diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f98f73 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +/vendor/ +/coverage/ +/.phpunit.cache/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d0a8d8b --- /dev/null +++ b/Dockerfile @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +FROM php:8.2-apache + +RUN apt-get update && \ + apt-get install -y \ + libzip-dev unzip \ + && docker-php-ext-install pdo pdo_mysql zip + +# Necessário para gerar o coverage +RUN pecl install xdebug \ + && docker-php-ext-enable xdebug + +RUN echo "xdebug.coverage_enable" >> /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-xdebug.ini +RUN echo "xdebug.mode=coverage" >> /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-xdebug.ini + +COPY --from=composer/composer:latest-bin /composer /usr/bin/composer + +RUN a2enmod rewrite \ + && a2enmod actions + +CMD bash -c "composer install" && apache2-foreground \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 0075d59..25af70e 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ [![Quality Score](https://img.shields.io/scrutinizer/g/robsonvleite/datalayer.svg?style=flat-square)](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/robsonvleite/datalayer) [![Total Downloads](https://img.shields.io/packagist/dt/coffeecode/datalayer.svg?style=flat-square)](https://packagist.org/packages/coffeecode/datalayer) -###### The data layer is a persistent abstraction component of your database that PDO has prepared instructions for performing common routines such as registering, reading, editing, and removing data. +**The data layer is a persistent abstraction component of your database that PDO has prepared instructions for performing common routines such as registering, reading, editing, and removing data.** O data layer é um componente para abstração de persistência no seu banco de dados que usa PDO com prepared statements para executar rotinas comuns como cadastrar, ler, editar e remover dados. ## About CoffeeCode -###### CoffeeCode is a set of small and optimized PHP components for common tasks. Held by Robson V. Leite and the UpInside team. With them you perform routine tasks with fewer lines, writing less and doing much more. +**CoffeeCode is a set of small and optimized PHP components for common tasks. Held by Robson V. Leite and the UpInside team. With them you perform routine tasks with fewer lines, writing less and doing much more.** CoffeeCode é um conjunto de pequenos e otimizados componentes PHP para tarefas comuns. Mantido por Robson V. Leite e a equipe UpInside. Com eles você executa tarefas rotineiras com poucas linhas, escrevendo menos e fazendo muito mais. @@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ composer require coffeecode/datalayer ## Documentation -###### For details on how to use the Data Layer, see the sample folder with details in the component directory +**For details on how to use the Data Layer, see the sample folder with details in the component directory.** Para mais detalhes sobre como usar o Data Layer, veja a pasta de exemplo com detalhes no diretório do componente -#### connection +### connection -###### To begin using the Data Layer, you need to connect to the database (MariaDB / MySql). For more connections [PDO connections manual on PHP.net](https://www.php.net/manual/pt_BR/pdo.drivers.php) +**To begin using the Data Layer, you need to connect to the database (MariaDB / MySql). For more connections [PDO connections manual on PHP.net](https://www.php.net/manual/pt_BR/pdo.drivers.php).** Para começar a usar o Data Layer precisamos de uma conexão com o seu banco de dados. Para ver as conexões possíveis acesse o [manual de conexões do PDO em PHP.net](https://www.php.net/manual/pt_BR/pdo.drivers.php) @@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ const DATA_LAYER_CONFIG = [ ]; ``` -#### your model +### your model -###### The Data Layer is based on an MVC structure with the Layer Super Type and Active Record design patterns. Soon to consume it is necessary to create the model of your table and inherit the Data Layer. +**The Data Layer is based on an MVC structure with the Layer Super Type and Active Record design patterns. Soon to consume it is necessary to create the model of your table and inherit the Data Layer.** O Data Layer é baseado em uma estrutura MVC com os padrões de projeto Layer Super Type e Active Record. Logo para consumir é necessário criar o modelo de sua tabela e herdar o Data Layer. @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class User extends DataLayer } ``` -#### find +### find ```php findById(2); echo $user->first_name; ``` -#### secure params +### secure params -###### See example find_example.php and model classes +**See example find_example.php and model classes.** Consulte exemplo find_example.php e classes modelo @@ -166,9 +166,9 @@ $company = (new Company())->find("name = :name", $params); var_dump($company, $company->fetch()); ``` -#### join method +### join method -###### See example find_example.php and model classes +**See example find_example.php and model classes.** Consulte exemplo find_example.php e classes modelo @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ $address->user(); var_dump($address); ``` -#### count +### count ```php find()->count(); ``` -#### save create +### save create ```php last_name = "Leite"; $userId = $user->save(); ``` -#### save update +### save update ```php first_name = "Robson"; $userId = $user->save(); ``` -#### destroy +### destroy ```php findById(2); $user->destroy(); ``` -#### fail +### fail ```php fail()){ } ``` -#### custom data method +### custom data method ````php full_name; //Robson V. Leite echo $this->document; //Restrict -```` +```` + +## Testes Unitários + +Para executar o conjunto de testes, você precisará clonar o repositório e instalar as dependências. É necessário ter instalado o `XDEBUG` para executar os relatórios de cobertura. + +````bash +git clone https://github.com/robsonvleite/datalayer.git +cd datalayer +composer install +composer test +# Or +# composer coverage +```` + +Uma melhor alternativa para executar os testes sem precisar "mexer" no seu ambiente é utilizando o `Docker + Docker Compose`. Na raiz do projeto existe os arquivos de configuração para isso, basta executar o comando: + +````bash +docker compose up -d --build +docker exec -it datalayer composer coverage +```` + +O container disponibilizará um endereço para acessar a página com o relatório da cobertura do código: [http://localhost:8080/coverage/index.html](http://localhost:8080/coverage/index.html) ## Contributing @@ -270,9 +292,9 @@ Please see [CONTRIBUTING](https://github.com/robsonvleite/datalayer/blob/master/ ## Support -###### Security: If you discover any security related issues, please email cursos@upinside.com.br instead of using the issue tracker. +**Security: If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.** -Se você descobrir algum problema relacionado à segurança, envie um e-mail para cursos@upinside.com.br em vez de usar o +Se você descobrir algum problema relacionado à segurança, envie um e-mail para em vez de usar o rastreador de problemas. Thank you @@ -286,4 +308,4 @@ Thank you ## License The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File](https://github.com/robsonvleite/datalayer/blob/master/LICENSE) for more -information. \ No newline at end of file +information. diff --git a/compose.yml b/compose.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9dc3b89 --- /dev/null +++ b/compose.yml @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +services: + php-apache: + container_name: datalayer + build: + context: . + dockerfile: Dockerfile + ports: + - 8080:80 + restart: always + volumes: + - .:/var/www/html + links: + - mariadb + + mariadb: + container_name: datalayer-db-test + image: mariadb:lts + ports: + - 33060:3306 + environment: + - MARIADB_ALLOW_EMPTY_ROOT_PASSWORD=1 + - MARIADB_DATABASE=datalayer + - MARIADB_USER=datalayer + - MARIADB_PASSWORD=datalayer diff --git a/composer.json b/composer.json index 3791758..85b4191 100644 --- a/composer.json +++ b/composer.json @@ -28,5 +28,24 @@ "psr-4": { "CoffeeCode\\DataLayer\\": "src" } + }, + "require-dev": { + "phpunit/phpunit": "^11.3", + "robmorgan/phinx": "^0.16.2", + "symfony/yaml": 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'timestamp') + ->create(); + + if ($this->isMigratingUp()) { + $rows = [ + [ + 'first_name' => 'Robson', + 'last_name' => 'Leite' + ], + [ + 'first_name' => 'William', + 'last_name' => 'Sampaio' + ], + [ + 'first_name' => 'Alex Alan', + 'last_name' => 'Nunes' + ], + [ + 'first_name' => 'Elton', + 'last_name' => 'Mel' + ], + [ + 'first_name' => 'Wilder', + 'last_name' => 'Amorim' + ], + [ + 'first_name' => 'Omni', + 'last_name' => 'Species' + ], + [ + 'first_name' => 'Juliano', + 'last_name' => 'Giacomeli' + ] + ]; + + $table->insert($rows)->saveData(); + } + } +} diff --git a/db_migrations/20240819201952_addresses.php b/db_migrations/20240819201952_addresses.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7b2cb71 --- /dev/null +++ b/db_migrations/20240819201952_addresses.php @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +table('addresses'); + $table + ->addColumn('user_id', 'integer', ['null' => false, 'limit' => MysqlAdapter::INT_REGULAR, 'signed' => false]) + ->addColumn('cep', 'string', ['limit' => 8]) + ->addColumn('address', 'string', ['limit' => 100, 'null' => false]) + ->addColumn('created_at', 'timestamp', ['default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP']) + ->addColumn('updated_at', 'timestamp') + ->addForeignKey('user_id', 'users', 'id', ['delete' => 'CASCADE', 'update' => 'CASCADE']) + ->create(); + + if ($this->isMigratingUp()) { + $rows = [ + [ + 'user_id' => 1, + 'cep' => '69050000', + 'address' => 'Avenida Constantino Nery, 1000' + ], [ + 'user_id' => 2, + 'cep' => '69050010', + 'address' => 'Avenida Djalma Batista, 1' + ] + ]; + + $table->insert($rows)->saveData(); + } + } +} diff --git a/db_migrations/20240819204818_companies.php b/db_migrations/20240819204818_companies.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..22af237 --- /dev/null +++ b/db_migrations/20240819204818_companies.php @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +table('companies'); + $table + ->addColumn('user_id', 'integer', ['null' => false, 'limit' => MysqlAdapter::INT_REGULAR, 'signed' => false]) + ->addColumn('name', 'string', ['limit' => 100, 'null' => false]) + ->addColumn('created_at', 'timestamp', ['default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP']) + ->addColumn('updated_at', 'timestamp') + ->addForeignKey('user_id', 'users', 'id', ['delete' => 'CASCADE', 'update' => 'CASCADE']) + ->create(); + + if ($this->isMigratingUp()) { + $rows = [ + [ + 'user_id' => 1, + 'name' => 'CoffeeCode' + ], + [ + 'user_id' => 2, + 'name' => 'Eugência de Desenvolvimento de Software' + ], + [ + 'user_id' => 3, + 'name' => 'CoffeeCode' + ], + [ + 'user_id' => 4, + 'name' => 'CoffeeCode' + ], + [ + 'user_id' => 5, + 'name' => 'CoffeeCode' + ], + [ + 'user_id' => 6, + 'name' => 'CoffeeCode' + ], + [ + 'user_id' => 7, + 'name' => 'CoffeeCode' + ] + ]; + + $table->insert($rows)->saveData(); + } + } +} diff --git a/phinx.yml b/phinx.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a049886 --- /dev/null +++ b/phinx.yml @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +paths: + migrations: '%%PHINX_CONFIG_DIR%%/db_migrations' + +environments: + default_migration_table: phinxlog + default_environment: development + development: + adapter: mysql + host: mariadb + name: datalayer + user: datalayer + pass: datalayer + port: 3306 + charset: utf8 + +version_order: creation diff --git a/phpunit.xml b/phpunit.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f333f03 --- /dev/null +++ b/phpunit.xml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ + + + + + tests + + + + + + src + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/ConnectTest.php b/tests/ConnectTest.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1aa31bc --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/ConnectTest.php @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ + 'sqlsrv', + // 'host' => 'localhost', + // 'port' => '9999', + // 'dbname' => 'datalayer', + // 'username' => 'datalayer', + // 'passwd' => 'datalayer', + // 'options' => [] + // ]; + + // Connect::getInstance($config); + + // $this->assertInstanceOf(PDOException::class, Connect::getError()); + // } + + public function test_getinstance_function_with_data_layer_config_config() + { + $config = [ + 'driver' => 'mysql', + 'host' => 'mariadb', + 'port' => '3306', + 'dbname' => 'datalayer', + 'username' => 'datalayer', + 'passwd' => 'datalayer', + 'options' => [] + ]; + + $this->assertInstanceOf(PDO::class, Connect::getInstance($config)); + } + + public function test_constructor() + { + $this->expectException(Error::class); + new Connect(); + } + + public function test_clone() + { + $this->expectException(Error::class); + $obj = new Connect(); + $clone = clone $obj; + } +} diff --git a/tests/DataLayerTest.php b/tests/DataLayerTest.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0e91c8c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/DataLayerTest.php @@ -0,0 +1,260 @@ +database_config = [ + 'driver' => 'mysql', + 'host' => 'mariadb', + 'port' => '3306', + 'dbname' => 'datalayer', + 'username' => 'datalayer', + 'passwd' => 'datalayer', + 'options' => [] + ]; + } + + public function test_datalayer_constructor() + { + $model = new User($this->database_config); + + $this->assertInstanceOf(DataLayer::class, $model); + } + + public function test_datalayer_set() + { + $model = new User($this->database_config); + $model->teste = 'teste'; + + $this->assertEquals('teste', $model->teste); + } + + public function test_datalayer_get() + { + $model = new User($this->database_config); + $user = $model->findById(1); + + $this->assertEquals('Robson Leite', $user->full_name); + } + + public function test_datalayer_get_in_camel_case() + { + $model = new User($this->database_config); + $user = $model->findById(1); + + $this->assertEquals('Robson Leite', $user->full_name_camel_case); + } + + public function test_datalayer_isset() + { + $model = new User($this->database_config); + $model->teste = 'teste'; + + $this->assertTrue(isset($model->teste)); + } + + public function test_columns() + { + $columns = (new User($this->database_config))->columns(); + $this->assertEquals('first_name', $columns[1]->Field); + } + + public function test_data() + { + $user = (new User($this->database_config))->findById(1); + $data = $user->data(); + $this->assertEquals('Robson', $data->first_name); + } + + public function test_find_one() + { + $params = http_build_query(['name' => 'CoffeeCode']); + $company = (new Company($this->database_config))->find('name = :name', $params)->fetch(); + $this->assertEquals('CoffeeCode', $company->name); + } + + public function test_find_all_is_array() + { + $model = new Company($this->database_config); + $users = $model->find()->fetch(true); + $this->assertIsArray($users); + } + + public function test_find_all_is_array_of_datalayer() + { + $model = new Company($this->database_config); + $users = $model->find()->fetch(true); + $this->assertInstanceOf(DataLayer::class, $users[0]); + } + + public function test_find_all_limit_2() + { + $model = new User($this->database_config); + $users = $model->find()->limit(2)->fetch(true); + + $this->assertEquals('Robson', $users[0]->first_name); + $this->assertEquals('William', $users[1]->first_name); + } + + public function test_find_all_limit_2_offset_2() + { + $model = new User($this->database_config); + $users = $model->find()->limit(2)->offset(2)->fetch(true); + + $this->assertEquals('Alex Alan', $users[0]->first_name); + $this->assertEquals('Elton', $users[1]->first_name); + } + + public function test_find_all_limit_2_offset_2_order_first_name_asc() + { + $model = new User($this->database_config); + $users = $model->find()->limit(2)->offset(2)->order('first_name ASC')->fetch(true); + + $this->assertEquals('Juliano', $users[0]->first_name); + $this->assertEquals('Omni', $users[1]->first_name); + } + + public function test_find_all_group() + { + $model = new Company($this->database_config); + $companies = $model->find()->group('name')->fetch(true); + + $this->assertEquals('CoffeeCode', $companies[0]->name); + $this->assertEquals('Eugência de Desenvolvimento de Software', $companies[1]->name); + } + + public function test_find_all_zero_rows() + { + $params = http_build_query(['name' => 'Coffee']); + $company = (new Company($this->database_config))->find('name = :name', $params)->fetch(); + $this->assertNull($company); + } + + public function test_findbyid() + { + $user = (new User($this->database_config))->findById(1); + $this->assertEquals('Robson', $user->first_name); + } + + public function test_fetch_exception() + { + $params = http_build_query(['names' => 'CoffeeCode']); + $company = (new Company($this->database_config))->find('name = :name', $params)->fetch(); + $this->assertNull($company); + } + + public function test_find_where_and_in_operator() + { + $params = http_build_query(['name' => 'CoffeeCode']); + $companies = (new Company($this->database_config)) + ->find('name = :name', $params) + ->in('user_id', [4, 5]) + ->fetch(true); + + $this->assertEquals(4, $companies[0]->user_id); + $this->assertEquals(5, $companies[1]->user_id); + } + + public function test_find_with_in_operator() + { + $model = new Company($this->database_config); + $companies = $model->find()->in('user_id', [5, 6])->fetch(true); + + $this->assertEquals(6, $companies[1]->user_id); + } + + public function test_count() + { + $model = new User($this->database_config); + $this->assertIsInt($model->find()->count()); + } + + public function test_required() + { + $newUser = new User($this->database_config); + $newUser->first_name = 'Usuário'; + $newUser->save(); + $this->assertInstanceOf(PDOException::class, $newUser->fail()); + } + + public function test_save_create_update() + { + $newUser = new User($this->database_config); + $newUser->first_name = 'Usuário'; + $newUser->last_name = 'Teste'; + $this->assertTrue($newUser->save()); + + $newUser->last_name = 'Teste 2'; + $this->assertTrue($newUser->save()); + } + + public function test_create_fail() + { + $newUser = new User($this->database_config); + $newUser->first_name = 'Usuário'; + $newUser->last_name = 'Teste'; + $newUser->teste = 'Teste'; + $newUser->save(); + $this->assertInstanceOf(PDOException::class, $newUser->fail()); + } + + public function test_update_fail() + { + $newUser = new User($this->database_config); + $newUser->first_name = 'Usuário'; + $newUser->last_name = 'Teste'; + $newUser->save(); + + $newUser->teste = 'Teste'; + $newUser->save(); + + $this->assertInstanceOf(PDOException::class, $newUser->fail()); + } + + public function test_destroy() + { + $newUser = new User($this->database_config); + $newUser->first_name = 'Usuário'; + $newUser->last_name = 'Teste'; + $newUser->save(); + $this->assertTrue($newUser->destroy()); + } + + public function test_delete() + { + $model = new Company($this->database_config); + $this->assertTrue($model->delete('user_id = 7', null)); + } + + public function test_delete_fail() + { + $model = new User($this->database_config); + $model->delete("nome = 'Teste'", null); + + $this->assertInstanceOf(PDOException::class, $model->fail()); + } + + public function test_destroy_empty_id() + { + $newUser = new User($this->database_config); + $this->assertFalse($newUser->destroy()); + } +} diff --git a/tests/Models/Company.php b/tests/Models/Company.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..deaab2f --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/Models/Company.php @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +first_name} {$this->last_name}"; + } + + public function fullNameCamelCase(): string + { + return "{$this->first_name} {$this->last_name}"; + } +}