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Encrypt/decrypt sample application for AWS Lambda

The encrypt/decrypt sample application demonstrates the use of Asherah SDK to perform application-level encryption operations in an AWS Lambda function.

This example is based on the Blank function sample application found in the AWS Developer Guide.


In addition, the steps that follow assume the lambda-exec role already exists within your AWS account. If you know this function execution role already exists, you're ready to get started. Otherwise, see this section of the AWS Lambda tutorial for more information.

Likewise, the sample application is configured to use AWS KMS for master key operations and DynamoDB as a metastore. You will need to ensure the above role has sufficient access to these services and associated resources or function execution will result in error. For more information on these topics see Key Management Service and Metastore in the Asherah documentation.


Clone this repository and navigate to the sample application's root directory.

$ git clone [email protected]:godaddy/asherah.git
$ cd asherah/samples/go/aws/lambda

Add the following to your configuration file (~/.aws/config) to enable loading of raw JSON events with the AWS CLI v2:


Create the lambda-exec role, if needed.

$ aws iam create-role --role-name lambda-exec --assume-role-policy-document file://policy.json
    "Role": {
        "Path": "/",
        "RoleName": "lambda-exec",
        "RoleId": "AROAWOYE3S3E7IEJN54CD",
        "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/lambda-exec",
        "CreateDate": "2021-01-10T20:05:52+00:00",
        "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": {
            "Version": "2012-10-17",
            "Statement": [
                    "Effect": "Allow",
                    "Principal": {
                        "Service": ""
                    "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

The file policy.json is a JSON document in the current directory that defines the trust policy for the role. In this case the policy allows Lambda to use the role's permissions via the AssumeRole action.

Example policy.json

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Principal": {
          "Service": ""
        "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

Now you can add permissions to the role, starting with the AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole managed policy.

$ aws iam attach-role-policy \
    --role-name lambda-exec \
    --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole

The above command will need to be repeated for any additional permissions. The sample application will also need permissions granted by the following policies:

  • arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSXrayWriteOnlyAccess: a managed policy granting write only permissions to AWS X-Ray
  • arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/asherah-kms-access: a customer managed policy granting access to a customer master key, see KMS Permissions.
  • arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/asherah-dynamodb-access: a customer managed policy granting access to a DynamoDB table, see Metastore: DynamoDB

Modify the provided template.yml file by replacing the placeholder KMS Key and Role ARNs. Your updated template.yml file should now resemble the following:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: 'AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31'
Description: An AWS Lambda application that demonstrates Asherah encrypt/decrypt operations.
    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
          ASHERAH_KMS_KEY_ARN: arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:123456789012:key/1234abcd-56ef-78ab-90cd-1a2b3c4d5e6f
      Handler: main
      Runtime: go1.x
      CodeUri: function/.
      Description: Performs encrypt/decrypt operations via the Asherah SDK
      Timeout: 5
      # Function's execution role
      Role: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/lambda-exec
      Tracing: Active

Create a new bucket for deployment artifacts, run

$ ./
make_bucket: lambda-artifacts-dc816d4fef315985


To deploy the application, run

$ ./
Successfully packaged artifacts and wrote output template to file out/out.yml.
Waiting for changeset to be created..
Waiting for stack create/update to complete
Successfully created/updated stack - sample-lambda-go

This script uses AWS CloudFormation to deploy the Lambda function. If the AWS CloudFormation stack that contains the resources already exists, the script updates it with any changes to the template or function code.


To invoke the function, run

$ ./

invoking function with encrypt payload:
Response received (modified):

invoking function with decrypt payload:
Response received (modified):

Now, assuming all went as planned, your console output should resemble the above. Cool, but what just happened?

Taking a closer look...

The script invokes the function two times, printing the results as it goes, then exits.

As seen above, the payload used for the first is a string that contains an event in JSON format.


This event is handled by the sample application as an encryption request, prompting the app to use the Asherah SDK to encrypt the provided payload and return the encryption result.

Next, the script invokes the function with the following:


This time the event handled as a decryption request, prompting the app to use the Asherah SDK to decrypt the cyphertext contained in this payload's DRR. Note that the DRR embedded in this payload is the same DRR provided by the encryption result above.

The code

The Go module containing our Lambda function can be found in the ./function directory. And all code for the sample app is in main.go.

Let's take a look at an abbreviated version of this code.

package main

import (
  // ...


var (
  // ...
  factory *appencryption.SessionFactory

type MyEvent struct {
  Name      string
  Partition string
  Payload   []byte                       `json:",omitempty"`
  DRR       *appencryption.DataRowRecord `json:",omitempty"`

type MyResponse struct {
  PlainText string                       `json:",omitempty"`
  DRR       *appencryption.DataRowRecord `json:",omitempty"`
  // ...

type recoveredError struct{ error }

func (e recoveredError) isRetryable() bool {
  // ...

func HandleRequest(ctx context.Context, event MyEvent) (*MyResponse, error) {

  resp, err := tryHandle(ctx, event)
  if err != nil {
    if r, ok := err.(recoveredError); ok && r.isRetryable() {
      if err := resetFactory(); err != nil {
        return nil, err

      return tryHandle(ctx, event)

  return resp, err

func initFactory() error {
  if factory != nil {
    return nil

  factory = appencryption.NewSessionFactory(
    // ...
    Policy: appencryption.NewCryptoPolicy(

  return nil

func resetFactory() error {
  factory = nil

  return initFactory()

func tryHandle(ctx context.Context, event MyEvent) (resp *MyResponse, err error) {
  defer func() {
    if r := recover(); r != nil {
      if e, ok := r.(error); ok {
        err = recoveredError{e}
      } else {

  switch {
  case len(event.Payload) > 0:
    return handleEncrypt(ctx, event)
  case event.DRR != nil:
    return handleDecrypt(ctx, event)
    return nil, errors.New("event must contain a Payload (for encryption) or DRR (for decryption)")

func handleEncrypt(ctx context.Context, event MyEvent) (*MyResponse, error) {
  session, _ := factory.GetSession(event.Partition)
  defer session.Close()

  encData, _ := session.Encrypt(ctx, event.Payload)

  return &MyResponse{
    DRR:  encData,
  }, nil

func handleDecrypt(ctx context.Context, event MyEvent) (*MyResponse, error) {
  session, _ := factory.GetSession(event.Partition)
  defer session.Close()

  plaintext, _ := session.Decrypt(ctx, *event.DRR)

  return &MyResponse{
    PlainText: string(plaintext),
  }, nil

func main() {

The simplified code above omits most error handling, logging, metrics, and even import code (go build beware!), that said, there's still a lot going on...

Items of note

  • package main: In Go, the package containing func main() must always be named main.
  • import: All of the packages required by the Lambda function are imported here. In this case, we'll highlight two:
    • implements the AWS Lambda programming model for Go.
    • provides the main Asherah SDK implementations for Go.
  • func HandleRequest(ctx context.Context, event MyEvent) (*MyResponse, error): This is the handler for our Lambda function and will be executed each time the function is invoked. When building a function handler in Go, you several valid handler signatures to choose from. In our case, we use the following parameters:
    • ctx context.Context: provides cancellation signals, deadlines, and Lambda-specific runtime information via the package.
    • event MyEvent: contains the structured event data that was passed to the handler.
    • *MyResponse, error: the structured response data returned by the handler and standard error information.
  • func initFactory() error: initializes global state by setting var factory *appencryption.SessionFactory. This approach is considered a best practice as it takes advantage of the Lambda execution environment by allowing subsequest invocations of a function instance to reuse this global factory resource. This saves cost by reducing function run time.

    Note that synchronization isn't needed here because a single instance will never handle multiple events simultaneously.

  • func tryHandle(ctx context.Context, event MyEvent) (resp *MyResponse, err error): called by our function handler to perform the requested encrypt or decrypt operation. In the event of a panic, it attempts recovery and returns a recoveredError to the handler if successful.
  • type recoveredError struct{ error }: used to indicate a panic has occurred while attempting to handle the event, in which case the handler may attempt to retry handling the event (more on this below).
  • func main(): registers the handler via lambda.Start(HandleRequest) and ultimately runs our Lambda function code. This is required.

As noted in the section above, the sample application reuses initialized resources to reduce run time which in turn reduces cost. By reusing the appencryption.SessionFactory specifically, we can take advantage of Asherah's session and key caching functionality to minimize calls to supporting services such as AWS KMS and DynamoDB, bringing additional cost savings.

When developing with Asherah on AWS Lambda there's one resource limitation in particular worth special consideration. At the time of this writing, lockable memory (memlock) in the Lambda execution environment is limited to 64KiB. This is important because, as noted in System Requirements, Asherah requires 4KiB of lockable memory per key. This means that, at most, the total number of keys that can be loaded into memory at any given time is 16, a low number for sure but one that's manageable with the right precautions.

The sample application accounts for this in a few ways:

  • encryption operations are limited to a single short-lived session, requiring only one system key and one intermediate key per function invocation.
  • appencryption.WithSessionCacheMaxSize(10) limits the maximum size of the session cache to 10.

    If you determine session caching isn't a good fit for your use case, it can be disabled by simply omitting this along with the preceeding appencryption.WithSessionCache() option. Likewise, the caching of both System and Intermediate keys can be disabled entirely via the appencryption.WithNoCache() option. Note that disabling caching altogether will result in increased latency (and cost) as keys will need to be retrieved from the metastore on every encrypt/decrypt operation.

  • panicking goroutines are recovered and errors are inspected using recoveredError.isRetryable(). In the event the the underlying error was triggered by exceeding the memlock limit, this function returns true, prompting the handler to reinitialize the SessionFactory before retrying the original operation.