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1053 lines (745 loc) · 37 KB


File metadata and controls

1053 lines (745 loc) · 37 KB



Provides user with annotations above items for looking up references or impl blocks and running/debugging binaries.

113020672 b7c34f00 917a 11eb 8f6e 858735660a0e

Auto Import


Using the auto-import assist it is possible to insert missing imports for unresolved items. When inserting an import it will do so in a structured manner by keeping imports grouped, separated by a newline in the following order:

  • std and core

  • External Crates

  • Current Crate, paths prefixed by crate

  • Current Module, paths prefixed by self

  • Super Module, paths prefixed by super


use std::fs::File;

use itertools::Itertools;
use syntax::ast;

use crate::utils::insert_use;

use self::auto_import;

use super::AssistContext;
Import Granularity

It is possible to configure how use-trees are merged with the setting. It has the following configurations:

  • crate: Merge imports from the same crate into a single use statement. This kind of nesting is only supported in Rust versions later than 1.24.

  • module: Merge imports from the same module into a single use statement.

  • item: Don’t merge imports at all, creating one import per item.

  • preserve: Do not change the granularity of any imports. For auto-import this has the same effect as item.

  • one: Merge all imports into a single use statement as long as they have the same visibility and attributes.

In VS Code the configuration for this is

Import Prefix

The style of imports in the same crate is configurable through the imports.prefix setting. It has the following configurations:

  • crate: This setting will force paths to be always absolute, starting with the crate prefix, unless the item is defined outside of the current crate.

  • self: This setting will force paths that are relative to the current module to always start with self. This will result in paths that always start with either crate, self, super or an extern crate identifier.

  • plain: This setting does not impose any restrictions in imports.

In VS Code the configuration for this is rust-analyzer.imports.prefix.

113020673 b85be580 917a 11eb 9022 59585f35d4f8

Completion With Autoimport


When completing names in the current scope, proposes additional imports from other modules or crates, if they can be qualified in the scope, and their name contains all symbols from the completion input.

To be considered applicable, the name must contain all input symbols in the given order, not necessarily adjacent. If any input symbol is not lowercased, the name must contain all symbols in exact case; otherwise the containing is checked case-insensitively.

fn main() {
# pub mod std { pub mod marker { pub struct PhantomData { } } }

use std::marker::PhantomData;

fn main() {
# pub mod std { pub mod marker { pub struct PhantomData { } } }

Also completes associated items, that require trait imports. If any unresolved and/or partially-qualified path precedes the input, it will be taken into account. Currently, only the imports with their import path ending with the whole qualifier will be proposed (no fuzzy matching for qualifier).

mod foo {
    pub mod bar {
        pub struct Item;

        impl Item {
            pub const TEST_ASSOC: usize = 3;

fn main() {

use foo::bar;

mod foo {
    pub mod bar {
        pub struct Item;

        impl Item {
            pub const TEST_ASSOC: usize = 3;

fn main() {
currently, if an assoc item comes from a trait that’s not currently imported, and it also has an unresolved and/or partially-qualified path, no imports will be proposed.
Fuzzy search details

To avoid an excessive amount of the results returned, completion input is checked for inclusion in the names only (i.e. in HashMap in the std::collections::HashMap path). For the same reasons, avoids searching for any path imports for inputs with their length less than 2 symbols (but shows all associated items for any input length).

Import configuration

It is possible to configure how use-trees are merged with the setting. Mimics the corresponding behavior of the Auto Import feature.

LSP and performance implications

The feature is enabled only if the LSP client supports LSP protocol version 3.16+ and reports the additionalTextEdits (case-sensitive) resolve client capability in its client capabilities. This way the server is able to defer the costly computations, doing them for a selected completion item only. For clients with no such support, all edits have to be calculated on the completion request, including the fuzzy search completion ones, which might be slow ergo the feature is automatically disabled.

Feature toggle

The feature can be forcefully turned off in the settings with the rust-analyzer.completion.autoimport.enable flag. Note that having this flag set to true does not guarantee that the feature is enabled: your client needs to have the corresponding capability enabled.

Debug ItemTree

Displays the ItemTree of the currently open file, for debugging.

Editor Action Name

VS Code

rust-analyzer: Debug ItemTree

Expand Macro Recursively


Shows the full macro expansion of the macro at the current caret position.

Editor Action Name

VS Code

rust-analyzer: Expand macro recursively at caret

113020648 b3973180 917a 11eb 84a9 ecb921293dc5

Expand and Shrink Selection

Extends or shrinks the current selection to the encompassing syntactic construct (expression, statement, item, module, etc). It works with multiple cursors.

Editor Shortcut

VS Code

kbd:[Alt+Shift+→], kbd:[Alt+Shift+←]

113020651 b42fc800 917a 11eb 8a4f cf1a07859fac

File Structure

Provides a tree of the symbols defined in the file. Can be used to

  • fuzzy search symbol in a file (super useful)

  • draw breadcrumbs to describe the context around the cursor

  • draw outline of the file

Editor Shortcut

VS Code


113020654 b42fc800 917a 11eb 8388 e7dc4d92b02e

Find All References


Shows all references of the item at the cursor location

Editor Shortcut

VS Code


113020670 b7c34f00 917a 11eb 8003 370ac5f2b3cb


Defines folding regions for curly braced blocks, runs of consecutive use, mod, const or static items, and region / endregion comment markers.

Format String Completion


"Result {result} is {2 + 2}" is expanded to the "Result {} is {}", result, 2 + 2.

The following postfix snippets are available:

  • formatformat!(…​)

  • panicpanic!(…​)

  • printlnprintln!(…​)

  • log:

    • logdlog::debug!(…​)

    • logtlog::trace!(…​)

    • logilog::info!(…​)

    • logwlog::warn!(…​)

    • logelog::error!(…​)

113020656 b560f500 917a 11eb 87de 02991f61beb8

Go to Declaration

Navigates to the declaration of an identifier.

This is the same as Go to Definition with the following exceptions: - outline modules will navigate to the mod name; item declaration - trait assoc items will navigate to the assoc item of the trait declaration as opposed to the trait impl - fields in patterns will navigate to the field declaration of the struct, union or variant

Go to Definition

Navigates to the definition of an identifier.

For outline modules, this will navigate to the source file of the module.

Editor Shortcut

VS Code


113065563 025fbe00 91b1 11eb 83e4 a5a703610b23

Go to Implementation

Navigates to the impl items of types.

Editor Shortcut

VS Code


113065566 02f85480 91b1 11eb 9288 aaad8abd8841

Go to Type Definition

Navigates to the type of an identifier.

Editor Action Name

VS Code

Go to Type Definition

113020657 b560f500 917a 11eb 9007 0f809733a338

Highlights constructs related to the thing under the cursor:

  1. if on an identifier, highlights all references to that identifier in the current file

    1. additionally, if the identifier is a trait in a where clause, type parameter trait bound or use item, highlights all references to that trait’s assoc items in the corresponding scope

  2. if on an async or await token, highlights all yield points for that async context

  3. if on a return or fn keyword, ? character or return type arrow, highlights all exit points for that context

  4. if on a break, loop, while or for token, highlights all break points for that loop or block context

  5. if on a move or | token that belongs to a closure, highlights all captures of the closure.

Note: ?, | and do not currently trigger this behavior in the VSCode editor.



Shows additional information, like the type of an expression or the documentation for a definition when "focusing" code. Focusing is usually hovering with a mouse, but can also be triggered with a shortcut.

113020658 b5f98b80 917a 11eb 9f88 3dbc27320c95

Inlay Hints


rust-analyzer shows additional information inline with the source code. Editors usually render this using read-only virtual text snippets interspersed with code.

rust-analyzer by default shows hints for

  • types of local variables

  • names of function arguments

  • names of const generic parameters

  • types of chained expressions

Optionally, one can enable additional hints for

  • return types of closure expressions

  • elided lifetimes

  • compiler inserted reborrows

  • names of generic type and lifetime parameters

Note: inlay hints for function argument names are heuristically omitted to reduce noise and will not appear if any of the following criteria are met:

  • the parameter name is a suffix of the function’s name

  • the argument is a qualified constructing or call expression where the qualifier is an ADT

  • exact argument<→parameter match(ignoring leading underscore) or parameter is a prefix/suffix of argument with _ splitting it off

  • the parameter name starts with ra_fixture

  • the parameter name is a well known name in a unary function

  • the parameter name is a single character in a unary function

113020660 b5f98b80 917a 11eb 8d70 3be3fd558cdd

Interpret A Function, Static Or Const.


Editor Action Name

VS Code

rust-analyzer: Interpret

Join Lines


Join selected lines into one, smartly fixing up whitespace, trailing commas, and braces.

See this gif for the cases handled specially by joined lines.

Editor Action Name

VS Code

rust-analyzer: Join lines

113020661 b6922200 917a 11eb 87c4 b75acc028f11

Magic Completions


In addition to usual reference completion, rust-analyzer provides some ✨magic✨ completions as well:

Keywords like if, else while, loop are completed with braces, and cursor is placed at the appropriate position. Even though if is easy to type, you still want to complete it, to get ` { }` for free! return is inserted with a space or ; depending on the return type of the function.

When completing a function call, () are automatically inserted. If a function takes arguments, the cursor is positioned inside the parenthesis.

There are postfix completions, which can be triggered by typing something like foo().if. The word after . determines postfix completion. Possible variants are:

  • expr.ifif expr {} or if let …​ {} for Option or Result

  • expr.matchmatch expr {}

  • expr.whilewhile expr {} or while let …​ {} for Option or Result

  • expr.ref&expr

  • expr.refm&mut expr

  • expr.letlet $0 = expr;

  • expr.letelet $1 = expr else { $0 };

  • expr.letmlet mut $0 = expr;

  • expr.not!expr

  • expr.dbgdbg!(expr)

  • expr.dbgrdbg!(&expr)


There also snippet completions:

  • pdeprintln!(" = {:?}", );

  • ppdeprintln!(" = {:#?}", );

  • tfn#[test] fn feature(){}

  • tmod

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_name() {}

And the auto import completions, enabled with the rust-analyzer.completion.autoimport.enable setting and the corresponding LSP client capabilities. Those are the additional completion options with automatic use import and options from all project importable items, fuzzy matched against the completion input.

113020667 b72ab880 917a 11eb 8778 716cf26a0eb3

Matching Brace

If the cursor is on any brace (<>(){}[]||) which is a part of a brace-pair, moves cursor to the matching brace. It uses the actual parser to determine braces, so it won’t confuse generics with comparisons.

Editor Action Name

VS Code

rust-analyzer: Find matching brace

113065573 04298180 91b1 11eb 8dec d4e2a202f304

Memory Usage


Clears rust-analyzer’s internal database and prints memory usage statistics.

Editor Action Name

VS Code

rust-analyzer: Memory Usage (Clears Database)

113065592 08559f00 91b1 11eb 8c96 64b88068ec02

Move Item


Move item under cursor or selection up and down.

Editor Action Name

VS Code

rust-analyzer: Move item up

VS Code

rust-analyzer: Move item down

113065576 04298180 91b1 11eb 91ce 4505e99ed598

On Enter


rust-analyzer can override kbd:[Enter] key to make it smarter:

  • kbd:[Enter] inside triple-slash comments automatically inserts ///

  • kbd:[Enter] in the middle or after a trailing space in // inserts //

  • kbd:[Enter] inside //! doc comments automatically inserts //!

  • kbd:[Enter] after { indents contents and closing } of single-line block

This action needs to be assigned to shortcut explicitly.

Note that, depending on the other installed extensions, this feature can visibly slow down typing. Similarly, if rust-analyzer crashes or stops responding, Enter might not work. In that case, you can still press Shift-Enter to insert a newline.

VS Code

Add the following to keybindings.json:

  "key": "Enter",
  "command": "rust-analyzer.onEnter",
  "when": "editorTextFocus && !suggestWidgetVisible && editorLangId == rust"

When using the Vim plugin:

  "key": "Enter",
  "command": "rust-analyzer.onEnter",
  "when": "editorTextFocus && !suggestWidgetVisible && editorLangId == rust && vim.mode == 'Insert'"
113065578 04c21800 91b1 11eb 82b8 22b8c481e645

On Typing Assists


Some features trigger on typing certain characters:

  • typing let = tries to smartly add ; if = is followed by an existing expression

  • typing = between two expressions adds ; when in statement position

  • typing = to turn an assignment into an equality comparison removes ; when in expression position

  • typing . in a chain method call auto-indents

  • typing { or ( in front of an expression inserts a closing } or ) after the expression

  • typing { in a use item adds a closing } in the right place

  • typing > to complete a return type will insert a whitespace after it

    VS Code

    Add the following to settings.json:

"editor.formatOnType": true,
113166163 69758500 923a 11eb 81ee eb33ec380399
113171066 105c2000 923f 11eb 87ab f4a263346567

Open Docs


Retrieve a links to documentation for the given symbol.

The simplest way to use this feature is via the context menu. Right-click on the selected item. The context menu opens. Select Open Docs.

Editor Action Name

VS Code

rust-analyzer: Open Docs

Parent Module

Navigates to the parent module of the current module.

Editor Action Name

VS Code

rust-analyzer: Locate parent module

113065580 04c21800 91b1 11eb 9a32 00086161c0bd


Provides a sneak peek of all tests where the current item is used.

The simplest way to use this feature is via the context menu. Right-click on the selected item. The context menu opens. Select Peek Related Tests.

Editor Action Name

VS Code

rust-analyzer: Peek Related Tests



Renames the item below the cursor and all of its references

Editor Shortcut

VS Code


113065582 055aae80 91b1 11eb 8ade 2b58e6d81883



Shows a popup suggesting to run a test/benchmark/binary at the current cursor location. Super useful for repeatedly running just a single test. Do bind this to a shortcut!

Editor Action Name

VS Code

rust-analyzer: Run

113065583 055aae80 91b1 11eb 958f d67efcaf6a2f

Semantic Syntax Highlighting

rust-analyzer highlights the code semantically. For example, Bar in foo::Bar might be colored differently depending on whether Bar is an enum or a trait. rust-analyzer does not specify colors directly, instead it assigns a tag (like struct) and a set of modifiers (like declaration) to each token. It’s up to the client to map those to specific colors.

The general rule is that a reference to an entity gets colored the same way as the entity itself. We also give special modifier for mut and &mut local variables.

Token Tags

Rust-analyzer currently emits the following token tags:

  • For items:


    Emitted for attribute macros.


    Emitted for enums.


    Emitted for free-standing functions.


    Emitted for derive macros.


    Emitted for function-like macros.


    Emitted for associated functions, also knowns as methods.


    Emitted for modules.


    Emitted for structs.


    Emitted for traits.


    Emitted for type aliases and Self in `impl`s.


    Emitted for unions.

  • For literals:


    Emitted for the boolean literals true and false.


    Emitted for character literals.


    Emitted for numeric literals.


    Emitted for string literals.


    Emitted for escaped sequences inside strings like \n.


    Emitted for format specifiers {:?} in format!-like macros.

  • For operators:


    Emitted for general operators.


    Emitted for the arithmetic operators `, `-`, `*`, `/`, `=, -=, *=, /=.


    Emitted for the bitwise operators |, &, !, ^, |=, &=, ^=.


    Emitted for the comparison operators >, <, ==, >=, , !=.


    Emitted for the logical operators ||, &&, !.

  • For punctuation:


    Emitted for general punctuation.


    Emitted for attribute invocation brackets, that is the #[ and ] tokens.


    Emitted for <> angle brackets.


    Emitted for {} braces.


    Emitted for [] brackets.


    Emitted for () parentheses.


    Emitted for the : token.


    Emitted for the , token.


    Emitted for the . token.


    Emitted for the ; token.


    Emitted for the ! token in macro calls.


Emitted for names to builtin attributes in attribute path, the repr in #[repr(u8)] for example.


Emitted for builtin types like u32, str and f32.


Emitted for comments.


Emitted for const parameters.


Emitted for derive helper attributes.


Emitted for enum variants.


Emitted for generic tokens that have no mapping.


Emitted for keywords.


Emitted for labels.


Emitted for lifetimes.


Emitted for non-self function parameters.


Emitted for struct and union fields.


Emitted for the self function parameter and self path-specifier.


Emitted for the Self type parameter.


Emitted for tool modules.


Emitted for type parameters.


Emitted for unresolved references, names that rust-analyzer can’t find the definition of.


Emitted for locals, constants and statics.

Token Modifiers

Token modifiers allow to style some elements in the source code more precisely.

Rust-analyzer currently emits the following token modifiers:


Emitted for async functions and the async and await keywords.


Emitted for tokens inside attributes.


Emitted for locals whose types implements one of the Fn* traits.


Emitted for consts.


Emitted for locals that are being consumed when use in a function call.


Emitted for control-flow related tokens, this includes the ? operator.


Emitted for crate names, like serde and crate.


Emitted for names of definitions, like foo in fn foo() {}.


Emitted for items from built-in crates (std, core, alloc, test and proc_macro).


Emitted for documentation comments.


Emitted for doc-string injected highlighting like rust source blocks in documentation.


Emitted for intra doc links in doc-strings.


Emitted for items that are defined outside of the current crate.


Emitted for tokens inside macro calls.


Emitted for mutable locals and statics as well as functions taking &mut self.


Emitted for items that are from the current crate and are pub.


Emitted for locals behind a reference and functions taking self by reference.


Emitted for "static" functions, also known as functions that do not take a self param, as well as statics and consts.


Emitted for associated trait items.


Emitted for unsafe operations, like unsafe function calls, as well as the unsafe token.

113164457 06cfb980 9239 11eb 819b 0f93e646acf8
113187625 f7f50100 9250 11eb 825e 91c58f236071

Show Dependency Tree


Shows a view tree with all the dependencies of this project

Editor Panel Name

VS Code

Rust Dependencies

229394139 2625beab f4c9 484b 84ed ad5dee0b1e1a

Show Syntax Tree

Shows a tree view with the syntax tree of the current file

Editor Panel Name

VS Code

Rust Syntax Tree



Shows internal statistic about memory usage of rust-analyzer.

Editor Action Name

VS Code

rust-analyzer: Status

113065584 05f34500 91b1 11eb 98cc 5c196f76be7f

Structural Search and Replace


Search and replace with named wildcards that will match any expression, type, path, pattern or item. The syntax for a structural search replace command is <search_pattern> =⇒> <replace_pattern>. A $<name> placeholder in the search pattern will match any AST node and $<name> will reference it in the replacement. Within a macro call, a placeholder will match up until whatever token follows the placeholder.

All paths in both the search pattern and the replacement template must resolve in the context in which this command is invoked. Paths in the search pattern will then match the code if they resolve to the same item, even if they’re written differently. For example if we invoke the command in the module foo with a pattern of Bar, then code in the parent module that refers to foo::Bar will match.

Paths in the replacement template will be rendered appropriately for the context in which the replacement occurs. For example if our replacement template is foo::Bar and we match some code in the foo module, we’ll insert just Bar.

Inherent method calls should generally be written in UFCS form. e.g. foo::Bar::baz($s, $a) will match $s.baz($a), provided the method call baz resolves to the method foo::Bar::baz. When a placeholder is the receiver of a method call in the search pattern (e.g. $, but not in the replacement template (e.g. bar($s)), then *, & and &mut will be added as needed to mirror whatever autoderef and autoref was happening implicitly in the matched code.

The scope of the search / replace will be restricted to the current selection if any, otherwise it will apply to the whole workspace.

Placeholders may be given constraints by writing them as ${<name>:<constraint1>:<constraint2>…​}.

Supported constraints:

Constraint Restricts placeholder


Is a literal (e.g. 42 or "forty two")


Negates the constraint a

Available via the command rust-analyzer.ssr.

// Using structural search replace command [foo($a, $b) ==>> ($a).foo($b)]

String::from(foo(y + 5, z))

String::from((y + 5).foo(z))
Editor Action Name

VS Code

rust-analyzer: Structural Search Replace

Also available as an assist, by writing a comment containing the structural search and replace rule. You will only see the assist if the comment can be parsed as a valid structural search and replace rule.

// Place the cursor on the line below to see the assist 💡.
// foo($a, $b) ==>> ($a).foo($b)

User Snippet Completions


rust-analyzer allows the user to define custom (postfix)-snippets that may depend on items to be accessible for the current scope to be applicable.

A custom snippet can be defined by adding it to the rust-analyzer.completion.snippets.custom object respectively.

  "rust-analyzer.completion.snippets.custom": {
    "thread spawn": {
      "prefix": ["spawn", "tspawn"],
      "body": [
        "thread::spawn(move || {",
      "description": "Insert a thread::spawn call",
      "requires": "std::thread",
      "scope": "expr",

In the example above:

  • "thread spawn" is the name of the snippet.

  • prefix defines one or more trigger words that will trigger the snippets completion. Using postfix will instead create a postfix snippet.

  • body is one or more lines of content joined via newlines for the final output.

  • description is an optional description of the snippet, if unset the snippet name will be used.

  • requires is an optional list of item paths that have to be resolvable in the current crate where the completion is rendered. On failure of resolution the snippet won’t be applicable, otherwise the snippet will insert an import for the items on insertion if the items aren’t yet in scope.

  • scope is an optional filter for when the snippet should be applicable. Possible values are:

    • for Snippet-Scopes: expr, item (default: item)

    • for Postfix-Snippet-Scopes: expr, type (default: expr)

The body field also has access to placeholders as visible in the example as $0. These placeholders take the form of $number or ${number:placeholder_text} which can be traversed as tabstop in ascending order starting from 1, with $0 being a special case that always comes last.

There is also a special placeholder, ${receiver}, which will be replaced by the receiver expression for postfix snippets, or a $0 tabstop in case of normal snippets. This replacement for normal snippets allows you to reuse a snippet for both post- and prefix in a single definition.

For the VSCode editor, rust-analyzer also ships with a small set of defaults which can be removed by overwriting the settings object mentioned above, the defaults are:

    "Arc::new": {
        "postfix": "arc",
        "body": "Arc::new(${receiver})",
        "requires": "std::sync::Arc",
        "description": "Put the expression into an `Arc`",
        "scope": "expr"
    "Rc::new": {
        "postfix": "rc",
        "body": "Rc::new(${receiver})",
        "requires": "std::rc::Rc",
        "description": "Put the expression into an `Rc`",
        "scope": "expr"
    "Box::pin": {
        "postfix": "pinbox",
        "body": "Box::pin(${receiver})",
        "requires": "std::boxed::Box",
        "description": "Put the expression into a pinned `Box`",
        "scope": "expr"
    "Ok": {
        "postfix": "ok",
        "body": "Ok(${receiver})",
        "description": "Wrap the expression in a `Result::Ok`",
        "scope": "expr"
    "Err": {
        "postfix": "err",
        "body": "Err(${receiver})",
        "description": "Wrap the expression in a `Result::Err`",
        "scope": "expr"
    "Some": {
        "postfix": "some",
        "body": "Some(${receiver})",
        "description": "Wrap the expression in an `Option::Some`",
        "scope": "expr"

View Crate Graph

Renders the currently loaded crate graph as an SVG graphic. Requires the dot tool, which is part of graphviz, to be installed.

Only workspace crates are included, no dependencies or sysroot crates.

Editor Action Name

VS Code

rust-analyzer: View Crate Graph

View Hir


Editor Action Name

VS Code

rust-analyzer: View Hir

113065588 068bdb80 91b1 11eb 9a78 0b4ef1e972fb

View Memory Layout

Displays the recursive memory layout of a datatype.

Editor Action Name

VS Code

rust-analyzer: View Memory Layout

View Mir


Editor Action Name

VS Code

rust-analyzer: View Mir

Workspace Symbol


Uses fuzzy-search to find types, modules and functions by name across your project and dependencies. This is the most useful feature, which improves code navigation tremendously. It mostly works on top of the built-in LSP functionality, however # and * symbols can be used to narrow down the search. Specifically,

  • Foo searches for Foo type in the current workspace

  • foo# searches for foo function in the current workspace

  • Foo* searches for Foo type among dependencies, including stdlib

  • foo#* searches for foo function among dependencies

That is, # switches from "types" to all symbols, * switches from the current workspace to dependencies.

Note that filtering does not currently work in VSCode due to the editor never sending the special symbols to the language server. Instead, you can configure the filtering via the and settings. Symbols prefixed with __ are hidden from the search results unless configured otherwise.

Editor Shortcut

VS Code
