Certbot DNS-01 validation for wildcard certificates (ACME-v2)
I created this script to request wildcard SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt. You are requred to do a DNS-01 challenge for which you need to create a DNS (TXT) record. TransIP API has an API which allows you to automate this. When you need to renew your certificate you also need to perform the DNS-01 challenge again. This should happen automatically.
- Install Certbot. You need at least v0.22 for ACME-v2 which support wildcard certificates
- Download the TransIP API and extract the "Transip" folder in this project's directory
- Aquire an API key for TransIP in your account on their website
- Edit the Transip/ApiSettings.php and set your login and private key
certbot --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory \
certonly --manual --preferred-challenges=dns \
--manual-auth-hook /path/to/auth-hook \
--manual-cleanup-hook /path/to/cleanup-hook \
-d 'domain.com' -d '*.domain.com'
If you need to do some testing use the staging environment from Let's Encrypt:
--server https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
A Debian PPA with this version is currently not yet available so I installed it from source:
git clone https://github.com/certbot/certbot
cd certbot
git checkout v0.22.0
sudo ./certbot-auto --os-packages-only
source ./venv/bin/activate
certbot --version
You'll enter some kind of virtual environment. Now you can request your certificate. To leave this just type: