Learn building business automation software.
Build skills in following categories
- Software Development
- System Design
- Business processes
- Data Modeling
- Process engineering
This training program uses a learn-by-doing approach. You'll gain practical experience by developing a software solution for NotNaked, a direct-to-consumer fashion brand.
This training program requires a solid foundation in software development principles. Please review the following refresher resources to ensure you're adequately prepared:
- Revision Control (Git): A working understanding of Git is essential.
- Databases SQL and MySQL: Familiarity with SQL and MySQL is crucial.
- Programming Language Java: Proficiency in Java is required.
- Optional but Recommended: Basic Web Development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), REST APIs, and the Moqui Framework.
- You are assigned project to develop software for NotNaked. NotNaked is a D2C fashion brand.
- During the training program, you will
- What is data modeling?
- Universal Data Model, Read First three chapters of the book: The Data Model Resource Book, Vol. 1
Module 2: Developing application with Apache OFBiz
- Getting Started
- Party Activity
- Setup Company Product Store and Catalog
- Order Activity
- Developing Application with Apache OFBiz
- Develop Product Management application
- Develop Customer Management application
- Universal Data Model, Read Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 of the book: The Data Model Resource Book, Vol. 1
- Develop Order Management application
- GetOrder API
- Get read only access OMS test database.
- SQL Assignment 1
- SQL Assignment 2
- SQL Assignment 3
- https://docs.hotwax.co/documents/v/documents-1
- Internal Usage Guidelines
- Launchpad
- User Management
- Job Manager App (Job Management+Job Workflows)
- Facility Management
- Routing
- Fulfillment
- Picking
- BOPIS Fulfillment
- Receiving
- Cycle Counting
- Import
- Pre-Order Management
- Apply Safety Stock
- Create Draft Orders
- Product Store Configurations
- Training activity
- Shopify Backend Login
- eCommerce
- https://github.com/saastechacademy/foundation/tree/main/moqui-framework/beginner
- https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/OFBiz+Tutorial+-+A+Beginners+Development+Guide+for+Release+18.12+and+Release+22.01
- https://www.moqui.org/m/docs/framework/Framework+Features
- https://www.moqui.org/m/docs/framework/IDE+Setup/IntelliJ+IDEA+Setup
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxToh2rX7NY
- https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/Data+Model+Diagrams
- https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/download/attachments/13271792/OFBizDatamodelBook_Combined_20171001.pdf
- https://www.amazon.com/Data-Model-Resource-Book-Vol/dp/0471380237