diff --git a/include/generated/None.d.ts b/include/generated/None.d.ts
index aae0359ac4..80d6f086b9 100644
--- a/include/generated/None.d.ts
+++ b/include/generated/None.d.ts
@@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ interface Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly ClassName: string;
+	get ClassName(): string;
 	 * A non-unique identifier of the [Instance](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Instance).
@@ -1366,7 +1366,7 @@ interface AdPortal extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Status: Enum.AdUnitStatus;
+	get Status(): Enum.AdUnitStatus;
 /** **Note**
@@ -1907,15 +1907,15 @@ interface AnimationStreamTrack extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
-	readonly Animation: TrackerStreamAnimation | undefined;
+	get Animation(): TrackerStreamAnimation | undefined;
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
-	readonly FACSDataLod: Enum.FACSDataLod;
+	get FACSDataLod(): Enum.FACSDataLod;
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
-	readonly IsPlaying: boolean;
+	get IsPlaying(): boolean;
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
@@ -1923,11 +1923,11 @@ interface AnimationStreamTrack extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
-	readonly WeightCurrent: number;
+	get WeightCurrent(): number;
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
-	readonly WeightTarget: number;
+	get WeightTarget(): number;
 /** Controls the playback of an animation on a [Humanoid](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Humanoid) or [AnimationController](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/AnimationController). This object cannot be created, instead it is returned by the [Humanoid:LoadAnimation](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/Humanoid/LoadAnimation) method. */
@@ -1947,7 +1947,7 @@ interface AnimationTrack extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Animation: Animation | undefined;
+	get Animation(): Animation | undefined;
 	 * A read only property that returns true when the [AnimationTrack](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/AnimationTrack) is playing.
@@ -1955,7 +1955,7 @@ interface AnimationTrack extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly IsPlaying: boolean;
+	get IsPlaying(): boolean;
 	 * A read only property that returns the length (in seconds) of an [AnimationTrack](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/AnimationTrack). This will return 0 until the animation has fully loaded and thus may not be immediately available.
@@ -1963,7 +1963,7 @@ interface AnimationTrack extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Length: number;
+	get Length(): number;
 	 * This property sets whether the animation will repeat after finishing. If it is changed while playing the result will take effect after the animation finishes.
@@ -1998,7 +1998,7 @@ interface AnimationTrack extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Speed: number;
+	get Speed(): number;
 	 * Returns the position in time in seconds that an [AnimationTrack](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/AnimationTrack) is through playing its source animation. Can be set to make the track jump to a specific moment in the animation.
@@ -2020,7 +2020,7 @@ interface AnimationTrack extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly WeightCurrent: number;
+	get WeightCurrent(): number;
 	 * When weight is set in an [AnimationTrack](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/AnimationTrack) it does not change instantaneously but moves from WeightCurrent to [AnimationTrack.WeightTarget](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/AnimationTrack/WeightTarget). The time it takes to do this is determined by the fadeTime parameter given when the animation is played, or the weight is adjusted.
@@ -2034,7 +2034,7 @@ interface AnimationTrack extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly WeightTarget: number;
+	get WeightTarget(): number;
 	 * This function changes the [AnimationTrack.Speed](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/AnimationTrack/Speed) of an animation. A positive value for speed plays the animation forward, a negative one plays it backwards, and 0 pauses it.
@@ -2177,16 +2177,16 @@ interface Animator extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated, NotBrowsable
-	readonly EvaluationThrottled: boolean;
+	get EvaluationThrottled(): boolean;
 	PreferLodEnabled: boolean;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated, NotBrowsable
-	readonly RootMotion: CFrame;
+	get RootMotion(): CFrame;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated, NotBrowsable
-	readonly RootMotionWeight: number;
+	get RootMotionWeight(): number;
 	 * Given the current set of [AnimationTracks](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/AnimationTrack) playing, and their current times and play speeds, compute relative velocities between the parts and apply them to Motor6D.Part1 (the part which [Animator](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Animator) considers the “child” part). These relative velocity calculations and assignments happen in the order provided.
@@ -2665,7 +2665,7 @@ interface Attachment extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
 	 * @deprecated Use `WorldOrientation` instead
-	readonly WorldRotation: Vector3;
+	get WorldRotation(): Vector3;
 	 * Represents the direction of the [Y-Axis](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Attachment/SecondaryAxis) of the [Attachment](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Attachment), relative to the world, as a unit [Vector3](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/datatype/Vector3) with a length of 1.
@@ -2727,7 +2727,7 @@ interface Bone extends Attachment {
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
-	readonly TransformedCFrame: CFrame;
+	get TransformedCFrame(): CFrame;
 	 * **TransformedWorldCFrame** describes the combined [CFrame](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Attachment/CFrame) offset of the bone and the current animation offset ([Transform](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Bone/Transform)) in world space.
@@ -2739,7 +2739,7 @@ interface Bone extends Attachment {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly TransformedWorldCFrame: CFrame;
+	get TransformedWorldCFrame(): CFrame;
 interface AudioAnalyzer extends Instance {
@@ -2754,11 +2754,11 @@ interface AudioAnalyzer extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly PeakLevel: number;
+	get PeakLevel(): number;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly RmsLevel: number;
+	get RmsLevel(): number;
 	 * Tags: CustomLuaState
@@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@ interface AudioDeviceInput extends Instance {
 	readonly _nominal_AudioDeviceInput: unique symbol;
 	AccessType: Enum.AccessModifierType;
-	readonly Active: boolean;
+	get Active(): boolean;
 	Muted: boolean;
 	Player: Player | undefined;
 	GetUserIdAccessList(this: AudioDeviceInput): unknown;
@@ -2939,11 +2939,11 @@ interface AudioPlayer extends Instance {
 	readonly _nominal_AudioPlayer: unique symbol;
 	AssetId: string;
 	AutoLoad: boolean;
-	readonly IsPlaying: boolean;
+	get IsPlaying(): boolean;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly IsReady: boolean;
+	get IsReady(): boolean;
 	LoopRegion: NumberRange;
 	Looping: boolean;
 	PlaybackRegion: NumberRange;
@@ -2951,7 +2951,7 @@ interface AudioPlayer extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly TimeLength: number;
+	get TimeLength(): number;
 	TimePosition: number;
 	Play(this: AudioPlayer): void;
 	Stop(this: AudioPlayer): void;
@@ -3638,7 +3638,7 @@ interface BaseImportData extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Id: string;
+	get Id(): string;
 	ImportName: string;
 	ShouldImport: boolean;
 	readonly StatusRemoved: RBXScriptSignal<(status: object) => void>;
@@ -3705,7 +3705,7 @@ interface MaterialImportData extends BaseImportData {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly IsPbr: boolean;
+	get IsPbr(): boolean;
 	MetalnessFilePath: string;
 	NormalFilePath: string;
 	RoughnessFilePath: string;
@@ -3724,27 +3724,27 @@ interface MeshImportData extends BaseImportData {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly CageManifold: boolean;
+	get CageManifold(): boolean;
 	CageMeshIntersectedPreview: boolean;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly CageMeshNotIntersected: boolean;
+	get CageMeshNotIntersected(): boolean;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly CageNoOverlappingVertices: boolean;
+	get CageNoOverlappingVertices(): boolean;
 	CageNonManifoldPreview: boolean;
 	CageOverlappingVerticesPreview: boolean;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly CageUVMatched: boolean;
+	get CageUVMatched(): boolean;
 	CageUVMisMatchedPreview: boolean;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Dimensions: Vector3;
+	get Dimensions(): Vector3;
 	DoubleSided: boolean;
 	IgnoreVertexColors: boolean;
 	IrrelevantCageModifiedPreview: boolean;
@@ -3752,20 +3752,20 @@ interface MeshImportData extends BaseImportData {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly MeshNoHoleDetected: boolean;
+	get MeshNoHoleDetected(): boolean;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly NoIrrelevantCageModified: boolean;
+	get NoIrrelevantCageModified(): boolean;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly NoOuterCageFarExtendedFromMesh: boolean;
+	get NoOuterCageFarExtendedFromMesh(): boolean;
 	OuterCageFarExtendedFromMeshPreview: boolean;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly PolygonCount: number;
+	get PolygonCount(): number;
 	UseImportedPivot: boolean;
@@ -3785,7 +3785,7 @@ interface RootImportData extends BaseImportData {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly FileDimensions: Vector3;
+	get FileDimensions(): Vector3;
 	ImportAsModelAsset: boolean;
 	ImportAsPackage: boolean;
 	InsertInWorkspace: boolean;
@@ -3795,7 +3795,7 @@ interface RootImportData extends BaseImportData {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly PolygonCount: number;
+	get PolygonCount(): number;
 	PreferredUploadId: number;
 	RestPose: Enum.RestPose;
 	RigScale: Enum.RigScale;
@@ -3851,7 +3851,7 @@ interface PlayerGui extends BasePlayerGui {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly CurrentScreenOrientation: Enum.ScreenOrientation;
+	get CurrentScreenOrientation(): Enum.ScreenOrientation;
 	 * Sets the preferred screen orientation mode for this user, if the user is on a mobile device.
@@ -4810,19 +4810,19 @@ interface BaseWrap extends Instance {
 	 * Asset ID for cage mesh.
-	CageMeshId: string;
+	get CageMeshId(): string;
 	 * This property is set up automatically by the Avatar Importer plugin.
 	 * Cage mesh offset relative to parent [MeshPart](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/MeshPart).
-	CageOrigin: CFrame;
+	get CageOrigin(): CFrame;
 	 * Cage mesh offset in world space.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly CageOriginWorld: CFrame;
+	get CageOriginWorld(): CFrame;
 	 * This property is set up automatically by the Avatar Importer plugin.
@@ -4860,13 +4860,13 @@ interface BaseWrap extends Instance {
 	 * 	end	
 	 * end
-	ImportOrigin: CFrame;
+	get ImportOrigin(): CFrame;
 	 * Describes where the origin (in world space) was while authoring the cage mesh in an asset creation tool such as Blender or Maya.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly ImportOriginWorld: CFrame;
+	get ImportOriginWorld(): CFrame;
 /** The WrapLayer object defines a 3D accessory's inner and outer surfaces and other properties related to layering accessories. These surfaces, or the Inner Cage and Outer Cage, are similar to collision boxes, and describe the surfaces of which other 3D accessories can be placed without clipping or breaking.
@@ -4888,7 +4888,7 @@ interface WrapLayer extends BaseWrap {
 	 * [CFrame](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/datatype/CFrame) to adjust a binding point for a clothing item mesh. Allows for fine-tuning of clothing items (slight adjustment of position/rotation to get a unique look) in contexts such as community-made avatar editors.
-	BindOffset: CFrame;
+	get BindOffset(): CFrame;
 	 * Allows for disabling of the [WrapLayer](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/WrapLayer) object as if it does not exist.
@@ -4910,13 +4910,13 @@ interface WrapLayer extends BaseWrap {
 	 * Note: this property is set up automatically by the FBX importer
-	ReferenceMeshId: string;
+	get ReferenceMeshId(): string;
 	 * Reference mesh offset relative to parent MeshPart (in the parent MeshPart space)
 	 * Note: this property is set up automatically by the FBX importer
-	ReferenceOrigin: CFrame;
+	get ReferenceOrigin(): CFrame;
 	 * Reference mesh offset relative to parent MeshPart (in the world space)
@@ -4924,7 +4924,7 @@ interface WrapLayer extends BaseWrap {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly ReferenceOriginWorld: CFrame;
+	get ReferenceOriginWorld(): CFrame;
 	 * This property is intended for fine-tuning purposes and is highly optional.
@@ -4932,7 +4932,7 @@ interface WrapLayer extends BaseWrap {
 	 * Valid range is -1 to 1. A value of -1 will maximally expand while a value of 1 will maximally shrink. A value of 0 (default) has no effect.
-	ShrinkFactor: number;
+	get ShrinkFactor(): number;
 /** The WrapTarget object defines a target. A target is the 3D body with only an outer surface, or an Outer Cage.
@@ -4953,7 +4953,7 @@ interface WrapTarget extends BaseWrap {
 	 * Valid range is 0 to 1. A value of 0 will compress the body mesh as much as necessary to ensure that the intersections are eliminated (visible body parts might look a little bit deformed). A value of 1 will prevent the body mesh from being compressed (may lead to visible intersections or Z-fighting). A value of 0.9 (default) is a reasonable default that solves most of the intersections without introducing any significant body deformation.
-	Stiffness: number;
+	get Stiffness(): number;
 /** A Beam object connects two [Attachment](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Attachment)s by drawing a texture between them.
@@ -6337,7 +6337,7 @@ interface Camera extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly NearPlaneZ: number;
+	get NearPlaneZ(): number;
 	VRTiltAndRollEnabled: boolean;
 	 * ViewportSize describes the dimensions, in pixels, of the client's viewport.
@@ -6349,7 +6349,7 @@ interface Camera extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly ViewportSize: Vector2;
+	get ViewportSize(): Vector2;
 	 * This function is used by _'PopperCam'_ in the default [camera scripts](http://robloxdev.com/articles/Movement-and-camera-controls) to ensure obstructions do not come between the [Camera](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Camera) and the [Camera's](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Camera) subject.
@@ -6951,7 +6951,7 @@ interface Chat extends Instance {
 	 * Toggles whether the default chat framework should be automatically loaded when the game runs.
-	readonly LoadDefaultChat: boolean;
+	get LoadDefaultChat(): boolean;
 	 * The Chat function fires the [Chat.Chatted](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/event/Chat/Chatted) event with the parameters specified in this method.
@@ -7410,7 +7410,7 @@ interface CommandInstance extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly AllowGUIAccessPoints: boolean;
+	get AllowGUIAccessPoints(): boolean;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
@@ -7418,7 +7418,7 @@ interface CommandInstance extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Name: string;
+	get Name(): string;
 interface CommandService extends Instance {
@@ -7511,7 +7511,7 @@ interface Constraint extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Active: boolean;
+	get Active(): boolean;
 	 * The [Attachment](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Attachment) that is connected to [Constraint.Attachment1](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Constraint/Attachment1)
@@ -7820,12 +7820,12 @@ interface AnimationConstraint extends Constraint {
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
 	 * @deprecated
-	readonly C0: CFrame;
+	get C0(): CFrame;
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
 	 * @deprecated
-	readonly C1: CFrame;
+	get C1(): CFrame;
 	IsKinematic: boolean;
 	MaxForce: number;
 	MaxTorque: number;
@@ -7833,12 +7833,12 @@ interface AnimationConstraint extends Constraint {
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
 	 * @deprecated
-	readonly Part0: BasePart | undefined;
+	get Part0(): BasePart | undefined;
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
 	 * @deprecated
-	readonly Part1: BasePart | undefined;
+	get Part1(): BasePart | undefined;
 	Transform: CFrame;
@@ -7954,7 +7954,7 @@ interface HingeConstraint extends Constraint {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly CurrentAngle: number;
+	get CurrentAngle(): number;
 	 * Sets whether the [HingeConstraint](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/HingeConstraint) will limit the range of rotation. If enabled, the constraint will only allow the [HingeConstraint.CurrentAngle](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/HingeConstraint/CurrentAngle) to be between [HingeConstraint.LowerAngle](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/HingeConstraint/LowerAngle) and [HingeConstraint.UpperAngle](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/HingeConstraint/UpperAngle). If the [Attachment](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Attachment) reach the end of the limited range of rotation then they will stop rotating. If [HingeConstraint.Restitution](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/HingeConstraint/Restitution) is greater than 0 then the attachments will bounce when they hit the ends of the limited range.
@@ -8193,7 +8193,7 @@ interface RodConstraint extends Constraint {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly CurrentDistance: number;
+	get CurrentDistance(): number;
 	 * The distance apart the [RodConstraint](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/RodConstraint) attempts to keep its [Attachment](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Attachment) at. Measured in studs.
@@ -8263,7 +8263,7 @@ interface RopeConstraint extends Constraint {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly CurrentDistance: number;
+	get CurrentDistance(): number;
 	 * The maximum distance two [Attachment](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Attachment) can be when connected with a [RopeConstraint](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/RopeConstraint). Measured in studs.
@@ -8320,7 +8320,7 @@ interface SlidingBallConstraint extends Constraint {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly CurrentPosition: number;
+	get CurrentPosition(): number;
 	 * Sets whether the [SlidingBallConstraint](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/SlidingBallConstraint) will limit the range of translation. If enabled, the [SlidingBallConstraint.CurrentPosition](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/SlidingBallConstraint/CurrentPosition) of the SlidingBallConstraint will only be able to be between the values of [SlidingBallConstraint.LowerLimit](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/SlidingBallConstraint/LowerLimit) and [SlidingBallConstraint.UpperLimit](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/SlidingBallConstraint/UpperLimit).
@@ -8441,7 +8441,7 @@ interface CylindricalConstraint extends SlidingBallConstraint {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly CurrentAngle: number;
+	get CurrentAngle(): number;
 	 * Direction of the rotation axis as an angle from the x-axis in the xy-plane of Attachment0. Value in \[-180, 180\].
@@ -8480,7 +8480,7 @@ interface CylindricalConstraint extends SlidingBallConstraint {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly WorldRotationAxis: Vector3;
+	get WorldRotationAxis(): Vector3;
 /** A **PrismaticConstraint** creates a rigid joint between two [Attachments](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Attachment), allowing them to slide along one axis but not rotate. This constrains the attachments so that their **X** axes are collinear but pointing in opposite directions. It also constrains the attachments so that their **Y** axes are parallel.
@@ -8562,7 +8562,7 @@ interface SpringConstraint extends Constraint {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly CurrentLength: number;
+	get CurrentLength(): number;
 	 * Damping constant for the [SpringConstraint](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/SpringConstraint). Multiplied to the velocity of the constraint's [Attachment](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Attachment) to reduce the spring force applied.
@@ -8661,7 +8661,7 @@ interface TorsionSpringConstraint extends Constraint {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly CurrentAngle: number;
+	get CurrentAngle(): number;
 	 * This property determines how the angular velocity is dampened by the constraint and is expressed as the torsional damping `c_t` in the formula:
@@ -8887,7 +8887,7 @@ interface ContentProvider extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly BaseUrl: string;
+	get BaseUrl(): string;
 	 * Gives the number of items in [ContentProvider](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/ContentProvider)'s request queue that need to be downloaded.
@@ -8897,7 +8897,7 @@ interface ContentProvider extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly RequestQueueSize: number;
+	get RequestQueueSize(): number;
 	GetAssetFetchStatus(this: ContentProvider, contentId: string): Enum.AssetFetchStatus;
 	GetAssetFetchStatusChangedSignal(this: ContentProvider, contentId: string): RBXScriptSignal;
 	ListEncryptedAssets(this: ContentProvider): unknown;
@@ -9250,13 +9250,13 @@ interface SkateboardController extends Controller {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Steer: number;
+	get Steer(): number;
 	 * The direction of movement, tied to the keys W and S. Must be an integer 1 (forward), 0 (null), or -1 (reverse). Will refresh back to 0 unless constantly set.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Throttle: number;
+	get Throttle(): number;
 	 * Fired when any input state of the skateboard controller is updated.
@@ -9289,7 +9289,7 @@ interface ControllerBase extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Active: boolean;
+	get Active(): boolean;
 	BalanceRigidityEnabled: boolean;
 	MoveSpeedFactor: number;
@@ -9831,7 +9831,7 @@ interface DataStoreInfo extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly CreatedTime: number;
+	get CreatedTime(): number;
 	 * This property indicates the name of the data store. It is used as a unique identifier to retrieve a data store instance with [DataStoreService:GetDataStore](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/DataStoreService/GetDataStore).
@@ -9842,7 +9842,7 @@ interface DataStoreInfo extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly DataStoreName: string;
+	get DataStoreName(): string;
 	 * This property indicates the last time the data store was updated in milliseconds since epoch.
@@ -9853,7 +9853,7 @@ interface DataStoreInfo extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly UpdatedTime: number;
+	get UpdatedTime(): number;
 /** Object representing a key on a [DataStoreKeyPages](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/DataStoreKeyPages) object. It contains the key name as [DataStoreKey.KeyName](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/DataStoreKey/KeyName). This object is a member of the [DataStoreKeyPages](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/DataStoreKeyPages) object returned by [DataStore:ListKeysAsync](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/DataStore/ListKeysAsync).
@@ -9884,7 +9884,7 @@ interface DataStoreKey extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly KeyName: string;
+	get KeyName(): string;
 /** An object describing information about a particular version of the key. This is returned as the second return value by [GlobalDataStore:GetAsync](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/GlobalDataStore/GetAsync), [GlobalDataStore:UpdateAsync](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/GlobalDataStore/UpdateAsync), [GlobalDataStore:IncrementAsync](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/GlobalDataStore/IncrementAsync), [GlobalDataStore:RemoveAsync](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/GlobalDataStore/RemoveAsync), and [DataStore:GetVersionAsync](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/DataStore/GetVersionAsync).
@@ -9913,7 +9913,7 @@ interface DataStoreKeyInfo extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly CreatedTime: number;
+	get CreatedTime(): number;
 	 * This property indicates the date and time the object was last updated, formatted as the number of milliseconds since epoch.
@@ -9924,7 +9924,7 @@ interface DataStoreKeyInfo extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly UpdatedTime: number;
+	get UpdatedTime(): number;
 	 * This property uniquely identifies the version of the object. It can be passed to [DataStore:GetVersionAsync](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/DataStore/GetVersionAsync) or [DataStore:RemoveVersionAsync](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/DataStore/RemoveVersionAsync) to get or remove the version respectively.
@@ -9935,7 +9935,7 @@ interface DataStoreKeyInfo extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Version: string;
+	get Version(): string;
 	 * This function returns the metadata associated with the latest version of the object.
@@ -9982,7 +9982,7 @@ interface DataStoreObjectVersionInfo extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly CreatedTime: number;
+	get CreatedTime(): number;
 	 * This property describes whether the version has been marked as deleted. Deleted versions will be permanently deleted after 30 days.
@@ -9993,7 +9993,7 @@ interface DataStoreObjectVersionInfo extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly IsDeleted: boolean;
+	get IsDeleted(): boolean;
 	 * This property uniquely identifies a particular version of the key. It can be passed to [DataStore:GetVersionAsync](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/DataStore/GetVersionAsync) or [DataStore:RemoveVersionAsync](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/DataStore/RemoveVersionAsync) to get or remove the version respectively.
@@ -10004,7 +10004,7 @@ interface DataStoreObjectVersionInfo extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Version: string;
+	get Version(): string;
 /** Any object containing additional parameters that are used by [DataStoreService:GetDataStore](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/DataStoreService/GetDataStore). */
@@ -10472,59 +10472,59 @@ interface DraggerService extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly AlignDraggedObjects: boolean;
+	get AlignDraggedObjects(): boolean;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly AngleSnapEnabled: boolean;
+	get AngleSnapEnabled(): boolean;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly AngleSnapIncrement: number;
+	get AngleSnapIncrement(): number;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly AnimateHover: boolean;
+	get AnimateHover(): boolean;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly CollisionsEnabled: boolean;
+	get CollisionsEnabled(): boolean;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly DraggerCoordinateSpace: Enum.DraggerCoordinateSpace;
+	get DraggerCoordinateSpace(): Enum.DraggerCoordinateSpace;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly DraggerMovementMode: Enum.DraggerMovementMode;
+	get DraggerMovementMode(): Enum.DraggerMovementMode;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly GeometrySnapColor: Color3;
+	get GeometrySnapColor(): Color3;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly HoverAnimateFrequency: number;
+	get HoverAnimateFrequency(): number;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly HoverThickness: number;
+	get HoverThickness(): number;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly JointsEnabled: boolean;
+	get JointsEnabled(): boolean;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly LinearSnapEnabled: boolean;
+	get LinearSnapEnabled(): boolean;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly LinearSnapIncrement: number;
+	get LinearSnapIncrement(): number;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly ShowHover: boolean;
+	get ShowHover(): boolean;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
@@ -11228,7 +11228,7 @@ interface FloatCurve extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Length: number;
+	get Length(): number;
 	 * Returns a copy of a key at a given index.
@@ -11461,7 +11461,7 @@ interface GamepadService extends Instance {
 	 * @deprecated
 	readonly _nominal_GamepadService: unique symbol;
-	readonly GamepadCursorEnabled: boolean;
+	get GamepadCursorEnabled(): boolean;
 	DisableGamepadCursor(this: GamepadService): void;
 	EnableGamepadCursor(this: GamepadService, guiObject: GuiObject | undefined): void;
@@ -11992,7 +11992,7 @@ interface GuiBase2d extends GuiBase {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly AbsolutePosition: Vector2;
+	get AbsolutePosition(): Vector2;
 	 * AbsoluteRotation is a read-only property that describes the actual screen rotation of a UI element, in degrees. This property, [GuiBase2d.AbsoluteSize](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/GuiBase2d/AbsoluteSize) and [GuiBase2d.AbsolutePosition](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/GuiBase2d/AbsolutePosition) are a group of properties that all describe the final rendered orientation of a UI element. It composes (sums) each of the UI element's ancestors' [GuiObject.Rotation](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/GuiObject/Rotation) into one value. It does **not** perform bounds checking, so its value may not be in the range 0 ≤ x < 360 degrees.
@@ -12000,7 +12000,7 @@ interface GuiBase2d extends GuiBase {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly AbsoluteRotation: number;
+	get AbsoluteRotation(): number;
 	 * AbsoluteSize is a read-only property that provides the screen size of a UI element in pixels. This represents the actual pixel size at which an element renders as a result of its ancestors' sizes. This property, [GuiBase2d.AbsolutePosition](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/GuiBase2d/AbsolutePosition) and [GuiBase2d.AbsoluteRotation](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/GuiBase2d/AbsoluteRotation) are a group of properties that all describe the final rendered orientation of a UI element.
@@ -12008,7 +12008,7 @@ interface GuiBase2d extends GuiBase {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly AbsoluteSize: Vector2;
+	get AbsoluteSize(): Vector2;
 	 * When set to true, localization will be applied to this GuiBase2d and its descendants based on the [GuiBase2d.RootLocalizationTable](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/GuiBase2d/RootLocalizationTable) specified for this GuiBase2d.
@@ -12175,7 +12175,7 @@ interface GuiObject extends GuiBase2d {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly GuiState: Enum.GuiState;
+	get GuiState(): Enum.GuiState;
 	Interactable: boolean;
 	 * This property controls the sorting order of a [GUI](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/GuiObject) when using a [UIGridStyleLayout](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/UIGridStyleLayout) (such as [UIListLayout](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/UIListLayout) or [UIPageLayout](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/UIPageLayout)) with [UIGridStyleLayout.SortOrder](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/UIGridStyleLayout/SortOrder) set to [Enum.SortOrder.LayoutOrder](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/enum/SortOrder). It has no functionality if the GUI does not have a sibling UI Layout.
@@ -12895,7 +12895,7 @@ interface ImageButton extends GuiButton {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly IsLoaded: boolean;
+	get IsLoaded(): boolean;
 	 * A texture ID that can be set as an [ImageButton](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/ImageButton) property. When the button is pressed, it will render this image.
@@ -12988,7 +12988,7 @@ interface TextButton extends GuiButton {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly ContentText: string;
+	get ContentText(): string;
 	 * The Font property selects one of several pre-defined fonts with which the UI element will render its text. Some fonts have bold, italic and/or light variants (as there is no font-weight or font-style properties).
@@ -13014,7 +13014,7 @@ interface TextButton extends GuiButton {
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
-	readonly LocalizedText: string;
+	get LocalizedText(): string;
 	 * This property controls the maximum number of graphemes (or units of text) that are shown on the [TextButton](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/TextButton). It is primarily provided as an easy way to create a “typewriter effect” where the characters appear one at a time.
@@ -13044,7 +13044,7 @@ interface TextButton extends GuiButton {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly TextBounds: Vector2;
+	get TextBounds(): Vector2;
 	 * This property determines the color of text.
@@ -13064,7 +13064,7 @@ interface TextButton extends GuiButton {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly TextFits: boolean;
+	get TextFits(): boolean;
 	 * **Note**
@@ -13219,7 +13219,7 @@ interface ImageLabel extends GuiLabel {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly IsLoaded: boolean;
+	get IsLoaded(): boolean;
 	 * Determines how the image looks when it is scaled.
@@ -13312,7 +13312,7 @@ interface TextLabel extends GuiLabel {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly ContentText: string;
+	get ContentText(): string;
 	 * The Font property selects one of several pre-defined fonts with which the UI element will render its text. Some fonts have bold, italic and/or light variants (as there is no font-weight or font-style properties).
@@ -13338,7 +13338,7 @@ interface TextLabel extends GuiLabel {
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
-	readonly LocalizedText: string;
+	get LocalizedText(): string;
 	 * This property controls the maximum number of graphemes (or units of text) that are shown on the [TextLabel](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/TextLabel). It is primarily provided as an easy way to create a “typewriter effect” where the characters appear one at a time.
@@ -13368,7 +13368,7 @@ interface TextLabel extends GuiLabel {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly TextBounds: Vector2;
+	get TextBounds(): Vector2;
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
 	 * @deprecated
@@ -13386,7 +13386,7 @@ interface TextLabel extends GuiLabel {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly TextFits: boolean;
+	get TextFits(): boolean;
 	 * **Note**
@@ -13497,13 +13497,13 @@ interface ScrollingFrame extends GuiObject {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly AbsoluteCanvasSize: Vector2;
+	get AbsoluteCanvasSize(): Vector2;
 	 * The size in pixels of the frame, without the scrollbars.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly AbsoluteWindowSize: Vector2;
+	get AbsoluteWindowSize(): Vector2;
 	 * This property is used to automatically size parent UI objects based on the size of its descendants. Developers can use this property to dynamically add text and other content to a UI object at edit or run time, and the size will adjust to fit that content.
@@ -13699,7 +13699,7 @@ interface TextBox extends GuiObject {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly ContentText: string;
+	get ContentText(): string;
 	 * **CursorPosition** determines the offset of the text cursor in bytes, or -1 if the TextBox is not currently being edited. A value of 1 represents the beginning, the position before the first byte in the [Text](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/TextBox/Text) property. When used in conjunction with the [SelectionStart](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/TextBox/SelectionStart) property, it is possible to both get and set selected text within a TextBox.
@@ -13779,7 +13779,7 @@ interface TextBox extends GuiObject {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly TextBounds: Vector2;
+	get TextBounds(): Vector2;
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
 	 * @deprecated
@@ -13801,7 +13801,7 @@ interface TextBox extends GuiObject {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly TextFits: boolean;
+	get TextFits(): boolean;
 	 * **Note**
@@ -13975,7 +13975,7 @@ interface VideoFrame extends GuiObject {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly IsLoaded: boolean;
+	get IsLoaded(): boolean;
 	 * This property sets whether or not the [VideoFrame.Video](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/VideoFrame/Video) repeats once it has finished when it is playing.
@@ -13991,13 +13991,13 @@ interface VideoFrame extends GuiObject {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Resolution: Vector2;
+	get Resolution(): Vector2;
 	 * This property indicates the length of the [VideoFrame.Video](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/VideoFrame/Video) in seconds. If the video is not loaded, this value will be 0.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly TimeLength: number;
+	get TimeLength(): number;
 	 * This property indicates the progress in seconds of the [VideoFrame.Video](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/VideoFrame/Video). It can be changed to move the playback position of the video both before and during playback.
@@ -14274,7 +14274,7 @@ interface BillboardGui extends LayerCollector {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly CurrentDistance: number;
+	get CurrentDistance(): number;
 	 * Determines the distance in studs that a [BillboardGui](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/BillboardGui) will stop scaling larger in size at relative to the player's current camera. If the distance of the gui is below this value, it will not be scaled any larger than it would be at this distance. The value of this property defaults to 0 studs.
@@ -14522,7 +14522,7 @@ interface AdGui extends SurfaceGuiBase {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Status: Enum.AdUnitStatus;
+	get Status(): Enum.AdUnitStatus;
 	OnAdEvent: (eventInfo: object) => boolean;
@@ -15275,28 +15275,28 @@ interface GuiService extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
 	 * @deprecated
-	readonly IsModalDialog: boolean;
+	get IsModalDialog(): boolean;
 	 * The IsWindows property defines if the user is playing on a computer running Windows.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
 	 * @deprecated
-	readonly IsWindows: boolean;
+	get IsWindows(): boolean;
 	 * Returns true if any menu of [CoreGui](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/CoreGui) is open.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly MenuIsOpen: boolean;
+	get MenuIsOpen(): boolean;
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
-	readonly PreferredTransparency: number;
+	get PreferredTransparency(): number;
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
-	readonly ReducedMotionEnabled: boolean;
+	get ReducedMotionEnabled(): boolean;
 	 * Sets the [GuiObject](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/GuiObject) currently being focused on by the GUI Navigator (used for Gamepads). This may reset to nil if the object is off-screen.
@@ -15308,7 +15308,7 @@ interface GuiService extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly TopbarInset: Rect;
+	get TopbarInset(): Rect;
 	 * Determines whether touch controls are enabled. Defaults to true.
@@ -15877,7 +15877,7 @@ interface Humanoid extends Instance {
 	 * Fixed size collision boxes, similar to the classic avatar collision
 	 * @deprecated
-	CollisionType: Enum.HumanoidCollisionType;
+	get CollisionType(): Enum.HumanoidCollisionType;
 	 * The DisplayDistanceType property controls how the humanoid display's visibility behaves, based on the distance between the [Humanoid](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Humanoid) and the player's view.
@@ -15954,7 +15954,7 @@ interface Humanoid extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly FloorMaterial: Enum.Material;
+	get FloorMaterial(): Enum.Material;
 	 * **Health** is a property that represents the current health of the [Humanoid](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Humanoid). The value is restricted to the range \[0, [Humanoid.MaxHealth](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Humanoid/MaxHealth)\]. If the Humanoid is dead, Health is continually set to 0.
@@ -16114,7 +16114,7 @@ interface Humanoid extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly MoveDirection: Vector3;
+	get MoveDirection(): Vector3;
 	 * The NameDisplayDistance property is a number used in conjunction with the [Humanoid](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Humanoid)'s [Humanoid.DisplayDistanceType](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Humanoid/DisplayDistanceType) property to control how far a humanoid's name can be seen from.
@@ -16209,7 +16209,7 @@ interface Humanoid extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly RootPart: BasePart | undefined;
+	get RootPart(): BasePart | undefined;
 	 * ![A humanoid sitting on a Seat](https://developer.roblox.com/assets/blt8e6f26110beea0c1/SeatPart.png)
@@ -16222,7 +16222,7 @@ interface Humanoid extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly SeatPart: BasePart | undefined;
+	get SeatPart(): BasePart | undefined;
 	 * ![A humanoid sitting on a Seat.](https://developer.roblox.com/assets/blt8e6f26110beea0c1/SeatPart.png)
@@ -19522,7 +19522,7 @@ interface JointInstance extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Active: boolean;
+	get Active(): boolean;
 	 * C0 is the position aspect of the orientation between two parts in a weld. [JointInstance.Part0](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/JointInstance/Part0) and [JointInstance.Part0](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/JointInstance/Part0) move accordingly to this value, which denotes their respective positions.
@@ -20729,7 +20729,7 @@ interface LocalizationService extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly RobloxLocaleId: string;
+	get RobloxLocaleId(): string;
 	 * This property shows the locale id that the local player has set for their operating system.
@@ -20737,7 +20737,7 @@ interface LocalizationService extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly SystemLocaleId: string;
+	get SystemLocaleId(): string;
 	 * Returns a list of [LocalizationTable](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/LocalizationTable) objects used for localizing CoreScripts.
@@ -22130,7 +22130,7 @@ interface BaseScript extends LuaSourceContainer {
 	 * For the LinkedSource property for [ModuleScript](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/ModuleScript)s, please see [ModuleScript.LinkedSource](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/ModuleScript/LinkedSource).
 	LinkedSource: string;
-	RunContext: Enum.RunContext;
+	get RunContext(): Enum.RunContext;
 /** A Script is a type of Lua code container that will run its contents on the server. By default, Scripts have `print("Hello, world")` as their contents. The instant that the following conditions are met, a Script's Lua code is run in a new thread:
@@ -22223,7 +22223,7 @@ interface MarkerCurve extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Length: number;
+	get Length(): number;
 	GetMarkerAtIndex(this: MarkerCurve, index: number): object;
 	GetMarkers(this: MarkerCurve): unknown;
 	InsertMarkerAtTime(this: MarkerCurve, time: number, marker: string): unknown;
@@ -22698,7 +22698,7 @@ interface MaterialVariant extends Instance {
 	 * @deprecated
 	readonly _nominal_MaterialVariant: unique symbol;
-	BaseMaterial: Enum.Material;
+	get BaseMaterial(): Enum.Material;
 	CustomPhysicalProperties: PhysicalProperties;
 	MaterialPattern: Enum.MaterialPattern;
 	StudsPerTile: number;
@@ -23076,7 +23076,7 @@ interface Mouse extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Hit: CFrame;
+	get Hit(): CFrame;
 	 * **Icon** is a property that determines the image used as the pointer. If blank, a default arrow is used. While the cursor hovers over a [GuiButton](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/GuiButton), this property is temporarily ignored.
@@ -23215,7 +23215,7 @@ interface Mouse extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Origin: CFrame;
+	get Origin(): CFrame;
 	 * The object in 3D space the [mouse](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Mouse) is pointing to.
@@ -23228,7 +23228,7 @@ interface Mouse extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Target: BasePart | undefined;
+	get Target(): BasePart | undefined;
 	 * This property determines an object to be ignored by the mouse when calculating [Mouse.Hit](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Mouse/Hit) and [Mouse.Target](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Mouse/Target). The descendants of the object are also ignored, so it is possible to ignore multiple objects so long as they are a descendant of the object to which this property is set. This property is useful when filtering models containing special effects or decorations that should not affect [Mouse.Hit](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Mouse/Hit) or [Mouse.Target](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Mouse/Target).
@@ -23264,7 +23264,7 @@ interface Mouse extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly TargetSurface: Enum.NormalId;
+	get TargetSurface(): Enum.NormalId;
 	 * The UnitRay property is a [Ray](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/datatype/Ray) directed toward the [Mouse](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Mouse)'s position in 3D space (described by [Mouse.Hit](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Mouse/Hit)). It originates from the [CFrame](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Camera/CFrame) of the [Workspace.CurrentCamera](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Workspace/CurrentCamera). Like all unit rays, it has a distance of 1.
@@ -23275,19 +23275,19 @@ interface Mouse extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly UnitRay: Ray;
+	get UnitRay(): Ray;
 	 * The ViewSizeX property describes the horizontal component of the game window's size in pixels.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly ViewSizeX: number;
+	get ViewSizeX(): number;
 	 * The ViewSizeY property describes the vertical component of the game window's size in pixels. This length includes the space used by the topbar.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly ViewSizeY: number;
+	get ViewSizeY(): number;
 	 * When detecting changes in the mouse's position on-screen, it is recommended that you use [ContextActionService:BindAction](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/ContextActionService/BindAction) with `Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement` or [UserInputService.InputChanged](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/event/UserInputService/InputChanged), which both describe the position of the mouse using the [Position](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/InputObject/Position) (a [Vector3](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/datatype/Vector3)) of an [InputObject](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/InputObject), instead of using this and related properties.
@@ -23299,7 +23299,7 @@ interface Mouse extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly X: number;
+	get X(): number;
 	 * When detecting changes in the mouse's position on-screen, it is recommended that you use [ContextActionService:BindAction](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/ContextActionService/BindAction) with `Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement` or [UserInputService.InputChanged](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/event/UserInputService/InputChanged), which both describe the position of the mouse using the [Position](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/InputObject/Position) (a [Vector3](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/datatype/Vector3)) of an [InputObject](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/InputObject), instead of using this and related properties.
@@ -23311,7 +23311,7 @@ interface Mouse extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Y: number;
+	get Y(): number;
 	 * The Button1Down even fires when the the player presses their left mouse button.
@@ -23682,7 +23682,7 @@ interface BasePart extends PVInstance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly AssemblyCenterOfMass: Vector3;
+	get AssemblyCenterOfMass(): Vector3;
 	 * The linear velocity vector of this [part's](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/BasePart) assembly. It's the rate of change in position of the assembly's [center of mass](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/BasePart/AssemblyCenterOfMass) in studs per second.
@@ -23702,7 +23702,7 @@ interface BasePart extends PVInstance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly AssemblyMass: number;
+	get AssemblyMass(): number;
 	 * This property indicates the [BasePart](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/BasePart) automatically chosen to represent the [assembly's](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Assembly) root part. It is the same part that's returned when developers call [GetRootPart()](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/BasePart/GetRootPart).
@@ -23715,7 +23715,7 @@ interface BasePart extends PVInstance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly AssemblyRootPart: BasePart | undefined;
+	get AssemblyRootPart(): BasePart | undefined;
 	 * The BackParamA property is relevant when a part's [BasePart.BackSurface](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/BasePart/BackSurface) is set to Motor or SteppingMotor and [BasePart.BackSurfaceInput](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/BasePart/BackSurfaceInput) is set to Sin. It determines the **amplitude** of the motor's rotational velocity, using the following formula:
@@ -23863,7 +23863,7 @@ interface BasePart extends PVInstance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly CenterOfMass: Vector3;
+	get CenterOfMass(): Vector3;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
@@ -23888,7 +23888,7 @@ interface BasePart extends PVInstance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly CurrentPhysicalProperties: PhysicalProperties;
+	get CurrentPhysicalProperties(): PhysicalProperties;
 	 * CustomPhysicalProperties lets you customize various physical aspects of a [part](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/BasePart), such as its's density, friction, and elasticity.
@@ -23906,11 +23906,11 @@ interface BasePart extends PVInstance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly ExtentsCFrame: CFrame;
+	get ExtentsCFrame(): CFrame;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly ExtentsSize: Vector3;
+	get ExtentsSize(): Vector3;
 	 * Used to control the Friction of the part, but now it no longer does anything. The Friction of a part is now determined by either its [Material](https://developer.roblox.com/api-reference/property/BasePart/Material "Material") or its [CustomPhysicalProperties](https://developer.roblox.com/api-reference/property/BasePart/CustomPhysicalProperties "CustomPhysicalProperties").
@@ -24063,7 +24063,7 @@ interface BasePart extends PVInstance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Mass: number;
+	get Mass(): number;
 	 * If this property is enabled, the [part](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/BasePart) will not contribute to the total mass or inertia of its rigid body as long as it is [welded](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Weld) to another part that has mass.
@@ -24131,7 +24131,7 @@ interface BasePart extends PVInstance {
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
-	readonly ReceiveAge: number;
+	get ReceiveAge(): number;
 	 * The Reflectance property determines how much a [part](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/BasePart) reflects the skybox. A value of 0 indicates the part is not reflective at all, and a value of 1 indicates the part should fully reflect.
@@ -24143,13 +24143,13 @@ interface BasePart extends PVInstance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly ResizeIncrement: number;
+	get ResizeIncrement(): number;
 	 * The ResizeableFaces property (with an **e**, not ResizableFaces) describes using a Faces object the different faces on which a part may be resized. For most implementations of `/BasePart`, such as `/Part` and `/WedgePart`, this property includes all faces. However, `/TrussPart` will set its ResizeableFaces set to only two faces since those kinds of parts must have two [BasePart.Size](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/BasePart/Size) dimensions of length 2. This property is most commonly used with tools used for building and manipulating parts and has little use outside of that context. The `/Handles` class, which has the [Handles.Faces](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Handles/Faces) property, can be used in conjunction with this property to display only the handles on faces that can be resized on a part.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly ResizeableFaces: Faces;
+	get ResizeableFaces(): Faces;
 	 * The RightParamA property is relevant when a part's [BasePart.RightSurface](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/BasePart/RightSurface) is set to Motor or SteppingMotor and [BasePart.RightSurfaceInput](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/BasePart/RightSurfaceInput) is set to Sin. It determines the **amplitude** of the motor's rotational velocity, using the following formula:
@@ -24320,7 +24320,7 @@ interface BasePart extends PVInstance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
 	 * @deprecated
-	readonly SpecificGravity: number;
+	get SpecificGravity(): number;
 	 * The TopParamA property is relevant when a part's [BasePart.TopSurface](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/BasePart/TopSurface) is set to Motor or SteppingMotor and [BasePart.TopSurfaceInput](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/BasePart/TopSurfaceInput) is set to Sin. It determines the **amplitude** of the motor's rotational velocity, using the following formula:
@@ -24838,7 +24838,7 @@ interface Seat extends Part {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Occupant: Humanoid | undefined;
+	get Occupant(): Humanoid | undefined;
 	 * Forces the character with the specified [Humanoid](https://developer.roblox.com/api-reference/class/Humanoid "Humanoid") to sit in the Seat.
@@ -24868,13 +24868,13 @@ interface SkateboardPlatform extends Part {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Controller: SkateboardController | undefined;
+	get Controller(): SkateboardController | undefined;
 	 * The `/Humanoid` that is controlling the SkateboardPlatform.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly ControllingHumanoid: Humanoid | undefined;
+	get ControllingHumanoid(): Humanoid | undefined;
 	 * The direction of movement, tied to the keys A and D. Must be 1 (right), 0 (straight), or -1 (left). Will refresh back to 0 unless constantly set.
@@ -25017,13 +25017,13 @@ interface Terrain extends BasePart {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
 	 * @deprecated
-	readonly IsSmooth: boolean;
+	get IsSmooth(): boolean;
 	 * Displays the boundaries of the largest possible editable region.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly MaxExtents: Region3int16;
+	get MaxExtents(): Region3int16;
 	 * The tint of the Terrain water.
@@ -25221,15 +25221,15 @@ interface TriangleMeshPart extends BasePart {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	CollisionFidelity: Enum.CollisionFidelity;
+	get CollisionFidelity(): Enum.CollisionFidelity;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	FluidFidelity: Enum.FluidFidelity;
+	get FluidFidelity(): Enum.FluidFidelity;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly MeshSize: Vector3;
+	get MeshSize(): Vector3;
 /** MeshParts are a form of [BasePart](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/BasePart) that includes a physically simulated custom mesh. Unlike with other mesh classes, such as [SpecialMesh](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/SpecialMesh) and [BlockMesh](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/BlockMesh), they are not parented to a [BasePart](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/BasePart) but rather behave as a [BasePart](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/BasePart) in their own right.
@@ -25274,25 +25274,25 @@ interface MeshPart extends TriangleMeshPart {
 	 * _With MeshPart.DoubleSided enabled, both faces of the leaves are rendered._  
 	 * ![DoubleSided property enabled](https://developer.roblox.com/assets/blte8ab39d69cf97247/DoubleSidedOn.png)
-	DoubleSided: boolean;
+	get DoubleSided(): boolean;
 	 * Tags: Hidden
-	readonly HasJointOffset: boolean;
+	get HasJointOffset(): boolean;
 	 * Tags: Hidden
-	readonly HasSkinnedMesh: boolean;
+	get HasSkinnedMesh(): boolean;
 	 * Tags: Hidden
-	readonly JointOffset: Vector3;
+	get JointOffset(): Vector3;
 	 * The **MeshId** is the content ID of the mesh that is to be displayed on the [MeshPart](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/MeshPart).
 	 * Note that this property currently cannot be changed by scripts as the collision model of the mesh cannot be recomputed during runtime. Developers should not rely on this behavior as it may change in the future. Those looking for a custom mesh object that can be updated during runtime should use [SpecialMesh](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/SpecialMesh).
-	readonly MeshId: string;
+	get MeshId(): string;
 	 * This property determines the level of detail that solid-modeled and mesh parts will be shown in and can be set to the possible values of the [RenderFidelity](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/enum/RenderFidelity) enum.
@@ -25321,7 +25321,7 @@ interface MeshPart extends TriangleMeshPart {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	RenderFidelity: Enum.RenderFidelity;
+	get RenderFidelity(): Enum.RenderFidelity;
 	 * The texture applied to the [MeshPart](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/MeshPart). When this property is set to an empty string, no texture will be applied to the mesh.
@@ -25355,7 +25355,7 @@ interface PartOperation extends TriangleMeshPart {
 	 * @deprecated
 	readonly _nominal_PartOperation: unique symbol;
-	RenderFidelity: Enum.RenderFidelity;
+	get RenderFidelity(): Enum.RenderFidelity;
 	 * This property represents an angle in degrees for a threshold value between face normals on a [solid modeled](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/articles/3d-modeling-with-parts) part. If the normal difference is less than the value, normals will be adjusted to smooth the difference. Usually a value between 30 and 70 degrees will produce a good result. 0 degrees leads to sharp edges. Values between 90 and 180 degrees are allowed but not encouraged, as it may cause a “shadowing” effect on unions with sharp edges.
@@ -25369,13 +25369,13 @@ interface PartOperation extends TriangleMeshPart {
 	 * SmoothingAngle = 50
-	SmoothingAngle: number;
+	get SmoothingAngle(): number;
 	 * The number of polygons in this solid model. This value will always be <= 5000.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly TriangleCount: number;
+	get TriangleCount(): number;
 	 * Sets whether the PartOperation can be recolored using the BrickColor property. When true, the entire Union will be colored as per [BasePart.BrickColor](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/BasePart/BrickColor). When false, the parts in the Union will maintain their original colors before the Union operation was performed.
@@ -25487,7 +25487,7 @@ interface VehicleSeat extends BasePart {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly AreHingesDetected: number;
+	get AreHingesDetected(): number;
 	 * Toggles whether the [VehicleSeat](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/VehicleSeat) is active or not.
@@ -25507,7 +25507,7 @@ interface VehicleSeat extends BasePart {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Occupant: Humanoid | undefined;
+	get Occupant(): Humanoid | undefined;
 	 * The direction of movement, tied to the keys A and D. Must be one of 1 (right), 0 (straight), or -1 (left). Will refresh back to 0 unless constantly set.
@@ -26448,13 +26448,13 @@ interface Workspace extends WorldRoot {
 	 * *   Developers should also use the [Debris](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Debris) service to clean up parts that are no longer needed, but have not fallen off the map
 	 * *   This property is clamped between -50,000 and 50,000. This is because [BasePart](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/BasePart)s do not simulate or render properly at a great distance from the origin due to floating point inaccuracies
-	FallenPartsDestroyHeight: number;
+	get FallenPartsDestroyHeight(): number;
 	GlobalWind: Vector3;
 	 * Determines the acceleration due to gravity applied to falling [BaseParts](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/BasePart). This value is measured in studs per second squared and by default is set to 196.2 studs/second2. By changing this value, developers can simulate the effects of lower or higher gravity in game.
 	Gravity: number;
-	InterpolationThrottling: Enum.InterpolationThrottlingMode;
+	get InterpolationThrottling(): Enum.InterpolationThrottlingMode;
 	Retargeting: Enum.AnimatorRetargetingMode;
 	 * The **StreamingEnabled** property determines whether game content streaming is enabled for the place. This property is not scriptable and therefore must be set on the **Workspace** object in Studio.
@@ -26468,7 +26468,7 @@ interface Workspace extends WorldRoot {
 	 * *   [Workspace.StreamingTargetRadius](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Workspace/StreamingTargetRadius)
 	 * *   [Workspace.StreamingPauseMode](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Workspace/StreamingPauseMode)
-	StreamingEnabled: boolean;
+	get StreamingEnabled(): boolean;
 	 * This property is a reference to the [Terrain](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Terrain) object parented to the [Workspace](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Workspace).
@@ -26648,19 +26648,19 @@ interface PackageLink extends Instance {
 	 * @deprecated
 	readonly _nominal_PackageLink: unique symbol;
-	readonly DefaultName: string;
+	get DefaultName(): string;
 	 * The id of the asset this package corresponds to.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly PackageId: string;
+	get PackageId(): string;
 	 * This property refers to a revision of a specific package
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly VersionNumber: number;
+	get VersionNumber(): number;
 interface PackageUIService extends Instance {
@@ -26713,7 +26713,7 @@ interface Pages<T = unknown> extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly IsFinished: boolean;
+	get IsFinished(): boolean;
 	 * Returns the items on the current page. The keys in the item are determined by the source of this object.
@@ -26767,7 +26767,7 @@ interface DataStoreKeyPages extends Pages {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Cursor: string;
+	get Cursor(): string;
 /** A special type of [Pages](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Pages) object whose pages contain [DataStoreInfo](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/DataStoreInfo) instances. [Pages:GetCurrentPage](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/Pages/GetCurrentPage) can be used to retrieve an array of the [DataStoreInfo](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/DataStoreInfo) instances.
@@ -26789,7 +26789,7 @@ interface DataStoreListingPages extends Pages {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Cursor: string;
+	get Cursor(): string;
 /** A special type of [Pages](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Pages) object whose pages contain key/value pairs from an [OrderedDataStore](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/OrderedDataStore). For this object, [GetCurrentPage()](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/Pages/GetCurrentPage) returns an array of tables, each containing keys named **key** and **value**; these reflect the key/value pair data. */
@@ -27244,7 +27244,7 @@ interface Path extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Status: Enum.PathStatus;
+	get Status(): Enum.PathStatus;
 	 * This function returns a table of [Path](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Path) instances.
 	 * @deprecated Use `GetWaypoints` instead
@@ -27713,7 +27713,7 @@ interface Player extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly AccountAge: number;
+	get AccountAge(): number;
 	 * The AutoJumpEnabled property determines whether the [Player.Character](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Player/Character) of a [Player](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Player) using a mobile device will automatically jump when they hit an obstacle. This can make levels more navigable while on a mobile device.
@@ -27835,14 +27835,14 @@ interface Player extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
 	 * @deprecated
-	readonly DataComplexity: number;
+	get DataComplexity(): number;
 	 * This property was once used by an ancient data persistence method to indicate when the player's data is available to load. Becomes true when data is available.
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
 	 * @deprecated
-	readonly DataReady: boolean;
+	get DataReady(): boolean;
 	 * The DevCameraOcclusionMode [Player](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Player) property sets how the default camera handles objects between the camera and the player. Set by default by [StarterPlayer.DevCameraOcclusionMode](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/StarterPlayer/DevCameraOcclusionMode).
@@ -27934,7 +27934,7 @@ interface Player extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly FollowUserId: number;
+	get FollowUserId(): number;
 	 * The **GameplayPaused** property indicates if the player is currently in a pause state in a place with [StreamingEnabled](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Workspace/StreamingEnabled) activated. It is set on the client but replicated to the server.
@@ -27946,7 +27946,7 @@ interface Player extends Instance {
 	 * *   [Workspace.StreamingEnabled](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Workspace/StreamingEnabled) which controls whether content streaming is enabled
 	 * *   [Workspace.StreamingPauseMode](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Workspace/StreamingPauseMode) which controls the streaming physics pause mode
-	readonly GameplayPaused: boolean;
+	get GameplayPaused(): boolean;
 	HasVerifiedBadge: boolean;
 	 * The HealthDisplayDistance [Player](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Player) property sets the distance in studs at which this player will see other [Humanoid](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Humanoid)'s health bars. If set to 0, the health bars will not be displayed. This property is set to [StarterPlayer.HealthDisplayDistance](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/StarterPlayer/HealthDisplayDistance) by default.
@@ -27966,7 +27966,7 @@ interface Player extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
-	readonly LocaleId: string;
+	get LocaleId(): string;
 	 * The MembershipType [Player](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Player) property can be used to determine the membership type of the player. It holds a [MembershipType](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/enum/MembershipType) enum of the account's membership type.
@@ -27974,7 +27974,7 @@ interface Player extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly MembershipType: Enum.MembershipType;
+	get MembershipType(): Enum.MembershipType;
 	 * The NameDisplayDistance [StarterPlayer](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/StarterPlayer) property sets the distance in studs at which this player will see other [Humanoid](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Humanoid)'s names. If the property is set to 0, names are hidden. This property is set to [StarterPlayer.NameDisplayDistance](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/StarterPlayer/NameDisplayDistance) by default.
@@ -28591,7 +28591,7 @@ interface Players extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly BubbleChat: boolean;
+	get BubbleChat(): boolean;
 	 * The CharacterAutoLoads [Players](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Players) property indicates whether `Character`s will respawn automatically. The default value is _true_.
@@ -28611,7 +28611,7 @@ interface Players extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly ClassicChat: boolean;
+	get ClassicChat(): boolean;
 	 * **LocalPlayer** is a read-only property which refers to the [Player](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Player) whose client is running the game.
@@ -28658,14 +28658,14 @@ interface Players extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly MaxPlayers: number;
+	get MaxPlayers(): number;
 	 * This property indicates the number of people in the server at the current time. It is read only. Meaning it cannot be written to, only read.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
 	 * @deprecated Use `GetPlayers` instead
-	readonly NumPlayers: number;
+	get NumPlayers(): number;
 	 * The PreferredPlayers property determines the number of players to which Roblox's matchmaker will fill servers. This is number should be less than the maximum number of players supported by the game in order to leave some spaces for additional players (such as friends or those following another player) to join.
@@ -28683,7 +28683,7 @@ interface Players extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly PreferredPlayers: number;
+	get PreferredPlayers(): number;
 	 * The RespawnTime property controls the time, in seconds, it takes for a player to respawn when [Players.CharacterAutoLoads](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Players/CharacterAutoLoads) is _true_. It defaults to 5.0 seconds.
@@ -29864,7 +29864,7 @@ interface RotationCurve extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Length: number;
+	get Length(): number;
 	 * Returns a copy of a key at a given index.
@@ -30595,7 +30595,7 @@ interface DataModel extends ServiceProvider<Services> {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly CreatorId: number;
+	get CreatorId(): number;
 	 * This property describes the [CreatorType](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/enum/CreatorType) of the [place](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/articles/place), whether the place is owned by a user or a group.
@@ -30603,7 +30603,7 @@ interface DataModel extends ServiceProvider<Services> {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly CreatorType: Enum.CreatorType;
+	get CreatorType(): Enum.CreatorType;
 	 * This property describes the ID of the [game](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/articles/multi-place-games) the [place](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/articles/place) running on the server belongs to.
@@ -30619,7 +30619,7 @@ interface DataModel extends ServiceProvider<Services> {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly GameId: number;
+	get GameId(): number;
 	 * This property is broken and should not be used.
@@ -30630,7 +30630,7 @@ interface DataModel extends ServiceProvider<Services> {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
 	 * @deprecated
-	readonly GearGenreSetting: Enum.GearGenreSetting;
+	get GearGenreSetting(): Enum.GearGenreSetting;
 	 * This property is broken and should not be used.
@@ -30640,7 +30640,7 @@ interface DataModel extends ServiceProvider<Services> {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Genre: Enum.Genre;
+	get Genre(): Enum.Genre;
 	 * This property is a unique identifier for the running game server instance.
@@ -30658,7 +30658,7 @@ interface DataModel extends ServiceProvider<Services> {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly JobId: string;
+	get JobId(): string;
 	 * This property describes the ID of the [place](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/articles/place) running on the server.
@@ -30679,7 +30679,7 @@ interface DataModel extends ServiceProvider<Services> {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly PlaceId: number;
+	get PlaceId(): number;
 	 * This property describes the version of the [place](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/articles/place) the server is running on.
@@ -30693,7 +30693,7 @@ interface DataModel extends ServiceProvider<Services> {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly PlaceVersion: number;
+	get PlaceVersion(): number;
 	 * This property describes the private server ID of the server, if the server is a private server.
@@ -30722,7 +30722,7 @@ interface DataModel extends ServiceProvider<Services> {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly PrivateServerId: string;
+	get PrivateServerId(): string;
 	 * This property describes the [UserId](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Player/UserId) of the [Player](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Player) that owns the [VIP server](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/articles/creating-a-vip-server-on-roblox) if the server is a VIP server.
@@ -30752,21 +30752,21 @@ interface DataModel extends ServiceProvider<Services> {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly PrivateServerOwnerId: number;
+	get PrivateServerOwnerId(): number;
 	 * This property was string that could identify the current server as a VIP server.
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
 	 * @deprecated Use `PrivateServerId` instead
-	readonly VIPServerId: string;
+	get VIPServerId(): string;
 	 * This property indicates the [UserId](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Player/UserId) of the account who owns the VIP server.
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
 	 * @deprecated Use `PrivateServerOwnerId` instead
-	readonly VIPServerOwnerId: number;
+	get VIPServerOwnerId(): number;
 	 * The Workspace property is a reference to the [Workspace](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Workspace) service.
@@ -31254,7 +31254,7 @@ interface Sound extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly IsLoaded: boolean;
+	get IsLoaded(): boolean;
 	 * This read-only property will return true when the [Sound](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Sound) is not playing. Note that this property will not only return true once a sound has been paused using the [Sound:Pause](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/Sound/Pause) function but also if it has been stopped using the [Sound:Stop](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/Sound/Stop) function or never been played.
@@ -31264,7 +31264,7 @@ interface Sound extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
-	readonly IsPaused: boolean;
+	get IsPaused(): boolean;
 	 * This read-only property will return true when the [Sound](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Sound) is playing.
@@ -31274,7 +31274,7 @@ interface Sound extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
-	readonly IsPlaying: boolean;
+	get IsPlaying(): boolean;
 	LoopRegion: NumberRange;
 	 * This sets whether or not the [Sound](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Sound) repeats once it has finished when it is playing.
@@ -31324,7 +31324,7 @@ interface Sound extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly PlaybackLoudness: number;
+	get PlaybackLoudness(): number;
 	PlaybackRegion: NumberRange;
 	PlaybackRegionsEnabled: boolean;
@@ -31434,7 +31434,7 @@ interface Sound extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly TimeLength: number;
+	get TimeLength(): number;
 	 * Shows the progress in seconds of the [Sound](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Sound). Can be changed to move the playback position of the sound. If the sound is already playing then playback will snap to the specified position. If it is not playing the [Sound](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Sound) will begin playback at the set position when the sound is next played.
@@ -32423,7 +32423,7 @@ interface StarterPlayer extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: Hidden
-	readonly AllowCustomAnimations: boolean;
+	get AllowCustomAnimations(): boolean;
 	 * The AutoJumpEnabled property sets whether the character will automatically jump when hitting an obstacle on a mobile device.
@@ -32709,7 +32709,7 @@ interface Stats extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly ContactsCount: number;
+	get ContactsCount(): number;
 	 * In a networked game, DataReceiveKbps describes roughly how many kilobytes of data are being received by the current instance, per second.  
@@ -32718,7 +32718,7 @@ interface Stats extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly DataReceiveKbps: number;
+	get DataReceiveKbps(): number;
 	 * In a networked game, DataSendKbps describes roughly how many kilobytes of data are being sent by the current instance, per second.  
@@ -32727,13 +32727,13 @@ interface Stats extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly DataSendKbps: number;
+	get DataSendKbps(): number;
 	 * The HeartbeatTimeMs property is a a measurement of the total amount of time it takes long it takes for Roblox to update all of its Task Scheduler jobs, in milliseconds. If this value is high, then it means one of the tasks are hogging up a lot of resources.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly HeartbeatTimeMs: number;
+	get HeartbeatTimeMs(): number;
 	 * InstanceCount is a read-only measurement of how many [Instance](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Instance) are currently in memory.  
@@ -32741,13 +32741,13 @@ interface Stats extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly InstanceCount: number;
+	get InstanceCount(): number;
 	 * A measurement of how many physically simulated components are currently moving in the game world.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly MovingPrimitivesCount: number;
+	get MovingPrimitivesCount(): number;
 	 * PhysicsReceiveKbps is a measurement of roughly how many kilobytes of physics data are being received by the current instance, per second.  
 	 * If from the server's perspective, this represents the total amount of physics data being received from the clients connected to the server.  
@@ -32755,7 +32755,7 @@ interface Stats extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly PhysicsReceiveKbps: number;
+	get PhysicsReceiveKbps(): number;
 	 * PhysicsSendKbps describes roughly how many kilobytes of physics data are being sent by the current instance, per second.  
 	 * If from the server's perspective, this represents the total amount of physics data being sent to the clients connected to the server.  
@@ -32763,7 +32763,7 @@ interface Stats extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly PhysicsSendKbps: number;
+	get PhysicsSendKbps(): number;
 	 * A measurement of how long it takes for the physics engine to update its current state, in milliseconds.  
@@ -32771,13 +32771,13 @@ interface Stats extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly PhysicsStepTimeMs: number;
+	get PhysicsStepTimeMs(): number;
 	 * A measurement of how many physically simulated components currently exist in the game world.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly PrimitivesCount: number;
+	get PrimitivesCount(): number;
 	 * Returns the number of megabytes that are being consumed in the specified _DeveloperMemoryTag_ category.
@@ -32942,7 +32942,7 @@ interface StyleRule extends StyleBase {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly SelectorError: string;
+	get SelectorError(): string;
 	GetProperties(this: StyleRule): object;
 	GetProperty(this: StyleRule, name: string): unknown;
 	SetProperties(this: StyleRule, table: object): void;
@@ -33232,7 +33232,7 @@ interface TeleportAsyncResult extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly PrivateServerId: string;
+	get PrivateServerId(): string;
 	 * The access code of the reserved server that the players are being teleported to. This field is populated only if the teleport is to a reserved server. This allows developers to perform subsequent teleports to this same reserved server.
@@ -33243,7 +33243,7 @@ interface TeleportAsyncResult extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly ReservedServerAccessCode: string;
+	get ReservedServerAccessCode(): string;
 /** This class is an optional parameter to the [TeleportService:TeleportAsync](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/TeleportService/TeleportAsync) function that allows developers to provide arguments for the teleport call.
@@ -34136,13 +34136,13 @@ interface TerrainRegion extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
 	 * @deprecated
-	readonly IsSmooth: boolean;
+	get IsSmooth(): boolean;
 	 * The size of this TerrainRegion in cells.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly SizeInCells: Vector3;
+	get SizeInCells(): Vector3;
 interface TextBoxService extends Instance {
@@ -34248,11 +34248,11 @@ interface ChatInputBarConfiguration extends TextChatConfigurations {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly AbsolutePosition: Vector2;
+	get AbsolutePosition(): Vector2;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly AbsoluteSize: Vector2;
+	get AbsoluteSize(): Vector2;
 	AutocompleteEnabled: boolean;
 	BackgroundColor3: Color3;
 	BackgroundTransparency: number;
@@ -34261,7 +34261,7 @@ interface ChatInputBarConfiguration extends TextChatConfigurations {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly IsFocused: boolean;
+	get IsFocused(): boolean;
 	KeyboardKeyCode: Enum.KeyCode;
 	PlaceholderColor3: Color3;
 	TargetTextChannel: TextChannel | undefined;
@@ -34284,11 +34284,11 @@ interface ChatWindowConfiguration extends TextChatConfigurations {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly AbsolutePosition: Vector2;
+	get AbsolutePosition(): Vector2;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly AbsoluteSize: Vector2;
+	get AbsoluteSize(): Vector2;
 	BackgroundColor3: Color3;
 	BackgroundTransparency: number;
 	Enabled: boolean;
@@ -34350,10 +34350,10 @@ interface TextChatService extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly ChatTranslationEnabled: boolean;
-	readonly ChatVersion: Enum.ChatVersion;
-	CreateDefaultCommands: boolean;
-	CreateDefaultTextChannels: boolean;
+	get ChatTranslationEnabled(): boolean;
+	get ChatVersion(): Enum.ChatVersion;
+	get CreateDefaultCommands(): boolean;
+	get CreateDefaultTextChannels(): boolean;
 	DisplayBubble(this: TextChatService, partOrCharacter: BasePart | Model, message: string): void;
 	 * Tags: Yields
@@ -34424,11 +34424,11 @@ interface TextFilterTranslatedResult extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly SourceLanguage: string;
+	get SourceLanguage(): string;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly SourceText: TextFilterResult | undefined;
+	get SourceText(): TextFilterResult | undefined;
 	GetTranslationForLocale(this: TextFilterTranslatedResult, locale: string): TextFilterResult;
 	GetTranslations(this: TextFilterTranslatedResult): object;
@@ -34520,7 +34520,7 @@ interface TextSource extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly UserId: number;
+	get UserId(): number;
 interface TextureGenerationMeshHandler extends Instance {
@@ -34877,7 +34877,7 @@ interface Translator extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly LocaleId: string;
+	get LocaleId(): string;
 	 * Returns the localized text string in a [LocalizationTable](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/LocalizationTable) based on its [Translator](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Translator) locale, by key. The optional **args** table is used for filling format parameters in the matching text entry.
@@ -35011,7 +35011,7 @@ interface TweenBase extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly PlaybackState: Enum.PlaybackState;
+	get PlaybackState(): Enum.PlaybackState;
 	 * The Cancel function halts playback of its [Tween](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Tween) and resets the tween variables. If [TweenBase:Play](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/TweenBase/Play) is called again the [Tween](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Tween)'s properties will resume interpolating towards their destination but, as the tween variables have been reset, take the full length of the animation to do so.
@@ -35062,7 +35062,7 @@ interface Tween extends TweenBase {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Instance: Instance | undefined;
+	get Instance(): Instance | undefined;
 	 * Read-only property that includes information on how the interpolation of the [Tween](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Tween) is to be carried out, using the `TweenInfo` data type. The TweenInfo data type includes a range of properties that can be used to achieve various styles of animation, including reversing and looping [Tween](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Tween)s (see examples).
@@ -35070,7 +35070,7 @@ interface Tween extends TweenBase {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly TweenInfo: TweenInfo;
+	get TweenInfo(): TweenInfo;
 /** Tweens are used to interpolate the properties of instances. These can be used to create animations for various Roblox objects. Almost any numeric property can be tweened using TweenService. Note that only specific types of properties can be used with TweenService. The types of properties that can be tweened are:
@@ -35499,7 +35499,7 @@ interface UIGridStyleLayout extends UILayout {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly AbsoluteContentSize: Vector2;
+	get AbsoluteContentSize(): Vector2;
 	 * The FillDirection property determines the axis in which UI elements are laid out. Horizontal will arrange elements from left to right, while Vertical will arrange from top to bottom. To reverse elements (for instance, arrange right to left) you will need to reverse the sorting. This can be done by negating the child UI elements' [GuiObject.LayoutOrder](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/GuiObject/LayoutOrder) values when [UIGridStyleLayout.SortOrder](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/UIGridStyleLayout/SortOrder) is set to LayoutOrder.
@@ -35557,13 +35557,13 @@ interface UIGridLayout extends UIGridStyleLayout {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly AbsoluteCellCount: Vector2;
+	get AbsoluteCellCount(): Vector2;
 	 * Provides the size of each element of the grid in offsets. Read-only. Not affected by any [UIScale](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/UIScale), [UISizeConstraint](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/UISizeConstraint) or [UIAspectRatioConstraint](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/UIAspectRatioConstraint) applied to any individual element in the grid.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly AbsoluteCellSize: Vector2;
+	get AbsoluteCellSize(): Vector2;
 	 * (default {0, 5},{0, 5})
@@ -35645,7 +35645,7 @@ interface UIPageLayout extends UIGridStyleLayout {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly CurrentPage: GuiObject | undefined;
+	get CurrentPage(): GuiObject | undefined;
 	 * The easing direction to use when performing an animation.
@@ -36031,8 +36031,8 @@ interface UserGameSettings extends Instance {
 	 * The type of controls being used by the client on a mobile device.
 	TouchMovementMode: Enum.TouchMovementMode;
-	readonly VRSmoothRotationEnabled: boolean;
-	readonly VignetteEnabled: boolean;
+	get VRSmoothRotationEnabled(): boolean;
+	get VignetteEnabled(): boolean;
 	 * Returns the camera's Y-invert value.
@@ -36136,7 +36136,7 @@ interface UserInputService extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly AccelerometerEnabled: boolean;
+	get AccelerometerEnabled(): boolean;
 	 * This property describes whether the device being used by a user has an available gamepad.
@@ -36171,7 +36171,7 @@ interface UserInputService extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly GamepadEnabled: boolean;
+	get GamepadEnabled(): boolean;
 	 * This property describes whether the user's device has a gyroscope.
@@ -36194,7 +36194,7 @@ interface UserInputService extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly GyroscopeEnabled: boolean;
+	get GyroscopeEnabled(): boolean;
 	 * This property describes whether the user's device has a keyboard available. This property is _true_ when the user's device has an available keyboard, and _false_ when it does not.
@@ -36204,7 +36204,7 @@ interface UserInputService extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly KeyboardEnabled: boolean;
+	get KeyboardEnabled(): boolean;
 	 * **ModalEnabled** property determines whether character controls are hidden on [TouchEnabled](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/UserInputService/TouchEnabled) devices. By default, this property is _false_ and controls are visible.
@@ -36277,7 +36277,7 @@ interface UserInputService extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly MouseEnabled: boolean;
+	get MouseEnabled(): boolean;
 	MouseIcon: string;
 	 * This property determines whether the [Mouse's](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Mouse) icon is visible When _true_ the mouse's icon is visible, when _false_ it is not.
@@ -36311,7 +36311,7 @@ interface UserInputService extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly OnScreenKeyboardPosition: Vector2;
+	get OnScreenKeyboardPosition(): Vector2;
 	 * This property describes the size of the on-screen keyboard in pixels. The keyboard's size is [Vector2.new(0, 0)](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/datatype/Vector2) when it is not [visible](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/UserInputService/OnScreenKeyboardVisible).
@@ -36332,7 +36332,7 @@ interface UserInputService extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly OnScreenKeyboardSize: Vector2;
+	get OnScreenKeyboardSize(): Vector2;
 	 * This property describes whether an on-screen keyboard is currently visible on the user's screen.
@@ -36359,7 +36359,7 @@ interface UserInputService extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly OnScreenKeyboardVisible: boolean;
+	get OnScreenKeyboardVisible(): boolean;
 	 * This property describes whether the user's current device has a touch screen available.
@@ -36392,7 +36392,7 @@ interface UserInputService extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly TouchEnabled: boolean;
+	get TouchEnabled(): boolean;
 	 * The UserHeadCFrame used to describe the orientation and position of a user's head, if they are actively using a virtual reality headset.
@@ -36401,7 +36401,7 @@ interface UserInputService extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
 	 * @deprecated
-	readonly UserHeadCFrame: CFrame;
+	get UserHeadCFrame(): CFrame;
 	 * This property describes whether the user is using a virtual reality (VR) device.
@@ -36430,7 +36430,7 @@ interface UserInputService extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly VREnabled: boolean;
+	get VREnabled(): boolean;
 	 * This function returns whether the given [UserInputType](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/enum/UserInputType) gamepad supports a button corresponding with the given `Enum//KeyCode`. This function is used to determine valid gamepad inputs.
@@ -37582,7 +37582,7 @@ interface UserNotification extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Id: string;
+	get Id(): string;
 	Payload: UserNotificationPayload | undefined;
@@ -37705,7 +37705,7 @@ interface VRService extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly ThirdPersonFollowCamEnabled: boolean;
+	get ThirdPersonFollowCamEnabled(): boolean;
 	 * This property describes whether the user is using a virtual reality (VR) device.
@@ -37734,7 +37734,7 @@ interface VRService extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly VREnabled: boolean;
+	get VREnabled(): boolean;
 	 * The GetTouchpadMode function returns the [VRTouchpadMode](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/enum/VRTouchpadMode) indicating the mode of a specified [VRTouchpad](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/enum/VRTouchpad).
@@ -38330,7 +38330,7 @@ interface VoiceChatInternal extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
 	 * @deprecated
-	readonly VoiceChatState: Enum.VoiceChatState;
+	get VoiceChatState(): Enum.VoiceChatState;
 	 * @deprecated
@@ -38510,7 +38510,7 @@ interface WeldConstraint extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Active: boolean;
+	get Active(): boolean;
 	 * The **Enabled** property of a [WeldConstraint](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/WeldConstraint) sets whether the constraint is active or not. When this property is set to true, if the constraint's [WeldConstraint.Part0](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/WeldConstraint/Part0) and [WeldConstraint.Part1](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/WeldConstraint/Part1) properties are set, then the constraint will ensure that its two connected parts will be locked together.
@@ -38582,7 +38582,7 @@ interface Wire extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Connected: boolean;
+	get Connected(): boolean;
 	SourceInstance: Instance | undefined;
 	SourceName: string;
 	TargetInstance: Instance | undefined;
diff --git a/include/generated/PluginSecurity.d.ts b/include/generated/PluginSecurity.d.ts
index 4319a84d7e..ab2c07f34a 100644
--- a/include/generated/PluginSecurity.d.ts
+++ b/include/generated/PluginSecurity.d.ts
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ interface CoreGui extends BasePlayerGui {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Version: number;
+	get Version(): number;
 interface StarterGui extends BasePlayerGui {
@@ -393,13 +393,13 @@ interface BaseWrap extends Instance {
 	 * Asset ID for cage mesh.
-	CageMeshId: string;
+	set CageMeshId(v: string);
 	 * This property is set up automatically by the Avatar Importer plugin.
 	 * Cage mesh offset relative to parent [MeshPart](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/MeshPart).
-	CageOrigin: CFrame;
+	set CageOrigin(v: CFrame);
 	 * This property is set up automatically by the Avatar Importer plugin.
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ interface BaseWrap extends Instance {
 	 * 	end	
 	 * end
-	ImportOrigin: CFrame;
+	set ImportOrigin(v: CFrame);
 interface WrapLayer extends BaseWrap {
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ interface WrapLayer extends BaseWrap {
 	 * [CFrame](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/datatype/CFrame) to adjust a binding point for a clothing item mesh. Allows for fine-tuning of clothing items (slight adjustment of position/rotation to get a unique look) in contexts such as community-made avatar editors.
-	BindOffset: CFrame;
+	set BindOffset(v: CFrame);
 	 * AssetID for reference mesh used to define Inner Cage of a 3D object
@@ -462,13 +462,13 @@ interface WrapLayer extends BaseWrap {
 	 * Note: this property is set up automatically by the FBX importer
-	ReferenceMeshId: string;
+	set ReferenceMeshId(v: string);
 	 * Reference mesh offset relative to parent MeshPart (in the parent MeshPart space)
 	 * Note: this property is set up automatically by the FBX importer
-	ReferenceOrigin: CFrame;
+	set ReferenceOrigin(v: CFrame);
 	 * This property is intended for fine-tuning purposes and is highly optional.
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ interface WrapLayer extends BaseWrap {
 	 * Valid range is -1 to 1. A value of -1 will maximally expand while a value of 1 will maximally shrink. A value of 0 (default) has no effect.
-	ShrinkFactor: number;
+	set ShrinkFactor(v: number);
 interface WrapTarget extends BaseWrap {
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ interface WrapTarget extends BaseWrap {
 	 * Valid range is 0 to 1. A value of 0 will compress the body mesh as much as necessary to ensure that the intersections are eliminated (visible body parts might look a little bit deformed). A value of 1 will prevent the body mesh from being compressed (may lead to visible intersections or Z-fighting). A value of 0.9 (default) is a reasonable default that solves most of the intersections without introducing any significant body deformation.
-	Stiffness: number;
+	set Stiffness(v: number);
 /** The ChangeHistoryService provides a way for plugins to undo and redo changes and to create waypoints when changes are made to the place. */
@@ -575,43 +575,43 @@ interface DebugSettings extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly DataModel: number;
+	get DataModel(): number;
 	 * The number of instances active in the simulation.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly InstanceCount: number;
+	get InstanceCount(): number;
 	 * Whether or not a stacktrace is displayed in the output for an error.
-	IsScriptStackTracingEnabled: boolean;
+	set IsScriptStackTracingEnabled(v: boolean);
 	 * Returns the number of internal DataModel jobs actively being processed.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly JobCount: number;
+	get JobCount(): number;
 	 * The number of players currently in the active game-instance.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly PlayerCount: number;
+	get PlayerCount(): number;
 	 * Whether or not sound warnings should be reported.
-	ReportSoundWarnings: boolean;
+	set ReportSoundWarnings(v: boolean);
 	 * The current client version of Roblox. Can also be retrieved by using the version() function.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly RobloxVersion: string;
+	get RobloxVersion(): string;
 	 * Sets the internal sampling method used to measure elapsed time with consistency across platforms.
-	TickCountPreciseOverride: Enum.TickCountSampleMethod;
+	set TickCountPreciseOverride(v: Enum.TickCountSampleMethod);
 /** Represents a breakpoint in Roblox's Lua Debugger.  
@@ -629,32 +629,32 @@ interface DebuggerBreakpoint extends Instance {
 	 * The condition of the debugger breakpoint.
-	Condition: string;
+	set Condition(v: string);
 	 * This field controls whether debugger will stop on the breakpoint or not.  
 	 * It is used together with the [DebuggerBreakpoint.LogExpression](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/DebuggerBreakpoint/LogExpression) to log a message when breakpoint is hit, without pausing into the debugger to act as a 'logpoint' instead of a 'breakpoint'.
-	ContinueExecution: boolean;
+	set ContinueExecution(v: boolean);
 	 * Whether or not the breakpoint is enabled.
-	IsEnabled: boolean;
+	set IsEnabled(v: boolean);
 	 * The line that the breakpoint has been placed on.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Line: number;
+	get Line(): number;
 	 * An expression which is evaluated when the breakpoint is hit with the result being logged into the Output window.  
 	 * Used together with [DebuggerBreakpoint.ContinueExecution](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/DebuggerBreakpoint/ContinueExecution) to implement a 'logpoint' instead of a 'breakpoint'.
-	LogExpression: string;
+	set LogExpression(v: string);
 	 * Whether the breakpoint is unique for a single script instance or not.  
 	 * When set, the breakpoint will not be duplicated into all the clones of the current script.
-	isContextDependentBreakpoint: boolean;
+	set isContextDependentBreakpoint(v: boolean);
 /** The DebuggerManager is a special singleton class responsible for managing Roblox's Lua Debugger feature.  
@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ interface DebuggerManager extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly DebuggingEnabled: boolean;
+	get DebuggingEnabled(): boolean;
 	 * Registers a script to be used in the Lua Debugger. Returns a [ScriptDebugger](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/ScriptDebugger) for the script.
@@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ interface DebuggerWatch extends Instance {
 	 * The expression set for the DebuggerWatch.
-	Expression: string;
+	set Expression(v: string);
 interface FaceControls extends Instance {
@@ -1059,7 +1059,7 @@ interface File extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
-	readonly Size: number;
+	get Size(): number;
 	 * This function is used to read the contents of the [File](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/File) as a raw binary string. This allows the file to be uploaded to web endpoints, or to be processed by plugins.
@@ -1085,7 +1085,7 @@ interface GameSettings extends Instance {
 	 * Toggles whether or not video capture is enabled.
-	VideoCaptureEnabled: boolean;
+	set VideoCaptureEnabled(v: boolean);
 /** PluginGui is an abstract class for GUIs that allow the display of [GuiObjects](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/GuiObject) in various Roblox Studio widgets. As of right now, the only available PluginGui type is [DockWidgetPluginGui](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/DockWidgetPluginGui), but there may be more in the future! */
@@ -1101,7 +1101,7 @@ interface PluginGui extends LayerCollector {
 	 * The title that is displayed above the contents of the [PluginGui](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/PluginGui). Defaults to empty string.
-	Title: string;
+	set Title(v: string);
 	 * This function binds a function to the [PluginGui's](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/PluginGui) close button, overriding the default behavior.
@@ -1287,7 +1287,7 @@ interface Humanoid extends Instance {
 	 * Fixed size collision boxes, similar to the classic avatar collision
-	CollisionType: Enum.HumanoidCollisionType;
+	set CollisionType(v: Enum.HumanoidCollisionType);
 interface InsertService extends Instance {
@@ -1364,7 +1364,7 @@ interface BaseScript extends LuaSourceContainer {
 	 * @deprecated
 	readonly _nominal_BaseScript: unique symbol;
-	RunContext: Enum.RunContext;
+	set RunContext(v: Enum.RunContext);
 interface Script extends BaseScript {
@@ -1414,7 +1414,7 @@ interface MaterialVariant extends Instance {
 	 * @deprecated
 	readonly _nominal_MaterialVariant: unique symbol;
-	BaseMaterial: Enum.Material;
+	set BaseMaterial(v: Enum.Material);
 	ColorMap: string;
 	MetalnessMap: string;
 	NormalMap: string;
@@ -1571,17 +1571,17 @@ interface NetworkSettings extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
-	readonly FreeMemoryMBytes: number;
-	readonly HttpProxyEnabled: boolean;
-	readonly HttpProxyURL: string;
+	get FreeMemoryMBytes(): number;
+	get HttpProxyEnabled(): boolean;
+	get HttpProxyURL(): string;
 	 * Instruct the engine to simulate additional lag by delaying all incoming messages. Units are seconds.
-	IncomingReplicationLag: number;
+	set IncomingReplicationLag(v: number);
 	 * Print diagnostic information to the Output window after connecting. The data will indicate the largest individual Instances sent, as well as aggregate data about data sent by Instance type. The data sent for initial loading is compressed so the contributions are approximate.
-	PrintJoinSizeBreakdown: boolean;
+	set PrintJoinSizeBreakdown(v: boolean);
 	 * When set to true, debug messages will be printed into the output, pertaining to physics replication errors. Note that this property is intended for Roblox engineers who are debugging network replication. The following are debug outputs that are made available when this property is set to true.
@@ -1589,7 +1589,7 @@ interface NetworkSettings extends Instance {
 	 * *   `Physics-in of unidentified {GUID}` prints if the PhysicsReceiver cannot find the part that is trying to be updated because the provided Instance identifier was invalid, where `{GUID}` is the unknown [Instance:GetDebugId](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/Instance/GetDebugId) identifier that is supposed to be targeting the part. This typically happens if a part is removed before the physics update packet is received.
 	 * *   `Physics-in of part not in workspace {GUID}` prints if the PhysicsReceiver receives a request to update the physics of a part that is not a descendant of the Workspace, where `{GUID}` is the [Instance:GetDebugId](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/Instance/GetDebugId) identifier of the target part. This happens if the part was just moved out of the Workspace, and was previously being simulated.
-	PrintPhysicsErrors: boolean;
+	set PrintPhysicsErrors(v: boolean);
 	 * When set to true, debug information is printed to the output regarding the replication of instances when [Workspace.StreamingEnabled](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Workspace/StreamingEnabled) is set to true. There are several debug outputs that are made available when this property is set to true, as listed below.
@@ -1624,22 +1624,22 @@ interface NetworkSettings extends Instance {
 	 * * * *
-	PrintStreamInstanceQuota: boolean;
+	set PrintStreamInstanceQuota(v: boolean);
 	 * Emulate the behavior of a server that has been online a long time by randomizing the order that instances initially arrive on clients. It is recommended to keep this setting enabled to help discover potential bugs while testing in Studio.
-	RandomizeJoinInstanceOrder: boolean;
+	set RandomizeJoinInstanceOrder(v: boolean);
 	 * ![RenderStreamedRegions in action!](https://developer.roblox.com/assets/blte3c189bb8bdbf8e3/ShowStreamedRegions.png)
 	 * When set to true, regions of space that are being streamed to the client will be outlined in red.  
 	 * This will only be shown if [Workspace.StreamingEnabled](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Workspace/StreamingEnabled) is set to true.
-	RenderStreamedRegions: boolean;
+	set RenderStreamedRegions(v: boolean);
 	 * When set to true, a label will be shown above each [Player](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Player)'s head, showing the current animation being played by the Player's [Humanoid](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Humanoid), if any.
-	ShowActiveAnimationAsset: boolean;
+	set ShowActiveAnimationAsset(v: boolean);
 interface Terrain extends BasePart {
@@ -1685,11 +1685,11 @@ interface TriangleMeshPart extends BasePart {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	CollisionFidelity: Enum.CollisionFidelity;
+	set CollisionFidelity(v: Enum.CollisionFidelity);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	FluidFidelity: Enum.FluidFidelity;
+	set FluidFidelity(v: Enum.FluidFidelity);
 interface MeshPart extends TriangleMeshPart {
@@ -1714,7 +1714,7 @@ interface MeshPart extends TriangleMeshPart {
 	 * _With MeshPart.DoubleSided enabled, both faces of the leaves are rendered._  
 	 * ![DoubleSided property enabled](https://developer.roblox.com/assets/blte8ab39d69cf97247/DoubleSidedOn.png)
-	DoubleSided: boolean;
+	set DoubleSided(v: boolean);
 	 * This property determines the level of detail that solid-modeled and mesh parts will be shown in and can be set to the possible values of the [RenderFidelity](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/enum/RenderFidelity) enum.
@@ -1743,7 +1743,7 @@ interface MeshPart extends TriangleMeshPart {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	RenderFidelity: Enum.RenderFidelity;
+	set RenderFidelity(v: Enum.RenderFidelity);
 interface PartOperation extends TriangleMeshPart {
@@ -1755,7 +1755,7 @@ interface PartOperation extends TriangleMeshPart {
 	 * @deprecated
 	readonly _nominal_PartOperation: unique symbol;
-	RenderFidelity: Enum.RenderFidelity;
+	set RenderFidelity(v: Enum.RenderFidelity);
 	 * This property represents an angle in degrees for a threshold value between face normals on a [solid modeled](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/articles/3d-modeling-with-parts) part. If the normal difference is less than the value, normals will be adjusted to smooth the difference. Usually a value between 30 and 70 degrees will produce a good result. 0 degrees leads to sharp edges. Values between 90 and 180 degrees are allowed but not encouraged, as it may cause a “shadowing” effect on unions with sharp edges.
@@ -1769,7 +1769,7 @@ interface PartOperation extends TriangleMeshPart {
 	 * SmoothingAngle = 50
-	SmoothingAngle: number;
+	set SmoothingAngle(v: number);
 interface Model extends PVInstance {
@@ -1836,8 +1836,8 @@ interface Workspace extends WorldRoot {
 	 * *   Developers should also use the [Debris](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Debris) service to clean up parts that are no longer needed, but have not fallen off the map
 	 * *   This property is clamped between -50,000 and 50,000. This is because [BasePart](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/BasePart)s do not simulate or render properly at a great distance from the origin due to floating point inaccuracies
-	FallenPartsDestroyHeight: number;
-	InterpolationThrottling: Enum.InterpolationThrottlingMode;
+	set FallenPartsDestroyHeight(v: number);
+	set InterpolationThrottling(v: Enum.InterpolationThrottlingMode);
 	 * The **StreamingEnabled** property determines whether game content streaming is enabled for the place. This property is not scriptable and therefore must be set on the **Workspace** object in Studio.
@@ -1850,7 +1850,7 @@ interface Workspace extends WorldRoot {
 	 * *   [Workspace.StreamingTargetRadius](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Workspace/StreamingTargetRadius)
 	 * *   [Workspace.StreamingPauseMode](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Workspace/StreamingPauseMode)
-	StreamingEnabled: boolean;
+	set StreamingEnabled(v: boolean);
 	 * Goes through all [BasePart](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/BasePart)s given, breaking any joints connected to these parts.
@@ -1926,19 +1926,19 @@ interface PhysicsSettings extends Instance {
 	 * When set to true, physically simulated objects will stop being simulated if they have little to no motion for a set period of time.
-	AllowSleep: boolean;
+	set AllowSleep(v: boolean);
 	 * When set to true, parts that are [BasePart.Anchored](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/BasePart/Anchored) will show a gray surface outline on the surface of the part's bounding box that is currently facing the ground.
-	AreAnchorsShown: boolean;
+	set AreAnchorsShown(v: boolean);
 	 * When set to true, each physics assembly is assigned a unique color and the [Part](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Part) associated with the assembly are outlined with the color. Parts that are attached together by [JointInstance](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/JointInstance) will share the same color.
-	AreAssembliesShown: boolean;
+	set AreAssembliesShown(v: boolean);
 	 * When set to true, parts that are actively being physically simulated will have a red outline.
-	AreAwakePartsHighlighted: boolean;
+	set AreAwakePartsHighlighted(v: boolean);
 	 * When set to true, [Part](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Part) will be outlined with a specific color, depending on the state of its root simulation body.
@@ -1975,11 +1975,11 @@ interface PhysicsSettings extends Instance {
 	 * Physics Body that is moving very little along the Y plane, while in contact with another body.
-	AreBodyTypesShown: boolean;
+	set AreBodyTypesShown(v: boolean);
 	 * When set to true, each contact island will render [SelectionBox](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/SelectionBox) adorns on the parts in contact islands, where each contact island is assigned a random color.
-	AreContactIslandsShown: boolean;
+	set AreContactIslandsShown(v: boolean);
 	 * When set to true, sphere adorns will be drawn at the contact points of each part where physics interactions are occurring.
@@ -2037,60 +2037,60 @@ interface PhysicsSettings extends Instance {
 	 * Contact point with no special conditions.
-	AreContactPointsShown: boolean;
+	set AreContactPointsShown(v: boolean);
 	 * When set to true, XYZ axes are rendered at the [BasePart.CFrame](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/BasePart/CFrame) of every part.
-	AreJointCoordinatesShown: boolean;
+	set AreJointCoordinatesShown(v: boolean);
 	 * When set to true, every individual mechanism of parts is given a unique color.
-	AreMechanismsShown: boolean;
+	set AreMechanismsShown(v: boolean);
 	 * An ancient property that hasn't work correctly since late 2007.  
 	 * It's supposed to render an XYZ axis on the root part of a [Model](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Model), but the axis rendering component doesn't work correctly.
-	AreModelCoordsShown: boolean;
-	AreNonAnchorsShown: boolean;
+	set AreModelCoordsShown(v: boolean);
+	set AreNonAnchorsShown(v: boolean);
 	 * When set to true, each [Player](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Player)'s character is outlined with a unique color, and each part that the player has network ownership over is outlined with the same color.
-	AreOwnersShown: boolean;
+	set AreOwnersShown(v: boolean);
 	 * An ancient property that hasn't worked correctly since late 2007.  
 	 * It's supposed to render a large XYZ axis in the center of each [BasePart](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/BasePart), but the axis rendering component doesn't work correctly.
-	ArePartCoordsShown: boolean;
+	set ArePartCoordsShown(v: boolean);
 	 * When set to true, a cylinder is drawn around each [Player](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Player)'s character, representing their [Player.SimulationRadius](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/Player/SimulationRadius).
 	 * Each physically simulated object will check to see which player is closest to that object, and if they are within the player's simulation radius. If both conditions are met, that player will becomes the network owner of that object.
-	AreRegionsShown: boolean;
-	AreTerrainReplicationRegionsShown: boolean;
+	set AreRegionsShown(v: boolean);
+	set AreTerrainReplicationRegionsShown(v: boolean);
 	 * When set to true, parts that aren't aligned on the 1x1x1 grid will be outlined yellow.
-	AreUnalignedPartsShown: boolean;
+	set AreUnalignedPartsShown(v: boolean);
 	 * An ancient property that hasn't worked correctly since late 2007.  
 	 * It's supposed to render a large XYZ axis in the center of the world, but the axis rendering component doesn't work correctly.
-	AreWorldCoordsShown: boolean;
+	set AreWorldCoordsShown(v: boolean);
 	 * When set to true, Roblox will fall back to using its legacy CSG solver when performing [solid model operations](https://developer.roblox.com/articles/3D-Modeling-with-Parts "Solid modeling").
-	DisableCSGv2: boolean;
-	DisableCSGv3ForPlugins: boolean;
+	set DisableCSGv2(v: boolean);
+	set DisableCSGv3ForPlugins(v: boolean);
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
-	ForceCSGv2: boolean;
-	IsInterpolationThrottleShown: boolean;
+	set ForceCSGv2(v: boolean);
+	set IsInterpolationThrottleShown(v: boolean);
 	 * This property is supposed to show the [BasePart.ReceiveAge](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/BasePart/ReceiveAge) of a part, but it does not work correctly.
-	IsReceiveAgeShown: boolean;
+	set IsReceiveAgeShown(v: boolean);
 	 * When set to true, the joint connections of each part, and the states of their underlying primitive components are visualized as a spanning tree.
@@ -2137,25 +2137,25 @@ interface PhysicsSettings extends Instance {
 	 * Connection between two Primitives.
-	IsTreeShown: boolean;
+	set IsTreeShown(v: boolean);
 	 * Controls the throttle rate of Roblox's physics engine.
 	 * By default, the physics engine will adjust the physics environment throttle depending on how much work the physics engine is doing, and the current framerate. See the enum page for [EnviromentalPhysicsThrottle](https://developer.roblox.com/api-reference/enum/EnviromentalPhysicsThrottle "EnviromentalPhysicsThrottle") for more information.
-	PhysicsEnvironmentalThrottle: Enum.EnviromentalPhysicsThrottle;
+	set PhysicsEnvironmentalThrottle(v: Enum.EnviromentalPhysicsThrottle);
 	 * When set to true, the underlying collision geometry for [PartOperation](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/PartOperation) and [MeshPart](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/MeshPart) is rendered.
-	ShowDecompositionGeometry: boolean;
+	set ShowDecompositionGeometry(v: boolean);
 	 * If the [PhysicsSettings.PhysicsEnvironmentalThrottle](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/PhysicsSettings/PhysicsEnvironmentalThrottle) is set to _DefaultAuto_, this specifies the maximum time that the physics environmental throttle has to wait before it is allowed to automatically change.
-	ThrottleAdjustTime: number;
+	set ThrottleAdjustTime(v: number);
 	 * If set to true, version 2 of Roblox's CSG solver will be used instead of version 1.
-	UseCSGv2: boolean;
+	set UseCSGv2(v: boolean);
 interface Player extends Instance {
@@ -2258,7 +2258,7 @@ interface Plugin extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly CollisionEnabled: boolean;
+	get CollisionEnabled(): boolean;
 	 * Returns the grid size the user has set in studio under the Model tab. This can be 1, 0.2 or 0.01, but has rounding errors.
@@ -2275,7 +2275,7 @@ interface Plugin extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly GridSize: number;
+	get GridSize(): number;
 	 * This function sets the state of the calling plugin to activated. Activating the plugin allows mouse control through the [Plugin:GetMouse](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/Plugin/GetMouse) method.
@@ -2573,7 +2573,7 @@ interface PluginAction extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly ActionId: string;
+	get ActionId(): string;
 	 * This property determines whether the [PluginAction](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/PluginAction) will be hidden from Studio's shortcuts view. Useful for contextual actions. It defaults to true.
@@ -2584,19 +2584,19 @@ interface PluginAction extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly AllowBinding: boolean;
+	get AllowBinding(): boolean;
 	 * The description of the action, when viewing it from the keyboard shortcuts window in Roblox Studio.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly StatusTip: string;
+	get StatusTip(): string;
 	 * The text that is displayed when viewing this action in Roblox Studio.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Text: string;
+	get Text(): string;
 	 * Fires when the action is triggered. This can be done by either activating the action from the Quick Access Toolbar, or by using the keyboard shortcut that was bound to it.
@@ -2626,19 +2626,19 @@ interface PluginDragEvent extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Data: string;
+	get Data(): string;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly MimeType: string;
+	get MimeType(): string;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Position: Vector2;
+	get Position(): Vector2;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Sender: string;
+	get Sender(): string;
 /** PluginGuiService is a service that stores [PluginGui](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/PluginGui) objects to be displayed in Roblox Studio. It only allows PluginGuis to be direct children of the service, and PluginGuis are not allowed to be parented anywhere besides the service. */
@@ -2718,7 +2718,7 @@ interface PluginMenu extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	Icon: string;
+	set Icon(v: string);
 	 * This property determines the text to be displayed when a [PluginMenu](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/PluginMenu) is used as a sub menu. It defaults to an empty string `””`.
@@ -2738,7 +2738,7 @@ interface PluginMenu extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	Title: string;
+	set Title(v: string);
 	 * This function adds the given action to the menu.
@@ -2908,7 +2908,7 @@ interface PluginToolbarButton extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	ClickableWhenViewportHidden: boolean;
+	set ClickableWhenViewportHidden(v: boolean);
 	 * **Enabled** determines whether a button is clickable in general. When this property is false, the button will be greyed out and unclickable, preventing the user from firing the [Click](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/event/PluginToolbarButton/Click) event. Buttons are enabled by default.
@@ -2921,11 +2921,11 @@ interface PluginToolbarButton extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	Enabled: boolean;
+	set Enabled(v: boolean);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	Icon: string;
+	set Icon(v: string);
 	SetActive(this: PluginToolbarButton, active: boolean): void;
 	 * **Click** fires when the PluginToolbarButton is pressed and released by the user.
@@ -2951,7 +2951,7 @@ interface RenderSettings extends Instance {
 	 * Sets the starting quality level of the framerate manager, when [RenderSettings.EnableFRM](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/RenderSettings/EnableFRM) is set to true.
-	AutoFRMLevel: number;
+	set AutoFRMLevel(v: number);
 	 * When set to true, all scene updates will be given an unlimited budget, regardless of how computationally expensive it may be.  
@@ -2962,59 +2962,59 @@ interface RenderSettings extends Instance {
 	 * *   This is used when rendering game thumbnails.
-	EagerBulkExecution: boolean;
+	set EagerBulkExecution(v: boolean);
 	 * Sets the graphics quality level in Roblox Studio, when [RenderSettings.EnableFRM](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/RenderSettings/EnableFRM) is set to false.
-	EditQualityLevel: Enum.QualityLevel;
-	["Enable VR Mode"]: boolean;
+	set EditQualityLevel(v: Enum.QualityLevel);
+	set ["Enable VR Mode"](v: boolean);
 	 * Toggles the enabled state of the framerate manager.
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
-	EnableFRM: boolean;
+	set EnableFRM(v: boolean);
 	 * Sets whether materials should be generated per part, or per unique appearance in Roblox's obj exporter.
-	ExportMergeByMaterial: boolean;
+	set ExportMergeByMaterial(v: boolean);
 	 * Specifies the behavior of the framerate manager.
-	FrameRateManager: Enum.FramerateManagerMode;
+	set FrameRateManager(v: Enum.FramerateManagerMode);
 	 * The graphics API that Roblox will use on startup.
-	GraphicsMode: Enum.GraphicsMode;
+	set GraphicsMode(v: Enum.GraphicsMode);
 	 * The size in bytes of the mesh cache.
 	 * Defaults to 32 MBs.
-	MeshCacheSize: number;
+	set MeshCacheSize(v: number);
 	 * Determines the mode for the selection of detail levels for mesh parts. For a good balance between performance and fidelity this should be set to `MeshPartDetail.DistanceBased` (default), which is what the client uses.
 	 * Note that the `MeshPart.RenderFidelity` needs to be set to `RenderFidelity.Automatic` for this to work. If you set it to `RenderFidelity.Precise` you will always see the higher resolution version and the `MeshPartDetailLevel` will be ignored for that [MeshPart](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/MeshPart).
-	MeshPartDetailLevel: Enum.MeshPartDetailLevel;
+	set MeshPartDetailLevel(v: Enum.MeshPartDetailLevel);
 	 * If [RenderSettings.EnableFRM](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/RenderSettings/EnableFRM) is set to true, this property controls the quality level in Roblox Studio.
-	QualityLevel: Enum.QualityLevel;
+	set QualityLevel(v: Enum.QualityLevel);
 	 * When set to true, Roblox Studio will automatically reload changes that are made to files in Roblox's `content` folder.
-	ReloadAssets: boolean;
+	set ReloadAssets(v: boolean);
 	 * When set to true, a wireframe of polygons will be shown on all [PartOperation](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/PartOperation) objects.
-	RenderCSGTrianglesDebug: boolean;
+	set RenderCSGTrianglesDebug(v: boolean);
 	 * If set to true, renders bounding boxes around each individual rendered entity in the scene.
-	ShowBoundingBoxes: boolean;
-	ViewMode: Enum.ViewMode;
+	set ShowBoundingBoxes(v: boolean);
+	set ViewMode(v: Enum.ViewMode);
 	 * Returns the maximum quality level.
@@ -3031,25 +3031,25 @@ interface RenderingTest extends Instance {
 	 * @deprecated
 	readonly _nominal_RenderingTest: unique symbol;
-	CFrame: CFrame;
-	ComparisonDiffThreshold: number;
-	ComparisonMethod: Enum.RenderingTestComparisonMethod;
-	ComparisonPsnrThreshold: number;
-	Description: string;
-	FieldOfView: number;
+	set CFrame(v: CFrame);
+	set ComparisonDiffThreshold(v: number);
+	set ComparisonMethod(v: Enum.RenderingTestComparisonMethod);
+	set ComparisonPsnrThreshold(v: number);
+	set Description(v: string);
+	set FieldOfView(v: number);
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
-	Orientation: Vector3;
-	PerfTest: boolean;
+	set Orientation(v: Vector3);
+	set PerfTest(v: boolean);
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
-	Position: Vector3;
-	QualityLevel: number;
-	ShouldSkip: boolean;
-	Ticket: string;
-	Timeout: number;
+	set Position(v: Vector3);
+	set QualityLevel(v: number);
+	set ShouldSkip(v: boolean);
+	set Ticket(v: string);
+	set Timeout(v: number);
 	RenderdocTriggerCapture(this: RenderingTest): void;
@@ -3172,25 +3172,25 @@ interface ScriptDebugger extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly CurrentLine: number;
+	get CurrentLine(): number;
 	 * Describes if this ScriptDebugger is actually debugging the script attached to it.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly IsDebugging: boolean;
+	get IsDebugging(): boolean;
 	 * Describes if this ScriptDebugger is paused.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly IsPaused: boolean;
+	get IsPaused(): boolean;
 	 * The script object this debugger is linked to.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly Script: Instance | undefined;
+	get Script(): Instance | undefined;
 	 * Adds a [DebuggerWatch](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/DebuggerWatch) with the given expression.
@@ -3361,7 +3361,7 @@ interface Selection extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly SelectionThickness: number;
+	get SelectionThickness(): number;
 	Add(this: Selection, instancesToAdd: Array<Instance>): void;
 	 * Returns an array of currently selected [Instance](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Instance)s in Roblox Studio.
@@ -3533,7 +3533,7 @@ interface StatsItem extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
-	readonly DisplayName: string;
+	get DisplayName(): string;
 	 * Returns the StatsItem's value.
@@ -3611,246 +3611,246 @@ interface Studio extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["\"TODO\" Color"]: Color3;
+	set ["\"TODO\" Color"](v: Color3);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["\"function\" Color"]: Color3;
+	set ["\"function\" Color"](v: Color3);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["\"local\" Color"]: Color3;
+	set ["\"local\" Color"](v: Color3);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["\"nil\" Color"]: Color3;
+	set ["\"nil\" Color"](v: Color3);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["\"self\" Color"]: Color3;
-	["Active Color"]: Color3;
-	["Active Hover Over Color"]: Color3;
-	["Always Save Script Changes"]: boolean;
-	["Animate Hover Over"]: boolean;
-	["Auto Clean Empty Line"]: boolean;
-	["Auto Closing Brackets"]: boolean;
-	["Auto Closing Quotes"]: boolean;
-	["Auto Delete Closing Brackets and Quotes"]: boolean;
-	["Auto Indent Rule"]: Enum.AutoIndentRule;
-	["Auto-Recovery Enabled"]: boolean;
-	["Auto-Recovery Interval (Minutes)"]: number;
-	["Auto-Recovery Path"]: QDir;
+	set ["\"self\" Color"](v: Color3);
+	set ["Active Color"](v: Color3);
+	set ["Active Hover Over Color"](v: Color3);
+	set ["Always Save Script Changes"](v: boolean);
+	set ["Animate Hover Over"](v: boolean);
+	set ["Auto Clean Empty Line"](v: boolean);
+	set ["Auto Closing Brackets"](v: boolean);
+	set ["Auto Closing Quotes"](v: boolean);
+	set ["Auto Delete Closing Brackets and Quotes"](v: boolean);
+	set ["Auto Indent Rule"](v: Enum.AutoIndentRule);
+	set ["Auto-Recovery Enabled"](v: boolean);
+	set ["Auto-Recovery Interval (Minutes)"](v: number);
+	set ["Auto-Recovery Path"](v: QDir);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Background Color"]: Color3;
-	["Basic Objects Display Mode"]: Enum.ListDisplayMode;
+	set ["Background Color"](v: Color3);
+	set ["Basic Objects Display Mode"](v: Enum.ListDisplayMode);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Bool Color"]: Color3;
+	set ["Bool Color"](v: Color3);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Bracket Color"]: Color3;
+	set ["Bracket Color"](v: Color3);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Built-in Function Color"]: Color3;
-	["Camera Mouse Wheel Speed"]: number;
-	["Camera Shift Speed"]: number;
-	["Camera Speed"]: number;
-	["Camera Speed Adjust Binding"]: Enum.CameraSpeedAdjustBinding;
-	["Camera Zoom to Mouse Position"]: boolean;
-	["Clear Output On Start"]: boolean;
-	CommandBarLocalState: boolean;
+	set ["Built-in Function Color"](v: Color3);
+	set ["Camera Mouse Wheel Speed"](v: number);
+	set ["Camera Shift Speed"](v: number);
+	set ["Camera Speed"](v: number);
+	set ["Camera Speed Adjust Binding"](v: Enum.CameraSpeedAdjustBinding);
+	set ["Camera Zoom to Mouse Position"](v: boolean);
+	set ["Clear Output On Start"](v: boolean);
+	set CommandBarLocalState(v: boolean);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Comment Color"]: Color3;
+	set ["Comment Color"](v: Color3);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Current Line Highlight Color"]: Color3;
+	set ["Current Line Highlight Color"](v: Color3);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Debugger Current Line Color"]: Color3;
+	set ["Debugger Current Line Color"](v: Color3);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Debugger Error Line Color"]: Color3;
+	set ["Debugger Error Line Color"](v: Color3);
 	 * Specifies the default prompt directory that will be opened when the user activates the _Execute Script_ button in Roblox Studio.
-	DefaultScriptFileDir: QDir;
+	set DefaultScriptFileDir(v: QDir);
 	 * If set to true, deprecated objects will be shown in the Advanced Objects window, as well as the Object Browser.
-	DeprecatedObjectsShown: boolean;
-	["Enable Autocomplete"]: boolean;
-	["Enable CoreScript Debugger"]: boolean;
-	["Enable Http Sandboxing"]: boolean;
-	["Enable Internal Beta Features"]: boolean;
-	["Enable Internal Features"]: boolean;
-	["Enable Temporary Tabs"]: boolean;
-	["Enable Temporary Tabs In Explorer"]: boolean;
+	set DeprecatedObjectsShown(v: boolean);
+	set ["Enable Autocomplete"](v: boolean);
+	set ["Enable CoreScript Debugger"](v: boolean);
+	set ["Enable Http Sandboxing"](v: boolean);
+	set ["Enable Internal Beta Features"](v: boolean);
+	set ["Enable Internal Features"](v: boolean);
+	set ["Enable Temporary Tabs"](v: boolean);
+	set ["Enable Temporary Tabs In Explorer"](v: boolean);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Error Color"]: Color3;
+	set ["Error Color"](v: Color3);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Find Selection Background Color"]: Color3;
+	set ["Find Selection Background Color"](v: Color3);
 	 * Specifies the font used in the script editor.
-	Font: QFont;
-	["Format On Paste"]: boolean;
-	["Format On Type"]: boolean;
+	set Font(v: QFont);
+	set ["Format On Paste"](v: boolean);
+	set ["Format On Type"](v: boolean);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Function Name Color"]: Color3;
-	["Highlight Current Line"]: boolean;
-	["Highlight Occurances"]: boolean;
+	set ["Function Name Color"](v: Color3);
+	set ["Highlight Current Line"](v: boolean);
+	set ["Highlight Occurances"](v: boolean);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	HintColor: Color3;
-	["Hover Animate Speed"]: Enum.HoverAnimateSpeed;
-	["Hover Over Color"]: Color3;
-	["Indent Using Spaces"]: boolean;
+	set HintColor(v: Color3);
+	set ["Hover Animate Speed"](v: Enum.HoverAnimateSpeed);
+	set ["Hover Over Color"](v: Color3);
+	set ["Indent Using Spaces"](v: boolean);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	InformationColor: Color3;
+	set InformationColor(v: Color3);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Keyword Color"]: Color3;
-	["Line Thickness"]: number;
-	readonly LocalAssetsFolder: QDir;
+	set ["Keyword Color"](v: Color3);
+	set ["Line Thickness"](v: number);
+	get LocalAssetsFolder(): QDir;
 	 * Specifies whether or not the [Lua Debugger](https://developer.roblox.com/articles/Lua-debugger "Lua Debugger") feature is enabled.
-	LuaDebuggerEnabled: boolean;
+	set LuaDebuggerEnabled(v: boolean);
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
-	readonly LuaDebuggerEnabledAtStartup: boolean;
+	get LuaDebuggerEnabledAtStartup(): boolean;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Luau Keyword Color"]: Color3;
+	set ["Luau Keyword Color"](v: Color3);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Matching Word Background Color"]: Color3;
-	["Maximum Output Lines"]: number;
+	set ["Matching Word Background Color"](v: Color3);
+	set ["Maximum Output Lines"](v: number);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Menu Item Background Color"]: Color3;
+	set ["Menu Item Background Color"](v: Color3);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Method Color"]: Color3;
+	set ["Method Color"](v: Color3);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Number Color"]: Color3;
-	["Only Play Audio from Window in Focus"]: boolean;
+	set ["Number Color"](v: Color3);
+	set ["Only Play Audio from Window in Focus"](v: boolean);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Operator Color"]: Color3;
-	["Output Font"]: QFont;
-	["Output Layout Mode"]: Enum.OutputLayoutMode;
+	set ["Operator Color"](v: Color3);
+	set ["Output Font"](v: QFont);
+	set ["Output Layout Mode"](v: Enum.OutputLayoutMode);
 	 * Sets the highest permission level that APIs have to have in order to be shown in the Object Browser.  
 	 * See [PermissionLevelShown](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/enum/PermissionLevelShown) for more info.
-	PermissionLevelShown: Enum.PermissionLevelShown;
-	PluginDebuggingEnabled: boolean;
+	set PermissionLevelShown(v: Enum.PermissionLevelShown);
+	set PluginDebuggingEnabled(v: boolean);
 	 * The directory where local plugins are stored.
-	PluginsDir: QDir;
+	set PluginsDir(v: QDir);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Primary Text Color"]: Color3;
+	set ["Primary Text Color"](v: Color3);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Property Color"]: Color3;
-	["Respect Studio shortcuts when game has focus"]: boolean;
+	set ["Property Color"](v: Color3);
+	set ["Respect Studio shortcuts when game has focus"](v: boolean);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Ruler Color"]: Color3;
-	Rulers: string;
-	RuntimeUndoBehavior: Enum.RuntimeUndoBehavior;
-	["Script Editor Color Preset"]: Enum.StudioScriptEditorColorPresets;
+	set ["Ruler Color"](v: Color3);
+	set Rulers(v: string);
+	set RuntimeUndoBehavior(v: Enum.RuntimeUndoBehavior);
+	set ["Script Editor Color Preset"](v: Enum.StudioScriptEditorColorPresets);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Script Editor Scrollbar Background Color"]: Color3;
+	set ["Script Editor Scrollbar Background Color"](v: Color3);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Script Editor Scrollbar Handle Color"]: Color3;
+	set ["Script Editor Scrollbar Handle Color"](v: Color3);
 	 * The time (in seconds) a script can wait to be resumed before timing out.
-	ScriptTimeoutLength: number;
-	["Scroll Past Last Line"]: boolean;
+	set ScriptTimeoutLength(v: number);
+	set ["Scroll Past Last Line"](v: boolean);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Secondary Text Color"]: Color3;
-	["Select Color"]: Color3;
-	["Select/Hover Color"]: Color3;
+	set ["Secondary Text Color"](v: Color3);
+	set ["Select Color"](v: Color3);
+	set ["Select/Hover Color"](v: Color3);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Selected Menu Item Background Color"]: Color3;
+	set ["Selected Menu Item Background Color"](v: Color3);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Selected Text Color"]: Color3;
+	set ["Selected Text Color"](v: Color3);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Selection Background Color"]: Color3;
+	set ["Selection Background Color"](v: Color3);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Selection Color"]: Color3;
-	["Server Audio Behavior"]: Enum.ServerAudioBehavior;
-	["Set Pivot of Imported Parts"]: boolean;
-	["Show Core GUI in Explorer while Playing"]: boolean;
-	["Show Diagnostics Bar"]: boolean;
-	["Show FileSyncService"]: boolean;
-	["Show Hidden Objects in Explorer"]: boolean;
-	["Show Hover Over"]: boolean;
-	["Show Navigation Mesh"]: boolean;
-	["Show Plugin GUI Service in Explorer"]: boolean;
-	["Show Whitespace"]: boolean;
-	["Show plus button on hover in Explorer"]: boolean;
-	["Skip Closing Brackets and Quotes"]: boolean;
+	set ["Selection Color"](v: Color3);
+	set ["Server Audio Behavior"](v: Enum.ServerAudioBehavior);
+	set ["Set Pivot of Imported Parts"](v: boolean);
+	set ["Show Core GUI in Explorer while Playing"](v: boolean);
+	set ["Show Diagnostics Bar"](v: boolean);
+	set ["Show FileSyncService"](v: boolean);
+	set ["Show Hidden Objects in Explorer"](v: boolean);
+	set ["Show Hover Over"](v: boolean);
+	set ["Show Navigation Mesh"](v: boolean);
+	set ["Show Plugin GUI Service in Explorer"](v: boolean);
+	set ["Show Whitespace"](v: boolean);
+	set ["Show plus button on hover in Explorer"](v: boolean);
+	set ["Skip Closing Brackets and Quotes"](v: boolean);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["String Color"]: Color3;
-	["Tab Width"]: number;
+	set ["String Color"](v: Color3);
+	set ["Tab Width"](v: number);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Text Color"]: Color3;
-	["Text Wrapping"]: boolean;
+	set ["Text Color"](v: Color3);
+	set ["Text Wrapping"](v: boolean);
 	 * The Theme property is used to get/set the current [StudioTheme](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/StudioTheme) used by [Studio](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Studio).
@@ -3867,15 +3867,15 @@ interface Studio extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
 	 * @deprecated
-	readonly ["UI Theme"]: Enum.UITheme;
+	get ["UI Theme"](): Enum.UITheme;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Warning Color"]: Color3;
+	set ["Warning Color"](v: Color3);
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	["Whitespace Color"]: Color3;
+	set ["Whitespace Color"](v: Color3);
 	 * The **GetAvailableThemes()** function returns a list of [StudioThemes](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/StudioTheme) available in [Studio](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/Studio). You can access the function via:
@@ -3938,12 +3938,12 @@ interface StudioService extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly DraggerSolveConstraints: boolean;
+	get DraggerSolveConstraints(): boolean;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
 	 * @deprecated
-	readonly DrawConstraintsOnTop: boolean;
+	get DrawConstraintsOnTop(): boolean;
 	 * **GridSize** determines the distance in studs by which studio's drag and move tools move objects each tick. This is set by the user Model tab under the “Snap to Grid” section.
@@ -3951,7 +3951,7 @@ interface StudioService extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly GridSize: number;
+	get GridSize(): number;
 	 * **RotateIncrement** determines the angle in degrees by which studio's rotation tool will rotate selected objects each tick. This is set by the user Model tab under the “Snap to Grid” section.
@@ -3973,11 +3973,11 @@ interface StudioService extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly RotateIncrement: number;
+	get RotateIncrement(): number;
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly ShowConstraintDetails: boolean;
+	get ShowConstraintDetails(): boolean;
 	 * The **StudioLocaleId** property contains the locale currently in-use by Studio, e.g. `en_US`. It is useful when localizing plugins.
@@ -3996,7 +3996,7 @@ interface StudioService extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly StudioLocaleId: string;
+	get StudioLocaleId(): string;
 	 * **UseLocalSpace** determines whether the studio movement/rotation tools will manipulate a part's [CFrame](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/BasePart/CFrame) using the local space of an object or global space. By default, this setting is toggled with Ctrl-L. Plugins can read from this property if they implement their own object movement tools.
@@ -4022,7 +4022,7 @@ interface StudioService extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	UseLocalSpace: boolean;
+	set UseLocalSpace(v: boolean);
 	 * **GetClassIcon** provides a dictionary that allows the display of a class' Explorer window icon, e.g. calling this function with “Part” returns property values that display the part icon from the Explorer window.
@@ -4182,23 +4182,23 @@ interface TaskScheduler extends Instance {
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly SchedulerDutyCycle: number;
+	get SchedulerDutyCycle(): number;
 	 * The current average rate of the task scheduler.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly SchedulerRate: number;
+	get SchedulerRate(): number;
 	 * The specified thread pooling configuration for the task scheduler.
-	ThreadPoolConfig: Enum.ThreadPoolConfig;
+	set ThreadPoolConfig(v: Enum.ThreadPoolConfig);
 	 * The current size of the thread pool.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly ThreadPoolSize: number;
+	get ThreadPoolSize(): number;
 interface TerrainDetail extends Instance {
@@ -4421,17 +4421,17 @@ interface TestService extends Instance {
 	 * If set to true, the game will start running when the TestService's [TestService:Run](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/TestService/Run) method is called.
-	AutoRuns: boolean;
+	set AutoRuns(v: boolean);
 	 * A description of the test being executed.
-	Description: string;
+	set Description(v: string);
 	 * Measures how many errors have been recorded in the test session.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly ErrorCount: number;
+	get ErrorCount(): number;
 	 * When set to true, the TestService will be executed when using the _Run_ action in Roblox Studio.
@@ -4441,47 +4441,47 @@ interface TestService extends Instance {
 	 * *   If the [TestService.NumberOfPlayers](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/property/TestService/NumberOfPlayers) property is set to a value above 0, running the game will open `NumberOfPlayers + 1` studio windows, where one window is a server, and the rest are players connected to that server.
 	 *     *   Try to keep this value within a rational range (1 to 8 players at most), or else your computer's CPU will get overloaded.
-	ExecuteWithStudioRun: boolean;
+	set ExecuteWithStudioRun(v: boolean);
 	 * Sets whether or not the physics engine should be throttled to 30 FPS while the test is being ran.
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
-	Is30FpsThrottleEnabled: boolean;
+	set Is30FpsThrottleEnabled(v: boolean);
 	 * Sets whether or not the physics environment should be throttled while running this test.
 	 * Tags: Hidden, NotReplicated
-	IsPhysicsEnvironmentalThrottled: boolean;
+	set IsPhysicsEnvironmentalThrottled(v: boolean);
 	 * Sets whether or not physics objects will be allowed to fall asleep while the test simulation is running.
-	IsSleepAllowed: boolean;
+	set IsSleepAllowed(v: boolean);
 	 * The number of players expected in this test, if any.
-	NumberOfPlayers: number;
+	set NumberOfPlayers(v: number);
 	 * Sets a specific amount of additional latency experienced by players during the test session.
-	SimulateSecondsLag: number;
+	set SimulateSecondsLag(v: number);
 	 * Measures how many test calls have been recorded in the test session.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly TestCount: number;
+	get TestCount(): number;
 	 * The maximum amount of time that tests are allowed to run for.
-	Timeout: number;
+	set Timeout(v: number);
 	 * Measures how many warning calls have been recorded in the test session.
 	 * Tags: NotReplicated
-	readonly WarnCount: number;
+	get WarnCount(): number;
 	 * If condition is true, prints "Check passed: ", followed by description to the output, in blue text. Otherwise, prints "Check failed: ", again, followed by description, but in red text.
@@ -4543,8 +4543,8 @@ interface TextChatService extends Instance {
 	 * @deprecated
 	readonly _nominal_TextChatService: unique symbol;
-	CreateDefaultCommands: boolean;
-	CreateDefaultTextChannels: boolean;
+	set CreateDefaultCommands(v: boolean);
+	set CreateDefaultTextChannels(v: boolean);
 interface VersionControlService extends Instance {
diff --git a/src/class/ClassGenerator.ts b/src/class/ClassGenerator.ts
index 46dfa3993c..5ecd078dc3 100644
--- a/src/class/ClassGenerator.ts
+++ b/src/class/ClassGenerator.ts
@@ -346,14 +346,18 @@ const ABSTRACT_CLASSES = new Set<string>([
 const PROP_TYPE_MAP = new Map<string, string>();
-function safePropType(valueType: string | undefined | null) {
-	if (valueType === null) {
+function safePropType(valueType: ApiValueType) {
+	let safeValue = safeValueType(valueType);
+	if (safeValue === null) {
 		return null;
-	if (valueType === undefined) {
+	if (safeValue === undefined) {
 		throw new Error("Undefined valueType!");
-	return PROP_TYPE_MAP.get(valueType) ?? valueType;
+	if (valueType.Category === "Class") {
+		safeValue += " | undefined";
+	}
+	return PROP_TYPE_MAP.get(safeValue) ?? safeValue;
 const RENAMEABLE_AUTO_TYPES = new Map<string, string>([
@@ -869,14 +873,8 @@ export class ClassGenerator extends Generator {
 	private canWrite(className: string, member: ApiMember) {
 		const security = getSecurity(className, member);
-		const readSecurity = security.Read;
 		const writeSecurity = security.Write;
-		// dumb hack to fix PluginSecurity writable things being marked as readonly in None.d.ts
-		if (readSecurity === "None" && writeSecurity === "PluginSecurity") {
-			return true;
-		}
 		return (
 			writeSecurity === this.security ||
 			(PLUGIN_ONLY_CLASSES.has(className) && writeSecurity === this.lowerSecurity)
@@ -1085,18 +1083,23 @@ export class ClassGenerator extends Generator {
 	private generateProperty(rbxProperty: ApiProperty, className: string, tsImplInterface?: ts.InterfaceDeclaration) {
 		const name = rbxProperty.Name;
-		const valueType = safePropType(safeValueType(rbxProperty.ValueType));
+		const valueType = safePropType(rbxProperty.ValueType);
 		if (valueType !== null) {
 			const { Description: wikiDescription } = rbxProperty;
 			const description =
 				wikiDescription && wikiDescription.trim() !== ""
 					? wikiDescription
 					: this.metadata.getPropertyDescription(className, name);
-			const surelyDefined = rbxProperty.ValueType.Category !== "Class";
-			const prefix = this.canWrite(className, rbxProperty) && !hasTag(rbxProperty, "ReadOnly") ? "" : "readonly ";
+			const isWritable = this.canWrite(className, rbxProperty) && !hasTag(rbxProperty, "ReadOnly");
 			if (!this.writeSignatures(rbxProperty, tsImplInterface, description)) {
-				this.write(`${prefix}${safeName(name)}: ${valueType}${surelyDefined ? "" : " | undefined"};`);
+				if (isWritable && getSecurity(className, rbxProperty).Read === this.lowerSecurity) {
+					this.write(`set ${safeName(name)}(v: ${valueType});`);
+				} else if (!isWritable) {
+					this.write(`get ${safeName(name)}(): ${valueType};`);
+				} else {
+					this.write(`${safeName(name)}: ${valueType};`);
+				}
 		} else {
 			console.log(name, "is very bad!!!", className);