Validation is the verification of the requirements set for a type or field. If the requirement is constexpr and nttp, it will be forwarded as nttp, if not, then as a regular runtime argument.
How do I define validation functions for my type of requirements? You need to write an ADL validation function, for nttp you need to use utils::nttp_adl.
Declaration of noop validate with none_requirements(default requirements)
template <typename T, none_requirements req>
validate_result validate(const T&, utils::nttp_adl<none_requirements, req>) {
return validate_result::ok();
Declaration of array validate with array_requirements
template <typename T, array_requirements req>
validate_result validate(const std::vector<T>& value,
utils::nttp_adl<array_requirements, req>) {
if (req.min_items && *req.min_items > value.size()) {
return validate_result::error(
"array has size: [{}] less than min_items: [{}]", value.size(),
if (req.max_items && *req.max_items < value.size()) {
return validate_result::error(
"array has size: [{}] greater than max_items: [{}]", value.size(),
if constexpr (req.unique_items) {
using comparator = utils::indirect_comparator<const T*>;
using hash = utils::indirect_hash<const T*, std::hash<T>>;
std::unordered_set<const T*, hash, comparator> hash_set;
for (auto& item : value) {
const T* ptr = std::addressof(item);
auto [it, emplaced] = hash_set.emplace(ptr);
if (!emplaced) {
auto first_index =
std::find(value.begin(), value.end(), item) - value.begin();
auto second_index = &item -;
return validate_result::error(
"array has non-unique items. first_index: [{}], "
"second_index: [{}]",
first_index, second_index);
return validate_result::ok();
The return type must satisfy the is_validate_result concept. In particular, my validate_result class satisfies it.
template <typename T>
concept is_validate_result = requires(T&& t) {
{ t ? 0 : 0 }; //check explicit bool conversion
{ t.error_message() }
{ t.has_error() } -> std::convertible_to<bool>;
Declaration of validate_result
struct validate_result {
static validate_result error(std::exception& exc) {
return validate_result{.has_error_ = true,
.error_message_ = exc.what()};
template <typename... T>
static validate_result error(fmt::format_string<T...> str, T&&... args) {
return validate_result{.has_error_ = true,
.error_message_ = fmt::format(
std::move(str), std::forward<T>(args)...)};
static validate_result ok() { return validate_result{.has_error_ = false}; }
operator bool() const { return !has_error_; }
bool has_error() const { return has_error_; }
auto&& error_message() & { return error_message_; }
auto&& error_message() const& { return error_message_; }
auto error_message() && { return std::move(error_message_); }
bool has_error_ = false;
std::string error_message_;
Validation of optional fields occurs when there is a value and, accordingly, with a validation call specifically for it, that is, it is not necessary to overload functions for them.