Releases: rzellem/EXOTIC
Added log file, revised prompts, fixed Tmid estimate, fixed secondary_obscode
- Added log file
- Revised the prompts to all have examples and be more clear
- Fix to the mid-transit time estimate (the bug was creating nans)
- secondary_obscode bugfix
Automation of inits file
- Automation of inits.json file. Older inits.json will not compatible going forward with EXOTIC as it was entirely correctly formated for .json. With the new inits.json file, future updates regarding the file should allow older ones to be compatible as it will not throw an error if something is missing. Some options are still missing for complete autonomy but will get there with future updates.
- Added new Astrodon-CBB filter
- Code clean up
- Plate solution will automatically exit after ~7 minutes if can't get one for you. EXOTIC will keep reducing data without it.
- Exposure time header error when redoing plate solution
NaN masking, updated annulus calculation
- Improved Plate Solution API
- Added LCO band for filter
- Nan Masks
- Limb Darkening --> Object Oriented Programming
- NASA Exoplanet Archive Language Update
- Updated annulus calculation
- Changing privacy of modules
- Minor error in stopping attempt from 3 --> 45
New photometry modes, background estimate
- New background flux estimation
- New photometry modes with optimal selection
- Data cast to float32
- Updated files
Bug Fixes
- Updated requirements.txt file
- Checking corrupt files
- Avoiding a failed NASA Exoplanet Archive scrape
- Pre-reduced data will not be checked to see if it is a corrupt FITS file
- Do not plot a comp star if one not used for FOV plots
- Fixed phasing issue
Sigfigs, documentation, bugfixes
- Updated significant figures in FinalParams file
- Updated documentation
- Updated license information
- Updated non-compliant Trove Classifiers for PyPi release
- Fixed column headers in FinalLightCurve.csv
- Fixed phase calculation for end cases
- Path file check fixed
- Skip File Corruption Check For Pre-reduced Data
- Fix email address & broken links
- Updated installation scripts to account for directory structure changing
- Updated requirements.txt file
Added filters; tweaked FOV plot; changed directory structure
More standard bands were added for filtering (MObs and LCO 0.4m). Can now enter the short or full name for bands. -- EXOTIC will use the short name in the .txt folder for AAVSO. All custom filters by default will have short names of ‘O’ (other) when uploading .txt to AAVSO.
Tweaked FOV plot
Added packaging in preparation for future module publishing. This changes the executable location to exotic/ -- The versioning is also moved to a separate text file and is slated to report from either module egg or VCS.
Removed installers directory currently unused and renamed figures to README-images to mnemonically associate graphics with their presentation as part of
LDTk version updated to newest (1.4.1) that fixes corrupted downloaded files.
Header ‘END’ card bug fix.
Exoplanet name bug fix during query.
Safeguarding against path errors.
Brazilian Portuguese instructions added
- Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil) translation of the instructions added
- FITS file path bug fixed for EXOTIC exiting automatically when user left entry blank
- Bug fix for Windows path
NEA Query Speedup; Unit Conversion for Pre-reduced Data
- Now scrapes only 1 target from NASA Exoplanet Archive, making search faster.
- When reading in a pre-reduced data file, can convert to BJD_TDB and from magnitudes.
- Fixed hyperlinks in most instructions.
- Fixed EXOTIC from reading newfits.fits and ref files as imaging files for reducing.
- Rp/Rs and Rp/Rs uncertainty bug that users self-entered would always ask rather than move to the next planetary parameter.
- Plate Solution bug fixed that threw a JSONDecodeError.
- Filtered data bug index error that would say out of bounds
- Error when scraping values from Nasa Exoplanet Archive for Rp/Rs (TypeError)
- Now supports reading in "EXPOSURE" from FITS header
- Now properly scrapes the NASA Exoplanet Archive for the "HD" planets
- Dimension bounds error
- Removed unsupported filters
nested sampler, LD coeff calc, & variable star check
- Nested sampler used to fit model to data
- Algorithm to check that your comparison star is not variable
- Nonlinear Limb Darkening Parameter calculator added that also gives uncertainties
- Standard bands added for filtering (from AAVSO) and an option for users to enter custom ones based on their cameras
- Users can also enter in their own nonlinear limb darkening parameters with their uncertainties calculated outside of EXOTIC
- Updated instructions to add hyperlinks
- Fixed model fitting to pre-reduced data
- Bugfix for not resolving comparison star with SIMBAD
- Binner bugfix
- Rp/Rs and uncertainty bug fix
New inits.json file; fix memory usage; image align bug fix
inits.txt file now converted to inits.json. An updated way for users to use the initialization file with a user-friendly interface. The next update should have a conversion for inits.txt to inits.json for users who want to convert between the two automatically.
Target pixel coordinates will be evaluated if a plate solution is given based on WCS. The user will be allowed to re-enter coordinates, use suggested coordinates, or continue using their own.
The first reference image number and name will be given in the save plot directory for the user to see what EXOTIC uses as reference.
Added feature to save memory usage
Image alignment bug fix
Can now enter capitalized y/n options
Create directory will no longer crash code if unsuccessfully created