For CCRS projection depending upon the use case polars: sterographic projection, tropics : mercator 30 N and 30 South is called as Tropics continnent us: lambert conformal plot for the following days z500 and compare it to official era5 cds calls from ecmwf how deep 100 * 4 frames (100 days) 2018 january and 2018 febraury , 2019 januarry run code for 2017 december 1st and 2018 march 1st , 2018 june 1st, 2018 september robinson preserves the original distance in highger latitued much better than mercators precipitaiton modeling using sfno February 3 the plots for z500 are of units m2/sec and it around 5 km from surface where we get the z500 values : the range of the values are of order 50,000 the code doesn't seem to be normalizing the original netcdf files, whilst there is explicit normalization whiel plotting try to load the grib file and plot the z500 in the same nortpolarsterographic or orthographic projection iwth the ensemble outoput 9th february get the correct acc values, also get the correct climatorlogy and play around with differnt climatology, log out all the variables in acc caclclation