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+= Documentation
+:draft: false
+:linkTitle: Documentation
+:menu: {"main"=>{"weight"=>20}}
+:no_list: true
+:weight: 20
+Shipwright is an extensible framework for building container images on Kubernetes.
+Shipwright supports popular tools such as Kaniko, Cloud Native Buildpacks, Buildah, and more!
+Shipwright is based around four elements for each build:
+. Source code - the "what" you are trying to build
+. Output image - "where" you are trying to deliver your application
+. Build strategy - "how" your application is assembled
+. Invocation - "when" you want to build your application
+== Comparison with local image builds
+Developers who use Docker are familiar with this process:
+. Clone source from a git-based repository ("what")
+. Build the container image ("when" and "how")
+ docker build -t registry.mycompany.com/myorg/myapp:latest .
+. Push the container image to your registry ("where")
+ docker push registry.mycompany.com/myorg/myapp:latest
+== Shipwright Build APIs
+Shipwright's Build API consists of four core
+. link:/docs/api/build/[`Build`] - defines what to build, and where the application should be delivered.
+. link:/docs/api/buildstrategies/[`BuildStrategy` and `ClusterBuildStrategy`] - defines how to build an application for an image
+building tool.
+. link:/docs/api/buildrun/[`BuildRun`] - invokes the build. +
+You create a `BuildRun` to tell Shipwright to start building your application.
+=== Build
+The `Build` object provides a playbook on how to assemble your specific application. The simplest
+build consists of a git source, a build strategy, and an output image:
+apiVersion: build.dev/v1alpha1
+kind: Build
+ name: kaniko-golang-build
+ annotations:
+ build.build.dev/build-run-deletion: "true"
+ source:
+ url: https://github.com/sbose78/taxi
+ strategy:
+ name: kaniko
+ kind: ClusterBuildStrategy
+ output:
+ image: registry.mycompany.com/my-org/taxi-app:latest
+Builds can be extended to push to private registries, use a different Dockerfile, and more.
+=== BuildStrategy and ClusterBuildStrategy
+`BuildStrategy` and `ClusterBuildStrategy` are related APIs to define how a given tool should be
+used to assemble an application. They are distinguished by their scope - `BuildStrategy` objects
+are namespace scoped, whereas `ClusterBuildStrategy` objects are cluster scoped.
+The spec of a `BuildStrategy` or `ClusterBuildStrategy` consists of a `buildSteps` object, which look and feel like Kubernetes container
+specifications. Below is an example spec for Kaniko, which can build an image from a
+Dockerfile within a container:
+# this is a fragment of a manifest
+ buildSteps:
+ - name: build-and-push
+ image: gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:v1.3.0
+ workingDir: /workspace/source
+ securityContext:
+ runAsUser: 0
+ capabilities:
+ add:
+ env:
+ value: /tekton/home/.docker
+ command:
+ - /kaniko/executor
+ args:
+ - --skip-tls-verify=true
+ - --dockerfile=$(build.dockerfile)
+ - --context=/workspace/source/$(build.source.contextDir)
+ - --destination=$(build.output.image)
+ - --oci-layout-path=/workspace/output/image
+ - --snapshotMode=redo
+ resources:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 500m
+ memory: 1Gi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 250m
+ memory: 65Mi
+=== BuildRun
+Each `BuildRun` object invokes a build on your cluster. You can think of these as a Kubernetes
+`Jobs` or Tekton `TaskRuns` - they represent a workload on your cluster, ultimately resulting in a
+running `Pod`. See link:/docs/buildrun/[`BuildRun`] for more details.
+== Further reading
+* link:/docs/configuration/[Configuration]
+* Build controller observability
+ ** link:/docs/metrics/[Metrics]
+ ** link:/docs/profiling/[Profiling]
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-title = "Shipwright"
-linkTitle = "Shipwright"
-{{< blocks/cover title="Shipwright: A framework for building container images on Kubernetes" image_anchor="top" height="full" color="orange" >}}
- {{< blocks/link-down color="info" >}}
-{{< /blocks/cover >}}
-{{% blocks/lead color="primary" %}}
-Shipwright is an extensible framework for building container images on Kubernetes.
-Declare and reuse build strategies to build your container images.
-Shipwright supports popular tools such as
-[Cloud Native Buildpacks](https://buildpacks.io/), [Buildah](https://buildah.io/), and more!
-{{% /blocks/lead %}}
-{{< blocks/section color="dark" >}}
-{{% blocks/feature icon="fab" %}}
-{{% /blocks/feature %}}
-{{% blocks/feature icon="fa-ship" title="Release v0.9.0 Available!" %}}
-Our latest release is now available on GitHub (Build Controller, CLI, and Operator).
-Read more in our blog post and release notes.
-{{% /blocks/feature %}}
-{{< /blocks/section >}}
-{{< blocks/section >}}
-{{% blocks/feature icon="fab" %}}
-{{% /blocks/feature %}}
-{{% blocks/feature icon="fab fa-github" title="Contributions welcome!" %}}
-Our source code is available on [GitHub](https://github.com/shipwright-io/build). Feel free to submit a [pull request](https://github.com/shipwright-io/build/pulls) - new users are always welcome!
-{{% /blocks/feature %}}
-{{% blocks/feature icon="fab" %}}
-{{% /blocks/feature %}}
-{{< /blocks/section >}}
-"Container ship" by Martin Pettitt is licensed under CC BY 2.0
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@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+= Documentation
+:draft: false
+:linkTitle: Documentation
+:menu: {"main"=>{"weight"=>20}}
+:no_list: true
+:weight: 20
+Shipwright is an extensible framework for building container images on Kubernetes.
+Shipwright supports popular tools such as Kaniko, Cloud Native Buildpacks, Buildah, and more!
+Shipwright is based around four elements for each build:
+. Source code - the "what" you are trying to build
+. Output image - "where" you are trying to deliver your application
+. Build strategy - "how" your application is assembled
+. Invocation - "when" you want to build your application
+== Comparison with local image builds
+Developers who use Docker are familiar with this process:
+. Clone source from a git-based repository ("what")
+. Build the container image ("when" and "how")
+ docker build -t registry.mycompany.com/myorg/myapp:latest .
+. Push the container image to your registry ("where")
+ docker push registry.mycompany.com/myorg/myapp:latest
+== Shipwright Build APIs
+Shipwright's Build API consists of four core
+. link:/docs/api/build/[`Build`] - defines what to build, and where the application should be delivered.
+. link:/docs/api/buildstrategies/[`BuildStrategy` and `ClusterBuildStrategy`] - defines how to build an application for an image
+building tool.
+. link:/docs/api/buildrun/[`BuildRun`] - invokes the build. +
+You create a `BuildRun` to tell Shipwright to start building your application.
+=== Build
+The `Build` object provides a playbook on how to assemble your specific application. The simplest
+build consists of a git source, a build strategy, and an output image:
+apiVersion: build.dev/v1alpha1
+kind: Build
+ name: kaniko-golang-build
+ annotations:
+ build.build.dev/build-run-deletion: "true"
+ source:
+ url: https://github.com/sbose78/taxi
+ strategy:
+ name: kaniko
+ kind: ClusterBuildStrategy
+ output:
+ image: registry.mycompany.com/my-org/taxi-app:latest
+Builds can be extended to push to private registries, use a different Dockerfile, and more.
+=== BuildStrategy and ClusterBuildStrategy
+`BuildStrategy` and `ClusterBuildStrategy` are related APIs to define how a given tool should be
+used to assemble an application. They are distinguished by their scope - `BuildStrategy` objects
+are namespace scoped, whereas `ClusterBuildStrategy` objects are cluster scoped.
+The spec of a `BuildStrategy` or `ClusterBuildStrategy` consists of a `buildSteps` object, which look and feel like Kubernetes container
+specifications. Below is an example spec for Kaniko, which can build an image from a
+Dockerfile within a container:
+# this is a fragment of a manifest
+ buildSteps:
+ - name: build-and-push
+ image: gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:v1.3.0
+ workingDir: /workspace/source
+ securityContext:
+ runAsUser: 0
+ capabilities:
+ add:
+ env:
+ value: /tekton/home/.docker
+ command:
+ - /kaniko/executor
+ args:
+ - --skip-tls-verify=true
+ - --dockerfile=$(build.dockerfile)
+ - --context=/workspace/source/$(build.source.contextDir)
+ - --destination=$(build.output.image)
+ - --oci-layout-path=/workspace/output/image
+ - --snapshotMode=redo
+ resources:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 500m
+ memory: 1Gi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 250m
+ memory: 65Mi
+=== BuildRun
+Each `BuildRun` object invokes a build on your cluster. You can think of these as a Kubernetes
+`Jobs` or Tekton `TaskRuns` - they represent a workload on your cluster, ultimately resulting in a
+running `Pod`. See link:/docs/buildrun/[`BuildRun`] for more details.
+== Further reading
+* link:/docs/configuration/[Configuration]
+* Build controller observability
+ ** link:/docs/metrics/[Metrics]
+ ** link:/docs/profiling/[Profiling]
diff --git a/content/en/docs/api/build.adoc b/content/en/docs/api/build.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..748304dd
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+++ b/content/en/docs/api/build.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+= Build
+:weight: 10
+* <>
+* <>
+* <>
+* <>
+ ** <>
+ ** <>
+ ** <>
+ ** <>
+ ** <>
+* <>
+== Overview
+A `Build` resource allows the user to define:
+* `source`
+* `strategy`
+* `builder`
+* `dockerfile`
+* `output`
+A `Build` is available within a namespace.
+== Build Controller
+The controller watches for:
+* Updates on the `Build` resource (_CRD instance_)
+When the controller reconciles it:
+* Validates if the referenced `StrategyRef` exists.
+* Validates if the container `registry` output secret exists.
+* Validates if the referenced `spec.source.url` endpoint exists.
+== Build Validations
+In order to prevent users from triggering `BuildRuns` (_execution of a Build_) that will eventually fail because of wrong or missing dependencies or configuration settings, the Build controller will validate them in advance. If all validations are successful, users can expect a `Succeeded` `Status.Reason`, however if any of the validations failed, users can rely on the `Status.Reason` and `Status.Message` fields, in order to understand the root cause.
+| Status.Reason | Description
+| BuildStrategyNotFound
+| The referenced namespace-scope strategy doesn´t exist.
+| ClusterBuildStrategyNotFound
+| The referenced cluster-scope strategy doesn´t exist.
+| SetOwnerReferenceFailed
+| Setting ownerreferences between a Build and a BuildRun failed. This is triggered when making use of the `build.shipwright.io/build-run-deletion` annotation in a Build.
+| SpecSourceSecretNotFound
+| The secret used to authenticate to git doesn´t exist.
+| SpecOutputSecretRefNotFound
+| The secret used to authenticate to the container registry doesn´t exist.
+| SpecRuntimeSecretRefNotFound
+| The secret used to authenticate to the container registry doesn´t exist.
+| MultipleSecretRefNotFound
+| More than one secret is missing. At the moment, only three paths on a Build can specify a secret.
+| RuntimePathsCanNotBeEmpty
+| The Runtime feature is used, but the runtime path was not defined. This is mandatory.
+| RemoteRepositoryUnreachable
+| The defined `spec.source.url` was not found. This validation only take place for http/https protocols.
+== Configuring a Build
+The `Build` definition supports the following fields:
+* Required:
+ ** https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/kubernetes-objects/#required-fields[`apiVersion`] - Specifies the API version, for example `shipwright.io/v1alpha1`.
+ ** https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/kubernetes-objects/#required-fields[`kind`] - Specifies the Kind type, for example `Build`.
+ ** https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/kubernetes-objects/#required-fields[`metadata`] - Metadata that identify the CRD instance, for example the name of the `Build`.
+ ** `spec.source.URL` - Refers to the Git repository containing the source code.
+ ** `spec.strategy` - Refers to the `BuildStrategy` to be used, see the link:../samples/buildstrategy[examples]
+ ** `spec.builder.image` - Refers to the image containing the build tools to build the source code. (_Use this path for Dockerless strategies, this is just required for `source-to-image` buildStrategy_)
+ ** `spec.output`- Refers to the location where the generated image would be pushed.
+ ** `spec.output.credentials.name`- Reference an existing secret to get access to the container registry.
+* Optional:
+ ** `spec.parameters` - Refers to a list of `name-value` that could be used to loosely type parameters in the `BuildStrategy`.
+ ** `spec.dockerfile` - Path to a Dockerfile to be used for building an image. (_Use this path for strategies that require a Dockerfile_)
+ ** `spec.runtime` - Runtime-Image settings, to be used for a multi-stage build.
+ ** `spec.timeout` - Defines a custom timeout. The value needs to be parsable by https://golang.org/pkg/time/#ParseDuration[ParseDuration], for example `5m`. The default is ten minutes. The value can be overwritten in the `BuildRun`.
+ ** `metadata.annotations[build.shipwright.io/build-run-deletion]` - Defines if delete all related BuildRuns when deleting the Build. The default is `false`.
+=== Defining the Source
+A `Build` resource can specify a Git source, together with other parameters like:
+* `source.credentials.name` - For private repositories, the name is a reference to an existing secret on the same namespace containing the `ssh` data.
+* `source.revision` - An specific revision to select from the source repository, this can be a commit or branch name. If not defined, it will fallback to the git repository default branch.
+* `source.contextDir` - For repositories where the source code is not located at the root folder, you can specify this path here. Currently, only supported by `buildah`, `kaniko` and `buildpacks` build strategies.
+By default, the Build controller will validate that the Git repository exists. If the validation is not desired, users can define the `build.shipwright.io/verify.repository` annotation with `false`. For example:
+Example of a `Build` with the *build.shipwright.io/verify.repository* annotation, in order to disable the `spec.source.url` validation.
+apiVersion: shipwright.io/v1alpha1
+kind: Build
+ name: buildah-golang-build
+ annotations:
+ build.shipwright.io/verify.repository: "false"
+ source:
+ url: https://github.com/shipwright-io/sample-go
+ contextDir: docker-build
+NOTE: The Build controller only validates two scenarios. The first one where the endpoint uses an `http/https` protocol, the second one when a `ssh` protocol (_e.g. `git@`_) is defined and none referenced secret was provided(_e.g. source.credentials.name_).
+Example of a `Build` with a source with *credentials* defined by the user.
+apiVersion: shipwright.io/v1alpha1
+kind: Build
+ name: buildpack-nodejs-build
+ source:
+ url: https://github.com/sclorg/nodejs-ex
+ credentials:
+ name: source-repository-credentials
+Example of a `Build` with a source that specifies an specific subfolder on the repository.
+apiVersion: shipwright.io/v1alpha1
+kind: Build
+ name: buildah-custom-context-dockerfile
+ source:
+ url: https://github.com/SaschaSchwarze0/npm-simple
+ contextDir: renamed
+Example of a `Build` that specifies an specific branch on the git repository:
+apiVersion: shipwright.io/v1alpha1
+kind: Build
+ name: buildah-golang-build
+ source:
+ url: https://github.com/shipwright-io/sample-go
+ contextDir: docker-build
+=== Defining the Strategy
+A `Build` resource can specify the `BuildStrategy` to use, these are:
+* link:buildstrategies.md#source-to-image[Source-to-Image]
+* link:buildstrategies.md#buildpacks-v3[Buildpacks-v3]
+* link:buildstrategies.md#buildah[Buildah]
+* link:buildstrategies.md#kaniko[Kaniko]
+* link:docs/buildstrategies.md#ko[ko]
+Defining the strategy is straightforward, you need to define the `name` and the `kind`. For example:
+apiVersion: shipwright.io/v1alpha1
+kind: Build
+ name: buildpack-nodejs-build
+ strategy:
+ name: buildpacks-v3
+ kind: ClusterBuildStrategy
+=== Defining the Builder or Dockerfile
+A `Build` resource can specify an image containing the tools to build the final image. Users can do this via the `spec.builder` or the `spec.dockerfile`. For example, the user choose the `Dockerfile` file under the source repository.
+apiVersion: shipwright.io/v1alpha1
+kind: Build
+ name: buildah-golang-build
+ source:
+ url: https://github.com/shipwright-io/sample-go
+ contextDir: docker-build
+ strategy:
+ name: buildah
+ kind: ClusterBuildStrategy
+ dockerfile: Dockerfile
+Another example, when the user chooses to use a `builder` image ( This is required for `source-to-image` buildStrategy, because for different code languages, they have different builders. ):
+apiVersion: shipwright.io/v1alpha1
+kind: Build
+ name: s2i-nodejs-build
+ source:
+ url: https://github.com/sclorg/nodejs-ex
+ strategy:
+ name: source-to-image
+ kind: ClusterBuildStrategy
+ builder:
+ image: docker.io/centos/nodejs-10-centos7
+=== Defining the Output
+A `Build` resource can specify the output where the image should be pushed. For external private registries it is recommended to specify a secret with the related data to access it.
+For example, the user specify a public registry:
+apiVersion: shipwright.io/v1alpha1
+kind: Build
+ name: s2i-nodejs-build
+ source:
+ url: https://github.com/sclorg/nodejs-ex
+ strategy:
+ name: source-to-image
+ kind: ClusterBuildStrategy
+ builder:
+ image: docker.io/centos/nodejs-10-centos7
+ output:
+ image: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/build-examples/nodejs-ex
+Another example, is when the user specifies a private registry:
+apiVersion: shipwright.io/v1alpha1
+kind: Build
+ name: s2i-nodejs-build
+ source:
+ url: https://github.com/sclorg/nodejs-ex
+ strategy:
+ name: source-to-image
+ kind: ClusterBuildStrategy
+ builder:
+ image: docker.io/centos/nodejs-10-centos7
+ output:
+ image: us.icr.io/source-to-image-build/nodejs-ex
+ credentials:
+ name: icr-knbuild
+=== Runtime-Image
+Runtime-image is a new image composed with build-strategy outcome. On which you can compose a multi-stage image build, copying parts out the original image into a new one. This feature allows replacing the base-image of any container-image, creating leaner images, and other use-cases.
+The following examples illustrates how to the `runtime`:
+apiVersion: shipwright.io/v1alpha1
+kind: Build
+ name: nodejs-ex-runtime
+ strategy:
+ name: buildpacks-v3
+ kind: ClusterBuildStrategy
+ source:
+ url: https://github.com/sclorg/nodejs-ex.git
+ output:
+ image: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/build-examples/nodejs-ex
+ runtime:
+ base:
+ image: docker.io/node:latest
+ workDir: /home/node/app
+ run:
+ - echo "Before copying data..."
+ user:
+ name: node
+ group: "1000"
+ paths:
+ - $(workspace):/home/node/app
+ entrypoint:
+ - npm
+ - start
+This build will produce a Node.js based application where a single directory is imported from the image built by buildpacks strategy. The data copied is using the `.spec.runtime.user` directive, and the image also runs based on it.
+Please consider the description of the attributes under `.spec.runtime`:
+* `.base`: specifies the runtime base-image to be used, using Image as type
+* `.workDir`: path to WORKDIR in runtime-image
+* `.env`: runtime-image additional environment variables, key-value
+* `.labels`: runtime-image additional labels, key-value
+* `.run`: arbitrary commands to be executed as `RUN` blocks, before `COPY`
+* `.user.name`: username employed on `USER` directive, and also to change ownership of files copied to the runtime-image
+* `.user.group`: group name (or GID), employed to change ownership and on `USER` directive
+* `.paths`: list of files or directory paths to be copied to runtime-image, those can be defined as `