Releases: sadellie/unitto
Mikado Yellow (patch 1)
Fixes in batch converter
See Mikado Yellow
Mikado Yellow
Photo by Mike Meyers on Unsplash
No information from the developer.
Date calculator
Date difference tool has evolved: you can now add/subtract from dates and create an event in calendar.
New Landing page
Users visit landing page, apparently.
Pin shortcuts and instantly launch a tool.
Note: Shortcuts are dynamic and will appear after you use the app for a while.
Swap zero and dot buttons
Available in Settings.
- Drag history gesture fixed
- Ability to manually update currency rates
- Navigation drawer can be dragged only from the edge
- Decimal percentages support
- Time zone converter (already in the app, but hidden due to bugs and lack of data)
- Fixed bugs after fixing bugs in previous release
Lilac Luster (Patch 1)
Lilac Luster
Photo by Dmitry Tulupov on Unsplash
Bug fixes and stability improvements.
1️⃣ New math expression parser and evaluator (Evaluatto™)
Cursed/Unethical/Non-mathematical percentage support and error handling included.
2️⃣ Interactive Formatting settings
No need to switch between Settings and Calculator to check how things change.
3️⃣ Date difference tool
More tools in the future.
NOTE: You will be a able to set Date difference as a starting screen in the future, not now.
4️⃣ Little improvements
- Cursor in Unit Converter
- Colored Splash screen
- Improved cold start performance
- Fixed batch conversion for invalid input
- Fixed clear history button animation
- More squashable UI components
- Changed release notes design
5️⃣ Not so little improvements
- Added Italian 🇮🇹 localization
- Updated German 🇩🇪 localization
6️⃣ App size... decreased?
Yes, more features, but smaller app size. RIP 200 KB of garbage.
Small steps to turn 💩 into 💩✨
New icon and app name
Unitto is now called Calculator and has a new icon.
Quick Settings Tile
Quickly launch Unitto Calculator when needed.
Much better theming
Go to: Settings > Themes
Better button icons
Almost pixel perfect icon sizes.
TIP: Drink water.
Photo by Mhmd Sedky on Unsplash
Jazzberry jam
- Added units list sorting options:
- Usage
- Alphabetical
- Scale (descending)
- Scale (ascending)
- New units: Electrostatic capacitance, Force, Torque, Flow rate, Luminance, Prefix... and a microgram
- Improved adaptive design. Things should look better or worse, who cares.
- Special formatter for time conversion. Example: show 130 minutes as 2h 10m
- Few things are now saved across app restart: Favorite filter in units list and Degree/Radian mode in calculator.
- Microscopic improvements.
TIP: Use settings to access new features.
Photo by Giuliana Catachura on Unsplash
Illuminating emerald 1
Fixed crashes in calculator.
Illuminating emerald
- Calculator. It's fully functional, like everything works and you can replace your current calculator app with Unitto.
- Drag down for history view. Drag a little bit down to see latest item, drag more to reveal full list.
- Use cursor to select, copy, paste and cut expressions.
- Switch between Radian and Degree modes.
- Use various functions: sin, arcsin, cos, modulo and etc.
- New setting. Choose starting screen: calculator or unit converter.
- Added Nautical mile.
- Updates are available on F-Droid again.
Photo by Aleksandr Buynitskiy on Unsplash
Hot magenta
Hot magenta update is here!
- Added more Pressure units.
- Better formatting for time. Tap the output to switch formatting.
- Button vibrations. dzzz-dzzz…
- Improved animations. Squash those buttons!
LoveThank you for feature ideas and feedback.
New landing page:
Photo by Daniel Seßler on Unsplash
P.S. Calculator and other features will be added later.
Glaucous update is here!
- Number base converter. Enable it: Settings > Unit groups. It even has it's own keyboard, give it a try.
- Flux converter. Enable it: Settings > Unit groups.
- New font. It's called Montserrat (designed by Julieta Ulanovsky)
- Search by unit short names.
- French 🇫🇷 and German 🇩🇪 translations.
Thank you for great feature ideas, translations and feedback.
New landing page:
Photo by Meritt Thomas on Unsplash
P.S. Check out this cool diagram that shows modularization in Unitto.