Releases: rudemex/nestjs-starter
Releases · rudemex/nestjs-starter
- 266b4cd ci(release): bumped version to 2.0.0
- 9589d28 Merge pull request #6 from rudemex/develop
- 4cb897f feat: update dependencies
- 7fdc47c chore: resolve problem with envs
- 2e41e9b chore: update dependencies
- f7a655e chore: update docker compose
- 0d31d75 chore: update dependencies
- 8b65988 docs: update readme nest version
- d9c6f33 chore: update starter to nest v9
💬 All notable changes to this project will be documented in Changelog file.
- a1df707 ci(release): bumped version to 1.5.2
- f88378f Merge pull request #5 from rudemex/develop
- f954c89 chore: edit gitignore
- e634971 chore: remove unused import
- b896325 chore: update dependencies and changes in starter
- a4867d2 Merge pull request #4 from rudemex/snyk-upgrade-3ecf12af418b69ab946f2880c5f9ec3a
- fb1455d fix: upgrade @tresdoce-nestjs-toolkit/http-client from 0.0.3 to 0.0.4
- 5f2775a chore: add deploy to railway
- c0777b7 chore: edit url demo
💬 All notable changes to this project will be documented in Changelog file.
- 4afbde2 ci(release): bumped version to 1.4.1
- 573c0e9 Merge pull request #3 from rudemex/develop
- 744561b Merge pull request #2 from rudemex/test/pkg
- 7f2be79 chore: update filters and change api prefix
- a37fe57 chore: add test api prefix
- 4c99efd chore: remove scannerwork
💬 All notable changes to this project will be documented in Changelog file.
- 06a9062 ci(release): bumped version to 1.4.0
- a4984d1 chore: merge develop
- aaaf64c chore: update dependencies
- 040a3e5 chore(workflows): edit name of steps
- 1d97822 chore: edit workflows
- 2887b83 chore: edit starter
- d905614 chore: update dependencies and docker compose
- 658173f Merge branch 'develop' into test/pkg
- 6bcf07e chore: edit husky
- 3a7c7be chore: remove mailer module
- 3e2e8e6 chore: remove mailer module
- 462c30f chore: update dependencie
- 41d795b chore(docker): edit dockers files
- 557e7b1 Merge pull request #1 from rudemex/test/pkg
- e0719d5 chore: resolve problem with health module
- 76826e4 chore: edit gitignore
- 420a71b chore: update dependencies tresdoce
- 41d4d9a chore: edit workflow dispatch quality
- c99cc46 chore: add exception filters
- cd5d82f chore: remove unused type in character module
- 9c7e8bb chore: edit http client in character module
- 9d31184 chore: add exception to http
- 96693e2 chore(workflow): edit master pipeline and add quality pipeline
- 190782d chore(workflow): edit master pipeline and add quality pipeline
- 757044c chore(workflow): add git guardian
- 63985c0 chore(workflow): add git guardian to pipelines
- 2b4ba58 chore(workflow): add git guardian to pipelines
- ff480e7 chore(workflow): edit ref name
- 5bb1887 chore: add git guardian
- f0937e3 chore(husky): edit workflow husky
- 8fc21e2 fix(docker): copy files in dockerfile
- d0832c1 fix(docker): copy files in dockerfile
- 7e67396 chore(docker): update dockerfile and docker compose
- 96cdc3d chore(docker): update dockerfile and docker compose
- 95e2807 chore: add cron to quality analize
- 3788292 chore: add cron to quality analize
- 1d75249 chore: resolve conflicts with merge
- 0b3bad6 chore: update dependencies
- 9b16b68 chore: work with xss
- 0750429 chore: add escape html
- 4a6fce1 chore: add escape html
- 0abdc8f chore: add escape html
- 742f6c1 chore: add escape html
- fba68b7 chore: test xss filter
- 31c925b chore: remove node and npm version engine
- 96b6f85 chore: edit gitignore
- 11443fc chore: remove yarn lock
- 7cb2288 chore: add helmet, and changes in workflows
- 0b5734d chore: update docker
- 7d607b4 chore: remove run in band arg in test husky
- 9a2ff4d chore: edit dockerfiles
- a7b7214 chore: edit husky
- 8ce1050 chore: edit husky
- ac650bb chore: migrate dependencies of tresdoce
- ac2acee refactor: change dependencies and starter
- 91e3f37 Merge branch 'master' into test/pkg
- 80589eb chore: add otel
💬 All notable changes to this project will be documented in Changelog file.