- Constructor arguments to verify contract form.
- Contract verifier suggestions in contract's verification result.
- Tx logs tab
- Tx transfer events tab
- This version requires rsk-explorer-api v 1.1.7+
- Data in event argument
- Token account decimals
- Form button style
- Navbar style
- User settings
- Csv export
- List export
- Uncle count field to block
- Uncles list to block
- User's managed lists decimals
- Home: Add 2WP Locking cap
- Status field description of txs in pool
- Export filtered data instead of raw API's data.
- Home: Remove bridge balance stats
- RBTC icon
- Hotjar button style collision
- Home, new block message
- Home stats, equalize boxes heights
- InternalTransaction view, copy & download buttons
- Network name to document title, closes #87
- Formatted arguments to event list, closes #98
- BlockNumber to address balance, closes #102
- Approval event formatter
- SearchBox placeholder, 'name' by 'token name'
- NumberFilters, add space before unit
- Circulating supply title to 'BTC Value Locked in 2WP'
- This version requires explorer-api v 1.1.0+
- TxDensity chart overflow
- Address checksum messages
- Internal Transactions
- Address Balances
- User feedback
- Auto refresh of pending transactions when new block arrives
- Disable address checksum
- Support uppercase in block hash and tx hash
- Decimals in token accounts views
- Mining information to blocks
- Search page
- Check Address page
- Search results while typing
- Address search by name
- Block search by hash
- EIP1191 support: display checksummed addresses, check address checksum on search
- Menu: change media queries and remove 'home' item
- Display of field-value in tables
- store/backend/actions/socketData()
- Search input by custom component
- Socket.io configuration, try to use WS first
- vue-gtag version
- BigField, rlp selection at start
- Privacy policy in footer
- Optional google tag tracking
- Licence
- Field descriptions
- Circle-CI configuration
- Network name in header
- Block extradata decoding
- TxDensity & hashrate in BlockBox
- Metadata fields to block
- Stats bar that shows: circulating supply, net hashrate and active accounts
- Copyright date
- localStorage provider
- entities/eventId
- Field title on grid view
- Box margins for small screens
- BlockHashRate from BlockBox
- Transaction fee calculation
- components/VerifyContract, show nightly versions
- Display of large events
- Display block.minimumGasPrice in Gwei
- Contract verification form: remember uploaded files when the 'try again' action is called.
- 'Copy' button for all large files, even when they aren't trimmed.
- 'Copy & Download' buttons in all views that exports json data.
- Firefox render
- 'Try again' action on verify contract form
Contract verification form
Tab 'code' to address page which shows the contract bytecode and 'Verify' button when the contract is unverified and source, ABI and bytecode when the contract was verified.
Date to token transfers list
- Trim of contract name
- Unintended width overflows
- Home, remove big menu
- Connection status message
- Address balance rendering
- Tab 'Mined blocks' to address page
- Big numbers render
- Decimals in token values
- WS request to channel API
- Transaction fee calculation changed from gas * gasPrice to gasUsed * gasPrice
- Entities/events, remasc events formatter.
- Entities/tokenTransfers
- Transfers tab to token account page
- Token Transfers tab to address page
- Default sort in DataTable component
- Entities/eventTransfer value field
- Sorts and queries in tabs (see #77)
- Searchbox, stopped propagation of keyup events
- EventId in event and transaction entities
- Arrow keys navigation
- Navigation icons
- Icons: sort & rif
- Store and API request are updated to new API version. (Pagination)
- Entities/event IDs
- Show timestamp as date in block page (see: #73)