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A Snakemake workflow for running and analysing parameter sweeps of polymer simulations using Polychrom.


Workflow Configuration

Configure the workflow by modifying config.yaml. An example template is provided in configs/config.yaml.

The following entries are expected in config.yaml:

  • logs_dir: Directory for storing log files.
  • simulation: Contains simulation configuration.
    • script: Python script for running the Polychrom simulation. See the Polychrom documentation for how to set up simulations. Scripts should take all arguments provided by the parameter directives in config.yaml as CLI arguments. This can be automated, e.g. see Python Fire and examples for an example use case.
    • out_dir: Directory for storing the simulation result files. Results will be stored here in directories with names generated from a combination of used parameter values and
    • replicates: The number of replicate simulations per parameter combination to run.
    • one of:
      • parameters: A list of parameters with a list of values each. Simulations will be run for each combination of parameter values.
      • parameters_file: Path to a tab-separated file containing the parameter space to run simulations for, with rows corresponding to parameter combinations. If provided parameters will be ignored.

Adding additional rules

You can add additional rules, e.g. for analysing simulation results, by adding a new rule in workflow/Snakefile and providing it with the correct input files/directories (see Snakemake documentation: expand for how to expand patterns into lists of files) and a pattern for the resulting output files/directories. Then add shell to call your script with the necessary parameters which you should add in config.yaml. Input and output wildcards can be accessed using {input} and {output} respectively in strings. (Note: in Python f-string braces have to be escaped by using double braces, so {input} becomes {{input}} for example.)

Cluster Configuration

A profile for the Slurm cluster management software is provided in profiles/slurm. Add additional profiles here for other cluster management systems.

  • config.yaml: Adjust job related settings, e.g. global resource limits, job submissions settings or job-restart settings.
  • cluster_config.yaml: Adjust rule specific settings, e.g. resources, output/error paths or walltime. For example the run_simulation rule has been configured to use GPU nodes.


By default the workflow will use the currently activated Conda environment and its installed packages. Alternatively you can use the --use-conda flag to create and use a dedicated environment which will be installed in the workflow directory. This will use environment.yaml to download and install all required dependencies.


Run the workflow with a specific profile with Snakefile in the current directory:

snakemake --profile profiles/slurm

You can also first test the workflow by performing a dry-run with the -n flag:

snakemake -n --profile profiles/slurm



Results are configured to be stored in workflow/results with subdirectories for simulation results as well as analyses/post-processing of simulation results.


Log and error files will be stored under workflow/logs with subdirectories for each rule that produced the corresponding log files.

Note: Output directories are configured in config.yaml and can be changed there.


examples/ contains examples on how to use this workflow.

  • examples/sim_hic: Example workflow performing a parameter sweep running a Polychrom simulation and then creating contact maps from the simulation results.