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Binaries for Android Build Script

Build script for cross compiling most of the binaries present in this repo


Linux - Tested on Arch-based distro. You could try this on other distros but your mileage may vary

Prereq Setup

sudo pacman -S base-devel git libgit2 python-pip go lzip
pip install abimap
git clone # Sets up build environment
cd scripts
bash setup/
cd ..
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env
rustup target add aarch64-linux-android armv7-linux-androideabi i686-linux-android x86_64-linux-android
cargo install cargo-ndk

Generate Needed crt file for aria2

Build instructions

./build.bash --help # For more info on usage


The below table notes if the binary is compatible with android ndk. If static or dynamic is listed, then only that link method is working

NDK? Notes
aria2 Yes
bash Static
bc Yes Also includes dc
bc-gh Yes Also includes dc (make symlink to bc)
bzip2 Yes
boringssl Static Static libs still work fine with dynamic linked binaries
brotli Yes
c-ares Yes
coreutils Yes Advanced cp/mv (progress bar), Openssl support, Selinux Support
cpio Yes Newer versions are bugged, stick with 2.12 for now
cunit Yes
curl Yes
diffutils Yes Also includes cmp, diff, diff3, sdiff
ed Yes
exa Dynamic
findutils Yes Also includes find, locate, updatedb, xargs
freedup Yes
gawk Yes GNU awk, also includes grcat and pwcat
gdbm Yes
gmp Yes
grep Yes Also includes egrep and fgrep, has full perl regex support
gzip Yes Also includes gunzip and gzexe
htop Yes
iftop Dynamic
jq Yes
libexpat Yes
libhsts Yes
libidn2 Yes
libmagic Yes
libnl Yes
libpcap Yes
libpsl Yes
libssh2 Yes
libunistring Yes
nano Static
ncurses Yes Also includes capconvert, clear, infocmp, tabs, tic, toe, tput, tset
ncursesw Yes Also includes capconvert, clear, infocmp, tabs, tic, toe, tput, tset
nethogs Yes
nghttp2 Yes Lib only
nmap Yes
openssl Yes
openssh Yes
patch Yes
patchelf Yes
pcre Yes
pcre2 Yes
quiche Yes
readline Yes
rsync Yes
sed Yes
selinux Yes
sqlite Dynamic
strace Yes
tar Yes
tcpdump Yes
vim Yes
wavemon Yes
wget2 Dynamic
zlib Yes
zsh Yes
zstd Yes


  • Aria2 and Curl have weird DNS error in Android Q and newer when not run as superuser (static compile only) - see notes on it below
  • Wget2 static doesn't resolve dns at all and no flags to change dns servers, likely related to aria2/curl problem
  • Sqlite3 static compile still ends up dynamically linked somehow
  • Exa always statically compiles, limitation with rust
  • Iftop static compile segfaults
  • Known Curl bugs
  • Nethogs garbage collection is removed due to quad_t not existing in ndk

DNS Issues

  • Starting with oreo, new restrictions were placed on the net.dns# props.
    • So aria2, curl, whatever is unable to get the dns server without root
    • C-ares updated for that with an app permission see here but this only works for apps, not binaries and so c-ares will not resolve dns without root
    • Using native android threaded resolver will work fine when dynamic link but not static link
      • Maybe libc related or something? Not due to outdated libc in NDK based on my testing
        • Libc version on test device (OOS A11 - 11.0.2), NDK r21e (9.0.7), NDK r22 (11.0.4) - didn't work for either ndk static compile so probably not due to being out of date
  • Best workaround currently:
    • Static link all non-android dependencies
    • Actual binary is dynamic linked with android binaries (libc, libm, libdl)
    • Only limitation is the minimum api of 26 which is fine because api of 26 and newer is where this problem occurs - older roms will be fine with static
  • Other workaround for static compiles
    • Set alias with dns server arguments set (see the script in aria2 and curl folders) - need root to get the dns servers
  • For Android 12 and newer, static won't resolve dns at all unless manually specifed as above regardless of root status
