Instructions for developers on how to build and run the project, how to run tests and debug.
- Docker Compose and Docker Enginge
- You might find it easiest to simply install Docker Desktop, which comes with Docker Compose and Engine.
- Nodejs 10.x (or higher)
- Clone repo
- Build and run frontend
- In main folder, run
npm ci
to install node dependencies - Run
NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider npm run build-watch
to serve frontend files
- In main folder, run
- Build and run backend
- In main folder in separate terminal window, run
docker-compose run --rm web bash -c "python migrate"
to build docker container and create database tables - Run
docker-compose up web
to start docker container
- In main folder in separate terminal window, run
- Load seed data:
docker-compose run --rm web bash -c "python load_seed_data"
- Project will be served on
- The email client will be served on
npm install
You have to run this if new node dependencies have been added since you've last built the project.
docker-compose run --rm web bash -c "pip-compile > requirements.txt"
You have to run this if you want to a new python package.
docker-compose build --no-cache web
You have to run this if new python dependencies have been added since you've last built the project in order to rebuild
the django backend.
docker-compose run --rm web bash -c "python migrate"
You have to run this if new migration files have been added since you've last built the project.
docker-compose run --rm web bash -c "python makemigrations"
If you've made changes to any of the django models, you will have to run this command to create database migration files.
docker-compose run --rm web pytest
This will run all tests, including end-to-end.
Running a particular python test, e.g.,
docker-compose run --rm web pytest eahub/localgroups/tests/
Run automatic formatting:
docker-compose run --rm web black eahub
You must run this before sending a pull request or else it will be automatically blocked from merging.
You can also automatically sort your imports:
docker-compose run --rm web isort -rc --atomic eahub
- To access the admin panel locally, you will have to create a superuser:
docker-compose run --rm web bash -c "python createsuperuser"
- Then log in with the chosen username and password and go to localhost:8000/admin
To debug the python code in the docker container:
- Add
import ipdb
to the python file you want to debug - Add
on the line where you want to set a breakpoint - Run
docker-compose run --service-ports web
A list of common issues
- Error message:
docker.errors.DockerException: Error while fetching server API version: (2, 'CreateFile', 'The system cannot find the file specified.')
[2888] Failed to execute script docker-compose
- Fix: Make sure Docker Engine is running
- Error message:
ERROR: for db Cannot create container for service db: status code not OK but 500: \u02d9\u02d9\u02d9\u02d9
FDocker.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Docker.Core.DockerException ClassNameMessageDataInnerExceptionHelpURLStackTraceStringRemoteStackTraceStringRemoteStackIndexExceptionMethodHRWatsonBucketsSystem.Collections.IDictionarySystem.Exception
Docker.Core.DockerExceptionFilesharing has been cancelled
- Fix: Enable file sharing in docker for the local directory into which you have cloned the repo
- Error message:
> [email protected] build-watch C:\Users\sebja\code\
> webpack-dev-server --config webpack.config.js
'webpack-dev-server' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
- Fix: Run
npm ci