One stop Java Framework for making small and scalable blockchain platforms, with minimal dependencies.
The Project jblockchain has two packages, the chainframework and jblockchain. jblockchain has classes that implement the interfaces and inherits properties from classes in the chainframework package to make a single class JChain which allows a developer to make custom blockchains with minimum hassle. All encryption, mining algorithms and transaction logic is readily available in the jblockchain package.
Bounceycastle and GSON.
A Simple Block Interface which declares what functions a Block Class must have and implement
A Transaction Interface which declares what functions a Transaction Class must have and implement
Two simple interfaces that declare the logic layout of transactions between two entities
Interface to structure how a Wallet should behave like
A Class which declares all the attriutes that a blockchain should have and implements the logic of chain validity
This class implements the BlockInterface methods
Class Utility which has the implementations of SHA256 Algorithms which is required for generating hashes
Classes that implement their respective interfaces
This class implements the Wallet Interface
This class uses the JBlockchain class as a superclass and makes a mock Blockchain which does three transactions between 2 Wallets having their instances running on the same machine.