From e9c6e936086296c02cde4aac01873b224c5dfe88 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rafael Guterres Jeffman <>
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2022 14:54:14 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] ipadelegation: Fix idempotence issues due to capitalization.

This patch force processing of permission, attribute and group
attributes in lower case, to match behavior of IPA CLI, transforming
all of them into lowercase characters.

The new behavior fixes idempotence issues when mixing different
capitalization in different tasks for the same attribute.

A new test playbook is avaiable at:

 plugins/modules/              |  33 ++-
 ...est_delegation_member_case_insensitive.yml | 227 ++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 241 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/delegation/test_delegation_member_case_insensitive.yml

diff --git a/plugins/modules/ b/plugins/modules/
index e30d3d7008..7dba924ab9 100644
--- a/plugins/modules/
+++ b/plugins/modules/
@@ -180,10 +180,10 @@ def main():
     names = ansible_module.params_get("name")
     # present
-    permission = ansible_module.params_get("permission")
-    attribute = ansible_module.params_get("attribute")
+    permission = ansible_module.params_get_lowercase("permission")
+    attribute = ansible_module.params_get_lowercase("attribute")
     membergroup = ansible_module.params_get("membergroup")
-    group = ansible_module.params_get("group")
+    group = ansible_module.params_get_lowercase("group")
     action = ansible_module.params_get("action")
     # state
     state = ansible_module.params_get("state")
@@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ def main():
         commands = []
         for name in names:
+            args = {}
             # Make sure delegation exists
             res_find = find_delegation(ansible_module, name)
@@ -244,14 +245,7 @@ def main():
                 if action == "delegation":
                     # Found the delegation
-                    if res_find is not None:
-                        # For all settings is args, check if there are
-                        # different settings in the find result.
-                        # If yes: modify
-                        if not compare_args_ipa(ansible_module, args,
-                                                res_find):
-                            commands.append([name, "delegation_mod", args])
-                    else:
+                    if res_find is None:
                         commands.append([name, "delegation_add", args])
                 elif action == "member":
@@ -265,9 +259,7 @@ def main():
                     # New attribute list (add given ones to find result)
                     # Make list with unique entries
                     attrs = list(set(list(res_find["attrs"]) + attribute))
-                    if len(attrs) > len(res_find["attrs"]):
-                        commands.append([name, "delegation_mod",
-                                         {"attrs": attrs}])
+                    args["attrs"] = attrs
             elif state == "absent":
                 if action == "delegation":
@@ -288,15 +280,18 @@ def main():
                     if len(attrs) < 1:
                             msg="At minimum one attribute is needed.")
-                    # Entries New number of attributes is smaller
-                    if len(attrs) < len(res_find["attrs"]):
-                        commands.append([name, "delegation_mod",
-                                         {"attrs": attrs}])
+                    args["attrs"] = attrs
                 ansible_module.fail_json(msg="Unkown state '%s'" % state)
+            # Manage members
+            if (
+                args and res_find and
+                not compare_args_ipa(ansible_module, args, res_find)
+            ):
+                commands.append([name, "delegation_mod", args])
         # Execute commands
         changed = ansible_module.execute_ipa_commands(commands)
diff --git a/tests/delegation/test_delegation_member_case_insensitive.yml b/tests/delegation/test_delegation_member_case_insensitive.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b9cd60445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/delegation/test_delegation_member_case_insensitive.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+- name: Test delegation
+  hosts: "{{ ipa_test_host | default('ipaserver') }}"
+  become: no
+  gather_facts: no
+  tasks:
+  - name: Test different cases for string case.
+    block:
+      - name: Ensure delegation "basic manager attributes" is absent
+        ipadelegation:
+          ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
+          ipaapi_context: "{{ ipa_context | default(omit) }}"
+          name: "basic manager attributes"
+          state: absent
+      - name: Ensure test group managers is present
+        ipagroup:
+          ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
+          ipaapi_context: "{{ ipa_context | default(omit) }}"
+          name: managers
+      - name: Ensure test group employees is present
+        ipagroup:
+          ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
+          ipaapi_context: "{{ ipa_context | default(omit) }}"
+          name: employees
+      # TESTS
+      - name: Ensure delegation "basic manager attributes" is present, group/membergroup mixed case
+        ipadelegation:
+          ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
+          ipaapi_context: "{{ ipa_context | default(omit) }}"
+          name: "basic manager attributes"
+          permission: read
+          attribute:
+          - businesscategory
+          group: Managers
+          membergroup: Employees
+        register: result
+        failed_when: not result.changed or result.failed
+      - name: Ensure delegation "basic manager attributes" is present, group lowercase
+        ipadelegation:
+          ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
+          ipaapi_context: "{{ ipa_context | default(omit) }}"
+          name: "basic manager attributes"
+          permission: read
+          attribute:
+          - businesscategory
+          group: "{{ 'Managers' | lower }}"
+          membergroup: Employees
+        register: result
+        failed_when: result.changed or result.failed
+      - name: Ensure delegation "basic manager attributes" is present, group uppercase
+        ipadelegation:
+          ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
+          ipaapi_context: "{{ ipa_context | default(omit) }}"
+          name: "basic manager attributes"
+          permission: read
+          attribute:
+          - businesscategory
+          group: "{{ 'Managers' | upper }}"
+          membergroup: Employees
+        register: result
+        failed_when: result.changed or result.failed
+      - name: Ensure delegation "basic manager attributes" is present, permission upercase
+        ipadelegation:
+          ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
+          ipaapi_context: "{{ ipa_context | default(omit) }}"
+          name: "basic manager attributes"
+          permission: "{{ 'read' | upper }}"
+          attribute:
+          - businesscategory
+          group: managers
+          membergroup: Employees
+        register: result
+        failed_when: result.changed or result.failed
+      - name: Ensure delegation "basic manager attributes" is present, permission mixed case
+        ipadelegation:
+          ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
+          ipaapi_context: "{{ ipa_context | default(omit) }}"
+          name: "basic manager attributes"
+          permission: Read
+          attribute:
+          - businesscategory
+          group: managers
+          membergroup: Employees
+        register: result
+        failed_when: result.changed or result.failed
+      - name: Ensure delegation "basic manager attributes" is present, attribute upercase
+        ipadelegation:
+          ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
+          ipaapi_context: "{{ ipa_context | default(omit) }}"
+          name: "basic manager attributes"
+          permission: read
+          attribute:
+          - "{{ 'businesscategory' | upper }}"
+          group: managers
+          membergroup: Employees
+        register: result
+        failed_when: result.changed or result.failed
+      - name: Ensure delegation "basic manager attributes" is present, attribute mixed case
+        ipadelegation:
+          ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
+          ipaapi_context: "{{ ipa_context | default(omit) }}"
+          name: "basic manager attributes"
+          permission: read
+          attribute:
+          - BusinessCategory
+          group: managers
+          membergroup: Employees
+        register: result
+        failed_when: result.changed or result.failed
+      # membergroup does not use case insensitive comparison
+      - name: Ensure delegation "basic manager attributes" is present, membergroup lowercase
+        ipadelegation:
+          ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
+          ipaapi_context: "{{ ipa_context | default(omit) }}"
+          name: "basic manager attributes"
+          permission: read
+          attribute:
+          - businesscategory
+          group: managers
+          membergroup: "{{ 'Employees' | lower }}"
+        register: result
+        failed_when: not result.changed or result.failed
+      - name: Ensure delegation "basic manager attributes" is present, membergroup uppercase
+        ipadelegation:
+          ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
+          ipaapi_context: "{{ ipa_context | default(omit) }}"
+          name: "basic manager attributes"
+          permission: read
+          attribute:
+          - businesscategory
+          group: managers
+          membergroup: "{{ 'Employees' | upper }}"
+        register: result
+        failed_when: not result.changed or result.failed
+      - name: Ensure delegation "basic manager attributes" is present, group/membergroup mixed case
+        ipadelegation:
+          ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
+          ipaapi_context: "{{ ipa_context | default(omit) }}"
+          name: "basic manager attributes"
+          permission: read
+          attribute:
+          - businesscategory
+          group: Managers
+          membergroup: Employees
+        register: result
+        failed_when: not result.changed or result.failed
+      # tests for action: member
+      - name: Ensure delegation "basic manager attributes" is present, with group and attribute in mixed case
+        ipadelegation:
+          ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
+          ipaapi_context: "{{ ipa_context | default(omit) }}"
+          name: "basic manager attributes"
+          permission: read
+          attribute:
+          - BusinessCategory
+          group: Managers
+          membergroup: Employees
+      - name: Ensure delegation "basic manager attributes" is present, attribute mixed case
+        ipadelegation:
+          ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
+          ipaapi_context: "{{ ipa_context | default(omit) }}"
+          name: "basic manager attributes"
+          permission: read
+          attribute:
+          - BusinessCategory
+          group: managers
+          membergroup: employees
+      - name: Ensure delegation "basic manager attributes" member is present, attribute upercase
+        ipadelegation:
+          ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
+          ipaapi_context: "{{ ipa_context | default(omit) }}"
+          name: "basic manager attributes"
+          attribute:
+          - "{{ 'BusinessCategory' | upper }}"
+          action: member
+        register: result
+        failed_when: result.changed or result.failed
+      - name: Ensure delegation "basic manager attributes" member is present, attribute lowercase
+        ipadelegation:
+          ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
+          ipaapi_context: "{{ ipa_context | default(omit) }}"
+          name: "basic manager attributes"
+          attribute:
+          - "{{ 'BusinessCategory' | lower }}"
+          action: member
+        register: result
+        failed_when: result.changed or result.failed
+    always:
+      - name: Ensure delegation "basic manager attributes" is absent
+        ipadelegation:
+          ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
+          ipaapi_context: "{{ ipa_context | default(omit) }}"
+          name: "basic manager attributes"
+          state: absent
+      - name: Ensure test groups are absent
+        ipagroup:
+          ipaadmin_password: SomeADMINpassword
+          ipaapi_context: "{{ ipa_context | default(omit) }}"
+          name: managers,employees
+          state: absent