diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1ba00e45f..39af42652 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -649,3 +649,141 @@ Now you should also see the *RRbot* represented correctly in `RViz`.
3. You should also see the *RRbot* moving in `RViz`.
+# Complex Scenarios Demos
+Before testing examples from this section be sure that you checked simple examples for `RRBot` and `DiffBot`.
+## Chained controllers
+Start demo:
+ros2 launch ros2_control_demo_bringup rrbot_system_with_external_sensor.launch.py
+Load controllers:
+ros2 control load_controller position_trajectory_controller
+ros2 control load_controller position_controller
+ros2 control load_controller joint1_position_controller
+ros2 control load_controller joint2_position_controller
+Check states using:
+ros2 control list_controllers
+The output should be something like:
+ ```
+ joint_state_broadcaster[joint_state_broadcaster/JointStateBroadcaster] active
+ joint1_position_controller[forward_command_controller/ChainableForwardCommandController] unconfigured
+ joint2_position_controller[forward_command_controller/ChainableForwardCommandController] unconfigured
+ position_controller[forward_command_controller/ChainableForwardCommandController] unconfigured
+ position_trajectory_controller[joint_trajectory_controller/JointTrajectoryController] unconfigured
+ ```
+Configure all controllers:
+ros2 control set_controller_state position_trajectory_controller configure
+ros2 control set_controller_state position_controller configure
+ros2 control set_controller_state joint1_position_controller configure
+ros2 control set_controller_state joint2_position_controller configure
+Check states using:
+ros2 control list_controllers
+The output should be something like:
+ ```
+ joint_state_broadcaster[joint_state_broadcaster/JointStateBroadcaster] active
+ joint1_position_controller[forward_command_controller/ChainableForwardCommandController] inactive
+ joint2_position_controller[forward_command_controller/ChainableForwardCommandController] inactive
+ position_controller[forward_command_controller/ChainableForwardCommandController] inactive
+ position_trajectory_controller[joint_trajectory_controller/JointTrajectoryController] inactive
+ ```
+At this stage the reference interfaces of controller are listed under `command_interfaces` when `ros2 control list_hardware_interfaces` command is executed. The output should be something like this:
+ ```
+ command interfaces
+ position_controller/joint1_position_controller/joint1/position [unclaimed]
+ position_controller/joint2_position_controller/joint2/position [unclaimed]
+ joint1/position [unclaimed]
+ joint1_position_controller/joint1/position [unclaimed]
+ joint2/position [unclaimed]
+ joint2_position_controller/joint2/position [unclaimed]
+ state interfaces
+ joint1/position
+ joint2/position
+ ```
+Also check required interfaces of all controllers using command `ros2 control list_controllers -v` where you can see based on interface names how controllers are chained.
+Now, execute the following scenario to understand how chained controllers are working.
+1. Activate `joint1_position_controller` and send command for it:
+ ```
+ ros2 control switch_controllers --start joint1_position_controller
+ ros2 topic pub /joint1_position_controller/commands std_msgs/msg/Float64MultiArray "data:
+ - 0.5"
+ ```
+ The joint1 should then move to the position.
+1. Activate `joint2_position_controller` and send command for it:
+ ```
+ ros2 control switch_controllers --start joint2_position_controller
+ ros2 topic pub /joint2_position_controller/commands std_msgs/msg/Float64MultiArray "data:
+ - -0.5"
+ ```
+ The `joint2` should then move to the position.
+Note: You can keep publishers running in a terminal so you can see the effects of controllers chaining directly.
+1. Activate `position_controller` and send commands to it:
+ ```
+ ros2 control switch_controllers --start position_controller
+ ```
+ Now, the `ros2 control list_hardware_interfaces` and `ros2 control list_controller -v` will show that `joint1_position_controller/joint1/position` and `joint2_position_controller/joint2/position` are claimed by `position_controller` controller.
+ Send a command to `position_controller` and check that `joint1` and `joint2` are moving to new position.
+ ```
+ ros2 topic pub /position_controller/commands std_msgs/msg/Float64MultiArray "data:
+ - 1
+ - -1"
+ ```
+1. Activate `position_trajectory_controller` and send commands to it:
+ ```
+ ros2 control switch_controllers --start position_trajectory_controller
+ ```
+ List again the interfaces to see their status changes.
+ All command interfaces are claimed now, and `position_trajectory_controller` is connecting to reference interfaces of `position_controller`.
+ Send some trajectories to the robot:
+ ```
+ ros2 launch ros2_control_demo_bringup test_joint_trajectory_controller.launch.py
+ ```
+1. Deactivate `position_trajectory_controller` and robot should either stop movement or if
+ publishers are still active robot will end up in `[1, -1]` joint states.
+ ```
+ ros2 control switch_controllers --stop position_trajectory_controller
+ ```
+1. Deactivate `position_controller` and robot will move to position `[0.5, -0.5]` (if publishers are still running):
+ ```
+ ros2 control switch_controllers --stop position_controller
+ ```
+1. Finally stop the other two controllers and check state of hardware interface and controllers.
+ Now all interfaces are "unclaimed".
+ ```
+ ros2 control switch_controllers --stop joint1_position_controller
+ ros2 control switch_controllers --stop joint2_position_controller
+ ```
diff --git a/ros2_control_demo_bringup/config/rrbot_chained_controllers.yaml b/ros2_control_demo_bringup/config/rrbot_chained_controllers.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..76ff1c501
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ros2_control_demo_bringup/config/rrbot_chained_controllers.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ ros__parameters:
+ update_rate: 10 # Hz
+ joint_state_broadcaster:
+ type: joint_state_broadcaster/JointStateBroadcaster
+ joint1_position_controller:
+ type: forward_command_controller/ChainableForwardCommandController
+ joint2_position_controller:
+ type: forward_command_controller/ChainableForwardCommandController
+ position_controller:
+ type: forward_command_controller/ChainableForwardCommandController
+ position_trajectory_controller:
+ type: joint_trajectory_controller/JointTrajectoryController
+ chained_controllers:
+ parallel_group_1:
+ - position_trajectory_controller
+ parallel_group_2:
+ - position_controller
+ parallel_group_3:
+ - joint1_position_controller
+ - joint2_position_controller
+# First-level controllers
+ ros__parameters:
+ joints:
+ - joint1
+ interface_name: position
+ ros__parameters:
+ joints:
+ - joint2
+ interface_name: position
+# Second-level controller
+ ros__parameters:
+ joints:
+ - joint1_position_controller/joint1
+ - joint2_position_controller/joint2
+ interface_name: position
+# Third-level controller
+ ros__parameters:
+ joints:
+ - joint1
+ - joint2
+ command_joints:
+ - position_controller/joint1_position_controller/joint1
+ - position_controller/joint2_position_controller/joint2
+ command_interfaces:
+ - position
+ state_interfaces:
+ - position
+ state_publish_rate: 200.0 # Defaults to 50
+ action_monitor_rate: 20.0 # Defaults to 20
+ allow_partial_joints_goal: false # Defaults to false
+ open_loop_control: true
+ allow_integration_in_goal_trajectories: true
+ constraints:
+ stopped_velocity_tolerance: 0.01 # Defaults to 0.01
+ goal_time: 0.0 # Defaults to 0.0 (start immediately)
diff --git a/ros2_control_demo_bringup/launch/rrbot_chained_controllers.launch.py b/ros2_control_demo_bringup/launch/rrbot_chained_controllers.launch.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f34139769
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ros2_control_demo_bringup/launch/rrbot_chained_controllers.launch.py
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# Copyright 2021 Stogl Robotics Consulting UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from launch import LaunchDescription
+from launch.actions import RegisterEventHandler
+from launch.event_handlers import OnProcessExit
+from launch.substitutions import Command, FindExecutable, PathJoinSubstitution
+from launch_ros.actions import Node
+from launch_ros.substitutions import FindPackageShare
+def generate_launch_description():
+ # Get URDF via xacro
+ robot_description_content = Command(
+ [
+ PathJoinSubstitution([FindExecutable(name="xacro")]),
+ " ",
+ PathJoinSubstitution(
+ [
+ FindPackageShare("rrbot_description"),
+ "urdf",
+ "rrbot.urdf.xacro",
+ ]
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
+ robot_description = {"robot_description": robot_description_content}
+ robot_controllers = PathJoinSubstitution(
+ [
+ FindPackageShare("ros2_control_demo_bringup"),
+ "config",
+ "rrbot_chained_controllers.yaml",
+ ]
+ )
+ rviz_config_file = PathJoinSubstitution(
+ [FindPackageShare("rrbot_description"), "config", "rrbot.rviz"]
+ )
+ control_node = Node(
+ package="controller_manager",
+ executable="ros2_control_node",
+ parameters=[robot_description, robot_controllers],
+ remappings=[
+ (
+ "/forward_position_controller/commands",
+ "/position_commands",
+ ),
+ ],
+ output={
+ "stdout": "screen",
+ "stderr": "screen",
+ },
+ )
+ robot_state_pub_node = Node(
+ package="robot_state_publisher",
+ executable="robot_state_publisher",
+ output="both",
+ parameters=[robot_description],
+ )
+ rviz_node = Node(
+ package="rviz2",
+ executable="rviz2",
+ name="rviz2",
+ output="log",
+ arguments=["-d", rviz_config_file],
+ )
+ joint_state_broadcaster_spawner = Node(
+ package="controller_manager",
+ executable="spawner",
+ arguments=["joint_state_broadcaster", "--controller-manager", "/controller_manager"],
+ )
+ # Delay rviz start after `joint_state_broadcaster`
+ delay_rviz_after_joint_state_broadcaster_spawner = RegisterEventHandler(
+ event_handler=OnProcessExit(
+ target_action=joint_state_broadcaster_spawner,
+ on_exit=[rviz_node],
+ )
+ )
+ nodes = [
+ control_node,
+ robot_state_pub_node,
+ joint_state_broadcaster_spawner,
+ delay_rviz_after_joint_state_broadcaster_spawner,
+ ]
+ return LaunchDescription(nodes)
diff --git a/ros2_control_demo_description/rrbot_description/ros2_control/rrbot_system_multi_states.ros2_control.xacro b/ros2_control_demo_description/rrbot_description/ros2_control/rrbot_system_multi_states.ros2_control.xacro
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de84e06aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ros2_control_demo_description/rrbot_description/ros2_control/rrbot_system_multi_states.ros2_control.xacro
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ fake_components/GenericSystem
+ ${fake_sensor_commands}
+ 0.1
+ -1
+ 1
+ -1
+ 1
diff --git a/ros2_control_demo_description/rrbot_description/urdf/rrbot_system_multi_states.urdf.xacro b/ros2_control_demo_description/rrbot_description/urdf/rrbot_system_multi_states.urdf.xacro
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..71792e70b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ros2_control_demo_description/rrbot_description/urdf/rrbot_system_multi_states.urdf.xacro
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ true