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When we call a collect()
on DataFrames, we get an Array[org.apaceh.spark.sql.Row]
Going back to the listings example:
case class Listing(street: String, zip: Int, price: Int)
val list = List(Listing("Camino Verde Dr", 95119, 50000),
Listing("Burnett St", 12345, 20000),
Listing("Lawerence expy", 12345, 25000),
Listing("El Camino", 95119, 30000))
val pricesDF = SparkHelper.sc.parallelize(list).toDF
// +---------------+-----+-----+
// | street| zip|price|
// +---------------+-----+-----+
// |Camino Verde Dr|95119|50000|
// | Burnett St|12345|20000|
// | Lawerence expy|12345|25000|
// | El Camino|95119|30000|
// +---------------+-----+-----+
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val averagePricesDF = pricesDF.groupBy($"zip")
// +-----+----------+
// | zip|avg(price)|
// +-----+----------+
// |95119| 40000.0|
// |12345| 22500.0|
// +-----+----------+
val averagePrices = averagePricesDF.collect()
// averagePrices : Array[org.apaceh.spark.sql.Row]
// [95119,40000.0]
// [12345,22500.0]
averagePrices is of type Array[org.apaceh.spark.sql.Row]
, and not an array of Doubles as expected.
What is this?
Since DataFrames are made up of Row
s , and don't have any type information, we have to cast things:
Lets pass String
and Int
and see if it works:
val averagePricesAgain = averagePrices.map {
row => ( row(0).asInstanceOf[String], row(1).asInstanceOf[Int] )
But this gives java.lang.ClassCastException
Let's try to see that's in this Row.
// root
// |--zip: integer (nullable = true)
// |--avg(price): double (nullable = true)
Based on this we update our cast, and it works:
val averagePricesAgain = averagePrices.map {
row => ( row(0).asInstanceOf[Int], row(1).asInstanceOf[Double] ) // Ew - hard to read!
// averagePricesAgain : Array[(Int, Double)]
Wouldn't it be nice if we could have both: Spark SQL Optimizations and typesafety? so that after we call collect then we could simply use a .price
or something to get the avg value?
DataFrames are untyped, so they can't help here. This is where Datasets come into play.
DataFrames are actually DataSets
type DataFrame = Dataset[Row]
What the heck is a Dataset?
- Typed distributed collections of data.
- unify the
and theRDD
APIs. Mix and Match! - require structured/semi-structured data. Schemas and Encoders are core part of Datasets (just like DataFrames).
Things of Datasets as a compromise between RDDs and DataFrames. You get more type information on Datasets than on DatFrames, and you get more optimizations than you get on RDDs.
Dataset API is an extension to DataFrames that provides a type-safe, object-oriented programming interface. It is a strongly-typed, immutable collection of objects that are mapped to a relational schema.
At the core of the Dataset, API is a new concept called an encoder, which is responsible for converting between JVM objects and tabular representation. The tabular representation is stored using Spark internal Tungsten binary format, allowing for operations on serialized data and improved memory utilization. Spark 1.6 comes with support for automatically generating encoders for a wide variety of types, including primitive types (e.g. String, Integer, Long), Scala case classes, and Java Beans.
Going back to the listings example:
Lets calculate the average home price per zipcode with Datasets this time. Assuming listingDS is of type Dataset[Listing]
instead of a DataFrame:
val pricesDS = SparkHelper.sc.parallelize(list).toDS
// +---------------+-----+-----+
// | street| zip|price|
// +---------------+-----+-----+
// |Camino Verde Dr|95119|50000|
// | Burnett St|12345|20000|
// | Lawerence expy|12345|25000|
// | El Camino|95119|30000|
// +---------------+-----+-----+
val averagePricesDS = pricesDS.groupByKey( row => row.zip ) // looks like groupByKey on RDDs!
.agg( avg($"price").as[Double] ) // looks like our DataFrame operators! Here we are telling spark that the average price is of type Double.
// +-----+----------+
// |value|avg(price)|
// +-----+----------+
// |95119| 40000.0|
// |12345| 22500.0|
// +-----+----------+
We can freely mix APIs!
So, Datasets are something in the middle between DataFrames and RDDs.
- We can still use relational
operations that we learned onDataSet
s -
s add more typed operations that can be used as well -
s let you use higher-order functions likemap
again! We cannot use these on plain DataFrames.
So Datasets can be used when we want a mix of functional and relational transformation while benefitting from some of the optimizations on DataFrames.
And we've almost got a type safe API as well which gives us compile time safety.
We use the toDS
convenience method
val conf: SparkConf = new SparkConf
val sc: SparkContext = new SparkContext(master = "local[*]", appName = "foo", conf)
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
import sqlContext.implicits._ //required
Note that it is often desirable to read in data from JSON file, which can be done with the read method on the SparkSession
object like we saw in previous sessions, and then converted to a Dataset:
// we need to specify the type information as Datasets are typed!
val myDS = sparkSession.read.json("people.json"").as[Person]
We use the toDS
convenience method
val conf: SparkConf = new SparkConf
val sc: SparkContext = new SparkContext(master = "local[*]", appName = "foo", conf)
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
import sqlContext.implicits._ //required
We use the toDS
convenience method
val conf: SparkConf = new SparkConf
val sc: SparkContext = new SparkContext(master = "local[*]", appName = "foo", conf)
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
import sqlContext.implicits._ //required
List("yay", "ohnoes", "hurray").toDS
Recall the Column
type from DataFrame
s. In Dataset
s, typed operations tend to act on TypedColumn
<console>: 58: error: type mismatch;
found : org.apache.spark.sql.Column
required : org.apache.spark.sql.TypedColumn[...]
To create a TypedColumn
, all we have to do is call as[..]
on our untyped Column. i.e.
The Dataset
API includes both untyped and typed transformations:
Untyped transformations: the ones we learned on
s. -
Typed transformations: typed variants of
transformations + additional transformations such as RDD-like higher order functionsmap
, etc.
Since DataFrames
are nothing but DataSets
, the APIs are integrated. For example, we can call a map
on a DataFrame
, and get back a Dataset
. Though, since we are using a Dataset function on a DataFrame, we have to explicitly provide type information when we go from DataFrame
to Dataset
via typed transformation.
Note that not every operation from RDDs are available on Datasets, and not all of these operations that are available on Datasets look 100% the same on Datasets as they did on RDDs.
val keyValuesDF: DataFrame = List( (3, "Me"),(1, "Thi"),(2, "Se"),(3, "ssa"),(3, "-)"),(2, "Cre"),(2, "t") ).toDF
val res: Dataset[Int] = keyValuesDF.map( row => row(0).asInstanceOf[Int] + 1) // Ew!
def map[U](func: T => U): Dataset[U]
// Apply function to each element in the Dataset and return a Dataset of the result.
def flatMap[U](func: T => TraversableOnce[U]): Dataset[U]
// Apply function to each element in the Dataset and return a Dataset of the contents of the iterators returned.
def filter(pred: T => Boolean): Dataset[U]
// Apply predicate function to each element in the Dataset and return a Datset of elements that have passed the predicate condition i.e. pred.
def distinct(): Dataset[T]
// Return Dataset with duplicates removed.
def groupByKey[K](func: T=> K): KeyValueGroupedDataset[K,T]
// Apply function to each element in the Dataset and return a KeyValueGroupedDataset where the data is grouped by the given key func.
// Doesn't return a dataset directly, as it is used with an aggregator operation that we will see below which ultimately returns a Dataset.
def coalesce(numPartitions: Int): Dataset[T]
// Returns a new Dataset that has exactly numPartitions partitions.
def repartition(numPartitions: Int): Dataset[T]
// Returns a new Dataset that has exactly numPartitions partitions.
Full API: https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/api/scala/index.html#org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset
Like on DataFrame
s, Datasets
have special set of aggregation operations meant to be used after a call to groupByKey
on a Dataset
- calling
on aDataset
returns aKeyValueGroupedDataset
contains a no. of aggregation operations which return Datasets.
So, how to group and aggregate:
- call
on aDataset
and get back aKeyValueGroupedDataset
- use an aggregation operation on
and get back aDataset
NOTE: using a groupBy
on a Dataset gives back a RelationalGroupedDataset
which after running the aggregation operation returns a DataFrame
def reduceGroups(f: (V, V) ⇒ V): Dataset[(K, V)]
// Reduces the elements of each group (obtained after groupByKey) of data using the specified binary function. The given function must be commutative and associative or the result may be non-deterministic.
agg[U](col: TypedColumn[V, U]): Dataset[(K, U)]
// Computes the given aggregation, returning a Dataset of tuples for each unique key and the result of computing this aggregation over all elements in the group.
Just like on DataFrames
, there exists a general aggregation operation agg
defined on KeyValueGroupedDataset
def agg[U](col: TypedColumn[V, U]): Dataset[(K, U)]
Typically, we would pass an operation from function e.g. avg
with a column to be computed on:
// <console>: 58: error: type mismatch;
// found : org.apache.spark.sql.Column
// required : org.apache.spark.sql.TypedColumn[...]
But this gives the above error as seen. As noted in the definition, we have to pass a TypedColumn
and not just a column:
kvds.agg(avg($"colname").as[Double]) // all good!
def mapGroups[U](f: (K, Iterator[V]) ⇒ U)(implicit arg0: Encoder[U]): Dataset[U]
// Applies the given function to each group of data. For each unique group, the function will be passed the group key and an iterator that contains all of the elements in the group. The function can return an element of arbitrary type which will be returned as a new Dataset.
def flatMapGroups[U](f: (K, Iterator[V]) ⇒ TraversableOnce[U])(implicit arg0: Encoder[U]): Dataset[U]
// Applies the given function to each group of data. For each unique group, the function will be passed the group key and an iterator that contains all of the elements in the group. The function can return an element of arbitrary type which will be returned as a new Dataset.
Note that as of today (April 2017), the
is marked as@Expreimental
- so it is subject to fluctuations.
Week 1
- Introduction
- Data Parallel to Distributed Data Parallel
- Latency
- RDDs: Spark's Distributed Collection
- RDDs: Transformation and Action
- Evaluation in Spark: Unlike Scala Collections!
- Cluster Topology Matters!
Week 2
- Reduction Operations (fold, foldLeft, aggregate)
- Pair RDDs
- Pair RDDs: Transformations and Actions
- Pair RDDs: Joins
Week 3
- Shuffling: What it is and why it's important
- Partitioning
- Optimizing with Partitioners
- Wide vs Narrow Dependencies
Week 4