcl.ecc.elGamal.publicKey) {\n tmp = password.kem();\n p.kemtag = tmp.tag;\n password = tmp.key.slice(0,p.ks/32);\n }\n if (typeof plaintext === \"string\") {\n plaintext = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(plaintext);\n }\n if (typeof adata === \"string\") {\n adata = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(adata);\n }\n prp = new sjcl.cipher[p.cipher](password);\n \n /* return the json data */\n j._add(rp, p);\n rp.key = password;\n \n /* do the encryption */\n p.ct = sjcl.mode[p.mode].encrypt(prp, plaintext, p.iv, adata, p.ts);\n \n //return j.encode(j._subtract(p, j.defaults));\n return j.encode(p);\n },\n \n /** Simple decryption function.\n * @param {String|bitArray} password The password or key.\n * @param {String} ciphertext The ciphertext to decrypt.\n * @param {Object} [params] Additional non-default parameters.\n * @param {Object} [rp] A returned object with filled parameters.\n * @return {String} The plaintext.\n * @throws {sjcl.exception.invalid} if a parameter is invalid.\n * @throws {sjcl.exception.corrupt} if the ciphertext is corrupt.\n */\n decrypt: function (password, ciphertext, params, rp) {\n params = params || {};\n rp = rp || {};\n \n var j = sjcl.json, p = j._add(j._add(j._add({},j.defaults),j.decode(ciphertext)), params, true), ct, tmp, prp, adata=p.adata;\n if (typeof p.salt === \"string\") {\n p.salt = sjcl.codec.base64.toBits(p.salt);\n }\n if (typeof p.iv === \"string\") {\n p.iv = sjcl.codec.base64.toBits(p.iv);\n }\n \n if (!sjcl.mode[p.mode] ||\n !sjcl.cipher[p.cipher] ||\n (typeof password === \"string\" && p.iter <= 100) ||\n (p.ts !== 64 && p.ts !== 96 && p.ts !== 128) ||\n (p.ks !== 128 && p.ks !== 192 && p.ks !== 256) ||\n (!p.iv) ||\n (p.iv.length < 2 || p.iv.length > 4)) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"json decrypt: invalid parameters\");\n }\n \n if (typeof password === \"string\") {\n tmp = sjcl.misc.cachedPbkdf2(password, p);\n password = tmp.key.slice(0,p.ks/32);\n p.salt = tmp.salt;\n } else if (sjcl.ecc && password instanceof sjcl.ecc.elGamal.secretKey) {\n password = password.unkem(sjcl.codec.base64.toBits(p.kemtag)).slice(0,p.ks/32);\n }\n if (typeof adata === \"string\") {\n adata = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(adata);\n }\n prp = new sjcl.cipher[p.cipher](password);\n \n /* do the decryption */\n ct = sjcl.mode[p.mode].decrypt(prp, p.ct, p.iv, adata, p.ts);\n \n /* return the json data */\n j._add(rp, p);\n rp.key = password;\n \n return sjcl.codec.utf8String.fromBits(ct);\n },\n \n /** Encode a flat structure into a JSON string.\n * @param {Object} obj The structure to encode.\n * @return {String} A JSON string.\n * @throws {sjcl.exception.invalid} if obj has a non-alphanumeric property.\n * @throws {sjcl.exception.bug} if a parameter has an unsupported type.\n */\n encode: function (obj) {\n var i, out='{', comma='';\n for (i in obj) {\n if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) {\n if (!i.match(/^[a-z0-9]+$/i)) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"json encode: invalid property name\");\n }\n out += comma + '\"' + i + '\":';\n comma = ',';\n \n switch (typeof obj[i]) {\n case 'number':\n case 'boolean':\n out += obj[i];\n break;\n \n case 'string':\n out += '\"' + escape(obj[i]) + '\"';\n break;\n \n case 'object':\n out += '\"' + sjcl.codec.base64.fromBits(obj[i],0) + '\"';\n break;\n \n default:\n throw new sjcl.exception.bug(\"json encode: unsupported type\");\n }\n }\n }\n return out+'}';\n },\n \n /** Decode a simple (flat) JSON string into a structure. The ciphertext,\n * adata, salt and iv will be base64-decoded.\n * @param {String} str The string.\n * @return {Object} The decoded structure.\n * @throws {sjcl.exception.invalid} if str isn't (simple) JSON.\n */\n decode: function (str) {\n str = str.replace(/\\s/g,'');\n if (!str.match(/^\\{.*\\}$/)) { \n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"json decode: this isn't json!\");\n }\n var a = str.replace(/^\\{|\\}$/g, '').split(/,/), out={}, i, m;\n for (i=0; i= this.limbs.length) ? 0 : this.limbs[i];\n },\n \n /**\n * Constant time comparison function.\n * Returns 1 if this >= that, or zero otherwise.\n */\n greaterEquals: function(that) {\n if (typeof that === \"number\") { that = new this._class(that); }\n var less = 0, greater = 0, i, a, b;\n i = Math.max(this.limbs.length, that.limbs.length) - 1;\n for (; i>= 0; i--) {\n a = this.getLimb(i);\n b = that.getLimb(i);\n greater |= (b - a) & ~less;\n less |= (a - b) & ~greater;\n }\n return (greater | ~less) >>> 31;\n },\n \n /**\n * Convert to a hex string.\n */\n toString: function() {\n this.fullReduce();\n var out=\"\", i, s, l = this.limbs;\n for (i=0; i < this.limbs.length; i++) {\n s = l[i].toString(16);\n while (i < this.limbs.length - 1 && s.length < 6) {\n s = \"0\" + s;\n }\n out = s + out;\n }\n return \"0x\"+out;\n },\n \n /** this += that. Does not normalize. */\n addM: function(that) {\n if (typeof(that) !== \"object\") { that = new this._class(that); }\n var i, l=this.limbs, ll=that.limbs;\n for (i=l.length; i> r;\n }\n if (carry) {\n l.push(carry);\n }\n return this;\n },\n \n /** this /= 2, rounded down. Requires normalized; ends up normalized. */\n halveM: function() {\n var i, carry=0, tmp, r=this.radix, l=this.limbs;\n for (i=l.length-1; i>=0; i--) {\n tmp = l[i];\n l[i] = (tmp+carry)>>1;\n carry = (tmp&1) << r;\n }\n if (!l[l.length-1]) {\n l.pop();\n }\n return this;\n },\n\n /** this -= that. Does not normalize. */\n subM: function(that) {\n if (typeof(that) !== \"object\") { that = new this._class(that); }\n var i, l=this.limbs, ll=that.limbs;\n for (i=l.length; i 0; ci--) {\n that.halveM();\n if (out.greaterEquals(that)) {\n out.subM(that).normalize();\n }\n }\n return out.trim();\n },\n \n /** return inverse mod prime p. p must be odd. Binary extended Euclidean algorithm mod p. */\n inverseMod: function(p) {\n var a = new sjcl.bn(1), b = new sjcl.bn(0), x = new sjcl.bn(this), y = new sjcl.bn(p), tmp, i, nz=1;\n \n if (!(p.limbs[0] & 1)) {\n throw (new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"inverseMod: p must be odd\"));\n }\n \n // invariant: y is odd\n do {\n if (x.limbs[0] & 1) {\n if (!x.greaterEquals(y)) {\n // x < y; swap everything\n tmp = x; x = y; y = tmp;\n tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp;\n }\n x.subM(y);\n x.normalize();\n \n if (!a.greaterEquals(b)) {\n a.addM(p);\n }\n a.subM(b);\n }\n \n // cut everything in half\n x.halveM();\n if (a.limbs[0] & 1) {\n a.addM(p);\n }\n a.normalize();\n a.halveM();\n \n // check for termination: x ?= 0\n for (i=nz=0; i= 0; i--) {\n out = w.concat(out, [w.partial(Math.min(this.radix,len), this.getLimb(i))]);\n len -= this.radix;\n }\n return out;\n },\n \n /** Return the length in bits, rounded up to the nearest byte. */\n bitLength: function() {\n this.fullReduce();\n var out = this.radix * (this.limbs.length - 1),\n b = this.limbs[this.limbs.length - 1];\n for (; b; b >>>= 1) {\n out ++;\n }\n return out+7 & -8;\n }\n};\n\n/** @this { sjcl.bn } */\nsjcl.bn.fromBits = function(bits) {\n var Class = this, out = new Class(), words=[], w=sjcl.bitArray, t = this.prototype,\n l = Math.min(this.bitLength || 0x100000000, w.bitLength(bits)), e = l % t.radix || t.radix;\n \n words[0] = w.extract(bits, 0, e);\n for (; e < l; e += t.radix) {\n words.unshift(w.extract(bits, e, t.radix));\n }\n\n out.limbs = words;\n return out;\n};\n\n\n\nsjcl.bn.prototype.ipv = 1 / (sjcl.bn.prototype.placeVal = Math.pow(2,sjcl.bn.prototype.radix));\nsjcl.bn.prototype.radixMask = (1 << sjcl.bn.prototype.radix) - 1;\n\n/**\n * Creates a new subclass of bn, based on reduction modulo a pseudo-Mersenne prime,\n * i.e. a prime of the form 2^e + sum(a * 2^b),where the sum is negative and sparse.\n */\nsjcl.bn.pseudoMersennePrime = function(exponent, coeff) {\n /** @constructor */\n function p(it) {\n this.initWith(it);\n /*if (this.limbs[this.modOffset]) {\n this.reduce();\n }*/\n }\n\n var ppr = p.prototype = new sjcl.bn(), i, tmp, mo;\n mo = ppr.modOffset = Math.ceil(tmp = exponent / ppr.radix);\n ppr.exponent = exponent;\n ppr.offset = [];\n ppr.factor = [];\n ppr.minOffset = mo;\n ppr.fullMask = 0;\n ppr.fullOffset = [];\n ppr.fullFactor = [];\n ppr.modulus = p.modulus = new sjcl.bn(Math.pow(2,exponent));\n \n ppr.fullMask = 0|-Math.pow(2, exponent % ppr.radix);\n\n for (i=0; i mo) {\n l = limbs.pop();\n ll = limbs.length;\n for (k=0; k=0; i--) {\n for (j=sjcl.bn.prototype.radix-4; j>=0; j-=4) {\n out = out.doubl().doubl().doubl().doubl().add(multiples[k[i]>>j & 0xF]);\n }\n }\n \n return out;\n },\n \n /**\n * Multiply this point by k, added to affine2*k2, and return the answer in Jacobian coordinates.\n * @param {bigInt} k The coefficient to multiply this by.\n * @param {sjcl.ecc.point} affine This point in affine coordinates.\n * @param {bigInt} k2 The coefficient to multiply affine2 this by.\n * @param {sjcl.ecc.point} affine The other point in affine coordinates.\n * @return {sjcl.ecc.pointJac} The result of the multiplication and addition, in Jacobian coordinates.\n */\n mult2: function(k1, affine, k2, affine2) {\n if (typeof(k1) === \"number\") {\n k1 = [k1];\n } else if (k1.limbs !== undefined) {\n k1 = k1.normalize().limbs;\n }\n \n if (typeof(k2) === \"number\") {\n k2 = [k2];\n } else if (k2.limbs !== undefined) {\n k2 = k2.normalize().limbs;\n }\n \n var i, j, out = new sjcl.ecc.point(this.curve).toJac(), m1 = affine.multiples(),\n m2 = affine2.multiples(), l1, l2;\n\n for (i=Math.max(k1.length,k2.length)-1; i>=0; i--) {\n l1 = k1[i] | 0;\n l2 = k2[i] | 0;\n for (j=sjcl.bn.prototype.radix-4; j>=0; j-=4) {\n out = out.doubl().doubl().doubl().doubl().add(m1[l1>>j & 0xF]).add(m2[l2>>j & 0xF]);\n }\n }\n \n return out;\n },\n\n isValid: function() {\n var z2 = this.z.square(), z4 = z2.square(), z6 = z4.mul(z2);\n return this.y.square().equals(\n this.curve.b.mul(z6).add(this.x.mul(\n this.curve.a.mul(z4).add(this.x.square()))));\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Construct an elliptic curve. Most users will not use this and instead start with one of the NIST curves defined below.\n *\n * @constructor\n * @param {bigInt} p The prime modulus.\n * @param {bigInt} r The prime order of the curve.\n * @param {bigInt} a The constant a in the equation of the curve y^2 = x^3 + ax + b (for NIST curves, a is always -3).\n * @param {bigInt} x The x coordinate of a base point of the curve.\n * @param {bigInt} y The y coordinate of a base point of the curve.\n */\nsjcl.ecc.curve = function(Field, r, a, b, x, y) {\n this.field = Field;\n this.r = Field.prototype.modulus.sub(r);\n this.a = new Field(a);\n this.b = new Field(b);\n this.G = new sjcl.ecc.point(this, new Field(x), new Field(y));\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.curve.prototype.fromBits = function (bits) {\n var w = sjcl.bitArray, l = this.field.prototype.exponent + 7 & -8,\n p = new sjcl.ecc.point(this, this.field.fromBits(w.bitSlice(bits, 0, l)),\n this.field.fromBits(w.bitSlice(bits, l, 2*l)));\n if (!p.isValid()) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.corrupt(\"not on the curve!\");\n }\n return p;\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.curves = {\n c192: new sjcl.ecc.curve(\n sjcl.bn.prime.p192,\n \"0x662107c8eb94364e4b2dd7ce\",\n -3,\n \"0x64210519e59c80e70fa7e9ab72243049feb8deecc146b9b1\",\n \"0x188da80eb03090f67cbf20eb43a18800f4ff0afd82ff1012\",\n \"0x07192b95ffc8da78631011ed6b24cdd573f977a11e794811\"),\n\n c224: new sjcl.ecc.curve(\n sjcl.bn.prime.p224,\n \"0xe95c1f470fc1ec22d6baa3a3d5c4\",\n -3,\n \"0xb4050a850c04b3abf54132565044b0b7d7bfd8ba270b39432355ffb4\",\n \"0xb70e0cbd6bb4bf7f321390b94a03c1d356c21122343280d6115c1d21\",\n \"0xbd376388b5f723fb4c22dfe6cd4375a05a07476444d5819985007e34\"),\n\n c256: new sjcl.ecc.curve(\n sjcl.bn.prime.p256,\n \"0x4319055358e8617b0c46353d039cdaae\",\n -3,\n \"0x5ac635d8aa3a93e7b3ebbd55769886bc651d06b0cc53b0f63bce3c3e27d2604b\",\n \"0x6b17d1f2e12c4247f8bce6e563a440f277037d812deb33a0f4a13945d898c296\",\n \"0x4fe342e2fe1a7f9b8ee7eb4a7c0f9e162bce33576b315ececbb6406837bf51f5\"),\n\n c384: new sjcl.ecc.curve(\n sjcl.bn.prime.p384,\n \"0x389cb27e0bc8d21fa7e5f24cb74f58851313e696333ad68c\",\n -3,\n \"0xb3312fa7e23ee7e4988e056be3f82d19181d9c6efe8141120314088f5013875ac656398d8a2ed19d2a85c8edd3ec2aef\",\n \"0xaa87ca22be8b05378eb1c71ef320ad746e1d3b628ba79b9859f741e082542a385502f25dbf55296c3a545e3872760ab7\",\n \"0x3617de4a96262c6f5d9e98bf9292dc29f8f41dbd289a147ce9da3113b5f0b8c00a60b1ce1d7e819d7a431d7c90ea0e5f\")\n};\n\n\n/* Diffie-Hellman-like public-key system */\nsjcl.ecc._dh = function(cn) {\n sjcl.ecc[cn] = {\n /** @constructor */\n publicKey: function(curve, point) {\n this._curve = curve;\n this._curveBitLength = curve.r.bitLength();\n if (point instanceof Array) {\n this._point = curve.fromBits(point);\n } else {\n this._point = point;\n }\n\n this.get = function() {\n var pointbits = this._point.toBits();\n var len = sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(pointbits);\n var x = sjcl.bitArray.bitSlice(pointbits, 0, len/2);\n var y = sjcl.bitArray.bitSlice(pointbits, len/2);\n return { x: x, y: y };\n }\n },\n\n /** @constructor */\n secretKey: function(curve, exponent) {\n this._curve = curve;\n this._curveBitLength = curve.r.bitLength();\n this._exponent = exponent;\n\n this.get = function() {\n return this._exponent.toBits();\n }\n },\n\n /** @constructor */\n generateKeys: function(curve, paranoia, sec) {\n if (curve === undefined) {\n curve = 256;\n }\n if (typeof curve === \"number\") {\n curve = sjcl.ecc.curves['c'+curve];\n if (curve === undefined) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"no such curve\");\n }\n }\n if (sec === undefined) {\n var sec = sjcl.bn.random(curve.r, paranoia);\n }\n var pub = curve.G.mult(sec);\n return { pub: new sjcl.ecc[cn].publicKey(curve, pub),\n sec: new sjcl.ecc[cn].secretKey(curve, sec) };\n }\n }; \n};\n\nsjcl.ecc._dh(\"elGamal\");\n\nsjcl.ecc.elGamal.publicKey.prototype = {\n kem: function(paranoia) {\n var sec = sjcl.bn.random(this._curve.r, paranoia),\n tag = this._curve.G.mult(sec).toBits(),\n key = sjcl.hash.sha256.hash(this._point.mult(sec).toBits());\n return { key: key, tag: tag };\n }\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.elGamal.secretKey.prototype = {\n unkem: function(tag) {\n return sjcl.hash.sha256.hash(this._curve.fromBits(tag).mult(this._exponent).toBits());\n },\n\n dh: function(pk) {\n return sjcl.hash.sha256.hash(pk._point.mult(this._exponent).toBits());\n }\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc._dh(\"ecdsa\");\n\nsjcl.ecc.ecdsa.secretKey.prototype = {\n sign: function(hash, paranoia, fakeLegacyVersion, fixedKForTesting) {\n if (sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(hash) > this._curveBitLength) {\n hash = sjcl.bitArray.clamp(hash, this._curveBitLength);\n }\n var R = this._curve.r,\n l = R.bitLength(),\n k = fixedKForTesting || sjcl.bn.random(R.sub(1), paranoia).add(1),\n r = this._curve.G.mult(k).x.mod(R),\n ss = sjcl.bn.fromBits(hash).add(r.mul(this._exponent)),\n s = fakeLegacyVersion ? ss.inverseMod(R).mul(k).mod(R)\n : ss.mul(k.inverseMod(R)).mod(R);\n return sjcl.bitArray.concat(r.toBits(l), s.toBits(l));\n }\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.ecdsa.publicKey.prototype = {\n verify: function(hash, rs, fakeLegacyVersion) {\n if (sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(hash) > this._curveBitLength) {\n hash = sjcl.bitArray.clamp(hash, this._curveBitLength);\n }\n var w = sjcl.bitArray,\n R = this._curve.r,\n l = this._curveBitLength,\n r = sjcl.bn.fromBits(w.bitSlice(rs,0,l)),\n ss = sjcl.bn.fromBits(w.bitSlice(rs,l,2*l)),\n s = fakeLegacyVersion ? ss : ss.inverseMod(R),\n hG = sjcl.bn.fromBits(hash).mul(s).mod(R),\n hA = r.mul(s).mod(R),\n r2 = this._curve.G.mult2(hG, hA, this._point).x;\n if (r.equals(0) || ss.equals(0) || r.greaterEquals(R) || ss.greaterEquals(R) || !r2.equals(r)) {\n if (fakeLegacyVersion === undefined) {\n return this.verify(hash, rs, true);\n } else {\n throw (new sjcl.exception.corrupt(\"signature didn't check out\"));\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n};\n\n/** @fileOverview Javascript SRP implementation.\n *\n * This file contains a partial implementation of the SRP (Secure Remote\n * Password) password-authenticated key exchange protocol. Given a user\n * identity, salt, and SRP group, it generates the SRP verifier that may\n * be sent to a remote server to establish and SRP account.\n *\n * For more information, see http://srp.stanford.edu/.\n *\n * @author Quinn Slack\n */\n\n/**\n * Compute the SRP verifier from the username, password, salt, and group.\n * @class SRP\n */\nsjcl.keyexchange.srp = {\n /**\n * Calculates SRP v, the verifier. \n * v = g^x mod N [RFC 5054]\n * @param {String} I The username.\n * @param {String} P The password.\n * @param {Object} s A bitArray of the salt.\n * @param {Object} group The SRP group. Use sjcl.keyexchange.srp.knownGroup\n to obtain this object.\n * @return {Object} A bitArray of SRP v.\n */\n makeVerifier: function(I, P, s, group) {\n var x;\n x = sjcl.keyexchange.srp.makeX(I, P, s);\n x = sjcl.bn.fromBits(x);\n return group.g.powermod(x, group.N);\n },\n\n /**\n * Calculates SRP x.\n * x = SHA1( | SHA( | \":\" | )) [RFC 2945]\n * @param {String} I The username.\n * @param {String} P The password.\n * @param {Object} s A bitArray of the salt.\n * @return {Object} A bitArray of SRP x.\n */\n makeX: function(I, P, s) {\n var inner = sjcl.hash.sha1.hash(I + ':' + P);\n return sjcl.hash.sha1.hash(sjcl.bitArray.concat(s, inner));\n },\n\n /**\n * Returns the known SRP group with the given size (in bits).\n * @param {String} i The size of the known SRP group.\n * @return {Object} An object with \"N\" and \"g\" properties.\n */\n knownGroup:function(i) {\n if (typeof i !== \"string\") { i = i.toString(); }\n if (!sjcl.keyexchange.srp._didInitKnownGroups) { sjcl.keyexchange.srp._initKnownGroups(); }\n return sjcl.keyexchange.srp._knownGroups[i];\n },\n\n /**\n * Initializes bignum objects for known group parameters.\n * @private\n */\n _didInitKnownGroups: false,\n _initKnownGroups:function() {\n var i, size, group;\n for (i=0; i < sjcl.keyexchange.srp._knownGroupSizes.length; i++) {\n size = sjcl.keyexchange.srp._knownGroupSizes[i].toString();\n group = sjcl.keyexchange.srp._knownGroups[size];\n group.N = new sjcl.bn(group.N);\n group.g = new sjcl.bn(group.g);\n }\n sjcl.keyexchange.srp._didInitKnownGroups = true;\n },\n\n _knownGroupSizes: [1024, 1536, 2048],\n _knownGroups: {\n 1024: {\n N: \"EEAF0AB9ADB38DD69C33F80AFA8FC5E86072618775FF3C0B9EA2314C\" +\n \"9C256576D674DF7496EA81D3383B4813D692C6E0E0D5D8E250B98BE4\" +\n \"8E495C1D6089DAD15DC7D7B46154D6B6CE8EF4AD69B15D4982559B29\" +\n \"7BCF1885C529F566660E57EC68EDBC3C05726CC02FD4CBF4976EAA9A\" +\n \"FD5138FE8376435B9FC61D2FC0EB06E3\",\n g:2\n },\n\n 1536: {\n N: \"9DEF3CAFB939277AB1F12A8617A47BBBDBA51DF499AC4C80BEEEA961\" +\n \"4B19CC4D5F4F5F556E27CBDE51C6A94BE4607A291558903BA0D0F843\" +\n \"80B655BB9A22E8DCDF028A7CEC67F0D08134B1C8B97989149B609E0B\" +\n \"E3BAB63D47548381DBC5B1FC764E3F4B53DD9DA1158BFD3E2B9C8CF5\" +\n \"6EDF019539349627DB2FD53D24B7C48665772E437D6C7F8CE442734A\" +\n \"F7CCB7AE837C264AE3A9BEB87F8A2FE9B8B5292E5A021FFF5E91479E\" +\n \"8CE7A28C2442C6F315180F93499A234DCF76E3FED135F9BB\",\n g: 2\n },\n\n 2048: {\n N: \"AC6BDB41324A9A9BF166DE5E1389582FAF72B6651987EE07FC319294\" +\n \"3DB56050A37329CBB4A099ED8193E0757767A13DD52312AB4B03310D\" +\n \"CD7F48A9DA04FD50E8083969EDB767B0CF6095179A163AB3661A05FB\" +\n \"D5FAAAE82918A9962F0B93B855F97993EC975EEAA80D740ADBF4FF74\" +\n \"7359D041D5C33EA71D281E446B14773BCA97B43A23FB801676BD207A\" +\n \"436C6481F1D2B9078717461A5B9D32E688F87748544523B524B0D57D\" +\n \"5EA77A2775D2ECFA032CFBDBF52FB3786160279004E57AE6AF874E73\" +\n \"03CE53299CCC041C7BC308D82A5698F3A8D0C38271AE35F8E9DBFBB6\" +\n \"94B5C803D89F7AE435DE236D525F54759B65E372FCD68EF20FA7111F\" +\n \"9E4AFF73\",\n g: 2\n }\n }\n\n};\n\n\n// ----- for secp256k1 ------\n\n// Overwrite NIST-P256 with secp256k1 so we're on even footing\nsjcl.ecc.curves.c256 = new sjcl.ecc.curve(\n sjcl.bn.pseudoMersennePrime(256, [[0,-1],[4,-1],[6,-1],[7,-1],[8,-1],[9,-1],[32,-1]]),\n \"0x14551231950b75fc4402da1722fc9baee\",\n 0,\n 7,\n \"0x79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798\",\n \"0x483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8\"\n);\n\n// Replace point addition and doubling algorithms\n// NIST-P256 is a=-3, we need algorithms for a=0\nsjcl.ecc.pointJac.prototype.add = function(T) {\n var S = this;\n if (S.curve !== T.curve) {\n throw(\"sjcl.ecc.add(): Points must be on the same curve to add them!\");\n }\n\n if (S.isIdentity) {\n return T.toJac();\n } else if (T.isIdentity) {\n return S;\n }\n\n var z1z1 = S.z.square();\n var h = T.x.mul(z1z1).subM(S.x);\n var s2 = T.y.mul(S.z).mul(z1z1);\n\n if (h.equals(0)) {\n if (S.y.equals(T.y.mul(z1z1.mul(S.z)))) {\n // same point\n return S.doubl();\n } else {\n // inverses\n return new sjcl.ecc.pointJac(S.curve);\n }\n }\n\n var hh = h.square();\n var i = hh.copy().doubleM().doubleM();\n var j = h.mul(i);\n var r = s2.sub(S.y).doubleM();\n var v = S.x.mul(i);\n \n var x = r.square().subM(j).subM(v.copy().doubleM());\n var y = r.mul(v.sub(x)).subM(S.y.mul(j).doubleM());\n var z = S.z.add(h).square().subM(z1z1).subM(hh);\n\n return new sjcl.ecc.pointJac(this.curve,x,y,z);\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.pointJac.prototype.doubl = function () {\n if (this.isIdentity) { return this; }\n\n var a = this.x.square();\n var b = this.y.square();\n var c = b.square();\n var d = this.x.add(b).square().subM(a).subM(c).doubleM();\n var e = a.mul(3);\n var f = e.square();\n var x = f.sub(d.copy().doubleM());\n var y = e.mul(d.sub(x)).subM(c.doubleM().doubleM().doubleM());\n var z = this.y.mul(this.z).doubleM();\n return new sjcl.ecc.pointJac(this.curve, x, y, z);\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.point.prototype.toBytesCompressed = function () {\n var header = this.y.mod(2).toString() == \"0x0\" ? 0x02 : 0x03;\n return [header].concat(sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits(this.x.toBits()))\n};\n\n/** @fileOverview Javascript RIPEMD-160 implementation.\n *\n * @author Artem S Vybornov \n */\n(function() {\n\n/**\n * Context for a RIPEMD-160 operation in progress.\n * @constructor\n * @class RIPEMD, 160 bits.\n */\nsjcl.hash.ripemd160 = function (hash) {\n if (hash) {\n this._h = hash._h.slice(0);\n this._buffer = hash._buffer.slice(0);\n this._length = hash._length;\n } else {\n this.reset();\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Hash a string or an array of words.\n * @static\n * @param {bitArray|String} data the data to hash.\n * @return {bitArray} The hash value, an array of 5 big-endian words.\n */\nsjcl.hash.ripemd160.hash = function (data) {\n return (new sjcl.hash.ripemd160()).update(data).finalize();\n};\n\nsjcl.hash.ripemd160.prototype = {\n /**\n * Reset the hash state.\n * @return this\n */\n reset: function () {\n this._h = _h0.slice(0);\n this._buffer = [];\n this._length = 0;\n return this;\n },\n\n /**\n * Reset the hash state.\n * @param {bitArray|String} data the data to hash.\n * @return this\n */\n update: function (data) {\n if ( typeof data === \"string\" )\n data = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(data);\n\n var i, b = this._buffer = sjcl.bitArray.concat(this._buffer, data),\n ol = this._length,\n nl = this._length = ol + sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(data);\n for (i = 512+ol & -512; i <= nl; i+= 512) {\n var words = b.splice(0,16);\n for ( var w = 0; w < 16; ++w )\n words[w] = _cvt(words[w]);\n\n _block.call( this, words );\n }\n\n return this;\n },\n\n /**\n * Complete hashing and output the hash value.\n * @return {bitArray} The hash value, an array of 5 big-endian words.\n */\n finalize: function () {\n var b = sjcl.bitArray.concat( this._buffer, [ sjcl.bitArray.partial(1,1) ] ),\n l = ( this._length + 1 ) % 512,\n z = ( l > 448 ? 512 : 448 ) - l % 448,\n zp = z % 32;\n\n if ( zp > 0 )\n b = sjcl.bitArray.concat( b, [ sjcl.bitArray.partial(zp,0) ] )\n for ( ; z >= 32; z -= 32 )\n b.push(0);\n\n b.push( _cvt( this._length | 0 ) );\n b.push( _cvt( Math.floor(this._length / 0x100000000) ) );\n\n while ( b.length ) {\n var words = b.splice(0,16);\n for ( var w = 0; w < 16; ++w )\n words[w] = _cvt(words[w]);\n\n _block.call( this, words );\n }\n\n var h = this._h;\n this.reset();\n\n for ( var w = 0; w < 5; ++w )\n h[w] = _cvt(h[w]);\n\n return h;\n }\n};\n\nvar _h0 = [ 0x67452301, 0xefcdab89, 0x98badcfe, 0x10325476, 0xc3d2e1f0 ];\n\nvar _k1 = [ 0x00000000, 0x5a827999, 0x6ed9eba1, 0x8f1bbcdc, 0xa953fd4e ];\nvar _k2 = [ 0x50a28be6, 0x5c4dd124, 0x6d703ef3, 0x7a6d76e9, 0x00000000 ];\nfor ( var i = 4; i >= 0; --i ) {\n for ( var j = 1; j < 16; ++j ) {\n _k1.splice(i,0,_k1[i]);\n _k2.splice(i,0,_k2[i]);\n }\n}\n\nvar _r1 = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,\n 7, 4, 13, 1, 10, 6, 15, 3, 12, 0, 9, 5, 2, 14, 11, 8,\n 3, 10, 14, 4, 9, 15, 8, 1, 2, 7, 0, 6, 13, 11, 5, 12,\n 1, 9, 11, 10, 0, 8, 12, 4, 13, 3, 7, 15, 14, 5, 6, 2,\n 4, 0, 5, 9, 7, 12, 2, 10, 14, 1, 3, 8, 11, 6, 15, 13 ];\nvar _r2 = [ 5, 14, 7, 0, 9, 2, 11, 4, 13, 6, 15, 8, 1, 10, 3, 12,\n 6, 11, 3, 7, 0, 13, 5, 10, 14, 15, 8, 12, 4, 9, 1, 2,\n 15, 5, 1, 3, 7, 14, 6, 9, 11, 8, 12, 2, 10, 0, 4, 13,\n 8, 6, 4, 1, 3, 11, 15, 0, 5, 12, 2, 13, 9, 7, 10, 14,\n 12, 15, 10, 4, 1, 5, 8, 7, 6, 2, 13, 14, 0, 3, 9, 11 ];\n\nvar _s1 = [ 11, 14, 15, 12, 5, 8, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 6, 7, 9, 8,\n 7, 6, 8, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 7, 12, 15, 9, 11, 7, 13, 12,\n 11, 13, 6, 7, 14, 9, 13, 15, 14, 8, 13, 6, 5, 12, 7, 5,\n 11, 12, 14, 15, 14, 15, 9, 8, 9, 14, 5, 6, 8, 6, 5, 12,\n 9, 15, 5, 11, 6, 8, 13, 12, 5, 12, 13, 14, 11, 8, 5, 6 ];\nvar _s2 = [ 8, 9, 9, 11, 13, 15, 15, 5, 7, 7, 8, 11, 14, 14, 12, 6,\n 9, 13, 15, 7, 12, 8, 9, 11, 7, 7, 12, 7, 6, 15, 13, 11,\n 9, 7, 15, 11, 8, 6, 6, 14, 12, 13, 5, 14, 13, 13, 7, 5,\n 15, 5, 8, 11, 14, 14, 6, 14, 6, 9, 12, 9, 12, 5, 15, 8,\n 8, 5, 12, 9, 12, 5, 14, 6, 8, 13, 6, 5, 15, 13, 11, 11 ];\n\nfunction _f0(x,y,z) {\n return x ^ y ^ z;\n};\n\nfunction _f1(x,y,z) {\n return (x & y) | (~x & z);\n};\n\nfunction _f2(x,y,z) {\n return (x | ~y) ^ z;\n};\n\nfunction _f3(x,y,z) {\n return (x & z) | (y & ~z);\n};\n\nfunction _f4(x,y,z) {\n return x ^ (y | ~z);\n};\n\nfunction _rol(n,l) {\n return (n << l) | (n >>> (32-l));\n}\n\nfunction _cvt(n) {\n return ( (n & 0xff << 0) << 24 )\n | ( (n & 0xff << 8) << 8 )\n | ( (n & 0xff << 16) >>> 8 )\n | ( (n & 0xff << 24) >>> 24 );\n}\n\nfunction _block(X) {\n var A1 = this._h[0], B1 = this._h[1], C1 = this._h[2], D1 = this._h[3], E1 = this._h[4],\n A2 = this._h[0], B2 = this._h[1], C2 = this._h[2], D2 = this._h[3], E2 = this._h[4];\n\n var j = 0, T;\n\n for ( ; j < 16; ++j ) {\n T = _rol( A1 + _f0(B1,C1,D1) + X[_r1[j]] + _k1[j], _s1[j] ) + E1;\n A1 = E1; E1 = D1; D1 = _rol(C1,10); C1 = B1; B1 = T;\n T = _rol( A2 + _f4(B2,C2,D2) + X[_r2[j]] + _k2[j], _s2[j] ) + E2;\n A2 = E2; E2 = D2; D2 = _rol(C2,10); C2 = B2; B2 = T; }\n for ( ; j < 32; ++j ) {\n T = _rol( A1 + _f1(B1,C1,D1) + X[_r1[j]] + _k1[j], _s1[j] ) + E1;\n A1 = E1; E1 = D1; D1 = _rol(C1,10); C1 = B1; B1 = T;\n T = _rol( A2 + _f3(B2,C2,D2) + X[_r2[j]] + _k2[j], _s2[j] ) + E2;\n A2 = E2; E2 = D2; D2 = _rol(C2,10); C2 = B2; B2 = T; }\n for ( ; j < 48; ++j ) {\n T = _rol( A1 + _f2(B1,C1,D1) + X[_r1[j]] + _k1[j], _s1[j] ) + E1;\n A1 = E1; E1 = D1; D1 = _rol(C1,10); C1 = B1; B1 = T;\n T = _rol( A2 + _f2(B2,C2,D2) + X[_r2[j]] + _k2[j], _s2[j] ) + E2;\n A2 = E2; E2 = D2; D2 = _rol(C2,10); C2 = B2; B2 = T; }\n for ( ; j < 64; ++j ) {\n T = _rol( A1 + _f3(B1,C1,D1) + X[_r1[j]] + _k1[j], _s1[j] ) + E1;\n A1 = E1; E1 = D1; D1 = _rol(C1,10); C1 = B1; B1 = T;\n T = _rol( A2 + _f1(B2,C2,D2) + X[_r2[j]] + _k2[j], _s2[j] ) + E2;\n A2 = E2; E2 = D2; D2 = _rol(C2,10); C2 = B2; B2 = T; }\n for ( ; j < 80; ++j ) {\n T = _rol( A1 + _f4(B1,C1,D1) + X[_r1[j]] + _k1[j], _s1[j] ) + E1;\n A1 = E1; E1 = D1; D1 = _rol(C1,10); C1 = B1; B1 = T;\n T = _rol( A2 + _f0(B2,C2,D2) + X[_r2[j]] + _k2[j], _s2[j] ) + E2;\n A2 = E2; E2 = D2; D2 = _rol(C2,10); C2 = B2; B2 = T; }\n\n T = this._h[1] + C1 + D2;\n this._h[1] = this._h[2] + D1 + E2;\n this._h[2] = this._h[3] + E1 + A2;\n this._h[3] = this._h[4] + A1 + B2;\n this._h[4] = this._h[0] + B1 + C2;\n this._h[0] = T;\n}\n\n})();\n\nsjcl.bn.ZERO = new sjcl.bn(0);\n\n/** [ this / that , this % that ] */\nsjcl.bn.prototype.divRem = function (that) {\n if (typeof(that) !== \"object\") { that = new this._class(that); }\n var thisa = this.abs(), thata = that.abs(), quot = new this._class(0),\n ci = 0;\n if (!thisa.greaterEquals(thata)) {\n this.initWith(0);\n return this;\n } else if (thisa.equals(thata)) {\n this.initWith(1);\n return this;\n }\n\n for (; thisa.greaterEquals(thata); ci++) {\n thata.doubleM();\n }\n for (; ci > 0; ci--) {\n quot.doubleM();\n thata.halveM();\n if (thisa.greaterEquals(thata)) {\n quot.addM(1);\n thisa.subM(that).normalize();\n }\n }\n return [quot, thisa];\n};\n\n/** this /= that (rounded to nearest int) */\nsjcl.bn.prototype.divRound = function (that) {\n var dr = this.divRem(that), quot = dr[0], rem = dr[1];\n\n if (rem.doubleM().greaterEquals(that)) {\n quot.addM(1);\n }\n\n return quot;\n};\n\n/** this /= that (rounded down) */\nsjcl.bn.prototype.div = function (that) {\n var dr = this.divRem(that);\n return dr[0];\n};\n\nsjcl.bn.prototype.sign = function () {\n return this.greaterEquals(sjcl.bn.ZERO) ? 1 : -1;\n };\n\n/** -this */\nsjcl.bn.prototype.neg = function () {\n return sjcl.bn.ZERO.sub(this);\n};\n\n/** |this| */\nsjcl.bn.prototype.abs = function () {\n if (this.sign() === -1) {\n return this.neg();\n } else return this;\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.ecdsa.secretKey.prototype = {\n sign: function(hash, paranoia) {\n var R = this._curve.r,\n l = R.bitLength(),\n k = sjcl.bn.random(R.sub(1), paranoia).add(1),\n r = this._curve.G.mult(k).x.mod(R),\n s = sjcl.bn.fromBits(hash).add(r.mul(this._exponent)).mul(k.inverseMod(R)).mod(R);\n\n return sjcl.bitArray.concat(r.toBits(l), s.toBits(l));\n }\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.ecdsa.publicKey.prototype = {\n verify: function(hash, rs) {\n var w = sjcl.bitArray,\n R = this._curve.r,\n l = R.bitLength(),\n r = sjcl.bn.fromBits(w.bitSlice(rs,0,l)),\n s = sjcl.bn.fromBits(w.bitSlice(rs,l,2*l)),\n sInv = s.modInverse(R),\n hG = sjcl.bn.fromBits(hash).mul(sInv).mod(R),\n hA = r.mul(sInv).mod(R),\n r2 = this._curve.G.mult2(hG, hA, this._point).x;\n\n if (r.equals(0) || s.equals(0) || r.greaterEquals(R) || s.greaterEquals(R) || !r2.equals(r)) {\n throw (new sjcl.exception.corrupt(\"signature didn't check out\"));\n }\n return true;\n }\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.ecdsa.secretKey.prototype.signDER = function(hash, paranoia) {\n return this.encodeDER(this.sign(hash, paranoia));\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.ecdsa.secretKey.prototype.encodeDER = function(rs) {\n var w = sjcl.bitArray,\n R = this._curve.r,\n l = R.bitLength();\n\n var rb = sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits(w.bitSlice(rs,0,l)),\n sb = sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits(w.bitSlice(rs,l,2*l));\n\n // Drop empty leading bytes\n while (!rb[0] && rb.length) rb.shift();\n while (!sb[0] && sb.length) sb.shift();\n\n // If high bit is set, prepend an extra zero byte (DER signed integer)\n if (rb[0] & 0x80) rb.unshift(0);\n if (sb[0] & 0x80) sb.unshift(0);\n\n var buffer = [].concat(\n 0x30,\n 4 + rb.length + sb.length,\n 0x02,\n rb.length,\n rb,\n 0x02,\n sb.length,\n sb\n );\n\n return sjcl.codec.bytes.toBits(buffer);\n};\n\n\n/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}(require, require(25)(module)))\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 11\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./build/sjcl.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./build/sjcl.js");
+ eval("\n//\n// Currency support\n//\n\n// XXX Internal form should be UInt160.\nvar Currency = function () {\n // Internal form: 0 = XRP. 3 letter-code.\n // XXX Internal should be 0 or hex with three letter annotation when valid.\n\n // Json form:\n // '', 'XRP', '0': 0\n // 3-letter code: ...\n // XXX Should support hex, C++ doesn't currently allow it.\n\n this._value = NaN;\n}\n\n// Given \"USD\" return the json.\nCurrency.json_rewrite = function (j) {\n return Currency.from_json(j).to_json();\n};\n\nCurrency.from_json = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof Currency) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return new Currency().parse_json(j);\n }\n};\n\nCurrency.from_bytes = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof Currency) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return new Currency().parse_bytes(j);\n }\n};\n\nCurrency.is_valid = function (j) {\n return Currency.from_json(j).is_valid();\n};\n\nCurrency.prototype.clone = function() {\n return this.copyTo(new Currency());\n};\n\n// Returns copy.\nCurrency.prototype.copyTo = function (d) {\n d._value = this._value;\n\n return d;\n};\n\nCurrency.prototype.equals = function (d) {\n return ('string' !== typeof this._value && isNaN(this._value))\n || ('string' !== typeof d._value && isNaN(d._value)) ? false : this._value === d._value;\n};\n\n// this._value = NaN on error.\nCurrency.prototype.parse_json = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof Currency) {\n this._value = j;\n } else if ('string' === typeof j) {\n if (j === \"\" || j === \"0\" || j === \"XRP\") {\n // XRP is never allowed as a Currency object\n this._value = 0;\n } else if (j.length === 3) {\n this._value = j;\n } else {\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n } else if ('number' === typeof j) {\n // XXX This is a hack\n this._value = j;\n } else if ('string' != typeof j || 3 !== j.length) {\n this._value = NaN;\n } else {\n this._value = j;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nCurrency.prototype.parse_bytes = function (byte_array) {\n if (Array.isArray(byte_array) && byte_array.length == 20) {\n var result;\n // is it 0 everywhere except 12, 13, 14?\n var isZeroExceptInStandardPositions = true;\n for (var i=0; i<20; i++) {\n isZeroExceptInStandardPositions = isZeroExceptInStandardPositions && (i===12 || i===13 || i===14 || byte_array[0]===0)\n }\n if (isZeroExceptInStandardPositions) {\n var currencyCode = String.fromCharCode(byte_array[12]) + String.fromCharCode(byte_array[13]) + String.fromCharCode(byte_array[14]);\n if (/^[A-Z0-9]{3}$/.test(currencyCode) && currencyCode !== \"XRP\" ) {\n this._value = currencyCode;\n } else if (currencyCode === \"\\0\\0\\0\") {\n this._value = 0;\n } else {\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n } else {\n // XXX Should support non-standard currency codes\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n } else {\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n return this;\n};\n\nCurrency.prototype.is_native = function () {\n return !isNaN(this._value) && !this._value;\n};\n\nCurrency.prototype.is_valid = function () {\n return 'string' === typeof this._value || !isNaN(this._value);\n};\n\nCurrency.prototype.to_json = function () {\n return this._value ? this._value : \"XRP\";\n};\n\nCurrency.prototype.to_human = function () {\n return this._value ? this._value : \"XRP\";\n};\n\nexports.Currency = Currency;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 11\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/currency.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/currency.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 12:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("// This object serves as a singleton to store config options\n\nvar extend = require(29);\n\nvar config = module.exports = {\n load: function (newOpts) {\n extend(config, newOpts);\n return config;\n }\n};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 12\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/config.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/config.js");
+ eval("exports.readIEEE754 = function(buffer, offset, isBE, mLen, nBytes) {\n var e, m,\n eLen = nBytes * 8 - mLen - 1,\n eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1,\n eBias = eMax >> 1,\n nBits = -7,\n i = isBE ? 0 : (nBytes - 1),\n d = isBE ? 1 : -1,\n s = buffer[offset + i];\n\n i += d;\n\n e = s & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1);\n s >>= (-nBits);\n nBits += eLen;\n for (; nBits > 0; e = e * 256 + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8);\n\n m = e & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1);\n e >>= (-nBits);\n nBits += mLen;\n for (; nBits > 0; m = m * 256 + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8);\n\n if (e === 0) {\n e = 1 - eBias;\n } else if (e === eMax) {\n return m ? NaN : ((s ? -1 : 1) * Infinity);\n } else {\n m = m + Math.pow(2, mLen);\n e = e - eBias;\n }\n return (s ? -1 : 1) * m * Math.pow(2, e - mLen);\n};\n\nexports.writeIEEE754 = function(buffer, value, offset, isBE, mLen, nBytes) {\n var e, m, c,\n eLen = nBytes * 8 - mLen - 1,\n eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1,\n eBias = eMax >> 1,\n rt = (mLen === 23 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0),\n i = isBE ? (nBytes - 1) : 0,\n d = isBE ? -1 : 1,\n s = value < 0 || (value === 0 && 1 / value < 0) ? 1 : 0;\n\n value = Math.abs(value);\n\n if (isNaN(value) || value === Infinity) {\n m = isNaN(value) ? 1 : 0;\n e = eMax;\n } else {\n e = Math.floor(Math.log(value) / Math.LN2);\n if (value * (c = Math.pow(2, -e)) < 1) {\n e--;\n c *= 2;\n }\n if (e + eBias >= 1) {\n value += rt / c;\n } else {\n value += rt * Math.pow(2, 1 - eBias);\n }\n if (value * c >= 2) {\n e++;\n c /= 2;\n }\n\n if (e + eBias >= eMax) {\n m = 0;\n e = eMax;\n } else if (e + eBias >= 1) {\n m = (value * c - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen);\n e = e + eBias;\n } else {\n m = value * Math.pow(2, eBias - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen);\n e = 0;\n }\n }\n\n for (; mLen >= 8; buffer[offset + i] = m & 0xff, i += d, m /= 256, mLen -= 8);\n\n e = (e << mLen) | m;\n eLen += mLen;\n for (; eLen > 0; buffer[offset + i] = e & 0xff, i += d, e /= 256, eLen -= 8);\n\n buffer[offset + i - d] |= s * 128;\n};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 12\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer-browserify/buffer_ieee754.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer-browserify/buffer_ieee754.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 13:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("Function.prototype.method = function(name,func) {\n this.prototype[name] = func;\n\n return this;\n};\n\nvar filterErr = function(code, done) {\n return function(e) {\n done(e.code !== code ? e : undefined);\n };\n};\n\nvar throwErr = function(done) {\n return function(e) {\n if (e)\n\tthrow e;\n \n done();\n };\n};\n \nvar trace = function(comment, func) {\n return function() {\n console.log(\"%s: %s\", trace, arguments.toString);\n func(arguments);\n };\n};\n\nvar arraySet = function (count, value) {\n var i, a = new Array(count);\n\n for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {\n a[i] = value;\n }\n\n return a;\n};\n\nvar hexToString = function (h) {\n var\ta = [];\n var\ti = 0;\n\n if (h.length % 2) {\n a.push(String.fromCharCode(parseInt(h.substring(0, 1), 16)));\n i = 1;\n }\n\n for (; i != h.length; i += 2) {\n a.push(String.fromCharCode(parseInt(h.substring(i, i+2), 16)));\n }\n \n return a.join(\"\");\n};\n\nvar stringToHex = function (s) {\n return Array.prototype.map.call(s, function (c) {\n var b = c.charCodeAt(0);\n\n return b < 16 ? \"0\" + b.toString(16) : b.toString(16);\n }).join(\"\");\n};\n\nvar stringToArray = function (s) {\n var a = new Array(s.length);\n var i;\n\n for (i = 0; i != a.length; i += 1)\n a[i] = s.charCodeAt(i);\n\n return a;\n};\n\nvar hexToArray = function (h) {\n return stringToArray(hexToString(h));\n}\n\nvar chunkString = function (str, n, leftAlign) {\n var ret = [];\n var i=0, len=str.length;\n if (leftAlign) {\n i = str.length % n;\n if (i) ret.push(str.slice(0, i));\n }\n for(; i < len; i += n) {\n ret.push(str.slice(i, n+i));\n }\n return ret;\n};\n\nvar logObject = function (msg, obj) {\n console.log(msg, JSON.stringify(obj, undefined, 2));\n};\n\nvar assert = function (assertion, msg) {\n if (!assertion) {\n throw new Error(\"Assertion failed\" + (msg ? \": \"+msg : \".\"));\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Return unique values in array.\n */\nvar arrayUnique = function (arr) {\n var u = {}, a = [];\n for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; ++i){\n if (u.hasOwnProperty(arr[i])) {\n continue;\n }\n a.push(arr[i]);\n u[arr[i]] = 1;\n }\n return a;\n};\n\n/**\n * Convert a ripple epoch to a JavaScript timestamp.\n *\n * JavaScript timestamps are unix epoch in milliseconds.\n */\nvar toTimestamp = function (rpepoch) {\n return (rpepoch + 0x386D4380) * 1000;\n};\n\nexports.trace = trace;\nexports.arraySet = arraySet;\nexports.hexToString = hexToString;\nexports.hexToArray = hexToArray;\nexports.stringToArray = stringToArray;\nexports.stringToHex = stringToHex;\nexports.chunkString = chunkString;\nexports.logObject = logObject;\nexports.assert = assert;\nexports.arrayUnique = arrayUnique;\nexports.toTimestamp = toTimestamp;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 13\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/utils.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/utils.js");
+ eval("/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(require, Buffer) {function SlowBuffer (size) {\n this.length = size;\n};\n\nvar assert = require(31);\n\nexports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50;\n\n\nfunction toHex(n) {\n if (n < 16) return '0' + n.toString(16);\n return n.toString(16);\n}\n\nfunction utf8ToBytes(str) {\n var byteArray = [];\n for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++)\n if (str.charCodeAt(i) <= 0x7F)\n byteArray.push(str.charCodeAt(i));\n else {\n var h = encodeURIComponent(str.charAt(i)).substr(1).split('%');\n for (var j = 0; j < h.length; j++)\n byteArray.push(parseInt(h[j], 16));\n }\n\n return byteArray;\n}\n\nfunction asciiToBytes(str) {\n var byteArray = []\n for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++ )\n // Node's code seems to be doing this and not & 0x7F..\n byteArray.push( str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF );\n\n return byteArray;\n}\n\nfunction base64ToBytes(str) {\n return require(20).toByteArray(str);\n}\n\nSlowBuffer.byteLength = function (str, encoding) {\n switch (encoding || \"utf8\") {\n case 'hex':\n return str.length / 2;\n\n case 'utf8':\n case 'utf-8':\n return utf8ToBytes(str).length;\n\n case 'ascii':\n return str.length;\n\n case 'base64':\n return base64ToBytes(str).length;\n\n default:\n throw new Error('Unknown encoding');\n }\n};\n\nfunction blitBuffer(src, dst, offset, length) {\n var pos, i = 0;\n while (i < length) {\n if ((i+offset >= dst.length) || (i >= src.length))\n break;\n\n dst[i + offset] = src[i];\n i++;\n }\n return i;\n}\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.utf8Write = function (string, offset, length) {\n var bytes, pos;\n return SlowBuffer._charsWritten = blitBuffer(utf8ToBytes(string), this, offset, length);\n};\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.asciiWrite = function (string, offset, length) {\n var bytes, pos;\n return SlowBuffer._charsWritten = blitBuffer(asciiToBytes(string), this, offset, length);\n};\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.base64Write = function (string, offset, length) {\n var bytes, pos;\n return SlowBuffer._charsWritten = blitBuffer(base64ToBytes(string), this, offset, length);\n};\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.base64Slice = function (start, end) {\n var bytes = Array.prototype.slice.apply(this, arguments)\n return require(20).fromByteArray(bytes);\n}\n\nfunction decodeUtf8Char(str) {\n try {\n return decodeURIComponent(str);\n } catch (err) {\n return String.fromCharCode(0xFFFD); // UTF 8 invalid char\n }\n}\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.utf8Slice = function () {\n var bytes = Array.prototype.slice.apply(this, arguments);\n var res = \"\";\n var tmp = \"\";\n var i = 0;\n while (i < bytes.length) {\n if (bytes[i] <= 0x7F) {\n res += decodeUtf8Char(tmp) + String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]);\n tmp = \"\";\n } else\n tmp += \"%\" + bytes[i].toString(16);\n\n i++;\n }\n\n return res + decodeUtf8Char(tmp);\n}\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.asciiSlice = function () {\n var bytes = Array.prototype.slice.apply(this, arguments);\n var ret = \"\";\n for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++)\n ret += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]);\n return ret;\n}\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.inspect = function() {\n var out = [],\n len = this.length;\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n out[i] = toHex(this[i]);\n if (i == exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES) {\n out[i + 1] = '...';\n break;\n }\n }\n return '';\n};\n\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.hexSlice = function(start, end) {\n var len = this.length;\n\n if (!start || start < 0) start = 0;\n if (!end || end < 0 || end > len) end = len;\n\n var out = '';\n for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {\n out += toHex(this[i]);\n }\n return out;\n};\n\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.toString = function(encoding, start, end) {\n encoding = String(encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase();\n start = +start || 0;\n if (typeof end == 'undefined') end = this.length;\n\n // Fastpath empty strings\n if (+end == start) {\n return '';\n }\n\n switch (encoding) {\n case 'hex':\n return this.hexSlice(start, end);\n\n case 'utf8':\n case 'utf-8':\n return this.utf8Slice(start, end);\n\n case 'ascii':\n return this.asciiSlice(start, end);\n\n case 'binary':\n return this.binarySlice(start, end);\n\n case 'base64':\n return this.base64Slice(start, end);\n\n case 'ucs2':\n case 'ucs-2':\n return this.ucs2Slice(start, end);\n\n default:\n throw new Error('Unknown encoding');\n }\n};\n\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.hexWrite = function(string, offset, length) {\n offset = +offset || 0;\n var remaining = this.length - offset;\n if (!length) {\n length = remaining;\n } else {\n length = +length;\n if (length > remaining) {\n length = remaining;\n }\n }\n\n // must be an even number of digits\n var strLen = string.length;\n if (strLen % 2) {\n throw new Error('Invalid hex string');\n }\n if (length > strLen / 2) {\n length = strLen / 2;\n }\n for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {\n var byte = parseInt(string.substr(i * 2, 2), 16);\n if (isNaN(byte)) throw new Error('Invalid hex string');\n this[offset + i] = byte;\n }\n SlowBuffer._charsWritten = i * 2;\n return i;\n};\n\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.write = function(string, offset, length, encoding) {\n // Support both (string, offset, length, encoding)\n // and the legacy (string, encoding, offset, length)\n if (isFinite(offset)) {\n if (!isFinite(length)) {\n encoding = length;\n length = undefined;\n }\n } else { // legacy\n var swap = encoding;\n encoding = offset;\n offset = length;\n length = swap;\n }\n\n offset = +offset || 0;\n var remaining = this.length - offset;\n if (!length) {\n length = remaining;\n } else {\n length = +length;\n if (length > remaining) {\n length = remaining;\n }\n }\n encoding = String(encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase();\n\n switch (encoding) {\n case 'hex':\n return this.hexWrite(string, offset, length);\n\n case 'utf8':\n case 'utf-8':\n return this.utf8Write(string, offset, length);\n\n case 'ascii':\n return this.asciiWrite(string, offset, length);\n\n case 'binary':\n return this.binaryWrite(string, offset, length);\n\n case 'base64':\n return this.base64Write(string, offset, length);\n\n case 'ucs2':\n case 'ucs-2':\n return this.ucs2Write(string, offset, length);\n\n default:\n throw new Error('Unknown encoding');\n }\n};\n\n\n// slice(start, end)\nSlowBuffer.prototype.slice = function(start, end) {\n if (end === undefined) end = this.length;\n\n if (end > this.length) {\n throw new Error('oob');\n }\n if (start > end) {\n throw new Error('oob');\n }\n\n return new Buffer(this, end - start, +start);\n};\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.copy = function(target, targetstart, sourcestart, sourceend) {\n var temp = [];\n for (var i=sourcestart; i Buffer.poolSize) {\n // Big buffer, just alloc one.\n this.parent = new SlowBuffer(this.length);\n this.offset = 0;\n\n } else {\n // Small buffer.\n if (!pool || pool.length - pool.used < this.length) allocPool();\n this.parent = pool;\n this.offset = pool.used;\n pool.used += this.length;\n }\n\n // Treat array-ish objects as a byte array.\n if (isArrayIsh(subject)) {\n for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {\n this.parent[i + this.offset] = subject[i];\n }\n } else if (type == 'string') {\n // We are a string\n this.length = this.write(subject, 0, encoding);\n }\n }\n\n}\n\nfunction isArrayIsh(subject) {\n return Array.isArray(subject) || Buffer.isBuffer(subject) ||\n subject && typeof subject === 'object' &&\n typeof subject.length === 'number';\n}\n\nexports.SlowBuffer = SlowBuffer;\nexports.Buffer = Buffer;\n\nBuffer.poolSize = 8 * 1024;\nvar pool;\n\nfunction allocPool() {\n pool = new SlowBuffer(Buffer.poolSize);\n pool.used = 0;\n}\n\n\n// Static methods\nBuffer.isBuffer = function isBuffer(b) {\n return b instanceof Buffer || b instanceof SlowBuffer;\n};\n\nBuffer.concat = function (list, totalLength) {\n if (!Array.isArray(list)) {\n throw new Error(\"Usage: Buffer.concat(list, [totalLength])\\n \\\n list should be an Array.\");\n }\n\n if (list.length === 0) {\n return new Buffer(0);\n } else if (list.length === 1) {\n return list[0];\n }\n\n if (typeof totalLength !== 'number') {\n totalLength = 0;\n for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {\n var buf = list[i];\n totalLength += buf.length;\n }\n }\n\n var buffer = new Buffer(totalLength);\n var pos = 0;\n for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {\n var buf = list[i];\n buf.copy(buffer, pos);\n pos += buf.length;\n }\n return buffer;\n};\n\n// Inspect\nBuffer.prototype.inspect = function inspect() {\n var out = [],\n len = this.length;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n out[i] = toHex(this.parent[i + this.offset]);\n if (i == exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES) {\n out[i + 1] = '...';\n break;\n }\n }\n\n return '';\n};\n\n\nBuffer.prototype.get = function get(i) {\n if (i < 0 || i >= this.length) throw new Error('oob');\n return this.parent[this.offset + i];\n};\n\n\nBuffer.prototype.set = function set(i, v) {\n if (i < 0 || i >= this.length) throw new Error('oob');\n return this.parent[this.offset + i] = v;\n};\n\n\n// write(string, offset = 0, length = buffer.length-offset, encoding = 'utf8')\nBuffer.prototype.write = function(string, offset, length, encoding) {\n // Support both (string, offset, length, encoding)\n // and the legacy (string, encoding, offset, length)\n if (isFinite(offset)) {\n if (!isFinite(length)) {\n encoding = length;\n length = undefined;\n }\n } else { // legacy\n var swap = encoding;\n encoding = offset;\n offset = length;\n length = swap;\n }\n\n offset = +offset || 0;\n var remaining = this.length - offset;\n if (!length) {\n length = remaining;\n } else {\n length = +length;\n if (length > remaining) {\n length = remaining;\n }\n }\n encoding = String(encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase();\n\n var ret;\n switch (encoding) {\n case 'hex':\n ret = this.parent.hexWrite(string, this.offset + offset, length);\n break;\n\n case 'utf8':\n case 'utf-8':\n ret = this.parent.utf8Write(string, this.offset + offset, length);\n break;\n\n case 'ascii':\n ret = this.parent.asciiWrite(string, this.offset + offset, length);\n break;\n\n case 'binary':\n ret = this.parent.binaryWrite(string, this.offset + offset, length);\n break;\n\n case 'base64':\n // Warning: maxLength not taken into account in base64Write\n ret = this.parent.base64Write(string, this.offset + offset, length);\n break;\n\n case 'ucs2':\n case 'ucs-2':\n ret = this.parent.ucs2Write(string, this.offset + offset, length);\n break;\n\n default:\n throw new Error('Unknown encoding');\n }\n\n Buffer._charsWritten = SlowBuffer._charsWritten;\n\n return ret;\n};\n\n\n// toString(encoding, start=0, end=buffer.length)\nBuffer.prototype.toString = function(encoding, start, end) {\n encoding = String(encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase();\n\n if (typeof start == 'undefined' || start < 0) {\n start = 0;\n } else if (start > this.length) {\n start = this.length;\n }\n\n if (typeof end == 'undefined' || end > this.length) {\n end = this.length;\n } else if (end < 0) {\n end = 0;\n }\n\n start = start + this.offset;\n end = end + this.offset;\n\n switch (encoding) {\n case 'hex':\n return this.parent.hexSlice(start, end);\n\n case 'utf8':\n case 'utf-8':\n return this.parent.utf8Slice(start, end);\n\n case 'ascii':\n return this.parent.asciiSlice(start, end);\n\n case 'binary':\n return this.parent.binarySlice(start, end);\n\n case 'base64':\n return this.parent.base64Slice(start, end);\n\n case 'ucs2':\n case 'ucs-2':\n return this.parent.ucs2Slice(start, end);\n\n default:\n throw new Error('Unknown encoding');\n }\n};\n\n\n// byteLength\nBuffer.byteLength = SlowBuffer.byteLength;\n\n\n// fill(value, start=0, end=buffer.length)\nBuffer.prototype.fill = function fill(value, start, end) {\n value || (value = 0);\n start || (start = 0);\n end || (end = this.length);\n\n if (typeof value === 'string') {\n value = value.charCodeAt(0);\n }\n if (!(typeof value === 'number') || isNaN(value)) {\n throw new Error('value is not a number');\n }\n\n if (end < start) throw new Error('end < start');\n\n // Fill 0 bytes; we're done\n if (end === start) return 0;\n if (this.length == 0) return 0;\n\n if (start < 0 || start >= this.length) {\n throw new Error('start out of bounds');\n }\n\n if (end < 0 || end > this.length) {\n throw new Error('end out of bounds');\n }\n\n return this.parent.fill(value,\n start + this.offset,\n end + this.offset);\n};\n\n\n// copy(targetBuffer, targetStart=0, sourceStart=0, sourceEnd=buffer.length)\nBuffer.prototype.copy = function(target, target_start, start, end) {\n var source = this;\n start || (start = 0);\n end || (end = this.length);\n target_start || (target_start = 0);\n\n if (end < start) throw new Error('sourceEnd < sourceStart');\n\n // Copy 0 bytes; we're done\n if (end === start) return 0;\n if (target.length == 0 || source.length == 0) return 0;\n\n if (target_start < 0 || target_start >= target.length) {\n throw new Error('targetStart out of bounds');\n }\n\n if (start < 0 || start >= source.length) {\n throw new Error('sourceStart out of bounds');\n }\n\n if (end < 0 || end > source.length) {\n throw new Error('sourceEnd out of bounds');\n }\n\n // Are we oob?\n if (end > this.length) {\n end = this.length;\n }\n\n if (target.length - target_start < end - start) {\n end = target.length - target_start + start;\n }\n\n return this.parent.copy(target.parent,\n target_start + target.offset,\n start + this.offset,\n end + this.offset);\n};\n\n\n// slice(start, end)\nBuffer.prototype.slice = function(start, end) {\n if (end === undefined) end = this.length;\n if (end > this.length) throw new Error('oob');\n if (start > end) throw new Error('oob');\n\n return new Buffer(this.parent, end - start, +start + this.offset);\n};\n\n\n// Legacy methods for backwards compatibility.\n\nBuffer.prototype.utf8Slice = function(start, end) {\n return this.toString('utf8', start, end);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.binarySlice = function(start, end) {\n return this.toString('binary', start, end);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.asciiSlice = function(start, end) {\n return this.toString('ascii', start, end);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.utf8Write = function(string, offset) {\n return this.write(string, offset, 'utf8');\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.binaryWrite = function(string, offset) {\n return this.write(string, offset, 'binary');\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.asciiWrite = function(string, offset) {\n return this.write(string, offset, 'ascii');\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readUInt8 = function(offset, noAssert) {\n var buffer = this;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n return buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset];\n};\n\nfunction readUInt16(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n var val = 0;\n\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 1 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n if (isBigEndian) {\n val = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] << 8;\n val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1];\n } else {\n val = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset];\n val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] << 8;\n }\n\n return val;\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.readUInt16LE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readUInt16(this, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readUInt16BE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readUInt16(this, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction readUInt32(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n var val = 0;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n if (isBigEndian) {\n val = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] << 16;\n val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 2] << 8;\n val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 3];\n val = val + (buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] << 24 >>> 0);\n } else {\n val = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 2] << 16;\n val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] << 8;\n val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset];\n val = val + (buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 3] << 24 >>> 0);\n }\n\n return val;\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.readUInt32LE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readUInt32(this, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readUInt32BE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readUInt32(this, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\n\n/*\n * Signed integer types, yay team! A reminder on how two's complement actually\n * works. The first bit is the signed bit, i.e. tells us whether or not the\n * number should be positive or negative. If the two's complement value is\n * positive, then we're done, as it's equivalent to the unsigned representation.\n *\n * Now if the number is positive, you're pretty much done, you can just leverage\n * the unsigned translations and return those. Unfortunately, negative numbers\n * aren't quite that straightforward.\n *\n * At first glance, one might be inclined to use the traditional formula to\n * translate binary numbers between the positive and negative values in two's\n * complement. (Though it doesn't quite work for the most negative value)\n * Mainly:\n * - invert all the bits\n * - add one to the result\n *\n * Of course, this doesn't quite work in Javascript. Take for example the value\n * of -128. This could be represented in 16 bits (big-endian) as 0xff80. But of\n * course, Javascript will do the following:\n *\n * > ~0xff80\n * -65409\n *\n * Whoh there, Javascript, that's not quite right. But wait, according to\n * Javascript that's perfectly correct. When Javascript ends up seeing the\n * constant 0xff80, it has no notion that it is actually a signed number. It\n * assumes that we've input the unsigned value 0xff80. Thus, when it does the\n * binary negation, it casts it into a signed value, (positive 0xff80). Then\n * when you perform binary negation on that, it turns it into a negative number.\n *\n * Instead, we're going to have to use the following general formula, that works\n * in a rather Javascript friendly way. I'm glad we don't support this kind of\n * weird numbering scheme in the kernel.\n *\n * (BIT-MAX - (unsigned)val + 1) * -1\n *\n * The astute observer, may think that this doesn't make sense for 8-bit numbers\n * (really it isn't necessary for them). However, when you get 16-bit numbers,\n * you do. Let's go back to our prior example and see how this will look:\n *\n * (0xffff - 0xff80 + 1) * -1\n * (0x007f + 1) * -1\n * (0x0080) * -1\n */\nBuffer.prototype.readInt8 = function(offset, noAssert) {\n var buffer = this;\n var neg;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n neg = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] & 0x80;\n if (!neg) {\n return (buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset]);\n }\n\n return ((0xff - buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] + 1) * -1);\n};\n\nfunction readInt16(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n var neg, val;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 1 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n val = readUInt16(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert);\n neg = val & 0x8000;\n if (!neg) {\n return val;\n }\n\n return (0xffff - val + 1) * -1;\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.readInt16LE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readInt16(this, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readInt16BE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readInt16(this, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction readInt32(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n var neg, val;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n val = readUInt32(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert);\n neg = val & 0x80000000;\n if (!neg) {\n return (val);\n }\n\n return (0xffffffff - val + 1) * -1;\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.readInt32LE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readInt32(this, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readInt32BE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readInt32(this, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction readFloat(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n return require(12).readIEEE754(buffer, offset, isBigEndian,\n 23, 4);\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.readFloatLE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readFloat(this, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readFloatBE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readFloat(this, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction readDouble(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 7 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n return require(12).readIEEE754(buffer, offset, isBigEndian,\n 52, 8);\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.readDoubleLE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readDouble(this, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readDoubleBE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readDouble(this, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\n\n/*\n * We have to make sure that the value is a valid integer. This means that it is\n * non-negative. It has no fractional component and that it does not exceed the\n * maximum allowed value.\n *\n * value The number to check for validity\n *\n * max The maximum value\n */\nfunction verifuint(value, max) {\n assert.ok(typeof (value) == 'number',\n 'cannot write a non-number as a number');\n\n assert.ok(value >= 0,\n 'specified a negative value for writing an unsigned value');\n\n assert.ok(value <= max, 'value is larger than maximum value for type');\n\n assert.ok(Math.floor(value) === value, 'value has a fractional component');\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeUInt8 = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n var buffer = this;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset < buffer.length,\n 'trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifuint(value, 0xff);\n }\n\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] = value;\n};\n\nfunction writeUInt16(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 1 < buffer.length,\n 'trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifuint(value, 0xffff);\n }\n\n if (isBigEndian) {\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] = (value & 0xff00) >>> 8;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] = value & 0x00ff;\n } else {\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] = (value & 0xff00) >>> 8;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] = value & 0x00ff;\n }\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeUInt16(this, value, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeUInt16(this, value, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction writeUInt32(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length,\n 'trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifuint(value, 0xffffffff);\n }\n\n if (isBigEndian) {\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] = (value >>> 24) & 0xff;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] = (value >>> 16) & 0xff;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 2] = (value >>> 8) & 0xff;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 3] = value & 0xff;\n } else {\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 3] = (value >>> 24) & 0xff;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 2] = (value >>> 16) & 0xff;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] = (value >>> 8) & 0xff;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] = value & 0xff;\n }\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeUInt32(this, value, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeUInt32(this, value, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\n\n/*\n * We now move onto our friends in the signed number category. Unlike unsigned\n * numbers, we're going to have to worry a bit more about how we put values into\n * arrays. Since we are only worrying about signed 32-bit values, we're in\n * slightly better shape. Unfortunately, we really can't do our favorite binary\n * & in this system. It really seems to do the wrong thing. For example:\n *\n * > -32 & 0xff\n * 224\n *\n * What's happening above is really: 0xe0 & 0xff = 0xe0. However, the results of\n * this aren't treated as a signed number. Ultimately a bad thing.\n *\n * What we're going to want to do is basically create the unsigned equivalent of\n * our representation and pass that off to the wuint* functions. To do that\n * we're going to do the following:\n *\n * - if the value is positive\n * we can pass it directly off to the equivalent wuint\n * - if the value is negative\n * we do the following computation:\n * mb + val + 1, where\n * mb is the maximum unsigned value in that byte size\n * val is the Javascript negative integer\n *\n *\n * As a concrete value, take -128. In signed 16 bits this would be 0xff80. If\n * you do out the computations:\n *\n * 0xffff - 128 + 1\n * 0xffff - 127\n * 0xff80\n *\n * You can then encode this value as the signed version. This is really rather\n * hacky, but it should work and get the job done which is our goal here.\n */\n\n/*\n * A series of checks to make sure we actually have a signed 32-bit number\n */\nfunction verifsint(value, max, min) {\n assert.ok(typeof (value) == 'number',\n 'cannot write a non-number as a number');\n\n assert.ok(value <= max, 'value larger than maximum allowed value');\n\n assert.ok(value >= min, 'value smaller than minimum allowed value');\n\n assert.ok(Math.floor(value) === value, 'value has a fractional component');\n}\n\nfunction verifIEEE754(value, max, min) {\n assert.ok(typeof (value) == 'number',\n 'cannot write a non-number as a number');\n\n assert.ok(value <= max, 'value larger than maximum allowed value');\n\n assert.ok(value >= min, 'value smaller than minimum allowed value');\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeInt8 = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n var buffer = this;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifsint(value, 0x7f, -0x80);\n }\n\n if (value >= 0) {\n buffer.writeUInt8(value, offset, noAssert);\n } else {\n buffer.writeUInt8(0xff + value + 1, offset, noAssert);\n }\n};\n\nfunction writeInt16(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 1 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifsint(value, 0x7fff, -0x8000);\n }\n\n if (value >= 0) {\n writeUInt16(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert);\n } else {\n writeUInt16(buffer, 0xffff + value + 1, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert);\n }\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeInt16LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeInt16(this, value, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeInt16BE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeInt16(this, value, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction writeInt32(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifsint(value, 0x7fffffff, -0x80000000);\n }\n\n if (value >= 0) {\n writeUInt32(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert);\n } else {\n writeUInt32(buffer, 0xffffffff + value + 1, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert);\n }\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeInt32LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeInt32(this, value, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeInt32BE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeInt32(this, value, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction writeFloat(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifIEEE754(value, 3.4028234663852886e+38, -3.4028234663852886e+38);\n }\n\n require(12).writeIEEE754(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian,\n 23, 4);\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeFloatLE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeFloat(this, value, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeFloatBE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeFloat(this, value, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction writeDouble(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 7 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifIEEE754(value, 1.7976931348623157E+308, -1.7976931348623157E+308);\n }\n\n require(12).writeIEEE754(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian,\n 52, 8);\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeDouble(this, value, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeDouble(this, value, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt8 = Buffer.prototype.readUInt8;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt16LE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt16LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt16BE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt16BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt32LE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt32LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt32BE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt32BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readInt8 = Buffer.prototype.readInt8;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readInt16LE = Buffer.prototype.readInt16LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readInt16BE = Buffer.prototype.readInt16BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readInt32LE = Buffer.prototype.readInt32LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readInt32BE = Buffer.prototype.readInt32BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readFloatLE = Buffer.prototype.readFloatLE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readFloatBE = Buffer.prototype.readFloatBE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readDoubleLE = Buffer.prototype.readDoubleLE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readDoubleBE = Buffer.prototype.readDoubleBE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt8 = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt8;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt8 = Buffer.prototype.writeInt8;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt16LE = Buffer.prototype.writeInt16LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt16BE = Buffer.prototype.writeInt16BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt32LE = Buffer.prototype.writeInt32LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt32BE = Buffer.prototype.writeInt32BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeFloatLE = Buffer.prototype.writeFloatLE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeFloatBE = Buffer.prototype.writeFloatBE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE = Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE = Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE;\n\n/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}(require, require(13).Buffer))\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 13\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer-browserify/index.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer-browserify/index.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 14:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("var EventEmitter = require(27).EventEmitter;\nvar util = require(28);\nvar UInt160 = require(15).UInt160;\nvar Currency = require(3).Currency;\nvar Transaction = require(5).Transaction;\nvar Account = require(16).Account;\nvar Meta = require(6).Meta;\nvar OrderBook = require(17).OrderBook;\nvar RippleError = require(19).RippleError;\n\n// Request events emitted:\n// 'success' : Request successful.\n// 'error' : Request failed.\n// 'remoteError'\n// 'remoteUnexpected'\n// 'remoteDisconnected'\nfunction Request(remote, command) {\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n this.remote = remote;\n this.requested = false;\n this.message = {\n command : command,\n id : void(0)\n };\n};\n\nutil.inherits(Request, EventEmitter);\n\n// Send the request to a remote.\nRequest.prototype.request = function (remote) {\n if (!this.requested) {\n this.requested = true;\n this.remote.request(this);\n this.emit('request', remote);\n }\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.callback = function(callback, successEvent, errorEvent) {\n if (callback && typeof callback === 'function') {\n function request_success(message) {\n callback.call(this, null, message);\n }\n\n function request_error(error) {\n if (!(error instanceof RippleError)) {\n error = new RippleError(error);\n }\n callback.call(this, error);\n }\n\n this.once(successEvent || 'success', request_success);\n this.once(errorEvent || 'error' , request_error);\n this.request();\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.timeout = function(duration, callback) {\n var self = this;\n\n if (!this.requested) {\n function requested() {\n self.timeout(duration, callback);\n }\n this.once('request', requested);\n return;\n }\n\n var emit = this.emit;\n var timed_out = false;\n\n var timeout = setTimeout(function() {\n timed_out = true;\n if (typeof callback === 'function') callback();\n emit.call(self, 'timeout');\n }, duration);\n\n this.emit = function() {\n if (!timed_out) {\n clearTimeout(timeout);\n emit.apply(self, arguments);\n }\n };\n\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.set_server = function(server) {\n this.server = server;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.build_path = function (build) {\n if (build) {\n this.message.build_path = true;\n }\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.ledger_choose = function (current) {\n if (current) {\n this.message.ledger_index = this.remote._ledger_current_index;\n } else {\n this.message.ledger_hash = this.remote._ledger_hash;\n }\n return this;\n};\n\n// Set the ledger for a request.\n// - ledger_entry\n// - transaction_entry\nRequest.prototype.ledger_hash = function (hash) {\n this.message.ledger_hash = hash;\n return this;\n};\n\n// Set the ledger_index for a request.\n// - ledger_entry\nRequest.prototype.ledger_index = function (ledger_index) {\n this.message.ledger_index = ledger_index;\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.ledger_select = function (ledger_spec) {\n switch (ledger_spec) {\n case 'current':\n case 'closed':\n case 'verified':\n this.message.ledger_index = ledger_spec;\n break;\n\n default:\n // XXX Better test needed\n if (Number(ledger_spec)) {\n this.message.ledger_index = ledger_spec;\n } else {\n this.message.ledger_hash = ledger_spec;\n }\n break;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.account_root = function (account) {\n this.message.account_root = UInt160.json_rewrite(account);\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.index = function (hash) {\n this.message.index = hash;\n return this;\n};\n\n// Provide the information id an offer.\n// --> account\n// --> seq : sequence number of transaction creating offer (integer)\nRequest.prototype.offer_id = function (account, seq) {\n this.message.offer = {\n account: UInt160.json_rewrite(account),\n seq: seq\n };\n return this;\n};\n\n// --> index : ledger entry index.\nRequest.prototype.offer_index = function (index) {\n this.message.offer = index;\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.secret = function (secret) {\n if (secret) {\n this.message.secret = secret;\n }\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.tx_hash = function (hash) {\n this.message.tx_hash = hash;\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.tx_json = function (json) {\n this.message.tx_json = json;\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.tx_blob = function (json) {\n this.message.tx_blob = json;\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.ripple_state = function (account, issuer, currency) {\n this.message.ripple_state = {\n currency : currency,\n accounts : [\n UInt160.json_rewrite(account),\n UInt160.json_rewrite(issuer)\n ]\n };\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.accounts = function (accounts, realtime) {\n if (!Array.isArray(accounts)) {\n accounts = [ accounts ];\n }\n\n // Process accounts parameters\n var processedAccounts = accounts.map(function(account) {\n return UInt160.json_rewrite(account);\n });\n \n if (realtime) {\n this.message.rt_accounts = processedAccounts;\n } else {\n this.message.accounts = processedAccounts;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.rt_accounts = function (accounts) {\n return this.accounts(accounts, true);\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.books = function (books, snapshot) {\n var processedBooks = [ ];\n\n for (var i = 0, l = books.length; i < l; i++) {\n var book = books[i];\n var json = { };\n\n function processSide(side) {\n if (!book[side]) {\n throw new Error('Missing ' + side);\n }\n\n var obj = json[side] = {\n currency: Currency.json_rewrite(book[side].currency)\n };\n \n if (obj.currency !== 'XRP') {\n obj.issuer = UInt160.json_rewrite(book[side].issuer);\n }\n }\n\n processSide('taker_gets');\n processSide('taker_pays');\n\n if (snapshot) {\n json.snapshot = true;\n }\n\n if (book.both) {\n json.both = true; \n }\n\n processedBooks.push(json);\n }\n\n this.message.books = processedBooks;\n\n return this;\n};\n\nexports.Request = Request;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 14\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/request.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/request.js");
+ eval("var util = require(5);\nvar extend = require(2);\n\nfunction RippleError(code, message) {\n if (typeof code === 'object') {\n extend(this, code);\n } else {\n this.result = code;\n this.message = message;\n this.result_message = message;\n }\n\n this.message = this.result_message || 'Error';\n\n Error.captureStackTrace(this, code || this);\n}\n\nutil.inherits(RippleError, Error);\n\nRippleError.prototype.name = 'RippleError';\n\nexports.RippleError = RippleError;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 14\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/rippleerror.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/rippleerror.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 15:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("var sjcl = require(11);\nvar utils = require(9);\nvar config = require(12);\nvar jsbn = require(20);\nvar extend = require(29);\n\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\nvar nbi = jsbn.nbi;\n\nvar UInt = require(30).UInt;\nvar Base = require(4).Base;\n\n//\n// UInt160 support\n//\n\nvar UInt160 = extend(function () {\n // Internal form: NaN or BigInteger\n this._value = NaN;\n}, UInt);\n\nUInt160.width = 20;\nUInt160.prototype = extend({}, UInt.prototype);\nUInt160.prototype.constructor = UInt160;\n\nvar ACCOUNT_ZERO = UInt160.ACCOUNT_ZERO = 'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhoLvTp';\nvar ACCOUNT_ONE = UInt160.ACCOUNT_ONE = 'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrBZbvji';\nvar HEX_ZERO = UInt160.HEX_ZERO = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';\nvar HEX_ONE = UInt160.HEX_ONE = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000001';\nvar STR_ZERO = UInt160.STR_ZERO = utils.hexToString(HEX_ZERO);\nvar STR_ONE = UInt160.STR_ONE = utils.hexToString(HEX_ONE);\n\n// value = NaN on error.\nUInt160.prototype.parse_json = function (j) {\n // Canonicalize and validate\n if (config.accounts && j in config.accounts) {\n j = config.accounts[j].account;\n }\n\n if (typeof j === 'number' && !isNaN(j)) {\n this._value = new BigInteger(String(j));\n } else if (typeof j !== 'string') {\n this._value = NaN;\n } else if (j[0] === 'r') {\n this._value = Base.decode_check(Base.VER_ACCOUNT_ID, j);\n } else {\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// XXX Json form should allow 0 and 1, C++ doesn't currently allow it.\nUInt160.prototype.to_json = function (opts) {\n var opts = opts || {};\n var output = NaN;\n\n if (this._value instanceof BigInteger) {\n output = Base.encode_check(Base.VER_ACCOUNT_ID, this.to_bytes());\n if (opts.gateways && output in opts.gateways) {\n output = opts.gateways[output];\n }\n }\n \n return output;\n};\n\nexports.UInt160 = UInt160;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 15\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/uint160.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/uint160.js");
+ eval("\nvar sjcl = require(1);\nvar utils = require(4);\nvar config = require(8);\nvar jsbn = require(7);\n\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\nvar nbi = jsbn.nbi;\n\nvar Base = require(10).Base;\n\n//\n// Abstract UInt class\n//\n// Base class for UInt??? classes\n//\n\nvar UInt = function () {\n // Internal form: NaN or BigInteger\n this._value = NaN;\n};\n\nUInt.json_rewrite = function (j, opts) {\n return this.from_json(j).to_json(opts);\n};\n\n// Return a new UInt from j.\nUInt.from_generic = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_generic(j);\n }\n};\n\n// Return a new UInt from j.\nUInt.from_hex = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_hex(j);\n }\n};\n\n// Return a new UInt from j.\nUInt.from_json = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_json(j);\n }\n};\n\n// Return a new UInt from j.\nUInt.from_bits = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_bits(j);\n }\n};\n\n// Return a new UInt from j.\nUInt.from_bytes = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_bytes(j);\n }\n};\n\n// Return a new UInt from j.\nUInt.from_bn = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_bn(j);\n }\n};\n\nUInt.is_valid = function (j) {\n return this.from_json(j).is_valid();\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.clone = function () {\n return this.copyTo(new this.constructor());\n};\n\n// Returns copy.\nUInt.prototype.copyTo = function (d) {\n d._value = this._value;\n\n return d;\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.equals = function (d) {\n return this._value instanceof BigInteger && d._value instanceof BigInteger && this._value.equals(d._value);\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.is_valid = function () {\n return this._value instanceof BigInteger;\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.is_zero = function () {\n return this._value.equals(BigInteger.ZERO);\n};\n\n// value = NaN on error.\nUInt.prototype.parse_generic = function (j) {\n // Canonicalize and validate\n if (config.accounts && j in config.accounts)\n j = config.accounts[j].account;\n\n switch (j) {\n case undefined:\n case \"0\":\n case this.constructor.STR_ZERO:\n case this.constructor.ACCOUNT_ZERO:\n case this.constructor.HEX_ZERO:\n this._value = nbi();\n break;\n\n case \"1\":\n case this.constructor.STR_ONE:\n case this.constructor.ACCOUNT_ONE:\n case this.constructor.HEX_ONE:\n this._value = new BigInteger([1]);\n\n break;\n\n default:\n if ('string' !== typeof j) {\n\t this._value = NaN;\n }\n else if (j[0] === \"r\") {\n\t this._value = Base.decode_check(Base.VER_ACCOUNT_ID, j);\n }\n else if (this.constructor.width === j.length) {\n\t this._value = new BigInteger(utils.stringToArray(j), 256);\n }\n else if ((this.constructor.width*2) === j.length) {\n\t // XXX Check char set!\n\t this._value = new BigInteger(j, 16);\n }\n else {\n\t this._value = NaN;\n }\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.parse_hex = function (j) {\n if ('string' === typeof j &&\n j.length === (this.constructor.width * 2)) {\n this._value = new BigInteger(j, 16);\n } else {\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.parse_bits = function (j) {\n if (sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(j) !== this.constructor.width * 8) {\n this._value = NaN;\n } else {\n var bytes = sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits(j);\n this.parse_bytes(bytes);\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n\nUInt.prototype.parse_bytes = function (j) {\n if (!Array.isArray(j) || j.length !== this.constructor.width) {\n\tthis._value = NaN;\n } else {\n\t this._value = new BigInteger(j, 256);\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n\nUInt.prototype.parse_json = UInt.prototype.parse_hex;\n\nUInt.prototype.parse_bn = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof sjcl.bn &&\n j.bitLength() <= this.constructor.width * 8) {\n var bytes = sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits(j.toBits());\n\t this._value = new BigInteger(bytes, 256);\n } else {\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// Convert from internal form.\nUInt.prototype.to_bytes = function () {\n if (!(this._value instanceof BigInteger))\n return null;\n\n var bytes = this._value.toByteArray();\n bytes = bytes.map(function (b) { return (b+256) % 256; });\n var target = this.constructor.width;\n\n // XXX Make sure only trim off leading zeros.\n bytes = bytes.slice(-target);\n while (bytes.length < target) bytes.unshift(0);\n\n return bytes;\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.to_hex = function () {\n if (!(this._value instanceof BigInteger))\n return null;\n\n var bytes = this.to_bytes();\n return sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(sjcl.codec.bytes.toBits(bytes)).toUpperCase();\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.to_json = UInt.prototype.to_hex;\n\nUInt.prototype.to_bits = function () {\n if (!(this._value instanceof BigInteger))\n return null;\n\n var bytes = this.to_bytes();\n\n return sjcl.codec.bytes.toBits(bytes);\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.to_bn = function () {\n if (!(this._value instanceof BigInteger))\n return null;\n\n var bits = this.to_bits();\n\n return sjcl.bn.fromBits(bits);\n};\n\nexports.UInt = UInt;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 15\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/uint.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/uint.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 16:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("// Routines for working with an account.\n//\n// You should not instantiate this class yourself, instead use Remote#account.\n//\n// Events:\n// wallet_clean\t: True, iff the wallet has been updated.\n// wallet_dirty\t: True, iff the wallet needs to be updated.\n// balance\t\t: The current stamp balance.\n// balance_proposed\n//\n\n// var network = require(\"./network.js\");\n\nvar EventEmitter = require(27).EventEmitter;\nvar util = require(28);\nvar extend = require(29);\n\nvar Amount = require(2).Amount;\nvar UInt160 = require(15).UInt160;\nvar TransactionManager = require(31).TransactionManager;\n\n\nfunction Account(remote, account) {\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n var self = this;\n\n this._tx_manager = null;\n this._remote = remote;\n this._account = UInt160.from_json(account);\n this._account_id = this._account.to_json();\n this._subs = 0;\n\n // Ledger entry object\n // Important: This must never be overwritten, only extend()-ed\n this._entry = { };\n\n function listener_added(type, listener) {\n if (~Account.subscribe_events.indexOf(type)) {\n if (!self._subs && self._remote._connected) {\n self._remote.request_subscribe()\n .accounts(self._account_id)\n .request();\n }\n self._subs += 1;\n }\n }\n\n function listener_removed(type, listener) {\n if (~Account.subscribe_events.indexOf(type)) {\n self._subs -= 1;\n if (!self._subs && self._remote._connected) {\n self._remote.request_unsubscribe()\n .accounts(self._account_id)\n .request();\n }\n }\n }\n\n this.on('newListener', listener_added);\n this.on('removeListener', listener_removed);\n\n function prepare_subscribe(request) {\n if (self._account.is_valid() && self._subs) {\n request.accounts(self._account_id);\n }\n }\n\n this._remote.on('prepare_subscribe', prepare_subscribe);\n\n function handle_transaction(transaction) {\n var changed = false;\n\n transaction.mmeta.each(function(an) {\n var isAccountRoot = an.entryType === 'AccountRoot' \n && an.fields.Account === self._account_id;\n if (isAccountRoot) {\n extend(self._entry, an.fieldsNew, an.fieldsFinal);\n changed = true;\n }\n });\n\n if (changed) {\n self.emit('entry', self._entry);\n }\n }\n\n this.on('transaction', handle_transaction);\n\n return this;\n};\n\nutil.inherits(Account, EventEmitter);\n\n/**\n * List of events that require a remote subscription to the account.\n */\nAccount.subscribe_events = [ 'transaction', 'entry' ];\n\nAccount.prototype.to_json = function () {\n return this._account.to_json();\n};\n\n/**\n * Whether the AccountId is valid.\n *\n * Note: This does not tell you whether the account exists in the ledger.\n */\nAccount.prototype.is_valid = function () {\n return this._account.is_valid();\n};\n\nAccount.prototype.get_info = function(callback) {\n var callback = typeof callback === 'function' ? callback : function(){};\n this._remote.request_account_info(this._account_id, callback);\n};\n\n/**\n * Retrieve the current AccountRoot entry.\n *\n * To keep up-to-date with changes to the AccountRoot entry, subscribe to the\n * \"entry\" event.\n *\n * @param {function (err, entry)} callback Called with the result\n */\nAccount.prototype.entry = function (callback) {\n var self = this;\n var callback = typeof callback === 'function' ? callback : function(){};\n\n this.get_info(function account_info(err, info) {\n if (err) {\n callback(err);\n } else {\n extend(self._entry, info.account_data);\n self.emit('entry', self._entry);\n callback(null, info);\n }\n });\n\n return this;\n};\n\nAccount.prototype.get_next_sequence = function(callback) {\n var callback = typeof callback === 'function' ? callback : function(){};\n\n this.get_info(function account_info(err, info) {\n if (err) {\n callback(err);\n } else {\n callback(null, info.account_data.Sequence); \n }\n });\n\n return this;\n};\n\n/**\n * Retrieve this account's Ripple trust lines.\n *\n * To keep up-to-date with changes to the AccountRoot entry, subscribe to the\n * \"lines\" event. (Not yet implemented.)\n *\n * @param {function (err, lines)} callback Called with the result\n */\nAccount.prototype.lines = function (callback)\n{\n var self = this;\n\n self._remote.request_account_lines(this._account_id)\n .on('success', function (e) {\n self._lines = e.lines;\n self.emit('lines', self._lines);\n\n if (\"function\" === typeof callback) {\n callback(null, e);\n }\n })\n .on('error', function (e) {\n callback(e);\n })\n .request();\n\n return this;\n};\n\n/**\n * Notify object of a relevant transaction.\n *\n * This is only meant to be called by the Remote class. You should never have to\n * call this yourself.\n */\nAccount.prototype.notifyTx = function (message) {\n // Only trigger the event if the account object is actually\n // subscribed - this prevents some weird phantom events from\n // occurring.\n if (this._subs) {\n this.emit('transaction', message);\n }\n};\n\nAccount.prototype.submit = function(tx) {\n if (!this._tx_manager) {\n this._tx_manager = new TransactionManager(this);\n }\n this._tx_manager.submit(tx);\n};\n\nexports.Account = Account;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 16\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/account.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/account.js");
+ eval("\nvar sjcl = require(1);\nvar utils = require(4);\nvar config = require(8);\nvar jsbn = require(7);\nvar extend = require(2);\n\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\nvar nbi = jsbn.nbi;\n\nvar UInt = require(15).UInt,\n Base = require(10).Base;\n\n//\n// UInt256 support\n//\n\nvar UInt256 = extend(function () {\n // Internal form: NaN or BigInteger\n this._value = NaN;\n}, UInt);\n\nUInt256.width = 32;\nUInt256.prototype = extend({}, UInt.prototype);\nUInt256.prototype.constructor = UInt256;\n\nvar HEX_ZERO = UInt256.HEX_ZERO = \"00000000000000000000000000000000\" +\n \"00000000000000000000000000000000\";\nvar HEX_ONE = UInt256.HEX_ONE = \"00000000000000000000000000000000\" +\n \"00000000000000000000000000000001\";\nvar STR_ZERO = UInt256.STR_ZERO = utils.hexToString(HEX_ZERO);\nvar STR_ONE = UInt256.STR_ONE = utils.hexToString(HEX_ONE);\n\nexports.UInt256 = UInt256;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 16\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/uint256.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/uint256.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 17:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("// Routines for working with an orderbook.\n//\n// One OrderBook object represents one half of an order book. (i.e. bids OR\n// asks) Which one depends on the ordering of the parameters.\n//\n// Events:\n// - transaction A transaction that affects the order book.\n\n// var network = require(\"./network.js\");\n\nvar EventEmitter = require(27).EventEmitter;\nvar util = require(28);\n\nvar Amount = require(2).Amount;\nvar UInt160 = require(15).UInt160;\nvar Currency = require(3).Currency;\n\nvar extend = require(29);\n\nvar OrderBook = function (remote, currency_gets, issuer_gets, currency_pays, issuer_pays) {\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n var self = this;\n\n this._remote = remote;\n this._currency_gets = currency_gets;\n this._issuer_gets = issuer_gets;\n this._currency_pays = currency_pays;\n this._issuer_pays = issuer_pays;\n this._subs = 0;\n\n // We consider ourselves synchronized if we have a current copy of the offers,\n // we are online and subscribed to updates.\n this._sync = false;\n\n // Offers\n this._offers = [];\n\n this.on('newListener', function (type, listener) {\n if (OrderBook.subscribe_events.indexOf(type) !== -1) {\n if (!self._subs && 'open' === self._remote._online_state) {\n self._subscribe();\n }\n self._subs += 1;\n }\n });\n\n this.on('removeListener', function (type, listener) {\n if (~OrderBook.subscribe_events.indexOf(type)) {\n self._subs -= 1;\n if (!self._subs && self._remote._connected) {\n self._sync = false;\n self._remote.request_unsubscribe()\n .books([self.to_json()])\n .request();\n }\n }\n });\n\n this._remote.on('connect', function () {\n if (self._subs) {\n self._subscribe();\n }\n });\n\n this._remote.on('disconnect', function () {\n self._sync = false;\n });\n\n return this;\n};\n\nutil.inherits(OrderBook, EventEmitter);\n\n/**\n * List of events that require a remote subscription to the orderbook.\n */\nOrderBook.subscribe_events = ['transaction', 'model', 'trade'];\n\n/**\n * Subscribes to orderbook.\n *\n * @private\n */\nOrderBook.prototype._subscribe = function () {\n var self = this;\n self._remote.request_subscribe()\n .books([self.to_json()], true)\n .on('error', function () {\n // XXX What now?\n })\n .on('success', function (res) {\n self._sync = true;\n self._offers = res.offers;\n self.emit('model', self._offers);\n })\n .request();\n};\n\nOrderBook.prototype.to_json = function () {\n var json = {\n 'taker_gets': {\n 'currency': this._currency_gets\n },\n 'taker_pays': {\n 'currency': this._currency_pays\n }\n };\n\n if (this._currency_gets !== 'XRP')\n json['taker_gets']['issuer'] = this._issuer_gets;\n\n if (this._currency_pays !== 'XRP')\n json['taker_pays']['issuer'] = this._issuer_pays;\n\n return json;\n};\n\n/**\n * Whether the OrderBook is valid.\n *\n * Note: This only checks whether the parameters (currencies and issuer) are\n * syntactically valid. It does not check anything against the ledger.\n */\nOrderBook.prototype.is_valid = function () {\n // XXX Should check for same currency (non-native) && same issuer\n return (\n Currency.is_valid(this._currency_pays) &&\n (this._currency_pays === 'XRP' || UInt160.is_valid(this._issuer_pays)) &&\n Currency.is_valid(this._currency_gets) &&\n (this._currency_gets === 'XRP' || UInt160.is_valid(this._issuer_gets)) &&\n !(this._currency_pays === 'XRP' && this._currency_gets === 'XRP')\n );\n};\n\nOrderBook.prototype.trade = function(type) {\n var tradeStr = '0'\n + (this['_currency_' + type] === 'XRP') ? '' : '/' \n + this['_currency_' + type ] + '/' \n + this['_issuer_' + type];\n return Amount.from_json(tradeStr);\n};\n\n/**\n * Notify object of a relevant transaction.\n *\n * This is only meant to be called by the Remote class. You should never have to\n * call this yourself.\n */\nOrderBook.prototype.notifyTx = function (message) {\n var self = this;\n var changed = false;\n var trade_gets = this.trade('gets');\n var trade_pays = this.trade('pays');\n\n message.mmeta.each(function (an) {\n if (an.entryType !== 'Offer') return;\n\n var i, l, offer;\n\n switch(an.diffType) {\n case 'DeletedNode':\n case 'ModifiedNode':\n var deletedNode = an.diffType === 'DeletedNode';\n\n for (i = 0, l = self._offers.length; i < l; i++) {\n offer = self._offers[i];\n if (offer.index === an.ledgerIndex) {\n if (deletedNode) {\n self._offers.splice(i, 1);\n } else {\n extend(offer, an.fieldsFinal);\n }\n changed = true;\n break;\n }\n }\n\n // We don't want to count a OfferCancel as a trade\n if (message.transaction.TransactionType === 'OfferCancel') return;\n\n trade_gets = trade_gets.add(an.fieldsPrev.TakerGets);\n trade_pays = trade_pays.add(an.fieldsPrev.TakerPays);\n\n if (!deletedNode) {\n trade_gets = trade_gets.subtract(an.fieldsFinal.TakerGets);\n trade_pays = trade_pays.subtract(an.fieldsFinal.TakerPays);\n }\n break;\n \n case 'CreatedNode':\n var price = Amount.from_json(an.fields.TakerPays).ratio_human(an.fields.TakerGets);\n\n for (i = 0, l = self._offers.length; i < l; i++) {\n offer = self._offers[i];\n var priceItem = Amount.from_json(offer.TakerPays).ratio_human(offer.TakerGets);\n\n if (price.compareTo(priceItem) <= 0) {\n var obj = an.fields;\n obj.index = an.ledgerIndex;\n self._offers.splice(i, 0, an.fields);\n changed = true;\n break;\n }\n }\n break;\n }\n });\n\n // Only trigger the event if the account object is actually\n // subscribed - this prevents some weird phantom events from\n // occurring.\n if (this._subs) {\n this.emit('transaction', message);\n if (changed) this.emit('model', this._offers);\n if (!trade_gets.is_zero()) this.emit('trade', trade_pays, trade_gets);\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Get offers model asynchronously.\n *\n * This function takes a callback and calls it with an array containing the\n * current set of offers in this order book.\n *\n * If the data is available immediately, the callback may be called synchronously.\n */\nOrderBook.prototype.offers = function (callback) {\n var self = this;\n if (typeof callback === 'function') {\n if (this._sync) {\n callback(this._offers);\n } else {\n this.once('model', callback);\n }\n }\n return this;\n};\n\n/**\n * Return latest known offers.\n *\n * Usually, this will just be an empty array if the order book hasn't been\n * loaded yet. But this accessor may be convenient in some circumstances.\n */\nOrderBook.prototype.offersSync = function () {\n return this._offers;\n};\n\nexports.OrderBook = OrderBook;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 17\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/orderbook.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/orderbook.js");
+ eval("var ST = require(28);\n\nvar REQUIRED = exports.REQUIRED = 0,\n OPTIONAL = exports.OPTIONAL = 1,\n DEFAULT = exports.DEFAULT = 2;\n\nST.Int16.id = 1;\nST.Int32.id = 2;\nST.Int64.id = 3;\nST.Hash128.id = 4;\nST.Hash256.id = 5;\nST.Amount.id = 6;\nST.VariableLength.id = 7;\nST.Account.id = 8;\nST.Object.id = 14;\nST.Array.id = 15;\nST.Int8.id = 16;\nST.Hash160.id = 17;\nST.PathSet.id = 18;\nST.Vector256.id = 19;\n\nvar base = [\n [ 'TransactionType' , REQUIRED, 2, ST.Int16 ],\n [ 'Flags' , OPTIONAL, 2, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'SourceTag' , OPTIONAL, 3, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'Account' , REQUIRED, 1, ST.Account ],\n [ 'Sequence' , REQUIRED, 4, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'Fee' , REQUIRED, 8, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'OperationLimit' , OPTIONAL, 29, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'SigningPubKey' , REQUIRED, 3, ST.VariableLength ],\n [ 'TxnSignature' , OPTIONAL, 4, ST.VariableLength ]\n];\n\nexports.tx = {\n AccountSet: [3].concat(base, [\n [ 'EmailHash' , OPTIONAL, 1, ST.Hash128 ],\n [ 'WalletLocator' , OPTIONAL, 7, ST.Hash256 ],\n [ 'WalletSize' , OPTIONAL, 12, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'MessageKey' , OPTIONAL, 2, ST.VariableLength ],\n [ 'Domain' , OPTIONAL, 7, ST.VariableLength ],\n [ 'TransferRate' , OPTIONAL, 11, ST.Int32 ]\n ]),\n TrustSet: [20].concat(base, [\n [ 'LimitAmount' , OPTIONAL, 3, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'QualityIn' , OPTIONAL, 20, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'QualityOut' , OPTIONAL, 21, ST.Int32 ]\n ]),\n OfferCreate: [7].concat(base, [\n [ 'TakerPays' , REQUIRED, 4, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'TakerGets' , REQUIRED, 5, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'Expiration' , OPTIONAL, 10, ST.Int32 ]\n ]),\n OfferCancel: [8].concat(base, [\n [ 'OfferSequence' , REQUIRED, 25, ST.Int32 ]\n ]),\n SetRegularKey: [5].concat(base, [\n [ 'RegularKey' , REQUIRED, 8, ST.Account ]\n ]),\n Payment: [0].concat(base, [\n [ 'Destination' , REQUIRED, 3, ST.Account ],\n [ 'Amount' , REQUIRED, 1, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'SendMax' , OPTIONAL, 9, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'Paths' , DEFAULT , 1, ST.PathSet ],\n [ 'InvoiceID' , OPTIONAL, 17, ST.Hash256 ],\n [ 'DestinationTag' , OPTIONAL, 14, ST.Int32 ]\n ]),\n Contract: [9].concat(base, [\n [ 'Expiration' , REQUIRED, 10, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'BondAmount' , REQUIRED, 23, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'StampEscrow' , REQUIRED, 22, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'RippleEscrow' , REQUIRED, 17, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'CreateCode' , OPTIONAL, 11, ST.VariableLength ],\n [ 'FundCode' , OPTIONAL, 8, ST.VariableLength ],\n [ 'RemoveCode' , OPTIONAL, 9, ST.VariableLength ],\n [ 'ExpireCode' , OPTIONAL, 10, ST.VariableLength ]\n ]),\n RemoveContract: [10].concat(base, [\n [ 'Target' , REQUIRED, 7, ST.Account ]\n ]),\n EnableFeature: [100].concat(base, [\n [ 'Feature' , REQUIRED, 19, ST.Hash256 ]\n ]),\n SetFee: [101].concat(base, [\n [ 'Features' , REQUIRED, 9, ST.Array ],\n [ 'BaseFee' , REQUIRED, 5, ST.Int64 ],\n [ 'ReferenceFeeUnits' , REQUIRED, 30, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'ReserveBase' , REQUIRED, 31, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'ReserveIncrement' , REQUIRED, 32, ST.Int32 ]\n ])\n};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 17\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/binformat.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/binformat.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 18:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("var EventEmitter = require(27).EventEmitter;\nvar util = require(28);\n\nvar Amount = require(2).Amount;\n\nvar extend = require(29);\n\n/**\n * Represents a persistent path finding request.\n *\n * Only one path find request is allowed per connection, so when another path\n * find request is triggered it will supercede the existing one, making it emit\n * the 'end' and 'superceded' events.\n */\nvar PathFind = function (remote, src_account, dst_account,\n dst_amount, src_currencies)\n{\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n this.remote = remote;\n\n this.src_account = src_account;\n this.dst_account = dst_account;\n this.dst_amount = dst_amount;\n this.src_currencies = src_currencies;\n};\n\nutil.inherits(PathFind, EventEmitter);\n\n/**\n * Submits a path_find_create request to the network.\n *\n * This starts a path find request, superceding all previous path finds.\n *\n * This will be called automatically by Remote when this object is instantiated,\n * so you should only have to call it if the path find was closed or superceded\n * and you wish to restart it.\n */\nPathFind.prototype.create = function ()\n{\n var self = this;\n\n var req = this.remote.request_path_find_create(this.src_account,\n this.dst_account,\n this.dst_amount,\n this.src_currencies,\n handleInitialPath);\n\n function handleInitialPath(err, msg) {\n if (err) {\n self.emit('error', err);\n return;\n }\n self.notify_update(msg);\n }\n\n req.request();\n};\n\nPathFind.prototype.close = function ()\n{\n this.remote.request_path_find_close().request();\n this.emit('end');\n this.emit('close');\n};\n\nPathFind.prototype.notify_update = function (message)\n{\n var src_account = message.source_account;\n var dst_account = message.destination_account;\n var dst_amount = Amount.from_json(message.destination_amount);\n\n // Only pass the event along if this path find response matches what we were\n // looking for.\n if (this.src_account === src_account &&\n this.dst_account === dst_account &&\n this.dst_amount.equals(dst_amount)) {\n this.emit('update', message);\n }\n};\n\nPathFind.prototype.notify_superceded = function ()\n{\n this.emit('end');\n this.emit('superceded');\n};\n\nexports.PathFind = PathFind;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 18\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/pathfind.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/pathfind.js");
+ eval("var extend = require(2);\nvar utils = require(4);\nvar UInt160 = require(9).UInt160;\nvar Amount = require(3).Amount;\n\n/**\n * Meta data processing facility.\n */\nvar Meta = function (raw_data)\n{\n this.nodes = [];\n\n for (var i = 0, l = raw_data.AffectedNodes.length; i < l; i++) {\n var an = raw_data.AffectedNodes[i],\n result = {};\n\n [\"CreatedNode\", \"ModifiedNode\", \"DeletedNode\"].forEach(function (x) {\n if (an[x]) result.diffType = x;\n });\n\n if (!result.diffType) return null;\n\n an = an[result.diffType];\n\n result.entryType = an.LedgerEntryType;\n result.ledgerIndex = an.LedgerIndex;\n\n result.fields = extend({}, an.PreviousFields, an.NewFields, an.FinalFields);\n result.fieldsPrev = an.PreviousFields || {};\n result.fieldsNew = an.NewFields || {};\n result.fieldsFinal = an.FinalFields || {};\n\n this.nodes.push(result);\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Execute a function on each affected node.\n *\n * The callback is passed two parameters. The first is a node object which looks\n * like this:\n *\n * {\n * // Type of diff, e.g. CreatedNode, ModifiedNode\n * diffType: 'CreatedNode'\n *\n * // Type of node affected, e.g. RippleState, AccountRoot\n * entryType: 'RippleState',\n *\n * // Index of the ledger this change occurred in\n * ledgerIndex: '01AB01AB...',\n *\n * // Contains all fields with later versions taking precedence\n * //\n * // This is a shorthand for doing things like checking which account\n * // this affected without having to check the diffType.\n * fields: {...},\n *\n * // Old fields (before the change)\n * fieldsPrev: {...},\n *\n * // New fields (that have been added)\n * fieldsNew: {...},\n *\n * // Changed fields\n * fieldsFinal: {...}\n * }\n *\n * The second parameter to the callback is the index of the node in the metadata\n * (first entry is index 0).\n */\nMeta.prototype.each = function (fn)\n{\n for (var i = 0, l = this.nodes.length; i < l; i++) {\n fn(this.nodes[i], i);\n }\n};\n\nvar amountFieldsAffectingIssuer = [\n \"LowLimit\", \"HighLimit\", \"TakerPays\", \"TakerGets\"\n];\nMeta.prototype.getAffectedAccounts = function ()\n{\n var accounts = [];\n\n // This code should match the behavior of the C++ method:\n // TransactionMetaSet::getAffectedAccounts\n this.each(function (an) {\n var fields = (an.diffType === \"CreatedNode\") ? an.fieldsNew : an.fieldsFinal;\n\n for (var i in fields) {\n var field = fields[i];\n\n if (\"string\" === typeof field && UInt160.is_valid(field)) {\n accounts.push(field);\n } else if (amountFieldsAffectingIssuer.indexOf(i) !== -1) {\n var amount = Amount.from_json(field);\n var issuer = amount.issuer();\n if (issuer.is_valid() && !issuer.is_zero()) {\n accounts.push(issuer.to_json());\n }\n }\n }\n });\n\n accounts = utils.arrayUnique(accounts);\n\n return accounts;\n};\n\nMeta.prototype.getAffectedBooks = function ()\n{\n var books = [];\n\n this.each(function (an) {\n if (an.entryType !== 'Offer') return;\n\n var gets = Amount.from_json(an.fields.TakerGets);\n var pays = Amount.from_json(an.fields.TakerPays);\n\n var getsKey = gets.currency().to_json();\n if (getsKey !== 'XRP') getsKey += '/' + gets.issuer().to_json();\n\n var paysKey = pays.currency().to_json();\n if (paysKey !== 'XRP') paysKey += '/' + pays.issuer().to_json();\n\n var key = getsKey + \":\" + paysKey;\n\n books.push(key);\n });\n\n books = utils.arrayUnique(books);\n\n return books;\n};\n\nexports.Meta = Meta;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 18\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/meta.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/meta.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 19:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("var util = require(28);\nvar extend = require(29);\n\nfunction RippleError(code, message) {\n if (typeof code === 'object') {\n extend(this, code);\n } else {\n this.result = code;\n this.message = message;\n this.result_message = message;\n }\n\n this.message = this.result_message || 'Error';\n\n Error.captureStackTrace(this, code || this);\n}\n\nutil.inherits(RippleError, Error);\n\nRippleError.prototype.name = 'RippleError';\n\nexports.RippleError = RippleError;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 19\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/rippleerror.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/rippleerror.js");
+ eval("// Transactions\n//\n// Construction:\n// remote.transaction() // Build a transaction object.\n// .offer_create(...) // Set major parameters.\n// .set_flags() // Set optional parameters.\n// .on() // Register for events.\n// .submit(); // Send to network.\n//\n// Events:\n// 'success' : Transaction submitted without error.\n// 'error' : Error submitting transaction.\n// 'proposed' : Advisory proposed status transaction.\n// - A client should expect 0 to multiple results.\n// - Might not get back. The remote might just forward the transaction.\n// - A success could be reverted in final.\n// - local error: other remotes might like it.\n// - malformed error: local server thought it was malformed.\n// - The client should only trust this when talking to a trusted server.\n// 'final' : Final status of transaction.\n// - Only expect a final from dishonest servers after a tesSUCCESS or ter*.\n// 'lost' : Gave up looking for on ledger_closed.\n// 'pending' : Transaction was not found on ledger_closed.\n// 'state' : Follow the state of a transaction.\n// 'client_submitted' - Sent to remote\n// |- 'remoteError' - Remote rejected transaction.\n// \\- 'client_proposed' - Remote provisionally accepted transaction.\n// |- 'client_missing' - Transaction has not appeared in ledger as expected.\n// | |\\- 'client_lost' - No longer monitoring missing transaction.\n// |/\n// |- 'tesSUCCESS' - Transaction in ledger as expected.\n// |- 'ter...' - Transaction failed.\n// \\- 'tec...' - Transaction claimed fee only.\n//\n// Notes:\n// - All transactions including those with local and malformed errors may be\n// forwarded anyway.\n// - A malicous server can:\n// - give any proposed result.\n// - it may declare something correct as incorrect or something correct as incorrect.\n// - it may not communicate with the rest of the network.\n// - may or may not forward.\n//\n\nvar EventEmitter = require(6).EventEmitter;\nvar util = require(5);\n\nvar sjcl = require(1);\n\nvar Amount = require(3).Amount;\nvar Currency = require(3).Currency;\nvar UInt160 = require(3).UInt160;\nvar Seed = require(26).Seed;\nvar SerializedObject = require(27).SerializedObject;\nvar RippleError = require(14).RippleError;\n\nvar config = require(8);\n\n// A class to implement transactions.\n// - Collects parameters\n// - Allow event listeners to be attached to determine the outcome.\nfunction Transaction(remote) {\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n var self = this;\n\n this.remote = remote;\n this._secret = void(0);\n this._build_path = false;\n\n // Transaction data.\n this.tx_json = { Flags: 0 };\n\n this.hash = void(0);\n\n // ledger_current_index was this when transaction was submited.\n this.submit_index = void(0); \n\n // Under construction.\n this.state = void(0); \n\n this.finalized = false;\n this._previous_signing_hash = void(0);\n};\n\nutil.inherits(Transaction, EventEmitter);\n\n// XXX This needs to be determined from the network.\nTransaction.fee_units = {\n default: 10,\n};\n\nTransaction.flags = {\n AccountSet: {\n RequireDestTag: 0x00010000,\n OptionalDestTag: 0x00020000,\n RequireAuth: 0x00040000,\n OptionalAuth: 0x00080000,\n DisallowXRP: 0x00100000,\n AllowXRP: 0x00200000\n },\n\n OfferCreate: {\n Passive: 0x00010000,\n ImmediateOrCancel: 0x00020000,\n FillOrKill: 0x00040000,\n Sell: 0x00080000\n },\n\n Payment: {\n NoRippleDirect: 0x00010000,\n PartialPayment: 0x00020000,\n LimitQuality: 0x00040000\n },\n};\n\nTransaction.formats = require(17).tx;\n\nTransaction.HASH_SIGN = 0x53545800;\nTransaction.HASH_SIGN_TESTNET = 0x73747800;\n\nTransaction.prototype.consts = {\n telLOCAL_ERROR : -399,\n temMALFORMED : -299,\n tefFAILURE : -199,\n terRETRY : -99,\n tesSUCCESS : 0,\n tecCLAIMED : 100,\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.isTelLocal = function (ter) {\n return ter >= this.consts.telLOCAL_ERROR && ter < this.consts.temMALFORMED;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.isTemMalformed = function (ter) {\n return ter >= this.consts.temMALFORMED && ter < this.consts.tefFAILURE;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.isTefFailure = function (ter) {\n return ter >= this.consts.tefFAILURE && ter < this.consts.terRETRY;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.isTerRetry = function (ter) {\n return ter >= this.consts.terRETRY && ter < this.consts.tesSUCCESS;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.isTepSuccess = function (ter) {\n return ter >= this.consts.tesSUCCESS;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.isTecClaimed = function (ter) {\n return ter >= this.consts.tecCLAIMED;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.isRejected = function (ter) {\n return this.isTelLocal(ter) || this.isTemMalformed(ter) || this.isTefFailure(ter);\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.set_state = function (state) {\n if (this.state !== state) {\n this.state = state;\n this.emit('state', state);\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * TODO\n * Actually do this right\n */\n\nTransaction.prototype.get_fee = function() {\n return Transaction.fees['default'].to_json();\n};\n\n/**\n * Attempts to complete the transaction for submission.\n *\n * This function seeks to fill out certain fields, such as Fee and\n * SigningPubKey, which can be determined by the library based on network\n * information and other fields.\n */\nTransaction.prototype.complete = function () {\n var tx_json = this.tx_json;\n\n if (typeof tx_json.Fee === 'undefined') {\n if (this.remote.local_fee || !this.remote.trusted) {\n this.tx_json.Fee = this.remote.fee_tx(this.fee_units()).to_json();\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof tx_json.SigningPubKey === 'undefined' && (!this.remote || this.remote.local_signing)) {\n var seed = Seed.from_json(this._secret);\n var key = seed.get_key(this.tx_json.Account);\n tx_json.SigningPubKey = key.to_hex_pub();\n }\n\n return this.tx_json;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.serialize = function () {\n return SerializedObject.from_json(this.tx_json);\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.signing_hash = function () {\n var prefix = Transaction[config.testnet ? 'HASH_SIGN_TESTNET' : 'HASH_SIGN'];\n return SerializedObject.from_json(this.tx_json).signing_hash(prefix);\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.sign = function () {\n var seed = Seed.from_json(this._secret);\n var hash = this.signing_hash();\n\n var previously_signed = this.tx_json.TxnSignature \n && hash === this._previous_signing_hash;\n\n if (previously_signed) return;\n\n var key = seed.get_key(this.tx_json.Account);\n var sig = key.sign(hash, 0);\n var hex = sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(sig).toUpperCase();\n\n this.tx_json.TxnSignature = hex;\n};\n\n//\n// Set options for Transactions\n//\n\n// --> build: true, to have server blindly construct a path.\n//\n// \"blindly\" because the sender has no idea of the actual cost except that is must be less than send max.\nTransaction.prototype.build_path = function (build) {\n this._build_path = build;\n return this;\n}\n\n// tag should be undefined or a 32 bit integer. \n// YYY Add range checking for tag.\nTransaction.prototype.destination_tag = function (tag) {\n if (tag !== void(0)) {\n this.tx_json.DestinationTag = tag;\n }\n return this;\n}\n\nTransaction._path_rewrite = function (path) {\n var props = [\n 'account'\n , 'issuer'\n , 'currency'\n ]\n\n var path_new = path.map(function(node) {\n var node_new = { };\n\n for (var prop in node) {\n if (~props.indexOf(prop)) {\n node_new[prop] = UInt160.json_rewrite(node[prop]);\n }\n }\n\n return node_new;\n });\n\n return path_new;\n}\n\nTransaction.prototype.path_add = function (path) {\n this.tx_json.Paths = this.tx_json.Paths || [];\n this.tx_json.Paths.push(Transaction._path_rewrite(path));\n return this;\n}\n\n// --> paths: undefined or array of path\n// A path is an array of objects containing some combination of: account, currency, issuer\nTransaction.prototype.paths = function (paths) {\n for (var i=0, l=paths.length; i rate: In billionths.\nTransaction.prototype.transfer_rate = function (rate) {\n this.tx_json.TransferRate = Number(rate);\n\n if (this.tx_json.TransferRate < 1e9) {\n throw new Error('invalidTransferRate');\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// Add flags to a transaction.\n// --> flags: undefined, _flag_, or [ _flags_ ]\nTransaction.prototype.set_flags = function (flags) {\n if (flags) {\n var transaction_flags = Transaction.flags[this.tx_json.TransactionType];\n\n // We plan to not define this field on new Transaction.\n if (this.tx_json.Flags === void(0)) {\n this.tx_json.Flags = 0;\n }\n\n var flag_set = Array.isArray(flags) ? flags : [ flags ];\n\n for (var i=0, l=flag_set.length; i expiration : if not undefined, Date or Number\n// --> cancel_sequence : if not undefined, Sequence\nTransaction.prototype.offer_create = function (src, taker_pays, taker_gets, expiration, cancel_sequence) {\n if (!UInt160.is_valid(src)) {\n throw new Error('Source address invalid');\n }\n\n this._secret = this._account_secret(src);\n this.tx_json.TransactionType = 'OfferCreate';\n this.tx_json.Account = UInt160.json_rewrite(src);\n this.tx_json.TakerPays = Amount.json_rewrite(taker_pays);\n this.tx_json.TakerGets = Amount.json_rewrite(taker_gets);\n\n if (this.remote.local_fee) {\n //this.tx_json.Fee = Transaction.fees.offer.to_json();\n }\n\n if (expiration) {\n this.tx_json.Expiration = expiration instanceof Date\n ? expiration.getTime()\n : Number(expiration);\n }\n\n if (cancel_sequence) {\n this.tx_json.OfferSequence = Number(cancel_sequence);\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.password_fund = function (src, dst) {\n if (!UInt160.is_valid(dst)) {\n throw new Error('Destination address invalid');\n }\n\n this._secret = this._account_secret(src);\n this.tx_json.TransactionType = 'PasswordFund';\n this.tx_json.Destination = UInt160.json_rewrite(dst);\n return this;\n}\n\nTransaction.prototype.password_set = function (src, authorized_key, generator, public_key, signature) {\n if (!UInt160.is_valid(src)) {\n throw new Error('Source address invalid');\n }\n\n this._secret = this._account_secret(src);\n this.tx_json.TransactionType = 'PasswordSet';\n this.tx_json.RegularKey = authorized_key;\n this.tx_json.Generator = generator;\n this.tx_json.PublicKey = public_key;\n this.tx_json.Signature = signature;\n return this;\n}\n\n// Construct a 'payment' transaction.\n//\n// When a transaction is submitted:\n// - If the connection is reliable and the server is not merely forwarding and is not malicious,\n// --> src : UInt160 or String\n// --> dst : UInt160 or String\n// --> deliver_amount : Amount or String.\n//\n// Options:\n// .paths()\n// .build_path()\n// .destination_tag()\n// .path_add()\n// .secret()\n// .send_max()\n// .set_flags()\n// .source_tag()\nTransaction.prototype.payment = function (src, dst, deliver_amount) {\n if (!UInt160.is_valid(src)) {\n throw new Error('Payment source address invalid');\n }\n\n if (!UInt160.is_valid(dst)) {\n throw new Error('Payment destination address invalid');\n }\n\n this._secret = this._account_secret(src);\n this.tx_json.TransactionType = 'Payment';\n this.tx_json.Account = UInt160.json_rewrite(src);\n this.tx_json.Amount = Amount.json_rewrite(deliver_amount);\n this.tx_json.Destination = UInt160.json_rewrite(dst);\n\n return this;\n}\n\nTransaction.prototype.ripple_line_set = function (src, limit, quality_in, quality_out) {\n if (!UInt160.is_valid(src)) {\n throw new Error('Source address invalid');\n }\n\n this._secret = this._account_secret(src);\n this.tx_json.TransactionType = 'TrustSet';\n this.tx_json.Account = UInt160.json_rewrite(src);\n\n // Allow limit of 0 through.\n if (limit !== void(0)) {\n this.tx_json.LimitAmount = Amount.json_rewrite(limit);\n }\n \n if (quality_in) {\n this.tx_json.QualityIn = quality_in;\n }\n\n if (quality_out) {\n this.tx_json.QualityOut = quality_out;\n }\n\n // XXX Throw an error if nothing is set.\n\n return this;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.wallet_add = function (src, amount, authorized_key, public_key, signature) {\n if (!UInt160.is_valid(src)) {\n throw new Error('Source address invalid');\n }\n\n this._secret = this._account_secret(src);\n this.tx_json.TransactionType = 'WalletAdd';\n this.tx_json.Amount = Amount.json_rewrite(amount);\n this.tx_json.RegularKey = authorized_key;\n this.tx_json.PublicKey = public_key;\n this.tx_json.Signature = signature;\n return this;\n};\n\n/**\n * Returns the number of fee units this transaction will cost.\n *\n * Each Ripple transaction based on its type and makeup costs a certain number\n * of fee units. The fee units are calculated on a per-server basis based on the\n * current load on both the network and the server.\n *\n * @see https://ripple.com/wiki/Transaction_Fee\n *\n * @return {Number} Number of fee units for this transaction.\n */\nTransaction.prototype.fee_units = function () {\n return Transaction.fee_units['default'];\n};\n\n// Submit a transaction to the network.\nTransaction.prototype.submit = function (callback) {\n var self = this;\n\n this.callback = typeof callback === 'function' ? callback : function(){};\n\n function submission_error(error, message) {\n if (!(error instanceof RippleError)) {\n error = new RippleError(error, message);\n }\n self.callback(error);\n }\n\n function submission_success(message) {\n self.callback(null, message);\n }\n\n this.once('error', submission_error);\n this.once('success', submission_success);\n\n var account = this.tx_json.Account;\n\n if (typeof account !== 'string') {\n this.emit('error', new RippleError('tejInvalidAccount', 'Account is unspecified'));\n } else {\n // YYY Might check paths for invalid accounts.\n this.remote.get_account(account).submit(this);\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nexports.Transaction = Transaction;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 19\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/transaction.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/transaction.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 20:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("// Derived from Tom Wu's jsbn code.\n//\n// Changes made for clean up and to package as a node.js module.\n\n// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Tom Wu\n// All Rights Reserved.\n// See \"LICENSE\" for details.\n\n// Basic JavaScript BN library - subset useful for RSA encryption.\n// Extended JavaScript BN functions, required for RSA private ops.\n// Version 1.1: new BigInteger(\"0\", 10) returns \"proper\" zero\n// Version 1.2: square() API, isProbablePrime fix\n\n// Bits per digit\nvar dbits;\n\n// JavaScript engine analysis\nvar canary = 0xdeadbeefcafe;\nvar j_lm = ((canary&0xffffff)==0xefcafe);\n\n// (public) Constructor\nvar BigInteger = function BigInteger(a,b,c) {\n if(a != null)\n if(\"number\" == typeof a) this.fromNumber(a,b,c);\n else if(b == null && \"string\" != typeof a) this.fromString(a,256);\n else this.fromString(a,b);\n};\n\n// return new, unset BigInteger\nvar nbi\t= function nbi() { return new BigInteger(null); };\n\n// am: Compute w_j += (x*this_i), propagate carries,\n// c is initial carry, returns final carry.\n// c < 3*dvalue, x < 2*dvalue, this_i < dvalue\n// We need to select the fastest one that works in this environment.\n\n// am1: use a single mult and divide to get the high bits,\n// max digit bits should be 26 because\n// max internal value = 2*dvalue^2-2*dvalue (< 2^53)\nfunction am1(i,x,w,j,c,n) {\n while(--n >= 0) {\n var v = x*this[i++]+w[j]+c;\n c = Math.floor(v/0x4000000);\n w[j++] = v&0x3ffffff;\n }\n return c;\n}\n// am2 avoids a big mult-and-extract completely.\n// Max digit bits should be <= 30 because we do bitwise ops\n// on values up to 2*hdvalue^2-hdvalue-1 (< 2^31)\nfunction am2(i,x,w,j,c,n) {\n var xl = x&0x7fff, xh = x>>15;\n while(--n >= 0) {\n var l = this[i]&0x7fff;\n var h = this[i++]>>15;\n var m = xh*l+h*xl;\n l = xl*l+((m&0x7fff)<<15)+w[j]+(c&0x3fffffff);\n c = (l>>>30)+(m>>>15)+xh*h+(c>>>30);\n w[j++] = l&0x3fffffff;\n }\n return c;\n}\n// Alternately, set max digit bits to 28 since some\n// browsers slow down when dealing with 32-bit numbers.\nfunction am3(i,x,w,j,c,n) {\n var xl = x&0x3fff, xh = x>>14;\n while(--n >= 0) {\n var l = this[i]&0x3fff;\n var h = this[i++]>>14;\n var m = xh*l+h*xl;\n l = xl*l+((m&0x3fff)<<14)+w[j]+c;\n c = (l>>28)+(m>>14)+xh*h;\n w[j++] = l&0xfffffff;\n }\n return c;\n}\n\nif(j_lm && 'undefined' !== typeof navigator && (navigator.appName == \"Microsoft Internet Explorer\")) {\n BigInteger.prototype.am = am2;\n dbits = 30;\n}\nelse if(j_lm && 'undefined' !== typeof navigator && (navigator.appName != \"Netscape\")) {\n BigInteger.prototype.am = am1;\n dbits = 26;\n}\nelse { // Mozilla/Netscape seems to prefer am3\n BigInteger.prototype.am = am3;\n dbits = 28;\n}\n\nBigInteger.prototype.DB = dbits;\nBigInteger.prototype.DM = ((1<= 0; --i) r[i] = this[i];\n r.t = this.t;\n r.s = this.s;\n}\n\n// (protected) set from integer value x, -DV <= x < DV\nfunction bnpFromInt(x) {\n this.t = 1;\n this.s = (x<0)?-1:0;\n if(x > 0) this[0] = x;\n else if(x < -1) this[0] = x+DV;\n else this.t = 0;\n}\n\n// return bigint initialized to value\nfunction nbv(i) { var r = nbi(); r.fromInt(i); return r; }\n\n// (protected) set from string and radix\nfunction bnpFromString(s,b) {\n var k;\n if(b == 16) k = 4;\n else if(b == 8) k = 3;\n else if(b == 256) k = 8; // byte array\n else if(b == 2) k = 1;\n else if(b == 32) k = 5;\n else if(b == 4) k = 2;\n else { this.fromRadix(s,b); return; }\n this.t = 0;\n this.s = 0;\n var i = s.length, mi = false, sh = 0;\n while(--i >= 0) {\n var x = (k==8)?s[i]&0xff:intAt(s,i);\n if(x < 0) {\n if(s.charAt(i) == \"-\") mi = true;\n continue;\n }\n mi = false;\n if(sh == 0)\n this[this.t++] = x;\n else if(sh+k > this.DB) {\n this[this.t-1] |= (x&((1<<(this.DB-sh))-1))<>(this.DB-sh));\n }\n else\n this[this.t-1] |= x<= this.DB) sh -= this.DB;\n }\n if(k == 8 && (s[0]&0x80) != 0) {\n this.s = -1;\n if(sh > 0) this[this.t-1] |= ((1<<(this.DB-sh))-1)< 0 && this[this.t-1] == c) --this.t;\n}\n\n// (public) return string representation in given radix\nfunction bnToString(b) {\n if(this.s < 0) return \"-\"+this.negate().toString(b);\n var k;\n if(b == 16) k = 4;\n else if(b == 8) k = 3;\n else if(b == 2) k = 1;\n else if(b == 32) k = 5;\n else if(b == 4) k = 2;\n else return this.toRadix(b);\n var km = (1< 0) {\n if(p < this.DB && (d = this[i]>>p) > 0) { m = true; r = int2char(d); }\n while(i >= 0) {\n if(p < k) {\n d = (this[i]&((1<>(p+=this.DB-k);\n }\n else {\n d = (this[i]>>(p-=k))&km;\n if(p <= 0) { p += this.DB; --i; }\n }\n if(d > 0) m = true;\n if(m) r += int2char(d);\n }\n }\n return m?r:\"0\";\n}\n\n// (public) -this\nfunction bnNegate() { var r = nbi(); BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) |this|\nfunction bnAbs() { return (this.s<0)?this.negate():this; }\n\n// (public) return + if this > a, - if this < a, 0 if equal\nfunction bnCompareTo(a) {\n var r = this.s-a.s;\n if(r != 0) return r;\n var i = this.t;\n r = i-a.t;\n if(r != 0) return (this.s<0)?-r:r;\n while(--i >= 0) if((r=this[i]-a[i]) != 0) return r;\n return 0;\n}\n\n// returns bit length of the integer x\nfunction nbits(x) {\n var r = 1, t;\n if((t=x>>>16) != 0) { x = t; r += 16; }\n if((t=x>>8) != 0) { x = t; r += 8; }\n if((t=x>>4) != 0) { x = t; r += 4; }\n if((t=x>>2) != 0) { x = t; r += 2; }\n if((t=x>>1) != 0) { x = t; r += 1; }\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) return the number of bits in \"this\"\nfunction bnBitLength() {\n if(this.t <= 0) return 0;\n return this.DB*(this.t-1)+nbits(this[this.t-1]^(this.s&this.DM));\n}\n\n// (protected) r = this << n*DB\nfunction bnpDLShiftTo(n,r) {\n var i;\n for(i = this.t-1; i >= 0; --i) r[i+n] = this[i];\n for(i = n-1; i >= 0; --i) r[i] = 0;\n r.t = this.t+n;\n r.s = this.s;\n}\n\n// (protected) r = this >> n*DB\nfunction bnpDRShiftTo(n,r) {\n for(var i = n; i < this.t; ++i) r[i-n] = this[i];\n r.t = Math.max(this.t-n,0);\n r.s = this.s;\n}\n\n// (protected) r = this << n\nfunction bnpLShiftTo(n,r) {\n var bs = n%this.DB;\n var cbs = this.DB-bs;\n var bm = (1<= 0; --i) {\n r[i+ds+1] = (this[i]>>cbs)|c;\n c = (this[i]&bm)<= 0; --i) r[i] = 0;\n r[ds] = c;\n r.t = this.t+ds+1;\n r.s = this.s;\n r.clamp();\n}\n\n// (protected) r = this >> n\nfunction bnpRShiftTo(n,r) {\n r.s = this.s;\n var ds = Math.floor(n/this.DB);\n if(ds >= this.t) { r.t = 0; return; }\n var bs = n%this.DB;\n var cbs = this.DB-bs;\n var bm = (1<>bs;\n for(var i = ds+1; i < this.t; ++i) {\n r[i-ds-1] |= (this[i]&bm)<>bs;\n }\n if(bs > 0) r[this.t-ds-1] |= (this.s&bm)<>= this.DB;\n }\n if(a.t < this.t) {\n c -= a.s;\n while(i < this.t) {\n c += this[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c += this.s;\n }\n else {\n c += this.s;\n while(i < a.t) {\n c -= a[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c -= a.s;\n }\n r.s = (c<0)?-1:0;\n if(c < -1) r[i++] = this.DV+c;\n else if(c > 0) r[i++] = c;\n r.t = i;\n r.clamp();\n}\n\n// (protected) r = this * a, r != this,a (HAC 14.12)\n// \"this\" should be the larger one if appropriate.\nfunction bnpMultiplyTo(a,r) {\n var x = this.abs(), y = a.abs();\n var i = x.t;\n r.t = i+y.t;\n while(--i >= 0) r[i] = 0;\n for(i = 0; i < y.t; ++i) r[i+x.t] = x.am(0,y[i],r,i,0,x.t);\n r.s = 0;\n r.clamp();\n if(this.s != a.s) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(r,r);\n}\n\n// (protected) r = this^2, r != this (HAC 14.16)\nfunction bnpSquareTo(r) {\n var x = this.abs();\n var i = r.t = 2*x.t;\n while(--i >= 0) r[i] = 0;\n for(i = 0; i < x.t-1; ++i) {\n var c = x.am(i,x[i],r,2*i,0,1);\n if((r[i+x.t]+=x.am(i+1,2*x[i],r,2*i+1,c,x.t-i-1)) >= x.DV) {\n r[i+x.t] -= x.DV;\n r[i+x.t+1] = 1;\n }\n }\n if(r.t > 0) r[r.t-1] += x.am(i,x[i],r,2*i,0,1);\n r.s = 0;\n r.clamp();\n}\n\n// (protected) divide this by m, quotient and remainder to q, r (HAC 14.20)\n// r != q, this != m. q or r may be null.\nfunction bnpDivRemTo(m,q,r) {\n var pm = m.abs();\n if(pm.t <= 0) return;\n var pt = this.abs();\n if(pt.t < pm.t) {\n if(q != null) q.fromInt(0);\n if(r != null) this.copyTo(r);\n return;\n }\n if(r == null) r = nbi();\n var y = nbi(), ts = this.s, ms = m.s;\n var nsh = this.DB-nbits(pm[pm.t-1]);\t// normalize modulus\n if(nsh > 0) { pm.lShiftTo(nsh,y); pt.lShiftTo(nsh,r); }\n else { pm.copyTo(y); pt.copyTo(r); }\n var ys = y.t;\n var y0 = y[ys-1];\n if(y0 == 0) return;\n var yt = y0*(1<1)?y[ys-2]>>this.F2:0);\n var d1 = this.FV/yt, d2 = (1<= 0) {\n r[r.t++] = 1;\n r.subTo(t,r);\n }\n BigInteger.ONE.dlShiftTo(ys,t);\n t.subTo(y,y);\t// \"negative\" y so we can replace sub with am later\n while(y.t < ys) y[y.t++] = 0;\n while(--j >= 0) {\n // Estimate quotient digit\n var qd = (r[--i]==y0)?this.DM:Math.floor(r[i]*d1+(r[i-1]+e)*d2);\n if((r[i]+=y.am(0,qd,r,j,0,ys)) < qd) {\t// Try it out\n y.dlShiftTo(j,t);\n r.subTo(t,r);\n while(r[i] < --qd) r.subTo(t,r);\n }\n }\n if(q != null) {\n r.drShiftTo(ys,q);\n if(ts != ms) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(q,q);\n }\n r.t = ys;\n r.clamp();\n if(nsh > 0) r.rShiftTo(nsh,r);\t// Denormalize remainder\n if(ts < 0) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(r,r);\n}\n\n// (public) this mod a\nfunction bnMod(a) {\n var r = nbi();\n this.abs().divRemTo(a,null,r);\n if(this.s < 0 && r.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) a.subTo(r,r);\n return r;\n}\n\n// Modular reduction using \"classic\" algorithm\nfunction Classic(m) { this.m = m; }\nfunction cConvert(x) {\n if(x.s < 0 || x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) return x.mod(this.m);\n else return x;\n}\nfunction cRevert(x) { return x; }\nfunction cReduce(x) { x.divRemTo(this.m,null,x); }\nfunction cMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }\nfunction cSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }\n\nClassic.prototype.convert = cConvert;\nClassic.prototype.revert = cRevert;\nClassic.prototype.reduce = cReduce;\nClassic.prototype.mulTo = cMulTo;\nClassic.prototype.sqrTo = cSqrTo;\n\n// (protected) return \"-1/this % 2^DB\"; useful for Mont. reduction\n// justification:\n// xy == 1 (mod m)\n// xy = 1+km\n// xy(2-xy) = (1+km)(1-km)\n// x[y(2-xy)] = 1-k^2m^2\n// x[y(2-xy)] == 1 (mod m^2)\n// if y is 1/x mod m, then y(2-xy) is 1/x mod m^2\n// should reduce x and y(2-xy) by m^2 at each step to keep size bounded.\n// JS multiply \"overflows\" differently from C/C++, so care is needed here.\nfunction bnpInvDigit() {\n if(this.t < 1) return 0;\n var x = this[0];\n if((x&1) == 0) return 0;\n var y = x&3;\t\t// y == 1/x mod 2^2\n y = (y*(2-(x&0xf)*y))&0xf;\t// y == 1/x mod 2^4\n y = (y*(2-(x&0xff)*y))&0xff;\t// y == 1/x mod 2^8\n y = (y*(2-(((x&0xffff)*y)&0xffff)))&0xffff;\t// y == 1/x mod 2^16\n // last step - calculate inverse mod DV directly;\n // assumes 16 < DB <= 32 and assumes ability to handle 48-bit ints\n y = (y*(2-x*y%this.DV))%this.DV;\t\t// y == 1/x mod 2^dbits\n // we really want the negative inverse, and -DV < y < DV\n return (y>0)?this.DV-y:-y;\n}\n\n// Montgomery reduction\nfunction Montgomery(m) {\n this.m = m;\n this.mp = m.invDigit();\n this.mpl = this.mp&0x7fff;\n this.mph = this.mp>>15;\n this.um = (1<<(m.DB-15))-1;\n this.mt2 = 2*m.t;\n}\n\n// xR mod m\nfunction montConvert(x) {\n var r = nbi();\n x.abs().dlShiftTo(this.m.t,r);\n r.divRemTo(this.m,null,r);\n if(x.s < 0 && r.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) this.m.subTo(r,r);\n return r;\n}\n\n// x/R mod m\nfunction montRevert(x) {\n var r = nbi();\n x.copyTo(r);\n this.reduce(r);\n return r;\n}\n\n// x = x/R mod m (HAC 14.32)\nfunction montReduce(x) {\n while(x.t <= this.mt2)\t// pad x so am has enough room later\n x[x.t++] = 0;\n for(var i = 0; i < this.m.t; ++i) {\n // faster way of calculating u0 = x[i]*mp mod DV\n var j = x[i]&0x7fff;\n var u0 = (j*this.mpl+(((j*this.mph+(x[i]>>15)*this.mpl)&this.um)<<15))&x.DM;\n // use am to combine the multiply-shift-add into one call\n j = i+this.m.t;\n x[j] += this.m.am(0,u0,x,i,0,this.m.t);\n // propagate carry\n while(x[j] >= x.DV) { x[j] -= x.DV; x[++j]++; }\n }\n x.clamp();\n x.drShiftTo(this.m.t,x);\n if(x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) x.subTo(this.m,x);\n}\n\n// r = \"x^2/R mod m\"; x != r\nfunction montSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n// r = \"xy/R mod m\"; x,y != r\nfunction montMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }\n\nMontgomery.prototype.convert = montConvert;\nMontgomery.prototype.revert = montRevert;\nMontgomery.prototype.reduce = montReduce;\nMontgomery.prototype.mulTo = montMulTo;\nMontgomery.prototype.sqrTo = montSqrTo;\n\n// (protected) true iff this is even\nfunction bnpIsEven() { return ((this.t>0)?(this[0]&1):this.s) == 0; }\n\n// (protected) this^e, e < 2^32, doing sqr and mul with \"r\" (HAC 14.79)\nfunction bnpExp(e,z) {\n if(e > 0xffffffff || e < 1) return BigInteger.ONE;\n var r = nbi(), r2 = nbi(), g = z.convert(this), i = nbits(e)-1;\n g.copyTo(r);\n while(--i >= 0) {\n z.sqrTo(r,r2);\n if((e&(1< 0) z.mulTo(r2,g,r);\n else { var t = r; r = r2; r2 = t; }\n }\n return z.revert(r);\n}\n\n// (public) this^e % m, 0 <= e < 2^32\nfunction bnModPowInt(e,m) {\n var z;\n if(e < 256 || m.isEven()) z = new Classic(m); else z = new Montgomery(m);\n return this.exp(e,z);\n}\n\n// (public)\nfunction bnClone() { var r = nbi(); this.copyTo(r); return r; }\n\n// (public) return value as integer\nfunction bnIntValue() {\n if(this.s < 0) {\n if(this.t == 1) return this[0]-this.DV;\n else if(this.t == 0) return -1;\n }\n else if(this.t == 1) return this[0];\n else if(this.t == 0) return 0;\n // assumes 16 < DB < 32\n return ((this[1]&((1<<(32-this.DB))-1))<>24; }\n\n// (public) return value as short (assumes DB>=16)\nfunction bnShortValue() { return (this.t==0)?this.s:(this[0]<<16)>>16; }\n\n// (protected) return x s.t. r^x < DV\nfunction bnpChunkSize(r) { return Math.floor(Math.LN2*this.DB/Math.log(r)); }\n\n// (public) 0 if this == 0, 1 if this > 0\nfunction bnSigNum() {\n if(this.s < 0) return -1;\n else if(this.t <= 0 || (this.t == 1 && this[0] <= 0)) return 0;\n else return 1;\n}\n\n// (protected) convert to radix string\nfunction bnpToRadix(b) {\n if(b == null) b = 10;\n if(this.signum() == 0 || b < 2 || b > 36) return \"0\";\n var cs = this.chunkSize(b);\n var a = Math.pow(b,cs);\n var d = nbv(a), y = nbi(), z = nbi(), r = \"\";\n this.divRemTo(d,y,z);\n while(y.signum() > 0) {\n r = (a+z.intValue()).toString(b).substr(1) + r;\n y.divRemTo(d,y,z);\n }\n return z.intValue().toString(b) + r;\n}\n\n// (protected) convert from radix string\nfunction bnpFromRadix(s,b) {\n this.fromInt(0);\n if(b == null) b = 10;\n var cs = this.chunkSize(b);\n var d = Math.pow(b,cs), mi = false, j = 0, w = 0;\n for(var i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) {\n var x = intAt(s,i);\n if(x < 0) {\n if(s.charAt(i) == \"-\" && this.signum() == 0) mi = true;\n continue;\n }\n w = b*w+x;\n if(++j >= cs) {\n this.dMultiply(d);\n this.dAddOffset(w,0);\n j = 0;\n w = 0;\n }\n }\n if(j > 0) {\n this.dMultiply(Math.pow(b,j));\n this.dAddOffset(w,0);\n }\n if(mi) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this,this);\n}\n\n// (protected) alternate constructor\nfunction bnpFromNumber(a,b,c) {\n if(\"number\" == typeof b) {\n // new BigInteger(int,int,RNG)\n if(a < 2) this.fromInt(1);\n else {\n this.fromNumber(a,c);\n if(!this.testBit(a-1))\t// force MSB set\n this.bitwiseTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a-1),op_or,this);\n if(this.isEven()) this.dAddOffset(1,0); // force odd\n while(!this.isProbablePrime(b)) {\n this.dAddOffset(2,0);\n if(this.bitLength() > a) this.subTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a-1),this);\n }\n }\n }\n else {\n // new BigInteger(int,RNG)\n var x = new Array(), t = a&7;\n x.length = (a>>3)+1;\n b.nextBytes(x);\n if(t > 0) x[0] &= ((1< 0) {\n if(p < this.DB && (d = this[i]>>p) != (this.s&this.DM)>>p)\n r[k++] = d|(this.s<<(this.DB-p));\n while(i >= 0) {\n if(p < 8) {\n d = (this[i]&((1<>(p+=this.DB-8);\n }\n else {\n d = (this[i]>>(p-=8))&0xff;\n if(p <= 0) { p += this.DB; --i; }\n }\n if((d&0x80) != 0) d |= -256;\n if(k == 0 && (this.s&0x80) != (d&0x80)) ++k;\n if(k > 0 || d != this.s) r[k++] = d;\n }\n }\n return r;\n}\n\nfunction bnEquals(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)==0); }\nfunction bnMin(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)<0)?this:a; }\nfunction bnMax(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)>0)?this:a; }\n\n// (protected) r = this op a (bitwise)\nfunction bnpBitwiseTo(a,op,r) {\n var i, f, m = Math.min(a.t,this.t);\n for(i = 0; i < m; ++i) r[i] = op(this[i],a[i]);\n if(a.t < this.t) {\n f = a.s&this.DM;\n for(i = m; i < this.t; ++i) r[i] = op(this[i],f);\n r.t = this.t;\n }\n else {\n f = this.s&this.DM;\n for(i = m; i < a.t; ++i) r[i] = op(f,a[i]);\n r.t = a.t;\n }\n r.s = op(this.s,a.s);\n r.clamp();\n}\n\n// (public) this & a\nfunction op_and(x,y) { return x&y; }\nfunction bnAnd(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_and,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this | a\nfunction op_or(x,y) { return x|y; }\nfunction bnOr(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_or,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this ^ a\nfunction op_xor(x,y) { return x^y; }\nfunction bnXor(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_xor,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this & ~a\nfunction op_andnot(x,y) { return x&~y; }\nfunction bnAndNot(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_andnot,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) ~this\nfunction bnNot() {\n var r = nbi();\n for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i) r[i] = this.DM&~this[i];\n r.t = this.t;\n r.s = ~this.s;\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) this << n\nfunction bnShiftLeft(n) {\n var r = nbi();\n if(n < 0) this.rShiftTo(-n,r); else this.lShiftTo(n,r);\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) this >> n\nfunction bnShiftRight(n) {\n var r = nbi();\n if(n < 0) this.lShiftTo(-n,r); else this.rShiftTo(n,r);\n return r;\n}\n\n// return index of lowest 1-bit in x, x < 2^31\nfunction lbit(x) {\n if(x == 0) return -1;\n var r = 0;\n if((x&0xffff) == 0) { x >>= 16; r += 16; }\n if((x&0xff) == 0) { x >>= 8; r += 8; }\n if((x&0xf) == 0) { x >>= 4; r += 4; }\n if((x&3) == 0) { x >>= 2; r += 2; }\n if((x&1) == 0) ++r;\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) returns index of lowest 1-bit (or -1 if none)\nfunction bnGetLowestSetBit() {\n for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i)\n if(this[i] != 0) return i*this.DB+lbit(this[i]);\n if(this.s < 0) return this.t*this.DB;\n return -1;\n}\n\n// return number of 1 bits in x\nfunction cbit(x) {\n var r = 0;\n while(x != 0) { x &= x-1; ++r; }\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) return number of set bits\nfunction bnBitCount() {\n var r = 0, x = this.s&this.DM;\n for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i) r += cbit(this[i]^x);\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) true iff nth bit is set\nfunction bnTestBit(n) {\n var j = Math.floor(n/this.DB);\n if(j >= this.t) return(this.s!=0);\n return((this[j]&(1<<(n%this.DB)))!=0);\n}\n\n// (protected) this op (1<>= this.DB;\n }\n if(a.t < this.t) {\n c += a.s;\n while(i < this.t) {\n c += this[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c += this.s;\n }\n else {\n c += this.s;\n while(i < a.t) {\n c += a[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c += a.s;\n }\n r.s = (c<0)?-1:0;\n if(c > 0) r[i++] = c;\n else if(c < -1) r[i++] = this.DV+c;\n r.t = i;\n r.clamp();\n}\n\n// (public) this + a\nfunction bnAdd(a) { var r = nbi(); this.addTo(a,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this - a\nfunction bnSubtract(a) { var r = nbi(); this.subTo(a,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this * a\nfunction bnMultiply(a) { var r = nbi(); this.multiplyTo(a,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this^2\nfunction bnSquare() { var r = nbi(); this.squareTo(r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this / a\nfunction bnDivide(a) { var r = nbi(); this.divRemTo(a,r,null); return r; }\n\n// (public) this % a\nfunction bnRemainder(a) { var r = nbi(); this.divRemTo(a,null,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) [this/a,this%a]\nfunction bnDivideAndRemainder(a) {\n var q = nbi(), r = nbi();\n this.divRemTo(a,q,r);\n return new Array(q,r);\n}\n\n// (protected) this *= n, this >= 0, 1 < n < DV\nfunction bnpDMultiply(n) {\n this[this.t] = this.am(0,n-1,this,0,0,this.t);\n ++this.t;\n this.clamp();\n}\n\n// (protected) this += n << w words, this >= 0\nfunction bnpDAddOffset(n,w) {\n if(n == 0) return;\n while(this.t <= w) this[this.t++] = 0;\n this[w] += n;\n while(this[w] >= this.DV) {\n this[w] -= this.DV;\n if(++w >= this.t) this[this.t++] = 0;\n ++this[w];\n }\n}\n\n// A \"null\" reducer\nfunction NullExp() {}\nfunction nNop(x) { return x; }\nfunction nMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); }\nfunction nSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); }\n\nNullExp.prototype.convert = nNop;\nNullExp.prototype.revert = nNop;\nNullExp.prototype.mulTo = nMulTo;\nNullExp.prototype.sqrTo = nSqrTo;\n\n// (public) this^e\nfunction bnPow(e) { return this.exp(e,new NullExp()); }\n\n// (protected) r = lower n words of \"this * a\", a.t <= n\n// \"this\" should be the larger one if appropriate.\nfunction bnpMultiplyLowerTo(a,n,r) {\n var i = Math.min(this.t+a.t,n);\n r.s = 0; // assumes a,this >= 0\n r.t = i;\n while(i > 0) r[--i] = 0;\n var j;\n for(j = r.t-this.t; i < j; ++i) r[i+this.t] = this.am(0,a[i],r,i,0,this.t);\n for(j = Math.min(a.t,n); i < j; ++i) this.am(0,a[i],r,i,0,n-i);\n r.clamp();\n}\n\n// (protected) r = \"this * a\" without lower n words, n > 0\n// \"this\" should be the larger one if appropriate.\nfunction bnpMultiplyUpperTo(a,n,r) {\n --n;\n var i = r.t = this.t+a.t-n;\n r.s = 0; // assumes a,this >= 0\n while(--i >= 0) r[i] = 0;\n for(i = Math.max(n-this.t,0); i < a.t; ++i)\n r[this.t+i-n] = this.am(n-i,a[i],r,0,0,this.t+i-n);\n r.clamp();\n r.drShiftTo(1,r);\n}\n\n// Barrett modular reduction\nfunction Barrett(m) {\n // setup Barrett\n this.r2 = nbi();\n this.q3 = nbi();\n BigInteger.ONE.dlShiftTo(2*m.t,this.r2);\n this.mu = this.r2.divide(m);\n this.m = m;\n}\n\nfunction barrettConvert(x) {\n if(x.s < 0 || x.t > 2*this.m.t) return x.mod(this.m);\n else if(x.compareTo(this.m) < 0) return x;\n else { var r = nbi(); x.copyTo(r); this.reduce(r); return r; }\n}\n\nfunction barrettRevert(x) { return x; }\n\n// x = x mod m (HAC 14.42)\nfunction barrettReduce(x) {\n x.drShiftTo(this.m.t-1,this.r2);\n if(x.t > this.m.t+1) { x.t = this.m.t+1; x.clamp(); }\n this.mu.multiplyUpperTo(this.r2,this.m.t+1,this.q3);\n this.m.multiplyLowerTo(this.q3,this.m.t+1,this.r2);\n while(x.compareTo(this.r2) < 0) x.dAddOffset(1,this.m.t+1);\n x.subTo(this.r2,x);\n while(x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) x.subTo(this.m,x);\n}\n\n// r = x^2 mod m; x != r\nfunction barrettSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n// r = x*y mod m; x,y != r\nfunction barrettMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }\n\nBarrett.prototype.convert = barrettConvert;\nBarrett.prototype.revert = barrettRevert;\nBarrett.prototype.reduce = barrettReduce;\nBarrett.prototype.mulTo = barrettMulTo;\nBarrett.prototype.sqrTo = barrettSqrTo;\n\n// (public) this^e % m (HAC 14.85)\nfunction bnModPow(e,m) {\n var i = e.bitLength(), k, r = nbv(1), z;\n if(i <= 0) return r;\n else if(i < 18) k = 1;\n else if(i < 48) k = 3;\n else if(i < 144) k = 4;\n else if(i < 768) k = 5;\n else k = 6;\n if(i < 8)\n z = new Classic(m);\n else if(m.isEven())\n z = new Barrett(m);\n else\n z = new Montgomery(m);\n\n // precomputation\n var g = new Array(), n = 3, k1 = k-1, km = (1< 1) {\n var g2 = nbi();\n z.sqrTo(g[1],g2);\n while(n <= km) {\n g[n] = nbi();\n z.mulTo(g2,g[n-2],g[n]);\n n += 2;\n }\n }\n\n var j = e.t-1, w, is1 = true, r2 = nbi(), t;\n i = nbits(e[j])-1;\n while(j >= 0) {\n if(i >= k1) w = (e[j]>>(i-k1))&km;\n else {\n w = (e[j]&((1<<(i+1))-1))<<(k1-i);\n if(j > 0) w |= e[j-1]>>(this.DB+i-k1);\n }\n\n n = k;\n while((w&1) == 0) { w >>= 1; --n; }\n if((i -= n) < 0) { i += this.DB; --j; }\n if(is1) {\t// ret == 1, don't bother squaring or multiplying it\n g[w].copyTo(r);\n is1 = false;\n }\n else {\n while(n > 1) { z.sqrTo(r,r2); z.sqrTo(r2,r); n -= 2; }\n if(n > 0) z.sqrTo(r,r2); else { t = r; r = r2; r2 = t; }\n z.mulTo(r2,g[w],r);\n }\n\n while(j >= 0 && (e[j]&(1< 0) {\n x.rShiftTo(g,x);\n y.rShiftTo(g,y);\n }\n while(x.signum() > 0) {\n if((i = x.getLowestSetBit()) > 0) x.rShiftTo(i,x);\n if((i = y.getLowestSetBit()) > 0) y.rShiftTo(i,y);\n if(x.compareTo(y) >= 0) {\n x.subTo(y,x);\n x.rShiftTo(1,x);\n }\n else {\n y.subTo(x,y);\n y.rShiftTo(1,y);\n }\n }\n if(g > 0) y.lShiftTo(g,y);\n return y;\n}\n\n// (protected) this % n, n < 2^26\nfunction bnpModInt(n) {\n if(n <= 0) return 0;\n var d = this.DV%n, r = (this.s<0)?n-1:0;\n if(this.t > 0)\n if(d == 0) r = this[0]%n;\n else for(var i = this.t-1; i >= 0; --i) r = (d*r+this[i])%n;\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) 1/this % m (HAC 14.61)\nfunction bnModInverse(m) {\n var ac = m.isEven();\n if((this.isEven() && ac) || m.signum() == 0) return BigInteger.ZERO;\n var u = m.clone(), v = this.clone();\n var a = nbv(1), b = nbv(0), c = nbv(0), d = nbv(1);\n while(u.signum() != 0) {\n while(u.isEven()) {\n u.rShiftTo(1,u);\n if(ac) {\n if(!a.isEven() || !b.isEven()) { a.addTo(this,a); b.subTo(m,b); }\n a.rShiftTo(1,a);\n }\n else if(!b.isEven()) b.subTo(m,b);\n b.rShiftTo(1,b);\n }\n while(v.isEven()) {\n v.rShiftTo(1,v);\n if(ac) {\n if(!c.isEven() || !d.isEven()) { c.addTo(this,c); d.subTo(m,d); }\n c.rShiftTo(1,c);\n }\n else if(!d.isEven()) d.subTo(m,d);\n d.rShiftTo(1,d);\n }\n if(u.compareTo(v) >= 0) {\n u.subTo(v,u);\n if(ac) a.subTo(c,a);\n b.subTo(d,b);\n }\n else {\n v.subTo(u,v);\n if(ac) c.subTo(a,c);\n d.subTo(b,d);\n }\n }\n if(v.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) != 0) return BigInteger.ZERO;\n if(d.compareTo(m) >= 0) return d.subtract(m);\n if(d.signum() < 0) d.addTo(m,d); else return d;\n if(d.signum() < 0) return d.add(m); else return d;\n}\n\nvar lowprimes = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97,101,103,107,109,113,127,131,137,139,149,151,157,163,167,173,179,181,191,193,197,199,211,223,227,229,233,239,241,251,257,263,269,271,277,281,283,293,307,311,313,317,331,337,347,349,353,359,367,373,379,383,389,397,401,409,419,421,431,433,439,443,449,457,461,463,467,479,487,491,499,503,509,521,523,541,547,557,563,569,571,577,587,593,599,601,607,613,617,619,631,641,643,647,653,659,661,673,677,683,691,701,709,719,727,733,739,743,751,757,761,769,773,787,797,809,811,821,823,827,829,839,853,857,859,863,877,881,883,887,907,911,919,929,937,941,947,953,967,971,977,983,991,997];\nvar lplim = (1<<26)/lowprimes[lowprimes.length-1];\n\n// (public) test primality with certainty >= 1-.5^t\nfunction bnIsProbablePrime(t) {\n var i, x = this.abs();\n if(x.t == 1 && x[0] <= lowprimes[lowprimes.length-1]) {\n for(i = 0; i < lowprimes.length; ++i)\n if(x[0] == lowprimes[i]) return true;\n return false;\n }\n if(x.isEven()) return false;\n i = 1;\n while(i < lowprimes.length) {\n var m = lowprimes[i], j = i+1;\n while(j < lowprimes.length && m < lplim) m *= lowprimes[j++];\n m = x.modInt(m);\n while(i < j) if(m%lowprimes[i++] == 0) return false;\n }\n return x.millerRabin(t);\n}\n\n// (protected) true if probably prime (HAC 4.24, Miller-Rabin)\nfunction bnpMillerRabin(t) {\n var n1 = this.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);\n var k = n1.getLowestSetBit();\n if(k <= 0) return false;\n var r = n1.shiftRight(k);\n t = (t+1)>>1;\n if(t > lowprimes.length) t = lowprimes.length;\n var a = nbi();\n for(var i = 0; i < t; ++i) {\n //Pick bases at random, instead of starting at 2\n a.fromInt(lowprimes[Math.floor(Math.random()*lowprimes.length)]);\n var y = a.modPow(r,this);\n if(y.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) != 0 && y.compareTo(n1) != 0) {\n var j = 1;\n while(j++ < k && y.compareTo(n1) != 0) {\n y = y.modPowInt(2,this);\n if(y.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) == 0) return false;\n }\n if(y.compareTo(n1) != 0) return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n\n// protected\nBigInteger.prototype.chunkSize = bnpChunkSize;\nBigInteger.prototype.toRadix = bnpToRadix;\nBigInteger.prototype.fromRadix = bnpFromRadix;\nBigInteger.prototype.fromNumber = bnpFromNumber;\nBigInteger.prototype.bitwiseTo = bnpBitwiseTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.changeBit = bnpChangeBit;\nBigInteger.prototype.addTo = bnpAddTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.dMultiply = bnpDMultiply;\nBigInteger.prototype.dAddOffset = bnpDAddOffset;\nBigInteger.prototype.multiplyLowerTo = bnpMultiplyLowerTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.multiplyUpperTo = bnpMultiplyUpperTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.modInt = bnpModInt;\nBigInteger.prototype.millerRabin = bnpMillerRabin;\n\n// public\nBigInteger.prototype.clone = bnClone;\nBigInteger.prototype.intValue = bnIntValue;\nBigInteger.prototype.byteValue = bnByteValue;\nBigInteger.prototype.shortValue = bnShortValue;\nBigInteger.prototype.signum = bnSigNum;\nBigInteger.prototype.toByteArray = bnToByteArray;\nBigInteger.prototype.equals = bnEquals;\nBigInteger.prototype.min = bnMin;\nBigInteger.prototype.max = bnMax;\nBigInteger.prototype.and = bnAnd;\nBigInteger.prototype.or = bnOr;\nBigInteger.prototype.xor = bnXor;\nBigInteger.prototype.andNot = bnAndNot;\nBigInteger.prototype.not = bnNot;\nBigInteger.prototype.shiftLeft = bnShiftLeft;\nBigInteger.prototype.shiftRight = bnShiftRight;\nBigInteger.prototype.getLowestSetBit = bnGetLowestSetBit;\nBigInteger.prototype.bitCount = bnBitCount;\nBigInteger.prototype.testBit = bnTestBit;\nBigInteger.prototype.setBit = bnSetBit;\nBigInteger.prototype.clearBit = bnClearBit;\nBigInteger.prototype.flipBit = bnFlipBit;\nBigInteger.prototype.add = bnAdd;\nBigInteger.prototype.subtract = bnSubtract;\nBigInteger.prototype.multiply = bnMultiply;\nBigInteger.prototype.divide = bnDivide;\nBigInteger.prototype.remainder = bnRemainder;\nBigInteger.prototype.divideAndRemainder = bnDivideAndRemainder;\nBigInteger.prototype.modPow = bnModPow;\nBigInteger.prototype.modInverse = bnModInverse;\nBigInteger.prototype.pow = bnPow;\nBigInteger.prototype.gcd = bnGCD;\nBigInteger.prototype.isProbablePrime = bnIsProbablePrime;\n\n// JSBN-specific extension\nBigInteger.prototype.square = bnSquare;\n\n// BigInteger interfaces not implemented in jsbn:\n\n// BigInteger(int signum, byte[] magnitude)\n// double doubleValue()\n// float floatValue()\n// int hashCode()\n// long longValue()\n// static BigInteger valueOf(long val)\n// protected\nBigInteger.prototype.copyTo = bnpCopyTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.fromInt = bnpFromInt;\nBigInteger.prototype.fromString = bnpFromString;\nBigInteger.prototype.clamp = bnpClamp;\nBigInteger.prototype.dlShiftTo = bnpDLShiftTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.drShiftTo = bnpDRShiftTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.lShiftTo = bnpLShiftTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.rShiftTo = bnpRShiftTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.subTo = bnpSubTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.multiplyTo = bnpMultiplyTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.squareTo = bnpSquareTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.divRemTo = bnpDivRemTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.invDigit = bnpInvDigit;\nBigInteger.prototype.isEven = bnpIsEven;\nBigInteger.prototype.exp = bnpExp;\n\n// public\nBigInteger.prototype.toString = bnToString;\nBigInteger.prototype.negate = bnNegate;\nBigInteger.prototype.abs = bnAbs;\nBigInteger.prototype.compareTo = bnCompareTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.bitLength = bnBitLength;\nBigInteger.prototype.mod = bnMod;\nBigInteger.prototype.modPowInt = bnModPowInt;\n\n// \"constants\"\nBigInteger.ZERO = nbv(0);\nBigInteger.ONE = nbv(1);\n\nexports.nbi\t = nbi;\nexports.BigInteger = BigInteger;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 20\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/jsbn.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/jsbn.js");
+ eval("(function (exports) {\n\t'use strict';\n\n\tvar lookup = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';\n\n\tfunction b64ToByteArray(b64) {\n\t\tvar i, j, l, tmp, placeHolders, arr;\n\t\n\t\tif (b64.length % 4 > 0) {\n\t\t\tthrow 'Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4';\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// the number of equal signs (place holders)\n\t\t// if there are two placeholders, than the two characters before it\n\t\t// represent one byte\n\t\t// if there is only one, then the three characters before it represent 2 bytes\n\t\t// this is just a cheap hack to not do indexOf twice\n\t\tplaceHolders = b64.indexOf('=');\n\t\tplaceHolders = placeHolders > 0 ? b64.length - placeHolders : 0;\n\n\t\t// base64 is 4/3 + up to two characters of the original data\n\t\tarr = [];//new Uint8Array(b64.length * 3 / 4 - placeHolders);\n\n\t\t// if there are placeholders, only get up to the last complete 4 chars\n\t\tl = placeHolders > 0 ? b64.length - 4 : b64.length;\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0, j = 0; i < l; i += 4, j += 3) {\n\t\t\ttmp = (lookup.indexOf(b64[i]) << 18) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 1]) << 12) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 2]) << 6) | lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 3]);\n\t\t\tarr.push((tmp & 0xFF0000) >> 16);\n\t\t\tarr.push((tmp & 0xFF00) >> 8);\n\t\t\tarr.push(tmp & 0xFF);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (placeHolders === 2) {\n\t\t\ttmp = (lookup.indexOf(b64[i]) << 2) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 1]) >> 4);\n\t\t\tarr.push(tmp & 0xFF);\n\t\t} else if (placeHolders === 1) {\n\t\t\ttmp = (lookup.indexOf(b64[i]) << 10) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 1]) << 4) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 2]) >> 2);\n\t\t\tarr.push((tmp >> 8) & 0xFF);\n\t\t\tarr.push(tmp & 0xFF);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn arr;\n\t}\n\n\tfunction uint8ToBase64(uint8) {\n\t\tvar i,\n\t\t\textraBytes = uint8.length % 3, // if we have 1 byte left, pad 2 bytes\n\t\t\toutput = \"\",\n\t\t\ttemp, length;\n\n\t\tfunction tripletToBase64 (num) {\n\t\t\treturn lookup[num >> 18 & 0x3F] + lookup[num >> 12 & 0x3F] + lookup[num >> 6 & 0x3F] + lookup[num & 0x3F];\n\t\t};\n\n\t\t// go through the array every three bytes, we'll deal with trailing stuff later\n\t\tfor (i = 0, length = uint8.length - extraBytes; i < length; i += 3) {\n\t\t\ttemp = (uint8[i] << 16) + (uint8[i + 1] << 8) + (uint8[i + 2]);\n\t\t\toutput += tripletToBase64(temp);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// pad the end with zeros, but make sure to not forget the extra bytes\n\t\tswitch (extraBytes) {\n\t\t\tcase 1:\n\t\t\t\ttemp = uint8[uint8.length - 1];\n\t\t\t\toutput += lookup[temp >> 2];\n\t\t\t\toutput += lookup[(temp << 4) & 0x3F];\n\t\t\t\toutput += '==';\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase 2:\n\t\t\t\ttemp = (uint8[uint8.length - 2] << 8) + (uint8[uint8.length - 1]);\n\t\t\t\toutput += lookup[temp >> 10];\n\t\t\t\toutput += lookup[(temp >> 4) & 0x3F];\n\t\t\t\toutput += lookup[(temp << 2) & 0x3F];\n\t\t\t\toutput += '=';\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn output;\n\t}\n\n\tmodule.exports.toByteArray = b64ToByteArray;\n\tmodule.exports.fromByteArray = uint8ToBase64;\n}());\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 20\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer-browserify/~/base64-js/lib/b64.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer-browserify/~/base64-js/lib/b64.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 21:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("//\n// Seed support\n//\n\nvar sjcl = require(11);\nvar utils = require(9);\nvar jsbn = require(20);\nvar extend = require(29);\n\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\n\nvar Base = require(4).Base,\n UInt = require(30).UInt,\n UInt256 = require(23).UInt256,\n KeyPair = require(32).KeyPair;\n\nvar Seed = extend(function () {\n // Internal form: NaN or BigInteger\n this._curve = sjcl.ecc.curves['c256'];\n this._value = NaN;\n}, UInt);\n\nSeed.width = 16;\nSeed.prototype = extend({}, UInt.prototype);\nSeed.prototype.constructor = Seed;\n\n// value = NaN on error.\n// One day this will support rfc1751 too.\nSeed.prototype.parse_json = function (j) {\n if ('string' === typeof j) {\n if (!j.length) {\n this._value = NaN;\n // XXX Should actually always try and continue if it failed.\n } else if (j[0] === \"s\") {\n this._value = Base.decode_check(Base.VER_FAMILY_SEED, j);\n } else if (j.length === 32) {\n this._value = this.parse_hex(j);\n // XXX Should also try 1751\n } else {\n this.parse_passphrase(j);\n }\n } else {\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nSeed.prototype.parse_passphrase = function (j) {\n if (\"string\" !== typeof j) {\n throw new Error(\"Passphrase must be a string\");\n }\n\n var hash = sjcl.hash.sha512.hash(sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(j));\n var bits = sjcl.bitArray.bitSlice(hash, 0, 128);\n\n this.parse_bits(bits);\n\n return this;\n};\n\nSeed.prototype.to_json = function () {\n if (!(this._value instanceof BigInteger))\n return NaN;\n\n var output = Base.encode_check(Base.VER_FAMILY_SEED, this.to_bytes());\n\n return output;\n};\n\nfunction append_int(a, i) {\n return [].concat(a, i >> 24, (i >> 16) & 0xff, (i >> 8) & 0xff, i & 0xff);\n}\n\nfunction firstHalfOfSHA512(bytes) {\n return sjcl.bitArray.bitSlice(\n sjcl.hash.sha512.hash(sjcl.codec.bytes.toBits(bytes)),\n 0, 256\n );\n}\n\nfunction SHA256_RIPEMD160(bits) {\n return sjcl.hash.ripemd160.hash(sjcl.hash.sha256.hash(bits));\n}\n\nSeed.prototype.get_key = function (account_id) {\n if (!this.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Cannot generate keys from invalid seed!\");\n }\n // XXX Should loop over keys until we find the right one\n\n var curve = this._curve;\n\n var seq = 0;\n\n var private_gen, public_gen, i = 0;\n do {\n private_gen = sjcl.bn.fromBits(firstHalfOfSHA512(append_int(this.to_bytes(), i)));\n i++;\n } while (!curve.r.greaterEquals(private_gen));\n\n public_gen = curve.G.mult(private_gen);\n\n var sec;\n i = 0;\n do {\n sec = sjcl.bn.fromBits(firstHalfOfSHA512(append_int(append_int(public_gen.toBytesCompressed(), seq), i)));\n i++;\n } while (!curve.r.greaterEquals(sec));\n\n sec = sec.add(private_gen).mod(curve.r);\n\n return KeyPair.from_bn_secret(sec);\n};\n\nexports.Seed = Seed;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 21\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/seed.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/seed.js");
+ eval("module.exports = typeof Array.isArray === 'function'\n ? Array.isArray\n : function (xs) {\n return Object.prototype.toString.call(xs) === '[object Array]'\n }\n;\n\n/*\n\nalternative\n\nfunction isArray(ar) {\n return ar instanceof Array ||\n Array.isArray(ar) ||\n (ar && ar !== Object.prototype && isArray(ar.__proto__));\n}\n\n*/\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 21\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/isArray.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/isArray.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 22:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("/**\n * Type definitions for binary format.\n *\n * This file should not be included directly. Instead, find the format you're\n * trying to parse or serialize in binformat.js and pass that to\n * SerializedObject.parse() or SerializedObject.serialize().\n */\n\nvar extend = require(29),\n utils = require(9),\n sjcl = require(11);\n\nvar amount = require(2),\n UInt128 = require(33).UInt128,\n UInt160 = require(15).UInt160,\n UInt256 = require(23).UInt256,\n Amount = amount.Amount,\n Currency= amount.Currency;\n\n// Shortcuts\nvar hex = sjcl.codec.hex,\n bytes = sjcl.codec.bytes;\n\nvar jsbn = require(20);\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\n\n\nvar SerializedType = function (methods) {\n extend(this, methods);\n};\n\nfunction serialize_hex(so, hexData, noLength) {\n var byteData = bytes.fromBits(hex.toBits(hexData));\n if (!noLength) {\n SerializedType.serialize_varint(so, byteData.length);\n }\n so.append(byteData);\n};\n\n\n\n/**\n * parses bytes as hex\n */\nfunction convert_bytes_to_hex (byte_array) {\n return sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(sjcl.codec.bytes.toBits(byte_array)).toUpperCase();\n}\n\nSerializedType.serialize_varint = function (so, val) {\n if (val < 0) {\n throw new Error(\"Variable integers are unsigned.\");\n }\n if (val <= 192) {\n so.append([val]);\n } else if (val <= 12,480) {\n val -= 193;\n so.append([193 + (val >>> 8), val & 0xff]);\n } else if (val <= 918744) {\n val -= 12481;\n so.append([\n 241 + (val >>> 16),\n val >>> 8 & 0xff,\n val & 0xff\n ]);\n } else throw new Error(\"Variable integer overflow.\");\n};\n\n\nSerializedType.prototype.parse_varint = function (so) {\n var b1 = so.read(1)[0], b2, b3;\n if (b1 <= 192) {\n return b1;\n } else if (b1 <= 240) {\n b2 = so.read(1)[0];\n return 193 + (b1-193)*256 + b2;\n } else if (b1 <= 254) {\n b2 = so.read(1)[0];\n b3 = so.read(1)[0];\n return 12481 + (b1-241)*65536 + b2*256 + b3\n }\n else {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid varint length indicator\");\n }\n};\n\n\n\n\n\n// In the following, we assume that the inputs are in the proper range. Is this correct?\n\n// Helper functions for 1-, 2-, and 4-byte integers.\n\n/**\n * Convert an integer value into an array of bytes.\n *\n * The result is appended to the serialized object (\"so\").\n */\nfunction append_byte_array(so, val, bytes) {\n if (\"number\" !== typeof val) {\n throw new Error(\"Integer is not a number\");\n }\n if (val < 0 || val >= (Math.pow(256, bytes))) {\n throw new Error(\"Integer out of bounds\");\n }\n var newBytes = [];\n for (var i=0; i>> (i*8) & 0xff);\n }\n so.append(newBytes);\n}\n\n// Convert a certain number of bytes from the serialized object (\"so\") into an integer.\nfunction readAndSum(so, bytes) {\n var sum = 0;\n for (var i = 0; i 16) {\n throw new Error(\"Int64 is too large\");\n }\n while (hex.length < 16) {\n hex = \"0\" + hex;\n }\n return serialize_hex(so, hex, true); //noLength = true\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n var hi = readAndSum(so, 4);\n var lo = readAndSum(so, 4);\n\n var result = new BigInteger(\"\"+hi);\n result.shiftLeft(32);\n result.add(lo);\n return result;\n }\n});\n\nvar STHash128 = exports.Hash128 = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var hash = UInt128.from_json(val);\n if (!hash.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid Hash128\");\n }\n serialize_hex(so, hash.to_hex(), true); //noLength = true\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n return UInt128.from_bytes(so.read(16));\n }\n});\n\nvar STHash256 = exports.Hash256 = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var hash = UInt256.from_json(val);\n if (!hash.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid Hash256\");\n }\n serialize_hex(so, hash.to_hex(), true); //noLength = true\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n return UInt256.from_bytes(so.read(32));\n }\n});\n\nvar STHash160 = exports.Hash160 = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var hash = UInt160.from_json(val);\n if (!hash.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid Hash160\");\n }\n serialize_hex(so, hash.to_hex(), true); //noLength = true\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n return UInt160.from_bytes(so.read(20));\n }\n});\n\n// Internal\nvar STCurrency = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var currency = val.to_json();\n if (\"XRP\" === currency) {\n serialize_hex(so, UInt160.HEX_ZERO, true);\n } else if (\"string\" === typeof currency && currency.length === 3) {\n var currencyCode = currency.toUpperCase(),\n currencyData = utils.arraySet(20, 0);\n\n if (!/^[A-Z]{3}$/.test(currencyCode) || currencyCode === \"XRP\" ) {\n throw new Error('Invalid currency code');\n }\n\n currencyData[12] = currencyCode.charCodeAt(0) & 0xff;\n currencyData[13] = currencyCode.charCodeAt(1) & 0xff;\n currencyData[14] = currencyCode.charCodeAt(2) & 0xff;\n\n so.append(currencyData);\n } else {\n throw new Error('Tried to serialize invalid/unimplemented currency type.');\n }\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n var currency = Currency.from_bytes(so.read(20));\n if (!currency.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid currency\");\n }\n return currency;\n }\n});\n\nvar STAmount = exports.Amount = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var amount = Amount.from_json(val);\n if (!amount.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Not a valid Amount object.\");\n }\n\n // Amount (64-bit integer)\n var valueBytes = utils.arraySet(8, 0);\n if (amount.is_native()) {\n var valueHex = amount._value.toString(16);\n\n // Enforce correct length (64 bits)\n if (valueHex.length > 16) {\n throw new Error('Value out of bounds');\n }\n while (valueHex.length < 16) {\n valueHex = \"0\" + valueHex;\n }\n\n valueBytes = bytes.fromBits(hex.toBits(valueHex));\n // Clear most significant two bits - these bits should already be 0 if\n // Amount enforces the range correctly, but we'll clear them anyway just\n // so this code can make certain guarantees about the encoded value.\n valueBytes[0] &= 0x3f;\n if (!amount.is_negative()) valueBytes[0] |= 0x40;\n } else {\n var hi = 0, lo = 0;\n\n // First bit: non-native\n hi |= 1 << 31;\n\n if (!amount.is_zero()) {\n // Second bit: non-negative?\n if (!amount.is_negative()) hi |= 1 << 30;\n\n // Next eight bits: offset/exponent\n hi |= ((97 + amount._offset) & 0xff) << 22;\n\n // Remaining 52 bits: mantissa\n hi |= amount._value.shiftRight(32).intValue() & 0x3fffff;\n lo = amount._value.intValue() & 0xffffffff;\n }\n\n valueBytes = sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits([hi, lo]);\n }\n\n so.append(valueBytes);\n\n if (!amount.is_native()) {\n // Currency (160-bit hash)\n var currency = amount.currency();\n STCurrency.serialize(so, currency);\n\n // Issuer (160-bit hash)\n so.append(amount.issuer().to_bytes());\n }\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n var amount = new Amount();\n var value_bytes = so.read(8);\n var is_zero = !(value_bytes[0] & 0x7f);\n for (var i=1; i<8; i++) {\n is_zero = is_zero && !value_bytes[i];\n }\n if (value_bytes[0] & 0x80) {\n //non-native\n var currency = STCurrency.parse(so);\n var issuer_bytes = so.read(20);\n var issuer = UInt160.from_bytes(issuer_bytes);\n\n var offset = ((value_bytes[0] & 0x3f) << 2) + (value_bytes[1] >>> 6) - 97;\n var mantissa_bytes = value_bytes.slice(1);\n mantissa_bytes[0] &= 0x3f;\n var value = new BigInteger(mantissa_bytes, 256);\n\n if (value.equals(BigInteger.ZERO) && !is_zero ) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid zero representation\");\n }\n\n amount._value = value;\n amount._offset = offset;\n amount._currency = currency;\n amount._issuer = issuer;\n amount._is_native = false;\n\n } else {\n //native\n var integer_bytes = value_bytes.slice();\n integer_bytes[0] &= 0x3f;\n amount._value = new BigInteger(integer_bytes, 256);\n amount._is_native = true;\n }\n amount._is_negative = !is_zero && !(value_bytes[0] & 0x40);\n return amount;\n }\n});\n\nvar STVL = exports.VariableLength = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n if (\"string\" === typeof val) serialize_hex(so, val);\n else throw new Error(\"Unknown datatype.\");\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n var len = this.parse_varint(so);\n return convert_bytes_to_hex(so.read(len));\n }\n});\n\nvar STAccount = exports.Account = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var account = UInt160.from_json(val);\n if (!account.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid account!\");\n }\n serialize_hex(so, account.to_hex());\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n var len = this.parse_varint(so);\n\t//console.log(\"KKKKKKKKKKK\",len);\n if (len !== 20) {\n throw new Error(\"Non-standard-length account ID\");\n }\n var result = UInt160.from_bytes(so.read(len));\n if (false && !result.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid Account\");\n }\n return result;\n }\n});\n\nvar STPathSet = exports.PathSet = new SerializedType({\n typeBoundary: 0xff,\n typeEnd: 0x00,\n typeAccount: 0x01,\n typeCurrency: 0x10,\n typeIssuer: 0x20,\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n // XXX\n for (var i = 0, l = val.length; i < l; i++) {\n // Boundary\n if (i) STInt8.serialize(so, this.typeBoundary);\n\n for (var j = 0, l2 = val[i].length; j < l2; j++) {\n var entry = val[i][j];\n\t\t//if (entry.hasOwnProperty(\"_value\")) {entry = entry._value;}\n var type = 0;\n\n if (entry.account) type |= this.typeAccount;\n if (entry.currency) type |= this.typeCurrency;\n if (entry.issuer) type |= this.typeIssuer;\n\n STInt8.serialize(so, type);\n\n if (entry.account) {\n so.append(UInt160.from_json(entry.account).to_bytes());\n }\n if (entry.currency) {\n var currency = Currency.from_json(entry.currency);\n STCurrency.serialize(so, currency);\n }\n if (entry.issuer) {\n so.append(UInt160.from_json(entry.issuer).to_bytes());\n }\n }\n }\n STInt8.serialize(so, this.typeEnd);\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n // XXX\n\t// should return a list of lists:\n\t/*\n\t[\n\t\t[entry, entry],\n\t\t[entry, entry, entry]\n\t\t[entry]\n\t\t[]\n\t]\n\t\n\teach entry has one or more of the following attributes: amount, currency, issuer.\n\t*/\n\t\n\tvar path_list = [];\n\tvar current_path = [];\n\t\n\twhile (true) { //TODO: try/catch this loop, and catch when we run out of data without reaching the end of the data structure.\n\t\tvar tag_byte = so.read(1)[0];\n\t\t//Now determine: is this an end, boundary, or entry-begin-tag?\n\t\t//console.log(\"Tag byte:\", tag_byte);\n\t\tif (tag_byte == this.typeEnd) { //We're done.\n\t\t\t//console.log(\"End.\");\n\t\t\tif (current_path) { //close the current path, if there is one,\n\t\t\t\tpath_list.push(current_path);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak; //and conclude.\n\t\t} else if (tag_byte == this.typeBoundary) {\n\t\t\t//console.log(\"Boundary\");\n\t\t\tif (current_path) { //close the current path, if there is one,\n\t\t\t\tpath_list.push(current_path);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tcurrent_path = []; //and start a new one.\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t//It's an entry-begin tag.\n\t\t\t//console.log(\"It's an entry-begin tag.\");\n\t\t\tvar entry = {};\n\t\t\tif (tag_byte & this.typeAccount) {\n\t\t\t\t//console.log(\"entry.account\");\n\t\t\t\t/*var bta = so.read(20);\n\t\t\t\tconsole.log(\"BTA:\", bta);*/\n\t\t\t\tentry.account = STHash160.parse(so);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (tag_byte & this.typeCurrency) {\n\t\t\t\t//console.log(\"entry.currency\");\n\t\t\t\tentry.currency = STCurrency.parse(so)\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (tag_byte & this.typeIssuer) {\n\t\t\t\t//console.log(\"entry.issuer\");\n\t\t\t\tentry.issuer = STHash160.parse(so); //should know to use Base58?\n\t\t\t\t//console.log(\"DONE WITH ISSUER!\");\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (entry.account || entry.currency || entry.issuer) {\n\t\t\t\tcurrent_path.push(entry);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tthrow new Error(\"Invalid path entry\"); //It must have at least something in it.\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn path_list;\n }\n});\n\nvar STVector256 = exports.Vector256 = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) { //Assume val is an array of STHash256 objects.\n var length_as_varint = SerializedType.serialize_varint(so, val.length);\n\tfor (var i = 0; i= 16) {\n\t\tSTInt8.serialize(so, type_bits)\n\t}\n\tif (field_bits >= 16) {\n\t\tSTInt8.serialize(so, field_bits)\n\t}\n\tvar serialized_object_type = TYPES_MAP[type_bits];\n\t//do something with val[keys] and val[keys[i]];\n\tserialized_object_type.serialize(so, value);\n}\n\n\n//What should this helper function be attached to?\n//Take the serialized object, figure out what type/field it is, and return the parsing of that.\nvar parse_whatever = exports.parse_whatever = function(so) {\n\tvar tag_byte = so.read(1)[0];\n\tvar type_bits = tag_byte >> 4;\n\tvar field_bits = tag_byte & 0x0f;\n\tvar type;\n\tvar field_name;\n\tif (type_bits === 0) {\n\t\ttype_bits = so.read(1)[0];\n\t}\n\ttype = TYPES_MAP[type_bits];\n\tif (\"undefined\" === typeof type) {\n\t\tthrow Error(\"Unknown type\");\n\t} else {\n\t\tif (field_bits === 0) {\n\t\t\tfield_name = FIELDS_MAP[type_bits][so.read(1)[0]];\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tfield_name = FIELDS_MAP[type_bits][field_bits];\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (\"undefined\" === typeof field_name) {\n\t\t\tthrow Error(\"Unknown field \"+tag_byte);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn [field_name, type.parse(so)]; //key, value\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\n\n\nvar STObject = exports.Object = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var keys = Object.keys(val);\n\tfor (var i=0; i= 16) {\n\t\t\tSTInt8.serialize(so, type_bits)\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (field_bits >= 16) {\n\t\t\tSTInt8.serialize(so, field_bits)\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar serialized_object_type = TYPES_MAP[type_bits];\n\t\t//do something with val[keys] and val[keys[i]];\n\t\tserialized_object_type.serialize(so, val[keys[i]]);\n\t\t*/\n\t}\n\tSTInt8.serialize(so, 0xe1); //Object ending marker\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n\t//console.log(\"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\", so.buffer, so.pointer);\n var output = {};\n\twhile (true) {\n\t\tif (so.peek(1)[0] === 0xe1) { //ending marker\n\t\t\tso.read(1);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t//console.log(\"WTF M8\");\n\t\t\tvar key_and_value = parse_whatever(so);\n\t\t\toutput[key_and_value[0]] = key_and_value[1];\n\t\t\t//console.log(\"BBBBBBBBBBBBB\", key_and_value, output);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn output;\n }\n});\n\nvar STArray = exports.Array = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) { \n for (var i=0; i= dst.length) || (i >= src.length))\n break;\n\n dst[i + offset] = src[i];\n i++;\n }\n return i;\n}\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.utf8Write = function (string, offset, length) {\n var bytes, pos;\n return SlowBuffer._charsWritten = blitBuffer(utf8ToBytes(string), this, offset, length);\n};\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.asciiWrite = function (string, offset, length) {\n var bytes, pos;\n return SlowBuffer._charsWritten = blitBuffer(asciiToBytes(string), this, offset, length);\n};\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.base64Write = function (string, offset, length) {\n var bytes, pos;\n return SlowBuffer._charsWritten = blitBuffer(base64ToBytes(string), this, offset, length);\n};\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.base64Slice = function (start, end) {\n var bytes = Array.prototype.slice.apply(this, arguments)\n return require(43).fromByteArray(bytes);\n}\n\nfunction decodeUtf8Char(str) {\n try {\n return decodeURIComponent(str);\n } catch (err) {\n return String.fromCharCode(0xFFFD); // UTF 8 invalid char\n }\n}\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.utf8Slice = function () {\n var bytes = Array.prototype.slice.apply(this, arguments);\n var res = \"\";\n var tmp = \"\";\n var i = 0;\n while (i < bytes.length) {\n if (bytes[i] <= 0x7F) {\n res += decodeUtf8Char(tmp) + String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]);\n tmp = \"\";\n } else\n tmp += \"%\" + bytes[i].toString(16);\n\n i++;\n }\n\n return res + decodeUtf8Char(tmp);\n}\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.asciiSlice = function () {\n var bytes = Array.prototype.slice.apply(this, arguments);\n var ret = \"\";\n for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++)\n ret += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]);\n return ret;\n}\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.inspect = function() {\n var out = [],\n len = this.length;\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n out[i] = toHex(this[i]);\n if (i == exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES) {\n out[i + 1] = '...';\n break;\n }\n }\n return '';\n};\n\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.hexSlice = function(start, end) {\n var len = this.length;\n\n if (!start || start < 0) start = 0;\n if (!end || end < 0 || end > len) end = len;\n\n var out = '';\n for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {\n out += toHex(this[i]);\n }\n return out;\n};\n\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.toString = function(encoding, start, end) {\n encoding = String(encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase();\n start = +start || 0;\n if (typeof end == 'undefined') end = this.length;\n\n // Fastpath empty strings\n if (+end == start) {\n return '';\n }\n\n switch (encoding) {\n case 'hex':\n return this.hexSlice(start, end);\n\n case 'utf8':\n case 'utf-8':\n return this.utf8Slice(start, end);\n\n case 'ascii':\n return this.asciiSlice(start, end);\n\n case 'binary':\n return this.binarySlice(start, end);\n\n case 'base64':\n return this.base64Slice(start, end);\n\n case 'ucs2':\n case 'ucs-2':\n return this.ucs2Slice(start, end);\n\n default:\n throw new Error('Unknown encoding');\n }\n};\n\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.hexWrite = function(string, offset, length) {\n offset = +offset || 0;\n var remaining = this.length - offset;\n if (!length) {\n length = remaining;\n } else {\n length = +length;\n if (length > remaining) {\n length = remaining;\n }\n }\n\n // must be an even number of digits\n var strLen = string.length;\n if (strLen % 2) {\n throw new Error('Invalid hex string');\n }\n if (length > strLen / 2) {\n length = strLen / 2;\n }\n for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {\n var byte = parseInt(string.substr(i * 2, 2), 16);\n if (isNaN(byte)) throw new Error('Invalid hex string');\n this[offset + i] = byte;\n }\n SlowBuffer._charsWritten = i * 2;\n return i;\n};\n\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.write = function(string, offset, length, encoding) {\n // Support both (string, offset, length, encoding)\n // and the legacy (string, encoding, offset, length)\n if (isFinite(offset)) {\n if (!isFinite(length)) {\n encoding = length;\n length = undefined;\n }\n } else { // legacy\n var swap = encoding;\n encoding = offset;\n offset = length;\n length = swap;\n }\n\n offset = +offset || 0;\n var remaining = this.length - offset;\n if (!length) {\n length = remaining;\n } else {\n length = +length;\n if (length > remaining) {\n length = remaining;\n }\n }\n encoding = String(encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase();\n\n switch (encoding) {\n case 'hex':\n return this.hexWrite(string, offset, length);\n\n case 'utf8':\n case 'utf-8':\n return this.utf8Write(string, offset, length);\n\n case 'ascii':\n return this.asciiWrite(string, offset, length);\n\n case 'binary':\n return this.binaryWrite(string, offset, length);\n\n case 'base64':\n return this.base64Write(string, offset, length);\n\n case 'ucs2':\n case 'ucs-2':\n return this.ucs2Write(string, offset, length);\n\n default:\n throw new Error('Unknown encoding');\n }\n};\n\n\n// slice(start, end)\nSlowBuffer.prototype.slice = function(start, end) {\n if (end === undefined) end = this.length;\n\n if (end > this.length) {\n throw new Error('oob');\n }\n if (start > end) {\n throw new Error('oob');\n }\n\n return new Buffer(this, end - start, +start);\n};\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.copy = function(target, targetstart, sourcestart, sourceend) {\n var temp = [];\n for (var i=sourcestart; i Buffer.poolSize) {\n // Big buffer, just alloc one.\n this.parent = new SlowBuffer(this.length);\n this.offset = 0;\n\n } else {\n // Small buffer.\n if (!pool || pool.length - pool.used < this.length) allocPool();\n this.parent = pool;\n this.offset = pool.used;\n pool.used += this.length;\n }\n\n // Treat array-ish objects as a byte array.\n if (isArrayIsh(subject)) {\n for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {\n this.parent[i + this.offset] = subject[i];\n }\n } else if (type == 'string') {\n // We are a string\n this.length = this.write(subject, 0, encoding);\n }\n }\n\n}\n\nfunction isArrayIsh(subject) {\n return Array.isArray(subject) || Buffer.isBuffer(subject) ||\n subject && typeof subject === 'object' &&\n typeof subject.length === 'number';\n}\n\nexports.SlowBuffer = SlowBuffer;\nexports.Buffer = Buffer;\n\nBuffer.poolSize = 8 * 1024;\nvar pool;\n\nfunction allocPool() {\n pool = new SlowBuffer(Buffer.poolSize);\n pool.used = 0;\n}\n\n\n// Static methods\nBuffer.isBuffer = function isBuffer(b) {\n return b instanceof Buffer || b instanceof SlowBuffer;\n};\n\nBuffer.concat = function (list, totalLength) {\n if (!Array.isArray(list)) {\n throw new Error(\"Usage: Buffer.concat(list, [totalLength])\\n \\\n list should be an Array.\");\n }\n\n if (list.length === 0) {\n return new Buffer(0);\n } else if (list.length === 1) {\n return list[0];\n }\n\n if (typeof totalLength !== 'number') {\n totalLength = 0;\n for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {\n var buf = list[i];\n totalLength += buf.length;\n }\n }\n\n var buffer = new Buffer(totalLength);\n var pos = 0;\n for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {\n var buf = list[i];\n buf.copy(buffer, pos);\n pos += buf.length;\n }\n return buffer;\n};\n\n// Inspect\nBuffer.prototype.inspect = function inspect() {\n var out = [],\n len = this.length;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n out[i] = toHex(this.parent[i + this.offset]);\n if (i == exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES) {\n out[i + 1] = '...';\n break;\n }\n }\n\n return '';\n};\n\n\nBuffer.prototype.get = function get(i) {\n if (i < 0 || i >= this.length) throw new Error('oob');\n return this.parent[this.offset + i];\n};\n\n\nBuffer.prototype.set = function set(i, v) {\n if (i < 0 || i >= this.length) throw new Error('oob');\n return this.parent[this.offset + i] = v;\n};\n\n\n// write(string, offset = 0, length = buffer.length-offset, encoding = 'utf8')\nBuffer.prototype.write = function(string, offset, length, encoding) {\n // Support both (string, offset, length, encoding)\n // and the legacy (string, encoding, offset, length)\n if (isFinite(offset)) {\n if (!isFinite(length)) {\n encoding = length;\n length = undefined;\n }\n } else { // legacy\n var swap = encoding;\n encoding = offset;\n offset = length;\n length = swap;\n }\n\n offset = +offset || 0;\n var remaining = this.length - offset;\n if (!length) {\n length = remaining;\n } else {\n length = +length;\n if (length > remaining) {\n length = remaining;\n }\n }\n encoding = String(encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase();\n\n var ret;\n switch (encoding) {\n case 'hex':\n ret = this.parent.hexWrite(string, this.offset + offset, length);\n break;\n\n case 'utf8':\n case 'utf-8':\n ret = this.parent.utf8Write(string, this.offset + offset, length);\n break;\n\n case 'ascii':\n ret = this.parent.asciiWrite(string, this.offset + offset, length);\n break;\n\n case 'binary':\n ret = this.parent.binaryWrite(string, this.offset + offset, length);\n break;\n\n case 'base64':\n // Warning: maxLength not taken into account in base64Write\n ret = this.parent.base64Write(string, this.offset + offset, length);\n break;\n\n case 'ucs2':\n case 'ucs-2':\n ret = this.parent.ucs2Write(string, this.offset + offset, length);\n break;\n\n default:\n throw new Error('Unknown encoding');\n }\n\n Buffer._charsWritten = SlowBuffer._charsWritten;\n\n return ret;\n};\n\n\n// toString(encoding, start=0, end=buffer.length)\nBuffer.prototype.toString = function(encoding, start, end) {\n encoding = String(encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase();\n\n if (typeof start == 'undefined' || start < 0) {\n start = 0;\n } else if (start > this.length) {\n start = this.length;\n }\n\n if (typeof end == 'undefined' || end > this.length) {\n end = this.length;\n } else if (end < 0) {\n end = 0;\n }\n\n start = start + this.offset;\n end = end + this.offset;\n\n switch (encoding) {\n case 'hex':\n return this.parent.hexSlice(start, end);\n\n case 'utf8':\n case 'utf-8':\n return this.parent.utf8Slice(start, end);\n\n case 'ascii':\n return this.parent.asciiSlice(start, end);\n\n case 'binary':\n return this.parent.binarySlice(start, end);\n\n case 'base64':\n return this.parent.base64Slice(start, end);\n\n case 'ucs2':\n case 'ucs-2':\n return this.parent.ucs2Slice(start, end);\n\n default:\n throw new Error('Unknown encoding');\n }\n};\n\n\n// byteLength\nBuffer.byteLength = SlowBuffer.byteLength;\n\n\n// fill(value, start=0, end=buffer.length)\nBuffer.prototype.fill = function fill(value, start, end) {\n value || (value = 0);\n start || (start = 0);\n end || (end = this.length);\n\n if (typeof value === 'string') {\n value = value.charCodeAt(0);\n }\n if (!(typeof value === 'number') || isNaN(value)) {\n throw new Error('value is not a number');\n }\n\n if (end < start) throw new Error('end < start');\n\n // Fill 0 bytes; we're done\n if (end === start) return 0;\n if (this.length == 0) return 0;\n\n if (start < 0 || start >= this.length) {\n throw new Error('start out of bounds');\n }\n\n if (end < 0 || end > this.length) {\n throw new Error('end out of bounds');\n }\n\n return this.parent.fill(value,\n start + this.offset,\n end + this.offset);\n};\n\n\n// copy(targetBuffer, targetStart=0, sourceStart=0, sourceEnd=buffer.length)\nBuffer.prototype.copy = function(target, target_start, start, end) {\n var source = this;\n start || (start = 0);\n end || (end = this.length);\n target_start || (target_start = 0);\n\n if (end < start) throw new Error('sourceEnd < sourceStart');\n\n // Copy 0 bytes; we're done\n if (end === start) return 0;\n if (target.length == 0 || source.length == 0) return 0;\n\n if (target_start < 0 || target_start >= target.length) {\n throw new Error('targetStart out of bounds');\n }\n\n if (start < 0 || start >= source.length) {\n throw new Error('sourceStart out of bounds');\n }\n\n if (end < 0 || end > source.length) {\n throw new Error('sourceEnd out of bounds');\n }\n\n // Are we oob?\n if (end > this.length) {\n end = this.length;\n }\n\n if (target.length - target_start < end - start) {\n end = target.length - target_start + start;\n }\n\n return this.parent.copy(target.parent,\n target_start + target.offset,\n start + this.offset,\n end + this.offset);\n};\n\n\n// slice(start, end)\nBuffer.prototype.slice = function(start, end) {\n if (end === undefined) end = this.length;\n if (end > this.length) throw new Error('oob');\n if (start > end) throw new Error('oob');\n\n return new Buffer(this.parent, end - start, +start + this.offset);\n};\n\n\n// Legacy methods for backwards compatibility.\n\nBuffer.prototype.utf8Slice = function(start, end) {\n return this.toString('utf8', start, end);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.binarySlice = function(start, end) {\n return this.toString('binary', start, end);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.asciiSlice = function(start, end) {\n return this.toString('ascii', start, end);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.utf8Write = function(string, offset) {\n return this.write(string, offset, 'utf8');\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.binaryWrite = function(string, offset) {\n return this.write(string, offset, 'binary');\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.asciiWrite = function(string, offset) {\n return this.write(string, offset, 'ascii');\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readUInt8 = function(offset, noAssert) {\n var buffer = this;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n return buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset];\n};\n\nfunction readUInt16(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n var val = 0;\n\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 1 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n if (isBigEndian) {\n val = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] << 8;\n val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1];\n } else {\n val = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset];\n val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] << 8;\n }\n\n return val;\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.readUInt16LE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readUInt16(this, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readUInt16BE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readUInt16(this, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction readUInt32(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n var val = 0;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n if (isBigEndian) {\n val = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] << 16;\n val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 2] << 8;\n val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 3];\n val = val + (buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] << 24 >>> 0);\n } else {\n val = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 2] << 16;\n val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] << 8;\n val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset];\n val = val + (buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 3] << 24 >>> 0);\n }\n\n return val;\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.readUInt32LE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readUInt32(this, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readUInt32BE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readUInt32(this, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\n\n/*\n * Signed integer types, yay team! A reminder on how two's complement actually\n * works. The first bit is the signed bit, i.e. tells us whether or not the\n * number should be positive or negative. If the two's complement value is\n * positive, then we're done, as it's equivalent to the unsigned representation.\n *\n * Now if the number is positive, you're pretty much done, you can just leverage\n * the unsigned translations and return those. Unfortunately, negative numbers\n * aren't quite that straightforward.\n *\n * At first glance, one might be inclined to use the traditional formula to\n * translate binary numbers between the positive and negative values in two's\n * complement. (Though it doesn't quite work for the most negative value)\n * Mainly:\n * - invert all the bits\n * - add one to the result\n *\n * Of course, this doesn't quite work in Javascript. Take for example the value\n * of -128. This could be represented in 16 bits (big-endian) as 0xff80. But of\n * course, Javascript will do the following:\n *\n * > ~0xff80\n * -65409\n *\n * Whoh there, Javascript, that's not quite right. But wait, according to\n * Javascript that's perfectly correct. When Javascript ends up seeing the\n * constant 0xff80, it has no notion that it is actually a signed number. It\n * assumes that we've input the unsigned value 0xff80. Thus, when it does the\n * binary negation, it casts it into a signed value, (positive 0xff80). Then\n * when you perform binary negation on that, it turns it into a negative number.\n *\n * Instead, we're going to have to use the following general formula, that works\n * in a rather Javascript friendly way. I'm glad we don't support this kind of\n * weird numbering scheme in the kernel.\n *\n * (BIT-MAX - (unsigned)val + 1) * -1\n *\n * The astute observer, may think that this doesn't make sense for 8-bit numbers\n * (really it isn't necessary for them). However, when you get 16-bit numbers,\n * you do. Let's go back to our prior example and see how this will look:\n *\n * (0xffff - 0xff80 + 1) * -1\n * (0x007f + 1) * -1\n * (0x0080) * -1\n */\nBuffer.prototype.readInt8 = function(offset, noAssert) {\n var buffer = this;\n var neg;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n neg = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] & 0x80;\n if (!neg) {\n return (buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset]);\n }\n\n return ((0xff - buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] + 1) * -1);\n};\n\nfunction readInt16(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n var neg, val;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 1 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n val = readUInt16(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert);\n neg = val & 0x8000;\n if (!neg) {\n return val;\n }\n\n return (0xffff - val + 1) * -1;\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.readInt16LE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readInt16(this, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readInt16BE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readInt16(this, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction readInt32(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n var neg, val;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n val = readUInt32(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert);\n neg = val & 0x80000000;\n if (!neg) {\n return (val);\n }\n\n return (0xffffffff - val + 1) * -1;\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.readInt32LE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readInt32(this, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readInt32BE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readInt32(this, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction readFloat(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n return require(34).readIEEE754(buffer, offset, isBigEndian,\n 23, 4);\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.readFloatLE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readFloat(this, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readFloatBE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readFloat(this, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction readDouble(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 7 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n return require(34).readIEEE754(buffer, offset, isBigEndian,\n 52, 8);\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.readDoubleLE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readDouble(this, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readDoubleBE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readDouble(this, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\n\n/*\n * We have to make sure that the value is a valid integer. This means that it is\n * non-negative. It has no fractional component and that it does not exceed the\n * maximum allowed value.\n *\n * value The number to check for validity\n *\n * max The maximum value\n */\nfunction verifuint(value, max) {\n assert.ok(typeof (value) == 'number',\n 'cannot write a non-number as a number');\n\n assert.ok(value >= 0,\n 'specified a negative value for writing an unsigned value');\n\n assert.ok(value <= max, 'value is larger than maximum value for type');\n\n assert.ok(Math.floor(value) === value, 'value has a fractional component');\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeUInt8 = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n var buffer = this;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset < buffer.length,\n 'trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifuint(value, 0xff);\n }\n\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] = value;\n};\n\nfunction writeUInt16(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 1 < buffer.length,\n 'trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifuint(value, 0xffff);\n }\n\n if (isBigEndian) {\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] = (value & 0xff00) >>> 8;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] = value & 0x00ff;\n } else {\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] = (value & 0xff00) >>> 8;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] = value & 0x00ff;\n }\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeUInt16(this, value, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeUInt16(this, value, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction writeUInt32(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length,\n 'trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifuint(value, 0xffffffff);\n }\n\n if (isBigEndian) {\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] = (value >>> 24) & 0xff;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] = (value >>> 16) & 0xff;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 2] = (value >>> 8) & 0xff;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 3] = value & 0xff;\n } else {\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 3] = (value >>> 24) & 0xff;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 2] = (value >>> 16) & 0xff;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] = (value >>> 8) & 0xff;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] = value & 0xff;\n }\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeUInt32(this, value, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeUInt32(this, value, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\n\n/*\n * We now move onto our friends in the signed number category. Unlike unsigned\n * numbers, we're going to have to worry a bit more about how we put values into\n * arrays. Since we are only worrying about signed 32-bit values, we're in\n * slightly better shape. Unfortunately, we really can't do our favorite binary\n * & in this system. It really seems to do the wrong thing. For example:\n *\n * > -32 & 0xff\n * 224\n *\n * What's happening above is really: 0xe0 & 0xff = 0xe0. However, the results of\n * this aren't treated as a signed number. Ultimately a bad thing.\n *\n * What we're going to want to do is basically create the unsigned equivalent of\n * our representation and pass that off to the wuint* functions. To do that\n * we're going to do the following:\n *\n * - if the value is positive\n * we can pass it directly off to the equivalent wuint\n * - if the value is negative\n * we do the following computation:\n * mb + val + 1, where\n * mb is the maximum unsigned value in that byte size\n * val is the Javascript negative integer\n *\n *\n * As a concrete value, take -128. In signed 16 bits this would be 0xff80. If\n * you do out the computations:\n *\n * 0xffff - 128 + 1\n * 0xffff - 127\n * 0xff80\n *\n * You can then encode this value as the signed version. This is really rather\n * hacky, but it should work and get the job done which is our goal here.\n */\n\n/*\n * A series of checks to make sure we actually have a signed 32-bit number\n */\nfunction verifsint(value, max, min) {\n assert.ok(typeof (value) == 'number',\n 'cannot write a non-number as a number');\n\n assert.ok(value <= max, 'value larger than maximum allowed value');\n\n assert.ok(value >= min, 'value smaller than minimum allowed value');\n\n assert.ok(Math.floor(value) === value, 'value has a fractional component');\n}\n\nfunction verifIEEE754(value, max, min) {\n assert.ok(typeof (value) == 'number',\n 'cannot write a non-number as a number');\n\n assert.ok(value <= max, 'value larger than maximum allowed value');\n\n assert.ok(value >= min, 'value smaller than minimum allowed value');\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeInt8 = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n var buffer = this;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifsint(value, 0x7f, -0x80);\n }\n\n if (value >= 0) {\n buffer.writeUInt8(value, offset, noAssert);\n } else {\n buffer.writeUInt8(0xff + value + 1, offset, noAssert);\n }\n};\n\nfunction writeInt16(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 1 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifsint(value, 0x7fff, -0x8000);\n }\n\n if (value >= 0) {\n writeUInt16(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert);\n } else {\n writeUInt16(buffer, 0xffff + value + 1, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert);\n }\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeInt16LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeInt16(this, value, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeInt16BE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeInt16(this, value, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction writeInt32(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifsint(value, 0x7fffffff, -0x80000000);\n }\n\n if (value >= 0) {\n writeUInt32(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert);\n } else {\n writeUInt32(buffer, 0xffffffff + value + 1, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert);\n }\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeInt32LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeInt32(this, value, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeInt32BE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeInt32(this, value, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction writeFloat(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifIEEE754(value, 3.4028234663852886e+38, -3.4028234663852886e+38);\n }\n\n require(34).writeIEEE754(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian,\n 23, 4);\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeFloatLE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeFloat(this, value, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeFloatBE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeFloat(this, value, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction writeDouble(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 7 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifIEEE754(value, 1.7976931348623157E+308, -1.7976931348623157E+308);\n }\n\n require(34).writeIEEE754(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian,\n 52, 8);\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeDouble(this, value, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeDouble(this, value, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt8 = Buffer.prototype.readUInt8;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt16LE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt16LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt16BE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt16BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt32LE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt32LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt32BE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt32BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readInt8 = Buffer.prototype.readInt8;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readInt16LE = Buffer.prototype.readInt16LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readInt16BE = Buffer.prototype.readInt16BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readInt32LE = Buffer.prototype.readInt32LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readInt32BE = Buffer.prototype.readInt32BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readFloatLE = Buffer.prototype.readFloatLE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readFloatBE = Buffer.prototype.readFloatBE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readDoubleLE = Buffer.prototype.readDoubleLE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readDoubleBE = Buffer.prototype.readDoubleBE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt8 = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt8;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt8 = Buffer.prototype.writeInt8;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt16LE = Buffer.prototype.writeInt16LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt16BE = Buffer.prototype.writeInt16BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt32LE = Buffer.prototype.writeInt32LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt32BE = Buffer.prototype.writeInt32BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeFloatLE = Buffer.prototype.writeFloatLE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeFloatBE = Buffer.prototype.writeFloatBE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE = Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE = Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE;\n\n/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}(require, require(24).Buffer))\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 24\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer-browserify/index.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer-browserify/index.js");
+ eval("// Routines for working with an account.\n//\n// You should not instantiate this class yourself, instead use Remote#account.\n//\n// Events:\n// wallet_clean\t: True, iff the wallet has been updated.\n// wallet_dirty\t: True, iff the wallet needs to be updated.\n// balance\t\t: The current stamp balance.\n// balance_proposed\n//\n\n// var network = require(\"./network.js\");\n\nvar EventEmitter = require(6).EventEmitter;\nvar util = require(5);\nvar extend = require(2);\n\nvar Amount = require(3).Amount;\nvar UInt160 = require(9).UInt160;\nvar TransactionManager = require(39).TransactionManager;\n\n\nfunction Account(remote, account) {\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n var self = this;\n\n this._tx_manager = null;\n this._remote = remote;\n this._account = UInt160.from_json(account);\n this._account_id = this._account.to_json();\n this._subs = 0;\n\n // Ledger entry object\n // Important: This must never be overwritten, only extend()-ed\n this._entry = { };\n\n function listener_added(type, listener) {\n if (~Account.subscribe_events.indexOf(type)) {\n if (!self._subs && self._remote._connected) {\n self._remote.request_subscribe()\n .accounts(self._account_id)\n .request();\n }\n self._subs += 1;\n }\n }\n\n function listener_removed(type, listener) {\n if (~Account.subscribe_events.indexOf(type)) {\n self._subs -= 1;\n if (!self._subs && self._remote._connected) {\n self._remote.request_unsubscribe()\n .accounts(self._account_id)\n .request();\n }\n }\n }\n\n this.on('newListener', listener_added);\n this.on('removeListener', listener_removed);\n\n function prepare_subscribe(request) {\n if (self._account.is_valid() && self._subs) {\n request.accounts(self._account_id);\n }\n }\n\n this._remote.on('prepare_subscribe', prepare_subscribe);\n\n function handle_transaction(transaction) {\n var changed = false;\n\n transaction.mmeta.each(function(an) {\n var isAccountRoot = an.entryType === 'AccountRoot' \n && an.fields.Account === self._account_id;\n if (isAccountRoot) {\n extend(self._entry, an.fieldsNew, an.fieldsFinal);\n changed = true;\n }\n });\n\n if (changed) {\n self.emit('entry', self._entry);\n }\n }\n\n this.on('transaction', handle_transaction);\n\n return this;\n};\n\nutil.inherits(Account, EventEmitter);\n\n/**\n * List of events that require a remote subscription to the account.\n */\nAccount.subscribe_events = [ 'transaction', 'entry' ];\n\nAccount.prototype.to_json = function () {\n return this._account.to_json();\n};\n\n/**\n * Whether the AccountId is valid.\n *\n * Note: This does not tell you whether the account exists in the ledger.\n */\nAccount.prototype.is_valid = function () {\n return this._account.is_valid();\n};\n\nAccount.prototype.get_info = function(callback) {\n var callback = typeof callback === 'function' ? callback : function(){};\n this._remote.request_account_info(this._account_id, callback);\n};\n\n/**\n * Retrieve the current AccountRoot entry.\n *\n * To keep up-to-date with changes to the AccountRoot entry, subscribe to the\n * \"entry\" event.\n *\n * @param {function (err, entry)} callback Called with the result\n */\nAccount.prototype.entry = function (callback) {\n var self = this;\n var callback = typeof callback === 'function' ? callback : function(){};\n\n this.get_info(function account_info(err, info) {\n if (err) {\n callback(err);\n } else {\n extend(self._entry, info.account_data);\n self.emit('entry', self._entry);\n callback(null, info);\n }\n });\n\n return this;\n};\n\nAccount.prototype.get_next_sequence = function(callback) {\n var callback = typeof callback === 'function' ? callback : function(){};\n\n this.get_info(function account_info(err, info) {\n if (err) {\n callback(err);\n } else {\n callback(null, info.account_data.Sequence); \n }\n });\n\n return this;\n};\n\n/**\n * Retrieve this account's Ripple trust lines.\n *\n * To keep up-to-date with changes to the AccountRoot entry, subscribe to the\n * \"lines\" event. (Not yet implemented.)\n *\n * @param {function (err, lines)} callback Called with the result\n */\nAccount.prototype.lines = function (callback) {\n var self = this;\n var callback = typeof callback === 'function' ? callback : function(){};\n\n function account_lines(err, lines) {\n if (err) {\n callback(err);\n } else {\n self._lines = e.lines;\n self.emit('lines', self._lines);\n callback(null, e);\n }\n }\n\n this._remote.request_account_lines(this._account_id, account_lines);\n\n return this;\n};\n\n/**\n * Notify object of a relevant transaction.\n *\n * This is only meant to be called by the Remote class. You should never have to\n * call this yourself.\n */\nAccount.prototype.notifyTx = function (message) {\n // Only trigger the event if the account object is actually\n // subscribed - this prevents some weird phantom events from\n // occurring.\n if (this._subs) {\n this.emit('transaction', message);\n if (!message.transaction.Account) return;\n var account = message.transaction.Account;\n if (account === this._account_id) {\n this.emit('transaction-outbound', message);\n } else {\n this.emit('transaction-inbound', message);\n }\n }\n};\n\nAccount.prototype.submit = function(tx) {\n if (!this._tx_manager) {\n this._tx_manager = new TransactionManager(this);\n }\n this._tx_manager.submit(tx);\n};\n\nexports.Account = Account;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 24\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/account.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/account.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 25:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("module.exports = function(module) {\r\n\tif(!module.webpackPolyfill) {\r\n\t\tmodule.deprecate = function() {};\r\n\t\tmodule.paths = [];\r\n\t\t// module.parent = undefined by default\r\n\t\tmodule.children = [];\r\n\t\tmodule.webpackPolyfill = 1;\r\n\t}\r\n\treturn module;\r\n}\r\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 25\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/buildin/module.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/buildin/module.js");
+ eval("// Routines for working with an orderbook.\n//\n// One OrderBook object represents one half of an order book. (i.e. bids OR\n// asks) Which one depends on the ordering of the parameters.\n//\n// Events:\n// - transaction A transaction that affects the order book.\n\n// var network = require(\"./network.js\");\n\nvar EventEmitter = require(6).EventEmitter;\nvar util = require(5);\n\nvar Amount = require(3).Amount;\nvar UInt160 = require(9).UInt160;\nvar Currency = require(11).Currency;\n\nvar extend = require(2);\n\nvar OrderBook = function (remote, currency_gets, issuer_gets, currency_pays, issuer_pays) {\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n var self = this;\n\n this._remote = remote;\n this._currency_gets = currency_gets;\n this._issuer_gets = issuer_gets;\n this._currency_pays = currency_pays;\n this._issuer_pays = issuer_pays;\n this._subs = 0;\n\n // We consider ourselves synchronized if we have a current copy of the offers,\n // we are online and subscribed to updates.\n this._sync = false;\n\n // Offers\n this._offers = [];\n\n this.on('newListener', function (type, listener) {\n if (OrderBook.subscribe_events.indexOf(type) !== -1) {\n if (!self._subs && 'open' === self._remote._online_state) {\n self._subscribe();\n }\n self._subs += 1;\n }\n });\n\n this.on('removeListener', function (type, listener) {\n if (~OrderBook.subscribe_events.indexOf(type)) {\n self._subs -= 1;\n if (!self._subs && self._remote._connected) {\n self._sync = false;\n self._remote.request_unsubscribe()\n .books([self.to_json()])\n .request();\n }\n }\n });\n\n this._remote.on('connect', function () {\n if (self._subs) {\n self._subscribe();\n }\n });\n\n this._remote.on('disconnect', function () {\n self._sync = false;\n });\n\n return this;\n};\n\nutil.inherits(OrderBook, EventEmitter);\n\n/**\n * List of events that require a remote subscription to the orderbook.\n */\nOrderBook.subscribe_events = ['transaction', 'model', 'trade'];\n\n/**\n * Subscribes to orderbook.\n *\n * @private\n */\nOrderBook.prototype._subscribe = function () {\n var self = this;\n self._remote.request_subscribe()\n .books([self.to_json()], true)\n .on('error', function () {\n // XXX What now?\n })\n .on('success', function (res) {\n self._sync = true;\n self._offers = res.offers;\n self.emit('model', self._offers);\n })\n .request();\n};\n\nOrderBook.prototype.to_json = function () {\n var json = {\n 'taker_gets': {\n 'currency': this._currency_gets\n },\n 'taker_pays': {\n 'currency': this._currency_pays\n }\n };\n\n if (this._currency_gets !== 'XRP')\n json['taker_gets']['issuer'] = this._issuer_gets;\n\n if (this._currency_pays !== 'XRP')\n json['taker_pays']['issuer'] = this._issuer_pays;\n\n return json;\n};\n\n/**\n * Whether the OrderBook is valid.\n *\n * Note: This only checks whether the parameters (currencies and issuer) are\n * syntactically valid. It does not check anything against the ledger.\n */\nOrderBook.prototype.is_valid = function () {\n // XXX Should check for same currency (non-native) && same issuer\n return (\n Currency.is_valid(this._currency_pays) &&\n (this._currency_pays === 'XRP' || UInt160.is_valid(this._issuer_pays)) &&\n Currency.is_valid(this._currency_gets) &&\n (this._currency_gets === 'XRP' || UInt160.is_valid(this._issuer_gets)) &&\n !(this._currency_pays === 'XRP' && this._currency_gets === 'XRP')\n );\n};\n\nOrderBook.prototype.trade = function(type) {\n var tradeStr = '0'\n + (this['_currency_' + type] === 'XRP') ? '' : '/' \n + this['_currency_' + type ] + '/' \n + this['_issuer_' + type];\n return Amount.from_json(tradeStr);\n};\n\n/**\n * Notify object of a relevant transaction.\n *\n * This is only meant to be called by the Remote class. You should never have to\n * call this yourself.\n */\nOrderBook.prototype.notifyTx = function (message) {\n var self = this;\n var changed = false;\n var trade_gets = this.trade('gets');\n var trade_pays = this.trade('pays');\n\n message.mmeta.each(function (an) {\n if (an.entryType !== 'Offer') return;\n\n var i, l, offer;\n\n switch(an.diffType) {\n case 'DeletedNode':\n case 'ModifiedNode':\n var deletedNode = an.diffType === 'DeletedNode';\n\n for (i = 0, l = self._offers.length; i < l; i++) {\n offer = self._offers[i];\n if (offer.index === an.ledgerIndex) {\n if (deletedNode) {\n self._offers.splice(i, 1);\n } else {\n extend(offer, an.fieldsFinal);\n }\n changed = true;\n break;\n }\n }\n\n // We don't want to count a OfferCancel as a trade\n if (message.transaction.TransactionType === 'OfferCancel') return;\n\n trade_gets = trade_gets.add(an.fieldsPrev.TakerGets);\n trade_pays = trade_pays.add(an.fieldsPrev.TakerPays);\n\n if (!deletedNode) {\n trade_gets = trade_gets.subtract(an.fieldsFinal.TakerGets);\n trade_pays = trade_pays.subtract(an.fieldsFinal.TakerPays);\n }\n break;\n \n case 'CreatedNode':\n var price = Amount.from_json(an.fields.TakerPays).ratio_human(an.fields.TakerGets);\n\n for (i = 0, l = self._offers.length; i < l; i++) {\n offer = self._offers[i];\n var priceItem = Amount.from_json(offer.TakerPays).ratio_human(offer.TakerGets);\n\n if (price.compareTo(priceItem) <= 0) {\n var obj = an.fields;\n obj.index = an.ledgerIndex;\n self._offers.splice(i, 0, an.fields);\n changed = true;\n break;\n }\n }\n break;\n }\n });\n\n // Only trigger the event if the account object is actually\n // subscribed - this prevents some weird phantom events from\n // occurring.\n if (this._subs) {\n this.emit('transaction', message);\n if (changed) this.emit('model', this._offers);\n if (!trade_gets.is_zero()) this.emit('trade', trade_pays, trade_gets);\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Get offers model asynchronously.\n *\n * This function takes a callback and calls it with an array containing the\n * current set of offers in this order book.\n *\n * If the data is available immediately, the callback may be called synchronously.\n */\nOrderBook.prototype.offers = function (callback) {\n var self = this;\n if (typeof callback === 'function') {\n if (this._sync) {\n callback(this._offers);\n } else {\n this.once('model', callback);\n }\n }\n return this;\n};\n\n/**\n * Return latest known offers.\n *\n * Usually, this will just be an empty array if the order book hasn't been\n * loaded yet. But this accessor may be convenient in some circumstances.\n */\nOrderBook.prototype.offersSync = function () {\n return this._offers;\n};\n\nexports.OrderBook = OrderBook;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 25\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/orderbook.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/orderbook.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 26:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("// If there is no WebSocket, try MozWebSocket (support for some old browsers)\ntry {\n module.exports = WebSocket\n} catch(err) {\n module.exports = MozWebSocket\n}\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 26\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./web_modules/ws.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./web_modules/ws.js");
+ eval("//\n// Seed support\n//\n\nvar sjcl = require(1);\nvar utils = require(4);\nvar jsbn = require(7);\nvar extend = require(2);\n\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\n\nvar Base = require(10).Base,\n UInt = require(15).UInt,\n UInt256 = require(16).UInt256,\n KeyPair = require(35).KeyPair;\n\nvar Seed = extend(function () {\n // Internal form: NaN or BigInteger\n this._curve = sjcl.ecc.curves['c256'];\n this._value = NaN;\n}, UInt);\n\nSeed.width = 16;\nSeed.prototype = extend({}, UInt.prototype);\nSeed.prototype.constructor = Seed;\n\n// value = NaN on error.\n// One day this will support rfc1751 too.\nSeed.prototype.parse_json = function (j) {\n if ('string' === typeof j) {\n if (!j.length) {\n this._value = NaN;\n // XXX Should actually always try and continue if it failed.\n } else if (j[0] === \"s\") {\n this._value = Base.decode_check(Base.VER_FAMILY_SEED, j);\n } else if (j.length === 32) {\n this._value = this.parse_hex(j);\n // XXX Should also try 1751\n } else {\n this.parse_passphrase(j);\n }\n } else {\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nSeed.prototype.parse_passphrase = function (j) {\n if (\"string\" !== typeof j) {\n throw new Error(\"Passphrase must be a string\");\n }\n\n var hash = sjcl.hash.sha512.hash(sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(j));\n var bits = sjcl.bitArray.bitSlice(hash, 0, 128);\n\n this.parse_bits(bits);\n\n return this;\n};\n\nSeed.prototype.to_json = function () {\n if (!(this._value instanceof BigInteger))\n return NaN;\n\n var output = Base.encode_check(Base.VER_FAMILY_SEED, this.to_bytes());\n\n return output;\n};\n\nfunction append_int(a, i) {\n return [].concat(a, i >> 24, (i >> 16) & 0xff, (i >> 8) & 0xff, i & 0xff);\n}\n\nfunction firstHalfOfSHA512(bytes) {\n return sjcl.bitArray.bitSlice(\n sjcl.hash.sha512.hash(sjcl.codec.bytes.toBits(bytes)),\n 0, 256\n );\n}\n\nfunction SHA256_RIPEMD160(bits) {\n return sjcl.hash.ripemd160.hash(sjcl.hash.sha256.hash(bits));\n}\n\nSeed.prototype.get_key = function (account_id) {\n if (!this.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Cannot generate keys from invalid seed!\");\n }\n // XXX Should loop over keys until we find the right one\n\n var curve = this._curve;\n\n var seq = 0;\n\n var private_gen, public_gen, i = 0;\n do {\n private_gen = sjcl.bn.fromBits(firstHalfOfSHA512(append_int(this.to_bytes(), i)));\n i++;\n } while (!curve.r.greaterEquals(private_gen));\n\n public_gen = curve.G.mult(private_gen);\n\n var sec;\n i = 0;\n do {\n sec = sjcl.bn.fromBits(firstHalfOfSHA512(append_int(append_int(public_gen.toBytesCompressed(), seq), i)));\n i++;\n } while (!curve.r.greaterEquals(sec));\n\n sec = sec.add(private_gen).mod(curve.r);\n\n return KeyPair.from_bn_secret(sec);\n};\n\nexports.Seed = Seed;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 26\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/seed.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/seed.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 27:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("var EventEmitter = exports.EventEmitter = function EventEmitter() {};\nvar isArray = require(35);\nvar indexOf = require(36);\n\n\n\n// By default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than\n// 10 listeners are added to it. This is a useful default which\n// helps finding memory leaks.\n//\n// Obviously not all Emitters should be limited to 10. This function allows\n// that to be increased. Set to zero for unlimited.\nvar defaultMaxListeners = 10;\nEventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function(n) {\n if (!this._events) this._events = {};\n this._maxListeners = n;\n};\n\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.emit = function(type) {\n // If there is no 'error' event listener then throw.\n if (type === 'error') {\n if (!this._events || !this._events.error ||\n (isArray(this._events.error) && !this._events.error.length))\n {\n if (arguments[1] instanceof Error) {\n throw arguments[1]; // Unhandled 'error' event\n } else {\n throw new Error(\"Uncaught, unspecified 'error' event.\");\n }\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n if (!this._events) return false;\n var handler = this._events[type];\n if (!handler) return false;\n\n if (typeof handler == 'function') {\n switch (arguments.length) {\n // fast cases\n case 1:\n handler.call(this);\n break;\n case 2:\n handler.call(this, arguments[1]);\n break;\n case 3:\n handler.call(this, arguments[1], arguments[2]);\n break;\n // slower\n default:\n var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);\n handler.apply(this, args);\n }\n return true;\n\n } else if (isArray(handler)) {\n var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);\n\n var listeners = handler.slice();\n for (var i = 0, l = listeners.length; i < l; i++) {\n listeners[i].apply(this, args);\n }\n return true;\n\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n};\n\n// EventEmitter is defined in src/node_events.cc\n// EventEmitter.prototype.emit() is also defined there.\nEventEmitter.prototype.addListener = function(type, listener) {\n if ('function' !== typeof listener) {\n throw new Error('addListener only takes instances of Function');\n }\n\n if (!this._events) this._events = {};\n\n // To avoid recursion in the case that type == \"newListeners\"! Before\n // adding it to the listeners, first emit \"newListeners\".\n this.emit('newListener', type, listener);\n if (!this._events[type]) {\n // Optimize the case of one listener. Don't need the extra array object.\n this._events[type] = listener;\n } else if (isArray(this._events[type])) {\n\n // If we've already got an array, just append.\n this._events[type].push(listener);\n\n } else {\n // Adding the second element, need to change to array.\n this._events[type] = [this._events[type], listener];\n }\n\n // Check for listener leak\n if (isArray(this._events[type]) && !this._events[type].warned) {\n var m;\n if (this._maxListeners !== undefined) {\n m = this._maxListeners;\n } else {\n m = defaultMaxListeners;\n }\n\n if (m && m > 0 && this._events[type].length > m) {\n this._events[type].warned = true;\n console.error('(events) warning: possible EventEmitter memory ' +\n 'leak detected. %d listeners added. ' +\n 'Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.',\n this._events[type].length);\n console.trace();\n }\n }\n return this;\n};\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.on = EventEmitter.prototype.addListener;\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.once = function(type, listener) {\n if ('function' !== typeof listener) {\n throw new Error('.once only takes instances of Function');\n }\n\n var self = this;\n function g() {\n self.removeListener(type, g);\n listener.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n\n g.listener = listener;\n self.on(type, g);\n\n return this;\n};\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function(type, listener) {\n if ('function' !== typeof listener) {\n throw new Error('removeListener only takes instances of Function');\n }\n\n // does not use listeners(), so no side effect of creating _events[type]\n if (!this._events || !this._events[type]) return this;\n\n var list = this._events[type];\n\n if (isArray(list)) {\n var position = -1;\n for (var i = 0, length = list.length; i < length; i++) {\n if (list[i] === listener ||\n (list[i].listener && list[i].listener === listener))\n {\n position = i;\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (position < 0) return this;\n list.splice(position, 1);\n if (list.length == 0)\n delete this._events[type];\n } else if (list === listener ||\n (list.listener && list.listener === listener)) {\n delete this._events[type];\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(type) {\n if (arguments.length === 0) {\n this._events = {};\n return this;\n }\n\n // does not use listeners(), so no side effect of creating _events[type]\n if (type && this._events && this._events[type]) this._events[type] = null;\n return this;\n};\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function(type) {\n if (!this._events) this._events = {};\n if (!this._events[type]) this._events[type] = [];\n if (!isArray(this._events[type])) {\n this._events[type] = [this._events[type]];\n }\n return this._events[type];\n};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 27\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/lib/events.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/lib/events.js");
+ eval("/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(require, Buffer) {var binformat = require(17),\n sjcl = require(1),\n extend = require(2),\n stypes = require(28);\n\nvar UInt256 = require(16).UInt256;\n\nvar SerializedObject = function (buf) {\n if (Array.isArray(buf) || (Buffer && Buffer.isBuffer(buf)) ) {\n this.buffer = buf;\n } else if (\"string\" === typeof buf) {\n this.buffer = sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits(sjcl.codec.hex.toBits(buf));\n } else if (!buf) {\n this.buffer = [];\n } else {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid buffer passed.\");\n }\n this.pointer = 0;\n};\n\nSerializedObject.from_json = function (obj) {\n var typedef;\n var so = new SerializedObject();\n\n // Create a copy of the object so we don't modify it\n obj = extend({}, obj);\n\n if (\"number\" === typeof obj.TransactionType) {\n obj.TransactionType = SerializedObject.lookup_type_tx(obj.TransactionType);\n\n if (!obj.TransactionType) {\n throw new Error(\"Transaction type ID is invalid.\");\n }\n }\n\n if (\"string\" === typeof obj.TransactionType) {\n typedef = binformat.tx[obj.TransactionType].slice();\n\n obj.TransactionType = typedef.shift();\n } else if (\"undefined\" !== typeof obj.LedgerEntryType) {\n // XXX: TODO\n throw new Error(\"Ledger entry binary format not yet implemented.\");\n } else throw new Error(\"Object to be serialized must contain either \" +\n \"TransactionType or LedgerEntryType.\");\n\n so.serialize(typedef, obj);\n\n return so;\n};\n\nSerializedObject.prototype.append = function (bytes) {\n this.buffer = this.buffer.concat(bytes);\n this.pointer += bytes.length;\n};\n\nSerializedObject.prototype.resetPointer = function () {\n this.pointer = 0;\n};\n\n/*\nSerializedObject.prototype.read = function (numberOfBytes) {\n var start = this.pointer;\n var end = start+numberOfBytes;\n if (end > this.buffer.length) {\n\tthrow new Error(\"There aren't that many bytes left to read.\");\n } else {\n\tvar result = this.buffer.slice(start,end);\n\tthis.pointer = end;\n\treturn result;\n }\n};\n*/\n\nvar readOrPeek = function (advance) {\n return function(numberOfBytes) {\n\t var start = this.pointer;\n\t var end = start+numberOfBytes;\n\t if (end > this.buffer.length) {\n\t\tthrow new Error(\"There aren't that many bytes left.\");\n\t } else {\n\t\tvar result = this.buffer.slice(start,end);\n\t\tif (advance) {this.pointer = end;}\n\t\treturn result;\n\t }\n }\n}\nSerializedObject.prototype.read = readOrPeek(true);\nSerializedObject.prototype.peek = readOrPeek(false);\n\n\nSerializedObject.prototype.to_bits = function ()\n{\n return sjcl.codec.bytes.toBits(this.buffer);\n};\n\nSerializedObject.prototype.to_hex = function () {\n return sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(this.to_bits()).toUpperCase();\n};\n\n\n\n\nvar TRANSACTION_TYPES = {\n\t0:\"Payment\",\n\t3:\"AccountSet\",\n\t5:\"SetRegularKey\",\n\t7:\"OfferCreate\",\n\t8:\"OfferCancel\",\n\t9:\"Contract\",\n\t10:\"RemoveContract\",\n\t20:\"TrustSet\",\n\t100:\"EnableFeature\",\n\t101:\"SetFee\"\n};\n\nSerializedObject.prototype.to_json = function() {\n\tvar old_pointer = this.pointer;\n\tthis.resetPointer();\n\tvar output = {};\n\twhile (true) {\n\t\tvar key_and_value = stypes.parse_whatever(this);\n\t\tvar key = key_and_value[0];\n\t\tvar value = key_and_value[1];\n\t\toutput[key] = jsonify_structure(value,key);\n\t\tif (this.pointer == this.buffer.length) {\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t} else if (this.pointer > this.buffer.length) {\n\t\t\tconsole.log(\"WARNING: Buffer length exceeded during SerializedObject.to_json\");\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tthis.pointer = old_pointer;\n\treturn output;\n}\n\nfunction jsonify_structure(thing,field_name) {\n\tvar output;\n\tvar typeof_thing = typeof thing;\n\tif (\"number\" === typeof thing) { //Special codes\n\t\tif (field_name) {\n\t\t\tif (field_name === \"LedgerEntryType\") {\n\t\t\t\toutput = thing; //TODO: Do we have special codes for LedgerEntryType?\n\t\t\t} else if (field_name === \"TransactionType\") {\n\t\t\t\toutput = TRANSACTION_TYPES[thing] || thing;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\toutput = thing;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\toutput = thing;\n\t\t}\n\t} else if (\"object\" === typeof thing &&\n \"function\" === typeof thing.to_json) {\n\t\toutput = thing.to_json();\n\t} else if (Array.isArray(thing)) {\n\t\t//console.log(\"here2\");\n\t\t//iterate over array []\n\t\toutput = [];\n\t\tfor (var i=0; i< thing.length; i++) {\n\t\t\toutput.push(jsonify_structure(thing[i]));\n\t\t}\n\t} else if (\"object\" === typeof thing) {\n\t\t//console.log(\"here1\", thing);\n\t\t//iterate over object {}\n\t\toutput = {};\n\t\tvar keys = Object.keys(thing);\n\t\tfor (var i=0; i 0xf) buffer.push(type_id & 0xff);\n else buffer[0] += (type_id & 0xf) << 4;\n\n if (field_id > 0xf) buffer.push(field_id & 0xff);\n else buffer[0] += field_id & 0xf;\n\n return buffer;\n};\n\nfunction sort_field_compare(a, b) {\n // Sort by type id first, then by field id\n return a[3].id !== b[3].id ?\n a[3].id - b[3].id :\n a[2] - b[2];\n};\nSerializedObject._sort_typedef = function (typedef) {\n return typedef.sort(sort_field_compare);\n};\n\nSerializedObject.lookup_type_tx = function (id) {\n for (var i in binformat.tx) {\n if (!binformat.tx.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;\n\n if (binformat.tx[i][0] === id) {\n return i;\n }\n }\n\n return null;\n};\n\n\nexports.SerializedObject = SerializedObject;\n\n/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}(require, require(13).Buffer))\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 27\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/serializedobject.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/serializedobject.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 28:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("var events = require(27);\n\nvar isArray = require(35);\nvar Object_keys = require(37);\nvar Object_getOwnPropertyNames = require(38);\nvar Object_create = require(39);\nvar isRegExp = require(40);\n\nexports.isArray = isArray;\nexports.isDate = isDate;\nexports.isRegExp = isRegExp;\n\n\nexports.print = function () {};\nexports.puts = function () {};\nexports.debug = function() {};\n\nexports.inspect = function(obj, showHidden, depth, colors) {\n var seen = [];\n\n var stylize = function(str, styleType) {\n // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#graphics\n var styles =\n { 'bold' : [1, 22],\n 'italic' : [3, 23],\n 'underline' : [4, 24],\n 'inverse' : [7, 27],\n 'white' : [37, 39],\n 'grey' : [90, 39],\n 'black' : [30, 39],\n 'blue' : [34, 39],\n 'cyan' : [36, 39],\n 'green' : [32, 39],\n 'magenta' : [35, 39],\n 'red' : [31, 39],\n 'yellow' : [33, 39] };\n\n var style =\n { 'special': 'cyan',\n 'number': 'blue',\n 'boolean': 'yellow',\n 'undefined': 'grey',\n 'null': 'bold',\n 'string': 'green',\n 'date': 'magenta',\n // \"name\": intentionally not styling\n 'regexp': 'red' }[styleType];\n\n if (style) {\n return '\\033[' + styles[style][0] + 'm' + str +\n '\\033[' + styles[style][1] + 'm';\n } else {\n return str;\n }\n };\n if (! colors) {\n stylize = function(str, styleType) { return str; };\n }\n\n function format(value, recurseTimes) {\n // Provide a hook for user-specified inspect functions.\n // Check that value is an object with an inspect function on it\n if (value && typeof value.inspect === 'function' &&\n // Filter out the util module, it's inspect function is special\n value !== exports &&\n // Also filter out any prototype objects using the circular check.\n !(value.constructor && value.constructor.prototype === value)) {\n return value.inspect(recurseTimes);\n }\n\n // Primitive types cannot have properties\n switch (typeof value) {\n case 'undefined':\n return stylize('undefined', 'undefined');\n\n case 'string':\n var simple = '\\'' + JSON.stringify(value).replace(/^\"|\"$/g, '')\n .replace(/'/g, \"\\\\'\")\n .replace(/\\\\\"/g, '\"') + '\\'';\n return stylize(simple, 'string');\n\n case 'number':\n return stylize('' + value, 'number');\n\n case 'boolean':\n return stylize('' + value, 'boolean');\n }\n // For some reason typeof null is \"object\", so special case here.\n if (value === null) {\n return stylize('null', 'null');\n }\n\n // Look up the keys of the object.\n var visible_keys = Object_keys(value);\n var keys = showHidden ? Object_getOwnPropertyNames(value) : visible_keys;\n\n // Functions without properties can be shortcutted.\n if (typeof value === 'function' && keys.length === 0) {\n if (isRegExp(value)) {\n return stylize('' + value, 'regexp');\n } else {\n var name = value.name ? ': ' + value.name : '';\n return stylize('[Function' + name + ']', 'special');\n }\n }\n\n // Dates without properties can be shortcutted\n if (isDate(value) && keys.length === 0) {\n return stylize(value.toUTCString(), 'date');\n }\n\n var base, type, braces;\n // Determine the object type\n if (isArray(value)) {\n type = 'Array';\n braces = ['[', ']'];\n } else {\n type = 'Object';\n braces = ['{', '}'];\n }\n\n // Make functions say that they are functions\n if (typeof value === 'function') {\n var n = value.name ? ': ' + value.name : '';\n base = (isRegExp(value)) ? ' ' + value : ' [Function' + n + ']';\n } else {\n base = '';\n }\n\n // Make dates with properties first say the date\n if (isDate(value)) {\n base = ' ' + value.toUTCString();\n }\n\n if (keys.length === 0) {\n return braces[0] + base + braces[1];\n }\n\n if (recurseTimes < 0) {\n if (isRegExp(value)) {\n return stylize('' + value, 'regexp');\n } else {\n return stylize('[Object]', 'special');\n }\n }\n\n seen.push(value);\n\n var output = keys.map(function(key) {\n var name, str;\n if (value.__lookupGetter__) {\n if (value.__lookupGetter__(key)) {\n if (value.__lookupSetter__(key)) {\n str = stylize('[Getter/Setter]', 'special');\n } else {\n str = stylize('[Getter]', 'special');\n }\n } else {\n if (value.__lookupSetter__(key)) {\n str = stylize('[Setter]', 'special');\n }\n }\n }\n if (visible_keys.indexOf(key) < 0) {\n name = '[' + key + ']';\n }\n if (!str) {\n if (seen.indexOf(value[key]) < 0) {\n if (recurseTimes === null) {\n str = format(value[key]);\n } else {\n str = format(value[key], recurseTimes - 1);\n }\n if (str.indexOf('\\n') > -1) {\n if (isArray(value)) {\n str = str.split('\\n').map(function(line) {\n return ' ' + line;\n }).join('\\n').substr(2);\n } else {\n str = '\\n' + str.split('\\n').map(function(line) {\n return ' ' + line;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n }\n } else {\n str = stylize('[Circular]', 'special');\n }\n }\n if (typeof name === 'undefined') {\n if (type === 'Array' && key.match(/^\\d+$/)) {\n return str;\n }\n name = JSON.stringify('' + key);\n if (name.match(/^\"([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\"$/)) {\n name = name.substr(1, name.length - 2);\n name = stylize(name, 'name');\n } else {\n name = name.replace(/'/g, \"\\\\'\")\n .replace(/\\\\\"/g, '\"')\n .replace(/(^\"|\"$)/g, \"'\");\n name = stylize(name, 'string');\n }\n }\n\n return name + ': ' + str;\n });\n\n seen.pop();\n\n var numLinesEst = 0;\n var length = output.reduce(function(prev, cur) {\n numLinesEst++;\n if (cur.indexOf('\\n') >= 0) numLinesEst++;\n return prev + cur.length + 1;\n }, 0);\n\n if (length > 50) {\n output = braces[0] +\n (base === '' ? '' : base + '\\n ') +\n ' ' +\n output.join(',\\n ') +\n ' ' +\n braces[1];\n\n } else {\n output = braces[0] + base + ' ' + output.join(', ') + ' ' + braces[1];\n }\n\n return output;\n }\n return format(obj, (typeof depth === 'undefined' ? 2 : depth));\n};\n\n\nfunction isDate(d) {\n if (d instanceof Date) return true;\n if (typeof d !== 'object') return false;\n var properties = Date.prototype && Object_getOwnPropertyNames(Date.prototype);\n var proto = d.__proto__ && Object_getOwnPropertyNames(d.__proto__);\n return JSON.stringify(proto) === JSON.stringify(properties);\n}\n\nfunction pad(n) {\n return n < 10 ? '0' + n.toString(10) : n.toString(10);\n}\n\nvar months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep',\n 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];\n\n// 26 Feb 16:19:34\nfunction timestamp() {\n var d = new Date();\n var time = [pad(d.getHours()),\n pad(d.getMinutes()),\n pad(d.getSeconds())].join(':');\n return [d.getDate(), months[d.getMonth()], time].join(' ');\n}\n\nexports.log = function (msg) {};\n\nexports.pump = null;\n\nexports.inherits = function(ctor, superCtor) {\n ctor.super_ = superCtor;\n ctor.prototype = Object_create(superCtor.prototype, {\n constructor: {\n value: ctor,\n enumerable: false,\n writable: true,\n configurable: true\n }\n });\n};\n\nvar formatRegExp = /%[sdj%]/g;\nexports.format = function(f) {\n if (typeof f !== 'string') {\n var objects = [];\n for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n objects.push(exports.inspect(arguments[i]));\n }\n return objects.join(' ');\n }\n\n var i = 1;\n var args = arguments;\n var len = args.length;\n var str = String(f).replace(formatRegExp, function(x) {\n if (x === '%%') return '%';\n if (i >= len) return x;\n switch (x) {\n case '%s': return String(args[i++]);\n case '%d': return Number(args[i++]);\n case '%j': return JSON.stringify(args[i++]);\n default:\n return x;\n }\n });\n for(var x = args[i]; i < len; x = args[++i]){\n if (x === null || typeof x !== 'object') {\n str += ' ' + x;\n } else {\n str += ' ' + exports.inspect(x);\n }\n }\n return str;\n};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 28\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/lib/util.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/lib/util.js");
+ eval("/**\n * Type definitions for binary format.\n *\n * This file should not be included directly. Instead, find the format you're\n * trying to parse or serialize in binformat.js and pass that to\n * SerializedObject.parse() or SerializedObject.serialize().\n */\n\nvar extend = require(2),\n utils = require(4),\n sjcl = require(1);\n\nvar amount = require(3),\n UInt128 = require(41).UInt128,\n UInt160 = require(9).UInt160,\n UInt256 = require(16).UInt256,\n Amount = amount.Amount,\n Currency= amount.Currency;\n\n// Shortcuts\nvar hex = sjcl.codec.hex,\n bytes = sjcl.codec.bytes;\n\nvar jsbn = require(7);\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\n\n\nvar SerializedType = function (methods) {\n extend(this, methods);\n};\n\nfunction serialize_hex(so, hexData, noLength) {\n var byteData = bytes.fromBits(hex.toBits(hexData));\n if (!noLength) {\n SerializedType.serialize_varint(so, byteData.length);\n }\n so.append(byteData);\n};\n\n\n\n/**\n * parses bytes as hex\n */\nfunction convert_bytes_to_hex (byte_array) {\n return sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(sjcl.codec.bytes.toBits(byte_array)).toUpperCase();\n}\n\nSerializedType.serialize_varint = function (so, val) {\n if (val < 0) {\n throw new Error(\"Variable integers are unsigned.\");\n }\n if (val <= 192) {\n so.append([val]);\n } else if (val <= 12,480) {\n val -= 193;\n so.append([193 + (val >>> 8), val & 0xff]);\n } else if (val <= 918744) {\n val -= 12481;\n so.append([\n 241 + (val >>> 16),\n val >>> 8 & 0xff,\n val & 0xff\n ]);\n } else throw new Error(\"Variable integer overflow.\");\n};\n\n\nSerializedType.prototype.parse_varint = function (so) {\n var b1 = so.read(1)[0], b2, b3;\n if (b1 <= 192) {\n return b1;\n } else if (b1 <= 240) {\n b2 = so.read(1)[0];\n return 193 + (b1-193)*256 + b2;\n } else if (b1 <= 254) {\n b2 = so.read(1)[0];\n b3 = so.read(1)[0];\n return 12481 + (b1-241)*65536 + b2*256 + b3\n }\n else {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid varint length indicator\");\n }\n};\n\n\n\n\n\n// In the following, we assume that the inputs are in the proper range. Is this correct?\n\n// Helper functions for 1-, 2-, and 4-byte integers.\n\n/**\n * Convert an integer value into an array of bytes.\n *\n * The result is appended to the serialized object (\"so\").\n */\nfunction append_byte_array(so, val, bytes) {\n if (\"number\" !== typeof val) {\n throw new Error(\"Integer is not a number\");\n }\n if (val < 0 || val >= (Math.pow(256, bytes))) {\n throw new Error(\"Integer out of bounds\");\n }\n var newBytes = [];\n for (var i=0; i>> (i*8) & 0xff);\n }\n so.append(newBytes);\n}\n\n// Convert a certain number of bytes from the serialized object (\"so\") into an integer.\nfunction readAndSum(so, bytes) {\n var sum = 0;\n for (var i = 0; i 16) {\n throw new Error(\"Int64 is too large\");\n }\n while (hex.length < 16) {\n hex = \"0\" + hex;\n }\n return serialize_hex(so, hex, true); //noLength = true\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n var hi = readAndSum(so, 4);\n var lo = readAndSum(so, 4);\n\n var result = new BigInteger(\"\"+hi);\n result.shiftLeft(32);\n result.add(lo);\n return result;\n }\n});\n\nvar STHash128 = exports.Hash128 = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var hash = UInt128.from_json(val);\n if (!hash.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid Hash128\");\n }\n serialize_hex(so, hash.to_hex(), true); //noLength = true\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n return UInt128.from_bytes(so.read(16));\n }\n});\n\nvar STHash256 = exports.Hash256 = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var hash = UInt256.from_json(val);\n if (!hash.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid Hash256\");\n }\n serialize_hex(so, hash.to_hex(), true); //noLength = true\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n return UInt256.from_bytes(so.read(32));\n }\n});\n\nvar STHash160 = exports.Hash160 = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var hash = UInt160.from_json(val);\n if (!hash.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid Hash160\");\n }\n serialize_hex(so, hash.to_hex(), true); //noLength = true\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n return UInt160.from_bytes(so.read(20));\n }\n});\n\n// Internal\nvar STCurrency = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var currency = val.to_json();\n if (\"XRP\" === currency) {\n serialize_hex(so, UInt160.HEX_ZERO, true);\n } else if (\"string\" === typeof currency && currency.length === 3) {\n var currencyCode = currency.toUpperCase(),\n currencyData = utils.arraySet(20, 0);\n\n if (!/^[A-Z]{3}$/.test(currencyCode) || currencyCode === \"XRP\" ) {\n throw new Error('Invalid currency code');\n }\n\n currencyData[12] = currencyCode.charCodeAt(0) & 0xff;\n currencyData[13] = currencyCode.charCodeAt(1) & 0xff;\n currencyData[14] = currencyCode.charCodeAt(2) & 0xff;\n\n so.append(currencyData);\n } else {\n throw new Error('Tried to serialize invalid/unimplemented currency type.');\n }\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n var bytes = so.read(20);\n var currency = Currency.from_bytes(bytes);\n // XXX Disabled check. Theoretically, the Currency class should support any\n // UInt160 value and consider it valid. But it doesn't, so for the\n // deserialization to be usable, we need to allow invalid results for now.\n //if (!currency.is_valid()) {\n // throw new Error(\"Invalid currency: \"+convert_bytes_to_hex(bytes));\n //}\n return currency;\n }\n});\n\nvar STAmount = exports.Amount = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var amount = Amount.from_json(val);\n if (!amount.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Not a valid Amount object.\");\n }\n\n // Amount (64-bit integer)\n var valueBytes = utils.arraySet(8, 0);\n if (amount.is_native()) {\n var valueHex = amount._value.toString(16);\n\n // Enforce correct length (64 bits)\n if (valueHex.length > 16) {\n throw new Error('Value out of bounds');\n }\n while (valueHex.length < 16) {\n valueHex = \"0\" + valueHex;\n }\n\n valueBytes = bytes.fromBits(hex.toBits(valueHex));\n // Clear most significant two bits - these bits should already be 0 if\n // Amount enforces the range correctly, but we'll clear them anyway just\n // so this code can make certain guarantees about the encoded value.\n valueBytes[0] &= 0x3f;\n if (!amount.is_negative()) valueBytes[0] |= 0x40;\n } else {\n var hi = 0, lo = 0;\n\n // First bit: non-native\n hi |= 1 << 31;\n\n if (!amount.is_zero()) {\n // Second bit: non-negative?\n if (!amount.is_negative()) hi |= 1 << 30;\n\n // Next eight bits: offset/exponent\n hi |= ((97 + amount._offset) & 0xff) << 22;\n\n // Remaining 52 bits: mantissa\n hi |= amount._value.shiftRight(32).intValue() & 0x3fffff;\n lo = amount._value.intValue() & 0xffffffff;\n }\n\n valueBytes = sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits([hi, lo]);\n }\n\n so.append(valueBytes);\n\n if (!amount.is_native()) {\n // Currency (160-bit hash)\n var currency = amount.currency();\n STCurrency.serialize(so, currency);\n\n // Issuer (160-bit hash)\n so.append(amount.issuer().to_bytes());\n }\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n var amount = new Amount();\n var value_bytes = so.read(8);\n var is_zero = !(value_bytes[0] & 0x7f);\n for (var i=1; i<8; i++) {\n is_zero = is_zero && !value_bytes[i];\n }\n if (value_bytes[0] & 0x80) {\n //non-native\n var currency = STCurrency.parse(so);\n var issuer_bytes = so.read(20);\n var issuer = UInt160.from_bytes(issuer_bytes);\n\n var offset = ((value_bytes[0] & 0x3f) << 2) + (value_bytes[1] >>> 6) - 97;\n var mantissa_bytes = value_bytes.slice(1);\n mantissa_bytes[0] &= 0x3f;\n var value = new BigInteger(mantissa_bytes, 256);\n\n if (value.equals(BigInteger.ZERO) && !is_zero ) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid zero representation\");\n }\n\n amount._value = value;\n amount._offset = offset;\n amount._currency = currency;\n amount._issuer = issuer;\n amount._is_native = false;\n\n } else {\n //native\n var integer_bytes = value_bytes.slice();\n integer_bytes[0] &= 0x3f;\n amount._value = new BigInteger(integer_bytes, 256);\n amount._is_native = true;\n }\n amount._is_negative = !is_zero && !(value_bytes[0] & 0x40);\n return amount;\n }\n});\n\nvar STVL = exports.VariableLength = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n if (\"string\" === typeof val) serialize_hex(so, val);\n else throw new Error(\"Unknown datatype.\");\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n var len = this.parse_varint(so);\n return convert_bytes_to_hex(so.read(len));\n }\n});\n\nvar STAccount = exports.Account = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var account = UInt160.from_json(val);\n if (!account.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid account!\");\n }\n serialize_hex(so, account.to_hex());\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n var len = this.parse_varint(so);\n\t//console.log(\"KKKKKKKKKKK\",len);\n if (len !== 20) {\n throw new Error(\"Non-standard-length account ID\");\n }\n var result = UInt160.from_bytes(so.read(len));\n if (false && !result.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid Account\");\n }\n return result;\n }\n});\n\nvar STPathSet = exports.PathSet = new SerializedType({\n typeBoundary: 0xff,\n typeEnd: 0x00,\n typeAccount: 0x01,\n typeCurrency: 0x10,\n typeIssuer: 0x20,\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n // XXX\n for (var i = 0, l = val.length; i < l; i++) {\n // Boundary\n if (i) STInt8.serialize(so, this.typeBoundary);\n\n for (var j = 0, l2 = val[i].length; j < l2; j++) {\n var entry = val[i][j];\n\t\t//if (entry.hasOwnProperty(\"_value\")) {entry = entry._value;}\n var type = 0;\n\n if (entry.account) type |= this.typeAccount;\n if (entry.currency) type |= this.typeCurrency;\n if (entry.issuer) type |= this.typeIssuer;\n\n STInt8.serialize(so, type);\n\n if (entry.account) {\n so.append(UInt160.from_json(entry.account).to_bytes());\n }\n if (entry.currency) {\n var currency = Currency.from_json(entry.currency);\n STCurrency.serialize(so, currency);\n }\n if (entry.issuer) {\n so.append(UInt160.from_json(entry.issuer).to_bytes());\n }\n }\n }\n STInt8.serialize(so, this.typeEnd);\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n // XXX\n\t// should return a list of lists:\n\t/*\n\t[\n\t\t[entry, entry],\n\t\t[entry, entry, entry]\n\t\t[entry]\n\t\t[]\n\t]\n\t\n\teach entry has one or more of the following attributes: amount, currency, issuer.\n\t*/\n\t\n\tvar path_list = [];\n\tvar current_path = [];\n\t\n\twhile (true) { //TODO: try/catch this loop, and catch when we run out of data without reaching the end of the data structure.\n\t\tvar tag_byte = so.read(1)[0];\n\t\t//Now determine: is this an end, boundary, or entry-begin-tag?\n\t\t//console.log(\"Tag byte:\", tag_byte);\n\t\tif (tag_byte == this.typeEnd) { //We're done.\n\t\t\t//console.log(\"End.\");\n\t\t\tif (current_path) { //close the current path, if there is one,\n\t\t\t\tpath_list.push(current_path);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak; //and conclude.\n\t\t} else if (tag_byte == this.typeBoundary) {\n\t\t\t//console.log(\"Boundary\");\n\t\t\tif (current_path) { //close the current path, if there is one,\n\t\t\t\tpath_list.push(current_path);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tcurrent_path = []; //and start a new one.\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t//It's an entry-begin tag.\n\t\t\t//console.log(\"It's an entry-begin tag.\");\n\t\t\tvar entry = {};\n\t\t\tif (tag_byte & this.typeAccount) {\n\t\t\t\t//console.log(\"entry.account\");\n\t\t\t\t/*var bta = so.read(20);\n\t\t\t\tconsole.log(\"BTA:\", bta);*/\n\t\t\t\tentry.account = STHash160.parse(so);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (tag_byte & this.typeCurrency) {\n\t\t\t\t//console.log(\"entry.currency\");\n\t\t\t\tentry.currency = STCurrency.parse(so)\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (tag_byte & this.typeIssuer) {\n\t\t\t\t//console.log(\"entry.issuer\");\n\t\t\t\tentry.issuer = STHash160.parse(so); //should know to use Base58?\n\t\t\t\t//console.log(\"DONE WITH ISSUER!\");\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (entry.account || entry.currency || entry.issuer) {\n\t\t\t\tcurrent_path.push(entry);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tthrow new Error(\"Invalid path entry\"); //It must have at least something in it.\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn path_list;\n }\n});\n\nvar STVector256 = exports.Vector256 = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) { //Assume val is an array of STHash256 objects.\n var length_as_varint = SerializedType.serialize_varint(so, val.length);\n\tfor (var i = 0; i= 16) {\n\t\tSTInt8.serialize(so, type_bits)\n\t}\n\tif (field_bits >= 16) {\n\t\tSTInt8.serialize(so, field_bits)\n\t}\n\tvar serialized_object_type = TYPES_MAP[type_bits];\n\t//do something with val[keys] and val[keys[i]];\n\tserialized_object_type.serialize(so, value);\n}\n\n\n//What should this helper function be attached to?\n//Take the serialized object, figure out what type/field it is, and return the parsing of that.\nvar parse_whatever = exports.parse_whatever = function(so) {\n\tvar tag_byte = so.read(1)[0];\n\tvar type_bits = tag_byte >> 4;\n\tvar field_bits = tag_byte & 0x0f;\n\tvar type;\n\tvar field_name;\n\tif (type_bits === 0) {\n\t\ttype_bits = so.read(1)[0];\n\t}\n\ttype = TYPES_MAP[type_bits];\n\tif (\"undefined\" === typeof type) {\n\t\tthrow Error(\"Unknown type\");\n\t} else {\n\t\tif (field_bits === 0) {\n\t\t\tfield_name = FIELDS_MAP[type_bits][so.read(1)[0]];\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tfield_name = FIELDS_MAP[type_bits][field_bits];\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (\"undefined\" === typeof field_name) {\n\t\t\tthrow Error(\"Unknown field \"+tag_byte);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn [field_name, type.parse(so)]; //key, value\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\n\n\nvar STObject = exports.Object = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var keys = Object.keys(val);\n\tfor (var i=0; i= 16) {\n\t\t\tSTInt8.serialize(so, type_bits)\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (field_bits >= 16) {\n\t\t\tSTInt8.serialize(so, field_bits)\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar serialized_object_type = TYPES_MAP[type_bits];\n\t\t//do something with val[keys] and val[keys[i]];\n\t\tserialized_object_type.serialize(so, val[keys[i]]);\n\t\t*/\n\t}\n\tSTInt8.serialize(so, 0xe1); //Object ending marker\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n\t//console.log(\"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\", so.buffer, so.pointer);\n var output = {};\n\twhile (true) {\n\t\tif (so.peek(1)[0] === 0xe1) { //ending marker\n\t\t\tso.read(1);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t//console.log(\"WTF M8\");\n\t\t\tvar key_and_value = parse_whatever(so);\n\t\t\toutput[key_and_value[0]] = key_and_value[1];\n\t\t\t//console.log(\"BBBBBBBBBBBBB\", key_and_value, output);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn output;\n }\n});\n\nvar STArray = exports.Array = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) { \n for (var i=0; i server message sequence.\n// We can also use this to log a message sequence to a buffer.\nServer.prototype.websocket_constructor = function () {\n return require(43);\n};\n\nServer.prototype.connect = function () {\n var self = this;\n\n // We don't connect if we believe we're already connected. This means we have\n // recently received a message from the server and the WebSocket has not\n // reported any issues either. If we do fail to ping or the connection drops,\n // we will automatically reconnect.\n if (this._connected) {\n return;\n }\n\n this._trace('server: connect: %s', this._opts.url);\n\n // Ensure any existing socket is given the command to close first.\n if (this._ws) {\n this._ws.close();\n }\n\n // We require this late, because websocket shims may be loaded after\n // ripple-lib.\n var WebSocket = this.websocket_constructor();\n var ws = this._ws = new WebSocket(this._opts.url);\n\n this._should_connect = true;\n\n self.emit('connecting');\n\n ws.onopen = function () {\n // If we are no longer the active socket, simply ignore any event\n if (ws === self._ws) {\n self.emit('socket_open');\n // Subscribe to events\n var request = self._remote._server_prepare_subscribe();\n self.request(request);\n }\n };\n\n ws.onerror = function (e) {\n // If we are no longer the active socket, simply ignore any event\n if (ws === self._ws) {\n self._trace('server: onerror: %s', e.data || e);\n\n // Most connection errors for WebSockets are conveyed as 'close' events with\n // code 1006. This is done for security purposes and therefore unlikely to\n // ever change.\n\n // This means that this handler is hardly ever called in practice. If it is,\n // it probably means the server's WebSocket implementation is corrupt, or\n // the connection is somehow producing corrupt data.\n\n // Most WebSocket applications simply log and ignore this error. Once we\n // support for multiple servers, we may consider doing something like\n // lowering this server's quality score.\n\n // However, in Node.js this event may be triggered instead of the close\n // event, so we need to handle it.\n handleConnectionClose();\n }\n };\n\n // Failure to open.\n ws.onclose = function () {\n // If we are no longer the active socket, simply ignore any event\n if (ws === self._ws) {\n self._trace('server: onclose: %s', ws.readyState);\n handleConnectionClose();\n }\n };\n\n function handleConnectionClose() {\n self.emit('socket_close');\n self._set_state('offline');\n\n // Prevent additional events from this socket\n ws.onopen = ws.onerror = ws.onclose = ws.onmessage = function () {};\n\n // Should we be connected?\n if (!self._should_connect) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Delay and retry.\n self._retry += 1;\n self._retry_timer = setTimeout(function () {\n self._trace('server: retry');\n if (!self._should_connect) {\n return;\n }\n self.connect();\n }, self._retry < 40\n ? 1000/20 // First, for 2 seconds: 20 times per second\n : self._retry < 40+60\n ? 1000 // Then, for 1 minute: once per second\n : self._retry < 40+60+60\n ? 10*1000 // Then, for 10 minutes: once every 10 seconds\n : 30*1000); // Then: once every 30 seconds\n }\n\n ws.onmessage = function (msg) {\n self.emit('message', msg.data);\n };\n};\n\nServer.prototype.disconnect = function () {\n this._should_connect = false;\n this._set_state('offline');\n if (this._ws) {\n this._ws.close();\n }\n};\n\nServer.prototype.send_message = function (message) {\n if (this._ws) {\n this._ws.send(JSON.stringify(message));\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Submit a Request object to this server.\n */\nServer.prototype.request = function (request) {\n var self = this;\n\n // Only bother if we are still connected.\n if (this._ws) {\n request.server = this;\n request.message.id = this._id;\n\n this._requests[request.message.id] = request;\n\n // Advance message ID\n this._id++;\n\n var is_connected = this._connected || (request.message.command === 'subscribe' && this._ws.readyState === 1);\n \n if (is_connected) {\n this._trace('server: request: %s', request.message);\n this.send_message(request.message);\n } else {\n // XXX There are many ways to make this smarter.\n function server_reconnected() {\n self._trace('server: request: %s', request.message);\n self.send_message(request.message);\n }\n this.once('connect', server_reconnected);\n }\n } else {\n this._trace('server: request: DROPPING: %s', request.message);\n }\n};\n\nServer.prototype._handle_message = function (message) {\n var self = this;\n\n try { message = JSON.parse(message); } catch(e) { }\n\n var unexpected = typeof message !== 'object' || typeof message.type !== 'string';\n\n if (unexpected) {\n return; \n }\n\n switch (message.type) {\n case 'response':\n // A response to a request.\n var request = self._requests[message.id];\n delete self._requests[message.id];\n\n if (!request) {\n this._trace('server: UNEXPECTED: %s', message);\n } else if ('success' === message.status) {\n this._trace('server: response: %s', message);\n\n request.emit('success', message.result);\n\n [ self, self._remote ].forEach(function(emitter) {\n emitter.emit('response_' + request.message.command, message.result, request, message);\n });\n } else if (message.error) {\n this._trace('server: error: %s', message);\n\n request.emit('error', {\n error : 'remoteError',\n error_message : 'Remote reported an error.',\n remote : message\n });\n }\n break;\n\n case 'path_find':\n if (self._remote.trace) utils.logObject('server: path_find: %s', message);\n break;\n\n case 'serverStatus':\n // This message is only received when online. As we are connected, it is the definative final state.\n this._set_state(this._is_online(message.server_status) ? 'online' : 'offline');\n break;\n }\n}\n\nServer.prototype._handle_response_subscribe = function (message) {\n this._server_status = message.server_status;\n if (this._is_online(message.server_status)) {\n this._set_state('online');\n }\n}\n\nexports.Server = Server;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 29\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/server.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/server.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 30:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("\nvar sjcl = require(11);\nvar utils = require(9);\nvar config = require(12);\nvar jsbn = require(20);\n\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\nvar nbi = jsbn.nbi;\n\nvar Base = require(4).Base;\n\n//\n// Abstract UInt class\n//\n// Base class for UInt??? classes\n//\n\nvar UInt = function () {\n // Internal form: NaN or BigInteger\n this._value = NaN;\n};\n\nUInt.json_rewrite = function (j, opts) {\n return this.from_json(j).to_json(opts);\n};\n\n// Return a new UInt from j.\nUInt.from_generic = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_generic(j);\n }\n};\n\n// Return a new UInt from j.\nUInt.from_hex = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_hex(j);\n }\n};\n\n// Return a new UInt from j.\nUInt.from_json = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_json(j);\n }\n};\n\n// Return a new UInt from j.\nUInt.from_bits = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_bits(j);\n }\n};\n\n// Return a new UInt from j.\nUInt.from_bytes = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_bytes(j);\n }\n};\n\n// Return a new UInt from j.\nUInt.from_bn = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_bn(j);\n }\n};\n\nUInt.is_valid = function (j) {\n return this.from_json(j).is_valid();\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.clone = function () {\n return this.copyTo(new this.constructor());\n};\n\n// Returns copy.\nUInt.prototype.copyTo = function (d) {\n d._value = this._value;\n\n return d;\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.equals = function (d) {\n return this._value instanceof BigInteger && d._value instanceof BigInteger && this._value.equals(d._value);\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.is_valid = function () {\n return this._value instanceof BigInteger;\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.is_zero = function () {\n return this._value.equals(BigInteger.ZERO);\n};\n\n// value = NaN on error.\nUInt.prototype.parse_generic = function (j) {\n // Canonicalize and validate\n if (config.accounts && j in config.accounts)\n j = config.accounts[j].account;\n\n switch (j) {\n case undefined:\n case \"0\":\n case this.constructor.STR_ZERO:\n case this.constructor.ACCOUNT_ZERO:\n case this.constructor.HEX_ZERO:\n this._value = nbi();\n break;\n\n case \"1\":\n case this.constructor.STR_ONE:\n case this.constructor.ACCOUNT_ONE:\n case this.constructor.HEX_ONE:\n this._value = new BigInteger([1]);\n\n break;\n\n default:\n if ('string' !== typeof j) {\n\t this._value = NaN;\n }\n else if (j[0] === \"r\") {\n\t this._value = Base.decode_check(Base.VER_ACCOUNT_ID, j);\n }\n else if (this.constructor.width === j.length) {\n\t this._value = new BigInteger(utils.stringToArray(j), 256);\n }\n else if ((this.constructor.width*2) === j.length) {\n\t // XXX Check char set!\n\t this._value = new BigInteger(j, 16);\n }\n else {\n\t this._value = NaN;\n }\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.parse_hex = function (j) {\n if ('string' === typeof j &&\n j.length === (this.constructor.width * 2)) {\n this._value = new BigInteger(j, 16);\n } else {\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.parse_bits = function (j) {\n if (sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(j) !== this.constructor.width * 8) {\n this._value = NaN;\n } else {\n var bytes = sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits(j);\n this.parse_bytes(bytes);\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n\nUInt.prototype.parse_bytes = function (j) {\n if (!Array.isArray(j) || j.length !== this.constructor.width) {\n\tthis._value = NaN;\n } else {\n\t this._value = new BigInteger(j, 256);\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n\nUInt.prototype.parse_json = UInt.prototype.parse_hex;\n\nUInt.prototype.parse_bn = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof sjcl.bn &&\n j.bitLength() <= this.constructor.width * 8) {\n var bytes = sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits(j.toBits());\n\t this._value = new BigInteger(bytes, 256);\n } else {\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// Convert from internal form.\nUInt.prototype.to_bytes = function () {\n if (!(this._value instanceof BigInteger))\n return null;\n\n var bytes = this._value.toByteArray();\n bytes = bytes.map(function (b) { return (b+256) % 256; });\n var target = this.constructor.width;\n\n // XXX Make sure only trim off leading zeros.\n bytes = bytes.slice(-target);\n while (bytes.length < target) bytes.unshift(0);\n\n return bytes;\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.to_hex = function () {\n if (!(this._value instanceof BigInteger))\n return null;\n\n var bytes = this.to_bytes();\n return sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(sjcl.codec.bytes.toBits(bytes)).toUpperCase();\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.to_json = UInt.prototype.to_hex;\n\nUInt.prototype.to_bits = function () {\n if (!(this._value instanceof BigInteger))\n return null;\n\n var bytes = this.to_bytes();\n\n return sjcl.codec.bytes.toBits(bytes);\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.to_bn = function () {\n if (!(this._value instanceof BigInteger))\n return null;\n\n var bits = this.to_bits();\n\n return sjcl.bn.fromBits(bits);\n};\n\nexports.UInt = UInt;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 30\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/uint.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/uint.js");
+ eval("module.exports = function(module) {\r\n\tif(!module.webpackPolyfill) {\r\n\t\tmodule.deprecate = function() {};\r\n\t\tmodule.paths = [];\r\n\t\t// module.parent = undefined by default\r\n\t\tmodule.children = [];\r\n\t\tmodule.webpackPolyfill = 1;\r\n\t}\r\n\treturn module;\r\n}\r\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 30\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/buildin/module.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/buildin/module.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 31:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("var util = require(28);\nvar EventEmitter = require(27).EventEmitter;\nvar RippleError = require(19).RippleError;\nvar Queue = require(42).TransactionQueue;\n\n/**\n * @constructor TransactionManager\n * @param {Object} account\n */\n\nfunction TransactionManager(account) {\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n var self = this;\n\n this.account = account;\n this.remote = account._remote;\n this._timeout = void(0);\n this._resubmitting = false;\n this._pending = new Queue;\n this._next_sequence = void(0);\n this._cache = { };\n\n //XX Fee units\n this._max_fee = Number(this.remote.max_fee) || Infinity;\n\n function remote_disconnected() {\n function remote_reconnected() {\n self._resubmit();\n };\n self.remote.once('connect', remote_reconnected);\n };\n\n this.remote.on('disconnect', remote_disconnected);\n\n function sequence_loaded(err, sequence) {\n self._next_sequence = sequence;\n self.emit('sequence_loaded', sequence);\n };\n\n this.account.get_next_sequence(sequence_loaded);\n\n function cache_transaction(message) {\n var transaction = {\n ledger_hash: message.ledger_hash,\n ledger_index: message.ledger_index,\n metadata: message.meta,\n tx_json: message.transaction\n }\n\n transaction.tx_json.ledger_index = transaction.ledger_index;\n transaction.tx_json.inLedger = transaction.ledger_index;\n\n self._cache[message.transaction.Sequence] = transaction;\n }\n\n this.account.on('transaction', cache_transaction);\n};\n\nutil.inherits(TransactionManager, EventEmitter);\n\n// request_tx presents transactions in\n// a format slightly different from \n// request_transaction_entry\nfunction rewrite_transaction(tx) {\n try {\n var result = {\n ledger_index: tx.ledger_index,\n metadata: tx.meta,\n tx_json: { \n Account: tx.Account,\n Amount: tx.Amount,\n Destination: tx.Destination,\n Fee: tx.Fee,\n Flags: tx.Flags,\n Sequence: tx.Sequence,\n SigningPubKey: tx.SigningPubKey,\n TransactionType: tx.TransactionType,\n hash: tx.hash\n }\n }\n } catch(exception) {\n }\n return result || { };\n};\n\nTransactionManager.prototype._resubmit = function() {\n var self = this;\n\n function resubmit(pending, index) {\n if (pending.finalized) {\n // Transaction has been finalized, nothing to do\n return;\n } \n\n var sequence = pending.tx_json.Sequence;\n var cached = self._cache[sequence];\n\n pending.emit('resubmit');\n\n if (cached) {\n // Transaction was received while waiting for\n // resubmission\n pending.emit('success', cached);\n delete self._cache[sequence];\n } else if (pending.hash) {\n // Transaction was successfully submitted, and\n // its hash discovered, but not validated\n\n function pending_check(err, res) {\n if (self._is_not_found(err)) {\n self._request(pending);\n } else {\n pending.emit('success', rewrite_transaction(res));\n }\n }\n\n self.remote.request_tx(pending.hash, pending_check);\n } else {\n self._request(pending);\n }\n }\n\n this._wait_ledgers(3, function() {\n self._pending.forEach(resubmit);\n });\n}\n\nTransactionManager.prototype._wait_ledgers = function(ledgers, callback) {\n var self = this;\n var closes = 0;\n\n function ledger_closed() {\n if (++closes === ledgers) {\n callback();\n self.remote.removeListener('ledger_closed', ledger_closed);\n }\n }\n\n this.remote.on('ledger_closed', ledger_closed);\n}\n\nTransactionManager.prototype._request = function(tx) {\n var self = this;\n var remote = this.remote;\n\n if (!tx._secret && !tx.tx_json.TxnSignature) {\n tx.emit('error', new RippleError('tejSecretUnknown', 'Missing secret'));\n return;\n } \n \n if (!remote.trusted && !remote.local_signing) {\n tx.emit('error', new RippleError('tejServerUntrusted', 'Attempt to give secret to untrusted server'));\n return;\n }\n\n function finalize(message) {\n if (!tx.finalized) {\n tx.finalized = true;\n tx.emit('final', message);\n self._pending.removeSequence(tx.tx_json.Sequence);\n }\n }\n\n tx.once('error', finalize);\n tx.once('success', finalize);\n\n // Listen for 'ledger closed' events to verify\n // that the transaction is discovered in the\n // ledger before considering the transaction\n // successful\n this._detect_ledger_entry(tx);\n\n var submit_request = remote.request_submit();\n\n if (remote.local_signing) {\n tx.sign();\n submit_request.tx_blob(tx.serialize().to_hex());\n } else {\n submit_request.secret(tx._secret);\n submit_request.build_path(tx._build_path);\n submit_request.tx_json(tx.tx_json);\n }\n\n tx.submit_index = remote._ledger_current_index;\n\n function transaction_proposed(message) {\n tx.hash = message.tx_json.hash;\n tx.set_state('client_proposed');\n tx.emit('proposed', {\n tx_json: message.tx_json,\n\n result: message.engine_result,\n engine_result: message.engine_result,\n\n result_code: message.engine_result_code,\n engine_result_code: message.engine_result_code,\n\n result_message: message.engine_result_message,\n engine_result_message: message.engine_result_message,\n\n // If server is honest, don't expect a final if rejected.\n rejected: tx.isRejected(message.engine_result_code),\n });\n }\n\n function transaction_failed(message) {\n if (!tx.hash) tx.hash = message.tx_json.hash;\n\n function transaction_requested(err, res) {\n if (self._is_not_found(err)) {\n self._resubmit();\n } else {\n tx.emit('error', new RippleError(message));\n self._pending.removeSequence(tx.tx_json.Sequence);\n }\n }\n\n self.remote.request_tx(tx.hash, transaction_requested);\n }\n\n function submission_error(err) {\n tx.set_state('remoteError');\n tx.emit('error', new RippleError(err));\n }\n\n function submission_success(message) {\n var engine_result = message.engine_result || '';\n\n tx.hash = message.tx_json.hash;\n\n switch (engine_result.slice(0, 3)) {\n case 'tef':\n //tefPAST_SEQ\n transaction_failed(message);\n break;\n case 'tes':\n transaction_proposed(message);\n break;\n default:\n submission_error(message);\n }\n }\n\n submit_request.once('success', submission_success);\n submit_request.once('error', submission_error);\n submit_request.request();\n\n submit_request.timeout(1000 * 10, function() {\n if (self.remote._connected) {\n self._resubmit();\n }\n });\n\n tx.set_state('client_submitted');\n tx.emit('submitted');\n\n return submit_request;\n};\n\nTransactionManager.prototype._is_not_found = function(error) {\n var not_found_re = /^(txnNotFound|transactionNotFound)$/;\n return error && typeof error === 'object'\n && error.error === 'remoteError'\n && typeof error.remote === 'object'\n && not_found_re.test(error.remote.error);\n};\n\nTransactionManager.prototype._detect_ledger_entry = function(tx) {\n var self = this;\n var remote = this.remote;\n var checked_ledgers = { };\n\n function entry_callback(err, message) {\n if (typeof message !== 'object') return;\n\n var ledger_hash = message.ledger_hash;\n var ledger_index = message.ledger_index;\n\n if (tx.finalized || checked_ledgers[ledger_hash]) {\n // Transaction submission has already erred or\n // this ledger has already been checked for \n // transaction\n return;\n }\n\n checked_ledgers[ledger_hash] = true;\n\n if (self._is_not_found(err)) {\n var dif = ledger_index - tx.submit_index;\n if (dif >= 8) {\n // Lost\n tx.emit('error', message);\n tx.emit('lost', message);\n } else if (dif >= 4) {\n // Missing\n tx.set_state('client_missing');\n tx.emit('missing', message);\n } else {\n // Pending\n tx.emit('pending', message);\n }\n } else {\n // Transaction was found in the ledger, \n // consider this transaction successful\n if (message.metadata) {\n tx.set_state(message.metadata.TransactionResult);\n }\n tx.emit('success', message);\n }\n }\n\n function ledger_closed(message) {\n if (!tx.finalized && !checked_ledgers[message.ledger_hash]) {\n remote.request_transaction_entry(tx.hash, message.ledger_hash, entry_callback);\n }\n }\n\n function transaction_proposed() {\n // Check the ledger for transaction entry\n remote.addListener('ledger_closed', ledger_closed);\n }\n\n function transaction_finalized() {\n // Stop checking the ledger\n remote.removeListener('ledger_closed', ledger_closed);\n tx.removeListener('proposed', transaction_proposed);\n }\n\n tx.once('proposed', transaction_proposed);\n tx.once('final', transaction_finalized);\n tx.once('resubmit', transaction_finalized);\n};\n\n/**\n * @param {Object} tx\n */\n\nTransactionManager.prototype.submit = function(tx) {\n // If sequence number is not yet known, defer until it is.\n var self = this;\n\n if (!this._next_sequence) {\n function resubmit_transaction() {\n self.submit(tx); \n }\n this.once('sequence_loaded', resubmit_transaction);\n return;\n }\n\n tx.tx_json.Sequence = this._next_sequence++;\n tx.complete();\n\n this._pending.push(tx);\n\n var fee = tx.tx_json.Fee;\n\n if (fee === void(0) || fee <= this._max_fee) {\n this._request(tx);\n }\n};\n\nexports.TransactionManager = TransactionManager;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 31\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/transactionmanager.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/transactionmanager.js");
+ eval("// UTILITY\nvar util = require(5);\nvar pSlice = Array.prototype.slice;\n\nvar objectKeys = require(23);\nvar isRegExp = require(22);\n\n// 1. The assert module provides functions that throw\n// AssertionError's when particular conditions are not met. The\n// assert module must conform to the following interface.\n\nvar assert = module.exports = ok;\n\n// 2. The AssertionError is defined in assert.\n// new assert.AssertionError({ message: message,\n// actual: actual,\n// expected: expected })\n\nassert.AssertionError = function AssertionError(options) {\n this.name = 'AssertionError';\n this.message = options.message;\n this.actual = options.actual;\n this.expected = options.expected;\n this.operator = options.operator;\n var stackStartFunction = options.stackStartFunction || fail;\n\n if (Error.captureStackTrace) {\n Error.captureStackTrace(this, stackStartFunction);\n }\n};\nutil.inherits(assert.AssertionError, Error);\n\nfunction replacer(key, value) {\n if (value === undefined) {\n return '' + value;\n }\n if (typeof value === 'number' && (isNaN(value) || !isFinite(value))) {\n return value.toString();\n }\n if (typeof value === 'function' || value instanceof RegExp) {\n return value.toString();\n }\n return value;\n}\n\nfunction truncate(s, n) {\n if (typeof s == 'string') {\n return s.length < n ? s : s.slice(0, n);\n } else {\n return s;\n }\n}\n\nassert.AssertionError.prototype.toString = function() {\n if (this.message) {\n return [this.name + ':', this.message].join(' ');\n } else {\n return [\n this.name + ':',\n truncate(JSON.stringify(this.actual, replacer), 128),\n this.operator,\n truncate(JSON.stringify(this.expected, replacer), 128)\n ].join(' ');\n }\n};\n\n// assert.AssertionError instanceof Error\n\nassert.AssertionError.__proto__ = Error.prototype;\n\n// At present only the three keys mentioned above are used and\n// understood by the spec. Implementations or sub modules can pass\n// other keys to the AssertionError's constructor - they will be\n// ignored.\n\n// 3. All of the following functions must throw an AssertionError\n// when a corresponding condition is not met, with a message that\n// may be undefined if not provided. All assertion methods provide\n// both the actual and expected values to the assertion error for\n// display purposes.\n\nfunction fail(actual, expected, message, operator, stackStartFunction) {\n throw new assert.AssertionError({\n message: message,\n actual: actual,\n expected: expected,\n operator: operator,\n stackStartFunction: stackStartFunction\n });\n}\n\n// EXTENSION! allows for well behaved errors defined elsewhere.\nassert.fail = fail;\n\n// 4. Pure assertion tests whether a value is truthy, as determined\n// by !!guard.\n// assert.ok(guard, message_opt);\n// This statement is equivalent to assert.equal(true, !!guard,\n// message_opt);. To test strictly for the value true, use\n// assert.strictEqual(true, guard, message_opt);.\n\nfunction ok(value, message) {\n if (!!!value) fail(value, true, message, '==', assert.ok);\n}\nassert.ok = ok;\n\n// 5. The equality assertion tests shallow, coercive equality with\n// ==.\n// assert.equal(actual, expected, message_opt);\n\nassert.equal = function equal(actual, expected, message) {\n if (actual != expected) fail(actual, expected, message, '==', assert.equal);\n};\n\n// 6. The non-equality assertion tests for whether two objects are not equal\n// with != assert.notEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);\n\nassert.notEqual = function notEqual(actual, expected, message) {\n if (actual == expected) {\n fail(actual, expected, message, '!=', assert.notEqual);\n }\n};\n\n// 7. The equivalence assertion tests a deep equality relation.\n// assert.deepEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);\n\nassert.deepEqual = function deepEqual(actual, expected, message) {\n if (!_deepEqual(actual, expected)) {\n fail(actual, expected, message, 'deepEqual', assert.deepEqual);\n }\n};\n\nfunction _deepEqual(actual, expected) {\n // 7.1. All identical values are equivalent, as determined by ===.\n if (actual === expected) {\n return true;\n\n } else if (require(13).Buffer.isBuffer(actual) && require(13).Buffer.isBuffer(expected)) {\n if (actual.length != expected.length) return false;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) {\n if (actual[i] !== expected[i]) return false;\n }\n\n return true;\n\n // 7.2. If the expected value is a Date object, the actual value is\n // equivalent if it is also a Date object that refers to the same time.\n } else if (actual instanceof Date && expected instanceof Date) {\n return actual.getTime() === expected.getTime();\n\n // 7.3 If the expected value is a RegExp object, the actual value is\n // equivalent if it is also a RegExp object with the same source and\n // properties (`global`, `multiline`, `lastIndex`, `ignoreCase`).\n } else if (isRegExp(actual) && isRegExp(expected)) {\n return actual.source === expected.source &&\n actual.global === expected.global &&\n actual.multiline === expected.multiline &&\n actual.lastIndex === expected.lastIndex &&\n actual.ignoreCase === expected.ignoreCase;\n\n // 7.4. Other pairs that do not both pass typeof value == 'object',\n // equivalence is determined by ==.\n } else if (typeof actual != 'object' && typeof expected != 'object') {\n return actual == expected;\n\n // 7.5 For all other Object pairs, including Array objects, equivalence is\n // determined by having the same number of owned properties (as verified\n // with Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call), the same set of keys\n // (although not necessarily the same order), equivalent values for every\n // corresponding key, and an identical 'prototype' property. Note: this\n // accounts for both named and indexed properties on Arrays.\n } else {\n return objEquiv(actual, expected);\n }\n}\n\nfunction isUndefinedOrNull(value) {\n return value === null || value === undefined;\n}\n\nfunction isArguments(object) {\n return Object.prototype.toString.call(object) == '[object Arguments]';\n}\n\nfunction objEquiv(a, b) {\n if (isUndefinedOrNull(a) || isUndefinedOrNull(b))\n return false;\n // an identical 'prototype' property.\n if (a.prototype !== b.prototype) return false;\n //~~~I've managed to break Object.keys through screwy arguments passing.\n // Converting to array solves the problem.\n if (isArguments(a)) {\n if (!isArguments(b)) {\n return false;\n }\n a = pSlice.call(a);\n b = pSlice.call(b);\n return _deepEqual(a, b);\n }\n try {\n var ka = objectKeys(a),\n kb = objectKeys(b),\n key, i;\n } catch (e) {//happens when one is a string literal and the other isn't\n return false;\n }\n // having the same number of owned properties (keys incorporates\n // hasOwnProperty)\n if (ka.length != kb.length)\n return false;\n //the same set of keys (although not necessarily the same order),\n ka.sort();\n kb.sort();\n //~~~cheap key test\n for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n if (ka[i] != kb[i])\n return false;\n }\n //equivalent values for every corresponding key, and\n //~~~possibly expensive deep test\n for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n key = ka[i];\n if (!_deepEqual(a[key], b[key])) return false;\n }\n return true;\n}\n\n// 8. The non-equivalence assertion tests for any deep inequality.\n// assert.notDeepEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);\n\nassert.notDeepEqual = function notDeepEqual(actual, expected, message) {\n if (_deepEqual(actual, expected)) {\n fail(actual, expected, message, 'notDeepEqual', assert.notDeepEqual);\n }\n};\n\n// 9. The strict equality assertion tests strict equality, as determined by ===.\n// assert.strictEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);\n\nassert.strictEqual = function strictEqual(actual, expected, message) {\n if (actual !== expected) {\n fail(actual, expected, message, '===', assert.strictEqual);\n }\n};\n\n// 10. The strict non-equality assertion tests for strict inequality, as\n// determined by !==. assert.notStrictEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);\n\nassert.notStrictEqual = function notStrictEqual(actual, expected, message) {\n if (actual === expected) {\n fail(actual, expected, message, '!==', assert.notStrictEqual);\n }\n};\n\nfunction expectedException(actual, expected) {\n if (!actual || !expected) {\n return false;\n }\n\n if (isRegExp(expected)) {\n return expected.test(actual);\n } else if (actual instanceof expected) {\n return true;\n } else if (expected.call({}, actual) === true) {\n return true;\n }\n\n return false;\n}\n\nfunction _throws(shouldThrow, block, expected, message) {\n var actual;\n\n if (typeof expected === 'string') {\n message = expected;\n expected = null;\n }\n\n try {\n block();\n } catch (e) {\n actual = e;\n }\n\n message = (expected && expected.name ? ' (' + expected.name + ').' : '.') +\n (message ? ' ' + message : '.');\n\n if (shouldThrow && !actual) {\n fail(actual, expected, 'Missing expected exception' + message);\n }\n\n if (!shouldThrow && expectedException(actual, expected)) {\n fail(actual, expected, 'Got unwanted exception' + message);\n }\n\n if ((shouldThrow && actual && expected &&\n !expectedException(actual, expected)) || (!shouldThrow && actual)) {\n throw actual;\n }\n}\n\n// 11. Expected to throw an error:\n// assert.throws(block, Error_opt, message_opt);\n\nassert.throws = function(block, /*optional*/error, /*optional*/message) {\n _throws.apply(this, [true].concat(pSlice.call(arguments)));\n};\n\n// EXTENSION! This is annoying to write outside this module.\nassert.doesNotThrow = function(block, /*optional*/error, /*optional*/message) {\n _throws.apply(this, [false].concat(pSlice.call(arguments)));\n};\n\nassert.ifError = function(err) { if (err) {throw err;}};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 31\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/lib/assert.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/lib/assert.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 32:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("var sjcl = require(11);\n\nvar UInt256 = require(23).UInt256;\n\nvar KeyPair = function ()\n{\n this._curve = sjcl.ecc.curves['c256'];\n this._secret = null;\n this._pubkey = null;\n};\n\nKeyPair.from_bn_secret = function (j)\n{\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_bn_secret(j);\n }\n};\n\nKeyPair.prototype.parse_bn_secret = function (j)\n{\n this._secret = new sjcl.ecc.ecdsa.secretKey(sjcl.ecc.curves['c256'], j);\n return this;\n};\n\n/**\n * Returns public key as sjcl public key.\n *\n * @private\n */\nKeyPair.prototype._pub = function ()\n{\n var curve = this._curve;\n\n if (!this._pubkey && this._secret) {\n var exponent = this._secret._exponent;\n this._pubkey = new sjcl.ecc.ecdsa.publicKey(curve, curve.G.mult(exponent));\n }\n\n return this._pubkey;\n};\n\n/**\n * Returns public key as hex.\n *\n * Key will be returned as a compressed pubkey - 33 bytes converted to hex.\n */\nKeyPair.prototype.to_hex_pub = function ()\n{\n var pub = this._pub();\n if (!pub) return null;\n\n var point = pub._point, y_even = point.y.mod(2).equals(0);\n return sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(sjcl.bitArray.concat(\n [sjcl.bitArray.partial(8, y_even ? 0x02 : 0x03)],\n point.x.toBits(this._curve.r.bitLength())\n )).toUpperCase();\n};\n\nKeyPair.prototype.sign = function (hash)\n{\n hash = UInt256.from_json(hash);\n return this._secret.signDER(hash.to_bits(), 0);\n};\n\nexports.KeyPair = KeyPair;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 32\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/keypair.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/keypair.js");
+ eval("module.exports = function indexOf (xs, x) {\n if (xs.indexOf) return xs.indexOf(x);\n for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) {\n if (x === xs[i]) return i;\n }\n return -1;\n}\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 32\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/indexOf.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/indexOf.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 33:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("\nvar sjcl = require(11);\nvar utils = require(9);\nvar config = require(12);\nvar jsbn = require(20);\nvar extend = require(29);\n\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\nvar nbi = jsbn.nbi;\n\nvar UInt = require(30).UInt,\n Base = require(4).Base;\n\n//\n// UInt128 support\n//\n\nvar UInt128 = extend(function () {\n // Internal form: NaN or BigInteger\n this._value = NaN;\n}, UInt);\n\nUInt128.width = 16;\nUInt128.prototype = extend({}, UInt.prototype);\nUInt128.prototype.constructor = UInt128;\n\nvar HEX_ZERO = UInt128.HEX_ZERO = \"00000000000000000000000000000000\";\nvar HEX_ONE = UInt128.HEX_ONE = \"00000000000000000000000000000000\";\nvar STR_ZERO = UInt128.STR_ZERO = utils.hexToString(HEX_ZERO);\nvar STR_ONE = UInt128.STR_ONE = utils.hexToString(HEX_ONE);\n\nexports.UInt128 = UInt128;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 33\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/uint128.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/uint128.js");
+ eval("module.exports = Object.create || function (prototype, properties) {\n // from es5-shim\n var object;\n if (prototype === null) {\n object = { '__proto__' : null };\n }\n else {\n if (typeof prototype !== 'object') {\n throw new TypeError(\n 'typeof prototype[' + (typeof prototype) + '] != \\'object\\''\n );\n }\n var Type = function () {};\n Type.prototype = prototype;\n object = new Type();\n object.__proto__ = prototype;\n }\n if (typeof properties !== 'undefined' && Object.defineProperties) {\n Object.defineProperties(object, properties);\n }\n return object;\n};\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 33\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/objectCreate.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/objectCreate.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 34:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("exports.readIEEE754 = function(buffer, offset, isBE, mLen, nBytes) {\n var e, m,\n eLen = nBytes * 8 - mLen - 1,\n eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1,\n eBias = eMax >> 1,\n nBits = -7,\n i = isBE ? 0 : (nBytes - 1),\n d = isBE ? 1 : -1,\n s = buffer[offset + i];\n\n i += d;\n\n e = s & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1);\n s >>= (-nBits);\n nBits += eLen;\n for (; nBits > 0; e = e * 256 + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8);\n\n m = e & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1);\n e >>= (-nBits);\n nBits += mLen;\n for (; nBits > 0; m = m * 256 + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8);\n\n if (e === 0) {\n e = 1 - eBias;\n } else if (e === eMax) {\n return m ? NaN : ((s ? -1 : 1) * Infinity);\n } else {\n m = m + Math.pow(2, mLen);\n e = e - eBias;\n }\n return (s ? -1 : 1) * m * Math.pow(2, e - mLen);\n};\n\nexports.writeIEEE754 = function(buffer, value, offset, isBE, mLen, nBytes) {\n var e, m, c,\n eLen = nBytes * 8 - mLen - 1,\n eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1,\n eBias = eMax >> 1,\n rt = (mLen === 23 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0),\n i = isBE ? (nBytes - 1) : 0,\n d = isBE ? -1 : 1,\n s = value < 0 || (value === 0 && 1 / value < 0) ? 1 : 0;\n\n value = Math.abs(value);\n\n if (isNaN(value) || value === Infinity) {\n m = isNaN(value) ? 1 : 0;\n e = eMax;\n } else {\n e = Math.floor(Math.log(value) / Math.LN2);\n if (value * (c = Math.pow(2, -e)) < 1) {\n e--;\n c *= 2;\n }\n if (e + eBias >= 1) {\n value += rt / c;\n } else {\n value += rt * Math.pow(2, 1 - eBias);\n }\n if (value * c >= 2) {\n e++;\n c /= 2;\n }\n\n if (e + eBias >= eMax) {\n m = 0;\n e = eMax;\n } else if (e + eBias >= 1) {\n m = (value * c - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen);\n e = e + eBias;\n } else {\n m = value * Math.pow(2, eBias - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen);\n e = 0;\n }\n }\n\n for (; mLen >= 8; buffer[offset + i] = m & 0xff, i += d, m /= 256, mLen -= 8);\n\n e = (e << mLen) | m;\n eLen += mLen;\n for (; eLen > 0; buffer[offset + i] = e & 0xff, i += d, e /= 256, eLen -= 8);\n\n buffer[offset + i - d] |= s * 128;\n};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 34\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer-browserify/buffer_ieee754.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer-browserify/buffer_ieee754.js");
+ eval("module.exports = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function (obj) {\n var res = [];\n for (var key in obj) {\n if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) res.push(key);\n }\n return res;\n};\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 34\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/objectGetOwnPropertyNames.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/objectGetOwnPropertyNames.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 35:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("module.exports = typeof Array.isArray === 'function'\n ? Array.isArray\n : function (xs) {\n return Object.prototype.toString.call(xs) === '[object Array]'\n }\n;\n\n/*\n\nalternative\n\nfunction isArray(ar) {\n return ar instanceof Array ||\n Array.isArray(ar) ||\n (ar && ar !== Object.prototype && isArray(ar.__proto__));\n}\n\n*/\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 35\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/isArray.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/isArray.js");
+ eval("var sjcl = require(1);\n\nvar UInt256 = require(16).UInt256;\n\nvar KeyPair = function ()\n{\n this._curve = sjcl.ecc.curves['c256'];\n this._secret = null;\n this._pubkey = null;\n};\n\nKeyPair.from_bn_secret = function (j)\n{\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_bn_secret(j);\n }\n};\n\nKeyPair.prototype.parse_bn_secret = function (j)\n{\n this._secret = new sjcl.ecc.ecdsa.secretKey(sjcl.ecc.curves['c256'], j);\n return this;\n};\n\n/**\n * Returns public key as sjcl public key.\n *\n * @private\n */\nKeyPair.prototype._pub = function ()\n{\n var curve = this._curve;\n\n if (!this._pubkey && this._secret) {\n var exponent = this._secret._exponent;\n this._pubkey = new sjcl.ecc.ecdsa.publicKey(curve, curve.G.mult(exponent));\n }\n\n return this._pubkey;\n};\n\n/**\n * Returns public key as hex.\n *\n * Key will be returned as a compressed pubkey - 33 bytes converted to hex.\n */\nKeyPair.prototype.to_hex_pub = function ()\n{\n var pub = this._pub();\n if (!pub) return null;\n\n var point = pub._point, y_even = point.y.mod(2).equals(0);\n return sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(sjcl.bitArray.concat(\n [sjcl.bitArray.partial(8, y_even ? 0x02 : 0x03)],\n point.x.toBits(this._curve.r.bitLength())\n )).toUpperCase();\n};\n\nKeyPair.prototype.sign = function (hash)\n{\n hash = UInt256.from_json(hash);\n return this._secret.signDER(hash.to_bits(), 0);\n};\n\nexports.KeyPair = KeyPair;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 35\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/keypair.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/keypair.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 36:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("module.exports = function indexOf (xs, x) {\n if (xs.indexOf) return xs.indexOf(x);\n for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) {\n if (x === xs[i]) return i;\n }\n return -1;\n}\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 36\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/indexOf.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/indexOf.js");
+ eval("var EventEmitter = require(6).EventEmitter;\nvar util = require(5);\n\nvar Amount = require(3).Amount;\n\nvar extend = require(2);\n\n/**\n * Represents a persistent path finding request.\n *\n * Only one path find request is allowed per connection, so when another path\n * find request is triggered it will supercede the existing one, making it emit\n * the 'end' and 'superceded' events.\n */\nvar PathFind = function (remote, src_account, dst_account,\n dst_amount, src_currencies)\n{\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n this.remote = remote;\n\n this.src_account = src_account;\n this.dst_account = dst_account;\n this.dst_amount = dst_amount;\n this.src_currencies = src_currencies;\n};\n\nutil.inherits(PathFind, EventEmitter);\n\n/**\n * Submits a path_find_create request to the network.\n *\n * This starts a path find request, superceding all previous path finds.\n *\n * This will be called automatically by Remote when this object is instantiated,\n * so you should only have to call it if the path find was closed or superceded\n * and you wish to restart it.\n */\nPathFind.prototype.create = function ()\n{\n var self = this;\n\n var req = this.remote.request_path_find_create(this.src_account,\n this.dst_account,\n this.dst_amount,\n this.src_currencies,\n handleInitialPath);\n\n function handleInitialPath(err, msg) {\n if (err) {\n self.emit('error', err);\n return;\n }\n self.notify_update(msg);\n }\n\n // XXX We should add ourselves to prepare_subscribe or a similar mechanism so\n // that we can resubscribe after a reconnection.\n\n req.request();\n};\n\nPathFind.prototype.close = function ()\n{\n this.remote.request_path_find_close().request();\n this.emit('end');\n this.emit('close');\n};\n\nPathFind.prototype.notify_update = function (message)\n{\n var src_account = message.source_account;\n var dst_account = message.destination_account;\n var dst_amount = Amount.from_json(message.destination_amount);\n\n // Only pass the event along if this path find response matches what we were\n // looking for.\n if (this.src_account === src_account &&\n this.dst_account === dst_account &&\n this.dst_amount.equals(dst_amount)) {\n this.emit('update', message);\n }\n};\n\nPathFind.prototype.notify_superceded = function ()\n{\n // XXX If we're set to re-subscribe whenever we connect to a new server, then\n // we should cancel that behavior here. See PathFind#create.\n\n this.emit('end');\n this.emit('superceded');\n};\n\nexports.PathFind = PathFind;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 36\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/pathfind.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/pathfind.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 37:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("module.exports = Object.keys || function objectKeys(object) {\n\tif (object !== Object(object)) throw new TypeError('Invalid object');\n\tvar result = [];\n\tfor (var name in object) {\n\t\tif (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, name)) {\n\t\t\tresult.push(name);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn result;\n};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 37\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/objectKeys.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/objectKeys.js");
+ eval("// Remote access to a server.\n// - We never send binary data.\n// - We use the W3C interface for node and browser compatibility:\n// http://www.w3.org/TR/websockets/#the-websocket-interface\n//\n// This class is intended for both browser and node.js use.\n//\n// This class is designed to work via peer protocol via either the public or\n// private websocket interfaces. The JavaScript class for the peer protocol\n// has not yet been implemented. However, this class has been designed for it\n// to be a very simple drop option.\n//\n// YYY Will later provide js/network.js which will transparently use multiple\n// instances of this class for network access.\n//\n\n// npm\nvar EventEmitter = require(6).EventEmitter;\nvar util = require(5);\n\nvar Request = require(38).Request;\nvar Server = require(29).Server;\nvar Amount = require(3).Amount;\nvar Currency = require(11).Currency;\nvar UInt160 = require(9).UInt160;\nvar Transaction = require(19).Transaction;\nvar Account = require(24).Account;\nvar Meta = require(18).Meta;\nvar OrderBook = require(25).OrderBook;\nvar PathFind = require(36).PathFind;\nvar RippleError = require(14).RippleError;\n\nvar utils = require(4);\nvar config = require(8);\nvar sjcl = require(1);\n\n/**\n Interface to manage the connection to a Ripple server.\n\n This implementation uses WebSockets.\n\n Keys for opts:\n\n trace\n max_listeners : Set maxListeners for remote; prevents EventEmitter warnings\n connection_offset : Connect to remote servers on supplied interval (in seconds)\n trusted : truthy, if remote is trusted\n max_fee : Maximum acceptable transaction fee\n fee_cushion : Extra fee multiplier to account for async fee changes.\n servers : Array of server objects with the following form\n\n { \n host: \n , port: \n , secure: \n }\n\n Events:\n 'connect'\n 'connected' (DEPRECATED)\n 'disconnect'\n 'disconnected' (DEPRECATED)\n 'state':\n - 'online' : Connected and subscribed.\n - 'offline' : Not subscribed or not connected.\n 'subscribed' : This indicates stand-alone is available.\n\n Server events:\n 'ledger_closed' : A good indicate of ready to serve.\n 'transaction' : Transactions we receive based on current subscriptions.\n 'transaction_all' : Listening triggers a subscribe to all transactions\n globally in the network.\n\n @param opts Connection options.\n @param trace\n*/\n\nfunction Remote(opts, trace) {\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n var self = this;\n\n this.trusted = Boolean(opts.trusted);\n this.local_sequence = Boolean(opts.local_sequence); // Locally track sequence numbers\n this.local_fee = (typeof opts.local_fee === 'undefined') ? true : Boolean(opts.local_fee); // Locally set fees\n this.local_signing = (typeof opts.local_signing === 'undefined') ? true : Boolean(opts.local_signing);\n this.fee_cushion = (typeof opts.fee_cushion === 'undefined') ? 1.5 : Number(opts.fee_cushion);\n this.max_fee = (typeof opts.max_fee === 'undefined') ? Infinity : Number(opts.max_fee);\n this.id = 0;\n this.trace = Boolean(opts.trace);\n this._server_fatal = false; // True, if we know server exited.\n this._ledger_current_index = void(0);\n this._ledger_hash = void(0);\n this._ledger_time = void(0);\n this._stand_alone = void(0);\n this._testnet = void(0);\n this._transaction_subs = 0;\n this.online_target = false;\n this._online_state = 'closed'; // 'open', 'closed', 'connecting', 'closing'\n this.state = 'offline'; // 'online', 'offline'\n this.retry_timer = void(0);\n this.retry = void(0);\n\n this._load_base = 256;\n this._load_factor = 256;\n this._fee_ref = 10;\n this._fee_base = 10;\n this._reserve_base = void(0);\n this._reserve_inc = void(0);\n this._connection_count = 0;\n this._connected = false;\n this._connection_offset = 1000 * (Number(opts.connection_offset) || 5);\n this._submission_timeout = 1000 * (Number(opts.submission_timeout) || 10);\n\n this._last_tx = null;\n this._cur_path_find = null;\n\n // Local signing implies local fees and sequences\n if (this.local_signing) {\n this.local_sequence = true;\n this.local_fee = true;\n }\n\n this._servers = [ ];\n this._primary_server = void(0);\n\n // Cache information for accounts.\n // DEPRECATED, will be removed\n this.accounts = {\n // Consider sequence numbers stable if you know you're not generating bad transactions.\n // Otherwise, clear it to have it automatically refreshed from the network.\n\n // account : { seq : __ }\n };\n\n // Account objects by AccountId.\n this._accounts = { };\n\n // OrderBook objects\n this._books = { };\n\n // Secrets that we know about.\n this.secrets = {\n // Secrets can be set by calling set_secret(account, secret).\n\n // account : secret\n };\n\n // Cache for various ledgers.\n // XXX Clear when ledger advances.\n this.ledgers = {\n current : {\n account_root : {}\n }\n };\n\n // Fallback for previous API\n if (!opts.hasOwnProperty('servers')) {\n opts.servers = [ \n {\n host: opts.websocket_ip,\n port: opts.websocket_port,\n secure: opts.websocket_ssl,\n trusted: opts.trusted\n }\n ];\n }\n\n opts.servers.forEach(function(server) {\n var pool = Number(server.pool) || 1;\n while (pool--) { self.add_server(server); };\n });\n\n // This is used to remove Node EventEmitter warnings\n var maxListeners = opts.maxListeners || opts.max_listeners || 0;\n this._servers.concat(this).forEach(function(emitter) {\n emitter.setMaxListeners(maxListeners);\n });\n\n function listener_added(type, listener) {\n if (type === 'transaction_all') {\n if (!self._transaction_subs && self._connected) {\n self.request_subscribe('transactions').request();\n }\n self._transaction_subs += 1;\n }\n }\n\n function listener_removed(type, listener) {\n if (type === 'transaction_all') {\n self._transaction_subs -= 1;\n if (!self._transaction_subs && self._connected) {\n self.request_unsubscribe('transactions').request();\n }\n }\n }\n\n this.on('newListener', listener_added);\n this.on('removeListener', listener_removed);\n}\n\nutil.inherits(Remote, EventEmitter);\n\n// Flags for ledger entries. In support of account_root().\nRemote.flags = {\n account_root : {\n PasswordSpent: 0x00010000,\n RequireDestTag: 0x00020000,\n RequireAuth: 0x00040000,\n DisallowXRP: 0x00080000\n }\n};\n\nfunction isTemMalformed(engine_result_code) {\n return (engine_result_code >= -299 && engine_result_code < 199);\n};\n\nfunction isTefFailure(engine_result_code) {\n return (engine_result_code >= -299 && engine_result_code < 199);\n};\n\nRemote.from_config = function (obj, trace) {\n var serverConfig = typeof obj === 'string' ? config.servers[obj] : obj;\n\n var remote = new Remote(serverConfig, trace);\n\n function initialize_account(account) {\n var accountInfo = config.accounts[account];\n if (typeof accountInfo === 'object') {\n if (accountInfo.secret) {\n // Index by nickname ...\n remote.set_secret(account, accountInfo.secret);\n // ... and by account ID\n remote.set_secret(accountInfo.account, accountInfo.secret);\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof config.accounts === 'object') {\n for (var account in config.accounts) {\n initialize_account(account);\n }\n }\n\n return remote;\n};\n\nRemote.create_remote = function(options, callback) {\n var remote = Remote.from_config(options);\n remote.connect(callback);\n return remote;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.add_server = function (opts) {\n var self = this;\n\n var server = new Server(this, {\n host : opts.host || opts.websocket_ip,\n port : opts.port || opts.websocket_port,\n secure : opts.secure || opts.websocket_ssl\n });\n\n function server_message(data) {\n self._handle_message(data, server);\n }\n\n function server_connect() {\n self._connection_count++;\n self._set_state('online');\n if (opts.primary || !self._primary_server) {\n self._set_primary_server(server);\n }\n if (self._connection_count === self._servers.length) {\n self.emit('ready');\n }\n }\n\n function server_disconnect() {\n self._connection_count--;\n if (!self._connection_count) {\n self._set_state('offline');\n }\n }\n\n server.on('message', server_message);\n server.on('connect', server_connect);\n server.on('disconnect', server_disconnect);\n\n this._servers.push(server);\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// Inform remote that the remote server is not comming back.\nRemote.prototype.server_fatal = function () {\n this._server_fatal = true;\n};\n\n// Set the emitted state: 'online' or 'offline'\nRemote.prototype._set_state = function (state) {\n this._trace('remote: set_state: %s', state);\n\n if (this.state !== state) {\n this.state = state;\n\n this.emit('state', state);\n\n switch (state) {\n case 'online':\n this._online_state = 'open';\n this._connected = true;\n this.emit('connect');\n this.emit('connected');\n break;\n\n case 'offline':\n this._online_state = 'closed';\n this._connected = false;\n this.emit('disconnect');\n this.emit('disconnected');\n break;\n }\n }\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.set_trace = function (trace) {\n this.trace = trace === void(0) || trace;\n return this;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype._trace = function() {\n if (this.trace) {\n utils.logObject.apply(utils, arguments);\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Connect to the Ripple network.\n */\nRemote.prototype.connect = function (online) {\n if (!this._servers.length) {\n throw new Error('No servers available.');\n }\n\n switch (typeof online) {\n case 'undefined':\n break;\n case 'function':\n this.once('connect', online);\n break;\n default:\n // Downwards compatibility\n if (!Boolean(online)) {\n return this.disconnect();\n }\n }\n\n var self = this;\n\n ;(function nextServer(i) {\n var server = self._servers[i];\n server.connect();\n server._sid = ++i;\n\n if (i < self._servers.length) {\n setTimeout(function() {\n nextServer(i);\n }, self._connection_offset);\n }\n })(0);\n\n return this;\n};\n\n/**\n * Disconnect from the Ripple network.\n */\nRemote.prototype.disconnect = function (online) {\n if (!this._servers.length) {\n throw new Error('No servers available, not disconnecting');\n }\n\n this._servers.forEach(function(server) {\n server.disconnect();\n });\n\n this._set_state('offline');\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// It is possible for messages to be dispatched after the connection is closed.\nRemote.prototype._handle_message = function (message, server) {\n var self = this;\n\n try { message = JSON.parse(message); } catch(e) { }\n\n var unexpected = typeof message !== 'object' || typeof message.type !== 'string';\n\n if (unexpected) {\n // Unexpected response from remote.\n this.emit('error', new RippleError('remoteUnexpected', 'Unexpected response from remote'));\n return;\n }\n\n switch (message.type) {\n case 'response':\n // Handled by the server that sent the request\n break;\n\n case 'ledgerClosed':\n // XXX If not trusted, need to verify we consider ledger closed.\n // XXX Also need to consider a slow server or out of order response.\n // XXX Be more defensive fields could be missing or of wrong type.\n // YYY Might want to do some cache management.\n\n this._ledger_time = message.ledger_time;\n this._ledger_hash = message.ledger_hash;\n this._ledger_current_index = message.ledger_index + 1;\n\n this.emit('ledger_closed', message, server);\n break;\n\n case 'transaction':\n // To get these events, just subscribe to them. A subscribes and\n // unsubscribes will be added as needed.\n // XXX If not trusted, need proof.\n\n // De-duplicate transactions that are immediately following each other\n // XXX Should have a cache of n txs so we can dedup out of order txs\n if (this._last_tx === message.transaction.hash) {\n break;\n }\n\n this._last_tx = message.transaction.hash;\n\n this._trace('remote: tx: %s', message);\n\n // Process metadata\n message.mmeta = new Meta(message.meta);\n\n // Pass the event on to any related Account objects\n message.mmeta.getAffectedAccounts().forEach(function(account) {\n account = self._accounts[account];\n if (account) {\n account.notifyTx(message);\n }\n });\n\n // Pass the event on to any related OrderBooks\n message.mmeta.getAffectedBooks().forEach(function(book) {\n book = self._books[book];\n if (book) {\n book.notifyTx(message);\n }\n });\n\n this.emit('transaction', message);\n this.emit('transaction_all', message);\n break;\n\n case 'path_find':\n // Pass the event to the currently open PathFind object\n if (this._cur_path_find) {\n this._cur_path_find.notify_update(message);\n }\n\n this.emit('path_find_all', message);\n break;\n case 'serverStatus':\n self.emit('server_status', message);\n\n var load_changed = message.hasOwnProperty('load_base')\n && message.hasOwnProperty('load_factor')\n && (message.load_base !== self._load_base || message.load_factor !== self._load_factor)\n ;\n\n if (load_changed) {\n self._load_base = message.load_base;\n self._load_factor = message.load_factor;\n var obj = {\n load_base: self._load_base,\n load_factor: self._load_factor,\n fee_units: self.fee_tx_unit()\n }\n self.emit('load', obj);\n self.emit('load_changed', obj);\n }\n break;\n\n // All other messages\n default:\n this._trace('remote: ' + message.type + ': %s', message);\n this.emit('net_' + message.type, message);\n break;\n }\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.ledger_hash = function () {\n return this._ledger_hash;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype._set_primary_server = function (server) {\n if (this._primary_server) {\n this._primary_server._primary = false;\n }\n this._primary_server = server;\n this._primary_server._primary = true;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype._server_is_available = function (server) {\n return server && server._connected;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype._next_server = function () {\n var result = null;\n\n for (var i=0; i request: what to send, consumed.\nRemote.prototype.request = function (request) {\n if (!this._servers.length) {\n request.emit('error', new Error('No servers available'));\n } else if (!this._connected) {\n this.once('connect', this.request.bind(this, request));\n } else if (request.server === null) {\n this.emit('error', new Error('Server does not exist'));\n } else {\n var server = request.server || this._get_server();\n if (server) {\n server.request(request);\n } else {\n request.emit('error', new Error('No servers available'));\n }\n }\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_server_info = function(callback) {\n return new Request(this, 'server_info').callback(callback);\n};\n\n// XXX This is a bad command. Some varients don't scale.\n// XXX Require the server to be trusted.\nRemote.prototype.request_ledger = function (ledger, opts, callback) {\n //utils.assert(this.trusted);\n\n var request = new Request(this, 'ledger');\n\n if (ledger) {\n // DEPRECATED: use .ledger_hash() or .ledger_index()\n console.log('request_ledger: ledger parameter is deprecated');\n request.message.ledger = ledger;\n }\n\n var props = [\n 'full'\n , 'expand'\n , 'transactions'\n , 'accounts' \n ];\n\n switch (typeof opts) {\n case 'object':\n for (var key in opts) {\n if (~props.indexOf(key)) {\n request.message[key] = true;\n }\n }\n break;\n\n case 'function':\n callback = opts;\n opts = void(0);\n break;\n\n default:\n //DEPRECATED\n console.log('request_ledger: full parameter is deprecated');\n request.message.full = true;\n break;\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// Only for unit testing.\nRemote.prototype.request_ledger_hash = function (callback) {\n //utils.assert(this.trusted); // If not trusted, need to check proof.\n\n return new Request(this, 'ledger_closed').callback(callback);\n};\n\n// .ledger()\n// .ledger_index()\nRemote.prototype.request_ledger_header = function (callback) {\n return new Request(this, 'ledger_header').callback(callback);\n};\n\n// Get the current proposed ledger entry. May be closed (and revised) at any time (even before returning).\n// Only for unit testing.\nRemote.prototype.request_ledger_current = function (callback) {\n return new Request(this, 'ledger_current').callback(callback);\n};\n\n// --> type : the type of ledger entry.\n// .ledger()\n// .ledger_index()\n// .offer_id()\nRemote.prototype.request_ledger_entry = function (type, callback) {\n //utils.assert(this.trusted); // If not trusted, need to check proof, maybe talk packet protocol.\n\n var self = this;\n var request = new Request(this, 'ledger_entry');\n\n // Transparent caching. When .request() is invoked, look in the Remote object for the result.\n // If not found, listen, cache result, and emit it.\n //\n // Transparent caching:\n if (type === 'account_root') {\n request.request_default = request.request;\n\n request.request = function () { // Intercept default request.\n var bDefault = true;\n // .self = Remote\n // this = Request\n\n // console.log('request_ledger_entry: caught');\n\n //if (self._ledger_hash) {\n // A specific ledger is requested.\n // XXX Add caching.\n // else if (req.ledger_index)\n // else if ('ripple_state' === request.type) // YYY Could be cached per ledger.\n //} \n \n if (!self._ledger_hash && type === 'account_root') {\n var cache = self.ledgers.current.account_root;\n\n if (!cache) {\n cache = self.ledgers.current.account_root = {};\n }\n\n var node = self.ledgers.current.account_root[request.message.account_root];\n\n if (node) {\n // Emulate fetch of ledger entry.\n // console.log('request_ledger_entry: emulating');\n // YYY Missing lots of fields.\n request.emit('success', { node: node });\n bDefault = false;\n } else { // Was not cached.\n // XXX Only allow with trusted mode. Must sync response with advance.\n switch (type) {\n case 'account_root':\n request.on('success', function (message) {\n // Cache node.\n // console.log('request_ledger_entry: caching');\n self.ledgers.current.account_root[message.node.Account] = message.node;\n });\n break;\n\n default:\n // This type not cached.\n // console.log('request_ledger_entry: non-cached type');\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (bDefault) {\n // console.log('request_ledger_entry: invoking');\n request.request_default();\n }\n };\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// .accounts(accounts, realtime)\nRemote.prototype.request_subscribe = function (streams, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'subscribe');\n\n if (streams) {\n request.message.streams = Array.isArray(streams) ? streams : [ streams ];\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// .accounts(accounts, realtime)\nRemote.prototype.request_unsubscribe = function (streams, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'unsubscribe');\n\n if (streams) {\n request.message.streams = Array.isArray(streams) ? streams : [ streams ];\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// .ledger_choose()\n// .ledger_hash()\n// .ledger_index()\nRemote.prototype.request_transaction = \nRemote.prototype.request_transaction_entry = function (tx_hash, ledger_hash, callback) {\n //utils.assert(this.trusted); // If not trusted, need to check proof, maybe talk packet protocol.\n var request = new Request(this, 'transaction_entry');\n\n request.tx_hash(tx_hash);\n\n switch (typeof ledger_hash) {\n case 'string':\n request.ledger_hash(ledger_hash);\n break;\n default:\n request.ledger_index('validated');\n callback = ledger_hash;\n }\n \n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// DEPRECATED: use request_transaction_entry\nRemote.prototype.request_tx = function (hash, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'tx');\n request.message.transaction = hash;\n request.callback(callback);\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_account_info = function (accountID, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'account_info');\n request.message.ident = UInt160.json_rewrite(accountID); // DEPRECATED\n request.message.account = UInt160.json_rewrite(accountID);\n request.callback(callback);\n return request;\n};\n\n// --> account_index: sub_account index (optional)\n// --> current: true, for the current ledger.\nRemote.prototype.request_account_lines = function (accountID, account_index, current, callback) {\n // XXX Does this require the server to be trusted?\n //utils.assert(this.trusted);\n\n var request = new Request(this, 'account_lines');\n\n request.message.account = UInt160.json_rewrite(accountID);\n\n if (account_index) {\n request.message.index = account_index;\n }\n\n request.ledger_choose(current);\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// --> account_index: sub_account index (optional)\n// --> current: true, for the current ledger.\nRemote.prototype.request_account_offers = function (accountID, account_index, current, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'account_offers');\n\n request.message.account = UInt160.json_rewrite(accountID);\n\n if (account_index) {\n request.message.index = account_index;\n }\n\n request.ledger_choose(current);\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n\n/*\n account: account,\n ledger_index_min: ledger_index, // optional, defaults to -1 if ledger_index_max is specified.\n ledger_index_max: ledger_index, // optional, defaults to -1 if ledger_index_min is specified.\n binary: boolean, // optional, defaults to false\n count: boolean, // optional, defaults to false\n descending: boolean, // optional, defaults to false\n offset: integer, // optional, defaults to 0\n limit: integer // optional\n*/\n\nRemote.prototype.request_account_tx = function (obj, callback) {\n // XXX Does this require the server to be trusted?\n //utils.assert(this.trusted);\n\n var request = new Request(this, 'account_tx');\n\n request.message.account = obj.account;\n\n var props = [\n 'ledger_index_min'\n , 'ledger_index_max'\n , 'binary'\n , 'count'\n , 'descending'\n , 'offset'\n , 'limit'\n ];\n\n for (var key in obj) {\n if (~props.indexOf(key)) {\n request.message[key] = obj[key];\n }\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n/**\n * Request the overall transaction history.\n *\n * Returns a list of transactions that happened recently on the network. The\n * default number of transactions to be returned is 20.\n */\nRemote.prototype.request_tx_history = function (start, callback) {\n // XXX Does this require the server to be trusted?\n //utils.assert(this.trusted);\n\n var request = new Request(this, 'tx_history');\n\n request.message.start = start;\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_book_offers = function (gets, pays, taker, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'book_offers');\n\n request.message.taker_gets = {\n currency: Currency.json_rewrite(gets.currency)\n };\n\n if (request.message.taker_gets.currency !== 'XRP') {\n request.message.taker_gets.issuer = UInt160.json_rewrite(gets.issuer);\n }\n\n request.message.taker_pays = {\n currency: Currency.json_rewrite(pays.currency)\n };\n\n if (request.message.taker_pays.currency !== 'XRP') {\n request.message.taker_pays.issuer = UInt160.json_rewrite(pays.issuer);\n }\n\n request.message.taker = taker ? taker : UInt160.ACCOUNT_ONE;\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_wallet_accounts = function (seed, callback) {\n utils.assert(this.trusted); // Don't send secrets.\n var request = new Request(this, 'wallet_accounts');\n request.message.seed = seed;\n return request.callback(callback);\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_sign = function (secret, tx_json, callback) {\n utils.assert(this.trusted); // Don't send secrets.\n var request = new Request(this, 'sign');\n request.message.secret = secret;\n request.message.tx_json = tx_json;\n request.callback(callback);\n return request;\n};\n\n// Submit a transaction.\nRemote.prototype.request_submit = function (callback) {\n return new Request(this, 'submit').callback(callback);\n};\n\n//\n// Higher level functions.\n//\n\n/**\n * Create a subscribe request with current subscriptions.\n *\n * Other classes can add their own subscriptions to this request by listening to\n * the server_subscribe event.\n *\n * This function will create and return the request, but not submit it.\n */\nRemote.prototype._server_prepare_subscribe = function (callback) {\n var self = this;\n\n var feeds = [ 'ledger', 'server' ];\n\n if (this._transaction_subs) {\n feeds.push('transactions');\n }\n\n var request = this.request_subscribe(feeds);\n\n request.once('success', function (message) {\n self._stand_alone = !!message.stand_alone;\n self._testnet = !!message.testnet;\n\n if (typeof message.random === 'string') {\n var rand = message.random.match(/[0-9A-F]{8}/ig);\n while (rand && rand.length) {\n sjcl.random.addEntropy(parseInt(rand.pop(), 16));\n }\n self.emit('random', utils.hexToArray(message.random));\n }\n\n if (message.ledger_hash && message.ledger_index) {\n self._ledger_time = message.ledger_time;\n self._ledger_hash = message.ledger_hash;\n self._ledger_current_index = message.ledger_index+1;\n self.emit('ledger_closed', message);\n }\n\n // FIXME Use this to estimate fee.\n // XXX When we have multiple server support, most of this should be tracked\n // by the Server objects and then aggregated/interpreted by Remote.\n self._load_base = message.load_base || 256;\n self._load_factor = message.load_factor || 256;\n self._fee_ref = message.fee_ref;\n self._fee_base = message.fee_base;\n self._reserve_base = message.reserve_base;\n self._reserve_inc = message.reserve_inc;\n\n self.emit('subscribed');\n });\n\n request.on('error', function (err) {\n // XXX We need a better global error handling\n console.log(err);\n });\n\n self.emit('prepare_subscribe', request);\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n // XXX Could give error events, maybe even time out.\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// For unit testing: ask the remote to accept the current ledger.\n// - To be notified when the ledger is accepted, server_subscribe() then listen to 'ledger_hash' events.\n// A good way to be notified of the result of this is:\n// remote.once('ledger_closed', function (ledger_closed, ledger_index) { ... } );\nRemote.prototype.ledger_accept = function (callback) {\n if (this._stand_alone) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'ledger_accept');\n request.request();\n request.callback(callback);\n } else {\n this.emit('error', { error : 'notStandAlone' });\n }\n return this;\n};\n\n// Return a request to refresh the account balance.\nRemote.prototype.request_account_balance = function (account, current, callback) {\n var request = this.request_ledger_entry('account_root');\n request.account_root(account);\n request.ledger_choose(current);\n request.once('success', function (message) {\n request.emit('account_balance', Amount.from_json(message.node.Balance));\n });\n request.callback(callback, 'account_balance');\n return request;\n};\n\n// Return a request to return the account flags.\nRemote.prototype.request_account_flags = function (account, current, callback) {\n var request = this.request_ledger_entry('account_root');\n request.account_root(account);\n request.ledger_choose(current);\n request.on('success', function (message) {\n request.emit('account_flags', message.node.Flags);\n });\n request.callback(callback, 'account_flags');\n return request;\n};\n\n// Return a request to emit the owner count.\nRemote.prototype.request_owner_count = function (account, current, callback) {\n var request = this.request_ledger_entry('account_root');\n request.account_root(account);\n request.ledger_choose(current);\n request.on('success', function (message) {\n request.emit('owner_count', message.node.OwnerCount);\n });\n request.callback(callback, 'owner_count');\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.get_account =\nRemote.prototype.account = function (accountId) {\n var accountId = UInt160.json_rewrite(accountId);\n var account = this._accounts[accountId];\n\n if (!account) {\n account = new Account(this, accountId);\n if (account.is_valid()) {\n this._accounts[accountId] = account;\n }\n }\n\n return account;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.path_find = function (src_account, dst_account, dst_amount, src_currencies) {\n var path_find = new PathFind(this, src_account, dst_account, dst_amount, src_currencies);\n\n if (this._cur_path_find) {\n this._cur_path_find.notify_superceded();\n }\n\n path_find.create();\n\n this._cur_path_find = path_find;\n\n return path_find;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.book = function (currency_gets, issuer_gets, currency_pays, issuer_pays) {\n var gets = currency_gets + (currency_gets === 'XRP' ? '' : ('/' + issuer_gets));\n var pays = currency_pays + (currency_pays === 'XRP' ? '' : ('/' + issuer_pays));\n var key = gets + ':' + pays;\n var book;\n\n if (!this._books.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n book = new OrderBook(this, currency_gets, issuer_gets, currency_pays, issuer_pays);\n if (book.is_valid()) {\n this._books[key] = book;\n }\n }\n\n return this._books[key];\n};\n\n// Return the next account sequence if possible.\n// <-- undefined or Sequence\nRemote.prototype.account_seq = function (account, advance) {\n var account = UInt160.json_rewrite(account);\n var account_info = this.accounts[account];\n var seq;\n\n if (account_info && account_info.seq) {\n seq = account_info.seq;\n account_info.seq += { ADVANCE: 1, REWIND: -1 }[advance.toUpperCase()] || 0;\n }\n\n return seq;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.set_account_seq = function (account, seq) {\n var account = UInt160.json_rewrite(account);\n\n if (!this.accounts.hasOwnProperty(account)) {\n this.accounts[account] = { };\n }\n\n this.accounts[account].seq = seq;\n}\n\n// Return a request to refresh accounts[account].seq.\nRemote.prototype.account_seq_cache = function (account, current, callback) {\n var self = this;\n\n if (!this.accounts.hasOwnProperty(account)) {\n this.accounts[account] = { };\n }\n\n var account_info = this.accounts[account];\n var request = account_info.caching_seq_request;\n\n if (!request) {\n // console.log('starting: %s', account);\n request = this.request_ledger_entry('account_root');\n request.account_root(account);\n request.ledger_choose(current);\n\n function account_root_success(message) {\n delete account_info.caching_seq_request;\n\n var seq = message.node.Sequence;\n account_info.seq = seq;\n\n // console.log('caching: %s %d', account, seq);\n // If the caller also waits for 'success', they might run before this.\n request.emit('success_account_seq_cache', message);\n }\n\n function account_root_error(message) {\n // console.log('error: %s', account);\n delete account_info.caching_seq_request;\n\n request.emit('error_account_seq_cache', message);\n }\n\n request.once('success', account_root_success);\n request.once('error', account_root_error);\n\n account_info.caching_seq_request = request;\n }\n\n request.callback(callback, 'success_account_seq_cache', 'error_account_seq_cache');\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// Mark an account's root node as dirty.\nRemote.prototype.dirty_account_root = function (account) {\n var account = UInt160.json_rewrite(account);\n delete this.ledgers.current.account_root[account];\n};\n\n// Store a secret - allows the Remote to automatically fill out auth information.\nRemote.prototype.set_secret = function (account, secret) {\n this.secrets[account] = secret;\n};\n\n\n// Return a request to get a ripple balance.\n//\n// --> account: String\n// --> issuer: String\n// --> currency: String\n// --> current: bool : true = current ledger\n//\n// If does not exist: emit('error', 'error' : 'remoteError', 'remote' : { 'error' : 'entryNotFound' })\nRemote.prototype.request_ripple_balance = function (account, issuer, currency, current, callback) {\n var request = this.request_ledger_entry('ripple_state'); // YYY Could be cached per ledger.\n\n request.ripple_state(account, issuer, currency);\n request.ledger_choose(current);\n request.once('success', function(message) {\n var node = message.node;\n var lowLimit = Amount.from_json(node.LowLimit);\n var highLimit = Amount.from_json(node.HighLimit);\n // The amount the low account holds of issuer.\n var balance = Amount.from_json(node.Balance);\n // accountHigh implies: for account: balance is negated, highLimit is the limit set by account.\n var accountHigh = UInt160.from_json(account).equals(highLimit.issuer());\n\n request.emit('ripple_state', {\n account_balance : ( accountHigh ? balance.negate() : balance.clone()).parse_issuer(account),\n peer_balance : (!accountHigh ? balance.negate() : balance.clone()).parse_issuer(issuer),\n\n account_limit : ( accountHigh ? highLimit : lowLimit).clone().parse_issuer(issuer),\n peer_limit : (!accountHigh ? highLimit : lowLimit).clone().parse_issuer(account),\n\n account_quality_in : ( accountHigh ? node.HighQualityIn : node.LowQualityIn),\n peer_quality_in : (!accountHigh ? node.HighQualityIn : node.LowQualityIn),\n\n account_quality_out : ( accountHigh ? node.HighQualityOut : node.LowQualityOut),\n peer_quality_out : (!accountHigh ? node.HighQualityOut : node.LowQualityOut),\n });\n });\n\n request.callback(callback, 'ripple_state');\n\n return request;\n};\n\nfunction prepare_currencies(ci) {\n var ci_new = { };\n\n if (ci.hasOwnProperty('issuer')) {\n ci_new.issuer = UInt160.json_rewrite(ci.issuer);\n }\n\n if (ci.hasOwnProperty('currency')) {\n ci_new.currency = Currency.json_rewrite(ci.currency);\n }\n\n return ci_new;\n}\n\nRemote.prototype.request_ripple_path_find = function (src_account, dst_account, dst_amount, src_currencies, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'ripple_path_find');\n\n request.message.source_account = UInt160.json_rewrite(src_account);\n request.message.destination_account = UInt160.json_rewrite(dst_account);\n request.message.destination_amount = Amount.json_rewrite(dst_amount);\n\n if (src_currencies) {\n request.message.source_currencies = src_currencies.map(prepare_currencies);\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_path_find_create = function (src_account, dst_account, dst_amount, src_currencies, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'path_find');\n\n request.message.subcommand = 'create';\n request.message.source_account = UInt160.json_rewrite(src_account);\n request.message.destination_account = UInt160.json_rewrite(dst_account);\n request.message.destination_amount = Amount.json_rewrite(dst_amount);\n\n if (src_currencies) {\n request.message.source_currencies = src_currencies.map(prepare_currencies);\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_path_find_close = function () {\n var request = new Request(this, 'path_find');\n request.message.subcommand = 'close';\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_unl_list = function (callback) {\n return new Request(this, 'unl_list').callback(callback);\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_unl_add = function (addr, comment, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'unl_add');\n\n request.message.node = addr;\n\n if (comment) {\n request.message.comment = note;\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// --> node: | \nRemote.prototype.request_unl_delete = function (node, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'unl_delete');\n request.message.node = node;\n request.callback(callback);\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_peers = function (callback) {\n return new Request(this, 'peers').callback(callback);\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_connect = function (ip, port, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'connect');\n\n request.message.ip = ip;\n\n if (port) {\n request.message.port = port;\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.transaction = function (source, destination, amount, callback) {\n var tx = new Transaction(this);\n\n if (arguments.length >= 3) {\n tx = tx.payment(source, destination, amount);\n if (typeof callback === 'function') {\n tx.submit(callback);\n }\n }\n\n return tx;\n};\n\n/**\n * Calculate a transaction fee for a number of tx fee units.\n *\n * This takes into account the last known network and local load fees.\n *\n * @return {Amount} Final fee in XRP for specified number of fee units.\n */\nRemote.prototype.fee_tx = function (units) {\n var fee_unit = this.fee_tx_unit();\n return Amount.from_json(String(Math.ceil(units * fee_unit)));\n};\n\n/**\n * Get the current recommended transaction fee unit.\n *\n * Multiply this value with the number of fee units in order to calculate the\n * recommended fee for the transaction you are trying to submit.\n *\n * @return {Number} Recommended amount for one fee unit as float.\n */\nRemote.prototype.fee_tx_unit = function () {\n var fee_unit = this._fee_base / this._fee_ref;\n\n // Apply load fees\n fee_unit *= this._load_factor / this._load_base;\n\n // Apply fee cushion (a safety margin in case fees rise since we were last updated\n fee_unit *= this.fee_cushion;\n\n return fee_unit;\n};\n\n/**\n * Get the current recommended reserve base.\n *\n * Returns the base reserve with load fees and safety margin applied.\n */\nRemote.prototype.reserve = function (owner_count) {\n var reserve_base = Amount.from_json(String(this._reserve_base));\n var reserve_inc = Amount.from_json(String(this._reserve_inc));\n var owner_count = owner_count || 0;\n\n if (owner_count < 0) {\n throw new Error('Owner count must not be negative.');\n }\n\n return reserve_base.add(reserve_inc.product_human(owner_count));\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.ping = function(host, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'ping');\n\n switch (typeof host) {\n case 'function':\n callback = host;\n break;\n case 'string':\n var server = null;\n for (var i=0, s; s=this._servers[i]; i++) {\n if (s._host === host) {\n server = s;\n break;\n }\n }\n request.set_server(server);\n break;\n }\n\n var then = Date.now();\n\n request.once('success', function() {\n request.emit('pong', Date.now() - then);\n });\n \n request.callback(callback, 'pong');\n\n return request;\n};\n\nexports.Remote = Remote;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 37\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/remote.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/remote.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 38:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("module.exports = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function (obj) {\n var res = [];\n for (var key in obj) {\n if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) res.push(key);\n }\n return res;\n};\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 38\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/objectGetOwnPropertyNames.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/objectGetOwnPropertyNames.js");
+ eval("var EventEmitter = require(6).EventEmitter;\nvar util = require(5);\nvar UInt160 = require(9).UInt160;\nvar Currency = require(11).Currency;\nvar Transaction = require(19).Transaction;\nvar Account = require(24).Account;\nvar Meta = require(18).Meta;\nvar OrderBook = require(25).OrderBook;\nvar RippleError = require(14).RippleError;\n\n// Request events emitted:\n// 'success' : Request successful.\n// 'error' : Request failed.\n// 'remoteError'\n// 'remoteUnexpected'\n// 'remoteDisconnected'\nfunction Request(remote, command) {\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n this.remote = remote;\n this.requested = false;\n this.message = {\n command : command,\n id : void(0)\n };\n};\n\nutil.inherits(Request, EventEmitter);\n\n// Send the request to a remote.\nRequest.prototype.request = function (remote) {\n if (!this.requested) {\n this.requested = true;\n this.remote.request(this);\n this.emit('request', remote);\n }\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.callback = function(callback, successEvent, errorEvent) {\n if (callback && typeof callback === 'function') {\n var self = this;\n\n function request_success(message) {\n callback.call(self, null, message);\n }\n\n function request_error(error) {\n if (!(error instanceof RippleError)) {\n error = new RippleError(error);\n }\n callback.call(self, error);\n }\n\n this.once(successEvent || 'success', request_success);\n this.once(errorEvent || 'error' , request_error);\n this.request();\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.timeout = function(duration, callback) {\n var self = this;\n\n if (!this.requested) {\n function requested() {\n self.timeout(duration, callback);\n }\n this.once('request', requested);\n return;\n }\n\n var emit = this.emit;\n var timed_out = false;\n\n var timeout = setTimeout(function() {\n timed_out = true;\n if (typeof callback === 'function') callback();\n emit.call(self, 'timeout');\n }, duration);\n\n this.emit = function() {\n if (!timed_out) {\n clearTimeout(timeout);\n emit.apply(self, arguments);\n }\n };\n\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.set_server = function(server) {\n this.server = server;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.build_path = function (build) {\n if (build) {\n this.message.build_path = true;\n }\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.ledger_choose = function (current) {\n if (current) {\n this.message.ledger_index = this.remote._ledger_current_index;\n } else {\n this.message.ledger_hash = this.remote._ledger_hash;\n }\n return this;\n};\n\n// Set the ledger for a request.\n// - ledger_entry\n// - transaction_entry\nRequest.prototype.ledger_hash = function (hash) {\n this.message.ledger_hash = hash;\n return this;\n};\n\n// Set the ledger_index for a request.\n// - ledger_entry\nRequest.prototype.ledger_index = function (ledger_index) {\n this.message.ledger_index = ledger_index;\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.ledger_select = function (ledger_spec) {\n switch (ledger_spec) {\n case 'current':\n case 'closed':\n case 'verified':\n this.message.ledger_index = ledger_spec;\n break;\n\n default:\n // XXX Better test needed\n if (Number(ledger_spec)) {\n this.message.ledger_index = ledger_spec;\n } else {\n this.message.ledger_hash = ledger_spec;\n }\n break;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.account_root = function (account) {\n this.message.account_root = UInt160.json_rewrite(account);\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.index = function (hash) {\n this.message.index = hash;\n return this;\n};\n\n// Provide the information id an offer.\n// --> account\n// --> seq : sequence number of transaction creating offer (integer)\nRequest.prototype.offer_id = function (account, seq) {\n this.message.offer = {\n account: UInt160.json_rewrite(account),\n seq: seq\n };\n return this;\n};\n\n// --> index : ledger entry index.\nRequest.prototype.offer_index = function (index) {\n this.message.offer = index;\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.secret = function (secret) {\n if (secret) {\n this.message.secret = secret;\n }\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.tx_hash = function (hash) {\n this.message.tx_hash = hash;\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.tx_json = function (json) {\n this.message.tx_json = json;\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.tx_blob = function (json) {\n this.message.tx_blob = json;\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.ripple_state = function (account, issuer, currency) {\n this.message.ripple_state = {\n currency : currency,\n accounts : [\n UInt160.json_rewrite(account),\n UInt160.json_rewrite(issuer)\n ]\n };\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.accounts = function (accounts, realtime) {\n if (!Array.isArray(accounts)) {\n accounts = [ accounts ];\n }\n\n // Process accounts parameters\n var processedAccounts = accounts.map(function(account) {\n return UInt160.json_rewrite(account);\n });\n \n if (realtime) {\n this.message.rt_accounts = processedAccounts;\n } else {\n this.message.accounts = processedAccounts;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.rt_accounts = function (accounts) {\n return this.accounts(accounts, true);\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.books = function (books, snapshot) {\n var processedBooks = [ ];\n\n for (var i = 0, l = books.length; i < l; i++) {\n var book = books[i];\n var json = { };\n\n function processSide(side) {\n if (!book[side]) {\n throw new Error('Missing ' + side);\n }\n\n var obj = json[side] = {\n currency: Currency.json_rewrite(book[side].currency)\n };\n \n if (obj.currency !== 'XRP') {\n obj.issuer = UInt160.json_rewrite(book[side].issuer);\n }\n }\n\n processSide('taker_gets');\n processSide('taker_pays');\n\n if (snapshot) {\n json.snapshot = true;\n }\n\n if (book.both) {\n json.both = true; \n }\n\n processedBooks.push(json);\n }\n\n this.message.books = processedBooks;\n\n return this;\n};\n\nexports.Request = Request;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 38\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/request.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/request.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 39:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("module.exports = Object.create || function (prototype, properties) {\n // from es5-shim\n var object;\n if (prototype === null) {\n object = { '__proto__' : null };\n }\n else {\n if (typeof prototype !== 'object') {\n throw new TypeError(\n 'typeof prototype[' + (typeof prototype) + '] != \\'object\\''\n );\n }\n var Type = function () {};\n Type.prototype = prototype;\n object = new Type();\n object.__proto__ = prototype;\n }\n if (typeof properties !== 'undefined' && Object.defineProperties) {\n Object.defineProperties(object, properties);\n }\n return object;\n};\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 39\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/objectCreate.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/objectCreate.js");
+ eval("var util = require(5);\nvar EventEmitter = require(6).EventEmitter;\nvar RippleError = require(14).RippleError;\nvar Queue = require(40).TransactionQueue;\nvar Amount = require(3);\n\n/**\n * @constructor TransactionManager\n * @param {Object} account\n */\n\nfunction TransactionManager(account) {\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n var self = this;\n\n this.account = account;\n this.remote = account._remote;\n this._timeout = void(0);\n this._pending = new Queue;\n this._next_sequence = void(0);\n this._cache = { };\n\n //XX Fee units\n this._max_fee = this.remote.max_fee;\n\n this._submission_timeout = this.remote._submission_timeout;\n\n function remote_reconnected() {\n self.account.get_next_sequence(function(err, sequence) {\n sequence_loaded(err, sequence);\n self._resubmit(3);\n });\n }\n\n function remote_disconnected() {\n self.remote.once('connect', remote_reconnected);\n }\n\n this.remote.on('disconnect', remote_disconnected);\n\n function sequence_loaded(err, sequence, callback) {\n self._next_sequence = sequence;\n self.emit('sequence_loaded', sequence);\n callback && callback();\n }\n\n this.account.get_next_sequence(sequence_loaded);\n\n function cache_transaction(message) {\n var transaction = {\n ledger_hash: message.ledger_hash,\n ledger_index: message.ledger_index,\n metadata: message.meta,\n tx_json: message.transaction\n }\n\n transaction.tx_json.ledger_index = transaction.ledger_index;\n transaction.tx_json.inLedger = transaction.ledger_index;\n\n self._cache[message.transaction.Sequence] = transaction;\n }\n\n this.account.on('transaction-outbound', cache_transaction);\n\n function adjust_fees() {\n self._pending.forEach(function(pending) {\n if (pending.tx_json.Fee) {\n var newFee = self.remote.fee_tx(pending.fee_units()).to_json();\n pending.tx_json.Fee = newFee;\n }\n });\n }\n\n this.remote.on('load_changed', adjust_fees);\n};\n\nutil.inherits(TransactionManager, EventEmitter);\n\n// request_tx presents transactions in\n// a format slightly different from \n// request_transaction_entry\nfunction rewrite_transaction(tx) {\n try {\n var result = {\n ledger_index: tx.ledger_index,\n metadata: tx.meta,\n tx_json: { \n Account: tx.Account,\n Amount: tx.Amount,\n Destination: tx.Destination,\n Fee: tx.Fee,\n Flags: tx.Flags,\n Sequence: tx.Sequence,\n SigningPubKey: tx.SigningPubKey,\n TransactionType: tx.TransactionType,\n hash: tx.hash\n }\n }\n } catch(exception) { }\n return result || { };\n};\n\nTransactionManager.prototype._resubmit = function(wait_ledgers) {\n var self = this;\n\n if (wait_ledgers) {\n var ledgers = Number(wait_ledgers) || 3;\n this._wait_ledgers(ledgers, function() {\n self._pending.forEach(resubmit);\n });\n } else {\n self._pending.forEach(resubmit);\n }\n\n function resubmit(pending, index) {\n if (pending.finalized) {\n // Transaction has been finalized, nothing to do\n return;\n } \n\n var sequence = pending.tx_json.Sequence;\n var cached = self._cache[sequence];\n\n pending.emit('resubmit');\n\n if (cached) {\n // Transaction was received while waiting for\n // resubmission\n pending.emit('success', cached);\n delete self._cache[sequence];\n } else if (pending.hash) {\n // Transaction was successfully submitted, and\n // its hash discovered, but not validated\n\n function pending_check(err, res) {\n if (self._is_not_found(err)) {\n //XX\n self._request(pending);\n } else {\n pending.emit('success', rewrite_transaction(res));\n }\n }\n\n var request = self.remote.request_tx(pending.hash, pending_check);\n\n request.timeout(self._submission_timeout, function() {\n if (self.remote._connected) {\n self._resubmit(1);\n }\n });\n } else {\n self._request(pending);\n }\n }\n};\n\nTransactionManager.prototype._wait_ledgers = function(ledgers, callback) {\n var self = this;\n var closes = 0;\n\n function ledger_closed() {\n if (++closes === ledgers) {\n callback();\n self.remote.removeListener('ledger_closed', ledger_closed);\n }\n }\n\n this.remote.on('ledger_closed', ledger_closed);\n}\n\nTransactionManager.prototype._request = function(tx) {\n var self = this;\n var remote = this.remote;\n\n // Listen for 'ledger closed' events to verify\n // that the transaction is discovered in the\n // ledger before considering the transaction\n // successful\n this._detect_ledger_entry(tx);\n\n var submit_request = remote.request_submit();\n\n if (remote.local_signing) {\n tx.sign();\n submit_request.tx_blob(tx.serialize().to_hex());\n } else {\n submit_request.secret(tx._secret);\n submit_request.build_path(tx._build_path);\n submit_request.tx_json(tx.tx_json);\n }\n\n tx.submit_index = remote._ledger_current_index;\n\n function transaction_proposed(message) {\n tx.hash = message.tx_json.hash;\n tx.set_state('client_proposed');\n tx.emit('proposed', {\n tx_json: message.tx_json,\n engine_result: message.engine_result,\n engine_result_code: message.engine_result_code,\n engine_result_message: message.engine_result_message,\n // If server is honest, don't expect a final if rejected.\n rejected: tx.isRejected(message.engine_result_code),\n });\n }\n\n function transaction_failed(message) {\n if (!tx.hash) tx.hash = message.tx_json.hash;\n\n function transaction_requested(err, res) {\n if (self._is_not_found(err)) {\n self._resubmit(1);\n } else {\n //XX\n tx.emit('error', new RippleError(message));\n }\n }\n\n self.remote.request_tx(tx.hash, transaction_requested);\n }\n\n function transaction_retry(message) {\n switch (message.engine_result) {\n case 'terPRE_SEQ':\n self._resubmit(1);\n break;\n default:\n submission_error(new RippleError(message));\n }\n }\n\n function submission_error(error) {\n //Decrement sequence\n self._next_sequence--;\n tx.set_state('remoteError');\n tx.emit('submitted', error);\n tx.emit('error', new RippleError(error));\n }\n\n function submission_success(message) {\n tx.emit('submitted', message);\n\n if (tx.attempts > 5) {\n tx.emit('error', new RippleError(message));\n return;\n }\n\n var engine_result = message.engine_result || '';\n\n tx.hash = message.tx_json.hash;\n\n switch (engine_result.slice(0, 3)) {\n case 'tes':\n transaction_proposed(message);\n break;\n case 'tef':\n //tefPAST_SEQ\n transaction_failed(message);\n break;\n case 'ter':\n transaction_retry(message);\n break;\n default:\n submission_error(message);\n }\n }\n\n submit_request.once('success', submission_success);\n submit_request.once('error', submission_error);\n submit_request.request();\n\n submit_request.timeout(this._submission_timeout, function() {\n if (self.remote._connected) {\n self._resubmit(1);\n }\n });\n\n tx.set_state('client_submitted');\n tx.attempts++;\n\n return submit_request;\n};\n\nTransactionManager.prototype._is_not_found = function(error) {\n var not_found_re = /^(txnNotFound|transactionNotFound)$/;\n return error && typeof error === 'object'\n && error.error === 'remoteError'\n && typeof error.remote === 'object'\n && not_found_re.test(error.remote.error);\n};\n\nTransactionManager.prototype._detect_ledger_entry = function(tx) {\n var self = this;\n var remote = this.remote;\n var checked_ledgers = { };\n\n function entry_callback(err, message) {\n if (typeof message !== 'object') return;\n\n var ledger_hash = message.ledger_hash;\n var ledger_index = message.ledger_index;\n\n if (tx.finalized || checked_ledgers[ledger_hash]) {\n // Transaction submission has already erred or\n // this ledger has already been checked for \n // transaction\n return;\n }\n\n checked_ledgers[ledger_hash] = true;\n\n if (self._is_not_found(err)) {\n var dif = ledger_index - tx.submit_index;\n if (dif >= 8) {\n // Lost\n tx.emit('error', message);\n tx.emit('lost', message);\n } else if (dif >= 4) {\n // Missing\n tx.set_state('client_missing');\n tx.emit('missing', message);\n } else {\n // Pending\n tx.emit('pending', message);\n }\n } else {\n // Transaction was found in the ledger, \n // consider this transaction successful\n if (message.metadata) {\n tx.set_state(message.metadata.TransactionResult);\n }\n tx.emit('success', message);\n }\n }\n\n function ledger_closed(message) {\n if (!tx.finalized && !checked_ledgers[message.ledger_hash]) {\n remote.request_transaction_entry(tx.hash, message.ledger_hash, entry_callback);\n }\n }\n\n function transaction_proposed() {\n // Check the ledger for transaction entry\n remote.addListener('ledger_closed', ledger_closed);\n }\n\n function transaction_finalized() {\n // Stop checking the ledger\n remote.removeListener('ledger_closed', ledger_closed);\n tx.removeListener('proposed', transaction_proposed);\n }\n\n tx.once('proposed', transaction_proposed);\n tx.once('final', transaction_finalized);\n tx.once('abort', transaction_finalized);\n tx.once('resubmit', transaction_finalized);\n};\n\n/**\n * @param {Object} tx\n */\n\nTransactionManager.prototype.submit = function(tx) {\n // If sequence number is not yet known, defer until it is.\n var self = this;\n\n if (!this._next_sequence) {\n function resubmit_transaction() {\n self.submit(tx); \n }\n this.once('sequence_loaded', resubmit_transaction);\n return;\n }\n\n tx.tx_json.Sequence = this._next_sequence++;\n tx.attempts = 0;\n tx.complete();\n\n function finalize(message) {\n if (!tx.finalized) {\n self._pending.removeSequence(tx.tx_json.Sequence);\n tx.finalized = true;\n tx.emit('final', message);\n }\n }\n\n tx.once('error', finalize);\n tx.once('success', finalize);\n\n var fee = tx.tx_json.Fee;\n var remote = this.remote;\n\n if (!tx._secret && !tx.tx_json.TxnSignature) {\n tx.emit('error', new RippleError('tejSecretUnknown', 'Missing secret'));\n } else if (!remote.trusted && !remote.local_signing) {\n tx.emit('error', new RippleError('tejServerUntrusted', 'Attempt to give secret to untrusted server'));\n } else if (fee && fee > this._max_fee) {\n tx.emit('error', new RippleError('tejMaxFeeExceeded', 'Max fee exceeded'));\n } else {\n this._pending.push(tx);\n this._request(tx);\n }\n};\n\nexports.TransactionManager = TransactionManager;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 39\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/transactionmanager.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/transactionmanager.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 40:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("module.exports = function isRegExp(re) {\n return re instanceof RegExp ||\n (typeof re === 'object' && Object.prototype.toString.call(re) === '[object RegExp]');\n}\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 40\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/isRegExp.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/isRegExp.js");
+ eval("\nfunction TransactionQueue() {\n this._queue = [ ];\n}\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.length = function() {\n return this._queue.length;\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.push = function(o) {\n return this._queue.push(o);\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.hasHash = function(hash) {\n return this.indexOf('hash', hash) !== -1;\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.hasSequence = function(sequence) {\n return this.indexOf('sequence', sequence) !== -1;\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.indexOf = function(prop, val) {\n var index = -1;\n for (var i=0, tx; tx=this._queue[i]; i++) {\n if (tx[prop] === val) {\n index = i;\n break;\n }\n }\n return index;\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.removeSequence = function(sequence) {\n var result = [ ];\n for (var i=0, tx; tx=this._queue[i]; i++) {\n if (!tx.tx_json) continue;\n if (tx.tx_json.Sequence !== sequence) \n result.push(tx);\n }\n this._queue = result;\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.removeHash = function(hash) {\n var result = [ ];\n for (var i=0, tx; tx=this._queue[i]; i++) {\n if (!tx.tx_json) continue;\n if (tx.hash !== hash)\n result.push(tx);\n }\n this._queue = result;\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.forEach = function(fn) {\n for (var i=0, tx; tx=this._queue[i]; i++) {\n fn(tx, i);\n }\n};\n\nexports.TransactionQueue = TransactionQueue;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 40\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/transactionqueue.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/transactionqueue.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 41:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("// UTILITY\nvar util = require(28);\nvar pSlice = Array.prototype.slice;\n\nvar objectKeys = require(37);\nvar isRegExp = require(40);\n\n// 1. The assert module provides functions that throw\n// AssertionError's when particular conditions are not met. The\n// assert module must conform to the following interface.\n\nvar assert = module.exports = ok;\n\n// 2. The AssertionError is defined in assert.\n// new assert.AssertionError({ message: message,\n// actual: actual,\n// expected: expected })\n\nassert.AssertionError = function AssertionError(options) {\n this.name = 'AssertionError';\n this.message = options.message;\n this.actual = options.actual;\n this.expected = options.expected;\n this.operator = options.operator;\n var stackStartFunction = options.stackStartFunction || fail;\n\n if (Error.captureStackTrace) {\n Error.captureStackTrace(this, stackStartFunction);\n }\n};\nutil.inherits(assert.AssertionError, Error);\n\nfunction replacer(key, value) {\n if (value === undefined) {\n return '' + value;\n }\n if (typeof value === 'number' && (isNaN(value) || !isFinite(value))) {\n return value.toString();\n }\n if (typeof value === 'function' || value instanceof RegExp) {\n return value.toString();\n }\n return value;\n}\n\nfunction truncate(s, n) {\n if (typeof s == 'string') {\n return s.length < n ? s : s.slice(0, n);\n } else {\n return s;\n }\n}\n\nassert.AssertionError.prototype.toString = function() {\n if (this.message) {\n return [this.name + ':', this.message].join(' ');\n } else {\n return [\n this.name + ':',\n truncate(JSON.stringify(this.actual, replacer), 128),\n this.operator,\n truncate(JSON.stringify(this.expected, replacer), 128)\n ].join(' ');\n }\n};\n\n// assert.AssertionError instanceof Error\n\nassert.AssertionError.__proto__ = Error.prototype;\n\n// At present only the three keys mentioned above are used and\n// understood by the spec. Implementations or sub modules can pass\n// other keys to the AssertionError's constructor - they will be\n// ignored.\n\n// 3. All of the following functions must throw an AssertionError\n// when a corresponding condition is not met, with a message that\n// may be undefined if not provided. All assertion methods provide\n// both the actual and expected values to the assertion error for\n// display purposes.\n\nfunction fail(actual, expected, message, operator, stackStartFunction) {\n throw new assert.AssertionError({\n message: message,\n actual: actual,\n expected: expected,\n operator: operator,\n stackStartFunction: stackStartFunction\n });\n}\n\n// EXTENSION! allows for well behaved errors defined elsewhere.\nassert.fail = fail;\n\n// 4. Pure assertion tests whether a value is truthy, as determined\n// by !!guard.\n// assert.ok(guard, message_opt);\n// This statement is equivalent to assert.equal(true, !!guard,\n// message_opt);. To test strictly for the value true, use\n// assert.strictEqual(true, guard, message_opt);.\n\nfunction ok(value, message) {\n if (!!!value) fail(value, true, message, '==', assert.ok);\n}\nassert.ok = ok;\n\n// 5. The equality assertion tests shallow, coercive equality with\n// ==.\n// assert.equal(actual, expected, message_opt);\n\nassert.equal = function equal(actual, expected, message) {\n if (actual != expected) fail(actual, expected, message, '==', assert.equal);\n};\n\n// 6. The non-equality assertion tests for whether two objects are not equal\n// with != assert.notEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);\n\nassert.notEqual = function notEqual(actual, expected, message) {\n if (actual == expected) {\n fail(actual, expected, message, '!=', assert.notEqual);\n }\n};\n\n// 7. The equivalence assertion tests a deep equality relation.\n// assert.deepEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);\n\nassert.deepEqual = function deepEqual(actual, expected, message) {\n if (!_deepEqual(actual, expected)) {\n fail(actual, expected, message, 'deepEqual', assert.deepEqual);\n }\n};\n\nfunction _deepEqual(actual, expected) {\n // 7.1. All identical values are equivalent, as determined by ===.\n if (actual === expected) {\n return true;\n\n } else if (require(24).Buffer.isBuffer(actual) && require(24).Buffer.isBuffer(expected)) {\n if (actual.length != expected.length) return false;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) {\n if (actual[i] !== expected[i]) return false;\n }\n\n return true;\n\n // 7.2. If the expected value is a Date object, the actual value is\n // equivalent if it is also a Date object that refers to the same time.\n } else if (actual instanceof Date && expected instanceof Date) {\n return actual.getTime() === expected.getTime();\n\n // 7.3 If the expected value is a RegExp object, the actual value is\n // equivalent if it is also a RegExp object with the same source and\n // properties (`global`, `multiline`, `lastIndex`, `ignoreCase`).\n } else if (isRegExp(actual) && isRegExp(expected)) {\n return actual.source === expected.source &&\n actual.global === expected.global &&\n actual.multiline === expected.multiline &&\n actual.lastIndex === expected.lastIndex &&\n actual.ignoreCase === expected.ignoreCase;\n\n // 7.4. Other pairs that do not both pass typeof value == 'object',\n // equivalence is determined by ==.\n } else if (typeof actual != 'object' && typeof expected != 'object') {\n return actual == expected;\n\n // 7.5 For all other Object pairs, including Array objects, equivalence is\n // determined by having the same number of owned properties (as verified\n // with Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call), the same set of keys\n // (although not necessarily the same order), equivalent values for every\n // corresponding key, and an identical 'prototype' property. Note: this\n // accounts for both named and indexed properties on Arrays.\n } else {\n return objEquiv(actual, expected);\n }\n}\n\nfunction isUndefinedOrNull(value) {\n return value === null || value === undefined;\n}\n\nfunction isArguments(object) {\n return Object.prototype.toString.call(object) == '[object Arguments]';\n}\n\nfunction objEquiv(a, b) {\n if (isUndefinedOrNull(a) || isUndefinedOrNull(b))\n return false;\n // an identical 'prototype' property.\n if (a.prototype !== b.prototype) return false;\n //~~~I've managed to break Object.keys through screwy arguments passing.\n // Converting to array solves the problem.\n if (isArguments(a)) {\n if (!isArguments(b)) {\n return false;\n }\n a = pSlice.call(a);\n b = pSlice.call(b);\n return _deepEqual(a, b);\n }\n try {\n var ka = objectKeys(a),\n kb = objectKeys(b),\n key, i;\n } catch (e) {//happens when one is a string literal and the other isn't\n return false;\n }\n // having the same number of owned properties (keys incorporates\n // hasOwnProperty)\n if (ka.length != kb.length)\n return false;\n //the same set of keys (although not necessarily the same order),\n ka.sort();\n kb.sort();\n //~~~cheap key test\n for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n if (ka[i] != kb[i])\n return false;\n }\n //equivalent values for every corresponding key, and\n //~~~possibly expensive deep test\n for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n key = ka[i];\n if (!_deepEqual(a[key], b[key])) return false;\n }\n return true;\n}\n\n// 8. The non-equivalence assertion tests for any deep inequality.\n// assert.notDeepEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);\n\nassert.notDeepEqual = function notDeepEqual(actual, expected, message) {\n if (_deepEqual(actual, expected)) {\n fail(actual, expected, message, 'notDeepEqual', assert.notDeepEqual);\n }\n};\n\n// 9. The strict equality assertion tests strict equality, as determined by ===.\n// assert.strictEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);\n\nassert.strictEqual = function strictEqual(actual, expected, message) {\n if (actual !== expected) {\n fail(actual, expected, message, '===', assert.strictEqual);\n }\n};\n\n// 10. The strict non-equality assertion tests for strict inequality, as\n// determined by !==. assert.notStrictEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);\n\nassert.notStrictEqual = function notStrictEqual(actual, expected, message) {\n if (actual === expected) {\n fail(actual, expected, message, '!==', assert.notStrictEqual);\n }\n};\n\nfunction expectedException(actual, expected) {\n if (!actual || !expected) {\n return false;\n }\n\n if (isRegExp(expected)) {\n return expected.test(actual);\n } else if (actual instanceof expected) {\n return true;\n } else if (expected.call({}, actual) === true) {\n return true;\n }\n\n return false;\n}\n\nfunction _throws(shouldThrow, block, expected, message) {\n var actual;\n\n if (typeof expected === 'string') {\n message = expected;\n expected = null;\n }\n\n try {\n block();\n } catch (e) {\n actual = e;\n }\n\n message = (expected && expected.name ? ' (' + expected.name + ').' : '.') +\n (message ? ' ' + message : '.');\n\n if (shouldThrow && !actual) {\n fail(actual, expected, 'Missing expected exception' + message);\n }\n\n if (!shouldThrow && expectedException(actual, expected)) {\n fail(actual, expected, 'Got unwanted exception' + message);\n }\n\n if ((shouldThrow && actual && expected &&\n !expectedException(actual, expected)) || (!shouldThrow && actual)) {\n throw actual;\n }\n}\n\n// 11. Expected to throw an error:\n// assert.throws(block, Error_opt, message_opt);\n\nassert.throws = function(block, /*optional*/error, /*optional*/message) {\n _throws.apply(this, [true].concat(pSlice.call(arguments)));\n};\n\n// EXTENSION! This is annoying to write outside this module.\nassert.doesNotThrow = function(block, /*optional*/error, /*optional*/message) {\n _throws.apply(this, [false].concat(pSlice.call(arguments)));\n};\n\nassert.ifError = function(err) { if (err) {throw err;}};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 41\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/lib/assert.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/lib/assert.js");
+ eval("\nvar sjcl = require(1);\nvar utils = require(4);\nvar config = require(8);\nvar jsbn = require(7);\nvar extend = require(2);\n\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\nvar nbi = jsbn.nbi;\n\nvar UInt = require(15).UInt,\n Base = require(10).Base;\n\n//\n// UInt128 support\n//\n\nvar UInt128 = extend(function () {\n // Internal form: NaN or BigInteger\n this._value = NaN;\n}, UInt);\n\nUInt128.width = 16;\nUInt128.prototype = extend({}, UInt.prototype);\nUInt128.prototype.constructor = UInt128;\n\nvar HEX_ZERO = UInt128.HEX_ZERO = \"00000000000000000000000000000000\";\nvar HEX_ONE = UInt128.HEX_ONE = \"00000000000000000000000000000000\";\nvar STR_ZERO = UInt128.STR_ZERO = utils.hexToString(HEX_ZERO);\nvar STR_ONE = UInt128.STR_ONE = utils.hexToString(HEX_ONE);\n\nexports.UInt128 = UInt128;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 41\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/uint128.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/uint128.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 42:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("\nfunction TransactionQueue() {\n this._queue = [ ];\n}\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.length = function() {\n return this._queue.length;\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.push = function(o) {\n return this._queue.push(o);\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.hasHash = function(hash) {\n return this.indexOf('hash', hash) !== -1;\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.hasSequence = function(sequence) {\n return this.indexOf('sequence', sequence) !== -1;\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.indexOf = function(prop, val) {\n var index = -1;\n for (var i=0, tx; tx=this._queue[i]; i++) {\n if (tx[prop] === val) {\n index = i;\n break;\n }\n }\n return index;\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.removeSequence = function(sequence) {\n var result = [ ];\n for (var i=0, tx; tx=this._queue[i]; i++) {\n if (!tx.tx_json) continue;\n if (tx.tx_json.Sequence !== sequence) \n result.push(tx);\n }\n this._queue = result;\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.removeHash = function(hash) {\n var result = [ ];\n for (var i=0, tx; tx=this._queue[i]; i++) {\n if (!tx.tx_json) continue;\n if (tx.hash !== hash)\n result.push(tx);\n }\n this._queue = result;\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.forEach = function(fn) {\n for (var i=0, tx; tx=this._queue[i]; i++) {\n fn(tx, i);\n }\n};\n\nexports.TransactionQueue = TransactionQueue;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 42\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/transactionqueue.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/transactionqueue.js");
+ eval("Function.prototype.method = function(name,func) {\n this.prototype[name] = func;\n\n return this;\n};\n\nvar filterErr = function(code, done) {\n return function(e) {\n done(e.code !== code ? e : undefined);\n };\n};\n\nvar throwErr = function(done) {\n return function(e) {\n if (e)\n\tthrow e;\n \n done();\n };\n};\n \nvar trace = function(comment, func) {\n return function() {\n console.log(\"%s: %s\", trace, arguments.toString);\n func(arguments);\n };\n};\n\nvar arraySet = function (count, value) {\n var i, a = new Array(count);\n\n for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {\n a[i] = value;\n }\n\n return a;\n};\n\nvar hexToString = function (h) {\n var\ta = [];\n var\ti = 0;\n\n if (h.length % 2) {\n a.push(String.fromCharCode(parseInt(h.substring(0, 1), 16)));\n i = 1;\n }\n\n for (; i != h.length; i += 2) {\n a.push(String.fromCharCode(parseInt(h.substring(i, i+2), 16)));\n }\n \n return a.join(\"\");\n};\n\nvar stringToHex = function (s) {\n return Array.prototype.map.call(s, function (c) {\n var b = c.charCodeAt(0);\n\n return b < 16 ? \"0\" + b.toString(16) : b.toString(16);\n }).join(\"\");\n};\n\nvar stringToArray = function (s) {\n var a = new Array(s.length);\n var i;\n\n for (i = 0; i != a.length; i += 1)\n a[i] = s.charCodeAt(i);\n\n return a;\n};\n\nvar hexToArray = function (h) {\n return stringToArray(hexToString(h));\n}\n\nvar chunkString = function (str, n, leftAlign) {\n var ret = [];\n var i=0, len=str.length;\n if (leftAlign) {\n i = str.length % n;\n if (i) ret.push(str.slice(0, i));\n }\n for(; i < len; i += n) {\n ret.push(str.slice(i, n+i));\n }\n return ret;\n};\n\nvar logObject = function (msg, obj) {\n console.log(msg, JSON.stringify(obj, undefined, 2));\n};\n\nvar assert = function (assertion, msg) {\n if (!assertion) {\n throw new Error(\"Assertion failed\" + (msg ? \": \"+msg : \".\"));\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Return unique values in array.\n */\nvar arrayUnique = function (arr) {\n var u = {}, a = [];\n for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; ++i){\n if (u.hasOwnProperty(arr[i])) {\n continue;\n }\n a.push(arr[i]);\n u[arr[i]] = 1;\n }\n return a;\n};\n\n/**\n * Convert a ripple epoch to a JavaScript timestamp.\n *\n * JavaScript timestamps are unix epoch in milliseconds.\n */\nvar toTimestamp = function (rpepoch) {\n return (rpepoch + 0x386D4380) * 1000;\n};\n\nexports.trace = trace;\nexports.arraySet = arraySet;\nexports.hexToString = hexToString;\nexports.hexToArray = hexToArray;\nexports.stringToArray = stringToArray;\nexports.stringToHex = stringToHex;\nexports.chunkString = chunkString;\nexports.logObject = logObject;\nexports.assert = assert;\nexports.arrayUnique = arrayUnique;\nexports.toTimestamp = toTimestamp;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 42\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/utils.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/utils.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 43:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("(function (exports) {\n\t'use strict';\n\n\tvar lookup = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';\n\n\tfunction b64ToByteArray(b64) {\n\t\tvar i, j, l, tmp, placeHolders, arr;\n\t\n\t\tif (b64.length % 4 > 0) {\n\t\t\tthrow 'Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4';\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// the number of equal signs (place holders)\n\t\t// if there are two placeholders, than the two characters before it\n\t\t// represent one byte\n\t\t// if there is only one, then the three characters before it represent 2 bytes\n\t\t// this is just a cheap hack to not do indexOf twice\n\t\tplaceHolders = b64.indexOf('=');\n\t\tplaceHolders = placeHolders > 0 ? b64.length - placeHolders : 0;\n\n\t\t// base64 is 4/3 + up to two characters of the original data\n\t\tarr = [];//new Uint8Array(b64.length * 3 / 4 - placeHolders);\n\n\t\t// if there are placeholders, only get up to the last complete 4 chars\n\t\tl = placeHolders > 0 ? b64.length - 4 : b64.length;\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0, j = 0; i < l; i += 4, j += 3) {\n\t\t\ttmp = (lookup.indexOf(b64[i]) << 18) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 1]) << 12) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 2]) << 6) | lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 3]);\n\t\t\tarr.push((tmp & 0xFF0000) >> 16);\n\t\t\tarr.push((tmp & 0xFF00) >> 8);\n\t\t\tarr.push(tmp & 0xFF);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (placeHolders === 2) {\n\t\t\ttmp = (lookup.indexOf(b64[i]) << 2) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 1]) >> 4);\n\t\t\tarr.push(tmp & 0xFF);\n\t\t} else if (placeHolders === 1) {\n\t\t\ttmp = (lookup.indexOf(b64[i]) << 10) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 1]) << 4) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 2]) >> 2);\n\t\t\tarr.push((tmp >> 8) & 0xFF);\n\t\t\tarr.push(tmp & 0xFF);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn arr;\n\t}\n\n\tfunction uint8ToBase64(uint8) {\n\t\tvar i,\n\t\t\textraBytes = uint8.length % 3, // if we have 1 byte left, pad 2 bytes\n\t\t\toutput = \"\",\n\t\t\ttemp, length;\n\n\t\tfunction tripletToBase64 (num) {\n\t\t\treturn lookup[num >> 18 & 0x3F] + lookup[num >> 12 & 0x3F] + lookup[num >> 6 & 0x3F] + lookup[num & 0x3F];\n\t\t};\n\n\t\t// go through the array every three bytes, we'll deal with trailing stuff later\n\t\tfor (i = 0, length = uint8.length - extraBytes; i < length; i += 3) {\n\t\t\ttemp = (uint8[i] << 16) + (uint8[i + 1] << 8) + (uint8[i + 2]);\n\t\t\toutput += tripletToBase64(temp);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// pad the end with zeros, but make sure to not forget the extra bytes\n\t\tswitch (extraBytes) {\n\t\t\tcase 1:\n\t\t\t\ttemp = uint8[uint8.length - 1];\n\t\t\t\toutput += lookup[temp >> 2];\n\t\t\t\toutput += lookup[(temp << 4) & 0x3F];\n\t\t\t\toutput += '==';\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase 2:\n\t\t\t\ttemp = (uint8[uint8.length - 2] << 8) + (uint8[uint8.length - 1]);\n\t\t\t\toutput += lookup[temp >> 10];\n\t\t\t\toutput += lookup[(temp >> 4) & 0x3F];\n\t\t\t\toutput += lookup[(temp << 2) & 0x3F];\n\t\t\t\toutput += '=';\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn output;\n\t}\n\n\tmodule.exports.toByteArray = b64ToByteArray;\n\tmodule.exports.fromByteArray = uint8ToBase64;\n}());\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 43\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer-browserify/~/base64-js/lib/b64.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer-browserify/~/base64-js/lib/b64.js");
+ eval("// If there is no WebSocket, try MozWebSocket (support for some old browsers)\ntry {\n module.exports = WebSocket\n} catch(err) {\n module.exports = MozWebSocket\n}\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 43\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./web_modules/ws.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./web_modules/ws.js");
/***/ }
/******/ })
\ No newline at end of file
From 130028a7d8212cf50d98f79a8d80a6f8661624b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vahe Hovhannisyan
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 17:21:15 +0400
Subject: [PATCH 11/20] URI: css fixes #679
src/jade/tabs/login.jade | 2 +-
src/less/ripple/tabs.less | 5 ++++-
2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/jade/tabs/login.jade b/src/jade/tabs/login.jade
index 60c5127c9..62c18352e 100644
--- a/src/jade/tabs/login.jade
+++ b/src/jade/tabs/login.jade
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ section.single.content(ng-controller="LoginCtrl")
div(ng-show="'trust' == $routeParams.tab")
h1 Grant Trust
- p.literal {{$routeParams.label}}
+ p.label {{$routeParams.label}}
p.label you will trust
span.number {{$routeParams.amount | rpamount:{xrp_human: true} }}
diff --git a/src/less/ripple/tabs.less b/src/less/ripple/tabs.less
index c86cdf699..937a48af6 100644
--- a/src/less/ripple/tabs.less
+++ b/src/less/ripple/tabs.less
@@ -260,6 +260,8 @@
.label {
+ padding: 0 10px 0 0;
+ word-break: break-all;
font-size: 18px;
color: #000;
@@ -274,7 +276,8 @@
.amount {
padding: 30px 25px 25px @pmSingleMargin;
.number {
- font-size: 50px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ font-size: 30px;
.currency {
padding: 0 0 0 5px;
From 49703bea30d67b54de979147a1ff5766eb75a46e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vahe Hovhannisyan
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2013 08:16:25 +0400
Subject: [PATCH 12/20] Register: Text change
src/jade/tabs/register.jade | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/src/jade/tabs/register.jade b/src/jade/tabs/register.jade
index e088d631b..ed4e738e6 100644
--- a/src/jade/tabs/register.jade
+++ b/src/jade/tabs/register.jade
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
h1 Create a ripple Wallet
- p.literal Ripple is an open source p2p payment network — a fast, easy way to send any kind of money to
+ p.literal Ripple is a global open payments system — a fast, easy way to send any kind of money to
| anyone in the world.
| Your Wallet is only as safe as your Wallet Name and Passphrase, used to encrypt your Wallet data.
From 0497765df5e96a9dcf6f00961f22e9b839c07a29 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Stefan Thomas
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 21:11:03 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 13/20] Update upstream.
deps/js/ripple.js | 88 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
1 file changed, 44 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)
diff --git a/deps/js/ripple.js b/deps/js/ripple.js
index d3e7e95e7..0fac183cf 100644
--- a/deps/js/ripple.js
+++ b/deps/js/ripple.js
@@ -49,308 +49,308 @@ var ripple =
/***/ 0:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("exports.Remote = require(37).Remote;\nexports.Amount = require(3).Amount;\nexports.Currency = require(11).Currency;\nexports.Base = require(10).Base;\nexports.UInt160 = require(3).UInt160;\nexports.Seed = require(3).Seed;\nexports.Transaction = require(19).Transaction;\nexports.Meta = require(18).Meta;\nexports.SerializedObject = require(27).SerializedObject;\n\nexports.binformat = require(17);\nexports.utils = require(4);\nexports.Server = require(29).Server;\n\n// Important: We do not guarantee any specific version of SJCL or for any\n// specific features to be included. The version and configuration may change at\n// any time without warning.\n//\n// However, for programs that are tied to a specific version of ripple.js like\n// the official client, it makes sense to expose the SJCL instance so we don't\n// have to include it twice.\nexports.sjcl = require(1);\n\nexports.config = require(8);\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 0\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/index.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/index.js");
+ eval("exports.Remote = require(1).Remote;\nexports.Amount = require(2).Amount;\nexports.Currency = require(3).Currency;\nexports.Base = require(4).Base;\nexports.UInt160 = require(2).UInt160;\nexports.Seed = require(2).Seed;\nexports.Transaction = require(5).Transaction;\nexports.Meta = require(6).Meta;\nexports.SerializedObject = require(7).SerializedObject;\n\nexports.binformat = require(8);\nexports.utils = require(9);\nexports.Server = require(10).Server;\n\n// Important: We do not guarantee any specific version of SJCL or for any\n// specific features to be included. The version and configuration may change at\n// any time without warning.\n//\n// However, for programs that are tied to a specific version of ripple.js like\n// the official client, it makes sense to expose the SJCL instance so we don't\n// have to include it twice.\nexports.sjcl = require(11);\n\nexports.config = require(12);\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 0\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/index.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/index.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 1:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(require, module) {/** @fileOverview Javascript cryptography implementation.\n *\n * Crush to remove comments, shorten variable names and\n * generally reduce transmission size.\n *\n * @author Emily Stark\n * @author Mike Hamburg\n * @author Dan Boneh\n */\n\n\"use strict\";\n/*jslint indent: 2, bitwise: false, nomen: false, plusplus: false, white: false, regexp: false */\n/*global document, window, escape, unescape */\n\n/** @namespace The Stanford Javascript Crypto Library, top-level namespace. */\nvar sjcl = {\n /** @namespace Symmetric ciphers. */\n cipher: {},\n\n /** @namespace Hash functions. Right now only SHA256 is implemented. */\n hash: {},\n\n /** @namespace Key exchange functions. Right now only SRP is implemented. */\n keyexchange: {},\n \n /** @namespace Block cipher modes of operation. */\n mode: {},\n\n /** @namespace Miscellaneous. HMAC and PBKDF2. */\n misc: {},\n \n /**\n * @namespace Bit array encoders and decoders.\n *\n * @description\n * The members of this namespace are functions which translate between\n * SJCL's bitArrays and other objects (usually strings). Because it\n * isn't always clear which direction is encoding and which is decoding,\n * the method names are \"fromBits\" and \"toBits\".\n */\n codec: {},\n \n /** @namespace Exceptions. */\n exception: {\n /** @constructor Ciphertext is corrupt. */\n corrupt: function(message) {\n this.toString = function() { return \"CORRUPT: \"+this.message; };\n this.message = message;\n },\n \n /** @constructor Invalid parameter. */\n invalid: function(message) {\n this.toString = function() { return \"INVALID: \"+this.message; };\n this.message = message;\n },\n \n /** @constructor Bug or missing feature in SJCL. @constructor */\n bug: function(message) {\n this.toString = function() { return \"BUG: \"+this.message; };\n this.message = message;\n },\n\n /** @constructor Something isn't ready. */\n notReady: function(message) {\n this.toString = function() { return \"NOT READY: \"+this.message; };\n this.message = message;\n }\n }\n};\n\nif(typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports){\n module.exports = sjcl;\n}\n\n/** @fileOverview Low-level AES implementation.\n *\n * This file contains a low-level implementation of AES, optimized for\n * size and for efficiency on several browsers. It is based on\n * OpenSSL's aes_core.c, a public-domain implementation by Vincent\n * Rijmen, Antoon Bosselaers and Paulo Barreto.\n *\n * An older version of this implementation is available in the public\n * domain, but this one is (c) Emily Stark, Mike Hamburg, Dan Boneh,\n * Stanford University 2008-2010 and BSD-licensed for liability\n * reasons.\n *\n * @author Emily Stark\n * @author Mike Hamburg\n * @author Dan Boneh\n */\n\n/**\n * Schedule out an AES key for both encryption and decryption. This\n * is a low-level class. Use a cipher mode to do bulk encryption.\n *\n * @constructor\n * @param {Array} key The key as an array of 4, 6 or 8 words.\n *\n * @class Advanced Encryption Standard (low-level interface)\n */\nsjcl.cipher.aes = function (key) {\n if (!this._tables[0][0][0]) {\n this._precompute();\n }\n \n var i, j, tmp,\n encKey, decKey,\n sbox = this._tables[0][4], decTable = this._tables[1],\n keyLen = key.length, rcon = 1;\n \n if (keyLen !== 4 && keyLen !== 6 && keyLen !== 8) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"invalid aes key size\");\n }\n \n this._key = [encKey = key.slice(0), decKey = []];\n \n // schedule encryption keys\n for (i = keyLen; i < 4 * keyLen + 28; i++) {\n tmp = encKey[i-1];\n \n // apply sbox\n if (i%keyLen === 0 || (keyLen === 8 && i%keyLen === 4)) {\n tmp = sbox[tmp>>>24]<<24 ^ sbox[tmp>>16&255]<<16 ^ sbox[tmp>>8&255]<<8 ^ sbox[tmp&255];\n \n // shift rows and add rcon\n if (i%keyLen === 0) {\n tmp = tmp<<8 ^ tmp>>>24 ^ rcon<<24;\n rcon = rcon<<1 ^ (rcon>>7)*283;\n }\n }\n \n encKey[i] = encKey[i-keyLen] ^ tmp;\n }\n \n // schedule decryption keys\n for (j = 0; i; j++, i--) {\n tmp = encKey[j&3 ? i : i - 4];\n if (i<=4 || j<4) {\n decKey[j] = tmp;\n } else {\n decKey[j] = decTable[0][sbox[tmp>>>24 ]] ^\n decTable[1][sbox[tmp>>16 & 255]] ^\n decTable[2][sbox[tmp>>8 & 255]] ^\n decTable[3][sbox[tmp & 255]];\n }\n }\n};\n\nsjcl.cipher.aes.prototype = {\n // public\n /* Something like this might appear here eventually\n name: \"AES\",\n blockSize: 4,\n keySizes: [4,6,8],\n */\n \n /**\n * Encrypt an array of 4 big-endian words.\n * @param {Array} data The plaintext.\n * @return {Array} The ciphertext.\n */\n encrypt:function (data) { return this._crypt(data,0); },\n \n /**\n * Decrypt an array of 4 big-endian words.\n * @param {Array} data The ciphertext.\n * @return {Array} The plaintext.\n */\n decrypt:function (data) { return this._crypt(data,1); },\n \n /**\n * The expanded S-box and inverse S-box tables. These will be computed\n * on the client so that we don't have to send them down the wire.\n *\n * There are two tables, _tables[0] is for encryption and\n * _tables[1] is for decryption.\n *\n * The first 4 sub-tables are the expanded S-box with MixColumns. The\n * last (_tables[01][4]) is the S-box itself.\n *\n * @private\n */\n _tables: [[[],[],[],[],[]],[[],[],[],[],[]]],\n\n /**\n * Expand the S-box tables.\n *\n * @private\n */\n _precompute: function () {\n var encTable = this._tables[0], decTable = this._tables[1],\n sbox = encTable[4], sboxInv = decTable[4],\n i, x, xInv, d=[], th=[], x2, x4, x8, s, tEnc, tDec;\n\n // Compute double and third tables\n for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {\n th[( d[i] = i<<1 ^ (i>>7)*283 )^i]=i;\n }\n \n for (x = xInv = 0; !sbox[x]; x ^= x2 || 1, xInv = th[xInv] || 1) {\n // Compute sbox\n s = xInv ^ xInv<<1 ^ xInv<<2 ^ xInv<<3 ^ xInv<<4;\n s = s>>8 ^ s&255 ^ 99;\n sbox[x] = s;\n sboxInv[s] = x;\n \n // Compute MixColumns\n x8 = d[x4 = d[x2 = d[x]]];\n tDec = x8*0x1010101 ^ x4*0x10001 ^ x2*0x101 ^ x*0x1010100;\n tEnc = d[s]*0x101 ^ s*0x1010100;\n \n for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n encTable[i][x] = tEnc = tEnc<<24 ^ tEnc>>>8;\n decTable[i][s] = tDec = tDec<<24 ^ tDec>>>8;\n }\n }\n \n // Compactify. Considerable speedup on Firefox.\n for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {\n encTable[i] = encTable[i].slice(0);\n decTable[i] = decTable[i].slice(0);\n }\n },\n \n /**\n * Encryption and decryption core.\n * @param {Array} input Four words to be encrypted or decrypted.\n * @param dir The direction, 0 for encrypt and 1 for decrypt.\n * @return {Array} The four encrypted or decrypted words.\n * @private\n */\n _crypt:function (input, dir) {\n if (input.length !== 4) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"invalid aes block size\");\n }\n \n var key = this._key[dir],\n // state variables a,b,c,d are loaded with pre-whitened data\n a = input[0] ^ key[0],\n b = input[dir ? 3 : 1] ^ key[1],\n c = input[2] ^ key[2],\n d = input[dir ? 1 : 3] ^ key[3],\n a2, b2, c2,\n \n nInnerRounds = key.length/4 - 2,\n i,\n kIndex = 4,\n out = [0,0,0,0],\n table = this._tables[dir],\n \n // load up the tables\n t0 = table[0],\n t1 = table[1],\n t2 = table[2],\n t3 = table[3],\n sbox = table[4];\n \n // Inner rounds. Cribbed from OpenSSL.\n for (i = 0; i < nInnerRounds; i++) {\n a2 = t0[a>>>24] ^ t1[b>>16 & 255] ^ t2[c>>8 & 255] ^ t3[d & 255] ^ key[kIndex];\n b2 = t0[b>>>24] ^ t1[c>>16 & 255] ^ t2[d>>8 & 255] ^ t3[a & 255] ^ key[kIndex + 1];\n c2 = t0[c>>>24] ^ t1[d>>16 & 255] ^ t2[a>>8 & 255] ^ t3[b & 255] ^ key[kIndex + 2];\n d = t0[d>>>24] ^ t1[a>>16 & 255] ^ t2[b>>8 & 255] ^ t3[c & 255] ^ key[kIndex + 3];\n kIndex += 4;\n a=a2; b=b2; c=c2;\n }\n \n // Last round.\n for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n out[dir ? 3&-i : i] =\n sbox[a>>>24 ]<<24 ^ \n sbox[b>>16 & 255]<<16 ^\n sbox[c>>8 & 255]<<8 ^\n sbox[d & 255] ^\n key[kIndex++];\n a2=a; a=b; b=c; c=d; d=a2;\n }\n \n return out;\n }\n};\n\n\n/** @fileOverview Arrays of bits, encoded as arrays of Numbers.\n *\n * @author Emily Stark\n * @author Mike Hamburg\n * @author Dan Boneh\n */\n\n/** @namespace Arrays of bits, encoded as arrays of Numbers.\n *\n * @description\n * \n * These objects are the currency accepted by SJCL's crypto functions.\n *
\n *\n * \n * Most of our crypto primitives operate on arrays of 4-byte words internally,\n * but many of them can take arguments that are not a multiple of 4 bytes.\n * This library encodes arrays of bits (whose size need not be a multiple of 8\n * bits) as arrays of 32-bit words. The bits are packed, big-endian, into an\n * array of words, 32 bits at a time. Since the words are double-precision\n * floating point numbers, they fit some extra data. We use this (in a private,\n * possibly-changing manner) to encode the number of bits actually present\n * in the last word of the array.\n *
\n *\n * \n * Because bitwise ops clear this out-of-band data, these arrays can be passed\n * to ciphers like AES which want arrays of words.\n *
\n */\nsjcl.bitArray = {\n /**\n * Array slices in units of bits.\n * @param {bitArray} a The array to slice.\n * @param {Number} bstart The offset to the start of the slice, in bits.\n * @param {Number} bend The offset to the end of the slice, in bits. If this is undefined,\n * slice until the end of the array.\n * @return {bitArray} The requested slice.\n */\n bitSlice: function (a, bstart, bend) {\n a = sjcl.bitArray._shiftRight(a.slice(bstart/32), 32 - (bstart & 31)).slice(1);\n return (bend === undefined) ? a : sjcl.bitArray.clamp(a, bend-bstart);\n },\n\n /**\n * Extract a number packed into a bit array.\n * @param {bitArray} a The array to slice.\n * @param {Number} bstart The offset to the start of the slice, in bits.\n * @param {Number} length The length of the number to extract.\n * @return {Number} The requested slice.\n */\n extract: function(a, bstart, blength) {\n // FIXME: this Math.floor is not necessary at all, but for some reason\n // seems to suppress a bug in the Chromium JIT.\n var x, sh = Math.floor((-bstart-blength) & 31);\n if ((bstart + blength - 1 ^ bstart) & -32) {\n // it crosses a boundary\n x = (a[bstart/32|0] << (32 - sh)) ^ (a[bstart/32+1|0] >>> sh);\n } else {\n // within a single word\n x = a[bstart/32|0] >>> sh;\n }\n return x & ((1< 0 && len) {\n a[l-1] = sjcl.bitArray.partial(len, a[l-1] & 0x80000000 >> (len-1), 1);\n }\n return a;\n },\n\n /**\n * Make a partial word for a bit array.\n * @param {Number} len The number of bits in the word.\n * @param {Number} x The bits.\n * @param {Number} [0] _end Pass 1 if x has already been shifted to the high side.\n * @return {Number} The partial word.\n */\n partial: function (len, x, _end) {\n if (len === 32) { return x; }\n return (_end ? x|0 : x << (32-len)) + len * 0x10000000000;\n },\n\n /**\n * Get the number of bits used by a partial word.\n * @param {Number} x The partial word.\n * @return {Number} The number of bits used by the partial word.\n */\n getPartial: function (x) {\n return Math.round(x/0x10000000000) || 32;\n },\n\n /**\n * Compare two arrays for equality in a predictable amount of time.\n * @param {bitArray} a The first array.\n * @param {bitArray} b The second array.\n * @return {boolean} true if a == b; false otherwise.\n */\n equal: function (a, b) {\n if (sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(a) !== sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(b)) {\n return false;\n }\n var x = 0, i;\n for (i=0; i= 32; shift -= 32) {\n out.push(carry);\n carry = 0;\n }\n if (shift === 0) {\n return out.concat(a);\n }\n \n for (i=0; i>>shift);\n carry = a[i] << (32-shift);\n }\n last2 = a.length ? a[a.length-1] : 0;\n shift2 = sjcl.bitArray.getPartial(last2);\n out.push(sjcl.bitArray.partial(shift+shift2 & 31, (shift + shift2 > 32) ? carry : out.pop(),1));\n return out;\n },\n \n /** xor a block of 4 words together.\n * @private\n */\n _xor4: function(x,y) {\n return [x[0]^y[0],x[1]^y[1],x[2]^y[2],x[3]^y[3]];\n }\n};\n\n/** @fileOverview Bit array codec implementations.\n *\n * @author Emily Stark\n * @author Mike Hamburg\n * @author Dan Boneh\n */\n \n/** @namespace UTF-8 strings */\nsjcl.codec.utf8String = {\n /** Convert from a bitArray to a UTF-8 string. */\n fromBits: function (arr) {\n var out = \"\", bl = sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(arr), i, tmp;\n for (i=0; i>> 24);\n tmp <<= 8;\n }\n return decodeURIComponent(escape(out));\n },\n \n /** Convert from a UTF-8 string to a bitArray. */\n toBits: function (str) {\n str = unescape(encodeURIComponent(str));\n var out = [], i, tmp=0;\n for (i=0; i>>bits) >>> 26);\n if (bits < 6) {\n ta = arr[i] << (6-bits);\n bits += 26;\n i++;\n } else {\n ta <<= 6;\n bits -= 6;\n }\n }\n while ((out.length & 3) && !_noEquals) { out += \"=\"; }\n return out;\n },\n \n /** Convert from a base64 string to a bitArray */\n toBits: function(str, _url) {\n str = str.replace(/\\s|=/g,'');\n var out = [], i, bits=0, c = sjcl.codec.base64._chars, ta=0, x;\n if (_url) c = c.substr(0,62) + '-_';\n for (i=0; i 26) {\n bits -= 26;\n out.push(ta ^ x>>>bits);\n ta = x << (32-bits);\n } else {\n bits += 6;\n ta ^= x << (32-bits);\n }\n }\n if (bits&56) {\n out.push(sjcl.bitArray.partial(bits&56, ta, 1));\n }\n return out;\n }\n};\n\nsjcl.codec.base64url = {\n fromBits: function (arr) { return sjcl.codec.base64.fromBits(arr,1,1); },\n toBits: function (str) { return sjcl.codec.base64.toBits(str,1); }\n};\n\n/** @fileOverview Bit array codec implementations.\n *\n * @author Emily Stark\n * @author Mike Hamburg\n * @author Dan Boneh\n */\n\n/** @namespace Arrays of bytes */\nsjcl.codec.bytes = {\n /** Convert from a bitArray to an array of bytes. */\n fromBits: function (arr) {\n var out = [], bl = sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(arr), i, tmp;\n for (i=0; i>> 24);\n tmp <<= 8;\n }\n return out;\n },\n /** Convert from an array of bytes to a bitArray. */\n toBits: function (bytes) {\n var out = [], i, tmp=0;\n for (i=0; i>>7 ^ a>>>18 ^ a>>>3 ^ a<<25 ^ a<<14) + \n (b>>>17 ^ b>>>19 ^ b>>>10 ^ b<<15 ^ b<<13) +\n w[i&15] + w[(i+9) & 15]) | 0;\n }\n \n tmp = (tmp + h7 + (h4>>>6 ^ h4>>>11 ^ h4>>>25 ^ h4<<26 ^ h4<<21 ^ h4<<7) + (h6 ^ h4&(h5^h6)) + k[i]); // | 0;\n \n // shift register\n h7 = h6; h6 = h5; h5 = h4;\n h4 = h3 + tmp | 0;\n h3 = h2; h2 = h1; h1 = h0;\n\n h0 = (tmp + ((h1&h2) ^ (h3&(h1^h2))) + (h1>>>2 ^ h1>>>13 ^ h1>>>22 ^ h1<<30 ^ h1<<19 ^ h1<<10)) | 0;\n }\n\n h[0] = h[0]+h0 | 0;\n h[1] = h[1]+h1 | 0;\n h[2] = h[2]+h2 | 0;\n h[3] = h[3]+h3 | 0;\n h[4] = h[4]+h4 | 0;\n h[5] = h[5]+h5 | 0;\n h[6] = h[6]+h6 | 0;\n h[7] = h[7]+h7 | 0;\n }\n};\n\n\n\n/** @fileOverview Javascript SHA-512 implementation.\n *\n * This implementation was written for CryptoJS by Jeff Mott and adapted for\n * SJCL by Stefan Thomas.\n *\n * CryptoJS (c) 2009–2012 by Jeff Mott. All rights reserved.\n * Released with New BSD License\n *\n * @author Emily Stark\n * @author Mike Hamburg\n * @author Dan Boneh\n * @author Jeff Mott\n * @author Stefan Thomas\n */\n\n/**\n * Context for a SHA-512 operation in progress.\n * @constructor\n * @class Secure Hash Algorithm, 512 bits.\n */\nsjcl.hash.sha512 = function (hash) {\n if (!this._key[0]) { this._precompute(); }\n if (hash) {\n this._h = hash._h.slice(0);\n this._buffer = hash._buffer.slice(0);\n this._length = hash._length;\n } else {\n this.reset();\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Hash a string or an array of words.\n * @static\n * @param {bitArray|String} data the data to hash.\n * @return {bitArray} The hash value, an array of 16 big-endian words.\n */\nsjcl.hash.sha512.hash = function (data) {\n return (new sjcl.hash.sha512()).update(data).finalize();\n};\n\nsjcl.hash.sha512.prototype = {\n /**\n * The hash's block size, in bits.\n * @constant\n */\n blockSize: 1024,\n \n /**\n * Reset the hash state.\n * @return this\n */\n reset:function () {\n this._h = this._init.slice(0);\n this._buffer = [];\n this._length = 0;\n return this;\n },\n \n /**\n * Input several words to the hash.\n * @param {bitArray|String} data the data to hash.\n * @return this\n */\n update: function (data) {\n if (typeof data === \"string\") {\n data = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(data);\n }\n var i, b = this._buffer = sjcl.bitArray.concat(this._buffer, data),\n ol = this._length,\n nl = this._length = ol + sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(data);\n for (i = 1024+ol & -1024; i <= nl; i+= 1024) {\n this._block(b.splice(0,32));\n }\n return this;\n },\n \n /**\n * Complete hashing and output the hash value.\n * @return {bitArray} The hash value, an array of 16 big-endian words.\n */\n finalize:function () {\n var i, b = this._buffer, h = this._h;\n\n // Round out and push the buffer\n b = sjcl.bitArray.concat(b, [sjcl.bitArray.partial(1,1)]);\n\n // Round out the buffer to a multiple of 32 words, less the 4 length words.\n for (i = b.length + 4; i & 31; i++) {\n b.push(0);\n }\n\n // append the length\n b.push(0);\n b.push(0);\n b.push(Math.floor(this._length / 0x100000000));\n b.push(this._length | 0);\n\n while (b.length) {\n this._block(b.splice(0,32));\n }\n\n this.reset();\n return h;\n },\n\n /**\n * The SHA-512 initialization vector, to be precomputed.\n * @private\n */\n _init:[],\n\n /**\n * Least significant 24 bits of SHA512 initialization values.\n *\n * Javascript only has 53 bits of precision, so we compute the 40 most\n * significant bits and add the remaining 24 bits as constants.\n *\n * @private\n */\n _initr: [ 0xbcc908, 0xcaa73b, 0x94f82b, 0x1d36f1, 0xe682d1, 0x3e6c1f, 0x41bd6b, 0x7e2179 ],\n\n /*\n _init:\n [0x6a09e667, 0xf3bcc908, 0xbb67ae85, 0x84caa73b, 0x3c6ef372, 0xfe94f82b, 0xa54ff53a, 0x5f1d36f1,\n 0x510e527f, 0xade682d1, 0x9b05688c, 0x2b3e6c1f, 0x1f83d9ab, 0xfb41bd6b, 0x5be0cd19, 0x137e2179],\n */\n\n /**\n * The SHA-512 hash key, to be precomputed.\n * @private\n */\n _key:[],\n\n /**\n * Least significant 24 bits of SHA512 key values.\n * @private\n */\n _keyr:\n [0x28ae22, 0xef65cd, 0x4d3b2f, 0x89dbbc, 0x48b538, 0x05d019, 0x194f9b, 0x6d8118,\n 0x030242, 0x706fbe, 0xe4b28c, 0xffb4e2, 0x7b896f, 0x1696b1, 0xc71235, 0x692694,\n 0xf14ad2, 0x4f25e3, 0x8cd5b5, 0xac9c65, 0x2b0275, 0xa6e483, 0x41fbd4, 0x1153b5,\n 0x66dfab, 0xb43210, 0xfb213f, 0xef0ee4, 0xa88fc2, 0x0aa725, 0x03826f, 0x0e6e70,\n 0xd22ffc, 0x26c926, 0xc42aed, 0x95b3df, 0xaf63de, 0x77b2a8, 0xedaee6, 0x82353b,\n 0xf10364, 0x423001, 0xf89791, 0x54be30, 0xef5218, 0x65a910, 0x71202a, 0xbbd1b8,\n 0xd2d0c8, 0x41ab53, 0x8eeb99, 0x9b48a8, 0xc95a63, 0x418acb, 0x63e373, 0xb2b8a3,\n 0xefb2fc, 0x172f60, 0xf0ab72, 0x6439ec, 0x631e28, 0x82bde9, 0xc67915, 0x72532b,\n 0x26619c, 0xc0c207, 0xe0eb1e, 0x6ed178, 0x176fba, 0xc898a6, 0xf90dae, 0x1c471b,\n 0x047d84, 0xc72493, 0xc9bebc, 0x100d4c, 0x3e42b6, 0x657e2a, 0xd6faec, 0x475817],\n\n /*\n _key:\n [0x428a2f98, 0xd728ae22, 0x71374491, 0x23ef65cd, 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xec4d3b2f, 0xe9b5dba5, 0x8189dbbc,\n 0x3956c25b, 0xf348b538, 0x59f111f1, 0xb605d019, 0x923f82a4, 0xaf194f9b, 0xab1c5ed5, 0xda6d8118,\n 0xd807aa98, 0xa3030242, 0x12835b01, 0x45706fbe, 0x243185be, 0x4ee4b28c, 0x550c7dc3, 0xd5ffb4e2,\n 0x72be5d74, 0xf27b896f, 0x80deb1fe, 0x3b1696b1, 0x9bdc06a7, 0x25c71235, 0xc19bf174, 0xcf692694,\n 0xe49b69c1, 0x9ef14ad2, 0xefbe4786, 0x384f25e3, 0x0fc19dc6, 0x8b8cd5b5, 0x240ca1cc, 0x77ac9c65,\n 0x2de92c6f, 0x592b0275, 0x4a7484aa, 0x6ea6e483, 0x5cb0a9dc, 0xbd41fbd4, 0x76f988da, 0x831153b5,\n 0x983e5152, 0xee66dfab, 0xa831c66d, 0x2db43210, 0xb00327c8, 0x98fb213f, 0xbf597fc7, 0xbeef0ee4,\n 0xc6e00bf3, 0x3da88fc2, 0xd5a79147, 0x930aa725, 0x06ca6351, 0xe003826f, 0x14292967, 0x0a0e6e70,\n 0x27b70a85, 0x46d22ffc, 0x2e1b2138, 0x5c26c926, 0x4d2c6dfc, 0x5ac42aed, 0x53380d13, 0x9d95b3df,\n 0x650a7354, 0x8baf63de, 0x766a0abb, 0x3c77b2a8, 0x81c2c92e, 0x47edaee6, 0x92722c85, 0x1482353b,\n 0xa2bfe8a1, 0x4cf10364, 0xa81a664b, 0xbc423001, 0xc24b8b70, 0xd0f89791, 0xc76c51a3, 0x0654be30,\n 0xd192e819, 0xd6ef5218, 0xd6990624, 0x5565a910, 0xf40e3585, 0x5771202a, 0x106aa070, 0x32bbd1b8,\n 0x19a4c116, 0xb8d2d0c8, 0x1e376c08, 0x5141ab53, 0x2748774c, 0xdf8eeb99, 0x34b0bcb5, 0xe19b48a8,\n 0x391c0cb3, 0xc5c95a63, 0x4ed8aa4a, 0xe3418acb, 0x5b9cca4f, 0x7763e373, 0x682e6ff3, 0xd6b2b8a3,\n 0x748f82ee, 0x5defb2fc, 0x78a5636f, 0x43172f60, 0x84c87814, 0xa1f0ab72, 0x8cc70208, 0x1a6439ec,\n 0x90befffa, 0x23631e28, 0xa4506ceb, 0xde82bde9, 0xbef9a3f7, 0xb2c67915, 0xc67178f2, 0xe372532b,\n 0xca273ece, 0xea26619c, 0xd186b8c7, 0x21c0c207, 0xeada7dd6, 0xcde0eb1e, 0xf57d4f7f, 0xee6ed178,\n 0x06f067aa, 0x72176fba, 0x0a637dc5, 0xa2c898a6, 0x113f9804, 0xbef90dae, 0x1b710b35, 0x131c471b,\n 0x28db77f5, 0x23047d84, 0x32caab7b, 0x40c72493, 0x3c9ebe0a, 0x15c9bebc, 0x431d67c4, 0x9c100d4c,\n 0x4cc5d4be, 0xcb3e42b6, 0x597f299c, 0xfc657e2a, 0x5fcb6fab, 0x3ad6faec, 0x6c44198c, 0x4a475817],\n */\n\n /**\n * Function to precompute _init and _key.\n * @private\n */\n _precompute: function () {\n // XXX: This code is for precomputing the SHA256 constants, change for\n // SHA512 and re-enable.\n var i = 0, prime = 2, factor;\n\n function frac(x) { return (x-Math.floor(x)) * 0x100000000 | 0; }\n function frac2(x) { return (x-Math.floor(x)) * 0x10000000000 & 0xff; }\n\n outer: for (; i<80; prime++) {\n for (factor=2; factor*factor <= prime; factor++) {\n if (prime % factor === 0) {\n // not a prime\n continue outer;\n }\n }\n\n if (i<8) {\n this._init[i*2] = frac(Math.pow(prime, 1/2));\n this._init[i*2+1] = (frac2(Math.pow(prime, 1/2)) << 24) | this._initr[i];\n }\n this._key[i*2] = frac(Math.pow(prime, 1/3));\n this._key[i*2+1] = (frac2(Math.pow(prime, 1/3)) << 24) | this._keyr[i];\n i++;\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Perform one cycle of SHA-512.\n * @param {bitArray} words one block of words.\n * @private\n */\n _block:function (words) {\n var i, wrh, wrl,\n w = words.slice(0),\n h = this._h,\n k = this._key,\n h0h = h[ 0], h0l = h[ 1], h1h = h[ 2], h1l = h[ 3],\n h2h = h[ 4], h2l = h[ 5], h3h = h[ 6], h3l = h[ 7],\n h4h = h[ 8], h4l = h[ 9], h5h = h[10], h5l = h[11],\n h6h = h[12], h6l = h[13], h7h = h[14], h7l = h[15];\n\n // Working variables\n var ah = h0h, al = h0l, bh = h1h, bl = h1l,\n ch = h2h, cl = h2l, dh = h3h, dl = h3l,\n eh = h4h, el = h4l, fh = h5h, fl = h5l,\n gh = h6h, gl = h6l, hh = h7h, hl = h7l;\n\n for (i=0; i<80; i++) {\n // load up the input word for this round\n if (i<16) {\n wrh = w[i * 2];\n wrl = w[i * 2 + 1];\n } else {\n // Gamma0\n var gamma0xh = w[(i-15) * 2];\n var gamma0xl = w[(i-15) * 2 + 1];\n var gamma0h =\n ((gamma0xl << 31) | (gamma0xh >>> 1)) ^\n ((gamma0xl << 24) | (gamma0xh >>> 8)) ^\n (gamma0xh >>> 7);\n var gamma0l =\n ((gamma0xh << 31) | (gamma0xl >>> 1)) ^\n ((gamma0xh << 24) | (gamma0xl >>> 8)) ^\n ((gamma0xh << 25) | (gamma0xl >>> 7));\n\n // Gamma1\n var gamma1xh = w[(i-2) * 2];\n var gamma1xl = w[(i-2) * 2 + 1];\n var gamma1h =\n ((gamma1xl << 13) | (gamma1xh >>> 19)) ^\n ((gamma1xh << 3) | (gamma1xl >>> 29)) ^\n (gamma1xh >>> 6);\n var gamma1l =\n ((gamma1xh << 13) | (gamma1xl >>> 19)) ^\n ((gamma1xl << 3) | (gamma1xh >>> 29)) ^\n ((gamma1xh << 26) | (gamma1xl >>> 6));\n\n // Shortcuts\n var wr7h = w[(i-7) * 2];\n var wr7l = w[(i-7) * 2 + 1];\n\n var wr16h = w[(i-16) * 2];\n var wr16l = w[(i-16) * 2 + 1];\n\n // W(round) = gamma0 + W(round - 7) + gamma1 + W(round - 16)\n wrl = gamma0l + wr7l;\n wrh = gamma0h + wr7h + ((wrl >>> 0) < (gamma0l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);\n wrl += gamma1l;\n wrh += gamma1h + ((wrl >>> 0) < (gamma1l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);\n wrl += wr16l;\n wrh += wr16h + ((wrl >>> 0) < (wr16l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);\n }\n\n w[i*2] = wrh |= 0;\n w[i*2 + 1] = wrl |= 0;\n\n // Ch\n var chh = (eh & fh) ^ (~eh & gh);\n var chl = (el & fl) ^ (~el & gl);\n\n // Maj\n var majh = (ah & bh) ^ (ah & ch) ^ (bh & ch);\n var majl = (al & bl) ^ (al & cl) ^ (bl & cl);\n\n // Sigma0\n var sigma0h = ((al << 4) | (ah >>> 28)) ^ ((ah << 30) | (al >>> 2)) ^ ((ah << 25) | (al >>> 7));\n var sigma0l = ((ah << 4) | (al >>> 28)) ^ ((al << 30) | (ah >>> 2)) ^ ((al << 25) | (ah >>> 7));\n\n // Sigma1\n var sigma1h = ((el << 18) | (eh >>> 14)) ^ ((el << 14) | (eh >>> 18)) ^ ((eh << 23) | (el >>> 9));\n var sigma1l = ((eh << 18) | (el >>> 14)) ^ ((eh << 14) | (el >>> 18)) ^ ((el << 23) | (eh >>> 9));\n\n // K(round)\n var krh = k[i*2];\n var krl = k[i*2+1];\n\n // t1 = h + sigma1 + ch + K(round) + W(round)\n var t1l = hl + sigma1l;\n var t1h = hh + sigma1h + ((t1l >>> 0) < (hl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);\n t1l += chl;\n t1h += chh + ((t1l >>> 0) < (chl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);\n t1l += krl;\n t1h += krh + ((t1l >>> 0) < (krl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);\n t1l += wrl;\n t1h += wrh + ((t1l >>> 0) < (wrl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);\n\n // t2 = sigma0 + maj\n var t2l = sigma0l + majl;\n var t2h = sigma0h + majh + ((t2l >>> 0) < (sigma0l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);\n\n // Update working variables\n hh = gh;\n hl = gl;\n gh = fh;\n gl = fl;\n fh = eh;\n fl = el;\n el = (dl + t1l) | 0;\n eh = (dh + t1h + ((el >>> 0) < (dl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n dh = ch;\n dl = cl;\n ch = bh;\n cl = bl;\n bh = ah;\n bl = al;\n al = (t1l + t2l) | 0;\n ah = (t1h + t2h + ((al >>> 0) < (t1l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n }\n\n // Intermediate hash\n h0l = h[1] = (h0l + al) | 0;\n h[0] = (h0h + ah + ((h0l >>> 0) < (al >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n h1l = h[3] = (h1l + bl) | 0;\n h[2] = (h1h + bh + ((h1l >>> 0) < (bl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n h2l = h[5] = (h2l + cl) | 0;\n h[4] = (h2h + ch + ((h2l >>> 0) < (cl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n h3l = h[7] = (h3l + dl) | 0;\n h[6] = (h3h + dh + ((h3l >>> 0) < (dl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n h4l = h[9] = (h4l + el) | 0;\n h[8] = (h4h + eh + ((h4l >>> 0) < (el >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n h5l = h[11] = (h5l + fl) | 0;\n h[10] = (h5h + fh + ((h5l >>> 0) < (fl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n h6l = h[13] = (h6l + gl) | 0;\n h[12] = (h6h + gh + ((h6l >>> 0) < (gl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n h7l = h[15] = (h7l + hl) | 0;\n h[14] = (h7h + hh + ((h7l >>> 0) < (hl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n }\n};\n\n\n\n/** @fileOverview Javascript SHA-1 implementation.\n *\n * Based on the implementation in RFC 3174, method 1, and on the SJCL\n * SHA-256 implementation.\n *\n * @author Quinn Slack\n */\n\n/**\n * Context for a SHA-1 operation in progress.\n * @constructor\n * @class Secure Hash Algorithm, 160 bits.\n */\nsjcl.hash.sha1 = function (hash) {\n if (hash) {\n this._h = hash._h.slice(0);\n this._buffer = hash._buffer.slice(0);\n this._length = hash._length;\n } else {\n this.reset();\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Hash a string or an array of words.\n * @static\n * @param {bitArray|String} data the data to hash.\n * @return {bitArray} The hash value, an array of 5 big-endian words.\n */\nsjcl.hash.sha1.hash = function (data) {\n return (new sjcl.hash.sha1()).update(data).finalize();\n};\n\nsjcl.hash.sha1.prototype = {\n /**\n * The hash's block size, in bits.\n * @constant\n */\n blockSize: 512,\n \n /**\n * Reset the hash state.\n * @return this\n */\n reset:function () {\n this._h = this._init.slice(0);\n this._buffer = [];\n this._length = 0;\n return this;\n },\n \n /**\n * Input several words to the hash.\n * @param {bitArray|String} data the data to hash.\n * @return this\n */\n update: function (data) {\n if (typeof data === \"string\") {\n data = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(data);\n }\n var i, b = this._buffer = sjcl.bitArray.concat(this._buffer, data),\n ol = this._length,\n nl = this._length = ol + sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(data);\n for (i = this.blockSize+ol & -this.blockSize; i <= nl;\n i+= this.blockSize) {\n this._block(b.splice(0,16));\n }\n return this;\n },\n \n /**\n * Complete hashing and output the hash value.\n * @return {bitArray} The hash value, an array of 5 big-endian words. TODO\n */\n finalize:function () {\n var i, b = this._buffer, h = this._h;\n\n // Round out and push the buffer\n b = sjcl.bitArray.concat(b, [sjcl.bitArray.partial(1,1)]);\n // Round out the buffer to a multiple of 16 words, less the 2 length words.\n for (i = b.length + 2; i & 15; i++) {\n b.push(0);\n }\n\n // append the length\n b.push(Math.floor(this._length / 0x100000000));\n b.push(this._length | 0);\n\n while (b.length) {\n this._block(b.splice(0,16));\n }\n\n this.reset();\n return h;\n },\n\n /**\n * The SHA-1 initialization vector.\n * @private\n */\n _init:[0x67452301, 0xEFCDAB89, 0x98BADCFE, 0x10325476, 0xC3D2E1F0],\n\n /**\n * The SHA-1 hash key.\n * @private\n */\n _key:[0x5A827999, 0x6ED9EBA1, 0x8F1BBCDC, 0xCA62C1D6],\n\n /**\n * The SHA-1 logical functions f(0), f(1), ..., f(79).\n * @private\n */\n _f:function(t, b, c, d) {\n if (t <= 19) {\n return (b & c) | (~b & d);\n } else if (t <= 39) {\n return b ^ c ^ d;\n } else if (t <= 59) {\n return (b & c) | (b & d) | (c & d);\n } else if (t <= 79) {\n return b ^ c ^ d;\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Circular left-shift operator.\n * @private\n */\n _S:function(n, x) {\n return (x << n) | (x >>> 32-n);\n },\n \n /**\n * Perform one cycle of SHA-1.\n * @param {bitArray} words one block of words.\n * @private\n */\n _block:function (words) { \n var t, tmp, a, b, c, d, e,\n w = words.slice(0),\n h = this._h,\n k = this._key;\n \n a = h[0]; b = h[1]; c = h[2]; d = h[3]; e = h[4]; \n\n for (t=0; t<=79; t++) {\n if (t >= 16) {\n w[t] = this._S(1, w[t-3] ^ w[t-8] ^ w[t-14] ^ w[t-16]);\n }\n tmp = (this._S(5, a) + this._f(t, b, c, d) + e + w[t] +\n this._key[Math.floor(t/20)]) | 0;\n e = d;\n d = c;\n c = this._S(30, b);\n b = a;\n a = tmp;\n }\n\n h[0] = (h[0]+a) |0;\n h[1] = (h[1]+b) |0;\n h[2] = (h[2]+c) |0;\n h[3] = (h[3]+d) |0;\n h[4] = (h[4]+e) |0;\n }\n};\n\n/** @fileOverview CCM mode implementation.\n *\n * Special thanks to Roy Nicholson for pointing out a bug in our\n * implementation.\n *\n * @author Emily Stark\n * @author Mike Hamburg\n * @author Dan Boneh\n */\n\n/** @namespace CTR mode with CBC MAC. */\nsjcl.mode.ccm = {\n /** The name of the mode.\n * @constant\n */\n name: \"ccm\",\n \n /** Encrypt in CCM mode.\n * @static\n * @param {Object} prf The pseudorandom function. It must have a block size of 16 bytes.\n * @param {bitArray} plaintext The plaintext data.\n * @param {bitArray} iv The initialization value.\n * @param {bitArray} [adata=[]] The authenticated data.\n * @param {Number} [tlen=64] the desired tag length, in bits.\n * @return {bitArray} The encrypted data, an array of bytes.\n */\n encrypt: function(prf, plaintext, iv, adata, tlen) {\n var L, i, out = plaintext.slice(0), tag, w=sjcl.bitArray, ivl = w.bitLength(iv) / 8, ol = w.bitLength(out) / 8;\n tlen = tlen || 64;\n adata = adata || [];\n \n if (ivl < 7) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"ccm: iv must be at least 7 bytes\");\n }\n \n // compute the length of the length\n for (L=2; L<4 && ol >>> 8*L; L++) {}\n if (L < 15 - ivl) { L = 15-ivl; }\n iv = w.clamp(iv,8*(15-L));\n \n // compute the tag\n tag = sjcl.mode.ccm._computeTag(prf, plaintext, iv, adata, tlen, L);\n \n // encrypt\n out = sjcl.mode.ccm._ctrMode(prf, out, iv, tag, tlen, L);\n \n return w.concat(out.data, out.tag);\n },\n \n /** Decrypt in CCM mode.\n * @static\n * @param {Object} prf The pseudorandom function. It must have a block size of 16 bytes.\n * @param {bitArray} ciphertext The ciphertext data.\n * @param {bitArray} iv The initialization value.\n * @param {bitArray} [[]] adata The authenticated data.\n * @param {Number} [64] tlen the desired tag length, in bits.\n * @return {bitArray} The decrypted data.\n */\n decrypt: function(prf, ciphertext, iv, adata, tlen) {\n tlen = tlen || 64;\n adata = adata || [];\n var L, i, \n w=sjcl.bitArray,\n ivl = w.bitLength(iv) / 8,\n ol = w.bitLength(ciphertext), \n out = w.clamp(ciphertext, ol - tlen),\n tag = w.bitSlice(ciphertext, ol - tlen), tag2;\n \n\n ol = (ol - tlen) / 8;\n \n if (ivl < 7) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"ccm: iv must be at least 7 bytes\");\n }\n \n // compute the length of the length\n for (L=2; L<4 && ol >>> 8*L; L++) {}\n if (L < 15 - ivl) { L = 15-ivl; }\n iv = w.clamp(iv,8*(15-L));\n \n // decrypt\n out = sjcl.mode.ccm._ctrMode(prf, out, iv, tag, tlen, L);\n \n // check the tag\n tag2 = sjcl.mode.ccm._computeTag(prf, out.data, iv, adata, tlen, L);\n if (!w.equal(out.tag, tag2)) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.corrupt(\"ccm: tag doesn't match\");\n }\n \n return out.data;\n },\n\n /* Compute the (unencrypted) authentication tag, according to the CCM specification\n * @param {Object} prf The pseudorandom function.\n * @param {bitArray} plaintext The plaintext data.\n * @param {bitArray} iv The initialization value.\n * @param {bitArray} adata The authenticated data.\n * @param {Number} tlen the desired tag length, in bits.\n * @return {bitArray} The tag, but not yet encrypted.\n * @private\n */\n _computeTag: function(prf, plaintext, iv, adata, tlen, L) {\n // compute B[0]\n var q, mac, field = 0, offset = 24, tmp, i, macData = [], w=sjcl.bitArray, xor = w._xor4;\n\n tlen /= 8;\n \n // check tag length and message length\n if (tlen % 2 || tlen < 4 || tlen > 16) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"ccm: invalid tag length\");\n }\n \n if (adata.length > 0xFFFFFFFF || plaintext.length > 0xFFFFFFFF) {\n // I don't want to deal with extracting high words from doubles.\n throw new sjcl.exception.bug(\"ccm: can't deal with 4GiB or more data\");\n }\n\n // mac the flags\n mac = [w.partial(8, (adata.length ? 1<<6 : 0) | (tlen-2) << 2 | L-1)];\n\n // mac the iv and length\n mac = w.concat(mac, iv);\n mac[3] |= w.bitLength(plaintext)/8;\n mac = prf.encrypt(mac);\n \n \n if (adata.length) {\n // mac the associated data. start with its length...\n tmp = w.bitLength(adata)/8;\n if (tmp <= 0xFEFF) {\n macData = [w.partial(16, tmp)];\n } else if (tmp <= 0xFFFFFFFF) {\n macData = w.concat([w.partial(16,0xFFFE)], [tmp]);\n } // else ...\n \n // mac the data itself\n macData = w.concat(macData, adata);\n for (i=0; i bs) {\n key = Hash.hash(key);\n }\n \n for (i=0; i\n * This random number generator is a derivative of Ferguson and Schneier's\n * generator Fortuna. It collects entropy from various events into several\n * pools, implemented by streaming SHA-256 instances. It differs from\n * ordinary Fortuna in a few ways, though.\n *
\n *\n * \n * Most importantly, it has an entropy estimator. This is present because\n * there is a strong conflict here between making the generator available\n * as soon as possible, and making sure that it doesn't \"run on empty\".\n * In Fortuna, there is a saved state file, and the system is likely to have\n * time to warm up.\n *
\n *\n * \n * Second, because users are unlikely to stay on the page for very long,\n * and to speed startup time, the number of pools increases logarithmically:\n * a new pool is created when the previous one is actually used for a reseed.\n * This gives the same asymptotic guarantees as Fortuna, but gives more\n * entropy to early reseeds.\n *
\n *\n * \n * The entire mechanism here feels pretty klunky. Furthermore, there are\n * several improvements that should be made, including support for\n * dedicated cryptographic functions that may be present in some browsers;\n * state files in local storage; cookies containing randomness; etc. So\n * look for improvements in future versions.\n *
\n */\nsjcl.prng = function(defaultParanoia) {\n \n /* private */\n this._pools = [new sjcl.hash.sha256()];\n this._poolEntropy = [0];\n this._reseedCount = 0;\n this._robins = {};\n this._eventId = 0;\n \n this._collectorIds = {};\n this._collectorIdNext = 0;\n \n this._strength = 0;\n this._poolStrength = 0;\n this._nextReseed = 0;\n this._key = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];\n this._counter = [0,0,0,0];\n this._cipher = undefined;\n this._defaultParanoia = defaultParanoia;\n \n /* event listener stuff */\n this._collectorsStarted = false;\n this._callbacks = {progress: {}, seeded: {}};\n this._callbackI = 0;\n \n /* constants */\n this._NOT_READY = 0;\n this._READY = 1;\n this._REQUIRES_RESEED = 2;\n\n this._MAX_WORDS_PER_BURST = 65536;\n this._PARANOIA_LEVELS = [0,48,64,96,128,192,256,384,512,768,1024];\n this._MILLISECONDS_PER_RESEED = 30000;\n this._BITS_PER_RESEED = 80;\n}\n \nsjcl.prng.prototype = {\n /** Generate several random words, and return them in an array\n * @param {Number} nwords The number of words to generate.\n */\n randomWords: function (nwords, paranoia) {\n var out = [], i, readiness = this.isReady(paranoia), g;\n \n if (readiness === this._NOT_READY) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.notReady(\"generator isn't seeded\");\n } else if (readiness & this._REQUIRES_RESEED) {\n this._reseedFromPools(!(readiness & this._READY));\n }\n \n for (i=0; i0) {\n estimatedEntropy++;\n tmp = tmp >>> 1;\n }\n }\n }\n this._pools[robin].update([id,this._eventId++,2,estimatedEntropy,t,data.length].concat(data));\n }\n break;\n \n case \"string\":\n if (estimatedEntropy === undefined) {\n /* English text has just over 1 bit per character of entropy.\n * But this might be HTML or something, and have far less\n * entropy than English... Oh well, let's just say one bit.\n */\n estimatedEntropy = data.length;\n }\n this._pools[robin].update([id,this._eventId++,3,estimatedEntropy,t,data.length]);\n this._pools[robin].update(data);\n break;\n \n default:\n err=1;\n }\n if (err) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.bug(\"random: addEntropy only supports number, array of numbers or string\");\n }\n \n /* record the new strength */\n this._poolEntropy[robin] += estimatedEntropy;\n this._poolStrength += estimatedEntropy;\n \n /* fire off events */\n if (oldReady === this._NOT_READY) {\n if (this.isReady() !== this._NOT_READY) {\n this._fireEvent(\"seeded\", Math.max(this._strength, this._poolStrength));\n }\n this._fireEvent(\"progress\", this.getProgress());\n }\n },\n \n /** Is the generator ready? */\n isReady: function (paranoia) {\n var entropyRequired = this._PARANOIA_LEVELS[ (paranoia !== undefined) ? paranoia : this._defaultParanoia ];\n \n if (this._strength && this._strength >= entropyRequired) {\n return (this._poolEntropy[0] > this._BITS_PER_RESEED && (new Date()).valueOf() > this._nextReseed) ?\n this._REQUIRES_RESEED | this._READY :\n this._READY;\n } else {\n return (this._poolStrength >= entropyRequired) ?\n this._REQUIRES_RESEED | this._NOT_READY :\n this._NOT_READY;\n }\n },\n \n /** Get the generator's progress toward readiness, as a fraction */\n getProgress: function (paranoia) {\n var entropyRequired = this._PARANOIA_LEVELS[ paranoia ? paranoia : this._defaultParanoia ];\n \n if (this._strength >= entropyRequired) {\n return 1.0;\n } else {\n return (this._poolStrength > entropyRequired) ?\n 1.0 :\n this._poolStrength / entropyRequired;\n }\n },\n \n /** start the built-in entropy collectors */\n startCollectors: function () {\n if (this._collectorsStarted) { return; }\n \n if (window.addEventListener) {\n window.addEventListener(\"load\", this._loadTimeCollector, false);\n window.addEventListener(\"mousemove\", this._mouseCollector, false);\n } else if (document.attachEvent) {\n document.attachEvent(\"onload\", this._loadTimeCollector);\n document.attachEvent(\"onmousemove\", this._mouseCollector);\n }\n else {\n throw new sjcl.exception.bug(\"can't attach event\");\n }\n \n this._collectorsStarted = true;\n },\n \n /** stop the built-in entropy collectors */\n stopCollectors: function () {\n if (!this._collectorsStarted) { return; }\n \n if (window.removeEventListener) {\n window.removeEventListener(\"load\", this._loadTimeCollector, false);\n window.removeEventListener(\"mousemove\", this._mouseCollector, false);\n } else if (window.detachEvent) {\n window.detachEvent(\"onload\", this._loadTimeCollector);\n window.detachEvent(\"onmousemove\", this._mouseCollector);\n }\n this._collectorsStarted = false;\n },\n \n /* use a cookie to store entropy.\n useCookie: function (all_cookies) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.bug(\"random: useCookie is unimplemented\");\n },*/\n \n /** add an event listener for progress or seeded-ness. */\n addEventListener: function (name, callback) {\n this._callbacks[name][this._callbackI++] = callback;\n },\n \n /** remove an event listener for progress or seeded-ness */\n removeEventListener: function (name, cb) {\n var i, j, cbs=this._callbacks[name], jsTemp=[];\n \n /* I'm not sure if this is necessary; in C++, iterating over a\n * collection and modifying it at the same time is a no-no.\n */\n \n for (j in cbs) {\n\tif (cbs.hasOwnProperty(j) && cbs[j] === cb) {\n jsTemp.push(j);\n }\n }\n \n for (i=0; i= 1 << this._pools.length) {\n this._pools.push(new sjcl.hash.sha256());\n this._poolEntropy.push(0);\n }\n \n /* how strong was this reseed? */\n this._poolStrength -= strength;\n if (strength > this._strength) {\n this._strength = strength;\n }\n \n this._reseedCount ++;\n this._reseed(reseedData);\n },\n \n _mouseCollector: function (ev) {\n var x = ev.x || ev.clientX || ev.offsetX || 0, y = ev.y || ev.clientY || ev.offsetY || 0;\n sjcl.random.addEntropy([x,y], 2, \"mouse\");\n },\n \n _loadTimeCollector: function (ev) {\n sjcl.random.addEntropy((new Date()).valueOf(), 2, \"loadtime\");\n },\n \n _fireEvent: function (name, arg) {\n var j, cbs=sjcl.random._callbacks[name], cbsTemp=[];\n /* TODO: there is a race condition between removing collectors and firing them */ \n\n /* I'm not sure if this is necessary; in C++, iterating over a\n * collection and modifying it at the same time is a no-no.\n */\n \n for (j in cbs) {\n if (cbs.hasOwnProperty(j)) {\n cbsTemp.push(cbs[j]);\n }\n }\n \n for (j=0; j 4)) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"json encrypt: invalid parameters\");\n }\n \n if (typeof password === \"string\") {\n tmp = sjcl.misc.cachedPbkdf2(password, p);\n password = tmp.key.slice(0,p.ks/32);\n p.salt = tmp.salt;\n } else if (sjcl.ecc && password instanceof sjcl.ecc.elGamal.publicKey) {\n tmp = password.kem();\n p.kemtag = tmp.tag;\n password = tmp.key.slice(0,p.ks/32);\n }\n if (typeof plaintext === \"string\") {\n plaintext = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(plaintext);\n }\n if (typeof adata === \"string\") {\n adata = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(adata);\n }\n prp = new sjcl.cipher[p.cipher](password);\n \n /* return the json data */\n j._add(rp, p);\n rp.key = password;\n \n /* do the encryption */\n p.ct = sjcl.mode[p.mode].encrypt(prp, plaintext, p.iv, adata, p.ts);\n \n //return j.encode(j._subtract(p, j.defaults));\n return j.encode(p);\n },\n \n /** Simple decryption function.\n * @param {String|bitArray} password The password or key.\n * @param {String} ciphertext The ciphertext to decrypt.\n * @param {Object} [params] Additional non-default parameters.\n * @param {Object} [rp] A returned object with filled parameters.\n * @return {String} The plaintext.\n * @throws {sjcl.exception.invalid} if a parameter is invalid.\n * @throws {sjcl.exception.corrupt} if the ciphertext is corrupt.\n */\n decrypt: function (password, ciphertext, params, rp) {\n params = params || {};\n rp = rp || {};\n \n var j = sjcl.json, p = j._add(j._add(j._add({},j.defaults),j.decode(ciphertext)), params, true), ct, tmp, prp, adata=p.adata;\n if (typeof p.salt === \"string\") {\n p.salt = sjcl.codec.base64.toBits(p.salt);\n }\n if (typeof p.iv === \"string\") {\n p.iv = sjcl.codec.base64.toBits(p.iv);\n }\n \n if (!sjcl.mode[p.mode] ||\n !sjcl.cipher[p.cipher] ||\n (typeof password === \"string\" && p.iter <= 100) ||\n (p.ts !== 64 && p.ts !== 96 && p.ts !== 128) ||\n (p.ks !== 128 && p.ks !== 192 && p.ks !== 256) ||\n (!p.iv) ||\n (p.iv.length < 2 || p.iv.length > 4)) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"json decrypt: invalid parameters\");\n }\n \n if (typeof password === \"string\") {\n tmp = sjcl.misc.cachedPbkdf2(password, p);\n password = tmp.key.slice(0,p.ks/32);\n p.salt = tmp.salt;\n } else if (sjcl.ecc && password instanceof sjcl.ecc.elGamal.secretKey) {\n password = password.unkem(sjcl.codec.base64.toBits(p.kemtag)).slice(0,p.ks/32);\n }\n if (typeof adata === \"string\") {\n adata = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(adata);\n }\n prp = new sjcl.cipher[p.cipher](password);\n \n /* do the decryption */\n ct = sjcl.mode[p.mode].decrypt(prp, p.ct, p.iv, adata, p.ts);\n \n /* return the json data */\n j._add(rp, p);\n rp.key = password;\n \n return sjcl.codec.utf8String.fromBits(ct);\n },\n \n /** Encode a flat structure into a JSON string.\n * @param {Object} obj The structure to encode.\n * @return {String} A JSON string.\n * @throws {sjcl.exception.invalid} if obj has a non-alphanumeric property.\n * @throws {sjcl.exception.bug} if a parameter has an unsupported type.\n */\n encode: function (obj) {\n var i, out='{', comma='';\n for (i in obj) {\n if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) {\n if (!i.match(/^[a-z0-9]+$/i)) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"json encode: invalid property name\");\n }\n out += comma + '\"' + i + '\":';\n comma = ',';\n \n switch (typeof obj[i]) {\n case 'number':\n case 'boolean':\n out += obj[i];\n break;\n \n case 'string':\n out += '\"' + escape(obj[i]) + '\"';\n break;\n \n case 'object':\n out += '\"' + sjcl.codec.base64.fromBits(obj[i],0) + '\"';\n break;\n \n default:\n throw new sjcl.exception.bug(\"json encode: unsupported type\");\n }\n }\n }\n return out+'}';\n },\n \n /** Decode a simple (flat) JSON string into a structure. The ciphertext,\n * adata, salt and iv will be base64-decoded.\n * @param {String} str The string.\n * @return {Object} The decoded structure.\n * @throws {sjcl.exception.invalid} if str isn't (simple) JSON.\n */\n decode: function (str) {\n str = str.replace(/\\s/g,'');\n if (!str.match(/^\\{.*\\}$/)) { \n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"json decode: this isn't json!\");\n }\n var a = str.replace(/^\\{|\\}$/g, '').split(/,/), out={}, i, m;\n for (i=0; i= this.limbs.length) ? 0 : this.limbs[i];\n },\n \n /**\n * Constant time comparison function.\n * Returns 1 if this >= that, or zero otherwise.\n */\n greaterEquals: function(that) {\n if (typeof that === \"number\") { that = new this._class(that); }\n var less = 0, greater = 0, i, a, b;\n i = Math.max(this.limbs.length, that.limbs.length) - 1;\n for (; i>= 0; i--) {\n a = this.getLimb(i);\n b = that.getLimb(i);\n greater |= (b - a) & ~less;\n less |= (a - b) & ~greater;\n }\n return (greater | ~less) >>> 31;\n },\n \n /**\n * Convert to a hex string.\n */\n toString: function() {\n this.fullReduce();\n var out=\"\", i, s, l = this.limbs;\n for (i=0; i < this.limbs.length; i++) {\n s = l[i].toString(16);\n while (i < this.limbs.length - 1 && s.length < 6) {\n s = \"0\" + s;\n }\n out = s + out;\n }\n return \"0x\"+out;\n },\n \n /** this += that. Does not normalize. */\n addM: function(that) {\n if (typeof(that) !== \"object\") { that = new this._class(that); }\n var i, l=this.limbs, ll=that.limbs;\n for (i=l.length; i> r;\n }\n if (carry) {\n l.push(carry);\n }\n return this;\n },\n \n /** this /= 2, rounded down. Requires normalized; ends up normalized. */\n halveM: function() {\n var i, carry=0, tmp, r=this.radix, l=this.limbs;\n for (i=l.length-1; i>=0; i--) {\n tmp = l[i];\n l[i] = (tmp+carry)>>1;\n carry = (tmp&1) << r;\n }\n if (!l[l.length-1]) {\n l.pop();\n }\n return this;\n },\n\n /** this -= that. Does not normalize. */\n subM: function(that) {\n if (typeof(that) !== \"object\") { that = new this._class(that); }\n var i, l=this.limbs, ll=that.limbs;\n for (i=l.length; i 0; ci--) {\n that.halveM();\n if (out.greaterEquals(that)) {\n out.subM(that).normalize();\n }\n }\n return out.trim();\n },\n \n /** return inverse mod prime p. p must be odd. Binary extended Euclidean algorithm mod p. */\n inverseMod: function(p) {\n var a = new sjcl.bn(1), b = new sjcl.bn(0), x = new sjcl.bn(this), y = new sjcl.bn(p), tmp, i, nz=1;\n \n if (!(p.limbs[0] & 1)) {\n throw (new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"inverseMod: p must be odd\"));\n }\n \n // invariant: y is odd\n do {\n if (x.limbs[0] & 1) {\n if (!x.greaterEquals(y)) {\n // x < y; swap everything\n tmp = x; x = y; y = tmp;\n tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp;\n }\n x.subM(y);\n x.normalize();\n \n if (!a.greaterEquals(b)) {\n a.addM(p);\n }\n a.subM(b);\n }\n \n // cut everything in half\n x.halveM();\n if (a.limbs[0] & 1) {\n a.addM(p);\n }\n a.normalize();\n a.halveM();\n \n // check for termination: x ?= 0\n for (i=nz=0; i= 0; i--) {\n out = w.concat(out, [w.partial(Math.min(this.radix,len), this.getLimb(i))]);\n len -= this.radix;\n }\n return out;\n },\n \n /** Return the length in bits, rounded up to the nearest byte. */\n bitLength: function() {\n this.fullReduce();\n var out = this.radix * (this.limbs.length - 1),\n b = this.limbs[this.limbs.length - 1];\n for (; b; b >>>= 1) {\n out ++;\n }\n return out+7 & -8;\n }\n};\n\n/** @this { sjcl.bn } */\nsjcl.bn.fromBits = function(bits) {\n var Class = this, out = new Class(), words=[], w=sjcl.bitArray, t = this.prototype,\n l = Math.min(this.bitLength || 0x100000000, w.bitLength(bits)), e = l % t.radix || t.radix;\n \n words[0] = w.extract(bits, 0, e);\n for (; e < l; e += t.radix) {\n words.unshift(w.extract(bits, e, t.radix));\n }\n\n out.limbs = words;\n return out;\n};\n\n\n\nsjcl.bn.prototype.ipv = 1 / (sjcl.bn.prototype.placeVal = Math.pow(2,sjcl.bn.prototype.radix));\nsjcl.bn.prototype.radixMask = (1 << sjcl.bn.prototype.radix) - 1;\n\n/**\n * Creates a new subclass of bn, based on reduction modulo a pseudo-Mersenne prime,\n * i.e. a prime of the form 2^e + sum(a * 2^b),where the sum is negative and sparse.\n */\nsjcl.bn.pseudoMersennePrime = function(exponent, coeff) {\n /** @constructor */\n function p(it) {\n this.initWith(it);\n /*if (this.limbs[this.modOffset]) {\n this.reduce();\n }*/\n }\n\n var ppr = p.prototype = new sjcl.bn(), i, tmp, mo;\n mo = ppr.modOffset = Math.ceil(tmp = exponent / ppr.radix);\n ppr.exponent = exponent;\n ppr.offset = [];\n ppr.factor = [];\n ppr.minOffset = mo;\n ppr.fullMask = 0;\n ppr.fullOffset = [];\n ppr.fullFactor = [];\n ppr.modulus = p.modulus = new sjcl.bn(Math.pow(2,exponent));\n \n ppr.fullMask = 0|-Math.pow(2, exponent % ppr.radix);\n\n for (i=0; i mo) {\n l = limbs.pop();\n ll = limbs.length;\n for (k=0; k=0; i--) {\n for (j=sjcl.bn.prototype.radix-4; j>=0; j-=4) {\n out = out.doubl().doubl().doubl().doubl().add(multiples[k[i]>>j & 0xF]);\n }\n }\n \n return out;\n },\n \n /**\n * Multiply this point by k, added to affine2*k2, and return the answer in Jacobian coordinates.\n * @param {bigInt} k The coefficient to multiply this by.\n * @param {sjcl.ecc.point} affine This point in affine coordinates.\n * @param {bigInt} k2 The coefficient to multiply affine2 this by.\n * @param {sjcl.ecc.point} affine The other point in affine coordinates.\n * @return {sjcl.ecc.pointJac} The result of the multiplication and addition, in Jacobian coordinates.\n */\n mult2: function(k1, affine, k2, affine2) {\n if (typeof(k1) === \"number\") {\n k1 = [k1];\n } else if (k1.limbs !== undefined) {\n k1 = k1.normalize().limbs;\n }\n \n if (typeof(k2) === \"number\") {\n k2 = [k2];\n } else if (k2.limbs !== undefined) {\n k2 = k2.normalize().limbs;\n }\n \n var i, j, out = new sjcl.ecc.point(this.curve).toJac(), m1 = affine.multiples(),\n m2 = affine2.multiples(), l1, l2;\n\n for (i=Math.max(k1.length,k2.length)-1; i>=0; i--) {\n l1 = k1[i] | 0;\n l2 = k2[i] | 0;\n for (j=sjcl.bn.prototype.radix-4; j>=0; j-=4) {\n out = out.doubl().doubl().doubl().doubl().add(m1[l1>>j & 0xF]).add(m2[l2>>j & 0xF]);\n }\n }\n \n return out;\n },\n\n isValid: function() {\n var z2 = this.z.square(), z4 = z2.square(), z6 = z4.mul(z2);\n return this.y.square().equals(\n this.curve.b.mul(z6).add(this.x.mul(\n this.curve.a.mul(z4).add(this.x.square()))));\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Construct an elliptic curve. Most users will not use this and instead start with one of the NIST curves defined below.\n *\n * @constructor\n * @param {bigInt} p The prime modulus.\n * @param {bigInt} r The prime order of the curve.\n * @param {bigInt} a The constant a in the equation of the curve y^2 = x^3 + ax + b (for NIST curves, a is always -3).\n * @param {bigInt} x The x coordinate of a base point of the curve.\n * @param {bigInt} y The y coordinate of a base point of the curve.\n */\nsjcl.ecc.curve = function(Field, r, a, b, x, y) {\n this.field = Field;\n this.r = Field.prototype.modulus.sub(r);\n this.a = new Field(a);\n this.b = new Field(b);\n this.G = new sjcl.ecc.point(this, new Field(x), new Field(y));\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.curve.prototype.fromBits = function (bits) {\n var w = sjcl.bitArray, l = this.field.prototype.exponent + 7 & -8,\n p = new sjcl.ecc.point(this, this.field.fromBits(w.bitSlice(bits, 0, l)),\n this.field.fromBits(w.bitSlice(bits, l, 2*l)));\n if (!p.isValid()) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.corrupt(\"not on the curve!\");\n }\n return p;\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.curves = {\n c192: new sjcl.ecc.curve(\n sjcl.bn.prime.p192,\n \"0x662107c8eb94364e4b2dd7ce\",\n -3,\n \"0x64210519e59c80e70fa7e9ab72243049feb8deecc146b9b1\",\n \"0x188da80eb03090f67cbf20eb43a18800f4ff0afd82ff1012\",\n \"0x07192b95ffc8da78631011ed6b24cdd573f977a11e794811\"),\n\n c224: new sjcl.ecc.curve(\n sjcl.bn.prime.p224,\n \"0xe95c1f470fc1ec22d6baa3a3d5c4\",\n -3,\n \"0xb4050a850c04b3abf54132565044b0b7d7bfd8ba270b39432355ffb4\",\n \"0xb70e0cbd6bb4bf7f321390b94a03c1d356c21122343280d6115c1d21\",\n \"0xbd376388b5f723fb4c22dfe6cd4375a05a07476444d5819985007e34\"),\n\n c256: new sjcl.ecc.curve(\n sjcl.bn.prime.p256,\n \"0x4319055358e8617b0c46353d039cdaae\",\n -3,\n \"0x5ac635d8aa3a93e7b3ebbd55769886bc651d06b0cc53b0f63bce3c3e27d2604b\",\n \"0x6b17d1f2e12c4247f8bce6e563a440f277037d812deb33a0f4a13945d898c296\",\n \"0x4fe342e2fe1a7f9b8ee7eb4a7c0f9e162bce33576b315ececbb6406837bf51f5\"),\n\n c384: new sjcl.ecc.curve(\n sjcl.bn.prime.p384,\n \"0x389cb27e0bc8d21fa7e5f24cb74f58851313e696333ad68c\",\n -3,\n \"0xb3312fa7e23ee7e4988e056be3f82d19181d9c6efe8141120314088f5013875ac656398d8a2ed19d2a85c8edd3ec2aef\",\n \"0xaa87ca22be8b05378eb1c71ef320ad746e1d3b628ba79b9859f741e082542a385502f25dbf55296c3a545e3872760ab7\",\n \"0x3617de4a96262c6f5d9e98bf9292dc29f8f41dbd289a147ce9da3113b5f0b8c00a60b1ce1d7e819d7a431d7c90ea0e5f\")\n};\n\n\n/* Diffie-Hellman-like public-key system */\nsjcl.ecc._dh = function(cn) {\n sjcl.ecc[cn] = {\n /** @constructor */\n publicKey: function(curve, point) {\n this._curve = curve;\n this._curveBitLength = curve.r.bitLength();\n if (point instanceof Array) {\n this._point = curve.fromBits(point);\n } else {\n this._point = point;\n }\n\n this.get = function() {\n var pointbits = this._point.toBits();\n var len = sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(pointbits);\n var x = sjcl.bitArray.bitSlice(pointbits, 0, len/2);\n var y = sjcl.bitArray.bitSlice(pointbits, len/2);\n return { x: x, y: y };\n }\n },\n\n /** @constructor */\n secretKey: function(curve, exponent) {\n this._curve = curve;\n this._curveBitLength = curve.r.bitLength();\n this._exponent = exponent;\n\n this.get = function() {\n return this._exponent.toBits();\n }\n },\n\n /** @constructor */\n generateKeys: function(curve, paranoia, sec) {\n if (curve === undefined) {\n curve = 256;\n }\n if (typeof curve === \"number\") {\n curve = sjcl.ecc.curves['c'+curve];\n if (curve === undefined) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"no such curve\");\n }\n }\n if (sec === undefined) {\n var sec = sjcl.bn.random(curve.r, paranoia);\n }\n var pub = curve.G.mult(sec);\n return { pub: new sjcl.ecc[cn].publicKey(curve, pub),\n sec: new sjcl.ecc[cn].secretKey(curve, sec) };\n }\n }; \n};\n\nsjcl.ecc._dh(\"elGamal\");\n\nsjcl.ecc.elGamal.publicKey.prototype = {\n kem: function(paranoia) {\n var sec = sjcl.bn.random(this._curve.r, paranoia),\n tag = this._curve.G.mult(sec).toBits(),\n key = sjcl.hash.sha256.hash(this._point.mult(sec).toBits());\n return { key: key, tag: tag };\n }\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.elGamal.secretKey.prototype = {\n unkem: function(tag) {\n return sjcl.hash.sha256.hash(this._curve.fromBits(tag).mult(this._exponent).toBits());\n },\n\n dh: function(pk) {\n return sjcl.hash.sha256.hash(pk._point.mult(this._exponent).toBits());\n }\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc._dh(\"ecdsa\");\n\nsjcl.ecc.ecdsa.secretKey.prototype = {\n sign: function(hash, paranoia, fakeLegacyVersion, fixedKForTesting) {\n if (sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(hash) > this._curveBitLength) {\n hash = sjcl.bitArray.clamp(hash, this._curveBitLength);\n }\n var R = this._curve.r,\n l = R.bitLength(),\n k = fixedKForTesting || sjcl.bn.random(R.sub(1), paranoia).add(1),\n r = this._curve.G.mult(k).x.mod(R),\n ss = sjcl.bn.fromBits(hash).add(r.mul(this._exponent)),\n s = fakeLegacyVersion ? ss.inverseMod(R).mul(k).mod(R)\n : ss.mul(k.inverseMod(R)).mod(R);\n return sjcl.bitArray.concat(r.toBits(l), s.toBits(l));\n }\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.ecdsa.publicKey.prototype = {\n verify: function(hash, rs, fakeLegacyVersion) {\n if (sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(hash) > this._curveBitLength) {\n hash = sjcl.bitArray.clamp(hash, this._curveBitLength);\n }\n var w = sjcl.bitArray,\n R = this._curve.r,\n l = this._curveBitLength,\n r = sjcl.bn.fromBits(w.bitSlice(rs,0,l)),\n ss = sjcl.bn.fromBits(w.bitSlice(rs,l,2*l)),\n s = fakeLegacyVersion ? ss : ss.inverseMod(R),\n hG = sjcl.bn.fromBits(hash).mul(s).mod(R),\n hA = r.mul(s).mod(R),\n r2 = this._curve.G.mult2(hG, hA, this._point).x;\n if (r.equals(0) || ss.equals(0) || r.greaterEquals(R) || ss.greaterEquals(R) || !r2.equals(r)) {\n if (fakeLegacyVersion === undefined) {\n return this.verify(hash, rs, true);\n } else {\n throw (new sjcl.exception.corrupt(\"signature didn't check out\"));\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n};\n\n/** @fileOverview Javascript SRP implementation.\n *\n * This file contains a partial implementation of the SRP (Secure Remote\n * Password) password-authenticated key exchange protocol. Given a user\n * identity, salt, and SRP group, it generates the SRP verifier that may\n * be sent to a remote server to establish and SRP account.\n *\n * For more information, see http://srp.stanford.edu/.\n *\n * @author Quinn Slack\n */\n\n/**\n * Compute the SRP verifier from the username, password, salt, and group.\n * @class SRP\n */\nsjcl.keyexchange.srp = {\n /**\n * Calculates SRP v, the verifier. \n * v = g^x mod N [RFC 5054]\n * @param {String} I The username.\n * @param {String} P The password.\n * @param {Object} s A bitArray of the salt.\n * @param {Object} group The SRP group. Use sjcl.keyexchange.srp.knownGroup\n to obtain this object.\n * @return {Object} A bitArray of SRP v.\n */\n makeVerifier: function(I, P, s, group) {\n var x;\n x = sjcl.keyexchange.srp.makeX(I, P, s);\n x = sjcl.bn.fromBits(x);\n return group.g.powermod(x, group.N);\n },\n\n /**\n * Calculates SRP x.\n * x = SHA1( | SHA( | \":\" | )) [RFC 2945]\n * @param {String} I The username.\n * @param {String} P The password.\n * @param {Object} s A bitArray of the salt.\n * @return {Object} A bitArray of SRP x.\n */\n makeX: function(I, P, s) {\n var inner = sjcl.hash.sha1.hash(I + ':' + P);\n return sjcl.hash.sha1.hash(sjcl.bitArray.concat(s, inner));\n },\n\n /**\n * Returns the known SRP group with the given size (in bits).\n * @param {String} i The size of the known SRP group.\n * @return {Object} An object with \"N\" and \"g\" properties.\n */\n knownGroup:function(i) {\n if (typeof i !== \"string\") { i = i.toString(); }\n if (!sjcl.keyexchange.srp._didInitKnownGroups) { sjcl.keyexchange.srp._initKnownGroups(); }\n return sjcl.keyexchange.srp._knownGroups[i];\n },\n\n /**\n * Initializes bignum objects for known group parameters.\n * @private\n */\n _didInitKnownGroups: false,\n _initKnownGroups:function() {\n var i, size, group;\n for (i=0; i < sjcl.keyexchange.srp._knownGroupSizes.length; i++) {\n size = sjcl.keyexchange.srp._knownGroupSizes[i].toString();\n group = sjcl.keyexchange.srp._knownGroups[size];\n group.N = new sjcl.bn(group.N);\n group.g = new sjcl.bn(group.g);\n }\n sjcl.keyexchange.srp._didInitKnownGroups = true;\n },\n\n _knownGroupSizes: [1024, 1536, 2048],\n _knownGroups: {\n 1024: {\n N: \"EEAF0AB9ADB38DD69C33F80AFA8FC5E86072618775FF3C0B9EA2314C\" +\n \"9C256576D674DF7496EA81D3383B4813D692C6E0E0D5D8E250B98BE4\" +\n \"8E495C1D6089DAD15DC7D7B46154D6B6CE8EF4AD69B15D4982559B29\" +\n \"7BCF1885C529F566660E57EC68EDBC3C05726CC02FD4CBF4976EAA9A\" +\n \"FD5138FE8376435B9FC61D2FC0EB06E3\",\n g:2\n },\n\n 1536: {\n N: \"9DEF3CAFB939277AB1F12A8617A47BBBDBA51DF499AC4C80BEEEA961\" +\n \"4B19CC4D5F4F5F556E27CBDE51C6A94BE4607A291558903BA0D0F843\" +\n \"80B655BB9A22E8DCDF028A7CEC67F0D08134B1C8B97989149B609E0B\" +\n \"E3BAB63D47548381DBC5B1FC764E3F4B53DD9DA1158BFD3E2B9C8CF5\" +\n \"6EDF019539349627DB2FD53D24B7C48665772E437D6C7F8CE442734A\" +\n \"F7CCB7AE837C264AE3A9BEB87F8A2FE9B8B5292E5A021FFF5E91479E\" +\n \"8CE7A28C2442C6F315180F93499A234DCF76E3FED135F9BB\",\n g: 2\n },\n\n 2048: {\n N: \"AC6BDB41324A9A9BF166DE5E1389582FAF72B6651987EE07FC319294\" +\n \"3DB56050A37329CBB4A099ED8193E0757767A13DD52312AB4B03310D\" +\n \"CD7F48A9DA04FD50E8083969EDB767B0CF6095179A163AB3661A05FB\" +\n \"D5FAAAE82918A9962F0B93B855F97993EC975EEAA80D740ADBF4FF74\" +\n \"7359D041D5C33EA71D281E446B14773BCA97B43A23FB801676BD207A\" +\n \"436C6481F1D2B9078717461A5B9D32E688F87748544523B524B0D57D\" +\n \"5EA77A2775D2ECFA032CFBDBF52FB3786160279004E57AE6AF874E73\" +\n \"03CE53299CCC041C7BC308D82A5698F3A8D0C38271AE35F8E9DBFBB6\" +\n \"94B5C803D89F7AE435DE236D525F54759B65E372FCD68EF20FA7111F\" +\n \"9E4AFF73\",\n g: 2\n }\n }\n\n};\n\n\n// ----- for secp256k1 ------\n\n// Overwrite NIST-P256 with secp256k1 so we're on even footing\nsjcl.ecc.curves.c256 = new sjcl.ecc.curve(\n sjcl.bn.pseudoMersennePrime(256, [[0,-1],[4,-1],[6,-1],[7,-1],[8,-1],[9,-1],[32,-1]]),\n \"0x14551231950b75fc4402da1722fc9baee\",\n 0,\n 7,\n \"0x79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798\",\n \"0x483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8\"\n);\n\n// Replace point addition and doubling algorithms\n// NIST-P256 is a=-3, we need algorithms for a=0\nsjcl.ecc.pointJac.prototype.add = function(T) {\n var S = this;\n if (S.curve !== T.curve) {\n throw(\"sjcl.ecc.add(): Points must be on the same curve to add them!\");\n }\n\n if (S.isIdentity) {\n return T.toJac();\n } else if (T.isIdentity) {\n return S;\n }\n\n var z1z1 = S.z.square();\n var h = T.x.mul(z1z1).subM(S.x);\n var s2 = T.y.mul(S.z).mul(z1z1);\n\n if (h.equals(0)) {\n if (S.y.equals(T.y.mul(z1z1.mul(S.z)))) {\n // same point\n return S.doubl();\n } else {\n // inverses\n return new sjcl.ecc.pointJac(S.curve);\n }\n }\n\n var hh = h.square();\n var i = hh.copy().doubleM().doubleM();\n var j = h.mul(i);\n var r = s2.sub(S.y).doubleM();\n var v = S.x.mul(i);\n \n var x = r.square().subM(j).subM(v.copy().doubleM());\n var y = r.mul(v.sub(x)).subM(S.y.mul(j).doubleM());\n var z = S.z.add(h).square().subM(z1z1).subM(hh);\n\n return new sjcl.ecc.pointJac(this.curve,x,y,z);\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.pointJac.prototype.doubl = function () {\n if (this.isIdentity) { return this; }\n\n var a = this.x.square();\n var b = this.y.square();\n var c = b.square();\n var d = this.x.add(b).square().subM(a).subM(c).doubleM();\n var e = a.mul(3);\n var f = e.square();\n var x = f.sub(d.copy().doubleM());\n var y = e.mul(d.sub(x)).subM(c.doubleM().doubleM().doubleM());\n var z = this.y.mul(this.z).doubleM();\n return new sjcl.ecc.pointJac(this.curve, x, y, z);\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.point.prototype.toBytesCompressed = function () {\n var header = this.y.mod(2).toString() == \"0x0\" ? 0x02 : 0x03;\n return [header].concat(sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits(this.x.toBits()))\n};\n\n/** @fileOverview Javascript RIPEMD-160 implementation.\n *\n * @author Artem S Vybornov \n */\n(function() {\n\n/**\n * Context for a RIPEMD-160 operation in progress.\n * @constructor\n * @class RIPEMD, 160 bits.\n */\nsjcl.hash.ripemd160 = function (hash) {\n if (hash) {\n this._h = hash._h.slice(0);\n this._buffer = hash._buffer.slice(0);\n this._length = hash._length;\n } else {\n this.reset();\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Hash a string or an array of words.\n * @static\n * @param {bitArray|String} data the data to hash.\n * @return {bitArray} The hash value, an array of 5 big-endian words.\n */\nsjcl.hash.ripemd160.hash = function (data) {\n return (new sjcl.hash.ripemd160()).update(data).finalize();\n};\n\nsjcl.hash.ripemd160.prototype = {\n /**\n * Reset the hash state.\n * @return this\n */\n reset: function () {\n this._h = _h0.slice(0);\n this._buffer = [];\n this._length = 0;\n return this;\n },\n\n /**\n * Reset the hash state.\n * @param {bitArray|String} data the data to hash.\n * @return this\n */\n update: function (data) {\n if ( typeof data === \"string\" )\n data = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(data);\n\n var i, b = this._buffer = sjcl.bitArray.concat(this._buffer, data),\n ol = this._length,\n nl = this._length = ol + sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(data);\n for (i = 512+ol & -512; i <= nl; i+= 512) {\n var words = b.splice(0,16);\n for ( var w = 0; w < 16; ++w )\n words[w] = _cvt(words[w]);\n\n _block.call( this, words );\n }\n\n return this;\n },\n\n /**\n * Complete hashing and output the hash value.\n * @return {bitArray} The hash value, an array of 5 big-endian words.\n */\n finalize: function () {\n var b = sjcl.bitArray.concat( this._buffer, [ sjcl.bitArray.partial(1,1) ] ),\n l = ( this._length + 1 ) % 512,\n z = ( l > 448 ? 512 : 448 ) - l % 448,\n zp = z % 32;\n\n if ( zp > 0 )\n b = sjcl.bitArray.concat( b, [ sjcl.bitArray.partial(zp,0) ] )\n for ( ; z >= 32; z -= 32 )\n b.push(0);\n\n b.push( _cvt( this._length | 0 ) );\n b.push( _cvt( Math.floor(this._length / 0x100000000) ) );\n\n while ( b.length ) {\n var words = b.splice(0,16);\n for ( var w = 0; w < 16; ++w )\n words[w] = _cvt(words[w]);\n\n _block.call( this, words );\n }\n\n var h = this._h;\n this.reset();\n\n for ( var w = 0; w < 5; ++w )\n h[w] = _cvt(h[w]);\n\n return h;\n }\n};\n\nvar _h0 = [ 0x67452301, 0xefcdab89, 0x98badcfe, 0x10325476, 0xc3d2e1f0 ];\n\nvar _k1 = [ 0x00000000, 0x5a827999, 0x6ed9eba1, 0x8f1bbcdc, 0xa953fd4e ];\nvar _k2 = [ 0x50a28be6, 0x5c4dd124, 0x6d703ef3, 0x7a6d76e9, 0x00000000 ];\nfor ( var i = 4; i >= 0; --i ) {\n for ( var j = 1; j < 16; ++j ) {\n _k1.splice(i,0,_k1[i]);\n _k2.splice(i,0,_k2[i]);\n }\n}\n\nvar _r1 = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,\n 7, 4, 13, 1, 10, 6, 15, 3, 12, 0, 9, 5, 2, 14, 11, 8,\n 3, 10, 14, 4, 9, 15, 8, 1, 2, 7, 0, 6, 13, 11, 5, 12,\n 1, 9, 11, 10, 0, 8, 12, 4, 13, 3, 7, 15, 14, 5, 6, 2,\n 4, 0, 5, 9, 7, 12, 2, 10, 14, 1, 3, 8, 11, 6, 15, 13 ];\nvar _r2 = [ 5, 14, 7, 0, 9, 2, 11, 4, 13, 6, 15, 8, 1, 10, 3, 12,\n 6, 11, 3, 7, 0, 13, 5, 10, 14, 15, 8, 12, 4, 9, 1, 2,\n 15, 5, 1, 3, 7, 14, 6, 9, 11, 8, 12, 2, 10, 0, 4, 13,\n 8, 6, 4, 1, 3, 11, 15, 0, 5, 12, 2, 13, 9, 7, 10, 14,\n 12, 15, 10, 4, 1, 5, 8, 7, 6, 2, 13, 14, 0, 3, 9, 11 ];\n\nvar _s1 = [ 11, 14, 15, 12, 5, 8, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 6, 7, 9, 8,\n 7, 6, 8, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 7, 12, 15, 9, 11, 7, 13, 12,\n 11, 13, 6, 7, 14, 9, 13, 15, 14, 8, 13, 6, 5, 12, 7, 5,\n 11, 12, 14, 15, 14, 15, 9, 8, 9, 14, 5, 6, 8, 6, 5, 12,\n 9, 15, 5, 11, 6, 8, 13, 12, 5, 12, 13, 14, 11, 8, 5, 6 ];\nvar _s2 = [ 8, 9, 9, 11, 13, 15, 15, 5, 7, 7, 8, 11, 14, 14, 12, 6,\n 9, 13, 15, 7, 12, 8, 9, 11, 7, 7, 12, 7, 6, 15, 13, 11,\n 9, 7, 15, 11, 8, 6, 6, 14, 12, 13, 5, 14, 13, 13, 7, 5,\n 15, 5, 8, 11, 14, 14, 6, 14, 6, 9, 12, 9, 12, 5, 15, 8,\n 8, 5, 12, 9, 12, 5, 14, 6, 8, 13, 6, 5, 15, 13, 11, 11 ];\n\nfunction _f0(x,y,z) {\n return x ^ y ^ z;\n};\n\nfunction _f1(x,y,z) {\n return (x & y) | (~x & z);\n};\n\nfunction _f2(x,y,z) {\n return (x | ~y) ^ z;\n};\n\nfunction _f3(x,y,z) {\n return (x & z) | (y & ~z);\n};\n\nfunction _f4(x,y,z) {\n return x ^ (y | ~z);\n};\n\nfunction _rol(n,l) {\n return (n << l) | (n >>> (32-l));\n}\n\nfunction _cvt(n) {\n return ( (n & 0xff << 0) << 24 )\n | ( (n & 0xff << 8) << 8 )\n | ( (n & 0xff << 16) >>> 8 )\n | ( (n & 0xff << 24) >>> 24 );\n}\n\nfunction _block(X) {\n var A1 = this._h[0], B1 = this._h[1], C1 = this._h[2], D1 = this._h[3], E1 = this._h[4],\n A2 = this._h[0], B2 = this._h[1], C2 = this._h[2], D2 = this._h[3], E2 = this._h[4];\n\n var j = 0, T;\n\n for ( ; j < 16; ++j ) {\n T = _rol( A1 + _f0(B1,C1,D1) + X[_r1[j]] + _k1[j], _s1[j] ) + E1;\n A1 = E1; E1 = D1; D1 = _rol(C1,10); C1 = B1; B1 = T;\n T = _rol( A2 + _f4(B2,C2,D2) + X[_r2[j]] + _k2[j], _s2[j] ) + E2;\n A2 = E2; E2 = D2; D2 = _rol(C2,10); C2 = B2; B2 = T; }\n for ( ; j < 32; ++j ) {\n T = _rol( A1 + _f1(B1,C1,D1) + X[_r1[j]] + _k1[j], _s1[j] ) + E1;\n A1 = E1; E1 = D1; D1 = _rol(C1,10); C1 = B1; B1 = T;\n T = _rol( A2 + _f3(B2,C2,D2) + X[_r2[j]] + _k2[j], _s2[j] ) + E2;\n A2 = E2; E2 = D2; D2 = _rol(C2,10); C2 = B2; B2 = T; }\n for ( ; j < 48; ++j ) {\n T = _rol( A1 + _f2(B1,C1,D1) + X[_r1[j]] + _k1[j], _s1[j] ) + E1;\n A1 = E1; E1 = D1; D1 = _rol(C1,10); C1 = B1; B1 = T;\n T = _rol( A2 + _f2(B2,C2,D2) + X[_r2[j]] + _k2[j], _s2[j] ) + E2;\n A2 = E2; E2 = D2; D2 = _rol(C2,10); C2 = B2; B2 = T; }\n for ( ; j < 64; ++j ) {\n T = _rol( A1 + _f3(B1,C1,D1) + X[_r1[j]] + _k1[j], _s1[j] ) + E1;\n A1 = E1; E1 = D1; D1 = _rol(C1,10); C1 = B1; B1 = T;\n T = _rol( A2 + _f1(B2,C2,D2) + X[_r2[j]] + _k2[j], _s2[j] ) + E2;\n A2 = E2; E2 = D2; D2 = _rol(C2,10); C2 = B2; B2 = T; }\n for ( ; j < 80; ++j ) {\n T = _rol( A1 + _f4(B1,C1,D1) + X[_r1[j]] + _k1[j], _s1[j] ) + E1;\n A1 = E1; E1 = D1; D1 = _rol(C1,10); C1 = B1; B1 = T;\n T = _rol( A2 + _f0(B2,C2,D2) + X[_r2[j]] + _k2[j], _s2[j] ) + E2;\n A2 = E2; E2 = D2; D2 = _rol(C2,10); C2 = B2; B2 = T; }\n\n T = this._h[1] + C1 + D2;\n this._h[1] = this._h[2] + D1 + E2;\n this._h[2] = this._h[3] + E1 + A2;\n this._h[3] = this._h[4] + A1 + B2;\n this._h[4] = this._h[0] + B1 + C2;\n this._h[0] = T;\n}\n\n})();\n\nsjcl.bn.ZERO = new sjcl.bn(0);\n\n/** [ this / that , this % that ] */\nsjcl.bn.prototype.divRem = function (that) {\n if (typeof(that) !== \"object\") { that = new this._class(that); }\n var thisa = this.abs(), thata = that.abs(), quot = new this._class(0),\n ci = 0;\n if (!thisa.greaterEquals(thata)) {\n this.initWith(0);\n return this;\n } else if (thisa.equals(thata)) {\n this.initWith(1);\n return this;\n }\n\n for (; thisa.greaterEquals(thata); ci++) {\n thata.doubleM();\n }\n for (; ci > 0; ci--) {\n quot.doubleM();\n thata.halveM();\n if (thisa.greaterEquals(thata)) {\n quot.addM(1);\n thisa.subM(that).normalize();\n }\n }\n return [quot, thisa];\n};\n\n/** this /= that (rounded to nearest int) */\nsjcl.bn.prototype.divRound = function (that) {\n var dr = this.divRem(that), quot = dr[0], rem = dr[1];\n\n if (rem.doubleM().greaterEquals(that)) {\n quot.addM(1);\n }\n\n return quot;\n};\n\n/** this /= that (rounded down) */\nsjcl.bn.prototype.div = function (that) {\n var dr = this.divRem(that);\n return dr[0];\n};\n\nsjcl.bn.prototype.sign = function () {\n return this.greaterEquals(sjcl.bn.ZERO) ? 1 : -1;\n };\n\n/** -this */\nsjcl.bn.prototype.neg = function () {\n return sjcl.bn.ZERO.sub(this);\n};\n\n/** |this| */\nsjcl.bn.prototype.abs = function () {\n if (this.sign() === -1) {\n return this.neg();\n } else return this;\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.ecdsa.secretKey.prototype = {\n sign: function(hash, paranoia) {\n var R = this._curve.r,\n l = R.bitLength(),\n k = sjcl.bn.random(R.sub(1), paranoia).add(1),\n r = this._curve.G.mult(k).x.mod(R),\n s = sjcl.bn.fromBits(hash).add(r.mul(this._exponent)).mul(k.inverseMod(R)).mod(R);\n\n return sjcl.bitArray.concat(r.toBits(l), s.toBits(l));\n }\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.ecdsa.publicKey.prototype = {\n verify: function(hash, rs) {\n var w = sjcl.bitArray,\n R = this._curve.r,\n l = R.bitLength(),\n r = sjcl.bn.fromBits(w.bitSlice(rs,0,l)),\n s = sjcl.bn.fromBits(w.bitSlice(rs,l,2*l)),\n sInv = s.modInverse(R),\n hG = sjcl.bn.fromBits(hash).mul(sInv).mod(R),\n hA = r.mul(sInv).mod(R),\n r2 = this._curve.G.mult2(hG, hA, this._point).x;\n\n if (r.equals(0) || s.equals(0) || r.greaterEquals(R) || s.greaterEquals(R) || !r2.equals(r)) {\n throw (new sjcl.exception.corrupt(\"signature didn't check out\"));\n }\n return true;\n }\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.ecdsa.secretKey.prototype.signDER = function(hash, paranoia) {\n return this.encodeDER(this.sign(hash, paranoia));\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.ecdsa.secretKey.prototype.encodeDER = function(rs) {\n var w = sjcl.bitArray,\n R = this._curve.r,\n l = R.bitLength();\n\n var rb = sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits(w.bitSlice(rs,0,l)),\n sb = sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits(w.bitSlice(rs,l,2*l));\n\n // Drop empty leading bytes\n while (!rb[0] && rb.length) rb.shift();\n while (!sb[0] && sb.length) sb.shift();\n\n // If high bit is set, prepend an extra zero byte (DER signed integer)\n if (rb[0] & 0x80) rb.unshift(0);\n if (sb[0] & 0x80) sb.unshift(0);\n\n var buffer = [].concat(\n 0x30,\n 4 + rb.length + sb.length,\n 0x02,\n rb.length,\n rb,\n 0x02,\n sb.length,\n sb\n );\n\n return sjcl.codec.bytes.toBits(buffer);\n};\n\n\n/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}(require, require(30)(module)))\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 1\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./build/sjcl.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./build/sjcl.js");
+ eval("// Remote access to a server.\n// - We never send binary data.\n// - We use the W3C interface for node and browser compatibility:\n// http://www.w3.org/TR/websockets/#the-websocket-interface\n//\n// This class is intended for both browser and node.js use.\n//\n// This class is designed to work via peer protocol via either the public or\n// private websocket interfaces. The JavaScript class for the peer protocol\n// has not yet been implemented. However, this class has been designed for it\n// to be a very simple drop option.\n//\n// YYY Will later provide js/network.js which will transparently use multiple\n// instances of this class for network access.\n//\n\n// npm\nvar EventEmitter = require(27).EventEmitter;\nvar util = require(28);\n\nvar Request = require(14).Request;\nvar Server = require(10).Server;\nvar Amount = require(2).Amount;\nvar Currency = require(3).Currency;\nvar UInt160 = require(15).UInt160;\nvar Transaction = require(5).Transaction;\nvar Account = require(16).Account;\nvar Meta = require(6).Meta;\nvar OrderBook = require(17).OrderBook;\nvar PathFind = require(18).PathFind;\nvar RippleError = require(19).RippleError;\n\nvar utils = require(9);\nvar config = require(12);\nvar sjcl = require(11);\n\n/**\n Interface to manage the connection to a Ripple server.\n\n This implementation uses WebSockets.\n\n Keys for opts:\n\n trace\n max_listeners : Set maxListeners for remote; prevents EventEmitter warnings\n connection_offset : Connect to remote servers on supplied interval (in seconds)\n trusted : truthy, if remote is trusted\n max_fee : Maximum acceptable transaction fee\n fee_cushion : Extra fee multiplier to account for async fee changes.\n servers : Array of server objects with the following form\n\n { \n host: \n , port: \n , secure: \n }\n\n Events:\n 'connect'\n 'connected' (DEPRECATED)\n 'disconnect'\n 'disconnected' (DEPRECATED)\n 'state':\n - 'online' : Connected and subscribed.\n - 'offline' : Not subscribed or not connected.\n 'subscribed' : This indicates stand-alone is available.\n\n Server events:\n 'ledger_closed' : A good indicate of ready to serve.\n 'transaction' : Transactions we receive based on current subscriptions.\n 'transaction_all' : Listening triggers a subscribe to all transactions\n globally in the network.\n\n @param opts Connection options.\n @param trace\n*/\n\nfunction Remote(opts, trace) {\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n var self = this;\n\n this.trusted = Boolean(opts.trusted);\n this.local_sequence = Boolean(opts.local_sequence); // Locally track sequence numbers\n this.local_fee = (typeof opts.local_fee === 'undefined') ? true : Boolean(opts.local_fee); // Locally set fees\n this.local_signing = (typeof opts.local_signing === 'undefined') ? true : Boolean(opts.local_signing);\n this.fee_cushion = (typeof opts.fee_cushion === 'undefined') ? 1.5 : Number(opts.fee_cushion);\n this.max_fee = (typeof opts.max_fee === 'undefined') ? Infinity : Number(opts.max_fee);\n this.id = 0;\n this.trace = Boolean(opts.trace);\n this._server_fatal = false; // True, if we know server exited.\n this._ledger_current_index = void(0);\n this._ledger_hash = void(0);\n this._ledger_time = void(0);\n this._stand_alone = void(0);\n this._testnet = void(0);\n this._transaction_subs = 0;\n this.online_target = false;\n this._online_state = 'closed'; // 'open', 'closed', 'connecting', 'closing'\n this.state = 'offline'; // 'online', 'offline'\n this.retry_timer = void(0);\n this.retry = void(0);\n\n this._load_base = 256;\n this._load_factor = 256;\n this._fee_ref = 10;\n this._fee_base = 10;\n this._reserve_base = void(0);\n this._reserve_inc = void(0);\n this._connection_count = 0;\n this._connected = false;\n this._connection_offset = 1000 * (Number(opts.connection_offset) || 5);\n this._submission_timeout = 1000 * (Number(opts.submission_timeout) || 10);\n\n this._last_tx = null;\n this._cur_path_find = null;\n\n // Local signing implies local fees and sequences\n if (this.local_signing) {\n this.local_sequence = true;\n this.local_fee = true;\n }\n\n this._servers = [ ];\n this._primary_server = void(0);\n\n // Cache information for accounts.\n // DEPRECATED, will be removed\n this.accounts = {\n // Consider sequence numbers stable if you know you're not generating bad transactions.\n // Otherwise, clear it to have it automatically refreshed from the network.\n\n // account : { seq : __ }\n };\n\n // Account objects by AccountId.\n this._accounts = { };\n\n // OrderBook objects\n this._books = { };\n\n // Secrets that we know about.\n this.secrets = {\n // Secrets can be set by calling set_secret(account, secret).\n\n // account : secret\n };\n\n // Cache for various ledgers.\n // XXX Clear when ledger advances.\n this.ledgers = {\n current : {\n account_root : {}\n }\n };\n\n // Fallback for previous API\n if (!opts.hasOwnProperty('servers')) {\n opts.servers = [ \n {\n host: opts.websocket_ip,\n port: opts.websocket_port,\n secure: opts.websocket_ssl,\n trusted: opts.trusted\n }\n ];\n }\n\n opts.servers.forEach(function(server) {\n var pool = Number(server.pool) || 1;\n while (pool--) { self.add_server(server); };\n });\n\n // This is used to remove Node EventEmitter warnings\n var maxListeners = opts.maxListeners || opts.max_listeners || 0;\n this._servers.concat(this).forEach(function(emitter) {\n emitter.setMaxListeners(maxListeners);\n });\n\n function listener_added(type, listener) {\n if (type === 'transaction_all') {\n if (!self._transaction_subs && self._connected) {\n self.request_subscribe('transactions').request();\n }\n self._transaction_subs += 1;\n }\n }\n\n function listener_removed(type, listener) {\n if (type === 'transaction_all') {\n self._transaction_subs -= 1;\n if (!self._transaction_subs && self._connected) {\n self.request_unsubscribe('transactions').request();\n }\n }\n }\n\n this.on('newListener', listener_added);\n this.on('removeListener', listener_removed);\n}\n\nutil.inherits(Remote, EventEmitter);\n\n// Flags for ledger entries. In support of account_root().\nRemote.flags = {\n account_root : {\n PasswordSpent: 0x00010000,\n RequireDestTag: 0x00020000,\n RequireAuth: 0x00040000,\n DisallowXRP: 0x00080000\n }\n};\n\nfunction isTemMalformed(engine_result_code) {\n return (engine_result_code >= -299 && engine_result_code < 199);\n};\n\nfunction isTefFailure(engine_result_code) {\n return (engine_result_code >= -299 && engine_result_code < 199);\n};\n\nRemote.from_config = function (obj, trace) {\n var serverConfig = typeof obj === 'string' ? config.servers[obj] : obj;\n\n var remote = new Remote(serverConfig, trace);\n\n function initialize_account(account) {\n var accountInfo = config.accounts[account];\n if (typeof accountInfo === 'object') {\n if (accountInfo.secret) {\n // Index by nickname ...\n remote.set_secret(account, accountInfo.secret);\n // ... and by account ID\n remote.set_secret(accountInfo.account, accountInfo.secret);\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof config.accounts === 'object') {\n for (var account in config.accounts) {\n initialize_account(account);\n }\n }\n\n return remote;\n};\n\nRemote.create_remote = function(options, callback) {\n var remote = Remote.from_config(options);\n remote.connect(callback);\n return remote;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.add_server = function (opts) {\n var self = this;\n\n var server = new Server(this, {\n host : opts.host || opts.websocket_ip,\n port : opts.port || opts.websocket_port,\n secure : opts.secure || opts.websocket_ssl\n });\n\n function server_message(data) {\n self._handle_message(data, server);\n }\n\n function server_connect() {\n self._connection_count++;\n self._set_state('online');\n if (opts.primary || !self._primary_server) {\n self._set_primary_server(server);\n }\n if (self._connection_count === self._servers.length) {\n self.emit('ready');\n }\n }\n\n function server_disconnect() {\n self._connection_count--;\n if (!self._connection_count) {\n self._set_state('offline');\n }\n }\n\n server.on('message', server_message);\n server.on('connect', server_connect);\n server.on('disconnect', server_disconnect);\n\n this._servers.push(server);\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// Inform remote that the remote server is not comming back.\nRemote.prototype.server_fatal = function () {\n this._server_fatal = true;\n};\n\n// Set the emitted state: 'online' or 'offline'\nRemote.prototype._set_state = function (state) {\n this._trace('remote: set_state: %s', state);\n\n if (this.state !== state) {\n this.state = state;\n\n this.emit('state', state);\n\n switch (state) {\n case 'online':\n this._online_state = 'open';\n this._connected = true;\n this.emit('connect');\n this.emit('connected');\n break;\n\n case 'offline':\n this._online_state = 'closed';\n this._connected = false;\n this.emit('disconnect');\n this.emit('disconnected');\n break;\n }\n }\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.set_trace = function (trace) {\n this.trace = trace === void(0) || trace;\n return this;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype._trace = function() {\n if (this.trace) {\n utils.logObject.apply(utils, arguments);\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Connect to the Ripple network.\n */\nRemote.prototype.connect = function (online) {\n if (!this._servers.length) {\n throw new Error('No servers available.');\n }\n\n switch (typeof online) {\n case 'undefined':\n break;\n case 'function':\n this.once('connect', online);\n break;\n default:\n // Downwards compatibility\n if (!Boolean(online)) {\n return this.disconnect();\n }\n }\n\n var self = this;\n\n ;(function nextServer(i) {\n var server = self._servers[i];\n server.connect();\n server._sid = ++i;\n\n if (i < self._servers.length) {\n setTimeout(function() {\n nextServer(i);\n }, self._connection_offset);\n }\n })(0);\n\n return this;\n};\n\n/**\n * Disconnect from the Ripple network.\n */\nRemote.prototype.disconnect = function (online) {\n if (!this._servers.length) {\n throw new Error('No servers available, not disconnecting');\n }\n\n this._servers.forEach(function(server) {\n server.disconnect();\n });\n\n this._set_state('offline');\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// It is possible for messages to be dispatched after the connection is closed.\nRemote.prototype._handle_message = function (message, server) {\n var self = this;\n\n try { message = JSON.parse(message); } catch(e) { }\n\n var unexpected = typeof message !== 'object' || typeof message.type !== 'string';\n\n if (unexpected) {\n // Unexpected response from remote.\n this.emit('error', new RippleError('remoteUnexpected', 'Unexpected response from remote'));\n return;\n }\n\n switch (message.type) {\n case 'response':\n // Handled by the server that sent the request\n break;\n\n case 'ledgerClosed':\n // XXX If not trusted, need to verify we consider ledger closed.\n // XXX Also need to consider a slow server or out of order response.\n // XXX Be more defensive fields could be missing or of wrong type.\n // YYY Might want to do some cache management.\n\n this._ledger_time = message.ledger_time;\n this._ledger_hash = message.ledger_hash;\n this._ledger_current_index = message.ledger_index + 1;\n\n this.emit('ledger_closed', message, server);\n break;\n\n case 'transaction':\n // To get these events, just subscribe to them. A subscribes and\n // unsubscribes will be added as needed.\n // XXX If not trusted, need proof.\n\n // De-duplicate transactions that are immediately following each other\n // XXX Should have a cache of n txs so we can dedup out of order txs\n if (this._last_tx === message.transaction.hash) {\n break;\n }\n\n this._last_tx = message.transaction.hash;\n\n this._trace('remote: tx: %s', message);\n\n // Process metadata\n message.mmeta = new Meta(message.meta);\n\n // Pass the event on to any related Account objects\n message.mmeta.getAffectedAccounts().forEach(function(account) {\n account = self._accounts[account];\n if (account) {\n account.notifyTx(message);\n }\n });\n\n // Pass the event on to any related OrderBooks\n message.mmeta.getAffectedBooks().forEach(function(book) {\n book = self._books[book];\n if (book) {\n book.notifyTx(message);\n }\n });\n\n this.emit('transaction', message);\n this.emit('transaction_all', message);\n break;\n\n case 'path_find':\n // Pass the event to the currently open PathFind object\n if (this._cur_path_find) {\n this._cur_path_find.notify_update(message);\n }\n\n this.emit('path_find_all', message);\n break;\n case 'serverStatus':\n self.emit('server_status', message);\n\n var load_changed = message.hasOwnProperty('load_base')\n && message.hasOwnProperty('load_factor')\n && (message.load_base !== self._load_base || message.load_factor !== self._load_factor)\n ;\n\n if (load_changed) {\n self._load_base = message.load_base;\n self._load_factor = message.load_factor;\n var obj = {\n load_base: self._load_base,\n load_factor: self._load_factor,\n fee_units: self.fee_tx_unit()\n }\n self.emit('load', obj);\n self.emit('load_changed', obj);\n }\n break;\n\n // All other messages\n default:\n this._trace('remote: ' + message.type + ': %s', message);\n this.emit('net_' + message.type, message);\n break;\n }\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.ledger_hash = function () {\n return this._ledger_hash;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype._set_primary_server = function (server) {\n if (this._primary_server) {\n this._primary_server._primary = false;\n }\n this._primary_server = server;\n this._primary_server._primary = true;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype._server_is_available = function (server) {\n return server && server._connected;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype._next_server = function () {\n var result = null;\n\n for (var i=0; i request: what to send, consumed.\nRemote.prototype.request = function (request) {\n if (!this._servers.length) {\n request.emit('error', new Error('No servers available'));\n } else if (!this._connected) {\n this.once('connect', this.request.bind(this, request));\n } else if (request.server === null) {\n this.emit('error', new Error('Server does not exist'));\n } else {\n var server = request.server || this._get_server();\n if (server) {\n server.request(request);\n } else {\n request.emit('error', new Error('No servers available'));\n }\n }\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_server_info = function(callback) {\n return new Request(this, 'server_info').callback(callback);\n};\n\n// XXX This is a bad command. Some varients don't scale.\n// XXX Require the server to be trusted.\nRemote.prototype.request_ledger = function (ledger, opts, callback) {\n //utils.assert(this.trusted);\n\n var request = new Request(this, 'ledger');\n\n if (ledger) {\n // DEPRECATED: use .ledger_hash() or .ledger_index()\n console.log('request_ledger: ledger parameter is deprecated');\n request.message.ledger = ledger;\n }\n\n var props = [\n 'full'\n , 'expand'\n , 'transactions'\n , 'accounts'\n ];\n\n switch (typeof opts) {\n case 'object':\n for (var key in opts) {\n if (~props.indexOf(key)) {\n request.message[key] = true;\n }\n }\n break;\n\n case 'function':\n callback = opts;\n opts = void(0);\n break;\n\n default:\n //DEPRECATED\n console.log('request_ledger: full parameter is deprecated');\n request.message.full = true;\n break;\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// Only for unit testing.\nRemote.prototype.request_ledger_hash = function (callback) {\n //utils.assert(this.trusted); // If not trusted, need to check proof.\n\n return new Request(this, 'ledger_closed').callback(callback);\n};\n\n// .ledger()\n// .ledger_index()\nRemote.prototype.request_ledger_header = function (callback) {\n return new Request(this, 'ledger_header').callback(callback);\n};\n\n// Get the current proposed ledger entry. May be closed (and revised) at any time (even before returning).\n// Only for unit testing.\nRemote.prototype.request_ledger_current = function (callback) {\n return new Request(this, 'ledger_current').callback(callback);\n};\n\n// --> type : the type of ledger entry.\n// .ledger()\n// .ledger_index()\n// .offer_id()\nRemote.prototype.request_ledger_entry = function (type, callback) {\n //utils.assert(this.trusted); // If not trusted, need to check proof, maybe talk packet protocol.\n\n var self = this;\n var request = new Request(this, 'ledger_entry');\n\n // Transparent caching. When .request() is invoked, look in the Remote object for the result.\n // If not found, listen, cache result, and emit it.\n //\n // Transparent caching:\n if (type === 'account_root') {\n request.request_default = request.request;\n\n request.request = function () { // Intercept default request.\n var bDefault = true;\n // .self = Remote\n // this = Request\n\n // console.log('request_ledger_entry: caught');\n\n //if (self._ledger_hash) {\n // A specific ledger is requested.\n // XXX Add caching.\n // else if (req.ledger_index)\n // else if ('ripple_state' === request.type) // YYY Could be cached per ledger.\n //} \n \n if (!self._ledger_hash && type === 'account_root') {\n var cache = self.ledgers.current.account_root;\n\n if (!cache) {\n cache = self.ledgers.current.account_root = {};\n }\n\n var node = self.ledgers.current.account_root[request.message.account_root];\n\n if (node) {\n // Emulate fetch of ledger entry.\n // console.log('request_ledger_entry: emulating');\n // YYY Missing lots of fields.\n request.emit('success', { node: node });\n bDefault = false;\n } else { // Was not cached.\n // XXX Only allow with trusted mode. Must sync response with advance.\n switch (type) {\n case 'account_root':\n request.on('success', function (message) {\n // Cache node.\n // console.log('request_ledger_entry: caching');\n self.ledgers.current.account_root[message.node.Account] = message.node;\n });\n break;\n\n default:\n // This type not cached.\n // console.log('request_ledger_entry: non-cached type');\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (bDefault) {\n // console.log('request_ledger_entry: invoking');\n request.request_default();\n }\n };\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// .accounts(accounts, realtime)\nRemote.prototype.request_subscribe = function (streams, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'subscribe');\n\n if (streams) {\n request.message.streams = Array.isArray(streams) ? streams : [ streams ];\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// .accounts(accounts, realtime)\nRemote.prototype.request_unsubscribe = function (streams, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'unsubscribe');\n\n if (streams) {\n request.message.streams = Array.isArray(streams) ? streams : [ streams ];\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// .ledger_choose()\n// .ledger_hash()\n// .ledger_index()\nRemote.prototype.request_transaction = \nRemote.prototype.request_transaction_entry = function (hash, ledger_hash, callback) {\n //utils.assert(this.trusted); // If not trusted, need to check proof, maybe talk packet protocol.\n var request = new Request(this, 'transaction_entry');\n\n request.tx_hash(hash);\n\n switch (typeof ledger_hash) {\n case 'string':\n request.ledger_hash(ledger_hash);\n break;\n default:\n request.ledger_index('validated');\n callback = ledger_hash;\n }\n \n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// DEPRECATED: use request_transaction_entry\nRemote.prototype.request_tx = function (hash, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'tx');\n request.message.transaction = hash;\n request.callback(callback);\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_account_info = function (accountID, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'account_info');\n request.message.ident = UInt160.json_rewrite(accountID); // DEPRECATED\n request.message.account = UInt160.json_rewrite(accountID);\n request.callback(callback);\n return request;\n};\n\n// --> account_index: sub_account index (optional)\n// --> current: true, for the current ledger.\nRemote.prototype.request_account_lines = function (accountID, account_index, current, callback) {\n // XXX Does this require the server to be trusted?\n //utils.assert(this.trusted);\n\n var request = new Request(this, 'account_lines');\n\n request.message.account = UInt160.json_rewrite(accountID);\n\n if (account_index) {\n request.message.index = account_index;\n }\n\n request.ledger_choose(current);\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// --> account_index: sub_account index (optional)\n// --> current: true, for the current ledger.\nRemote.prototype.request_account_offers = function (accountID, account_index, current, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'account_offers');\n\n request.message.account = UInt160.json_rewrite(accountID);\n\n if (account_index) {\n request.message.index = account_index;\n }\n\n request.ledger_choose(current);\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n\n/*\n account: account,\n ledger_index_min: ledger_index, // optional, defaults to -1 if ledger_index_max is specified.\n ledger_index_max: ledger_index, // optional, defaults to -1 if ledger_index_min is specified.\n binary: boolean, // optional, defaults to false\n count: boolean, // optional, defaults to false\n descending: boolean, // optional, defaults to false\n offset: integer, // optional, defaults to 0\n limit: integer // optional\n*/\n\nRemote.prototype.request_account_tx = function (obj, callback) {\n // XXX Does this require the server to be trusted?\n //utils.assert(this.trusted);\n\n var request = new Request(this, 'account_tx');\n\n var request_fields = [\n 'account'\n , 'ledger_index_min' //earliest\n , 'ledger_index_max' //latest\n , 'binary' //false\n , 'count' //false\n , 'descending' //false\n , 'offset' //0\n , 'limit'\n\n //extended account_tx\n , 'forward' //false\n , 'marker'\n ];\n\n for (var key in obj) {\n if (~request_fields.indexOf(key)) {\n request.message[key] = obj[key];\n }\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n/**\n * Request the overall transaction history.\n *\n * Returns a list of transactions that happened recently on the network. The\n * default number of transactions to be returned is 20.\n */\nRemote.prototype.request_tx_history = function (start, callback) {\n // XXX Does this require the server to be trusted?\n //utils.assert(this.trusted);\n\n var request = new Request(this, 'tx_history');\n\n request.message.start = start;\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_book_offers = function (gets, pays, taker, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'book_offers');\n\n request.message.taker_gets = {\n currency: Currency.json_rewrite(gets.currency)\n };\n\n if (request.message.taker_gets.currency !== 'XRP') {\n request.message.taker_gets.issuer = UInt160.json_rewrite(gets.issuer);\n }\n\n request.message.taker_pays = {\n currency: Currency.json_rewrite(pays.currency)\n };\n\n if (request.message.taker_pays.currency !== 'XRP') {\n request.message.taker_pays.issuer = UInt160.json_rewrite(pays.issuer);\n }\n\n request.message.taker = taker ? taker : UInt160.ACCOUNT_ONE;\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_wallet_accounts = function (seed, callback) {\n utils.assert(this.trusted); // Don't send secrets.\n var request = new Request(this, 'wallet_accounts');\n request.message.seed = seed;\n return request.callback(callback);\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_sign = function (secret, tx_json, callback) {\n utils.assert(this.trusted); // Don't send secrets.\n var request = new Request(this, 'sign');\n request.message.secret = secret;\n request.message.tx_json = tx_json;\n request.callback(callback);\n return request;\n};\n\n// Submit a transaction.\nRemote.prototype.request_submit = function (callback) {\n return new Request(this, 'submit').callback(callback);\n};\n\n//\n// Higher level functions.\n//\n\n/**\n * Create a subscribe request with current subscriptions.\n *\n * Other classes can add their own subscriptions to this request by listening to\n * the server_subscribe event.\n *\n * This function will create and return the request, but not submit it.\n */\nRemote.prototype._server_prepare_subscribe = function (callback) {\n var self = this;\n\n var feeds = [ 'ledger', 'server' ];\n\n if (this._transaction_subs) {\n feeds.push('transactions');\n }\n\n var request = this.request_subscribe(feeds);\n\n request.once('success', function (message) {\n self._stand_alone = !!message.stand_alone;\n self._testnet = !!message.testnet;\n\n if (typeof message.random === 'string') {\n var rand = message.random.match(/[0-9A-F]{8}/ig);\n while (rand && rand.length) {\n sjcl.random.addEntropy(parseInt(rand.pop(), 16));\n }\n self.emit('random', utils.hexToArray(message.random));\n }\n\n if (message.ledger_hash && message.ledger_index) {\n self._ledger_time = message.ledger_time;\n self._ledger_hash = message.ledger_hash;\n self._ledger_current_index = message.ledger_index+1;\n self.emit('ledger_closed', message);\n }\n\n // FIXME Use this to estimate fee.\n // XXX When we have multiple server support, most of this should be tracked\n // by the Server objects and then aggregated/interpreted by Remote.\n self._load_base = message.load_base || 256;\n self._load_factor = message.load_factor || 256;\n self._fee_ref = message.fee_ref;\n self._fee_base = message.fee_base;\n self._reserve_base = message.reserve_base;\n self._reserve_inc = message.reserve_inc;\n\n self.emit('subscribed');\n });\n\n request.on('error', function (err) {\n // XXX We need a better global error handling\n console.log(err);\n });\n\n self.emit('prepare_subscribe', request);\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n // XXX Could give error events, maybe even time out.\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// For unit testing: ask the remote to accept the current ledger.\n// - To be notified when the ledger is accepted, server_subscribe() then listen to 'ledger_hash' events.\n// A good way to be notified of the result of this is:\n// remote.once('ledger_closed', function (ledger_closed, ledger_index) { ... } );\nRemote.prototype.ledger_accept = function (callback) {\n if (this._stand_alone) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'ledger_accept');\n request.request();\n request.callback(callback);\n } else {\n this.emit('error', { error : 'notStandAlone' });\n }\n return this;\n};\n\n// Return a request to refresh the account balance.\nRemote.prototype.request_account_balance = function (account, ledger, callback) {\n var request = this.request_ledger_entry('account_root');\n request.account_root(account);\n request.ledger_choose(ledger);\n request.once('success', function (message) {\n request.emit('account_balance', Amount.from_json(message.node.Balance));\n });\n request.callback(callback, 'account_balance');\n return request;\n};\n\n// Return a request to return the account flags.\nRemote.prototype.request_account_flags = function (account, current, callback) {\n var request = this.request_ledger_entry('account_root');\n request.account_root(account);\n request.ledger_choose(current);\n request.on('success', function (message) {\n request.emit('account_flags', message.node.Flags);\n });\n request.callback(callback, 'account_flags');\n return request;\n};\n\n// Return a request to emit the owner count.\nRemote.prototype.request_owner_count = function (account, current, callback) {\n var request = this.request_ledger_entry('account_root');\n request.account_root(account);\n request.ledger_choose(current);\n request.on('success', function (message) {\n request.emit('owner_count', message.node.OwnerCount);\n });\n request.callback(callback, 'owner_count');\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.get_account =\nRemote.prototype.account = function (accountId) {\n var accountId = UInt160.json_rewrite(accountId);\n var account = this._accounts[accountId];\n\n if (!account) {\n account = new Account(this, accountId);\n if (account.is_valid()) {\n this._accounts[accountId] = account;\n }\n }\n\n return account;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.path_find = function (src_account, dst_account, dst_amount, src_currencies) {\n var path_find = new PathFind(this, src_account, dst_account, dst_amount, src_currencies);\n\n if (this._cur_path_find) {\n this._cur_path_find.notify_superceded();\n }\n\n path_find.create();\n\n this._cur_path_find = path_find;\n\n return path_find;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.book = function (currency_gets, issuer_gets, currency_pays, issuer_pays) {\n var gets = currency_gets + (currency_gets === 'XRP' ? '' : ('/' + issuer_gets));\n var pays = currency_pays + (currency_pays === 'XRP' ? '' : ('/' + issuer_pays));\n var key = gets + ':' + pays;\n var book;\n\n if (!this._books.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n book = new OrderBook(this, currency_gets, issuer_gets, currency_pays, issuer_pays);\n if (book.is_valid()) {\n this._books[key] = book;\n }\n }\n\n return this._books[key];\n};\n\n// Return the next account sequence if possible.\n// <-- undefined or Sequence\nRemote.prototype.account_seq = function (account, advance) {\n var account = UInt160.json_rewrite(account);\n var account_info = this.accounts[account];\n var seq;\n\n if (account_info && account_info.seq) {\n seq = account_info.seq;\n account_info.seq += { ADVANCE: 1, REWIND: -1 }[advance.toUpperCase()] || 0;\n }\n\n return seq;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.set_account_seq = function (account, seq) {\n var account = UInt160.json_rewrite(account);\n\n if (!this.accounts.hasOwnProperty(account)) {\n this.accounts[account] = { };\n }\n\n this.accounts[account].seq = seq;\n}\n\n// Return a request to refresh accounts[account].seq.\nRemote.prototype.account_seq_cache = function (account, current, callback) {\n var self = this;\n\n if (!this.accounts.hasOwnProperty(account)) {\n this.accounts[account] = { };\n }\n\n var account_info = this.accounts[account];\n var request = account_info.caching_seq_request;\n\n if (!request) {\n // console.log('starting: %s', account);\n request = this.request_ledger_entry('account_root');\n request.account_root(account);\n request.ledger_choose(current);\n\n function account_root_success(message) {\n delete account_info.caching_seq_request;\n\n var seq = message.node.Sequence;\n account_info.seq = seq;\n\n // console.log('caching: %s %d', account, seq);\n // If the caller also waits for 'success', they might run before this.\n request.emit('success_account_seq_cache', message);\n }\n\n function account_root_error(message) {\n // console.log('error: %s', account);\n delete account_info.caching_seq_request;\n\n request.emit('error_account_seq_cache', message);\n }\n\n request.once('success', account_root_success);\n request.once('error', account_root_error);\n\n account_info.caching_seq_request = request;\n }\n\n request.callback(callback, 'success_account_seq_cache', 'error_account_seq_cache');\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// Mark an account's root node as dirty.\nRemote.prototype.dirty_account_root = function (account) {\n var account = UInt160.json_rewrite(account);\n delete this.ledgers.current.account_root[account];\n};\n\n// Store a secret - allows the Remote to automatically fill out auth information.\nRemote.prototype.set_secret = function (account, secret) {\n this.secrets[account] = secret;\n};\n\n\n// Return a request to get a ripple balance.\n//\n// --> account: String\n// --> issuer: String\n// --> currency: String\n// --> current: bool : true = current ledger\n//\n// If does not exist: emit('error', 'error' : 'remoteError', 'remote' : { 'error' : 'entryNotFound' })\nRemote.prototype.request_ripple_balance = function (account, issuer, currency, current, callback) {\n var request = this.request_ledger_entry('ripple_state'); // YYY Could be cached per ledger.\n\n request.ripple_state(account, issuer, currency);\n request.ledger_choose(current);\n request.once('success', function(message) {\n var node = message.node;\n var lowLimit = Amount.from_json(node.LowLimit);\n var highLimit = Amount.from_json(node.HighLimit);\n // The amount the low account holds of issuer.\n var balance = Amount.from_json(node.Balance);\n // accountHigh implies: for account: balance is negated, highLimit is the limit set by account.\n var accountHigh = UInt160.from_json(account).equals(highLimit.issuer());\n\n request.emit('ripple_state', {\n account_balance : ( accountHigh ? balance.negate() : balance.clone()).parse_issuer(account),\n peer_balance : (!accountHigh ? balance.negate() : balance.clone()).parse_issuer(issuer),\n\n account_limit : ( accountHigh ? highLimit : lowLimit).clone().parse_issuer(issuer),\n peer_limit : (!accountHigh ? highLimit : lowLimit).clone().parse_issuer(account),\n\n account_quality_in : ( accountHigh ? node.HighQualityIn : node.LowQualityIn),\n peer_quality_in : (!accountHigh ? node.HighQualityIn : node.LowQualityIn),\n\n account_quality_out : ( accountHigh ? node.HighQualityOut : node.LowQualityOut),\n peer_quality_out : (!accountHigh ? node.HighQualityOut : node.LowQualityOut),\n });\n });\n\n request.callback(callback, 'ripple_state');\n\n return request;\n};\n\nfunction prepare_currencies(ci) {\n var ci_new = { };\n\n if (ci.hasOwnProperty('issuer')) {\n ci_new.issuer = UInt160.json_rewrite(ci.issuer);\n }\n\n if (ci.hasOwnProperty('currency')) {\n ci_new.currency = Currency.json_rewrite(ci.currency);\n }\n\n return ci_new;\n}\n\nRemote.prototype.request_ripple_path_find = function (src_account, dst_account, dst_amount, src_currencies, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'ripple_path_find');\n\n request.message.source_account = UInt160.json_rewrite(src_account);\n request.message.destination_account = UInt160.json_rewrite(dst_account);\n request.message.destination_amount = Amount.json_rewrite(dst_amount);\n\n if (src_currencies) {\n request.message.source_currencies = src_currencies.map(prepare_currencies);\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_path_find_create = function (src_account, dst_account, dst_amount, src_currencies, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'path_find');\n\n request.message.subcommand = 'create';\n request.message.source_account = UInt160.json_rewrite(src_account);\n request.message.destination_account = UInt160.json_rewrite(dst_account);\n request.message.destination_amount = Amount.json_rewrite(dst_amount);\n\n if (src_currencies) {\n request.message.source_currencies = src_currencies.map(prepare_currencies);\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_path_find_close = function () {\n var request = new Request(this, 'path_find');\n request.message.subcommand = 'close';\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_unl_list = function (callback) {\n return new Request(this, 'unl_list').callback(callback);\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_unl_add = function (addr, comment, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'unl_add');\n\n request.message.node = addr;\n\n if (comment) {\n request.message.comment = note;\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// --> node: | \nRemote.prototype.request_unl_delete = function (node, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'unl_delete');\n request.message.node = node;\n request.callback(callback);\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_peers = function (callback) {\n return new Request(this, 'peers').callback(callback);\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_connect = function (ip, port, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'connect');\n\n request.message.ip = ip;\n\n if (port) {\n request.message.port = port;\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.transaction = function (source, destination, amount, callback) {\n var tx = new Transaction(this);\n\n if (arguments.length >= 3) {\n tx = tx.payment(source, destination, amount);\n if (typeof callback === 'function') {\n tx.submit(callback);\n }\n }\n\n return tx;\n};\n\n/**\n * Calculate a transaction fee for a number of tx fee units.\n *\n * This takes into account the last known network and local load fees.\n *\n * @return {Amount} Final fee in XRP for specified number of fee units.\n */\nRemote.prototype.fee_tx = function (units) {\n var fee_unit = this.fee_tx_unit();\n return Amount.from_json(String(Math.ceil(units * fee_unit)));\n};\n\n/**\n * Get the current recommended transaction fee unit.\n *\n * Multiply this value with the number of fee units in order to calculate the\n * recommended fee for the transaction you are trying to submit.\n *\n * @return {Number} Recommended amount for one fee unit as float.\n */\nRemote.prototype.fee_tx_unit = function () {\n var fee_unit = this._fee_base / this._fee_ref;\n\n // Apply load fees\n fee_unit *= this._load_factor / this._load_base;\n\n // Apply fee cushion (a safety margin in case fees rise since we were last updated\n fee_unit *= this.fee_cushion;\n\n return fee_unit;\n};\n\n/**\n * Get the current recommended reserve base.\n *\n * Returns the base reserve with load fees and safety margin applied.\n */\nRemote.prototype.reserve = function (owner_count) {\n var reserve_base = Amount.from_json(String(this._reserve_base));\n var reserve_inc = Amount.from_json(String(this._reserve_inc));\n var owner_count = owner_count || 0;\n\n if (owner_count < 0) {\n throw new Error('Owner count must not be negative.');\n }\n\n return reserve_base.add(reserve_inc.product_human(owner_count));\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.ping = function(host, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'ping');\n\n switch (typeof host) {\n case 'function':\n callback = host;\n break;\n case 'string':\n request.set_server(host);\n break;\n }\n\n var then = Date.now();\n\n request.once('success', function() {\n request.emit('pong', Date.now() - then);\n });\n\n request.callback(callback, 'pong');\n\n return request;\n};\n\nexports.Remote = Remote;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 1\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/remote.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/remote.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 2:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\n\nfunction isPlainObject(obj) {\n\tif (!obj || toString.call(obj) !== '[object Object]' || obj.nodeType || obj.setInterval)\n\t\treturn false;\n\n\tvar has_own_constructor = hasOwnProperty.call(obj, 'constructor');\n\tvar has_is_property_of_method = hasOwnProperty.call(obj.constructor.prototype, 'isPrototypeOf');\n\t// Not own constructor property must be Object\n\tif (obj.constructor && !has_own_constructor && !has_is_property_of_method)\n\t\treturn false;\n\n\t// Own properties are enumerated firstly, so to speed up,\n\t// if last one is own, then all properties are own.\n\tvar key;\n\tfor ( key in obj ) {}\n\n\treturn key === undefined || hasOwn.call( obj, key );\n};\n\nmodule.exports = function extend() {\n\tvar options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone,\n\t target = arguments[0] || {},\n\t i = 1,\n\t length = arguments.length,\n\t deep = false;\n\n\t// Handle a deep copy situation\n\tif ( typeof target === \"boolean\" ) {\n\t\tdeep = target;\n\t\ttarget = arguments[1] || {};\n\t\t// skip the boolean and the target\n\t\ti = 2;\n\t}\n\n\t// Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy)\n\tif ( typeof target !== \"object\" && typeof target !== \"function\") {\n\t\ttarget = {};\n\t}\n\n\tfor ( ; i < length; i++ ) {\n\t\t// Only deal with non-null/undefined values\n\t\tif ( (options = arguments[ i ]) != null ) {\n\t\t\t// Extend the base object\n\t\t\tfor ( name in options ) {\n\t\t\t\tsrc = target[ name ];\n\t\t\t\tcopy = options[ name ];\n\n\t\t\t\t// Prevent never-ending loop\n\t\t\t\tif ( target === copy ) {\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t// Recurse if we're merging plain objects or arrays\n\t\t\t\tif ( deep && copy && ( isPlainObject(copy) || (copyIsArray = Array.isArray(copy)) ) ) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif ( copyIsArray ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcopyIsArray = false;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tclone = src && Array.isArray(src) ? src : [];\n\n\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tclone = src && isPlainObject(src) ? src : {};\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// Never move original objects, clone them\n\t\t\t\t\ttarget[ name ] = extend( deep, clone, copy );\n\n\t\t\t\t// Don't bring in undefined values\n\t\t\t\t} else if ( copy !== undefined ) {\n\t\t\t\t\ttarget[ name ] = copy;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t// Return the modified object\n\treturn target;\n};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 2\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./~/extend/index.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./~/extend/index.js");
+ eval("// Represent Ripple amounts and currencies.\n// - Numbers in hex are big-endian.\n\nvar sjcl = require(11);\nvar bn\t = sjcl.bn;\nvar utils = require(9);\nvar jsbn = require(20);\n\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\n\nvar UInt160 = require(15).UInt160,\n Seed = require(21).Seed,\n Currency = require(3).Currency;\n\nvar consts = exports.consts = {\n 'currency_xns' : 0,\n 'currency_one' : 1,\n 'xns_precision' : 6,\n\n // BigInteger values prefixed with bi_.\n 'bi_5'\t : new BigInteger('5'),\n 'bi_7'\t : new BigInteger('7'),\n 'bi_10'\t : new BigInteger('10'),\n 'bi_1e14' : new BigInteger(String(1e14)),\n 'bi_1e16' : new BigInteger(String(1e16)),\n 'bi_1e17' : new BigInteger(String(1e17)),\n 'bi_1e32' : new BigInteger('100000000000000000000000000000000'),\n 'bi_man_max_value' : new BigInteger('9999999999999999'),\n 'bi_man_min_value' : new BigInteger('1000000000000000'),\n 'bi_xns_max'\t : new BigInteger(\"9000000000000000000\"),\t // Json wire limit.\n 'bi_xns_min'\t : new BigInteger(\"-9000000000000000000\"),\t // Json wire limit.\n 'bi_xns_unit'\t : new BigInteger('1000000'),\n\n 'cMinOffset' : -96,\n 'cMaxOffset' : 80,\n};\n\n\n//\n// Amount class in the style of Java's BigInteger class\n// http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.3/docs/api/java/math/BigInteger.html\n//\n\nvar Amount = function () {\n // Json format:\n // integer : XRP\n // { 'value' : ..., 'currency' : ..., 'issuer' : ...}\n\n this._value\t = new BigInteger();\t// NaN for bad value. Always positive.\n this._offset\t = 0;\t // Always 0 for XRP.\n this._is_native = true;\t\t// Default to XRP. Only valid if value is not NaN.\n this._is_negative = false;\n\n this._currency = new Currency();\n this._issuer\t = new UInt160();\n};\n\n// Given \"100/USD/mtgox\" return the a string with mtgox remapped.\nAmount.text_full_rewrite = function (j) {\n return Amount.from_json(j).to_text_full();\n}\n\n// Given \"100/USD/mtgox\" return the json.\nAmount.json_rewrite = function (j) {\n return Amount.from_json(j).to_json();\n};\n\nAmount.from_number = function (n) {\n return (new Amount()).parse_number(n);\n};\n\nAmount.from_json = function (j) {\n return (new Amount()).parse_json(j);\n};\n\nAmount.from_quality = function (q, c, i) {\n return (new Amount()).parse_quality(q, c, i);\n};\n\nAmount.from_human = function (j) {\n return (new Amount()).parse_human(j);\n};\n\nAmount.is_valid = function (j) {\n return Amount.from_json(j).is_valid();\n};\n\nAmount.is_valid_full = function (j) {\n return Amount.from_json(j).is_valid_full();\n};\n\nAmount.NaN = function () {\n var result = new Amount();\n\n result._value = NaN;\n\n return result;\n};\n\n// Returns a new value which is the absolute value of this.\nAmount.prototype.abs = function () {\n return this.clone(this.is_negative());\n};\n\n// Result in terms of this' currency and issuer.\nAmount.prototype.add = function (v) {\n var result;\n\n v = Amount.from_json(v);\n\n if (!this.is_comparable(v)) {\n result = Amount.NaN();\n }\n else if (v.is_zero()) {\n result = this; \n }\n else if (this.is_zero()) {\n result = v.clone();\n result._is_native = this._is_native;\n result._currency = this._currency;\n result._issuer = this._issuer;\n }\n else if (this._is_native) {\n result = new Amount();\n\n var v1 = this._is_negative ? this._value.negate() : this._value;\n var v2 = v._is_negative ? v._value.negate() : v._value;\n var s = v1.add(v2);\n\n result._is_negative = s.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) < 0;\n result._value = result._is_negative ? s.negate() : s;\n result._currency = this._currency;\n result._issuer = this._issuer;\n }\n else\n {\n var v1 = this._is_negative ? this._value.negate() : this._value;\n var o1 = this._offset;\n var v2 = v._is_negative ? v._value.negate() : v._value;\n var o2 = v._offset;\n\n while (o1 < o2) {\n v1 = v1.divide(consts.bi_10);\n o1 += 1;\n }\n\n while (o2 < o1) {\n v2 = v2.divide(consts.bi_10);\n o2 += 1;\n }\n\n result = new Amount();\n result._is_native = false;\n result._offset = o1;\n result._value = v1.add(v2);\n result._is_negative = result._value.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) < 0;\n\n if (result._is_negative) {\n result._value = result._value.negate();\n }\n\n result._currency = this._currency;\n result._issuer = this._issuer;\n\n result.canonicalize();\n }\n\n return result;\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.canonicalize = function () {\n if (!(this._value instanceof BigInteger))\n {\n // NaN.\n // nothing\n }\n else if (this._is_native) {\n // Native.\n\n if (this._value.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {\n this._offset = 0;\n this._is_negative = false;\n }\n else {\n // Normalize _offset to 0.\n\n while (this._offset < 0) {\n this._value = this._value.divide(consts.bi_10);\n this._offset += 1;\n }\n\n while (this._offset > 0) {\n this._value = this._value.multiply(consts.bi_10);\n this._offset -= 1;\n }\n }\n\n // XXX Make sure not bigger than supported. Throw if so.\n }\n else if (this.is_zero()) {\n this._offset = -100;\n this._is_negative = false;\n }\n else\n {\n // Normalize mantissa to valid range.\n\n while (this._value.compareTo(consts.bi_man_min_value) < 0) {\n this._value = this._value.multiply(consts.bi_10);\n this._offset -= 1;\n }\n\n while (this._value.compareTo(consts.bi_man_max_value) > 0) {\n this._value = this._value.divide(consts.bi_10);\n this._offset += 1;\n }\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.clone = function (negate) {\n return this.copyTo(new Amount(), negate);\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.compareTo = function (v) {\n var result;\n\n if (!this.is_comparable(v)) {\n result = Amount.NaN();\n }\n else if (this._is_negative !== v._is_negative) {\n // Different sign.\n result = this._is_negative ? -1 : 1;\n }\n else if (this._value.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {\n // Same sign: positive.\n result = v._value.equals(BigInteger.ZERO) ? 0 : -1;\n }\n else if (v._value.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {\n // Same sign: positive.\n result = 1;\n }\n else if (!this._is_native && this._offset > v._offset) {\n result = this._is_negative ? -1 : 1;\n }\n else if (!this._is_native && this._offset < v._offset) {\n result = this._is_negative ? 1 : -1;\n }\n else {\n result = this._value.compareTo(v._value);\n\n if (result > 0)\n result = this._is_negative ? -1 : 1;\n else if (result < 0)\n result = this._is_negative ? 1 : -1;\n }\n\n return result;\n};\n\n// Make d a copy of this. Returns d.\n// Modification of objects internally refered to is not allowed.\nAmount.prototype.copyTo = function (d, negate) {\n if ('object' === typeof this._value)\n {\n this._value.copyTo(d._value);\n }\n else\n {\n d._value = this._value;\n }\n\n d._offset\t = this._offset;\n d._is_native\t = this._is_native;\n d._is_negative = negate\n\t\t\t? !this._is_negative // Negating.\n\t\t\t: this._is_negative; // Just copying.\n\n d._currency = this._currency;\n d._issuer = this._issuer;\n\n // Prevent negative zero\n if (d.is_zero()) d._is_negative = false;\n\n return d;\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.currency = function () {\n return this._currency;\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.equals = function (d, ignore_issuer) {\n if (\"string\" === typeof d) {\n return this.equals(Amount.from_json(d));\n }\n\n if (this === d) return true;\n\n if (d instanceof Amount) {\n if (!this.is_valid() || !d.is_valid()) return false;\n if (this._is_native !== d._is_native) return false;\n\n if (!this._value.equals(d._value) || this._offset !== d._offset) {\n return false;\n }\n\n if (this._is_negative !== d._is_negative) return false;\n\n if (!this._is_native) {\n if (!this._currency.equals(d._currency)) return false;\n if (!ignore_issuer && !this._issuer.equals(d._issuer)) return false;\n }\n return true;\n } else return false;\n};\n\n// Result in terms of this' currency and issuer.\nAmount.prototype.divide = function (d) {\n var result;\n\n if (d.is_zero()) {\n throw \"divide by zero\";\n }\n else if (this.is_zero()) {\n result = this;\n }\n else if (!this.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid dividend\");\n }\n else if (!d.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid divisor\");\n }\n else {\n var _n = this;\n\n if (_n.is_native()) {\n _n = _n.clone();\n\n while (_n._value.compareTo(consts.bi_man_min_value) < 0) {\n _n._value = _n._value.multiply(consts.bi_10);\n _n._offset -= 1;\n }\n }\n\n var _d = d;\n\n if (_d.is_native()) {\n _d = _d.clone();\n\n while (_d._value.compareTo(consts.bi_man_min_value) < 0) {\n _d._value = _d._value.multiply(consts.bi_10);\n _d._offset -= 1;\n }\n }\n\n result = new Amount();\n result._offset = _n._offset - _d._offset - 17;\n result._value = _n._value.multiply(consts.bi_1e17).divide(_d._value).add(consts.bi_5);\n result._is_native = _n._is_native;\n result._is_negative = _n._is_negative !== _d._is_negative;\n result._currency = _n._currency;\n result._issuer = _n._issuer;\n\n result.canonicalize();\n }\n\n return result;\n};\n\n/**\n * Calculate a ratio between two amounts.\n *\n * This function calculates a ratio - such as a price - between two Amount\n * objects.\n *\n * The return value will have the same type (currency) as the numerator. This is\n * a simplification, which should be sane in most cases. For example, a USD/XRP\n * price would be rendered as USD.\n *\n * @example\n * var price = buy_amount.ratio_human(sell_amount);\n *\n * @this {Amount} The numerator (top half) of the fraction.\n * @param {Amount} denominator The denominator (bottom half) of the fraction.\n * @return {Amount} The resulting ratio. Unit will be the same as numerator.\n */\nAmount.prototype.ratio_human = function (denominator) {\n if (\"number\" === typeof denominator && parseInt(denominator) === denominator) {\n // Special handling of integer arguments\n denominator = Amount.from_json(\"\" + denominator + \".0\");\n } else {\n denominator = Amount.from_json(denominator);\n }\n\n var numerator = this;\n denominator = Amount.from_json(denominator);\n\n // If either operand is NaN, the result is NaN.\n if (!numerator.is_valid() || !denominator.is_valid()) {\n return Amount.NaN();\n }\n\n // Special case: The denominator is a native (XRP) amount.\n //\n // In that case, it's going to be expressed as base units (1 XRP =\n // 10^xns_precision base units).\n //\n // However, the unit of the denominator is lost, so when the resulting ratio\n // is printed, the ratio is going to be too small by a factor of\n // 10^xns_precision.\n //\n // To compensate, we multiply the numerator by 10^xns_precision.\n if (denominator._is_native) {\n numerator = numerator.clone();\n numerator._value = numerator._value.multiply(consts.bi_xns_unit);\n numerator.canonicalize();\n }\n\n return numerator.divide(denominator);\n};\n\n/**\n * Calculate a product of two amounts.\n *\n * This function allows you to calculate a product between two amounts which\n * retains XRPs human/external interpretation (i.e. 1 XRP = 1,000,000 base\n * units).\n *\n * Intended use is to calculate something like: 10 USD * 10 XRP/USD = 100 XRP\n *\n * @example\n * var sell_amount = buy_amount.product_human(price);\n *\n * @see Amount#ratio_human\n *\n * @this {Amount} The first factor of the product.\n * @param {Amount} factor The second factor of the product.\n * @return {Amount} The product. Unit will be the same as the first factor.\n */\nAmount.prototype.product_human = function (factor) {\n if (\"number\" === typeof factor && parseInt(factor) === factor) {\n // Special handling of integer arguments\n factor = Amount.from_json(\"\" + factor + \".0\");\n } else {\n factor = Amount.from_json(factor);\n }\n\n // If either operand is NaN, the result is NaN.\n if (!this.is_valid() || !factor.is_valid()) {\n return Amount.NaN();\n }\n\n var product = this.multiply(factor);\n\n // Special case: The second factor is a native (XRP) amount expressed as base\n // units (1 XRP = 10^xns_precision base units).\n //\n // See also Amount#ratio_human.\n if (factor._is_native) {\n product._value = product._value.divide(consts.bi_xns_unit);\n product.canonicalize();\n }\n\n return product;\n}\n\n// True if Amounts are valid and both native or non-native.\nAmount.prototype.is_comparable = function (v) {\n return this._value instanceof BigInteger\n && v._value instanceof BigInteger\n && this._is_native === v._is_native;\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.is_native = function () {\n return this._is_native;\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.is_negative = function () {\n return this._value instanceof BigInteger\n ? this._is_negative\n : false; // NaN is not negative\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.is_positive = function () {\n return !this.is_zero() && !this.is_negative();\n};\n\n// Only checks the value. Not the currency and issuer.\nAmount.prototype.is_valid = function () {\n return this._value instanceof BigInteger;\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.is_valid_full = function () {\n return this.is_valid() && this._currency.is_valid() && this._issuer.is_valid();\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.is_zero = function () {\n return this._value instanceof BigInteger\n ? this._value.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)\n : false;\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.issuer = function () {\n return this._issuer;\n};\n\n// Result in terms of this' currency and issuer.\n// XXX Diverges from cpp.\nAmount.prototype.multiply = function (v) {\n var result;\n\n if (this.is_zero()) {\n result = this;\n }\n else if (v.is_zero()) {\n result = this.clone();\n result._value = BigInteger.ZERO;\n }\n else {\n var v1 = this._value;\n var o1 = this._offset;\n var v2 = v._value;\n var o2 = v._offset;\n\n if (this.is_native()) {\n while (v1.compareTo(consts.bi_man_min_value) < 0) {\n v1 = v1.multiply(consts.bi_10);\n o1 -= 1;\n }\n }\n\n if (v.is_native()) {\n while (v2.compareTo(consts.bi_man_min_value) < 0) {\n v2 = v2.multiply(consts.bi_10);\n o2 -= 1;\n }\n }\n\n result = new Amount();\n result._offset = o1 + o2 + 14;\n result._value = v1.multiply(v2).divide(consts.bi_1e14).add(consts.bi_7);\n result._is_native = this._is_native;\n result._is_negative = this._is_negative !== v._is_negative;\n result._currency = this._currency;\n result._issuer = this._issuer;\n\n result.canonicalize();\n }\n\n return result;\n};\n\n// Return a new value.\nAmount.prototype.negate = function () {\n return this.clone('NEGATE');\n};\n\n/**\n * Invert this amount and return the new value.\n *\n * Creates a new Amount object as a copy of the current one (including the same\n * unit (currency & issuer), inverts it (1/x) and returns the result.\n */\nAmount.prototype.invert = function () {\n var one = this.clone();\n one._value = BigInteger.ONE;\n one._offset = 0;\n one._is_negative = false;\n one.canonicalize();\n return one.ratio_human(this);\n};\n\n/**\n * Tries to correctly interpret an amount as entered by a user.\n *\n * Examples:\n *\n * XRP 250 => 250000000/XRP\n * 25.2 XRP => 25200000/XRP\n * USD 100.40 => 100.4/USD/?\n * 100 => 100000000/XRP\n */\nAmount.prototype.parse_human = function (j) {\n // Cast to string\n j = \"\"+j;\n\n // Parse\n var m = j.match(/^\\s*([a-z]{3})?\\s*(-)?(\\d+)(?:\\.(\\d*))?\\s*([a-z]{3})?\\s*$/i);\n\n if (m) {\n var currency = m[1] || m[5] || \"XRP\",\n integer = m[3] || \"0\",\n fraction = m[4] || \"\",\n precision = null;\n\n currency = currency.toUpperCase();\n\n this._value = new BigInteger(integer);\n this.set_currency(currency);\n\n // XRP have exactly six digits of precision\n if (currency === 'XRP') {\n fraction = fraction.slice(0, 6);\n while (fraction.length < 6) {\n fraction += \"0\";\n }\n this._is_native = true;\n this._value = this._value.multiply(consts.bi_xns_unit).add(new BigInteger(fraction));\n }\n // Other currencies have arbitrary precision\n else {\n while (fraction[fraction.length - 1] === \"0\") {\n fraction = fraction.slice(0, fraction.length - 1);\n }\n\n precision = fraction.length;\n\n this._is_native = false;\n var multiplier = consts.bi_10.clone().pow(precision);\n this._value \t= this._value.multiply(multiplier).add(new BigInteger(fraction));\n this._offset \t= -precision;\n\n this.canonicalize();\n }\n\n this._is_negative = !!m[2];\n } else {\n this._value\t = NaN;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.parse_issuer = function (issuer) {\n this._issuer = UInt160.from_json(issuer);\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// --> h: 8 hex bytes quality or 32 hex bytes directory index.\nAmount.prototype.parse_quality = function (q, c, i) {\n this._is_negative = false;\n this._value = new BigInteger(q.substring(q.length-14), 16);\n this._offset = parseInt(q.substring(q.length-16, q.length-14), 16)-100;\n this._currency = Currency.from_json(c);\n this._issuer = UInt160.from_json(i);\n this._is_native = this._currency.is_native();\n\n this.canonicalize();\n\n return this;\n}\n\nAmount.prototype.parse_number = function (n) {\n this._is_native = false;\n this._currency = Currency.from_json(1);\n this._issuer = UInt160.from_json(1);\n this._is_negative = n < 0 ? 1 : 0;\n this._value = new BigInteger(String(this._is_negative ? -n : n));\n this._offset = 0;\n\n this.canonicalize();\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// <-> j\nAmount.prototype.parse_json = function (j) {\n if ('string' === typeof j) {\n // .../.../... notation is not a wire format. But allowed for easier testing.\n var m = j.match(/^([^/]+)\\/(...)(?:\\/(.+))?$/);\n\n if (m) {\n this._currency = Currency.from_json(m[2]);\n if (m[3]) {\n this._issuer = UInt160.from_json(m[3]);\n } else {\n this._issuer = UInt160.from_json('1');\n }\n this.parse_value(m[1]);\n }\n else {\n this.parse_native(j);\n this._currency = Currency.from_json(\"0\");\n this._issuer = UInt160.from_json(\"0\");\n }\n }\n else if ('number' === typeof j) {\n this.parse_json(\"\"+j);\n }\n else if ('object' === typeof j && j instanceof Amount) {\n j.copyTo(this);\n }\n else if ('object' === typeof j && 'value' in j) {\n // Parse the passed value to sanitize and copy it.\n\n this._currency.parse_json(j.currency); // Never XRP.\n if (\"string\" === typeof j.issuer) this._issuer.parse_json(j.issuer);\n this.parse_value(j.value);\n }\n else {\n this._value\t = NaN;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// Parse a XRP value from untrusted input.\n// - integer = raw units\n// - float = with precision 6\n// XXX Improvements: disallow leading zeros.\nAmount.prototype.parse_native = function (j) {\n var m;\n\n if ('string' === typeof j)\n m = j.match(/^(-?)(\\d*)(\\.\\d{0,6})?$/);\n\n if (m) {\n if (undefined === m[3]) {\n // Integer notation\n\n this._value\t = new BigInteger(m[2]);\n }\n else {\n // Float notation : values multiplied by 1,000,000.\n\n var int_part\t = (new BigInteger(m[2])).multiply(consts.bi_xns_unit);\n var fraction_part = (new BigInteger(m[3])).multiply(new BigInteger(String(Math.pow(10, 1+consts.xns_precision-m[3].length))));\n\n this._value\t = int_part.add(fraction_part);\n }\n\n this._is_native = true;\n this._offset = 0;\n this._is_negative = !!m[1] && this._value.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) !== 0;\n\n if (this._value.compareTo(consts.bi_xns_max) > 0)\n {\n this._value\t = NaN;\n }\n }\n else {\n this._value\t = NaN;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// Parse a non-native value for the json wire format.\n// Requires _currency to be set!\nAmount.prototype.parse_value = function (j) {\n this._is_native = false;\n\n if ('number' === typeof j) {\n this._is_negative = j < 0;\n this._value\t = new BigInteger(Math.abs(j));\n this._offset = 0;\n\n this.canonicalize();\n }\n else if ('string' === typeof j) {\n var\ti = j.match(/^(-?)(\\d+)$/);\n var\td = !i && j.match(/^(-?)(\\d*)\\.(\\d*)$/);\n var\te = !e && j.match(/^(-?)(\\d*)e(-?\\d+)$/);\n\n if (e) {\n // e notation\n\n this._value\t= new BigInteger(e[2]);\n this._offset \t= parseInt(e[3]);\n this._is_negative\t= !!e[1];\n\n this.canonicalize();\n }\n else if (d) {\n // float notation\n\n var integer\t= new BigInteger(d[2]);\n var fraction \t= new BigInteger(d[3]);\n var precision\t= d[3].length;\n\n this._value \t= integer.multiply(consts.bi_10.clone().pow(precision)).add(fraction);\n this._offset \t= -precision;\n this._is_negative = !!d[1];\n\n this.canonicalize();\n }\n else if (i) {\n // integer notation\n\n this._value\t= new BigInteger(i[2]);\n this._offset \t= 0;\n this._is_negative = !!i[1];\n\n this.canonicalize();\n }\n else {\n this._value\t= NaN;\n }\n }\n else if (j instanceof BigInteger) {\n this._value\t = j;\n }\n else {\n this._value\t = NaN;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.set_currency = function (c) {\n this._currency = Currency.from_json(c);\n this._is_native = this._currency.is_native();\n\n return this;\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.set_issuer = function (issuer) {\n if (issuer instanceof UInt160) {\n this._issuer = issuer;\n } else {\n this._issuer = UInt160.from_json(issuer);\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// Result in terms of this' currency and issuer.\nAmount.prototype.subtract = function (v) {\n // Correctness over speed, less code has less bugs, reuse add code.\n return this.add(Amount.from_json(v).negate());\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.to_number = function (allow_nan) {\n var s = this.to_text(allow_nan);\n\n return ('string' === typeof s) ? Number(s) : s;\n}\n\n// Convert only value to JSON wire format.\nAmount.prototype.to_text = function (allow_nan) {\n if (!(this._value instanceof BigInteger)) {\n // Never should happen.\n return allow_nan ? NaN : \"0\";\n }\n else if (this._is_native) {\n if (this._value.compareTo(consts.bi_xns_max) > 0)\n {\n // Never should happen.\n return allow_nan ? NaN : \"0\";\n }\n else\n {\n return (this._is_negative ? \"-\" : \"\") + this._value.toString();\n }\n }\n else if (this.is_zero())\n {\n return \"0\";\n }\n else if (this._offset && (this._offset < -25 || this._offset > -4))\n {\n // Use e notation.\n // XXX Clamp output.\n\n return (this._is_negative ? \"-\" : \"\") + this._value.toString() + \"e\" + this._offset;\n }\n else\n {\n var val = \"000000000000000000000000000\" + this._value.toString() + \"00000000000000000000000\";\n var\tpre = val.substring(0, this._offset + 43);\n var\tpost = val.substring(this._offset + 43);\n var\ts_pre = pre.match(/[1-9].*$/);\t // Everything but leading zeros.\n var\ts_post = post.match(/[1-9]0*$/); // Last non-zero plus trailing zeros.\n\n return (this._is_negative ? \"-\" : \"\")\n + (s_pre ? s_pre[0] : \"0\")\n + (s_post ? \".\" + post.substring(0, 1+post.length-s_post[0].length) : \"\");\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Format only value in a human-readable format.\n *\n * @example\n * var pretty = amount.to_human({precision: 2});\n *\n * @param opts Options for formatter.\n * @param opts.precision {Number} Max. number of digits after decimal point.\n * @param opts.min_precision {Number} Min. number of digits after dec. point.\n * @param opts.skip_empty_fraction {Boolean} Don't show fraction if it is zero,\n * even if min_precision is set.\n * @param opts.max_sig_digits {Number} Maximum number of significant digits.\n * Will cut fractional part, but never integer part.\n * @param opts.group_sep {Boolean|String} Whether to show a separator every n\n * digits, if a string, that value will be used as the separator. Default: \",\"\n * @param opts.group_width {Number} How many numbers will be grouped together,\n * default: 3.\n * @param opts.signed {Boolean|String} Whether negative numbers will have a\n * prefix. If String, that string will be used as the prefix. Default: \"-\"\n */\nAmount.prototype.to_human = function (opts)\n{\n opts = opts || {};\n\n if (!this.is_valid()) return \"\";\n\n // Default options\n if (\"undefined\" === typeof opts.signed) opts.signed = true;\n if (\"undefined\" === typeof opts.group_sep) opts.group_sep = true;\n opts.group_width = opts.group_width || 3;\n\n var order = this._is_native ? consts.xns_precision : -this._offset;\n var denominator = consts.bi_10.clone().pow(order);\n var int_part = this._value.divide(denominator).toString(10);\n var fraction_part = this._value.mod(denominator).toString(10);\n\n // Add leading zeros to fraction\n while (fraction_part.length < order) {\n fraction_part = \"0\" + fraction_part;\n }\n\n int_part = int_part.replace(/^0*/, '');\n fraction_part = fraction_part.replace(/0*$/, '');\n\n if (fraction_part.length || !opts.skip_empty_fraction) {\n // Enforce the maximum number of decimal digits (precision)\n if (\"number\" === typeof opts.precision) {\n fraction_part = fraction_part.slice(0, opts.precision);\n }\n\n // Limit the number of significant digits (max_sig_digits)\n if (\"number\" === typeof opts.max_sig_digits) {\n // First, we count the significant digits we have.\n // A zero in the integer part does not count.\n var int_is_zero = +int_part === 0;\n var digits = int_is_zero ? 0 : int_part.length;\n\n // Don't count leading zeros in the fractional part if the integer part is\n // zero.\n var sig_frac = int_is_zero ? fraction_part.replace(/^0*/, '') : fraction_part;\n digits += sig_frac.length;\n\n // Now we calculate where we are compared to the maximum\n var rounding = digits - opts.max_sig_digits;\n\n // If we're under the maximum we want to cut no (=0) digits\n rounding = Math.max(rounding, 0);\n\n // If we're over the maximum we still only want to cut digits from the\n // fractional part, not from the integer part.\n rounding = Math.min(rounding, fraction_part.length);\n\n // Now we cut `rounding` digits off the right.\n if (rounding > 0) fraction_part = fraction_part.slice(0, -rounding);\n }\n\n // Enforce the minimum number of decimal digits (min_precision)\n if (\"number\" === typeof opts.min_precision) {\n while (fraction_part.length < opts.min_precision) {\n fraction_part += \"0\";\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (opts.group_sep) {\n if (\"string\" !== typeof opts.group_sep) {\n opts.group_sep = ',';\n }\n int_part = utils.chunkString(int_part, opts.group_width, true).join(opts.group_sep);\n }\n\n var formatted = '';\n if (opts.signed && this._is_negative) {\n if (\"string\" !== typeof opts.signed) {\n opts.signed = '-';\n }\n formatted += opts.signed;\n }\n formatted += int_part.length ? int_part : '0';\n formatted += fraction_part.length ? '.'+fraction_part : '';\n\n return formatted;\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.to_human_full = function (opts) {\n opts = opts || {};\n\n var a = this.to_human(opts);\n var c = this._currency.to_human();\n var i = this._issuer.to_json(opts);\n\n var o;\n\n if (this._is_native)\n {\n o = a + \"/\" + c;\n }\n else\n {\n o = a + \"/\" + c + \"/\" + i;\n }\n\n return o;\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.to_json = function () {\n if (this._is_native) {\n return this.to_text();\n }\n else\n {\n var amount_json = {\n 'value' : this.to_text(),\n 'currency' : this._currency.to_json()\n };\n if (this._issuer.is_valid()) {\n amount_json.issuer = this._issuer.to_json();\n }\n return amount_json;\n }\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.to_text_full = function (opts) {\n return this._value instanceof BigInteger\n ? this._is_native\n ? this.to_human() + \"/XRP\"\n : this.to_text() + \"/\" + this._currency.to_json() + \"/\" + this._issuer.to_json(opts)\n : NaN;\n};\n\n// For debugging.\nAmount.prototype.not_equals_why = function (d, ignore_issuer) {\n if (\"string\" === typeof d) {\n return this.not_equals_why(Amount.from_json(d));\n }\n\n if (this === d) return false;\n\n if (d instanceof Amount) {\n if (!this.is_valid() || !d.is_valid()) return \"Invalid amount.\";\n if (this._is_native !== d._is_native) return \"Native mismatch.\";\n\n var type = this._is_native ? \"XRP\" : \"Non-XRP\";\n\n if (!this._value.equals(d._value) || this._offset !== d._offset) {\n return type+\" value differs.\";\n }\n\n if (this._is_negative !== d._is_negative) return type+\" sign differs.\";\n\n if (!this._is_native) {\n if (!this._currency.equals(d._currency)) return \"Non-XRP currency differs.\";\n if (!ignore_issuer && !this._issuer.equals(d._issuer)) {\n return \"Non-XRP issuer differs: \" + d._issuer.to_json() + \"/\" + this._issuer.to_json();\n }\n }\n return false;\n } else return \"Wrong constructor.\";\n};\n\nexports.Amount\t = Amount;\n\n// DEPRECATED: Include the corresponding files instead.\nexports.Currency = Currency;\nexports.Seed = Seed;\nexports.UInt160\t = UInt160;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 2\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/amount.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/amount.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 3:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("// Represent Ripple amounts and currencies.\n// - Numbers in hex are big-endian.\n\nvar sjcl = require(1);\nvar bn\t = sjcl.bn;\nvar utils = require(4);\nvar jsbn = require(7);\n\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\n\nvar UInt160 = require(9).UInt160,\n Seed = require(26).Seed,\n Currency = require(11).Currency;\n\nvar consts = exports.consts = {\n 'currency_xns' : 0,\n 'currency_one' : 1,\n 'xns_precision' : 6,\n\n // BigInteger values prefixed with bi_.\n 'bi_5'\t : new BigInteger('5'),\n 'bi_7'\t : new BigInteger('7'),\n 'bi_10'\t : new BigInteger('10'),\n 'bi_1e14' : new BigInteger(String(1e14)),\n 'bi_1e16' : new BigInteger(String(1e16)),\n 'bi_1e17' : new BigInteger(String(1e17)),\n 'bi_1e32' : new BigInteger('100000000000000000000000000000000'),\n 'bi_man_max_value' : new BigInteger('9999999999999999'),\n 'bi_man_min_value' : new BigInteger('1000000000000000'),\n 'bi_xns_max'\t : new BigInteger(\"9000000000000000000\"),\t // Json wire limit.\n 'bi_xns_min'\t : new BigInteger(\"-9000000000000000000\"),\t // Json wire limit.\n 'bi_xns_unit'\t : new BigInteger('1000000'),\n\n 'cMinOffset' : -96,\n 'cMaxOffset' : 80,\n};\n\n\n//\n// Amount class in the style of Java's BigInteger class\n// http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.3/docs/api/java/math/BigInteger.html\n//\n\nvar Amount = function () {\n // Json format:\n // integer : XRP\n // { 'value' : ..., 'currency' : ..., 'issuer' : ...}\n\n this._value\t = new BigInteger();\t// NaN for bad value. Always positive.\n this._offset\t = 0;\t // Always 0 for XRP.\n this._is_native = true;\t\t// Default to XRP. Only valid if value is not NaN.\n this._is_negative = false;\n\n this._currency = new Currency();\n this._issuer\t = new UInt160();\n};\n\n// Given \"100/USD/mtgox\" return the a string with mtgox remapped.\nAmount.text_full_rewrite = function (j) {\n return Amount.from_json(j).to_text_full();\n}\n\n// Given \"100/USD/mtgox\" return the json.\nAmount.json_rewrite = function (j) {\n return Amount.from_json(j).to_json();\n};\n\nAmount.from_number = function (n) {\n return (new Amount()).parse_number(n);\n};\n\nAmount.from_json = function (j) {\n return (new Amount()).parse_json(j);\n};\n\nAmount.from_quality = function (q, c, i) {\n return (new Amount()).parse_quality(q, c, i);\n};\n\nAmount.from_human = function (j) {\n return (new Amount()).parse_human(j);\n};\n\nAmount.is_valid = function (j) {\n return Amount.from_json(j).is_valid();\n};\n\nAmount.is_valid_full = function (j) {\n return Amount.from_json(j).is_valid_full();\n};\n\nAmount.NaN = function () {\n var result = new Amount();\n\n result._value = NaN;\n\n return result;\n};\n\n// Returns a new value which is the absolute value of this.\nAmount.prototype.abs = function () {\n return this.clone(this.is_negative());\n};\n\n// Result in terms of this' currency and issuer.\nAmount.prototype.add = function (v) {\n var result;\n\n v = Amount.from_json(v);\n\n if (!this.is_comparable(v)) {\n result = Amount.NaN();\n }\n else if (v.is_zero()) {\n result = this; \n }\n else if (this.is_zero()) {\n result = v.clone();\n result._is_native = this._is_native;\n result._currency = this._currency;\n result._issuer = this._issuer;\n }\n else if (this._is_native) {\n result = new Amount();\n\n var v1 = this._is_negative ? this._value.negate() : this._value;\n var v2 = v._is_negative ? v._value.negate() : v._value;\n var s = v1.add(v2);\n\n result._is_negative = s.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) < 0;\n result._value = result._is_negative ? s.negate() : s;\n result._currency = this._currency;\n result._issuer = this._issuer;\n }\n else\n {\n var v1 = this._is_negative ? this._value.negate() : this._value;\n var o1 = this._offset;\n var v2 = v._is_negative ? v._value.negate() : v._value;\n var o2 = v._offset;\n\n while (o1 < o2) {\n v1 = v1.divide(consts.bi_10);\n o1 += 1;\n }\n\n while (o2 < o1) {\n v2 = v2.divide(consts.bi_10);\n o2 += 1;\n }\n\n result = new Amount();\n result._is_native = false;\n result._offset = o1;\n result._value = v1.add(v2);\n result._is_negative = result._value.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) < 0;\n\n if (result._is_negative) {\n result._value = result._value.negate();\n }\n\n result._currency = this._currency;\n result._issuer = this._issuer;\n\n result.canonicalize();\n }\n\n return result;\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.canonicalize = function () {\n if (!(this._value instanceof BigInteger))\n {\n // NaN.\n // nothing\n }\n else if (this._is_native) {\n // Native.\n\n if (this._value.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {\n this._offset = 0;\n this._is_negative = false;\n }\n else {\n // Normalize _offset to 0.\n\n while (this._offset < 0) {\n this._value = this._value.divide(consts.bi_10);\n this._offset += 1;\n }\n\n while (this._offset > 0) {\n this._value = this._value.multiply(consts.bi_10);\n this._offset -= 1;\n }\n }\n\n // XXX Make sure not bigger than supported. Throw if so.\n }\n else if (this.is_zero()) {\n this._offset = -100;\n this._is_negative = false;\n }\n else\n {\n // Normalize mantissa to valid range.\n\n while (this._value.compareTo(consts.bi_man_min_value) < 0) {\n this._value = this._value.multiply(consts.bi_10);\n this._offset -= 1;\n }\n\n while (this._value.compareTo(consts.bi_man_max_value) > 0) {\n this._value = this._value.divide(consts.bi_10);\n this._offset += 1;\n }\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.clone = function (negate) {\n return this.copyTo(new Amount(), negate);\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.compareTo = function (v) {\n var result;\n\n if (!this.is_comparable(v)) {\n result = Amount.NaN();\n }\n else if (this._is_negative !== v._is_negative) {\n // Different sign.\n result = this._is_negative ? -1 : 1;\n }\n else if (this._value.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {\n // Same sign: positive.\n result = v._value.equals(BigInteger.ZERO) ? 0 : -1;\n }\n else if (v._value.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {\n // Same sign: positive.\n result = 1;\n }\n else if (!this._is_native && this._offset > v._offset) {\n result = this._is_negative ? -1 : 1;\n }\n else if (!this._is_native && this._offset < v._offset) {\n result = this._is_negative ? 1 : -1;\n }\n else {\n result = this._value.compareTo(v._value);\n\n if (result > 0)\n result = this._is_negative ? -1 : 1;\n else if (result < 0)\n result = this._is_negative ? 1 : -1;\n }\n\n return result;\n};\n\n// Make d a copy of this. Returns d.\n// Modification of objects internally refered to is not allowed.\nAmount.prototype.copyTo = function (d, negate) {\n if ('object' === typeof this._value)\n {\n this._value.copyTo(d._value);\n }\n else\n {\n d._value = this._value;\n }\n\n d._offset\t = this._offset;\n d._is_native\t = this._is_native;\n d._is_negative = negate\n\t\t\t? !this._is_negative // Negating.\n\t\t\t: this._is_negative; // Just copying.\n\n d._currency = this._currency;\n d._issuer = this._issuer;\n\n // Prevent negative zero\n if (d.is_zero()) d._is_negative = false;\n\n return d;\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.currency = function () {\n return this._currency;\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.equals = function (d, ignore_issuer) {\n if (\"string\" === typeof d) {\n return this.equals(Amount.from_json(d));\n }\n\n if (this === d) return true;\n\n if (d instanceof Amount) {\n if (!this.is_valid() || !d.is_valid()) return false;\n if (this._is_native !== d._is_native) return false;\n\n if (!this._value.equals(d._value) || this._offset !== d._offset) {\n return false;\n }\n\n if (this._is_negative !== d._is_negative) return false;\n\n if (!this._is_native) {\n if (!this._currency.equals(d._currency)) return false;\n if (!ignore_issuer && !this._issuer.equals(d._issuer)) return false;\n }\n return true;\n } else return false;\n};\n\n// Result in terms of this' currency and issuer.\nAmount.prototype.divide = function (d) {\n var result;\n\n if (d.is_zero()) {\n throw \"divide by zero\";\n }\n else if (this.is_zero()) {\n result = this;\n }\n else if (!this.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid dividend\");\n }\n else if (!d.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid divisor\");\n }\n else {\n var _n = this;\n\n if (_n.is_native()) {\n _n = _n.clone();\n\n while (_n._value.compareTo(consts.bi_man_min_value) < 0) {\n _n._value = _n._value.multiply(consts.bi_10);\n _n._offset -= 1;\n }\n }\n\n var _d = d;\n\n if (_d.is_native()) {\n _d = _d.clone();\n\n while (_d._value.compareTo(consts.bi_man_min_value) < 0) {\n _d._value = _d._value.multiply(consts.bi_10);\n _d._offset -= 1;\n }\n }\n\n result = new Amount();\n result._offset = _n._offset - _d._offset - 17;\n result._value = _n._value.multiply(consts.bi_1e17).divide(_d._value).add(consts.bi_5);\n result._is_native = _n._is_native;\n result._is_negative = _n._is_negative !== _d._is_negative;\n result._currency = _n._currency;\n result._issuer = _n._issuer;\n\n result.canonicalize();\n }\n\n return result;\n};\n\n/**\n * Calculate a ratio between two amounts.\n *\n * This function calculates a ratio - such as a price - between two Amount\n * objects.\n *\n * The return value will have the same type (currency) as the numerator. This is\n * a simplification, which should be sane in most cases. For example, a USD/XRP\n * price would be rendered as USD.\n *\n * @example\n * var price = buy_amount.ratio_human(sell_amount);\n *\n * @this {Amount} The numerator (top half) of the fraction.\n * @param {Amount} denominator The denominator (bottom half) of the fraction.\n * @return {Amount} The resulting ratio. Unit will be the same as numerator.\n */\nAmount.prototype.ratio_human = function (denominator) {\n if (\"number\" === typeof denominator && parseInt(denominator) === denominator) {\n // Special handling of integer arguments\n denominator = Amount.from_json(\"\" + denominator + \".0\");\n } else {\n denominator = Amount.from_json(denominator);\n }\n\n var numerator = this;\n denominator = Amount.from_json(denominator);\n\n // If either operand is NaN, the result is NaN.\n if (!numerator.is_valid() || !denominator.is_valid()) {\n return Amount.NaN();\n }\n\n // Special case: The denominator is a native (XRP) amount.\n //\n // In that case, it's going to be expressed as base units (1 XRP =\n // 10^xns_precision base units).\n //\n // However, the unit of the denominator is lost, so when the resulting ratio\n // is printed, the ratio is going to be too small by a factor of\n // 10^xns_precision.\n //\n // To compensate, we multiply the numerator by 10^xns_precision.\n if (denominator._is_native) {\n numerator = numerator.clone();\n numerator._value = numerator._value.multiply(consts.bi_xns_unit);\n numerator.canonicalize();\n }\n\n return numerator.divide(denominator);\n};\n\n/**\n * Calculate a product of two amounts.\n *\n * This function allows you to calculate a product between two amounts which\n * retains XRPs human/external interpretation (i.e. 1 XRP = 1,000,000 base\n * units).\n *\n * Intended use is to calculate something like: 10 USD * 10 XRP/USD = 100 XRP\n *\n * @example\n * var sell_amount = buy_amount.product_human(price);\n *\n * @see Amount#ratio_human\n *\n * @this {Amount} The first factor of the product.\n * @param {Amount} factor The second factor of the product.\n * @return {Amount} The product. Unit will be the same as the first factor.\n */\nAmount.prototype.product_human = function (factor) {\n if (\"number\" === typeof factor && parseInt(factor) === factor) {\n // Special handling of integer arguments\n factor = Amount.from_json(\"\" + factor + \".0\");\n } else {\n factor = Amount.from_json(factor);\n }\n\n // If either operand is NaN, the result is NaN.\n if (!this.is_valid() || !factor.is_valid()) {\n return Amount.NaN();\n }\n\n var product = this.multiply(factor);\n\n // Special case: The second factor is a native (XRP) amount expressed as base\n // units (1 XRP = 10^xns_precision base units).\n //\n // See also Amount#ratio_human.\n if (factor._is_native) {\n product._value = product._value.divide(consts.bi_xns_unit);\n product.canonicalize();\n }\n\n return product;\n}\n\n// True if Amounts are valid and both native or non-native.\nAmount.prototype.is_comparable = function (v) {\n return this._value instanceof BigInteger\n && v._value instanceof BigInteger\n && this._is_native === v._is_native;\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.is_native = function () {\n return this._is_native;\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.is_negative = function () {\n return this._value instanceof BigInteger\n ? this._is_negative\n : false; // NaN is not negative\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.is_positive = function () {\n return !this.is_zero() && !this.is_negative();\n};\n\n// Only checks the value. Not the currency and issuer.\nAmount.prototype.is_valid = function () {\n return this._value instanceof BigInteger;\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.is_valid_full = function () {\n return this.is_valid() && this._currency.is_valid() && this._issuer.is_valid();\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.is_zero = function () {\n return this._value instanceof BigInteger\n ? this._value.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)\n : false;\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.issuer = function () {\n return this._issuer;\n};\n\n// Result in terms of this' currency and issuer.\n// XXX Diverges from cpp.\nAmount.prototype.multiply = function (v) {\n var result;\n\n if (this.is_zero()) {\n result = this;\n }\n else if (v.is_zero()) {\n result = this.clone();\n result._value = BigInteger.ZERO;\n }\n else {\n var v1 = this._value;\n var o1 = this._offset;\n var v2 = v._value;\n var o2 = v._offset;\n\n if (this.is_native()) {\n while (v1.compareTo(consts.bi_man_min_value) < 0) {\n v1 = v1.multiply(consts.bi_10);\n o1 -= 1;\n }\n }\n\n if (v.is_native()) {\n while (v2.compareTo(consts.bi_man_min_value) < 0) {\n v2 = v2.multiply(consts.bi_10);\n o2 -= 1;\n }\n }\n\n result = new Amount();\n result._offset = o1 + o2 + 14;\n result._value = v1.multiply(v2).divide(consts.bi_1e14).add(consts.bi_7);\n result._is_native = this._is_native;\n result._is_negative = this._is_negative !== v._is_negative;\n result._currency = this._currency;\n result._issuer = this._issuer;\n\n result.canonicalize();\n }\n\n return result;\n};\n\n// Return a new value.\nAmount.prototype.negate = function () {\n return this.clone('NEGATE');\n};\n\n/**\n * Invert this amount and return the new value.\n *\n * Creates a new Amount object as a copy of the current one (including the same\n * unit (currency & issuer), inverts it (1/x) and returns the result.\n */\nAmount.prototype.invert = function () {\n var one = this.clone();\n one._value = BigInteger.ONE;\n one._offset = 0;\n one._is_negative = false;\n one.canonicalize();\n return one.ratio_human(this);\n};\n\n/**\n * Tries to correctly interpret an amount as entered by a user.\n *\n * Examples:\n *\n * XRP 250 => 250000000/XRP\n * 25.2 XRP => 25200000/XRP\n * USD 100.40 => 100.4/USD/?\n * 100 => 100000000/XRP\n */\nAmount.prototype.parse_human = function (j) {\n // Cast to string\n j = \"\"+j;\n\n // Parse\n var m = j.match(/^\\s*([a-z]{3})?\\s*(-)?(\\d+)(?:\\.(\\d*))?\\s*([a-z]{3})?\\s*$/i);\n\n if (m) {\n var currency = m[1] || m[5] || \"XRP\",\n integer = m[3] || \"0\",\n fraction = m[4] || \"\",\n precision = null;\n\n currency = currency.toUpperCase();\n\n this._value = new BigInteger(integer);\n this.set_currency(currency);\n\n // XRP have exactly six digits of precision\n if (currency === 'XRP') {\n fraction = fraction.slice(0, 6);\n while (fraction.length < 6) {\n fraction += \"0\";\n }\n this._is_native = true;\n this._value = this._value.multiply(consts.bi_xns_unit).add(new BigInteger(fraction));\n }\n // Other currencies have arbitrary precision\n else {\n while (fraction[fraction.length - 1] === \"0\") {\n fraction = fraction.slice(0, fraction.length - 1);\n }\n\n precision = fraction.length;\n\n this._is_native = false;\n var multiplier = consts.bi_10.clone().pow(precision);\n this._value \t= this._value.multiply(multiplier).add(new BigInteger(fraction));\n this._offset \t= -precision;\n\n this.canonicalize();\n }\n\n this._is_negative = !!m[2];\n } else {\n this._value\t = NaN;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.parse_issuer = function (issuer) {\n this._issuer = UInt160.from_json(issuer);\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// --> h: 8 hex bytes quality or 32 hex bytes directory index.\nAmount.prototype.parse_quality = function (q, c, i) {\n this._is_negative = false;\n this._value = new BigInteger(q.substring(q.length-14), 16);\n this._offset = parseInt(q.substring(q.length-16, q.length-14), 16)-100;\n this._currency = Currency.from_json(c);\n this._issuer = UInt160.from_json(i);\n this._is_native = this._currency.is_native();\n\n this.canonicalize();\n\n return this;\n}\n\nAmount.prototype.parse_number = function (n) {\n this._is_native = false;\n this._currency = Currency.from_json(1);\n this._issuer = UInt160.from_json(1);\n this._is_negative = n < 0 ? 1 : 0;\n this._value = new BigInteger(String(this._is_negative ? -n : n));\n this._offset = 0;\n\n this.canonicalize();\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// <-> j\nAmount.prototype.parse_json = function (j) {\n if ('string' === typeof j) {\n // .../.../... notation is not a wire format. But allowed for easier testing.\n var m = j.match(/^([^/]+)\\/(...)(?:\\/(.+))?$/);\n\n if (m) {\n this._currency = Currency.from_json(m[2]);\n if (m[3]) {\n this._issuer = UInt160.from_json(m[3]);\n } else {\n this._issuer = UInt160.from_json('1');\n }\n this.parse_value(m[1]);\n }\n else {\n this.parse_native(j);\n this._currency = Currency.from_json(\"0\");\n this._issuer = UInt160.from_json(\"0\");\n }\n }\n else if ('number' === typeof j) {\n this.parse_json(\"\"+j);\n }\n else if ('object' === typeof j && j instanceof Amount) {\n j.copyTo(this);\n }\n else if ('object' === typeof j && 'value' in j) {\n // Parse the passed value to sanitize and copy it.\n\n this._currency.parse_json(j.currency); // Never XRP.\n if (\"string\" === typeof j.issuer) this._issuer.parse_json(j.issuer);\n this.parse_value(j.value);\n }\n else {\n this._value\t = NaN;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// Parse a XRP value from untrusted input.\n// - integer = raw units\n// - float = with precision 6\n// XXX Improvements: disallow leading zeros.\nAmount.prototype.parse_native = function (j) {\n var m;\n\n if ('string' === typeof j)\n m = j.match(/^(-?)(\\d*)(\\.\\d{0,6})?$/);\n\n if (m) {\n if (undefined === m[3]) {\n // Integer notation\n\n this._value\t = new BigInteger(m[2]);\n }\n else {\n // Float notation : values multiplied by 1,000,000.\n\n var int_part\t = (new BigInteger(m[2])).multiply(consts.bi_xns_unit);\n var fraction_part = (new BigInteger(m[3])).multiply(new BigInteger(String(Math.pow(10, 1+consts.xns_precision-m[3].length))));\n\n this._value\t = int_part.add(fraction_part);\n }\n\n this._is_native = true;\n this._offset = 0;\n this._is_negative = !!m[1] && this._value.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) !== 0;\n\n if (this._value.compareTo(consts.bi_xns_max) > 0)\n {\n this._value\t = NaN;\n }\n }\n else {\n this._value\t = NaN;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// Parse a non-native value for the json wire format.\n// Requires _currency to be set!\nAmount.prototype.parse_value = function (j) {\n this._is_native = false;\n\n if ('number' === typeof j) {\n this._is_negative = j < 0;\n this._value\t = new BigInteger(Math.abs(j));\n this._offset = 0;\n\n this.canonicalize();\n }\n else if ('string' === typeof j) {\n var\ti = j.match(/^(-?)(\\d+)$/);\n var\td = !i && j.match(/^(-?)(\\d*)\\.(\\d*)$/);\n var\te = !e && j.match(/^(-?)(\\d*)e(-?\\d+)$/);\n\n if (e) {\n // e notation\n\n this._value\t= new BigInteger(e[2]);\n this._offset \t= parseInt(e[3]);\n this._is_negative\t= !!e[1];\n\n this.canonicalize();\n }\n else if (d) {\n // float notation\n\n var integer\t= new BigInteger(d[2]);\n var fraction \t= new BigInteger(d[3]);\n var precision\t= d[3].length;\n\n this._value \t= integer.multiply(consts.bi_10.clone().pow(precision)).add(fraction);\n this._offset \t= -precision;\n this._is_negative = !!d[1];\n\n this.canonicalize();\n }\n else if (i) {\n // integer notation\n\n this._value\t= new BigInteger(i[2]);\n this._offset \t= 0;\n this._is_negative = !!i[1];\n\n this.canonicalize();\n }\n else {\n this._value\t= NaN;\n }\n }\n else if (j instanceof BigInteger) {\n this._value\t = j;\n }\n else {\n this._value\t = NaN;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.set_currency = function (c) {\n this._currency = Currency.from_json(c);\n this._is_native = this._currency.is_native();\n\n return this;\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.set_issuer = function (issuer) {\n if (issuer instanceof UInt160) {\n this._issuer = issuer;\n } else {\n this._issuer = UInt160.from_json(issuer);\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// Result in terms of this' currency and issuer.\nAmount.prototype.subtract = function (v) {\n // Correctness over speed, less code has less bugs, reuse add code.\n return this.add(Amount.from_json(v).negate());\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.to_number = function (allow_nan) {\n var s = this.to_text(allow_nan);\n\n return ('string' === typeof s) ? Number(s) : s;\n}\n\n// Convert only value to JSON wire format.\nAmount.prototype.to_text = function (allow_nan) {\n if (!(this._value instanceof BigInteger)) {\n // Never should happen.\n return allow_nan ? NaN : \"0\";\n }\n else if (this._is_native) {\n if (this._value.compareTo(consts.bi_xns_max) > 0)\n {\n // Never should happen.\n return allow_nan ? NaN : \"0\";\n }\n else\n {\n return (this._is_negative ? \"-\" : \"\") + this._value.toString();\n }\n }\n else if (this.is_zero())\n {\n return \"0\";\n }\n else if (this._offset && (this._offset < -25 || this._offset > -4))\n {\n // Use e notation.\n // XXX Clamp output.\n\n return (this._is_negative ? \"-\" : \"\") + this._value.toString() + \"e\" + this._offset;\n }\n else\n {\n var val = \"000000000000000000000000000\" + this._value.toString() + \"00000000000000000000000\";\n var\tpre = val.substring(0, this._offset + 43);\n var\tpost = val.substring(this._offset + 43);\n var\ts_pre = pre.match(/[1-9].*$/);\t // Everything but leading zeros.\n var\ts_post = post.match(/[1-9]0*$/); // Last non-zero plus trailing zeros.\n\n return (this._is_negative ? \"-\" : \"\")\n + (s_pre ? s_pre[0] : \"0\")\n + (s_post ? \".\" + post.substring(0, 1+post.length-s_post[0].length) : \"\");\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Format only value in a human-readable format.\n *\n * @example\n * var pretty = amount.to_human({precision: 2});\n *\n * @param opts Options for formatter.\n * @param opts.precision {Number} Max. number of digits after decimal point.\n * @param opts.min_precision {Number} Min. number of digits after dec. point.\n * @param opts.skip_empty_fraction {Boolean} Don't show fraction if it is zero,\n * even if min_precision is set.\n * @param opts.max_sig_digits {Number} Maximum number of significant digits.\n * Will cut fractional part, but never integer part.\n * @param opts.group_sep {Boolean|String} Whether to show a separator every n\n * digits, if a string, that value will be used as the separator. Default: \",\"\n * @param opts.group_width {Number} How many numbers will be grouped together,\n * default: 3.\n * @param opts.signed {Boolean|String} Whether negative numbers will have a\n * prefix. If String, that string will be used as the prefix. Default: \"-\"\n */\nAmount.prototype.to_human = function (opts)\n{\n opts = opts || {};\n\n if (!this.is_valid()) return \"\";\n\n // Default options\n if (\"undefined\" === typeof opts.signed) opts.signed = true;\n if (\"undefined\" === typeof opts.group_sep) opts.group_sep = true;\n opts.group_width = opts.group_width || 3;\n\n var order = this._is_native ? consts.xns_precision : -this._offset;\n var denominator = consts.bi_10.clone().pow(order);\n var int_part = this._value.divide(denominator).toString(10);\n var fraction_part = this._value.mod(denominator).toString(10);\n\n // Add leading zeros to fraction\n while (fraction_part.length < order) {\n fraction_part = \"0\" + fraction_part;\n }\n\n int_part = int_part.replace(/^0*/, '');\n fraction_part = fraction_part.replace(/0*$/, '');\n\n if (fraction_part.length || !opts.skip_empty_fraction) {\n // Enforce the maximum number of decimal digits (precision)\n if (\"number\" === typeof opts.precision) {\n fraction_part = fraction_part.slice(0, opts.precision);\n }\n\n // Limit the number of significant digits (max_sig_digits)\n if (\"number\" === typeof opts.max_sig_digits) {\n // First, we count the significant digits we have.\n // A zero in the integer part does not count.\n var int_is_zero = +int_part === 0;\n var digits = int_is_zero ? 0 : int_part.length;\n\n // Don't count leading zeros in the fractional part if the integer part is\n // zero.\n var sig_frac = int_is_zero ? fraction_part.replace(/^0*/, '') : fraction_part;\n digits += sig_frac.length;\n\n // Now we calculate where we are compared to the maximum\n var rounding = digits - opts.max_sig_digits;\n\n // If we're under the maximum we want to cut no (=0) digits\n rounding = Math.max(rounding, 0);\n\n // If we're over the maximum we still only want to cut digits from the\n // fractional part, not from the integer part.\n rounding = Math.min(rounding, fraction_part.length);\n\n // Now we cut `rounding` digits off the right.\n if (rounding > 0) fraction_part = fraction_part.slice(0, -rounding);\n }\n\n // Enforce the minimum number of decimal digits (min_precision)\n if (\"number\" === typeof opts.min_precision) {\n while (fraction_part.length < opts.min_precision) {\n fraction_part += \"0\";\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (opts.group_sep) {\n if (\"string\" !== typeof opts.group_sep) {\n opts.group_sep = ',';\n }\n int_part = utils.chunkString(int_part, opts.group_width, true).join(opts.group_sep);\n }\n\n var formatted = '';\n if (opts.signed && this._is_negative) {\n if (\"string\" !== typeof opts.signed) {\n opts.signed = '-';\n }\n formatted += opts.signed;\n }\n formatted += int_part.length ? int_part : '0';\n formatted += fraction_part.length ? '.'+fraction_part : '';\n\n return formatted;\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.to_human_full = function (opts) {\n opts = opts || {};\n\n var a = this.to_human(opts);\n var c = this._currency.to_human();\n var i = this._issuer.to_json(opts);\n\n var o;\n\n if (this._is_native)\n {\n o = a + \"/\" + c;\n }\n else\n {\n o = a + \"/\" + c + \"/\" + i;\n }\n\n return o;\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.to_json = function () {\n if (this._is_native) {\n return this.to_text();\n }\n else\n {\n var amount_json = {\n 'value' : this.to_text(),\n 'currency' : this._currency.to_json()\n };\n if (this._issuer.is_valid()) {\n amount_json.issuer = this._issuer.to_json();\n }\n return amount_json;\n }\n};\n\nAmount.prototype.to_text_full = function (opts) {\n return this._value instanceof BigInteger\n ? this._is_native\n ? this.to_human() + \"/XRP\"\n : this.to_text() + \"/\" + this._currency.to_json() + \"/\" + this._issuer.to_json(opts)\n : NaN;\n};\n\n// For debugging.\nAmount.prototype.not_equals_why = function (d, ignore_issuer) {\n if (\"string\" === typeof d) {\n return this.not_equals_why(Amount.from_json(d));\n }\n\n if (this === d) return false;\n\n if (d instanceof Amount) {\n if (!this.is_valid() || !d.is_valid()) return \"Invalid amount.\";\n if (this._is_native !== d._is_native) return \"Native mismatch.\";\n\n var type = this._is_native ? \"XRP\" : \"Non-XRP\";\n\n if (!this._value.equals(d._value) || this._offset !== d._offset) {\n return type+\" value differs.\";\n }\n\n if (this._is_negative !== d._is_negative) return type+\" sign differs.\";\n\n if (!this._is_native) {\n if (!this._currency.equals(d._currency)) return \"Non-XRP currency differs.\";\n if (!ignore_issuer && !this._issuer.equals(d._issuer)) {\n return \"Non-XRP issuer differs: \" + d._issuer.to_json() + \"/\" + this._issuer.to_json();\n }\n }\n return false;\n } else return \"Wrong constructor.\";\n};\n\nexports.Amount\t = Amount;\n\n// DEPRECATED: Include the corresponding files instead.\nexports.Currency = Currency;\nexports.Seed = Seed;\nexports.UInt160\t = UInt160;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 3\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/amount.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/amount.js");
+ eval("\n//\n// Currency support\n//\n\n// XXX Internal form should be UInt160.\nvar Currency = function () {\n // Internal form: 0 = XRP. 3 letter-code.\n // XXX Internal should be 0 or hex with three letter annotation when valid.\n\n // Json form:\n // '', 'XRP', '0': 0\n // 3-letter code: ...\n // XXX Should support hex, C++ doesn't currently allow it.\n\n this._value = NaN;\n}\n\n// Given \"USD\" return the json.\nCurrency.json_rewrite = function (j) {\n return Currency.from_json(j).to_json();\n};\n\nCurrency.from_json = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof Currency) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return new Currency().parse_json(j);\n }\n};\n\nCurrency.from_bytes = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof Currency) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return new Currency().parse_bytes(j);\n }\n};\n\nCurrency.is_valid = function (j) {\n return Currency.from_json(j).is_valid();\n};\n\nCurrency.prototype.clone = function() {\n return this.copyTo(new Currency());\n};\n\n// Returns copy.\nCurrency.prototype.copyTo = function (d) {\n d._value = this._value;\n\n return d;\n};\n\nCurrency.prototype.equals = function (d) {\n return ('string' !== typeof this._value && isNaN(this._value))\n || ('string' !== typeof d._value && isNaN(d._value)) ? false : this._value === d._value;\n};\n\n// this._value = NaN on error.\nCurrency.prototype.parse_json = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof Currency) {\n this._value = j;\n } else if ('string' === typeof j) {\n if (j === \"\" || j === \"0\" || j === \"XRP\") {\n // XRP is never allowed as a Currency object\n this._value = 0;\n } else if (j.length === 3) {\n this._value = j;\n } else {\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n } else if ('number' === typeof j) {\n // XXX This is a hack\n this._value = j;\n } else if ('string' != typeof j || 3 !== j.length) {\n this._value = NaN;\n } else {\n this._value = j;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nCurrency.prototype.parse_bytes = function (byte_array) {\n if (Array.isArray(byte_array) && byte_array.length == 20) {\n var result;\n // is it 0 everywhere except 12, 13, 14?\n var isZeroExceptInStandardPositions = true;\n for (var i=0; i<20; i++) {\n isZeroExceptInStandardPositions = isZeroExceptInStandardPositions && (i===12 || i===13 || i===14 || byte_array[0]===0)\n }\n if (isZeroExceptInStandardPositions) {\n var currencyCode = String.fromCharCode(byte_array[12]) + String.fromCharCode(byte_array[13]) + String.fromCharCode(byte_array[14]);\n if (/^[A-Z0-9]{3}$/.test(currencyCode) && currencyCode !== \"XRP\" ) {\n this._value = currencyCode;\n } else if (currencyCode === \"\\0\\0\\0\") {\n this._value = 0;\n } else {\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n } else {\n // XXX Should support non-standard currency codes\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n } else {\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n return this;\n};\n\nCurrency.prototype.is_native = function () {\n return !isNaN(this._value) && !this._value;\n};\n\nCurrency.prototype.is_valid = function () {\n return 'string' === typeof this._value || !isNaN(this._value);\n};\n\nCurrency.prototype.to_json = function () {\n return this._value ? this._value : \"XRP\";\n};\n\nCurrency.prototype.to_human = function () {\n return this._value ? this._value : \"XRP\";\n};\n\nexports.Currency = Currency;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 3\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/currency.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/currency.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 4:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("var exports = module.exports = require(42);\n\n// We override this function for browsers, because they print objects nicer\n// natively than JSON.stringify can.\nexports.logObject = function (msg, obj) {\n if (/MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {\n console.log(msg, JSON.stringify(obj));\n } else {\n console.log(msg, \"\", obj);\n }\n};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 4\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/utils.web.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/utils.web.js");
+ eval("\nvar sjcl = require(11);\nvar utils = require(9);\nvar jsbn = require(20);\nvar extend = require(29);\n\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\nvar nbi = jsbn.nbi;\n\nvar Base = {};\n\nvar alphabets\t= Base.alphabets = {\n 'ripple' : \"rpshnaf39wBUDNEGHJKLM4PQRST7VWXYZ2bcdeCg65jkm8oFqi1tuvAxyz\",\n 'tipple' : \"RPShNAF39wBUDnEGHJKLM4pQrsT7VWXYZ2bcdeCg65jkm8ofqi1tuvaxyz\",\n 'bitcoin' : \"123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz\"\n};\n\nextend(Base, {\n 'VER_NONE' : 1,\n 'VER_NODE_PUBLIC' : 28,\n 'VER_NODE_PRIVATE' : 32,\n 'VER_ACCOUNT_ID' : 0,\n 'VER_ACCOUNT_PUBLIC' : 35,\n 'VER_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE' : 34,\n 'VER_FAMILY_GENERATOR' : 41,\n 'VER_FAMILY_SEED' : 33\n});\n\nvar sha256 = function (bytes) {\n return sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits(sjcl.hash.sha256.hash(sjcl.codec.bytes.toBits(bytes)));\n};\n\nvar sha256hash = function (bytes) {\n return sha256(sha256(bytes));\n};\n\n// --> input: big-endian array of bytes.\n// <-- string at least as long as input.\nBase.encode = function (input, alpha) {\n var alphabet\t= alphabets[alpha || 'ripple'];\n var bi_base\t= new BigInteger(String(alphabet.length));\n var bi_q\t= nbi();\n var bi_r\t= nbi();\n var bi_value\t= new BigInteger(input);\n var buffer\t= [];\n\n while (bi_value.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0)\n {\n bi_value.divRemTo(bi_base, bi_q, bi_r);\n bi_q.copyTo(bi_value);\n\n buffer.push(alphabet[bi_r.intValue()]);\n }\n\n var i;\n\n for (i = 0; i != input.length && !input[i]; i += 1) {\n buffer.push(alphabet[0]);\n }\n\n return buffer.reverse().join(\"\");\n};\n\n// --> input: String\n// <-- array of bytes or undefined.\nBase.decode = function (input, alpha) {\n if (\"string\" !== typeof input) return undefined;\n\n var alphabet\t= alphabets[alpha || 'ripple'];\n var bi_base\t= new BigInteger(String(alphabet.length));\n var bi_value\t= nbi();\n var i;\n\n for (i = 0; i != input.length && input[i] === alphabet[0]; i += 1)\n ;\n\n for (; i != input.length; i += 1) {\n var\tv = alphabet.indexOf(input[i]);\n\n if (v < 0)\n return undefined;\n\n var r = nbi();\n\n r.fromInt(v);\n\n bi_value = bi_value.multiply(bi_base).add(r);\n }\n\n // toByteArray:\n // - Returns leading zeros!\n // - Returns signed bytes!\n var bytes = bi_value.toByteArray().map(function (b) { return b ? b < 0 ? 256+b : b : 0; });\n var extra = 0;\n\n while (extra != bytes.length && !bytes[extra])\n extra += 1;\n\n if (extra)\n bytes = bytes.slice(extra);\n\n var zeros = 0;\n\n while (zeros !== input.length && input[zeros] === alphabet[0])\n zeros += 1;\n\n return [].concat(utils.arraySet(zeros, 0), bytes);\n};\n\nBase.verify_checksum = function (bytes) {\n var computed\t= sha256hash(bytes.slice(0, -4)).slice(0, 4);\n var checksum\t= bytes.slice(-4);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)\n if (computed[i] !== checksum[i])\n return false;\n\n return true;\n};\n\n// --> input: Array\n// <-- String\nBase.encode_check = function (version, input, alphabet) {\n var buffer = [].concat(version, input);\n var check = sha256(sha256(buffer)).slice(0, 4);\n\n return Base.encode([].concat(buffer, check), alphabet);\n}\n\n// --> input : String\n// <-- NaN || BigInteger\nBase.decode_check = function (version, input, alphabet) {\n var buffer = Base.decode(input, alphabet);\n\n if (!buffer || buffer.length < 5)\n return NaN;\n\n // Single valid version\n if (\"number\" === typeof version && buffer[0] !== version)\n return NaN;\n\n // Multiple allowed versions\n if (\"object\" === typeof version && Array.isArray(version)) {\n var match = false;\n for (var i = 0, l = version.length; i < l; i++) {\n match |= version[i] === buffer[0];\n }\n if (!match) return NaN;\n }\n\n if (!Base.verify_checksum(buffer))\n return NaN;\n\n // We'll use the version byte to add a leading zero, this ensures JSBN doesn't\n // intrepret the value as a negative number\n buffer[0] = 0;\n\n return new BigInteger(buffer.slice(0, -4), 256);\n}\n\nexports.Base = Base;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 4\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/base.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/base.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 5:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("var events = require(6);\n\nvar isArray = require(21);\nvar Object_keys = require(23);\nvar Object_getOwnPropertyNames = require(34);\nvar Object_create = require(33);\nvar isRegExp = require(22);\n\nexports.isArray = isArray;\nexports.isDate = isDate;\nexports.isRegExp = isRegExp;\n\n\nexports.print = function () {};\nexports.puts = function () {};\nexports.debug = function() {};\n\nexports.inspect = function(obj, showHidden, depth, colors) {\n var seen = [];\n\n var stylize = function(str, styleType) {\n // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#graphics\n var styles =\n { 'bold' : [1, 22],\n 'italic' : [3, 23],\n 'underline' : [4, 24],\n 'inverse' : [7, 27],\n 'white' : [37, 39],\n 'grey' : [90, 39],\n 'black' : [30, 39],\n 'blue' : [34, 39],\n 'cyan' : [36, 39],\n 'green' : [32, 39],\n 'magenta' : [35, 39],\n 'red' : [31, 39],\n 'yellow' : [33, 39] };\n\n var style =\n { 'special': 'cyan',\n 'number': 'blue',\n 'boolean': 'yellow',\n 'undefined': 'grey',\n 'null': 'bold',\n 'string': 'green',\n 'date': 'magenta',\n // \"name\": intentionally not styling\n 'regexp': 'red' }[styleType];\n\n if (style) {\n return '\\033[' + styles[style][0] + 'm' + str +\n '\\033[' + styles[style][1] + 'm';\n } else {\n return str;\n }\n };\n if (! colors) {\n stylize = function(str, styleType) { return str; };\n }\n\n function format(value, recurseTimes) {\n // Provide a hook for user-specified inspect functions.\n // Check that value is an object with an inspect function on it\n if (value && typeof value.inspect === 'function' &&\n // Filter out the util module, it's inspect function is special\n value !== exports &&\n // Also filter out any prototype objects using the circular check.\n !(value.constructor && value.constructor.prototype === value)) {\n return value.inspect(recurseTimes);\n }\n\n // Primitive types cannot have properties\n switch (typeof value) {\n case 'undefined':\n return stylize('undefined', 'undefined');\n\n case 'string':\n var simple = '\\'' + JSON.stringify(value).replace(/^\"|\"$/g, '')\n .replace(/'/g, \"\\\\'\")\n .replace(/\\\\\"/g, '\"') + '\\'';\n return stylize(simple, 'string');\n\n case 'number':\n return stylize('' + value, 'number');\n\n case 'boolean':\n return stylize('' + value, 'boolean');\n }\n // For some reason typeof null is \"object\", so special case here.\n if (value === null) {\n return stylize('null', 'null');\n }\n\n // Look up the keys of the object.\n var visible_keys = Object_keys(value);\n var keys = showHidden ? Object_getOwnPropertyNames(value) : visible_keys;\n\n // Functions without properties can be shortcutted.\n if (typeof value === 'function' && keys.length === 0) {\n if (isRegExp(value)) {\n return stylize('' + value, 'regexp');\n } else {\n var name = value.name ? ': ' + value.name : '';\n return stylize('[Function' + name + ']', 'special');\n }\n }\n\n // Dates without properties can be shortcutted\n if (isDate(value) && keys.length === 0) {\n return stylize(value.toUTCString(), 'date');\n }\n\n var base, type, braces;\n // Determine the object type\n if (isArray(value)) {\n type = 'Array';\n braces = ['[', ']'];\n } else {\n type = 'Object';\n braces = ['{', '}'];\n }\n\n // Make functions say that they are functions\n if (typeof value === 'function') {\n var n = value.name ? ': ' + value.name : '';\n base = (isRegExp(value)) ? ' ' + value : ' [Function' + n + ']';\n } else {\n base = '';\n }\n\n // Make dates with properties first say the date\n if (isDate(value)) {\n base = ' ' + value.toUTCString();\n }\n\n if (keys.length === 0) {\n return braces[0] + base + braces[1];\n }\n\n if (recurseTimes < 0) {\n if (isRegExp(value)) {\n return stylize('' + value, 'regexp');\n } else {\n return stylize('[Object]', 'special');\n }\n }\n\n seen.push(value);\n\n var output = keys.map(function(key) {\n var name, str;\n if (value.__lookupGetter__) {\n if (value.__lookupGetter__(key)) {\n if (value.__lookupSetter__(key)) {\n str = stylize('[Getter/Setter]', 'special');\n } else {\n str = stylize('[Getter]', 'special');\n }\n } else {\n if (value.__lookupSetter__(key)) {\n str = stylize('[Setter]', 'special');\n }\n }\n }\n if (visible_keys.indexOf(key) < 0) {\n name = '[' + key + ']';\n }\n if (!str) {\n if (seen.indexOf(value[key]) < 0) {\n if (recurseTimes === null) {\n str = format(value[key]);\n } else {\n str = format(value[key], recurseTimes - 1);\n }\n if (str.indexOf('\\n') > -1) {\n if (isArray(value)) {\n str = str.split('\\n').map(function(line) {\n return ' ' + line;\n }).join('\\n').substr(2);\n } else {\n str = '\\n' + str.split('\\n').map(function(line) {\n return ' ' + line;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n }\n } else {\n str = stylize('[Circular]', 'special');\n }\n }\n if (typeof name === 'undefined') {\n if (type === 'Array' && key.match(/^\\d+$/)) {\n return str;\n }\n name = JSON.stringify('' + key);\n if (name.match(/^\"([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\"$/)) {\n name = name.substr(1, name.length - 2);\n name = stylize(name, 'name');\n } else {\n name = name.replace(/'/g, \"\\\\'\")\n .replace(/\\\\\"/g, '\"')\n .replace(/(^\"|\"$)/g, \"'\");\n name = stylize(name, 'string');\n }\n }\n\n return name + ': ' + str;\n });\n\n seen.pop();\n\n var numLinesEst = 0;\n var length = output.reduce(function(prev, cur) {\n numLinesEst++;\n if (cur.indexOf('\\n') >= 0) numLinesEst++;\n return prev + cur.length + 1;\n }, 0);\n\n if (length > 50) {\n output = braces[0] +\n (base === '' ? '' : base + '\\n ') +\n ' ' +\n output.join(',\\n ') +\n ' ' +\n braces[1];\n\n } else {\n output = braces[0] + base + ' ' + output.join(', ') + ' ' + braces[1];\n }\n\n return output;\n }\n return format(obj, (typeof depth === 'undefined' ? 2 : depth));\n};\n\n\nfunction isDate(d) {\n if (d instanceof Date) return true;\n if (typeof d !== 'object') return false;\n var properties = Date.prototype && Object_getOwnPropertyNames(Date.prototype);\n var proto = d.__proto__ && Object_getOwnPropertyNames(d.__proto__);\n return JSON.stringify(proto) === JSON.stringify(properties);\n}\n\nfunction pad(n) {\n return n < 10 ? '0' + n.toString(10) : n.toString(10);\n}\n\nvar months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep',\n 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];\n\n// 26 Feb 16:19:34\nfunction timestamp() {\n var d = new Date();\n var time = [pad(d.getHours()),\n pad(d.getMinutes()),\n pad(d.getSeconds())].join(':');\n return [d.getDate(), months[d.getMonth()], time].join(' ');\n}\n\nexports.log = function (msg) {};\n\nexports.pump = null;\n\nexports.inherits = function(ctor, superCtor) {\n ctor.super_ = superCtor;\n ctor.prototype = Object_create(superCtor.prototype, {\n constructor: {\n value: ctor,\n enumerable: false,\n writable: true,\n configurable: true\n }\n });\n};\n\nvar formatRegExp = /%[sdj%]/g;\nexports.format = function(f) {\n if (typeof f !== 'string') {\n var objects = [];\n for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n objects.push(exports.inspect(arguments[i]));\n }\n return objects.join(' ');\n }\n\n var i = 1;\n var args = arguments;\n var len = args.length;\n var str = String(f).replace(formatRegExp, function(x) {\n if (x === '%%') return '%';\n if (i >= len) return x;\n switch (x) {\n case '%s': return String(args[i++]);\n case '%d': return Number(args[i++]);\n case '%j': return JSON.stringify(args[i++]);\n default:\n return x;\n }\n });\n for(var x = args[i]; i < len; x = args[++i]){\n if (x === null || typeof x !== 'object') {\n str += ' ' + x;\n } else {\n str += ' ' + exports.inspect(x);\n }\n }\n return str;\n};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 5\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/lib/util.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/lib/util.js");
+ eval("// Transactions\n//\n// Construction:\n// remote.transaction() // Build a transaction object.\n// .offer_create(...) // Set major parameters.\n// .set_flags() // Set optional parameters.\n// .on() // Register for events.\n// .submit(); // Send to network.\n//\n// Events:\n// 'success' : Transaction submitted without error.\n// 'error' : Error submitting transaction.\n// 'proposed' : Advisory proposed status transaction.\n// - A client should expect 0 to multiple results.\n// - Might not get back. The remote might just forward the transaction.\n// - A success could be reverted in final.\n// - local error: other remotes might like it.\n// - malformed error: local server thought it was malformed.\n// - The client should only trust this when talking to a trusted server.\n// 'final' : Final status of transaction.\n// - Only expect a final from dishonest servers after a tesSUCCESS or ter*.\n// 'lost' : Gave up looking for on ledger_closed.\n// 'pending' : Transaction was not found on ledger_closed.\n// 'state' : Follow the state of a transaction.\n// 'client_submitted' - Sent to remote\n// |- 'remoteError' - Remote rejected transaction.\n// \\- 'client_proposed' - Remote provisionally accepted transaction.\n// |- 'client_missing' - Transaction has not appeared in ledger as expected.\n// | |\\- 'client_lost' - No longer monitoring missing transaction.\n// |/\n// |- 'tesSUCCESS' - Transaction in ledger as expected.\n// |- 'ter...' - Transaction failed.\n// \\- 'tec...' - Transaction claimed fee only.\n//\n// Notes:\n// - All transactions including those with local and malformed errors may be\n// forwarded anyway.\n// - A malicous server can:\n// - give any proposed result.\n// - it may declare something correct as incorrect or something correct as incorrect.\n// - it may not communicate with the rest of the network.\n// - may or may not forward.\n//\n\nvar EventEmitter = require(27).EventEmitter;\nvar util = require(28);\n\nvar sjcl = require(11);\n\nvar Amount = require(2).Amount;\nvar Currency = require(2).Currency;\nvar UInt160 = require(2).UInt160;\nvar Seed = require(21).Seed;\nvar SerializedObject = require(7).SerializedObject;\nvar RippleError = require(19).RippleError;\n\nvar config = require(12);\n\n// A class to implement transactions.\n// - Collects parameters\n// - Allow event listeners to be attached to determine the outcome.\nfunction Transaction(remote) {\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n var self = this;\n\n this.remote = remote;\n this._secret = void(0);\n this._build_path = false;\n\n // Transaction data.\n this.tx_json = { Flags: 0 };\n\n this.hash = void(0);\n\n // ledger_current_index was this when transaction was submited.\n this.submit_index = void(0);\n\n // Under construction.\n this.state = void(0);\n\n this.finalized = false;\n this._previous_signing_hash = void(0);\n};\n\nutil.inherits(Transaction, EventEmitter);\n\n// XXX This needs to be determined from the network.\nTransaction.fee_units = {\n default: 10,\n};\n\nTransaction.flags = {\n AccountSet: {\n RequireDestTag: 0x00010000,\n OptionalDestTag: 0x00020000,\n RequireAuth: 0x00040000,\n OptionalAuth: 0x00080000,\n DisallowXRP: 0x00100000,\n AllowXRP: 0x00200000\n },\n\n OfferCreate: {\n Passive: 0x00010000,\n ImmediateOrCancel: 0x00020000,\n FillOrKill: 0x00040000,\n Sell: 0x00080000\n },\n\n Payment: {\n NoRippleDirect: 0x00010000,\n PartialPayment: 0x00020000,\n LimitQuality: 0x00040000\n },\n};\n\nTransaction.formats = require(8).tx;\n\nTransaction.HASH_SIGN = 0x53545800;\nTransaction.HASH_SIGN_TESTNET = 0x73747800;\n\nTransaction.prototype.consts = {\n telLOCAL_ERROR : -399,\n temMALFORMED : -299,\n tefFAILURE : -199,\n terRETRY : -99,\n tesSUCCESS : 0,\n tecCLAIMED : 100,\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.isTelLocal = function (ter) {\n return ter >= this.consts.telLOCAL_ERROR && ter < this.consts.temMALFORMED;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.isTemMalformed = function (ter) {\n return ter >= this.consts.temMALFORMED && ter < this.consts.tefFAILURE;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.isTefFailure = function (ter) {\n return ter >= this.consts.tefFAILURE && ter < this.consts.terRETRY;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.isTerRetry = function (ter) {\n return ter >= this.consts.terRETRY && ter < this.consts.tesSUCCESS;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.isTepSuccess = function (ter) {\n return ter >= this.consts.tesSUCCESS;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.isTecClaimed = function (ter) {\n return ter >= this.consts.tecCLAIMED;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.isRejected = function (ter) {\n return this.isTelLocal(ter) || this.isTemMalformed(ter) || this.isTefFailure(ter);\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.set_state = function (state) {\n if (this.state !== state) {\n this.state = state;\n this.emit('state', state);\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * TODO\n * Actually do this right\n */\n\nTransaction.prototype.get_fee = function() {\n return Transaction.fees['default'].to_json();\n};\n\n/**\n * Attempts to complete the transaction for submission.\n *\n * This function seeks to fill out certain fields, such as Fee and\n * SigningPubKey, which can be determined by the library based on network\n * information and other fields.\n */\nTransaction.prototype.complete = function () {\n if (this.remote && typeof this.tx_json.Fee === 'undefined') {\n if (this.remote.local_fee || !this.remote.trusted) {\n this.tx_json.Fee = this.remote.fee_tx(this.fee_units()).to_json();\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof this.tx_json.SigningPubKey === 'undefined' && (!this.remote || this.remote.local_signing)) {\n var seed = Seed.from_json(this._secret);\n var key = seed.get_key(this.tx_json.Account);\n this.tx_json.SigningPubKey = key.to_hex_pub();\n }\n\n return this.tx_json;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.serialize = function () {\n return SerializedObject.from_json(this.tx_json);\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.signing_hash = function () {\n var prefix = Transaction[config.testnet ? 'HASH_SIGN_TESTNET' : 'HASH_SIGN'];\n return SerializedObject.from_json(this.tx_json).signing_hash(prefix);\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.sign = function () {\n var seed = Seed.from_json(this._secret);\n var hash = this.signing_hash();\n\n var previously_signed = this.tx_json.TxnSignature\n && hash === this._previous_signing_hash;\n\n if (previously_signed) return;\n\n var key = seed.get_key(this.tx_json.Account);\n var sig = key.sign(hash, 0);\n var hex = sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(sig).toUpperCase();\n\n this.tx_json.TxnSignature = hex;\n};\n\n//\n// Set options for Transactions\n//\n\n// --> build: true, to have server blindly construct a path.\n//\n// \"blindly\" because the sender has no idea of the actual cost except that is must be less than send max.\nTransaction.prototype.build_path = function (build) {\n this._build_path = build;\n return this;\n}\n\n// tag should be undefined or a 32 bit integer.\n// YYY Add range checking for tag.\nTransaction.prototype.destination_tag = function (tag) {\n if (tag !== void(0)) {\n this.tx_json.DestinationTag = tag;\n }\n return this;\n}\n\nTransaction._path_rewrite = function (path) {\n var path_new = path.map(function(node) {\n var node_new = { };\n\n if (node.hasOwnProperty('account')) {\n node_new.account = UInt160.json_rewrite(node.account);\n }\n\n if (node.hasOwnProperty('issuer')) {\n node_new.issuer = UInt160.json_rewrite(node.issuer);\n }\n\n if (node.hasOwnProperty('currency')) {\n node_new.currency = Currency.json_rewrite(node.currency);\n }\n\n return node_new;\n });\n\n return path_new;\n}\n\nTransaction.prototype.path_add = function (path) {\n this.tx_json.Paths = this.tx_json.Paths || [];\n this.tx_json.Paths.push(Transaction._path_rewrite(path));\n return this;\n}\n\n// --> paths: undefined or array of path\n// A path is an array of objects containing some combination of: account, currency, issuer\nTransaction.prototype.paths = function (paths) {\n for (var i=0, l=paths.length; i rate: In billionths.\nTransaction.prototype.transfer_rate = function (rate) {\n this.tx_json.TransferRate = Number(rate);\n\n if (this.tx_json.TransferRate < 1e9) {\n throw new Error('invalidTransferRate');\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// Add flags to a transaction.\n// --> flags: undefined, _flag_, or [ _flags_ ]\nTransaction.prototype.set_flags = function (flags) {\n if (flags) {\n var transaction_flags = Transaction.flags[this.tx_json.TransactionType];\n\n // We plan to not define this field on new Transaction.\n if (this.tx_json.Flags === void(0)) {\n this.tx_json.Flags = 0;\n }\n\n var flag_set = Array.isArray(flags) ? flags : [ flags ];\n\n for (var i=0, l=flag_set.length; i expiration : if not undefined, Date or Number\n// --> cancel_sequence : if not undefined, Sequence\nTransaction.prototype.offer_create = function (src, taker_pays, taker_gets, expiration, cancel_sequence) {\n if (!UInt160.is_valid(src)) {\n throw new Error('Source address invalid');\n }\n\n this._secret = this._account_secret(src);\n this.tx_json.TransactionType = 'OfferCreate';\n this.tx_json.Account = UInt160.json_rewrite(src);\n this.tx_json.TakerPays = Amount.json_rewrite(taker_pays);\n this.tx_json.TakerGets = Amount.json_rewrite(taker_gets);\n\n if (this.remote.local_fee) {\n //this.tx_json.Fee = Transaction.fees.offer.to_json();\n }\n\n if (expiration) {\n this.tx_json.Expiration = expiration instanceof Date\n ? expiration.getTime()\n : Number(expiration);\n }\n\n if (cancel_sequence) {\n this.tx_json.OfferSequence = Number(cancel_sequence);\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.password_fund = function (src, dst) {\n if (!UInt160.is_valid(dst)) {\n throw new Error('Destination address invalid');\n }\n\n this._secret = this._account_secret(src);\n this.tx_json.TransactionType = 'PasswordFund';\n this.tx_json.Destination = UInt160.json_rewrite(dst);\n return this;\n}\n\nTransaction.prototype.password_set = function (src, authorized_key, generator, public_key, signature) {\n if (!UInt160.is_valid(src)) {\n throw new Error('Source address invalid');\n }\n\n this._secret = this._account_secret(src);\n this.tx_json.TransactionType = 'PasswordSet';\n this.tx_json.RegularKey = authorized_key;\n this.tx_json.Generator = generator;\n this.tx_json.PublicKey = public_key;\n this.tx_json.Signature = signature;\n return this;\n}\n\n// Construct a 'payment' transaction.\n//\n// When a transaction is submitted:\n// - If the connection is reliable and the server is not merely forwarding and is not malicious,\n// --> src : UInt160 or String\n// --> dst : UInt160 or String\n// --> deliver_amount : Amount or String.\n//\n// Options:\n// .paths()\n// .build_path()\n// .destination_tag()\n// .path_add()\n// .secret()\n// .send_max()\n// .set_flags()\n// .source_tag()\nTransaction.prototype.payment = function (src, dst, deliver_amount) {\n if (!UInt160.is_valid(src)) {\n throw new Error('Payment source address invalid');\n }\n\n if (!UInt160.is_valid(dst)) {\n throw new Error('Payment destination address invalid');\n }\n\n this._secret = this._account_secret(src);\n this.tx_json.TransactionType = 'Payment';\n this.tx_json.Account = UInt160.json_rewrite(src);\n this.tx_json.Amount = Amount.json_rewrite(deliver_amount);\n this.tx_json.Destination = UInt160.json_rewrite(dst);\n\n return this;\n}\n\nTransaction.prototype.ripple_line_set = function (src, limit, quality_in, quality_out) {\n if (!UInt160.is_valid(src)) {\n throw new Error('Source address invalid');\n }\n\n this._secret = this._account_secret(src);\n this.tx_json.TransactionType = 'TrustSet';\n this.tx_json.Account = UInt160.json_rewrite(src);\n\n // Allow limit of 0 through.\n if (limit !== void(0)) {\n this.tx_json.LimitAmount = Amount.json_rewrite(limit);\n }\n \n if (quality_in) {\n this.tx_json.QualityIn = quality_in;\n }\n\n if (quality_out) {\n this.tx_json.QualityOut = quality_out;\n }\n\n // XXX Throw an error if nothing is set.\n\n return this;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.wallet_add = function (src, amount, authorized_key, public_key, signature) {\n if (!UInt160.is_valid(src)) {\n throw new Error('Source address invalid');\n }\n\n this._secret = this._account_secret(src);\n this.tx_json.TransactionType = 'WalletAdd';\n this.tx_json.Amount = Amount.json_rewrite(amount);\n this.tx_json.RegularKey = authorized_key;\n this.tx_json.PublicKey = public_key;\n this.tx_json.Signature = signature;\n return this;\n};\n\n/**\n * Returns the number of fee units this transaction will cost.\n *\n * Each Ripple transaction based on its type and makeup costs a certain number\n * of fee units. The fee units are calculated on a per-server basis based on the\n * current load on both the network and the server.\n *\n * @see https://ripple.com/wiki/Transaction_Fee\n *\n * @return {Number} Number of fee units for this transaction.\n */\nTransaction.prototype.fee_units = function () {\n return Transaction.fee_units['default'];\n};\n\n// Submit a transaction to the network.\nTransaction.prototype.submit = function (callback) {\n var self = this;\n\n this.callback = typeof callback === 'function' ? callback : function(){};\n\n function submission_error(error, message) {\n if (!(error instanceof RippleError)) {\n error = new RippleError(error, message);\n }\n self.callback(error);\n }\n\n function submission_success(message) {\n self.callback(null, message);\n }\n\n this.on('error', function(){});\n this.once('error', submission_error);\n this.once('success', submission_success);\n\n var account = this.tx_json.Account;\n\n if (typeof account !== 'string') {\n this.emit('error', new RippleError('tejInvalidAccount', 'Account is unspecified'));\n } else {\n // YYY Might check paths for invalid accounts.\n this.remote.get_account(account).submit(this);\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.abort = function(callback) {\n if (!this.finalized) {\n var callback = typeof callback === 'function' ? callback : function(){};\n this.once('final', callback);\n this.emit('abort');\n }\n};\n\nexports.Transaction = Transaction;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 5\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/transaction.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/transaction.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 6:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("var EventEmitter = exports.EventEmitter = function EventEmitter() {};\nvar isArray = require(21);\nvar indexOf = require(32);\n\n\n\n// By default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than\n// 10 listeners are added to it. This is a useful default which\n// helps finding memory leaks.\n//\n// Obviously not all Emitters should be limited to 10. This function allows\n// that to be increased. Set to zero for unlimited.\nvar defaultMaxListeners = 10;\nEventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function(n) {\n if (!this._events) this._events = {};\n this._maxListeners = n;\n};\n\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.emit = function(type) {\n // If there is no 'error' event listener then throw.\n if (type === 'error') {\n if (!this._events || !this._events.error ||\n (isArray(this._events.error) && !this._events.error.length))\n {\n if (arguments[1] instanceof Error) {\n throw arguments[1]; // Unhandled 'error' event\n } else {\n throw new Error(\"Uncaught, unspecified 'error' event.\");\n }\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n if (!this._events) return false;\n var handler = this._events[type];\n if (!handler) return false;\n\n if (typeof handler == 'function') {\n switch (arguments.length) {\n // fast cases\n case 1:\n handler.call(this);\n break;\n case 2:\n handler.call(this, arguments[1]);\n break;\n case 3:\n handler.call(this, arguments[1], arguments[2]);\n break;\n // slower\n default:\n var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);\n handler.apply(this, args);\n }\n return true;\n\n } else if (isArray(handler)) {\n var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);\n\n var listeners = handler.slice();\n for (var i = 0, l = listeners.length; i < l; i++) {\n listeners[i].apply(this, args);\n }\n return true;\n\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n};\n\n// EventEmitter is defined in src/node_events.cc\n// EventEmitter.prototype.emit() is also defined there.\nEventEmitter.prototype.addListener = function(type, listener) {\n if ('function' !== typeof listener) {\n throw new Error('addListener only takes instances of Function');\n }\n\n if (!this._events) this._events = {};\n\n // To avoid recursion in the case that type == \"newListeners\"! Before\n // adding it to the listeners, first emit \"newListeners\".\n this.emit('newListener', type, listener);\n if (!this._events[type]) {\n // Optimize the case of one listener. Don't need the extra array object.\n this._events[type] = listener;\n } else if (isArray(this._events[type])) {\n\n // If we've already got an array, just append.\n this._events[type].push(listener);\n\n } else {\n // Adding the second element, need to change to array.\n this._events[type] = [this._events[type], listener];\n }\n\n // Check for listener leak\n if (isArray(this._events[type]) && !this._events[type].warned) {\n var m;\n if (this._maxListeners !== undefined) {\n m = this._maxListeners;\n } else {\n m = defaultMaxListeners;\n }\n\n if (m && m > 0 && this._events[type].length > m) {\n this._events[type].warned = true;\n console.error('(events) warning: possible EventEmitter memory ' +\n 'leak detected. %d listeners added. ' +\n 'Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.',\n this._events[type].length);\n console.trace();\n }\n }\n return this;\n};\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.on = EventEmitter.prototype.addListener;\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.once = function(type, listener) {\n if ('function' !== typeof listener) {\n throw new Error('.once only takes instances of Function');\n }\n\n var self = this;\n function g() {\n self.removeListener(type, g);\n listener.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n\n g.listener = listener;\n self.on(type, g);\n\n return this;\n};\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function(type, listener) {\n if ('function' !== typeof listener) {\n throw new Error('removeListener only takes instances of Function');\n }\n\n // does not use listeners(), so no side effect of creating _events[type]\n if (!this._events || !this._events[type]) return this;\n\n var list = this._events[type];\n\n if (isArray(list)) {\n var position = -1;\n for (var i = 0, length = list.length; i < length; i++) {\n if (list[i] === listener ||\n (list[i].listener && list[i].listener === listener))\n {\n position = i;\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (position < 0) return this;\n list.splice(position, 1);\n if (list.length == 0)\n delete this._events[type];\n } else if (list === listener ||\n (list.listener && list.listener === listener)) {\n delete this._events[type];\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(type) {\n if (arguments.length === 0) {\n this._events = {};\n return this;\n }\n\n // does not use listeners(), so no side effect of creating _events[type]\n if (type && this._events && this._events[type]) this._events[type] = null;\n return this;\n};\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function(type) {\n if (!this._events) this._events = {};\n if (!this._events[type]) this._events[type] = [];\n if (!isArray(this._events[type])) {\n this._events[type] = [this._events[type]];\n }\n return this._events[type];\n};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 6\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/lib/events.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/lib/events.js");
+ eval("var extend = require(29);\nvar utils = require(9);\nvar UInt160 = require(15).UInt160;\nvar Amount = require(2).Amount;\n\n/**\n * Meta data processing facility.\n */\nvar Meta = function (raw_data)\n{\n this.nodes = [];\n\n for (var i = 0, l = raw_data.AffectedNodes.length; i < l; i++) {\n var an = raw_data.AffectedNodes[i],\n result = {};\n\n [\"CreatedNode\", \"ModifiedNode\", \"DeletedNode\"].forEach(function (x) {\n if (an[x]) result.diffType = x;\n });\n\n if (!result.diffType) return null;\n\n an = an[result.diffType];\n\n result.entryType = an.LedgerEntryType;\n result.ledgerIndex = an.LedgerIndex;\n\n result.fields = extend({}, an.PreviousFields, an.NewFields, an.FinalFields);\n result.fieldsPrev = an.PreviousFields || {};\n result.fieldsNew = an.NewFields || {};\n result.fieldsFinal = an.FinalFields || {};\n\n this.nodes.push(result);\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Execute a function on each affected node.\n *\n * The callback is passed two parameters. The first is a node object which looks\n * like this:\n *\n * {\n * // Type of diff, e.g. CreatedNode, ModifiedNode\n * diffType: 'CreatedNode'\n *\n * // Type of node affected, e.g. RippleState, AccountRoot\n * entryType: 'RippleState',\n *\n * // Index of the ledger this change occurred in\n * ledgerIndex: '01AB01AB...',\n *\n * // Contains all fields with later versions taking precedence\n * //\n * // This is a shorthand for doing things like checking which account\n * // this affected without having to check the diffType.\n * fields: {...},\n *\n * // Old fields (before the change)\n * fieldsPrev: {...},\n *\n * // New fields (that have been added)\n * fieldsNew: {...},\n *\n * // Changed fields\n * fieldsFinal: {...}\n * }\n *\n * The second parameter to the callback is the index of the node in the metadata\n * (first entry is index 0).\n */\nMeta.prototype.each = function (fn)\n{\n for (var i = 0, l = this.nodes.length; i < l; i++) {\n fn(this.nodes[i], i);\n }\n};\n\nvar amountFieldsAffectingIssuer = [\n \"LowLimit\", \"HighLimit\", \"TakerPays\", \"TakerGets\"\n];\nMeta.prototype.getAffectedAccounts = function ()\n{\n var accounts = [];\n\n // This code should match the behavior of the C++ method:\n // TransactionMetaSet::getAffectedAccounts\n this.each(function (an) {\n var fields = (an.diffType === \"CreatedNode\") ? an.fieldsNew : an.fieldsFinal;\n\n for (var i in fields) {\n var field = fields[i];\n\n if (\"string\" === typeof field && UInt160.is_valid(field)) {\n accounts.push(field);\n } else if (amountFieldsAffectingIssuer.indexOf(i) !== -1) {\n var amount = Amount.from_json(field);\n var issuer = amount.issuer();\n if (issuer.is_valid() && !issuer.is_zero()) {\n accounts.push(issuer.to_json());\n }\n }\n }\n });\n\n accounts = utils.arrayUnique(accounts);\n\n return accounts;\n};\n\nMeta.prototype.getAffectedBooks = function ()\n{\n var books = [];\n\n this.each(function (an) {\n if (an.entryType !== 'Offer') return;\n\n var gets = Amount.from_json(an.fields.TakerGets);\n var pays = Amount.from_json(an.fields.TakerPays);\n\n var getsKey = gets.currency().to_json();\n if (getsKey !== 'XRP') getsKey += '/' + gets.issuer().to_json();\n\n var paysKey = pays.currency().to_json();\n if (paysKey !== 'XRP') paysKey += '/' + pays.issuer().to_json();\n\n var key = getsKey + \":\" + paysKey;\n\n books.push(key);\n });\n\n books = utils.arrayUnique(books);\n\n return books;\n};\n\nexports.Meta = Meta;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 6\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/meta.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/meta.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 7:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("// Derived from Tom Wu's jsbn code.\n//\n// Changes made for clean up and to package as a node.js module.\n\n// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Tom Wu\n// All Rights Reserved.\n// See \"LICENSE\" for details.\n\n// Basic JavaScript BN library - subset useful for RSA encryption.\n// Extended JavaScript BN functions, required for RSA private ops.\n// Version 1.1: new BigInteger(\"0\", 10) returns \"proper\" zero\n// Version 1.2: square() API, isProbablePrime fix\n\n// Bits per digit\nvar dbits;\n\n// JavaScript engine analysis\nvar canary = 0xdeadbeefcafe;\nvar j_lm = ((canary&0xffffff)==0xefcafe);\n\n// (public) Constructor\nvar BigInteger = function BigInteger(a,b,c) {\n if(a != null)\n if(\"number\" == typeof a) this.fromNumber(a,b,c);\n else if(b == null && \"string\" != typeof a) this.fromString(a,256);\n else this.fromString(a,b);\n};\n\n// return new, unset BigInteger\nvar nbi\t= function nbi() { return new BigInteger(null); };\n\n// am: Compute w_j += (x*this_i), propagate carries,\n// c is initial carry, returns final carry.\n// c < 3*dvalue, x < 2*dvalue, this_i < dvalue\n// We need to select the fastest one that works in this environment.\n\n// am1: use a single mult and divide to get the high bits,\n// max digit bits should be 26 because\n// max internal value = 2*dvalue^2-2*dvalue (< 2^53)\nfunction am1(i,x,w,j,c,n) {\n while(--n >= 0) {\n var v = x*this[i++]+w[j]+c;\n c = Math.floor(v/0x4000000);\n w[j++] = v&0x3ffffff;\n }\n return c;\n}\n// am2 avoids a big mult-and-extract completely.\n// Max digit bits should be <= 30 because we do bitwise ops\n// on values up to 2*hdvalue^2-hdvalue-1 (< 2^31)\nfunction am2(i,x,w,j,c,n) {\n var xl = x&0x7fff, xh = x>>15;\n while(--n >= 0) {\n var l = this[i]&0x7fff;\n var h = this[i++]>>15;\n var m = xh*l+h*xl;\n l = xl*l+((m&0x7fff)<<15)+w[j]+(c&0x3fffffff);\n c = (l>>>30)+(m>>>15)+xh*h+(c>>>30);\n w[j++] = l&0x3fffffff;\n }\n return c;\n}\n// Alternately, set max digit bits to 28 since some\n// browsers slow down when dealing with 32-bit numbers.\nfunction am3(i,x,w,j,c,n) {\n var xl = x&0x3fff, xh = x>>14;\n while(--n >= 0) {\n var l = this[i]&0x3fff;\n var h = this[i++]>>14;\n var m = xh*l+h*xl;\n l = xl*l+((m&0x3fff)<<14)+w[j]+c;\n c = (l>>28)+(m>>14)+xh*h;\n w[j++] = l&0xfffffff;\n }\n return c;\n}\n\nif(j_lm && 'undefined' !== typeof navigator && (navigator.appName == \"Microsoft Internet Explorer\")) {\n BigInteger.prototype.am = am2;\n dbits = 30;\n}\nelse if(j_lm && 'undefined' !== typeof navigator && (navigator.appName != \"Netscape\")) {\n BigInteger.prototype.am = am1;\n dbits = 26;\n}\nelse { // Mozilla/Netscape seems to prefer am3\n BigInteger.prototype.am = am3;\n dbits = 28;\n}\n\nBigInteger.prototype.DB = dbits;\nBigInteger.prototype.DM = ((1<= 0; --i) r[i] = this[i];\n r.t = this.t;\n r.s = this.s;\n}\n\n// (protected) set from integer value x, -DV <= x < DV\nfunction bnpFromInt(x) {\n this.t = 1;\n this.s = (x<0)?-1:0;\n if(x > 0) this[0] = x;\n else if(x < -1) this[0] = x+DV;\n else this.t = 0;\n}\n\n// return bigint initialized to value\nfunction nbv(i) { var r = nbi(); r.fromInt(i); return r; }\n\n// (protected) set from string and radix\nfunction bnpFromString(s,b) {\n var k;\n if(b == 16) k = 4;\n else if(b == 8) k = 3;\n else if(b == 256) k = 8; // byte array\n else if(b == 2) k = 1;\n else if(b == 32) k = 5;\n else if(b == 4) k = 2;\n else { this.fromRadix(s,b); return; }\n this.t = 0;\n this.s = 0;\n var i = s.length, mi = false, sh = 0;\n while(--i >= 0) {\n var x = (k==8)?s[i]&0xff:intAt(s,i);\n if(x < 0) {\n if(s.charAt(i) == \"-\") mi = true;\n continue;\n }\n mi = false;\n if(sh == 0)\n this[this.t++] = x;\n else if(sh+k > this.DB) {\n this[this.t-1] |= (x&((1<<(this.DB-sh))-1))<>(this.DB-sh));\n }\n else\n this[this.t-1] |= x<= this.DB) sh -= this.DB;\n }\n if(k == 8 && (s[0]&0x80) != 0) {\n this.s = -1;\n if(sh > 0) this[this.t-1] |= ((1<<(this.DB-sh))-1)< 0 && this[this.t-1] == c) --this.t;\n}\n\n// (public) return string representation in given radix\nfunction bnToString(b) {\n if(this.s < 0) return \"-\"+this.negate().toString(b);\n var k;\n if(b == 16) k = 4;\n else if(b == 8) k = 3;\n else if(b == 2) k = 1;\n else if(b == 32) k = 5;\n else if(b == 4) k = 2;\n else return this.toRadix(b);\n var km = (1< 0) {\n if(p < this.DB && (d = this[i]>>p) > 0) { m = true; r = int2char(d); }\n while(i >= 0) {\n if(p < k) {\n d = (this[i]&((1<>(p+=this.DB-k);\n }\n else {\n d = (this[i]>>(p-=k))&km;\n if(p <= 0) { p += this.DB; --i; }\n }\n if(d > 0) m = true;\n if(m) r += int2char(d);\n }\n }\n return m?r:\"0\";\n}\n\n// (public) -this\nfunction bnNegate() { var r = nbi(); BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) |this|\nfunction bnAbs() { return (this.s<0)?this.negate():this; }\n\n// (public) return + if this > a, - if this < a, 0 if equal\nfunction bnCompareTo(a) {\n var r = this.s-a.s;\n if(r != 0) return r;\n var i = this.t;\n r = i-a.t;\n if(r != 0) return (this.s<0)?-r:r;\n while(--i >= 0) if((r=this[i]-a[i]) != 0) return r;\n return 0;\n}\n\n// returns bit length of the integer x\nfunction nbits(x) {\n var r = 1, t;\n if((t=x>>>16) != 0) { x = t; r += 16; }\n if((t=x>>8) != 0) { x = t; r += 8; }\n if((t=x>>4) != 0) { x = t; r += 4; }\n if((t=x>>2) != 0) { x = t; r += 2; }\n if((t=x>>1) != 0) { x = t; r += 1; }\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) return the number of bits in \"this\"\nfunction bnBitLength() {\n if(this.t <= 0) return 0;\n return this.DB*(this.t-1)+nbits(this[this.t-1]^(this.s&this.DM));\n}\n\n// (protected) r = this << n*DB\nfunction bnpDLShiftTo(n,r) {\n var i;\n for(i = this.t-1; i >= 0; --i) r[i+n] = this[i];\n for(i = n-1; i >= 0; --i) r[i] = 0;\n r.t = this.t+n;\n r.s = this.s;\n}\n\n// (protected) r = this >> n*DB\nfunction bnpDRShiftTo(n,r) {\n for(var i = n; i < this.t; ++i) r[i-n] = this[i];\n r.t = Math.max(this.t-n,0);\n r.s = this.s;\n}\n\n// (protected) r = this << n\nfunction bnpLShiftTo(n,r) {\n var bs = n%this.DB;\n var cbs = this.DB-bs;\n var bm = (1<= 0; --i) {\n r[i+ds+1] = (this[i]>>cbs)|c;\n c = (this[i]&bm)<= 0; --i) r[i] = 0;\n r[ds] = c;\n r.t = this.t+ds+1;\n r.s = this.s;\n r.clamp();\n}\n\n// (protected) r = this >> n\nfunction bnpRShiftTo(n,r) {\n r.s = this.s;\n var ds = Math.floor(n/this.DB);\n if(ds >= this.t) { r.t = 0; return; }\n var bs = n%this.DB;\n var cbs = this.DB-bs;\n var bm = (1<>bs;\n for(var i = ds+1; i < this.t; ++i) {\n r[i-ds-1] |= (this[i]&bm)<>bs;\n }\n if(bs > 0) r[this.t-ds-1] |= (this.s&bm)<>= this.DB;\n }\n if(a.t < this.t) {\n c -= a.s;\n while(i < this.t) {\n c += this[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c += this.s;\n }\n else {\n c += this.s;\n while(i < a.t) {\n c -= a[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c -= a.s;\n }\n r.s = (c<0)?-1:0;\n if(c < -1) r[i++] = this.DV+c;\n else if(c > 0) r[i++] = c;\n r.t = i;\n r.clamp();\n}\n\n// (protected) r = this * a, r != this,a (HAC 14.12)\n// \"this\" should be the larger one if appropriate.\nfunction bnpMultiplyTo(a,r) {\n var x = this.abs(), y = a.abs();\n var i = x.t;\n r.t = i+y.t;\n while(--i >= 0) r[i] = 0;\n for(i = 0; i < y.t; ++i) r[i+x.t] = x.am(0,y[i],r,i,0,x.t);\n r.s = 0;\n r.clamp();\n if(this.s != a.s) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(r,r);\n}\n\n// (protected) r = this^2, r != this (HAC 14.16)\nfunction bnpSquareTo(r) {\n var x = this.abs();\n var i = r.t = 2*x.t;\n while(--i >= 0) r[i] = 0;\n for(i = 0; i < x.t-1; ++i) {\n var c = x.am(i,x[i],r,2*i,0,1);\n if((r[i+x.t]+=x.am(i+1,2*x[i],r,2*i+1,c,x.t-i-1)) >= x.DV) {\n r[i+x.t] -= x.DV;\n r[i+x.t+1] = 1;\n }\n }\n if(r.t > 0) r[r.t-1] += x.am(i,x[i],r,2*i,0,1);\n r.s = 0;\n r.clamp();\n}\n\n// (protected) divide this by m, quotient and remainder to q, r (HAC 14.20)\n// r != q, this != m. q or r may be null.\nfunction bnpDivRemTo(m,q,r) {\n var pm = m.abs();\n if(pm.t <= 0) return;\n var pt = this.abs();\n if(pt.t < pm.t) {\n if(q != null) q.fromInt(0);\n if(r != null) this.copyTo(r);\n return;\n }\n if(r == null) r = nbi();\n var y = nbi(), ts = this.s, ms = m.s;\n var nsh = this.DB-nbits(pm[pm.t-1]);\t// normalize modulus\n if(nsh > 0) { pm.lShiftTo(nsh,y); pt.lShiftTo(nsh,r); }\n else { pm.copyTo(y); pt.copyTo(r); }\n var ys = y.t;\n var y0 = y[ys-1];\n if(y0 == 0) return;\n var yt = y0*(1<1)?y[ys-2]>>this.F2:0);\n var d1 = this.FV/yt, d2 = (1<= 0) {\n r[r.t++] = 1;\n r.subTo(t,r);\n }\n BigInteger.ONE.dlShiftTo(ys,t);\n t.subTo(y,y);\t// \"negative\" y so we can replace sub with am later\n while(y.t < ys) y[y.t++] = 0;\n while(--j >= 0) {\n // Estimate quotient digit\n var qd = (r[--i]==y0)?this.DM:Math.floor(r[i]*d1+(r[i-1]+e)*d2);\n if((r[i]+=y.am(0,qd,r,j,0,ys)) < qd) {\t// Try it out\n y.dlShiftTo(j,t);\n r.subTo(t,r);\n while(r[i] < --qd) r.subTo(t,r);\n }\n }\n if(q != null) {\n r.drShiftTo(ys,q);\n if(ts != ms) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(q,q);\n }\n r.t = ys;\n r.clamp();\n if(nsh > 0) r.rShiftTo(nsh,r);\t// Denormalize remainder\n if(ts < 0) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(r,r);\n}\n\n// (public) this mod a\nfunction bnMod(a) {\n var r = nbi();\n this.abs().divRemTo(a,null,r);\n if(this.s < 0 && r.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) a.subTo(r,r);\n return r;\n}\n\n// Modular reduction using \"classic\" algorithm\nfunction Classic(m) { this.m = m; }\nfunction cConvert(x) {\n if(x.s < 0 || x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) return x.mod(this.m);\n else return x;\n}\nfunction cRevert(x) { return x; }\nfunction cReduce(x) { x.divRemTo(this.m,null,x); }\nfunction cMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }\nfunction cSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }\n\nClassic.prototype.convert = cConvert;\nClassic.prototype.revert = cRevert;\nClassic.prototype.reduce = cReduce;\nClassic.prototype.mulTo = cMulTo;\nClassic.prototype.sqrTo = cSqrTo;\n\n// (protected) return \"-1/this % 2^DB\"; useful for Mont. reduction\n// justification:\n// xy == 1 (mod m)\n// xy = 1+km\n// xy(2-xy) = (1+km)(1-km)\n// x[y(2-xy)] = 1-k^2m^2\n// x[y(2-xy)] == 1 (mod m^2)\n// if y is 1/x mod m, then y(2-xy) is 1/x mod m^2\n// should reduce x and y(2-xy) by m^2 at each step to keep size bounded.\n// JS multiply \"overflows\" differently from C/C++, so care is needed here.\nfunction bnpInvDigit() {\n if(this.t < 1) return 0;\n var x = this[0];\n if((x&1) == 0) return 0;\n var y = x&3;\t\t// y == 1/x mod 2^2\n y = (y*(2-(x&0xf)*y))&0xf;\t// y == 1/x mod 2^4\n y = (y*(2-(x&0xff)*y))&0xff;\t// y == 1/x mod 2^8\n y = (y*(2-(((x&0xffff)*y)&0xffff)))&0xffff;\t// y == 1/x mod 2^16\n // last step - calculate inverse mod DV directly;\n // assumes 16 < DB <= 32 and assumes ability to handle 48-bit ints\n y = (y*(2-x*y%this.DV))%this.DV;\t\t// y == 1/x mod 2^dbits\n // we really want the negative inverse, and -DV < y < DV\n return (y>0)?this.DV-y:-y;\n}\n\n// Montgomery reduction\nfunction Montgomery(m) {\n this.m = m;\n this.mp = m.invDigit();\n this.mpl = this.mp&0x7fff;\n this.mph = this.mp>>15;\n this.um = (1<<(m.DB-15))-1;\n this.mt2 = 2*m.t;\n}\n\n// xR mod m\nfunction montConvert(x) {\n var r = nbi();\n x.abs().dlShiftTo(this.m.t,r);\n r.divRemTo(this.m,null,r);\n if(x.s < 0 && r.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) this.m.subTo(r,r);\n return r;\n}\n\n// x/R mod m\nfunction montRevert(x) {\n var r = nbi();\n x.copyTo(r);\n this.reduce(r);\n return r;\n}\n\n// x = x/R mod m (HAC 14.32)\nfunction montReduce(x) {\n while(x.t <= this.mt2)\t// pad x so am has enough room later\n x[x.t++] = 0;\n for(var i = 0; i < this.m.t; ++i) {\n // faster way of calculating u0 = x[i]*mp mod DV\n var j = x[i]&0x7fff;\n var u0 = (j*this.mpl+(((j*this.mph+(x[i]>>15)*this.mpl)&this.um)<<15))&x.DM;\n // use am to combine the multiply-shift-add into one call\n j = i+this.m.t;\n x[j] += this.m.am(0,u0,x,i,0,this.m.t);\n // propagate carry\n while(x[j] >= x.DV) { x[j] -= x.DV; x[++j]++; }\n }\n x.clamp();\n x.drShiftTo(this.m.t,x);\n if(x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) x.subTo(this.m,x);\n}\n\n// r = \"x^2/R mod m\"; x != r\nfunction montSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n// r = \"xy/R mod m\"; x,y != r\nfunction montMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }\n\nMontgomery.prototype.convert = montConvert;\nMontgomery.prototype.revert = montRevert;\nMontgomery.prototype.reduce = montReduce;\nMontgomery.prototype.mulTo = montMulTo;\nMontgomery.prototype.sqrTo = montSqrTo;\n\n// (protected) true iff this is even\nfunction bnpIsEven() { return ((this.t>0)?(this[0]&1):this.s) == 0; }\n\n// (protected) this^e, e < 2^32, doing sqr and mul with \"r\" (HAC 14.79)\nfunction bnpExp(e,z) {\n if(e > 0xffffffff || e < 1) return BigInteger.ONE;\n var r = nbi(), r2 = nbi(), g = z.convert(this), i = nbits(e)-1;\n g.copyTo(r);\n while(--i >= 0) {\n z.sqrTo(r,r2);\n if((e&(1< 0) z.mulTo(r2,g,r);\n else { var t = r; r = r2; r2 = t; }\n }\n return z.revert(r);\n}\n\n// (public) this^e % m, 0 <= e < 2^32\nfunction bnModPowInt(e,m) {\n var z;\n if(e < 256 || m.isEven()) z = new Classic(m); else z = new Montgomery(m);\n return this.exp(e,z);\n}\n\n// (public)\nfunction bnClone() { var r = nbi(); this.copyTo(r); return r; }\n\n// (public) return value as integer\nfunction bnIntValue() {\n if(this.s < 0) {\n if(this.t == 1) return this[0]-this.DV;\n else if(this.t == 0) return -1;\n }\n else if(this.t == 1) return this[0];\n else if(this.t == 0) return 0;\n // assumes 16 < DB < 32\n return ((this[1]&((1<<(32-this.DB))-1))<>24; }\n\n// (public) return value as short (assumes DB>=16)\nfunction bnShortValue() { return (this.t==0)?this.s:(this[0]<<16)>>16; }\n\n// (protected) return x s.t. r^x < DV\nfunction bnpChunkSize(r) { return Math.floor(Math.LN2*this.DB/Math.log(r)); }\n\n// (public) 0 if this == 0, 1 if this > 0\nfunction bnSigNum() {\n if(this.s < 0) return -1;\n else if(this.t <= 0 || (this.t == 1 && this[0] <= 0)) return 0;\n else return 1;\n}\n\n// (protected) convert to radix string\nfunction bnpToRadix(b) {\n if(b == null) b = 10;\n if(this.signum() == 0 || b < 2 || b > 36) return \"0\";\n var cs = this.chunkSize(b);\n var a = Math.pow(b,cs);\n var d = nbv(a), y = nbi(), z = nbi(), r = \"\";\n this.divRemTo(d,y,z);\n while(y.signum() > 0) {\n r = (a+z.intValue()).toString(b).substr(1) + r;\n y.divRemTo(d,y,z);\n }\n return z.intValue().toString(b) + r;\n}\n\n// (protected) convert from radix string\nfunction bnpFromRadix(s,b) {\n this.fromInt(0);\n if(b == null) b = 10;\n var cs = this.chunkSize(b);\n var d = Math.pow(b,cs), mi = false, j = 0, w = 0;\n for(var i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) {\n var x = intAt(s,i);\n if(x < 0) {\n if(s.charAt(i) == \"-\" && this.signum() == 0) mi = true;\n continue;\n }\n w = b*w+x;\n if(++j >= cs) {\n this.dMultiply(d);\n this.dAddOffset(w,0);\n j = 0;\n w = 0;\n }\n }\n if(j > 0) {\n this.dMultiply(Math.pow(b,j));\n this.dAddOffset(w,0);\n }\n if(mi) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this,this);\n}\n\n// (protected) alternate constructor\nfunction bnpFromNumber(a,b,c) {\n if(\"number\" == typeof b) {\n // new BigInteger(int,int,RNG)\n if(a < 2) this.fromInt(1);\n else {\n this.fromNumber(a,c);\n if(!this.testBit(a-1))\t// force MSB set\n this.bitwiseTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a-1),op_or,this);\n if(this.isEven()) this.dAddOffset(1,0); // force odd\n while(!this.isProbablePrime(b)) {\n this.dAddOffset(2,0);\n if(this.bitLength() > a) this.subTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a-1),this);\n }\n }\n }\n else {\n // new BigInteger(int,RNG)\n var x = new Array(), t = a&7;\n x.length = (a>>3)+1;\n b.nextBytes(x);\n if(t > 0) x[0] &= ((1< 0) {\n if(p < this.DB && (d = this[i]>>p) != (this.s&this.DM)>>p)\n r[k++] = d|(this.s<<(this.DB-p));\n while(i >= 0) {\n if(p < 8) {\n d = (this[i]&((1<>(p+=this.DB-8);\n }\n else {\n d = (this[i]>>(p-=8))&0xff;\n if(p <= 0) { p += this.DB; --i; }\n }\n if((d&0x80) != 0) d |= -256;\n if(k == 0 && (this.s&0x80) != (d&0x80)) ++k;\n if(k > 0 || d != this.s) r[k++] = d;\n }\n }\n return r;\n}\n\nfunction bnEquals(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)==0); }\nfunction bnMin(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)<0)?this:a; }\nfunction bnMax(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)>0)?this:a; }\n\n// (protected) r = this op a (bitwise)\nfunction bnpBitwiseTo(a,op,r) {\n var i, f, m = Math.min(a.t,this.t);\n for(i = 0; i < m; ++i) r[i] = op(this[i],a[i]);\n if(a.t < this.t) {\n f = a.s&this.DM;\n for(i = m; i < this.t; ++i) r[i] = op(this[i],f);\n r.t = this.t;\n }\n else {\n f = this.s&this.DM;\n for(i = m; i < a.t; ++i) r[i] = op(f,a[i]);\n r.t = a.t;\n }\n r.s = op(this.s,a.s);\n r.clamp();\n}\n\n// (public) this & a\nfunction op_and(x,y) { return x&y; }\nfunction bnAnd(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_and,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this | a\nfunction op_or(x,y) { return x|y; }\nfunction bnOr(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_or,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this ^ a\nfunction op_xor(x,y) { return x^y; }\nfunction bnXor(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_xor,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this & ~a\nfunction op_andnot(x,y) { return x&~y; }\nfunction bnAndNot(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_andnot,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) ~this\nfunction bnNot() {\n var r = nbi();\n for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i) r[i] = this.DM&~this[i];\n r.t = this.t;\n r.s = ~this.s;\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) this << n\nfunction bnShiftLeft(n) {\n var r = nbi();\n if(n < 0) this.rShiftTo(-n,r); else this.lShiftTo(n,r);\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) this >> n\nfunction bnShiftRight(n) {\n var r = nbi();\n if(n < 0) this.lShiftTo(-n,r); else this.rShiftTo(n,r);\n return r;\n}\n\n// return index of lowest 1-bit in x, x < 2^31\nfunction lbit(x) {\n if(x == 0) return -1;\n var r = 0;\n if((x&0xffff) == 0) { x >>= 16; r += 16; }\n if((x&0xff) == 0) { x >>= 8; r += 8; }\n if((x&0xf) == 0) { x >>= 4; r += 4; }\n if((x&3) == 0) { x >>= 2; r += 2; }\n if((x&1) == 0) ++r;\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) returns index of lowest 1-bit (or -1 if none)\nfunction bnGetLowestSetBit() {\n for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i)\n if(this[i] != 0) return i*this.DB+lbit(this[i]);\n if(this.s < 0) return this.t*this.DB;\n return -1;\n}\n\n// return number of 1 bits in x\nfunction cbit(x) {\n var r = 0;\n while(x != 0) { x &= x-1; ++r; }\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) return number of set bits\nfunction bnBitCount() {\n var r = 0, x = this.s&this.DM;\n for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i) r += cbit(this[i]^x);\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) true iff nth bit is set\nfunction bnTestBit(n) {\n var j = Math.floor(n/this.DB);\n if(j >= this.t) return(this.s!=0);\n return((this[j]&(1<<(n%this.DB)))!=0);\n}\n\n// (protected) this op (1<>= this.DB;\n }\n if(a.t < this.t) {\n c += a.s;\n while(i < this.t) {\n c += this[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c += this.s;\n }\n else {\n c += this.s;\n while(i < a.t) {\n c += a[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c += a.s;\n }\n r.s = (c<0)?-1:0;\n if(c > 0) r[i++] = c;\n else if(c < -1) r[i++] = this.DV+c;\n r.t = i;\n r.clamp();\n}\n\n// (public) this + a\nfunction bnAdd(a) { var r = nbi(); this.addTo(a,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this - a\nfunction bnSubtract(a) { var r = nbi(); this.subTo(a,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this * a\nfunction bnMultiply(a) { var r = nbi(); this.multiplyTo(a,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this^2\nfunction bnSquare() { var r = nbi(); this.squareTo(r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this / a\nfunction bnDivide(a) { var r = nbi(); this.divRemTo(a,r,null); return r; }\n\n// (public) this % a\nfunction bnRemainder(a) { var r = nbi(); this.divRemTo(a,null,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) [this/a,this%a]\nfunction bnDivideAndRemainder(a) {\n var q = nbi(), r = nbi();\n this.divRemTo(a,q,r);\n return new Array(q,r);\n}\n\n// (protected) this *= n, this >= 0, 1 < n < DV\nfunction bnpDMultiply(n) {\n this[this.t] = this.am(0,n-1,this,0,0,this.t);\n ++this.t;\n this.clamp();\n}\n\n// (protected) this += n << w words, this >= 0\nfunction bnpDAddOffset(n,w) {\n if(n == 0) return;\n while(this.t <= w) this[this.t++] = 0;\n this[w] += n;\n while(this[w] >= this.DV) {\n this[w] -= this.DV;\n if(++w >= this.t) this[this.t++] = 0;\n ++this[w];\n }\n}\n\n// A \"null\" reducer\nfunction NullExp() {}\nfunction nNop(x) { return x; }\nfunction nMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); }\nfunction nSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); }\n\nNullExp.prototype.convert = nNop;\nNullExp.prototype.revert = nNop;\nNullExp.prototype.mulTo = nMulTo;\nNullExp.prototype.sqrTo = nSqrTo;\n\n// (public) this^e\nfunction bnPow(e) { return this.exp(e,new NullExp()); }\n\n// (protected) r = lower n words of \"this * a\", a.t <= n\n// \"this\" should be the larger one if appropriate.\nfunction bnpMultiplyLowerTo(a,n,r) {\n var i = Math.min(this.t+a.t,n);\n r.s = 0; // assumes a,this >= 0\n r.t = i;\n while(i > 0) r[--i] = 0;\n var j;\n for(j = r.t-this.t; i < j; ++i) r[i+this.t] = this.am(0,a[i],r,i,0,this.t);\n for(j = Math.min(a.t,n); i < j; ++i) this.am(0,a[i],r,i,0,n-i);\n r.clamp();\n}\n\n// (protected) r = \"this * a\" without lower n words, n > 0\n// \"this\" should be the larger one if appropriate.\nfunction bnpMultiplyUpperTo(a,n,r) {\n --n;\n var i = r.t = this.t+a.t-n;\n r.s = 0; // assumes a,this >= 0\n while(--i >= 0) r[i] = 0;\n for(i = Math.max(n-this.t,0); i < a.t; ++i)\n r[this.t+i-n] = this.am(n-i,a[i],r,0,0,this.t+i-n);\n r.clamp();\n r.drShiftTo(1,r);\n}\n\n// Barrett modular reduction\nfunction Barrett(m) {\n // setup Barrett\n this.r2 = nbi();\n this.q3 = nbi();\n BigInteger.ONE.dlShiftTo(2*m.t,this.r2);\n this.mu = this.r2.divide(m);\n this.m = m;\n}\n\nfunction barrettConvert(x) {\n if(x.s < 0 || x.t > 2*this.m.t) return x.mod(this.m);\n else if(x.compareTo(this.m) < 0) return x;\n else { var r = nbi(); x.copyTo(r); this.reduce(r); return r; }\n}\n\nfunction barrettRevert(x) { return x; }\n\n// x = x mod m (HAC 14.42)\nfunction barrettReduce(x) {\n x.drShiftTo(this.m.t-1,this.r2);\n if(x.t > this.m.t+1) { x.t = this.m.t+1; x.clamp(); }\n this.mu.multiplyUpperTo(this.r2,this.m.t+1,this.q3);\n this.m.multiplyLowerTo(this.q3,this.m.t+1,this.r2);\n while(x.compareTo(this.r2) < 0) x.dAddOffset(1,this.m.t+1);\n x.subTo(this.r2,x);\n while(x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) x.subTo(this.m,x);\n}\n\n// r = x^2 mod m; x != r\nfunction barrettSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n// r = x*y mod m; x,y != r\nfunction barrettMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }\n\nBarrett.prototype.convert = barrettConvert;\nBarrett.prototype.revert = barrettRevert;\nBarrett.prototype.reduce = barrettReduce;\nBarrett.prototype.mulTo = barrettMulTo;\nBarrett.prototype.sqrTo = barrettSqrTo;\n\n// (public) this^e % m (HAC 14.85)\nfunction bnModPow(e,m) {\n var i = e.bitLength(), k, r = nbv(1), z;\n if(i <= 0) return r;\n else if(i < 18) k = 1;\n else if(i < 48) k = 3;\n else if(i < 144) k = 4;\n else if(i < 768) k = 5;\n else k = 6;\n if(i < 8)\n z = new Classic(m);\n else if(m.isEven())\n z = new Barrett(m);\n else\n z = new Montgomery(m);\n\n // precomputation\n var g = new Array(), n = 3, k1 = k-1, km = (1< 1) {\n var g2 = nbi();\n z.sqrTo(g[1],g2);\n while(n <= km) {\n g[n] = nbi();\n z.mulTo(g2,g[n-2],g[n]);\n n += 2;\n }\n }\n\n var j = e.t-1, w, is1 = true, r2 = nbi(), t;\n i = nbits(e[j])-1;\n while(j >= 0) {\n if(i >= k1) w = (e[j]>>(i-k1))&km;\n else {\n w = (e[j]&((1<<(i+1))-1))<<(k1-i);\n if(j > 0) w |= e[j-1]>>(this.DB+i-k1);\n }\n\n n = k;\n while((w&1) == 0) { w >>= 1; --n; }\n if((i -= n) < 0) { i += this.DB; --j; }\n if(is1) {\t// ret == 1, don't bother squaring or multiplying it\n g[w].copyTo(r);\n is1 = false;\n }\n else {\n while(n > 1) { z.sqrTo(r,r2); z.sqrTo(r2,r); n -= 2; }\n if(n > 0) z.sqrTo(r,r2); else { t = r; r = r2; r2 = t; }\n z.mulTo(r2,g[w],r);\n }\n\n while(j >= 0 && (e[j]&(1< 0) {\n x.rShiftTo(g,x);\n y.rShiftTo(g,y);\n }\n while(x.signum() > 0) {\n if((i = x.getLowestSetBit()) > 0) x.rShiftTo(i,x);\n if((i = y.getLowestSetBit()) > 0) y.rShiftTo(i,y);\n if(x.compareTo(y) >= 0) {\n x.subTo(y,x);\n x.rShiftTo(1,x);\n }\n else {\n y.subTo(x,y);\n y.rShiftTo(1,y);\n }\n }\n if(g > 0) y.lShiftTo(g,y);\n return y;\n}\n\n// (protected) this % n, n < 2^26\nfunction bnpModInt(n) {\n if(n <= 0) return 0;\n var d = this.DV%n, r = (this.s<0)?n-1:0;\n if(this.t > 0)\n if(d == 0) r = this[0]%n;\n else for(var i = this.t-1; i >= 0; --i) r = (d*r+this[i])%n;\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) 1/this % m (HAC 14.61)\nfunction bnModInverse(m) {\n var ac = m.isEven();\n if((this.isEven() && ac) || m.signum() == 0) return BigInteger.ZERO;\n var u = m.clone(), v = this.clone();\n var a = nbv(1), b = nbv(0), c = nbv(0), d = nbv(1);\n while(u.signum() != 0) {\n while(u.isEven()) {\n u.rShiftTo(1,u);\n if(ac) {\n if(!a.isEven() || !b.isEven()) { a.addTo(this,a); b.subTo(m,b); }\n a.rShiftTo(1,a);\n }\n else if(!b.isEven()) b.subTo(m,b);\n b.rShiftTo(1,b);\n }\n while(v.isEven()) {\n v.rShiftTo(1,v);\n if(ac) {\n if(!c.isEven() || !d.isEven()) { c.addTo(this,c); d.subTo(m,d); }\n c.rShiftTo(1,c);\n }\n else if(!d.isEven()) d.subTo(m,d);\n d.rShiftTo(1,d);\n }\n if(u.compareTo(v) >= 0) {\n u.subTo(v,u);\n if(ac) a.subTo(c,a);\n b.subTo(d,b);\n }\n else {\n v.subTo(u,v);\n if(ac) c.subTo(a,c);\n d.subTo(b,d);\n }\n }\n if(v.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) != 0) return BigInteger.ZERO;\n if(d.compareTo(m) >= 0) return d.subtract(m);\n if(d.signum() < 0) d.addTo(m,d); else return d;\n if(d.signum() < 0) return d.add(m); else return d;\n}\n\nvar lowprimes = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97,101,103,107,109,113,127,131,137,139,149,151,157,163,167,173,179,181,191,193,197,199,211,223,227,229,233,239,241,251,257,263,269,271,277,281,283,293,307,311,313,317,331,337,347,349,353,359,367,373,379,383,389,397,401,409,419,421,431,433,439,443,449,457,461,463,467,479,487,491,499,503,509,521,523,541,547,557,563,569,571,577,587,593,599,601,607,613,617,619,631,641,643,647,653,659,661,673,677,683,691,701,709,719,727,733,739,743,751,757,761,769,773,787,797,809,811,821,823,827,829,839,853,857,859,863,877,881,883,887,907,911,919,929,937,941,947,953,967,971,977,983,991,997];\nvar lplim = (1<<26)/lowprimes[lowprimes.length-1];\n\n// (public) test primality with certainty >= 1-.5^t\nfunction bnIsProbablePrime(t) {\n var i, x = this.abs();\n if(x.t == 1 && x[0] <= lowprimes[lowprimes.length-1]) {\n for(i = 0; i < lowprimes.length; ++i)\n if(x[0] == lowprimes[i]) return true;\n return false;\n }\n if(x.isEven()) return false;\n i = 1;\n while(i < lowprimes.length) {\n var m = lowprimes[i], j = i+1;\n while(j < lowprimes.length && m < lplim) m *= lowprimes[j++];\n m = x.modInt(m);\n while(i < j) if(m%lowprimes[i++] == 0) return false;\n }\n return x.millerRabin(t);\n}\n\n// (protected) true if probably prime (HAC 4.24, Miller-Rabin)\nfunction bnpMillerRabin(t) {\n var n1 = this.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);\n var k = n1.getLowestSetBit();\n if(k <= 0) return false;\n var r = n1.shiftRight(k);\n t = (t+1)>>1;\n if(t > lowprimes.length) t = lowprimes.length;\n var a = nbi();\n for(var i = 0; i < t; ++i) {\n //Pick bases at random, instead of starting at 2\n a.fromInt(lowprimes[Math.floor(Math.random()*lowprimes.length)]);\n var y = a.modPow(r,this);\n if(y.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) != 0 && y.compareTo(n1) != 0) {\n var j = 1;\n while(j++ < k && y.compareTo(n1) != 0) {\n y = y.modPowInt(2,this);\n if(y.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) == 0) return false;\n }\n if(y.compareTo(n1) != 0) return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n\n// protected\nBigInteger.prototype.chunkSize = bnpChunkSize;\nBigInteger.prototype.toRadix = bnpToRadix;\nBigInteger.prototype.fromRadix = bnpFromRadix;\nBigInteger.prototype.fromNumber = bnpFromNumber;\nBigInteger.prototype.bitwiseTo = bnpBitwiseTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.changeBit = bnpChangeBit;\nBigInteger.prototype.addTo = bnpAddTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.dMultiply = bnpDMultiply;\nBigInteger.prototype.dAddOffset = bnpDAddOffset;\nBigInteger.prototype.multiplyLowerTo = bnpMultiplyLowerTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.multiplyUpperTo = bnpMultiplyUpperTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.modInt = bnpModInt;\nBigInteger.prototype.millerRabin = bnpMillerRabin;\n\n// public\nBigInteger.prototype.clone = bnClone;\nBigInteger.prototype.intValue = bnIntValue;\nBigInteger.prototype.byteValue = bnByteValue;\nBigInteger.prototype.shortValue = bnShortValue;\nBigInteger.prototype.signum = bnSigNum;\nBigInteger.prototype.toByteArray = bnToByteArray;\nBigInteger.prototype.equals = bnEquals;\nBigInteger.prototype.min = bnMin;\nBigInteger.prototype.max = bnMax;\nBigInteger.prototype.and = bnAnd;\nBigInteger.prototype.or = bnOr;\nBigInteger.prototype.xor = bnXor;\nBigInteger.prototype.andNot = bnAndNot;\nBigInteger.prototype.not = bnNot;\nBigInteger.prototype.shiftLeft = bnShiftLeft;\nBigInteger.prototype.shiftRight = bnShiftRight;\nBigInteger.prototype.getLowestSetBit = bnGetLowestSetBit;\nBigInteger.prototype.bitCount = bnBitCount;\nBigInteger.prototype.testBit = bnTestBit;\nBigInteger.prototype.setBit = bnSetBit;\nBigInteger.prototype.clearBit = bnClearBit;\nBigInteger.prototype.flipBit = bnFlipBit;\nBigInteger.prototype.add = bnAdd;\nBigInteger.prototype.subtract = bnSubtract;\nBigInteger.prototype.multiply = bnMultiply;\nBigInteger.prototype.divide = bnDivide;\nBigInteger.prototype.remainder = bnRemainder;\nBigInteger.prototype.divideAndRemainder = bnDivideAndRemainder;\nBigInteger.prototype.modPow = bnModPow;\nBigInteger.prototype.modInverse = bnModInverse;\nBigInteger.prototype.pow = bnPow;\nBigInteger.prototype.gcd = bnGCD;\nBigInteger.prototype.isProbablePrime = bnIsProbablePrime;\n\n// JSBN-specific extension\nBigInteger.prototype.square = bnSquare;\n\n// BigInteger interfaces not implemented in jsbn:\n\n// BigInteger(int signum, byte[] magnitude)\n// double doubleValue()\n// float floatValue()\n// int hashCode()\n// long longValue()\n// static BigInteger valueOf(long val)\n// protected\nBigInteger.prototype.copyTo = bnpCopyTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.fromInt = bnpFromInt;\nBigInteger.prototype.fromString = bnpFromString;\nBigInteger.prototype.clamp = bnpClamp;\nBigInteger.prototype.dlShiftTo = bnpDLShiftTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.drShiftTo = bnpDRShiftTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.lShiftTo = bnpLShiftTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.rShiftTo = bnpRShiftTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.subTo = bnpSubTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.multiplyTo = bnpMultiplyTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.squareTo = bnpSquareTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.divRemTo = bnpDivRemTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.invDigit = bnpInvDigit;\nBigInteger.prototype.isEven = bnpIsEven;\nBigInteger.prototype.exp = bnpExp;\n\n// public\nBigInteger.prototype.toString = bnToString;\nBigInteger.prototype.negate = bnNegate;\nBigInteger.prototype.abs = bnAbs;\nBigInteger.prototype.compareTo = bnCompareTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.bitLength = bnBitLength;\nBigInteger.prototype.mod = bnMod;\nBigInteger.prototype.modPowInt = bnModPowInt;\n\n// \"constants\"\nBigInteger.ZERO = nbv(0);\nBigInteger.ONE = nbv(1);\n\nexports.nbi\t = nbi;\nexports.BigInteger = BigInteger;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 7\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/jsbn.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/jsbn.js");
+ eval("/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(require, Buffer) {var binformat = require(8),\n sjcl = require(11),\n extend = require(29),\n stypes = require(22);\n\nvar UInt256 = require(23).UInt256;\n\nvar SerializedObject = function (buf) {\n if (Array.isArray(buf) || (Buffer && Buffer.isBuffer(buf)) ) {\n this.buffer = buf;\n } else if (\"string\" === typeof buf) {\n this.buffer = sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits(sjcl.codec.hex.toBits(buf));\n } else if (!buf) {\n this.buffer = [];\n } else {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid buffer passed.\");\n }\n this.pointer = 0;\n};\n\nSerializedObject.from_json = function (obj) {\n var typedef;\n var so = new SerializedObject();\n\n // Create a copy of the object so we don't modify it\n obj = extend({}, obj);\n\n if (\"number\" === typeof obj.TransactionType) {\n obj.TransactionType = SerializedObject.lookup_type_tx(obj.TransactionType);\n\n if (!obj.TransactionType) {\n throw new Error(\"Transaction type ID is invalid.\");\n }\n }\n\n if (\"string\" === typeof obj.TransactionType) {\n typedef = binformat.tx[obj.TransactionType].slice();\n\n obj.TransactionType = typedef.shift();\n } else if (\"undefined\" !== typeof obj.LedgerEntryType) {\n // XXX: TODO\n throw new Error(\"Ledger entry binary format not yet implemented.\");\n } else throw new Error(\"Object to be serialized must contain either \" +\n \"TransactionType or LedgerEntryType.\");\n\n so.serialize(typedef, obj);\n\n return so;\n};\n\nSerializedObject.prototype.append = function (bytes) {\n this.buffer = this.buffer.concat(bytes);\n this.pointer += bytes.length;\n};\n\nSerializedObject.prototype.resetPointer = function () {\n this.pointer = 0;\n};\n\n\nvar readOrPeek = function (advance) {\n return function(numberOfBytes) {\n\t var start = this.pointer;\n\t var end = start+numberOfBytes;\n\t if (end > this.buffer.length) {\n\t\tthrow new Error(\"There aren't that many bytes left.\");\n\t } else {\n\t\tvar result = this.buffer.slice(start,end);\n\t\tif (advance) {this.pointer = end;}\n\t\treturn result;\n\t }\n }\n}\nSerializedObject.prototype.read = readOrPeek(true);\nSerializedObject.prototype.peek = readOrPeek(false);\n\n\nSerializedObject.prototype.to_bits = function ()\n{\n return sjcl.codec.bytes.toBits(this.buffer);\n};\n\nSerializedObject.prototype.to_hex = function () {\n return sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(this.to_bits()).toUpperCase();\n};\n\n\n\n\nvar TRANSACTION_TYPES = {\n\t0:\"Payment\",\n\t3:\"AccountSet\",\n\t5:\"SetRegularKey\",\n\t7:\"OfferCreate\",\n\t8:\"OfferCancel\",\n\t9:\"Contract\",\n\t10:\"RemoveContract\",\n\t20:\"TrustSet\",\n\t100:\"EnableFeature\",\n\t101:\"SetFee\"\n};\n\nvar LEDGER_ENTRY_TYPES = {\n\t97:\"AccountRoot\",\n\t99:\"Contract\",\n\t100:\"DirectoryNode\",\n\t102:\"Features\",\n\t103:\"GeneratorMap\",\n\t104:\"LedgerHashes\",\n\t110:\"Nickname\",\n\t111:\"Offer\",\n\t114:\"RippleState\",\n\t115:\"FeeSettings\"\n};\n\nvar TRANSACTION_RESULTS = {\n 0 :\"tesSUCCESS\",\n\t100:\"tecCLAIM\",\n\t101:\"tecPATH_PARTIAL\",\n\t102:\"tecUNFUNDED_ADD\",\n\t103:\"tecUNFUNDED_OFFER\",\n\t104:\"tecUNFUNDED_PAYMENT\",\n\t105:\"tecFAILED_PROCESSING\",\n\t121:\"tecDIR_FULL\",\n\t122:\"tecINSUF_RESERVE_LINE\",\n\t123:\"tecINSUF_RESERVE_OFFER\",\n\t124:\"tecNO_DST\",\n\t125:\"tecNO_DST_INSUF_XRP\",\n\t126:\"tecNO_LINE_INSUF_RESERVE\",\n\t127:\"tecNO_LINE_REDUNDANT\",\n\t128:\"tecPATH_DRY\",\n\t129:\"tecUNFUNDED\", // Deprecated, old ambiguous unfunded.\n\t130:\"tecMASTER_DISABLED\",\n\t131:\"tecNO_REGULAR_KEY\",\n\t132:\"tecOWNERS\"\n};\n\n\n\n\n\nSerializedObject.prototype.to_json = function() {\n\tvar old_pointer = this.pointer;\n\tthis.resetPointer();\n\tvar output = {};\n\twhile (true) {\n\t\tvar key_and_value = stypes.parse_whatever(this);\n\t\tvar key = key_and_value[0];\n\t\tvar value = key_and_value[1];\n\t\toutput[key] = jsonify_structure(value,key);\n\t\tif (this.pointer == this.buffer.length) {\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t} else if (this.pointer > this.buffer.length) {\n\t\t\tconsole.log(\"WARNING: Buffer length exceeded during SerializedObject.to_json\");\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tthis.pointer = old_pointer;\n\treturn output;\n}\n\nfunction jsonify_structure(thing,field_name) {\n\tvar output;\n\tvar typeof_thing = typeof thing;\n\tif (\"number\" === typeof thing) { //Special codes\n\t\tif (field_name) {\n\t\t\tif (field_name === \"LedgerEntryType\") {\n\t\t\t\toutput = LEDGER_ENTRY_TYPES[thing] || thing;\n\t\t\t} else if (field_name === \"TransactionResult\") {\n\t\t\t\toutput = TRANSACTION_RESULTS[thing] || thing;\n\t\t\t} else if (field_name === \"TransactionType\") {\n\t\t\t\toutput = TRANSACTION_TYPES[thing] || thing;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\toutput = thing;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\toutput = thing;\n\t\t}\n\t} else if (\"object\" === typeof thing &&\n \"function\" === typeof thing.to_json) {\n\t\toutput = thing.to_json();\n\t} else if (Array.isArray(thing)) {\n\t\t//console.log(\"here2\");\n\t\t//iterate over array []\n\t\toutput = [];\n\t\tfor (var i=0; i< thing.length; i++) {\n\t\t\toutput.push(jsonify_structure(thing[i]));\n\t\t}\n\t} else if (\"object\" === typeof thing) {\n\t\t//console.log(\"here1\", thing);\n\t\t//iterate over object {}\n\t\toutput = {};\n\t\tvar keys = Object.keys(thing);\n\t\tfor (var i=0; i 0xf) buffer.push(type_id & 0xff);\n else buffer[0] += (type_id & 0xf) << 4;\n\n if (field_id > 0xf) buffer.push(field_id & 0xff);\n else buffer[0] += field_id & 0xf;\n\n return buffer;\n};\n\nfunction sort_field_compare(a, b) {\n // Sort by type id first, then by field id\n return a[3].id !== b[3].id ?\n a[3].id - b[3].id :\n a[2] - b[2];\n};\nSerializedObject._sort_typedef = function (typedef) {\n return typedef.sort(sort_field_compare);\n};\n\nSerializedObject.lookup_type_tx = function (id) {\n for (var i in binformat.tx) {\n if (!binformat.tx.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;\n\n if (binformat.tx[i][0] === id) {\n return i;\n }\n }\n\n return null;\n};\n\n\nexports.SerializedObject = SerializedObject;\n\n/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}(require, require(24).Buffer))\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 7\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/serializedobject.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/serializedobject.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 8:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("// This object serves as a singleton to store config options\n\nvar extend = require(2);\n\nvar config = module.exports = {\n load: function (newOpts) {\n extend(config, newOpts);\n return config;\n }\n};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 8\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/config.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/config.js");
+ eval("var ST = require(22);\n\nvar REQUIRED = exports.REQUIRED = 0,\n OPTIONAL = exports.OPTIONAL = 1,\n DEFAULT = exports.DEFAULT = 2;\n\nST.Int16.id = 1;\nST.Int32.id = 2;\nST.Int64.id = 3;\nST.Hash128.id = 4;\nST.Hash256.id = 5;\nST.Amount.id = 6;\nST.VariableLength.id = 7;\nST.Account.id = 8;\nST.Object.id = 14;\nST.Array.id = 15;\nST.Int8.id = 16;\nST.Hash160.id = 17;\nST.PathSet.id = 18;\nST.Vector256.id = 19;\n\nvar base = [\n [ 'TransactionType' , REQUIRED, 2, ST.Int16 ],\n [ 'Flags' , OPTIONAL, 2, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'SourceTag' , OPTIONAL, 3, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'Account' , REQUIRED, 1, ST.Account ],\n [ 'Sequence' , REQUIRED, 4, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'Fee' , REQUIRED, 8, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'OperationLimit' , OPTIONAL, 29, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'SigningPubKey' , REQUIRED, 3, ST.VariableLength ],\n [ 'TxnSignature' , OPTIONAL, 4, ST.VariableLength ]\n];\n\nexports.tx = {\n AccountSet: [3].concat(base, [\n [ 'EmailHash' , OPTIONAL, 1, ST.Hash128 ],\n [ 'WalletLocator' , OPTIONAL, 7, ST.Hash256 ],\n [ 'WalletSize' , OPTIONAL, 12, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'MessageKey' , OPTIONAL, 2, ST.VariableLength ],\n [ 'Domain' , OPTIONAL, 7, ST.VariableLength ],\n [ 'TransferRate' , OPTIONAL, 11, ST.Int32 ]\n ]),\n TrustSet: [20].concat(base, [\n [ 'LimitAmount' , OPTIONAL, 3, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'QualityIn' , OPTIONAL, 20, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'QualityOut' , OPTIONAL, 21, ST.Int32 ]\n ]),\n OfferCreate: [7].concat(base, [\n [ 'TakerPays' , REQUIRED, 4, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'TakerGets' , REQUIRED, 5, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'Expiration' , OPTIONAL, 10, ST.Int32 ]\n ]),\n OfferCancel: [8].concat(base, [\n [ 'OfferSequence' , REQUIRED, 25, ST.Int32 ]\n ]),\n SetRegularKey: [5].concat(base, [\n [ 'RegularKey' , REQUIRED, 8, ST.Account ]\n ]),\n Payment: [0].concat(base, [\n [ 'Destination' , REQUIRED, 3, ST.Account ],\n [ 'Amount' , REQUIRED, 1, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'SendMax' , OPTIONAL, 9, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'Paths' , DEFAULT , 1, ST.PathSet ],\n [ 'InvoiceID' , OPTIONAL, 17, ST.Hash256 ],\n [ 'DestinationTag' , OPTIONAL, 14, ST.Int32 ]\n ]),\n Contract: [9].concat(base, [\n [ 'Expiration' , REQUIRED, 10, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'BondAmount' , REQUIRED, 23, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'StampEscrow' , REQUIRED, 22, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'RippleEscrow' , REQUIRED, 17, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'CreateCode' , OPTIONAL, 11, ST.VariableLength ],\n [ 'FundCode' , OPTIONAL, 8, ST.VariableLength ],\n [ 'RemoveCode' , OPTIONAL, 9, ST.VariableLength ],\n [ 'ExpireCode' , OPTIONAL, 10, ST.VariableLength ]\n ]),\n RemoveContract: [10].concat(base, [\n [ 'Target' , REQUIRED, 7, ST.Account ]\n ]),\n EnableFeature: [100].concat(base, [\n [ 'Feature' , REQUIRED, 19, ST.Hash256 ]\n ]),\n SetFee: [101].concat(base, [\n [ 'Features' , REQUIRED, 9, ST.Array ],\n [ 'BaseFee' , REQUIRED, 5, ST.Int64 ],\n [ 'ReferenceFeeUnits' , REQUIRED, 30, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'ReserveBase' , REQUIRED, 31, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'ReserveIncrement' , REQUIRED, 32, ST.Int32 ]\n ])\n};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 8\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/binformat.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/binformat.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 9:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("var sjcl = require(1);\nvar utils = require(4);\nvar config = require(8);\nvar jsbn = require(7);\nvar extend = require(2);\n\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\nvar nbi = jsbn.nbi;\n\nvar UInt = require(15).UInt;\nvar Base = require(10).Base;\n\n//\n// UInt160 support\n//\n\nvar UInt160 = extend(function () {\n // Internal form: NaN or BigInteger\n this._value = NaN;\n}, UInt);\n\nUInt160.width = 20;\nUInt160.prototype = extend({}, UInt.prototype);\nUInt160.prototype.constructor = UInt160;\n\nvar ACCOUNT_ZERO = UInt160.ACCOUNT_ZERO = 'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhoLvTp';\nvar ACCOUNT_ONE = UInt160.ACCOUNT_ONE = 'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrBZbvji';\nvar HEX_ZERO = UInt160.HEX_ZERO = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';\nvar HEX_ONE = UInt160.HEX_ONE = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000001';\nvar STR_ZERO = UInt160.STR_ZERO = utils.hexToString(HEX_ZERO);\nvar STR_ONE = UInt160.STR_ONE = utils.hexToString(HEX_ONE);\n\n// value = NaN on error.\nUInt160.prototype.parse_json = function (j) {\n // Canonicalize and validate\n if (config.accounts && j in config.accounts) {\n j = config.accounts[j].account;\n }\n\n if (typeof j === 'number' && !isNaN(j)) {\n this._value = new BigInteger(String(j));\n } else if (typeof j !== 'string') {\n this._value = NaN;\n } else if (j[0] === 'r') {\n this._value = Base.decode_check(Base.VER_ACCOUNT_ID, j);\n } else {\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// XXX Json form should allow 0 and 1, C++ doesn't currently allow it.\nUInt160.prototype.to_json = function (opts) {\n var opts = opts || {};\n var output = NaN;\n\n if (this._value instanceof BigInteger) {\n output = Base.encode_check(Base.VER_ACCOUNT_ID, this.to_bytes());\n if (opts.gateways && output in opts.gateways) {\n output = opts.gateways[output];\n }\n }\n \n return output;\n};\n\nexports.UInt160 = UInt160;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 9\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/uint160.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/uint160.js");
+ eval("var exports = module.exports = require(13);\n\n// We override this function for browsers, because they print objects nicer\n// natively than JSON.stringify can.\nexports.logObject = function (msg, obj) {\n if (/MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {\n console.log(msg, JSON.stringify(obj));\n } else {\n console.log(msg, \"\", obj);\n }\n};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 9\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/utils.web.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/utils.web.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 10:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("\nvar sjcl = require(1);\nvar utils = require(4);\nvar jsbn = require(7);\nvar extend = require(2);\n\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\nvar nbi = jsbn.nbi;\n\nvar Base = {};\n\nvar alphabets\t= Base.alphabets = {\n 'ripple' : \"rpshnaf39wBUDNEGHJKLM4PQRST7VWXYZ2bcdeCg65jkm8oFqi1tuvAxyz\",\n 'tipple' : \"RPShNAF39wBUDnEGHJKLM4pQrsT7VWXYZ2bcdeCg65jkm8ofqi1tuvaxyz\",\n 'bitcoin' : \"123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz\"\n};\n\nextend(Base, {\n 'VER_NONE' : 1,\n 'VER_NODE_PUBLIC' : 28,\n 'VER_NODE_PRIVATE' : 32,\n 'VER_ACCOUNT_ID' : 0,\n 'VER_ACCOUNT_PUBLIC' : 35,\n 'VER_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE' : 34,\n 'VER_FAMILY_GENERATOR' : 41,\n 'VER_FAMILY_SEED' : 33\n});\n\nvar sha256 = function (bytes) {\n return sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits(sjcl.hash.sha256.hash(sjcl.codec.bytes.toBits(bytes)));\n};\n\nvar sha256hash = function (bytes) {\n return sha256(sha256(bytes));\n};\n\n// --> input: big-endian array of bytes.\n// <-- string at least as long as input.\nBase.encode = function (input, alpha) {\n var alphabet\t= alphabets[alpha || 'ripple'];\n var bi_base\t= new BigInteger(String(alphabet.length));\n var bi_q\t= nbi();\n var bi_r\t= nbi();\n var bi_value\t= new BigInteger(input);\n var buffer\t= [];\n\n while (bi_value.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0)\n {\n bi_value.divRemTo(bi_base, bi_q, bi_r);\n bi_q.copyTo(bi_value);\n\n buffer.push(alphabet[bi_r.intValue()]);\n }\n\n var i;\n\n for (i = 0; i != input.length && !input[i]; i += 1) {\n buffer.push(alphabet[0]);\n }\n\n return buffer.reverse().join(\"\");\n};\n\n// --> input: String\n// <-- array of bytes or undefined.\nBase.decode = function (input, alpha) {\n if (\"string\" !== typeof input) return undefined;\n\n var alphabet\t= alphabets[alpha || 'ripple'];\n var bi_base\t= new BigInteger(String(alphabet.length));\n var bi_value\t= nbi();\n var i;\n\n for (i = 0; i != input.length && input[i] === alphabet[0]; i += 1)\n ;\n\n for (; i != input.length; i += 1) {\n var\tv = alphabet.indexOf(input[i]);\n\n if (v < 0)\n return undefined;\n\n var r = nbi();\n\n r.fromInt(v);\n\n bi_value = bi_value.multiply(bi_base).add(r);\n }\n\n // toByteArray:\n // - Returns leading zeros!\n // - Returns signed bytes!\n var bytes = bi_value.toByteArray().map(function (b) { return b ? b < 0 ? 256+b : b : 0; });\n var extra = 0;\n\n while (extra != bytes.length && !bytes[extra])\n extra += 1;\n\n if (extra)\n bytes = bytes.slice(extra);\n\n var zeros = 0;\n\n while (zeros !== input.length && input[zeros] === alphabet[0])\n zeros += 1;\n\n return [].concat(utils.arraySet(zeros, 0), bytes);\n};\n\nBase.verify_checksum = function (bytes) {\n var computed\t= sha256hash(bytes.slice(0, -4)).slice(0, 4);\n var checksum\t= bytes.slice(-4);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)\n if (computed[i] !== checksum[i])\n return false;\n\n return true;\n};\n\n// --> input: Array\n// <-- String\nBase.encode_check = function (version, input, alphabet) {\n var buffer = [].concat(version, input);\n var check = sha256(sha256(buffer)).slice(0, 4);\n\n return Base.encode([].concat(buffer, check), alphabet);\n}\n\n// --> input : String\n// <-- NaN || BigInteger\nBase.decode_check = function (version, input, alphabet) {\n var buffer = Base.decode(input, alphabet);\n\n if (!buffer || buffer.length < 5)\n return NaN;\n\n // Single valid version\n if (\"number\" === typeof version && buffer[0] !== version)\n return NaN;\n\n // Multiple allowed versions\n if (\"object\" === typeof version && Array.isArray(version)) {\n var match = false;\n for (var i = 0, l = version.length; i < l; i++) {\n match |= version[i] === buffer[0];\n }\n if (!match) return NaN;\n }\n\n if (!Base.verify_checksum(buffer))\n return NaN;\n\n // We'll use the version byte to add a leading zero, this ensures JSBN doesn't\n // intrepret the value as a negative number\n buffer[0] = 0;\n\n return new BigInteger(buffer.slice(0, -4), 256);\n}\n\nexports.Base = Base;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 10\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/base.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/base.js");
+ eval("var EventEmitter = require(27).EventEmitter;\nvar util = require(28);\nvar utils = require(9);\n\n/**\n * @constructor Server\n * @param remote The Remote object\n * @param opts Configuration parameters.\n *\n * Keys for cfg:\n * url\n */ \n\nfunction Server(remote, opts) {\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n if (typeof opts !== 'object') {\n throw new Error('Invalid server configuration.');\n }\n\n var self = this;\n\n this._remote = remote;\n this._opts = opts;\n this._host = opts.host;\n this._port = opts.port;\n this._secure = typeof opts.secure === 'boolean' ? opts.secure : true;\n this._ws = void(0);\n this._connected = false;\n this._should_connect = false;\n this._state = void(0);\n this._id = 0;\n this._retry = 0;\n this._requests = { };\n\n this._opts.url = (opts.secure ? 'wss://' : 'ws://') + opts.host + ':' + opts.port;\n\n this.on('message', function(message) {\n self._handle_message(message);\n });\n\n this.on('response_subscribe', function(message) {\n self._handle_response_subscribe(message);\n });\n}\n\nutil.inherits(Server, EventEmitter);\n\n/**\n * Server states that we will treat as the server being online.\n *\n * Our requirements are that the server can process transactions and notify\n * us of changes.\n */\nServer.online_states = [\n 'syncing'\n , 'tracking'\n , 'proposing'\n , 'validating'\n , 'full'\n];\n\nServer.prototype._is_online = function (status) {\n return Server.online_states.indexOf(status) !== -1;\n};\n\nServer.prototype._set_state = function (state) {\n if (state !== this._state) {\n this._state = state;\n\n this.emit('state', state);\n\n switch (state) {\n case 'online':\n this._connected = true;\n this.emit('connect');\n break;\n case 'offline':\n this._connected = false;\n this.emit('disconnect');\n break;\n }\n }\n};\n\nServer.prototype._trace = function() {\n if (this._remote.trace) {\n utils.logObject.apply(utils, arguments);\n }\n};\n\nServer.prototype._remote_address = function() {\n try { var address = this._ws._socket.remoteAddress; } catch (e) { }\n return address;\n};\n\n// This is the final interface between client code and a socket connection to a\n// `rippled` server. As such, this is a decent hook point to allow a WebSocket\n// interface conforming object to be used as a basis to mock rippled. This\n// avoids the need to bind a websocket server to a port and allows a more\n// synchronous style of code to represent a client <-> server message sequence.\n// We can also use this to log a message sequence to a buffer.\nServer.prototype.websocket_constructor = function () {\n return require(26);\n};\n\nServer.prototype.connect = function () {\n var self = this;\n\n // We don't connect if we believe we're already connected. This means we have\n // recently received a message from the server and the WebSocket has not\n // reported any issues either. If we do fail to ping or the connection drops,\n // we will automatically reconnect.\n if (this._connected) {\n return;\n }\n\n this._trace('server: connect: %s', this._opts.url);\n\n // Ensure any existing socket is given the command to close first.\n if (this._ws) {\n this._ws.close();\n }\n\n // We require this late, because websocket shims may be loaded after\n // ripple-lib.\n var WebSocket = this.websocket_constructor();\n var ws = this._ws = new WebSocket(this._opts.url);\n\n this._should_connect = true;\n\n self.emit('connecting');\n\n ws.onopen = function () {\n // If we are no longer the active socket, simply ignore any event\n if (ws === self._ws) {\n self.emit('socket_open');\n // Subscribe to events\n var request = self._remote._server_prepare_subscribe();\n self.request(request);\n }\n };\n\n ws.onerror = function (e) {\n // If we are no longer the active socket, simply ignore any event\n if (ws === self._ws) {\n self._trace('server: onerror: %s', e.data || e);\n\n // Most connection errors for WebSockets are conveyed as 'close' events with\n // code 1006. This is done for security purposes and therefore unlikely to\n // ever change.\n\n // This means that this handler is hardly ever called in practice. If it is,\n // it probably means the server's WebSocket implementation is corrupt, or\n // the connection is somehow producing corrupt data.\n\n // Most WebSocket applications simply log and ignore this error. Once we\n // support for multiple servers, we may consider doing something like\n // lowering this server's quality score.\n\n // However, in Node.js this event may be triggered instead of the close\n // event, so we need to handle it.\n handleConnectionClose();\n }\n };\n\n // Failure to open.\n ws.onclose = function () {\n // If we are no longer the active socket, simply ignore any event\n if (ws === self._ws) {\n self._trace('server: onclose: %s', ws.readyState);\n handleConnectionClose();\n }\n };\n\n function handleConnectionClose() {\n self.emit('socket_close');\n self._set_state('offline');\n\n // Prevent additional events from this socket\n ws.onopen = ws.onerror = ws.onclose = ws.onmessage = function () {};\n\n // Should we be connected?\n if (!self._should_connect) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Delay and retry.\n self._retry += 1;\n self._retry_timer = setTimeout(function () {\n self._trace('server: retry');\n if (!self._should_connect) {\n return;\n }\n self.connect();\n }, self._retry < 40\n ? 1000/20 // First, for 2 seconds: 20 times per second\n : self._retry < 40+60\n ? 1000 // Then, for 1 minute: once per second\n : self._retry < 40+60+60\n ? 10*1000 // Then, for 10 minutes: once every 10 seconds\n : 30*1000); // Then: once every 30 seconds\n }\n\n ws.onmessage = function (msg) {\n self.emit('message', msg.data);\n };\n};\n\nServer.prototype.disconnect = function () {\n this._should_connect = false;\n this._set_state('offline');\n if (this._ws) {\n this._ws.close();\n }\n};\n\nServer.prototype.send_message = function (message) {\n if (this._ws) {\n this._ws.send(JSON.stringify(message));\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Submit a Request object to this server.\n */\nServer.prototype.request = function (request) {\n var self = this;\n\n // Only bother if we are still connected.\n if (this._ws) {\n request.server = this;\n request.message.id = this._id;\n\n this._requests[request.message.id] = request;\n\n // Advance message ID\n this._id++;\n\n var is_connected = this._connected || (request.message.command === 'subscribe' && this._ws.readyState === 1);\n \n if (is_connected) {\n this._trace('server: request: %s', request.message);\n this.send_message(request.message);\n } else {\n // XXX There are many ways to make this smarter.\n function server_reconnected() {\n self._trace('server: request: %s', request.message);\n self.send_message(request.message);\n }\n this.once('connect', server_reconnected);\n }\n } else {\n this._trace('server: request: DROPPING: %s', request.message);\n }\n};\n\nServer.prototype._handle_message = function (message) {\n var self = this;\n\n try { message = JSON.parse(message); } catch(e) { }\n\n var unexpected = typeof message !== 'object' || typeof message.type !== 'string';\n\n if (unexpected) {\n return; \n }\n\n switch (message.type) {\n case 'response':\n // A response to a request.\n var request = self._requests[message.id];\n delete self._requests[message.id];\n\n if (!request) {\n this._trace('server: UNEXPECTED: %s', message);\n } else if ('success' === message.status) {\n this._trace('server: response: %s', message);\n\n request.emit('success', message.result);\n\n [ self, self._remote ].forEach(function(emitter) {\n emitter.emit('response_' + request.message.command, message.result, request, message);\n });\n } else if (message.error) {\n this._trace('server: error: %s', message);\n\n request.emit('error', {\n error : 'remoteError',\n error_message : 'Remote reported an error.',\n remote : message\n });\n }\n break;\n\n case 'path_find':\n if (self._remote.trace) utils.logObject('server: path_find: %s', message);\n break;\n\n case 'serverStatus':\n // This message is only received when online. As we are connected, it is the definative final state.\n this._set_state(this._is_online(message.server_status) ? 'online' : 'offline');\n break;\n }\n}\n\nServer.prototype._handle_response_subscribe = function (message) {\n this._server_status = message.server_status;\n if (this._is_online(message.server_status)) {\n this._set_state('online');\n }\n}\n\nexports.Server = Server;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 10\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/server.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/server.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 11:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("\n//\n// Currency support\n//\n\n// XXX Internal form should be UInt160.\nvar Currency = function () {\n // Internal form: 0 = XRP. 3 letter-code.\n // XXX Internal should be 0 or hex with three letter annotation when valid.\n\n // Json form:\n // '', 'XRP', '0': 0\n // 3-letter code: ...\n // XXX Should support hex, C++ doesn't currently allow it.\n\n this._value = NaN;\n}\n\n// Given \"USD\" return the json.\nCurrency.json_rewrite = function (j) {\n return Currency.from_json(j).to_json();\n};\n\nCurrency.from_json = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof Currency) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return new Currency().parse_json(j);\n }\n};\n\nCurrency.from_bytes = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof Currency) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return new Currency().parse_bytes(j);\n }\n};\n\nCurrency.is_valid = function (j) {\n return Currency.from_json(j).is_valid();\n};\n\nCurrency.prototype.clone = function() {\n return this.copyTo(new Currency());\n};\n\n// Returns copy.\nCurrency.prototype.copyTo = function (d) {\n d._value = this._value;\n\n return d;\n};\n\nCurrency.prototype.equals = function (d) {\n return ('string' !== typeof this._value && isNaN(this._value))\n || ('string' !== typeof d._value && isNaN(d._value)) ? false : this._value === d._value;\n};\n\n// this._value = NaN on error.\nCurrency.prototype.parse_json = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof Currency) {\n this._value = j;\n } else if ('string' === typeof j) {\n if (j === \"\" || j === \"0\" || j === \"XRP\") {\n // XRP is never allowed as a Currency object\n this._value = 0;\n } else if (j.length === 3) {\n this._value = j;\n } else {\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n } else if ('number' === typeof j) {\n // XXX This is a hack\n this._value = j;\n } else if ('string' != typeof j || 3 !== j.length) {\n this._value = NaN;\n } else {\n this._value = j;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nCurrency.prototype.parse_bytes = function (byte_array) {\n if (Array.isArray(byte_array) && byte_array.length == 20) {\n var result;\n // is it 0 everywhere except 12, 13, 14?\n var isZeroExceptInStandardPositions = true;\n for (var i=0; i<20; i++) {\n isZeroExceptInStandardPositions = isZeroExceptInStandardPositions && (i===12 || i===13 || i===14 || byte_array[0]===0)\n }\n if (isZeroExceptInStandardPositions) {\n var currencyCode = String.fromCharCode(byte_array[12]) + String.fromCharCode(byte_array[13]) + String.fromCharCode(byte_array[14]);\n if (/^[A-Z0-9]{3}$/.test(currencyCode) && currencyCode !== \"XRP\" ) {\n this._value = currencyCode;\n } else if (currencyCode === \"\\0\\0\\0\") {\n this._value = 0;\n } else {\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n } else {\n // XXX Should support non-standard currency codes\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n } else {\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n return this;\n};\n\nCurrency.prototype.is_native = function () {\n return !isNaN(this._value) && !this._value;\n};\n\nCurrency.prototype.is_valid = function () {\n return 'string' === typeof this._value || !isNaN(this._value);\n};\n\nCurrency.prototype.to_json = function () {\n return this._value ? this._value : \"XRP\";\n};\n\nCurrency.prototype.to_human = function () {\n return this._value ? this._value : \"XRP\";\n};\n\nexports.Currency = Currency;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 11\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/currency.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/currency.js");
+ eval("/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(require, module) {/** @fileOverview Javascript cryptography implementation.\n *\n * Crush to remove comments, shorten variable names and\n * generally reduce transmission size.\n *\n * @author Emily Stark\n * @author Mike Hamburg\n * @author Dan Boneh\n */\n\n\"use strict\";\n/*jslint indent: 2, bitwise: false, nomen: false, plusplus: false, white: false, regexp: false */\n/*global document, window, escape, unescape */\n\n/** @namespace The Stanford Javascript Crypto Library, top-level namespace. */\nvar sjcl = {\n /** @namespace Symmetric ciphers. */\n cipher: {},\n\n /** @namespace Hash functions. Right now only SHA256 is implemented. */\n hash: {},\n\n /** @namespace Key exchange functions. Right now only SRP is implemented. */\n keyexchange: {},\n \n /** @namespace Block cipher modes of operation. */\n mode: {},\n\n /** @namespace Miscellaneous. HMAC and PBKDF2. */\n misc: {},\n \n /**\n * @namespace Bit array encoders and decoders.\n *\n * @description\n * The members of this namespace are functions which translate between\n * SJCL's bitArrays and other objects (usually strings). Because it\n * isn't always clear which direction is encoding and which is decoding,\n * the method names are \"fromBits\" and \"toBits\".\n */\n codec: {},\n \n /** @namespace Exceptions. */\n exception: {\n /** @constructor Ciphertext is corrupt. */\n corrupt: function(message) {\n this.toString = function() { return \"CORRUPT: \"+this.message; };\n this.message = message;\n },\n \n /** @constructor Invalid parameter. */\n invalid: function(message) {\n this.toString = function() { return \"INVALID: \"+this.message; };\n this.message = message;\n },\n \n /** @constructor Bug or missing feature in SJCL. @constructor */\n bug: function(message) {\n this.toString = function() { return \"BUG: \"+this.message; };\n this.message = message;\n },\n\n /** @constructor Something isn't ready. */\n notReady: function(message) {\n this.toString = function() { return \"NOT READY: \"+this.message; };\n this.message = message;\n }\n }\n};\n\nif(typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports){\n module.exports = sjcl;\n}\n\n/** @fileOverview Low-level AES implementation.\n *\n * This file contains a low-level implementation of AES, optimized for\n * size and for efficiency on several browsers. It is based on\n * OpenSSL's aes_core.c, a public-domain implementation by Vincent\n * Rijmen, Antoon Bosselaers and Paulo Barreto.\n *\n * An older version of this implementation is available in the public\n * domain, but this one is (c) Emily Stark, Mike Hamburg, Dan Boneh,\n * Stanford University 2008-2010 and BSD-licensed for liability\n * reasons.\n *\n * @author Emily Stark\n * @author Mike Hamburg\n * @author Dan Boneh\n */\n\n/**\n * Schedule out an AES key for both encryption and decryption. This\n * is a low-level class. Use a cipher mode to do bulk encryption.\n *\n * @constructor\n * @param {Array} key The key as an array of 4, 6 or 8 words.\n *\n * @class Advanced Encryption Standard (low-level interface)\n */\nsjcl.cipher.aes = function (key) {\n if (!this._tables[0][0][0]) {\n this._precompute();\n }\n \n var i, j, tmp,\n encKey, decKey,\n sbox = this._tables[0][4], decTable = this._tables[1],\n keyLen = key.length, rcon = 1;\n \n if (keyLen !== 4 && keyLen !== 6 && keyLen !== 8) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"invalid aes key size\");\n }\n \n this._key = [encKey = key.slice(0), decKey = []];\n \n // schedule encryption keys\n for (i = keyLen; i < 4 * keyLen + 28; i++) {\n tmp = encKey[i-1];\n \n // apply sbox\n if (i%keyLen === 0 || (keyLen === 8 && i%keyLen === 4)) {\n tmp = sbox[tmp>>>24]<<24 ^ sbox[tmp>>16&255]<<16 ^ sbox[tmp>>8&255]<<8 ^ sbox[tmp&255];\n \n // shift rows and add rcon\n if (i%keyLen === 0) {\n tmp = tmp<<8 ^ tmp>>>24 ^ rcon<<24;\n rcon = rcon<<1 ^ (rcon>>7)*283;\n }\n }\n \n encKey[i] = encKey[i-keyLen] ^ tmp;\n }\n \n // schedule decryption keys\n for (j = 0; i; j++, i--) {\n tmp = encKey[j&3 ? i : i - 4];\n if (i<=4 || j<4) {\n decKey[j] = tmp;\n } else {\n decKey[j] = decTable[0][sbox[tmp>>>24 ]] ^\n decTable[1][sbox[tmp>>16 & 255]] ^\n decTable[2][sbox[tmp>>8 & 255]] ^\n decTable[3][sbox[tmp & 255]];\n }\n }\n};\n\nsjcl.cipher.aes.prototype = {\n // public\n /* Something like this might appear here eventually\n name: \"AES\",\n blockSize: 4,\n keySizes: [4,6,8],\n */\n \n /**\n * Encrypt an array of 4 big-endian words.\n * @param {Array} data The plaintext.\n * @return {Array} The ciphertext.\n */\n encrypt:function (data) { return this._crypt(data,0); },\n \n /**\n * Decrypt an array of 4 big-endian words.\n * @param {Array} data The ciphertext.\n * @return {Array} The plaintext.\n */\n decrypt:function (data) { return this._crypt(data,1); },\n \n /**\n * The expanded S-box and inverse S-box tables. These will be computed\n * on the client so that we don't have to send them down the wire.\n *\n * There are two tables, _tables[0] is for encryption and\n * _tables[1] is for decryption.\n *\n * The first 4 sub-tables are the expanded S-box with MixColumns. The\n * last (_tables[01][4]) is the S-box itself.\n *\n * @private\n */\n _tables: [[[],[],[],[],[]],[[],[],[],[],[]]],\n\n /**\n * Expand the S-box tables.\n *\n * @private\n */\n _precompute: function () {\n var encTable = this._tables[0], decTable = this._tables[1],\n sbox = encTable[4], sboxInv = decTable[4],\n i, x, xInv, d=[], th=[], x2, x4, x8, s, tEnc, tDec;\n\n // Compute double and third tables\n for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {\n th[( d[i] = i<<1 ^ (i>>7)*283 )^i]=i;\n }\n \n for (x = xInv = 0; !sbox[x]; x ^= x2 || 1, xInv = th[xInv] || 1) {\n // Compute sbox\n s = xInv ^ xInv<<1 ^ xInv<<2 ^ xInv<<3 ^ xInv<<4;\n s = s>>8 ^ s&255 ^ 99;\n sbox[x] = s;\n sboxInv[s] = x;\n \n // Compute MixColumns\n x8 = d[x4 = d[x2 = d[x]]];\n tDec = x8*0x1010101 ^ x4*0x10001 ^ x2*0x101 ^ x*0x1010100;\n tEnc = d[s]*0x101 ^ s*0x1010100;\n \n for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n encTable[i][x] = tEnc = tEnc<<24 ^ tEnc>>>8;\n decTable[i][s] = tDec = tDec<<24 ^ tDec>>>8;\n }\n }\n \n // Compactify. Considerable speedup on Firefox.\n for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {\n encTable[i] = encTable[i].slice(0);\n decTable[i] = decTable[i].slice(0);\n }\n },\n \n /**\n * Encryption and decryption core.\n * @param {Array} input Four words to be encrypted or decrypted.\n * @param dir The direction, 0 for encrypt and 1 for decrypt.\n * @return {Array} The four encrypted or decrypted words.\n * @private\n */\n _crypt:function (input, dir) {\n if (input.length !== 4) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"invalid aes block size\");\n }\n \n var key = this._key[dir],\n // state variables a,b,c,d are loaded with pre-whitened data\n a = input[0] ^ key[0],\n b = input[dir ? 3 : 1] ^ key[1],\n c = input[2] ^ key[2],\n d = input[dir ? 1 : 3] ^ key[3],\n a2, b2, c2,\n \n nInnerRounds = key.length/4 - 2,\n i,\n kIndex = 4,\n out = [0,0,0,0],\n table = this._tables[dir],\n \n // load up the tables\n t0 = table[0],\n t1 = table[1],\n t2 = table[2],\n t3 = table[3],\n sbox = table[4];\n \n // Inner rounds. Cribbed from OpenSSL.\n for (i = 0; i < nInnerRounds; i++) {\n a2 = t0[a>>>24] ^ t1[b>>16 & 255] ^ t2[c>>8 & 255] ^ t3[d & 255] ^ key[kIndex];\n b2 = t0[b>>>24] ^ t1[c>>16 & 255] ^ t2[d>>8 & 255] ^ t3[a & 255] ^ key[kIndex + 1];\n c2 = t0[c>>>24] ^ t1[d>>16 & 255] ^ t2[a>>8 & 255] ^ t3[b & 255] ^ key[kIndex + 2];\n d = t0[d>>>24] ^ t1[a>>16 & 255] ^ t2[b>>8 & 255] ^ t3[c & 255] ^ key[kIndex + 3];\n kIndex += 4;\n a=a2; b=b2; c=c2;\n }\n \n // Last round.\n for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n out[dir ? 3&-i : i] =\n sbox[a>>>24 ]<<24 ^ \n sbox[b>>16 & 255]<<16 ^\n sbox[c>>8 & 255]<<8 ^\n sbox[d & 255] ^\n key[kIndex++];\n a2=a; a=b; b=c; c=d; d=a2;\n }\n \n return out;\n }\n};\n\n\n/** @fileOverview Arrays of bits, encoded as arrays of Numbers.\n *\n * @author Emily Stark\n * @author Mike Hamburg\n * @author Dan Boneh\n */\n\n/** @namespace Arrays of bits, encoded as arrays of Numbers.\n *\n * @description\n * \n * These objects are the currency accepted by SJCL's crypto functions.\n *
\n *\n * \n * Most of our crypto primitives operate on arrays of 4-byte words internally,\n * but many of them can take arguments that are not a multiple of 4 bytes.\n * This library encodes arrays of bits (whose size need not be a multiple of 8\n * bits) as arrays of 32-bit words. The bits are packed, big-endian, into an\n * array of words, 32 bits at a time. Since the words are double-precision\n * floating point numbers, they fit some extra data. We use this (in a private,\n * possibly-changing manner) to encode the number of bits actually present\n * in the last word of the array.\n *
\n *\n * \n * Because bitwise ops clear this out-of-band data, these arrays can be passed\n * to ciphers like AES which want arrays of words.\n *
\n */\nsjcl.bitArray = {\n /**\n * Array slices in units of bits.\n * @param {bitArray} a The array to slice.\n * @param {Number} bstart The offset to the start of the slice, in bits.\n * @param {Number} bend The offset to the end of the slice, in bits. If this is undefined,\n * slice until the end of the array.\n * @return {bitArray} The requested slice.\n */\n bitSlice: function (a, bstart, bend) {\n a = sjcl.bitArray._shiftRight(a.slice(bstart/32), 32 - (bstart & 31)).slice(1);\n return (bend === undefined) ? a : sjcl.bitArray.clamp(a, bend-bstart);\n },\n\n /**\n * Extract a number packed into a bit array.\n * @param {bitArray} a The array to slice.\n * @param {Number} bstart The offset to the start of the slice, in bits.\n * @param {Number} length The length of the number to extract.\n * @return {Number} The requested slice.\n */\n extract: function(a, bstart, blength) {\n // FIXME: this Math.floor is not necessary at all, but for some reason\n // seems to suppress a bug in the Chromium JIT.\n var x, sh = Math.floor((-bstart-blength) & 31);\n if ((bstart + blength - 1 ^ bstart) & -32) {\n // it crosses a boundary\n x = (a[bstart/32|0] << (32 - sh)) ^ (a[bstart/32+1|0] >>> sh);\n } else {\n // within a single word\n x = a[bstart/32|0] >>> sh;\n }\n return x & ((1< 0 && len) {\n a[l-1] = sjcl.bitArray.partial(len, a[l-1] & 0x80000000 >> (len-1), 1);\n }\n return a;\n },\n\n /**\n * Make a partial word for a bit array.\n * @param {Number} len The number of bits in the word.\n * @param {Number} x The bits.\n * @param {Number} [0] _end Pass 1 if x has already been shifted to the high side.\n * @return {Number} The partial word.\n */\n partial: function (len, x, _end) {\n if (len === 32) { return x; }\n return (_end ? x|0 : x << (32-len)) + len * 0x10000000000;\n },\n\n /**\n * Get the number of bits used by a partial word.\n * @param {Number} x The partial word.\n * @return {Number} The number of bits used by the partial word.\n */\n getPartial: function (x) {\n return Math.round(x/0x10000000000) || 32;\n },\n\n /**\n * Compare two arrays for equality in a predictable amount of time.\n * @param {bitArray} a The first array.\n * @param {bitArray} b The second array.\n * @return {boolean} true if a == b; false otherwise.\n */\n equal: function (a, b) {\n if (sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(a) !== sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(b)) {\n return false;\n }\n var x = 0, i;\n for (i=0; i= 32; shift -= 32) {\n out.push(carry);\n carry = 0;\n }\n if (shift === 0) {\n return out.concat(a);\n }\n \n for (i=0; i>>shift);\n carry = a[i] << (32-shift);\n }\n last2 = a.length ? a[a.length-1] : 0;\n shift2 = sjcl.bitArray.getPartial(last2);\n out.push(sjcl.bitArray.partial(shift+shift2 & 31, (shift + shift2 > 32) ? carry : out.pop(),1));\n return out;\n },\n \n /** xor a block of 4 words together.\n * @private\n */\n _xor4: function(x,y) {\n return [x[0]^y[0],x[1]^y[1],x[2]^y[2],x[3]^y[3]];\n }\n};\n\n/** @fileOverview Bit array codec implementations.\n *\n * @author Emily Stark\n * @author Mike Hamburg\n * @author Dan Boneh\n */\n \n/** @namespace UTF-8 strings */\nsjcl.codec.utf8String = {\n /** Convert from a bitArray to a UTF-8 string. */\n fromBits: function (arr) {\n var out = \"\", bl = sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(arr), i, tmp;\n for (i=0; i>> 24);\n tmp <<= 8;\n }\n return decodeURIComponent(escape(out));\n },\n \n /** Convert from a UTF-8 string to a bitArray. */\n toBits: function (str) {\n str = unescape(encodeURIComponent(str));\n var out = [], i, tmp=0;\n for (i=0; i>>bits) >>> 26);\n if (bits < 6) {\n ta = arr[i] << (6-bits);\n bits += 26;\n i++;\n } else {\n ta <<= 6;\n bits -= 6;\n }\n }\n while ((out.length & 3) && !_noEquals) { out += \"=\"; }\n return out;\n },\n \n /** Convert from a base64 string to a bitArray */\n toBits: function(str, _url) {\n str = str.replace(/\\s|=/g,'');\n var out = [], i, bits=0, c = sjcl.codec.base64._chars, ta=0, x;\n if (_url) c = c.substr(0,62) + '-_';\n for (i=0; i 26) {\n bits -= 26;\n out.push(ta ^ x>>>bits);\n ta = x << (32-bits);\n } else {\n bits += 6;\n ta ^= x << (32-bits);\n }\n }\n if (bits&56) {\n out.push(sjcl.bitArray.partial(bits&56, ta, 1));\n }\n return out;\n }\n};\n\nsjcl.codec.base64url = {\n fromBits: function (arr) { return sjcl.codec.base64.fromBits(arr,1,1); },\n toBits: function (str) { return sjcl.codec.base64.toBits(str,1); }\n};\n\n/** @fileOverview Bit array codec implementations.\n *\n * @author Emily Stark\n * @author Mike Hamburg\n * @author Dan Boneh\n */\n\n/** @namespace Arrays of bytes */\nsjcl.codec.bytes = {\n /** Convert from a bitArray to an array of bytes. */\n fromBits: function (arr) {\n var out = [], bl = sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(arr), i, tmp;\n for (i=0; i>> 24);\n tmp <<= 8;\n }\n return out;\n },\n /** Convert from an array of bytes to a bitArray. */\n toBits: function (bytes) {\n var out = [], i, tmp=0;\n for (i=0; i>>7 ^ a>>>18 ^ a>>>3 ^ a<<25 ^ a<<14) + \n (b>>>17 ^ b>>>19 ^ b>>>10 ^ b<<15 ^ b<<13) +\n w[i&15] + w[(i+9) & 15]) | 0;\n }\n \n tmp = (tmp + h7 + (h4>>>6 ^ h4>>>11 ^ h4>>>25 ^ h4<<26 ^ h4<<21 ^ h4<<7) + (h6 ^ h4&(h5^h6)) + k[i]); // | 0;\n \n // shift register\n h7 = h6; h6 = h5; h5 = h4;\n h4 = h3 + tmp | 0;\n h3 = h2; h2 = h1; h1 = h0;\n\n h0 = (tmp + ((h1&h2) ^ (h3&(h1^h2))) + (h1>>>2 ^ h1>>>13 ^ h1>>>22 ^ h1<<30 ^ h1<<19 ^ h1<<10)) | 0;\n }\n\n h[0] = h[0]+h0 | 0;\n h[1] = h[1]+h1 | 0;\n h[2] = h[2]+h2 | 0;\n h[3] = h[3]+h3 | 0;\n h[4] = h[4]+h4 | 0;\n h[5] = h[5]+h5 | 0;\n h[6] = h[6]+h6 | 0;\n h[7] = h[7]+h7 | 0;\n }\n};\n\n\n\n/** @fileOverview Javascript SHA-512 implementation.\n *\n * This implementation was written for CryptoJS by Jeff Mott and adapted for\n * SJCL by Stefan Thomas.\n *\n * CryptoJS (c) 2009–2012 by Jeff Mott. All rights reserved.\n * Released with New BSD License\n *\n * @author Emily Stark\n * @author Mike Hamburg\n * @author Dan Boneh\n * @author Jeff Mott\n * @author Stefan Thomas\n */\n\n/**\n * Context for a SHA-512 operation in progress.\n * @constructor\n * @class Secure Hash Algorithm, 512 bits.\n */\nsjcl.hash.sha512 = function (hash) {\n if (!this._key[0]) { this._precompute(); }\n if (hash) {\n this._h = hash._h.slice(0);\n this._buffer = hash._buffer.slice(0);\n this._length = hash._length;\n } else {\n this.reset();\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Hash a string or an array of words.\n * @static\n * @param {bitArray|String} data the data to hash.\n * @return {bitArray} The hash value, an array of 16 big-endian words.\n */\nsjcl.hash.sha512.hash = function (data) {\n return (new sjcl.hash.sha512()).update(data).finalize();\n};\n\nsjcl.hash.sha512.prototype = {\n /**\n * The hash's block size, in bits.\n * @constant\n */\n blockSize: 1024,\n \n /**\n * Reset the hash state.\n * @return this\n */\n reset:function () {\n this._h = this._init.slice(0);\n this._buffer = [];\n this._length = 0;\n return this;\n },\n \n /**\n * Input several words to the hash.\n * @param {bitArray|String} data the data to hash.\n * @return this\n */\n update: function (data) {\n if (typeof data === \"string\") {\n data = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(data);\n }\n var i, b = this._buffer = sjcl.bitArray.concat(this._buffer, data),\n ol = this._length,\n nl = this._length = ol + sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(data);\n for (i = 1024+ol & -1024; i <= nl; i+= 1024) {\n this._block(b.splice(0,32));\n }\n return this;\n },\n \n /**\n * Complete hashing and output the hash value.\n * @return {bitArray} The hash value, an array of 16 big-endian words.\n */\n finalize:function () {\n var i, b = this._buffer, h = this._h;\n\n // Round out and push the buffer\n b = sjcl.bitArray.concat(b, [sjcl.bitArray.partial(1,1)]);\n\n // Round out the buffer to a multiple of 32 words, less the 4 length words.\n for (i = b.length + 4; i & 31; i++) {\n b.push(0);\n }\n\n // append the length\n b.push(0);\n b.push(0);\n b.push(Math.floor(this._length / 0x100000000));\n b.push(this._length | 0);\n\n while (b.length) {\n this._block(b.splice(0,32));\n }\n\n this.reset();\n return h;\n },\n\n /**\n * The SHA-512 initialization vector, to be precomputed.\n * @private\n */\n _init:[],\n\n /**\n * Least significant 24 bits of SHA512 initialization values.\n *\n * Javascript only has 53 bits of precision, so we compute the 40 most\n * significant bits and add the remaining 24 bits as constants.\n *\n * @private\n */\n _initr: [ 0xbcc908, 0xcaa73b, 0x94f82b, 0x1d36f1, 0xe682d1, 0x3e6c1f, 0x41bd6b, 0x7e2179 ],\n\n /*\n _init:\n [0x6a09e667, 0xf3bcc908, 0xbb67ae85, 0x84caa73b, 0x3c6ef372, 0xfe94f82b, 0xa54ff53a, 0x5f1d36f1,\n 0x510e527f, 0xade682d1, 0x9b05688c, 0x2b3e6c1f, 0x1f83d9ab, 0xfb41bd6b, 0x5be0cd19, 0x137e2179],\n */\n\n /**\n * The SHA-512 hash key, to be precomputed.\n * @private\n */\n _key:[],\n\n /**\n * Least significant 24 bits of SHA512 key values.\n * @private\n */\n _keyr:\n [0x28ae22, 0xef65cd, 0x4d3b2f, 0x89dbbc, 0x48b538, 0x05d019, 0x194f9b, 0x6d8118,\n 0x030242, 0x706fbe, 0xe4b28c, 0xffb4e2, 0x7b896f, 0x1696b1, 0xc71235, 0x692694,\n 0xf14ad2, 0x4f25e3, 0x8cd5b5, 0xac9c65, 0x2b0275, 0xa6e483, 0x41fbd4, 0x1153b5,\n 0x66dfab, 0xb43210, 0xfb213f, 0xef0ee4, 0xa88fc2, 0x0aa725, 0x03826f, 0x0e6e70,\n 0xd22ffc, 0x26c926, 0xc42aed, 0x95b3df, 0xaf63de, 0x77b2a8, 0xedaee6, 0x82353b,\n 0xf10364, 0x423001, 0xf89791, 0x54be30, 0xef5218, 0x65a910, 0x71202a, 0xbbd1b8,\n 0xd2d0c8, 0x41ab53, 0x8eeb99, 0x9b48a8, 0xc95a63, 0x418acb, 0x63e373, 0xb2b8a3,\n 0xefb2fc, 0x172f60, 0xf0ab72, 0x6439ec, 0x631e28, 0x82bde9, 0xc67915, 0x72532b,\n 0x26619c, 0xc0c207, 0xe0eb1e, 0x6ed178, 0x176fba, 0xc898a6, 0xf90dae, 0x1c471b,\n 0x047d84, 0xc72493, 0xc9bebc, 0x100d4c, 0x3e42b6, 0x657e2a, 0xd6faec, 0x475817],\n\n /*\n _key:\n [0x428a2f98, 0xd728ae22, 0x71374491, 0x23ef65cd, 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xec4d3b2f, 0xe9b5dba5, 0x8189dbbc,\n 0x3956c25b, 0xf348b538, 0x59f111f1, 0xb605d019, 0x923f82a4, 0xaf194f9b, 0xab1c5ed5, 0xda6d8118,\n 0xd807aa98, 0xa3030242, 0x12835b01, 0x45706fbe, 0x243185be, 0x4ee4b28c, 0x550c7dc3, 0xd5ffb4e2,\n 0x72be5d74, 0xf27b896f, 0x80deb1fe, 0x3b1696b1, 0x9bdc06a7, 0x25c71235, 0xc19bf174, 0xcf692694,\n 0xe49b69c1, 0x9ef14ad2, 0xefbe4786, 0x384f25e3, 0x0fc19dc6, 0x8b8cd5b5, 0x240ca1cc, 0x77ac9c65,\n 0x2de92c6f, 0x592b0275, 0x4a7484aa, 0x6ea6e483, 0x5cb0a9dc, 0xbd41fbd4, 0x76f988da, 0x831153b5,\n 0x983e5152, 0xee66dfab, 0xa831c66d, 0x2db43210, 0xb00327c8, 0x98fb213f, 0xbf597fc7, 0xbeef0ee4,\n 0xc6e00bf3, 0x3da88fc2, 0xd5a79147, 0x930aa725, 0x06ca6351, 0xe003826f, 0x14292967, 0x0a0e6e70,\n 0x27b70a85, 0x46d22ffc, 0x2e1b2138, 0x5c26c926, 0x4d2c6dfc, 0x5ac42aed, 0x53380d13, 0x9d95b3df,\n 0x650a7354, 0x8baf63de, 0x766a0abb, 0x3c77b2a8, 0x81c2c92e, 0x47edaee6, 0x92722c85, 0x1482353b,\n 0xa2bfe8a1, 0x4cf10364, 0xa81a664b, 0xbc423001, 0xc24b8b70, 0xd0f89791, 0xc76c51a3, 0x0654be30,\n 0xd192e819, 0xd6ef5218, 0xd6990624, 0x5565a910, 0xf40e3585, 0x5771202a, 0x106aa070, 0x32bbd1b8,\n 0x19a4c116, 0xb8d2d0c8, 0x1e376c08, 0x5141ab53, 0x2748774c, 0xdf8eeb99, 0x34b0bcb5, 0xe19b48a8,\n 0x391c0cb3, 0xc5c95a63, 0x4ed8aa4a, 0xe3418acb, 0x5b9cca4f, 0x7763e373, 0x682e6ff3, 0xd6b2b8a3,\n 0x748f82ee, 0x5defb2fc, 0x78a5636f, 0x43172f60, 0x84c87814, 0xa1f0ab72, 0x8cc70208, 0x1a6439ec,\n 0x90befffa, 0x23631e28, 0xa4506ceb, 0xde82bde9, 0xbef9a3f7, 0xb2c67915, 0xc67178f2, 0xe372532b,\n 0xca273ece, 0xea26619c, 0xd186b8c7, 0x21c0c207, 0xeada7dd6, 0xcde0eb1e, 0xf57d4f7f, 0xee6ed178,\n 0x06f067aa, 0x72176fba, 0x0a637dc5, 0xa2c898a6, 0x113f9804, 0xbef90dae, 0x1b710b35, 0x131c471b,\n 0x28db77f5, 0x23047d84, 0x32caab7b, 0x40c72493, 0x3c9ebe0a, 0x15c9bebc, 0x431d67c4, 0x9c100d4c,\n 0x4cc5d4be, 0xcb3e42b6, 0x597f299c, 0xfc657e2a, 0x5fcb6fab, 0x3ad6faec, 0x6c44198c, 0x4a475817],\n */\n\n /**\n * Function to precompute _init and _key.\n * @private\n */\n _precompute: function () {\n // XXX: This code is for precomputing the SHA256 constants, change for\n // SHA512 and re-enable.\n var i = 0, prime = 2, factor;\n\n function frac(x) { return (x-Math.floor(x)) * 0x100000000 | 0; }\n function frac2(x) { return (x-Math.floor(x)) * 0x10000000000 & 0xff; }\n\n outer: for (; i<80; prime++) {\n for (factor=2; factor*factor <= prime; factor++) {\n if (prime % factor === 0) {\n // not a prime\n continue outer;\n }\n }\n\n if (i<8) {\n this._init[i*2] = frac(Math.pow(prime, 1/2));\n this._init[i*2+1] = (frac2(Math.pow(prime, 1/2)) << 24) | this._initr[i];\n }\n this._key[i*2] = frac(Math.pow(prime, 1/3));\n this._key[i*2+1] = (frac2(Math.pow(prime, 1/3)) << 24) | this._keyr[i];\n i++;\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Perform one cycle of SHA-512.\n * @param {bitArray} words one block of words.\n * @private\n */\n _block:function (words) {\n var i, wrh, wrl,\n w = words.slice(0),\n h = this._h,\n k = this._key,\n h0h = h[ 0], h0l = h[ 1], h1h = h[ 2], h1l = h[ 3],\n h2h = h[ 4], h2l = h[ 5], h3h = h[ 6], h3l = h[ 7],\n h4h = h[ 8], h4l = h[ 9], h5h = h[10], h5l = h[11],\n h6h = h[12], h6l = h[13], h7h = h[14], h7l = h[15];\n\n // Working variables\n var ah = h0h, al = h0l, bh = h1h, bl = h1l,\n ch = h2h, cl = h2l, dh = h3h, dl = h3l,\n eh = h4h, el = h4l, fh = h5h, fl = h5l,\n gh = h6h, gl = h6l, hh = h7h, hl = h7l;\n\n for (i=0; i<80; i++) {\n // load up the input word for this round\n if (i<16) {\n wrh = w[i * 2];\n wrl = w[i * 2 + 1];\n } else {\n // Gamma0\n var gamma0xh = w[(i-15) * 2];\n var gamma0xl = w[(i-15) * 2 + 1];\n var gamma0h =\n ((gamma0xl << 31) | (gamma0xh >>> 1)) ^\n ((gamma0xl << 24) | (gamma0xh >>> 8)) ^\n (gamma0xh >>> 7);\n var gamma0l =\n ((gamma0xh << 31) | (gamma0xl >>> 1)) ^\n ((gamma0xh << 24) | (gamma0xl >>> 8)) ^\n ((gamma0xh << 25) | (gamma0xl >>> 7));\n\n // Gamma1\n var gamma1xh = w[(i-2) * 2];\n var gamma1xl = w[(i-2) * 2 + 1];\n var gamma1h =\n ((gamma1xl << 13) | (gamma1xh >>> 19)) ^\n ((gamma1xh << 3) | (gamma1xl >>> 29)) ^\n (gamma1xh >>> 6);\n var gamma1l =\n ((gamma1xh << 13) | (gamma1xl >>> 19)) ^\n ((gamma1xl << 3) | (gamma1xh >>> 29)) ^\n ((gamma1xh << 26) | (gamma1xl >>> 6));\n\n // Shortcuts\n var wr7h = w[(i-7) * 2];\n var wr7l = w[(i-7) * 2 + 1];\n\n var wr16h = w[(i-16) * 2];\n var wr16l = w[(i-16) * 2 + 1];\n\n // W(round) = gamma0 + W(round - 7) + gamma1 + W(round - 16)\n wrl = gamma0l + wr7l;\n wrh = gamma0h + wr7h + ((wrl >>> 0) < (gamma0l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);\n wrl += gamma1l;\n wrh += gamma1h + ((wrl >>> 0) < (gamma1l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);\n wrl += wr16l;\n wrh += wr16h + ((wrl >>> 0) < (wr16l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);\n }\n\n w[i*2] = wrh |= 0;\n w[i*2 + 1] = wrl |= 0;\n\n // Ch\n var chh = (eh & fh) ^ (~eh & gh);\n var chl = (el & fl) ^ (~el & gl);\n\n // Maj\n var majh = (ah & bh) ^ (ah & ch) ^ (bh & ch);\n var majl = (al & bl) ^ (al & cl) ^ (bl & cl);\n\n // Sigma0\n var sigma0h = ((al << 4) | (ah >>> 28)) ^ ((ah << 30) | (al >>> 2)) ^ ((ah << 25) | (al >>> 7));\n var sigma0l = ((ah << 4) | (al >>> 28)) ^ ((al << 30) | (ah >>> 2)) ^ ((al << 25) | (ah >>> 7));\n\n // Sigma1\n var sigma1h = ((el << 18) | (eh >>> 14)) ^ ((el << 14) | (eh >>> 18)) ^ ((eh << 23) | (el >>> 9));\n var sigma1l = ((eh << 18) | (el >>> 14)) ^ ((eh << 14) | (el >>> 18)) ^ ((el << 23) | (eh >>> 9));\n\n // K(round)\n var krh = k[i*2];\n var krl = k[i*2+1];\n\n // t1 = h + sigma1 + ch + K(round) + W(round)\n var t1l = hl + sigma1l;\n var t1h = hh + sigma1h + ((t1l >>> 0) < (hl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);\n t1l += chl;\n t1h += chh + ((t1l >>> 0) < (chl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);\n t1l += krl;\n t1h += krh + ((t1l >>> 0) < (krl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);\n t1l += wrl;\n t1h += wrh + ((t1l >>> 0) < (wrl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);\n\n // t2 = sigma0 + maj\n var t2l = sigma0l + majl;\n var t2h = sigma0h + majh + ((t2l >>> 0) < (sigma0l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0);\n\n // Update working variables\n hh = gh;\n hl = gl;\n gh = fh;\n gl = fl;\n fh = eh;\n fl = el;\n el = (dl + t1l) | 0;\n eh = (dh + t1h + ((el >>> 0) < (dl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n dh = ch;\n dl = cl;\n ch = bh;\n cl = bl;\n bh = ah;\n bl = al;\n al = (t1l + t2l) | 0;\n ah = (t1h + t2h + ((al >>> 0) < (t1l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n }\n\n // Intermediate hash\n h0l = h[1] = (h0l + al) | 0;\n h[0] = (h0h + ah + ((h0l >>> 0) < (al >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n h1l = h[3] = (h1l + bl) | 0;\n h[2] = (h1h + bh + ((h1l >>> 0) < (bl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n h2l = h[5] = (h2l + cl) | 0;\n h[4] = (h2h + ch + ((h2l >>> 0) < (cl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n h3l = h[7] = (h3l + dl) | 0;\n h[6] = (h3h + dh + ((h3l >>> 0) < (dl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n h4l = h[9] = (h4l + el) | 0;\n h[8] = (h4h + eh + ((h4l >>> 0) < (el >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n h5l = h[11] = (h5l + fl) | 0;\n h[10] = (h5h + fh + ((h5l >>> 0) < (fl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n h6l = h[13] = (h6l + gl) | 0;\n h[12] = (h6h + gh + ((h6l >>> 0) < (gl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n h7l = h[15] = (h7l + hl) | 0;\n h[14] = (h7h + hh + ((h7l >>> 0) < (hl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0;\n }\n};\n\n\n\n/** @fileOverview Javascript SHA-1 implementation.\n *\n * Based on the implementation in RFC 3174, method 1, and on the SJCL\n * SHA-256 implementation.\n *\n * @author Quinn Slack\n */\n\n/**\n * Context for a SHA-1 operation in progress.\n * @constructor\n * @class Secure Hash Algorithm, 160 bits.\n */\nsjcl.hash.sha1 = function (hash) {\n if (hash) {\n this._h = hash._h.slice(0);\n this._buffer = hash._buffer.slice(0);\n this._length = hash._length;\n } else {\n this.reset();\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Hash a string or an array of words.\n * @static\n * @param {bitArray|String} data the data to hash.\n * @return {bitArray} The hash value, an array of 5 big-endian words.\n */\nsjcl.hash.sha1.hash = function (data) {\n return (new sjcl.hash.sha1()).update(data).finalize();\n};\n\nsjcl.hash.sha1.prototype = {\n /**\n * The hash's block size, in bits.\n * @constant\n */\n blockSize: 512,\n \n /**\n * Reset the hash state.\n * @return this\n */\n reset:function () {\n this._h = this._init.slice(0);\n this._buffer = [];\n this._length = 0;\n return this;\n },\n \n /**\n * Input several words to the hash.\n * @param {bitArray|String} data the data to hash.\n * @return this\n */\n update: function (data) {\n if (typeof data === \"string\") {\n data = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(data);\n }\n var i, b = this._buffer = sjcl.bitArray.concat(this._buffer, data),\n ol = this._length,\n nl = this._length = ol + sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(data);\n for (i = this.blockSize+ol & -this.blockSize; i <= nl;\n i+= this.blockSize) {\n this._block(b.splice(0,16));\n }\n return this;\n },\n \n /**\n * Complete hashing and output the hash value.\n * @return {bitArray} The hash value, an array of 5 big-endian words. TODO\n */\n finalize:function () {\n var i, b = this._buffer, h = this._h;\n\n // Round out and push the buffer\n b = sjcl.bitArray.concat(b, [sjcl.bitArray.partial(1,1)]);\n // Round out the buffer to a multiple of 16 words, less the 2 length words.\n for (i = b.length + 2; i & 15; i++) {\n b.push(0);\n }\n\n // append the length\n b.push(Math.floor(this._length / 0x100000000));\n b.push(this._length | 0);\n\n while (b.length) {\n this._block(b.splice(0,16));\n }\n\n this.reset();\n return h;\n },\n\n /**\n * The SHA-1 initialization vector.\n * @private\n */\n _init:[0x67452301, 0xEFCDAB89, 0x98BADCFE, 0x10325476, 0xC3D2E1F0],\n\n /**\n * The SHA-1 hash key.\n * @private\n */\n _key:[0x5A827999, 0x6ED9EBA1, 0x8F1BBCDC, 0xCA62C1D6],\n\n /**\n * The SHA-1 logical functions f(0), f(1), ..., f(79).\n * @private\n */\n _f:function(t, b, c, d) {\n if (t <= 19) {\n return (b & c) | (~b & d);\n } else if (t <= 39) {\n return b ^ c ^ d;\n } else if (t <= 59) {\n return (b & c) | (b & d) | (c & d);\n } else if (t <= 79) {\n return b ^ c ^ d;\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Circular left-shift operator.\n * @private\n */\n _S:function(n, x) {\n return (x << n) | (x >>> 32-n);\n },\n \n /**\n * Perform one cycle of SHA-1.\n * @param {bitArray} words one block of words.\n * @private\n */\n _block:function (words) { \n var t, tmp, a, b, c, d, e,\n w = words.slice(0),\n h = this._h,\n k = this._key;\n \n a = h[0]; b = h[1]; c = h[2]; d = h[3]; e = h[4]; \n\n for (t=0; t<=79; t++) {\n if (t >= 16) {\n w[t] = this._S(1, w[t-3] ^ w[t-8] ^ w[t-14] ^ w[t-16]);\n }\n tmp = (this._S(5, a) + this._f(t, b, c, d) + e + w[t] +\n this._key[Math.floor(t/20)]) | 0;\n e = d;\n d = c;\n c = this._S(30, b);\n b = a;\n a = tmp;\n }\n\n h[0] = (h[0]+a) |0;\n h[1] = (h[1]+b) |0;\n h[2] = (h[2]+c) |0;\n h[3] = (h[3]+d) |0;\n h[4] = (h[4]+e) |0;\n }\n};\n\n/** @fileOverview CCM mode implementation.\n *\n * Special thanks to Roy Nicholson for pointing out a bug in our\n * implementation.\n *\n * @author Emily Stark\n * @author Mike Hamburg\n * @author Dan Boneh\n */\n\n/** @namespace CTR mode with CBC MAC. */\nsjcl.mode.ccm = {\n /** The name of the mode.\n * @constant\n */\n name: \"ccm\",\n \n /** Encrypt in CCM mode.\n * @static\n * @param {Object} prf The pseudorandom function. It must have a block size of 16 bytes.\n * @param {bitArray} plaintext The plaintext data.\n * @param {bitArray} iv The initialization value.\n * @param {bitArray} [adata=[]] The authenticated data.\n * @param {Number} [tlen=64] the desired tag length, in bits.\n * @return {bitArray} The encrypted data, an array of bytes.\n */\n encrypt: function(prf, plaintext, iv, adata, tlen) {\n var L, i, out = plaintext.slice(0), tag, w=sjcl.bitArray, ivl = w.bitLength(iv) / 8, ol = w.bitLength(out) / 8;\n tlen = tlen || 64;\n adata = adata || [];\n \n if (ivl < 7) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"ccm: iv must be at least 7 bytes\");\n }\n \n // compute the length of the length\n for (L=2; L<4 && ol >>> 8*L; L++) {}\n if (L < 15 - ivl) { L = 15-ivl; }\n iv = w.clamp(iv,8*(15-L));\n \n // compute the tag\n tag = sjcl.mode.ccm._computeTag(prf, plaintext, iv, adata, tlen, L);\n \n // encrypt\n out = sjcl.mode.ccm._ctrMode(prf, out, iv, tag, tlen, L);\n \n return w.concat(out.data, out.tag);\n },\n \n /** Decrypt in CCM mode.\n * @static\n * @param {Object} prf The pseudorandom function. It must have a block size of 16 bytes.\n * @param {bitArray} ciphertext The ciphertext data.\n * @param {bitArray} iv The initialization value.\n * @param {bitArray} [[]] adata The authenticated data.\n * @param {Number} [64] tlen the desired tag length, in bits.\n * @return {bitArray} The decrypted data.\n */\n decrypt: function(prf, ciphertext, iv, adata, tlen) {\n tlen = tlen || 64;\n adata = adata || [];\n var L, i, \n w=sjcl.bitArray,\n ivl = w.bitLength(iv) / 8,\n ol = w.bitLength(ciphertext), \n out = w.clamp(ciphertext, ol - tlen),\n tag = w.bitSlice(ciphertext, ol - tlen), tag2;\n \n\n ol = (ol - tlen) / 8;\n \n if (ivl < 7) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"ccm: iv must be at least 7 bytes\");\n }\n \n // compute the length of the length\n for (L=2; L<4 && ol >>> 8*L; L++) {}\n if (L < 15 - ivl) { L = 15-ivl; }\n iv = w.clamp(iv,8*(15-L));\n \n // decrypt\n out = sjcl.mode.ccm._ctrMode(prf, out, iv, tag, tlen, L);\n \n // check the tag\n tag2 = sjcl.mode.ccm._computeTag(prf, out.data, iv, adata, tlen, L);\n if (!w.equal(out.tag, tag2)) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.corrupt(\"ccm: tag doesn't match\");\n }\n \n return out.data;\n },\n\n /* Compute the (unencrypted) authentication tag, according to the CCM specification\n * @param {Object} prf The pseudorandom function.\n * @param {bitArray} plaintext The plaintext data.\n * @param {bitArray} iv The initialization value.\n * @param {bitArray} adata The authenticated data.\n * @param {Number} tlen the desired tag length, in bits.\n * @return {bitArray} The tag, but not yet encrypted.\n * @private\n */\n _computeTag: function(prf, plaintext, iv, adata, tlen, L) {\n // compute B[0]\n var q, mac, field = 0, offset = 24, tmp, i, macData = [], w=sjcl.bitArray, xor = w._xor4;\n\n tlen /= 8;\n \n // check tag length and message length\n if (tlen % 2 || tlen < 4 || tlen > 16) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"ccm: invalid tag length\");\n }\n \n if (adata.length > 0xFFFFFFFF || plaintext.length > 0xFFFFFFFF) {\n // I don't want to deal with extracting high words from doubles.\n throw new sjcl.exception.bug(\"ccm: can't deal with 4GiB or more data\");\n }\n\n // mac the flags\n mac = [w.partial(8, (adata.length ? 1<<6 : 0) | (tlen-2) << 2 | L-1)];\n\n // mac the iv and length\n mac = w.concat(mac, iv);\n mac[3] |= w.bitLength(plaintext)/8;\n mac = prf.encrypt(mac);\n \n \n if (adata.length) {\n // mac the associated data. start with its length...\n tmp = w.bitLength(adata)/8;\n if (tmp <= 0xFEFF) {\n macData = [w.partial(16, tmp)];\n } else if (tmp <= 0xFFFFFFFF) {\n macData = w.concat([w.partial(16,0xFFFE)], [tmp]);\n } // else ...\n \n // mac the data itself\n macData = w.concat(macData, adata);\n for (i=0; i bs) {\n key = Hash.hash(key);\n }\n \n for (i=0; i\n * This random number generator is a derivative of Ferguson and Schneier's\n * generator Fortuna. It collects entropy from various events into several\n * pools, implemented by streaming SHA-256 instances. It differs from\n * ordinary Fortuna in a few ways, though.\n *
\n *\n * \n * Most importantly, it has an entropy estimator. This is present because\n * there is a strong conflict here between making the generator available\n * as soon as possible, and making sure that it doesn't \"run on empty\".\n * In Fortuna, there is a saved state file, and the system is likely to have\n * time to warm up.\n *
\n *\n * \n * Second, because users are unlikely to stay on the page for very long,\n * and to speed startup time, the number of pools increases logarithmically:\n * a new pool is created when the previous one is actually used for a reseed.\n * This gives the same asymptotic guarantees as Fortuna, but gives more\n * entropy to early reseeds.\n *
\n *\n * \n * The entire mechanism here feels pretty klunky. Furthermore, there are\n * several improvements that should be made, including support for\n * dedicated cryptographic functions that may be present in some browsers;\n * state files in local storage; cookies containing randomness; etc. So\n * look for improvements in future versions.\n *
\n */\nsjcl.prng = function(defaultParanoia) {\n \n /* private */\n this._pools = [new sjcl.hash.sha256()];\n this._poolEntropy = [0];\n this._reseedCount = 0;\n this._robins = {};\n this._eventId = 0;\n \n this._collectorIds = {};\n this._collectorIdNext = 0;\n \n this._strength = 0;\n this._poolStrength = 0;\n this._nextReseed = 0;\n this._key = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];\n this._counter = [0,0,0,0];\n this._cipher = undefined;\n this._defaultParanoia = defaultParanoia;\n \n /* event listener stuff */\n this._collectorsStarted = false;\n this._callbacks = {progress: {}, seeded: {}};\n this._callbackI = 0;\n \n /* constants */\n this._NOT_READY = 0;\n this._READY = 1;\n this._REQUIRES_RESEED = 2;\n\n this._MAX_WORDS_PER_BURST = 65536;\n this._PARANOIA_LEVELS = [0,48,64,96,128,192,256,384,512,768,1024];\n this._MILLISECONDS_PER_RESEED = 30000;\n this._BITS_PER_RESEED = 80;\n}\n \nsjcl.prng.prototype = {\n /** Generate several random words, and return them in an array\n * @param {Number} nwords The number of words to generate.\n */\n randomWords: function (nwords, paranoia) {\n var out = [], i, readiness = this.isReady(paranoia), g;\n \n if (readiness === this._NOT_READY) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.notReady(\"generator isn't seeded\");\n } else if (readiness & this._REQUIRES_RESEED) {\n this._reseedFromPools(!(readiness & this._READY));\n }\n \n for (i=0; i0) {\n estimatedEntropy++;\n tmp = tmp >>> 1;\n }\n }\n }\n this._pools[robin].update([id,this._eventId++,2,estimatedEntropy,t,data.length].concat(data));\n }\n break;\n \n case \"string\":\n if (estimatedEntropy === undefined) {\n /* English text has just over 1 bit per character of entropy.\n * But this might be HTML or something, and have far less\n * entropy than English... Oh well, let's just say one bit.\n */\n estimatedEntropy = data.length;\n }\n this._pools[robin].update([id,this._eventId++,3,estimatedEntropy,t,data.length]);\n this._pools[robin].update(data);\n break;\n \n default:\n err=1;\n }\n if (err) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.bug(\"random: addEntropy only supports number, array of numbers or string\");\n }\n \n /* record the new strength */\n this._poolEntropy[robin] += estimatedEntropy;\n this._poolStrength += estimatedEntropy;\n \n /* fire off events */\n if (oldReady === this._NOT_READY) {\n if (this.isReady() !== this._NOT_READY) {\n this._fireEvent(\"seeded\", Math.max(this._strength, this._poolStrength));\n }\n this._fireEvent(\"progress\", this.getProgress());\n }\n },\n \n /** Is the generator ready? */\n isReady: function (paranoia) {\n var entropyRequired = this._PARANOIA_LEVELS[ (paranoia !== undefined) ? paranoia : this._defaultParanoia ];\n \n if (this._strength && this._strength >= entropyRequired) {\n return (this._poolEntropy[0] > this._BITS_PER_RESEED && (new Date()).valueOf() > this._nextReseed) ?\n this._REQUIRES_RESEED | this._READY :\n this._READY;\n } else {\n return (this._poolStrength >= entropyRequired) ?\n this._REQUIRES_RESEED | this._NOT_READY :\n this._NOT_READY;\n }\n },\n \n /** Get the generator's progress toward readiness, as a fraction */\n getProgress: function (paranoia) {\n var entropyRequired = this._PARANOIA_LEVELS[ paranoia ? paranoia : this._defaultParanoia ];\n \n if (this._strength >= entropyRequired) {\n return 1.0;\n } else {\n return (this._poolStrength > entropyRequired) ?\n 1.0 :\n this._poolStrength / entropyRequired;\n }\n },\n \n /** start the built-in entropy collectors */\n startCollectors: function () {\n if (this._collectorsStarted) { return; }\n \n if (window.addEventListener) {\n window.addEventListener(\"load\", this._loadTimeCollector, false);\n window.addEventListener(\"mousemove\", this._mouseCollector, false);\n } else if (document.attachEvent) {\n document.attachEvent(\"onload\", this._loadTimeCollector);\n document.attachEvent(\"onmousemove\", this._mouseCollector);\n }\n else {\n throw new sjcl.exception.bug(\"can't attach event\");\n }\n \n this._collectorsStarted = true;\n },\n \n /** stop the built-in entropy collectors */\n stopCollectors: function () {\n if (!this._collectorsStarted) { return; }\n \n if (window.removeEventListener) {\n window.removeEventListener(\"load\", this._loadTimeCollector, false);\n window.removeEventListener(\"mousemove\", this._mouseCollector, false);\n } else if (window.detachEvent) {\n window.detachEvent(\"onload\", this._loadTimeCollector);\n window.detachEvent(\"onmousemove\", this._mouseCollector);\n }\n this._collectorsStarted = false;\n },\n \n /* use a cookie to store entropy.\n useCookie: function (all_cookies) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.bug(\"random: useCookie is unimplemented\");\n },*/\n \n /** add an event listener for progress or seeded-ness. */\n addEventListener: function (name, callback) {\n this._callbacks[name][this._callbackI++] = callback;\n },\n \n /** remove an event listener for progress or seeded-ness */\n removeEventListener: function (name, cb) {\n var i, j, cbs=this._callbacks[name], jsTemp=[];\n \n /* I'm not sure if this is necessary; in C++, iterating over a\n * collection and modifying it at the same time is a no-no.\n */\n \n for (j in cbs) {\n\tif (cbs.hasOwnProperty(j) && cbs[j] === cb) {\n jsTemp.push(j);\n }\n }\n \n for (i=0; i= 1 << this._pools.length) {\n this._pools.push(new sjcl.hash.sha256());\n this._poolEntropy.push(0);\n }\n \n /* how strong was this reseed? */\n this._poolStrength -= strength;\n if (strength > this._strength) {\n this._strength = strength;\n }\n \n this._reseedCount ++;\n this._reseed(reseedData);\n },\n \n _mouseCollector: function (ev) {\n var x = ev.x || ev.clientX || ev.offsetX || 0, y = ev.y || ev.clientY || ev.offsetY || 0;\n sjcl.random.addEntropy([x,y], 2, \"mouse\");\n },\n \n _loadTimeCollector: function (ev) {\n sjcl.random.addEntropy((new Date()).valueOf(), 2, \"loadtime\");\n },\n \n _fireEvent: function (name, arg) {\n var j, cbs=sjcl.random._callbacks[name], cbsTemp=[];\n /* TODO: there is a race condition between removing collectors and firing them */ \n\n /* I'm not sure if this is necessary; in C++, iterating over a\n * collection and modifying it at the same time is a no-no.\n */\n \n for (j in cbs) {\n if (cbs.hasOwnProperty(j)) {\n cbsTemp.push(cbs[j]);\n }\n }\n \n for (j=0; j 4)) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"json encrypt: invalid parameters\");\n }\n \n if (typeof password === \"string\") {\n tmp = sjcl.misc.cachedPbkdf2(password, p);\n password = tmp.key.slice(0,p.ks/32);\n p.salt = tmp.salt;\n } else if (sjcl.ecc && password instanceof sjcl.ecc.elGamal.publicKey) {\n tmp = password.kem();\n p.kemtag = tmp.tag;\n password = tmp.key.slice(0,p.ks/32);\n }\n if (typeof plaintext === \"string\") {\n plaintext = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(plaintext);\n }\n if (typeof adata === \"string\") {\n adata = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(adata);\n }\n prp = new sjcl.cipher[p.cipher](password);\n \n /* return the json data */\n j._add(rp, p);\n rp.key = password;\n \n /* do the encryption */\n p.ct = sjcl.mode[p.mode].encrypt(prp, plaintext, p.iv, adata, p.ts);\n \n //return j.encode(j._subtract(p, j.defaults));\n return j.encode(p);\n },\n \n /** Simple decryption function.\n * @param {String|bitArray} password The password or key.\n * @param {String} ciphertext The ciphertext to decrypt.\n * @param {Object} [params] Additional non-default parameters.\n * @param {Object} [rp] A returned object with filled parameters.\n * @return {String} The plaintext.\n * @throws {sjcl.exception.invalid} if a parameter is invalid.\n * @throws {sjcl.exception.corrupt} if the ciphertext is corrupt.\n */\n decrypt: function (password, ciphertext, params, rp) {\n params = params || {};\n rp = rp || {};\n \n var j = sjcl.json, p = j._add(j._add(j._add({},j.defaults),j.decode(ciphertext)), params, true), ct, tmp, prp, adata=p.adata;\n if (typeof p.salt === \"string\") {\n p.salt = sjcl.codec.base64.toBits(p.salt);\n }\n if (typeof p.iv === \"string\") {\n p.iv = sjcl.codec.base64.toBits(p.iv);\n }\n \n if (!sjcl.mode[p.mode] ||\n !sjcl.cipher[p.cipher] ||\n (typeof password === \"string\" && p.iter <= 100) ||\n (p.ts !== 64 && p.ts !== 96 && p.ts !== 128) ||\n (p.ks !== 128 && p.ks !== 192 && p.ks !== 256) ||\n (!p.iv) ||\n (p.iv.length < 2 || p.iv.length > 4)) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"json decrypt: invalid parameters\");\n }\n \n if (typeof password === \"string\") {\n tmp = sjcl.misc.cachedPbkdf2(password, p);\n password = tmp.key.slice(0,p.ks/32);\n p.salt = tmp.salt;\n } else if (sjcl.ecc && password instanceof sjcl.ecc.elGamal.secretKey) {\n password = password.unkem(sjcl.codec.base64.toBits(p.kemtag)).slice(0,p.ks/32);\n }\n if (typeof adata === \"string\") {\n adata = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(adata);\n }\n prp = new sjcl.cipher[p.cipher](password);\n \n /* do the decryption */\n ct = sjcl.mode[p.mode].decrypt(prp, p.ct, p.iv, adata, p.ts);\n \n /* return the json data */\n j._add(rp, p);\n rp.key = password;\n \n return sjcl.codec.utf8String.fromBits(ct);\n },\n \n /** Encode a flat structure into a JSON string.\n * @param {Object} obj The structure to encode.\n * @return {String} A JSON string.\n * @throws {sjcl.exception.invalid} if obj has a non-alphanumeric property.\n * @throws {sjcl.exception.bug} if a parameter has an unsupported type.\n */\n encode: function (obj) {\n var i, out='{', comma='';\n for (i in obj) {\n if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) {\n if (!i.match(/^[a-z0-9]+$/i)) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"json encode: invalid property name\");\n }\n out += comma + '\"' + i + '\":';\n comma = ',';\n \n switch (typeof obj[i]) {\n case 'number':\n case 'boolean':\n out += obj[i];\n break;\n \n case 'string':\n out += '\"' + escape(obj[i]) + '\"';\n break;\n \n case 'object':\n out += '\"' + sjcl.codec.base64.fromBits(obj[i],0) + '\"';\n break;\n \n default:\n throw new sjcl.exception.bug(\"json encode: unsupported type\");\n }\n }\n }\n return out+'}';\n },\n \n /** Decode a simple (flat) JSON string into a structure. The ciphertext,\n * adata, salt and iv will be base64-decoded.\n * @param {String} str The string.\n * @return {Object} The decoded structure.\n * @throws {sjcl.exception.invalid} if str isn't (simple) JSON.\n */\n decode: function (str) {\n str = str.replace(/\\s/g,'');\n if (!str.match(/^\\{.*\\}$/)) { \n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"json decode: this isn't json!\");\n }\n var a = str.replace(/^\\{|\\}$/g, '').split(/,/), out={}, i, m;\n for (i=0; i= this.limbs.length) ? 0 : this.limbs[i];\n },\n \n /**\n * Constant time comparison function.\n * Returns 1 if this >= that, or zero otherwise.\n */\n greaterEquals: function(that) {\n if (typeof that === \"number\") { that = new this._class(that); }\n var less = 0, greater = 0, i, a, b;\n i = Math.max(this.limbs.length, that.limbs.length) - 1;\n for (; i>= 0; i--) {\n a = this.getLimb(i);\n b = that.getLimb(i);\n greater |= (b - a) & ~less;\n less |= (a - b) & ~greater;\n }\n return (greater | ~less) >>> 31;\n },\n \n /**\n * Convert to a hex string.\n */\n toString: function() {\n this.fullReduce();\n var out=\"\", i, s, l = this.limbs;\n for (i=0; i < this.limbs.length; i++) {\n s = l[i].toString(16);\n while (i < this.limbs.length - 1 && s.length < 6) {\n s = \"0\" + s;\n }\n out = s + out;\n }\n return \"0x\"+out;\n },\n \n /** this += that. Does not normalize. */\n addM: function(that) {\n if (typeof(that) !== \"object\") { that = new this._class(that); }\n var i, l=this.limbs, ll=that.limbs;\n for (i=l.length; i> r;\n }\n if (carry) {\n l.push(carry);\n }\n return this;\n },\n \n /** this /= 2, rounded down. Requires normalized; ends up normalized. */\n halveM: function() {\n var i, carry=0, tmp, r=this.radix, l=this.limbs;\n for (i=l.length-1; i>=0; i--) {\n tmp = l[i];\n l[i] = (tmp+carry)>>1;\n carry = (tmp&1) << r;\n }\n if (!l[l.length-1]) {\n l.pop();\n }\n return this;\n },\n\n /** this -= that. Does not normalize. */\n subM: function(that) {\n if (typeof(that) !== \"object\") { that = new this._class(that); }\n var i, l=this.limbs, ll=that.limbs;\n for (i=l.length; i 0; ci--) {\n that.halveM();\n if (out.greaterEquals(that)) {\n out.subM(that).normalize();\n }\n }\n return out.trim();\n },\n \n /** return inverse mod prime p. p must be odd. Binary extended Euclidean algorithm mod p. */\n inverseMod: function(p) {\n var a = new sjcl.bn(1), b = new sjcl.bn(0), x = new sjcl.bn(this), y = new sjcl.bn(p), tmp, i, nz=1;\n \n if (!(p.limbs[0] & 1)) {\n throw (new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"inverseMod: p must be odd\"));\n }\n \n // invariant: y is odd\n do {\n if (x.limbs[0] & 1) {\n if (!x.greaterEquals(y)) {\n // x < y; swap everything\n tmp = x; x = y; y = tmp;\n tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp;\n }\n x.subM(y);\n x.normalize();\n \n if (!a.greaterEquals(b)) {\n a.addM(p);\n }\n a.subM(b);\n }\n \n // cut everything in half\n x.halveM();\n if (a.limbs[0] & 1) {\n a.addM(p);\n }\n a.normalize();\n a.halveM();\n \n // check for termination: x ?= 0\n for (i=nz=0; i= 0; i--) {\n out = w.concat(out, [w.partial(Math.min(this.radix,len), this.getLimb(i))]);\n len -= this.radix;\n }\n return out;\n },\n \n /** Return the length in bits, rounded up to the nearest byte. */\n bitLength: function() {\n this.fullReduce();\n var out = this.radix * (this.limbs.length - 1),\n b = this.limbs[this.limbs.length - 1];\n for (; b; b >>>= 1) {\n out ++;\n }\n return out+7 & -8;\n }\n};\n\n/** @this { sjcl.bn } */\nsjcl.bn.fromBits = function(bits) {\n var Class = this, out = new Class(), words=[], w=sjcl.bitArray, t = this.prototype,\n l = Math.min(this.bitLength || 0x100000000, w.bitLength(bits)), e = l % t.radix || t.radix;\n \n words[0] = w.extract(bits, 0, e);\n for (; e < l; e += t.radix) {\n words.unshift(w.extract(bits, e, t.radix));\n }\n\n out.limbs = words;\n return out;\n};\n\n\n\nsjcl.bn.prototype.ipv = 1 / (sjcl.bn.prototype.placeVal = Math.pow(2,sjcl.bn.prototype.radix));\nsjcl.bn.prototype.radixMask = (1 << sjcl.bn.prototype.radix) - 1;\n\n/**\n * Creates a new subclass of bn, based on reduction modulo a pseudo-Mersenne prime,\n * i.e. a prime of the form 2^e + sum(a * 2^b),where the sum is negative and sparse.\n */\nsjcl.bn.pseudoMersennePrime = function(exponent, coeff) {\n /** @constructor */\n function p(it) {\n this.initWith(it);\n /*if (this.limbs[this.modOffset]) {\n this.reduce();\n }*/\n }\n\n var ppr = p.prototype = new sjcl.bn(), i, tmp, mo;\n mo = ppr.modOffset = Math.ceil(tmp = exponent / ppr.radix);\n ppr.exponent = exponent;\n ppr.offset = [];\n ppr.factor = [];\n ppr.minOffset = mo;\n ppr.fullMask = 0;\n ppr.fullOffset = [];\n ppr.fullFactor = [];\n ppr.modulus = p.modulus = new sjcl.bn(Math.pow(2,exponent));\n \n ppr.fullMask = 0|-Math.pow(2, exponent % ppr.radix);\n\n for (i=0; i mo) {\n l = limbs.pop();\n ll = limbs.length;\n for (k=0; k=0; i--) {\n for (j=sjcl.bn.prototype.radix-4; j>=0; j-=4) {\n out = out.doubl().doubl().doubl().doubl().add(multiples[k[i]>>j & 0xF]);\n }\n }\n \n return out;\n },\n \n /**\n * Multiply this point by k, added to affine2*k2, and return the answer in Jacobian coordinates.\n * @param {bigInt} k The coefficient to multiply this by.\n * @param {sjcl.ecc.point} affine This point in affine coordinates.\n * @param {bigInt} k2 The coefficient to multiply affine2 this by.\n * @param {sjcl.ecc.point} affine The other point in affine coordinates.\n * @return {sjcl.ecc.pointJac} The result of the multiplication and addition, in Jacobian coordinates.\n */\n mult2: function(k1, affine, k2, affine2) {\n if (typeof(k1) === \"number\") {\n k1 = [k1];\n } else if (k1.limbs !== undefined) {\n k1 = k1.normalize().limbs;\n }\n \n if (typeof(k2) === \"number\") {\n k2 = [k2];\n } else if (k2.limbs !== undefined) {\n k2 = k2.normalize().limbs;\n }\n \n var i, j, out = new sjcl.ecc.point(this.curve).toJac(), m1 = affine.multiples(),\n m2 = affine2.multiples(), l1, l2;\n\n for (i=Math.max(k1.length,k2.length)-1; i>=0; i--) {\n l1 = k1[i] | 0;\n l2 = k2[i] | 0;\n for (j=sjcl.bn.prototype.radix-4; j>=0; j-=4) {\n out = out.doubl().doubl().doubl().doubl().add(m1[l1>>j & 0xF]).add(m2[l2>>j & 0xF]);\n }\n }\n \n return out;\n },\n\n isValid: function() {\n var z2 = this.z.square(), z4 = z2.square(), z6 = z4.mul(z2);\n return this.y.square().equals(\n this.curve.b.mul(z6).add(this.x.mul(\n this.curve.a.mul(z4).add(this.x.square()))));\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Construct an elliptic curve. Most users will not use this and instead start with one of the NIST curves defined below.\n *\n * @constructor\n * @param {bigInt} p The prime modulus.\n * @param {bigInt} r The prime order of the curve.\n * @param {bigInt} a The constant a in the equation of the curve y^2 = x^3 + ax + b (for NIST curves, a is always -3).\n * @param {bigInt} x The x coordinate of a base point of the curve.\n * @param {bigInt} y The y coordinate of a base point of the curve.\n */\nsjcl.ecc.curve = function(Field, r, a, b, x, y) {\n this.field = Field;\n this.r = Field.prototype.modulus.sub(r);\n this.a = new Field(a);\n this.b = new Field(b);\n this.G = new sjcl.ecc.point(this, new Field(x), new Field(y));\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.curve.prototype.fromBits = function (bits) {\n var w = sjcl.bitArray, l = this.field.prototype.exponent + 7 & -8,\n p = new sjcl.ecc.point(this, this.field.fromBits(w.bitSlice(bits, 0, l)),\n this.field.fromBits(w.bitSlice(bits, l, 2*l)));\n if (!p.isValid()) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.corrupt(\"not on the curve!\");\n }\n return p;\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.curves = {\n c192: new sjcl.ecc.curve(\n sjcl.bn.prime.p192,\n \"0x662107c8eb94364e4b2dd7ce\",\n -3,\n \"0x64210519e59c80e70fa7e9ab72243049feb8deecc146b9b1\",\n \"0x188da80eb03090f67cbf20eb43a18800f4ff0afd82ff1012\",\n \"0x07192b95ffc8da78631011ed6b24cdd573f977a11e794811\"),\n\n c224: new sjcl.ecc.curve(\n sjcl.bn.prime.p224,\n \"0xe95c1f470fc1ec22d6baa3a3d5c4\",\n -3,\n \"0xb4050a850c04b3abf54132565044b0b7d7bfd8ba270b39432355ffb4\",\n \"0xb70e0cbd6bb4bf7f321390b94a03c1d356c21122343280d6115c1d21\",\n \"0xbd376388b5f723fb4c22dfe6cd4375a05a07476444d5819985007e34\"),\n\n c256: new sjcl.ecc.curve(\n sjcl.bn.prime.p256,\n \"0x4319055358e8617b0c46353d039cdaae\",\n -3,\n \"0x5ac635d8aa3a93e7b3ebbd55769886bc651d06b0cc53b0f63bce3c3e27d2604b\",\n \"0x6b17d1f2e12c4247f8bce6e563a440f277037d812deb33a0f4a13945d898c296\",\n \"0x4fe342e2fe1a7f9b8ee7eb4a7c0f9e162bce33576b315ececbb6406837bf51f5\"),\n\n c384: new sjcl.ecc.curve(\n sjcl.bn.prime.p384,\n \"0x389cb27e0bc8d21fa7e5f24cb74f58851313e696333ad68c\",\n -3,\n \"0xb3312fa7e23ee7e4988e056be3f82d19181d9c6efe8141120314088f5013875ac656398d8a2ed19d2a85c8edd3ec2aef\",\n \"0xaa87ca22be8b05378eb1c71ef320ad746e1d3b628ba79b9859f741e082542a385502f25dbf55296c3a545e3872760ab7\",\n \"0x3617de4a96262c6f5d9e98bf9292dc29f8f41dbd289a147ce9da3113b5f0b8c00a60b1ce1d7e819d7a431d7c90ea0e5f\")\n};\n\n\n/* Diffie-Hellman-like public-key system */\nsjcl.ecc._dh = function(cn) {\n sjcl.ecc[cn] = {\n /** @constructor */\n publicKey: function(curve, point) {\n this._curve = curve;\n this._curveBitLength = curve.r.bitLength();\n if (point instanceof Array) {\n this._point = curve.fromBits(point);\n } else {\n this._point = point;\n }\n\n this.get = function() {\n var pointbits = this._point.toBits();\n var len = sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(pointbits);\n var x = sjcl.bitArray.bitSlice(pointbits, 0, len/2);\n var y = sjcl.bitArray.bitSlice(pointbits, len/2);\n return { x: x, y: y };\n }\n },\n\n /** @constructor */\n secretKey: function(curve, exponent) {\n this._curve = curve;\n this._curveBitLength = curve.r.bitLength();\n this._exponent = exponent;\n\n this.get = function() {\n return this._exponent.toBits();\n }\n },\n\n /** @constructor */\n generateKeys: function(curve, paranoia, sec) {\n if (curve === undefined) {\n curve = 256;\n }\n if (typeof curve === \"number\") {\n curve = sjcl.ecc.curves['c'+curve];\n if (curve === undefined) {\n throw new sjcl.exception.invalid(\"no such curve\");\n }\n }\n if (sec === undefined) {\n var sec = sjcl.bn.random(curve.r, paranoia);\n }\n var pub = curve.G.mult(sec);\n return { pub: new sjcl.ecc[cn].publicKey(curve, pub),\n sec: new sjcl.ecc[cn].secretKey(curve, sec) };\n }\n }; \n};\n\nsjcl.ecc._dh(\"elGamal\");\n\nsjcl.ecc.elGamal.publicKey.prototype = {\n kem: function(paranoia) {\n var sec = sjcl.bn.random(this._curve.r, paranoia),\n tag = this._curve.G.mult(sec).toBits(),\n key = sjcl.hash.sha256.hash(this._point.mult(sec).toBits());\n return { key: key, tag: tag };\n }\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.elGamal.secretKey.prototype = {\n unkem: function(tag) {\n return sjcl.hash.sha256.hash(this._curve.fromBits(tag).mult(this._exponent).toBits());\n },\n\n dh: function(pk) {\n return sjcl.hash.sha256.hash(pk._point.mult(this._exponent).toBits());\n }\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc._dh(\"ecdsa\");\n\nsjcl.ecc.ecdsa.secretKey.prototype = {\n sign: function(hash, paranoia, fakeLegacyVersion, fixedKForTesting) {\n if (sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(hash) > this._curveBitLength) {\n hash = sjcl.bitArray.clamp(hash, this._curveBitLength);\n }\n var R = this._curve.r,\n l = R.bitLength(),\n k = fixedKForTesting || sjcl.bn.random(R.sub(1), paranoia).add(1),\n r = this._curve.G.mult(k).x.mod(R),\n ss = sjcl.bn.fromBits(hash).add(r.mul(this._exponent)),\n s = fakeLegacyVersion ? ss.inverseMod(R).mul(k).mod(R)\n : ss.mul(k.inverseMod(R)).mod(R);\n return sjcl.bitArray.concat(r.toBits(l), s.toBits(l));\n }\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.ecdsa.publicKey.prototype = {\n verify: function(hash, rs, fakeLegacyVersion) {\n if (sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(hash) > this._curveBitLength) {\n hash = sjcl.bitArray.clamp(hash, this._curveBitLength);\n }\n var w = sjcl.bitArray,\n R = this._curve.r,\n l = this._curveBitLength,\n r = sjcl.bn.fromBits(w.bitSlice(rs,0,l)),\n ss = sjcl.bn.fromBits(w.bitSlice(rs,l,2*l)),\n s = fakeLegacyVersion ? ss : ss.inverseMod(R),\n hG = sjcl.bn.fromBits(hash).mul(s).mod(R),\n hA = r.mul(s).mod(R),\n r2 = this._curve.G.mult2(hG, hA, this._point).x;\n if (r.equals(0) || ss.equals(0) || r.greaterEquals(R) || ss.greaterEquals(R) || !r2.equals(r)) {\n if (fakeLegacyVersion === undefined) {\n return this.verify(hash, rs, true);\n } else {\n throw (new sjcl.exception.corrupt(\"signature didn't check out\"));\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n};\n\n/** @fileOverview Javascript SRP implementation.\n *\n * This file contains a partial implementation of the SRP (Secure Remote\n * Password) password-authenticated key exchange protocol. Given a user\n * identity, salt, and SRP group, it generates the SRP verifier that may\n * be sent to a remote server to establish and SRP account.\n *\n * For more information, see http://srp.stanford.edu/.\n *\n * @author Quinn Slack\n */\n\n/**\n * Compute the SRP verifier from the username, password, salt, and group.\n * @class SRP\n */\nsjcl.keyexchange.srp = {\n /**\n * Calculates SRP v, the verifier. \n * v = g^x mod N [RFC 5054]\n * @param {String} I The username.\n * @param {String} P The password.\n * @param {Object} s A bitArray of the salt.\n * @param {Object} group The SRP group. Use sjcl.keyexchange.srp.knownGroup\n to obtain this object.\n * @return {Object} A bitArray of SRP v.\n */\n makeVerifier: function(I, P, s, group) {\n var x;\n x = sjcl.keyexchange.srp.makeX(I, P, s);\n x = sjcl.bn.fromBits(x);\n return group.g.powermod(x, group.N);\n },\n\n /**\n * Calculates SRP x.\n * x = SHA1( | SHA( | \":\" | )) [RFC 2945]\n * @param {String} I The username.\n * @param {String} P The password.\n * @param {Object} s A bitArray of the salt.\n * @return {Object} A bitArray of SRP x.\n */\n makeX: function(I, P, s) {\n var inner = sjcl.hash.sha1.hash(I + ':' + P);\n return sjcl.hash.sha1.hash(sjcl.bitArray.concat(s, inner));\n },\n\n /**\n * Returns the known SRP group with the given size (in bits).\n * @param {String} i The size of the known SRP group.\n * @return {Object} An object with \"N\" and \"g\" properties.\n */\n knownGroup:function(i) {\n if (typeof i !== \"string\") { i = i.toString(); }\n if (!sjcl.keyexchange.srp._didInitKnownGroups) { sjcl.keyexchange.srp._initKnownGroups(); }\n return sjcl.keyexchange.srp._knownGroups[i];\n },\n\n /**\n * Initializes bignum objects for known group parameters.\n * @private\n */\n _didInitKnownGroups: false,\n _initKnownGroups:function() {\n var i, size, group;\n for (i=0; i < sjcl.keyexchange.srp._knownGroupSizes.length; i++) {\n size = sjcl.keyexchange.srp._knownGroupSizes[i].toString();\n group = sjcl.keyexchange.srp._knownGroups[size];\n group.N = new sjcl.bn(group.N);\n group.g = new sjcl.bn(group.g);\n }\n sjcl.keyexchange.srp._didInitKnownGroups = true;\n },\n\n _knownGroupSizes: [1024, 1536, 2048],\n _knownGroups: {\n 1024: {\n N: \"EEAF0AB9ADB38DD69C33F80AFA8FC5E86072618775FF3C0B9EA2314C\" +\n \"9C256576D674DF7496EA81D3383B4813D692C6E0E0D5D8E250B98BE4\" +\n \"8E495C1D6089DAD15DC7D7B46154D6B6CE8EF4AD69B15D4982559B29\" +\n \"7BCF1885C529F566660E57EC68EDBC3C05726CC02FD4CBF4976EAA9A\" +\n \"FD5138FE8376435B9FC61D2FC0EB06E3\",\n g:2\n },\n\n 1536: {\n N: \"9DEF3CAFB939277AB1F12A8617A47BBBDBA51DF499AC4C80BEEEA961\" +\n \"4B19CC4D5F4F5F556E27CBDE51C6A94BE4607A291558903BA0D0F843\" +\n \"80B655BB9A22E8DCDF028A7CEC67F0D08134B1C8B97989149B609E0B\" +\n \"E3BAB63D47548381DBC5B1FC764E3F4B53DD9DA1158BFD3E2B9C8CF5\" +\n \"6EDF019539349627DB2FD53D24B7C48665772E437D6C7F8CE442734A\" +\n \"F7CCB7AE837C264AE3A9BEB87F8A2FE9B8B5292E5A021FFF5E91479E\" +\n \"8CE7A28C2442C6F315180F93499A234DCF76E3FED135F9BB\",\n g: 2\n },\n\n 2048: {\n N: \"AC6BDB41324A9A9BF166DE5E1389582FAF72B6651987EE07FC319294\" +\n \"3DB56050A37329CBB4A099ED8193E0757767A13DD52312AB4B03310D\" +\n \"CD7F48A9DA04FD50E8083969EDB767B0CF6095179A163AB3661A05FB\" +\n \"D5FAAAE82918A9962F0B93B855F97993EC975EEAA80D740ADBF4FF74\" +\n \"7359D041D5C33EA71D281E446B14773BCA97B43A23FB801676BD207A\" +\n \"436C6481F1D2B9078717461A5B9D32E688F87748544523B524B0D57D\" +\n \"5EA77A2775D2ECFA032CFBDBF52FB3786160279004E57AE6AF874E73\" +\n \"03CE53299CCC041C7BC308D82A5698F3A8D0C38271AE35F8E9DBFBB6\" +\n \"94B5C803D89F7AE435DE236D525F54759B65E372FCD68EF20FA7111F\" +\n \"9E4AFF73\",\n g: 2\n }\n }\n\n};\n\n\n// ----- for secp256k1 ------\n\n// Overwrite NIST-P256 with secp256k1 so we're on even footing\nsjcl.ecc.curves.c256 = new sjcl.ecc.curve(\n sjcl.bn.pseudoMersennePrime(256, [[0,-1],[4,-1],[6,-1],[7,-1],[8,-1],[9,-1],[32,-1]]),\n \"0x14551231950b75fc4402da1722fc9baee\",\n 0,\n 7,\n \"0x79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798\",\n \"0x483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8\"\n);\n\n// Replace point addition and doubling algorithms\n// NIST-P256 is a=-3, we need algorithms for a=0\nsjcl.ecc.pointJac.prototype.add = function(T) {\n var S = this;\n if (S.curve !== T.curve) {\n throw(\"sjcl.ecc.add(): Points must be on the same curve to add them!\");\n }\n\n if (S.isIdentity) {\n return T.toJac();\n } else if (T.isIdentity) {\n return S;\n }\n\n var z1z1 = S.z.square();\n var h = T.x.mul(z1z1).subM(S.x);\n var s2 = T.y.mul(S.z).mul(z1z1);\n\n if (h.equals(0)) {\n if (S.y.equals(T.y.mul(z1z1.mul(S.z)))) {\n // same point\n return S.doubl();\n } else {\n // inverses\n return new sjcl.ecc.pointJac(S.curve);\n }\n }\n\n var hh = h.square();\n var i = hh.copy().doubleM().doubleM();\n var j = h.mul(i);\n var r = s2.sub(S.y).doubleM();\n var v = S.x.mul(i);\n \n var x = r.square().subM(j).subM(v.copy().doubleM());\n var y = r.mul(v.sub(x)).subM(S.y.mul(j).doubleM());\n var z = S.z.add(h).square().subM(z1z1).subM(hh);\n\n return new sjcl.ecc.pointJac(this.curve,x,y,z);\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.pointJac.prototype.doubl = function () {\n if (this.isIdentity) { return this; }\n\n var a = this.x.square();\n var b = this.y.square();\n var c = b.square();\n var d = this.x.add(b).square().subM(a).subM(c).doubleM();\n var e = a.mul(3);\n var f = e.square();\n var x = f.sub(d.copy().doubleM());\n var y = e.mul(d.sub(x)).subM(c.doubleM().doubleM().doubleM());\n var z = this.y.mul(this.z).doubleM();\n return new sjcl.ecc.pointJac(this.curve, x, y, z);\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.point.prototype.toBytesCompressed = function () {\n var header = this.y.mod(2).toString() == \"0x0\" ? 0x02 : 0x03;\n return [header].concat(sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits(this.x.toBits()))\n};\n\n/** @fileOverview Javascript RIPEMD-160 implementation.\n *\n * @author Artem S Vybornov \n */\n(function() {\n\n/**\n * Context for a RIPEMD-160 operation in progress.\n * @constructor\n * @class RIPEMD, 160 bits.\n */\nsjcl.hash.ripemd160 = function (hash) {\n if (hash) {\n this._h = hash._h.slice(0);\n this._buffer = hash._buffer.slice(0);\n this._length = hash._length;\n } else {\n this.reset();\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Hash a string or an array of words.\n * @static\n * @param {bitArray|String} data the data to hash.\n * @return {bitArray} The hash value, an array of 5 big-endian words.\n */\nsjcl.hash.ripemd160.hash = function (data) {\n return (new sjcl.hash.ripemd160()).update(data).finalize();\n};\n\nsjcl.hash.ripemd160.prototype = {\n /**\n * Reset the hash state.\n * @return this\n */\n reset: function () {\n this._h = _h0.slice(0);\n this._buffer = [];\n this._length = 0;\n return this;\n },\n\n /**\n * Reset the hash state.\n * @param {bitArray|String} data the data to hash.\n * @return this\n */\n update: function (data) {\n if ( typeof data === \"string\" )\n data = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(data);\n\n var i, b = this._buffer = sjcl.bitArray.concat(this._buffer, data),\n ol = this._length,\n nl = this._length = ol + sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(data);\n for (i = 512+ol & -512; i <= nl; i+= 512) {\n var words = b.splice(0,16);\n for ( var w = 0; w < 16; ++w )\n words[w] = _cvt(words[w]);\n\n _block.call( this, words );\n }\n\n return this;\n },\n\n /**\n * Complete hashing and output the hash value.\n * @return {bitArray} The hash value, an array of 5 big-endian words.\n */\n finalize: function () {\n var b = sjcl.bitArray.concat( this._buffer, [ sjcl.bitArray.partial(1,1) ] ),\n l = ( this._length + 1 ) % 512,\n z = ( l > 448 ? 512 : 448 ) - l % 448,\n zp = z % 32;\n\n if ( zp > 0 )\n b = sjcl.bitArray.concat( b, [ sjcl.bitArray.partial(zp,0) ] )\n for ( ; z >= 32; z -= 32 )\n b.push(0);\n\n b.push( _cvt( this._length | 0 ) );\n b.push( _cvt( Math.floor(this._length / 0x100000000) ) );\n\n while ( b.length ) {\n var words = b.splice(0,16);\n for ( var w = 0; w < 16; ++w )\n words[w] = _cvt(words[w]);\n\n _block.call( this, words );\n }\n\n var h = this._h;\n this.reset();\n\n for ( var w = 0; w < 5; ++w )\n h[w] = _cvt(h[w]);\n\n return h;\n }\n};\n\nvar _h0 = [ 0x67452301, 0xefcdab89, 0x98badcfe, 0x10325476, 0xc3d2e1f0 ];\n\nvar _k1 = [ 0x00000000, 0x5a827999, 0x6ed9eba1, 0x8f1bbcdc, 0xa953fd4e ];\nvar _k2 = [ 0x50a28be6, 0x5c4dd124, 0x6d703ef3, 0x7a6d76e9, 0x00000000 ];\nfor ( var i = 4; i >= 0; --i ) {\n for ( var j = 1; j < 16; ++j ) {\n _k1.splice(i,0,_k1[i]);\n _k2.splice(i,0,_k2[i]);\n }\n}\n\nvar _r1 = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,\n 7, 4, 13, 1, 10, 6, 15, 3, 12, 0, 9, 5, 2, 14, 11, 8,\n 3, 10, 14, 4, 9, 15, 8, 1, 2, 7, 0, 6, 13, 11, 5, 12,\n 1, 9, 11, 10, 0, 8, 12, 4, 13, 3, 7, 15, 14, 5, 6, 2,\n 4, 0, 5, 9, 7, 12, 2, 10, 14, 1, 3, 8, 11, 6, 15, 13 ];\nvar _r2 = [ 5, 14, 7, 0, 9, 2, 11, 4, 13, 6, 15, 8, 1, 10, 3, 12,\n 6, 11, 3, 7, 0, 13, 5, 10, 14, 15, 8, 12, 4, 9, 1, 2,\n 15, 5, 1, 3, 7, 14, 6, 9, 11, 8, 12, 2, 10, 0, 4, 13,\n 8, 6, 4, 1, 3, 11, 15, 0, 5, 12, 2, 13, 9, 7, 10, 14,\n 12, 15, 10, 4, 1, 5, 8, 7, 6, 2, 13, 14, 0, 3, 9, 11 ];\n\nvar _s1 = [ 11, 14, 15, 12, 5, 8, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 6, 7, 9, 8,\n 7, 6, 8, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 7, 12, 15, 9, 11, 7, 13, 12,\n 11, 13, 6, 7, 14, 9, 13, 15, 14, 8, 13, 6, 5, 12, 7, 5,\n 11, 12, 14, 15, 14, 15, 9, 8, 9, 14, 5, 6, 8, 6, 5, 12,\n 9, 15, 5, 11, 6, 8, 13, 12, 5, 12, 13, 14, 11, 8, 5, 6 ];\nvar _s2 = [ 8, 9, 9, 11, 13, 15, 15, 5, 7, 7, 8, 11, 14, 14, 12, 6,\n 9, 13, 15, 7, 12, 8, 9, 11, 7, 7, 12, 7, 6, 15, 13, 11,\n 9, 7, 15, 11, 8, 6, 6, 14, 12, 13, 5, 14, 13, 13, 7, 5,\n 15, 5, 8, 11, 14, 14, 6, 14, 6, 9, 12, 9, 12, 5, 15, 8,\n 8, 5, 12, 9, 12, 5, 14, 6, 8, 13, 6, 5, 15, 13, 11, 11 ];\n\nfunction _f0(x,y,z) {\n return x ^ y ^ z;\n};\n\nfunction _f1(x,y,z) {\n return (x & y) | (~x & z);\n};\n\nfunction _f2(x,y,z) {\n return (x | ~y) ^ z;\n};\n\nfunction _f3(x,y,z) {\n return (x & z) | (y & ~z);\n};\n\nfunction _f4(x,y,z) {\n return x ^ (y | ~z);\n};\n\nfunction _rol(n,l) {\n return (n << l) | (n >>> (32-l));\n}\n\nfunction _cvt(n) {\n return ( (n & 0xff << 0) << 24 )\n | ( (n & 0xff << 8) << 8 )\n | ( (n & 0xff << 16) >>> 8 )\n | ( (n & 0xff << 24) >>> 24 );\n}\n\nfunction _block(X) {\n var A1 = this._h[0], B1 = this._h[1], C1 = this._h[2], D1 = this._h[3], E1 = this._h[4],\n A2 = this._h[0], B2 = this._h[1], C2 = this._h[2], D2 = this._h[3], E2 = this._h[4];\n\n var j = 0, T;\n\n for ( ; j < 16; ++j ) {\n T = _rol( A1 + _f0(B1,C1,D1) + X[_r1[j]] + _k1[j], _s1[j] ) + E1;\n A1 = E1; E1 = D1; D1 = _rol(C1,10); C1 = B1; B1 = T;\n T = _rol( A2 + _f4(B2,C2,D2) + X[_r2[j]] + _k2[j], _s2[j] ) + E2;\n A2 = E2; E2 = D2; D2 = _rol(C2,10); C2 = B2; B2 = T; }\n for ( ; j < 32; ++j ) {\n T = _rol( A1 + _f1(B1,C1,D1) + X[_r1[j]] + _k1[j], _s1[j] ) + E1;\n A1 = E1; E1 = D1; D1 = _rol(C1,10); C1 = B1; B1 = T;\n T = _rol( A2 + _f3(B2,C2,D2) + X[_r2[j]] + _k2[j], _s2[j] ) + E2;\n A2 = E2; E2 = D2; D2 = _rol(C2,10); C2 = B2; B2 = T; }\n for ( ; j < 48; ++j ) {\n T = _rol( A1 + _f2(B1,C1,D1) + X[_r1[j]] + _k1[j], _s1[j] ) + E1;\n A1 = E1; E1 = D1; D1 = _rol(C1,10); C1 = B1; B1 = T;\n T = _rol( A2 + _f2(B2,C2,D2) + X[_r2[j]] + _k2[j], _s2[j] ) + E2;\n A2 = E2; E2 = D2; D2 = _rol(C2,10); C2 = B2; B2 = T; }\n for ( ; j < 64; ++j ) {\n T = _rol( A1 + _f3(B1,C1,D1) + X[_r1[j]] + _k1[j], _s1[j] ) + E1;\n A1 = E1; E1 = D1; D1 = _rol(C1,10); C1 = B1; B1 = T;\n T = _rol( A2 + _f1(B2,C2,D2) + X[_r2[j]] + _k2[j], _s2[j] ) + E2;\n A2 = E2; E2 = D2; D2 = _rol(C2,10); C2 = B2; B2 = T; }\n for ( ; j < 80; ++j ) {\n T = _rol( A1 + _f4(B1,C1,D1) + X[_r1[j]] + _k1[j], _s1[j] ) + E1;\n A1 = E1; E1 = D1; D1 = _rol(C1,10); C1 = B1; B1 = T;\n T = _rol( A2 + _f0(B2,C2,D2) + X[_r2[j]] + _k2[j], _s2[j] ) + E2;\n A2 = E2; E2 = D2; D2 = _rol(C2,10); C2 = B2; B2 = T; }\n\n T = this._h[1] + C1 + D2;\n this._h[1] = this._h[2] + D1 + E2;\n this._h[2] = this._h[3] + E1 + A2;\n this._h[3] = this._h[4] + A1 + B2;\n this._h[4] = this._h[0] + B1 + C2;\n this._h[0] = T;\n}\n\n})();\n\nsjcl.bn.ZERO = new sjcl.bn(0);\n\n/** [ this / that , this % that ] */\nsjcl.bn.prototype.divRem = function (that) {\n if (typeof(that) !== \"object\") { that = new this._class(that); }\n var thisa = this.abs(), thata = that.abs(), quot = new this._class(0),\n ci = 0;\n if (!thisa.greaterEquals(thata)) {\n this.initWith(0);\n return this;\n } else if (thisa.equals(thata)) {\n this.initWith(1);\n return this;\n }\n\n for (; thisa.greaterEquals(thata); ci++) {\n thata.doubleM();\n }\n for (; ci > 0; ci--) {\n quot.doubleM();\n thata.halveM();\n if (thisa.greaterEquals(thata)) {\n quot.addM(1);\n thisa.subM(that).normalize();\n }\n }\n return [quot, thisa];\n};\n\n/** this /= that (rounded to nearest int) */\nsjcl.bn.prototype.divRound = function (that) {\n var dr = this.divRem(that), quot = dr[0], rem = dr[1];\n\n if (rem.doubleM().greaterEquals(that)) {\n quot.addM(1);\n }\n\n return quot;\n};\n\n/** this /= that (rounded down) */\nsjcl.bn.prototype.div = function (that) {\n var dr = this.divRem(that);\n return dr[0];\n};\n\nsjcl.bn.prototype.sign = function () {\n return this.greaterEquals(sjcl.bn.ZERO) ? 1 : -1;\n };\n\n/** -this */\nsjcl.bn.prototype.neg = function () {\n return sjcl.bn.ZERO.sub(this);\n};\n\n/** |this| */\nsjcl.bn.prototype.abs = function () {\n if (this.sign() === -1) {\n return this.neg();\n } else return this;\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.ecdsa.secretKey.prototype = {\n sign: function(hash, paranoia) {\n var R = this._curve.r,\n l = R.bitLength(),\n k = sjcl.bn.random(R.sub(1), paranoia).add(1),\n r = this._curve.G.mult(k).x.mod(R),\n s = sjcl.bn.fromBits(hash).add(r.mul(this._exponent)).mul(k.inverseMod(R)).mod(R);\n\n return sjcl.bitArray.concat(r.toBits(l), s.toBits(l));\n }\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.ecdsa.publicKey.prototype = {\n verify: function(hash, rs) {\n var w = sjcl.bitArray,\n R = this._curve.r,\n l = R.bitLength(),\n r = sjcl.bn.fromBits(w.bitSlice(rs,0,l)),\n s = sjcl.bn.fromBits(w.bitSlice(rs,l,2*l)),\n sInv = s.modInverse(R),\n hG = sjcl.bn.fromBits(hash).mul(sInv).mod(R),\n hA = r.mul(sInv).mod(R),\n r2 = this._curve.G.mult2(hG, hA, this._point).x;\n\n if (r.equals(0) || s.equals(0) || r.greaterEquals(R) || s.greaterEquals(R) || !r2.equals(r)) {\n throw (new sjcl.exception.corrupt(\"signature didn't check out\"));\n }\n return true;\n }\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.ecdsa.secretKey.prototype.signDER = function(hash, paranoia) {\n return this.encodeDER(this.sign(hash, paranoia));\n};\n\nsjcl.ecc.ecdsa.secretKey.prototype.encodeDER = function(rs) {\n var w = sjcl.bitArray,\n R = this._curve.r,\n l = R.bitLength();\n\n var rb = sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits(w.bitSlice(rs,0,l)),\n sb = sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits(w.bitSlice(rs,l,2*l));\n\n // Drop empty leading bytes\n while (!rb[0] && rb.length) rb.shift();\n while (!sb[0] && sb.length) sb.shift();\n\n // If high bit is set, prepend an extra zero byte (DER signed integer)\n if (rb[0] & 0x80) rb.unshift(0);\n if (sb[0] & 0x80) sb.unshift(0);\n\n var buffer = [].concat(\n 0x30,\n 4 + rb.length + sb.length,\n 0x02,\n rb.length,\n rb,\n 0x02,\n sb.length,\n sb\n );\n\n return sjcl.codec.bytes.toBits(buffer);\n};\n\n\n/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}(require, require(25)(module)))\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 11\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./build/sjcl.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./build/sjcl.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 12:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("exports.readIEEE754 = function(buffer, offset, isBE, mLen, nBytes) {\n var e, m,\n eLen = nBytes * 8 - mLen - 1,\n eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1,\n eBias = eMax >> 1,\n nBits = -7,\n i = isBE ? 0 : (nBytes - 1),\n d = isBE ? 1 : -1,\n s = buffer[offset + i];\n\n i += d;\n\n e = s & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1);\n s >>= (-nBits);\n nBits += eLen;\n for (; nBits > 0; e = e * 256 + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8);\n\n m = e & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1);\n e >>= (-nBits);\n nBits += mLen;\n for (; nBits > 0; m = m * 256 + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8);\n\n if (e === 0) {\n e = 1 - eBias;\n } else if (e === eMax) {\n return m ? NaN : ((s ? -1 : 1) * Infinity);\n } else {\n m = m + Math.pow(2, mLen);\n e = e - eBias;\n }\n return (s ? -1 : 1) * m * Math.pow(2, e - mLen);\n};\n\nexports.writeIEEE754 = function(buffer, value, offset, isBE, mLen, nBytes) {\n var e, m, c,\n eLen = nBytes * 8 - mLen - 1,\n eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1,\n eBias = eMax >> 1,\n rt = (mLen === 23 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0),\n i = isBE ? (nBytes - 1) : 0,\n d = isBE ? -1 : 1,\n s = value < 0 || (value === 0 && 1 / value < 0) ? 1 : 0;\n\n value = Math.abs(value);\n\n if (isNaN(value) || value === Infinity) {\n m = isNaN(value) ? 1 : 0;\n e = eMax;\n } else {\n e = Math.floor(Math.log(value) / Math.LN2);\n if (value * (c = Math.pow(2, -e)) < 1) {\n e--;\n c *= 2;\n }\n if (e + eBias >= 1) {\n value += rt / c;\n } else {\n value += rt * Math.pow(2, 1 - eBias);\n }\n if (value * c >= 2) {\n e++;\n c /= 2;\n }\n\n if (e + eBias >= eMax) {\n m = 0;\n e = eMax;\n } else if (e + eBias >= 1) {\n m = (value * c - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen);\n e = e + eBias;\n } else {\n m = value * Math.pow(2, eBias - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen);\n e = 0;\n }\n }\n\n for (; mLen >= 8; buffer[offset + i] = m & 0xff, i += d, m /= 256, mLen -= 8);\n\n e = (e << mLen) | m;\n eLen += mLen;\n for (; eLen > 0; buffer[offset + i] = e & 0xff, i += d, e /= 256, eLen -= 8);\n\n buffer[offset + i - d] |= s * 128;\n};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 12\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer-browserify/buffer_ieee754.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer-browserify/buffer_ieee754.js");
+ eval("// This object serves as a singleton to store config options\n\nvar extend = require(29);\n\nvar config = module.exports = {\n load: function (newOpts) {\n extend(config, newOpts);\n return config;\n }\n};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 12\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/config.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/config.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 13:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(require, Buffer) {function SlowBuffer (size) {\n this.length = size;\n};\n\nvar assert = require(31);\n\nexports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50;\n\n\nfunction toHex(n) {\n if (n < 16) return '0' + n.toString(16);\n return n.toString(16);\n}\n\nfunction utf8ToBytes(str) {\n var byteArray = [];\n for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++)\n if (str.charCodeAt(i) <= 0x7F)\n byteArray.push(str.charCodeAt(i));\n else {\n var h = encodeURIComponent(str.charAt(i)).substr(1).split('%');\n for (var j = 0; j < h.length; j++)\n byteArray.push(parseInt(h[j], 16));\n }\n\n return byteArray;\n}\n\nfunction asciiToBytes(str) {\n var byteArray = []\n for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++ )\n // Node's code seems to be doing this and not & 0x7F..\n byteArray.push( str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF );\n\n return byteArray;\n}\n\nfunction base64ToBytes(str) {\n return require(20).toByteArray(str);\n}\n\nSlowBuffer.byteLength = function (str, encoding) {\n switch (encoding || \"utf8\") {\n case 'hex':\n return str.length / 2;\n\n case 'utf8':\n case 'utf-8':\n return utf8ToBytes(str).length;\n\n case 'ascii':\n return str.length;\n\n case 'base64':\n return base64ToBytes(str).length;\n\n default:\n throw new Error('Unknown encoding');\n }\n};\n\nfunction blitBuffer(src, dst, offset, length) {\n var pos, i = 0;\n while (i < length) {\n if ((i+offset >= dst.length) || (i >= src.length))\n break;\n\n dst[i + offset] = src[i];\n i++;\n }\n return i;\n}\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.utf8Write = function (string, offset, length) {\n var bytes, pos;\n return SlowBuffer._charsWritten = blitBuffer(utf8ToBytes(string), this, offset, length);\n};\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.asciiWrite = function (string, offset, length) {\n var bytes, pos;\n return SlowBuffer._charsWritten = blitBuffer(asciiToBytes(string), this, offset, length);\n};\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.base64Write = function (string, offset, length) {\n var bytes, pos;\n return SlowBuffer._charsWritten = blitBuffer(base64ToBytes(string), this, offset, length);\n};\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.base64Slice = function (start, end) {\n var bytes = Array.prototype.slice.apply(this, arguments)\n return require(20).fromByteArray(bytes);\n}\n\nfunction decodeUtf8Char(str) {\n try {\n return decodeURIComponent(str);\n } catch (err) {\n return String.fromCharCode(0xFFFD); // UTF 8 invalid char\n }\n}\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.utf8Slice = function () {\n var bytes = Array.prototype.slice.apply(this, arguments);\n var res = \"\";\n var tmp = \"\";\n var i = 0;\n while (i < bytes.length) {\n if (bytes[i] <= 0x7F) {\n res += decodeUtf8Char(tmp) + String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]);\n tmp = \"\";\n } else\n tmp += \"%\" + bytes[i].toString(16);\n\n i++;\n }\n\n return res + decodeUtf8Char(tmp);\n}\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.asciiSlice = function () {\n var bytes = Array.prototype.slice.apply(this, arguments);\n var ret = \"\";\n for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++)\n ret += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]);\n return ret;\n}\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.inspect = function() {\n var out = [],\n len = this.length;\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n out[i] = toHex(this[i]);\n if (i == exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES) {\n out[i + 1] = '...';\n break;\n }\n }\n return '';\n};\n\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.hexSlice = function(start, end) {\n var len = this.length;\n\n if (!start || start < 0) start = 0;\n if (!end || end < 0 || end > len) end = len;\n\n var out = '';\n for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {\n out += toHex(this[i]);\n }\n return out;\n};\n\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.toString = function(encoding, start, end) {\n encoding = String(encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase();\n start = +start || 0;\n if (typeof end == 'undefined') end = this.length;\n\n // Fastpath empty strings\n if (+end == start) {\n return '';\n }\n\n switch (encoding) {\n case 'hex':\n return this.hexSlice(start, end);\n\n case 'utf8':\n case 'utf-8':\n return this.utf8Slice(start, end);\n\n case 'ascii':\n return this.asciiSlice(start, end);\n\n case 'binary':\n return this.binarySlice(start, end);\n\n case 'base64':\n return this.base64Slice(start, end);\n\n case 'ucs2':\n case 'ucs-2':\n return this.ucs2Slice(start, end);\n\n default:\n throw new Error('Unknown encoding');\n }\n};\n\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.hexWrite = function(string, offset, length) {\n offset = +offset || 0;\n var remaining = this.length - offset;\n if (!length) {\n length = remaining;\n } else {\n length = +length;\n if (length > remaining) {\n length = remaining;\n }\n }\n\n // must be an even number of digits\n var strLen = string.length;\n if (strLen % 2) {\n throw new Error('Invalid hex string');\n }\n if (length > strLen / 2) {\n length = strLen / 2;\n }\n for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {\n var byte = parseInt(string.substr(i * 2, 2), 16);\n if (isNaN(byte)) throw new Error('Invalid hex string');\n this[offset + i] = byte;\n }\n SlowBuffer._charsWritten = i * 2;\n return i;\n};\n\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.write = function(string, offset, length, encoding) {\n // Support both (string, offset, length, encoding)\n // and the legacy (string, encoding, offset, length)\n if (isFinite(offset)) {\n if (!isFinite(length)) {\n encoding = length;\n length = undefined;\n }\n } else { // legacy\n var swap = encoding;\n encoding = offset;\n offset = length;\n length = swap;\n }\n\n offset = +offset || 0;\n var remaining = this.length - offset;\n if (!length) {\n length = remaining;\n } else {\n length = +length;\n if (length > remaining) {\n length = remaining;\n }\n }\n encoding = String(encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase();\n\n switch (encoding) {\n case 'hex':\n return this.hexWrite(string, offset, length);\n\n case 'utf8':\n case 'utf-8':\n return this.utf8Write(string, offset, length);\n\n case 'ascii':\n return this.asciiWrite(string, offset, length);\n\n case 'binary':\n return this.binaryWrite(string, offset, length);\n\n case 'base64':\n return this.base64Write(string, offset, length);\n\n case 'ucs2':\n case 'ucs-2':\n return this.ucs2Write(string, offset, length);\n\n default:\n throw new Error('Unknown encoding');\n }\n};\n\n\n// slice(start, end)\nSlowBuffer.prototype.slice = function(start, end) {\n if (end === undefined) end = this.length;\n\n if (end > this.length) {\n throw new Error('oob');\n }\n if (start > end) {\n throw new Error('oob');\n }\n\n return new Buffer(this, end - start, +start);\n};\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.copy = function(target, targetstart, sourcestart, sourceend) {\n var temp = [];\n for (var i=sourcestart; i Buffer.poolSize) {\n // Big buffer, just alloc one.\n this.parent = new SlowBuffer(this.length);\n this.offset = 0;\n\n } else {\n // Small buffer.\n if (!pool || pool.length - pool.used < this.length) allocPool();\n this.parent = pool;\n this.offset = pool.used;\n pool.used += this.length;\n }\n\n // Treat array-ish objects as a byte array.\n if (isArrayIsh(subject)) {\n for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {\n this.parent[i + this.offset] = subject[i];\n }\n } else if (type == 'string') {\n // We are a string\n this.length = this.write(subject, 0, encoding);\n }\n }\n\n}\n\nfunction isArrayIsh(subject) {\n return Array.isArray(subject) || Buffer.isBuffer(subject) ||\n subject && typeof subject === 'object' &&\n typeof subject.length === 'number';\n}\n\nexports.SlowBuffer = SlowBuffer;\nexports.Buffer = Buffer;\n\nBuffer.poolSize = 8 * 1024;\nvar pool;\n\nfunction allocPool() {\n pool = new SlowBuffer(Buffer.poolSize);\n pool.used = 0;\n}\n\n\n// Static methods\nBuffer.isBuffer = function isBuffer(b) {\n return b instanceof Buffer || b instanceof SlowBuffer;\n};\n\nBuffer.concat = function (list, totalLength) {\n if (!Array.isArray(list)) {\n throw new Error(\"Usage: Buffer.concat(list, [totalLength])\\n \\\n list should be an Array.\");\n }\n\n if (list.length === 0) {\n return new Buffer(0);\n } else if (list.length === 1) {\n return list[0];\n }\n\n if (typeof totalLength !== 'number') {\n totalLength = 0;\n for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {\n var buf = list[i];\n totalLength += buf.length;\n }\n }\n\n var buffer = new Buffer(totalLength);\n var pos = 0;\n for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {\n var buf = list[i];\n buf.copy(buffer, pos);\n pos += buf.length;\n }\n return buffer;\n};\n\n// Inspect\nBuffer.prototype.inspect = function inspect() {\n var out = [],\n len = this.length;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n out[i] = toHex(this.parent[i + this.offset]);\n if (i == exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES) {\n out[i + 1] = '...';\n break;\n }\n }\n\n return '';\n};\n\n\nBuffer.prototype.get = function get(i) {\n if (i < 0 || i >= this.length) throw new Error('oob');\n return this.parent[this.offset + i];\n};\n\n\nBuffer.prototype.set = function set(i, v) {\n if (i < 0 || i >= this.length) throw new Error('oob');\n return this.parent[this.offset + i] = v;\n};\n\n\n// write(string, offset = 0, length = buffer.length-offset, encoding = 'utf8')\nBuffer.prototype.write = function(string, offset, length, encoding) {\n // Support both (string, offset, length, encoding)\n // and the legacy (string, encoding, offset, length)\n if (isFinite(offset)) {\n if (!isFinite(length)) {\n encoding = length;\n length = undefined;\n }\n } else { // legacy\n var swap = encoding;\n encoding = offset;\n offset = length;\n length = swap;\n }\n\n offset = +offset || 0;\n var remaining = this.length - offset;\n if (!length) {\n length = remaining;\n } else {\n length = +length;\n if (length > remaining) {\n length = remaining;\n }\n }\n encoding = String(encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase();\n\n var ret;\n switch (encoding) {\n case 'hex':\n ret = this.parent.hexWrite(string, this.offset + offset, length);\n break;\n\n case 'utf8':\n case 'utf-8':\n ret = this.parent.utf8Write(string, this.offset + offset, length);\n break;\n\n case 'ascii':\n ret = this.parent.asciiWrite(string, this.offset + offset, length);\n break;\n\n case 'binary':\n ret = this.parent.binaryWrite(string, this.offset + offset, length);\n break;\n\n case 'base64':\n // Warning: maxLength not taken into account in base64Write\n ret = this.parent.base64Write(string, this.offset + offset, length);\n break;\n\n case 'ucs2':\n case 'ucs-2':\n ret = this.parent.ucs2Write(string, this.offset + offset, length);\n break;\n\n default:\n throw new Error('Unknown encoding');\n }\n\n Buffer._charsWritten = SlowBuffer._charsWritten;\n\n return ret;\n};\n\n\n// toString(encoding, start=0, end=buffer.length)\nBuffer.prototype.toString = function(encoding, start, end) {\n encoding = String(encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase();\n\n if (typeof start == 'undefined' || start < 0) {\n start = 0;\n } else if (start > this.length) {\n start = this.length;\n }\n\n if (typeof end == 'undefined' || end > this.length) {\n end = this.length;\n } else if (end < 0) {\n end = 0;\n }\n\n start = start + this.offset;\n end = end + this.offset;\n\n switch (encoding) {\n case 'hex':\n return this.parent.hexSlice(start, end);\n\n case 'utf8':\n case 'utf-8':\n return this.parent.utf8Slice(start, end);\n\n case 'ascii':\n return this.parent.asciiSlice(start, end);\n\n case 'binary':\n return this.parent.binarySlice(start, end);\n\n case 'base64':\n return this.parent.base64Slice(start, end);\n\n case 'ucs2':\n case 'ucs-2':\n return this.parent.ucs2Slice(start, end);\n\n default:\n throw new Error('Unknown encoding');\n }\n};\n\n\n// byteLength\nBuffer.byteLength = SlowBuffer.byteLength;\n\n\n// fill(value, start=0, end=buffer.length)\nBuffer.prototype.fill = function fill(value, start, end) {\n value || (value = 0);\n start || (start = 0);\n end || (end = this.length);\n\n if (typeof value === 'string') {\n value = value.charCodeAt(0);\n }\n if (!(typeof value === 'number') || isNaN(value)) {\n throw new Error('value is not a number');\n }\n\n if (end < start) throw new Error('end < start');\n\n // Fill 0 bytes; we're done\n if (end === start) return 0;\n if (this.length == 0) return 0;\n\n if (start < 0 || start >= this.length) {\n throw new Error('start out of bounds');\n }\n\n if (end < 0 || end > this.length) {\n throw new Error('end out of bounds');\n }\n\n return this.parent.fill(value,\n start + this.offset,\n end + this.offset);\n};\n\n\n// copy(targetBuffer, targetStart=0, sourceStart=0, sourceEnd=buffer.length)\nBuffer.prototype.copy = function(target, target_start, start, end) {\n var source = this;\n start || (start = 0);\n end || (end = this.length);\n target_start || (target_start = 0);\n\n if (end < start) throw new Error('sourceEnd < sourceStart');\n\n // Copy 0 bytes; we're done\n if (end === start) return 0;\n if (target.length == 0 || source.length == 0) return 0;\n\n if (target_start < 0 || target_start >= target.length) {\n throw new Error('targetStart out of bounds');\n }\n\n if (start < 0 || start >= source.length) {\n throw new Error('sourceStart out of bounds');\n }\n\n if (end < 0 || end > source.length) {\n throw new Error('sourceEnd out of bounds');\n }\n\n // Are we oob?\n if (end > this.length) {\n end = this.length;\n }\n\n if (target.length - target_start < end - start) {\n end = target.length - target_start + start;\n }\n\n return this.parent.copy(target.parent,\n target_start + target.offset,\n start + this.offset,\n end + this.offset);\n};\n\n\n// slice(start, end)\nBuffer.prototype.slice = function(start, end) {\n if (end === undefined) end = this.length;\n if (end > this.length) throw new Error('oob');\n if (start > end) throw new Error('oob');\n\n return new Buffer(this.parent, end - start, +start + this.offset);\n};\n\n\n// Legacy methods for backwards compatibility.\n\nBuffer.prototype.utf8Slice = function(start, end) {\n return this.toString('utf8', start, end);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.binarySlice = function(start, end) {\n return this.toString('binary', start, end);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.asciiSlice = function(start, end) {\n return this.toString('ascii', start, end);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.utf8Write = function(string, offset) {\n return this.write(string, offset, 'utf8');\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.binaryWrite = function(string, offset) {\n return this.write(string, offset, 'binary');\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.asciiWrite = function(string, offset) {\n return this.write(string, offset, 'ascii');\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readUInt8 = function(offset, noAssert) {\n var buffer = this;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n return buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset];\n};\n\nfunction readUInt16(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n var val = 0;\n\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 1 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n if (isBigEndian) {\n val = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] << 8;\n val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1];\n } else {\n val = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset];\n val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] << 8;\n }\n\n return val;\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.readUInt16LE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readUInt16(this, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readUInt16BE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readUInt16(this, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction readUInt32(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n var val = 0;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n if (isBigEndian) {\n val = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] << 16;\n val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 2] << 8;\n val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 3];\n val = val + (buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] << 24 >>> 0);\n } else {\n val = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 2] << 16;\n val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] << 8;\n val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset];\n val = val + (buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 3] << 24 >>> 0);\n }\n\n return val;\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.readUInt32LE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readUInt32(this, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readUInt32BE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readUInt32(this, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\n\n/*\n * Signed integer types, yay team! A reminder on how two's complement actually\n * works. The first bit is the signed bit, i.e. tells us whether or not the\n * number should be positive or negative. If the two's complement value is\n * positive, then we're done, as it's equivalent to the unsigned representation.\n *\n * Now if the number is positive, you're pretty much done, you can just leverage\n * the unsigned translations and return those. Unfortunately, negative numbers\n * aren't quite that straightforward.\n *\n * At first glance, one might be inclined to use the traditional formula to\n * translate binary numbers between the positive and negative values in two's\n * complement. (Though it doesn't quite work for the most negative value)\n * Mainly:\n * - invert all the bits\n * - add one to the result\n *\n * Of course, this doesn't quite work in Javascript. Take for example the value\n * of -128. This could be represented in 16 bits (big-endian) as 0xff80. But of\n * course, Javascript will do the following:\n *\n * > ~0xff80\n * -65409\n *\n * Whoh there, Javascript, that's not quite right. But wait, according to\n * Javascript that's perfectly correct. When Javascript ends up seeing the\n * constant 0xff80, it has no notion that it is actually a signed number. It\n * assumes that we've input the unsigned value 0xff80. Thus, when it does the\n * binary negation, it casts it into a signed value, (positive 0xff80). Then\n * when you perform binary negation on that, it turns it into a negative number.\n *\n * Instead, we're going to have to use the following general formula, that works\n * in a rather Javascript friendly way. I'm glad we don't support this kind of\n * weird numbering scheme in the kernel.\n *\n * (BIT-MAX - (unsigned)val + 1) * -1\n *\n * The astute observer, may think that this doesn't make sense for 8-bit numbers\n * (really it isn't necessary for them). However, when you get 16-bit numbers,\n * you do. Let's go back to our prior example and see how this will look:\n *\n * (0xffff - 0xff80 + 1) * -1\n * (0x007f + 1) * -1\n * (0x0080) * -1\n */\nBuffer.prototype.readInt8 = function(offset, noAssert) {\n var buffer = this;\n var neg;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n neg = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] & 0x80;\n if (!neg) {\n return (buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset]);\n }\n\n return ((0xff - buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] + 1) * -1);\n};\n\nfunction readInt16(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n var neg, val;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 1 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n val = readUInt16(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert);\n neg = val & 0x8000;\n if (!neg) {\n return val;\n }\n\n return (0xffff - val + 1) * -1;\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.readInt16LE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readInt16(this, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readInt16BE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readInt16(this, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction readInt32(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n var neg, val;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n val = readUInt32(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert);\n neg = val & 0x80000000;\n if (!neg) {\n return (val);\n }\n\n return (0xffffffff - val + 1) * -1;\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.readInt32LE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readInt32(this, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readInt32BE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readInt32(this, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction readFloat(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n return require(12).readIEEE754(buffer, offset, isBigEndian,\n 23, 4);\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.readFloatLE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readFloat(this, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readFloatBE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readFloat(this, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction readDouble(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 7 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n return require(12).readIEEE754(buffer, offset, isBigEndian,\n 52, 8);\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.readDoubleLE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readDouble(this, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readDoubleBE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readDouble(this, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\n\n/*\n * We have to make sure that the value is a valid integer. This means that it is\n * non-negative. It has no fractional component and that it does not exceed the\n * maximum allowed value.\n *\n * value The number to check for validity\n *\n * max The maximum value\n */\nfunction verifuint(value, max) {\n assert.ok(typeof (value) == 'number',\n 'cannot write a non-number as a number');\n\n assert.ok(value >= 0,\n 'specified a negative value for writing an unsigned value');\n\n assert.ok(value <= max, 'value is larger than maximum value for type');\n\n assert.ok(Math.floor(value) === value, 'value has a fractional component');\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeUInt8 = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n var buffer = this;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset < buffer.length,\n 'trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifuint(value, 0xff);\n }\n\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] = value;\n};\n\nfunction writeUInt16(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 1 < buffer.length,\n 'trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifuint(value, 0xffff);\n }\n\n if (isBigEndian) {\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] = (value & 0xff00) >>> 8;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] = value & 0x00ff;\n } else {\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] = (value & 0xff00) >>> 8;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] = value & 0x00ff;\n }\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeUInt16(this, value, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeUInt16(this, value, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction writeUInt32(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length,\n 'trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifuint(value, 0xffffffff);\n }\n\n if (isBigEndian) {\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] = (value >>> 24) & 0xff;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] = (value >>> 16) & 0xff;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 2] = (value >>> 8) & 0xff;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 3] = value & 0xff;\n } else {\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 3] = (value >>> 24) & 0xff;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 2] = (value >>> 16) & 0xff;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] = (value >>> 8) & 0xff;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] = value & 0xff;\n }\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeUInt32(this, value, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeUInt32(this, value, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\n\n/*\n * We now move onto our friends in the signed number category. Unlike unsigned\n * numbers, we're going to have to worry a bit more about how we put values into\n * arrays. Since we are only worrying about signed 32-bit values, we're in\n * slightly better shape. Unfortunately, we really can't do our favorite binary\n * & in this system. It really seems to do the wrong thing. For example:\n *\n * > -32 & 0xff\n * 224\n *\n * What's happening above is really: 0xe0 & 0xff = 0xe0. However, the results of\n * this aren't treated as a signed number. Ultimately a bad thing.\n *\n * What we're going to want to do is basically create the unsigned equivalent of\n * our representation and pass that off to the wuint* functions. To do that\n * we're going to do the following:\n *\n * - if the value is positive\n * we can pass it directly off to the equivalent wuint\n * - if the value is negative\n * we do the following computation:\n * mb + val + 1, where\n * mb is the maximum unsigned value in that byte size\n * val is the Javascript negative integer\n *\n *\n * As a concrete value, take -128. In signed 16 bits this would be 0xff80. If\n * you do out the computations:\n *\n * 0xffff - 128 + 1\n * 0xffff - 127\n * 0xff80\n *\n * You can then encode this value as the signed version. This is really rather\n * hacky, but it should work and get the job done which is our goal here.\n */\n\n/*\n * A series of checks to make sure we actually have a signed 32-bit number\n */\nfunction verifsint(value, max, min) {\n assert.ok(typeof (value) == 'number',\n 'cannot write a non-number as a number');\n\n assert.ok(value <= max, 'value larger than maximum allowed value');\n\n assert.ok(value >= min, 'value smaller than minimum allowed value');\n\n assert.ok(Math.floor(value) === value, 'value has a fractional component');\n}\n\nfunction verifIEEE754(value, max, min) {\n assert.ok(typeof (value) == 'number',\n 'cannot write a non-number as a number');\n\n assert.ok(value <= max, 'value larger than maximum allowed value');\n\n assert.ok(value >= min, 'value smaller than minimum allowed value');\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeInt8 = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n var buffer = this;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifsint(value, 0x7f, -0x80);\n }\n\n if (value >= 0) {\n buffer.writeUInt8(value, offset, noAssert);\n } else {\n buffer.writeUInt8(0xff + value + 1, offset, noAssert);\n }\n};\n\nfunction writeInt16(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 1 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifsint(value, 0x7fff, -0x8000);\n }\n\n if (value >= 0) {\n writeUInt16(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert);\n } else {\n writeUInt16(buffer, 0xffff + value + 1, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert);\n }\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeInt16LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeInt16(this, value, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeInt16BE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeInt16(this, value, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction writeInt32(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifsint(value, 0x7fffffff, -0x80000000);\n }\n\n if (value >= 0) {\n writeUInt32(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert);\n } else {\n writeUInt32(buffer, 0xffffffff + value + 1, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert);\n }\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeInt32LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeInt32(this, value, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeInt32BE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeInt32(this, value, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction writeFloat(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifIEEE754(value, 3.4028234663852886e+38, -3.4028234663852886e+38);\n }\n\n require(12).writeIEEE754(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian,\n 23, 4);\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeFloatLE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeFloat(this, value, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeFloatBE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeFloat(this, value, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction writeDouble(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 7 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifIEEE754(value, 1.7976931348623157E+308, -1.7976931348623157E+308);\n }\n\n require(12).writeIEEE754(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian,\n 52, 8);\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeDouble(this, value, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeDouble(this, value, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt8 = Buffer.prototype.readUInt8;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt16LE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt16LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt16BE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt16BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt32LE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt32LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt32BE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt32BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readInt8 = Buffer.prototype.readInt8;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readInt16LE = Buffer.prototype.readInt16LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readInt16BE = Buffer.prototype.readInt16BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readInt32LE = Buffer.prototype.readInt32LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readInt32BE = Buffer.prototype.readInt32BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readFloatLE = Buffer.prototype.readFloatLE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readFloatBE = Buffer.prototype.readFloatBE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readDoubleLE = Buffer.prototype.readDoubleLE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readDoubleBE = Buffer.prototype.readDoubleBE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt8 = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt8;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt8 = Buffer.prototype.writeInt8;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt16LE = Buffer.prototype.writeInt16LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt16BE = Buffer.prototype.writeInt16BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt32LE = Buffer.prototype.writeInt32LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt32BE = Buffer.prototype.writeInt32BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeFloatLE = Buffer.prototype.writeFloatLE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeFloatBE = Buffer.prototype.writeFloatBE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE = Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE = Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE;\n\n/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}(require, require(13).Buffer))\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 13\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer-browserify/index.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer-browserify/index.js");
+ eval("Function.prototype.method = function(name,func) {\n this.prototype[name] = func;\n\n return this;\n};\n\nvar filterErr = function(code, done) {\n return function(e) {\n done(e.code !== code ? e : undefined);\n };\n};\n\nvar throwErr = function(done) {\n return function(e) {\n if (e)\n\tthrow e;\n \n done();\n };\n};\n \nvar trace = function(comment, func) {\n return function() {\n console.log(\"%s: %s\", trace, arguments.toString);\n func(arguments);\n };\n};\n\nvar arraySet = function (count, value) {\n var i, a = new Array(count);\n\n for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {\n a[i] = value;\n }\n\n return a;\n};\n\nvar hexToString = function (h) {\n var\ta = [];\n var\ti = 0;\n\n if (h.length % 2) {\n a.push(String.fromCharCode(parseInt(h.substring(0, 1), 16)));\n i = 1;\n }\n\n for (; i != h.length; i += 2) {\n a.push(String.fromCharCode(parseInt(h.substring(i, i+2), 16)));\n }\n \n return a.join(\"\");\n};\n\nvar stringToHex = function (s) {\n return Array.prototype.map.call(s, function (c) {\n var b = c.charCodeAt(0);\n\n return b < 16 ? \"0\" + b.toString(16) : b.toString(16);\n }).join(\"\");\n};\n\nvar stringToArray = function (s) {\n var a = new Array(s.length);\n var i;\n\n for (i = 0; i != a.length; i += 1)\n a[i] = s.charCodeAt(i);\n\n return a;\n};\n\nvar hexToArray = function (h) {\n return stringToArray(hexToString(h));\n}\n\nvar chunkString = function (str, n, leftAlign) {\n var ret = [];\n var i=0, len=str.length;\n if (leftAlign) {\n i = str.length % n;\n if (i) ret.push(str.slice(0, i));\n }\n for(; i < len; i += n) {\n ret.push(str.slice(i, n+i));\n }\n return ret;\n};\n\nvar logObject = function (msg, obj) {\n console.log(msg, JSON.stringify(obj, undefined, 2));\n};\n\nvar assert = function (assertion, msg) {\n if (!assertion) {\n throw new Error(\"Assertion failed\" + (msg ? \": \"+msg : \".\"));\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Return unique values in array.\n */\nvar arrayUnique = function (arr) {\n var u = {}, a = [];\n for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; ++i){\n if (u.hasOwnProperty(arr[i])) {\n continue;\n }\n a.push(arr[i]);\n u[arr[i]] = 1;\n }\n return a;\n};\n\n/**\n * Convert a ripple epoch to a JavaScript timestamp.\n *\n * JavaScript timestamps are unix epoch in milliseconds.\n */\nvar toTimestamp = function (rpepoch) {\n return (rpepoch + 0x386D4380) * 1000;\n};\n\nexports.trace = trace;\nexports.arraySet = arraySet;\nexports.hexToString = hexToString;\nexports.hexToArray = hexToArray;\nexports.stringToArray = stringToArray;\nexports.stringToHex = stringToHex;\nexports.chunkString = chunkString;\nexports.logObject = logObject;\nexports.assert = assert;\nexports.arrayUnique = arrayUnique;\nexports.toTimestamp = toTimestamp;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 13\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/utils.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/utils.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 14:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("var util = require(5);\nvar extend = require(2);\n\nfunction RippleError(code, message) {\n if (typeof code === 'object') {\n extend(this, code);\n } else {\n this.result = code;\n this.message = message;\n this.result_message = message;\n }\n\n this.message = this.result_message || 'Error';\n\n Error.captureStackTrace(this, code || this);\n}\n\nutil.inherits(RippleError, Error);\n\nRippleError.prototype.name = 'RippleError';\n\nexports.RippleError = RippleError;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 14\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/rippleerror.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/rippleerror.js");
+ eval("var EventEmitter = require(27).EventEmitter;\nvar util = require(28);\nvar UInt160 = require(15).UInt160;\nvar Currency = require(3).Currency;\nvar Transaction = require(5).Transaction;\nvar Account = require(16).Account;\nvar Meta = require(6).Meta;\nvar OrderBook = require(17).OrderBook;\nvar RippleError = require(19).RippleError;\n\n// Request events emitted:\n// 'success' : Request successful.\n// 'error' : Request failed.\n// 'remoteError'\n// 'remoteUnexpected'\n// 'remoteDisconnected'\nfunction Request(remote, command) {\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n this.remote = remote;\n this.requested = false;\n this.message = {\n command : command,\n id : void(0)\n };\n};\n\nutil.inherits(Request, EventEmitter);\n\n// Send the request to a remote.\nRequest.prototype.request = function (remote) {\n if (!this.requested) {\n this.requested = true;\n this.remote.request(this);\n this.emit('request', remote);\n }\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.callback = function(callback, successEvent, errorEvent) {\n if (callback && typeof callback === 'function') {\n var self = this;\n\n function request_success(message) {\n callback.call(self, null, message);\n }\n\n function request_error(error) {\n if (!(error instanceof RippleError)) {\n error = new RippleError(error);\n }\n callback.call(self, error);\n }\n\n this.once(successEvent || 'success', request_success);\n this.once(errorEvent || 'error' , request_error);\n this.request();\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.timeout = function(duration, callback) {\n var self = this;\n\n if (!this.requested) {\n function requested() {\n self.timeout(duration, callback);\n }\n this.once('request', requested);\n return;\n }\n\n var emit = this.emit;\n var timed_out = false;\n\n var timeout = setTimeout(function() {\n timed_out = true;\n if (typeof callback === 'function') callback();\n emit.call(self, 'timeout');\n }, duration);\n\n this.emit = function() {\n if (!timed_out) {\n clearTimeout(timeout);\n emit.apply(self, arguments);\n }\n };\n\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.set_server = function(server) {\n var selected = null;\n\n switch (typeof server) {\n case 'object':\n selected = server;\n break;\n case 'string':\n for (var i=0, s; s=this.remote._servers[i]; i++) {\n if (s._host === server) {\n selected = s;\n break;\n }\n }\n break;\n };\n\n this.server = selected;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.build_path = function (build) {\n if (build) {\n this.message.build_path = true;\n }\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.ledger_choose = function (current) {\n if (current) {\n this.message.ledger_index = this.remote._ledger_current_index;\n } else {\n this.message.ledger_hash = this.remote._ledger_hash;\n }\n return this;\n};\n\n// Set the ledger for a request.\n// - ledger_entry\n// - transaction_entry\nRequest.prototype.ledger_hash = function (hash) {\n this.message.ledger_hash = hash;\n return this;\n};\n\n// Set the ledger_index for a request.\n// - ledger_entry\nRequest.prototype.ledger_index = function (ledger_index) {\n this.message.ledger_index = ledger_index;\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.ledger_select = function (ledger_spec) {\n switch (ledger_spec) {\n case 'current':\n case 'closed':\n case 'verified':\n this.message.ledger_index = ledger_spec;\n break;\n\n default:\n // XXX Better test needed\n if (Number(ledger_spec)) {\n this.message.ledger_index = ledger_spec;\n } else {\n this.message.ledger_hash = ledger_spec;\n }\n break;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.account_root = function (account) {\n this.message.account_root = UInt160.json_rewrite(account);\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.index = function (hash) {\n this.message.index = hash;\n return this;\n};\n\n// Provide the information id an offer.\n// --> account\n// --> seq : sequence number of transaction creating offer (integer)\nRequest.prototype.offer_id = function (account, seq) {\n this.message.offer = {\n account: UInt160.json_rewrite(account),\n seq: seq\n };\n return this;\n};\n\n// --> index : ledger entry index.\nRequest.prototype.offer_index = function (index) {\n this.message.offer = index;\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.secret = function (secret) {\n if (secret) {\n this.message.secret = secret;\n }\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.tx_hash = function (hash) {\n this.message.tx_hash = hash;\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.tx_json = function (json) {\n this.message.tx_json = json;\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.tx_blob = function (json) {\n this.message.tx_blob = json;\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.ripple_state = function (account, issuer, currency) {\n this.message.ripple_state = {\n currency : currency,\n accounts : [\n UInt160.json_rewrite(account),\n UInt160.json_rewrite(issuer)\n ]\n };\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.accounts = function (accounts, realtime) {\n if (!Array.isArray(accounts)) {\n accounts = [ accounts ];\n }\n\n // Process accounts parameters\n var processedAccounts = accounts.map(function(account) {\n return UInt160.json_rewrite(account);\n });\n\n if (realtime) {\n this.message.rt_accounts = processedAccounts;\n } else {\n this.message.accounts = processedAccounts;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.rt_accounts = function (accounts) {\n return this.accounts(accounts, true);\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.books = function (books, snapshot) {\n var processedBooks = [ ];\n\n for (var i = 0, l = books.length; i < l; i++) {\n var book = books[i];\n var json = { };\n\n function processSide(side) {\n if (!book[side]) {\n throw new Error('Missing ' + side);\n }\n\n var obj = json[side] = {\n currency: Currency.json_rewrite(book[side].currency)\n };\n if (obj.currency !== 'XRP') {\n obj.issuer = UInt160.json_rewrite(book[side].issuer);\n }\n }\n\n processSide('taker_gets');\n processSide('taker_pays');\n\n if (snapshot) {\n json.snapshot = true;\n }\n\n if (book.both) {\n json.both = true;\n }\n\n processedBooks.push(json);\n }\n\n this.message.books = processedBooks;\n\n return this;\n};\n\nexports.Request = Request;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 14\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/request.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/request.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 15:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("\nvar sjcl = require(1);\nvar utils = require(4);\nvar config = require(8);\nvar jsbn = require(7);\n\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\nvar nbi = jsbn.nbi;\n\nvar Base = require(10).Base;\n\n//\n// Abstract UInt class\n//\n// Base class for UInt??? classes\n//\n\nvar UInt = function () {\n // Internal form: NaN or BigInteger\n this._value = NaN;\n};\n\nUInt.json_rewrite = function (j, opts) {\n return this.from_json(j).to_json(opts);\n};\n\n// Return a new UInt from j.\nUInt.from_generic = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_generic(j);\n }\n};\n\n// Return a new UInt from j.\nUInt.from_hex = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_hex(j);\n }\n};\n\n// Return a new UInt from j.\nUInt.from_json = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_json(j);\n }\n};\n\n// Return a new UInt from j.\nUInt.from_bits = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_bits(j);\n }\n};\n\n// Return a new UInt from j.\nUInt.from_bytes = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_bytes(j);\n }\n};\n\n// Return a new UInt from j.\nUInt.from_bn = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_bn(j);\n }\n};\n\nUInt.is_valid = function (j) {\n return this.from_json(j).is_valid();\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.clone = function () {\n return this.copyTo(new this.constructor());\n};\n\n// Returns copy.\nUInt.prototype.copyTo = function (d) {\n d._value = this._value;\n\n return d;\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.equals = function (d) {\n return this._value instanceof BigInteger && d._value instanceof BigInteger && this._value.equals(d._value);\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.is_valid = function () {\n return this._value instanceof BigInteger;\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.is_zero = function () {\n return this._value.equals(BigInteger.ZERO);\n};\n\n// value = NaN on error.\nUInt.prototype.parse_generic = function (j) {\n // Canonicalize and validate\n if (config.accounts && j in config.accounts)\n j = config.accounts[j].account;\n\n switch (j) {\n case undefined:\n case \"0\":\n case this.constructor.STR_ZERO:\n case this.constructor.ACCOUNT_ZERO:\n case this.constructor.HEX_ZERO:\n this._value = nbi();\n break;\n\n case \"1\":\n case this.constructor.STR_ONE:\n case this.constructor.ACCOUNT_ONE:\n case this.constructor.HEX_ONE:\n this._value = new BigInteger([1]);\n\n break;\n\n default:\n if ('string' !== typeof j) {\n\t this._value = NaN;\n }\n else if (j[0] === \"r\") {\n\t this._value = Base.decode_check(Base.VER_ACCOUNT_ID, j);\n }\n else if (this.constructor.width === j.length) {\n\t this._value = new BigInteger(utils.stringToArray(j), 256);\n }\n else if ((this.constructor.width*2) === j.length) {\n\t // XXX Check char set!\n\t this._value = new BigInteger(j, 16);\n }\n else {\n\t this._value = NaN;\n }\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.parse_hex = function (j) {\n if ('string' === typeof j &&\n j.length === (this.constructor.width * 2)) {\n this._value = new BigInteger(j, 16);\n } else {\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.parse_bits = function (j) {\n if (sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(j) !== this.constructor.width * 8) {\n this._value = NaN;\n } else {\n var bytes = sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits(j);\n this.parse_bytes(bytes);\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n\nUInt.prototype.parse_bytes = function (j) {\n if (!Array.isArray(j) || j.length !== this.constructor.width) {\n\tthis._value = NaN;\n } else {\n\t this._value = new BigInteger(j, 256);\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n\nUInt.prototype.parse_json = UInt.prototype.parse_hex;\n\nUInt.prototype.parse_bn = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof sjcl.bn &&\n j.bitLength() <= this.constructor.width * 8) {\n var bytes = sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits(j.toBits());\n\t this._value = new BigInteger(bytes, 256);\n } else {\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// Convert from internal form.\nUInt.prototype.to_bytes = function () {\n if (!(this._value instanceof BigInteger))\n return null;\n\n var bytes = this._value.toByteArray();\n bytes = bytes.map(function (b) { return (b+256) % 256; });\n var target = this.constructor.width;\n\n // XXX Make sure only trim off leading zeros.\n bytes = bytes.slice(-target);\n while (bytes.length < target) bytes.unshift(0);\n\n return bytes;\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.to_hex = function () {\n if (!(this._value instanceof BigInteger))\n return null;\n\n var bytes = this.to_bytes();\n return sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(sjcl.codec.bytes.toBits(bytes)).toUpperCase();\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.to_json = UInt.prototype.to_hex;\n\nUInt.prototype.to_bits = function () {\n if (!(this._value instanceof BigInteger))\n return null;\n\n var bytes = this.to_bytes();\n\n return sjcl.codec.bytes.toBits(bytes);\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.to_bn = function () {\n if (!(this._value instanceof BigInteger))\n return null;\n\n var bits = this.to_bits();\n\n return sjcl.bn.fromBits(bits);\n};\n\nexports.UInt = UInt;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 15\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/uint.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/uint.js");
+ eval("var sjcl = require(11);\nvar utils = require(9);\nvar config = require(12);\nvar jsbn = require(20);\nvar extend = require(29);\n\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\nvar nbi = jsbn.nbi;\n\nvar UInt = require(31).UInt;\nvar Base = require(4).Base;\n\n//\n// UInt160 support\n//\n\nvar UInt160 = extend(function () {\n // Internal form: NaN or BigInteger\n this._value = NaN;\n}, UInt);\n\nUInt160.width = 20;\nUInt160.prototype = extend({}, UInt.prototype);\nUInt160.prototype.constructor = UInt160;\n\nvar ACCOUNT_ZERO = UInt160.ACCOUNT_ZERO = 'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhoLvTp';\nvar ACCOUNT_ONE = UInt160.ACCOUNT_ONE = 'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrBZbvji';\nvar HEX_ZERO = UInt160.HEX_ZERO = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';\nvar HEX_ONE = UInt160.HEX_ONE = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000001';\nvar STR_ZERO = UInt160.STR_ZERO = utils.hexToString(HEX_ZERO);\nvar STR_ONE = UInt160.STR_ONE = utils.hexToString(HEX_ONE);\n\n// value = NaN on error.\nUInt160.prototype.parse_json = function (j) {\n // Canonicalize and validate\n if (config.accounts && j in config.accounts) {\n j = config.accounts[j].account;\n }\n\n if (typeof j === 'number' && !isNaN(j)) {\n this._value = new BigInteger(String(j));\n } else if (typeof j !== 'string') {\n this._value = NaN;\n } else if (j[0] === 'r') {\n this._value = Base.decode_check(Base.VER_ACCOUNT_ID, j);\n } else {\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// XXX Json form should allow 0 and 1, C++ doesn't currently allow it.\nUInt160.prototype.to_json = function (opts) {\n var opts = opts || {};\n var output = NaN;\n\n if (this._value instanceof BigInteger) {\n output = Base.encode_check(Base.VER_ACCOUNT_ID, this.to_bytes());\n if (opts.gateways && output in opts.gateways) {\n output = opts.gateways[output];\n }\n }\n \n return output;\n};\n\nexports.UInt160 = UInt160;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 15\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/uint160.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/uint160.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 16:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("\nvar sjcl = require(1);\nvar utils = require(4);\nvar config = require(8);\nvar jsbn = require(7);\nvar extend = require(2);\n\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\nvar nbi = jsbn.nbi;\n\nvar UInt = require(15).UInt,\n Base = require(10).Base;\n\n//\n// UInt256 support\n//\n\nvar UInt256 = extend(function () {\n // Internal form: NaN or BigInteger\n this._value = NaN;\n}, UInt);\n\nUInt256.width = 32;\nUInt256.prototype = extend({}, UInt.prototype);\nUInt256.prototype.constructor = UInt256;\n\nvar HEX_ZERO = UInt256.HEX_ZERO = \"00000000000000000000000000000000\" +\n \"00000000000000000000000000000000\";\nvar HEX_ONE = UInt256.HEX_ONE = \"00000000000000000000000000000000\" +\n \"00000000000000000000000000000001\";\nvar STR_ZERO = UInt256.STR_ZERO = utils.hexToString(HEX_ZERO);\nvar STR_ONE = UInt256.STR_ONE = utils.hexToString(HEX_ONE);\n\nexports.UInt256 = UInt256;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 16\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/uint256.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/uint256.js");
+ eval("// Routines for working with an account.\n//\n// You should not instantiate this class yourself, instead use Remote#account.\n//\n// Events:\n// wallet_clean\t: True, iff the wallet has been updated.\n// wallet_dirty\t: True, iff the wallet needs to be updated.\n// balance\t\t: The current stamp balance.\n// balance_proposed\n//\n\n// var network = require(\"./network.js\");\n\nvar EventEmitter = require(27).EventEmitter;\nvar util = require(28);\nvar extend = require(29);\n\nvar Amount = require(2).Amount;\nvar UInt160 = require(15).UInt160;\nvar TransactionManager = require(30).TransactionManager;\n\n\nfunction Account(remote, account) {\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n var self = this;\n\n this._remote = remote;\n this._account = UInt160.from_json(account);\n this._account_id = this._account.to_json();\n this._subs = 0;\n\n // Ledger entry object\n // Important: This must never be overwritten, only extend()-ed\n this._entry = { };\n\n function listener_added(type, listener) {\n if (~Account.subscribe_events.indexOf(type)) {\n if (!self._subs && self._remote._connected) {\n self._remote.request_subscribe()\n .accounts(self._account_id)\n .request();\n }\n self._subs += 1;\n }\n }\n\n function listener_removed(type, listener) {\n if (~Account.subscribe_events.indexOf(type)) {\n self._subs -= 1;\n if (!self._subs && self._remote._connected) {\n self._remote.request_unsubscribe()\n .accounts(self._account_id)\n .request();\n }\n }\n }\n\n this.on('newListener', listener_added);\n this.on('removeListener', listener_removed);\n\n function prepare_subscribe(request) {\n if (self._account.is_valid() && self._subs) {\n request.accounts(self._account_id);\n }\n }\n\n this._remote.on('prepare_subscribe', prepare_subscribe);\n\n function handle_transaction(transaction) {\n var changed = false;\n\n transaction.mmeta.each(function(an) {\n var isAccountRoot = an.entryType === 'AccountRoot' \n && an.fields.Account === self._account_id;\n if (isAccountRoot) {\n extend(self._entry, an.fieldsNew, an.fieldsFinal);\n changed = true;\n }\n });\n\n if (changed) {\n self.emit('entry', self._entry);\n }\n }\n\n this.on('transaction', handle_transaction);\n\n return this;\n};\n\nutil.inherits(Account, EventEmitter);\n\n/**\n * List of events that require a remote subscription to the account.\n */\nAccount.subscribe_events = [ 'transaction', 'entry' ];\n\nAccount.prototype.to_json = function () {\n return this._account.to_json();\n};\n\n/**\n * Whether the AccountId is valid.\n *\n * Note: This does not tell you whether the account exists in the ledger.\n */\nAccount.prototype.is_valid = function () {\n return this._account.is_valid();\n};\n\nAccount.prototype.get_info = function(callback) {\n var callback = typeof callback === 'function' ? callback : function(){};\n var request = this._remote.request_account_info(this._account_id, callback);\n return request;\n};\n\n/**\n * Retrieve the current AccountRoot entry.\n *\n * To keep up-to-date with changes to the AccountRoot entry, subscribe to the\n * \"entry\" event.\n *\n * @param {function (err, entry)} callback Called with the result\n */\nAccount.prototype.entry = function (callback) {\n var self = this;\n var callback = typeof callback === 'function' ? callback : function(){};\n\n this.get_info(function account_info(err, info) {\n if (err) {\n callback(err);\n } else {\n extend(self._entry, info.account_data);\n self.emit('entry', self._entry);\n callback(null, info);\n }\n });\n\n return this;\n};\n\nAccount.prototype.get_next_sequence = function(callback) {\n var callback = typeof callback === 'function' ? callback : function(){};\n\n this.get_info(function account_info(err, info) {\n if (err) {\n callback(err);\n } else {\n callback(null, info.account_data.Sequence); \n }\n });\n\n return this;\n};\n\n/**\n * Retrieve this account's Ripple trust lines.\n *\n * To keep up-to-date with changes to the AccountRoot entry, subscribe to the\n * \"lines\" event. (Not yet implemented.)\n *\n * @param {function (err, lines)} callback Called with the result\n */\nAccount.prototype.lines = function (callback) {\n var self = this;\n var callback = typeof callback === 'function' ? callback : function(){};\n\n function account_lines(err, res) {\n if (err) {\n callback(err);\n } else {\n self._lines = res.lines;\n self.emit('lines', self._lines);\n callback(null, res);\n }\n }\n\n this._remote.request_account_lines(this._account_id, account_lines);\n\n return this;\n};\n\n/**\n * Notify object of a relevant transaction.\n *\n * This is only meant to be called by the Remote class. You should never have to\n * call this yourself.\n */\nAccount.prototype.notifyTx = function (message) {\n // Only trigger the event if the account object is actually\n // subscribed - this prevents some weird phantom events from\n // occurring.\n if (this._subs) {\n this.emit('transaction', message);\n var account = message.transaction.Account;\n if (!account) return;\n if (account === this._account_id) {\n this.emit('transaction-outbound', message);\n } else {\n this.emit('transaction-inbound', message);\n }\n }\n};\n\nAccount.prototype.submit = function(tx) {\n if (!this._tx_manager) {\n this._tx_manager = new TransactionManager(this);\n }\n this._tx_manager.submit(tx);\n};\n\nexports.Account = Account;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 16\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/account.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/account.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 17:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("var ST = require(28);\n\nvar REQUIRED = exports.REQUIRED = 0,\n OPTIONAL = exports.OPTIONAL = 1,\n DEFAULT = exports.DEFAULT = 2;\n\nST.Int16.id = 1;\nST.Int32.id = 2;\nST.Int64.id = 3;\nST.Hash128.id = 4;\nST.Hash256.id = 5;\nST.Amount.id = 6;\nST.VariableLength.id = 7;\nST.Account.id = 8;\nST.Object.id = 14;\nST.Array.id = 15;\nST.Int8.id = 16;\nST.Hash160.id = 17;\nST.PathSet.id = 18;\nST.Vector256.id = 19;\n\nvar base = [\n [ 'TransactionType' , REQUIRED, 2, ST.Int16 ],\n [ 'Flags' , OPTIONAL, 2, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'SourceTag' , OPTIONAL, 3, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'Account' , REQUIRED, 1, ST.Account ],\n [ 'Sequence' , REQUIRED, 4, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'Fee' , REQUIRED, 8, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'OperationLimit' , OPTIONAL, 29, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'SigningPubKey' , REQUIRED, 3, ST.VariableLength ],\n [ 'TxnSignature' , OPTIONAL, 4, ST.VariableLength ]\n];\n\nexports.tx = {\n AccountSet: [3].concat(base, [\n [ 'EmailHash' , OPTIONAL, 1, ST.Hash128 ],\n [ 'WalletLocator' , OPTIONAL, 7, ST.Hash256 ],\n [ 'WalletSize' , OPTIONAL, 12, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'MessageKey' , OPTIONAL, 2, ST.VariableLength ],\n [ 'Domain' , OPTIONAL, 7, ST.VariableLength ],\n [ 'TransferRate' , OPTIONAL, 11, ST.Int32 ]\n ]),\n TrustSet: [20].concat(base, [\n [ 'LimitAmount' , OPTIONAL, 3, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'QualityIn' , OPTIONAL, 20, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'QualityOut' , OPTIONAL, 21, ST.Int32 ]\n ]),\n OfferCreate: [7].concat(base, [\n [ 'TakerPays' , REQUIRED, 4, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'TakerGets' , REQUIRED, 5, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'Expiration' , OPTIONAL, 10, ST.Int32 ]\n ]),\n OfferCancel: [8].concat(base, [\n [ 'OfferSequence' , REQUIRED, 25, ST.Int32 ]\n ]),\n SetRegularKey: [5].concat(base, [\n [ 'RegularKey' , REQUIRED, 8, ST.Account ]\n ]),\n Payment: [0].concat(base, [\n [ 'Destination' , REQUIRED, 3, ST.Account ],\n [ 'Amount' , REQUIRED, 1, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'SendMax' , OPTIONAL, 9, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'Paths' , DEFAULT , 1, ST.PathSet ],\n [ 'InvoiceID' , OPTIONAL, 17, ST.Hash256 ],\n [ 'DestinationTag' , OPTIONAL, 14, ST.Int32 ]\n ]),\n Contract: [9].concat(base, [\n [ 'Expiration' , REQUIRED, 10, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'BondAmount' , REQUIRED, 23, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'StampEscrow' , REQUIRED, 22, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'RippleEscrow' , REQUIRED, 17, ST.Amount ],\n [ 'CreateCode' , OPTIONAL, 11, ST.VariableLength ],\n [ 'FundCode' , OPTIONAL, 8, ST.VariableLength ],\n [ 'RemoveCode' , OPTIONAL, 9, ST.VariableLength ],\n [ 'ExpireCode' , OPTIONAL, 10, ST.VariableLength ]\n ]),\n RemoveContract: [10].concat(base, [\n [ 'Target' , REQUIRED, 7, ST.Account ]\n ]),\n EnableFeature: [100].concat(base, [\n [ 'Feature' , REQUIRED, 19, ST.Hash256 ]\n ]),\n SetFee: [101].concat(base, [\n [ 'Features' , REQUIRED, 9, ST.Array ],\n [ 'BaseFee' , REQUIRED, 5, ST.Int64 ],\n [ 'ReferenceFeeUnits' , REQUIRED, 30, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'ReserveBase' , REQUIRED, 31, ST.Int32 ],\n [ 'ReserveIncrement' , REQUIRED, 32, ST.Int32 ]\n ])\n};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 17\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/binformat.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/binformat.js");
+ eval("// Routines for working with an orderbook.\n//\n// One OrderBook object represents one half of an order book. (i.e. bids OR\n// asks) Which one depends on the ordering of the parameters.\n//\n// Events:\n// - transaction A transaction that affects the order book.\n\n// var network = require(\"./network.js\");\n\nvar EventEmitter = require(27).EventEmitter;\nvar util = require(28);\n\nvar Amount = require(2).Amount;\nvar UInt160 = require(15).UInt160;\nvar Currency = require(3).Currency;\n\nvar extend = require(29);\n\nvar OrderBook = function (remote, currency_gets, issuer_gets, currency_pays, issuer_pays) {\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n var self = this;\n\n this._remote = remote;\n this._currency_gets = currency_gets;\n this._issuer_gets = issuer_gets;\n this._currency_pays = currency_pays;\n this._issuer_pays = issuer_pays;\n this._subs = 0;\n\n // We consider ourselves synchronized if we have a current copy of the offers,\n // we are online and subscribed to updates.\n this._sync = false;\n\n // Offers\n this._offers = [];\n\n this.on('newListener', function (type, listener) {\n if (OrderBook.subscribe_events.indexOf(type) !== -1) {\n if (!self._subs && 'open' === self._remote._online_state) {\n self._subscribe();\n }\n self._subs += 1;\n }\n });\n\n this.on('removeListener', function (type, listener) {\n if (~OrderBook.subscribe_events.indexOf(type)) {\n self._subs -= 1;\n if (!self._subs && self._remote._connected) {\n self._sync = false;\n self._remote.request_unsubscribe()\n .books([self.to_json()])\n .request();\n }\n }\n });\n\n this._remote.on('connect', function () {\n if (self._subs) {\n self._subscribe();\n }\n });\n\n this._remote.on('disconnect', function () {\n self._sync = false;\n });\n\n return this;\n};\n\nutil.inherits(OrderBook, EventEmitter);\n\n/**\n * List of events that require a remote subscription to the orderbook.\n */\nOrderBook.subscribe_events = ['transaction', 'model', 'trade'];\n\n/**\n * Subscribes to orderbook.\n *\n * @private\n */\nOrderBook.prototype._subscribe = function () {\n var self = this;\n self._remote.request_subscribe()\n .books([self.to_json()], true)\n .on('error', function () {\n // XXX What now?\n })\n .on('success', function (res) {\n self._sync = true;\n self._offers = res.offers;\n self.emit('model', self._offers);\n })\n .request();\n};\n\nOrderBook.prototype.to_json = function () {\n var json = {\n 'taker_gets': {\n 'currency': this._currency_gets\n },\n 'taker_pays': {\n 'currency': this._currency_pays\n }\n };\n\n if (this._currency_gets !== 'XRP')\n json['taker_gets']['issuer'] = this._issuer_gets;\n\n if (this._currency_pays !== 'XRP')\n json['taker_pays']['issuer'] = this._issuer_pays;\n\n return json;\n};\n\n/**\n * Whether the OrderBook is valid.\n *\n * Note: This only checks whether the parameters (currencies and issuer) are\n * syntactically valid. It does not check anything against the ledger.\n */\nOrderBook.prototype.is_valid = function () {\n // XXX Should check for same currency (non-native) && same issuer\n return (\n Currency.is_valid(this._currency_pays) &&\n (this._currency_pays === 'XRP' || UInt160.is_valid(this._issuer_pays)) &&\n Currency.is_valid(this._currency_gets) &&\n (this._currency_gets === 'XRP' || UInt160.is_valid(this._issuer_gets)) &&\n !(this._currency_pays === 'XRP' && this._currency_gets === 'XRP')\n );\n};\n\nOrderBook.prototype.trade = function(type) {\n var tradeStr = '0'\n + (this['_currency_' + type] === 'XRP') ? '' : '/' \n + this['_currency_' + type ] + '/' \n + this['_issuer_' + type];\n return Amount.from_json(tradeStr);\n};\n\n/**\n * Notify object of a relevant transaction.\n *\n * This is only meant to be called by the Remote class. You should never have to\n * call this yourself.\n */\nOrderBook.prototype.notifyTx = function (message) {\n var self = this;\n var changed = false;\n var trade_gets = this.trade('gets');\n var trade_pays = this.trade('pays');\n\n message.mmeta.each(function (an) {\n if (an.entryType !== 'Offer') return;\n\n var i, l, offer;\n\n switch(an.diffType) {\n case 'DeletedNode':\n case 'ModifiedNode':\n var deletedNode = an.diffType === 'DeletedNode';\n\n for (i = 0, l = self._offers.length; i < l; i++) {\n offer = self._offers[i];\n if (offer.index === an.ledgerIndex) {\n if (deletedNode) {\n self._offers.splice(i, 1);\n } else {\n extend(offer, an.fieldsFinal);\n }\n changed = true;\n break;\n }\n }\n\n // We don't want to count a OfferCancel as a trade\n if (message.transaction.TransactionType === 'OfferCancel') return;\n\n trade_gets = trade_gets.add(an.fieldsPrev.TakerGets);\n trade_pays = trade_pays.add(an.fieldsPrev.TakerPays);\n\n if (!deletedNode) {\n trade_gets = trade_gets.subtract(an.fieldsFinal.TakerGets);\n trade_pays = trade_pays.subtract(an.fieldsFinal.TakerPays);\n }\n break;\n \n case 'CreatedNode':\n var price = Amount.from_json(an.fields.TakerPays).ratio_human(an.fields.TakerGets);\n\n for (i = 0, l = self._offers.length; i < l; i++) {\n offer = self._offers[i];\n var priceItem = Amount.from_json(offer.TakerPays).ratio_human(offer.TakerGets);\n\n if (price.compareTo(priceItem) <= 0) {\n var obj = an.fields;\n obj.index = an.ledgerIndex;\n self._offers.splice(i, 0, an.fields);\n changed = true;\n break;\n }\n }\n break;\n }\n });\n\n // Only trigger the event if the account object is actually\n // subscribed - this prevents some weird phantom events from\n // occurring.\n if (this._subs) {\n this.emit('transaction', message);\n if (changed) this.emit('model', this._offers);\n if (!trade_gets.is_zero()) this.emit('trade', trade_pays, trade_gets);\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Get offers model asynchronously.\n *\n * This function takes a callback and calls it with an array containing the\n * current set of offers in this order book.\n *\n * If the data is available immediately, the callback may be called synchronously.\n */\nOrderBook.prototype.offers = function (callback) {\n var self = this;\n if (typeof callback === 'function') {\n if (this._sync) {\n callback(this._offers);\n } else {\n this.once('model', callback);\n }\n }\n return this;\n};\n\n/**\n * Return latest known offers.\n *\n * Usually, this will just be an empty array if the order book hasn't been\n * loaded yet. But this accessor may be convenient in some circumstances.\n */\nOrderBook.prototype.offersSync = function () {\n return this._offers;\n};\n\nexports.OrderBook = OrderBook;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 17\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/orderbook.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/orderbook.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 18:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("var extend = require(2);\nvar utils = require(4);\nvar UInt160 = require(9).UInt160;\nvar Amount = require(3).Amount;\n\n/**\n * Meta data processing facility.\n */\nvar Meta = function (raw_data)\n{\n this.nodes = [];\n\n for (var i = 0, l = raw_data.AffectedNodes.length; i < l; i++) {\n var an = raw_data.AffectedNodes[i],\n result = {};\n\n [\"CreatedNode\", \"ModifiedNode\", \"DeletedNode\"].forEach(function (x) {\n if (an[x]) result.diffType = x;\n });\n\n if (!result.diffType) return null;\n\n an = an[result.diffType];\n\n result.entryType = an.LedgerEntryType;\n result.ledgerIndex = an.LedgerIndex;\n\n result.fields = extend({}, an.PreviousFields, an.NewFields, an.FinalFields);\n result.fieldsPrev = an.PreviousFields || {};\n result.fieldsNew = an.NewFields || {};\n result.fieldsFinal = an.FinalFields || {};\n\n this.nodes.push(result);\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Execute a function on each affected node.\n *\n * The callback is passed two parameters. The first is a node object which looks\n * like this:\n *\n * {\n * // Type of diff, e.g. CreatedNode, ModifiedNode\n * diffType: 'CreatedNode'\n *\n * // Type of node affected, e.g. RippleState, AccountRoot\n * entryType: 'RippleState',\n *\n * // Index of the ledger this change occurred in\n * ledgerIndex: '01AB01AB...',\n *\n * // Contains all fields with later versions taking precedence\n * //\n * // This is a shorthand for doing things like checking which account\n * // this affected without having to check the diffType.\n * fields: {...},\n *\n * // Old fields (before the change)\n * fieldsPrev: {...},\n *\n * // New fields (that have been added)\n * fieldsNew: {...},\n *\n * // Changed fields\n * fieldsFinal: {...}\n * }\n *\n * The second parameter to the callback is the index of the node in the metadata\n * (first entry is index 0).\n */\nMeta.prototype.each = function (fn)\n{\n for (var i = 0, l = this.nodes.length; i < l; i++) {\n fn(this.nodes[i], i);\n }\n};\n\nvar amountFieldsAffectingIssuer = [\n \"LowLimit\", \"HighLimit\", \"TakerPays\", \"TakerGets\"\n];\nMeta.prototype.getAffectedAccounts = function ()\n{\n var accounts = [];\n\n // This code should match the behavior of the C++ method:\n // TransactionMetaSet::getAffectedAccounts\n this.each(function (an) {\n var fields = (an.diffType === \"CreatedNode\") ? an.fieldsNew : an.fieldsFinal;\n\n for (var i in fields) {\n var field = fields[i];\n\n if (\"string\" === typeof field && UInt160.is_valid(field)) {\n accounts.push(field);\n } else if (amountFieldsAffectingIssuer.indexOf(i) !== -1) {\n var amount = Amount.from_json(field);\n var issuer = amount.issuer();\n if (issuer.is_valid() && !issuer.is_zero()) {\n accounts.push(issuer.to_json());\n }\n }\n }\n });\n\n accounts = utils.arrayUnique(accounts);\n\n return accounts;\n};\n\nMeta.prototype.getAffectedBooks = function ()\n{\n var books = [];\n\n this.each(function (an) {\n if (an.entryType !== 'Offer') return;\n\n var gets = Amount.from_json(an.fields.TakerGets);\n var pays = Amount.from_json(an.fields.TakerPays);\n\n var getsKey = gets.currency().to_json();\n if (getsKey !== 'XRP') getsKey += '/' + gets.issuer().to_json();\n\n var paysKey = pays.currency().to_json();\n if (paysKey !== 'XRP') paysKey += '/' + pays.issuer().to_json();\n\n var key = getsKey + \":\" + paysKey;\n\n books.push(key);\n });\n\n books = utils.arrayUnique(books);\n\n return books;\n};\n\nexports.Meta = Meta;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 18\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/meta.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/meta.js");
+ eval("var EventEmitter = require(27).EventEmitter;\nvar util = require(28);\n\nvar Amount = require(2).Amount;\n\nvar extend = require(29);\n\n/**\n * Represents a persistent path finding request.\n *\n * Only one path find request is allowed per connection, so when another path\n * find request is triggered it will supercede the existing one, making it emit\n * the 'end' and 'superceded' events.\n */\nvar PathFind = function (remote, src_account, dst_account,\n dst_amount, src_currencies)\n{\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n this.remote = remote;\n\n this.src_account = src_account;\n this.dst_account = dst_account;\n this.dst_amount = dst_amount;\n this.src_currencies = src_currencies;\n};\n\nutil.inherits(PathFind, EventEmitter);\n\n/**\n * Submits a path_find_create request to the network.\n *\n * This starts a path find request, superceding all previous path finds.\n *\n * This will be called automatically by Remote when this object is instantiated,\n * so you should only have to call it if the path find was closed or superceded\n * and you wish to restart it.\n */\nPathFind.prototype.create = function ()\n{\n var self = this;\n\n var req = this.remote.request_path_find_create(this.src_account,\n this.dst_account,\n this.dst_amount,\n this.src_currencies,\n handleInitialPath);\n\n function handleInitialPath(err, msg) {\n if (err) {\n self.emit('error', err);\n return;\n }\n self.notify_update(msg);\n }\n\n // XXX We should add ourselves to prepare_subscribe or a similar mechanism so\n // that we can resubscribe after a reconnection.\n\n req.request();\n};\n\nPathFind.prototype.close = function ()\n{\n this.remote.request_path_find_close().request();\n this.emit('end');\n this.emit('close');\n};\n\nPathFind.prototype.notify_update = function (message)\n{\n var src_account = message.source_account;\n var dst_account = message.destination_account;\n var dst_amount = Amount.from_json(message.destination_amount);\n\n // Only pass the event along if this path find response matches what we were\n // looking for.\n if (this.src_account === src_account &&\n this.dst_account === dst_account &&\n this.dst_amount.equals(dst_amount)) {\n this.emit('update', message);\n }\n};\n\nPathFind.prototype.notify_superceded = function ()\n{\n // XXX If we're set to re-subscribe whenever we connect to a new server, then\n // we should cancel that behavior here. See PathFind#create.\n\n this.emit('end');\n this.emit('superceded');\n};\n\nexports.PathFind = PathFind;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 18\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/pathfind.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/pathfind.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 19:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("// Transactions\n//\n// Construction:\n// remote.transaction() // Build a transaction object.\n// .offer_create(...) // Set major parameters.\n// .set_flags() // Set optional parameters.\n// .on() // Register for events.\n// .submit(); // Send to network.\n//\n// Events:\n// 'success' : Transaction submitted without error.\n// 'error' : Error submitting transaction.\n// 'proposed' : Advisory proposed status transaction.\n// - A client should expect 0 to multiple results.\n// - Might not get back. The remote might just forward the transaction.\n// - A success could be reverted in final.\n// - local error: other remotes might like it.\n// - malformed error: local server thought it was malformed.\n// - The client should only trust this when talking to a trusted server.\n// 'final' : Final status of transaction.\n// - Only expect a final from dishonest servers after a tesSUCCESS or ter*.\n// 'lost' : Gave up looking for on ledger_closed.\n// 'pending' : Transaction was not found on ledger_closed.\n// 'state' : Follow the state of a transaction.\n// 'client_submitted' - Sent to remote\n// |- 'remoteError' - Remote rejected transaction.\n// \\- 'client_proposed' - Remote provisionally accepted transaction.\n// |- 'client_missing' - Transaction has not appeared in ledger as expected.\n// | |\\- 'client_lost' - No longer monitoring missing transaction.\n// |/\n// |- 'tesSUCCESS' - Transaction in ledger as expected.\n// |- 'ter...' - Transaction failed.\n// \\- 'tec...' - Transaction claimed fee only.\n//\n// Notes:\n// - All transactions including those with local and malformed errors may be\n// forwarded anyway.\n// - A malicous server can:\n// - give any proposed result.\n// - it may declare something correct as incorrect or something correct as incorrect.\n// - it may not communicate with the rest of the network.\n// - may or may not forward.\n//\n\nvar EventEmitter = require(6).EventEmitter;\nvar util = require(5);\n\nvar sjcl = require(1);\n\nvar Amount = require(3).Amount;\nvar Currency = require(3).Currency;\nvar UInt160 = require(3).UInt160;\nvar Seed = require(26).Seed;\nvar SerializedObject = require(27).SerializedObject;\nvar RippleError = require(14).RippleError;\n\nvar config = require(8);\n\n// A class to implement transactions.\n// - Collects parameters\n// - Allow event listeners to be attached to determine the outcome.\nfunction Transaction(remote) {\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n var self = this;\n\n this.remote = remote;\n this._secret = void(0);\n this._build_path = false;\n\n // Transaction data.\n this.tx_json = { Flags: 0 };\n\n this.hash = void(0);\n\n // ledger_current_index was this when transaction was submited.\n this.submit_index = void(0); \n\n // Under construction.\n this.state = void(0); \n\n this.finalized = false;\n this._previous_signing_hash = void(0);\n};\n\nutil.inherits(Transaction, EventEmitter);\n\n// XXX This needs to be determined from the network.\nTransaction.fee_units = {\n default: 10,\n};\n\nTransaction.flags = {\n AccountSet: {\n RequireDestTag: 0x00010000,\n OptionalDestTag: 0x00020000,\n RequireAuth: 0x00040000,\n OptionalAuth: 0x00080000,\n DisallowXRP: 0x00100000,\n AllowXRP: 0x00200000\n },\n\n OfferCreate: {\n Passive: 0x00010000,\n ImmediateOrCancel: 0x00020000,\n FillOrKill: 0x00040000,\n Sell: 0x00080000\n },\n\n Payment: {\n NoRippleDirect: 0x00010000,\n PartialPayment: 0x00020000,\n LimitQuality: 0x00040000\n },\n};\n\nTransaction.formats = require(17).tx;\n\nTransaction.HASH_SIGN = 0x53545800;\nTransaction.HASH_SIGN_TESTNET = 0x73747800;\n\nTransaction.prototype.consts = {\n telLOCAL_ERROR : -399,\n temMALFORMED : -299,\n tefFAILURE : -199,\n terRETRY : -99,\n tesSUCCESS : 0,\n tecCLAIMED : 100,\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.isTelLocal = function (ter) {\n return ter >= this.consts.telLOCAL_ERROR && ter < this.consts.temMALFORMED;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.isTemMalformed = function (ter) {\n return ter >= this.consts.temMALFORMED && ter < this.consts.tefFAILURE;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.isTefFailure = function (ter) {\n return ter >= this.consts.tefFAILURE && ter < this.consts.terRETRY;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.isTerRetry = function (ter) {\n return ter >= this.consts.terRETRY && ter < this.consts.tesSUCCESS;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.isTepSuccess = function (ter) {\n return ter >= this.consts.tesSUCCESS;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.isTecClaimed = function (ter) {\n return ter >= this.consts.tecCLAIMED;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.isRejected = function (ter) {\n return this.isTelLocal(ter) || this.isTemMalformed(ter) || this.isTefFailure(ter);\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.set_state = function (state) {\n if (this.state !== state) {\n this.state = state;\n this.emit('state', state);\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * TODO\n * Actually do this right\n */\n\nTransaction.prototype.get_fee = function() {\n return Transaction.fees['default'].to_json();\n};\n\n/**\n * Attempts to complete the transaction for submission.\n *\n * This function seeks to fill out certain fields, such as Fee and\n * SigningPubKey, which can be determined by the library based on network\n * information and other fields.\n */\nTransaction.prototype.complete = function () {\n var tx_json = this.tx_json;\n\n if (typeof tx_json.Fee === 'undefined') {\n if (this.remote.local_fee || !this.remote.trusted) {\n this.tx_json.Fee = this.remote.fee_tx(this.fee_units()).to_json();\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof tx_json.SigningPubKey === 'undefined' && (!this.remote || this.remote.local_signing)) {\n var seed = Seed.from_json(this._secret);\n var key = seed.get_key(this.tx_json.Account);\n tx_json.SigningPubKey = key.to_hex_pub();\n }\n\n return this.tx_json;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.serialize = function () {\n return SerializedObject.from_json(this.tx_json);\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.signing_hash = function () {\n var prefix = Transaction[config.testnet ? 'HASH_SIGN_TESTNET' : 'HASH_SIGN'];\n return SerializedObject.from_json(this.tx_json).signing_hash(prefix);\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.sign = function () {\n var seed = Seed.from_json(this._secret);\n var hash = this.signing_hash();\n\n var previously_signed = this.tx_json.TxnSignature \n && hash === this._previous_signing_hash;\n\n if (previously_signed) return;\n\n var key = seed.get_key(this.tx_json.Account);\n var sig = key.sign(hash, 0);\n var hex = sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(sig).toUpperCase();\n\n this.tx_json.TxnSignature = hex;\n};\n\n//\n// Set options for Transactions\n//\n\n// --> build: true, to have server blindly construct a path.\n//\n// \"blindly\" because the sender has no idea of the actual cost except that is must be less than send max.\nTransaction.prototype.build_path = function (build) {\n this._build_path = build;\n return this;\n}\n\n// tag should be undefined or a 32 bit integer. \n// YYY Add range checking for tag.\nTransaction.prototype.destination_tag = function (tag) {\n if (tag !== void(0)) {\n this.tx_json.DestinationTag = tag;\n }\n return this;\n}\n\nTransaction._path_rewrite = function (path) {\n var props = [\n 'account'\n , 'issuer'\n , 'currency'\n ]\n\n var path_new = path.map(function(node) {\n var node_new = { };\n\n for (var prop in node) {\n if (~props.indexOf(prop)) {\n node_new[prop] = UInt160.json_rewrite(node[prop]);\n }\n }\n\n return node_new;\n });\n\n return path_new;\n}\n\nTransaction.prototype.path_add = function (path) {\n this.tx_json.Paths = this.tx_json.Paths || [];\n this.tx_json.Paths.push(Transaction._path_rewrite(path));\n return this;\n}\n\n// --> paths: undefined or array of path\n// A path is an array of objects containing some combination of: account, currency, issuer\nTransaction.prototype.paths = function (paths) {\n for (var i=0, l=paths.length; i rate: In billionths.\nTransaction.prototype.transfer_rate = function (rate) {\n this.tx_json.TransferRate = Number(rate);\n\n if (this.tx_json.TransferRate < 1e9) {\n throw new Error('invalidTransferRate');\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// Add flags to a transaction.\n// --> flags: undefined, _flag_, or [ _flags_ ]\nTransaction.prototype.set_flags = function (flags) {\n if (flags) {\n var transaction_flags = Transaction.flags[this.tx_json.TransactionType];\n\n // We plan to not define this field on new Transaction.\n if (this.tx_json.Flags === void(0)) {\n this.tx_json.Flags = 0;\n }\n\n var flag_set = Array.isArray(flags) ? flags : [ flags ];\n\n for (var i=0, l=flag_set.length; i expiration : if not undefined, Date or Number\n// --> cancel_sequence : if not undefined, Sequence\nTransaction.prototype.offer_create = function (src, taker_pays, taker_gets, expiration, cancel_sequence) {\n if (!UInt160.is_valid(src)) {\n throw new Error('Source address invalid');\n }\n\n this._secret = this._account_secret(src);\n this.tx_json.TransactionType = 'OfferCreate';\n this.tx_json.Account = UInt160.json_rewrite(src);\n this.tx_json.TakerPays = Amount.json_rewrite(taker_pays);\n this.tx_json.TakerGets = Amount.json_rewrite(taker_gets);\n\n if (this.remote.local_fee) {\n //this.tx_json.Fee = Transaction.fees.offer.to_json();\n }\n\n if (expiration) {\n this.tx_json.Expiration = expiration instanceof Date\n ? expiration.getTime()\n : Number(expiration);\n }\n\n if (cancel_sequence) {\n this.tx_json.OfferSequence = Number(cancel_sequence);\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.password_fund = function (src, dst) {\n if (!UInt160.is_valid(dst)) {\n throw new Error('Destination address invalid');\n }\n\n this._secret = this._account_secret(src);\n this.tx_json.TransactionType = 'PasswordFund';\n this.tx_json.Destination = UInt160.json_rewrite(dst);\n return this;\n}\n\nTransaction.prototype.password_set = function (src, authorized_key, generator, public_key, signature) {\n if (!UInt160.is_valid(src)) {\n throw new Error('Source address invalid');\n }\n\n this._secret = this._account_secret(src);\n this.tx_json.TransactionType = 'PasswordSet';\n this.tx_json.RegularKey = authorized_key;\n this.tx_json.Generator = generator;\n this.tx_json.PublicKey = public_key;\n this.tx_json.Signature = signature;\n return this;\n}\n\n// Construct a 'payment' transaction.\n//\n// When a transaction is submitted:\n// - If the connection is reliable and the server is not merely forwarding and is not malicious,\n// --> src : UInt160 or String\n// --> dst : UInt160 or String\n// --> deliver_amount : Amount or String.\n//\n// Options:\n// .paths()\n// .build_path()\n// .destination_tag()\n// .path_add()\n// .secret()\n// .send_max()\n// .set_flags()\n// .source_tag()\nTransaction.prototype.payment = function (src, dst, deliver_amount) {\n if (!UInt160.is_valid(src)) {\n throw new Error('Payment source address invalid');\n }\n\n if (!UInt160.is_valid(dst)) {\n throw new Error('Payment destination address invalid');\n }\n\n this._secret = this._account_secret(src);\n this.tx_json.TransactionType = 'Payment';\n this.tx_json.Account = UInt160.json_rewrite(src);\n this.tx_json.Amount = Amount.json_rewrite(deliver_amount);\n this.tx_json.Destination = UInt160.json_rewrite(dst);\n\n return this;\n}\n\nTransaction.prototype.ripple_line_set = function (src, limit, quality_in, quality_out) {\n if (!UInt160.is_valid(src)) {\n throw new Error('Source address invalid');\n }\n\n this._secret = this._account_secret(src);\n this.tx_json.TransactionType = 'TrustSet';\n this.tx_json.Account = UInt160.json_rewrite(src);\n\n // Allow limit of 0 through.\n if (limit !== void(0)) {\n this.tx_json.LimitAmount = Amount.json_rewrite(limit);\n }\n \n if (quality_in) {\n this.tx_json.QualityIn = quality_in;\n }\n\n if (quality_out) {\n this.tx_json.QualityOut = quality_out;\n }\n\n // XXX Throw an error if nothing is set.\n\n return this;\n};\n\nTransaction.prototype.wallet_add = function (src, amount, authorized_key, public_key, signature) {\n if (!UInt160.is_valid(src)) {\n throw new Error('Source address invalid');\n }\n\n this._secret = this._account_secret(src);\n this.tx_json.TransactionType = 'WalletAdd';\n this.tx_json.Amount = Amount.json_rewrite(amount);\n this.tx_json.RegularKey = authorized_key;\n this.tx_json.PublicKey = public_key;\n this.tx_json.Signature = signature;\n return this;\n};\n\n/**\n * Returns the number of fee units this transaction will cost.\n *\n * Each Ripple transaction based on its type and makeup costs a certain number\n * of fee units. The fee units are calculated on a per-server basis based on the\n * current load on both the network and the server.\n *\n * @see https://ripple.com/wiki/Transaction_Fee\n *\n * @return {Number} Number of fee units for this transaction.\n */\nTransaction.prototype.fee_units = function () {\n return Transaction.fee_units['default'];\n};\n\n// Submit a transaction to the network.\nTransaction.prototype.submit = function (callback) {\n var self = this;\n\n this.callback = typeof callback === 'function' ? callback : function(){};\n\n function submission_error(error, message) {\n if (!(error instanceof RippleError)) {\n error = new RippleError(error, message);\n }\n self.callback(error);\n }\n\n function submission_success(message) {\n self.callback(null, message);\n }\n\n this.once('error', submission_error);\n this.once('success', submission_success);\n\n var account = this.tx_json.Account;\n\n if (typeof account !== 'string') {\n this.emit('error', new RippleError('tejInvalidAccount', 'Account is unspecified'));\n } else {\n // YYY Might check paths for invalid accounts.\n this.remote.get_account(account).submit(this);\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nexports.Transaction = Transaction;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 19\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/transaction.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/transaction.js");
+ eval("var util = require(28);\nvar extend = require(29);\n\nfunction RippleError(code, message) {\n switch (typeof code) {\n case 'object':\n extend(this, code);\n break;\n case 'string':\n this.result = code;\n this.result_message = message;\n break;\n }\n\n this.result = this.result || this.error || 'Error';\n this.result_message = this.result_message || this.error_message || 'Error';\n this.message = this.result_message;\n\n Error.captureStackTrace(this, code || this);\n}\n\nutil.inherits(RippleError, Error);\n\nRippleError.prototype.name = 'RippleError';\n\nexports.RippleError = RippleError;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 19\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/rippleerror.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/rippleerror.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 20:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("(function (exports) {\n\t'use strict';\n\n\tvar lookup = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';\n\n\tfunction b64ToByteArray(b64) {\n\t\tvar i, j, l, tmp, placeHolders, arr;\n\t\n\t\tif (b64.length % 4 > 0) {\n\t\t\tthrow 'Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4';\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// the number of equal signs (place holders)\n\t\t// if there are two placeholders, than the two characters before it\n\t\t// represent one byte\n\t\t// if there is only one, then the three characters before it represent 2 bytes\n\t\t// this is just a cheap hack to not do indexOf twice\n\t\tplaceHolders = b64.indexOf('=');\n\t\tplaceHolders = placeHolders > 0 ? b64.length - placeHolders : 0;\n\n\t\t// base64 is 4/3 + up to two characters of the original data\n\t\tarr = [];//new Uint8Array(b64.length * 3 / 4 - placeHolders);\n\n\t\t// if there are placeholders, only get up to the last complete 4 chars\n\t\tl = placeHolders > 0 ? b64.length - 4 : b64.length;\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0, j = 0; i < l; i += 4, j += 3) {\n\t\t\ttmp = (lookup.indexOf(b64[i]) << 18) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 1]) << 12) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 2]) << 6) | lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 3]);\n\t\t\tarr.push((tmp & 0xFF0000) >> 16);\n\t\t\tarr.push((tmp & 0xFF00) >> 8);\n\t\t\tarr.push(tmp & 0xFF);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (placeHolders === 2) {\n\t\t\ttmp = (lookup.indexOf(b64[i]) << 2) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 1]) >> 4);\n\t\t\tarr.push(tmp & 0xFF);\n\t\t} else if (placeHolders === 1) {\n\t\t\ttmp = (lookup.indexOf(b64[i]) << 10) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 1]) << 4) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 2]) >> 2);\n\t\t\tarr.push((tmp >> 8) & 0xFF);\n\t\t\tarr.push(tmp & 0xFF);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn arr;\n\t}\n\n\tfunction uint8ToBase64(uint8) {\n\t\tvar i,\n\t\t\textraBytes = uint8.length % 3, // if we have 1 byte left, pad 2 bytes\n\t\t\toutput = \"\",\n\t\t\ttemp, length;\n\n\t\tfunction tripletToBase64 (num) {\n\t\t\treturn lookup[num >> 18 & 0x3F] + lookup[num >> 12 & 0x3F] + lookup[num >> 6 & 0x3F] + lookup[num & 0x3F];\n\t\t};\n\n\t\t// go through the array every three bytes, we'll deal with trailing stuff later\n\t\tfor (i = 0, length = uint8.length - extraBytes; i < length; i += 3) {\n\t\t\ttemp = (uint8[i] << 16) + (uint8[i + 1] << 8) + (uint8[i + 2]);\n\t\t\toutput += tripletToBase64(temp);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// pad the end with zeros, but make sure to not forget the extra bytes\n\t\tswitch (extraBytes) {\n\t\t\tcase 1:\n\t\t\t\ttemp = uint8[uint8.length - 1];\n\t\t\t\toutput += lookup[temp >> 2];\n\t\t\t\toutput += lookup[(temp << 4) & 0x3F];\n\t\t\t\toutput += '==';\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase 2:\n\t\t\t\ttemp = (uint8[uint8.length - 2] << 8) + (uint8[uint8.length - 1]);\n\t\t\t\toutput += lookup[temp >> 10];\n\t\t\t\toutput += lookup[(temp >> 4) & 0x3F];\n\t\t\t\toutput += lookup[(temp << 2) & 0x3F];\n\t\t\t\toutput += '=';\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn output;\n\t}\n\n\tmodule.exports.toByteArray = b64ToByteArray;\n\tmodule.exports.fromByteArray = uint8ToBase64;\n}());\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 20\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer-browserify/~/base64-js/lib/b64.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer-browserify/~/base64-js/lib/b64.js");
+ eval("// Derived from Tom Wu's jsbn code.\n//\n// Changes made for clean up and to package as a node.js module.\n\n// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Tom Wu\n// All Rights Reserved.\n// See \"LICENSE\" for details.\n\n// Basic JavaScript BN library - subset useful for RSA encryption.\n// Extended JavaScript BN functions, required for RSA private ops.\n// Version 1.1: new BigInteger(\"0\", 10) returns \"proper\" zero\n// Version 1.2: square() API, isProbablePrime fix\n\n// Bits per digit\nvar dbits;\n\n// JavaScript engine analysis\nvar canary = 0xdeadbeefcafe;\nvar j_lm = ((canary&0xffffff)==0xefcafe);\n\n// (public) Constructor\nvar BigInteger = function BigInteger(a,b,c) {\n if(a != null)\n if(\"number\" == typeof a) this.fromNumber(a,b,c);\n else if(b == null && \"string\" != typeof a) this.fromString(a,256);\n else this.fromString(a,b);\n};\n\n// return new, unset BigInteger\nvar nbi\t= function nbi() { return new BigInteger(null); };\n\n// am: Compute w_j += (x*this_i), propagate carries,\n// c is initial carry, returns final carry.\n// c < 3*dvalue, x < 2*dvalue, this_i < dvalue\n// We need to select the fastest one that works in this environment.\n\n// am1: use a single mult and divide to get the high bits,\n// max digit bits should be 26 because\n// max internal value = 2*dvalue^2-2*dvalue (< 2^53)\nfunction am1(i,x,w,j,c,n) {\n while(--n >= 0) {\n var v = x*this[i++]+w[j]+c;\n c = Math.floor(v/0x4000000);\n w[j++] = v&0x3ffffff;\n }\n return c;\n}\n// am2 avoids a big mult-and-extract completely.\n// Max digit bits should be <= 30 because we do bitwise ops\n// on values up to 2*hdvalue^2-hdvalue-1 (< 2^31)\nfunction am2(i,x,w,j,c,n) {\n var xl = x&0x7fff, xh = x>>15;\n while(--n >= 0) {\n var l = this[i]&0x7fff;\n var h = this[i++]>>15;\n var m = xh*l+h*xl;\n l = xl*l+((m&0x7fff)<<15)+w[j]+(c&0x3fffffff);\n c = (l>>>30)+(m>>>15)+xh*h+(c>>>30);\n w[j++] = l&0x3fffffff;\n }\n return c;\n}\n// Alternately, set max digit bits to 28 since some\n// browsers slow down when dealing with 32-bit numbers.\nfunction am3(i,x,w,j,c,n) {\n var xl = x&0x3fff, xh = x>>14;\n while(--n >= 0) {\n var l = this[i]&0x3fff;\n var h = this[i++]>>14;\n var m = xh*l+h*xl;\n l = xl*l+((m&0x3fff)<<14)+w[j]+c;\n c = (l>>28)+(m>>14)+xh*h;\n w[j++] = l&0xfffffff;\n }\n return c;\n}\n\nif(j_lm && 'undefined' !== typeof navigator && (navigator.appName == \"Microsoft Internet Explorer\")) {\n BigInteger.prototype.am = am2;\n dbits = 30;\n}\nelse if(j_lm && 'undefined' !== typeof navigator && (navigator.appName != \"Netscape\")) {\n BigInteger.prototype.am = am1;\n dbits = 26;\n}\nelse { // Mozilla/Netscape seems to prefer am3\n BigInteger.prototype.am = am3;\n dbits = 28;\n}\n\nBigInteger.prototype.DB = dbits;\nBigInteger.prototype.DM = ((1<= 0; --i) r[i] = this[i];\n r.t = this.t;\n r.s = this.s;\n}\n\n// (protected) set from integer value x, -DV <= x < DV\nfunction bnpFromInt(x) {\n this.t = 1;\n this.s = (x<0)?-1:0;\n if(x > 0) this[0] = x;\n else if(x < -1) this[0] = x+DV;\n else this.t = 0;\n}\n\n// return bigint initialized to value\nfunction nbv(i) { var r = nbi(); r.fromInt(i); return r; }\n\n// (protected) set from string and radix\nfunction bnpFromString(s,b) {\n var k;\n if(b == 16) k = 4;\n else if(b == 8) k = 3;\n else if(b == 256) k = 8; // byte array\n else if(b == 2) k = 1;\n else if(b == 32) k = 5;\n else if(b == 4) k = 2;\n else { this.fromRadix(s,b); return; }\n this.t = 0;\n this.s = 0;\n var i = s.length, mi = false, sh = 0;\n while(--i >= 0) {\n var x = (k==8)?s[i]&0xff:intAt(s,i);\n if(x < 0) {\n if(s.charAt(i) == \"-\") mi = true;\n continue;\n }\n mi = false;\n if(sh == 0)\n this[this.t++] = x;\n else if(sh+k > this.DB) {\n this[this.t-1] |= (x&((1<<(this.DB-sh))-1))<>(this.DB-sh));\n }\n else\n this[this.t-1] |= x<= this.DB) sh -= this.DB;\n }\n if(k == 8 && (s[0]&0x80) != 0) {\n this.s = -1;\n if(sh > 0) this[this.t-1] |= ((1<<(this.DB-sh))-1)< 0 && this[this.t-1] == c) --this.t;\n}\n\n// (public) return string representation in given radix\nfunction bnToString(b) {\n if(this.s < 0) return \"-\"+this.negate().toString(b);\n var k;\n if(b == 16) k = 4;\n else if(b == 8) k = 3;\n else if(b == 2) k = 1;\n else if(b == 32) k = 5;\n else if(b == 4) k = 2;\n else return this.toRadix(b);\n var km = (1< 0) {\n if(p < this.DB && (d = this[i]>>p) > 0) { m = true; r = int2char(d); }\n while(i >= 0) {\n if(p < k) {\n d = (this[i]&((1<>(p+=this.DB-k);\n }\n else {\n d = (this[i]>>(p-=k))&km;\n if(p <= 0) { p += this.DB; --i; }\n }\n if(d > 0) m = true;\n if(m) r += int2char(d);\n }\n }\n return m?r:\"0\";\n}\n\n// (public) -this\nfunction bnNegate() { var r = nbi(); BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) |this|\nfunction bnAbs() { return (this.s<0)?this.negate():this; }\n\n// (public) return + if this > a, - if this < a, 0 if equal\nfunction bnCompareTo(a) {\n var r = this.s-a.s;\n if(r != 0) return r;\n var i = this.t;\n r = i-a.t;\n if(r != 0) return (this.s<0)?-r:r;\n while(--i >= 0) if((r=this[i]-a[i]) != 0) return r;\n return 0;\n}\n\n// returns bit length of the integer x\nfunction nbits(x) {\n var r = 1, t;\n if((t=x>>>16) != 0) { x = t; r += 16; }\n if((t=x>>8) != 0) { x = t; r += 8; }\n if((t=x>>4) != 0) { x = t; r += 4; }\n if((t=x>>2) != 0) { x = t; r += 2; }\n if((t=x>>1) != 0) { x = t; r += 1; }\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) return the number of bits in \"this\"\nfunction bnBitLength() {\n if(this.t <= 0) return 0;\n return this.DB*(this.t-1)+nbits(this[this.t-1]^(this.s&this.DM));\n}\n\n// (protected) r = this << n*DB\nfunction bnpDLShiftTo(n,r) {\n var i;\n for(i = this.t-1; i >= 0; --i) r[i+n] = this[i];\n for(i = n-1; i >= 0; --i) r[i] = 0;\n r.t = this.t+n;\n r.s = this.s;\n}\n\n// (protected) r = this >> n*DB\nfunction bnpDRShiftTo(n,r) {\n for(var i = n; i < this.t; ++i) r[i-n] = this[i];\n r.t = Math.max(this.t-n,0);\n r.s = this.s;\n}\n\n// (protected) r = this << n\nfunction bnpLShiftTo(n,r) {\n var bs = n%this.DB;\n var cbs = this.DB-bs;\n var bm = (1<= 0; --i) {\n r[i+ds+1] = (this[i]>>cbs)|c;\n c = (this[i]&bm)<= 0; --i) r[i] = 0;\n r[ds] = c;\n r.t = this.t+ds+1;\n r.s = this.s;\n r.clamp();\n}\n\n// (protected) r = this >> n\nfunction bnpRShiftTo(n,r) {\n r.s = this.s;\n var ds = Math.floor(n/this.DB);\n if(ds >= this.t) { r.t = 0; return; }\n var bs = n%this.DB;\n var cbs = this.DB-bs;\n var bm = (1<>bs;\n for(var i = ds+1; i < this.t; ++i) {\n r[i-ds-1] |= (this[i]&bm)<>bs;\n }\n if(bs > 0) r[this.t-ds-1] |= (this.s&bm)<>= this.DB;\n }\n if(a.t < this.t) {\n c -= a.s;\n while(i < this.t) {\n c += this[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c += this.s;\n }\n else {\n c += this.s;\n while(i < a.t) {\n c -= a[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c -= a.s;\n }\n r.s = (c<0)?-1:0;\n if(c < -1) r[i++] = this.DV+c;\n else if(c > 0) r[i++] = c;\n r.t = i;\n r.clamp();\n}\n\n// (protected) r = this * a, r != this,a (HAC 14.12)\n// \"this\" should be the larger one if appropriate.\nfunction bnpMultiplyTo(a,r) {\n var x = this.abs(), y = a.abs();\n var i = x.t;\n r.t = i+y.t;\n while(--i >= 0) r[i] = 0;\n for(i = 0; i < y.t; ++i) r[i+x.t] = x.am(0,y[i],r,i,0,x.t);\n r.s = 0;\n r.clamp();\n if(this.s != a.s) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(r,r);\n}\n\n// (protected) r = this^2, r != this (HAC 14.16)\nfunction bnpSquareTo(r) {\n var x = this.abs();\n var i = r.t = 2*x.t;\n while(--i >= 0) r[i] = 0;\n for(i = 0; i < x.t-1; ++i) {\n var c = x.am(i,x[i],r,2*i,0,1);\n if((r[i+x.t]+=x.am(i+1,2*x[i],r,2*i+1,c,x.t-i-1)) >= x.DV) {\n r[i+x.t] -= x.DV;\n r[i+x.t+1] = 1;\n }\n }\n if(r.t > 0) r[r.t-1] += x.am(i,x[i],r,2*i,0,1);\n r.s = 0;\n r.clamp();\n}\n\n// (protected) divide this by m, quotient and remainder to q, r (HAC 14.20)\n// r != q, this != m. q or r may be null.\nfunction bnpDivRemTo(m,q,r) {\n var pm = m.abs();\n if(pm.t <= 0) return;\n var pt = this.abs();\n if(pt.t < pm.t) {\n if(q != null) q.fromInt(0);\n if(r != null) this.copyTo(r);\n return;\n }\n if(r == null) r = nbi();\n var y = nbi(), ts = this.s, ms = m.s;\n var nsh = this.DB-nbits(pm[pm.t-1]);\t// normalize modulus\n if(nsh > 0) { pm.lShiftTo(nsh,y); pt.lShiftTo(nsh,r); }\n else { pm.copyTo(y); pt.copyTo(r); }\n var ys = y.t;\n var y0 = y[ys-1];\n if(y0 == 0) return;\n var yt = y0*(1<1)?y[ys-2]>>this.F2:0);\n var d1 = this.FV/yt, d2 = (1<= 0) {\n r[r.t++] = 1;\n r.subTo(t,r);\n }\n BigInteger.ONE.dlShiftTo(ys,t);\n t.subTo(y,y);\t// \"negative\" y so we can replace sub with am later\n while(y.t < ys) y[y.t++] = 0;\n while(--j >= 0) {\n // Estimate quotient digit\n var qd = (r[--i]==y0)?this.DM:Math.floor(r[i]*d1+(r[i-1]+e)*d2);\n if((r[i]+=y.am(0,qd,r,j,0,ys)) < qd) {\t// Try it out\n y.dlShiftTo(j,t);\n r.subTo(t,r);\n while(r[i] < --qd) r.subTo(t,r);\n }\n }\n if(q != null) {\n r.drShiftTo(ys,q);\n if(ts != ms) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(q,q);\n }\n r.t = ys;\n r.clamp();\n if(nsh > 0) r.rShiftTo(nsh,r);\t// Denormalize remainder\n if(ts < 0) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(r,r);\n}\n\n// (public) this mod a\nfunction bnMod(a) {\n var r = nbi();\n this.abs().divRemTo(a,null,r);\n if(this.s < 0 && r.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) a.subTo(r,r);\n return r;\n}\n\n// Modular reduction using \"classic\" algorithm\nfunction Classic(m) { this.m = m; }\nfunction cConvert(x) {\n if(x.s < 0 || x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) return x.mod(this.m);\n else return x;\n}\nfunction cRevert(x) { return x; }\nfunction cReduce(x) { x.divRemTo(this.m,null,x); }\nfunction cMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }\nfunction cSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }\n\nClassic.prototype.convert = cConvert;\nClassic.prototype.revert = cRevert;\nClassic.prototype.reduce = cReduce;\nClassic.prototype.mulTo = cMulTo;\nClassic.prototype.sqrTo = cSqrTo;\n\n// (protected) return \"-1/this % 2^DB\"; useful for Mont. reduction\n// justification:\n// xy == 1 (mod m)\n// xy = 1+km\n// xy(2-xy) = (1+km)(1-km)\n// x[y(2-xy)] = 1-k^2m^2\n// x[y(2-xy)] == 1 (mod m^2)\n// if y is 1/x mod m, then y(2-xy) is 1/x mod m^2\n// should reduce x and y(2-xy) by m^2 at each step to keep size bounded.\n// JS multiply \"overflows\" differently from C/C++, so care is needed here.\nfunction bnpInvDigit() {\n if(this.t < 1) return 0;\n var x = this[0];\n if((x&1) == 0) return 0;\n var y = x&3;\t\t// y == 1/x mod 2^2\n y = (y*(2-(x&0xf)*y))&0xf;\t// y == 1/x mod 2^4\n y = (y*(2-(x&0xff)*y))&0xff;\t// y == 1/x mod 2^8\n y = (y*(2-(((x&0xffff)*y)&0xffff)))&0xffff;\t// y == 1/x mod 2^16\n // last step - calculate inverse mod DV directly;\n // assumes 16 < DB <= 32 and assumes ability to handle 48-bit ints\n y = (y*(2-x*y%this.DV))%this.DV;\t\t// y == 1/x mod 2^dbits\n // we really want the negative inverse, and -DV < y < DV\n return (y>0)?this.DV-y:-y;\n}\n\n// Montgomery reduction\nfunction Montgomery(m) {\n this.m = m;\n this.mp = m.invDigit();\n this.mpl = this.mp&0x7fff;\n this.mph = this.mp>>15;\n this.um = (1<<(m.DB-15))-1;\n this.mt2 = 2*m.t;\n}\n\n// xR mod m\nfunction montConvert(x) {\n var r = nbi();\n x.abs().dlShiftTo(this.m.t,r);\n r.divRemTo(this.m,null,r);\n if(x.s < 0 && r.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) this.m.subTo(r,r);\n return r;\n}\n\n// x/R mod m\nfunction montRevert(x) {\n var r = nbi();\n x.copyTo(r);\n this.reduce(r);\n return r;\n}\n\n// x = x/R mod m (HAC 14.32)\nfunction montReduce(x) {\n while(x.t <= this.mt2)\t// pad x so am has enough room later\n x[x.t++] = 0;\n for(var i = 0; i < this.m.t; ++i) {\n // faster way of calculating u0 = x[i]*mp mod DV\n var j = x[i]&0x7fff;\n var u0 = (j*this.mpl+(((j*this.mph+(x[i]>>15)*this.mpl)&this.um)<<15))&x.DM;\n // use am to combine the multiply-shift-add into one call\n j = i+this.m.t;\n x[j] += this.m.am(0,u0,x,i,0,this.m.t);\n // propagate carry\n while(x[j] >= x.DV) { x[j] -= x.DV; x[++j]++; }\n }\n x.clamp();\n x.drShiftTo(this.m.t,x);\n if(x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) x.subTo(this.m,x);\n}\n\n// r = \"x^2/R mod m\"; x != r\nfunction montSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n// r = \"xy/R mod m\"; x,y != r\nfunction montMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }\n\nMontgomery.prototype.convert = montConvert;\nMontgomery.prototype.revert = montRevert;\nMontgomery.prototype.reduce = montReduce;\nMontgomery.prototype.mulTo = montMulTo;\nMontgomery.prototype.sqrTo = montSqrTo;\n\n// (protected) true iff this is even\nfunction bnpIsEven() { return ((this.t>0)?(this[0]&1):this.s) == 0; }\n\n// (protected) this^e, e < 2^32, doing sqr and mul with \"r\" (HAC 14.79)\nfunction bnpExp(e,z) {\n if(e > 0xffffffff || e < 1) return BigInteger.ONE;\n var r = nbi(), r2 = nbi(), g = z.convert(this), i = nbits(e)-1;\n g.copyTo(r);\n while(--i >= 0) {\n z.sqrTo(r,r2);\n if((e&(1< 0) z.mulTo(r2,g,r);\n else { var t = r; r = r2; r2 = t; }\n }\n return z.revert(r);\n}\n\n// (public) this^e % m, 0 <= e < 2^32\nfunction bnModPowInt(e,m) {\n var z;\n if(e < 256 || m.isEven()) z = new Classic(m); else z = new Montgomery(m);\n return this.exp(e,z);\n}\n\n// (public)\nfunction bnClone() { var r = nbi(); this.copyTo(r); return r; }\n\n// (public) return value as integer\nfunction bnIntValue() {\n if(this.s < 0) {\n if(this.t == 1) return this[0]-this.DV;\n else if(this.t == 0) return -1;\n }\n else if(this.t == 1) return this[0];\n else if(this.t == 0) return 0;\n // assumes 16 < DB < 32\n return ((this[1]&((1<<(32-this.DB))-1))<>24; }\n\n// (public) return value as short (assumes DB>=16)\nfunction bnShortValue() { return (this.t==0)?this.s:(this[0]<<16)>>16; }\n\n// (protected) return x s.t. r^x < DV\nfunction bnpChunkSize(r) { return Math.floor(Math.LN2*this.DB/Math.log(r)); }\n\n// (public) 0 if this == 0, 1 if this > 0\nfunction bnSigNum() {\n if(this.s < 0) return -1;\n else if(this.t <= 0 || (this.t == 1 && this[0] <= 0)) return 0;\n else return 1;\n}\n\n// (protected) convert to radix string\nfunction bnpToRadix(b) {\n if(b == null) b = 10;\n if(this.signum() == 0 || b < 2 || b > 36) return \"0\";\n var cs = this.chunkSize(b);\n var a = Math.pow(b,cs);\n var d = nbv(a), y = nbi(), z = nbi(), r = \"\";\n this.divRemTo(d,y,z);\n while(y.signum() > 0) {\n r = (a+z.intValue()).toString(b).substr(1) + r;\n y.divRemTo(d,y,z);\n }\n return z.intValue().toString(b) + r;\n}\n\n// (protected) convert from radix string\nfunction bnpFromRadix(s,b) {\n this.fromInt(0);\n if(b == null) b = 10;\n var cs = this.chunkSize(b);\n var d = Math.pow(b,cs), mi = false, j = 0, w = 0;\n for(var i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) {\n var x = intAt(s,i);\n if(x < 0) {\n if(s.charAt(i) == \"-\" && this.signum() == 0) mi = true;\n continue;\n }\n w = b*w+x;\n if(++j >= cs) {\n this.dMultiply(d);\n this.dAddOffset(w,0);\n j = 0;\n w = 0;\n }\n }\n if(j > 0) {\n this.dMultiply(Math.pow(b,j));\n this.dAddOffset(w,0);\n }\n if(mi) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this,this);\n}\n\n// (protected) alternate constructor\nfunction bnpFromNumber(a,b,c) {\n if(\"number\" == typeof b) {\n // new BigInteger(int,int,RNG)\n if(a < 2) this.fromInt(1);\n else {\n this.fromNumber(a,c);\n if(!this.testBit(a-1))\t// force MSB set\n this.bitwiseTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a-1),op_or,this);\n if(this.isEven()) this.dAddOffset(1,0); // force odd\n while(!this.isProbablePrime(b)) {\n this.dAddOffset(2,0);\n if(this.bitLength() > a) this.subTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a-1),this);\n }\n }\n }\n else {\n // new BigInteger(int,RNG)\n var x = new Array(), t = a&7;\n x.length = (a>>3)+1;\n b.nextBytes(x);\n if(t > 0) x[0] &= ((1< 0) {\n if(p < this.DB && (d = this[i]>>p) != (this.s&this.DM)>>p)\n r[k++] = d|(this.s<<(this.DB-p));\n while(i >= 0) {\n if(p < 8) {\n d = (this[i]&((1<>(p+=this.DB-8);\n }\n else {\n d = (this[i]>>(p-=8))&0xff;\n if(p <= 0) { p += this.DB; --i; }\n }\n if((d&0x80) != 0) d |= -256;\n if(k == 0 && (this.s&0x80) != (d&0x80)) ++k;\n if(k > 0 || d != this.s) r[k++] = d;\n }\n }\n return r;\n}\n\nfunction bnEquals(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)==0); }\nfunction bnMin(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)<0)?this:a; }\nfunction bnMax(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)>0)?this:a; }\n\n// (protected) r = this op a (bitwise)\nfunction bnpBitwiseTo(a,op,r) {\n var i, f, m = Math.min(a.t,this.t);\n for(i = 0; i < m; ++i) r[i] = op(this[i],a[i]);\n if(a.t < this.t) {\n f = a.s&this.DM;\n for(i = m; i < this.t; ++i) r[i] = op(this[i],f);\n r.t = this.t;\n }\n else {\n f = this.s&this.DM;\n for(i = m; i < a.t; ++i) r[i] = op(f,a[i]);\n r.t = a.t;\n }\n r.s = op(this.s,a.s);\n r.clamp();\n}\n\n// (public) this & a\nfunction op_and(x,y) { return x&y; }\nfunction bnAnd(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_and,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this | a\nfunction op_or(x,y) { return x|y; }\nfunction bnOr(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_or,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this ^ a\nfunction op_xor(x,y) { return x^y; }\nfunction bnXor(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_xor,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this & ~a\nfunction op_andnot(x,y) { return x&~y; }\nfunction bnAndNot(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_andnot,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) ~this\nfunction bnNot() {\n var r = nbi();\n for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i) r[i] = this.DM&~this[i];\n r.t = this.t;\n r.s = ~this.s;\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) this << n\nfunction bnShiftLeft(n) {\n var r = nbi();\n if(n < 0) this.rShiftTo(-n,r); else this.lShiftTo(n,r);\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) this >> n\nfunction bnShiftRight(n) {\n var r = nbi();\n if(n < 0) this.lShiftTo(-n,r); else this.rShiftTo(n,r);\n return r;\n}\n\n// return index of lowest 1-bit in x, x < 2^31\nfunction lbit(x) {\n if(x == 0) return -1;\n var r = 0;\n if((x&0xffff) == 0) { x >>= 16; r += 16; }\n if((x&0xff) == 0) { x >>= 8; r += 8; }\n if((x&0xf) == 0) { x >>= 4; r += 4; }\n if((x&3) == 0) { x >>= 2; r += 2; }\n if((x&1) == 0) ++r;\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) returns index of lowest 1-bit (or -1 if none)\nfunction bnGetLowestSetBit() {\n for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i)\n if(this[i] != 0) return i*this.DB+lbit(this[i]);\n if(this.s < 0) return this.t*this.DB;\n return -1;\n}\n\n// return number of 1 bits in x\nfunction cbit(x) {\n var r = 0;\n while(x != 0) { x &= x-1; ++r; }\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) return number of set bits\nfunction bnBitCount() {\n var r = 0, x = this.s&this.DM;\n for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i) r += cbit(this[i]^x);\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) true iff nth bit is set\nfunction bnTestBit(n) {\n var j = Math.floor(n/this.DB);\n if(j >= this.t) return(this.s!=0);\n return((this[j]&(1<<(n%this.DB)))!=0);\n}\n\n// (protected) this op (1<>= this.DB;\n }\n if(a.t < this.t) {\n c += a.s;\n while(i < this.t) {\n c += this[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c += this.s;\n }\n else {\n c += this.s;\n while(i < a.t) {\n c += a[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c += a.s;\n }\n r.s = (c<0)?-1:0;\n if(c > 0) r[i++] = c;\n else if(c < -1) r[i++] = this.DV+c;\n r.t = i;\n r.clamp();\n}\n\n// (public) this + a\nfunction bnAdd(a) { var r = nbi(); this.addTo(a,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this - a\nfunction bnSubtract(a) { var r = nbi(); this.subTo(a,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this * a\nfunction bnMultiply(a) { var r = nbi(); this.multiplyTo(a,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this^2\nfunction bnSquare() { var r = nbi(); this.squareTo(r); return r; }\n\n// (public) this / a\nfunction bnDivide(a) { var r = nbi(); this.divRemTo(a,r,null); return r; }\n\n// (public) this % a\nfunction bnRemainder(a) { var r = nbi(); this.divRemTo(a,null,r); return r; }\n\n// (public) [this/a,this%a]\nfunction bnDivideAndRemainder(a) {\n var q = nbi(), r = nbi();\n this.divRemTo(a,q,r);\n return new Array(q,r);\n}\n\n// (protected) this *= n, this >= 0, 1 < n < DV\nfunction bnpDMultiply(n) {\n this[this.t] = this.am(0,n-1,this,0,0,this.t);\n ++this.t;\n this.clamp();\n}\n\n// (protected) this += n << w words, this >= 0\nfunction bnpDAddOffset(n,w) {\n if(n == 0) return;\n while(this.t <= w) this[this.t++] = 0;\n this[w] += n;\n while(this[w] >= this.DV) {\n this[w] -= this.DV;\n if(++w >= this.t) this[this.t++] = 0;\n ++this[w];\n }\n}\n\n// A \"null\" reducer\nfunction NullExp() {}\nfunction nNop(x) { return x; }\nfunction nMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); }\nfunction nSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); }\n\nNullExp.prototype.convert = nNop;\nNullExp.prototype.revert = nNop;\nNullExp.prototype.mulTo = nMulTo;\nNullExp.prototype.sqrTo = nSqrTo;\n\n// (public) this^e\nfunction bnPow(e) { return this.exp(e,new NullExp()); }\n\n// (protected) r = lower n words of \"this * a\", a.t <= n\n// \"this\" should be the larger one if appropriate.\nfunction bnpMultiplyLowerTo(a,n,r) {\n var i = Math.min(this.t+a.t,n);\n r.s = 0; // assumes a,this >= 0\n r.t = i;\n while(i > 0) r[--i] = 0;\n var j;\n for(j = r.t-this.t; i < j; ++i) r[i+this.t] = this.am(0,a[i],r,i,0,this.t);\n for(j = Math.min(a.t,n); i < j; ++i) this.am(0,a[i],r,i,0,n-i);\n r.clamp();\n}\n\n// (protected) r = \"this * a\" without lower n words, n > 0\n// \"this\" should be the larger one if appropriate.\nfunction bnpMultiplyUpperTo(a,n,r) {\n --n;\n var i = r.t = this.t+a.t-n;\n r.s = 0; // assumes a,this >= 0\n while(--i >= 0) r[i] = 0;\n for(i = Math.max(n-this.t,0); i < a.t; ++i)\n r[this.t+i-n] = this.am(n-i,a[i],r,0,0,this.t+i-n);\n r.clamp();\n r.drShiftTo(1,r);\n}\n\n// Barrett modular reduction\nfunction Barrett(m) {\n // setup Barrett\n this.r2 = nbi();\n this.q3 = nbi();\n BigInteger.ONE.dlShiftTo(2*m.t,this.r2);\n this.mu = this.r2.divide(m);\n this.m = m;\n}\n\nfunction barrettConvert(x) {\n if(x.s < 0 || x.t > 2*this.m.t) return x.mod(this.m);\n else if(x.compareTo(this.m) < 0) return x;\n else { var r = nbi(); x.copyTo(r); this.reduce(r); return r; }\n}\n\nfunction barrettRevert(x) { return x; }\n\n// x = x mod m (HAC 14.42)\nfunction barrettReduce(x) {\n x.drShiftTo(this.m.t-1,this.r2);\n if(x.t > this.m.t+1) { x.t = this.m.t+1; x.clamp(); }\n this.mu.multiplyUpperTo(this.r2,this.m.t+1,this.q3);\n this.m.multiplyLowerTo(this.q3,this.m.t+1,this.r2);\n while(x.compareTo(this.r2) < 0) x.dAddOffset(1,this.m.t+1);\n x.subTo(this.r2,x);\n while(x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) x.subTo(this.m,x);\n}\n\n// r = x^2 mod m; x != r\nfunction barrettSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n// r = x*y mod m; x,y != r\nfunction barrettMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }\n\nBarrett.prototype.convert = barrettConvert;\nBarrett.prototype.revert = barrettRevert;\nBarrett.prototype.reduce = barrettReduce;\nBarrett.prototype.mulTo = barrettMulTo;\nBarrett.prototype.sqrTo = barrettSqrTo;\n\n// (public) this^e % m (HAC 14.85)\nfunction bnModPow(e,m) {\n var i = e.bitLength(), k, r = nbv(1), z;\n if(i <= 0) return r;\n else if(i < 18) k = 1;\n else if(i < 48) k = 3;\n else if(i < 144) k = 4;\n else if(i < 768) k = 5;\n else k = 6;\n if(i < 8)\n z = new Classic(m);\n else if(m.isEven())\n z = new Barrett(m);\n else\n z = new Montgomery(m);\n\n // precomputation\n var g = new Array(), n = 3, k1 = k-1, km = (1< 1) {\n var g2 = nbi();\n z.sqrTo(g[1],g2);\n while(n <= km) {\n g[n] = nbi();\n z.mulTo(g2,g[n-2],g[n]);\n n += 2;\n }\n }\n\n var j = e.t-1, w, is1 = true, r2 = nbi(), t;\n i = nbits(e[j])-1;\n while(j >= 0) {\n if(i >= k1) w = (e[j]>>(i-k1))&km;\n else {\n w = (e[j]&((1<<(i+1))-1))<<(k1-i);\n if(j > 0) w |= e[j-1]>>(this.DB+i-k1);\n }\n\n n = k;\n while((w&1) == 0) { w >>= 1; --n; }\n if((i -= n) < 0) { i += this.DB; --j; }\n if(is1) {\t// ret == 1, don't bother squaring or multiplying it\n g[w].copyTo(r);\n is1 = false;\n }\n else {\n while(n > 1) { z.sqrTo(r,r2); z.sqrTo(r2,r); n -= 2; }\n if(n > 0) z.sqrTo(r,r2); else { t = r; r = r2; r2 = t; }\n z.mulTo(r2,g[w],r);\n }\n\n while(j >= 0 && (e[j]&(1< 0) {\n x.rShiftTo(g,x);\n y.rShiftTo(g,y);\n }\n while(x.signum() > 0) {\n if((i = x.getLowestSetBit()) > 0) x.rShiftTo(i,x);\n if((i = y.getLowestSetBit()) > 0) y.rShiftTo(i,y);\n if(x.compareTo(y) >= 0) {\n x.subTo(y,x);\n x.rShiftTo(1,x);\n }\n else {\n y.subTo(x,y);\n y.rShiftTo(1,y);\n }\n }\n if(g > 0) y.lShiftTo(g,y);\n return y;\n}\n\n// (protected) this % n, n < 2^26\nfunction bnpModInt(n) {\n if(n <= 0) return 0;\n var d = this.DV%n, r = (this.s<0)?n-1:0;\n if(this.t > 0)\n if(d == 0) r = this[0]%n;\n else for(var i = this.t-1; i >= 0; --i) r = (d*r+this[i])%n;\n return r;\n}\n\n// (public) 1/this % m (HAC 14.61)\nfunction bnModInverse(m) {\n var ac = m.isEven();\n if((this.isEven() && ac) || m.signum() == 0) return BigInteger.ZERO;\n var u = m.clone(), v = this.clone();\n var a = nbv(1), b = nbv(0), c = nbv(0), d = nbv(1);\n while(u.signum() != 0) {\n while(u.isEven()) {\n u.rShiftTo(1,u);\n if(ac) {\n if(!a.isEven() || !b.isEven()) { a.addTo(this,a); b.subTo(m,b); }\n a.rShiftTo(1,a);\n }\n else if(!b.isEven()) b.subTo(m,b);\n b.rShiftTo(1,b);\n }\n while(v.isEven()) {\n v.rShiftTo(1,v);\n if(ac) {\n if(!c.isEven() || !d.isEven()) { c.addTo(this,c); d.subTo(m,d); }\n c.rShiftTo(1,c);\n }\n else if(!d.isEven()) d.subTo(m,d);\n d.rShiftTo(1,d);\n }\n if(u.compareTo(v) >= 0) {\n u.subTo(v,u);\n if(ac) a.subTo(c,a);\n b.subTo(d,b);\n }\n else {\n v.subTo(u,v);\n if(ac) c.subTo(a,c);\n d.subTo(b,d);\n }\n }\n if(v.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) != 0) return BigInteger.ZERO;\n if(d.compareTo(m) >= 0) return d.subtract(m);\n if(d.signum() < 0) d.addTo(m,d); else return d;\n if(d.signum() < 0) return d.add(m); else return d;\n}\n\nvar lowprimes = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97,101,103,107,109,113,127,131,137,139,149,151,157,163,167,173,179,181,191,193,197,199,211,223,227,229,233,239,241,251,257,263,269,271,277,281,283,293,307,311,313,317,331,337,347,349,353,359,367,373,379,383,389,397,401,409,419,421,431,433,439,443,449,457,461,463,467,479,487,491,499,503,509,521,523,541,547,557,563,569,571,577,587,593,599,601,607,613,617,619,631,641,643,647,653,659,661,673,677,683,691,701,709,719,727,733,739,743,751,757,761,769,773,787,797,809,811,821,823,827,829,839,853,857,859,863,877,881,883,887,907,911,919,929,937,941,947,953,967,971,977,983,991,997];\nvar lplim = (1<<26)/lowprimes[lowprimes.length-1];\n\n// (public) test primality with certainty >= 1-.5^t\nfunction bnIsProbablePrime(t) {\n var i, x = this.abs();\n if(x.t == 1 && x[0] <= lowprimes[lowprimes.length-1]) {\n for(i = 0; i < lowprimes.length; ++i)\n if(x[0] == lowprimes[i]) return true;\n return false;\n }\n if(x.isEven()) return false;\n i = 1;\n while(i < lowprimes.length) {\n var m = lowprimes[i], j = i+1;\n while(j < lowprimes.length && m < lplim) m *= lowprimes[j++];\n m = x.modInt(m);\n while(i < j) if(m%lowprimes[i++] == 0) return false;\n }\n return x.millerRabin(t);\n}\n\n// (protected) true if probably prime (HAC 4.24, Miller-Rabin)\nfunction bnpMillerRabin(t) {\n var n1 = this.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);\n var k = n1.getLowestSetBit();\n if(k <= 0) return false;\n var r = n1.shiftRight(k);\n t = (t+1)>>1;\n if(t > lowprimes.length) t = lowprimes.length;\n var a = nbi();\n for(var i = 0; i < t; ++i) {\n //Pick bases at random, instead of starting at 2\n a.fromInt(lowprimes[Math.floor(Math.random()*lowprimes.length)]);\n var y = a.modPow(r,this);\n if(y.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) != 0 && y.compareTo(n1) != 0) {\n var j = 1;\n while(j++ < k && y.compareTo(n1) != 0) {\n y = y.modPowInt(2,this);\n if(y.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) == 0) return false;\n }\n if(y.compareTo(n1) != 0) return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n\n// protected\nBigInteger.prototype.chunkSize = bnpChunkSize;\nBigInteger.prototype.toRadix = bnpToRadix;\nBigInteger.prototype.fromRadix = bnpFromRadix;\nBigInteger.prototype.fromNumber = bnpFromNumber;\nBigInteger.prototype.bitwiseTo = bnpBitwiseTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.changeBit = bnpChangeBit;\nBigInteger.prototype.addTo = bnpAddTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.dMultiply = bnpDMultiply;\nBigInteger.prototype.dAddOffset = bnpDAddOffset;\nBigInteger.prototype.multiplyLowerTo = bnpMultiplyLowerTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.multiplyUpperTo = bnpMultiplyUpperTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.modInt = bnpModInt;\nBigInteger.prototype.millerRabin = bnpMillerRabin;\n\n// public\nBigInteger.prototype.clone = bnClone;\nBigInteger.prototype.intValue = bnIntValue;\nBigInteger.prototype.byteValue = bnByteValue;\nBigInteger.prototype.shortValue = bnShortValue;\nBigInteger.prototype.signum = bnSigNum;\nBigInteger.prototype.toByteArray = bnToByteArray;\nBigInteger.prototype.equals = bnEquals;\nBigInteger.prototype.min = bnMin;\nBigInteger.prototype.max = bnMax;\nBigInteger.prototype.and = bnAnd;\nBigInteger.prototype.or = bnOr;\nBigInteger.prototype.xor = bnXor;\nBigInteger.prototype.andNot = bnAndNot;\nBigInteger.prototype.not = bnNot;\nBigInteger.prototype.shiftLeft = bnShiftLeft;\nBigInteger.prototype.shiftRight = bnShiftRight;\nBigInteger.prototype.getLowestSetBit = bnGetLowestSetBit;\nBigInteger.prototype.bitCount = bnBitCount;\nBigInteger.prototype.testBit = bnTestBit;\nBigInteger.prototype.setBit = bnSetBit;\nBigInteger.prototype.clearBit = bnClearBit;\nBigInteger.prototype.flipBit = bnFlipBit;\nBigInteger.prototype.add = bnAdd;\nBigInteger.prototype.subtract = bnSubtract;\nBigInteger.prototype.multiply = bnMultiply;\nBigInteger.prototype.divide = bnDivide;\nBigInteger.prototype.remainder = bnRemainder;\nBigInteger.prototype.divideAndRemainder = bnDivideAndRemainder;\nBigInteger.prototype.modPow = bnModPow;\nBigInteger.prototype.modInverse = bnModInverse;\nBigInteger.prototype.pow = bnPow;\nBigInteger.prototype.gcd = bnGCD;\nBigInteger.prototype.isProbablePrime = bnIsProbablePrime;\n\n// JSBN-specific extension\nBigInteger.prototype.square = bnSquare;\n\n// BigInteger interfaces not implemented in jsbn:\n\n// BigInteger(int signum, byte[] magnitude)\n// double doubleValue()\n// float floatValue()\n// int hashCode()\n// long longValue()\n// static BigInteger valueOf(long val)\n// protected\nBigInteger.prototype.copyTo = bnpCopyTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.fromInt = bnpFromInt;\nBigInteger.prototype.fromString = bnpFromString;\nBigInteger.prototype.clamp = bnpClamp;\nBigInteger.prototype.dlShiftTo = bnpDLShiftTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.drShiftTo = bnpDRShiftTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.lShiftTo = bnpLShiftTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.rShiftTo = bnpRShiftTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.subTo = bnpSubTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.multiplyTo = bnpMultiplyTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.squareTo = bnpSquareTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.divRemTo = bnpDivRemTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.invDigit = bnpInvDigit;\nBigInteger.prototype.isEven = bnpIsEven;\nBigInteger.prototype.exp = bnpExp;\n\n// public\nBigInteger.prototype.toString = bnToString;\nBigInteger.prototype.negate = bnNegate;\nBigInteger.prototype.abs = bnAbs;\nBigInteger.prototype.compareTo = bnCompareTo;\nBigInteger.prototype.bitLength = bnBitLength;\nBigInteger.prototype.mod = bnMod;\nBigInteger.prototype.modPowInt = bnModPowInt;\n\n// \"constants\"\nBigInteger.ZERO = nbv(0);\nBigInteger.ONE = nbv(1);\n\nexports.nbi\t = nbi;\nexports.BigInteger = BigInteger;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 20\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/jsbn.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/jsbn.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 21:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("module.exports = typeof Array.isArray === 'function'\n ? Array.isArray\n : function (xs) {\n return Object.prototype.toString.call(xs) === '[object Array]'\n }\n;\n\n/*\n\nalternative\n\nfunction isArray(ar) {\n return ar instanceof Array ||\n Array.isArray(ar) ||\n (ar && ar !== Object.prototype && isArray(ar.__proto__));\n}\n\n*/\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 21\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/isArray.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/isArray.js");
+ eval("//\n// Seed support\n//\n\nvar sjcl = require(11);\nvar utils = require(9);\nvar jsbn = require(20);\nvar extend = require(29);\n\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\n\nvar Base = require(4).Base,\n UInt = require(31).UInt,\n UInt256 = require(23).UInt256,\n KeyPair = require(32).KeyPair;\n\nvar Seed = extend(function () {\n // Internal form: NaN or BigInteger\n this._curve = sjcl.ecc.curves['c256'];\n this._value = NaN;\n}, UInt);\n\nSeed.width = 16;\nSeed.prototype = extend({}, UInt.prototype);\nSeed.prototype.constructor = Seed;\n\n// value = NaN on error.\n// One day this will support rfc1751 too.\nSeed.prototype.parse_json = function (j) {\n if ('string' === typeof j) {\n if (!j.length) {\n this._value = NaN;\n // XXX Should actually always try and continue if it failed.\n } else if (j[0] === \"s\") {\n this._value = Base.decode_check(Base.VER_FAMILY_SEED, j);\n } else if (j.length === 32) {\n this._value = this.parse_hex(j);\n // XXX Should also try 1751\n } else {\n this.parse_passphrase(j);\n }\n } else {\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nSeed.prototype.parse_passphrase = function (j) {\n if (\"string\" !== typeof j) {\n throw new Error(\"Passphrase must be a string\");\n }\n\n var hash = sjcl.hash.sha512.hash(sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(j));\n var bits = sjcl.bitArray.bitSlice(hash, 0, 128);\n\n this.parse_bits(bits);\n\n return this;\n};\n\nSeed.prototype.to_json = function () {\n if (!(this._value instanceof BigInteger))\n return NaN;\n\n var output = Base.encode_check(Base.VER_FAMILY_SEED, this.to_bytes());\n\n return output;\n};\n\nfunction append_int(a, i) {\n return [].concat(a, i >> 24, (i >> 16) & 0xff, (i >> 8) & 0xff, i & 0xff);\n}\n\nfunction firstHalfOfSHA512(bytes) {\n return sjcl.bitArray.bitSlice(\n sjcl.hash.sha512.hash(sjcl.codec.bytes.toBits(bytes)),\n 0, 256\n );\n}\n\nfunction SHA256_RIPEMD160(bits) {\n return sjcl.hash.ripemd160.hash(sjcl.hash.sha256.hash(bits));\n}\n\nSeed.prototype.get_key = function (account_id) {\n if (!this.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Cannot generate keys from invalid seed!\");\n }\n // XXX Should loop over keys until we find the right one\n\n var curve = this._curve;\n\n var seq = 0;\n\n var private_gen, public_gen, i = 0;\n do {\n private_gen = sjcl.bn.fromBits(firstHalfOfSHA512(append_int(this.to_bytes(), i)));\n i++;\n } while (!curve.r.greaterEquals(private_gen));\n\n public_gen = curve.G.mult(private_gen);\n\n var sec;\n i = 0;\n do {\n sec = sjcl.bn.fromBits(firstHalfOfSHA512(append_int(append_int(public_gen.toBytesCompressed(), seq), i)));\n i++;\n } while (!curve.r.greaterEquals(sec));\n\n sec = sec.add(private_gen).mod(curve.r);\n\n return KeyPair.from_bn_secret(sec);\n};\n\nexports.Seed = Seed;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 21\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/seed.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/seed.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 22:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("module.exports = function isRegExp(re) {\n return re instanceof RegExp ||\n (typeof re === 'object' && Object.prototype.toString.call(re) === '[object RegExp]');\n}\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 22\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/isRegExp.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/isRegExp.js");
+ eval("/**\n * Type definitions for binary format.\n *\n * This file should not be included directly. Instead, find the format you're\n * trying to parse or serialize in binformat.js and pass that to\n * SerializedObject.parse() or SerializedObject.serialize().\n */\n\nvar extend = require(29),\n utils = require(9),\n sjcl = require(11);\n\nvar amount = require(2),\n UInt128 = require(33).UInt128,\n UInt160 = require(15).UInt160,\n UInt256 = require(23).UInt256,\n Amount = amount.Amount,\n Currency= amount.Currency;\n\n// Shortcuts\nvar hex = sjcl.codec.hex,\n bytes = sjcl.codec.bytes;\n\nvar jsbn = require(20);\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\n\n\nvar SerializedType = function (methods) {\n extend(this, methods);\n};\n\nfunction serialize_hex(so, hexData, noLength) {\n var byteData = bytes.fromBits(hex.toBits(hexData));\n if (!noLength) {\n SerializedType.serialize_varint(so, byteData.length);\n }\n so.append(byteData);\n};\n\n\n\n/**\n * parses bytes as hex\n */\nfunction convert_bytes_to_hex (byte_array) {\n return sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(sjcl.codec.bytes.toBits(byte_array)).toUpperCase();\n}\n\nSerializedType.serialize_varint = function (so, val) {\n if (val < 0) {\n throw new Error(\"Variable integers are unsigned.\");\n }\n if (val <= 192) {\n so.append([val]);\n } else if (val <= 12,480) {\n val -= 193;\n so.append([193 + (val >>> 8), val & 0xff]);\n } else if (val <= 918744) {\n val -= 12481;\n so.append([\n 241 + (val >>> 16),\n val >>> 8 & 0xff,\n val & 0xff\n ]);\n } else throw new Error(\"Variable integer overflow.\");\n};\n\n\nSerializedType.prototype.parse_varint = function (so) {\n var b1 = so.read(1)[0], b2, b3;\n if (b1 <= 192) {\n return b1;\n } else if (b1 <= 240) {\n b2 = so.read(1)[0];\n return 193 + (b1-193)*256 + b2;\n } else if (b1 <= 254) {\n b2 = so.read(1)[0];\n b3 = so.read(1)[0];\n return 12481 + (b1-241)*65536 + b2*256 + b3\n }\n else {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid varint length indicator\");\n }\n};\n\n\n\n\n\n// In the following, we assume that the inputs are in the proper range. Is this correct?\n\n// Helper functions for 1-, 2-, and 4-byte integers.\n\n/**\n * Convert an integer value into an array of bytes.\n *\n * The result is appended to the serialized object (\"so\").\n */\nfunction append_byte_array(so, val, bytes) {\n if (\"number\" !== typeof val) {\n throw new Error(\"Integer is not a number\");\n }\n if (val < 0 || val >= (Math.pow(256, bytes))) {\n throw new Error(\"Integer out of bounds\");\n }\n var newBytes = [];\n for (var i=0; i>> (i*8) & 0xff);\n }\n so.append(newBytes);\n}\n\n// Convert a certain number of bytes from the serialized object (\"so\") into an integer.\nfunction readAndSum(so, bytes) {\n var sum = 0;\n for (var i = 0; i 16) {\n throw new Error(\"Int64 is too large\");\n }\n while (hex.length < 16) {\n hex = \"0\" + hex;\n }\n return serialize_hex(so, hex, true); //noLength = true\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n var hi = readAndSum(so, 4);\n var lo = readAndSum(so, 4);\n\n var result = new BigInteger(\"\"+hi);\n result.shiftLeft(32);\n result.add(lo);\n return result;\n }\n});\n\nvar STHash128 = exports.Hash128 = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var hash = UInt128.from_json(val);\n if (!hash.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid Hash128\");\n }\n serialize_hex(so, hash.to_hex(), true); //noLength = true\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n return UInt128.from_bytes(so.read(16));\n }\n});\n\nvar STHash256 = exports.Hash256 = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var hash = UInt256.from_json(val);\n if (!hash.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid Hash256\");\n }\n serialize_hex(so, hash.to_hex(), true); //noLength = true\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n return UInt256.from_bytes(so.read(32));\n }\n});\n\nvar STHash160 = exports.Hash160 = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var hash = UInt160.from_json(val);\n if (!hash.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid Hash160\");\n }\n serialize_hex(so, hash.to_hex(), true); //noLength = true\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n return UInt160.from_bytes(so.read(20));\n }\n});\n\n// Internal\nvar STCurrency = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var currency = val.to_json();\n if (\"XRP\" === currency) {\n serialize_hex(so, UInt160.HEX_ZERO, true);\n } else if (\"string\" === typeof currency && currency.length === 3) {\n var currencyCode = currency.toUpperCase(),\n currencyData = utils.arraySet(20, 0);\n\n if (!/^[A-Z]{3}$/.test(currencyCode) || currencyCode === \"XRP\" ) {\n throw new Error('Invalid currency code');\n }\n\n currencyData[12] = currencyCode.charCodeAt(0) & 0xff;\n currencyData[13] = currencyCode.charCodeAt(1) & 0xff;\n currencyData[14] = currencyCode.charCodeAt(2) & 0xff;\n\n so.append(currencyData);\n } else {\n throw new Error('Tried to serialize invalid/unimplemented currency type.');\n }\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n var bytes = so.read(20);\n var currency = Currency.from_bytes(bytes);\n // XXX Disabled check. Theoretically, the Currency class should support any\n // UInt160 value and consider it valid. But it doesn't, so for the\n // deserialization to be usable, we need to allow invalid results for now.\n //if (!currency.is_valid()) {\n // throw new Error(\"Invalid currency: \"+convert_bytes_to_hex(bytes));\n //}\n return currency;\n }\n});\n\nvar STAmount = exports.Amount = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var amount = Amount.from_json(val);\n if (!amount.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Not a valid Amount object.\");\n }\n\n // Amount (64-bit integer)\n var valueBytes = utils.arraySet(8, 0);\n if (amount.is_native()) {\n var valueHex = amount._value.toString(16);\n\n // Enforce correct length (64 bits)\n if (valueHex.length > 16) {\n throw new Error('Value out of bounds');\n }\n while (valueHex.length < 16) {\n valueHex = \"0\" + valueHex;\n }\n\n valueBytes = bytes.fromBits(hex.toBits(valueHex));\n // Clear most significant two bits - these bits should already be 0 if\n // Amount enforces the range correctly, but we'll clear them anyway just\n // so this code can make certain guarantees about the encoded value.\n valueBytes[0] &= 0x3f;\n if (!amount.is_negative()) valueBytes[0] |= 0x40;\n } else {\n var hi = 0, lo = 0;\n\n // First bit: non-native\n hi |= 1 << 31;\n\n if (!amount.is_zero()) {\n // Second bit: non-negative?\n if (!amount.is_negative()) hi |= 1 << 30;\n\n // Next eight bits: offset/exponent\n hi |= ((97 + amount._offset) & 0xff) << 22;\n\n // Remaining 52 bits: mantissa\n hi |= amount._value.shiftRight(32).intValue() & 0x3fffff;\n lo = amount._value.intValue() & 0xffffffff;\n }\n\n valueBytes = sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits([hi, lo]);\n }\n\n so.append(valueBytes);\n\n if (!amount.is_native()) {\n // Currency (160-bit hash)\n var currency = amount.currency();\n STCurrency.serialize(so, currency);\n\n // Issuer (160-bit hash)\n so.append(amount.issuer().to_bytes());\n }\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n var amount = new Amount();\n var value_bytes = so.read(8);\n var is_zero = !(value_bytes[0] & 0x7f);\n for (var i=1; i<8; i++) {\n is_zero = is_zero && !value_bytes[i];\n }\n if (value_bytes[0] & 0x80) {\n //non-native\n var currency = STCurrency.parse(so);\n var issuer_bytes = so.read(20);\n var issuer = UInt160.from_bytes(issuer_bytes);\n\n var offset = ((value_bytes[0] & 0x3f) << 2) + (value_bytes[1] >>> 6) - 97;\n var mantissa_bytes = value_bytes.slice(1);\n mantissa_bytes[0] &= 0x3f;\n var value = new BigInteger(mantissa_bytes, 256);\n\n if (value.equals(BigInteger.ZERO) && !is_zero ) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid zero representation\");\n }\n\n amount._value = value;\n amount._offset = offset;\n amount._currency = currency;\n amount._issuer = issuer;\n amount._is_native = false;\n\n } else {\n //native\n var integer_bytes = value_bytes.slice();\n integer_bytes[0] &= 0x3f;\n amount._value = new BigInteger(integer_bytes, 256);\n amount._is_native = true;\n }\n amount._is_negative = !is_zero && !(value_bytes[0] & 0x40);\n return amount;\n }\n});\n\nvar STVL = exports.VariableLength = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n if (\"string\" === typeof val) serialize_hex(so, val);\n else throw new Error(\"Unknown datatype.\");\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n var len = this.parse_varint(so);\n return convert_bytes_to_hex(so.read(len));\n }\n});\n\nvar STAccount = exports.Account = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var account = UInt160.from_json(val);\n if (!account.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid account!\");\n }\n serialize_hex(so, account.to_hex());\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n var len = this.parse_varint(so);\n\t//console.log(\"KKKKKKKKKKK\",len);\n if (len !== 20) {\n throw new Error(\"Non-standard-length account ID\");\n }\n var result = UInt160.from_bytes(so.read(len));\n if (false && !result.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid Account\");\n }\n return result;\n }\n});\n\nvar STPathSet = exports.PathSet = new SerializedType({\n typeBoundary: 0xff,\n typeEnd: 0x00,\n typeAccount: 0x01,\n typeCurrency: 0x10,\n typeIssuer: 0x20,\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n // XXX\n for (var i = 0, l = val.length; i < l; i++) {\n // Boundary\n if (i) STInt8.serialize(so, this.typeBoundary);\n\n for (var j = 0, l2 = val[i].length; j < l2; j++) {\n var entry = val[i][j];\n\t\t//if (entry.hasOwnProperty(\"_value\")) {entry = entry._value;}\n var type = 0;\n\n if (entry.account) type |= this.typeAccount;\n if (entry.currency) type |= this.typeCurrency;\n if (entry.issuer) type |= this.typeIssuer;\n\n STInt8.serialize(so, type);\n\n if (entry.account) {\n so.append(UInt160.from_json(entry.account).to_bytes());\n }\n if (entry.currency) {\n var currency = Currency.from_json(entry.currency);\n STCurrency.serialize(so, currency);\n }\n if (entry.issuer) {\n so.append(UInt160.from_json(entry.issuer).to_bytes());\n }\n }\n }\n STInt8.serialize(so, this.typeEnd);\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n // XXX\n\t// should return a list of lists:\n\t/*\n\t[\n\t\t[entry, entry],\n\t\t[entry, entry, entry]\n\t\t[entry]\n\t\t[]\n\t]\n\t\n\teach entry has one or more of the following attributes: amount, currency, issuer.\n\t*/\n\t\n\tvar path_list = [];\n\tvar current_path = [];\n\t\n\twhile (true) { //TODO: try/catch this loop, and catch when we run out of data without reaching the end of the data structure.\n\t\tvar tag_byte = so.read(1)[0];\n\t\t//Now determine: is this an end, boundary, or entry-begin-tag?\n\t\t//console.log(\"Tag byte:\", tag_byte);\n\t\tif (tag_byte == this.typeEnd) { //We're done.\n\t\t\t//console.log(\"End.\");\n\t\t\tif (current_path) { //close the current path, if there is one,\n\t\t\t\tpath_list.push(current_path);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak; //and conclude.\n\t\t} else if (tag_byte == this.typeBoundary) {\n\t\t\t//console.log(\"Boundary\");\n\t\t\tif (current_path) { //close the current path, if there is one,\n\t\t\t\tpath_list.push(current_path);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tcurrent_path = []; //and start a new one.\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t//It's an entry-begin tag.\n\t\t\t//console.log(\"It's an entry-begin tag.\");\n\t\t\tvar entry = {};\n\t\t\tif (tag_byte & this.typeAccount) {\n\t\t\t\t//console.log(\"entry.account\");\n\t\t\t\t/*var bta = so.read(20);\n\t\t\t\tconsole.log(\"BTA:\", bta);*/\n\t\t\t\tentry.account = STHash160.parse(so);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (tag_byte & this.typeCurrency) {\n\t\t\t\t//console.log(\"entry.currency\");\n\t\t\t\tentry.currency = STCurrency.parse(so)\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (tag_byte & this.typeIssuer) {\n\t\t\t\t//console.log(\"entry.issuer\");\n\t\t\t\tentry.issuer = STHash160.parse(so); //should know to use Base58?\n\t\t\t\t//console.log(\"DONE WITH ISSUER!\");\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (entry.account || entry.currency || entry.issuer) {\n\t\t\t\tcurrent_path.push(entry);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tthrow new Error(\"Invalid path entry\"); //It must have at least something in it.\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn path_list;\n }\n});\n\nvar STVector256 = exports.Vector256 = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) { //Assume val is an array of STHash256 objects.\n var length_as_varint = SerializedType.serialize_varint(so, val.length);\n\tfor (var i = 0; i= 16) {\n\t\tSTInt8.serialize(so, type_bits)\n\t}\n\tif (field_bits >= 16) {\n\t\tSTInt8.serialize(so, field_bits)\n\t}\n\tvar serialized_object_type = TYPES_MAP[type_bits];\n\t//do something with val[keys] and val[keys[i]];\n\tserialized_object_type.serialize(so, value);\n}\n\n\n//What should this helper function be attached to?\n//Take the serialized object, figure out what type/field it is, and return the parsing of that.\nvar parse_whatever = exports.parse_whatever = function(so) {\n\tvar tag_byte = so.read(1)[0];\n\tvar type_bits = tag_byte >> 4;\n\tvar field_bits = tag_byte & 0x0f;\n\tvar type;\n\tvar field_name;\n\tif (type_bits === 0) {\n\t\ttype_bits = so.read(1)[0];\n\t}\n\ttype = TYPES_MAP[type_bits];\n\tif (\"undefined\" === typeof type) {\n\t\tthrow Error(\"Unknown type\");\n\t} else {\n\t\tif (field_bits === 0) {\n\t\t\tfield_name = FIELDS_MAP[type_bits][so.read(1)[0]];\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tfield_name = FIELDS_MAP[type_bits][field_bits];\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (\"undefined\" === typeof field_name) {\n\t\t\tthrow Error(\"Unknown field \"+tag_byte);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn [field_name, type.parse(so)]; //key, value\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\n\n\nvar STObject = exports.Object = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var keys = Object.keys(val);\n\tfor (var i=0; i= 16) {\n\t\t\tSTInt8.serialize(so, type_bits)\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (field_bits >= 16) {\n\t\t\tSTInt8.serialize(so, field_bits)\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar serialized_object_type = TYPES_MAP[type_bits];\n\t\t//do something with val[keys] and val[keys[i]];\n\t\tserialized_object_type.serialize(so, val[keys[i]]);\n\t\t*/\n\t}\n\tSTInt8.serialize(so, 0xe1); //Object ending marker\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n\t//console.log(\"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\", so.buffer, so.pointer);\n var output = {};\n\twhile (true) {\n\t\tif (so.peek(1)[0] === 0xe1) { //ending marker\n\t\t\tso.read(1);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t//console.log(\"WTF M8\");\n\t\t\tvar key_and_value = parse_whatever(so);\n\t\t\toutput[key_and_value[0]] = key_and_value[1];\n\t\t\t//console.log(\"BBBBBBBBBBBBB\", key_and_value, output);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn output;\n }\n});\n\nvar STArray = exports.Array = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) { \n for (var i=0; i= dst.length) || (i >= src.length))\n break;\n\n dst[i + offset] = src[i];\n i++;\n }\n return i;\n}\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.utf8Write = function (string, offset, length) {\n var bytes, pos;\n return SlowBuffer._charsWritten = blitBuffer(utf8ToBytes(string), this, offset, length);\n};\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.asciiWrite = function (string, offset, length) {\n var bytes, pos;\n return SlowBuffer._charsWritten = blitBuffer(asciiToBytes(string), this, offset, length);\n};\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.base64Write = function (string, offset, length) {\n var bytes, pos;\n return SlowBuffer._charsWritten = blitBuffer(base64ToBytes(string), this, offset, length);\n};\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.base64Slice = function (start, end) {\n var bytes = Array.prototype.slice.apply(this, arguments)\n return require(43).fromByteArray(bytes);\n}\n\nfunction decodeUtf8Char(str) {\n try {\n return decodeURIComponent(str);\n } catch (err) {\n return String.fromCharCode(0xFFFD); // UTF 8 invalid char\n }\n}\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.utf8Slice = function () {\n var bytes = Array.prototype.slice.apply(this, arguments);\n var res = \"\";\n var tmp = \"\";\n var i = 0;\n while (i < bytes.length) {\n if (bytes[i] <= 0x7F) {\n res += decodeUtf8Char(tmp) + String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]);\n tmp = \"\";\n } else\n tmp += \"%\" + bytes[i].toString(16);\n\n i++;\n }\n\n return res + decodeUtf8Char(tmp);\n}\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.asciiSlice = function () {\n var bytes = Array.prototype.slice.apply(this, arguments);\n var ret = \"\";\n for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++)\n ret += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]);\n return ret;\n}\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.inspect = function() {\n var out = [],\n len = this.length;\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n out[i] = toHex(this[i]);\n if (i == exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES) {\n out[i + 1] = '...';\n break;\n }\n }\n return '';\n};\n\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.hexSlice = function(start, end) {\n var len = this.length;\n\n if (!start || start < 0) start = 0;\n if (!end || end < 0 || end > len) end = len;\n\n var out = '';\n for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {\n out += toHex(this[i]);\n }\n return out;\n};\n\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.toString = function(encoding, start, end) {\n encoding = String(encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase();\n start = +start || 0;\n if (typeof end == 'undefined') end = this.length;\n\n // Fastpath empty strings\n if (+end == start) {\n return '';\n }\n\n switch (encoding) {\n case 'hex':\n return this.hexSlice(start, end);\n\n case 'utf8':\n case 'utf-8':\n return this.utf8Slice(start, end);\n\n case 'ascii':\n return this.asciiSlice(start, end);\n\n case 'binary':\n return this.binarySlice(start, end);\n\n case 'base64':\n return this.base64Slice(start, end);\n\n case 'ucs2':\n case 'ucs-2':\n return this.ucs2Slice(start, end);\n\n default:\n throw new Error('Unknown encoding');\n }\n};\n\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.hexWrite = function(string, offset, length) {\n offset = +offset || 0;\n var remaining = this.length - offset;\n if (!length) {\n length = remaining;\n } else {\n length = +length;\n if (length > remaining) {\n length = remaining;\n }\n }\n\n // must be an even number of digits\n var strLen = string.length;\n if (strLen % 2) {\n throw new Error('Invalid hex string');\n }\n if (length > strLen / 2) {\n length = strLen / 2;\n }\n for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {\n var byte = parseInt(string.substr(i * 2, 2), 16);\n if (isNaN(byte)) throw new Error('Invalid hex string');\n this[offset + i] = byte;\n }\n SlowBuffer._charsWritten = i * 2;\n return i;\n};\n\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.write = function(string, offset, length, encoding) {\n // Support both (string, offset, length, encoding)\n // and the legacy (string, encoding, offset, length)\n if (isFinite(offset)) {\n if (!isFinite(length)) {\n encoding = length;\n length = undefined;\n }\n } else { // legacy\n var swap = encoding;\n encoding = offset;\n offset = length;\n length = swap;\n }\n\n offset = +offset || 0;\n var remaining = this.length - offset;\n if (!length) {\n length = remaining;\n } else {\n length = +length;\n if (length > remaining) {\n length = remaining;\n }\n }\n encoding = String(encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase();\n\n switch (encoding) {\n case 'hex':\n return this.hexWrite(string, offset, length);\n\n case 'utf8':\n case 'utf-8':\n return this.utf8Write(string, offset, length);\n\n case 'ascii':\n return this.asciiWrite(string, offset, length);\n\n case 'binary':\n return this.binaryWrite(string, offset, length);\n\n case 'base64':\n return this.base64Write(string, offset, length);\n\n case 'ucs2':\n case 'ucs-2':\n return this.ucs2Write(string, offset, length);\n\n default:\n throw new Error('Unknown encoding');\n }\n};\n\n\n// slice(start, end)\nSlowBuffer.prototype.slice = function(start, end) {\n if (end === undefined) end = this.length;\n\n if (end > this.length) {\n throw new Error('oob');\n }\n if (start > end) {\n throw new Error('oob');\n }\n\n return new Buffer(this, end - start, +start);\n};\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.copy = function(target, targetstart, sourcestart, sourceend) {\n var temp = [];\n for (var i=sourcestart; i Buffer.poolSize) {\n // Big buffer, just alloc one.\n this.parent = new SlowBuffer(this.length);\n this.offset = 0;\n\n } else {\n // Small buffer.\n if (!pool || pool.length - pool.used < this.length) allocPool();\n this.parent = pool;\n this.offset = pool.used;\n pool.used += this.length;\n }\n\n // Treat array-ish objects as a byte array.\n if (isArrayIsh(subject)) {\n for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {\n this.parent[i + this.offset] = subject[i];\n }\n } else if (type == 'string') {\n // We are a string\n this.length = this.write(subject, 0, encoding);\n }\n }\n\n}\n\nfunction isArrayIsh(subject) {\n return Array.isArray(subject) || Buffer.isBuffer(subject) ||\n subject && typeof subject === 'object' &&\n typeof subject.length === 'number';\n}\n\nexports.SlowBuffer = SlowBuffer;\nexports.Buffer = Buffer;\n\nBuffer.poolSize = 8 * 1024;\nvar pool;\n\nfunction allocPool() {\n pool = new SlowBuffer(Buffer.poolSize);\n pool.used = 0;\n}\n\n\n// Static methods\nBuffer.isBuffer = function isBuffer(b) {\n return b instanceof Buffer || b instanceof SlowBuffer;\n};\n\nBuffer.concat = function (list, totalLength) {\n if (!Array.isArray(list)) {\n throw new Error(\"Usage: Buffer.concat(list, [totalLength])\\n \\\n list should be an Array.\");\n }\n\n if (list.length === 0) {\n return new Buffer(0);\n } else if (list.length === 1) {\n return list[0];\n }\n\n if (typeof totalLength !== 'number') {\n totalLength = 0;\n for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {\n var buf = list[i];\n totalLength += buf.length;\n }\n }\n\n var buffer = new Buffer(totalLength);\n var pos = 0;\n for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {\n var buf = list[i];\n buf.copy(buffer, pos);\n pos += buf.length;\n }\n return buffer;\n};\n\n// Inspect\nBuffer.prototype.inspect = function inspect() {\n var out = [],\n len = this.length;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n out[i] = toHex(this.parent[i + this.offset]);\n if (i == exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES) {\n out[i + 1] = '...';\n break;\n }\n }\n\n return '';\n};\n\n\nBuffer.prototype.get = function get(i) {\n if (i < 0 || i >= this.length) throw new Error('oob');\n return this.parent[this.offset + i];\n};\n\n\nBuffer.prototype.set = function set(i, v) {\n if (i < 0 || i >= this.length) throw new Error('oob');\n return this.parent[this.offset + i] = v;\n};\n\n\n// write(string, offset = 0, length = buffer.length-offset, encoding = 'utf8')\nBuffer.prototype.write = function(string, offset, length, encoding) {\n // Support both (string, offset, length, encoding)\n // and the legacy (string, encoding, offset, length)\n if (isFinite(offset)) {\n if (!isFinite(length)) {\n encoding = length;\n length = undefined;\n }\n } else { // legacy\n var swap = encoding;\n encoding = offset;\n offset = length;\n length = swap;\n }\n\n offset = +offset || 0;\n var remaining = this.length - offset;\n if (!length) {\n length = remaining;\n } else {\n length = +length;\n if (length > remaining) {\n length = remaining;\n }\n }\n encoding = String(encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase();\n\n var ret;\n switch (encoding) {\n case 'hex':\n ret = this.parent.hexWrite(string, this.offset + offset, length);\n break;\n\n case 'utf8':\n case 'utf-8':\n ret = this.parent.utf8Write(string, this.offset + offset, length);\n break;\n\n case 'ascii':\n ret = this.parent.asciiWrite(string, this.offset + offset, length);\n break;\n\n case 'binary':\n ret = this.parent.binaryWrite(string, this.offset + offset, length);\n break;\n\n case 'base64':\n // Warning: maxLength not taken into account in base64Write\n ret = this.parent.base64Write(string, this.offset + offset, length);\n break;\n\n case 'ucs2':\n case 'ucs-2':\n ret = this.parent.ucs2Write(string, this.offset + offset, length);\n break;\n\n default:\n throw new Error('Unknown encoding');\n }\n\n Buffer._charsWritten = SlowBuffer._charsWritten;\n\n return ret;\n};\n\n\n// toString(encoding, start=0, end=buffer.length)\nBuffer.prototype.toString = function(encoding, start, end) {\n encoding = String(encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase();\n\n if (typeof start == 'undefined' || start < 0) {\n start = 0;\n } else if (start > this.length) {\n start = this.length;\n }\n\n if (typeof end == 'undefined' || end > this.length) {\n end = this.length;\n } else if (end < 0) {\n end = 0;\n }\n\n start = start + this.offset;\n end = end + this.offset;\n\n switch (encoding) {\n case 'hex':\n return this.parent.hexSlice(start, end);\n\n case 'utf8':\n case 'utf-8':\n return this.parent.utf8Slice(start, end);\n\n case 'ascii':\n return this.parent.asciiSlice(start, end);\n\n case 'binary':\n return this.parent.binarySlice(start, end);\n\n case 'base64':\n return this.parent.base64Slice(start, end);\n\n case 'ucs2':\n case 'ucs-2':\n return this.parent.ucs2Slice(start, end);\n\n default:\n throw new Error('Unknown encoding');\n }\n};\n\n\n// byteLength\nBuffer.byteLength = SlowBuffer.byteLength;\n\n\n// fill(value, start=0, end=buffer.length)\nBuffer.prototype.fill = function fill(value, start, end) {\n value || (value = 0);\n start || (start = 0);\n end || (end = this.length);\n\n if (typeof value === 'string') {\n value = value.charCodeAt(0);\n }\n if (!(typeof value === 'number') || isNaN(value)) {\n throw new Error('value is not a number');\n }\n\n if (end < start) throw new Error('end < start');\n\n // Fill 0 bytes; we're done\n if (end === start) return 0;\n if (this.length == 0) return 0;\n\n if (start < 0 || start >= this.length) {\n throw new Error('start out of bounds');\n }\n\n if (end < 0 || end > this.length) {\n throw new Error('end out of bounds');\n }\n\n return this.parent.fill(value,\n start + this.offset,\n end + this.offset);\n};\n\n\n// copy(targetBuffer, targetStart=0, sourceStart=0, sourceEnd=buffer.length)\nBuffer.prototype.copy = function(target, target_start, start, end) {\n var source = this;\n start || (start = 0);\n end || (end = this.length);\n target_start || (target_start = 0);\n\n if (end < start) throw new Error('sourceEnd < sourceStart');\n\n // Copy 0 bytes; we're done\n if (end === start) return 0;\n if (target.length == 0 || source.length == 0) return 0;\n\n if (target_start < 0 || target_start >= target.length) {\n throw new Error('targetStart out of bounds');\n }\n\n if (start < 0 || start >= source.length) {\n throw new Error('sourceStart out of bounds');\n }\n\n if (end < 0 || end > source.length) {\n throw new Error('sourceEnd out of bounds');\n }\n\n // Are we oob?\n if (end > this.length) {\n end = this.length;\n }\n\n if (target.length - target_start < end - start) {\n end = target.length - target_start + start;\n }\n\n return this.parent.copy(target.parent,\n target_start + target.offset,\n start + this.offset,\n end + this.offset);\n};\n\n\n// slice(start, end)\nBuffer.prototype.slice = function(start, end) {\n if (end === undefined) end = this.length;\n if (end > this.length) throw new Error('oob');\n if (start > end) throw new Error('oob');\n\n return new Buffer(this.parent, end - start, +start + this.offset);\n};\n\n\n// Legacy methods for backwards compatibility.\n\nBuffer.prototype.utf8Slice = function(start, end) {\n return this.toString('utf8', start, end);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.binarySlice = function(start, end) {\n return this.toString('binary', start, end);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.asciiSlice = function(start, end) {\n return this.toString('ascii', start, end);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.utf8Write = function(string, offset) {\n return this.write(string, offset, 'utf8');\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.binaryWrite = function(string, offset) {\n return this.write(string, offset, 'binary');\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.asciiWrite = function(string, offset) {\n return this.write(string, offset, 'ascii');\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readUInt8 = function(offset, noAssert) {\n var buffer = this;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n return buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset];\n};\n\nfunction readUInt16(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n var val = 0;\n\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 1 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n if (isBigEndian) {\n val = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] << 8;\n val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1];\n } else {\n val = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset];\n val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] << 8;\n }\n\n return val;\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.readUInt16LE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readUInt16(this, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readUInt16BE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readUInt16(this, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction readUInt32(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n var val = 0;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n if (isBigEndian) {\n val = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] << 16;\n val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 2] << 8;\n val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 3];\n val = val + (buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] << 24 >>> 0);\n } else {\n val = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 2] << 16;\n val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] << 8;\n val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset];\n val = val + (buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 3] << 24 >>> 0);\n }\n\n return val;\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.readUInt32LE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readUInt32(this, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readUInt32BE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readUInt32(this, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\n\n/*\n * Signed integer types, yay team! A reminder on how two's complement actually\n * works. The first bit is the signed bit, i.e. tells us whether or not the\n * number should be positive or negative. If the two's complement value is\n * positive, then we're done, as it's equivalent to the unsigned representation.\n *\n * Now if the number is positive, you're pretty much done, you can just leverage\n * the unsigned translations and return those. Unfortunately, negative numbers\n * aren't quite that straightforward.\n *\n * At first glance, one might be inclined to use the traditional formula to\n * translate binary numbers between the positive and negative values in two's\n * complement. (Though it doesn't quite work for the most negative value)\n * Mainly:\n * - invert all the bits\n * - add one to the result\n *\n * Of course, this doesn't quite work in Javascript. Take for example the value\n * of -128. This could be represented in 16 bits (big-endian) as 0xff80. But of\n * course, Javascript will do the following:\n *\n * > ~0xff80\n * -65409\n *\n * Whoh there, Javascript, that's not quite right. But wait, according to\n * Javascript that's perfectly correct. When Javascript ends up seeing the\n * constant 0xff80, it has no notion that it is actually a signed number. It\n * assumes that we've input the unsigned value 0xff80. Thus, when it does the\n * binary negation, it casts it into a signed value, (positive 0xff80). Then\n * when you perform binary negation on that, it turns it into a negative number.\n *\n * Instead, we're going to have to use the following general formula, that works\n * in a rather Javascript friendly way. I'm glad we don't support this kind of\n * weird numbering scheme in the kernel.\n *\n * (BIT-MAX - (unsigned)val + 1) * -1\n *\n * The astute observer, may think that this doesn't make sense for 8-bit numbers\n * (really it isn't necessary for them). However, when you get 16-bit numbers,\n * you do. Let's go back to our prior example and see how this will look:\n *\n * (0xffff - 0xff80 + 1) * -1\n * (0x007f + 1) * -1\n * (0x0080) * -1\n */\nBuffer.prototype.readInt8 = function(offset, noAssert) {\n var buffer = this;\n var neg;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n neg = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] & 0x80;\n if (!neg) {\n return (buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset]);\n }\n\n return ((0xff - buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] + 1) * -1);\n};\n\nfunction readInt16(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n var neg, val;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 1 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n val = readUInt16(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert);\n neg = val & 0x8000;\n if (!neg) {\n return val;\n }\n\n return (0xffff - val + 1) * -1;\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.readInt16LE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readInt16(this, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readInt16BE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readInt16(this, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction readInt32(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n var neg, val;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n val = readUInt32(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert);\n neg = val & 0x80000000;\n if (!neg) {\n return (val);\n }\n\n return (0xffffffff - val + 1) * -1;\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.readInt32LE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readInt32(this, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readInt32BE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readInt32(this, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction readFloat(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n return require(34).readIEEE754(buffer, offset, isBigEndian,\n 23, 4);\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.readFloatLE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readFloat(this, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readFloatBE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readFloat(this, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction readDouble(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 7 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to read beyond buffer length');\n }\n\n return require(34).readIEEE754(buffer, offset, isBigEndian,\n 52, 8);\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.readDoubleLE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readDouble(this, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.readDoubleBE = function(offset, noAssert) {\n return readDouble(this, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\n\n/*\n * We have to make sure that the value is a valid integer. This means that it is\n * non-negative. It has no fractional component and that it does not exceed the\n * maximum allowed value.\n *\n * value The number to check for validity\n *\n * max The maximum value\n */\nfunction verifuint(value, max) {\n assert.ok(typeof (value) == 'number',\n 'cannot write a non-number as a number');\n\n assert.ok(value >= 0,\n 'specified a negative value for writing an unsigned value');\n\n assert.ok(value <= max, 'value is larger than maximum value for type');\n\n assert.ok(Math.floor(value) === value, 'value has a fractional component');\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeUInt8 = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n var buffer = this;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset < buffer.length,\n 'trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifuint(value, 0xff);\n }\n\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] = value;\n};\n\nfunction writeUInt16(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 1 < buffer.length,\n 'trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifuint(value, 0xffff);\n }\n\n if (isBigEndian) {\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] = (value & 0xff00) >>> 8;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] = value & 0x00ff;\n } else {\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] = (value & 0xff00) >>> 8;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] = value & 0x00ff;\n }\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeUInt16(this, value, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeUInt16(this, value, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction writeUInt32(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length,\n 'trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifuint(value, 0xffffffff);\n }\n\n if (isBigEndian) {\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] = (value >>> 24) & 0xff;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] = (value >>> 16) & 0xff;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 2] = (value >>> 8) & 0xff;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 3] = value & 0xff;\n } else {\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 3] = (value >>> 24) & 0xff;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 2] = (value >>> 16) & 0xff;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] = (value >>> 8) & 0xff;\n buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] = value & 0xff;\n }\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeUInt32(this, value, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeUInt32(this, value, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\n\n/*\n * We now move onto our friends in the signed number category. Unlike unsigned\n * numbers, we're going to have to worry a bit more about how we put values into\n * arrays. Since we are only worrying about signed 32-bit values, we're in\n * slightly better shape. Unfortunately, we really can't do our favorite binary\n * & in this system. It really seems to do the wrong thing. For example:\n *\n * > -32 & 0xff\n * 224\n *\n * What's happening above is really: 0xe0 & 0xff = 0xe0. However, the results of\n * this aren't treated as a signed number. Ultimately a bad thing.\n *\n * What we're going to want to do is basically create the unsigned equivalent of\n * our representation and pass that off to the wuint* functions. To do that\n * we're going to do the following:\n *\n * - if the value is positive\n * we can pass it directly off to the equivalent wuint\n * - if the value is negative\n * we do the following computation:\n * mb + val + 1, where\n * mb is the maximum unsigned value in that byte size\n * val is the Javascript negative integer\n *\n *\n * As a concrete value, take -128. In signed 16 bits this would be 0xff80. If\n * you do out the computations:\n *\n * 0xffff - 128 + 1\n * 0xffff - 127\n * 0xff80\n *\n * You can then encode this value as the signed version. This is really rather\n * hacky, but it should work and get the job done which is our goal here.\n */\n\n/*\n * A series of checks to make sure we actually have a signed 32-bit number\n */\nfunction verifsint(value, max, min) {\n assert.ok(typeof (value) == 'number',\n 'cannot write a non-number as a number');\n\n assert.ok(value <= max, 'value larger than maximum allowed value');\n\n assert.ok(value >= min, 'value smaller than minimum allowed value');\n\n assert.ok(Math.floor(value) === value, 'value has a fractional component');\n}\n\nfunction verifIEEE754(value, max, min) {\n assert.ok(typeof (value) == 'number',\n 'cannot write a non-number as a number');\n\n assert.ok(value <= max, 'value larger than maximum allowed value');\n\n assert.ok(value >= min, 'value smaller than minimum allowed value');\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeInt8 = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n var buffer = this;\n\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifsint(value, 0x7f, -0x80);\n }\n\n if (value >= 0) {\n buffer.writeUInt8(value, offset, noAssert);\n } else {\n buffer.writeUInt8(0xff + value + 1, offset, noAssert);\n }\n};\n\nfunction writeInt16(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 1 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifsint(value, 0x7fff, -0x8000);\n }\n\n if (value >= 0) {\n writeUInt16(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert);\n } else {\n writeUInt16(buffer, 0xffff + value + 1, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert);\n }\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeInt16LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeInt16(this, value, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeInt16BE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeInt16(this, value, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction writeInt32(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifsint(value, 0x7fffffff, -0x80000000);\n }\n\n if (value >= 0) {\n writeUInt32(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert);\n } else {\n writeUInt32(buffer, 0xffffffff + value + 1, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert);\n }\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeInt32LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeInt32(this, value, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeInt32BE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeInt32(this, value, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction writeFloat(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifIEEE754(value, 3.4028234663852886e+38, -3.4028234663852886e+38);\n }\n\n require(34).writeIEEE754(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian,\n 23, 4);\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeFloatLE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeFloat(this, value, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeFloatBE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeFloat(this, value, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nfunction writeDouble(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {\n if (!noAssert) {\n assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null,\n 'missing value');\n\n assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean',\n 'missing or invalid endian');\n\n assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null,\n 'missing offset');\n\n assert.ok(offset + 7 < buffer.length,\n 'Trying to write beyond buffer length');\n\n verifIEEE754(value, 1.7976931348623157E+308, -1.7976931348623157E+308);\n }\n\n require(34).writeIEEE754(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian,\n 52, 8);\n}\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeDouble(this, value, offset, false, noAssert);\n};\n\nBuffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {\n writeDouble(this, value, offset, true, noAssert);\n};\n\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt8 = Buffer.prototype.readUInt8;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt16LE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt16LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt16BE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt16BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt32LE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt32LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt32BE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt32BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readInt8 = Buffer.prototype.readInt8;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readInt16LE = Buffer.prototype.readInt16LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readInt16BE = Buffer.prototype.readInt16BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readInt32LE = Buffer.prototype.readInt32LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readInt32BE = Buffer.prototype.readInt32BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readFloatLE = Buffer.prototype.readFloatLE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readFloatBE = Buffer.prototype.readFloatBE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readDoubleLE = Buffer.prototype.readDoubleLE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.readDoubleBE = Buffer.prototype.readDoubleBE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt8 = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt8;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt8 = Buffer.prototype.writeInt8;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt16LE = Buffer.prototype.writeInt16LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt16BE = Buffer.prototype.writeInt16BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt32LE = Buffer.prototype.writeInt32LE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt32BE = Buffer.prototype.writeInt32BE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeFloatLE = Buffer.prototype.writeFloatLE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeFloatBE = Buffer.prototype.writeFloatBE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE = Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE;\nSlowBuffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE = Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE;\n\n/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}(require, require(24).Buffer))\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 24\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer-browserify/index.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer-browserify/index.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 25:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("// Routines for working with an orderbook.\n//\n// One OrderBook object represents one half of an order book. (i.e. bids OR\n// asks) Which one depends on the ordering of the parameters.\n//\n// Events:\n// - transaction A transaction that affects the order book.\n\n// var network = require(\"./network.js\");\n\nvar EventEmitter = require(6).EventEmitter;\nvar util = require(5);\n\nvar Amount = require(3).Amount;\nvar UInt160 = require(9).UInt160;\nvar Currency = require(11).Currency;\n\nvar extend = require(2);\n\nvar OrderBook = function (remote, currency_gets, issuer_gets, currency_pays, issuer_pays) {\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n var self = this;\n\n this._remote = remote;\n this._currency_gets = currency_gets;\n this._issuer_gets = issuer_gets;\n this._currency_pays = currency_pays;\n this._issuer_pays = issuer_pays;\n this._subs = 0;\n\n // We consider ourselves synchronized if we have a current copy of the offers,\n // we are online and subscribed to updates.\n this._sync = false;\n\n // Offers\n this._offers = [];\n\n this.on('newListener', function (type, listener) {\n if (OrderBook.subscribe_events.indexOf(type) !== -1) {\n if (!self._subs && 'open' === self._remote._online_state) {\n self._subscribe();\n }\n self._subs += 1;\n }\n });\n\n this.on('removeListener', function (type, listener) {\n if (~OrderBook.subscribe_events.indexOf(type)) {\n self._subs -= 1;\n if (!self._subs && self._remote._connected) {\n self._sync = false;\n self._remote.request_unsubscribe()\n .books([self.to_json()])\n .request();\n }\n }\n });\n\n this._remote.on('connect', function () {\n if (self._subs) {\n self._subscribe();\n }\n });\n\n this._remote.on('disconnect', function () {\n self._sync = false;\n });\n\n return this;\n};\n\nutil.inherits(OrderBook, EventEmitter);\n\n/**\n * List of events that require a remote subscription to the orderbook.\n */\nOrderBook.subscribe_events = ['transaction', 'model', 'trade'];\n\n/**\n * Subscribes to orderbook.\n *\n * @private\n */\nOrderBook.prototype._subscribe = function () {\n var self = this;\n self._remote.request_subscribe()\n .books([self.to_json()], true)\n .on('error', function () {\n // XXX What now?\n })\n .on('success', function (res) {\n self._sync = true;\n self._offers = res.offers;\n self.emit('model', self._offers);\n })\n .request();\n};\n\nOrderBook.prototype.to_json = function () {\n var json = {\n 'taker_gets': {\n 'currency': this._currency_gets\n },\n 'taker_pays': {\n 'currency': this._currency_pays\n }\n };\n\n if (this._currency_gets !== 'XRP')\n json['taker_gets']['issuer'] = this._issuer_gets;\n\n if (this._currency_pays !== 'XRP')\n json['taker_pays']['issuer'] = this._issuer_pays;\n\n return json;\n};\n\n/**\n * Whether the OrderBook is valid.\n *\n * Note: This only checks whether the parameters (currencies and issuer) are\n * syntactically valid. It does not check anything against the ledger.\n */\nOrderBook.prototype.is_valid = function () {\n // XXX Should check for same currency (non-native) && same issuer\n return (\n Currency.is_valid(this._currency_pays) &&\n (this._currency_pays === 'XRP' || UInt160.is_valid(this._issuer_pays)) &&\n Currency.is_valid(this._currency_gets) &&\n (this._currency_gets === 'XRP' || UInt160.is_valid(this._issuer_gets)) &&\n !(this._currency_pays === 'XRP' && this._currency_gets === 'XRP')\n );\n};\n\nOrderBook.prototype.trade = function(type) {\n var tradeStr = '0'\n + (this['_currency_' + type] === 'XRP') ? '' : '/' \n + this['_currency_' + type ] + '/' \n + this['_issuer_' + type];\n return Amount.from_json(tradeStr);\n};\n\n/**\n * Notify object of a relevant transaction.\n *\n * This is only meant to be called by the Remote class. You should never have to\n * call this yourself.\n */\nOrderBook.prototype.notifyTx = function (message) {\n var self = this;\n var changed = false;\n var trade_gets = this.trade('gets');\n var trade_pays = this.trade('pays');\n\n message.mmeta.each(function (an) {\n if (an.entryType !== 'Offer') return;\n\n var i, l, offer;\n\n switch(an.diffType) {\n case 'DeletedNode':\n case 'ModifiedNode':\n var deletedNode = an.diffType === 'DeletedNode';\n\n for (i = 0, l = self._offers.length; i < l; i++) {\n offer = self._offers[i];\n if (offer.index === an.ledgerIndex) {\n if (deletedNode) {\n self._offers.splice(i, 1);\n } else {\n extend(offer, an.fieldsFinal);\n }\n changed = true;\n break;\n }\n }\n\n // We don't want to count a OfferCancel as a trade\n if (message.transaction.TransactionType === 'OfferCancel') return;\n\n trade_gets = trade_gets.add(an.fieldsPrev.TakerGets);\n trade_pays = trade_pays.add(an.fieldsPrev.TakerPays);\n\n if (!deletedNode) {\n trade_gets = trade_gets.subtract(an.fieldsFinal.TakerGets);\n trade_pays = trade_pays.subtract(an.fieldsFinal.TakerPays);\n }\n break;\n \n case 'CreatedNode':\n var price = Amount.from_json(an.fields.TakerPays).ratio_human(an.fields.TakerGets);\n\n for (i = 0, l = self._offers.length; i < l; i++) {\n offer = self._offers[i];\n var priceItem = Amount.from_json(offer.TakerPays).ratio_human(offer.TakerGets);\n\n if (price.compareTo(priceItem) <= 0) {\n var obj = an.fields;\n obj.index = an.ledgerIndex;\n self._offers.splice(i, 0, an.fields);\n changed = true;\n break;\n }\n }\n break;\n }\n });\n\n // Only trigger the event if the account object is actually\n // subscribed - this prevents some weird phantom events from\n // occurring.\n if (this._subs) {\n this.emit('transaction', message);\n if (changed) this.emit('model', this._offers);\n if (!trade_gets.is_zero()) this.emit('trade', trade_pays, trade_gets);\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Get offers model asynchronously.\n *\n * This function takes a callback and calls it with an array containing the\n * current set of offers in this order book.\n *\n * If the data is available immediately, the callback may be called synchronously.\n */\nOrderBook.prototype.offers = function (callback) {\n var self = this;\n if (typeof callback === 'function') {\n if (this._sync) {\n callback(this._offers);\n } else {\n this.once('model', callback);\n }\n }\n return this;\n};\n\n/**\n * Return latest known offers.\n *\n * Usually, this will just be an empty array if the order book hasn't been\n * loaded yet. But this accessor may be convenient in some circumstances.\n */\nOrderBook.prototype.offersSync = function () {\n return this._offers;\n};\n\nexports.OrderBook = OrderBook;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 25\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/orderbook.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/orderbook.js");
+ eval("module.exports = function(module) {\r\n\tif(!module.webpackPolyfill) {\r\n\t\tmodule.deprecate = function() {};\r\n\t\tmodule.paths = [];\r\n\t\t// module.parent = undefined by default\r\n\t\tmodule.children = [];\r\n\t\tmodule.webpackPolyfill = 1;\r\n\t}\r\n\treturn module;\r\n}\r\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 25\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/buildin/module.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/buildin/module.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 26:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("//\n// Seed support\n//\n\nvar sjcl = require(1);\nvar utils = require(4);\nvar jsbn = require(7);\nvar extend = require(2);\n\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\n\nvar Base = require(10).Base,\n UInt = require(15).UInt,\n UInt256 = require(16).UInt256,\n KeyPair = require(35).KeyPair;\n\nvar Seed = extend(function () {\n // Internal form: NaN or BigInteger\n this._curve = sjcl.ecc.curves['c256'];\n this._value = NaN;\n}, UInt);\n\nSeed.width = 16;\nSeed.prototype = extend({}, UInt.prototype);\nSeed.prototype.constructor = Seed;\n\n// value = NaN on error.\n// One day this will support rfc1751 too.\nSeed.prototype.parse_json = function (j) {\n if ('string' === typeof j) {\n if (!j.length) {\n this._value = NaN;\n // XXX Should actually always try and continue if it failed.\n } else if (j[0] === \"s\") {\n this._value = Base.decode_check(Base.VER_FAMILY_SEED, j);\n } else if (j.length === 32) {\n this._value = this.parse_hex(j);\n // XXX Should also try 1751\n } else {\n this.parse_passphrase(j);\n }\n } else {\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nSeed.prototype.parse_passphrase = function (j) {\n if (\"string\" !== typeof j) {\n throw new Error(\"Passphrase must be a string\");\n }\n\n var hash = sjcl.hash.sha512.hash(sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(j));\n var bits = sjcl.bitArray.bitSlice(hash, 0, 128);\n\n this.parse_bits(bits);\n\n return this;\n};\n\nSeed.prototype.to_json = function () {\n if (!(this._value instanceof BigInteger))\n return NaN;\n\n var output = Base.encode_check(Base.VER_FAMILY_SEED, this.to_bytes());\n\n return output;\n};\n\nfunction append_int(a, i) {\n return [].concat(a, i >> 24, (i >> 16) & 0xff, (i >> 8) & 0xff, i & 0xff);\n}\n\nfunction firstHalfOfSHA512(bytes) {\n return sjcl.bitArray.bitSlice(\n sjcl.hash.sha512.hash(sjcl.codec.bytes.toBits(bytes)),\n 0, 256\n );\n}\n\nfunction SHA256_RIPEMD160(bits) {\n return sjcl.hash.ripemd160.hash(sjcl.hash.sha256.hash(bits));\n}\n\nSeed.prototype.get_key = function (account_id) {\n if (!this.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Cannot generate keys from invalid seed!\");\n }\n // XXX Should loop over keys until we find the right one\n\n var curve = this._curve;\n\n var seq = 0;\n\n var private_gen, public_gen, i = 0;\n do {\n private_gen = sjcl.bn.fromBits(firstHalfOfSHA512(append_int(this.to_bytes(), i)));\n i++;\n } while (!curve.r.greaterEquals(private_gen));\n\n public_gen = curve.G.mult(private_gen);\n\n var sec;\n i = 0;\n do {\n sec = sjcl.bn.fromBits(firstHalfOfSHA512(append_int(append_int(public_gen.toBytesCompressed(), seq), i)));\n i++;\n } while (!curve.r.greaterEquals(sec));\n\n sec = sec.add(private_gen).mod(curve.r);\n\n return KeyPair.from_bn_secret(sec);\n};\n\nexports.Seed = Seed;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 26\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/seed.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/seed.js");
+ eval("// If there is no WebSocket, try MozWebSocket (support for some old browsers)\ntry {\n module.exports = WebSocket\n} catch(err) {\n module.exports = MozWebSocket\n}\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 26\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./web_modules/ws.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./web_modules/ws.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 27:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(require, Buffer) {var binformat = require(17),\n sjcl = require(1),\n extend = require(2),\n stypes = require(28);\n\nvar UInt256 = require(16).UInt256;\n\nvar SerializedObject = function (buf) {\n if (Array.isArray(buf) || (Buffer && Buffer.isBuffer(buf)) ) {\n this.buffer = buf;\n } else if (\"string\" === typeof buf) {\n this.buffer = sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits(sjcl.codec.hex.toBits(buf));\n } else if (!buf) {\n this.buffer = [];\n } else {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid buffer passed.\");\n }\n this.pointer = 0;\n};\n\nSerializedObject.from_json = function (obj) {\n var typedef;\n var so = new SerializedObject();\n\n // Create a copy of the object so we don't modify it\n obj = extend({}, obj);\n\n if (\"number\" === typeof obj.TransactionType) {\n obj.TransactionType = SerializedObject.lookup_type_tx(obj.TransactionType);\n\n if (!obj.TransactionType) {\n throw new Error(\"Transaction type ID is invalid.\");\n }\n }\n\n if (\"string\" === typeof obj.TransactionType) {\n typedef = binformat.tx[obj.TransactionType].slice();\n\n obj.TransactionType = typedef.shift();\n } else if (\"undefined\" !== typeof obj.LedgerEntryType) {\n // XXX: TODO\n throw new Error(\"Ledger entry binary format not yet implemented.\");\n } else throw new Error(\"Object to be serialized must contain either \" +\n \"TransactionType or LedgerEntryType.\");\n\n so.serialize(typedef, obj);\n\n return so;\n};\n\nSerializedObject.prototype.append = function (bytes) {\n this.buffer = this.buffer.concat(bytes);\n this.pointer += bytes.length;\n};\n\nSerializedObject.prototype.resetPointer = function () {\n this.pointer = 0;\n};\n\n/*\nSerializedObject.prototype.read = function (numberOfBytes) {\n var start = this.pointer;\n var end = start+numberOfBytes;\n if (end > this.buffer.length) {\n\tthrow new Error(\"There aren't that many bytes left to read.\");\n } else {\n\tvar result = this.buffer.slice(start,end);\n\tthis.pointer = end;\n\treturn result;\n }\n};\n*/\n\nvar readOrPeek = function (advance) {\n return function(numberOfBytes) {\n\t var start = this.pointer;\n\t var end = start+numberOfBytes;\n\t if (end > this.buffer.length) {\n\t\tthrow new Error(\"There aren't that many bytes left.\");\n\t } else {\n\t\tvar result = this.buffer.slice(start,end);\n\t\tif (advance) {this.pointer = end;}\n\t\treturn result;\n\t }\n }\n}\nSerializedObject.prototype.read = readOrPeek(true);\nSerializedObject.prototype.peek = readOrPeek(false);\n\n\nSerializedObject.prototype.to_bits = function ()\n{\n return sjcl.codec.bytes.toBits(this.buffer);\n};\n\nSerializedObject.prototype.to_hex = function () {\n return sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(this.to_bits()).toUpperCase();\n};\n\n\n\n\nvar TRANSACTION_TYPES = {\n\t0:\"Payment\",\n\t3:\"AccountSet\",\n\t5:\"SetRegularKey\",\n\t7:\"OfferCreate\",\n\t8:\"OfferCancel\",\n\t9:\"Contract\",\n\t10:\"RemoveContract\",\n\t20:\"TrustSet\",\n\t100:\"EnableFeature\",\n\t101:\"SetFee\"\n};\n\nSerializedObject.prototype.to_json = function() {\n\tvar old_pointer = this.pointer;\n\tthis.resetPointer();\n\tvar output = {};\n\twhile (true) {\n\t\tvar key_and_value = stypes.parse_whatever(this);\n\t\tvar key = key_and_value[0];\n\t\tvar value = key_and_value[1];\n\t\toutput[key] = jsonify_structure(value,key);\n\t\tif (this.pointer == this.buffer.length) {\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t} else if (this.pointer > this.buffer.length) {\n\t\t\tconsole.log(\"WARNING: Buffer length exceeded during SerializedObject.to_json\");\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tthis.pointer = old_pointer;\n\treturn output;\n}\n\nfunction jsonify_structure(thing,field_name) {\n\tvar output;\n\tvar typeof_thing = typeof thing;\n\tif (\"number\" === typeof thing) { //Special codes\n\t\tif (field_name) {\n\t\t\tif (field_name === \"LedgerEntryType\") {\n\t\t\t\toutput = thing; //TODO: Do we have special codes for LedgerEntryType?\n\t\t\t} else if (field_name === \"TransactionType\") {\n\t\t\t\toutput = TRANSACTION_TYPES[thing] || thing;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\toutput = thing;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\toutput = thing;\n\t\t}\n\t} else if (\"object\" === typeof thing &&\n \"function\" === typeof thing.to_json) {\n\t\toutput = thing.to_json();\n\t} else if (Array.isArray(thing)) {\n\t\t//console.log(\"here2\");\n\t\t//iterate over array []\n\t\toutput = [];\n\t\tfor (var i=0; i< thing.length; i++) {\n\t\t\toutput.push(jsonify_structure(thing[i]));\n\t\t}\n\t} else if (\"object\" === typeof thing) {\n\t\t//console.log(\"here1\", thing);\n\t\t//iterate over object {}\n\t\toutput = {};\n\t\tvar keys = Object.keys(thing);\n\t\tfor (var i=0; i 0xf) buffer.push(type_id & 0xff);\n else buffer[0] += (type_id & 0xf) << 4;\n\n if (field_id > 0xf) buffer.push(field_id & 0xff);\n else buffer[0] += field_id & 0xf;\n\n return buffer;\n};\n\nfunction sort_field_compare(a, b) {\n // Sort by type id first, then by field id\n return a[3].id !== b[3].id ?\n a[3].id - b[3].id :\n a[2] - b[2];\n};\nSerializedObject._sort_typedef = function (typedef) {\n return typedef.sort(sort_field_compare);\n};\n\nSerializedObject.lookup_type_tx = function (id) {\n for (var i in binformat.tx) {\n if (!binformat.tx.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;\n\n if (binformat.tx[i][0] === id) {\n return i;\n }\n }\n\n return null;\n};\n\n\nexports.SerializedObject = SerializedObject;\n\n/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}(require, require(13).Buffer))\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 27\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/serializedobject.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/serializedobject.js");
+ eval("var EventEmitter = exports.EventEmitter = function EventEmitter() {};\nvar isArray = require(35);\nvar indexOf = require(36);\n\n\n\n// By default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than\n// 10 listeners are added to it. This is a useful default which\n// helps finding memory leaks.\n//\n// Obviously not all Emitters should be limited to 10. This function allows\n// that to be increased. Set to zero for unlimited.\nvar defaultMaxListeners = 10;\nEventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function(n) {\n if (!this._events) this._events = {};\n this._maxListeners = n;\n};\n\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.emit = function(type) {\n // If there is no 'error' event listener then throw.\n if (type === 'error') {\n if (!this._events || !this._events.error ||\n (isArray(this._events.error) && !this._events.error.length))\n {\n if (arguments[1] instanceof Error) {\n throw arguments[1]; // Unhandled 'error' event\n } else {\n throw new Error(\"Uncaught, unspecified 'error' event.\");\n }\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n if (!this._events) return false;\n var handler = this._events[type];\n if (!handler) return false;\n\n if (typeof handler == 'function') {\n switch (arguments.length) {\n // fast cases\n case 1:\n handler.call(this);\n break;\n case 2:\n handler.call(this, arguments[1]);\n break;\n case 3:\n handler.call(this, arguments[1], arguments[2]);\n break;\n // slower\n default:\n var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);\n handler.apply(this, args);\n }\n return true;\n\n } else if (isArray(handler)) {\n var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);\n\n var listeners = handler.slice();\n for (var i = 0, l = listeners.length; i < l; i++) {\n listeners[i].apply(this, args);\n }\n return true;\n\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n};\n\n// EventEmitter is defined in src/node_events.cc\n// EventEmitter.prototype.emit() is also defined there.\nEventEmitter.prototype.addListener = function(type, listener) {\n if ('function' !== typeof listener) {\n throw new Error('addListener only takes instances of Function');\n }\n\n if (!this._events) this._events = {};\n\n // To avoid recursion in the case that type == \"newListeners\"! Before\n // adding it to the listeners, first emit \"newListeners\".\n this.emit('newListener', type, listener);\n if (!this._events[type]) {\n // Optimize the case of one listener. Don't need the extra array object.\n this._events[type] = listener;\n } else if (isArray(this._events[type])) {\n\n // If we've already got an array, just append.\n this._events[type].push(listener);\n\n } else {\n // Adding the second element, need to change to array.\n this._events[type] = [this._events[type], listener];\n }\n\n // Check for listener leak\n if (isArray(this._events[type]) && !this._events[type].warned) {\n var m;\n if (this._maxListeners !== undefined) {\n m = this._maxListeners;\n } else {\n m = defaultMaxListeners;\n }\n\n if (m && m > 0 && this._events[type].length > m) {\n this._events[type].warned = true;\n console.error('(events) warning: possible EventEmitter memory ' +\n 'leak detected. %d listeners added. ' +\n 'Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.',\n this._events[type].length);\n console.trace();\n }\n }\n return this;\n};\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.on = EventEmitter.prototype.addListener;\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.once = function(type, listener) {\n if ('function' !== typeof listener) {\n throw new Error('.once only takes instances of Function');\n }\n\n var self = this;\n function g() {\n self.removeListener(type, g);\n listener.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n\n g.listener = listener;\n self.on(type, g);\n\n return this;\n};\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function(type, listener) {\n if ('function' !== typeof listener) {\n throw new Error('removeListener only takes instances of Function');\n }\n\n // does not use listeners(), so no side effect of creating _events[type]\n if (!this._events || !this._events[type]) return this;\n\n var list = this._events[type];\n\n if (isArray(list)) {\n var position = -1;\n for (var i = 0, length = list.length; i < length; i++) {\n if (list[i] === listener ||\n (list[i].listener && list[i].listener === listener))\n {\n position = i;\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (position < 0) return this;\n list.splice(position, 1);\n if (list.length == 0)\n delete this._events[type];\n } else if (list === listener ||\n (list.listener && list.listener === listener)) {\n delete this._events[type];\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(type) {\n if (arguments.length === 0) {\n this._events = {};\n return this;\n }\n\n // does not use listeners(), so no side effect of creating _events[type]\n if (type && this._events && this._events[type]) this._events[type] = null;\n return this;\n};\n\nEventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function(type) {\n if (!this._events) this._events = {};\n if (!this._events[type]) this._events[type] = [];\n if (!isArray(this._events[type])) {\n this._events[type] = [this._events[type]];\n }\n return this._events[type];\n};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 27\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/lib/events.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/lib/events.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 28:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("/**\n * Type definitions for binary format.\n *\n * This file should not be included directly. Instead, find the format you're\n * trying to parse or serialize in binformat.js and pass that to\n * SerializedObject.parse() or SerializedObject.serialize().\n */\n\nvar extend = require(2),\n utils = require(4),\n sjcl = require(1);\n\nvar amount = require(3),\n UInt128 = require(41).UInt128,\n UInt160 = require(9).UInt160,\n UInt256 = require(16).UInt256,\n Amount = amount.Amount,\n Currency= amount.Currency;\n\n// Shortcuts\nvar hex = sjcl.codec.hex,\n bytes = sjcl.codec.bytes;\n\nvar jsbn = require(7);\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\n\n\nvar SerializedType = function (methods) {\n extend(this, methods);\n};\n\nfunction serialize_hex(so, hexData, noLength) {\n var byteData = bytes.fromBits(hex.toBits(hexData));\n if (!noLength) {\n SerializedType.serialize_varint(so, byteData.length);\n }\n so.append(byteData);\n};\n\n\n\n/**\n * parses bytes as hex\n */\nfunction convert_bytes_to_hex (byte_array) {\n return sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(sjcl.codec.bytes.toBits(byte_array)).toUpperCase();\n}\n\nSerializedType.serialize_varint = function (so, val) {\n if (val < 0) {\n throw new Error(\"Variable integers are unsigned.\");\n }\n if (val <= 192) {\n so.append([val]);\n } else if (val <= 12,480) {\n val -= 193;\n so.append([193 + (val >>> 8), val & 0xff]);\n } else if (val <= 918744) {\n val -= 12481;\n so.append([\n 241 + (val >>> 16),\n val >>> 8 & 0xff,\n val & 0xff\n ]);\n } else throw new Error(\"Variable integer overflow.\");\n};\n\n\nSerializedType.prototype.parse_varint = function (so) {\n var b1 = so.read(1)[0], b2, b3;\n if (b1 <= 192) {\n return b1;\n } else if (b1 <= 240) {\n b2 = so.read(1)[0];\n return 193 + (b1-193)*256 + b2;\n } else if (b1 <= 254) {\n b2 = so.read(1)[0];\n b3 = so.read(1)[0];\n return 12481 + (b1-241)*65536 + b2*256 + b3\n }\n else {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid varint length indicator\");\n }\n};\n\n\n\n\n\n// In the following, we assume that the inputs are in the proper range. Is this correct?\n\n// Helper functions for 1-, 2-, and 4-byte integers.\n\n/**\n * Convert an integer value into an array of bytes.\n *\n * The result is appended to the serialized object (\"so\").\n */\nfunction append_byte_array(so, val, bytes) {\n if (\"number\" !== typeof val) {\n throw new Error(\"Integer is not a number\");\n }\n if (val < 0 || val >= (Math.pow(256, bytes))) {\n throw new Error(\"Integer out of bounds\");\n }\n var newBytes = [];\n for (var i=0; i>> (i*8) & 0xff);\n }\n so.append(newBytes);\n}\n\n// Convert a certain number of bytes from the serialized object (\"so\") into an integer.\nfunction readAndSum(so, bytes) {\n var sum = 0;\n for (var i = 0; i 16) {\n throw new Error(\"Int64 is too large\");\n }\n while (hex.length < 16) {\n hex = \"0\" + hex;\n }\n return serialize_hex(so, hex, true); //noLength = true\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n var hi = readAndSum(so, 4);\n var lo = readAndSum(so, 4);\n\n var result = new BigInteger(\"\"+hi);\n result.shiftLeft(32);\n result.add(lo);\n return result;\n }\n});\n\nvar STHash128 = exports.Hash128 = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var hash = UInt128.from_json(val);\n if (!hash.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid Hash128\");\n }\n serialize_hex(so, hash.to_hex(), true); //noLength = true\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n return UInt128.from_bytes(so.read(16));\n }\n});\n\nvar STHash256 = exports.Hash256 = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var hash = UInt256.from_json(val);\n if (!hash.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid Hash256\");\n }\n serialize_hex(so, hash.to_hex(), true); //noLength = true\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n return UInt256.from_bytes(so.read(32));\n }\n});\n\nvar STHash160 = exports.Hash160 = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var hash = UInt160.from_json(val);\n if (!hash.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid Hash160\");\n }\n serialize_hex(so, hash.to_hex(), true); //noLength = true\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n return UInt160.from_bytes(so.read(20));\n }\n});\n\n// Internal\nvar STCurrency = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var currency = val.to_json();\n if (\"XRP\" === currency) {\n serialize_hex(so, UInt160.HEX_ZERO, true);\n } else if (\"string\" === typeof currency && currency.length === 3) {\n var currencyCode = currency.toUpperCase(),\n currencyData = utils.arraySet(20, 0);\n\n if (!/^[A-Z]{3}$/.test(currencyCode) || currencyCode === \"XRP\" ) {\n throw new Error('Invalid currency code');\n }\n\n currencyData[12] = currencyCode.charCodeAt(0) & 0xff;\n currencyData[13] = currencyCode.charCodeAt(1) & 0xff;\n currencyData[14] = currencyCode.charCodeAt(2) & 0xff;\n\n so.append(currencyData);\n } else {\n throw new Error('Tried to serialize invalid/unimplemented currency type.');\n }\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n var bytes = so.read(20);\n var currency = Currency.from_bytes(bytes);\n // XXX Disabled check. Theoretically, the Currency class should support any\n // UInt160 value and consider it valid. But it doesn't, so for the\n // deserialization to be usable, we need to allow invalid results for now.\n //if (!currency.is_valid()) {\n // throw new Error(\"Invalid currency: \"+convert_bytes_to_hex(bytes));\n //}\n return currency;\n }\n});\n\nvar STAmount = exports.Amount = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var amount = Amount.from_json(val);\n if (!amount.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Not a valid Amount object.\");\n }\n\n // Amount (64-bit integer)\n var valueBytes = utils.arraySet(8, 0);\n if (amount.is_native()) {\n var valueHex = amount._value.toString(16);\n\n // Enforce correct length (64 bits)\n if (valueHex.length > 16) {\n throw new Error('Value out of bounds');\n }\n while (valueHex.length < 16) {\n valueHex = \"0\" + valueHex;\n }\n\n valueBytes = bytes.fromBits(hex.toBits(valueHex));\n // Clear most significant two bits - these bits should already be 0 if\n // Amount enforces the range correctly, but we'll clear them anyway just\n // so this code can make certain guarantees about the encoded value.\n valueBytes[0] &= 0x3f;\n if (!amount.is_negative()) valueBytes[0] |= 0x40;\n } else {\n var hi = 0, lo = 0;\n\n // First bit: non-native\n hi |= 1 << 31;\n\n if (!amount.is_zero()) {\n // Second bit: non-negative?\n if (!amount.is_negative()) hi |= 1 << 30;\n\n // Next eight bits: offset/exponent\n hi |= ((97 + amount._offset) & 0xff) << 22;\n\n // Remaining 52 bits: mantissa\n hi |= amount._value.shiftRight(32).intValue() & 0x3fffff;\n lo = amount._value.intValue() & 0xffffffff;\n }\n\n valueBytes = sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits([hi, lo]);\n }\n\n so.append(valueBytes);\n\n if (!amount.is_native()) {\n // Currency (160-bit hash)\n var currency = amount.currency();\n STCurrency.serialize(so, currency);\n\n // Issuer (160-bit hash)\n so.append(amount.issuer().to_bytes());\n }\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n var amount = new Amount();\n var value_bytes = so.read(8);\n var is_zero = !(value_bytes[0] & 0x7f);\n for (var i=1; i<8; i++) {\n is_zero = is_zero && !value_bytes[i];\n }\n if (value_bytes[0] & 0x80) {\n //non-native\n var currency = STCurrency.parse(so);\n var issuer_bytes = so.read(20);\n var issuer = UInt160.from_bytes(issuer_bytes);\n\n var offset = ((value_bytes[0] & 0x3f) << 2) + (value_bytes[1] >>> 6) - 97;\n var mantissa_bytes = value_bytes.slice(1);\n mantissa_bytes[0] &= 0x3f;\n var value = new BigInteger(mantissa_bytes, 256);\n\n if (value.equals(BigInteger.ZERO) && !is_zero ) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid zero representation\");\n }\n\n amount._value = value;\n amount._offset = offset;\n amount._currency = currency;\n amount._issuer = issuer;\n amount._is_native = false;\n\n } else {\n //native\n var integer_bytes = value_bytes.slice();\n integer_bytes[0] &= 0x3f;\n amount._value = new BigInteger(integer_bytes, 256);\n amount._is_native = true;\n }\n amount._is_negative = !is_zero && !(value_bytes[0] & 0x40);\n return amount;\n }\n});\n\nvar STVL = exports.VariableLength = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n if (\"string\" === typeof val) serialize_hex(so, val);\n else throw new Error(\"Unknown datatype.\");\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n var len = this.parse_varint(so);\n return convert_bytes_to_hex(so.read(len));\n }\n});\n\nvar STAccount = exports.Account = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var account = UInt160.from_json(val);\n if (!account.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid account!\");\n }\n serialize_hex(so, account.to_hex());\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n var len = this.parse_varint(so);\n\t//console.log(\"KKKKKKKKKKK\",len);\n if (len !== 20) {\n throw new Error(\"Non-standard-length account ID\");\n }\n var result = UInt160.from_bytes(so.read(len));\n if (false && !result.is_valid()) {\n throw new Error(\"Invalid Account\");\n }\n return result;\n }\n});\n\nvar STPathSet = exports.PathSet = new SerializedType({\n typeBoundary: 0xff,\n typeEnd: 0x00,\n typeAccount: 0x01,\n typeCurrency: 0x10,\n typeIssuer: 0x20,\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n // XXX\n for (var i = 0, l = val.length; i < l; i++) {\n // Boundary\n if (i) STInt8.serialize(so, this.typeBoundary);\n\n for (var j = 0, l2 = val[i].length; j < l2; j++) {\n var entry = val[i][j];\n\t\t//if (entry.hasOwnProperty(\"_value\")) {entry = entry._value;}\n var type = 0;\n\n if (entry.account) type |= this.typeAccount;\n if (entry.currency) type |= this.typeCurrency;\n if (entry.issuer) type |= this.typeIssuer;\n\n STInt8.serialize(so, type);\n\n if (entry.account) {\n so.append(UInt160.from_json(entry.account).to_bytes());\n }\n if (entry.currency) {\n var currency = Currency.from_json(entry.currency);\n STCurrency.serialize(so, currency);\n }\n if (entry.issuer) {\n so.append(UInt160.from_json(entry.issuer).to_bytes());\n }\n }\n }\n STInt8.serialize(so, this.typeEnd);\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n // XXX\n\t// should return a list of lists:\n\t/*\n\t[\n\t\t[entry, entry],\n\t\t[entry, entry, entry]\n\t\t[entry]\n\t\t[]\n\t]\n\t\n\teach entry has one or more of the following attributes: amount, currency, issuer.\n\t*/\n\t\n\tvar path_list = [];\n\tvar current_path = [];\n\t\n\twhile (true) { //TODO: try/catch this loop, and catch when we run out of data without reaching the end of the data structure.\n\t\tvar tag_byte = so.read(1)[0];\n\t\t//Now determine: is this an end, boundary, or entry-begin-tag?\n\t\t//console.log(\"Tag byte:\", tag_byte);\n\t\tif (tag_byte == this.typeEnd) { //We're done.\n\t\t\t//console.log(\"End.\");\n\t\t\tif (current_path) { //close the current path, if there is one,\n\t\t\t\tpath_list.push(current_path);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak; //and conclude.\n\t\t} else if (tag_byte == this.typeBoundary) {\n\t\t\t//console.log(\"Boundary\");\n\t\t\tif (current_path) { //close the current path, if there is one,\n\t\t\t\tpath_list.push(current_path);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tcurrent_path = []; //and start a new one.\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t//It's an entry-begin tag.\n\t\t\t//console.log(\"It's an entry-begin tag.\");\n\t\t\tvar entry = {};\n\t\t\tif (tag_byte & this.typeAccount) {\n\t\t\t\t//console.log(\"entry.account\");\n\t\t\t\t/*var bta = so.read(20);\n\t\t\t\tconsole.log(\"BTA:\", bta);*/\n\t\t\t\tentry.account = STHash160.parse(so);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (tag_byte & this.typeCurrency) {\n\t\t\t\t//console.log(\"entry.currency\");\n\t\t\t\tentry.currency = STCurrency.parse(so)\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (tag_byte & this.typeIssuer) {\n\t\t\t\t//console.log(\"entry.issuer\");\n\t\t\t\tentry.issuer = STHash160.parse(so); //should know to use Base58?\n\t\t\t\t//console.log(\"DONE WITH ISSUER!\");\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (entry.account || entry.currency || entry.issuer) {\n\t\t\t\tcurrent_path.push(entry);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tthrow new Error(\"Invalid path entry\"); //It must have at least something in it.\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn path_list;\n }\n});\n\nvar STVector256 = exports.Vector256 = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) { //Assume val is an array of STHash256 objects.\n var length_as_varint = SerializedType.serialize_varint(so, val.length);\n\tfor (var i = 0; i= 16) {\n\t\tSTInt8.serialize(so, type_bits)\n\t}\n\tif (field_bits >= 16) {\n\t\tSTInt8.serialize(so, field_bits)\n\t}\n\tvar serialized_object_type = TYPES_MAP[type_bits];\n\t//do something with val[keys] and val[keys[i]];\n\tserialized_object_type.serialize(so, value);\n}\n\n\n//What should this helper function be attached to?\n//Take the serialized object, figure out what type/field it is, and return the parsing of that.\nvar parse_whatever = exports.parse_whatever = function(so) {\n\tvar tag_byte = so.read(1)[0];\n\tvar type_bits = tag_byte >> 4;\n\tvar field_bits = tag_byte & 0x0f;\n\tvar type;\n\tvar field_name;\n\tif (type_bits === 0) {\n\t\ttype_bits = so.read(1)[0];\n\t}\n\ttype = TYPES_MAP[type_bits];\n\tif (\"undefined\" === typeof type) {\n\t\tthrow Error(\"Unknown type\");\n\t} else {\n\t\tif (field_bits === 0) {\n\t\t\tfield_name = FIELDS_MAP[type_bits][so.read(1)[0]];\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tfield_name = FIELDS_MAP[type_bits][field_bits];\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (\"undefined\" === typeof field_name) {\n\t\t\tthrow Error(\"Unknown field \"+tag_byte);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn [field_name, type.parse(so)]; //key, value\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\n\n\nvar STObject = exports.Object = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) {\n var keys = Object.keys(val);\n\tfor (var i=0; i= 16) {\n\t\t\tSTInt8.serialize(so, type_bits)\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (field_bits >= 16) {\n\t\t\tSTInt8.serialize(so, field_bits)\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar serialized_object_type = TYPES_MAP[type_bits];\n\t\t//do something with val[keys] and val[keys[i]];\n\t\tserialized_object_type.serialize(so, val[keys[i]]);\n\t\t*/\n\t}\n\tSTInt8.serialize(so, 0xe1); //Object ending marker\n },\n parse: function (so) {\n\t//console.log(\"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\", so.buffer, so.pointer);\n var output = {};\n\twhile (true) {\n\t\tif (so.peek(1)[0] === 0xe1) { //ending marker\n\t\t\tso.read(1);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t//console.log(\"WTF M8\");\n\t\t\tvar key_and_value = parse_whatever(so);\n\t\t\toutput[key_and_value[0]] = key_and_value[1];\n\t\t\t//console.log(\"BBBBBBBBBBBBB\", key_and_value, output);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn output;\n }\n});\n\nvar STArray = exports.Array = new SerializedType({\n serialize: function (so, val) { \n for (var i=0; i -1) {\n if (isArray(value)) {\n str = str.split('\\n').map(function(line) {\n return ' ' + line;\n }).join('\\n').substr(2);\n } else {\n str = '\\n' + str.split('\\n').map(function(line) {\n return ' ' + line;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n }\n } else {\n str = stylize('[Circular]', 'special');\n }\n }\n if (typeof name === 'undefined') {\n if (type === 'Array' && key.match(/^\\d+$/)) {\n return str;\n }\n name = JSON.stringify('' + key);\n if (name.match(/^\"([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\"$/)) {\n name = name.substr(1, name.length - 2);\n name = stylize(name, 'name');\n } else {\n name = name.replace(/'/g, \"\\\\'\")\n .replace(/\\\\\"/g, '\"')\n .replace(/(^\"|\"$)/g, \"'\");\n name = stylize(name, 'string');\n }\n }\n\n return name + ': ' + str;\n });\n\n seen.pop();\n\n var numLinesEst = 0;\n var length = output.reduce(function(prev, cur) {\n numLinesEst++;\n if (cur.indexOf('\\n') >= 0) numLinesEst++;\n return prev + cur.length + 1;\n }, 0);\n\n if (length > 50) {\n output = braces[0] +\n (base === '' ? '' : base + '\\n ') +\n ' ' +\n output.join(',\\n ') +\n ' ' +\n braces[1];\n\n } else {\n output = braces[0] + base + ' ' + output.join(', ') + ' ' + braces[1];\n }\n\n return output;\n }\n return format(obj, (typeof depth === 'undefined' ? 2 : depth));\n};\n\n\nfunction isDate(d) {\n if (d instanceof Date) return true;\n if (typeof d !== 'object') return false;\n var properties = Date.prototype && Object_getOwnPropertyNames(Date.prototype);\n var proto = d.__proto__ && Object_getOwnPropertyNames(d.__proto__);\n return JSON.stringify(proto) === JSON.stringify(properties);\n}\n\nfunction pad(n) {\n return n < 10 ? '0' + n.toString(10) : n.toString(10);\n}\n\nvar months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep',\n 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];\n\n// 26 Feb 16:19:34\nfunction timestamp() {\n var d = new Date();\n var time = [pad(d.getHours()),\n pad(d.getMinutes()),\n pad(d.getSeconds())].join(':');\n return [d.getDate(), months[d.getMonth()], time].join(' ');\n}\n\nexports.log = function (msg) {};\n\nexports.pump = null;\n\nexports.inherits = function(ctor, superCtor) {\n ctor.super_ = superCtor;\n ctor.prototype = Object_create(superCtor.prototype, {\n constructor: {\n value: ctor,\n enumerable: false,\n writable: true,\n configurable: true\n }\n });\n};\n\nvar formatRegExp = /%[sdj%]/g;\nexports.format = function(f) {\n if (typeof f !== 'string') {\n var objects = [];\n for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n objects.push(exports.inspect(arguments[i]));\n }\n return objects.join(' ');\n }\n\n var i = 1;\n var args = arguments;\n var len = args.length;\n var str = String(f).replace(formatRegExp, function(x) {\n if (x === '%%') return '%';\n if (i >= len) return x;\n switch (x) {\n case '%s': return String(args[i++]);\n case '%d': return Number(args[i++]);\n case '%j': return JSON.stringify(args[i++]);\n default:\n return x;\n }\n });\n for(var x = args[i]; i < len; x = args[++i]){\n if (x === null || typeof x !== 'object') {\n str += ' ' + x;\n } else {\n str += ' ' + exports.inspect(x);\n }\n }\n return str;\n};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 28\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/lib/util.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/lib/util.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 29:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("var EventEmitter = require(6).EventEmitter;\nvar util = require(5);\nvar utils = require(4);\n\n/**\n * @constructor Server\n * @param remote The Remote object\n * @param opts Configuration parameters.\n *\n * Keys for cfg:\n * url\n */ \n\nfunction Server(remote, opts) {\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n if (typeof opts !== 'object') {\n throw new Error('Invalid server configuration.');\n }\n\n var self = this;\n\n this._remote = remote;\n this._opts = opts;\n this._host = opts.host;\n this._port = opts.port;\n this._secure = typeof opts.secure === 'boolean' ? opts.secure : true;\n this._ws = void(0);\n this._connected = false;\n this._should_connect = false;\n this._state = void(0);\n this._id = 0;\n this._retry = 0;\n this._requests = { };\n\n this._opts.url = (opts.secure ? 'wss://' : 'ws://') + opts.host + ':' + opts.port;\n\n this.on('message', function(message) {\n self._handle_message(message);\n });\n\n this.on('response_subscribe', function(message) {\n self._handle_response_subscribe(message);\n });\n}\n\nutil.inherits(Server, EventEmitter);\n\n/**\n * Server states that we will treat as the server being online.\n *\n * Our requirements are that the server can process transactions and notify\n * us of changes.\n */\nServer.online_states = [\n 'syncing'\n , 'tracking'\n , 'proposing'\n , 'validating'\n , 'full'\n];\n\nServer.prototype._is_online = function (status) {\n return Server.online_states.indexOf(status) !== -1;\n};\n\nServer.prototype._set_state = function (state) {\n if (state !== this._state) {\n this._state = state;\n\n this.emit('state', state);\n\n switch (state) {\n case 'online':\n this._connected = true;\n this.emit('connect');\n break;\n case 'offline':\n this._connected = false;\n this.emit('disconnect');\n break;\n }\n }\n};\n\nServer.prototype._trace = function() {\n if (this._remote.trace) {\n utils.logObject.apply(utils, arguments);\n }\n};\n\nServer.prototype._remote_address = function() {\n try { var address = this._ws._socket.remoteAddress; } catch (e) { }\n return address;\n};\n\n// This is the final interface between client code and a socket connection to a\n// `rippled` server. As such, this is a decent hook point to allow a WebSocket\n// interface conforming object to be used as a basis to mock rippled. This\n// avoids the need to bind a websocket server to a port and allows a more\n// synchronous style of code to represent a client <-> server message sequence.\n// We can also use this to log a message sequence to a buffer.\nServer.prototype.websocket_constructor = function () {\n return require(43);\n};\n\nServer.prototype.connect = function () {\n var self = this;\n\n // We don't connect if we believe we're already connected. This means we have\n // recently received a message from the server and the WebSocket has not\n // reported any issues either. If we do fail to ping or the connection drops,\n // we will automatically reconnect.\n if (this._connected) {\n return;\n }\n\n this._trace('server: connect: %s', this._opts.url);\n\n // Ensure any existing socket is given the command to close first.\n if (this._ws) {\n this._ws.close();\n }\n\n // We require this late, because websocket shims may be loaded after\n // ripple-lib.\n var WebSocket = this.websocket_constructor();\n var ws = this._ws = new WebSocket(this._opts.url);\n\n this._should_connect = true;\n\n self.emit('connecting');\n\n ws.onopen = function () {\n // If we are no longer the active socket, simply ignore any event\n if (ws === self._ws) {\n self.emit('socket_open');\n // Subscribe to events\n var request = self._remote._server_prepare_subscribe();\n self.request(request);\n }\n };\n\n ws.onerror = function (e) {\n // If we are no longer the active socket, simply ignore any event\n if (ws === self._ws) {\n self._trace('server: onerror: %s', e.data || e);\n\n // Most connection errors for WebSockets are conveyed as 'close' events with\n // code 1006. This is done for security purposes and therefore unlikely to\n // ever change.\n\n // This means that this handler is hardly ever called in practice. If it is,\n // it probably means the server's WebSocket implementation is corrupt, or\n // the connection is somehow producing corrupt data.\n\n // Most WebSocket applications simply log and ignore this error. Once we\n // support for multiple servers, we may consider doing something like\n // lowering this server's quality score.\n\n // However, in Node.js this event may be triggered instead of the close\n // event, so we need to handle it.\n handleConnectionClose();\n }\n };\n\n // Failure to open.\n ws.onclose = function () {\n // If we are no longer the active socket, simply ignore any event\n if (ws === self._ws) {\n self._trace('server: onclose: %s', ws.readyState);\n handleConnectionClose();\n }\n };\n\n function handleConnectionClose() {\n self.emit('socket_close');\n self._set_state('offline');\n\n // Prevent additional events from this socket\n ws.onopen = ws.onerror = ws.onclose = ws.onmessage = function () {};\n\n // Should we be connected?\n if (!self._should_connect) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Delay and retry.\n self._retry += 1;\n self._retry_timer = setTimeout(function () {\n self._trace('server: retry');\n if (!self._should_connect) {\n return;\n }\n self.connect();\n }, self._retry < 40\n ? 1000/20 // First, for 2 seconds: 20 times per second\n : self._retry < 40+60\n ? 1000 // Then, for 1 minute: once per second\n : self._retry < 40+60+60\n ? 10*1000 // Then, for 10 minutes: once every 10 seconds\n : 30*1000); // Then: once every 30 seconds\n }\n\n ws.onmessage = function (msg) {\n self.emit('message', msg.data);\n };\n};\n\nServer.prototype.disconnect = function () {\n this._should_connect = false;\n this._set_state('offline');\n if (this._ws) {\n this._ws.close();\n }\n};\n\nServer.prototype.send_message = function (message) {\n if (this._ws) {\n this._ws.send(JSON.stringify(message));\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Submit a Request object to this server.\n */\nServer.prototype.request = function (request) {\n var self = this;\n\n // Only bother if we are still connected.\n if (this._ws) {\n request.server = this;\n request.message.id = this._id;\n\n this._requests[request.message.id] = request;\n\n // Advance message ID\n this._id++;\n\n var is_connected = this._connected || (request.message.command === 'subscribe' && this._ws.readyState === 1);\n \n if (is_connected) {\n this._trace('server: request: %s', request.message);\n this.send_message(request.message);\n } else {\n // XXX There are many ways to make this smarter.\n function server_reconnected() {\n self._trace('server: request: %s', request.message);\n self.send_message(request.message);\n }\n this.once('connect', server_reconnected);\n }\n } else {\n this._trace('server: request: DROPPING: %s', request.message);\n }\n};\n\nServer.prototype._handle_message = function (message) {\n var self = this;\n\n try { message = JSON.parse(message); } catch(e) { }\n\n var unexpected = typeof message !== 'object' || typeof message.type !== 'string';\n\n if (unexpected) {\n return; \n }\n\n switch (message.type) {\n case 'response':\n // A response to a request.\n var request = self._requests[message.id];\n delete self._requests[message.id];\n\n if (!request) {\n this._trace('server: UNEXPECTED: %s', message);\n } else if ('success' === message.status) {\n this._trace('server: response: %s', message);\n\n request.emit('success', message.result);\n\n [ self, self._remote ].forEach(function(emitter) {\n emitter.emit('response_' + request.message.command, message.result, request, message);\n });\n } else if (message.error) {\n this._trace('server: error: %s', message);\n\n request.emit('error', {\n error : 'remoteError',\n error_message : 'Remote reported an error.',\n remote : message\n });\n }\n break;\n\n case 'path_find':\n if (self._remote.trace) utils.logObject('server: path_find: %s', message);\n break;\n\n case 'serverStatus':\n // This message is only received when online. As we are connected, it is the definative final state.\n this._set_state(this._is_online(message.server_status) ? 'online' : 'offline');\n break;\n }\n}\n\nServer.prototype._handle_response_subscribe = function (message) {\n this._server_status = message.server_status;\n if (this._is_online(message.server_status)) {\n this._set_state('online');\n }\n}\n\nexports.Server = Server;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 29\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/server.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/server.js");
+ eval("var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\n\nfunction isPlainObject(obj) {\n\tif (!obj || toString.call(obj) !== '[object Object]' || obj.nodeType || obj.setInterval)\n\t\treturn false;\n\n\tvar has_own_constructor = hasOwnProperty.call(obj, 'constructor');\n\tvar has_is_property_of_method = hasOwnProperty.call(obj.constructor.prototype, 'isPrototypeOf');\n\t// Not own constructor property must be Object\n\tif (obj.constructor && !has_own_constructor && !has_is_property_of_method)\n\t\treturn false;\n\n\t// Own properties are enumerated firstly, so to speed up,\n\t// if last one is own, then all properties are own.\n\tvar key;\n\tfor ( key in obj ) {}\n\n\treturn key === undefined || hasOwn.call( obj, key );\n};\n\nmodule.exports = function extend() {\n\tvar options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone,\n\t target = arguments[0] || {},\n\t i = 1,\n\t length = arguments.length,\n\t deep = false;\n\n\t// Handle a deep copy situation\n\tif ( typeof target === \"boolean\" ) {\n\t\tdeep = target;\n\t\ttarget = arguments[1] || {};\n\t\t// skip the boolean and the target\n\t\ti = 2;\n\t}\n\n\t// Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy)\n\tif ( typeof target !== \"object\" && typeof target !== \"function\") {\n\t\ttarget = {};\n\t}\n\n\tfor ( ; i < length; i++ ) {\n\t\t// Only deal with non-null/undefined values\n\t\tif ( (options = arguments[ i ]) != null ) {\n\t\t\t// Extend the base object\n\t\t\tfor ( name in options ) {\n\t\t\t\tsrc = target[ name ];\n\t\t\t\tcopy = options[ name ];\n\n\t\t\t\t// Prevent never-ending loop\n\t\t\t\tif ( target === copy ) {\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t// Recurse if we're merging plain objects or arrays\n\t\t\t\tif ( deep && copy && ( isPlainObject(copy) || (copyIsArray = Array.isArray(copy)) ) ) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif ( copyIsArray ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcopyIsArray = false;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tclone = src && Array.isArray(src) ? src : [];\n\n\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tclone = src && isPlainObject(src) ? src : {};\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// Never move original objects, clone them\n\t\t\t\t\ttarget[ name ] = extend( deep, clone, copy );\n\n\t\t\t\t// Don't bring in undefined values\n\t\t\t\t} else if ( copy !== undefined ) {\n\t\t\t\t\ttarget[ name ] = copy;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t// Return the modified object\n\treturn target;\n};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 29\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./~/extend/index.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./~/extend/index.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 30:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("module.exports = function(module) {\r\n\tif(!module.webpackPolyfill) {\r\n\t\tmodule.deprecate = function() {};\r\n\t\tmodule.paths = [];\r\n\t\t// module.parent = undefined by default\r\n\t\tmodule.children = [];\r\n\t\tmodule.webpackPolyfill = 1;\r\n\t}\r\n\treturn module;\r\n}\r\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 30\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/buildin/module.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/buildin/module.js");
+ eval("var util = require(28);\nvar EventEmitter = require(27).EventEmitter;\nvar RippleError = require(19).RippleError;\nvar Queue = require(42).TransactionQueue;\nvar Amount = require(2);\n\n/**\n * @constructor TransactionManager\n * @param {Object} account\n */\n\nfunction TransactionManager(account) {\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n var self = this;\n\n this.account = account;\n this.remote = account._remote;\n this._timeout = void(0);\n this._pending = new Queue;\n this._next_sequence = void(0);\n this._cache = { };\n\n //XX Fee units\n this._max_fee = this.remote.max_fee;\n\n this._submission_timeout = this.remote._submission_timeout;\n\n function remote_reconnected() {\n self.account.get_next_sequence(function(err, sequence) {\n sequence_loaded(err, sequence);\n self._resubmit(3);\n });\n }\n\n function remote_disconnected() {\n self.remote.once('connect', remote_reconnected);\n }\n\n this.remote.on('disconnect', remote_disconnected);\n\n function sequence_loaded(err, sequence, callback) {\n self._next_sequence = sequence;\n self.emit('sequence_loaded', sequence);\n callback && callback();\n }\n\n this.account.get_next_sequence(sequence_loaded);\n\n function adjust_fees() {\n self._pending.forEach(function(pending) {\n if (self.remote.local_fee && pending.tx_json.Fee) {\n var old_fee = pending.tx_json.Fee;\n var new_fee = self.remote.fee_tx(pending.fee_units()).to_json();\n pending.tx_json.Fee = new_fee;\n pending.emit('fee_adjusted', old_fee, new_fee);\n }\n });\n }\n\n this.remote.on('load_changed', adjust_fees);\n\n function cache_transaction(message) {\n var hash = message.transaction.hash;\n var transaction = {\n ledger_hash: message.ledger_hash,\n ledger_index: message.ledger_index,\n metadata: message.meta,\n tx_json: message.transaction\n }\n\n transaction.tx_json.ledger_index = transaction.ledger_index;\n transaction.tx_json.inLedger = transaction.ledger_index;\n\n var pending = self._pending.get('hash', hash);\n\n if (pending) {\n pending.emit('success', transaction);\n } else {\n self._cache[hash] = transaction;\n }\n }\n\n this.account.on('transaction-outbound', cache_transaction);\n\n function update_pending_status(ledger) {\n self._pending.forEach(function(pending) {\n pending.last_ledger = ledger;\n switch (ledger.ledger_index - pending.submit_index) {\n case 8:\n pending.emit('lost', ledger);\n pending.emit('error', new RippleError('tejLost', 'Transaction lost'));\n break;\n case 4:\n pending.set_state('client_missing');\n pending.emit('missing', ledger);\n break;\n }\n });\n }\n\n this.remote.on('ledger_closed', update_pending_status);\n};\n\nutil.inherits(TransactionManager, EventEmitter);\n\n// request_tx presents transactions in\n// a format slightly different from\n// request_transaction_entry\nfunction rewrite_transaction(tx) {\n try {\n var result = {\n ledger_index: tx.ledger_index,\n metadata: tx.meta,\n tx_json: {\n Account: tx.Account,\n Amount: tx.Amount,\n Destination: tx.Destination,\n Fee: tx.Fee,\n Flags: tx.Flags,\n Sequence: tx.Sequence,\n SigningPubKey: tx.SigningPubKey,\n TransactionType: tx.TransactionType,\n hash: tx.hash\n }\n }\n } catch(exception) { }\n return result || { };\n};\n\nTransactionManager.prototype._resubmit = function(wait_ledgers) {\n var self = this;\n\n if (wait_ledgers) {\n var ledgers = Number(wait_ledgers) || 3;\n this._wait_ledgers(ledgers, function() {\n self._pending.forEach(resubmit_transaction);\n });\n } else {\n self._pending.forEach(resubmit_transaction);\n }\n\n function resubmit_transaction(pending) {\n if (!pending || pending.finalized) {\n // Transaction has been finalized, nothing to do\n return;\n }\n\n pending.emit('resubmit');\n\n if (!pending.hash) {\n self._request(pending);\n } else if (self._cache[pending.hash]) {\n var cached = self._cache[pending.hash];\n pending.emit('success', cached);\n delete self._cache[pending.hash];\n } else {\n // Transaction was successfully submitted, and\n // its hash discovered, but not validated\n self.remote.request_tx(pending.hash, pending_check);\n\n function pending_check(err, res) {\n if (self._is_not_found(err)) {\n //XX\n self._request(pending);\n } else {\n pending.emit('success', rewrite_transaction(res));\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\nTransactionManager.prototype._wait_ledgers = function(ledgers, callback) {\n var self = this;\n var closes = 0;\n\n function ledger_closed() {\n if (++closes === ledgers) {\n callback();\n self.remote.removeListener('ledger_closed', ledger_closed);\n }\n }\n\n this.remote.on('ledger_closed', ledger_closed);\n}\n\nTransactionManager.prototype._request = function(tx) {\n var self = this;\n var remote = this.remote;\n\n if (tx.attempts > 5) {\n tx.emit('error', new RippleError('tejAttemptsExceeded'));\n return;\n }\n\n var submit_request = remote.request_submit();\n\n if (remote.local_signing) {\n tx.sign();\n submit_request.tx_blob(tx.serialize().to_hex());\n } else {\n submit_request.secret(tx._secret);\n submit_request.build_path(tx._build_path);\n submit_request.tx_json(tx.tx_json);\n }\n\n function transaction_proposed(message) {\n tx.hash = message.tx_json.hash;\n tx.set_state('client_proposed');\n tx.emit('proposed', {\n tx_json: message.tx_json,\n engine_result: message.engine_result,\n engine_result_code: message.engine_result_code,\n engine_result_message: message.engine_result_message,\n // If server is honest, don't expect a final if rejected.\n rejected: tx.isRejected(message.engine_result_code),\n });\n }\n\n function transaction_failed(message) {\n function transaction_requested(err, res) {\n if (self._is_not_found(err)) {\n self._resubmit(1);\n } else {\n //XX\n tx.emit('error', new RippleError(message));\n }\n }\n\n self.remote.request_tx(tx.hash, transaction_requested);\n }\n\n function transaction_retry(message) {\n switch (message.engine_result) {\n case 'terPRE_SEQ':\n self._resubmit(1);\n break;\n default:\n submission_error(new RippleError(message));\n }\n }\n\n function submission_error(error) {\n if (self._is_too_busy(error)) {\n self._resubmit(1);\n } else {\n //Decrement sequence\n self._next_sequence--;\n tx.set_state('remoteError');\n tx.emit('submitted', error);\n tx.emit('error', new RippleError(error));\n }\n }\n\n function submission_success(message) {\n if (!tx.hash) {\n tx.hash = message.tx_json.hash;\n }\n\n message.result = message.engine_result || '';\n\n tx.emit('submitted', message);\n\n switch (message.result.slice(0, 3)) {\n case 'tec':\n tx.emit('error', message);\n break;\n case 'tes':\n transaction_proposed(message);\n break;\n case 'tef':\n //tefPAST_SEQ\n transaction_failed(message);\n break;\n case 'ter':\n transaction_retry(message);\n break;\n default:\n submission_error(message);\n }\n }\n\n submit_request.once('success', submission_success);\n submit_request.once('error', submission_error);\n submit_request.request();\n\n submit_request.timeout(this._submission_timeout, function() {\n tx.emit('timeout');\n if (self.remote._connected) {\n self._resubmit(1);\n }\n });\n\n tx.set_state('client_submitted');\n tx.attempts++;\n\n return submit_request;\n};\n\nTransactionManager.prototype._is_remote_error = function(error) {\n return error && typeof error === 'object'\n && error.error === 'remoteError'\n && typeof error.remote === 'object'\n};\n\nTransactionManager.prototype._is_not_found = function(error) {\n return this._is_remote_error(error) && /^(txnNotFound|transactionNotFound)$/.test(error.remote.error);\n};\n\nTransactionManager.prototype._is_too_busy = function(error) {\n return this._is_remote_error(error) && error.remote.error === 'tooBusy';\n};\n\n/**\n * Entry point for TransactionManager submission\n *\n * @param {Object} tx\n */\n\nTransactionManager.prototype.submit = function(tx) {\n var self = this;\n\n // If sequence number is not yet known, defer until it is.\n if (!this._next_sequence) {\n function resubmit_transaction() {\n self.submit(tx);\n }\n this.once('sequence_loaded', resubmit_transaction);\n return;\n }\n\n tx.tx_json.Sequence = this._next_sequence++;\n tx.submit_index = this.remote._ledger_current_index;\n tx.last_ledger = void(0);\n tx.attempts = 0;\n tx.complete();\n\n function finalize(message) {\n if (!tx.finalized) {\n //XX\n self._pending.removeSequence(tx.tx_json.Sequence);\n tx.finalized = true;\n tx.emit('final', message);\n }\n }\n\n tx.on('error', finalize);\n tx.once('success', finalize);\n tx.once('abort', function() {\n tx.emit('error', new RippleError('tejAbort', 'Transaction aborted'));\n });\n\n var fee = Number(tx.tx_json.Fee);\n var remote = this.remote;\n\n if (!tx._secret && !tx.tx_json.TxnSignature) {\n tx.emit('error', new RippleError('tejSecretUnknown', 'Missing secret'));\n } else if (!remote.trusted && !remote.local_signing) {\n tx.emit('error', new RippleError('tejServerUntrusted', 'Attempt to give secret to untrusted server'));\n } else if (fee && fee > this._max_fee) {\n tx.emit('error', new RippleError('tejMaxFeeExceeded', 'Max fee exceeded'));\n } else {\n this._pending.push(tx);\n this._request(tx);\n }\n};\n\nexports.TransactionManager = TransactionManager;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 30\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/transactionmanager.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/transactionmanager.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 31:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("// UTILITY\nvar util = require(5);\nvar pSlice = Array.prototype.slice;\n\nvar objectKeys = require(23);\nvar isRegExp = require(22);\n\n// 1. The assert module provides functions that throw\n// AssertionError's when particular conditions are not met. The\n// assert module must conform to the following interface.\n\nvar assert = module.exports = ok;\n\n// 2. The AssertionError is defined in assert.\n// new assert.AssertionError({ message: message,\n// actual: actual,\n// expected: expected })\n\nassert.AssertionError = function AssertionError(options) {\n this.name = 'AssertionError';\n this.message = options.message;\n this.actual = options.actual;\n this.expected = options.expected;\n this.operator = options.operator;\n var stackStartFunction = options.stackStartFunction || fail;\n\n if (Error.captureStackTrace) {\n Error.captureStackTrace(this, stackStartFunction);\n }\n};\nutil.inherits(assert.AssertionError, Error);\n\nfunction replacer(key, value) {\n if (value === undefined) {\n return '' + value;\n }\n if (typeof value === 'number' && (isNaN(value) || !isFinite(value))) {\n return value.toString();\n }\n if (typeof value === 'function' || value instanceof RegExp) {\n return value.toString();\n }\n return value;\n}\n\nfunction truncate(s, n) {\n if (typeof s == 'string') {\n return s.length < n ? s : s.slice(0, n);\n } else {\n return s;\n }\n}\n\nassert.AssertionError.prototype.toString = function() {\n if (this.message) {\n return [this.name + ':', this.message].join(' ');\n } else {\n return [\n this.name + ':',\n truncate(JSON.stringify(this.actual, replacer), 128),\n this.operator,\n truncate(JSON.stringify(this.expected, replacer), 128)\n ].join(' ');\n }\n};\n\n// assert.AssertionError instanceof Error\n\nassert.AssertionError.__proto__ = Error.prototype;\n\n// At present only the three keys mentioned above are used and\n// understood by the spec. Implementations or sub modules can pass\n// other keys to the AssertionError's constructor - they will be\n// ignored.\n\n// 3. All of the following functions must throw an AssertionError\n// when a corresponding condition is not met, with a message that\n// may be undefined if not provided. All assertion methods provide\n// both the actual and expected values to the assertion error for\n// display purposes.\n\nfunction fail(actual, expected, message, operator, stackStartFunction) {\n throw new assert.AssertionError({\n message: message,\n actual: actual,\n expected: expected,\n operator: operator,\n stackStartFunction: stackStartFunction\n });\n}\n\n// EXTENSION! allows for well behaved errors defined elsewhere.\nassert.fail = fail;\n\n// 4. Pure assertion tests whether a value is truthy, as determined\n// by !!guard.\n// assert.ok(guard, message_opt);\n// This statement is equivalent to assert.equal(true, !!guard,\n// message_opt);. To test strictly for the value true, use\n// assert.strictEqual(true, guard, message_opt);.\n\nfunction ok(value, message) {\n if (!!!value) fail(value, true, message, '==', assert.ok);\n}\nassert.ok = ok;\n\n// 5. The equality assertion tests shallow, coercive equality with\n// ==.\n// assert.equal(actual, expected, message_opt);\n\nassert.equal = function equal(actual, expected, message) {\n if (actual != expected) fail(actual, expected, message, '==', assert.equal);\n};\n\n// 6. The non-equality assertion tests for whether two objects are not equal\n// with != assert.notEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);\n\nassert.notEqual = function notEqual(actual, expected, message) {\n if (actual == expected) {\n fail(actual, expected, message, '!=', assert.notEqual);\n }\n};\n\n// 7. The equivalence assertion tests a deep equality relation.\n// assert.deepEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);\n\nassert.deepEqual = function deepEqual(actual, expected, message) {\n if (!_deepEqual(actual, expected)) {\n fail(actual, expected, message, 'deepEqual', assert.deepEqual);\n }\n};\n\nfunction _deepEqual(actual, expected) {\n // 7.1. All identical values are equivalent, as determined by ===.\n if (actual === expected) {\n return true;\n\n } else if (require(13).Buffer.isBuffer(actual) && require(13).Buffer.isBuffer(expected)) {\n if (actual.length != expected.length) return false;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) {\n if (actual[i] !== expected[i]) return false;\n }\n\n return true;\n\n // 7.2. If the expected value is a Date object, the actual value is\n // equivalent if it is also a Date object that refers to the same time.\n } else if (actual instanceof Date && expected instanceof Date) {\n return actual.getTime() === expected.getTime();\n\n // 7.3 If the expected value is a RegExp object, the actual value is\n // equivalent if it is also a RegExp object with the same source and\n // properties (`global`, `multiline`, `lastIndex`, `ignoreCase`).\n } else if (isRegExp(actual) && isRegExp(expected)) {\n return actual.source === expected.source &&\n actual.global === expected.global &&\n actual.multiline === expected.multiline &&\n actual.lastIndex === expected.lastIndex &&\n actual.ignoreCase === expected.ignoreCase;\n\n // 7.4. Other pairs that do not both pass typeof value == 'object',\n // equivalence is determined by ==.\n } else if (typeof actual != 'object' && typeof expected != 'object') {\n return actual == expected;\n\n // 7.5 For all other Object pairs, including Array objects, equivalence is\n // determined by having the same number of owned properties (as verified\n // with Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call), the same set of keys\n // (although not necessarily the same order), equivalent values for every\n // corresponding key, and an identical 'prototype' property. Note: this\n // accounts for both named and indexed properties on Arrays.\n } else {\n return objEquiv(actual, expected);\n }\n}\n\nfunction isUndefinedOrNull(value) {\n return value === null || value === undefined;\n}\n\nfunction isArguments(object) {\n return Object.prototype.toString.call(object) == '[object Arguments]';\n}\n\nfunction objEquiv(a, b) {\n if (isUndefinedOrNull(a) || isUndefinedOrNull(b))\n return false;\n // an identical 'prototype' property.\n if (a.prototype !== b.prototype) return false;\n //~~~I've managed to break Object.keys through screwy arguments passing.\n // Converting to array solves the problem.\n if (isArguments(a)) {\n if (!isArguments(b)) {\n return false;\n }\n a = pSlice.call(a);\n b = pSlice.call(b);\n return _deepEqual(a, b);\n }\n try {\n var ka = objectKeys(a),\n kb = objectKeys(b),\n key, i;\n } catch (e) {//happens when one is a string literal and the other isn't\n return false;\n }\n // having the same number of owned properties (keys incorporates\n // hasOwnProperty)\n if (ka.length != kb.length)\n return false;\n //the same set of keys (although not necessarily the same order),\n ka.sort();\n kb.sort();\n //~~~cheap key test\n for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n if (ka[i] != kb[i])\n return false;\n }\n //equivalent values for every corresponding key, and\n //~~~possibly expensive deep test\n for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n key = ka[i];\n if (!_deepEqual(a[key], b[key])) return false;\n }\n return true;\n}\n\n// 8. The non-equivalence assertion tests for any deep inequality.\n// assert.notDeepEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);\n\nassert.notDeepEqual = function notDeepEqual(actual, expected, message) {\n if (_deepEqual(actual, expected)) {\n fail(actual, expected, message, 'notDeepEqual', assert.notDeepEqual);\n }\n};\n\n// 9. The strict equality assertion tests strict equality, as determined by ===.\n// assert.strictEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);\n\nassert.strictEqual = function strictEqual(actual, expected, message) {\n if (actual !== expected) {\n fail(actual, expected, message, '===', assert.strictEqual);\n }\n};\n\n// 10. The strict non-equality assertion tests for strict inequality, as\n// determined by !==. assert.notStrictEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);\n\nassert.notStrictEqual = function notStrictEqual(actual, expected, message) {\n if (actual === expected) {\n fail(actual, expected, message, '!==', assert.notStrictEqual);\n }\n};\n\nfunction expectedException(actual, expected) {\n if (!actual || !expected) {\n return false;\n }\n\n if (isRegExp(expected)) {\n return expected.test(actual);\n } else if (actual instanceof expected) {\n return true;\n } else if (expected.call({}, actual) === true) {\n return true;\n }\n\n return false;\n}\n\nfunction _throws(shouldThrow, block, expected, message) {\n var actual;\n\n if (typeof expected === 'string') {\n message = expected;\n expected = null;\n }\n\n try {\n block();\n } catch (e) {\n actual = e;\n }\n\n message = (expected && expected.name ? ' (' + expected.name + ').' : '.') +\n (message ? ' ' + message : '.');\n\n if (shouldThrow && !actual) {\n fail(actual, expected, 'Missing expected exception' + message);\n }\n\n if (!shouldThrow && expectedException(actual, expected)) {\n fail(actual, expected, 'Got unwanted exception' + message);\n }\n\n if ((shouldThrow && actual && expected &&\n !expectedException(actual, expected)) || (!shouldThrow && actual)) {\n throw actual;\n }\n}\n\n// 11. Expected to throw an error:\n// assert.throws(block, Error_opt, message_opt);\n\nassert.throws = function(block, /*optional*/error, /*optional*/message) {\n _throws.apply(this, [true].concat(pSlice.call(arguments)));\n};\n\n// EXTENSION! This is annoying to write outside this module.\nassert.doesNotThrow = function(block, /*optional*/error, /*optional*/message) {\n _throws.apply(this, [false].concat(pSlice.call(arguments)));\n};\n\nassert.ifError = function(err) { if (err) {throw err;}};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 31\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/lib/assert.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/lib/assert.js");
+ eval("\nvar sjcl = require(11);\nvar utils = require(9);\nvar config = require(12);\nvar jsbn = require(20);\n\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\nvar nbi = jsbn.nbi;\n\nvar Base = require(4).Base;\n\n//\n// Abstract UInt class\n//\n// Base class for UInt??? classes\n//\n\nvar UInt = function () {\n // Internal form: NaN or BigInteger\n this._value = NaN;\n};\n\nUInt.json_rewrite = function (j, opts) {\n return this.from_json(j).to_json(opts);\n};\n\n// Return a new UInt from j.\nUInt.from_generic = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_generic(j);\n }\n};\n\n// Return a new UInt from j.\nUInt.from_hex = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_hex(j);\n }\n};\n\n// Return a new UInt from j.\nUInt.from_json = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_json(j);\n }\n};\n\n// Return a new UInt from j.\nUInt.from_bits = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_bits(j);\n }\n};\n\n// Return a new UInt from j.\nUInt.from_bytes = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_bytes(j);\n }\n};\n\n// Return a new UInt from j.\nUInt.from_bn = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_bn(j);\n }\n};\n\nUInt.is_valid = function (j) {\n return this.from_json(j).is_valid();\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.clone = function () {\n return this.copyTo(new this.constructor());\n};\n\n// Returns copy.\nUInt.prototype.copyTo = function (d) {\n d._value = this._value;\n\n return d;\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.equals = function (d) {\n return this._value instanceof BigInteger && d._value instanceof BigInteger && this._value.equals(d._value);\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.is_valid = function () {\n return this._value instanceof BigInteger;\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.is_zero = function () {\n return this._value.equals(BigInteger.ZERO);\n};\n\n// value = NaN on error.\nUInt.prototype.parse_generic = function (j) {\n // Canonicalize and validate\n if (config.accounts && j in config.accounts)\n j = config.accounts[j].account;\n\n switch (j) {\n case undefined:\n case \"0\":\n case this.constructor.STR_ZERO:\n case this.constructor.ACCOUNT_ZERO:\n case this.constructor.HEX_ZERO:\n this._value = nbi();\n break;\n\n case \"1\":\n case this.constructor.STR_ONE:\n case this.constructor.ACCOUNT_ONE:\n case this.constructor.HEX_ONE:\n this._value = new BigInteger([1]);\n\n break;\n\n default:\n if ('string' !== typeof j) {\n\t this._value = NaN;\n }\n else if (j[0] === \"r\") {\n\t this._value = Base.decode_check(Base.VER_ACCOUNT_ID, j);\n }\n else if (this.constructor.width === j.length) {\n\t this._value = new BigInteger(utils.stringToArray(j), 256);\n }\n else if ((this.constructor.width*2) === j.length) {\n\t // XXX Check char set!\n\t this._value = new BigInteger(j, 16);\n }\n else {\n\t this._value = NaN;\n }\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.parse_hex = function (j) {\n if ('string' === typeof j &&\n j.length === (this.constructor.width * 2)) {\n this._value = new BigInteger(j, 16);\n } else {\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.parse_bits = function (j) {\n if (sjcl.bitArray.bitLength(j) !== this.constructor.width * 8) {\n this._value = NaN;\n } else {\n var bytes = sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits(j);\n this.parse_bytes(bytes);\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n\nUInt.prototype.parse_bytes = function (j) {\n if (!Array.isArray(j) || j.length !== this.constructor.width) {\n\tthis._value = NaN;\n } else {\n\t this._value = new BigInteger(j, 256);\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n\nUInt.prototype.parse_json = UInt.prototype.parse_hex;\n\nUInt.prototype.parse_bn = function (j) {\n if (j instanceof sjcl.bn &&\n j.bitLength() <= this.constructor.width * 8) {\n var bytes = sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits(j.toBits());\n\t this._value = new BigInteger(bytes, 256);\n } else {\n this._value = NaN;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// Convert from internal form.\nUInt.prototype.to_bytes = function () {\n if (!(this._value instanceof BigInteger))\n return null;\n\n var bytes = this._value.toByteArray();\n bytes = bytes.map(function (b) { return (b+256) % 256; });\n var target = this.constructor.width;\n\n // XXX Make sure only trim off leading zeros.\n bytes = bytes.slice(-target);\n while (bytes.length < target) bytes.unshift(0);\n\n return bytes;\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.to_hex = function () {\n if (!(this._value instanceof BigInteger))\n return null;\n\n var bytes = this.to_bytes();\n return sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(sjcl.codec.bytes.toBits(bytes)).toUpperCase();\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.to_json = UInt.prototype.to_hex;\n\nUInt.prototype.to_bits = function () {\n if (!(this._value instanceof BigInteger))\n return null;\n\n var bytes = this.to_bytes();\n\n return sjcl.codec.bytes.toBits(bytes);\n};\n\nUInt.prototype.to_bn = function () {\n if (!(this._value instanceof BigInteger))\n return null;\n\n var bits = this.to_bits();\n\n return sjcl.bn.fromBits(bits);\n};\n\nexports.UInt = UInt;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 31\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/uint.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/uint.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 32:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("module.exports = function indexOf (xs, x) {\n if (xs.indexOf) return xs.indexOf(x);\n for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) {\n if (x === xs[i]) return i;\n }\n return -1;\n}\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 32\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/indexOf.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/indexOf.js");
+ eval("var sjcl = require(11);\n\nvar UInt256 = require(23).UInt256;\n\nvar KeyPair = function ()\n{\n this._curve = sjcl.ecc.curves['c256'];\n this._secret = null;\n this._pubkey = null;\n};\n\nKeyPair.from_bn_secret = function (j)\n{\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_bn_secret(j);\n }\n};\n\nKeyPair.prototype.parse_bn_secret = function (j)\n{\n this._secret = new sjcl.ecc.ecdsa.secretKey(sjcl.ecc.curves['c256'], j);\n return this;\n};\n\n/**\n * Returns public key as sjcl public key.\n *\n * @private\n */\nKeyPair.prototype._pub = function ()\n{\n var curve = this._curve;\n\n if (!this._pubkey && this._secret) {\n var exponent = this._secret._exponent;\n this._pubkey = new sjcl.ecc.ecdsa.publicKey(curve, curve.G.mult(exponent));\n }\n\n return this._pubkey;\n};\n\n/**\n * Returns public key as hex.\n *\n * Key will be returned as a compressed pubkey - 33 bytes converted to hex.\n */\nKeyPair.prototype.to_hex_pub = function ()\n{\n var pub = this._pub();\n if (!pub) return null;\n\n var point = pub._point, y_even = point.y.mod(2).equals(0);\n return sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(sjcl.bitArray.concat(\n [sjcl.bitArray.partial(8, y_even ? 0x02 : 0x03)],\n point.x.toBits(this._curve.r.bitLength())\n )).toUpperCase();\n};\n\nKeyPair.prototype.sign = function (hash)\n{\n hash = UInt256.from_json(hash);\n return this._secret.signDER(hash.to_bits(), 0);\n};\n\nexports.KeyPair = KeyPair;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 32\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/keypair.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/keypair.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 33:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("module.exports = Object.create || function (prototype, properties) {\n // from es5-shim\n var object;\n if (prototype === null) {\n object = { '__proto__' : null };\n }\n else {\n if (typeof prototype !== 'object') {\n throw new TypeError(\n 'typeof prototype[' + (typeof prototype) + '] != \\'object\\''\n );\n }\n var Type = function () {};\n Type.prototype = prototype;\n object = new Type();\n object.__proto__ = prototype;\n }\n if (typeof properties !== 'undefined' && Object.defineProperties) {\n Object.defineProperties(object, properties);\n }\n return object;\n};\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 33\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/objectCreate.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/objectCreate.js");
+ eval("\nvar sjcl = require(11);\nvar utils = require(9);\nvar config = require(12);\nvar jsbn = require(20);\nvar extend = require(29);\n\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\nvar nbi = jsbn.nbi;\n\nvar UInt = require(31).UInt,\n Base = require(4).Base;\n\n//\n// UInt128 support\n//\n\nvar UInt128 = extend(function () {\n // Internal form: NaN or BigInteger\n this._value = NaN;\n}, UInt);\n\nUInt128.width = 16;\nUInt128.prototype = extend({}, UInt.prototype);\nUInt128.prototype.constructor = UInt128;\n\nvar HEX_ZERO = UInt128.HEX_ZERO = \"00000000000000000000000000000000\";\nvar HEX_ONE = UInt128.HEX_ONE = \"00000000000000000000000000000000\";\nvar STR_ZERO = UInt128.STR_ZERO = utils.hexToString(HEX_ZERO);\nvar STR_ONE = UInt128.STR_ONE = utils.hexToString(HEX_ONE);\n\nexports.UInt128 = UInt128;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 33\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/uint128.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/uint128.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 34:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("module.exports = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function (obj) {\n var res = [];\n for (var key in obj) {\n if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) res.push(key);\n }\n return res;\n};\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 34\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/objectGetOwnPropertyNames.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/objectGetOwnPropertyNames.js");
+ eval("exports.readIEEE754 = function(buffer, offset, isBE, mLen, nBytes) {\n var e, m,\n eLen = nBytes * 8 - mLen - 1,\n eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1,\n eBias = eMax >> 1,\n nBits = -7,\n i = isBE ? 0 : (nBytes - 1),\n d = isBE ? 1 : -1,\n s = buffer[offset + i];\n\n i += d;\n\n e = s & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1);\n s >>= (-nBits);\n nBits += eLen;\n for (; nBits > 0; e = e * 256 + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8);\n\n m = e & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1);\n e >>= (-nBits);\n nBits += mLen;\n for (; nBits > 0; m = m * 256 + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8);\n\n if (e === 0) {\n e = 1 - eBias;\n } else if (e === eMax) {\n return m ? NaN : ((s ? -1 : 1) * Infinity);\n } else {\n m = m + Math.pow(2, mLen);\n e = e - eBias;\n }\n return (s ? -1 : 1) * m * Math.pow(2, e - mLen);\n};\n\nexports.writeIEEE754 = function(buffer, value, offset, isBE, mLen, nBytes) {\n var e, m, c,\n eLen = nBytes * 8 - mLen - 1,\n eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1,\n eBias = eMax >> 1,\n rt = (mLen === 23 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0),\n i = isBE ? (nBytes - 1) : 0,\n d = isBE ? -1 : 1,\n s = value < 0 || (value === 0 && 1 / value < 0) ? 1 : 0;\n\n value = Math.abs(value);\n\n if (isNaN(value) || value === Infinity) {\n m = isNaN(value) ? 1 : 0;\n e = eMax;\n } else {\n e = Math.floor(Math.log(value) / Math.LN2);\n if (value * (c = Math.pow(2, -e)) < 1) {\n e--;\n c *= 2;\n }\n if (e + eBias >= 1) {\n value += rt / c;\n } else {\n value += rt * Math.pow(2, 1 - eBias);\n }\n if (value * c >= 2) {\n e++;\n c /= 2;\n }\n\n if (e + eBias >= eMax) {\n m = 0;\n e = eMax;\n } else if (e + eBias >= 1) {\n m = (value * c - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen);\n e = e + eBias;\n } else {\n m = value * Math.pow(2, eBias - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen);\n e = 0;\n }\n }\n\n for (; mLen >= 8; buffer[offset + i] = m & 0xff, i += d, m /= 256, mLen -= 8);\n\n e = (e << mLen) | m;\n eLen += mLen;\n for (; eLen > 0; buffer[offset + i] = e & 0xff, i += d, e /= 256, eLen -= 8);\n\n buffer[offset + i - d] |= s * 128;\n};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 34\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer-browserify/buffer_ieee754.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer-browserify/buffer_ieee754.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 35:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("var sjcl = require(1);\n\nvar UInt256 = require(16).UInt256;\n\nvar KeyPair = function ()\n{\n this._curve = sjcl.ecc.curves['c256'];\n this._secret = null;\n this._pubkey = null;\n};\n\nKeyPair.from_bn_secret = function (j)\n{\n if (j instanceof this) {\n return j.clone();\n } else {\n return (new this()).parse_bn_secret(j);\n }\n};\n\nKeyPair.prototype.parse_bn_secret = function (j)\n{\n this._secret = new sjcl.ecc.ecdsa.secretKey(sjcl.ecc.curves['c256'], j);\n return this;\n};\n\n/**\n * Returns public key as sjcl public key.\n *\n * @private\n */\nKeyPair.prototype._pub = function ()\n{\n var curve = this._curve;\n\n if (!this._pubkey && this._secret) {\n var exponent = this._secret._exponent;\n this._pubkey = new sjcl.ecc.ecdsa.publicKey(curve, curve.G.mult(exponent));\n }\n\n return this._pubkey;\n};\n\n/**\n * Returns public key as hex.\n *\n * Key will be returned as a compressed pubkey - 33 bytes converted to hex.\n */\nKeyPair.prototype.to_hex_pub = function ()\n{\n var pub = this._pub();\n if (!pub) return null;\n\n var point = pub._point, y_even = point.y.mod(2).equals(0);\n return sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(sjcl.bitArray.concat(\n [sjcl.bitArray.partial(8, y_even ? 0x02 : 0x03)],\n point.x.toBits(this._curve.r.bitLength())\n )).toUpperCase();\n};\n\nKeyPair.prototype.sign = function (hash)\n{\n hash = UInt256.from_json(hash);\n return this._secret.signDER(hash.to_bits(), 0);\n};\n\nexports.KeyPair = KeyPair;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 35\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/keypair.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/keypair.js");
+ eval("module.exports = typeof Array.isArray === 'function'\n ? Array.isArray\n : function (xs) {\n return Object.prototype.toString.call(xs) === '[object Array]'\n }\n;\n\n/*\n\nalternative\n\nfunction isArray(ar) {\n return ar instanceof Array ||\n Array.isArray(ar) ||\n (ar && ar !== Object.prototype && isArray(ar.__proto__));\n}\n\n*/\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 35\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/isArray.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/isArray.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 36:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("var EventEmitter = require(6).EventEmitter;\nvar util = require(5);\n\nvar Amount = require(3).Amount;\n\nvar extend = require(2);\n\n/**\n * Represents a persistent path finding request.\n *\n * Only one path find request is allowed per connection, so when another path\n * find request is triggered it will supercede the existing one, making it emit\n * the 'end' and 'superceded' events.\n */\nvar PathFind = function (remote, src_account, dst_account,\n dst_amount, src_currencies)\n{\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n this.remote = remote;\n\n this.src_account = src_account;\n this.dst_account = dst_account;\n this.dst_amount = dst_amount;\n this.src_currencies = src_currencies;\n};\n\nutil.inherits(PathFind, EventEmitter);\n\n/**\n * Submits a path_find_create request to the network.\n *\n * This starts a path find request, superceding all previous path finds.\n *\n * This will be called automatically by Remote when this object is instantiated,\n * so you should only have to call it if the path find was closed or superceded\n * and you wish to restart it.\n */\nPathFind.prototype.create = function ()\n{\n var self = this;\n\n var req = this.remote.request_path_find_create(this.src_account,\n this.dst_account,\n this.dst_amount,\n this.src_currencies,\n handleInitialPath);\n\n function handleInitialPath(err, msg) {\n if (err) {\n self.emit('error', err);\n return;\n }\n self.notify_update(msg);\n }\n\n // XXX We should add ourselves to prepare_subscribe or a similar mechanism so\n // that we can resubscribe after a reconnection.\n\n req.request();\n};\n\nPathFind.prototype.close = function ()\n{\n this.remote.request_path_find_close().request();\n this.emit('end');\n this.emit('close');\n};\n\nPathFind.prototype.notify_update = function (message)\n{\n var src_account = message.source_account;\n var dst_account = message.destination_account;\n var dst_amount = Amount.from_json(message.destination_amount);\n\n // Only pass the event along if this path find response matches what we were\n // looking for.\n if (this.src_account === src_account &&\n this.dst_account === dst_account &&\n this.dst_amount.equals(dst_amount)) {\n this.emit('update', message);\n }\n};\n\nPathFind.prototype.notify_superceded = function ()\n{\n // XXX If we're set to re-subscribe whenever we connect to a new server, then\n // we should cancel that behavior here. See PathFind#create.\n\n this.emit('end');\n this.emit('superceded');\n};\n\nexports.PathFind = PathFind;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 36\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/pathfind.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/pathfind.js");
+ eval("module.exports = function indexOf (xs, x) {\n if (xs.indexOf) return xs.indexOf(x);\n for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) {\n if (x === xs[i]) return i;\n }\n return -1;\n}\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 36\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/indexOf.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/indexOf.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 37:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("// Remote access to a server.\n// - We never send binary data.\n// - We use the W3C interface for node and browser compatibility:\n// http://www.w3.org/TR/websockets/#the-websocket-interface\n//\n// This class is intended for both browser and node.js use.\n//\n// This class is designed to work via peer protocol via either the public or\n// private websocket interfaces. The JavaScript class for the peer protocol\n// has not yet been implemented. However, this class has been designed for it\n// to be a very simple drop option.\n//\n// YYY Will later provide js/network.js which will transparently use multiple\n// instances of this class for network access.\n//\n\n// npm\nvar EventEmitter = require(6).EventEmitter;\nvar util = require(5);\n\nvar Request = require(38).Request;\nvar Server = require(29).Server;\nvar Amount = require(3).Amount;\nvar Currency = require(11).Currency;\nvar UInt160 = require(9).UInt160;\nvar Transaction = require(19).Transaction;\nvar Account = require(24).Account;\nvar Meta = require(18).Meta;\nvar OrderBook = require(25).OrderBook;\nvar PathFind = require(36).PathFind;\nvar RippleError = require(14).RippleError;\n\nvar utils = require(4);\nvar config = require(8);\nvar sjcl = require(1);\n\n/**\n Interface to manage the connection to a Ripple server.\n\n This implementation uses WebSockets.\n\n Keys for opts:\n\n trace\n max_listeners : Set maxListeners for remote; prevents EventEmitter warnings\n connection_offset : Connect to remote servers on supplied interval (in seconds)\n trusted : truthy, if remote is trusted\n max_fee : Maximum acceptable transaction fee\n fee_cushion : Extra fee multiplier to account for async fee changes.\n servers : Array of server objects with the following form\n\n { \n host: \n , port: \n , secure: \n }\n\n Events:\n 'connect'\n 'connected' (DEPRECATED)\n 'disconnect'\n 'disconnected' (DEPRECATED)\n 'state':\n - 'online' : Connected and subscribed.\n - 'offline' : Not subscribed or not connected.\n 'subscribed' : This indicates stand-alone is available.\n\n Server events:\n 'ledger_closed' : A good indicate of ready to serve.\n 'transaction' : Transactions we receive based on current subscriptions.\n 'transaction_all' : Listening triggers a subscribe to all transactions\n globally in the network.\n\n @param opts Connection options.\n @param trace\n*/\n\nfunction Remote(opts, trace) {\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n var self = this;\n\n this.trusted = Boolean(opts.trusted);\n this.local_sequence = Boolean(opts.local_sequence); // Locally track sequence numbers\n this.local_fee = (typeof opts.local_fee === 'undefined') ? true : Boolean(opts.local_fee); // Locally set fees\n this.local_signing = (typeof opts.local_signing === 'undefined') ? true : Boolean(opts.local_signing);\n this.fee_cushion = (typeof opts.fee_cushion === 'undefined') ? 1.5 : Number(opts.fee_cushion);\n this.max_fee = (typeof opts.max_fee === 'undefined') ? Infinity : Number(opts.max_fee);\n this.id = 0;\n this.trace = Boolean(opts.trace);\n this._server_fatal = false; // True, if we know server exited.\n this._ledger_current_index = void(0);\n this._ledger_hash = void(0);\n this._ledger_time = void(0);\n this._stand_alone = void(0);\n this._testnet = void(0);\n this._transaction_subs = 0;\n this.online_target = false;\n this._online_state = 'closed'; // 'open', 'closed', 'connecting', 'closing'\n this.state = 'offline'; // 'online', 'offline'\n this.retry_timer = void(0);\n this.retry = void(0);\n\n this._load_base = 256;\n this._load_factor = 256;\n this._fee_ref = 10;\n this._fee_base = 10;\n this._reserve_base = void(0);\n this._reserve_inc = void(0);\n this._connection_count = 0;\n this._connected = false;\n this._connection_offset = 1000 * (Number(opts.connection_offset) || 5);\n this._submission_timeout = 1000 * (Number(opts.submission_timeout) || 10);\n\n this._last_tx = null;\n this._cur_path_find = null;\n\n // Local signing implies local fees and sequences\n if (this.local_signing) {\n this.local_sequence = true;\n this.local_fee = true;\n }\n\n this._servers = [ ];\n this._primary_server = void(0);\n\n // Cache information for accounts.\n // DEPRECATED, will be removed\n this.accounts = {\n // Consider sequence numbers stable if you know you're not generating bad transactions.\n // Otherwise, clear it to have it automatically refreshed from the network.\n\n // account : { seq : __ }\n };\n\n // Account objects by AccountId.\n this._accounts = { };\n\n // OrderBook objects\n this._books = { };\n\n // Secrets that we know about.\n this.secrets = {\n // Secrets can be set by calling set_secret(account, secret).\n\n // account : secret\n };\n\n // Cache for various ledgers.\n // XXX Clear when ledger advances.\n this.ledgers = {\n current : {\n account_root : {}\n }\n };\n\n // Fallback for previous API\n if (!opts.hasOwnProperty('servers')) {\n opts.servers = [ \n {\n host: opts.websocket_ip,\n port: opts.websocket_port,\n secure: opts.websocket_ssl,\n trusted: opts.trusted\n }\n ];\n }\n\n opts.servers.forEach(function(server) {\n var pool = Number(server.pool) || 1;\n while (pool--) { self.add_server(server); };\n });\n\n // This is used to remove Node EventEmitter warnings\n var maxListeners = opts.maxListeners || opts.max_listeners || 0;\n this._servers.concat(this).forEach(function(emitter) {\n emitter.setMaxListeners(maxListeners);\n });\n\n function listener_added(type, listener) {\n if (type === 'transaction_all') {\n if (!self._transaction_subs && self._connected) {\n self.request_subscribe('transactions').request();\n }\n self._transaction_subs += 1;\n }\n }\n\n function listener_removed(type, listener) {\n if (type === 'transaction_all') {\n self._transaction_subs -= 1;\n if (!self._transaction_subs && self._connected) {\n self.request_unsubscribe('transactions').request();\n }\n }\n }\n\n this.on('newListener', listener_added);\n this.on('removeListener', listener_removed);\n}\n\nutil.inherits(Remote, EventEmitter);\n\n// Flags for ledger entries. In support of account_root().\nRemote.flags = {\n account_root : {\n PasswordSpent: 0x00010000,\n RequireDestTag: 0x00020000,\n RequireAuth: 0x00040000,\n DisallowXRP: 0x00080000\n }\n};\n\nfunction isTemMalformed(engine_result_code) {\n return (engine_result_code >= -299 && engine_result_code < 199);\n};\n\nfunction isTefFailure(engine_result_code) {\n return (engine_result_code >= -299 && engine_result_code < 199);\n};\n\nRemote.from_config = function (obj, trace) {\n var serverConfig = typeof obj === 'string' ? config.servers[obj] : obj;\n\n var remote = new Remote(serverConfig, trace);\n\n function initialize_account(account) {\n var accountInfo = config.accounts[account];\n if (typeof accountInfo === 'object') {\n if (accountInfo.secret) {\n // Index by nickname ...\n remote.set_secret(account, accountInfo.secret);\n // ... and by account ID\n remote.set_secret(accountInfo.account, accountInfo.secret);\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (typeof config.accounts === 'object') {\n for (var account in config.accounts) {\n initialize_account(account);\n }\n }\n\n return remote;\n};\n\nRemote.create_remote = function(options, callback) {\n var remote = Remote.from_config(options);\n remote.connect(callback);\n return remote;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.add_server = function (opts) {\n var self = this;\n\n var server = new Server(this, {\n host : opts.host || opts.websocket_ip,\n port : opts.port || opts.websocket_port,\n secure : opts.secure || opts.websocket_ssl\n });\n\n function server_message(data) {\n self._handle_message(data, server);\n }\n\n function server_connect() {\n self._connection_count++;\n self._set_state('online');\n if (opts.primary || !self._primary_server) {\n self._set_primary_server(server);\n }\n if (self._connection_count === self._servers.length) {\n self.emit('ready');\n }\n }\n\n function server_disconnect() {\n self._connection_count--;\n if (!self._connection_count) {\n self._set_state('offline');\n }\n }\n\n server.on('message', server_message);\n server.on('connect', server_connect);\n server.on('disconnect', server_disconnect);\n\n this._servers.push(server);\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// Inform remote that the remote server is not comming back.\nRemote.prototype.server_fatal = function () {\n this._server_fatal = true;\n};\n\n// Set the emitted state: 'online' or 'offline'\nRemote.prototype._set_state = function (state) {\n this._trace('remote: set_state: %s', state);\n\n if (this.state !== state) {\n this.state = state;\n\n this.emit('state', state);\n\n switch (state) {\n case 'online':\n this._online_state = 'open';\n this._connected = true;\n this.emit('connect');\n this.emit('connected');\n break;\n\n case 'offline':\n this._online_state = 'closed';\n this._connected = false;\n this.emit('disconnect');\n this.emit('disconnected');\n break;\n }\n }\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.set_trace = function (trace) {\n this.trace = trace === void(0) || trace;\n return this;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype._trace = function() {\n if (this.trace) {\n utils.logObject.apply(utils, arguments);\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Connect to the Ripple network.\n */\nRemote.prototype.connect = function (online) {\n if (!this._servers.length) {\n throw new Error('No servers available.');\n }\n\n switch (typeof online) {\n case 'undefined':\n break;\n case 'function':\n this.once('connect', online);\n break;\n default:\n // Downwards compatibility\n if (!Boolean(online)) {\n return this.disconnect();\n }\n }\n\n var self = this;\n\n ;(function nextServer(i) {\n var server = self._servers[i];\n server.connect();\n server._sid = ++i;\n\n if (i < self._servers.length) {\n setTimeout(function() {\n nextServer(i);\n }, self._connection_offset);\n }\n })(0);\n\n return this;\n};\n\n/**\n * Disconnect from the Ripple network.\n */\nRemote.prototype.disconnect = function (online) {\n if (!this._servers.length) {\n throw new Error('No servers available, not disconnecting');\n }\n\n this._servers.forEach(function(server) {\n server.disconnect();\n });\n\n this._set_state('offline');\n\n return this;\n};\n\n// It is possible for messages to be dispatched after the connection is closed.\nRemote.prototype._handle_message = function (message, server) {\n var self = this;\n\n try { message = JSON.parse(message); } catch(e) { }\n\n var unexpected = typeof message !== 'object' || typeof message.type !== 'string';\n\n if (unexpected) {\n // Unexpected response from remote.\n this.emit('error', new RippleError('remoteUnexpected', 'Unexpected response from remote'));\n return;\n }\n\n switch (message.type) {\n case 'response':\n // Handled by the server that sent the request\n break;\n\n case 'ledgerClosed':\n // XXX If not trusted, need to verify we consider ledger closed.\n // XXX Also need to consider a slow server or out of order response.\n // XXX Be more defensive fields could be missing or of wrong type.\n // YYY Might want to do some cache management.\n\n this._ledger_time = message.ledger_time;\n this._ledger_hash = message.ledger_hash;\n this._ledger_current_index = message.ledger_index + 1;\n\n this.emit('ledger_closed', message, server);\n break;\n\n case 'transaction':\n // To get these events, just subscribe to them. A subscribes and\n // unsubscribes will be added as needed.\n // XXX If not trusted, need proof.\n\n // De-duplicate transactions that are immediately following each other\n // XXX Should have a cache of n txs so we can dedup out of order txs\n if (this._last_tx === message.transaction.hash) {\n break;\n }\n\n this._last_tx = message.transaction.hash;\n\n this._trace('remote: tx: %s', message);\n\n // Process metadata\n message.mmeta = new Meta(message.meta);\n\n // Pass the event on to any related Account objects\n message.mmeta.getAffectedAccounts().forEach(function(account) {\n account = self._accounts[account];\n if (account) {\n account.notifyTx(message);\n }\n });\n\n // Pass the event on to any related OrderBooks\n message.mmeta.getAffectedBooks().forEach(function(book) {\n book = self._books[book];\n if (book) {\n book.notifyTx(message);\n }\n });\n\n this.emit('transaction', message);\n this.emit('transaction_all', message);\n break;\n\n case 'path_find':\n // Pass the event to the currently open PathFind object\n if (this._cur_path_find) {\n this._cur_path_find.notify_update(message);\n }\n\n this.emit('path_find_all', message);\n break;\n case 'serverStatus':\n self.emit('server_status', message);\n\n var load_changed = message.hasOwnProperty('load_base')\n && message.hasOwnProperty('load_factor')\n && (message.load_base !== self._load_base || message.load_factor !== self._load_factor)\n ;\n\n if (load_changed) {\n self._load_base = message.load_base;\n self._load_factor = message.load_factor;\n var obj = {\n load_base: self._load_base,\n load_factor: self._load_factor,\n fee_units: self.fee_tx_unit()\n }\n self.emit('load', obj);\n self.emit('load_changed', obj);\n }\n break;\n\n // All other messages\n default:\n this._trace('remote: ' + message.type + ': %s', message);\n this.emit('net_' + message.type, message);\n break;\n }\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.ledger_hash = function () {\n return this._ledger_hash;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype._set_primary_server = function (server) {\n if (this._primary_server) {\n this._primary_server._primary = false;\n }\n this._primary_server = server;\n this._primary_server._primary = true;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype._server_is_available = function (server) {\n return server && server._connected;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype._next_server = function () {\n var result = null;\n\n for (var i=0; i request: what to send, consumed.\nRemote.prototype.request = function (request) {\n if (!this._servers.length) {\n request.emit('error', new Error('No servers available'));\n } else if (!this._connected) {\n this.once('connect', this.request.bind(this, request));\n } else if (request.server === null) {\n this.emit('error', new Error('Server does not exist'));\n } else {\n var server = request.server || this._get_server();\n if (server) {\n server.request(request);\n } else {\n request.emit('error', new Error('No servers available'));\n }\n }\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_server_info = function(callback) {\n return new Request(this, 'server_info').callback(callback);\n};\n\n// XXX This is a bad command. Some varients don't scale.\n// XXX Require the server to be trusted.\nRemote.prototype.request_ledger = function (ledger, opts, callback) {\n //utils.assert(this.trusted);\n\n var request = new Request(this, 'ledger');\n\n if (ledger) {\n // DEPRECATED: use .ledger_hash() or .ledger_index()\n console.log('request_ledger: ledger parameter is deprecated');\n request.message.ledger = ledger;\n }\n\n var props = [\n 'full'\n , 'expand'\n , 'transactions'\n , 'accounts' \n ];\n\n switch (typeof opts) {\n case 'object':\n for (var key in opts) {\n if (~props.indexOf(key)) {\n request.message[key] = true;\n }\n }\n break;\n\n case 'function':\n callback = opts;\n opts = void(0);\n break;\n\n default:\n //DEPRECATED\n console.log('request_ledger: full parameter is deprecated');\n request.message.full = true;\n break;\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// Only for unit testing.\nRemote.prototype.request_ledger_hash = function (callback) {\n //utils.assert(this.trusted); // If not trusted, need to check proof.\n\n return new Request(this, 'ledger_closed').callback(callback);\n};\n\n// .ledger()\n// .ledger_index()\nRemote.prototype.request_ledger_header = function (callback) {\n return new Request(this, 'ledger_header').callback(callback);\n};\n\n// Get the current proposed ledger entry. May be closed (and revised) at any time (even before returning).\n// Only for unit testing.\nRemote.prototype.request_ledger_current = function (callback) {\n return new Request(this, 'ledger_current').callback(callback);\n};\n\n// --> type : the type of ledger entry.\n// .ledger()\n// .ledger_index()\n// .offer_id()\nRemote.prototype.request_ledger_entry = function (type, callback) {\n //utils.assert(this.trusted); // If not trusted, need to check proof, maybe talk packet protocol.\n\n var self = this;\n var request = new Request(this, 'ledger_entry');\n\n // Transparent caching. When .request() is invoked, look in the Remote object for the result.\n // If not found, listen, cache result, and emit it.\n //\n // Transparent caching:\n if (type === 'account_root') {\n request.request_default = request.request;\n\n request.request = function () { // Intercept default request.\n var bDefault = true;\n // .self = Remote\n // this = Request\n\n // console.log('request_ledger_entry: caught');\n\n //if (self._ledger_hash) {\n // A specific ledger is requested.\n // XXX Add caching.\n // else if (req.ledger_index)\n // else if ('ripple_state' === request.type) // YYY Could be cached per ledger.\n //} \n \n if (!self._ledger_hash && type === 'account_root') {\n var cache = self.ledgers.current.account_root;\n\n if (!cache) {\n cache = self.ledgers.current.account_root = {};\n }\n\n var node = self.ledgers.current.account_root[request.message.account_root];\n\n if (node) {\n // Emulate fetch of ledger entry.\n // console.log('request_ledger_entry: emulating');\n // YYY Missing lots of fields.\n request.emit('success', { node: node });\n bDefault = false;\n } else { // Was not cached.\n // XXX Only allow with trusted mode. Must sync response with advance.\n switch (type) {\n case 'account_root':\n request.on('success', function (message) {\n // Cache node.\n // console.log('request_ledger_entry: caching');\n self.ledgers.current.account_root[message.node.Account] = message.node;\n });\n break;\n\n default:\n // This type not cached.\n // console.log('request_ledger_entry: non-cached type');\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (bDefault) {\n // console.log('request_ledger_entry: invoking');\n request.request_default();\n }\n };\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// .accounts(accounts, realtime)\nRemote.prototype.request_subscribe = function (streams, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'subscribe');\n\n if (streams) {\n request.message.streams = Array.isArray(streams) ? streams : [ streams ];\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// .accounts(accounts, realtime)\nRemote.prototype.request_unsubscribe = function (streams, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'unsubscribe');\n\n if (streams) {\n request.message.streams = Array.isArray(streams) ? streams : [ streams ];\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// .ledger_choose()\n// .ledger_hash()\n// .ledger_index()\nRemote.prototype.request_transaction = \nRemote.prototype.request_transaction_entry = function (tx_hash, ledger_hash, callback) {\n //utils.assert(this.trusted); // If not trusted, need to check proof, maybe talk packet protocol.\n var request = new Request(this, 'transaction_entry');\n\n request.tx_hash(tx_hash);\n\n switch (typeof ledger_hash) {\n case 'string':\n request.ledger_hash(ledger_hash);\n break;\n default:\n request.ledger_index('validated');\n callback = ledger_hash;\n }\n \n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// DEPRECATED: use request_transaction_entry\nRemote.prototype.request_tx = function (hash, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'tx');\n request.message.transaction = hash;\n request.callback(callback);\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_account_info = function (accountID, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'account_info');\n request.message.ident = UInt160.json_rewrite(accountID); // DEPRECATED\n request.message.account = UInt160.json_rewrite(accountID);\n request.callback(callback);\n return request;\n};\n\n// --> account_index: sub_account index (optional)\n// --> current: true, for the current ledger.\nRemote.prototype.request_account_lines = function (accountID, account_index, current, callback) {\n // XXX Does this require the server to be trusted?\n //utils.assert(this.trusted);\n\n var request = new Request(this, 'account_lines');\n\n request.message.account = UInt160.json_rewrite(accountID);\n\n if (account_index) {\n request.message.index = account_index;\n }\n\n request.ledger_choose(current);\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// --> account_index: sub_account index (optional)\n// --> current: true, for the current ledger.\nRemote.prototype.request_account_offers = function (accountID, account_index, current, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'account_offers');\n\n request.message.account = UInt160.json_rewrite(accountID);\n\n if (account_index) {\n request.message.index = account_index;\n }\n\n request.ledger_choose(current);\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n\n/*\n account: account,\n ledger_index_min: ledger_index, // optional, defaults to -1 if ledger_index_max is specified.\n ledger_index_max: ledger_index, // optional, defaults to -1 if ledger_index_min is specified.\n binary: boolean, // optional, defaults to false\n count: boolean, // optional, defaults to false\n descending: boolean, // optional, defaults to false\n offset: integer, // optional, defaults to 0\n limit: integer // optional\n*/\n\nRemote.prototype.request_account_tx = function (obj, callback) {\n // XXX Does this require the server to be trusted?\n //utils.assert(this.trusted);\n\n var request = new Request(this, 'account_tx');\n\n request.message.account = obj.account;\n\n var props = [\n 'ledger_index_min'\n , 'ledger_index_max'\n , 'binary'\n , 'count'\n , 'descending'\n , 'offset'\n , 'limit'\n ];\n\n for (var key in obj) {\n if (~props.indexOf(key)) {\n request.message[key] = obj[key];\n }\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n/**\n * Request the overall transaction history.\n *\n * Returns a list of transactions that happened recently on the network. The\n * default number of transactions to be returned is 20.\n */\nRemote.prototype.request_tx_history = function (start, callback) {\n // XXX Does this require the server to be trusted?\n //utils.assert(this.trusted);\n\n var request = new Request(this, 'tx_history');\n\n request.message.start = start;\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_book_offers = function (gets, pays, taker, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'book_offers');\n\n request.message.taker_gets = {\n currency: Currency.json_rewrite(gets.currency)\n };\n\n if (request.message.taker_gets.currency !== 'XRP') {\n request.message.taker_gets.issuer = UInt160.json_rewrite(gets.issuer);\n }\n\n request.message.taker_pays = {\n currency: Currency.json_rewrite(pays.currency)\n };\n\n if (request.message.taker_pays.currency !== 'XRP') {\n request.message.taker_pays.issuer = UInt160.json_rewrite(pays.issuer);\n }\n\n request.message.taker = taker ? taker : UInt160.ACCOUNT_ONE;\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_wallet_accounts = function (seed, callback) {\n utils.assert(this.trusted); // Don't send secrets.\n var request = new Request(this, 'wallet_accounts');\n request.message.seed = seed;\n return request.callback(callback);\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_sign = function (secret, tx_json, callback) {\n utils.assert(this.trusted); // Don't send secrets.\n var request = new Request(this, 'sign');\n request.message.secret = secret;\n request.message.tx_json = tx_json;\n request.callback(callback);\n return request;\n};\n\n// Submit a transaction.\nRemote.prototype.request_submit = function (callback) {\n return new Request(this, 'submit').callback(callback);\n};\n\n//\n// Higher level functions.\n//\n\n/**\n * Create a subscribe request with current subscriptions.\n *\n * Other classes can add their own subscriptions to this request by listening to\n * the server_subscribe event.\n *\n * This function will create and return the request, but not submit it.\n */\nRemote.prototype._server_prepare_subscribe = function (callback) {\n var self = this;\n\n var feeds = [ 'ledger', 'server' ];\n\n if (this._transaction_subs) {\n feeds.push('transactions');\n }\n\n var request = this.request_subscribe(feeds);\n\n request.once('success', function (message) {\n self._stand_alone = !!message.stand_alone;\n self._testnet = !!message.testnet;\n\n if (typeof message.random === 'string') {\n var rand = message.random.match(/[0-9A-F]{8}/ig);\n while (rand && rand.length) {\n sjcl.random.addEntropy(parseInt(rand.pop(), 16));\n }\n self.emit('random', utils.hexToArray(message.random));\n }\n\n if (message.ledger_hash && message.ledger_index) {\n self._ledger_time = message.ledger_time;\n self._ledger_hash = message.ledger_hash;\n self._ledger_current_index = message.ledger_index+1;\n self.emit('ledger_closed', message);\n }\n\n // FIXME Use this to estimate fee.\n // XXX When we have multiple server support, most of this should be tracked\n // by the Server objects and then aggregated/interpreted by Remote.\n self._load_base = message.load_base || 256;\n self._load_factor = message.load_factor || 256;\n self._fee_ref = message.fee_ref;\n self._fee_base = message.fee_base;\n self._reserve_base = message.reserve_base;\n self._reserve_inc = message.reserve_inc;\n\n self.emit('subscribed');\n });\n\n request.on('error', function (err) {\n // XXX We need a better global error handling\n console.log(err);\n });\n\n self.emit('prepare_subscribe', request);\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n // XXX Could give error events, maybe even time out.\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// For unit testing: ask the remote to accept the current ledger.\n// - To be notified when the ledger is accepted, server_subscribe() then listen to 'ledger_hash' events.\n// A good way to be notified of the result of this is:\n// remote.once('ledger_closed', function (ledger_closed, ledger_index) { ... } );\nRemote.prototype.ledger_accept = function (callback) {\n if (this._stand_alone) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'ledger_accept');\n request.request();\n request.callback(callback);\n } else {\n this.emit('error', { error : 'notStandAlone' });\n }\n return this;\n};\n\n// Return a request to refresh the account balance.\nRemote.prototype.request_account_balance = function (account, current, callback) {\n var request = this.request_ledger_entry('account_root');\n request.account_root(account);\n request.ledger_choose(current);\n request.once('success', function (message) {\n request.emit('account_balance', Amount.from_json(message.node.Balance));\n });\n request.callback(callback, 'account_balance');\n return request;\n};\n\n// Return a request to return the account flags.\nRemote.prototype.request_account_flags = function (account, current, callback) {\n var request = this.request_ledger_entry('account_root');\n request.account_root(account);\n request.ledger_choose(current);\n request.on('success', function (message) {\n request.emit('account_flags', message.node.Flags);\n });\n request.callback(callback, 'account_flags');\n return request;\n};\n\n// Return a request to emit the owner count.\nRemote.prototype.request_owner_count = function (account, current, callback) {\n var request = this.request_ledger_entry('account_root');\n request.account_root(account);\n request.ledger_choose(current);\n request.on('success', function (message) {\n request.emit('owner_count', message.node.OwnerCount);\n });\n request.callback(callback, 'owner_count');\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.get_account =\nRemote.prototype.account = function (accountId) {\n var accountId = UInt160.json_rewrite(accountId);\n var account = this._accounts[accountId];\n\n if (!account) {\n account = new Account(this, accountId);\n if (account.is_valid()) {\n this._accounts[accountId] = account;\n }\n }\n\n return account;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.path_find = function (src_account, dst_account, dst_amount, src_currencies) {\n var path_find = new PathFind(this, src_account, dst_account, dst_amount, src_currencies);\n\n if (this._cur_path_find) {\n this._cur_path_find.notify_superceded();\n }\n\n path_find.create();\n\n this._cur_path_find = path_find;\n\n return path_find;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.book = function (currency_gets, issuer_gets, currency_pays, issuer_pays) {\n var gets = currency_gets + (currency_gets === 'XRP' ? '' : ('/' + issuer_gets));\n var pays = currency_pays + (currency_pays === 'XRP' ? '' : ('/' + issuer_pays));\n var key = gets + ':' + pays;\n var book;\n\n if (!this._books.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\n book = new OrderBook(this, currency_gets, issuer_gets, currency_pays, issuer_pays);\n if (book.is_valid()) {\n this._books[key] = book;\n }\n }\n\n return this._books[key];\n};\n\n// Return the next account sequence if possible.\n// <-- undefined or Sequence\nRemote.prototype.account_seq = function (account, advance) {\n var account = UInt160.json_rewrite(account);\n var account_info = this.accounts[account];\n var seq;\n\n if (account_info && account_info.seq) {\n seq = account_info.seq;\n account_info.seq += { ADVANCE: 1, REWIND: -1 }[advance.toUpperCase()] || 0;\n }\n\n return seq;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.set_account_seq = function (account, seq) {\n var account = UInt160.json_rewrite(account);\n\n if (!this.accounts.hasOwnProperty(account)) {\n this.accounts[account] = { };\n }\n\n this.accounts[account].seq = seq;\n}\n\n// Return a request to refresh accounts[account].seq.\nRemote.prototype.account_seq_cache = function (account, current, callback) {\n var self = this;\n\n if (!this.accounts.hasOwnProperty(account)) {\n this.accounts[account] = { };\n }\n\n var account_info = this.accounts[account];\n var request = account_info.caching_seq_request;\n\n if (!request) {\n // console.log('starting: %s', account);\n request = this.request_ledger_entry('account_root');\n request.account_root(account);\n request.ledger_choose(current);\n\n function account_root_success(message) {\n delete account_info.caching_seq_request;\n\n var seq = message.node.Sequence;\n account_info.seq = seq;\n\n // console.log('caching: %s %d', account, seq);\n // If the caller also waits for 'success', they might run before this.\n request.emit('success_account_seq_cache', message);\n }\n\n function account_root_error(message) {\n // console.log('error: %s', account);\n delete account_info.caching_seq_request;\n\n request.emit('error_account_seq_cache', message);\n }\n\n request.once('success', account_root_success);\n request.once('error', account_root_error);\n\n account_info.caching_seq_request = request;\n }\n\n request.callback(callback, 'success_account_seq_cache', 'error_account_seq_cache');\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// Mark an account's root node as dirty.\nRemote.prototype.dirty_account_root = function (account) {\n var account = UInt160.json_rewrite(account);\n delete this.ledgers.current.account_root[account];\n};\n\n// Store a secret - allows the Remote to automatically fill out auth information.\nRemote.prototype.set_secret = function (account, secret) {\n this.secrets[account] = secret;\n};\n\n\n// Return a request to get a ripple balance.\n//\n// --> account: String\n// --> issuer: String\n// --> currency: String\n// --> current: bool : true = current ledger\n//\n// If does not exist: emit('error', 'error' : 'remoteError', 'remote' : { 'error' : 'entryNotFound' })\nRemote.prototype.request_ripple_balance = function (account, issuer, currency, current, callback) {\n var request = this.request_ledger_entry('ripple_state'); // YYY Could be cached per ledger.\n\n request.ripple_state(account, issuer, currency);\n request.ledger_choose(current);\n request.once('success', function(message) {\n var node = message.node;\n var lowLimit = Amount.from_json(node.LowLimit);\n var highLimit = Amount.from_json(node.HighLimit);\n // The amount the low account holds of issuer.\n var balance = Amount.from_json(node.Balance);\n // accountHigh implies: for account: balance is negated, highLimit is the limit set by account.\n var accountHigh = UInt160.from_json(account).equals(highLimit.issuer());\n\n request.emit('ripple_state', {\n account_balance : ( accountHigh ? balance.negate() : balance.clone()).parse_issuer(account),\n peer_balance : (!accountHigh ? balance.negate() : balance.clone()).parse_issuer(issuer),\n\n account_limit : ( accountHigh ? highLimit : lowLimit).clone().parse_issuer(issuer),\n peer_limit : (!accountHigh ? highLimit : lowLimit).clone().parse_issuer(account),\n\n account_quality_in : ( accountHigh ? node.HighQualityIn : node.LowQualityIn),\n peer_quality_in : (!accountHigh ? node.HighQualityIn : node.LowQualityIn),\n\n account_quality_out : ( accountHigh ? node.HighQualityOut : node.LowQualityOut),\n peer_quality_out : (!accountHigh ? node.HighQualityOut : node.LowQualityOut),\n });\n });\n\n request.callback(callback, 'ripple_state');\n\n return request;\n};\n\nfunction prepare_currencies(ci) {\n var ci_new = { };\n\n if (ci.hasOwnProperty('issuer')) {\n ci_new.issuer = UInt160.json_rewrite(ci.issuer);\n }\n\n if (ci.hasOwnProperty('currency')) {\n ci_new.currency = Currency.json_rewrite(ci.currency);\n }\n\n return ci_new;\n}\n\nRemote.prototype.request_ripple_path_find = function (src_account, dst_account, dst_amount, src_currencies, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'ripple_path_find');\n\n request.message.source_account = UInt160.json_rewrite(src_account);\n request.message.destination_account = UInt160.json_rewrite(dst_account);\n request.message.destination_amount = Amount.json_rewrite(dst_amount);\n\n if (src_currencies) {\n request.message.source_currencies = src_currencies.map(prepare_currencies);\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_path_find_create = function (src_account, dst_account, dst_amount, src_currencies, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'path_find');\n\n request.message.subcommand = 'create';\n request.message.source_account = UInt160.json_rewrite(src_account);\n request.message.destination_account = UInt160.json_rewrite(dst_account);\n request.message.destination_amount = Amount.json_rewrite(dst_amount);\n\n if (src_currencies) {\n request.message.source_currencies = src_currencies.map(prepare_currencies);\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_path_find_close = function () {\n var request = new Request(this, 'path_find');\n request.message.subcommand = 'close';\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_unl_list = function (callback) {\n return new Request(this, 'unl_list').callback(callback);\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_unl_add = function (addr, comment, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'unl_add');\n\n request.message.node = addr;\n\n if (comment) {\n request.message.comment = note;\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\n// --> node: | \nRemote.prototype.request_unl_delete = function (node, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'unl_delete');\n request.message.node = node;\n request.callback(callback);\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_peers = function (callback) {\n return new Request(this, 'peers').callback(callback);\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.request_connect = function (ip, port, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'connect');\n\n request.message.ip = ip;\n\n if (port) {\n request.message.port = port;\n }\n\n request.callback(callback);\n\n return request;\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.transaction = function (source, destination, amount, callback) {\n var tx = new Transaction(this);\n\n if (arguments.length >= 3) {\n tx = tx.payment(source, destination, amount);\n if (typeof callback === 'function') {\n tx.submit(callback);\n }\n }\n\n return tx;\n};\n\n/**\n * Calculate a transaction fee for a number of tx fee units.\n *\n * This takes into account the last known network and local load fees.\n *\n * @return {Amount} Final fee in XRP for specified number of fee units.\n */\nRemote.prototype.fee_tx = function (units) {\n var fee_unit = this.fee_tx_unit();\n return Amount.from_json(String(Math.ceil(units * fee_unit)));\n};\n\n/**\n * Get the current recommended transaction fee unit.\n *\n * Multiply this value with the number of fee units in order to calculate the\n * recommended fee for the transaction you are trying to submit.\n *\n * @return {Number} Recommended amount for one fee unit as float.\n */\nRemote.prototype.fee_tx_unit = function () {\n var fee_unit = this._fee_base / this._fee_ref;\n\n // Apply load fees\n fee_unit *= this._load_factor / this._load_base;\n\n // Apply fee cushion (a safety margin in case fees rise since we were last updated\n fee_unit *= this.fee_cushion;\n\n return fee_unit;\n};\n\n/**\n * Get the current recommended reserve base.\n *\n * Returns the base reserve with load fees and safety margin applied.\n */\nRemote.prototype.reserve = function (owner_count) {\n var reserve_base = Amount.from_json(String(this._reserve_base));\n var reserve_inc = Amount.from_json(String(this._reserve_inc));\n var owner_count = owner_count || 0;\n\n if (owner_count < 0) {\n throw new Error('Owner count must not be negative.');\n }\n\n return reserve_base.add(reserve_inc.product_human(owner_count));\n};\n\nRemote.prototype.ping = function(host, callback) {\n var request = new Request(this, 'ping');\n\n switch (typeof host) {\n case 'function':\n callback = host;\n break;\n case 'string':\n var server = null;\n for (var i=0, s; s=this._servers[i]; i++) {\n if (s._host === host) {\n server = s;\n break;\n }\n }\n request.set_server(server);\n break;\n }\n\n var then = Date.now();\n\n request.once('success', function() {\n request.emit('pong', Date.now() - then);\n });\n \n request.callback(callback, 'pong');\n\n return request;\n};\n\nexports.Remote = Remote;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 37\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/remote.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/remote.js");
+ eval("module.exports = Object.keys || function objectKeys(object) {\n\tif (object !== Object(object)) throw new TypeError('Invalid object');\n\tvar result = [];\n\tfor (var name in object) {\n\t\tif (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, name)) {\n\t\t\tresult.push(name);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn result;\n};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 37\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/objectKeys.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/objectKeys.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 38:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("var EventEmitter = require(6).EventEmitter;\nvar util = require(5);\nvar UInt160 = require(9).UInt160;\nvar Currency = require(11).Currency;\nvar Transaction = require(19).Transaction;\nvar Account = require(24).Account;\nvar Meta = require(18).Meta;\nvar OrderBook = require(25).OrderBook;\nvar RippleError = require(14).RippleError;\n\n// Request events emitted:\n// 'success' : Request successful.\n// 'error' : Request failed.\n// 'remoteError'\n// 'remoteUnexpected'\n// 'remoteDisconnected'\nfunction Request(remote, command) {\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n this.remote = remote;\n this.requested = false;\n this.message = {\n command : command,\n id : void(0)\n };\n};\n\nutil.inherits(Request, EventEmitter);\n\n// Send the request to a remote.\nRequest.prototype.request = function (remote) {\n if (!this.requested) {\n this.requested = true;\n this.remote.request(this);\n this.emit('request', remote);\n }\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.callback = function(callback, successEvent, errorEvent) {\n if (callback && typeof callback === 'function') {\n var self = this;\n\n function request_success(message) {\n callback.call(self, null, message);\n }\n\n function request_error(error) {\n if (!(error instanceof RippleError)) {\n error = new RippleError(error);\n }\n callback.call(self, error);\n }\n\n this.once(successEvent || 'success', request_success);\n this.once(errorEvent || 'error' , request_error);\n this.request();\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.timeout = function(duration, callback) {\n var self = this;\n\n if (!this.requested) {\n function requested() {\n self.timeout(duration, callback);\n }\n this.once('request', requested);\n return;\n }\n\n var emit = this.emit;\n var timed_out = false;\n\n var timeout = setTimeout(function() {\n timed_out = true;\n if (typeof callback === 'function') callback();\n emit.call(self, 'timeout');\n }, duration);\n\n this.emit = function() {\n if (!timed_out) {\n clearTimeout(timeout);\n emit.apply(self, arguments);\n }\n };\n\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.set_server = function(server) {\n this.server = server;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.build_path = function (build) {\n if (build) {\n this.message.build_path = true;\n }\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.ledger_choose = function (current) {\n if (current) {\n this.message.ledger_index = this.remote._ledger_current_index;\n } else {\n this.message.ledger_hash = this.remote._ledger_hash;\n }\n return this;\n};\n\n// Set the ledger for a request.\n// - ledger_entry\n// - transaction_entry\nRequest.prototype.ledger_hash = function (hash) {\n this.message.ledger_hash = hash;\n return this;\n};\n\n// Set the ledger_index for a request.\n// - ledger_entry\nRequest.prototype.ledger_index = function (ledger_index) {\n this.message.ledger_index = ledger_index;\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.ledger_select = function (ledger_spec) {\n switch (ledger_spec) {\n case 'current':\n case 'closed':\n case 'verified':\n this.message.ledger_index = ledger_spec;\n break;\n\n default:\n // XXX Better test needed\n if (Number(ledger_spec)) {\n this.message.ledger_index = ledger_spec;\n } else {\n this.message.ledger_hash = ledger_spec;\n }\n break;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.account_root = function (account) {\n this.message.account_root = UInt160.json_rewrite(account);\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.index = function (hash) {\n this.message.index = hash;\n return this;\n};\n\n// Provide the information id an offer.\n// --> account\n// --> seq : sequence number of transaction creating offer (integer)\nRequest.prototype.offer_id = function (account, seq) {\n this.message.offer = {\n account: UInt160.json_rewrite(account),\n seq: seq\n };\n return this;\n};\n\n// --> index : ledger entry index.\nRequest.prototype.offer_index = function (index) {\n this.message.offer = index;\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.secret = function (secret) {\n if (secret) {\n this.message.secret = secret;\n }\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.tx_hash = function (hash) {\n this.message.tx_hash = hash;\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.tx_json = function (json) {\n this.message.tx_json = json;\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.tx_blob = function (json) {\n this.message.tx_blob = json;\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.ripple_state = function (account, issuer, currency) {\n this.message.ripple_state = {\n currency : currency,\n accounts : [\n UInt160.json_rewrite(account),\n UInt160.json_rewrite(issuer)\n ]\n };\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.accounts = function (accounts, realtime) {\n if (!Array.isArray(accounts)) {\n accounts = [ accounts ];\n }\n\n // Process accounts parameters\n var processedAccounts = accounts.map(function(account) {\n return UInt160.json_rewrite(account);\n });\n \n if (realtime) {\n this.message.rt_accounts = processedAccounts;\n } else {\n this.message.accounts = processedAccounts;\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.rt_accounts = function (accounts) {\n return this.accounts(accounts, true);\n};\n\nRequest.prototype.books = function (books, snapshot) {\n var processedBooks = [ ];\n\n for (var i = 0, l = books.length; i < l; i++) {\n var book = books[i];\n var json = { };\n\n function processSide(side) {\n if (!book[side]) {\n throw new Error('Missing ' + side);\n }\n\n var obj = json[side] = {\n currency: Currency.json_rewrite(book[side].currency)\n };\n \n if (obj.currency !== 'XRP') {\n obj.issuer = UInt160.json_rewrite(book[side].issuer);\n }\n }\n\n processSide('taker_gets');\n processSide('taker_pays');\n\n if (snapshot) {\n json.snapshot = true;\n }\n\n if (book.both) {\n json.both = true; \n }\n\n processedBooks.push(json);\n }\n\n this.message.books = processedBooks;\n\n return this;\n};\n\nexports.Request = Request;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 38\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/request.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/request.js");
+ eval("module.exports = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function (obj) {\n var res = [];\n for (var key in obj) {\n if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) res.push(key);\n }\n return res;\n};\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 38\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/objectGetOwnPropertyNames.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/objectGetOwnPropertyNames.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 39:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("var util = require(5);\nvar EventEmitter = require(6).EventEmitter;\nvar RippleError = require(14).RippleError;\nvar Queue = require(40).TransactionQueue;\nvar Amount = require(3);\n\n/**\n * @constructor TransactionManager\n * @param {Object} account\n */\n\nfunction TransactionManager(account) {\n EventEmitter.call(this);\n\n var self = this;\n\n this.account = account;\n this.remote = account._remote;\n this._timeout = void(0);\n this._pending = new Queue;\n this._next_sequence = void(0);\n this._cache = { };\n\n //XX Fee units\n this._max_fee = this.remote.max_fee;\n\n this._submission_timeout = this.remote._submission_timeout;\n\n function remote_reconnected() {\n self.account.get_next_sequence(function(err, sequence) {\n sequence_loaded(err, sequence);\n self._resubmit(3);\n });\n }\n\n function remote_disconnected() {\n self.remote.once('connect', remote_reconnected);\n }\n\n this.remote.on('disconnect', remote_disconnected);\n\n function sequence_loaded(err, sequence, callback) {\n self._next_sequence = sequence;\n self.emit('sequence_loaded', sequence);\n callback && callback();\n }\n\n this.account.get_next_sequence(sequence_loaded);\n\n function cache_transaction(message) {\n var transaction = {\n ledger_hash: message.ledger_hash,\n ledger_index: message.ledger_index,\n metadata: message.meta,\n tx_json: message.transaction\n }\n\n transaction.tx_json.ledger_index = transaction.ledger_index;\n transaction.tx_json.inLedger = transaction.ledger_index;\n\n self._cache[message.transaction.Sequence] = transaction;\n }\n\n this.account.on('transaction-outbound', cache_transaction);\n\n function adjust_fees() {\n self._pending.forEach(function(pending) {\n if (pending.tx_json.Fee) {\n var newFee = self.remote.fee_tx(pending.fee_units()).to_json();\n pending.tx_json.Fee = newFee;\n }\n });\n }\n\n this.remote.on('load_changed', adjust_fees);\n};\n\nutil.inherits(TransactionManager, EventEmitter);\n\n// request_tx presents transactions in\n// a format slightly different from \n// request_transaction_entry\nfunction rewrite_transaction(tx) {\n try {\n var result = {\n ledger_index: tx.ledger_index,\n metadata: tx.meta,\n tx_json: { \n Account: tx.Account,\n Amount: tx.Amount,\n Destination: tx.Destination,\n Fee: tx.Fee,\n Flags: tx.Flags,\n Sequence: tx.Sequence,\n SigningPubKey: tx.SigningPubKey,\n TransactionType: tx.TransactionType,\n hash: tx.hash\n }\n }\n } catch(exception) { }\n return result || { };\n};\n\nTransactionManager.prototype._resubmit = function(wait_ledgers) {\n var self = this;\n\n if (wait_ledgers) {\n var ledgers = Number(wait_ledgers) || 3;\n this._wait_ledgers(ledgers, function() {\n self._pending.forEach(resubmit);\n });\n } else {\n self._pending.forEach(resubmit);\n }\n\n function resubmit(pending, index) {\n if (pending.finalized) {\n // Transaction has been finalized, nothing to do\n return;\n } \n\n var sequence = pending.tx_json.Sequence;\n var cached = self._cache[sequence];\n\n pending.emit('resubmit');\n\n if (cached) {\n // Transaction was received while waiting for\n // resubmission\n pending.emit('success', cached);\n delete self._cache[sequence];\n } else if (pending.hash) {\n // Transaction was successfully submitted, and\n // its hash discovered, but not validated\n\n function pending_check(err, res) {\n if (self._is_not_found(err)) {\n //XX\n self._request(pending);\n } else {\n pending.emit('success', rewrite_transaction(res));\n }\n }\n\n var request = self.remote.request_tx(pending.hash, pending_check);\n\n request.timeout(self._submission_timeout, function() {\n if (self.remote._connected) {\n self._resubmit(1);\n }\n });\n } else {\n self._request(pending);\n }\n }\n};\n\nTransactionManager.prototype._wait_ledgers = function(ledgers, callback) {\n var self = this;\n var closes = 0;\n\n function ledger_closed() {\n if (++closes === ledgers) {\n callback();\n self.remote.removeListener('ledger_closed', ledger_closed);\n }\n }\n\n this.remote.on('ledger_closed', ledger_closed);\n}\n\nTransactionManager.prototype._request = function(tx) {\n var self = this;\n var remote = this.remote;\n\n // Listen for 'ledger closed' events to verify\n // that the transaction is discovered in the\n // ledger before considering the transaction\n // successful\n this._detect_ledger_entry(tx);\n\n var submit_request = remote.request_submit();\n\n if (remote.local_signing) {\n tx.sign();\n submit_request.tx_blob(tx.serialize().to_hex());\n } else {\n submit_request.secret(tx._secret);\n submit_request.build_path(tx._build_path);\n submit_request.tx_json(tx.tx_json);\n }\n\n tx.submit_index = remote._ledger_current_index;\n\n function transaction_proposed(message) {\n tx.hash = message.tx_json.hash;\n tx.set_state('client_proposed');\n tx.emit('proposed', {\n tx_json: message.tx_json,\n engine_result: message.engine_result,\n engine_result_code: message.engine_result_code,\n engine_result_message: message.engine_result_message,\n // If server is honest, don't expect a final if rejected.\n rejected: tx.isRejected(message.engine_result_code),\n });\n }\n\n function transaction_failed(message) {\n if (!tx.hash) tx.hash = message.tx_json.hash;\n\n function transaction_requested(err, res) {\n if (self._is_not_found(err)) {\n self._resubmit(1);\n } else {\n //XX\n tx.emit('error', new RippleError(message));\n }\n }\n\n self.remote.request_tx(tx.hash, transaction_requested);\n }\n\n function transaction_retry(message) {\n switch (message.engine_result) {\n case 'terPRE_SEQ':\n self._resubmit(1);\n break;\n default:\n submission_error(new RippleError(message));\n }\n }\n\n function submission_error(error) {\n //Decrement sequence\n self._next_sequence--;\n tx.set_state('remoteError');\n tx.emit('submitted', error);\n tx.emit('error', new RippleError(error));\n }\n\n function submission_success(message) {\n tx.emit('submitted', message);\n\n if (tx.attempts > 5) {\n tx.emit('error', new RippleError(message));\n return;\n }\n\n var engine_result = message.engine_result || '';\n\n tx.hash = message.tx_json.hash;\n\n switch (engine_result.slice(0, 3)) {\n case 'tes':\n transaction_proposed(message);\n break;\n case 'tef':\n //tefPAST_SEQ\n transaction_failed(message);\n break;\n case 'ter':\n transaction_retry(message);\n break;\n default:\n submission_error(message);\n }\n }\n\n submit_request.once('success', submission_success);\n submit_request.once('error', submission_error);\n submit_request.request();\n\n submit_request.timeout(this._submission_timeout, function() {\n if (self.remote._connected) {\n self._resubmit(1);\n }\n });\n\n tx.set_state('client_submitted');\n tx.attempts++;\n\n return submit_request;\n};\n\nTransactionManager.prototype._is_not_found = function(error) {\n var not_found_re = /^(txnNotFound|transactionNotFound)$/;\n return error && typeof error === 'object'\n && error.error === 'remoteError'\n && typeof error.remote === 'object'\n && not_found_re.test(error.remote.error);\n};\n\nTransactionManager.prototype._detect_ledger_entry = function(tx) {\n var self = this;\n var remote = this.remote;\n var checked_ledgers = { };\n\n function entry_callback(err, message) {\n if (typeof message !== 'object') return;\n\n var ledger_hash = message.ledger_hash;\n var ledger_index = message.ledger_index;\n\n if (tx.finalized || checked_ledgers[ledger_hash]) {\n // Transaction submission has already erred or\n // this ledger has already been checked for \n // transaction\n return;\n }\n\n checked_ledgers[ledger_hash] = true;\n\n if (self._is_not_found(err)) {\n var dif = ledger_index - tx.submit_index;\n if (dif >= 8) {\n // Lost\n tx.emit('error', message);\n tx.emit('lost', message);\n } else if (dif >= 4) {\n // Missing\n tx.set_state('client_missing');\n tx.emit('missing', message);\n } else {\n // Pending\n tx.emit('pending', message);\n }\n } else {\n // Transaction was found in the ledger, \n // consider this transaction successful\n if (message.metadata) {\n tx.set_state(message.metadata.TransactionResult);\n }\n tx.emit('success', message);\n }\n }\n\n function ledger_closed(message) {\n if (!tx.finalized && !checked_ledgers[message.ledger_hash]) {\n remote.request_transaction_entry(tx.hash, message.ledger_hash, entry_callback);\n }\n }\n\n function transaction_proposed() {\n // Check the ledger for transaction entry\n remote.addListener('ledger_closed', ledger_closed);\n }\n\n function transaction_finalized() {\n // Stop checking the ledger\n remote.removeListener('ledger_closed', ledger_closed);\n tx.removeListener('proposed', transaction_proposed);\n }\n\n tx.once('proposed', transaction_proposed);\n tx.once('final', transaction_finalized);\n tx.once('abort', transaction_finalized);\n tx.once('resubmit', transaction_finalized);\n};\n\n/**\n * @param {Object} tx\n */\n\nTransactionManager.prototype.submit = function(tx) {\n // If sequence number is not yet known, defer until it is.\n var self = this;\n\n if (!this._next_sequence) {\n function resubmit_transaction() {\n self.submit(tx); \n }\n this.once('sequence_loaded', resubmit_transaction);\n return;\n }\n\n tx.tx_json.Sequence = this._next_sequence++;\n tx.attempts = 0;\n tx.complete();\n\n function finalize(message) {\n if (!tx.finalized) {\n self._pending.removeSequence(tx.tx_json.Sequence);\n tx.finalized = true;\n tx.emit('final', message);\n }\n }\n\n tx.once('error', finalize);\n tx.once('success', finalize);\n\n var fee = tx.tx_json.Fee;\n var remote = this.remote;\n\n if (!tx._secret && !tx.tx_json.TxnSignature) {\n tx.emit('error', new RippleError('tejSecretUnknown', 'Missing secret'));\n } else if (!remote.trusted && !remote.local_signing) {\n tx.emit('error', new RippleError('tejServerUntrusted', 'Attempt to give secret to untrusted server'));\n } else if (fee && fee > this._max_fee) {\n tx.emit('error', new RippleError('tejMaxFeeExceeded', 'Max fee exceeded'));\n } else {\n this._pending.push(tx);\n this._request(tx);\n }\n};\n\nexports.TransactionManager = TransactionManager;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 39\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/transactionmanager.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/transactionmanager.js");
+ eval("module.exports = Object.create || function (prototype, properties) {\n // from es5-shim\n var object;\n if (prototype === null) {\n object = { '__proto__' : null };\n }\n else {\n if (typeof prototype !== 'object') {\n throw new TypeError(\n 'typeof prototype[' + (typeof prototype) + '] != \\'object\\''\n );\n }\n var Type = function () {};\n Type.prototype = prototype;\n object = new Type();\n object.__proto__ = prototype;\n }\n if (typeof properties !== 'undefined' && Object.defineProperties) {\n Object.defineProperties(object, properties);\n }\n return object;\n};\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 39\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/objectCreate.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/objectCreate.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 40:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("\nfunction TransactionQueue() {\n this._queue = [ ];\n}\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.length = function() {\n return this._queue.length;\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.push = function(o) {\n return this._queue.push(o);\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.hasHash = function(hash) {\n return this.indexOf('hash', hash) !== -1;\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.hasSequence = function(sequence) {\n return this.indexOf('sequence', sequence) !== -1;\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.indexOf = function(prop, val) {\n var index = -1;\n for (var i=0, tx; tx=this._queue[i]; i++) {\n if (tx[prop] === val) {\n index = i;\n break;\n }\n }\n return index;\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.removeSequence = function(sequence) {\n var result = [ ];\n for (var i=0, tx; tx=this._queue[i]; i++) {\n if (!tx.tx_json) continue;\n if (tx.tx_json.Sequence !== sequence) \n result.push(tx);\n }\n this._queue = result;\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.removeHash = function(hash) {\n var result = [ ];\n for (var i=0, tx; tx=this._queue[i]; i++) {\n if (!tx.tx_json) continue;\n if (tx.hash !== hash)\n result.push(tx);\n }\n this._queue = result;\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.forEach = function(fn) {\n for (var i=0, tx; tx=this._queue[i]; i++) {\n fn(tx, i);\n }\n};\n\nexports.TransactionQueue = TransactionQueue;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 40\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/transactionqueue.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/transactionqueue.js");
+ eval("module.exports = function isRegExp(re) {\n return re instanceof RegExp ||\n (typeof re === 'object' && Object.prototype.toString.call(re) === '[object RegExp]');\n}\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 40\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/isRegExp.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/util/isRegExp.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 41:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("\nvar sjcl = require(1);\nvar utils = require(4);\nvar config = require(8);\nvar jsbn = require(7);\nvar extend = require(2);\n\nvar BigInteger = jsbn.BigInteger;\nvar nbi = jsbn.nbi;\n\nvar UInt = require(15).UInt,\n Base = require(10).Base;\n\n//\n// UInt128 support\n//\n\nvar UInt128 = extend(function () {\n // Internal form: NaN or BigInteger\n this._value = NaN;\n}, UInt);\n\nUInt128.width = 16;\nUInt128.prototype = extend({}, UInt.prototype);\nUInt128.prototype.constructor = UInt128;\n\nvar HEX_ZERO = UInt128.HEX_ZERO = \"00000000000000000000000000000000\";\nvar HEX_ONE = UInt128.HEX_ONE = \"00000000000000000000000000000000\";\nvar STR_ZERO = UInt128.STR_ZERO = utils.hexToString(HEX_ZERO);\nvar STR_ONE = UInt128.STR_ONE = utils.hexToString(HEX_ONE);\n\nexports.UInt128 = UInt128;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 41\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/uint128.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/uint128.js");
+ eval("// UTILITY\nvar util = require(28);\nvar pSlice = Array.prototype.slice;\n\nvar objectKeys = require(37);\nvar isRegExp = require(40);\n\n// 1. The assert module provides functions that throw\n// AssertionError's when particular conditions are not met. The\n// assert module must conform to the following interface.\n\nvar assert = module.exports = ok;\n\n// 2. The AssertionError is defined in assert.\n// new assert.AssertionError({ message: message,\n// actual: actual,\n// expected: expected })\n\nassert.AssertionError = function AssertionError(options) {\n this.name = 'AssertionError';\n this.message = options.message;\n this.actual = options.actual;\n this.expected = options.expected;\n this.operator = options.operator;\n var stackStartFunction = options.stackStartFunction || fail;\n\n if (Error.captureStackTrace) {\n Error.captureStackTrace(this, stackStartFunction);\n }\n};\nutil.inherits(assert.AssertionError, Error);\n\nfunction replacer(key, value) {\n if (value === undefined) {\n return '' + value;\n }\n if (typeof value === 'number' && (isNaN(value) || !isFinite(value))) {\n return value.toString();\n }\n if (typeof value === 'function' || value instanceof RegExp) {\n return value.toString();\n }\n return value;\n}\n\nfunction truncate(s, n) {\n if (typeof s == 'string') {\n return s.length < n ? s : s.slice(0, n);\n } else {\n return s;\n }\n}\n\nassert.AssertionError.prototype.toString = function() {\n if (this.message) {\n return [this.name + ':', this.message].join(' ');\n } else {\n return [\n this.name + ':',\n truncate(JSON.stringify(this.actual, replacer), 128),\n this.operator,\n truncate(JSON.stringify(this.expected, replacer), 128)\n ].join(' ');\n }\n};\n\n// assert.AssertionError instanceof Error\n\nassert.AssertionError.__proto__ = Error.prototype;\n\n// At present only the three keys mentioned above are used and\n// understood by the spec. Implementations or sub modules can pass\n// other keys to the AssertionError's constructor - they will be\n// ignored.\n\n// 3. All of the following functions must throw an AssertionError\n// when a corresponding condition is not met, with a message that\n// may be undefined if not provided. All assertion methods provide\n// both the actual and expected values to the assertion error for\n// display purposes.\n\nfunction fail(actual, expected, message, operator, stackStartFunction) {\n throw new assert.AssertionError({\n message: message,\n actual: actual,\n expected: expected,\n operator: operator,\n stackStartFunction: stackStartFunction\n });\n}\n\n// EXTENSION! allows for well behaved errors defined elsewhere.\nassert.fail = fail;\n\n// 4. Pure assertion tests whether a value is truthy, as determined\n// by !!guard.\n// assert.ok(guard, message_opt);\n// This statement is equivalent to assert.equal(true, !!guard,\n// message_opt);. To test strictly for the value true, use\n// assert.strictEqual(true, guard, message_opt);.\n\nfunction ok(value, message) {\n if (!!!value) fail(value, true, message, '==', assert.ok);\n}\nassert.ok = ok;\n\n// 5. The equality assertion tests shallow, coercive equality with\n// ==.\n// assert.equal(actual, expected, message_opt);\n\nassert.equal = function equal(actual, expected, message) {\n if (actual != expected) fail(actual, expected, message, '==', assert.equal);\n};\n\n// 6. The non-equality assertion tests for whether two objects are not equal\n// with != assert.notEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);\n\nassert.notEqual = function notEqual(actual, expected, message) {\n if (actual == expected) {\n fail(actual, expected, message, '!=', assert.notEqual);\n }\n};\n\n// 7. The equivalence assertion tests a deep equality relation.\n// assert.deepEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);\n\nassert.deepEqual = function deepEqual(actual, expected, message) {\n if (!_deepEqual(actual, expected)) {\n fail(actual, expected, message, 'deepEqual', assert.deepEqual);\n }\n};\n\nfunction _deepEqual(actual, expected) {\n // 7.1. All identical values are equivalent, as determined by ===.\n if (actual === expected) {\n return true;\n\n } else if (require(24).Buffer.isBuffer(actual) && require(24).Buffer.isBuffer(expected)) {\n if (actual.length != expected.length) return false;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) {\n if (actual[i] !== expected[i]) return false;\n }\n\n return true;\n\n // 7.2. If the expected value is a Date object, the actual value is\n // equivalent if it is also a Date object that refers to the same time.\n } else if (actual instanceof Date && expected instanceof Date) {\n return actual.getTime() === expected.getTime();\n\n // 7.3 If the expected value is a RegExp object, the actual value is\n // equivalent if it is also a RegExp object with the same source and\n // properties (`global`, `multiline`, `lastIndex`, `ignoreCase`).\n } else if (isRegExp(actual) && isRegExp(expected)) {\n return actual.source === expected.source &&\n actual.global === expected.global &&\n actual.multiline === expected.multiline &&\n actual.lastIndex === expected.lastIndex &&\n actual.ignoreCase === expected.ignoreCase;\n\n // 7.4. Other pairs that do not both pass typeof value == 'object',\n // equivalence is determined by ==.\n } else if (typeof actual != 'object' && typeof expected != 'object') {\n return actual == expected;\n\n // 7.5 For all other Object pairs, including Array objects, equivalence is\n // determined by having the same number of owned properties (as verified\n // with Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call), the same set of keys\n // (although not necessarily the same order), equivalent values for every\n // corresponding key, and an identical 'prototype' property. Note: this\n // accounts for both named and indexed properties on Arrays.\n } else {\n return objEquiv(actual, expected);\n }\n}\n\nfunction isUndefinedOrNull(value) {\n return value === null || value === undefined;\n}\n\nfunction isArguments(object) {\n return Object.prototype.toString.call(object) == '[object Arguments]';\n}\n\nfunction objEquiv(a, b) {\n if (isUndefinedOrNull(a) || isUndefinedOrNull(b))\n return false;\n // an identical 'prototype' property.\n if (a.prototype !== b.prototype) return false;\n //~~~I've managed to break Object.keys through screwy arguments passing.\n // Converting to array solves the problem.\n if (isArguments(a)) {\n if (!isArguments(b)) {\n return false;\n }\n a = pSlice.call(a);\n b = pSlice.call(b);\n return _deepEqual(a, b);\n }\n try {\n var ka = objectKeys(a),\n kb = objectKeys(b),\n key, i;\n } catch (e) {//happens when one is a string literal and the other isn't\n return false;\n }\n // having the same number of owned properties (keys incorporates\n // hasOwnProperty)\n if (ka.length != kb.length)\n return false;\n //the same set of keys (although not necessarily the same order),\n ka.sort();\n kb.sort();\n //~~~cheap key test\n for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n if (ka[i] != kb[i])\n return false;\n }\n //equivalent values for every corresponding key, and\n //~~~possibly expensive deep test\n for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n key = ka[i];\n if (!_deepEqual(a[key], b[key])) return false;\n }\n return true;\n}\n\n// 8. The non-equivalence assertion tests for any deep inequality.\n// assert.notDeepEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);\n\nassert.notDeepEqual = function notDeepEqual(actual, expected, message) {\n if (_deepEqual(actual, expected)) {\n fail(actual, expected, message, 'notDeepEqual', assert.notDeepEqual);\n }\n};\n\n// 9. The strict equality assertion tests strict equality, as determined by ===.\n// assert.strictEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);\n\nassert.strictEqual = function strictEqual(actual, expected, message) {\n if (actual !== expected) {\n fail(actual, expected, message, '===', assert.strictEqual);\n }\n};\n\n// 10. The strict non-equality assertion tests for strict inequality, as\n// determined by !==. assert.notStrictEqual(actual, expected, message_opt);\n\nassert.notStrictEqual = function notStrictEqual(actual, expected, message) {\n if (actual === expected) {\n fail(actual, expected, message, '!==', assert.notStrictEqual);\n }\n};\n\nfunction expectedException(actual, expected) {\n if (!actual || !expected) {\n return false;\n }\n\n if (isRegExp(expected)) {\n return expected.test(actual);\n } else if (actual instanceof expected) {\n return true;\n } else if (expected.call({}, actual) === true) {\n return true;\n }\n\n return false;\n}\n\nfunction _throws(shouldThrow, block, expected, message) {\n var actual;\n\n if (typeof expected === 'string') {\n message = expected;\n expected = null;\n }\n\n try {\n block();\n } catch (e) {\n actual = e;\n }\n\n message = (expected && expected.name ? ' (' + expected.name + ').' : '.') +\n (message ? ' ' + message : '.');\n\n if (shouldThrow && !actual) {\n fail(actual, expected, 'Missing expected exception' + message);\n }\n\n if (!shouldThrow && expectedException(actual, expected)) {\n fail(actual, expected, 'Got unwanted exception' + message);\n }\n\n if ((shouldThrow && actual && expected &&\n !expectedException(actual, expected)) || (!shouldThrow && actual)) {\n throw actual;\n }\n}\n\n// 11. Expected to throw an error:\n// assert.throws(block, Error_opt, message_opt);\n\nassert.throws = function(block, /*optional*/error, /*optional*/message) {\n _throws.apply(this, [true].concat(pSlice.call(arguments)));\n};\n\n// EXTENSION! This is annoying to write outside this module.\nassert.doesNotThrow = function(block, /*optional*/error, /*optional*/message) {\n _throws.apply(this, [false].concat(pSlice.call(arguments)));\n};\n\nassert.ifError = function(err) { if (err) {throw err;}};\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 41\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/lib/assert.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/lib/assert.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 42:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("Function.prototype.method = function(name,func) {\n this.prototype[name] = func;\n\n return this;\n};\n\nvar filterErr = function(code, done) {\n return function(e) {\n done(e.code !== code ? e : undefined);\n };\n};\n\nvar throwErr = function(done) {\n return function(e) {\n if (e)\n\tthrow e;\n \n done();\n };\n};\n \nvar trace = function(comment, func) {\n return function() {\n console.log(\"%s: %s\", trace, arguments.toString);\n func(arguments);\n };\n};\n\nvar arraySet = function (count, value) {\n var i, a = new Array(count);\n\n for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {\n a[i] = value;\n }\n\n return a;\n};\n\nvar hexToString = function (h) {\n var\ta = [];\n var\ti = 0;\n\n if (h.length % 2) {\n a.push(String.fromCharCode(parseInt(h.substring(0, 1), 16)));\n i = 1;\n }\n\n for (; i != h.length; i += 2) {\n a.push(String.fromCharCode(parseInt(h.substring(i, i+2), 16)));\n }\n \n return a.join(\"\");\n};\n\nvar stringToHex = function (s) {\n return Array.prototype.map.call(s, function (c) {\n var b = c.charCodeAt(0);\n\n return b < 16 ? \"0\" + b.toString(16) : b.toString(16);\n }).join(\"\");\n};\n\nvar stringToArray = function (s) {\n var a = new Array(s.length);\n var i;\n\n for (i = 0; i != a.length; i += 1)\n a[i] = s.charCodeAt(i);\n\n return a;\n};\n\nvar hexToArray = function (h) {\n return stringToArray(hexToString(h));\n}\n\nvar chunkString = function (str, n, leftAlign) {\n var ret = [];\n var i=0, len=str.length;\n if (leftAlign) {\n i = str.length % n;\n if (i) ret.push(str.slice(0, i));\n }\n for(; i < len; i += n) {\n ret.push(str.slice(i, n+i));\n }\n return ret;\n};\n\nvar logObject = function (msg, obj) {\n console.log(msg, JSON.stringify(obj, undefined, 2));\n};\n\nvar assert = function (assertion, msg) {\n if (!assertion) {\n throw new Error(\"Assertion failed\" + (msg ? \": \"+msg : \".\"));\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Return unique values in array.\n */\nvar arrayUnique = function (arr) {\n var u = {}, a = [];\n for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; ++i){\n if (u.hasOwnProperty(arr[i])) {\n continue;\n }\n a.push(arr[i]);\n u[arr[i]] = 1;\n }\n return a;\n};\n\n/**\n * Convert a ripple epoch to a JavaScript timestamp.\n *\n * JavaScript timestamps are unix epoch in milliseconds.\n */\nvar toTimestamp = function (rpepoch) {\n return (rpepoch + 0x386D4380) * 1000;\n};\n\nexports.trace = trace;\nexports.arraySet = arraySet;\nexports.hexToString = hexToString;\nexports.hexToArray = hexToArray;\nexports.stringToArray = stringToArray;\nexports.stringToHex = stringToHex;\nexports.chunkString = chunkString;\nexports.logObject = logObject;\nexports.assert = assert;\nexports.arrayUnique = arrayUnique;\nexports.toTimestamp = toTimestamp;\n\n// vim:sw=2:sts=2:ts=8:et\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 42\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/utils.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/utils.js");
+ eval("\nfunction TransactionQueue() {\n var self = this;\n\n this._queue = [ ];\n\n Object.defineProperty(this, '_length', {\n get: function() { return self._queue.length }\n });\n}\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.length = function() {\n return this._queue.length;\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.indexOf = function(prop, val) {\n var index = -1;\n for (var i=0, tx; tx=this._queue[i]; i++) {\n if (tx[prop] === val) {\n index = i;\n break;\n }\n }\n return index;\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.hasHash = function(hash) {\n return this.indexOf('hash', hash) !== -1;\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.get = function(prop, val) {\n var index = this.indexOf(prop, val);\n return index > -1 ? this._queue[index] : false;\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.removeSequence = function(sequence) {\n var result = [ ];\n for (var i=0, tx; tx=this._queue[i]; i++) {\n if (!tx.tx_json) continue;\n if (tx.tx_json.Sequence !== sequence) result.push(tx);\n }\n this._queue = result;\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.removeHash = function(hash) {\n var result = [ ];\n for (var i=0, tx; tx=this._queue[i]; i++) {\n if (!tx.tx_json) continue;\n if (tx.hash !== hash) result.push(tx);\n }\n this._queue = result;\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.forEach = function() {\n Array.prototype.forEach.apply(this._queue, arguments);\n};\n\nTransactionQueue.prototype.push = function() {\n Array.prototype.push.apply(this._queue, arguments);\n};\n\nexports.TransactionQueue = TransactionQueue;\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 42\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./src/js/ripple/transactionqueue.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./src/js/ripple/transactionqueue.js");
/***/ },
/***/ 43:
/***/ function(module, exports, require) {
- eval("// If there is no WebSocket, try MozWebSocket (support for some old browsers)\ntry {\n module.exports = WebSocket\n} catch(err) {\n module.exports = MozWebSocket\n}\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 43\n// module.readableIdentifier = ./web_modules/ws.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///./web_modules/ws.js");
+ eval("(function (exports) {\n\t'use strict';\n\n\tvar lookup = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';\n\n\tfunction b64ToByteArray(b64) {\n\t\tvar i, j, l, tmp, placeHolders, arr;\n\t\n\t\tif (b64.length % 4 > 0) {\n\t\t\tthrow 'Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4';\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// the number of equal signs (place holders)\n\t\t// if there are two placeholders, than the two characters before it\n\t\t// represent one byte\n\t\t// if there is only one, then the three characters before it represent 2 bytes\n\t\t// this is just a cheap hack to not do indexOf twice\n\t\tplaceHolders = b64.indexOf('=');\n\t\tplaceHolders = placeHolders > 0 ? b64.length - placeHolders : 0;\n\n\t\t// base64 is 4/3 + up to two characters of the original data\n\t\tarr = [];//new Uint8Array(b64.length * 3 / 4 - placeHolders);\n\n\t\t// if there are placeholders, only get up to the last complete 4 chars\n\t\tl = placeHolders > 0 ? b64.length - 4 : b64.length;\n\n\t\tfor (i = 0, j = 0; i < l; i += 4, j += 3) {\n\t\t\ttmp = (lookup.indexOf(b64[i]) << 18) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 1]) << 12) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 2]) << 6) | lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 3]);\n\t\t\tarr.push((tmp & 0xFF0000) >> 16);\n\t\t\tarr.push((tmp & 0xFF00) >> 8);\n\t\t\tarr.push(tmp & 0xFF);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (placeHolders === 2) {\n\t\t\ttmp = (lookup.indexOf(b64[i]) << 2) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 1]) >> 4);\n\t\t\tarr.push(tmp & 0xFF);\n\t\t} else if (placeHolders === 1) {\n\t\t\ttmp = (lookup.indexOf(b64[i]) << 10) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 1]) << 4) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 2]) >> 2);\n\t\t\tarr.push((tmp >> 8) & 0xFF);\n\t\t\tarr.push(tmp & 0xFF);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn arr;\n\t}\n\n\tfunction uint8ToBase64(uint8) {\n\t\tvar i,\n\t\t\textraBytes = uint8.length % 3, // if we have 1 byte left, pad 2 bytes\n\t\t\toutput = \"\",\n\t\t\ttemp, length;\n\n\t\tfunction tripletToBase64 (num) {\n\t\t\treturn lookup[num >> 18 & 0x3F] + lookup[num >> 12 & 0x3F] + lookup[num >> 6 & 0x3F] + lookup[num & 0x3F];\n\t\t};\n\n\t\t// go through the array every three bytes, we'll deal with trailing stuff later\n\t\tfor (i = 0, length = uint8.length - extraBytes; i < length; i += 3) {\n\t\t\ttemp = (uint8[i] << 16) + (uint8[i + 1] << 8) + (uint8[i + 2]);\n\t\t\toutput += tripletToBase64(temp);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// pad the end with zeros, but make sure to not forget the extra bytes\n\t\tswitch (extraBytes) {\n\t\t\tcase 1:\n\t\t\t\ttemp = uint8[uint8.length - 1];\n\t\t\t\toutput += lookup[temp >> 2];\n\t\t\t\toutput += lookup[(temp << 4) & 0x3F];\n\t\t\t\toutput += '==';\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase 2:\n\t\t\t\ttemp = (uint8[uint8.length - 2] << 8) + (uint8[uint8.length - 1]);\n\t\t\t\toutput += lookup[temp >> 10];\n\t\t\t\toutput += lookup[(temp >> 4) & 0x3F];\n\t\t\t\toutput += lookup[(temp << 2) & 0x3F];\n\t\t\t\toutput += '=';\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn output;\n\t}\n\n\tmodule.exports.toByteArray = b64ToByteArray;\n\tmodule.exports.fromByteArray = uint8ToBase64;\n}());\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// module.id = 43\n// module.readableIdentifier = (webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer-browserify/~/base64-js/lib/b64.js\n//@ sourceURL=webpack-module:///(webpack)/~/node-libs-browser/~/buffer-browserify/~/base64-js/lib/b64.js");
/***/ }
/******/ })
\ No newline at end of file
From 21427eff4c970db3bfd5aa8e394b7776f40e92d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Stefan Thomas
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 21:24:22 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 14/20] Update Balance tab for new account_tx API.
src/jade/tabs/balance.jade | 24 +++----
src/js/tabs/balance.js | 138 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
2 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/jade/tabs/balance.jade b/src/jade/tabs/balance.jade
index ef7367252..f429583ce 100644
--- a/src/jade/tabs/balance.jade
+++ b/src/jade/tabs/balance.jade
@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ section.panel.content(ng-controller="BalanceCtrl")
caption Activity
//- Loading screen
- tr(ng-hide="loadState.transactions")
+ tr(ng-show="tx_load_status == 'loading' && transactions.length")
td(colspan=2) Loading activity...
//- Entries
- tr(ng-show="loadState.transactions")
+ tr(ng-show="transactions.length")
th.date Date
th.desc Event
tbody(ng-class="{passive: loading}")
@@ -85,18 +85,10 @@ section.panel.content(ng-controller="BalanceCtrl")
include balance/effects
- tfoot(ng-show="pages_count")
+ tfoot
- td(colspan=2, class="pagination")
- ul
- li(ng-class="{disabled: !prev_page}")
- a(ng-click="goToPage(prev_page)") «
- li(ng-repeat="i in [1,pages_count] | rprange",ng-class="{active: current_page==i}")
- a(ng-click="goToPage(i)", ng-hide="current_page==i") {{i}}
- span(ng-show="current_page==i") {{i}}
- li(ng-class="{disabled: !next_page}")
- a(ng-click="goToPage(next_page)") »
- span.spinner(
- ng-show="loading"
- rp-spinner="4",
- )
\ No newline at end of file
+ td(colspan=2)
+ a(ng-click="loadMore()", ng-show="!tx_load_status && has_more") Load more
+ span(ng-show="tx_load_status == 'loading'") Loading...
+ span(ng-show="tx_load_status == 'error'") Error
+ span(ng-show="!transaction.length && !tx_load_status") No past transactions found
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/js/tabs/balance.js b/src/js/tabs/balance.js
index 9193fd386..b0d934886 100644
--- a/src/js/tabs/balance.js
+++ b/src/js/tabs/balance.js
@@ -28,98 +28,106 @@ BalanceTab.prototype.angular = function (module)
// filter effect types
// Show only offer_funded, offer_partially_funded, offer_cancelled, offer_bought side effects
- var filterEffects = function (events) {
- var transactions = [];
- $.each(events,function(){
- var event = jQuery.extend(true, {}, this);
- var effects = [];
- if (event.effects) {
- $.each(event.effects, function(){
- var effect = this;
- if (effect.type == 'offer_funded'
- || effect.type == 'offer_partially_funded'
- || effect.type == 'offer_bought'
- || (effect.type === 'offer_canceled' &&
- event.transaction.type !== 'offercancel')) {
- effects.push(effect);
- }
- });
- event.effects = effects;
- }
- if (effects.length || event.transaction) {
- transactions.push(event);
- }
- });
- return transactions;
- };
- // First page transactions
- $scope.$watchCollection('events', function(){
- if (1 === $scope.current_page) {
- $scope.transactions = filterEffects($scope.events);
+ var filterEffects = function (tx) {
+ if (!tx) return null;
+ var event = jQuery.extend(true, {}, tx);
+ var effects = [];
+ if (event.effects) {
+ $.each(event.effects, function(){
+ var effect = this;
+ if (effect.type == 'offer_funded'
+ || effect.type == 'offer_partially_funded'
+ || effect.type == 'offer_bought'
+ || (effect.type === 'offer_canceled' &&
+ event.transaction.type !== 'offercancel')) {
+ effects.push(effect);
+ }
+ });
+ event.effects = effects;
- }, true);
- $scope.$watch('history_count', function(){
- // Pages count
- $scope.pages_count = Math.ceil($scope.history_count / Options.transactions_per_page);
- // Next page number
- if (!$scope.next_page && $scope.pages_count > 1) {
- $scope.next_page = 2;
+ if (effects.length || event.transaction) {
+ return event;
+ } else {
+ return null;
- }, true);
+ };
- $scope.goToPage = function(page) {
- // Click on disabled links
- if (!page) return;
+ $scope.reset = function () {
+ $scope.transactions = [];
+ $scope.has_more = true;
+ };
+ var marker;
+ $scope.loadMore = function () {
var account = $id.account;
- var offset = (page - 1) * Options.transactions_per_page;
- // Next, prev page numbers
- $scope.prev_page = page > 1 ? page-1 : 0;
- $scope.next_page = page < $scope.pages_count ? page+1 : 0;
+ if (!$id.account) return;
+ if ($scope.is_loading_more) return;
+ if (!$scope.has_more) return;
- $scope.current_page = page;
+ $scope.tx_load_status = 'loading';
- // Loading mode
- $scope.loading = true;
- $network.remote.request_account_tx({
+ var params = {
'account': account,
'ledger_index_min': -1,
- 'descending': true,
- 'offset': offset,
+// 'binary': true,
'limit': Options.transactions_per_page
- })
+ };
+ if (marker) params.marker = marker;
+ $network.remote.request_account_tx(params)
.on('success', function(data) {
- $scope.transactions = [];
$scope.$apply(function () {
if (data.transactions) {
var transactions = [];
+ if (data.marker) {
+ // XXX There is a server-side bug right now:
+ // Instead of returning no marker if there are no more
+ // results, the server returns the marker it was given as an
+ // input.
+ if (marker &&
+ "undefined" !== typeof data.marker.ledger &&
+ data.marker.ledger === marker.ledger &&
+ "undefined" !== typeof data.marker.seq &&
+ data.marker.seq === marker.seq) {
+ $scope.has_more = false;
+ } else {
+ marker = data.marker;
+ }
+ } else $scope.has_more = false;
data.transactions.forEach(function (e) {
var tx = rewriter.processTxn(e.tx, e.meta, account);
+ tx = filterEffects(tx);
if (tx) {
- transactions.push(tx);
+ $scope.transactions.push(tx);
- $scope.transactions = filterEffects(transactions);
// Loading mode
- $scope.loading = false;
+ $scope.tx_load_status = false;
- .on('error', function(err){console.log(err);}).request();
- }
+ .on('error', function(err){
+ $scope.tx_load_status = 'error';
+ console.log(err);
+ }).request();
+ };
+ $scope.reset();
+ $scope.loadMore();
+ $scope.$on('$idAccountLoad', function () {
+ $scope.reset();
+ $scope.loadMore();
+ });
From d129dc316734664918a664f25a2a7f2c7099eeb0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Stefan Thomas
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 17:30:49 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 15/20] Remove some duplication from the Send tab template
src/jade/tabs/send.jade | 30 +++++++++---------------------
src/less/ripple/forms.less | 4 ++++
2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/jade/tabs/send.jade b/src/jade/tabs/send.jade
index 6877fedca..70f60847a 100644
--- a/src/jade/tabs/send.jade
+++ b/src/jade/tabs/send.jade
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ section#t-send.single.content(ng-controller='SendCtrl')
| Invalid destination tag
label(for='send_amount') Recipient will receive
- .amount(ng-if="!send.currency_force")
+ .amount(ng-class="{'input-append': send.currency_force}")
name='send_amount', type='text'
@@ -68,26 +68,14 @@ section#t-send.single.content(ng-controller='SendCtrl')
- input.currency#send_amount_currency(
- name='send_amount_currency', type='text'
- rp-combobox="{{send.currency_choices}}", rp-combobox-select
- ng-model='send.currency'
- rp-autofill='$routeParams.amount'
- rp-autofill-currency)
- .input-append(ng-if="send.currency_force")
- input.value#send_amount(
- name='send_amount', type='text'
- ng-model='send.amount'
- required
- rp-autofill='$routeParams.amount'
- rp-autofill-amount
- rp-max-amount
- rp-max-amount-currency='{{send.currency}}'
- rp-amount
- rp-amount-positive
- rp-amount-xrp-limit
- rp-amount-xrp-limit-currency='{{send.currency}}')
- span.add-on(ng-bind="send.currency_force")
+ span(ng-if="!send.currency_force")
+ input.currency#send_amount_currency(
+ name='send_amount_currency', type='text'
+ rp-combobox="{{send.currency_choices}}", rp-combobox-select
+ ng-model='send.currency'
+ rp-autofill='$routeParams.amount'
+ rp-autofill-currency)
+ span.add-on(ng-if="send.currency_force", ng-bind="send.currency_force")
| Please enter an amount.
diff --git a/src/less/ripple/forms.less b/src/less/ripple/forms.less
index b0de267b3..47989a9b5 100644
--- a/src/less/ripple/forms.less
+++ b/src/less/ripple/forms.less
@@ -71,6 +71,10 @@ form {
margin-right: 10px;
+ .amount.input-append .value {
+ margin-right: 0;
+ }
.amount .currency {
width: auto;
From d6a6873b9bcece520a240abd17c288ff1bf13beb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nicholas Dudfield
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2013 10:10:33 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 16/20] Fix logout to keep port
src/js/services/id.js | 3 ++-
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/src/js/services/id.js b/src/js/services/id.js
index 9327461d0..f06056599 100644
--- a/src/js/services/id.js
+++ b/src/js/services/id.js
@@ -295,7 +295,8 @@ module.factory('rpId', ['$rootScope', '$location', '$route', '$routeParams', 'rp
// reload will not work, as some pages are also available for guests.
// Logout will show the same page instead of showing login page.
// This line redirects user to root (login) page
- location.href = location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname + location.pathname;
+ var port = location.port.length > 0 ? ":" + location.port : "";
+ location.href = location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname + port + location.pathname;
From 23c487bd5457c2c71cbb71968a7d3d1338119081 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Evan Schwartz
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 15:47:41 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 17/20] fixes #1053 send more xrp than you have by converting
other currency
libpeerconnection.log | 0
livereload.js | 1055 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/jade/tabs/send.jade | 6 +-
src/js/directives/validators.js | 50 --
src/js/tabs/send.js | 65 +-
5 files changed, 1112 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 libpeerconnection.log
create mode 100644 livereload.js
diff --git a/libpeerconnection.log b/libpeerconnection.log
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/livereload.js b/livereload.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..edb280265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/livereload.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1055 @@
+(function() {
+var __customevents = {}, __protocol = {}, __connector = {}, __timer = {}, __options = {}, __reloader = {}, __livereload = {}, __less = {}, __startup = {};
+// customevents
+var CustomEvents;
+CustomEvents = {
+ bind: function(element, eventName, handler) {
+ if (element.addEventListener) {
+ return element.addEventListener(eventName, handler, false);
+ } else if (element.attachEvent) {
+ element[eventName] = 1;
+ return element.attachEvent('onpropertychange', function(event) {
+ if (event.propertyName === eventName) {
+ return handler();
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ throw new Error("Attempt to attach custom event " + eventName + " to something which isn't a DOMElement");
+ }
+ },
+ fire: function(element, eventName) {
+ var event;
+ if (element.addEventListener) {
+ event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
+ event.initEvent(eventName, true, true);
+ return document.dispatchEvent(event);
+ } else if (element.attachEvent) {
+ if (element[eventName]) {
+ return element[eventName]++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw new Error("Attempt to fire custom event " + eventName + " on something which isn't a DOMElement");
+ }
+ }
+__customevents.bind = CustomEvents.bind;
+__customevents.fire = CustomEvents.fire;
+// protocol
+var PROTOCOL_6, PROTOCOL_7, Parser, ProtocolError;
+var __indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf || function(item) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (this[i] === item) return i;
+ }
+ return -1;
+__protocol.PROTOCOL_6 = PROTOCOL_6 = 'http://livereload.com/protocols/official-6';
+__protocol.PROTOCOL_7 = PROTOCOL_7 = 'http://livereload.com/protocols/official-7';
+__protocol.ProtocolError = ProtocolError = (function() {
+ function ProtocolError(reason, data) {
+ this.message = "LiveReload protocol error (" + reason + ") after receiving data: \"" + data + "\".";
+ }
+ return ProtocolError;
+__protocol.Parser = Parser = (function() {
+ function Parser(handlers) {
+ this.handlers = handlers;
+ this.reset();
+ }
+ Parser.prototype.reset = function() {
+ return this.protocol = null;
+ };
+ Parser.prototype.process = function(data) {
+ var command, message, options, _ref;
+ try {
+ if (!(this.protocol != null)) {
+ if (data.match(/^!!ver:([\d.]+)$/)) {
+ this.protocol = 6;
+ } else if (message = this._parseMessage(data, ['hello'])) {
+ if (!message.protocols.length) {
+ throw new ProtocolError("no protocols specified in handshake message");
+ } else if (__indexOf.call(message.protocols, PROTOCOL_7) >= 0) {
+ this.protocol = 7;
+ } else if (__indexOf.call(message.protocols, PROTOCOL_6) >= 0) {
+ this.protocol = 6;
+ } else {
+ throw new ProtocolError("no supported protocols found");
+ }
+ }
+ return this.handlers.connected(this.protocol);
+ } else if (this.protocol === 6) {
+ message = JSON.parse(data);
+ if (!message.length) {
+ throw new ProtocolError("protocol 6 messages must be arrays");
+ }
+ command = message[0], options = message[1];
+ if (command !== 'refresh') {
+ throw new ProtocolError("unknown protocol 6 command");
+ }
+ return this.handlers.message({
+ command: 'reload',
+ path: options.path,
+ liveCSS: (_ref = options.apply_css_live) != null ? _ref : true
+ });
+ } else {
+ message = this._parseMessage(data, ['reload', 'alert']);
+ return this.handlers.message(message);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (e instanceof ProtocolError) {
+ return this.handlers.error(e);
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Parser.prototype._parseMessage = function(data, validCommands) {
+ var message, _ref;
+ try {
+ message = JSON.parse(data);
+ } catch (e) {
+ throw new ProtocolError('unparsable JSON', data);
+ }
+ if (!message.command) {
+ throw new ProtocolError('missing "command" key', data);
+ }
+ if (_ref = message.command, __indexOf.call(validCommands, _ref) < 0) {
+ throw new ProtocolError("invalid command '" + message.command + "', only valid commands are: " + (validCommands.join(', ')) + ")", data);
+ }
+ return message;
+ };
+ return Parser;
+// connector
+// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.3.3
+var Connector, PROTOCOL_6, PROTOCOL_7, Parser, Version, _ref;
+_ref = __protocol, Parser = _ref.Parser, PROTOCOL_6 = _ref.PROTOCOL_6, PROTOCOL_7 = _ref.PROTOCOL_7;
+Version = '2.0.8';
+__connector.Connector = Connector = (function() {
+ function Connector(options, WebSocket, Timer, handlers) {
+ var _this = this;
+ this.options = options;
+ this.WebSocket = WebSocket;
+ this.Timer = Timer;
+ this.handlers = handlers;
+ this._uri = "ws://" + this.options.host + ":" + this.options.port + "/livereload";
+ this._nextDelay = this.options.mindelay;
+ this._connectionDesired = false;
+ this.protocol = 0;
+ this.protocolParser = new Parser({
+ connected: function(protocol) {
+ _this.protocol = protocol;
+ _this._handshakeTimeout.stop();
+ _this._nextDelay = _this.options.mindelay;
+ _this._disconnectionReason = 'broken';
+ return _this.handlers.connected(protocol);
+ },
+ error: function(e) {
+ _this.handlers.error(e);
+ return _this._closeOnError();
+ },
+ message: function(message) {
+ return _this.handlers.message(message);
+ }
+ });
+ this._handshakeTimeout = new Timer(function() {
+ if (!_this._isSocketConnected()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _this._disconnectionReason = 'handshake-timeout';
+ return _this.socket.close();
+ });
+ this._reconnectTimer = new Timer(function() {
+ if (!_this._connectionDesired) {
+ return;
+ }
+ return _this.connect();
+ });
+ this.connect();
+ }
+ Connector.prototype._isSocketConnected = function() {
+ return this.socket && this.socket.readyState === this.WebSocket.OPEN;
+ };
+ Connector.prototype.connect = function() {
+ var _this = this;
+ this._connectionDesired = true;
+ if (this._isSocketConnected()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._reconnectTimer.stop();
+ this._disconnectionReason = 'cannot-connect';
+ this.protocolParser.reset();
+ this.handlers.connecting();
+ this.socket = new this.WebSocket(this._uri);
+ this.socket.onopen = function(e) {
+ return _this._onopen(e);
+ };
+ this.socket.onclose = function(e) {
+ return _this._onclose(e);
+ };
+ this.socket.onmessage = function(e) {
+ return _this._onmessage(e);
+ };
+ return this.socket.onerror = function(e) {
+ return _this._onerror(e);
+ };
+ };
+ Connector.prototype.disconnect = function() {
+ this._connectionDesired = false;
+ this._reconnectTimer.stop();
+ if (!this._isSocketConnected()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._disconnectionReason = 'manual';
+ return this.socket.close();
+ };
+ Connector.prototype._scheduleReconnection = function() {
+ if (!this._connectionDesired) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!this._reconnectTimer.running) {
+ this._reconnectTimer.start(this._nextDelay);
+ return this._nextDelay = Math.min(this.options.maxdelay, this._nextDelay * 2);
+ }
+ };
+ Connector.prototype.sendCommand = function(command) {
+ if (this.protocol == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ return this._sendCommand(command);
+ };
+ Connector.prototype._sendCommand = function(command) {
+ return this.socket.send(JSON.stringify(command));
+ };
+ Connector.prototype._closeOnError = function() {
+ this._handshakeTimeout.stop();
+ this._disconnectionReason = 'error';
+ return this.socket.close();
+ };
+ Connector.prototype._onopen = function(e) {
+ var hello;
+ this.handlers.socketConnected();
+ this._disconnectionReason = 'handshake-failed';
+ hello = {
+ command: 'hello',
+ protocols: [PROTOCOL_6, PROTOCOL_7]
+ };
+ hello.ver = Version;
+ if (this.options.ext) {
+ hello.ext = this.options.ext;
+ }
+ if (this.options.extver) {
+ hello.extver = this.options.extver;
+ }
+ if (this.options.snipver) {
+ hello.snipver = this.options.snipver;
+ }
+ this._sendCommand(hello);
+ return this._handshakeTimeout.start(this.options.handshake_timeout);
+ };
+ Connector.prototype._onclose = function(e) {
+ this.protocol = 0;
+ this.handlers.disconnected(this._disconnectionReason, this._nextDelay);
+ return this._scheduleReconnection();
+ };
+ Connector.prototype._onerror = function(e) {};
+ Connector.prototype._onmessage = function(e) {
+ return this.protocolParser.process(e.data);
+ };
+ return Connector;
+// timer
+var Timer;
+var __bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; };
+__timer.Timer = Timer = (function() {
+ function Timer(func) {
+ this.func = func;
+ this.running = false;
+ this.id = null;
+ this._handler = __bind(function() {
+ this.running = false;
+ this.id = null;
+ return this.func();
+ }, this);
+ }
+ Timer.prototype.start = function(timeout) {
+ if (this.running) {
+ clearTimeout(this.id);
+ }
+ this.id = setTimeout(this._handler, timeout);
+ return this.running = true;
+ };
+ Timer.prototype.stop = function() {
+ if (this.running) {
+ clearTimeout(this.id);
+ this.running = false;
+ return this.id = null;
+ }
+ };
+ return Timer;
+Timer.start = function(timeout, func) {
+ return setTimeout(func, timeout);
+// options
+var Options;
+__options.Options = Options = (function() {
+ function Options() {
+ this.host = null;
+ this.port = 35729;
+ this.snipver = null;
+ this.ext = null;
+ this.extver = null;
+ this.mindelay = 1000;
+ this.maxdelay = 60000;
+ this.handshake_timeout = 5000;
+ }
+ Options.prototype.set = function(name, value) {
+ switch (typeof this[name]) {
+ case 'undefined':
+ break;
+ case 'number':
+ return this[name] = +value;
+ default:
+ return this[name] = value;
+ }
+ };
+ return Options;
+Options.extract = function(document) {
+ var element, keyAndValue, m, mm, options, pair, src, _i, _j, _len, _len2, _ref, _ref2;
+ _ref = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ element = _ref[_i];
+ if ((src = element.src) && (m = src.match(/^[^:]+:\/\/(.*)\/z?livereload\.js(?:\?(.*))?$/))) {
+ options = new Options();
+ if (mm = m[1].match(/^([^\/:]+)(?::(\d+))?$/)) {
+ options.host = mm[1];
+ if (mm[2]) {
+ options.port = parseInt(mm[2], 10);
+ }
+ }
+ if (m[2]) {
+ _ref2 = m[2].split('&');
+ for (_j = 0, _len2 = _ref2.length; _j < _len2; _j++) {
+ pair = _ref2[_j];
+ if ((keyAndValue = pair.split('=')).length > 1) {
+ options.set(keyAndValue[0].replace(/-/g, '_'), keyAndValue.slice(1).join('='));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return options;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+// reloader
+// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.3.1
+(function() {
+ var IMAGE_STYLES, Reloader, numberOfMatchingSegments, pathFromUrl, pathsMatch, pickBestMatch, splitUrl;
+ splitUrl = function(url) {
+ var hash, index, params;
+ if ((index = url.indexOf('#')) >= 0) {
+ hash = url.slice(index);
+ url = url.slice(0, index);
+ } else {
+ hash = '';
+ }
+ if ((index = url.indexOf('?')) >= 0) {
+ params = url.slice(index);
+ url = url.slice(0, index);
+ } else {
+ params = '';
+ }
+ return {
+ url: url,
+ params: params,
+ hash: hash
+ };
+ };
+ pathFromUrl = function(url) {
+ var path;
+ url = splitUrl(url).url;
+ if (url.indexOf('file://') === 0) {
+ path = url.replace(/^file:\/\/(localhost)?/, '');
+ } else {
+ path = url.replace(/^([^:]+:)?\/\/([^:\/]+)(:\d*)?\//, '/');
+ }
+ return decodeURIComponent(path);
+ };
+ pickBestMatch = function(path, objects, pathFunc) {
+ var bestMatch, object, score, _i, _len;
+ bestMatch = {
+ score: 0
+ };
+ for (_i = 0, _len = objects.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ object = objects[_i];
+ score = numberOfMatchingSegments(path, pathFunc(object));
+ if (score > bestMatch.score) {
+ bestMatch = {
+ object: object,
+ score: score
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ if (bestMatch.score > 0) {
+ return bestMatch;
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ };
+ numberOfMatchingSegments = function(path1, path2) {
+ var comps1, comps2, eqCount, len;
+ path1 = path1.replace(/^\/+/, '').toLowerCase();
+ path2 = path2.replace(/^\/+/, '').toLowerCase();
+ if (path1 === path2) {
+ return 10000;
+ }
+ comps1 = path1.split('/').reverse();
+ comps2 = path2.split('/').reverse();
+ len = Math.min(comps1.length, comps2.length);
+ eqCount = 0;
+ while (eqCount < len && comps1[eqCount] === comps2[eqCount]) {
+ ++eqCount;
+ }
+ return eqCount;
+ };
+ pathsMatch = function(path1, path2) {
+ return numberOfMatchingSegments(path1, path2) > 0;
+ };
+ {
+ selector: 'background',
+ styleNames: ['backgroundImage']
+ }, {
+ selector: 'border',
+ styleNames: ['borderImage', 'webkitBorderImage', 'MozBorderImage']
+ }
+ ];
+ __reloader.Reloader = Reloader = (function() {
+ Reloader.name = 'Reloader';
+ function Reloader(window, console, Timer) {
+ this.window = window;
+ this.console = console;
+ this.Timer = Timer;
+ this.document = this.window.document;
+ this.importCacheWaitPeriod = 200;
+ this.plugins = [];
+ }
+ Reloader.prototype.addPlugin = function(plugin) {
+ return this.plugins.push(plugin);
+ };
+ Reloader.prototype.analyze = function(callback) {
+ return results;
+ };
+ Reloader.prototype.reload = function(path, options) {
+ var plugin, _base, _i, _len, _ref;
+ this.options = options;
+ if ((_base = this.options).stylesheetReloadTimeout == null) {
+ _base.stylesheetReloadTimeout = 15000;
+ }
+ _ref = this.plugins;
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ plugin = _ref[_i];
+ if (plugin.reload && plugin.reload(path, options)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (options.liveCSS) {
+ if (path.match(/\.css$/i)) {
+ if (this.reloadStylesheet(path)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (options.liveImg) {
+ if (path.match(/\.(jpe?g|png|gif)$/i)) {
+ this.reloadImages(path);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ return this.reloadPage();
+ };
+ Reloader.prototype.reloadPage = function() {
+ return this.window.document.location.reload();
+ };
+ Reloader.prototype.reloadImages = function(path) {
+ var expando, img, selector, styleNames, styleSheet, _i, _j, _k, _l, _len, _len1, _len2, _len3, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _ref3, _results;
+ expando = this.generateUniqueString();
+ _ref = this.document.images;
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ img = _ref[_i];
+ if (pathsMatch(path, pathFromUrl(img.src))) {
+ img.src = this.generateCacheBustUrl(img.src, expando);
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.document.querySelectorAll) {
+ for (_j = 0, _len1 = IMAGE_STYLES.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
+ _ref1 = IMAGE_STYLES[_j], selector = _ref1.selector, styleNames = _ref1.styleNames;
+ _ref2 = this.document.querySelectorAll("[style*=" + selector + "]");
+ for (_k = 0, _len2 = _ref2.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
+ img = _ref2[_k];
+ this.reloadStyleImages(img.style, styleNames, path, expando);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.document.styleSheets) {
+ _ref3 = this.document.styleSheets;
+ _results = [];
+ for (_l = 0, _len3 = _ref3.length; _l < _len3; _l++) {
+ styleSheet = _ref3[_l];
+ _results.push(this.reloadStylesheetImages(styleSheet, path, expando));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ }
+ };
+ Reloader.prototype.reloadStylesheetImages = function(styleSheet, path, expando) {
+ var rule, rules, styleNames, _i, _j, _len, _len1;
+ try {
+ rules = styleSheet != null ? styleSheet.cssRules : void 0;
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ if (!rules) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (_i = 0, _len = rules.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ rule = rules[_i];
+ switch (rule.type) {
+ this.reloadStylesheetImages(rule.styleSheet, path, expando);
+ break;
+ case CSSRule.STYLE_RULE:
+ for (_j = 0, _len1 = IMAGE_STYLES.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
+ styleNames = IMAGE_STYLES[_j].styleNames;
+ this.reloadStyleImages(rule.style, styleNames, path, expando);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CSSRule.MEDIA_RULE:
+ this.reloadStylesheetImages(rule, path, expando);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Reloader.prototype.reloadStyleImages = function(style, styleNames, path, expando) {
+ var newValue, styleName, value, _i, _len,
+ _this = this;
+ for (_i = 0, _len = styleNames.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ styleName = styleNames[_i];
+ value = style[styleName];
+ if (typeof value === 'string') {
+ newValue = value.replace(/\burl\s*\(([^)]*)\)/, function(match, src) {
+ if (pathsMatch(path, pathFromUrl(src))) {
+ return "url(" + (_this.generateCacheBustUrl(src, expando)) + ")";
+ } else {
+ return match;
+ }
+ });
+ if (newValue !== value) {
+ style[styleName] = newValue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Reloader.prototype.reloadStylesheet = function(path) {
+ var imported, link, links, match, style, _i, _j, _k, _l, _len, _len1, _len2, _len3, _ref, _ref1,
+ _this = this;
+ links = (function() {
+ var _i, _len, _ref, _results;
+ _ref = this.document.getElementsByTagName('link');
+ _results = [];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ link = _ref[_i];
+ if (link.rel === 'stylesheet' && !link.__LiveReload_pendingRemoval) {
+ _results.push(link);
+ }
+ }
+ return _results;
+ }).call(this);
+ imported = [];
+ _ref = this.document.getElementsByTagName('style');
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ style = _ref[_i];
+ if (style.sheet) {
+ this.collectImportedStylesheets(style, style.sheet, imported);
+ }
+ }
+ for (_j = 0, _len1 = links.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
+ link = links[_j];
+ this.collectImportedStylesheets(link, link.sheet, imported);
+ }
+ if (this.window.StyleFix && this.document.querySelectorAll) {
+ _ref1 = this.document.querySelectorAll('style[data-href]');
+ for (_k = 0, _len2 = _ref1.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
+ style = _ref1[_k];
+ links.push(style);
+ }
+ }
+ this.console.log("LiveReload found " + links.length + " LINKed stylesheets, " + imported.length + " @imported stylesheets");
+ match = pickBestMatch(path, links.concat(imported), function(l) {
+ return pathFromUrl(_this.linkHref(l));
+ });
+ if (match) {
+ if (match.object.rule) {
+ this.console.log("LiveReload is reloading imported stylesheet: " + match.object.href);
+ this.reattachImportedRule(match.object);
+ } else {
+ this.console.log("LiveReload is reloading stylesheet: " + (this.linkHref(match.object)));
+ this.reattachStylesheetLink(match.object);
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.console.log("LiveReload will reload all stylesheets because path '" + path + "' did not match any specific one");
+ for (_l = 0, _len3 = links.length; _l < _len3; _l++) {
+ link = links[_l];
+ this.reattachStylesheetLink(link);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ Reloader.prototype.collectImportedStylesheets = function(link, styleSheet, result) {
+ var index, rule, rules, _i, _len;
+ try {
+ rules = styleSheet != null ? styleSheet.cssRules : void 0;
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ if (rules && rules.length) {
+ for (index = _i = 0, _len = rules.length; _i < _len; index = ++_i) {
+ rule = rules[index];
+ switch (rule.type) {
+ continue;
+ result.push({
+ link: link,
+ rule: rule,
+ index: index,
+ href: rule.href
+ });
+ this.collectImportedStylesheets(link, rule.styleSheet, result);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Reloader.prototype.waitUntilCssLoads = function(clone, func) {
+ var callbackExecuted, executeCallback, poll,
+ _this = this;
+ callbackExecuted = false;
+ executeCallback = function() {
+ if (callbackExecuted) {
+ return;
+ }
+ callbackExecuted = true;
+ return func();
+ };
+ clone.onload = function() {
+ console.log("onload!");
+ _this.knownToSupportCssOnLoad = true;
+ return executeCallback();
+ };
+ if (!this.knownToSupportCssOnLoad) {
+ (poll = function() {
+ if (clone.sheet) {
+ console.log("polling!");
+ return executeCallback();
+ } else {
+ return _this.Timer.start(50, poll);
+ }
+ })();
+ }
+ return this.Timer.start(this.options.stylesheetReloadTimeout, executeCallback);
+ };
+ Reloader.prototype.linkHref = function(link) {
+ return link.href || link.getAttribute('data-href');
+ };
+ Reloader.prototype.reattachStylesheetLink = function(link) {
+ var clone, parent,
+ _this = this;
+ if (link.__LiveReload_pendingRemoval) {
+ return;
+ }
+ link.__LiveReload_pendingRemoval = true;
+ if (link.tagName === 'STYLE') {
+ clone = this.document.createElement('link');
+ clone.rel = 'stylesheet';
+ clone.media = link.media;
+ clone.disabled = link.disabled;
+ } else {
+ clone = link.cloneNode(false);
+ }
+ clone.href = this.generateCacheBustUrl(this.linkHref(link));
+ parent = link.parentNode;
+ if (parent.lastChild === link) {
+ parent.appendChild(clone);
+ } else {
+ parent.insertBefore(clone, link.nextSibling);
+ }
+ return this.waitUntilCssLoads(clone, function() {
+ var additionalWaitingTime;
+ if (/AppleWebKit/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
+ additionalWaitingTime = 5;
+ } else {
+ additionalWaitingTime = 200;
+ }
+ return _this.Timer.start(additionalWaitingTime, function() {
+ var _ref;
+ if (!link.parentNode) {
+ return;
+ }
+ link.parentNode.removeChild(link);
+ clone.onreadystatechange = null;
+ return (_ref = _this.window.StyleFix) != null ? _ref.link(clone) : void 0;
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ Reloader.prototype.reattachImportedRule = function(_arg) {
+ var href, index, link, media, newRule, parent, rule, tempLink,
+ _this = this;
+ rule = _arg.rule, index = _arg.index, link = _arg.link;
+ parent = rule.parentStyleSheet;
+ href = this.generateCacheBustUrl(rule.href);
+ media = rule.media.length ? [].join.call(rule.media, ', ') : '';
+ newRule = "@import url(\"" + href + "\") " + media + ";";
+ rule.__LiveReload_newHref = href;
+ tempLink = this.document.createElement("link");
+ tempLink.rel = 'stylesheet';
+ tempLink.href = href;
+ tempLink.__LiveReload_pendingRemoval = true;
+ if (link.parentNode) {
+ link.parentNode.insertBefore(tempLink, link);
+ }
+ return this.Timer.start(this.importCacheWaitPeriod, function() {
+ if (tempLink.parentNode) {
+ tempLink.parentNode.removeChild(tempLink);
+ }
+ if (rule.__LiveReload_newHref !== href) {
+ return;
+ }
+ parent.insertRule(newRule, index);
+ parent.deleteRule(index + 1);
+ rule = parent.cssRules[index];
+ rule.__LiveReload_newHref = href;
+ return _this.Timer.start(_this.importCacheWaitPeriod, function() {
+ if (rule.__LiveReload_newHref !== href) {
+ return;
+ }
+ parent.insertRule(newRule, index);
+ return parent.deleteRule(index + 1);
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ Reloader.prototype.generateUniqueString = function() {
+ return 'livereload=' + Date.now();
+ };
+ Reloader.prototype.generateCacheBustUrl = function(url, expando) {
+ var hash, oldParams, params, _ref;
+ if (expando == null) {
+ expando = this.generateUniqueString();
+ }
+ _ref = splitUrl(url), url = _ref.url, hash = _ref.hash, oldParams = _ref.params;
+ if (this.options.overrideURL) {
+ if (url.indexOf(this.options.serverURL) < 0) {
+ url = this.options.serverURL + this.options.overrideURL + "?url=" + encodeURIComponent(url);
+ }
+ }
+ params = oldParams.replace(/(\?|&)livereload=(\d+)/, function(match, sep) {
+ return "" + sep + expando;
+ });
+ if (params === oldParams) {
+ if (oldParams.length === 0) {
+ params = "?" + expando;
+ } else {
+ params = "" + oldParams + "&" + expando;
+ }
+ }
+ return url + params + hash;
+ };
+ return Reloader;
+ })();
+// livereload
+var Connector, LiveReload, Options, Reloader, Timer;
+Connector = __connector.Connector;
+Timer = __timer.Timer;
+Options = __options.Options;
+Reloader = __reloader.Reloader;
+__livereload.LiveReload = LiveReload = (function() {
+ function LiveReload(window) {
+ var _this = this;
+ this.window = window;
+ this.listeners = {};
+ this.plugins = [];
+ this.pluginIdentifiers = {};
+ this.console = this.window.location.href.match(/LR-verbose/) && this.window.console && this.window.console.log && this.window.console.error ? this.window.console : {
+ log: function() {},
+ error: function() {}
+ };
+ if (!(this.WebSocket = this.window.WebSocket || this.window.MozWebSocket)) {
+ console.error("LiveReload disabled because the browser does not seem to support web sockets");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!(this.options = Options.extract(this.window.document))) {
+ console.error("LiveReload disabled because it could not find its own