ZooBank API Client
High level API
High level functions do the HTTP request and parse data to a data.frame for
ease of downstream use. The high level functions have no underscore on the end
of the function name, e.g., zb_name_usages
Low level API
The parsing to data.frame in the high level API does take extra time. The low
level API only does the HTTP request, and gives back JSON without doing any
more parsing. The low level functions DO have an underscore on the end
of the function name, e.g., zb_name_usages_
CRAN version
Development version
Name usages
zb_name_usages(name = "Pseudanthias carlsoni")
#> # A tibble: 1 x 14
#> tnuuuid originalreferen… protonymuuid label value lsid parentname namestring
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 6ea8bb… 427d7953-e8fc-4… 6ea8bb2a-a5… carl… carl… urn:… "" carlsoni
#> # … with 6 more variables: rankgroup <chr>, usageauthors <chr>,
#> # taxonnamerankid <chr>, parentusageuuid <chr>, cleanprotonym <chr>,
#> # nomenclaturalcode <chr>
zb_publications(query = "pyle")
#> # A tibble: 159 x 22
#> referenceuuid label value authorlist year title citationdetails volume
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 a91facc3-f39… <Uns… <Uns… <Unspecif… "" [Ori… "" ""
#> 2 24689ae4-c77… Alon… Alon… Alonso-Za… "201… Manu… "<em>ZooKeys</… "550"
#> 3 cb272efd-80d… Aran… Aran… Arango, B… "201… Thre… "<em>ZooKeys</… "835"
#> 4 913bb1fb-1c2… Asgh… Asgh… Asghari, … "201… Desc… "<em>Zootaxa</… "3986"
#> 5 f8ece6ce-e77… Bald… Bald… Baldwin, … "199… <i>B… "<I>Ichthyolog… "45"
#> 6 72d9641b-2a9… Bass… Bass… Basset, Y… "199… Para… "<em>AMBIO: A … ""
#> 7 5cb7ee8b-042… Bass… Bass… Basset, Y… "200… Quan… "<em>Bioscienc… "50"
#> 8 a06a8b51-46b… Bass… Bass… Bassett, … "199… Para… "<em>AMBIO: A … ""
#> 9 fafe53c6-fdd… Bous… Bous… Boustany,… "200… Sate… "<em>Nature</e… "415"
#> 10 18985db2-cc5… Bush… Bush… Bush, Eli… "199… Taxo… "<em>Harvard P… "2"
#> # … with 149 more rows, and 14 more variables: number <chr>, edition <chr>,
#> # publisher <chr>, placepublished <chr>, pagination <chr>, startpage <chr>,
#> # endpage <chr>, language <chr>, languageid <chr>, referencetype <chr>,
#> # lsid <chr>, parentreferenceid <chr>, parentreference <chr>, authors <list>
zb_authors(query = "Schmutz")
#> # A tibble: 3 x 9
#> agentnameid label value zblsid familyname givenname preferreduuid agentid
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 F16D374C-5… Achi… Achi… "urn:… Achitte-S… Helga C. F16D374C-531… F16D37…
#> 2 EC923CC6-E… Schm… Schm… "urn:… Schmutz Karl EC923CC6-E5E… EC923C…
#> 3 2E04A84F-4… Schm… Schm… "" Schmutzler Clarence… 2E04A84F-459… 2E04A8…
#> # … with 1 more variable: isuser <chr>
Get info by any ZooBank identifier
zb_id(id = "6EA8BB2A-A57B-47C1-953E-042D8CD8E0E2")
#> # A tibble: 3 x 10
#> identifier identifierdomain abbreviation identifierurl registeringagen…
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 66491 CAS Ichthy Spec… CAS_SPC http://resea… ""
#> 2 643345 Taxonomic Seria… ITIS-TSN http://www.i… ""
#> 3 urn:lsid:… ZooBank Nomencl… ZB-Act http://zooba… "William N."
#> # … with 5 more variables: registeringagentfamilyname <chr>,
#> # registeringagentorganizationname <chr>, identifieruuid <chr>,
#> # domainlogourl <chr>, resolutionnote <chr>
Matching taxon name service
zb_matching(id = "FFF7160A-372D-40E9-9611-23AF5D9EAC4C")
#> # A tibble: 36 x 8
#> protonymuuid acceptedprotony… protonymuuidarr… fullnamestring
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 FFF7160A-37… FFF7160A-372D-4… FBDC898C-F1EA-4… Cheilodipteru…
#> 2 FFF7160A-37… FFF7160A-372D-4… 97CE20CD-4D6E-4… Gasterosteus …
#> 3 FFF7160A-37… FFF7160A-372D-4… 97CE20CD-4D6E-4… Gaſteroſteus …
#> 4 FFF7160A-37… FFF7160A-372D-4… 4D4EC609-D241-4… Pomatomus sal…
#> 5 FFF7160A-37… FFF7160A-372D-4… 4D4EC609-D241-4… Pomatomus sal…
#> 6 FFF7160A-37… FFF7160A-372D-4… 67D18558-763F-4… Temnodon salt…
#> 7 FFF7160A-37… FFF7160A-372D-4… FBDC898C-F1EA-4… Cheilodipteru…
#> 8 FFF7160A-37… FFF7160A-372D-4… 97CE20CD-4D6E-4… Gasterosteus …
#> 9 FFF7160A-37… FFF7160A-372D-4… 97CE20CD-4D6E-4… Gaſteroſteus …
#> 10 FFF7160A-37… FFF7160A-372D-4… 4D4EC609-D241-4… Pomatomus sal…
#> # … with 26 more rows, and 4 more variables: nomenclaturalcodeid <int>,
#> # taxonrank <chr>, synonymtype <int>, referencecount <int>
ZooBank usage stats
zb_stats(start_date = "2018-03-01", end_date = "2018-04-01")
#> # A tibble: 96 x 3
#> identifierdomain day recordcount
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 ZooBank Author 2018-03-01 39
#> 2 ZooBank Author 2018-03-02 25
#> 3 ZooBank Author 2018-03-03 9
#> 4 ZooBank Author 2018-03-04 6
#> 5 ZooBank Author 2018-03-05 23
#> 6 ZooBank Author 2018-03-06 17
#> 7 ZooBank Author 2018-03-07 26
#> 8 ZooBank Author 2018-03-08 20
#> 9 ZooBank Author 2018-03-09 19
#> 10 ZooBank Author 2018-03-10 3
#> # … with 86 more rows
- Please report any issues or bugs.
- License: MIT
- Get citation information for
in R doingcitation(package = 'zbank')
- Please note that this package is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.