Building a website or application that is easy accessible toeveryone is not only an important of the user experience, but also a requirement of all federally funded projects. GSA provides a helpful Section 508 portal. Pa11y is an automation tool that helps you scan your static web pages to check for accessibility problems and errors. It can be setup on your machine locally or remotely using a CI tool.
Concourse CI allows you to run multiple compliance scanning jobs on your machine using a virtual machine. It is highly recommended to go through its excellent documentation and "Hello World" tutorial before writing custom jobs for your project.
If you want to run locally Pa11y-ci you will need to :
- install vagrant and virtualbox ](
- use The Fly CLI , a command line tool for Concourse which is used for a number of tasks from connecting to a shell in one of your build's containers to uploading new pipeline configuration into a running Concourse.
If you're on MacOS , you will have to
chmod +x
the downloaded binary and put it in your$PATH
. This can be done in one fell swoop withinstall path/to/fly /usr/local/bin/fly
Run Vagrant
vagrant init concourse/lite # creates ./Vagrantfile vagrant up # downloads the box and spins up the VM
Login into fly
fly -t lite login -c
- Create a
file containing the job with tasks that you want to run
touch accessibility-scan.yml
vim accessibility-scan.yml
- name: accessibility-scan
- task: run-pa11y
platform: linux
type: docker-image
repository: node
path: sh
- -exc
- |
npm install -g pa11y-ci
npm install -g phantomjs
mkdir accessibility-scan
pa11y-ci --json --sitemap > accessibility-scan/summary.txt
cat accessibility-scan/summary.txt
is almost always going to be docker-image
. pa11y-ci
requires node, so we are using a node
section contains a series of shell command that we are executing:
install pa11y-ci and phantomjsfrom the node package manager(npm)
making a directory and telling pa11y-ci to pipe the results of the scan into a
filethe command is like so
pa11y-ci --json --sitemap https://[18f-static-site-url]/sitemap.xml > dir/file
printing the results in our CLI
(for debugging purposes, optional)
Note that we are using the sitemap.xml
file instead of individual files(much more efficient)
- Run
fly -t lite set-pipeline -p accessibility-scan -c accessibility-scan.yml
Go to the
displayed on your CLI. Click the plus sign on top right corner and toggle side bar and press play on your pipeline. Pipelines are posed by default.
If you want to run Pa11y-ci per pull request on your project:
Create a bash file
in your project home directory to tell it to run either on a circleci supported branch or your localhostif [[ -n $CIRCLE_BRANCH ]]; then echo "scanning site using sitemap from 18F/${CIRCLE_BRANCH}" pa11y-ci --sitemap${CIRCLE_BRANCH}/sitemap.xml else echo "scanning site using localhost sitemap" pa11y-ci --sitemap http://localhost:4000/sitemap.xml
Modify your
to add pa11y-ci
machine: ruby: version: 2.2.3 dependencies: pre: - [Your-other-commands] - nvm install stable && nvm alias default stable - npm test - npm install -g pa11y-ci test: pre: - bundle exec htmlproofer _site --disable-external --allow-hash-href --empty-alt-ignore --url-ignore [email protected] - echo CIRCLE_BRANCH - echo - npm run --harmony accessibility-scan