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Deployment Guide

Environment variable

Notification module requires 1 environment variable to start. This environment variable name is ADYEN_INTEGRATION_CONFIG and it must contain settings as attributes in a JSON structure.

  "commercetools": {
    "commercetoolsProjectKey1": {
      "clientId": "xxx",
      "clientSecret": "xxx"
    "commercetoolsProjectKey2": {
      "clientId": "xxx",
      "clientSecret": "xxx"
  "adyen": {
    "adyenMerchantAccount1": {
      "enableHmacSignature": "false"
    "adyenMerchantAccount2": {
      "enableHmacSignature": "true",
      "secretHmacKey": "secretKey"
  "port": 8081

ADYEN_INTEGRATION_CONFIG JSON structure contains different attribute groups as described below:

  • adyen attribute group: Multiple child attributes can be provided in the adyen attribute. Each direct child attribute must represent an adyen merchant account.
  • commercetools attribute group: Multiple child attributes can be provided in the commercetools attribute. Each direct child attribute must represent a commercetools project.
  • other attribute group: Attributes in this group can be set as direct child attributes in the root of the JSON.

Preparing the credentials

  • commercetools project credentials:
    • If you don't have the commercetools OAuth credentials,create a commercetools API Client.
      • Note that extension module requires manage_payments scopes for the integration and manage_types scopes for setting up required resources.

Required attributes

Group Name Content
commercetools clientId OAuth 2.0 client_id and can be used to obtain a token.
commercetools clientSecret OAuth 2.0 client_secret and can be used to obtain a token.

Optional attributes

Group Name Content Default value
adyen enableHmacSignature Verify the integrity of notifications using Adyen HMAC signatures. true
adyen secretHmacKey The generated secret HMAC key that is linked to a Adyen Standard Notification endpoint
commercetools apiUrl The commercetools HTTP API is hosted at that URL.
commercetools authUrl The commercetools’ OAuth 2.0 service is hosted at that URL.
other adyenPaymentMethodsToNames Key-value object where key is paymentMethod returned in the notification and value is the custom localized name that will be saved in CTP payment.paymentMethodInfo.method. {scheme: {en: 'Credit Card'}, pp: {en: 'PayPal'}, klarna: {en: 'Klarna'}, gpay: {en: 'Google Pay'}}
other removeSensitiveData Boolean attribute. When set to "false", Adyen fields with additional information about the payment will be saved in the interface interaction and in the custom fields. true
other port The port number on which the application will run. 443
other logLevel The log level (trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal). info
other keepAliveTimeout Milliseconds to keep a socket alive after the last response (Node.js docs). Node.js default (5 seconds)

Other Configurations

Other configurations can be set as direct child attributes in ADYEN_INTEGRATION_CONFIG.

  "commercetools": {...},
  "adyen": {...},
  "getAdyenPaymentMethodsToNames": {
    "visa": {"en": "Credit card visa"},
    "gpay": {"en": "Google Pay"}
  "logLevel": "DEBUG",
  "port": 8080,
  "keepAliveTimeout": 10000,
  "removeSensitiveData": false
Name Content Default value
adyenPaymentMethodsToNames Key-value object where key is paymentMethod returned in the notification and value is the custom localized name that will be saved in CTP payment.paymentMethodInfo.method. {scheme: {en: 'Credit Card'}, pp: {en: 'PayPal'}, klarna: {en: 'Klarna'}, gpay: {en: 'Google Pay'}}
port The port number on which the application will run. 443
logLevel The log level (trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal). info
keepAliveTimeout Milliseconds to keep a socket alive after the last response (Node.js docs). Node.js default (5 seconds)
removeSensitiveData Boolean attribute. When set to "false", Adyen fields with additional information about the payment will be saved in the interface interaction and in the custom fields. true
notificationBaseUrl Publicly available URL of the Notification module. In case of any payment changes, Adyen will call this URL and pass the notification in body. This attribute is used when calling npm run setup-resources
apiKey This key will be used to make authenticated API requests to Adyen. This attribute is used when calling npm run setup-resources

External file configuration

In case you have a huge configuration that reaches above the environment limits (e.g the total size of all environment variables on AWS Lambda can't exceed 4 KB.), you could use the external file configuration instead of setting ADYEN_INTEGRATION_CONFIG environment variable. The notification module will look for the .notificationrc file in the notification folder. The file should contain the same JSON content as it's defined with environment variable.

Commercetools project requirements

Resources below are required for the notification module to operate correctly.

  1. Payment-interface-interaction custom type

You can create these by running the command npm run setup-resources as below, the command requires the ADYEN_INTEGRATION_CONFIG to be set as an environment variable. Be aware that this command also sets up the notification webhook in Adyen.

npm run setup-resources



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Running the Docker image

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Notification module supports different deployment options. It could be either hosted on-premises (run docker containers behind the load balancer) or deployed as a serverless application.