Turning the blinkt on and off. Low-level implementation is in blinktlow.
Create menu item Accessories > Pimoroni Dashboard (seems optional):
sudo apt-get install pimoroni
Install the actual software:
sudo apt-get install python3-blinkt
If you want light 0 to be green when the system is running, execute the following:
sudo systemctl enable blinkt.service
sudo systemctl start blinkt.service
The Blinkt uses the SPI interface. Orient the device so that the bevelled edge is closest to the case of the RPi.
Pinout diagram:
PIN Notes
2 5V
16 BCM23 (data)
18 BCM24 (clock)
NB: power the device using pin 2, not pin 4, which is also a 5V output on the RPi. A test revealed that you can power it using 3V3, though.
The code supplied on the aforementioned link appears to be wrong, and seems to contain a slight bug. However, its near equivalent, example01.py
, does the same thing, and can be run by executing the following command:
sudo python3 example01.py
In Firefox, navigate to
and download the latest release in zip format.
Start the Arduino IDE.
Select menu item Sketch > Include library > Add .ZIP library ..., and select the zip archive you just downloaded. This will add the library under ~/Arduino/libraries/Adafruit_DotStar-1.03.
To test the device, open up the file: ~/Arduino/libraries/Adafruit_DotStar-1.0.3/examples/strandtest/strandtest.ino
If necessary, comment out the line:
#include <Adafruit_CircuitPlayground.h>
Wire up the device as follows:
5V 2
4 16 data
5 18 clock
ARD: Arduino pin
BLI: Blinkt pin. See wiring section above for pin numbering
Upload the sketch onto the Arduino. The device should light up.
Ensure you have the Adafruit_Dotstart library installed, as detailed in section "Arduino".
Upload the strandtest85
sketch to the ATTiny85, using the Arduino as a programmer.
Wire up according to this diagram: