Creates a ROS Master
$ roscore
- list: show published topics.
$ rostopic list
- info: shows the message type, publishers and subscribers of a topic.
$ rostopic type <topic>
- echo: subscribe to a topic, prints published message.
$ rostopic echo <topic>
- pub: creates a temporary node publishing to a topic.
$ rostopic pub <topic> <message_type> <message>
- list: show all nodes.
$ rosnode list
- info: shows info (subscriptions, publications, services) of a node.
$ rosnode info <node>
- kill: closes a node.
$ rosnode kill <node>
- list: show all services.
$ rosservice list
- info: show node, type, URI and arguments of service.
$ rosservice info <service>
- call: creates a temporary request to a service.
$ rosservice call <service> <request>
- show: show definition of a message.
$ rosmsg show <message>
Show a graph representation of communication between nodes, topics and services.