The Smart Contract to mint and transact NFTs in AI Blockchain Art NFT Portal for Oasis Network
A NFT can be minted by anyone with basic descriptions and a file uploaded to IPFS, then it can be listed with a price for sale in the marketplace. The seller can also cancel the sale using the delist method, then list it again with a different price. A live demo is available at, please add Emerald Testnet to MetaMask and connect with a test account if you want to try out minting NFTs and making transactions.
or npm install
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat test
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network emeraldTestnet
NOTES: once the contract is deployed a config.js will be generated containing the contract address to be used for the frontend.
npx hardhat verify --network NETWORK_NAME CONTRACT_ADDRESS
More info about hardhat please refer to