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The source code for the project underlying the results presented in the article with the same name.


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This README describes the code we use in the paper with the same name and which allows for a replication of the results.

Find the preprint at


  • Robin Marin (robin.marin 'at', Primary contact
  • Håkan Runvik (hakan.runvik 'at',
  • Alexander Medvedev (alexander 'at', and
  • Stefan Engblom (stefane 'at', Secondary contact


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Make sure that the dependencies are installed and initialized
  3. Initialize by starting Matlab and running startup in the main directory

Posteriors on file

The posterior files that are supplied in /inference/results/KLAM/ have all been reduced in size to 100 parameter samples for storage size reasons. See Section KLAM on how to generate a full size posterior and reproduce the results in the paper to an equivalent precision.


Basic functionallity to generate the results in the paper. If further explanation is wanted, see the extensive Matlab help for each function. See the Examples section below for explicit usecases and figure generation.

Data (/data/)

To access data, run d = loadData(rep) where rep is a specificed source, see help loadData. Note: not all sources listed are distributed. Raw .csv files are stored under /data/sources/REP for the source REP. We often use pre-processing steps on the data before performing any calculations, e.g.,

Data = loadData('C19');
Data = polishData(Data,'D','Dinc',1);
Data = smoothData(Data,{'D' 'H' 'W'},{'Dinc' [] []});

Kalman filter (/kalman/)

The main function for the Kalman filter is C19filt(...). The function makes further calls to subordinate functions found in /kalman/auxil/ that handle the construction and the recursive propagation of the filter.

An evaluation of the prediction capabilities of the posterior Kalman filter is obtained by C19filt_lag(...), which is the Kalman filter extended to enable k-day ahead ("lag") predictions, i.e., without data observations.

Prior (/inference/)

rates = priorenger(N) returns N samples from the prior, and dens = priorenger(rates) computes the prior density of the samples in rates. The marginal priors are constructed in the genprior script.

Posterior (/inference/)

The posterior is stored and accessed using rates = posteriorenger(file) where file is a posterior file. We have stored our generated posterior files under inference/results/. The function includes a functionallity of referencing a list of posterior files and sampling from a weighted average of them, e.g., the Swedish national average weighted by regional population size.

Note that there are two versions of each posterior file currently in the repository. These correspond to the two intepretations of the $R_0$ parameter. To access the two versions of the files, set the interp variable to =1 or =2. The files share the same naming convention but interp=2 has _update appended in the end of the filename. If interp isn't set, the default is 2.

KLAM (/inference/KLAM/)

We generate samples from the approximate posterior by an implementation of Kalman Likelihood Adaptive Metropolis (KLAM). We supply the wrapper script klam_parachain which calls the underlying functions (klam_init, AM, logKL) using Matlab's parfor framework. Generating samples are expensive and we include the code for reference, but the results we have generated can also be accessed by the posterior functionality discussed above.

nMCMC = 1e3;        % number of samples per chain
savetofile = false; % save the posterior or not
                    % (in either case RATES is created)
reg = 2;            % Uppsala region
gelmanRub = true;   % convergence score
burnin = 1e0;       % burnin length to remove from chain
runs = 4;           % number of parallel chains
register = 'C19';   % source of data

% reproduce the results in the paper
nMCMC = 5e4;
burnin = 1e3;
reg = 1:21;
savetofile = true;

DynOpt (/inference/dynamic_beta/)

The temporal upscaling ("bootstrap on the margin") of the 4-week reproduction number is generated by dynamic_beta_ML. Note that if savetofile = true, the script might overwrite files.

reg = 2;          % Uppsala
evalplot = true;  % diagnostic plots
savetofile = false;
register = 'C19'; % source of data
dynamic_beta_ML;  % generates R_t for Uppsala upscale,
                  % see the variable R_POST

reg = 1:21 % all regions
evalplot = false;
% generates the files for all the regions:

% generates the weighted national average posterior:

Weekly predictions (/weekly/)

We perform k-day ahead prediction using the posterior Kalman filter in weekly_prediction, for an example, see Fig. 3 in the paper.

Bootstrap (/URDME/)

The boostrap replicates we use for assessing robustness are generated using URDME. The URDME-model script covid19enger defines the rates and the model itself and covid19enger_run_post simulates the samples. Our posterior samples are generated using a national weighted mean posterior. See the example for Fig. S8 below for some sample code. The following example will generate the bootstrap replicate samples, infer one posterior using KLAM on that data for the Uppsala region, and finally perform the upscaling of the reproduction number on that posterior. Note: these results take a long time to generate.

savetofile = true;
dynamic_beta_ML_all; % if not already run
regplot = [];
URDMEsampling; % generates data

reg = 2;
register = 'URDME1'
urdme = 1;

Examples (paper/predict/)

All examples below are associated with a display item in the paper.

Prior to generating the figure, simulation files are needed for some of the figures/examples listed below. In order to run them properly we suggest you first generate them by first running the laggen script. It will take a while, but it needs only to be called once. The laggen call should be called as follows

% suggested approach to reproduce the results
type = 1;
reg = [1 2 22];
type = 2;
reg = [2]

% if all data is wanted
type = 1;
reg = 1:22;
laggen; % filter output + 14 days of prediciton

type = 2;
laggen % Continous 7-day ahead prediction

Figures (paper/predict/img/scripts)

Fig. 2:

Illustrate the marginal prior and posterior with prior_posterior. The illustration can be the weighted national average or any combination of regional posteriors, see the variable reg which include all if set to [1:21], or only Uppsala if [2].

savetofile = false;
reg = [1:21];
prior_posterior; % generates the weighted national average
                 % (as in the paper)

reg = [2]
prior_posterior; % Uppsala only

Fig. 3:

7-day ahead predictions per region, and exemplified for Uppsala in lagplot. The function unpacks prediction samples generated using the weekly_predict wrapper laggen

savetofile = false;
generateData = 0; % if the laggen call was already made
reg = [2];        % Uppsala figure, [1] for Stockholm and so on

Fig. 4:

The proportion of recovered invididuals per region, and Stockholm in particular, see recovered. Stockholm in particular because we have included validating sources which only consider that region. The validating sources are included as .csv: [fhmAnti, fhmAntiGivare, RecPaperEstimate], see the paper for the sources. The call is simply

savetofile = false;
recovered; % generates the plot in the paper

Fig. 5 (& 7):

As the posterior Kalman filter can give an estimate of the proportion of recovered individuals, similarly the filter can also give an estimate of the number of symptomatic and/or the symptomatic incidence. The latter is often what screening studies via testing try to uncover. In IincFac we do exactly this, we query the model for the symptomatic incidence and compare it to the positive tests by PHA in Stockholm and Uppsala. Figures can be generates in batch, or by region.

savetofile = false;
reg = [2] % Uppsala Fig 5

% (the figure names are re-used and we suggest saving:)
savetofile = true;
reg = [1 2] % Stockholm and Uppsala, Fig 7 and 5.

Fig. 6 (& 8):

The posterior reproduction number (4-week constant) and the marginal boostrap (daily) per region can be illustrated by Rposterior. The region of interest is specified by reglist. In Fig. 6 = [2], and in Fig. 8 = [1 10 12 8 9 19]. The 4-week posterior is illustrated using a boxplot, the daily as a red line, and for comparison we also include the estimate given by PHA per region.

clear reg
savetofile = false;
Rposterior; % generates the figures for the 7 selected
            % regions in the paper

reg = [2];
Rposterior; % only generates the figure for Uppsala

Fig. 10:

The pre-processing of the data (as discussed under Results → Data) and further detailed in the SI smoothes the distribution of deceased incidence per weekday to achieve one that is closer to uniformly distributed. The illustration in the SI is reproducable in weekday_smoothing.

savetofile = false;
reg = 1; % Stockholm

reg = 2; % Uppsala

Fig. 12:

Our exploration of the prior predictive distribution is given by priorpred. The parameters are here direct samples from the prior in the same way as the posterior is used in laggen. A first inital run should include gendata = true and then it can be set to false. The first run generates the prior sample predictions and save the file (it can be large, therefore we do not include it). After it has been generated, the file can simply be loaded and the predictive distribution can be explored further.

savetofile = false;
regen = 1;    % generate the samples
reg = 2;      % Uppsala
Nprior = 1e3; % number of prior samples

regen = 0;
priorpred;    % same figure format, but loading the prior samples from file

Fig. 13:

The daily estimate of β is expensive to run; superlinear complexity in the number of days K. We illustrate the splitting of horizions to make the calculations feasable in HorizonSplitCompare. Warning: this script takes a long time.

savetofile = false;
reg = 2; % Uppsala region, as in paper

Fig. 14:

The posterior for all regions is tricker to visualize all at once. In errorbarsRegion we give the posterior mean ± 1 std per region. This gives a quick overview of potential outlier regions but also displays the nice agreement between regional results.

% load data into memory and generate figure
clear ratenames
savetofile = false;

% alternatively, generate figure from memory:

Fig. 15:

The bootstrap samples are generated using URDME. The function URDMEsampling generates the samples for all regions, stores the file, and generates the figures. The latter allows for visual comparison with the underlying data. There will be some mismatch since the posterior we use in the simulations is a national average (except for the reproduction number) and therefore, if the regional posterior differed significantly from the weighted national average, we then expect the simulations to differ somewhat. Note: URDME needs to be modified a bit to work on the Windows platform, meaning that this example is not possible to quickly generate on that system.

savetofile = false;
reg = [1:21];  % national average
regplot = [2];
URDMEsampling; % only the Uppsala figure

% all the figures in the paper:
clear regplot

Fig. 16:

The reproduced posterior samples from the bootstrap replicate data can be visualized together with the weighted national average (cf. Fig. 2) as another marginal density in prior_posteriorURDME.

savetofile = false;
reg = [1:21];         % national average
prior_posteriorURDME; % same figure format as in the paper

reg = [2];
prior_posteriorURDME; % only for Uppsala.

Fig. 17:

Similarly to how the boostrap replicate posterior was compared to the marginal posterior and prior in Fig. S9, we can include the replicate mean for the reproduction number in RposteriorURDME. We only include the files necessary for the Uppsala region plot (as given in the paper).

savetofile = false;

Fig. 18:

To compare the posterior Kalman filter predictor with something basic, we construct an Autoregressive (AR) model in arx_fit. The AR model considers data (H,W,D) in an expanding window and makes 7-day ahead predictions. The performance is then evaluated on the frequency of "inside [X%] CrI" and the NRMSE per the days we have recorded for the posterior filter. The reasoning for only doing it on the recorded dates is that this ensures that the Kalman filter had not seen any future data when making predictions. The code also generates Tab. S5. Note: in the start of the data fit, a warning Warning: Noise variance and Final Prediction Error (FPE) [...] is possibly thrown by Matlab. The reason for this warning is the low amounts of data considered in the start of the process leadning to more uncertain predictions there. This is in the start of the prediction and is outside of the quantitative comparison region.

savetofile = false;
reg = 2; % Uppsala region
arx_fit; % first time loads solution into memory

arx_fit; % no new fitting, only plotting
clear ypred;
reg = 1; % Stockholm data
arx_fit; % fit anew.

Tables (paper/predict/tab/scripts)

Tab. 1

We describe in the paper how the techniques from the paper was used for weekly prediction in reports communicated with the local authorities. The results from those reports are summarized in a table and weekly_eval extracts the results.

savetofile = false;
weekly_eval; % reads the table
tableWeekly  % the final LaTeX-table

Tab. 2

Like the reproduction number, the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) is a 4-week dynamical parameter. We present the IFR using the IFRtableURDME script. The IFR estimator per 4 week is, however, somewhat noisy and we decided to report bi-monthly estimate instead. A downward trend could be seen quite early on. We give our estimate (posterior sample) for Stockholm and Uppsala and also the weighted national average. The posterior CrI is computed as marginal quantiles. The table include footnotemarks (§ and ‡) and we use these marks to indicate that the estimates should be considered less robust due to a somewhat worse bootstrap match. See the discussion in Materials & Methods. Note: we only distribute a thinned posterior due to data limitation. To fully reproduce the results, larger sample size is needed.

% a table of the same format as in the paper
clear reg bimonthly
verb = 1;
reg = [1 2 22];
IFRtableURDME; % Stockholm, Uppsala, Sweden

reg = [1:22];  % all regions and Sweden

reg = [2];
bimonthly = false;
IFRtableURDME; % Uppsala, but IFR per month

Tab. S4

With the estimated bias we compute some uncertainty statistics: Coefficient of Variation (CoV), Coefficient of Bias (CoB), and normalized root mean square error (NRMSE), per region in bootstraptable. We estimate the bias for the regional posteriors by using the known bias of the bootstrap replicates. The bias is computed per parameter, and is intended as a basic measure of the bias for the entire region (over all parameters). Some deeper investigation into the working of the table construction can be achieved by examining posterror which processes the posterior files that bootstraptable supplies it with.

saveetofile = false;
bootstraptable; % generates the table in the paper.


CFR conditioned on [I,H,W]

In the paper we give estimates for the CFR conditioned on I, H, and W. These esimates are generated using spectral.

reg = 1:21; % national average
sig = 3;    % # of significant digits in rounded result

reg = 2;    % Uppsala CFR

Death per source compartment

We include also the script for estimates of the number of death per source compartment (I,H,W): Deadsplit. In order to run the script a simulation output generated by an extended version of our posterior model that keeps track of the different compartments that the diseased came from is required. We can share the the additional code needed if required: please contact the owner of the repository. The current repository includes one such simulation file, but the code to generate the simulation file is not included.

Deadsplit; % run spectral and unpacks the simulation file


Tested on

  • Linux (Pop!_OS 20.10, 64 bit), MATLAB 2021a
  • Linux (Pop!_OS 21.10, 64 bit), MATLAB 2021a
  • macOS Monterey Version 12.3, MATLAB 2021b
  • Windows 10 Education 64 bit, MATLAB R2019a


The source code for the project underlying the results presented in the article with the same name.







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