ezlog is a high-performance cross-platform file logging library.
It can be used in Flutter, Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, MacOS.
It is inspired by Xlog and Logan, rewrite in Rust.
- multi platform: Flutter, Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, MacOS
- map file into memory by mmap.
- compression support, eg: zlib.
- encryption support, eg: AEAD encryption.
- fetch log by callback.
- trim out of date files.
- command line parser support.
Open top-level build.gradle
, add mavenCentral
to repositories.
buildscript {
repositories {
allprojects {
repositories {
Open app level build.gradle
, add ezlog
dependencies {
implementation "wtf.s1.ezlog:ezlog:0.2+"
Sync gradle
override fun onCreate() {
val path = File(filesDir, "ezlog").absolutePath
val config = EZLogConfig.Builder("demo", path)
.cipherKey("a secret key!!!!".toByteArray())
.cipherNonce("unique nonce".toByteArray())
EZLog.v("ezlog", "first blood")
EZLog.registerCallback(object : Callback {
override fun onLogsFetchSuccess(
logName: String?,
date: String?,
logs: Array<out String>?
) {
Log.i("ezlog", "$logName $date ${logs.contentToString()}")
logs?.let {
logs.getOrNull(0)?.let { log ->
Log.i("ezlog", "check file exists ${File(log).exists()}")
override fun onLogsFetchFail(logName: String?, date: String?, err: String?) {
Log.i("ezlog", "$logName $date $err")
ezlog_flutter: ^0.2.0
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:ezlog_flutter/ezlog_flutter.dart';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
State<MyApp> createState() => _MyAppState();
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
void initState() {
Future<void> initEZLog() async {
Directory appDocDir = await getApplicationSupportDirectory();
String logDir = '${appDocDir.path}/ezlog';
var logger = EZLogger.config(
EZLogConfig.plaintext("main", Level.trace.id, logDir, 7));
logger.d("init", "success");
var logs = await EZLog.requestLogFilesForDate("main", "2022_08_25");
Add dependency to Podfile
pod 'EZLog', '~> 0.1'
pod update
import EZLog
init() {
let dirPath = URL.documents.appendingPathComponent("ezlog").relativePath
let config = EZLogConfig(level: Level.trace,
dirPath: dirPath,
name: "demo",
keepDays: 7,
maxSize: 150*1024,
compress: CompressKind.ZLIB,
compressLevel: CompressLevel.DEFAULT,
cipher: Cipher.AES128GCM,
cipherKey: [UInt8]("a secret key!!!!".utf8),
cipherNonce: [UInt8]("unique nonce".utf8))
let logger = EZLogger(config: config)
ezlogRegisterCallback(success: {name, date, logs in
if !logs.isEmpty {
for log in logs {
print("name:" + name + " date:" + date + " log:" + log);
} else {
print("no log found at that time")
}, fail: {name, date, err in
print("name:" + name + " date:" + date + " err:" + err);
logger.debug("first blood")
click run and see console ouput.
Add this to your Cargo.toml
ezlog = "0.2"
use ezlog::EZLogConfigBuilder;
use ezlog::Level;
use log::{error, info, warn};
use log::{LevelFilter, Log};
let config = EZLogConfigBuilder::new()
.expect("dir path error"),
info!("hello ezlog");
see more examples in examples dir.
├── android
│ ├── app # android demo app
│ └── lib-ezlog # ezlog android library
├── examples # Rust examples
├── ezlog_flutter # Flutter plugin
├── ezlogcli # Rust command line tool
├── ezlog-core # Rust core library
├── ios
│ ├── EZLog # ezlog iOS library
│ ├── demo # iOS demo app
│ └── framework # ezlog XCFramework
Bytes Offset | Meaning |
0-1 | 'ez' |
2 | Version number |
3 | Flag bits |
4-7 | Offset of recorder position in bytes |
8-15 | Unix timestamp (big-endian) |
16 | Compression type |
17 | Encryption type |
18-21 | Encryption key hash |
Byte Offset | Field Name | Description |
0 | Start Byte | Always 0x3b indicating the start |
1-varint | Record Length | A variable-length integer that specifies the length |
varint+1-varint+n | Record Content | The actual log record content |
varint+n+1 | End Byte | Always 0x21 indicating the start |
We use zlib as the compression algorithm.
AES-GCM-SIV, as a symmetric encryption algorithm, is more efficient compared to asymmetric encryption. As an AEAD, When compared to AES-CFB, it is more secure, and when compared to AES-GCM, AES-GCM-SIV is nonce-misuse-resistant.
First of all, we need an init nonce, which is generated randomly when the logger is created. Then, we get the timestamp of the log file creation. When we write a log record, we know the current index of the log file, and we can calculate the nonce of the current log record by the following formula:
nonce = init_nonce ^ timestamp.extend(index)
Library | Time (ns) | Allocations |
logcat | 2,427 | 7 |
logan | 4,726 | 14 |
ezlog | 8,404 | 7 |
xlog | 12,459 | 7 |
startup baseline
min 206.4, median 218.5, max 251.9
startup with ezlog time:
min 206.8, median 216.6, max 276.6
- install and config rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env
- use rust nightly
rustup default nightly-2022-08-10
we use build-std feature, so add nightly src component
rustup component add rust-src --toolchain nightly-x86_64-apple-darwin
clone repository and open in command line tool. then run
cargo check
wait crates download...
cargo build -p ezlog
flutter packages get
flutter packages upgrade
- add android targets
rustup target add aarch64-linux-android armv7-linux-androideabi i686-linux-android x86_64-linux-android
we use cargo-ndk
to build dylib
cargo install cargo-ndk
cd android
sh b_android.sh
then open current workspace in AndroidStudio
- add iOS targets
rustup target add aarch64-apple-ios aarch64-apple-ios-sim x86_64-apple-ios
install cbindgen
cargo install --force cbindgen
cd ios dir
sh b_ios.sh
open the ios/EZlog.xcworkspace
in Xcode