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Advanced Lane Finding Project

The goals / steps of this project are the following:

  • Compute the camera calibration matrix and distortion coefficients given a set of chessboard images.
  • Apply a distortion correction to raw images.
  • Use color transforms, gradients, etc., to create a thresholded binary image.
  • Apply a perspective transform to rectify binary image ("birds-eye view").
  • Detect lane pixels and fit to find the lane boundary.
  • Determine the curvature of the lane and vehicle position with respect to center.
  • Warp the detected lane boundaries back onto the original image.
  • Output visual display of the lane boundaries and numerical estimation of lane curvature and vehicle position.


Rubric Points


Here I will consider the rubric points individually and describe how I addressed each point in my implementation.


Writeup / README


#1. Provide a Writeup / README that includes all the rubric points and how you addressed each one. You can submit your writeup as markdown or pdf. Here is a template writeup for this project you can use as a guide and a starting point.

You're reading it!


Project Structure Reference


All functions and code mentioned bellow are contained in the IPython notebook located in ./adv_lane_finding.ipynb. It is divided in 2 main sections, as detailed below:

  1. Full Project Implementation
    • 1.1. Imports
    • 1.2. Global variables
    • 1.3. Functions
      • [Line 2 ] cal_camera_calibration()
      • [Line 51 ] cal_undistort()
      • [Line 57 ] cal_threshold()
      • [Line 92 ] cal_perspective_matrix()
      • [Line 115] cal_perspective()
      • [Line 135] cal_sliding_window()
      • [Line 227] cal_search_around_poly()
      • [Line 303] cal_fit_polynomial()
      • [Line 365] draw_lane_area()
      • [Line 397] cal_lane_curvature()
      • [Line 421] reset_ma()
      • [Line 428] get_fit_avg_arr_filtered()
      • [Line 435] compose_image_arr()
    • 1.4. Advance Lane Finding implementation


  1. Individual Calibrations and Demonstrations
    • 2.1. Camera calibration with visualization
    • 2.2. Color and Gradient threshold dynamic calibration
    • 2.3. Comparisson between original and undistorted image
    • 2.4. Warp perspective calibration with given straight lane lines images
    • 2.5. Polynomial fit methods


Camera Calibration


#1. Briefly state how you computed the camera matrix and distortion coefficients. Provide an example of a distortion corrected calibration image.

I have built a function called cal_camera_calibration() that returns the the camera calibration matrix and distortion coefficients.

I start by preparing "object points", which will be the (x, y, z) coordinates of the chessboard corners in the world. Here I am assuming the chessboard is fixed on the (x, y) plane at z=0, such that the object points are the same for each calibration image. Thus, objp is just a replicated array of coordinates, and objpoints will be appended with a copy of it every time I successfully detect all chessboard corners in a test image. imgpoints will be appended with the (x, y) pixel position of each of the corners in the image plane with each successful chessboard detection.

I then used the output objpoints and imgpoints to compute the camera calibration matrix mtx and distortion coefficients dist using the cv2.calibrateCamera() function and return them.

I applied this distortion correction to the test image using the cal_undistort() function, passing the calculated camera calibration params, and obtained this result:

camera calibration

The code for this step is contained in the 2.1. section on ./adv_lane_finding.ipynb.


Pipeline (single images)


#1. Provide an example of a distortion-corrected image.

The original image is distortion-corrected by function cal_undistort(), which receives an image img and camera calibration params mtx and dist as arguments, performs cv2.undistort() function with them, and finally returns the undistorted image.

And example to demonstrate this step is at section 2.1, by make the following adjust to change image input:

# Read an chessboard image
# img = mpimg.imread("camera_cal/calibration1.jpg")
img = mpimg.imread("test_images/straight_lines1.jpg")

that return the image below:

camera calibration

Another comaparisson was made between original and undistorted image on section 2.3, where we can see the differences from them in a thresholded binay image, where the red pixels represents pixels only from original image, in green pixels only from undistorted image and in yellow the pixels that is common for both.

undistortion comparisson


#2. Describe how (and identify where in your code) you used color transforms, gradients or other methods to create a thresholded binary image. Provide an example of a binary image result.

The function cal_threshold() is responsible for the generation of a threshold binary of the image passed as argument and returns the thresholded images.

this function first convert the image to HLS colorspace accordingly to input image colorspace specified in color_space argument. The S channel of hsl image is used as input to a Sobel Operator in x direction by function cv2.Sobel(). A threshold is applied to the sobel output and S channel image, with the respective sobel_threshold and hls_threshold values, and the two binary results are combined in a single binary image combined_binary, which is return by cal_threshold() with others binary images generated.

This step is demonstrated at section 2.2. The image below is the dynamic calibration process only for thresholds. This method was used to help testing different configuration and find the best values for sobel_threshold and hls_threshold.

dynamic calibration


#3. Describe how (and identify where in your code) you performed a perspective transform and provide an example of a transformed image.

This step was divided in two functions: cal_perspective_matrix() and cal_perspective().

The cal_perspective_matrix() is responsible to calculate and return the transformation matrix M, source and destination vertices arrays (src_vertices and dst_vertices). It takes the current image size in x and y as arguments.

This function might be called one time and these returned values is stored in global variables to avoid being calculated every frame iteration. Only when one of the global variables presented bellow are changed, this function needs to run again to update calculated outputs. The global variables created to help build those vertices and are listed bellow:

dst_horizontal_offset = 360
src_roi_upper = 450
src_horizontal_offset_upper = 47
src_horizontal_offset_lower = 457
src_horizontal_drift_upper_l = 0
src_horizontal_drift_upper_r = 0
src_horizontal_drift_lower_l = 0
src_horizontal_drift_lower_r = 0

The center o image in x is taken as base to build the vertices and offset values to dist points from center and drift to make minor adjustments. The src_roi_upper was chosen to be close as the one used in class to get the right conversion values to meters. This is how src_vertices and dst_vertices are calulated:

def cal_perspective_matrix(img_size_x,img_size_y):
    # Define warp source vertices 
    src_vertices = np.array(
    [[img_size_x/2 - src_horizontal_offset_lower + src_horizontal_drift_lower_l , img_size_y],
        [img_size_x/2 - src_horizontal_offset_upper + src_horizontal_drift_upper_l , src_roi_upper], 
        [img_size_x/2 + src_horizontal_offset_upper + src_horizontal_drift_upper_r , src_roi_upper], 
        [img_size_x/2 + src_horizontal_offset_lower + src_horizontal_drift_lower_r , img_size_y]],

    # Define warp destination vertices 
    dst_vertices = np.array(
    [[img_size_x/2 - dst_horizontal_offset, img_size_y],
        [img_size_x/2 - dst_horizontal_offset, 0],
        [img_size_x/2 + dst_horizontal_offset, 0], 
        [img_size_x/2 + dst_horizontal_offset, img_size_y]],

    # Calculate the warp transformation matrix M
    M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(src_vertices, dst_vertices)
    return src_vertices, dst_vertices, M

This resulted in the following source and destination points:

Source Destination
183, 720 280, 720
593, 450 280, 0
687, 450 1000, 0
1097, 720 1000, 720

After get the M value, the function cal_perspective() is called. It takes and image, M, and a boolean flag inverted as arguments. It uses cv2.warpPerspective() to compute a new warped image by M and with the same size of input image. cal_perspective() permits to have binary and colored image as input, it checks the input image shape to get it's 2D size and convert binary image to 0-255 range values before use cv2.warpPerspective().

If inverted flag is set True, then the flag flags=cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP | cv2.INTER_LINEAR is added to cv2.warpPerspective() to internally invert M matrix, so the cal_perspective() function can be used later to unwarp previously warped images.

This step is demonstrated at section 2.4 and the output is shown below:

alt text

  • Note that during the src vertices calibration, it wasn't possible to get perfect vertical lane lines, so I have prioritize to get many lines aligned as possible, so only the right line from first image wasn't perfect straight and other lines was pretty close to a straight line.


#4. Describe how (and identify where in your code) you identified lane-line pixels and fit their positions with a polynomial?

This step was divided in three main functions: cal_sliding_window(), cal_search_around_poly() and cal_polynomial_fit(). To explain this step, the section 1.4. Advance Lane Finding Implementation will be used as reference and all mentioned functions are located on the section 1.3. Functions.

These steps outputs can be visualized by the code in section 1.4., after run this cell, in the opencv window, just press a to change to image mode and then change between test images with w and e. To reset moving average to force cal_sliding_window(), just press r.

The code snippet below is on the section 1.4. (Lines 139 - 147) and shows the following steps after cal_perspective() to calculate the polynomial fit in the warped image:

    # Apply perspective transform to the undistorted thresholded image
    img_warped = cal_perspective(img_und_thresholded, M)

    # Get moving average arrays without empty values
    left_fit_avg_arr_filtered, right_fit_avg_arr_filtered = get_fit_avg_arr_filtered()

    # If both moving average arrays aren't empty
    if len(left_fit_avg_arr_filtered) > 0 and len(right_fit_avg_arr_filtered) > 0 :
        # Calculate the Search Around method to find lane lines 
        left_fit, right_fit, left_fitx, right_fitx, fity, img_warped_poly_fit = cal_search_around_poly(img_warped, margin_sa=margin_sa)

        # Calculate the Sliding window method to find lane lines 
        left_fit, right_fit, left_fitx, right_fitx, fity, img_warped_poly_fit = cal_sliding_window(img_warped,nwindows=nwindows,margin=margin,minpix=minpix)

To improve this step I have implemented a moving average on the calculated polynomial fit coefficients for each side. Each lane side has it's own moving average array (left_fit_avg_arr and right_fit_avg_arr) with a fixed number of elements defined by global variable moving_avg_max_count. The moving average arrays are initialized with empty numpy arrays and updated on each polynomial fit calculations. This step will be described later.

The function get_fit_avg_arr_filtered() returns the moving average arrays without empty polynomial fit coefficients. If both moving average filtered arrays are not empty (both have at least one valid polynomial fit coefficients array), it will call cal_search_around_poly(), otherwise it will call cal_sliding_window().

In the function cal_sliding_window(), it is implemented the Sliding Window method to find lane lines pixels.

This method starts without previous lane lines position references, so the histogram of the bottom half of the binary warped is calculated and the x argument of maximum values from mid left and mid right are taken as left and right starting points.

From this start points, a rectangular region of interest window, defined by margin and window_height, in the binary warp is used toto seach for non zero pixels and append they to an left and right array. This window start on x position calculated by the histogram step and then iterate the number of times defined by nwindows. After each window iteration, if more than minpix non zero pixel were found, than the x position is updated by the average of x position of the non zero pixels located on the current window. Finally, it results in x and y arrays of position from left and right sides, which will be passed as arguments to the function cal_fit_polynomial() that will be explained later.

In the function cal_search_around_poly(), it is implemented the Search Around method to find lane lines pixels.

At this point, this function gets the curent moving average arrays with empty values filtered to calculate the average of them. With left and right averaged polynomial coefficients, a search for nonzero values in the binary warped image is made in a area +- margin_sa values in x direction of the averaged polynomial fit, for each side. Finally, it results in x and y arrays of position from left and right sides, which will be passed as arguments to the function cal_fit_polynomial()

In the function cal_fit_polynomial(), it is implemented the polynomial fit calculation from x and y arrays of position from left and right lane lines found, given as arguments.

It calculates new left and right fit polynomial values from given arrays, appends them to their respective moving average arrays, removes the oldest values and then calculates for each side a new average from moving average arrays and the x positions array with this new averaged polynomial coefficients. Theses calculated values are returned to the caller, which will be used to draw the polynomial fits in the warped image.

After cal_sliding_window() and cal_search_around_poly() draw the polynomial fit and other references in the binary warped imagem, both functions returns the results from cal_polynomial_fit() and the drawn binary warped image.

To show the results of cal_sliding_window() and cal_search_around_poly() individually, check section 2.5 to get the results shown below:

  • Histogram of the lower half binary warped image alt text

  • cal_sliding_window() output with windows drawn in green alt text

  • cal_search_around_poly() output with search area drawn in green alt text


#5. Describe how (and identify where in your code) you calculated the radius of curvature of the lane and the position of the vehicle with respect to center.

The function cal_lane_curvature() is responsible for calculating the lane lines curvatures. It takes y positions array, the left and right averaged polynomial coefficients previously calculated and the pixels to meters conversion factors, and this function return the left and right curvatures in meters.

There were approached two ways of get the polynomial coefficients converted to meters:

  1. by directly apply x and y convertion factors to coefficients

     left_fit = np.array([left_fit[0]*factor_x/(factor_y**2), left_fit[1]*factor_x/factor_y, left_fit[2]*factor_x])
     right_fit = np.array([right_fit[0]*factor_x/(factor_y**2), right_fit[1]*factor_x/factor_y, right_fit[2]*factor_x])
  2. By calculate a new polynomial fit with x and y arrays multiplied by respectives convertion factors

    # Build an array of x values with given polynomial fit coefficients
    left_fitx = left_fit_cr[0]*fity**2 + left_fit_cr[1]*fity + left_fit_cr[2]
    right_fitx = right_fit_cr[0]*fity**2 + right_fit_cr[1]*fity + right_fit_cr[2]
    # Multply x and y arrays for the respective factors, and then calculate the new polynomial fit coefficients
    left_fit_cr_m = np.polyfit(fity*factor_y, left_fitx*factor_x, 2)
    right_fit_cr_m = np.polyfit(fity*factor_y, right_fitx*factor_x, 2)

The radius of curvature is calculated on the closest y values from the vehicle and it uses the new polynomial coefficients calculated.

# Calculation of R_curve (radius of curvature)
left_curverad = ((1 + (2*left_fit_cr_m[0]*y_eval*factor_y + left_fit_cr_m[1])**2)**1.5) / np.absolute(2*left_fit_cr_m[0])
right_curverad = ((1 + (2*right_fit_cr_m[0]*y_eval*factor_y + right_fit_cr_m[1])**2)**1.5) / np.absolute(2*right_fit_cr_m[0])

The position of the vehicle is calculated in the section 1.4. (Line 165), by the following approach:

lane_center_diff_x = (float(right_fitx[-1] + left_fitx[-1])/2 - float(img_warped_poly_fit.shape[1])/2)*xm_per_px

lane_center_diff_x_str = "{:0.2f}m {}".format(np.absolute(lane_center_diff_x),"Left" if lane_center_diff_x > 0.1 else ("Right" if lane_center_diff_x < 0.1 else "Center"))

The lane center is calculate by subtracting the last right x position and the last left x position from the averaged polynomial fit arrays of x positions. The difference between lane center and the image center is multiplied by xm_per_px to get this value in meters. If the result is positive, the car is near the left side, otherwise is near the right side.


#6. Provide an example image of your result plotted back down onto the road such that the lane area is identified clearly.

This step was implemented in function cal_draw_lane_area(). In section 1.4. (Lines 177-179), the curvature and distance from center informations are written to final image (img_lanes). Here is an example of my result on a test image:

alt text

The function cal_draw_lane_area() receives the undistorted image, warped image output from polynomial fit functions, perspective transform matrix M and the polynomial fit arrays calculated in previous steps.

As the resulted warped image from polynomial fit comes with green pixels, then the green and white pixels are changed to black and saved on a new image img_warped_filtered

A new black image of same size of warped image is created and a polygon will be drawn on it, filled in green color, with vertices made from polynomial fit arrays, so it fill the area between the left and right polynomial fit.

This image will be merged with img_warped_filtered and unwarped with the function cal_perspective() with argument inverted=True, to internally use the invert M matrix in cv2.warpPerspective() by adding the argument flags=cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP | cv2.INTER_LINEAR.

The unwarped image is directly merged with the undistorted image to result the img_lanes, but it results a weak colored highlights in the lane. To achieve a better result, after merging them in img_lanes_aux, a copy of undistorted image is made as img_lanes and all colored pixels positions in the unwarped image are calculated and used to copy the respective pixels colors from img_lanes_aux to img_lanes.


Pipeline (video)


#1. Provide a link to your final video output. Your pipeline should perform reasonably well on the entire project video (wobbly lines are ok but no catastrophic failures that would cause the car to drive off the road!).

Here's a link to my video results:

  1. Result output: project_video_output.avi alt text
  2. Video composition output of all steps: project_video_composition_output.avi alt text  



#1. Briefly discuss any problems / issues you faced in your implementation of this project. Where will your pipeline likely fail? What could you do to make it more robust?

I started developing this project in the jupyter notebook, step by step on multiple cells. As the project started getting longer I had to repeat code from previous steps, so because of that I decided to write a single cell code that runs both images and videos, automatically handle variables calibration by trackbars and join all created images on a single image to show all together. This code was deloped incrementing step by step, to make easier the developing and learning process.

I created the compose_image_arr() function to receive an array of image and an array of image titles to join images by a fixed number of images horizontaly and a resize factor to resize all images before arrange them.

By using opencv imshow and trackbars, it gets much tangible to see how each variable and configuration affects on each step and helped a lot to understand my approaches.

I've tried many combinations on threshold step, but the result wasn't precise as I expect, but resonable. The challenge videos didn't work well, even changing the parameters I used in the project video, so I suppose that it has to be used other technics/functions to make them work (combine more color channel thresholds, other image filters, reduce the warping area to avoid sharp curves)

I find a way to avoid outliers and when lane lines aren't found. I implemented a simple moving average with fixed length of the results of polynomial fit. After each polynomial fit calculation, these new values are appended to the moving average and a mean of values are calculated and returned as the current polinomial fit values. If moving average gets only empty values, then it does Sliding Window method until gets a valid values to the moving average arrays.

The curvature calculation was tricky, but I got resonable curvature values. As the threshold step didn't got perfectly the pixels farther than the car, and it seems that even on calibration on straight lines the results are not 100% straight, then it has oscillated between values even though I have implemented the moving average for polynomial fit.

The distance from center of lane calculation worked pretty well with expected results.

Errors might have some contribuition from camera calibration process because in the calibration images given, some chessboard papers weren't sticked perfectly flat on the wall and had some wrinkles on it.

The implementation made to draw the lane lines back on the undistorted image might not be the best approach, but it was the way I found to get stronger colors merged to the it.

When I watched the output video I noticed that it is much faster than the one shown when the code is running. The time to process each frame and show on cv2.imshow() window is longer than the time between frames in the video file.

Some code snippets from Udacity course class and from opencv, numpy, matplotlib official docs were used as references to develop this project.