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Home Work - 2

List of all the annotations I have seen so far in the Spring Web Framework

Spring Web Framework Annotations

  1. @SpringBootApplication
  2. @Controller
  3. @RestController
  4. @RequestMapping
  5. @GetMapping
  6. @PostMapping
  7. @PutMapping
  8. @DeleteMapping
  9. @PatchMapping
  10. @PathVariable
  11. @RequestParam
  12. @RequestBody
  13. @ExceptionHandler
  14. @RestControllerAdvice
  15. @ResponseBody
  16. @ResponseStatus

JPA Annotations

  1. @Entity
  2. @Id
  3. @GeneratedValue
  4. @Column
  5. @Table
  6. @ManyToOne
  7. @OneToMany
  8. @JoinColumn
  9. @JoinTable

Validation Annotations

  1. @Null
  2. @NotNull
  3. @AssertTrue
  4. @AssertFalse
  5. @Min
  6. @Max
  7. @DecimalMin
  8. @DecimalMax
  9. @Negative
  10. @NegativeOrZero
  11. @Positive
  12. @PositiveOrZero
  13. @Size
  14. @Digits
  15. @Past
  16. @PastOrPresent
  17. @Future
  18. @FutureOrPresent
  19. @Pattern
  20. @Email
  21. @CreditCardNumber
  22. @URL
  23. @NotEmpty
  24. @NotBlank
  25. @Length
  26. @Range

Custom Annotations (Homework)

  1. @PrimeNumberValidation
  2. @PasswordValidation

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Tech-savvy designer/programmer pushing boundaries of online tech. Passionate about new tools, seeking challenges to advance skills.

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