1. Download Sublime Text 3 (Windows, OSX, Linux):
2. Install Sublime Text 3.
1. Get the package: RokuPlugin.sublime-package
2. Launch SublimeText3 and go to menu "Preferences" -> "Browse Packages..."
3. Put RokuPlugin.sublime-package file to this directory.
3.1. If not working, put file to "Installed Packages" directory (at the same level as "Packages")
4. Restart Sublime Text 3.
1. Check network connection beetween workstation and Roku box.
2. Launch SublimeText3 and go to menu "File" -> "Open Folder..."
3. Open your channale source code directory, for example: ..\apps\simple_channel\dev
4. Click on any file at to open it in a view/edit mode, for example: ..\source\main.brs
5. Press "ctrl+alt+e" on Windows (configurable from menu) and observe the console "ctrl+`" (view/show console)
6. If everything is ok channel will be deployed on the box.
1. You can change key bindings for Deploy:
- please check: "Preferense/package Settings/Roku Plugin/Key Bindings - Default"
- override your setting in: "Preferense/package Settings/Roku Plugin/Key Bindings - User"
{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+e"], "command": "roku_deploy" }
2. Also you can configure plugin:
- please check: "Preferense/package Settings/Roku Plugin/Settings - Default"
- override your setting in: "Preferense/package Settings/Roku Plugin/Settings - User"
- for example, change Roku Box IP:
"rokuIp" : "",
"rokuDevUsername" : "rokudev",
"rokuDevPass" : "test",
- Autocomplete+ provider for XML via XSD: download exalt
The XSD file follows the W3C standard. The XML file to autocomplete ask for validation. That is, the root element must looks like:
<component name="SomeComponentName..." xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" extends="Scene" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://rokudev.roku.com/rokudev/schema/RokuSceneGraph.xsd">