Jekyll Minima Theme ported to WordPress
I'm currently developing and using this WordPress theme on
I just like the simplicity of the Minima theme from Jekyll. Some Google searches turned up empty for a Minima theme port to WordPress so I spent a half hour hacking the theme up myself.
Alpha - I do not recommend you running this on production sites.
In order of priority for me personally.
add nav menu and replace static "About" and "Tools"Widgetize footer (need to manually change social links and text in footer right now)Add comment system- Sidebar: No plans
- Cleanup CSS
- Cleanup HTML
- Fix WordPress function references and optimize loop
- Add post meta information, maybe. It isn't in minimawp so I'm not sure I'll actually do it. This is just here as a mindmap snippet.
Currently I use W3C to validate HTML stuff while I'm hacking this up.
Feel free to contribute!