diff --git a/rladies-in-the-news/2018/2018-08-11_R-Generation-25-Years-of-R.pdf b/rladies-in-the-news/2018/2018-08-11_R-Generation-25-Years-of-R.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..372deb6 Binary files /dev/null and b/rladies-in-the-news/2018/2018-08-11_R-Generation-25-Years-of-R.pdf differ diff --git a/rladies-in-the-news/2018/2018-10-22_Why-the-future-isnt-female-in-computing.pdf b/rladies-in-the-news/2018/2018-10-22_Why-the-future-isnt-female-in-computing.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04df51a Binary files /dev/null and b/rladies-in-the-news/2018/2018-10-22_Why-the-future-isnt-female-in-computing.pdf differ diff --git a/rladies-in-the-news/README.md b/rladies-in-the-news/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5dc34d --- /dev/null +++ b/rladies-in-the-news/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +## 2018 + +- 2018-11-17: La comunidad RLadies y el capítulo RLadiesRciaCtes como promotor de la diversidad de género en el Nea ([source](https://ar.ivoox.com/es/programa-nro-38-audios-mp3_rf_30137471_1.html)) + +- 2018-10-22: Why the future isn’t female in computing ([source](https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2018/10/22/why-the-future-isnt-female-in-computing); [pdf](https://github.com/rladies/resources/blob/master/rladies-in-the-news/2018/2018-10-22_Why-the-future-isnt-female-in-computing.pdf)) + + + +- 2018-09-07: Programación - La calculadora mágica de los científicos de datos cumple 25 años ([source](https://retina.elpais.com/retina/2018/08/22/tendencias/1534935352_747125.html); [pdf]()) + +- 2018-08-11: R Generation: 25 Years of R ([source](https://rss.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1740-9713.2018.01169.x) [pdf](https://github.com/rladies/resources/blob/master/rladies-in-the-news/2018/2018-08-11_R-Generation-25-Years-of-R.pdf)) + + +- 2018-07-23: Las mujeres forman redes para lograr un sitio en la ciencia +([source](https://elpais.com/elpais/2018/07/16/masterdeperiodismo/1531736843_545135.html); [pdf]()) + +- 2018-06-20: Mujeres programadoras contra los estereotipos: adivina quién va ganando ([source](https://elpais.com/tecnologia/2018/06/14/actualidad/1528977394_341784.html); [pdf]()) + +- 2018-05-28: Reciclé mi vida profesional por completo haciendo cursos gratuitos de Coursera sobre data science ([source](https://www.xataka.com/empresas-y-economia/recicle-mi-vida-profesional-completo-haciendo-cursos-gratuitos-coursera-data-science) [pdf]()) + + +- 2018-05-05: R-Ladie, la organización que llegó a Mendoza para acercar la tecnología a las mujeres ([source](https://www.diariouno.com.ar/tecnologia/rladie-la-organizacion-que-llego-a-mendoza-para-acercar-la-tecnologia-a-las-mujeres-05062018_BkZTQh5hpM); [pdf]()) + +- 2018-04-03: Las ingenieras que luchan para que la inteligencia artificial tenga 'madres' ([source](https://www.eldiario.es/hojaderouter/inteligencia_artificial/ingenieras-luchan-inteligencia-artificial-madres_0_756974765.html); [pdf]()) + + +- 2018-01-03: ‘The R community is doing really well in gender diversity’** ([source](https://technical.ly/philly/2018/01/03/r-ladies-philly-meetup/); [pdf]()) + +## 2017 + +- 2017-12-27: Teaching Students To Ask Questions, Take Risks ([source](https://www.srqmagazine.com/srq-daily/2017-12-27/7470_Teaching-Students-To-Ask-Questions--Take-Risks); [pdf]()) + + +- 2017-11-20: Chica tech - De la economía a la programación, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos ([source](https://www.clarin.com/entremujeres/carrera-y-dinero/economia-programacion-abrir-cerrar-ojos_0_SJAIhKxgz.html); [pdf]()) + +- 2017-10-14: Mujeres en la ciencia y la tecnología ([source](http://archivo.laarena.com.ar/la_arena_del_campo-mujeres-en-la-ciencia-y-la-tecnologia-1170655-16.html); [pdf]()) + +- 2017-10-12: Women in tech aim to grow next generation's interest beyond family ties ([source](https://www.orlandosentinel.com/business/technology/os-bz-women-technology-challenges-20171012-story.html); [pdf]()) + + +- 2017-08-11: Diferentes na biologia sim. Inferiores não, dizem mulheres na tecnologia ([source](https://www.delas.pt/diferentes-na-biologia-sim-inferiores-nao-dizem-mulheres-na-tecnologia/); [pdf]()) + + diff --git a/rladies-in-the-news/pdf/'The R community is doing really well in gender diversity' - Technical.ly Philly.pdf b/rladies-in-the-news/pdf/'The R community is doing really well in gender diversity' - Technical.ly Philly.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..770b5da Binary files /dev/null and b/rladies-in-the-news/pdf/'The R community is doing really well in gender diversity' - Technical.ly Philly.pdf differ diff --git "a/rladies-in-the-news/pdf/Diario Uno - R-Ladie, la organizaci\303\263n que lleg\303\263 a Mendoza para acercar la tecnolog\303\255a a las mujeres.pdf" "b/rladies-in-the-news/pdf/Diario Uno - R-Ladie, la organizaci\303\263n que lleg\303\263 a Mendoza para acercar la tecnolog\303\255a a las mujeres.pdf" new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe6324e Binary files /dev/null and "b/rladies-in-the-news/pdf/Diario Uno - R-Ladie, la organizaci\303\263n que lleg\303\263 a Mendoza para acercar la tecnolog\303\255a a las mujeres.pdf" differ diff --git "a/rladies-in-the-news/pdf/Diferentes na biologia sim. Inferiores n\303\243o, dizem mulheres na tecnologia.pdf" "b/rladies-in-the-news/pdf/Diferentes na biologia sim. Inferiores n\303\243o, dizem mulheres na tecnologia.pdf" new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1976a4a Binary files /dev/null and "b/rladies-in-the-news/pdf/Diferentes na biologia sim. 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