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Packet Encapsulation

Two types of encapsulation are defined: normal and null. A transmitted stream of encapsulated packets comprises a mixture of normal and null packets. Each packet is atomic, and must be transmitted in its entirety before another packet can be sent.

Normal Encapsulation Structure

The normal encapsulation structure is comprised of four field-groups as shown in Encapsulation Field Groups. In this and the following tables, the field-groups and fields are listed in transmission order: the uppermost field-group or field in a table is transmitted first, and multi-bit fields are transmitted least significant bit first.

Table 1. Encapsulation Field Groups
Group Name # Bits Description



Encapsulation header. See Header.


0 - 16

Source ID. See srcID.



Time stamp. See Timestamp.



Packet payload. See Payload.

The groups are defined in the following sections:


The header is a single byte comprising the fields defined in Header Fields.

Table 2. Header Fields
Field Name # Bits Description



Encapsulated payload length. A value of L indicates an L byte payload. Must be > 0 - see Null Encapsulation.



Flow indicator. This can be used to direct packets to a particular sink in systems where multiple sinks exist, and those sinks include the ability to accept or discard packets based on the flow value.



Indicates presence of timestamp when 1. Must be 0 if timestamp width is 0.


The srcID field identifies the source of the packet. It can be between 0 and 16 bits in length. This length must be fixed and discoverable for a given system.

The srcID may be omitted (i.e. zero bits in length) if there is only one source in the system, or if the transport scheme includes a sideband bus for the source ID (for example, ATB).

When present, an 8-bit srcID will be sufficient for most use cases, and is simplest in terms of determining the packet length, keeping all field groups aligned to byte boundaries. However, the length of the field can be reduced to improve efficiency for small systems, or increased if required for larger systems. This is explained in more detail in Packet Length.


The timestamp field provides a means to include time information with every packet. It is included in the encapsulation if header.extend is 1. When included, the timestamp must be T bytes in length. The length must be discoverable, and fixed for a given system.

Timestamps may be omitted either because time is not of interest to the user, or if time information is already included within the encapsulated payload.


The encapsulation payload can be up to 248 bits (31 bytes) in length, and comprises the fields shown in table Payload Fields.

Table 3. Payload Fields
Field Name # Bits Description


≥ 0

Packet type. May be eliminated (i.e. width set to 0) for sources with only one packet type. Length must be fixed for a given srcID, and discoverable if > 0.


≤ R

Packet payloads such as those defined for E-Trace.
Maximum value of R is defined as 248 - Y - srcID%8, where Y is the length of the type field. See Packet Length for details of the relationship between srcID and payload length.

Packet Length

Encapsulated packets are a number of whole bytes in length, the exact number depending on the sizes of the srcID, timestamp (if present) and header.length:

Packet length = 1 + S + (T * header.extend) + header.length

S and T are discoverable constants; S is the number of whole bytes of srcID: int(#bits(srcID)/8).

For the case where the size of srcID is a multiple of 8 bits, header.length is simply the number of bits of payload rounded up to the nearest multiple of 8 and expressed in bytes:

header.length = ceiling(#bits(payload)/8)

However, if the srcID is not a multiple of 8 bits the remaining srcID bits not accounted for by 'S' are instead included when determining the value of header.length. Thus the more general definition for any srcID size is:

header.length = ceiling((#bits(payload) + #bits(srcID)%8)/8)

In this way, the maximum payload length is reduced by up to 7 when the srcID is not a multiple of 8 bits.

In cases where the number of bits of payload + srcID is not a multiple of 8, some padding bits are required. These must be placed in the most significant bits of the final byte of the packet. Their value is "don’t care", but they must not "leak" information (for example, the previous contents of an intermediate buffer that may relate to a different trace session which the current recipient of trace is not authorised to receive).

Null Encapsulation

For normal encapsulation, the header.length field is at least 1, and the overall length of the encapsulated packet will be at least 2 bytes (header plus 1 byte of payload).

A null packet is specified as consisting exclusively of one header byte with its length field set to zero, explicitly indicating the packet’s total size as one byte. The extend field is used to distinguish 2 different types of null packet, which are defined as follows:

  • extend = 0: null.idle

  • extend = 1: null.alignment

Usually, null.idle will be used. null.alignment is used for synchronization, as described in the following section.

Insertion of null packets typically occurs at a trace sink where there are no sideband signals accompanying the data stream to identify valid data. Packets emitted from a trace source are generally transported over some form of on-chip transport (e.g. ATB) that includes sideband signalling to indicate when data is valid. In this situation when there is no data to send, valid is simply deasserted. That said, the flow field definition in null packets is unchanged, so null packets can be routed from a trace source to a specific sink if required. When generated at a sink, the flow field value is unimportant and is typically 0. If the sink is generating a bit stream (i.e. the byte boundaries are not inherently known to the recipient) then the flow field must be zero in all null packets within the generated bitstream.


In a data stream comprised of packets, it’s a requirement to be able to determine where packets start and end, when starting from an arbitrary point, without knowledge of the full packet history. This can be achieved by inserting a synchronization sequence into the packet stream. This sequence is comprised of a sufficiently long sequence of null packets.

A 'null' byte is defined as a byte with the 5LSBs all zero, which may be a null packet, or may be part of a normal packet. The longest run N of ‘null’ bytes possible within a normal packet is:

N = 31 + T + S (see Timestamp and Packet Length for definitions of T and S respectively)

Therefore, in a sequence of N or more ‘null’ bytes, the first N 'null' bytes may actually be part of a packet. However, any 'null' bytes after this must be null packets, and the 1st non-null byte seen after this must therefore be the 1st byte of a normal packet.

For unframed data streams such as PIB, a null.alignment packet must be transmitted as the final null before a normal packet. Strictly speaking this is necessary only if the data stream is sent via an interface less than 8 bits wide, but for simplicity this is mandatory for any width. The single 1 at the end of this sequence uniquely identifies the byte boundary, and what follows as the start of a packet. For example, for two normal packets with M nulls between them, this would comprise M-1 null.idles and 1 null.alignment (M > 0).

For framed data streams which incorporate synchronization information in their own framing such as MIPI TWP (aka ARM Trace Formatter Protocol) or USB there is no requirement to include null.alignment packets.

The synchronization requirements are summarized in the following rules:

  • A synchronization sequence must have a length of N+1 bytes (N defined above), comprising:

    • For unframed data streams, N consecutive null.idle packets, directly followed by one null.alignment packet;

    • For framed data streams, N consecutive null.idle packets, directly followed by one null.idle or null.alignment packet.

Synchronization sequences are typically inserted periodically. In addition, a sufficiently long run of null packets (due to a lack of normal packets to send) may also serve as an 'opportunistic' synchronization sequence. For unframed data streams, this requires null.alignment packets to be included, either as every (N+1)th null, or as the final null.

For writing unframed data to memory, alternative synchronisation mechanisms may also be employed. For example, by dividing memory into blocks of known size, and requiring that packets do not straddle block boundaries. The first byte of every block will therefore be the start of a packet. Details of such schemes are out of scope of this specification.