Red Panda C++ Version 3.3
- enhancement: Auto indent contents in parenthesis.
- fix: Use "/" instead of "" in the path of compile target.
- fix: Qt 6 version crashed when debug.
- enhancement: Auto scale the main ui & choose theme dialog at the first run.
- fix: crash on statements like "x::a x;"
- enhancement: support literal operators.
- enhancement: Auto detect windows OEM code page in options / compiler / compiler set auto convert encoding option combobox.
- enhancement: Show oem codpages in compiler setting's encoding combobox.
- enhancement: niXman version MinGW GCC 14.2 compatibility.
- fix: Can't show definitions in iconv.h in the completion list.
- fix: Color scheme's "Indent Guide Line" item is not used by the editor.
- fix: "Indent Guide Line" item doesn't show in the option / editor / color scheme page.
- fix: Remove not used option "indent guide line" in the option / editor / general page.
- enhancement: New option in "Environment" / "Appearance". To prevent mouse wheel change combobox's current selection.
- enhancement: Add "Rainbow indents"/"Rainbow indent guides" options in the option / editor / color scheme page.
- enhancement: Manually select file type.
- enhancement: When ctrl+click to open a C/C++ header file not suffixed with .h/.hh/.hpp etc., auto set its type to C/C++ header.
- enhancement: Add the option "Clear symbols in hidden source files" in option / environment / performance. (Turned on by default)
- enhancement: Treat .tcc file as C/C++ header file.
- enhancement: Save encoding / filetype /context file infos of last openned files.
- fix: Class browser is empty when ctrl+click to open a file.
- fix: Only press space key can exit consolepauser in linux. (by CyanoHao)
- fix: command line parameter escaping for consolepauser in windows. (by CyanoHao)
- enhancement: Localization for consolepauser.
- fix: Debugger not responding when debugging with gdb > 14.
- enhancement: Run programs in WSL.
- enhancement: Generate GIMPLE.
- enhancement: Russian Translation (by melkorbsd@github)
- fix: Can't select/delete files in the project panel.
- fix: Erroneous PageDown/PageUp when "Can scroll to the last line of teh top edge of the editor" is disabled
- fix: fix: Selecting too long causes the search dialog too wide for the screen to display (by VEXLife@github)
Red Panda C++ Version 3.2
- change: The way to calcuate astyle path.
- fix: Scroll bar arrow size not correct in the dark themes.
- fix: Don't auto scroll to the caret after undo/redo.
- fix: "bits/stdc++" is not openned in readonly mode.
- fix: astyle path error when reformat.
- fix: Slow when paste/replace bulk contents.
- fix: Crash in windows 7. (by CyanoHao)
- fix: While Control is pressed, can't start Drag&Drop by mouse.
- enhancement: Auto detect gdb ACP (by CyanoHao)
- fix: When debugging project, the executing source file is not auto switched to. (#476)
- enhancement: Support Raw string literal with LR/UR/uR/u8R prefix.
- change: Copy/Export as html using less restrictive header.
- enhancement: Better gcc info detection (by CyanoHao)
- enhancement: Copy/Export as html with line numbers.
- enhancement: Ctrl+Drag/Drop to copy contents.
- enhancement: Don't display big input data file for problem cases.
- fix: Can't switch to RedPanda-Cpp by clicking on the application title bar when the options dialog is open.
- fix: Drag&Drop folder to IDE should be prohibited.
- fix: After dragging IDE to another screen that don't have the same DPI with the previous one, icon size are not correct.
- enhancement: Add copy compiler set tools button in the options dialog / compiler set panel.
- fix: Functions in seperate editing files all displayed in the function prototype list.
- enhancement: When debugging and the current stop position is not in source files, auto focus to the stack trace panel.
- enhancement: Adjust margin of the Search/Replace Dialog.
- enhancement: When Search/Replace invoked, auto focus the find inputbox.
- fix: Problem case limit settings not correctly loaded.
- fix: Edit and switch editor out quickly may leave function tip wrongly appeared.
- fix: The function parameters' order in the generated doxygen doclet is wrong.
- enhancement: If current compiler set's compiler / debugger / make path is wrong, show a warning message box.
- enhancement: Display a cross before compiler set that has errors in compiler / debugger / make path.
- enhancement: Display a warning message if no compiler set is found at the first time RedPanda C++ runs.
- fix: Can't find the single word if the caret is inside it.
- fix: Search Dialog always returns to center each time starting a search.
Red Panda C++ Version 3.1
- fix: Can't correctly select in column mode.
- fix: Can't correctly parse template parameters that contains "->", like "std::queue<std::function<auto()->void>>";
- fix: Shouldn't warn "xxx.s is modifed" when "Generate assembly" is rerun.
- fix: Shouldn't warn "Makefile is modifed" when "View Makefile" is rerun.
- fix: In compiler options page, Can't save default stack size to 0MB.
- enhancement: Support national flag emojis.
- fix: Visibility for the interrupt action is not correctly updated.
- enhancement: Handle problems info from competitive-companion in background thread.
- enhancement: Handle time/memory limits in problems info from competitive-companion in background thread.
- enhancement: When problems info from competitive-companion received, show tips in the status bar.
- fix: Layout for function tips.
- enhancement: More elements in the demo of editor color theme optiont page.
- fix: Mingw32-make doesn't work correctly if there are bash in the path.
- fix: All color scheme names are incorrectly displayed as bold, if the current one is a customed one.
- fix: Variables defined by using alias can't show completion info.
- enhancement: Support operator() overload.
- change: rename all "ansi" encoding to "system default".
Red Panda C++ Version 3.0
- enhancement: New chinese translation for invalid filename messagebox. (by [email protected])
- enhancement: Limit the minimum font size in options dialog to 5. (by [email protected])
- enhancement: After a new file is created in filesystem panel, auto select and rename it. (by [email protected])
- enhancement: Select file basename when rename in the filesystem panel. (by [email protected])
- change: Don't use "Microsoft Yahei" as the default non-ascii font in non-chinese environment.
- enhancement: Support unicode characters > 0xFFFF
- enhancement: Support unicode ZWJ and ZWNJ.
- enhancement: Support unicode combining characters.
- enhancement: Don't force fixed-width when using non fixed-width fonts.
- change: Replace non-ascii font with fallback font.
- enhancement: Display ascii control chars.
- fix: Parser: invalidating file may lost class inheritance infos.
- fix: Function argument infos are not correctly parsed.
- enhancement: Migrate external calls from command string to argv array to improve safety and security.
- enhancement: Support POSIX shell-like escaping in user inputs for compiler arguments.
- fix: (Hopefully) properly escape filenames and arguments in makefile generation.
- enhancement: Beautify display for spaces and linebreaks.
- fix: Insert line after comments may auto add an extra '*'.
- fix: Can't show function tips for std::ios::sync_with_stdio.
- fix: Wrong indent for the line after the pasted context.
- Enhancement: When '{' is inputted and there are contents selected, auto add line breaks and indents.
- fix: Selected lines doesn't draw line break glyphs.
- fix: issue #215 (Caret may be drawn in the gutter.)
- change: Force use utf8 as the exec encoding for fmtlib in the auto link options page.
- fix: After spaces in comments and strings, symbol completion for '{' and '(' are wrong.
- fix: Issue #230 Crash when input " in the txt files.
- enhancement: Unique look&feel for the underline shown while ctrl+mouse over #include line.
- enhancement: Better look&feel for the wave underline shown for syntax errors.
- fix: "float" in #include "float.h" is wrong syntax colored.
- enhancement: Unify syntax color for #include header name
- enhancement: Issue #229 Press Enter/Return in the tree view in files panel will open the file.
- enhancement: Internal optimization for loading/editing files.
- enhancement: Show space glyphs in C/C++ char literals.
- enhancement: Optimization for string/raw string/char literal status check while completing symbols in c/c++ files.
- enhancement: Windows installer Hi-DPI support.
- fix: Delete/Insert in column editing mode.
- enhancement: Issue #196 Support C++ using alias in syntax highlighting/code completion/function tips.
- enhancement: Support annonymous class
- fix: Using alias for global symbols are not correctly handled.
- enhancement: Support "enum struct" Scoped enumerations.
- fix: Function tips contains functions that not in the scope.
- fix: Hint for bold text () are not correctly handled in the function tips.
- enhancement: Improve lldb-mi compatibility.
- fix: Failed to evaluate expressions while debugging, if the expression has spaces in it.
- fix: When debugging, can't watch expressions that has spaces in it.
- enhancement: Font list in the options / editor / font panel( by CyanoHao ).
- enhancement: Text are vertically center aligned in lines( by CyanoHao ).
- fix: In the debugger console, Auto-wrapped lines can't be correctly selected.
- enhancement: Auto choose a better font for theme choosing dialog in the first run.
- fix: Debugger console's background not correctly cleared before redrawn.
- enhancement: Make output in the debug console cleaner.
- enhancement: Execute the last debug command in the debug console if ENTER pressed.
- change: When debugging, don't auto set focus to the editor.
- enhancement: Folding button scales with editor font.
- fix: Shouldn't show header completion popup in #include line comments.
- change: Invert scroll direction in horizontal, like in vertical.
- fix: Caret unseen when move to a long line end by press END.
- fix: No icons for inherited class private members.
- fix: Ctrl+Return insert linebreak shouldn't scroll unnecessarilly.
- enhancement: Move caret to line begin would scroll to the begin if possible.
- fix: Filename in tables in the debug panel are not correctly eroded.
- enhancement: Tooltip info for the stacktrace table in the debug panel.
- fix: '=' is treadted as '' when parsing.
- fix: Can't correctly retrieve function parameters type.
- fix: Auto type induction for expression contains '[]' are not correct.
- fix: Option 'Pause after run in console' for tools doesn't work.
- fix: Filename that contains '&' doesn't correctly displayed in the editor tab.
- enhancement: Type induction for "auto &&" vars.
- enhancement: Syntax highlighting for c++ attributes.
- enhancement: Show "std::function" in the completion list.
- enhancement: Improvement in italic font support.
- fix: History not correctly loaded with up/down arrow key in the debug console.
- enhancement: Improve lambda expression support.
- enhancement: Show type completion hint after "constexpr"/"extern"/"static"/"consteval"/"constinit"/"const"/"volatile"/"inline" etc.
- enhancement: Restore line position after file is modified outside and reloaded.
- fix: Caret on '('/',' in string/comment shouldn't invoke function info tips.
- fix: Function name not correctly found if it and the '(' is not in one line;
- fix: Register names in the cpu info are not in correct order.
- enhancement: Auto type induction for new / temp class object.
- enhancement: Vertically scroll by pixel.
- enhancement: Display (gdb) prompt in debug console after it's cleared.
- fix: Output of "disas" is not shown in debug console.
- fix: Display not correctly updated after select all in debug console.
- change: Set focus to "find next" button when find/replace dialog is openned.
- change: Don't set focus to "close" button after searched in the find/replace dialog
- change: Set focus to "find" button when "find in files..." dialog is openned.
- enhancement: Correct tab orders for all setting pages/dialogs.
- enhancement: Shortcut key for buttons in find/replace and "find in files" dialogs.
- enhancement: Auto define macro "_DEBUG" for "Debug" compiler set(like visual studio).
- enhancement: Suggest macro names after "#ifdef"/"#ifndef"/"#undef".
- enhancement: If contents from stderr are logged into "Tools Output" panel, add problem case name info to the log.
- fix: In split screen mode, editor on the right can't be correctly found by commands.
- fix: Remove duplicated macro defines make it's lost in the parse result.
- fix: An undefined macro is still missing the the parse result after #undef is removed.
- fix: If a class method is overloaded, only one of them is inherited by it's children.
- enhancement: Adjust function tip pos to prevent it from run outside the right window edge.
- enhancement: Open ".def" (Module definition file) file in editor when double click it in the project view.
- enhancement: When a dll project has .def file, use it when generating the dll file.
- fix: "project name".exe.manifest is auto removed when build the project.
- fix: "0x3.12p+1" is treadted as a plus expression when reformatting code. ( by 绣球135@qq )
- change: Don't turn on the code format option "indent class" by default.
- enhancement: Add compiler set by choose the executable.
- fix: Compile info for project doesn't have name of the project executable.
- enhancement: Highlight words in the string/comments.
- fix: If there are only 1 line in the editor, shift+down can't select it.
- enhancement: By default, use monospaced font to display register values in the CPU Info dialog.
- fix: Negative values in register like AH/AL are wrongs displayed as 32/64-bit number.
- Change: Change background color for highlighted buttons in the default theme.
- enhancement: Make colors in code suggestion popup consistent with the editor.
- enhancement: Make colors in header suggestion popup consistent with the editor.
- fix: C++ source after ';' are treated as comments in cpu info window.
- enhancement: Support "extern template" in code parser.
- enhancement: Set shortcuts for tools menu item.
- enhancement: Enhancement for custom tools.
- fix: Can't correctly undo/redo "Delete current line".
- fix: Breakpoint condition expression that contains spaces doesn't work.
- enhancement: Double click on breakpoint table's condition cell to modify it.
- fix: Don't show function prototype tip for function name that contains namespace alias.
- fix: Can't save changes in project options -> compiler set , after base compiler set was changed.
- fix: Project options -> file doesn't work.
- fix: Don't show function prototype tip for function name that contains more than one namespace;
- fix: Compiler set options "Check for stack smashing attacks (-fstack-protector)" was not correctly applied when compiling.
- fix: can't jump to definition/declaration for symbols in using alias statement like "using ::printf".
- fix: Don't show completion suggestion for members of variable which type name has namespace alias;
- fix: Theme manager not correctly inited in options dialog / environment / appearance.
- enhancement: Size of icons in the completion popup changes with the editor font size.
- change: Completion popup size settings are based on editor's char width/line height.
- change: Remove "limit for copy" and "limit for undo" options.
- fix: Can't find the correct type if current symbol is member of a class that has constructors.
- fix: Alias a namespace to itself will create infinite loop.
- fix: Can't find symbols indirectly included by other files.
- enhancement: Function tip's width changes with editor width.
- fix: '<' / '>' not shown in function tips.
- enhancement: In debug console, Ctrl+C/Ctrl+X/Ctrl+V conflicts with application action.
- enhancement: Auto hide Edit/Selection/Code/Refactor menu if no file openning.
- enhancement: Auto hide Project menu if no project openning.
- fix: Toggle breakpoint by shortcut may use wrong line.
- fix: Size of the icons in problem and problem set panel are not correct.
- fix: Shouldn't consider preceeding '&'/'*' when popping completion suggest list for variable members.
- fix: Positions of current matching parenthesis not correctly updated.
- fix: Can't show correct completion info for vars declared with template parameters ending with ">>".
- enhancement: Auto type induction for "std::make_shared"/"std::make_unique".
- enhancement: sdcc project compiler: compile source file in subfolders.
- fix: project options -> compiler set -> static link & auto convert charset options not correctly loaded.
- change: Don't generate project resource files for sdcc project.
- fix: Name of the macro for project private resource header is not correct.
- fix: In sdcc project, sdcc keywords are not in completion suggest list.
- fix: In sdcc project, parser are not correctly inited as sdcc parser.
- fix: Temp object + member function call is wrongly parsed as constructor.
- enhancement: Improve how to manage themes in Options → general → appearance.
- change: Use official astyle program.
- enhancement: New code format option: "Remove superfluous empty lines exceeding"
- enhancement: New code format option: "Remove superfluous spaces"
- change: Remove code format option: "Delete continuous empty lines"
- fix: Current editor wouldn't get parsed, when it's switched from another editor being parsed.
- enhancement: Support macro in #include preprocessing statements.
- fix: In options -> code format -> Program, Choose astyle path button doesn't work.
- fix: project not correctly reparsed after rename unit.
- enhancement: support C++ 17 structured binding in stl map containers foreach loop.
- fix: Crash when has source line like "std::cout << (3+44>5(4+3)-1 && (4-3>5)) <<std::endl;".
- fix: The memory usage displayed after program execution is wrong.
- enhancement: New compiler option "stack size" in the link subpage.
- change: Set "Ctrl+G" as the shortcut for "Goto line..."
- change: Set "Ctrl+B" as the shortcut for "Toggle Bookmark"
- fix: Fail to evaluate expressions if macro can't be expanded.
- enhancement: New menu item "Code completion" in "Code" menu.
- fix: Can't compile / run assembly files in gcc 13/14 .
- enhancement: Show full filepath in the tooltip of editor tab.
Red Panda C++ Version 2.26
- enhancement: Code suggestion for embedded std::vectors.
- change: Use ctrl+mouseMove event to highlight jumpable symbols (instead of ctrl+tooltip).
- enhancement: Auto adjust position of the suggestion popup window.
- enhancement: Windows XP support ( by cyano.CN )
- fix: attribute is not correctly handled if it is after 'static'.
- enhancement: Parse files that contains C++ 20 'concept' keyword. (No code suggesion for concepts now)
- enhancement: Parse files that contains C++ 20 'requires' keyword.
- fix: Code suggestions in namespace.
- enhancement: Code suggestions for namespace alias.
- fix: Correctly handle statements like 'using xxx::operator()'.
- fix: Link in the project options dialog / precompiled header pages is not clickable.
- change: Don't change caret position when ctrl+click.
- fix: Should cd to working directory when debugging.
- change: Ensure the line just below caret is visible while moving caret.
- change: Set mouse cursor to hand pointing when it's on gutter.
- enhancement: Basic support for parsing variadic macros(macros that use VA_ARGS).
- enhancement: Better support for expanding macros with complex parameters.
- fix: Macros that defined by the compiler are not correctly syntax-colored and tooltiped.
- fix: Code suggestion for identifiers after '*' (eg. 3 * item->price) can't correct.
- fix: C++ compiler atrribute '[[xxx]]' are not correctly handled.
- fix: If the integrated gcc compiler is add to path, auto find compilers will find in twice. (Windows)
- enhancement: When induce type info for return value, try to select the overloaded one that doesn't have an "auto" type.
- enhancement: Hide symbols that contains "<>" in code suggestions.
- enhancement: Slightly reduce memory usage.
- change: In Options -> Language -> Generate Assembly, option "Don't generate SEH directives" default to True.
- change: In Options —> Editor -> Code Suggestion, option "Hide symbols starting with underscore" default to True.
- fix: Crash if include a non-exist header file in the source.
- fix: Line numbers for problem case input/output/expected texteditors are not vertically centered.
- enhancement: E-ink color scheme.
- fix: Use the system default encoding for input when running problem cases.
- change: Use qt.conf to use freetype font engine. User can use the windows default font engine by remove this file.
- fix: Click on the line begin may toggle breakpoint.
- change: Don't auto add; when completing '{' for lines starting with 'struct/union/enum' and ending with ')'
- Enhancement: Better support for macros.
- Enhancement: Better type induction for auto in foreach loop of maps.
- Enhancement: Better contrast for scroller slider in dark theme.
- Enhancement: Using lua script in themes.
- Enhancement: Add compiler hint add-on interface for packager.
- Enhancement: Loose some limit about platform/architecture (such as ASan).
- Enhancement: add support for Windows user-wide installation.
- Enhancement: add qmake variable to control preference of UTF-8 compatible OpenConsole.exe on Windows.
- Enhancement: add Windows arm64 package.
- Fix: Force to use debug server when debugging with lldb-mi to fix input/output on Windows.
- Fix: Can't goto definition/declaration into files that not saved.
- Fix: Expression that starts with full scoped variables might be treated as var definition.
- Enhancement: Don't auto-indent in raw string.
- Fix: Function list is not correctly retrived for full-scoped functions.
- Enhancement: Improved Raw string support
- Enhancement: New option for compiler set "Don't localize gcc output messages"
- Enhancement: Optimization for drawing scrollbars.
- Enhancement: Issue #213 Expands macro when finding function tips.
Red Panda C++ Version 2.25
- fix: Symbol completion of '(' before selection may fail, if cursor is at the beginning of the selection.
- change: Symbol completion of '{' won't insert extra new lines.
- fix: "move selection up/down" of whole lines selection are no correctly handled.
- enhancement: Improvement of terminal support ( by cyano.CN )
- enhancement: ANSI escape sequences Support in windows 10/11 ( by cyano.CN )
- enhancement: Option "Enable ANSI escape sequences Support" in Settings -> Executor
- change: Use freetype as the fontengine in windows ( by cyano.CN )
- fix: Custom compile options is not used when retrieve macros defined by the compiler.
- fix: Processing for #if/#elif/#else is not correct.
- Change: Empty project template won't auto create main.c/main.cpp
- enhancement: When creating project, warn user if the project folder is not empty.
- fix: Press '>' after '-' don't show completion suggestion info.
- fix: Icon position not correct under hiDPI devices and zoom factor >= 200%.
- enhancement: After compiler settings changed, run/debug current file will auto recompile.
- ehhancement: Show selected char counts in status bar.
- enhancement: Differentiate /* and /** when calculate auto indents.
- fix: crash when using ibus as the input method ( cyano.CN ).
- fix: Correctly handle project templates that have wrong unit counts.
- fix: Project recompiles for every run if auto increase build number is turned on.
- fix: Auto increase build number for project is not correctly processed.
Red Panda C++ Version 2.24
- fix: members of elements of stl maps are not correctly suggested.
- fix: memory view's cell size is too wide in linux.
- fix: Code completion doesn't work if "min id length to show completion" is not 1.
- fix: english typos. (thanks for sangiye0@github)
- fix: Goto definition/declaration may choose wrong symbol when multiple files are opened and symbols have the same name.
- fix: "UTF-8 BOM" can't be correctly loaded as project file's encoding.
- fix: Project file's encoding is not correctly updated after converted manually.
- enhancement: Press left/right arrow will move caret to the begin/end of the selection.
- enhancement: Press up/down arrow will move caret up/down from the begin/end of the selection.
- enhancement: Show progress dialog if the time for searching compilers is too long.
- fix: Dummy struct/enum symbols shouldn't be shown in the completion suggestion.
- enhancement: Support optional enum name.
- enhancement: Support optional enum type.
- enhancement: Support simple const expression evaluation for enum values.
- fix: Accessibilty for inherited members are not correct calculated in multiple inheritance.
- fix: Can't parse full class name when handle inheritance.
- fix: Can't parse virtual inherit.
- fix: Filename in the gcc 13.1 error messages when building project is using wrong encoding.
- change: Git support is disabled in the distributed buildings.
- fix: Wrong code suggestion while inputing numbers in assembly files.
- fix: Defines in all files are wrongly cleared when reparsing.
- change: New file created by file template is set as unmodified by default.
- change: Remove option "clear all symbols when current editor is hidden".
- fix: When opening multiple files, only the active file should be parsed.
- fix: Wrong compiler settings if xcode is not installed in mac os.
- enhancement: Name for new files will not be different from files openned.
- fix: Crash if close file while auto syntax checking.
- enhancement: Support sdcc compiler.
- enhancement: Autowrap tool output text.
- fix: Press up/down arrow key in the option dialog's left panel won't switch page.
- fix: Can't suggest header filename starting with numbers.
- enhancement: Better layout for compiler options page.
- enhancement: False branches are displayed as comments.
- enhancement: Support SDCC Project.
- enhancement: 3 compare mode for problem cases.
- fix: Can't find other compilers that in the same folder with gcc.
Red Panda C++ Version 2.23
- fix: When selection is availalbe, Ctrl+Click shouldn't jump to declaration/definition.
- enhancement: Code completion for '->' operator on std iterators.
- enhancement: Tooltip support for '->' operator on std iterators.
- enhancement: Close other editors.
- fix: Goto definition/Goto declaration/Info tips can't be correctly triggered when mouse pointer is at the last half character of current word.
- fix: Use "/" as path seperator when starting app by double clicking c/c++ files in the explorer.
- enhancement: differenciate -> and . when displaying completion suggestion infos.
- enhancement: improve code completion for std iterators defined with "using namespace std"
- enhancement: improve pointer calculation when inferencing type info
- enhancement: improve parsing for multiple vars defined in one line
- enhancement: improve parsing result for function parameters like 'Node (&node)[10]'
- fix: Can't copy by ctrl+dray&drop to current selection's begin/end
- enhancement: Support debug executable files generated by mingw-w64 gcc 13.1 and filepath contains non-ascii chars.
- enhancement: When deleteing files in the files/project view, try moving to the trash bin instead.
- fix: GNU assembly files (.s) are not shown in the files view.
- fix: "typedef struct" that don't have definition of the struct is not correctly parsed.
- enhancement: correctly highlight multiline raw string literals.
- enhancement: correctly highlight multiline string literals.
- change: remove "Assembly" color scheme item (it's not used anymore).
- fix: crash when parsing files containing inline assembly code.
- fix: crash when source files contains macro definitions like "#define cfun (cfun + 0)"
- improvement: Correctly expands multi-line macros when parsing;
- improvement: Correctly eppands macros when real param string contains '(' or ')'.
- enhancement: add "OI Wiki" and "turtle graphics tutorial" in help menu for zh_CN locale.
- fix: Replace panel should be hidden after finding occurrencies.
- enhancement: Show code completion suggestion after "typedef" and "const".
- fix: GLFW project template.
- fix: Inherited class/struct members are not correctly shown in the completion suggestions.
- enhancement: Sort symbols by their declaration pos in the Class Browser, if not sort by alpha order.
- fix: Keyword asm is not correctly parsed.
- fix: Tips for problem is not correctly displayed.
- enhancement: Folder mode in "File in files" dialog.
- enhancement: When open a file, test if it contains binary contains.
- enhancement: Correctly reformat C++ three-way comparision operator "<=>"
- enhancement: Auto insert spaces between #include and <> when reformat
- enhancement: Auto insert spaces between #include and "" when reformat
- fix: Click editor's gutter won't toggle breakpoint in KDE debian 12
- fix: "Toggle breakpoint " in the editor gutter's context menu doesn't work.
- fix: Shouldn't auto indent lines starts with "\".
- enhancement: When problem case's expected output is not too large (<= 5000 line), highlight text in the first different line in the expected output.
- enhancement: Highlight text in the first different line using the error color.
- enhancement: Add the option "redirect stderr to the Tools output panel" in the options dialog -> executor -> problem set page.
- fix: Can't correctly uncomment multiple "//" comment lines that doesn't have spaces at linestarts.
- fix: Autoindent for "{" is not correct.
- change: Don't print repeated values in gdb individually
- enhancement: Don't show "\000" of string values in the debug local variables panel.
Red Panda C++ Version 2.22
- fix: Crash at startup when current problem in the problem set is connected with source file.
- fix: Double-clicking on touchpad can't select current word.
- fix: foreach-loops are not correctly parsed.
- fix: '^' is not correctly handled as operator.
- fix: lambda expression is not correctly handled.
- fix: 'extension' should be ignored when parsing C/C++ codes.
- enhancement: show completion for return type of lambda expressions.
- enhancement: support function arguments like "int (&t)[]"
- change: Don't show error dialog when bookmark/debug configuration json files are empty.
- upgrade raylib to 4.5, raygui to 3.6
- enhancement: support -std=c++2d gcc parameter
- fix: vertice shader(.vs) and fragment shader(.fs) files can't be openned by double click in the project browser.
- enhancement: Add various menu items for cursor actions using Home/End/Page Up/Page Down keys.
- enhancement: Filter names in the shortcut config page of options dialog.
- fix: Typedef and using alias is not correctly handled in expression evaluation.
Red Panda C++ Version 2.21
- change: The option "Check for stack smashing attacks (-fstack-protector)" is turned off by default in the Debug compiler set settings.
- fix: Project makefile generated for C files is not correct.
- fix: Horizontal scroll by touchpad is not working.
- fix: Horizontal scroll by touchpad is inversed.
- fix: Error message when save bookmarks.
- enhancement: Auto skip ; and , when input.
- enhancement: Add 'characters' column in the file properties dialog.
- enhancement: Just keeping two digits after the decimal point for file size in the file properties dialog.
Red Panda C++ Version 2.20
- change: Remove the compiler set option "Syntax error when object larger than"
- fix: Projects created by some templates are not correct when editor's default encoding is not utf8.
- fix: File/Project visit histories are not correctly saved when clearing.
- fix: Octal numeric escape sequences is not correctly syntax highlighted.
- enhancement: Refine suggestion info when try debug and the compiler settings are not correct.
- enhancement: Open the options dialog/project options dialog when user want to correct compiler settings for debug.
- enhancement: Open project's option dialog instead of the option dialog, when click the compiler set settings button in the toolbar and the current editor is for project.
- enhancement: Reset project compile options when change compiler set in the project options dialog.
Red Panda C++ Version 2.19
- fix: Crash when directive line ends with '' and at the last line.
- fix: The option "Minimal indent for a continuous conditional beloning to a conditional header:" for formatter is not correct.
- fix: Crash when a project is removed from the disk while it is openned in RedPanda-C++.
- fix: The option "Open CPU info dialog when signal received" can't be correctly set in the options dialog's debugger page.
- fix: Crash when drag the selection beyond the end of the document.
- enhancement: Drag the selection beyond the end of the document, and move/copy it beyond the last line.
- enhancement: Open Containing folder will auto select the file in windows file explore.
- fix: Class constructor & destructor is not correctly handled.
- fix: Remove multiple files in the project panel is not correctly handled.
- fix: Reformat code when select contents in column mode will mess up the document.
- enhancement: Add "save as" icon to the toolbar.
- enhancement: Use key sequences as shortcut to actions in the options dialog's environment->shortcut page.
- change: Use ctrl+shift+S as the shortcut for "save as".
- change: Use ctrl+K,ctrl+S as the shortcut for "save all".
- fix: "Run all problem cases" with project is not correctly handled.
- fix: When adding files to project and there'are duplicates, the warning info is not complete.
- enhancement: Improve code completion suggestion for arrays.
- fix: File's real encoding is not correctly calculated when save it using system default encoding.
Red Panda C++ Version 2.18
- fix: macos icon size overgrown (by RigoLigo).
- enhancement: Code completion for embedded stl containers.
- enhancement: Slightly speed up code parsing.
- enhancement: Sort header completion infos by suffix-trimmed filename.
- fix: Code completion info for stl::map/std::unordered_map is not correct.
- enhancement: Warn user and stop compile if project has missing files.
- enhancement: Warn user when exit and save settings failed.
- change: Remove compiler set options that's rarely used.
- enhancement: Add option in the compiler set settings, to generate syntax error for large stack objects. (Enable for Debug settings by default)
- enhancement: Add option in the compiler set settings, to generate protection code for stack smashing attack. (Enable for Debug settings by default)
- enhancement: Add option in the compiler set settings, to enable address sanitizer. Not available in windows.(Enable for Debug settings by default)
- fix: The comboxbox to input search keyword in the search dialog is case insensitive.
- fix: The comboxbox to input replace text in the search dialog is case insensitive.
- fix: The comboxbox to input search keyword in the search in files dialog is case insensitive.
- fix: The comboxbox to input address expression in the debug panel's memory view is case insensitive.
- fix: The comboxbox to input evaluation expression in the debug panel is case insensitive.
- fix: The comboxbox to input replace text in the search panel is case insensitive.
- fix: None initialized std::vector is not correctly displayed in the gdb of the gcc distributed with redpanda-c++ (Windows 64bit).
- fix: Don't show completion info when input parameters for function definitions.
- fix: Don't show function info tips when typing class variable definitions.
- enhancement: Add option in the debug settings, to limit the length of the ouput generated by gdb for arrays.
- enhancement: Show shortcut info in toolbar's tooltip.
- change: Use F11 as the shortcut for "Run". (It's the old shortcut for "Compile&Run")
- fix: Crash when directive line ends with '' and at the last line.
Red Panda C++ Version 2.17
- enhancement: Add X86_64 AVX/AVX instruction descriptions to asm syntaxer.
- enhancement: Update x86 Assembly manual link to the newest website.
- enhancement: Add "New Text File" in the File menu
- enhancement: Add "address" in the memory view's mouse tip.
- enhancement: Show mousetip for numbers in the GNU assembly file.
- enhancement: Open offline gnu as/x86 assembly manual if exists.
- fix: Hex number with 'f' in not is not correctly colored.
- fix: After project's default encoding is changed in the project options dialog, all project files' encoding are wrongly setted to the new encoding.(They should be "Project default")
- enhancement: Make project's default encoding setting in the project options dialog more user friendly.
- fix: In project options dialog's file page, Project's default encoding name is not updated when it's changed.
- enhancement: Improve the compatibility with Dev-C++ for project configuations saved by Redpanda-C++.
- enhancement: Syntax color support for binaray integer literals.
- enhancement: Syntax color support for suffix in integer/float literals.
- fix: Cpu info window is auto openned, when debug using gdb-server.
- enhancement: Shift+Up in the first line will expand selection to the beginning of the line.
- enhancement: Shift+Down in the last line will expand selection to the end of the line.
- enhancement: If no selection, Ctrl+C (Copy) auto selects the current line and put the cursor to the beginning.
- fix: Chinese characters in the source code is not correctly displayed in the CPU info window.
- fix: Can't undo & save after copy by drag with mouse.
- fix: '::' is not correctly handled when skip to next ':' in the parser.
- fix: '::' is not correctly handled when parsing class definitions.
- enhancement: Don't show operator overloading functions in the complete suggestions
- enhancement: Correctly hanlde operator overloading functions like "operator ClassA"
Red Panda C++ Version 2.16
- fix: Project files that not in the project folder is not correctly handled in makefile.
- fix: Can't debug project when project is saved after it's compiled.
- fix: Icons for buttons in the cpu info dialog is not correctly set.
- fix: Can't locate the corresponding line in the generated asm file under linux.
- enhancement: Add cfi directives for asm syntaxer in linux.
- change: Editor option "Scroll past end of line" default to false.
- emhancement: Improve display of disassembled codes in the cpu info dialog.
- fix: Can't correctly parse function pointer var definition.
- enhancement: Improve support for function pointer typedefs.
- enhancement: Improve support for function pointer vars.
- enhancement: When first display two editor panes, auto make them the same width
- change: Don't rebuild the whole project when run/debug, if only contents of project unit file is modified.
- fix: rebuild may not work, if project's parallel build option is enabled.
- enhancement: Add "Close window" and "Move to other view" in the "Window" menu
- enhancement: Auto open CPU info dialog, if the program in debug is stopped at a position that have no source file.
- enhancement: "add watchpoint" when debug. It's hitted when the watch variable is modified, or it's out of scope.
- enhancement: Switch current call stack frame in the CPU info dialog
- fix: Shouldn't try evaluate value of the selection in the cpu info dialog.
- enhancement: Show oct/bin/bin value in the memory view's tooltip.
- fix: Hex float point literal is not correctly colored.
- fix: Problem's memory limit unit can't be correctly saved.
Red Panda C++ Version 2.15
- fix: Static class members is not correctly recognized as static.
- fix: Function with reference type return value is not correctly parsed.
- enhancement: Add description tooltips for x86 registers in the cpu info dialog.
- fix: Search dialog shouldn't have "prompt when replace".
- change: Default value for the debugger debugger panel "memory view's columns" is changed from 8 to 16.
- change: Default value for the debugger debugger panel "memory view's rows" is changed from 8 to 16.
- enhancement: Display hex value as ascii chars in the debugger panel memory view tab.
- fix: Word on the last line's end can't be searched.
- enhancement: Auto close other search/replace dialogs when start to search/replace.
- change: Remove "prompt when replace" in the replace.
- fix: Search/replace with regex is not correctly handled.
- enhancement: Show descriptions mouse tip for assebmly instructions. (editor / cpu info dialog)
- fix: When completing resigter names, an extra '%' is wrongly added.
- enhancement: Syntax check for assembly files.
- enhancement: Add "Languages" page group in the options dialog.
- enhancement: Add "ASM Generation" page in the options dialog.
- change: Move "Custom C/C++ keywords" from group "Editor" to "Lanauges" in the options dialog.
- change: Rename "Folder" page to "Folder / Reset default settings" in the options dialog.
- enhancement: Generate asm with/without SEH directives.
- enhancement: Generate asm using intel style/att style.
- enhancement: make description for jump/cmov/setb instructions more explicit. (used for signed or unsigned)
- fix: Lead and end spaces in search/replace text is wrongly trimmed.
- change: Merge search and replace to one dialog.
- fix: Search dialog's "Match whole word" option doesn't work with "Use Regular expresion".
- fix:Search dialog's "Close after search" option doesn't work.
- change: Fill the search dialog with the current selection if it's available.
Red Panda C++ Version 2.14
- change: Remove all breakpoints of the current non-project file, when it is closed.
- fix: Enum value defines is not correctly parsed.
- enhancement: Use differenct source file for each language in project templates
- fix: Ctrl+click is too sensitive.
- enhancement: Check and remove all non-exist breakpoints before debug a project
- change: Remove nasm support
- change: Don't stop debug when breakpoint can't be set
- fix: "Generate assembly" menu item is wrongly enabled for new GNU assembly files
- enhancement: New file templates for C / C++ / GAS files
- enhancement: Keep project compile warning & error infos in the issues table, before project file is edited.
Red Panda C++ Version 2.13
- fix: Only C/C++/GAS files can set breakpoints.
- Enhancement: Don't show breakpoints/watch related menuitems in context menu for non-C/C++/GAS files.
- Enhancement: Disable reformat code for non-C/C++ files.
- Enhancement: Support C11 anonymous struct/union
- fix: Can't debug when debug a file while other file has breakpoints
- change: Don't save breakpoints for non-project files
- Enhancement: Correctly init panel sizes when first run.
Red Panda C++ Version 2.12
- fix: Can't correctly load project's custom compile options, if it contains more than one line contents.
- fix: Crash when create or open txt files in project.
- enhancement: Code folding for #if/#endif
- enhancement: When folding "if", don't fold "else";
- fix: Confirm if recompile, when start to debug and project files has modifications.
- fix: Crash when debug project that has nasm files.
- enhancement: Generate debug info for nasm files in Linux/MacOS.
- enhancement: Compile/Run/Debug GAS source files.
- enhancement: Compile/Debug GAS source files in project.
- enhancement: Keyword completion for asm/GAS files.
- enhancement: If GAS source file has "_start" label, compile it with "-nostartfiles".
- fix: New non-saved filenames is wrongly saved in the last openfiles list.
- fix: File is parsed before editor is fully created.
- enhancement: New GAS File in the File Menu
- change: rename "New File" to "New C/C++ File"
- change: The default disassemble style of CPU Dialog is "AT&T" now.
- fix: Can't compile files with chinese characters in filenames using winlibs mingw gcc
- fix: If current editor is empty, parser will parse the file's content on the disk instead from the editor.
- fix: Can't show completion when cursor is after "char["
- change: Don't confirm rebuild/recompile when run/debug.
- fix: Can't parse enum values.
- fix: Can't correctly show enum values in the class browser.
- fix: Can't correctly create project, if template's encoding setting is not valid.
- enhancement: New "embed assembly" template.
- enhancement: New "Hello GAS" and "GAS and C" templates for linux and win64.
- fix: Wrong selection position after delete in column mode.
- enhancement: Syntax highlight and basic code completion for lua.
- enhancement: Basic code completion for xmake.lua.
- fix: Parser not correctly released if save a c file to non-c file.
- enhancement: Improve auto indent for embedding no-brace statements like for-for-if.
- enhancement: Toggle comment for asm/makefile/lua files.
- enhancement: Delay for tooltips.
- enhancement: "Tool tips delay" option in Options/editor/Tooltips
- change: Remove "Compile & Run" menu item. It's replaced by "Run".
- enhancement: Show "..." instead of "...}" when folding #if/#endif
- fix: Correctly handle high-precision mouse wheel / touchpad in editors.
- enhancement: Greatly reduce time to open/edit big files.
- enhancement: Reduce flicker when editing big files.
- enhancement: If executable doesn't have symbol table, inform user and stop.
- enhancement: If breakpoint is setted but executable doesn't have debug info ,inform user and stop.
- enhancement: If current compiler set has "strip addition infos(-s)" enabled, inform user and stop.
- enhancement: Auto create project custom executable folder if not existing.
Red Panda C++ Version 2.11
- fix: Can't correctly handle definitions for "operator,"
- enhancement: Auto suggest keyword "operator" when define functions.
- enhancement: Differentiate class and constructors in syntax color and jupming to declarations.
- enhancement: Improve parsing for operator overloading.
- fix: Parser can't correctly differentiate function and var initialization.
- fix: Respect encoding "Project default" when search/find occurrencies/open project units.
- enhancement: Show progress dialog when search/find occurrencies in large projects.
- enhancement: Improve auto indent.
- enhancement: Change the way to calculate execution time.
- enhancement: Auto reload openned project files that use "Project Default" as the encoding, when the project encoding setting is changed in the project options dialog.
- fix: Correctly handle files whose name contains spaces in the generated makefile.
- fix: Correctly handle custom obj folder in the generated makefile.
- enhancement: Support compile asm files using nasm in the project.
- fix: Project parser should not parse non-c/cpp files.
- enhancement: Add "assembler" tab in the project options dialog's custom compiler parameters.
- enhancement: Auto find nasm when detecting new compiler sets/adding gcc compiler sets.
- fix: preprocessors is not correctly suggested.
- fix: javadoc-style docstring is not correctly suggested
- enhancement: Better syntax color for asm files.
- enhancement: Add nasm.exe in the gcc distributed with RedPanda-CPP
- enhancement: Add assembly templates
Red Panda C++ Version 2.10
- fix: When restored from minimization, info on statusbar not correctly restored.
- enhancement: Changes of "auto backup editing contents" is applied immediately.
- enhancement: Don't create temp backup for readonly files.
- enhancement: Add "Help"/"Submit Iusses".
- enhancement: Add "Help"/"Document" for Simplified Chinese users.
- enhancement: Code Completion now respect compiler set's language standard settings.
- enhancement: Save project files' real encoding;
- enhancement: Use project files' real encoding information when generating the makefile.
- fix: If buttons in the options dialog / compiler / compiler set page is pressed, they won't release.
- enhancement: Confirm before remove a compiler set.
- enhancement: If there is "cppreference.chm" or "cppreference-%locale_name%.chm"(like cppreference-zh_CN.chm) in the redpanda C++'s app folder, open it instead of the cppreference website.
- enhancement: Use lldb-mi as the debugger.
- enhancement: Set lldb-mi as the debugger program for clang, when finding compiler set in folders and gdb doesn't exist.
- fix: Settings in Options/Tools/General is messed up when switching items in the list.
- fix: Infos in the status bar not correctly updated when editor closed.
- change: Project's encoding shouldn't be set to "auto detect"
- fix: Can't correctly set project file's encoding back to 'UTF-8'/'ANSI' in the project options dialog/files setting page.
- enhancement: Simplified chinese translations for encoding names.
- fix: Crash when there are preprocessing directives like '#if 0/0' or '#if 0%0'
- enhancement: Pause autosave timer when autosave new files.
Red Panda C++ Version 2.9
- enhancement: set caret to the corresponding line in the editor after "run"/"generate assembly"
- fix: syntax highlighting for cpp style line comment is not correct.
- fix: Save may crash app if the encoding codec is failed to load.
- enhancement: support open and save utf-16/utf-32 BOM files. (but gcc can't compile)
- enhancement: Add "auto backup editing contents" option in options/editor/auto save. Turned off by default.
- enhancement: If the "auto backup editing contents" option is turned on, auto save editing contents 3 seconds after input stopped. Auto delete when editor successfully closed)
- fix: rename project file will wrongly set it's encoding to 'ASCII';
- fix: Project's file encoding is wrongly set to 'AUTO' when load project.
Red Panda C++ Version 2.8
- fix: Crash when editing makefile
- enhancement: Add "Resources" in project option's dialog's custom compiler parameter page
- fix: Crash while input using input method in makefile
- enhancement: "Run" / "Generate Assembly" for project source files
- fix: Can't set project icon to "app.ico" in the project folder, if the project doesn't has icon.
- fix: Resource compilation items is missing in the auto generated makefile, if the project's icon is removed and re-added.
- fix: Action "Run all problem cases" is triggered twice by one clicked.
- enhancement: "Switch Header/Source" in editor title bar context menu.
- enhancement: "Toggle readonly" in the Edit menu.
- fix: Error When save project units' encoding settings.
- enhancement: Waiting for syntax parsers to finish before saving files, to prevent data lost caused by syntax parsering crash.
- fix: Restore main window and cpu info window will set wrong font in the cpu info.
- enhancement: Let encoding options in the statusbar more explicit.
- fix: Crash when find occurrences in a project that has missing files.
- enhancement: Print current selection can be used in the print dialog.
- enhancement: Print syntax colored content.
- enhancement: Correctly handle tab in the exported RTF.
- change: Disable undo limit by default.
- fix: "Goto declaration" / "Goto definition" / "Find occurences" not correctly disabled for non-c/c++ files.
- fix: Can't save new file using filename with custom suffix.
- fix: alt+shift+left/right can't select
- fix: Input any content will exit column mode.
- fix: Result of scope calculation not right if a for statement immediately follows another for statement.
- fix: Function parameters that is pointer,reference or array can't be correctly parsed.
- fix: In column mode, selection that contain lines with different length will cause error.
- enhancement: Rename symbols won't remove all breakpoints/bookmarks
- enhancement: Batch replace won't remove all breakpoints/bookmarks
- enhancement: Execute parameters can be used in debug.
- enhancement: Add "Open files in editor" in the search panel
- enhancement: Auto disable the "in project" option in the "search in files" dialog, if no project is opened.
- enhancement: Auto disable the "search again" button in the search panel if the current search history item is search in the project, and no project is opened.
Red Panda C++ Version 2.7
- enhancement: Remove multiple problems in the problem set view
- enhancement: Clear the problem view after a new problem set created
- enhancement: "Trim trailing spaces" (Before saving a file) in options / editor / misc
- enhancement: "Trim trailing spaces" in code menu
- change: Don't auto disable compile and debug buttons for compiler sets that don't have compiler/debugger programs.
- enhancement: Better error messages for missing compile/debug/make programs.
- fix: Lost compiler set settings if a compiler set's bin dirs is empty.
- enhancement: Better error message when trying to debug with Release compile set.
- enhancement: Add missing space char color settings in color schemes
- enhancement: Export FPS (free problem set) files.
- enhancement: Run all cases button not correct disabled when no case exits.
- enhancement: Speed up remove problems.
- fix: "Compile" button disabled after app start with an empty new file.
- enhancement: Don't add "-g3" option when generate assembely.
- enhancement: Generate assembly is not correctly disabled when current file is not C/C++.
- change: Disable "Copy Limit" int "options"/"editor"/"Copy/Export" by default.
- fix: Project's "static link" option is overwrited by global compiler set settings, when project options dialog is opened.
- fix: Icon size not correct under macOS high DPI / zoom factor settings.
- enhancement: "Icon zoom" in options / environment / appearance
- enhancement: "Line Spacing" in options / editor / font
- enhancement: "Show whitespaces" in options / editor / font
- enhancement: Auto add "lib" to the output of static/dynamic library projects, if project name don't start with "lib".
- fix: Makefile error when "Use precompiled header" is enabled in the project option dialog.
- enhancement: "Convert HTML for - Input" / "Convert HTML for - Expected" in "Options" - "Executor" - "Problem Set"
- fix: Unit for memory limit is not correctly loaded when open problem properties dialog.
- enhancement: Auto open the properties dialog, after add a new problem.
Red Panda C++ Version 2.6
- enhancement: Highlighter for makefiles
- fix: QSortFilterProxyModel not correctly cleared when exiting and project closed. (ASSERT fails in DEBUG mode.)
- enhancement: Windows installers now use UNICODE encoding.
- fix: Can't correctly show code suggestions after "template <"
- enhancement: Better code completion support for macros
- fix: Paste not enabled when create a new file and system clipboard is empty.
- enhancement: Auto rebuild when project's compiler set changed.
- enhancement: When current file is the project's makefile, show project's compiler set in the toolbar.
- enhancement: Prevent error of "del" to stop make when rebuild project.
- enhancement: Import FPS (free problem set) files.
- enhancement: Show current problem's description in the problem list's mouse tip.
- enhancement: Show memory usage for problem cases (windows only).
- enhancement: Show memory usage after console program exited.
- fix: If clang and g++ are in the same folder, only the compiler sets for gcc are auto generated.
- fix: Buttons in options -> compiler -> compiler set -> programs are not usable.
- enhancement: Don't check existence of gcc/g++/make/gdb at startup.
- enhancement: Auto disable "compile" button if gcc doesn't exist.
- enhancement: Auto disable "debug" button if gdb doesn't exist.
- enhancement: Auto disable "compile" button for project if make doesn't exist.
- fix: Crash when scroll file which has more than 65535 lines.
- fix: Can't scroll to lines greater than 65535.
Red Panda C++ Version 2.5
- enhancement: New color scheme Monokai (contributed by 小龙Dev(XiaoLoong@github))
- enhancemnet: Add "Reserve word for Types" item in color scheme
- enhancement: Auto save / load problem set
- enhancement: Project's custom compile include/lib/bin directory is under folder of the app, save them using the path relative to the app
- enhancement: Slightly reduce memory usage
- enhancement: Options -> editor -> custom C/C++ type keywords page
- change: Default value of option "Editors share one code analyzer" is ON
- change: Default value of option "Auto clear symbols in hidden editors" is OFF
- enhancement: Show completion suggest for "namespace" after "using"
- fix: MinGW-w64 gcc displayed as "MinGW GCC"
- enhancement: Deduce type info for "auto" in some simple cases for stl containers.
- fix: Crash when no semicolon or left brace after the keyword "namespace"
- fix: Can't correctly show completion suggest for type with template parameters
- enhancement: Show compltion suggest for std::pair::first and std::pair second
- enhancement: Disable "run" and "debug" actions when current project is static or dynamic library
- enhancement: Add "Generate Assembly" in "Run" Menu
- enhancement: Improve highlighter for asm
- enhancement: Use asm highlighter in cpu window
- fix: "AT&T" radio button not correctly checked in cpu window
- enhancement: Remove blank lines in the register list of cpu window.
- fix: Cpu window's size not correctly saved, if it is not closed before app exits.
- fix: Can't restore cpu window's splitter position.
Red Panda C++ Version 2.4
- fix: Contents in class browser not correctly updated when close the last editor for project.
- fix: When all editors closed, switch browser mode dosen't correct update the class browser;
- fix: "check when open/save" and "check when caret line changed" in Options Dialog / Editor / Syntax Check don't work
- fix: Crash when editing a function at the end of file without ; or {
- enhancement: Add the "parsing TODOs" option in Options Dialog / Editor / Misc
- enhancement: Remove todos/bookmarks/breakpoints when deleting file from project
- enhancement: Rename filenames in todos/bookmarks/breakpoints when renaming project file
- enhancement: Rename filenames in bookmarks/breakpoints after a file is save-ased.
- fix: Can't goto definition of classes and namespaces displayed in the class browser on whole project mode.
- fix: macro defines parsed before not correctly applied in the succeeding parse.
- fix: function pointers not correctly handle in code parser;
- fix: var assignment not correctly handled in code parser;
- fix: function args not correctly handled in code parser;
- fix: crash when alt+mouse drag selection
- enhancement: show completion tips for when define a function that already has a declaration.
- enhancement: Use relative paths to save project settings
- fix: Layout for project options dialog's general page is not correct.
- fix: modifitions in the project options dialogs's dll host page is not correctly saved.
- enhancement: In the project options dialog, autoset the default folder in the openning dialog when choosing file/directory paths.
- fix: Escape suquences like \uxxxx and \Uxxxxxxxx in strings are not correctly highlighted.
- enhancement: Search / replace dialogs redesigned.
- fix: inline functions are not correctly parsed;
- fix: &operator= functions are not correctly parsed;
- fix: Code Formatter's "add indent to continueous lines" option is not correctly saved.
- fix: _Pragma is not correctly handled;
- enhancement: improve parse result for STL
- change: the default value for UI font size : 11
- change: the default value for add leading zeros to line numbers : false
- upgrade integrated rturtle. fix: nothing is drawed when set background color to BLACK
- upgrade integrate fmtlib. fix: imcompatible with GBK encoding
Red Panda C++ Version 2.3
- fix: When start parsing and exit app, app may crash
- enhancement: add "Allow parallel build" option in project option dialog's custom compile options page
- fix: crash when rename project file
- fix: When remove project file, symbols in it not correctly removed from code parser
- fix: infos in class browser (structure panel) not correctly updated when add/create/remove/rename project files
Red Panda C++ Version 2.2
- enhancement: basic code completion support for C++ lambdas
- enhancement: slightly reduce parsing time
- fix: Wrong charset name returned when saving file
- fix: 'using =' / 'namespace =' not correctly handled
- fix: Pressing '*' at begin of line will crash app
- enhancement: switch header/source in editor's context menu
- enhancement: base class dropdown list in new class dialog now works
- fix: Edting / show context menu when code analyzer is turned off may crash app.
- fix: Show context menu when edting non c/c++ file may crash app.
- fix: Project Options Dialog's Files panel will crash app.
- fix: Memory usage of undo system is not correctly calculated, which may cause undo items lost
- fix: Set max undo memory usage to 0 don't really remove the limit for undo
- fix: Set max undo times to 0 don't really remove the limit for undo
- fix: Keep the newest undo info regardless of undo memory usage
- fix: inline functions not correctly handled by parser
- fix: &operator= not correctly handled by parser
Red Panda C++ Version 2.1
- fix: editors that not in the editing panel shouldn't trigger switch breakpoint
- fix: editors that not in the editing panel shouldn't show context menu
- enhancement: add "editors share one code parser" in "options" / "editor" / "code completion", to reduce memory usage. Turned off by default on PCs with memory > 4G; Force turned on PCs with memory < 1G.
- enhancement: add "goto block start"/"goto block end" in "Code" menu
- add fmtlib to the gcc compiler's lib distributed with RedPanda IDE windows version
- add default autolink for fmtlib in Windows
- reduce size of the executable of win-git-askpass tool
- change: remove "Optimize for the following machine" and "Optimize less, while maintaining full compatibility" options in the compiler setting panel, which are obseleted.
- change: escape spaces in the executabe path under linux.
- fix: Before run a project's executable, we should check timestamp for project files AND modification states of files openned in editor.
- change: Don't turn on "Show some more warnings (-Wextra)" option by default for DEBUG compiler set
- fix: Changes mainwindows's compiler set combobox not correctly handled for project
- change: Don't localize autogenerated name for new files and new project (new msys2 gcc compiler can't correctly handle non-ascii chars in filenames)
- change: rename "file" Menu -> "New Source File" to "New File"
Red Panda C++ Version 2.0
- redesign the project parser, more efficient and correct
- enhancement: todo parser for project
- fix: save/load bookmark doesn't work
- fix: if project has custom makefile but not enabled, project won't auto generate makefile.
- fix: File path of Issues in project compilation is relative, and can't be correctly marked in the editors.
- fix: editor & class browser not correct updated when editor is switched but not focused
- enhancement: show all project statements in the class browser
- fix: namespace members defined in multiple places not correctly merged in the class browser
- fix: correctly display statements whose parent is not in the current file
- fix: statements is the class browser is correctly sorted
- enhancement: Weither double click on the class browser should goto definition/declaration, depends on the current cursor position
- enhancement: keep current position in the class browser after contents modified
- fix: "." and ".." in included header paths not correctly handled
- reduce memory usage when deciding file types
- enhancement: refresh project view for git status won't redraw project structure
- enhancement: auto save project options after the compilerset option for project resetted
- enhancement: "." and ".." in paths of issues not correctly handled
- enhancement: auto locate the last opened file in the project view after project creation
- enhancement: separate compiler's language standard option for C / C++
- fix: compiler settings not correctly handled when create makefile
- enhancement: auto locate current open file in the project view panel
- enhancement: when closing project, prevent all editors that belongs to the project check syntax and parse todos.
- enhancement: add "auto reformat when saving codes" in "Options" / "Editor" / "Misc" (off by default)
- enhancement: use "todo" and "fixme" as the keyword for TODO comments
- fix: rules for obj missing in the makefile generated for project
- enhancement: before run a project'executable, check if there's project file newer than the executable
- enhancement: when create a new folder in the files view, auto select that folder and rename it
- enhancement: when new header in the project view, auto select basename in the filename dialog
- enhancement: when add file in the project view, auto select basename in the filename dialog
- change: Don't generate localized filename when new header/add file in the project view
- fix: Restore project's original compiler set if user choose 'No' in the confirm project compiler set change dialog.
- fix: Encoding info in the status bar not correctly updated when save a new file
- enhancement: auto sort TODO items
- fix: Correctly set file's real encoding to ASCII after saving
- fix: selection's position not correctly set after input a char / insert string (and causes error under OVERWRITE mode)
- fix: editors that not in the editing panel should not be syntax checked/ todo parsed/ code analyzed
- fix: editors that not in the editing panel should not trigger breakpoint/bookmark/watch switch
Red Panda C++ Version 1.5
- fix: project files that lies in project include folder is wrongly openned in Read-only mode
- enhancement: add/new/remove/rename project files won't rebuild project tree
- fix: gliches in UI's left panel in some OS
- fix: correctly restore project layout when reopen it
- change: new syntax for project layout files
- change: clear tools output panel when start to compile
- change: don't show syntax check messages in the tools output panel (to reduce longtime memory usage)
- fix: minor memory leaks when set itemmodels
- fix: threads for code parsing doesn't correctly released when parsing finished ( so and the parsers they use)
- enhancement: save project's bookmark in it's own bookmark file
- enhancement: project and non-project files use different bookmark view (auto switch when switch editors)
- enhancement: auto merge when save bookmarks.
- enhancement: add option "max undo memory usage" in the options / editor / misc page
- fix: icons in options dialogs not correctly updated when change icon set
- enhancement: set compilation stage in the options / compiler set pages
- enhancement: set custom compilation output suffix in the options / compiler set pages
- enhancement: project and non-project files use different breakpoint and watchvar view (auto switch when not debugging and editor switched)
- enhancement: save project's breakpoint and watchvar in it's own debug file.
- enhancement: delete a watch expression don't reload who watch var view
- enhancement: auto save/restore debug panel's current tab
- fix: correctly restore left(explorer) panel's current tab
- enhancement: auto close non-modified new editor after file/project openned;
- fix: project files openned by double click in bookmark/breakpoint panel may cause app crash when closed.
- fix: When open a project that's already openned, shouldn't close it.
- enhancement: When open a project, let user choose weither open it in new window or replace the already openned project
- fix: editor tooltip for #include_next is not correctly calculated
- fix: ctrl+click on #include_next header name doesn't open the right file
- enhancement: parser used for non-project C files won't search header files in C++ include folders.
- fix: toggle block comment/delete to word begin/delete to word end are not correctly disabled when editor not open
- fix: index out of range in cpp highlighter
- fix: memory leak in code folding processing
- change: add/remove/new project file won't save all openned project files.
- fix: save all project files shouldn't trigger syntax check in inactive editors
Red Panda C++ Version 1.4
- fix: "Encode in UTF-8" is not correctly checked, when the editor is openned using UTF-8 encoding.
- fix: crash when create non C/C++ source file in project
- fix: can't open text project file in the editor
- change: when create non-text project file, don't auto open it
- fix: the project compiler options is not correctly read when open old dev-c++ project
- fix: astyle.exe can't correctly format files that using non-ascii identifier
- fix: when "cleary symbol table of hidden editors" is turned on, content in the editor reshown is not correctly parsed
Red Panda C++ Version 1.3
- enhancement: don't parse all openned files when start up
- enhancement: don't parse files when close all and exit
- change: reduce time intervals for selection by mouse
- enhancement: change orders of the problems in the problem set panel by drag&drop
- enhancement: change orders of the problem cases in the problem panel by drag&drop
- fix: the size of horizontal caret is wrong
Red Panda C++ Version 1.2
- enhancement: Portuguese Translation ( Thanks for crcpucmg@github)
- fix: files in network drive is opened in readonly mode
- change: reorganization templates in subfolders
- enhancement: create template from project
- fix: can't correctly set project icon
- fix: can't set shortcut that contains shift and non-alphabet characters
Red Panda C++ Version 1.1.6
- fix: block indent doesn't work
- fix: selection is not correctly set after input in column mode
- fix: in #if, defined without () not correctly processed
- enhancement: don't show cpp defines when editing c files
- enhancement: choose default language when first run
- fix: Drag&Drop no correctly disabled for readonly editors
- enhancement: disable column mode in readonly editors
- fix: inefficient loop when render long lines
- fix: indents for "default" are not the same with "case"
- fix: (wrongly) use the default font to calculate non-ascii characters' width
- change: switch positions of problem case output and expected output
Red Panda C++ Version 1.1.5
- change: uncheck "hide unsupported files" in files view shouldn't gray out non-c files
- enhancement: double clicking a non-text file in the files view, will open it with external program
- enhancement: double clicking a non-text file in the project's view, will open it with external program
- fix: correctly update the start postion of selection after code completion
- enhancement: add a demo template for raylib/rdrawing predefined colors
- enhancement: add select current word command in the Selection menu
- change: add Selection menu
- enhancement: add memory view rows/columns settings in the settings dialog -> debugger -> general panel
- enhancement: add "Go to Line..." in the Code menu
- fix: "Timeout for problem case" can't be rechecked, in the Settings Dialog -> executor -> problem set panel.
- fix: bug in the project template
- change: sort local identifiers before keywords in the auto completion popup
- fix: can't create folder in files view, if nothing is selected
- fix: can't find the gcc compiler, if there are gcc and clang compilers in the same folder
Red Panda C++ Version 1.1.4
- enhancement: prohibit move selection up/down under column mode
- enhancement: prohibit move selection up/down when the last line in selection is a folded code blocks
- enhancement: check validity of selection in column mode when moving caret by keyboard
- enhancement: check validity of selection in column mode when moving caret by mouse
- enhancement: only allow insert linebreak at the end of folded code block
- enhancement: only allow delete whole folded code block
- refactor of undo system
- fix: calculation of the code block ranges when inserting/deleting
- fix: undo chains
- enhancement: prevent group undo when caret position changed
- fix: undo link break may lose leading spaces
- fix: correctly restore editor's modified status when undo/redo
- enhancement: set current index to the folder after new folder created in the files view
- enhancement: resort files in the files view after rename
Red Panda C++ Version 1.1.3
- fix: wrong auto indent calculation for comments
- enhancement: position caret at end of the line of folded code block
- enhancement: copy the whole folded code block
- enhancement: delete the whole folded code block
- fix: correctly update the folding state of code block, when deleted
- change: just show one function hint for overloaded functions
- update raylib to 4.2-dev
- update raylib-drawing to 1.1
- add "raylib manual" in the help menu
Red Panda C++ Version 1.1.2
- enhancement: use different color to differenciate folder and headers in completion popup window
- enhancement: auto add "/" to folder when completing #include headers
- enhancement: add the option "Set Encoding for the Executable" to project's compiler options
- fix: can't correctly compile when link params are seperated by line breaks
- fix: select all shouldn't set file's modified flag
- enhancement: add (return)type info for functions/varaibles/typedefs in the class browser panel
- enhancement: autolink add "force utf8" property (mainly for raylib)
- change: position caret to (1,1) when create a new file using editor's new file template
Red Panda C++ Version 1.1.1
- enhancement: adjust the appearance of problem case's input/output/expected control
- change: swap position of problem case's output and expected input controls
- enhancement: when problem case panel is positioned at right, problem case's input, output and expected controls is layouted vertically
- enhancement: add ignore spaces checkbox in problem cases panel
- fix: can't paste contents copied from Clion/IDEA/PyCharm
- fix: project don't have compiler set bin folder setting
- fix: when run/debug the executable, add current compiler set's bin folders to path
- fix: when open in shell, add current compiler set's bin folders to path
- fix: when debug the executable using gdb server, add current compiler set's bin folders to path
- fix: reduce height of the message panel when dragging from right to bottom
- fix: when messages panel is docked at right, its width not correctly restored when restart.
Red Panda C++ Version 1.1.0
- enhancement: when ctrl+mouse cursor hovered an identifier or header name, use underline to highlight it
- enhancement: mark editor as modified, if the editing file is changed by other applications.
- enhancement: When the editing files is changed by other applications, only show one notification dialog for each file.
- fix: c files added to a project will be compiled as c++ file.
- enhancement: restore caret position after batch replace
- enhancement: rename in files view's context menu
- enhancement: delete in files view's context menu
- change: drag&drop in files view default to move
- fix: rename macro doesn't work in project
- fix: undo doesn't work correctly after rename symbole & reformat
- fix: can't remove a shortcut
- enhancement: hide all menu actions in the option dialog's shortcut panel
- enhancement: add 'run all problem cases' / 'run current problem case' / 'batch set cases' to the option dialog's shortcut panel
- enhancement: more templates for raylib
- fix: compiler settings not correctly saved
Red Panda C++ Version 1.0.10
- fix: modify watch doesn't work
- fix: make behavior consistent in adding compiler bindirs to Path (thanks for brokencuph@github)
- enhancement: basic MacOS support ( thanks for RigoLigoRLC@github)
- fix: #define followed by tab not correctly parsed
- enhancement: don't auto add () when completing C++ io manipulators ( std::endl, std::fixed, etc.)
- fix: can't goto to definition of std::endl
- fix: errors in the calculation of cut limit
- enhancement: new turtle library based on raylib ( so it can be used under linux)
- fix: autolink calculation not stable
Red Panda C++ Version 1.0.9
- fix: selection in column mode not correctly drawn when has wide chars in it
- fix: delete & insert in column mode not correctly handled
- fix: input with ime in column mode not correctly handled
- fix: copy & paste in column mode not correctly handled
- fix: crash when project name is selected in the project view and try create new project file
- change: panels can be relocated
- fix: tab icon not correct restore when hide and show a panel
- fix: the hiding state of the tools output panel is not correctly saved
- enhancement: add "toggle explorer panel" and "toggle messages panel" in "view" menu
- fix: cursor is wrongly positioned when insert code snippets that don't have placeholders
- fix: "run current cases" dosen't correctly display real output
Red Panda C++ Version 1.0.8
- enhancement: auto complete '#undef'
- enhancement: redesign components for compiler commandline arguments processing
- fix: selection calculation error when editing in column mode
- enhancement: add compiler commandline argument for "-E" (only preprocessing)
- enhancement: auto set output suffix to ".expanded.cpp" when compiler commandline argument for "-E" is turned on
- enhancement: auto set output suffix to ".s" when compiler commandline argument for "-S" is turned on
- enhancement: show error message when user set a shortcut that's already being used.
- enhancement: adjust scheme colors for "dark" and "high contrast" themes
- enhancement: can debug files that has non-ascii chars in its path and is compiled by clang
- fix: when debugging project, default compiler set is wrongly used
Red Panda C++ Version 1.0.7
- change: use Shift+Enter to break line
- change: highlight whole #define statement using one color
- enhancement: don't highlight '' as error
- enhancement: hide add charset option in project options dialog's compiler set page, when project compiler set is clang
- fix: When generating project's makefile for clang, don't add -fexec-charset / -finput-charset command line options
- fix: index of the longest line not correctly updated when inputting with auto completion open
- enhancement: support UTF-8 BOM files
- enhancement: add new tool button for "compiler options"
- fix: keyword 'final' in inhertid class definition is not correctly processed
- change: stop generating 'profile' compiler set
Red Panda C++ Version 1.0.6
- fix: gcc compiler set name is not correct in Linux
- enhancement: hide add charset option when the currect compiler set is clang
- enhancement: auto check the c project option in the new project dialog
- change: use "app.ico" as default name for the project icon file
- fix: c file should use CC to build in the auto generated makefile
- enhancement: package script for msys2 clang
- enhancement: auto set problem case's expected output file which has "ans" as the suffix, when batch set cases
- fix: use utf8 as the encoding for clang's error output
- fix: correctly parse link error message for clang
Red Panda C++ Version 1.0.5
- enhancement: add autolink and project template for sqlite3
- enhancement: add sqlite3 lib to the gcc in distribution
- enhancement: improve the matching of function declaration and definitions
- fix: research button doesn't show find in files dialog
- enhancement: add project template for libmysqlclient(libmariadbclient)
- enhancement: add libmysqlclient to the x86-64 version gcc in distribution
- enhancement: select and delete multiple watches
- enhancement: add project templates for tcp server / tcp client
- enhancement: only show function tips when cursor is after ',' or '('.
- enhancement: when auto complete function names, only append '(' if before identifier or "/'
- update highconstrast icon set
- fix: index of the longest line not correctly updated when insert/delete multiple lines ( which will cause selection errors)
Red Panda C++ Version 1.0.4
- fix: hide function tips, when move or resize the main window
- enhancement: add help link for regular expression in search dialog
- enhancement: remember current problem set's filename
- enhancement: F1 shorcut opens offcial website
- enhancement: don't auto complete '(', if the next non-space char is '(' or ident char
- enhancement: if a project's unit encoding is the same with project's encoding, don't save its encoding
- fix: files will be saved to default encoding inspite of its original encoding
- fix: parenthesis skip doesn't work when editing non-c/c++ files
- enhancement: prefer local headers over system headers when complete #include header path
- fix: tab/shift+tab not correctly handled in options dialog's code template page
- enhancement: batch set cases ( in problem case table's context menu )
- enhancement: add Portugese translation
- fix: crash when eval statements like "fsm::stack fsm;"
- enhancement: add Traditional Chinese translation
- fix: index of the longest line not correctly updated ( which will cause selection errors)
- fix: scroll bar not correctly updated when collapse/uncollapse folders
- fix: parse error for definition of functions whose return type is pointer
- enhancement: add library in project option dialog's compile options page
Red Panda C++ Version 1.0.3
- fix: when oj problem grabbed by competitive companion received, the app is restored to normal state, no matter it's current state.
- enhancement: input shortcut in the option dialog's general -> shortcut page by pressing keys.
- enhancement: shift+ctrl+down/up to move currenlt selection lines up / down
- fix: can't compile under linux
- enhancement: support Devcie Pixel Ratio ( for linux )
- fix: crash when editing txt file and input symbol at the beginning of a line
- fix: ctrl+shift+end doesn't select
- fix: don't show tips in the editor, when selecting by mouse
- fix: auto syntax check doesn't work for new files
- change: don't auto jump to the first syntax error location when compile
- enhancement: don't show folders that doesn't contain files in the project view
- enhancement: redesigned new project unit dialog
- fix: some dialog's icon not correctly set
- fix: can't build project that has source files in subfolders
- fix: can't build project that has custom object folder
- fix: buttons in the project option dialog's output page don't work
- fix: don't add non-project header files to makefile's object rules
- change: add glm library in the integrated gcc
Red Panda C++ Version 1.0.2
- enhancement: press tab in column mode won't exit column mode
- enhancement: refine behavior of undo input space char
- enhancement: better display when input with IM under column mode
- enhancement: better display current lines under column mode
- change: test to use utf-8 as the default encoding (prepare to use libclang to implement parser)
- fix: auto syntax check fail, if the file is not gbk and includes files encoded with utf8
- enhancement: timeout for problem case test
- enhancement: slightly reduce start up time
- enhancement: use icon to indicate missing project files in the project view
- enhancement: display problem case running time
- enhancement: set problem case input/expected output file
- enhancement: auto position cursor in expected with output's cursor
- enhancement: display line number in problem case's input/output/expected input controls
- enhancement: only tag the first inconstantency when running problem case, to greatly reduce compare & display time
- fix: can't stop a freeze program that has stdin redirected.
- enhancement: context menu for problem cases table
- fix: error in auto generate makefile under linux
- fix: when open a project, and it's missing compiler set getten reset, it's modification flag is not correctly set.
- fix: vector vars can't be expanded in the watch panel
- change: use qt's mingw 8.1 (32bit) and 11.2 (64bit) in distributions, to provide better compatibility with simplified chinese windows.
- fix: crash when rename an openned file, and choose "no" when ask if keep the editor open
- change: only auto complete symbol '(' when at line end, or there are spaces or right ')' '}' ']'after it
- fix: mouse drag may fail when start drag at the right half of the selection's last character
Red Panda C++ Version 1.0.1
- fix: only convert project icon file when it's filename doesn't end with ".ico"
- fix: hide function tip when scroll
- fix: short cut for goto definition/declaration doesn't work
- enhancement: press alt to switch to column selection mode while selection by mouse dragging in editor
- fix: order for parameters generated by auto link may not correct
- fix: corresponding '>' not correctly removed when deleting '<' in #include line
- enhancement: shortcut for goto definition/declaration
- change: ctrl+click symbol will goto definition, instead of got declaration
- fix: when size of undo items is greater than the limit, old items should be poped in group
- enhancement: max undo size in option dialog's editor->misc tab
- fix: when editor font is too small, fold signs on the gutter are not correctly displayed
- fix: expand fold signs on the gutter are not correct
- enhancement: auto restore mainwindow when open files in one instance
- fix: the problem & problem set panel can't be correctly , if problem set is enabled
- fix: disable code completion doesn't correctly disable project parser
- enhancement: slightly reduce memory usage for code parser
- enhancement: switch capslock won't cancel code completion
- enhancement: double click on item in code completion list will use it to complete
- fix: goto declaration by ctrl+click will incorrectly select contents
- fix: input may cause error, if selection in column mode and begin/end at the same column
- enhancement: draw cursor for column mode
- enahcnement: edit/delete in multiline ( column mode), press ese to exit
Red Panda C++ Version 1.0.0
- fix: calculation for code snippets's tab stop positions is not correct
- fix: Refresh files view shouldn'tchange open/save dialog's default folder
- enhancement: "locate in files view" will request user's confirmation when change the working folder
- enhancement: adjust tab order in the find dialog
- enhancement: highlight hits in the find panel's result list
- enhancement: optimize startup time
- fix: batch replace in file doesn't respect item check states in the find panel
- enhancement: option for default file encoding in "option" dialog's "editor"->"misc" tab
- enhancement: auto detect "gbk" encoding when running in zh_CN locale under Linux
- enhancement: disable encoding submenu when editor closed
- enhancement: clear infos in the status bar when editor closed
- fix: wrong selection when drag & dropped in editor
- enhancement: toggle block comment
- fix: syntax color of #include header filenames not correct
- enhancement: disable "code completion" will disable enhanced syntax highlight
- enhancement: match bracket
- enhancement: Linux convert to "gbk"/"gb18030" encodings when run under "zh_CN" locale
- fix: when no selection, copy/cut should auto select whole line with the line break
- fix: redo cut with no selection while make whole line selected
- fix: correctly reset caret when redo cut with no selection
- enhancement: close editor when middle button clicked on it's title tab
- fix: error when insert text in column mode
- fix: error when delete contents in column mode on lines that has wide-chars
- fix: error when create folder in files view
- fix: "ok" button should be disabled when no template selected in new project dialog
- fix: saveas an openned project file shouldn't be treated as rename
- enhancement: auto add parentheis when complete function like MARCOs
- fix: wrong font size of exported RTF file
- fix: correct tokenize statements like "using ::memcpy";
- fix: wrong font size of exported HTML file
- fix: parse error in avxintrin.h
- fix: switch disassembly mode doesn't update contents
- fix: if there is a Red Panda C++ process running program, other Red Panda C++ processes can't run program correctly.
- enhancement: ctrl+enter insert a new line at the end of current line
- enhancement: create file in files view
- fix: hits in the search view not correctly displayed (overlapped with others)
- enhancement: auto convert project icon to ico format
- fix: correctly reparse modified project files when rename symbol
- change: remove shortcuts for line/column mode
Red Panda C++ Version 0.14.5
- fix: the "gnu c++ 20" option in compiler set options is wrong
- enhancement: option "open files in the same red panda C++ instance", in options->environment->file associations
- enhancement: hide unsupported files in files view
- fix: can't correctly set break conditions
- fix: crash when copy to non-c files
- fix: fonts in cpu window is not correctly set, when dpi changed
- enhancement: enable group undo
- enhancement: add option "hide symbols start with underscore" and "hide synbols start with two underscore"
- fix: can't rename project files that not openned in editor
- enhancement: group undo will stop at spaces
- fix: menu font size is wrong when dpi changed
- enhancement: better processing of symbol completion
- enhancement: better support of ligatures
- enhancement: use the expression evaluation logic to handle "goto declaration"/"goto definition"
- enhancement: reduce startup time by about 1 second.
- enhancement: add option "mouse selection/drag scroll speed" in the options dialog's "Editor" / "general" tab.
- fix: the scroll speed of mouse selection/drag is too fast.
- fix: the scroll behavior of mouse dragging on the editor's edge is not correct
- fix: calculation of caret position is not in consistence.
- fix: undo one symbol completion as a whole operation
- fix: crash when open a project that contains custom folder
- enhancement: symbol completion when editor has selection
- fix: save project's layout shouldn't modify the project file
- enhancement: use expression processing in syntax highlighting for identifiers
- fix: if a function's declaration can't be found, it will be wrongly highlighted as variable
- change: "locate in files view" won't change the working folder, if current file is in subfolders of the working folder
- enhancement: hide function tips, when input method is visible
Red Panda C++ Version 0.14.4
- enhancement: git - log
- fix: error in templates
- enhancement: git - reset
- fix: header completion error when header name contains '+'
- enhancement: clear history in file -> recent menu
- enhancement: close project in project view's context menu
- enhancement: auto find compiler sets when run for the first time
- enhancement: git - remotes
- enhancement: rename "open folder" to "choose working folder"
- enhancement: let user choose app theme when first run
- enhancement: git - pull / push / fetch
Red Panda C++ Version 0.14.3
- fix: wrong code completion font size, when screen dpi changed
- enhancement: replace Files View Panel's path lineedit control with combo box
- enhancement: custome icons for project view
- fix: convert to encoding setting in compiler set option not correctly handled
- change: rename "compile log" panel to "tools output"
- fix: debug panel can't be correctly show/hide
- enhancement: redesign tools output's context menu, add "clear" menu item
- enhancement: tools -> git in the options dialog
- enhancement: auto detect git in PATH
- enhancement: git - create repository
- enhancement: git - add files
- enhancement: git - commit
- enhancement: git - restore
- enhancement: git - branch / switch
- enhancement: git - merge
- fix: compiler set index not correctly saved, when remove compiler sets in options dialog
- enhancement: when create a repository in a project, auto add it's files to the repository
- enhancement: when add files to project, auto add it to git (if the project has a git repository)
- enhancement: when save a file, and it's under files view's current folder, auto add it to git (if it has a git repository)
- enhancement: new file icons for high contrast icon set
- fix: left and bottom panel size not correct when DPI changed
- fix: icons in files view not changed, when icon set is changed
Red Panda C++ Version 0.14.2
- enhancement: file system view mode for project
- enhancement: remove / rename / create new folder in the files view
- fix: crash when there are catch blocks in the upper most scope
- fix: can't read project templates when path has non-ascii chars
- fix: huge build size for c++ files
Red Panda C++ Version 0.14.1
- enhancement: custom theme
- fix: failed to show function tip, when there are parameters having '[' and ']'
- enhancement: display localized theme name in the option dialog
- enhancement: show custom theme folder in options dialog -> enviroment -> folders
- enhancement: display localzed icon set name in the option dialog
- enhancement: new sky blue icon set, contributed by Alan-CRL
- enhancement: show caret at once, when edition finished
- enhancement: new header dialog for project
- enhancement: new contrast icon set, contributed by Alan-CRL
- enhancement: new contrast theme, contributed by Alan-CRL
- enhancement: theme now have default icon set
- fix: wrong icons for file associations
- fix: editor's font size set by ctrl+mouse wheel will be reset by open the option dialog
- fix: actions not correctly disabled when compile
- fix: can't differentiate disabled and enabled buttons, when using contrast icon set
- fix: when running problem cases, the output textbox might be wrongly cleared.
- fix: typo error in the parser
- fix: typing after symbols like 'std::string' shouldn't show code completion suggestions
Red Panda C++ Version 0.14.0
- enhancement: custom icon set ( in the configuration folder)
- enhancement: show custom icon set folder in options -> enviroment -> folders
- enhancement: new class ( to project) wizard
- enhancement: greatly speed up code completion
- fix: code folding calculation not correct when some codes are folded and editing after them
- enhancement: code completion ui redesigned
- fix: mainwindow action's short cut doesn't work, if the action is not in menu or toolbar
- fix: when run all cases for a problem, processing of output is slow
Red Panda C++ Version 0.13.4
- fix: when copy comments, don't auto indent
- enhancement: auto add a new line when press enter between '/' and '/'
- fix: code completion popup won't show members of 'this'
- fix: can't show private & protected members of 'this'
- fix: function name like 'A::B' is not correctly parsed
- fix: static members are not correct shown after Classname + '::'
- enhancement: show parameter tips for class constructors
- enhancement: when there are tips showing, don't show mouse tips
- enhancement: setting non-ascii font for editors
- enhancement: correct handle windows dpi change event
- enhancement: code completion find words with char in the middle
Red Panda C++ Version 0.13.3
- enhancement: restore editor position after rename symbol
- enhancement: restore editor position after reformat code
- fix: If project's compiler set is not the same with the default compiler set, parser for the project doesn't use the project's compiler set
- fix: If project's compiler set is not the same with the default compiler set, auto openned project's file will use wrong compiler set to do syntax check.
- change: symbols that exactly match are sorted to the front in the code suggestion popup list
- fix: symbols defind locally should be sorted to the front in the code suggestion popup list
- fix: when show function tips, can't correctly calcuate the current position in the function param list
- fix: app will become very slow when processing very long lines.
- enhancement: If console pauser doesn't exist, warn and stop running programs.
- fix: app crash when ctrl+click on a #include statement that point to a directory instead of header file.
- fix: ctrl+click on the enum value will jump to the wrong line in it's definition file
- fix: line info in the mouse tip of statement not correct
- fix: editor crash when no highlighter is assigned (the editing file is a not c/cpp source file);
- fix: ')' not correctly skip in the editor when no highlighter is assigned (the editing file is a not c/cpp source file);
- fix: Undo in the editor will lose line indents when no highlighter is assigned (the editing file is a not c/cpp source file);
- enhancement: highlighter for GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language)
- add a new template for raylib shader apps
- fix: project files' charset settings doesn't work correctly
- enhancement: add exec charset option to compiler set settings
- enhancement: delete to word begin /delete to word end
- fix: when open a file, all blank lines's indents are removed.
- fix: indent lines displayed at wrong position, when there are folded lines
- fix: if editor's active line color is disabled, caret's position may not be correct redrawn
- fix: insert code snippets will crash, if current compiler set's include dir list is not empty and lib dir list is empty
- fix: search around option can't be disabled
- enhancement: show a confirm dialog when search/replace around
- enhancement: auto zoom ui when screen's zoom factor changed (windows)
- enhancement: parser not called when open a file, if option "clean parser symbols when hidden" is turned on.
Red Panda C++ Version 0.13.2
- fix: "delete and exit" button in the environtment / folder option page doesn't work correctly
- fix: crash when closing the options dialog under Ubuntu 20.04 LTS ( no memory leak now)
- enhancement: can add non-code file in templates
- enhancement: if there's no selection when copy/cut, select currect line by default
- enhancement: support ligatures in fonts like fira code ( disabled by default, can be turned on in options dialog's editor font page)
- enhancement: add "minimum id length required to show code completion" to the options dialog's editor code completion page
- enhancement: modify values in the memory view while debugging
- enhancement: auto update watch, local and memory view after expression evaluated
- enhancement: auto update watch, local and memory view after memory modified
- enhancement: modify values in the watch view by double click
- fix: crash when refactor symbol and cursor is at the end of the identifier
- fix: refactor symbol doesn't work for 1-length identifiers
- enhancement: redirect stdio to a file while debugging ( must use gdb server mode to debug)
- fix: parser can't correctly handle variable definitions that don't have spaces like 'int*x';
- fix: parser can't correctly handle function parameters like 'int *x'
- fix: caret dispears when at '\t' under Windows 7
- enhancement: ctrl+up/down scrolls in the editor
- enhancement: add "wrap around" option to find/replace
- fix: project's icon setting is not correctly saved
- fix: project's type setting won't be saved
- fix: If project's compiler set is not the same with the default compiler set, auto openned project's file will use wrong compiler set to do syntax check.
- fix: open a project file through "File"->"Open" will not correctly connect it with the project internally
- fix: wrong project program directory parameter is sent to the debugger
- enhancement: better behavior of mouse tips
- fix: in linux, projects no need of winres to be built
Red Panda C++ Version 0.13.1
- enhancement: support localization info in project templates
- change: template / project files use utf-8 encoding instead of ANSI
- fix: .rc file shouldn't be syntax checked
- enhancement: auto save/restore size of the new project dialog
- fix: new project dialog's tab bar should fill all empty spaces
- enhancement: add raylib to autolinks
- enhancement: distribute raylib with integrated gcc
Red Panda C++ Version 0.12.7
- change: make current build system follow FHS specifications
- fix: crash when close settings dialog in Ubuntu 20.04 (but we'll leak memory now...)
- enhancement: add raylib.h to autolink
- fix: shouldn't generate default autolink settings in linux
- fix: shouldn't auto add /bin/gcc to compiler sets
- fix: if a dir duplicates in PATH, don't add it to compiler sets repeatedly
- enhancement: add "--sanitize=address" to compile option in the Debug compiler set in Linux
- enhancement: auto sort files in the project view
Red Panda C++ Version 0.12.6
- fix: heartbeat for gdb server async command shouldn't disable actions
- fix: problem cases doesn't use svg icons
- fix: problem's title info not updated after running cases
- enhancement: open the corresponding source file from problem's context menu
- fix: debugger's "continue" button not correctly disabled
- change: use libicu instead of ConvertUTF.c under Linux
- change depends to qt 5.12 instead of 5.15
Red Panda C++ Version 0.12.5
- fix: compile error in linux
- fix: can't receive gdb async output for commands
- fix: can't reformat code
- enhancement: add option for setting astyle path
- fix: wrong file wildcard (.) in linux
- fix: open terminal in linux
- fix: wrong executable filename for source files in linux
- enhancement: console pauser for linux
- enhancement: redirect input to program in linux
- enhancement: detach pausing console window
- rename to Red Pand C++
Version 0.12.4 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- change: add copyright infos to each source file
- fix: watch and local infos not updated when changing current frame in the call stack panel
- enhancement: pause the debugging program (The debugger should work under gdb server mode, which is turned off by default in windows)
Version 0.12.3 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- enhancement: basic linux compatibility
- enhancement: debug with gdb server
Version 0.12.2 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- enhancement: auto find compiler sets in the PATH
- change: path for iconsets
- enhancement: select icon sets in options dialog ( but we have only 1 icon set now...)
Version 0.12.1 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- fix: error when drag&drop in editors
Version 0.12.0 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- enhancement: enable run/debug/compile when console program finished but pausing.
Version 0.11.5 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- fix: step into instruction and step over instruction not correctly disabled when cpu dialog is created
- enhancement: icons in all dialogs auto change size with fonts
- enhancement: save/restore sizes of CPU dialog and settings dialog
Version 0.11.4 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- fix: compiler set's custom link parameters not used when compiling
- fix: code completion doesn't work when input inside () or []
- fix: auto indent processing error when input '{' in the middle of if statement
- fix: left and right gutter offset settings not correctly saved
- fix: symbol completion for '<>' in the preprocessor line not work
- enhancement: new svg icons set
- enhancement: the size of icons in the main window zooms with font size
Version 0.11.3 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- fix: use pixel size for fonts, to fit different dpi in multiple displays
- enhancement: use the new expression parser to parse info for tips
- enhancement: better highlight processing for preprocess directives
- enhancement: use the new expression parser to implement rename symbol
- fix: rename symbol shouldn't remove empty lines
Version 0.11.2 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- fix: button "run all problem cases" not disabled when compiling or debugging
- enhancement: set font for problem case input/output textedits
- enhancement: when run program with problem cases, updates output immediately (note: stdout of the program running with problem cases is fully buffered, so we need to fflush after each time output to stdout, or use setbuf(stdout,NULL) to turn the buffer off)
- fix: current line of the disassembly in the cpu window not correctly setted
- enhancement: add "step into one machine instruction" and "step over one machine instruction" in the cpu window
- fix: can't correctly set TDM-GCC compiler
- fix: auto add 32-bit compiler sets for TDM64-GCC
Version 0.11.1 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- enhancement: Problem's test case shouldn't accept rich text inputs
- enhancement: recalc layout info for code editors when dpi changed
Version 0.11.0 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- enhancement: redesign the expression parser for code completion
- fix: "make as default language" option in the project wizard doesn't work
- fix: "ake as default language" option in the project wizard doesn't work
- fix: typo errors in settings dialog
- enhancement: console pauser clears STDIN buffer before show "press any key to continue..."
- fix: path in macros should use system's path separator
- fix: custom tools doesn't work
- enhancement: add a demo for custom tool
Version 0.10.4 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- fix: can't correctly undo/redo indent
- fix: can't correctly undo/redo unindent
- change: press tab when there are selections will do indent
- change: press shift+tab when there are selections will do unindent
- enhancement: press home will switch between begin of line and the position of fisrt non-space char
- enhancement: press end will switch between end of line and the position of last non-space char
- enhancement: use "Microsoft Yahei" as the default UI font whe running in Simplified Chinese Windows
Version 0.10.3 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- enhancement: treat files ended with ".C" or ".CPP" as C++ files
- enhancement: add option "ignore spaces when validating problem cases" to the "Executor"/"Problem Set" option tab.
Version 0.10.2 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- fix: select by mouse can't correctly set mouse's column position
- fix: dragging out of the editor and back will cause error
- fix: dragging text from lines in the front to lines back will cause error
- fix: dragging text onto itself should do nothing
- fix:license info in the about dialog should be readonly
- enhancement: change project name in the project view
Version 0.10.1 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- fix: can't correctly expand watch expression that has spaces in it
- fix: can't correctly display stl containers in watch
- fix: the last line in the debug console is not correctly displayed
- enhancement: scroll while dragging text in the editor
- fix: dragging out of the editor shouldn't reset the caret back
Version 0.10.0 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- enhancement: use gdb/mi interface to communicate with gdb debug session
- enhancement: better display of watch vars
- fix: project's modified flag not cleared after saved
Version 0.9.4 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- fix: code formatter's "indent type" option not correctly saved
Version 0.9.3 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- fix: the count in the title of issues view isn't correct
- fix: columns calculation not correct when paint lines containing chinese characters
- fix: restore caret position after reformat code
- enhancement: ask user to rebuild project, when run/debug the project and it has been modified
- fix: correct set the enabled state of "delete line"/"insert line"/"delete word"/"delete to BOL"/"delete to EOL" menu items
- fix: undo "delete word"/"delete to BOL"/"delete to EOL" correct reset caret position
Version 0.9.2 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- fix: gutter of the disassembly code control in the cpu info dialog is grayed
- fix: problem set & problem views not correctly hidden when disabled in the executor / problem set options
- fix: executor / problem set options not correctly saved
- fix: option "Move caret to the first non-space char in the current line when press HOME key" dosen't work fine.
- fix: ctrl+left can't correctly move to the beginning of the last word
- enhancement: add "delete line"/"duplicate line"/"delete word"/"delete to EOL"/"delete to BOL" in the edit menu
- fix: crash when run "Project" / "Clean Make files"
- fix: when make project and del non-existing files, shouldn't show error messages
Version 0.9.1 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- enhancement: code completion suggestion for "func" variable
- fix: ide failed to start, if there are errors in the compiler set settings
- fix: numpad's enter key doesn't work
- enhancement: code completion suggestion for phrase after long/short/signed/unsigned
- enhancement: save/load default projects folder
- enhancement: add editor general options "highlight current word" and "highlight matching braces"
Version 0.9.0 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- fix: control keys in the numpad doesn't work in the editor
- fix: project layout infos are wrongly saved to registry
- fix: project layout infos are not correctly saved/loaded
Version 0.8.11 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- fix: text color for cpu info dialog not correctly setted
Version 0.8.10 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- fix: Shouldn't update auto link settings, if the header name to be modified is unchanged
- fix: add unit to project not correctly set new unit file's encoding
- fix: correctly set encoding for the new added project unit file
- fix: if there's a project openned, new file should ask user if he want to add the new file to the project
- fix: when adding a file openned in the editor to the project, properties of it are not correctly setted.
- enhancement: when remove a file from the project, also ask if user want to remove it from disk
- fix: double click a project's .dev file in the Files panel should load the project
Version 0.8.9 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- fix: text color of labels in statusbar not correctly updated when change theme
Version 0.8.8 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- enhancement: drag & drop text in the editor
- enhancement: auto calcuate caret line size basing on font size
- enhancement: shift+mouse wheel to scroll horizontally
- fix: greatly reduces paste time
- fix: auto indent shouldn't use preprocessor's indent to calculate
- fix: option "don't add leading zeros to line numbers" not work
- fix: "collapse all" and "uncollapse all" doesn't work
Version 0.8.7 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- enhancement: auto indent line to column 1 when enter '#' at beginning of line
- fix: when enter '{' or '}' at beginning of line, auto indent will remove all contents of the line
- fix: auto indent should be turned off when reformat code
- fix: auto indent should be turned off when replace in code
Version 0.8.6 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- enhancement: greatly reduces memory usage for symbol parsing ( memory needed for bits/stdc++.h reduced from 150m+ to 80m+)
- fix: currect compiler set not correctly updated when switch between normal file and project file
- fix: editor auto save settings not saved and applied
- fix: only auto save files that has new modifications
- fix: correctly auto save files with it's own name
Version 0.8.5 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- enhancement: use lighter color to draw menu seperators
- enhancement: differentiate selected and unselected tab bars
Version 0.8.4 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- enhancement: auto save/load the default open folder in the configuration file
- fix: shouldn't auto add '()' when char succeeding the completed function name is '('
- fix: can't show code completion popup if symbol is proceed with an operator '~' ( and it's not a destructor)
- fix: can't show code completion popup when define MACRO
- fix: can't debug files with chinese characters in the path
Version 0.8.3 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- enhancement: View menu
- enhancement: hide/show statusbar
- enhancement: hide/show left/bottom tool window bars
- enhancement: hide/show individual left/bottom tool window
Version 0.8.2 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- fix: highlighter can't correctly find the end of ANSI C-style Comments
- enhancement: add default color scheme to themes. Change theme option will change color scheme too.
- fix: when changing options in the option dialog's color scheme panle, color of the demo editor won't be not correctly updated
- enhancement: auto clear parsed symbols when the editor is hidden ( to reduce memory usage of un-active editors)
- fix: when inputing in the editor, correctly set the position of the input method panel
- fix: correctly display watch & local variable names when debugging
Version 0.8.1 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- fix: ConsolePaurser.exe only exits when press ENTER
- fix: input/output/expected textedit in the problem view shouldn't autowrap lines
- fix: Red Panda C++ will freeze when receiving contents from Competitve Companion in chrome/edge
- enhancement: when problem from competitive companion received, activate RedPanda C++ if it's minimized.
- enhancement: when problem from competitive companion received, show the problem and problem set views.
- enhancement: set problem's answer source file
- enhancement: open the problem's answer source file in editor
- fix: if the proceeding line ends with ':' in comments, current line should not indent
- enhancement: right click the problem set name label to rename it
- change: memory view and locals view use debug console's font settings
- fix: one line 'while' statement dosen't correctly indents
- fix: line start with '{' that follow an un-ended 'if'/'for' statement is not correctly un-indented
- fix: multi-line comments indents calculation
- fix: Installer should install the app in "program files", not "program files (x86)"
- fix: symbol completion for '/*' not work
- fix: javadoc-style docstring indents calculation
- fix: indents calculation for the line succeeding "*/"
Version 0.8 For Dev-C++ 7 Beta
- fix: find in the current file is not correcly saved in the search history
- fix: hit info not correctly displayed in the search result view
- fix: If find in files found no hits, search result view will not be shown.
- fix: wront indents when paste one line content
- fix: Results of "find symbol usage" in project not correctly set in the search result view
- change: turn on gcc compiler's "-pipe" option by default, to use pipe instead of temp files in compiliation (and make the life of SSD longer)
- fix: correctly save input histories for the find combo box in the Find dialog
- fix: can't correctly test if it's not running in green mode
Version 0.7.8
- enhancement: In problem view's output control, indicates which line is different with the expected
- fix: current input/expected not correctly applied when save/run problem cases
- fix: colors of the syntax issues view are not correctly set using the current color sheme
- change: The error color of color scheme "vs code"
- add: "C Reference" in the help menu
- fix: Custom editor colors shouldn't be tested for high contrast with the default background color
- fix: Custom color settings not correctly displayed in the options widget
- enhancement: add hit counts in the search result view
- fix: editor actions' state not correctly updated after close editors.
- fix: When replace in the editor, "Yes to All" and "No" button doesn't work correctly.
- fix: crash when editing non-c/c++ files
- enhancement: set the alpha value of scheme colors
- enhancement: can use symbols' own foreground color to draw selection or the current line
- enhancement: can use different colors to highlight the current word and the selections
- enhancement: can set editor's default background / foreground color. They must be setted to make the custom color schemes correctly.
- enhancement: can set the color for the current line's number in the gutter
- all predefined color schemes updated.
- enhancement: check syntax/parse symbols when modifed and cursor's line changed.
- enhancement: edit problem properties
- enhancement: show problem description in the problem name lable's tooltip
Version 0.7.7
- enhancement: Problem Set
- enhancement: Competitive Companion Support
- change: "save" action will be enabled no matter contents in the current editor is modified or not
- fix: focus not correctly set when the current editor is closed
- fix: can't parse old c-style enum variable definition like "enum Test test;"
- fix: remove the file change monitor if it's remove from the disk
- fix: don't test if a file is writable before save to it (because qt can't do that test reliably).
- fix: when search in project, files opened for search shouldn't be parsed for symbols.
- fix: when search in project, the search history is not correctly updated.
Version 0.7.6
- change: don't auto insert a new line when input an enter between '(' and ')' or between '[' and ']' (indent instead)
- enhancement: the line containing '}' will use the indents of the matching '{' line, instead of just unindent one level
- enhancement: the line containing 'public:' / 'private:' / 'protected:' / 'case *:' will use of indents of the surrounding '{' line, instead of just unindent one level
- enhancement: correctly handle auto indents for multi-level embedding complex statements like 'for(...) if (...) printf();
- change: Don't use 'pause' in the console pauser, in case of privilege problems.
- enhancement: correctly handle auto indents for statement span many lines;
- enhancment: only use colors have good contrasts with the background in the class browser and code completion suggestion window
- fix: bottom and left panel properties not correctly saved when hiding the main window
- fix: When debugging, if value of the variable pointed by the mouse cursor is too long, tooltip will fill the whole screen.
Version 0.7.5
- enhancement: more accurate auto indent calculation
- change: remove "add indent" option in the editor general options widget ( It's merged with "auto indent" option)
- enhancement: auto insert a new line when input an enter between '(' and ')' or between '[' and ']'
- fix: correctly updates cursor position when pasting from clipboard
- enhancement: auto unindent when input protected: public: private: case *:
- enhancement: can use PageDown / PageUp / Home / End to scroll in the auto completion popup
Version 0.7.4
- fix: when debug a project, and have breakpoints that not in opened editors, dev-cpp will crash
- fix: when a file is parsing in background, exit dev-cpp will crash
- fix: "tab to spaces" option in the editor general options widget doesn't work
- fix: when remove all breakpoints in the debug breakpoint view, debug tags in the opened editors are not correctly updated.
- change: when start debuging, show local view instead of the debug console.
- update bundled compiler to msys2 mingw-w64 gcc 11.2 and gdb 10.2
- update bundled xege to the lastest git build
Version 0.7.3
- enhancement: icons in project view
- fix: sometimes option widget will show confirm dialog even not changed
- enhancement: only editor area will receive file drop events
- enhancement: change project file's folder by drag and drop in the project view
- enhancement: open project file by drag it to the editor area
- fix: the "add bookmark" menu item is not correctly disabled on a bookmarked line
- enhancement: "use utf8 by default" in editor's misc setting
- fix: syntax issues not correctly cleared when the file was saved as another name.
- enhancement: when running a program, redirect a data file to its stdin
- fix: can't correctly handle '&&' and '||' in the #if directive (and correctly parse windows.h header file)
- fix: crash when create an empty project
- fix: syntax issues' filepath info not correct when build projects
- fix: compiler autolinks options widget don't show autolink infos
- fix: autolink parameters are repeated when compile single files
- enhancement: prompt for filename when create new project unit file
- fix: options not correctly set when change compiler set in the project settings
- change: reset compiler settings when change the project compiler set
- enhancement: use project's compiler set type info to find a nearest system compiler set, when the project compiler set is not valid.
- fix: toolbar's compiler set info not correctly updated when change it in the project settings dialog.
Version 0.7.2
- fix: rainbow parenthesis stop functioning when change editor's general options
- fix: issue count not correctly displayed when syntax check/compile finished
- fix: function declaration's parameters not correctly parsed, if it have a definition which have different parameter names
- fix: file path seperator used in the app is not unified, and cause errors somtimes.
Version 0.7.1
- fix: can't add bookmark at a breakpoint line
- fix: app name in the title bar not translated
- use new app icon
Version 0.7.0
- fix: Backspace still works in readonly mode
- fix: save as file dialog's operation mode is not correct
- enhancement: fill indents in the editor (Turned off by default)
- enhancement: new file template
- fix: when an editor is created, its caret will be displayed even it doesn't have focus
- enhancement: set mouse wheel scroll speed in the editor general option tab ( 3 lines by default)
- fix: don't highlight '#' with spaces preceeding it as error
- fix: correctly handle integer with 'L' suffix in #if directives ( so can be correctly parsed )
- enhancement: bookmark view
- enhancement: autosave/load bookmarks
- enhancement: autosave/load breakpoints
- enhancement: autosave/load watches
- implement: files view
- fix: app's title not update when editor closed
Version 0.6.8
- enhancement: add link to cppreference in the help menu
- fix: add mutex lock to prevent editor crash in rare conditions
- fix: In the create project dialog, the browser button doesn't work
- enhancement: use QStyle to implement the dark style, and better control of the style's look and feel
- enhancement: add link to EGE website, if locale is zh_CN
Version 0.6.7
- fix: messages send to the gdb process's standard error are not received
- adjust: the max value of the debug console's vertical scrollbar.
- fix: shfit+click not correctly set selection's end
- fix: ctrl+home/end not correctly set cursor to start/end of the editor
- enhancement: click the encoding info in the statusbar will show encoding menu
Version 0.6.6
- fix: crash when create new file
- implement: two editor view
Version 0.6.5
- implement: export as rtf / export as html
- fix: the contents copied/exported are not correctly syntax colored
- fix: stop execution if the source file is not compiled and user choose not to compile it
- fix: not correctly parse gdb's output
- fix: path not correctly setted for the debugger process
- fix: indent line not correctly drawed
- enhancement: use rainbox color to draw indent guide lines
- implement: highlight matching brackets
Version 0.6.4
- fix: code completion popup not show after '->' inputted
- fix: font styles in the color scheme settings not in effect
- fix: editor's font style shouldn't affect gutter's font style
- change: enable copy as HTML by default
- fix: unneeded empty lines when copy as HTML
Version 0.6.3
- fix: should use c++ syntax to check ".h" files
- fix: can't copy contents in a readonly editor
- fix: project's file not correctly syntaxed when open in editor
- libturtle update: add fill() / setBackgroundColor() /setBackgroundImage() functions
- fix: code fold calculation not correct, when editing code
- fix: can't correctly find definition of the symbols in namespace
Version 0.6.2
- fix: The Enter key in the numpad doesn't work
- fix: The compiled executable not fully write to the disk before run it
- fix: settings object not correctly released when exit
- fix: shouldn't check syntax when save modifications before compiling
- fix: shouldn't scroll to the end of the last line when update compile logs
- fix: can't debug project
Version 0.6.1
- fix: editor deadlock
Version 0.6.0
- fix: old data not displayed when editing code snippets
- fix: shift-tab for unindent not work
- fix: can't save code snippets modifications
- fix: errors in code snippet processing
- change: auto open a new editor at start
- enhancement: todo view
- add: about dialog
- implement: correctly recognize clang (msys2 build)
- enhancement: don't add encoding options when using clang to compile (clang only support utf-8)
- enhancement: find occurence in project
- implement: rename symbol in file
- enhancement: replace in files
- enhancement: rename symbol in project (using search symbol occurence and replace in files)
- fix: search in files
- implement: register file associations
- implement: when startup , open file provided by command line options
- implement: open files pasted by clipboard
- fix: code fold parsing not correct
- enhancement: support #include_next (and clang libc++)
- fix: hide popup windows when the editor is closed
- enhancement: show pinyin when input chinese characters
- fix: add mutex lock to prevent rare conditions when editor is modifying and the content is read
- fix: makefile generated for static / dynamic library projects not right
- fix: editors disappeared when close/close all
- implement: config shortcuts
- implement: handle windows logout message
- fix: editor's inproject property not correctly setted (and may cause devcpp to crash when close project)
- implement: print
- implement: tools configuration
- implement: default settings for code formatter
- implement: remove all custom settings
Version 0.5.0
- enhancement: support C++ using type alias;
- fix: when press shift, completion popu window will hide
- enhancement: options in debugger setting widget, to skip system/project/custom header&project files when step into
- fix: icon not correctly displayed for global variables in the class browser
- enhancement: more charset selection in the edit menu
- fix: can't correctly get system default encoding name when save file
- fix: Tokenizer can't correctly handle array parameters
- fix: debug actions enabled states not correct updated when processing debug mouse tooltips
- enhancement: redesign charset selection in the project options dialog's file widget
- fix: can't correctly load last open files / project with non-asii characters in path
- fix: can't coorectly load last open project
- fix: can't coorectly show code completion for array elements
- enhancement: show caret when show code/header completions
- fix: correctly display pointer info in watch console
- implement: search in project
- enhancement: view memory when debugging
- implement: symbol usage count
- implement: user code snippet / template
- implement: auto generate javadoc-style docstring for functions
- enhancement: use up/down key to navigate function parameter tooltip
- enhancement: press esc to close function parameter tooltip
- enhancement: code suggestion for unicode identifiers
- implement: context menu for debug console
- fix: errors in debug console
- fix: speed up the parsing process of debugger
- ehancement: check if debugger path contains non-ascii characters (this will prevent it from work
Version 0.2.1
- fix: crash when load last opens
Version 0.2
- fix : header file completion stop work when input '.'
- change: continue to run / debug if there are compiling warnings (but no errors)
- enhancement: auto load last open files at start
- enhancement: class browser syntax colors and icons
- enhancement: function tips
- enhancement: project support
- enhancement: paint color editor use system palette's disabled group color
- fix: add watch not work when there's no editor openned;
- enhancement: rainbow parenthesis
- enhancement: run executable with parameters
- add: widget for function tips
- enhancement: options for editor tooltips
- fix: editor folder process error