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Nick Horvath edited this page Aug 14, 2016 · 17 revisions

This page assumes you have a current running installation of sprinklers_pi. If not, follow the Installation instructions.

NOTE If you are upgrading from version 1.0.1 please note that upgrading will erase your settings and load the default settings. BE FOREWARNED. Upgrading from version 1.0.3 onward will not require reloading settings. The version number is located in the lower left corner of the home page

  1. Stop your existing sprinklers_pi process:
    sudo /etc/init.d/sprinklers_pi stop
  2. Backup your current settings (optional, but recommended):
    cd /usr/local/etc
    sudo tar czf spinklers_pi.bak.tgz sprinklers_pi
  3. Download the latest source tarball:
  4. Unpack the source tarball:
    tar -xzvf v1.0.9.tar.gz
  5. Build and install the module:
cd sprinklers_pi-1.0.9
make -lwiringPi
sudo make install

You're done! You can either reboot the raspberry pi or just run the following to start it without a reboot:
sudo /etc/init.d/sprinklers_pi start

You may need to clear your browser cache after the upgrade. In chrome you do this by pressing Ctrl-Shift-Delete, make sure the "empty the cache" checkbox is checked, and click "Clear Browsing Data". On IE, press Ctrl-Shift-Delete and make sure 'Temporary Internet Files and website files" is selected. On the iPhone you do this in the Settings->Safari window.

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