Observe employs the http output plugin, allowing you to flush your records into Observe.
For now the functionality is pretty basic and it issues a POST request with the data records in MessagePack (or JSON) format.
The following are the specific HTTP parameters to employ:
Key | Description | default |
host | IP address or hostname of Observe's data collection endpoint. $(OBSERVE_CUSTOMER) is your Customer ID | OBSERVE_CUSTOMER.collect.observeinc.com |
port | TCP port of to employ when sending to Observe | 443 |
tls | Specify to use tls | on |
uri | Specify the HTTP URI for the Observe's data ingest | /v1/http/fluentbit |
format | The data format to be used in the HTTP request body | msgpack |
header | The specific header that provides the Observe token needed to authorize sending data into a datastream. | Authorization Bearer ${OBSERVE_TOKEN} |
header | The specific header to instructs Observe how to decode incoming payloads | X-Observe-Decoder fluent |
compress | Set payload compression mechanism. Option available is 'gzip' | gzip |
tls.ca_file | For use with Windows: provide path to root cert |
In your main configuration file, append the following Input & Output sections:
name http
match *
host my-observe-customer-id.collect.observeinc.com
port 443
tls on
uri /v1/http/fluentbit
format msgpack
header Authorization Bearer ${OBSERVE_TOKEN}
header X-Observe-Decoder fluent
compress gzip
# For Windows: provide path to root cert
#tls.ca_file C:\fluent-bit\isrgrootx1.pem