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Solana Zero-Knowledge Proof Verifier Router

A flexible and secure system for managing zero-knowledge proof verifications on Solana. This project provides a router-based verification system with non-upgradeable verifiers that have emergency controls, and comprehensive administration tools.


The Verifier Router system enables:

  • Dynamic registration and routing of ZK proof verifiers
  • Emergency stop mechanisms with both centralized and decentralized triggers
  • Flexible ownership controls with two-step transfers

Comprehensive script support for program management:

  • Supports both local key signers and Fireblocks HSM
  • Supports adding additional verifiers beyond the currently supported Groth_16 program
  • Ownership management and transfer
  • Emergency Stop by owner

Getting Started


  • Rust and Cargo
  • Solana Tool Suite
  • Node.js and Yarn
  • Anchor Framework


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone <repository-url>
cd verifier-router
  1. Install dependencies:
yarn install
  1. Configure environment:
cp example.env .env
# Edit .env with your configuration


Note: Deployment accounts need at minimum a 6 SOL balance by default and any non-deployment actions require an account with a 1 SOL minimum balance.

  1. Deploy the router and initial verifier:
anchor keys sync
anchor build
yarn run client
yarn run deploy
  1. (Optional) Add additional verifiers programs:
yarn run add

System Architecture


  1. Router Program: Central registry and routing system
  2. Verifier Programs: Individual verifier implementations (e.g., Groth16)
  3. Client Programs: Programs that use the router for proof verification

Implementation Example

pub struct IncrementNonce<'info> {
    pub program_data: Account<'info, ProgramData>,
    pub router: Program<'info, VerifierRouterProgram>,
    pub router_account: Account<'info, VerifierRouter>,
        seeds = [
        seeds::program = verifier_router::ID,
    pub verifier_entry: Account<'info, VerifierEntry>,
    pub verifier_program: UncheckedAccount<'info>,
    pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,

 pub fn increment_nonce(
        ctx: Context<IncrementNonce>,
        proof: Proof,
        journal_nonce: u32,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        // Your programs initial code...

        // Next we collect the accounts necessary for making the CPI call to the RISC Zero Proof Verifier program
        let cpi_accounts = Verify {
            router: ctx.accounts.router_account.to_account_info(),
            verifier_entry: ctx.accounts.verifier_entry.to_account_info(),
            verifier_program: ctx.accounts.verifier_program.to_account_info(),
            system_program: ctx.accounts.system_program.to_account_info(),

        // We hash our journal outputs that we used for our earlier requirements to get a journal digest
        let journal_digest = hashv(&[&journal_nonce.to_le_bytes()]).to_bytes();

        // We collect the image ID that our program is expecting our proof to match so that an attacker cannot use
        // a proof generated from a modified program
        let image_id = ctx.accounts.program_data.image_id;

        // We pass the selector for the proof verifier that we are currently using
        let selector = ctx.accounts.program_data.selector;

        // We setup our CPI context for the router
        let cpi_ctx = CpiContext::new(ctx.accounts.router.to_account_info(), cpi_accounts);

        // We make the CPI call to the RISC Zero Verifier Router which if it returns means the proof is valid
        // In Solana you cannot recover from a CPI call which returns an error, to make this clear I explicitly unwrap although
        // behavior would be the same if I ignored the result.
        verifier_router::cpi::verify(cpi_ctx, selector, proof, image_id, journal_digest).unwrap();

        // Your programs code after a successful verification...

Administrative Functions

Router Management

  1. Transfer Ownership:
NEW_OWNER=<pubkey> yarn run transfer
yarn run accept  # Run on new owner's machine
  1. Add Verifier:
VERIFIER_ADDRESS=<address> yarn run add
  1. Emergency Stop:
yarn run estop  # Follow prompts

Development Tools


All scripts have values set in the environment, see example.env for a full list of options.

  • yarn run deploy: Deploy programs
  • yarn run add: Add new verifier
  • yarn run estop: Emergency stop by owner
  • yarn run transfer: Transfer ownership
  • yarn run accept: Accept ownership
  • yarn run renounce: Renounce ownership
  • yarn run client: Generate TypeScript clients

Environment Variables

See example.env for full configuration options including:

  • Network endpoints
  • Account addresses
  • Deployment settings
  • Fireblocks integration (optional)


Open a terminal and run a local validator:

solana-test-validator -r

Then in another terminal run:

anchor test --skip-local-validator