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269 lines (206 loc) · 10.4 KB

File metadata and controls

269 lines (206 loc) · 10.4 KB


  • [breaking change] dropped support for python 3.8 (which is end-of-life), please use python 3.9+
  • added support for python 3.12 and 3.13


  • [breaking change] current viewability metric has been renamed to ssp_viewability. We are leaving compatibility layer in the api until 2024-12-31.
  • added audio related metrics: audio_complete_listens, ecpl, acr.
  • added viewability related metrics: viewability_measurability, viewability_viewability, evcpm.
  • added visits related metrics: visits_count, cpvisit.


  • [breaking change] Stats (schema.Stats, returned from get_rtb_stats and get_summary_stats) metrics: imps_count, clicks_count, conversions_count, video_complete_views are now represented as float type, to reflect actual api responses. Fractional metrics may appear in certain scenarios, eg. for custom grouping and/or as a result of manual adjustment.


  • Added utc_offset_hours parameter for get_rtb_stats and get_summary_stats


  • Added support for Pydantic v2
  • [breaking change] cookie_hash, last_click_time and last_impression_time fields in Conversion schema are now nullable
  • [breaking change] fixed naming convention compliance for fields in schemas: rateCardId (UserInfo) is now rate_card_id and customProperties (Offer) is now custom_properties


  • Removed inflection from the project dependencies
  • Added camelize and underscore helper functions


  • Dropped support for python 3.7 (which is reaching end-of-life), please use python 3.8.1+, v9 branch with python 3.7 compatibility will be updated until 2023-06-27
  • Added support for python 3.11
  • Unfrozen httpx, httpcore has been fixed


  • Freeze httpx in version 0.23.0, as 0.23.1 uses bugged httpcore 0.16.x (see encode/httpcore#621)


This version introduces breaking changes. Please see the migration guide below on how to migrate from older versions.


  • Drop support for Python 2
  • Split reports_api module into client, exceptions, schema modules
  • Rename ReportsApiSession to Client and change its constructor arguments
  • Remove Reports prefix from exception names
  • Return objects with well-defined fields instead of dicts
  • Use proper enums for parameters instead of string values
  • Add type annotations
  • Add token authentication method
  • Add asynchronous client


Python compatibility

Python 2 is no longer supported, please use Python 3.7+.


For example, previous code creating API client instance:

from rtbhouse_sdk.reports_api import ReportsApiSession
api = ReportsApiSession(username="myuser", password="mypassword")

Now should look like this:

from rtbhouse_sdk.client import BasicAuth, Client
api = Client(auth=BasicAuth(username="myuser", password="mypassword"))

Additionally, it is now possible to authenticate with a token:

from rtbhouse_sdk.client import BasicTokenAuth, Client
api = Client(auth=BasicTokenAuth(token="mytoken"))


Now SDK offers both synchronous and asynchronous clients to work with. They have the same set of endpoints.

It is recommended to close the session using close() method. For convenience there is also a context manager that takes care of that.

Usage example with sync client:

from rtbhouse_sdk.client import BasicTokenAuth, Client

auth = BasicTokenAuth(token='mytoken')

# using close
api = Client(auth=auth)
info = api.get_user_info()

# or using context manager
with Client(auth=auth) as api:
    info = api.get_user_info()

Usage example with async client:

from rtbhouse_sdk.client import BasicTokenAuth, AsyncClient

auth = BasicTokenAuth(token='mytoken')

# using close
api = AsyncClient(auth=auth)
info = await api.get_user_info()
await api.close()

# or using context manager
async with AsyncClient(auth=auth) as api:
    info = await api.get_user_info()

Result data

Each endpoint method returns data in form of Pydantic model.

If you wish to access the data as a dict, you can call dict() method on the resulting object.

For example, previous code fetching user info:

info = api.get_user_info()

Now should look like:

# recommended way
info = api.get_user_info()

# alternative way using dict with camelCase keys
# (same as in the code for previous SDK version)
info = api.get_user_info().dict(by_alias=True)

# alternative way using dict with snake_case keys
info = api.get_user_info().dict()

Query params

Instead of plain strings there are now enums which should be used for query filters. Moreover, date objects should be used for day_from and day_to parameters.

For example, previous code fetching stats:

from rtbhouse_sdk.reports_api import ReportsApiSession

api = ReportsApiSession(username="myuser", password="mypassword")
results = api.get_rtb_stats(
    group_by=["subcampaign", "userSegment"],
for row in results:
    print(row["subcampaign"] + " - " + row["userSegment"] + ": " + str(row["clicksCount"]))

Now should look like this:

from datetime import date
from rtbhouse_sdk.client import Client, BasicAuth
from rtbhouse_sdk.schema import StatsGroupBy, StatsMetric

api = Client(auth=BasicAuth(username="myuser", password="mypassword"))
results = api.get_rtb_stats(
    day_from=date(2022, 6, 1),
    day_to=date(2022, 6, 30),
    group_by=[StatsGroupBy.SUBCAMPAIGN, StatsGroupBy.USER_SEGMENT],
for row in results:
    print(row.subcampaign + " - " + row.user_segment + ": " + str(row.clicks_count))

Other changes

  • get_rtb_conversions is now a generator function (previously it returned list)


Dependencies bump Support for Python 3.10 Drop support for python 3.5 and 3.6


Remove get_dpa_accounts, get_dpa_stats, get_dpa_conversions functions


Update build tooling, added poetry Apply lint fixes Drop support for Python 3.3 and Python 3.4


Remove get_dpa_creatives function


Update usage example in README.rst


Restored support for python 2.7


This version adapts to latest api v5 changes. See API docs: for details.

For now, three methods - get_rtb_stats (for RTB only), get_dpa_stats (for DPA only) and get_summary_stats (for RTB + DPA) shares similar parameters and output:

    adv_hash,  # Advertiser hash. No changes.
    day_from,  # Date range start (inclusive). No changes for RTB. For DPA this parameter is now obligatory (was not in the past).
    day_to,  # Date range end (inclusive). No changes for RTB. For DPA this parameter is now obligatory (was not in the past).
    group_by,  # Iterable (eg. list, set) of grouping columns. Refer to api docs for list of possible values. No changes for RTB. For DPA this now accepts list instead of single value.
    metrics,  # Iterable (eg. list, set) of value columns. Refer to api docs for list of possible values. This parameter was newly added.
    count_convention,  # (Optional) Conversions counting convention. Changes: Defaults to None; This parameter must only be set if at least one conversions related metric is selected.
    subcampaigns,  # (Optional) Subcampaigns filter. No changes.
    user_segments,  # (Optional, RTB only) User segments filter. No changes.
    device_types,  # (Optional, RTB only) Device types filter. No changes.
    placement,  # (Optional, DPA only). Placement filter. No changes.
) -> [{
    "grouping field 1 name": "grouping field 1 value 1",  # No changes
    "grouping field N name": "grouping field N value 1",  # No changes
    "grouping field X details": "grouping field X details values",  # No changes
    "metric 1 name": "metric field 1 value",  # Changes: now only metrics requested by `metrics` parameter are returned

get_dpa_campaign_stats was removed, use get_dpa_stats instead.

include_dpa in get_rtb_stats is no longer supported, use get_summary_stats instead.

A few new metrics were added, refer to docs (as above) for details.

A few metrics changed their names. ecc was renamed to ecpa, cpc was renamed to ecpc.

count_convention parameter is now not needed if no conversions related metrics are requested.


This version adapts to latest api v4 changes.

get_rtb_creatives now provides faster results with different output: Refer to - GET /advertisers/{hash}/rtb-creatives for details


Add python 2.7 support


This version adapts to latest api v3. changes.

Multiple stats loading functions: get_campaign_stats_total, get_rtb_campaign_stats, get_rtb_category_stats, get_rtb_creative_stats, get_rtb_device_stats, get_rtb_country_stats, get_rtb_creative_country_stats are now replaced with single get_rtb_stats method, see below.

  • campaign in group_by is renamed to subcampaign.
  • categoryId grouping is renamed to category. In output categoryId is removed, category now contains category identifier (previously name) and new field categoryName is added.
  • creativeId grouping is renamed to creative. In output hash is renamed to creative. All creative details are prefixed with creative (creativeName, creativeWidth, creativeCreatedAt).
  • conversionsRate in output is renamed to cr.
  • Indeterminate values (ex. ctr when there are no imps and clicks) are now null / None, previously 0.

For example:

  • get_rtb_campaign_stats equals to get_rtb_stats, with default group_by set to {'day'}.
  • get_campaign_stats_total equals to get_rtb_stats, with default group_by set to {'day'} and includeDpa set to True.
  • get_rtb_category_stats equals to get_rtb_stats with group_by set to {'category'}.
  • get_rtb_creative_stats equals to get_rtb_stats with group_by set to {'creative'}.
  • get_rtb_device_stats equals to get_rtb_stats with group_by set to {'deviceType'}.
  • get_rtb_country_stats equals to get_rtb_stats with group_by set to {'country'}.
  • get_rtb_creative_country_stats equals to get_rtb_stats with group_by set to {'creative', 'country'}.