PowerShell scripts to improve overal perfomance with .net stardand development (at least IMHO)
I will add new ones as soon as I create or discover new ones.
I recomend to use some script like this to start some very initial procedures:
This script should be located in C:\Users<userName>\Documents\WindowsPowerShell and named "Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1" (if already exists, just add this lines in the end)
$Env:SCRIPTSPATH = "C:\git\powershell-scripts"
function GOTOSCRIPT {set-location $Env:SCRIPTSPATH}
function LoadProfile { C:\git\powershell-scripts\Dev-Profile.ps1 }
With these scripts I can use the following for example:
GOTODEV | msbuild $Env:Variable /m /t:rebuild GOTODEV | msbuild $Env:Variable /m /t:clean GOTODEV | msbuild $Env:Variable /m /t:clean
GOTOSPRINT | tf get . /Recursive
GOTODEV | MSTest /testcontainer:$Env:Variable